A ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JULIJ 2007 Vol. 15, øt. 1: 91-94 GUANCHIA BRIGNOLII VIGNA TAGLIANTI, 1974 IN TURKEY (DERMAPTERA: FORFICULIDAE) Petr Koœárek Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Ostrava, Chittussiho 10, CZ-710 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic; e-mail: petr.kocarek@osu.cz Abstract - The occurrence of the earwig Guanchia brignolii Vigna Taglianti, 1974 in Turkey is documented for the first time. Morphological differences between G. brignolii and very similar G. pubescens (Géné, 1837) are illustrated and commented. Key words: Forficulidae, Dermaptera, fauna, Turkey Izvleœek - GUANCHIA BRIGNOLII VIGNA TAGLIANTI, 1974, V TURŒIJI (DERMAPTERA: FORFICULIDAE) Prviœ je dokazana prisotnost strigalice vrste Guanchia brignolii Vigna Taglianti, 1974, v Turœiji. Prikazane in pojasnjene so morfoloøke razlike med G. brignolii in zelo podobno vrsto G. pubescens (Géné, 1837). Kljuœne besede: Forficulidae, Dermaptera, favna, Turœija The genus Guanchia Burr, 1911 comprises 31 species distributed in sub-Saharan, Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Steinmann 1989). Only two species, G. hincksi (Burr, 1947) and G. pubescens (Géné, 1837) have been noted from Turkey to date (Burr 1947a, b, Hincks 1947, Weidner 1957, Ma.an 1977, Haas & Henderickx 2002) and the occurrence of G. kaznakovi (Semenov, 1903) is probable there (Burr 1952) regarding the reports from neighbouring Caucasus (e.g. Bey-Bienko 1936, Steinmann 1989). G. pubescens had been mentioned twice from Turkey (Herrera Mesa 1999, Haas & Henderickx 2002), but both publications lack specific faunistic data. Earlier, Vigna Taglianti (1974) described a new species G. brignolii Vigna Taglianti, 1974 which is closely related to G. pubescens from Lebanon. Later, Kiss 91 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (1), 2007 (1995) found this species in Israel and also mentioned its occurrence in Syria and Turkey, but without further specifications. Four specimens of the Dermaptera material collected by Z. Malinka (Opava, Czech Republic) in Turkey were identified by myself as G. brignolii. They are labelled as: TR – prov. Adana, Nur Daglari mts., Nurdagi Gec. – Kuscubeli Gec., 1120-1250 m a.s.l., Hasanbeyii env., 9.-11.5.2005, Z. Malinka leg. (one male, one female); TR – prov. Hatay, Keracay, Hatay env., Asi Nehri river valley, 6.-8.5.2005, Z. Malinka leg. (two females). The material is deposited in my private collection. This is the first precise record of this species from Turkey. Harz & Kaltenbach (1976) and Albouy & Caussanel (1990) made the general statement that all specimens of G. pubescens from Syria, Israel and Turkey should be G. brignolii. According to current knowledge, the distribution of G. pubescens is probably restricted to the western part of the Mediterranean region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy) and G. brignolii is distributed in the eastern Mediterranean (Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Turkey), with the exact limits in the distribution not known. So, the occurrence of G. pubescens in Turkey is very improbable and the previous reports (Herrera Mesa 1999, Haas & Henderickx 2002) surely belong to G. brignolii. The two species are rather similar, G. brignolii and G. pubescens have a similar yellowish-brown to reddish-brown colour and similar size 10-15mm (including forceps). However, there are a number of differential, morphological characters to separate the species.: G. brignolii – pronotum transverse, wider than long (Fig. 1); inner medial tooth of male forceps branch is sharp and oriented strongly downward (Fig. 3); subgenital plate pointed distally (Fig. 5); basal vesicle of male genitalia “s” curved (Fig. 7). The characters are based on Vigna Taglianti (1974), Steinmann (1993) and study of the material from Turkey mentioned above. G. pubescens - pronotum quadrate, as wide as long (Fig. 2); inner medial tooth of male forceps branch is blunt and oriented horizontally or only slightly downward (Fig. 4); subgenital plate rounded distally (Fig. 6); basal vesicle of male genitalia hooked with thin distal projection (Fig. 8). The characters are based on Albouy & Caussanel (1990), Steinmann (1993) and the study of material from Southern Spain: Motril env., 27.5.1997, 6 males, 4 females, P. Koœárek leg., det., coll. 92 Petr Koœárek: Guanchia brignolii Vigna Taglianti, 1974 in Turkey (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) Fig 1: Head and pronotum of G. brignolii; Fig 2: Head and pronotum of G. pubescens; Fig 3: Male forceps of G. brignolii; Fig 4: Male forceps of G. pubescens; Fig 5: Subgenital plate of G. brignolii; Fig 6: Subgenital plate of G. pubescens; Fig. 7: Basal vesicle of male genitalia of G. brignolii; Fig 8: Basal vesicle of male genitalia of G. pubescens (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 7 - male of G. brignolii from Turkey, prov. Adana; Figs 2, 4, 6, 8 - male of G. pubescens from Spain, Motril env.) 93 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (1), 2007 References Albouy, V. & Caussanel, C., 1990: Dermaptères ou Perce-oreilles. Faune de France 75. Fédération Française des Societés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris, 245 pp. Bey-Bienko, G.Y., 1936. Nasekomye kochistokrylye (Dermaptera). Fauna SSSR 5. Uzdatelstvo Akademii Nauk USSR, Moskva-Leningrad, 239 pp. Burr, M., 1947a: More notes on Turkish Dermaptera. Entomologist´s Record, 59: 112-113. Burr, M., 1947a: Two new species of Dermaptera from Turkey. Proceedings of the Royal entomological Society of London (B), 16: 60-65. Burr, M., 1952: On the distribution of Turkish Dermaptera. Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Istanbul, Série B, 17: 131-134. Harz, K. & Kaltenbach, A., 1976: The Orthoptera of Europe III - Die Orthopteren Europas III. Series Entomologica, 12: 434 pp. Haas, F. & Henderickx, H., 2002: Dermaptera from Cyprus and Turkey. Beiträge zur Entomologie, 52: 235-239. Herera Mesa, L., 1999: Catalogue of the Dermaptera of Spain. Newbook Ediciones, Navarra, 203 pp. Hincks, W.D., 1947: Brief notes on the genital armature of Pseudisolabis kosswigi and Forficula hincksi. Proc. Ent. Soc. London (B), 16: 66-68. Kiss, B., 1995: Dermaptères et Hétéroptères d´Israël. In: Fauna of Israel 1., Academia Române, Bucure?ti, pp. 139-134. Ma.an, J., 1977: 34. Wissenschaftliches Ergebnis der zoologischen Expedition des Nationalmuseums in Prag nach der Türkei. Dermaptera. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 39: 253-261. Steinmann, H., 1989: World Catalogue of Dermaptera. Series Entomologica, 43: 1-934. Steinmann H., 1993: Dermaptera: Eudermaptera II. Das Tierreich, 108: 1-709. Vigna Taglianti, A., 1974: Studi sui Dermattei. II. Una nuova Forficula del medio Orientale (Dermaptera, Forficulidae). Fragmenta Entomologica, 10: 53-60. Weidner, H., 1957: Die Ohrwürmer der Türkei. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 10: 290-305. Received / Prejeto: 5. 2. 2007 94