UDK621.3:(53 + 54+261+66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 28(1998)3, Ljubljana Miran Mozetič, Plasma Laboratory, Institute of Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics, Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: catalytic probes, nickel catalytic probes, surface reactions, plasma treatment, oxygen plasma, polyether sulphone, surface activation, plasma etching, plasma dry etctiing, RF discharges, RadioFrequency discharges, T-t temperature-time characteristics Abstract: Experiments on the behavior of a nickel catalytic probe during activation of the surface of polyether sulphone in oxygen plasma are described. The temperature of the probe mounted 30 cm apart from inductively coupled RF oxygen plasma was measured for the case of empty discharge vessel and the case a sample with the dimensions of 8 cm x 1.2 cm x 0.4 cm was mounted in the middle of the discharge coil. It was found that both the maximum temperature and the first time derivative of the probe was much higher in the case of loaded discharge vessel than in the case of empty vessel. Both effects were described in terms of a higher probability for recombination of radicals such as CO on the probe surface than the recombination of neutral oxygen atoms. Ključne besede: sonde katalitične, sonde katalitične nikljeve, reakcije površinske, obdelava s plazmo, plazma kislkova, polieter sulfon, aktiviranje površine, jedkanje plazemsko, jedkanje suho plazemsko, RF razelektritve radiofrekvenčne, T~t karakteristike temperatura-čas Povzetek: Prikazujemo obnašanje nikljeve katalitične sonde med aktivacijo površine polieter sulfona v kisikovi plazmi. Merili smo temperaturo sonde, ki je bila nameščena 30 cm od induktivno sklopljene RF kisikove plazme v primeru prazne razelektritvene komore in v primeru, ko smo v sredino razelektritvene tuljave namestili vzorec z dimenzijami 8 cm x 1.2 cm x 0.4 cm. Ugotovili smo, da sta tako navečja temperatura, ki jo doseže sonda, kot tudi prvi časovni odviod temperature sonde po vklopu RF generatorja, precej večja v primeru, ko je v razelektritveni komori nameščen vzorec, kot v primeru, ko je komora prazna. Oba pojava smo tolmačili z večjo verjetnostjo za rekombinacljo radikalov kot je CO na površini sonde, kot je verjetnost za rekombinacljo nevtralnih atomov kisika. 1. Introduction Oxygen plasma has become widely used for low temperature treatment of organic materials in research laboratories and industry. Technologies based on application of oxygen plasma include degreasing of different components /1/, plasma dry ashing /2/, activation of polymer surfaces for painting/printing /3/, and plasma ashing of biological samples /4/. Oxygen plasma for surface treatment of different samples is created in low-pressure discharges, such as microwave discharge (both non-magnetized and ECR modes), RF discharge (inductively and capacitively coupled) and a variety of DC discharges. Discharges are usually created in vacuum chambers made of a material with a low recombination coefficient for the reaction 20 O2, such as metals, which form thin films of stable oxides, glasses and ceramics. For different application, oxygen plasma with different parameters is used. By changing the type of the discharge, the discharge power, dimensions of the discharge vessel, pressure and pumping speed, one can obtain oxygen plasma with different parameters, i.e. the density and energy distribution of various particles created in plasma. In any case, the plasma is thermodinamical non-equilibrium. In most cases, the energy distribution function of each type of particles is close to Maxwellian, so the temperature is defined according to the rules of statistical mechanics. The electron temperature in plasma is usually several 10000°C (average kinetic energy of several eV), while the temperature of heavy particles is often close to the temperature of the inner wall of the discharge vessel. Due to inelastic collisions with hot electrons, the density of excited states of oxygen molecules in the discharge differs significantly from the values found in thermodinamical equilibrium gas. The density of electrons and positive ions is often within -10 ^ m"^ bracket, the density of negative oxygen ions is usually an order of magnitude lower, the density of neutral oxygen atoms is often around lO^'^ m"^ and sometimes even one or two orders of magnitude higher. The same applies for the density of ozone molecules (O3). Many particles are found in excited states. IVlolecules are found in high rotational and vibrational states and also in single electron excited states. Excited states are usually relaxed by photon emission so plasma is an effective source of radiation ranging from IR to UV light. Several techniques have been used for determination of plasma parameters including electrical probes, magnetic probes, mass spectrometry, spectral intensities, line broadening, optical and ultra violet techniques, X -ray spectroscopy, far infra - red techniques, optical interferometry and microwave techniques /5/. For determination of the density of neutral atoms catalytic probes proved useful /6/. Many oxygen particles created in plasma react with the organic samples treated. Oxygen atoms, for instance, can react with the surtace of hydrocarbons either by being trapped on the surface causing oxidation of the material or forming volatile molecules (such as CO and OH) which leave the surface. In any case, plasma parameters are altered by the presence of organic samples in the discharge vessel. It is clear that the density of oxygen atoms in the presence of samples is lower than in an empty discharge vessel. Some atoms are lost since they remain in the surface layer of the samples, and more are lost because they form light molecules (radicals as CO and OH finally form stable molecules - carbon dioxide and water). The change of the density of neutral reactive particles can be monitored by the use of a catalytic probe. In the present paper we show how the presence of a polymer sample alters the behavior of a catalytic probe. 2. Experimental Experiments were performed in a glass discharge tube with the inner diameter of 36 mm and the length of 60 cm. Oxygen plasma was created at one side of the discharge vessel within a coil with the length of 15 cm, which was connected to an RF generator with the frequency of 27.12 MHz and the nominal power of 700 W. A catalytic probe was mounted on the other side of the discharge vessel. The probe is shown in Figure 1. The distance between the coil and the probe was 30 cm. The temperature of the probe after turn on of the RF generator was measured at different pressure, For the case of an empty discharge vessel, the temperature versus time is shown in Figure 2, 3 and 4, Fig. 1. Catalytic probe. 1 - nicl