ANNALE S 11/'97 original scientific work UDC 582.632(497.4 Snežnik) A NEW SUBASS. OF DINARIC ALTiMONTANE BEECH FOREST RANUNCULO PLATANIFOLil-FAGETUM MARiNČEK ETAL. 1993 VAR. GEOGR . CALAMINTHA GRANDIFLORA MARiNČEK 1996 SESLERIETOSUM AUTUMNALiS FROM Mt SNEŽNIK Lojze MARINČEK Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovens Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Novi trg 5 Urban ŠILC jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Novi trg 5 ABSTRACT A new, the most thermophiious subassociation Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Caiamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 seslerietosum autumnal is subass. nova is described. Its differential species are: Sesleria auturnnalis, Carex alba, Cirsiumerisithales ancfSorbus aria. Key words: beech forests, Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum, Sesleria auturnnalis, Mt. Snežnik, Slovenia INTRODLJCTIGN .-.'•.:• The first to phytosociologically research beech forests in the altimontane belt of Mt. Snežnik and elsewhere in the Dinaric area of Slovenia were V. Tregubov and G, Tomažič. in the beginning V. Tregubov incorporated them in the association Fagetum sub­alpinum Ht, 1938 (1957: 48-49); later on they were denominated Adenostylo glabrae-Fagetum praealpino­dlnaricum Tregubov 1962 in internal expert reports (Smole, 1988: 25}. In 1983 Marinček classified them in the association Fagetum altimontanum dinaricum. By the same name he presented them also in the mono­graphic review of beech forests in Slovenia (Marinček 1987: 97-101). According to the Code of Phytosocto­: logical Nomenclature {Barkmann ef al., 1987), Marinček and his associates (1993: 129) incorporated the alti­montane beech forests of the lllyrian floral province into the association Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum Marin­ček ef al. 1993. Marinček (1996: 199) described the Dinaric form of this association as a geographical variant by the name of Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Caiamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996. In the period between 1970 and 1990 he gathered com­prehensive phytosociological material on this geo­ graphical variant which is still in manuscript. O n the basis of more than a hundred relevés he classified several subassociations. One of them is also a sub-association with Sesleria auturnnalis, which is dealt with in this article. METHODS The vegetation was described according to the standard Centra! European method (Braun-Bianquet, 1964). W e organized the relevés into a phyto­sociological table applying the methods of hierarchical classification. Eor this purpose we transformed com­bined estimations of cover and frequency with com­bined transformation as proposed by van der Maarel (1979). As the subassociation Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fage­tum var. geogr. Caiamintha grandiflora seslerietosum is physiognomically and ecologically rather similar to the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wra~ ber ex Borhidi 1963, we made a comparison to one of its forms, namely to the geographical variant Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Borhidi 1963 var. geogr. Phyteuma scheuchzeri Dakskobler 1997 (mscr.) from the high karst plateaus of Otlica and Nanos. ANNALE S 11/'9 7 Lojze MARINČEK, Urban SlLC: A NEW SUBASS. OF DINARIC AlTIMONTANli BEECH FOREST..., 25-32 The comparison included also a typical subassociation of the Dinaric altimontane beech forests (Ranúnculo platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr Ca­lamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 ranuncuíetosum Marinček 1997, mscr.}. W e compared the syntaxa enu­merated, applying the method of Principal Coordinates Analysis = Metric Multidimensional Scaling. The mea­sure for clustering was dissimilarity coefficient 1­similarity ratio. In numerical processing, classification and ordination the computer program package SYN-TAX 5.0 {Podani, 1993) was applied. W e refer to Trpin & Vreš (1995) and Marinček et al. (1992) for the nomenclature of plant species and vege­ tation units, and to Martinčič 0968) for the nomen­clature of mosses. RESULTS Ecological Conditions The subassociation Ranunculo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerietosum autumnalis thrives on sunny slopes of Mt. Snežnik and its wider sur­roundings known as a distinctive Karst environment. However, the relief is not as diversified as this is the case by the majority of the subassoc.iat.ions of the association Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora. Gentle to moderately steep slopes prevail, passing at spots to steeper ridges with more strongly expressed surface stoniness. Due to predominant dolomite parent material, the surface stoniness is weak in general. The subassociation Ranunculo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerietosum thrives at an altitude of 1170 to 1330 metres. Most frequently it is found at an altitude of 1200 to 1260 metres. At lower altitudes it is in direct contact with the association Seslerio-Fagetum. At higher altitudes the subassociation described does not border directly to Dinaric sub-Alpine beech forests -Poiysticho lonchitis-Fagetum {!. Horvat, 1938) Marinček ef al. 1993 var. geogr. Allium victorialis Marinček 1996 - between both communities mentioned there is more or less wide 2one of typical subassociation of altimontane Dinaric beech forests -Ranuncuio pla­tanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora ranuncuíetosum. Stands described thrive in explicitly sunny aspects. The climate of Mt. Snežnik is one of the most humid in Slovenia. In the period from 1961 to 1990 the ave­rage annual precipitation was 2738 mm. The preci­pitation is relatively constantly distributed all over the year with the explicit maximum in November (383 mm) and minimum in July (132 mm) {Zupančič, 1995). Air humidity is very high, annually on an average over 80%. Average annual temperature ranges from 4.5 to 6 °C (Mekinda-Majaron, 1995). Heavy snowfalls are fre- JAM IE& rtAft APH • W/f JL'M JUL AU0 SEP OCT NCV UEC MorUh Fig. 1: Climatic Diagram (Zupančič, 1995; Mekinda-Majaron, 1995) -Gomance 1961-1990, according to Walter etal. (1964). SI. 1: Diagram klimatskih sprememb (Zupančič, 1995; Mekinda-Majaron, 1995) -Gomance 1961-1990, po Walterju et al. (1964). quent, and in shady areas the snow does not melt till high spring. Vegetation period lasts for about five months, from the middle of May till the middle of October. The community described thrives mostly on dolo­mite limestone, more rarely on limestone. Shallow to medium deep mull rendzina is very skeietony, espe­cially on dolomite limestone. Profile Description (Prus, 1997): Location: the Mt. Snežnik, under the peak Maverski vrh, inclination 25", southern aspect, 1230 m a.s.l. 01 - 2 to 0, dry grass, litter consisting of beech lea­ves, sharply borders to Al . AT - 0 to 11, 7,5 YR 3/2 (dark brown), granular structure, well expressed, aggregate very stable, humose to very humose, roots very dense, individual skeleton up to 5 cm big, soft, brittle, dry to fresh. A2 -11 to 25 cm, 7,5 YR 3/2, (little less dark brown), sub-anguiar (blocky) structure, weli expressed, aggregate very stable, sandy-silty-loamy texture, 25% skeleton of size from 5 to 10 cm, soft, brittle, dry to fresh, a little less humose, roots very dense, biologically active, AC - 25 to 43 cm, 7,5 YR, 4/4, (between dark brown and brown), sub-angular (blocky) structure, well expressed, aggregate very stable, up to 70% of skeleton of size up to 20 cm, dry to fresh, soft, loose, medium humose, roots not dense. Structure and Floristic Composition Forests of the subassociation seslerietosum autum­nalis are young crops in the transition to timbers and young timbers, from 15 to 25 m high. Fagus sylvatica predominates, being rarely accompanied by Acer pseu­doplatanus. Abies alba was registered only once. We ANNALE S 11 /'97 Lojze MARIN&K, Urban SlLC. A NEW 5UBASS. OF DINAR1C ALTIMONTANE BEECH FOREST ..., 2S-32 can notice loose sabre-shape form of trees, the con­sequence of high snow which often does not meittil! the end of May. Shrub layer is not well developed. Mainly it consists of: beech regeneration, Acer pseudoplatanus, Sorbus aria, Daphne mezereum, Lonicera alpígena and Rosa pendulina. Herb layer is given its basic character by the grasses Sesieria autumnal is and Caiamagrostis varia, and sedge Carex alba. Character species of the association Ranúnculo pia­tanifolii-Fagetum: Ranunculus platanifolius and Adeno­styles glabra reach medium frequency and cover; never­theless, together with species Poiygonatum verticilla­tum, they well indicate altimontane character of the community described. Also character species of the geo­graphical variant Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Caiamíntha grandiflora: Catamintha grandiflora and Aremonia agrimonioides, species which thrive best in the area of the Dinaric region, are very frequent Differential species of the subassociation sesle­rietosum autumnaiis: Sesieria autumnalis, Cirsium eri­sithaies, Carex alba and Sorbus aria, character and differential species of order Quercetaiia pubescentis indicate relatively warm site, very clearly differentiating the subassociation described from all other subas­ sociations of the Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora. Mercuriaiis perennis, Cyclamen purpurascens and Caiamagrostis varia, indicators of skeletony soils, also belong to the wide differential group. The last one appears as a fades in well lit places. Character and differential species of the suballiance are not so frequent. Saxífraga rotundifolia, Luzula syl­vatica, Homogyne sylvestris, Poiystichum lonchitis, which have constant frequency in other subassociations of the Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Cala­mintha grandiflora, are completely absent. The species of the order Adenostyletalia also have low frequency in general. The absence of those species is not a consequence of a lower altitude, for the subassociation treated thrives approximately at the same altitude as other subassociations of the Dinaric altimontane forest, but a result of relatively warmer climate which is not favourable to formation of rnoder humus. Character and differential species of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion: Dentaría enneaphyllos, Cyclamen purpurascens, Vicia oroboides, Euphorbia carniolica, Hacquetia epipactis and other reach high to medium frequency. W e classified species Rhamnus failax and isopyrum thalictroides to the wider group of differential species of the alliance, too. Character and differential species of the order Page­folia sylvaticae are very frequent, with a note that explicitly mesophilous species, such as Adoxa mos­chateliina, Actaea spicata, Geranium robertianum and some other, appear only as accidental species. Acidophilus species, with the exception of shrub species Rosa pendulina, appear rarely, due to already stated reasons. W e did not study moss layer thoroughly, but while collecting phytosociological data we found the following mosses: Ctenidium moiluscum, Isothecium myurum, Tortella tortuosa, Plagiothecium sylvaticum. Nomenclature I type of the Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerie­tosum autumnaiis is releve 2 in Phytosociological Table. DISCUSSION First we compared the subassociation Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerietosum autumnaiis to the central subassociation of the association of altimontane Dinaric beech forests, Ranunculo piatanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora ranuncuietosum platanifolii. Comparison showed that the floristic composition of both subas­sociations is rather similar, especially regarding species of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion and order Fagetalia sylvaticae. They differ in frequency of the species of the suballiance Saxifrago rotundifoliae-Fagenion, above all. The subassociation seslerietosum autumnaiis, which thrives at slightly lower altitudes, having somewhat thermophilous character due to prevailing sunny as­pects, is lacking the species: Saxifraga rotundifolia, Luzula sylvatica and Cicerbita alpina, which are very frequent in the typical subassociation. In accordance with mesophilous nature of the central subassociation and great frequency of moder humus, there thrive moderately acidopbiious species in its distribution area: Oxalis acetosella, Picea abies and Abies alba, both in the shrub layer, above all, and ferns: Athyrium filix­femina, Poiystichum aculeatum and species Aruncus dioicus as the result of humid local climate of higher altitude. The subassociation seslerietosum, on the contrary, includes species of order Quercetaiia pubes­centis s. lat.: Sesieria autumnaiis, Carex alba and Sorbus aria, in accordance with its moderately basophilous nature. Comparison of both subassociations showed that the floristic compositions of both communities differ a great deal, although not to such extent that they could be classified in two different associations. Comparison of the subassociation seslerietosum autumnaiis to contact community Sesierio-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Rorhidi 1963 is even more interesting. W e compared a geographical variant of this association, namely Sesierio-Fagetum var. geogr. Phyteuma scheuc­hzeri Dakskobier 1997 (mscr.), described in the area of the Otlica and Nanos plateaus, in the initial period of the vegetation research of altimontane beech forests in the fifties, the subassociation seslerietosum was classi­fied in the association Sesierio-Fagetum (Toma2iC et Tre­ 2 7 ANNALES 1 t/'5)7 Lojze MARIN ČEK, Urban ŠILC: A NEW SU13ASS. OF OtNARIC ALTiMONTANE SEECH FOREST .,., 25-32 Fig. 2: Site of the subassociation Ranuncuio pla­tanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et aI. 1993 var. geogr. Cala­mintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 seslerietosum au­tumnalis, according to Marinček (1987): Si 2: Rastišče suhasociacije Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 seslerietosum autumnalis, po Marinčku (1987): 1. Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996, 2. Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum (I. Horvat, 1938) Ma­rinček 1993 var. geogr. Allium victoria Iis Marinček 1996, 3. Pinctum mugi dinaricum, 4. Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nova, 5. Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Borhidi 1963. gubov, 1956). The comparison of the subassociation described and the association Seslerio-Fagetum showed rather great fioristic differences between both syntaxa. The subassociation Ranuncuio-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerietosum includes many species of the order Adenostyletaiia s. lat.: Adenostyles glabra, Ranunculus platanifolius, Polygonaum verticilla­tum, Phyteuma ovatum, Veratrum album, Senecio ova­tus, Aconitum vulparia, Ribes petraeum, which indicate, beside mesophiiity, also altimontane character of the community. Regarding the species of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion and order Fagetalia sylvaticae there are no essential differences between the syntaxa compared. Present in the association Seslerio-Fagetum are ther­mophilous species of the suballiance Ostryo-Fagenion: Asparagus tenuifolius, Cornus mas, Euonymus verru­cosa, Mercuriaiis ovata, Ostrya carpinifolia, Peuce­danum austriacum, Fraxinus ornus and order Quer­cetalia pubescentis s. lat.: Arabis turrita, Campanula persicifolia, Lathyrus venetus, Melittis melissophyllum, Tanacetum corymbosum, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria; order Prunetalia spinosae s. lat. Clematis vitalba, Cornus sanguínea, Crataegus monogyna, Prunus mahaleb, Rhamnus carthartica, Viburnum lantana and moderately termophilous species of the class Querco-Fagetea s. lat.: Hederá helix, Cephalanthera rubra, Corylus avellana, Cruciata glabra and some other species which are completely absent in the subassociation seslerietosum autumnalis. The comparison, carried out by the application of the PCoA method (Figure 3), revealed great fioristic differences, clearly indicating that the subasociation belongs to the association Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fa­getum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank to Tomaž Prus, M.Sc., for his description of pedologic profile. We owe special thanks to Igor Dakskobler, Ph.D., who allowed us to use his, yet unpublished material, and for his help with fieldwork. We thank also to Marjan jarnjak for his help with drawing the graphs and sketches. Axis 2 20.2 ­ (Objects) 0.1 • 3 0.0 ­ -0.1 •0.2 ­ -0.3 ­ i-0.3 ) -0.2 1 î -0.1 1 ' ' 0.0 s 0.1 1 0.2 1 0.3 1 Axis 1 Fig. 3: Scatter Diagram of the associations: SI. 3: Diagram razpršenosti asociacij: 1. Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Bor­hidi 1963 var. geogr, Phyteuma scheuchzeri Dakskobler 1997 (mscr.), 2. Ranúnculo platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr, Calamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 ses­ierietosum autumnalis subass. nova, 3. Ranuncuio platanifolii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993 var, geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Marinček 1996 ra­nunculetosum Marinček 1997 (mscr.). ANNALES 11/'97 Lojze MARINČEK, Urban SllC: A NEW SUSASS» OF DINAR1C ALTlMONTANE BEECH FOREST ..., 25-32 Fig. 4: Summer aspect ofthe associaiion Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagelum seslerietosum on the slopes of ML Snežnik (Photo: V. Sik). Si 4: Poletni aspekt asociacije Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum seslerietosum na pobočjih Snežnika (Foto: U. šile). NOV A SUBASOCiACiJ A ALTiMONTANSKEG A BUKOVEG A GOZD A RANUNCULO PLATANIFOLII-FAGETUM MARiNČE K ET AL. 1993 VAR. GEOGR . CALAMINTHA GRANDIFLORA MARiNČE K 1996 SESLERIETOSUM AUTUMNALIS S SNEŽNIK A Lojze MARINČEK Biološki institut Jovana Hadžija, ZRC SAZU, SPI000 Ljubljana, Novi trg 5 Urban ŠILC Biološki inštitut jovana Hadžija, ZRC SAZU, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Novi trg 5 POVZETEK Avtorja opisujeta novo subasociacijo Ranunculo platanifoliae-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora seslerietosum autumnaiis. Dinarski altimontanski bukovi gozdovi so bili obravnavani kot samostojna asociacija že v šestdesetih letih. Goz­dove te združbe, z imenom Fagetum altimontanum dinaricum, je temeljito preuči! Marinček v obdobju!970-1990. Pozneje so jih v skladu s kodeksom fitocenološke nomenklature preimenovali v Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum (Marinček et ai., 1993). V letu 1996 je skupaj z U. Šilcem popisal sestoje, ki so kot subasociacija seslerietosum autumnaiis predstavljeni v tej razpravi. 29 ANNALE S 11/'9 7 Lojze MARINČEK, Urban ŠILC: A NEWSUBASS. OF ÜINAR1C ALTIMONTANE BEECH FOREST .... 25-32 Opisovana subasociacija sesierietosum autumnalis uspeva na prisojnih pobočjih Snežnika in njegove širše oko­lice. Prevladujejo položna do zmerno strma pobočja, ki tu in tam prehajajo v strmejše grebene z močneje izraženo površinsko kamnitostjo. Subasociacija uspeva na nadmorski višini od 1170 do 1330 m. V nižjih legah neposredno prehaja v gozdove asociacije Sesierietosum autumnalis-Fagetum. Klima širšega območja Snežnika je ena najbolj humidnih v Sloveniji. V obdobju od leta 1961 do 1990 je padlo povprečno 2738 mm padavin letno {Zupančič, 1995). Zračna vlaga je zelo visoka, povprečno prek 80%. Povprečne letne temperature so od 4,5 do 6 °C (Mekinda-Majaron, 1995). Geološka podlaga so dolomitizirani apnenci. Tla so plitve do srednje globoke sprsteninaste rendzine. V drevesni plasti bukev skoraj povsem prevladuje, redko ji je primešan gorski javor. Pokrovnost grmovne plasti je majhna. Med zelišči prevladuje vrsta Sesieria autumnalis, ki daje tem gozdovom značilen videz. Diferencialne vrste subasociacije sesierietosum autumnalis so: Sesieria autumnalis, Cirsium erisithales, Carex alba in Sorbus aria. Te vrste (v širšem smislu značilnice in razlikovalnice reda Quercetalia pubescentis) nakazujejo relativno toplo krajevno klimo in zelo jasno ločijo subasociacijo sesierietosum autumnalis od drugih subasociacij združbe Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora. Primerjava floristične sestave opisane subasociacije s tipično subasociacijo visokogorskih dinarskih bukovih goz­dov - Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora ranunculetosum platanifolii in z geografsko varianto Seslerio-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Borhídi 1963 var. geogr Phyfeuma scheuchzerí Dakskobler 1997 (mscr.), z Nanosa in Otlice, je potrdila pripadnost opisane subasociacije sesierietosum autumnalis altimontanskim dinarskim bukovim gozdovom. Ključne besede: bukovi gozdovi, Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum, Sesieria autumnalis, Snežnik, Slovenija REFERENCES Barkmann, J.J. & Moravec j. & Rauschert, S. (1987): Code der pflanzensoziologischen Nomenklatur. 2. Auf­lage. Vegetatio, 67: 145-195. Braun-Bianquet, J. (1964): Pflanzensoziologie. Grund­züge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage.-Springer, Wien-New York, 865 p. Dakskobler, I. (1997): Geografske variante asociacije Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.) M. Wraber ex Borhidi 1963. Razprave 4. raz. SAZU (Ljubljana) 38, Ljubljana (in print). Maare! van der, E. (1979): Transformation of Cover-Abundance Vallues in Phytosociology and its Effects on Community Similarity. Vegetatio, 39(2): 97-114. Marmček, L. (1983): Klimatogene bukove združbe v Sloveniji. 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Hidrometeorološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana, 366 p. 3 0 lo/K? MARINCEK, Urban SlLC: A NEW SUSASS. OF DJNAR'C AITIMONTANE BEECH FOREST .... 25-32 PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL TABLE: Ranúnculo platanifolii-Fagetum Marinéek et al. 1993 var. gcogr. Calaminlha grandiflora ANNALES 11 /'97 MarinCek 1996 seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nova Relevé no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Altitude - m 1260 1290 1250 1220 1200Aspect EES W S s w SW Slope ­ degrees 20 25 25 15 25 Stontness ­% 30 20 / 20 .30 Area of relevé­m2 400 400 400 400 400 Cover ­% L Tree ­A A 90 80 90 90 90 Shrub ­B Y 20 10 10 10 5 Herb ­C E 70 90 90 80 10 Moos ­D R S / / / / CHARACTER AND DIFFERENTIAL SPECIES OF THE ASSOCIATION 1330S 25 10 400 90 5 70 / 1190S 30 15 400 90 2 80 ! 1240S 25 / 400 90 rj 70 / 1170S 30 S 400 90 10 50 1 1190 S 30 / 400 80 5 50 i i SS1 «s ; i s reu-t 1 1 s 1 L * S | 11.a s •S H a ^ s u 5 <8 . O s i § li 1 1 S Si .2 a ^ Frequency (% ) Ranunculus piatanífoíius Adenostyles glabra C C 1.1 + 1.1 4-. + + 1.1 + 1.1 +.2 1.1 + + + + 90 60 53 74 4 CHARACTER SPECÎES OF THE GEQGR. VAR. CALAMtNTHA GRANDIFLORA A reino rita a gri mono i des Caíamintha grandiflora C C + i. i + +.2 1.1 + + .2 + -f + +.2 (+) 70 50 58 53 92 100 DIFFERENTIAL SPECIES OF SUBASSOCIATION SESLERIETOSUM AUTUMNALIS Sesleria autumnafis Cirsium ertsithales C C 1.2 3.3 +.2 3.3 + 2,3 2.2 1.2 + 2.3 + 2.2 + 1.2 1.2 1.2 + 100 80 16 100 •Carex alba C +.2 + + .2 +.2 +.2 1.2 + .2 +.2 80 •Sorhus aria B + + + + + + + 70 87 SAXIFRAGO ROTUNDIFOLiAE-FAGENION Polygonatum verticil! aturn C 1.1 1.1 1.1 + •K2 + + .2 + 1.1 90 58 AREMONIO-F AG ION Dentaria enrteaphyilos Cyclamen purpurascens Vicia oroboides C C C 1.1 + + 1.1 + 1.1 1.1 + + 1.1 + + 1.1 + + 2.2 +.2 + 1.1 + + 1.1 + 2.2 + 2.2 1.1 + 100 100 90 74 21 79 87 Euphorbia carniotica Hacquetia epipactis Cardamine trifolia C c C + + + + + + + + + + + .2 + + + 50 30 40 16 11 79 4 21 Helieborus niger • Lam i urn orvala Aposeris foeiida Rhamrsus fatiax c C C B + 2.1 + + + .2 + 2.2 + + 3.3 +.2 3.3 +.2 40 40 30 20 11 11 21 29 37 Isopyrum thaiictroides C + 10 11 FAGETAL1A SYLVAT1CAE •Fagus sylvatica fagus 5 y Iva tica Fagus syivatica Daphne meüereum Euphorbia amygdaloicfes Heracleom sphondyIlium Lonicera alpígena Mercurial is perennis Dentaria bulbifera lilium martagón iMyceíís muralís • P re na n thes pu rp u rea Acer pseudopiatanus Acer pseudoplataims Acer pseud op latan us Lathyrus vernus Euphorbia dulcís Poiygonafum multiflorum A B C B C C 8 C C C C c A B c C C C 5.2 1.1 1.1 + 4-•f 1.2 1.1 1.1 + 1.1 1.1 + 4.1 + + M + + 1.1 1.1 + 1.1 + + 5.1 + + 1.1 + + + •f + + + + 5.2 + 1.1 -s-+ 1.1 1.1 1.1 + +• + 1.1 + 4­ 5.1 + + + + + + + + + a. + + 5.2 +.2 + + 1.1 + + 2.2 1.1 + + + + + 4.Î + •f + .2 + 2.2 +.2 + + + + 5.1 + + + + •f + 1.1 + + + -f .2 5.1 1.1 + + 1.2 T.7 + .2 + + + + 1.1 5.1 1.1 + + +.2 + .2 1.1 +.2 +.2 + + + 100 100 50 100 100 90 90 90 70 70 70 70 60 60 40 60 40 40 79 79 53 68 47 26 26 58 26 63 58 58 63 63 32 11 100 92 25 96 67 54 46 87 46 92 79 fi 25 58 92 67 58 ANNALES 11 /'97 Lojze MARINCEK, Urban SILO A NEW 5UBASS. OF DINAR IC A l TI MONTA NE BEECH FOREST .. . 25-32 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dryopteris filix-mas C +• +.2 + 30 63 75 30 42 12 Ranunculus lanugtnosus C + + + + 30 11 4 Sorbus aucuparia ß + +• 20 26 Festuca altissima C + + 40 68 3" Galeobdolon flavklum C + + 1.1 1.1 + 20 32 57 Galium odoratum C + 20 32 42 Rubus idaeus 8 + + 10 26 37 Actaea spicata C + 10 5 Adoxa moschatellina C •f Carex pilosa C + 10 10 11 21 Geranium robertianum C + 10 29 Mélica iiutans C + + 10 5 54 Neottia nidus-avis C + 10 32 21 Paris quadriiolia C Sambucus nigra B •V 10 ADENOSTYLETAUA + +.2 + + .2 90 Phyteuma ovatum C + 1.1 + + 1.1 + + 2.2 + 70 58 Veratrum album C +.2 + + +.2 + + + 60 SB 50 Senecio ovatus C + + 1.1 •i-,2 20 Aconitum vulparia C 20 •Í-Thalictrum acjuilegiifolium C + 10 Ribes petraeum B + QUERCO-FAGETEA 1.1 +.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 100 79 83 Anemone nemorosa C 2.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 +.2 •F 30 s o Carex digitata C +.2 20 Fragaria inoschata C + + -F 20 79Lonicera xylosteum B 10 Hepatica nobilis C + 62 VACCINIO-PICECTEA + +.2 90 11 37 Rosa pendultna B 1.1 1.1 + + + 50 11 83 Maianthemum biiolinm C +.2 + + -t-+ .30 26 21 Valeriana tripteris c + + + 20 26 29 Gentiana asclepidiadea C + 20 11 46 Luzula luzuloides C + •r 20 Rubus saxatilis B + .2 20 26 12 Veronica urticifoila C + + + 10 16 Abies alba A 10 21 Abies alba C + 10 Clematis alpina B + 10 68 Oxalis acetosella C 1.1 10 47 SO Picea abies B •f OTHER SPECIES 2.3 1.2 + 80 21 Calamagrostis varia C 2.3 1.2 1.2 54 + + 50 32 87 Fragaria vesca C + + + + + 50 Galium laevigaUim C + + Dactylorhiza macúlala subsp. maculata C + + + + 4 0 Verbascum nigrum C + W 20 Angelica sylvestris C + ^ 10 87 Convallaria majalis C Sambucus ebulus B + ^ Sesleria albicans C 2.2 ^ Taraxacum officinale C + ^ Verónica chamaedrys C + 1 0 * Ranúnculo platanifoliFFagetum MarinCek et ai- 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora MarinCek 1996 ranunculetosum ** Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Ht.j M.Wraber ex Borhtdi 1963 var. geogr. Phyteuma scheuchzeri Dakskobier 1997