Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2, 2017, 45–55 THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF ROCK LANDFORMS IN THE POHOŘSKÁ MOUNTAINS (POHOŘSKÁ HORNATINA), CZECH REPUBLIC Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek View of the Pohořská Mountains from the Nové Hrady Foothills (Novohradské podhůří) JI Ř Í R Y P L 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 45 Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek, The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains … The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains (Pohořská hornatina), Czech Republic DOI: UDC: 911.2:551.43(437.3) COBISS: 1.01 ABSTRACT: Geomorphological mapping with an emphasis on rock landforms was carried out in the Pohořská Mountains Pohořská hornatina) and the positional data acquired were further processed using statistical and cartographical methods. The spatial distribution of rock landforms was investigated in rela- tion to lithology, slope, orientation, and elevation based on an analysis using ArcGIS 9.1. The spatial distribution of rock landforms was primarily determined by the index of distribution Wij = Xi / Yj, where Xi is the per- centage representation of landforms in the appropriate category and Yj is the percentage quotient of this category in the entire area studied, and was secondarily determined according to the sum (sum distribu- tion) of the arithmetic mean and the average deviation. KEY WORDS: geomorphology, rock landforms, lithology, slope, orientation of relief, elevation, Pohořská Mountains (Pohořská hornatina), Czech Republic ADDRESSES: Jiří Rypl, Ph.D. Department of Geography, Faculty of Education University of South Bohemia Jeronýmova 10, CZ-37115 České Budějovice, Czech Republic E-mail: Karel Kirchner, Ph.D. Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno Branch Drobného 28, CZ-60200 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail: Martin Blažek, M. Sc. Institute of Geography Masaryk University Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail: 46 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 46 1 Introduction The Pohořská Mountains geomorphological subunit, which is part of the Nové Hrady Mountains (Novohradské hory, Figure 1), is insufficiently geomorphologically explored due to its inaccessibility in the past. The border between the Czech Republic and Austria passes through the area studied. The area was part of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, which means that it was virtually inaccessible. This area also deserves increased attention for other reasons in addition to its particular diversity of relief. The first rea- son is the progressive inclusion of Czech protected areas in the European Union’s nature protection system. The unique landscape of the Nové Hrady Mountains with a variety of aesthetic and natural values is pro- tected by national law no. 114/1992 as a natural park (Collection of… 1992). The second reason is anticipated interference in the environment related to carrying out many investment projects. For these reasons, this area has become the target of multilateral and vital research (e.g., Malíček and Palice 2013; Pavlíček 2004; Rypl 2010; Rypl, Kirchner and Dvořáčková 2014; Štykar 2005). Geomorphological mapping with an emphasis on rock landforms was carried out in the Pohořská Mountains and the positional data acquired were further processed using statistical and cartographic methods. Other authors have also dealt with the spatial distribution of rock landforms in other parts of the world. Hjort, Etzelmuller and Tolgensbakk 2010 defined the effects of scale and data source in periglacial distri- bution modeling in a high Arctic environment in western Svalbard, and Marmion et al. (2008) compared predictive methods for modeling the distribution of periglacial landforms in Finnish Lapland. Ridefelt, Etzelmuller and Boelhouwers (2010) dealt with spatial analysis of solifluction landforms and process rates in the Abisko Mountains in northern Sweden. Marvánek (2010) discussed the distribution of cryogenic periglacial landforms in the Krumgampen Valley (Ötztal Alps). Křížek (2007) and Křížek, Treml and Engel (2007) defined the spatial distribution of cryogenic landforms above the alpine timberline in the High Sudetes (Vysoké Sudety) and in the Giant Mountains (also known as the Krkonoše Mountains). The references described were used from the viewpoint of methodological approach and to evaluate the spatial distribution of the research data obtained for comparison with other areas. This paper discusses the distribution of geomorphological landforms in the area studied and its depen- dencies on the characteristics of relief and subsoil geology. The results obtained can be compared with similar areas that developed on granite rocky relief (Migoń 2004b) and can help in the study of complex solutions to problems in the structural control of evolution in granite landforms. 2 Study area Late Variscan migmatites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton prevail in the area (represented by several types: Weinsberg granite, Freistadt granodiorite, and Mrákotín granite), being partially overlaid by cordierite gneisses and migmatites representing remnants of the pluton’s mantle (Pavlíček 2004). The prevailing relief of the Pohořská Mountains has characteristic elements of a fault-block moun- tain range with delimitations strongly marked by erosion, and it is also polygenetic. Here is possible to find recent forms (rounded blocks of various sizes, alcoves, and grooves) and also fossil forms that are con- served in granite rock, such as exfoliation joints, tors, and frost-riven cliffs (Demek 1964). Tables 1 through 4 show the percentage quotient in relation to all mapped categories of relief (lithology, slope, slope orientation, and elevation) in the Pohořská Mountains. Table 1: Percentage quotient representation of lithology. Lithology Granite Gneiss and migmatite Sediments Residue Percentage quotient 56.84 30.61 11.52 1.03 Table 2: Percentage quotient representation of slope. Slope 0–2° 2.1–5° 5.1–10° 10.1–20° above 20.1° Percentage quotient 9.77 19.73 48.28 20.71 1.51 Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2, 2017 47 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 47 Au st ri a Source: ZABAGED 10 IB-3 Novohradské hory Mts. IB-3A Pohoøská hornatina Mts. IB-3B Jedlická vrchovina Highlands Legend Praha České Budějovice • • Mt. Vysoká 1034 m Kraví hora Mt. 953 m Kuní hora Mt. 925 m IB - 3A IB-3B Mt. Myslivna 1040 m Mountain Kuøský p. Mt. Kamenec 1072 m Kabelský p. K am enice M alše Pohoøský p. St ro pn ice Černá Geomorphological subunit border Geomorphological unit border State border 0 2 4 6 km1 Author of contents: Jiøí Rypl Author of map: Jiøí Rypl © University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography 1 4 2 3 1 – #e Novohradské hory Mts. 2 – #e Jizerské hory Mts. 3 – #e Giant Mountains 4 – #e Podyjí area River Figure 1: Location of the Nové Hrady Mountains, the Jizera Mountains, the Giant Mountains, and the Podyjí area in the Czech Republic and the basic geomorphological regionalization of the Nové Hrady Mountains. 48 Table 3: Percentage quotient representation of slope orientation. Slope orientation N NE E SE S SW W NW Plain Percentage quotient 14.54 15.01 9.67 5.47 7.15 12.44 14.14 13.07 8.51 Table 4: Percentage quotient representation of elevation. Elevation (m) 560–600 601–700 701–800 801–900 901–1,000 1,001–1,072 Percentage quotient 0.87 14.82 36.85 31.98 14.57 0.91 There are also granite areas with spectacular landforms in the Czech Republic. The Jizera Mountains (Jizerské hory, Figure 1) are among granite areas with extensive protection as a protected landscape area. The Giant Mountains and the Podyjí area (Figure 1) are also among granite areas with extensive protec- tion as national parks. Although the Nové Hrady Mountains are an area with well-preserved spectacular granite landforms in the Czech Republic, there is no appropriate protection of the Nové Hrady Mountains today. Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek, The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains … 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 48 1 1n W Wij ij i n − = ∑ Sumj W n W Wij ij ij i n = + − = ∑1 1 49 Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2, 2017 3 Methods Investigation of the spatial distribution of rock landforms in relation to geomorphological characteristics (lithology, slope inclination, orientation of slope, and elevation) may be based on division of the territory into discrete areas (e.g., squares). Dependence in the discrete area is examined using multiple statistical methods (e.g., CART, or classification and regression trees; Breiman et al. 1984) or generalized linear mod- els such as GLM (Nelder and Wedderburn 1972). This article used another methodological approach, in which the study area is divided into categories according to its geomorphological characteristics and links to them are investigated. This method was successfully tested earlier in a similar Bohemian mountain range of the Giant Mountains (Křížek, Treml and Engel 2007). Geomorphological mapping and GPS mapping were carried out in the Pohořská Mountains following the methodology described by Condorachi (2011), Smith, Paron and Griffiths (2011), and Voženílek et al. (2001). Mapping focused on rock relief landforms, and spatial data concerning their localization were acquired during the mapping. These spatial data were then processed using ArcGIS 9.1. Every geolocated landform was over- laid with a digital elevation model of the area studied and every feature was associated with data concerning lithology, slope, slope orientation, and elevation. Spatial statistics were calculated and it was possible to obtain the spatial distribution of rock landforms in all these categories. The spatial distribution of rock landforms was detected using the index of distribution Wij = Xi / Yj, where Xi is the percentage representation of the landform in the relevant category of the characteristic studied (e.g., in the case of slope characteristic, five categories of slopes were studied: 0–2.0°, 2.1–5.0°, 5.1–10.0°, 10.1–20.0°, and > 20.1°). Yj is the percentage quotient of this category on the surface of the entire area studied; this means that the percentage of surface was calculated where the relevant category of slope was identified. The example of tors is explicit: 52.5% of tors were found on slopes between 0° and 2°, and this category of slope is located on 9.7% of the area stud- ied. The index of distribution Wij of tors was calculated as 52.49 / 9.79, which yields Wij =5.41. The index of distribution was calibrated using the sum (distribution sum) of arithmetic mean and average deviation: The distribution sum was calculated using the indices of the spatial distribution Wij of all rated land- forms in the appropriate category of the characteristic investigated (e.g., slope 0–2° in the case of slope characteristic), its arithmetic mean, and its average deviation. From these indicators it is possible to obtain the formula: where n represents the number of all landforms rated (the sum of tors, frost-riven cliffs, castle koppies, and blockfields). If the index of distribution Wij is equal to 1, the percentage representation of the landform in the category is equal to the proportional surface of this category in the total area studied. If the value of Wij is above 1, the landform has more significant representation in the relevant category. This means that the presence of this rock landform is related to the relevant category of the observed characteristic. If the value Wij is below 1, the occurrence of the landform in question is less significant in the relevant category and there is no clear dependence of landform localization with the relevant category. Landforms were estimat- ed as dependent landforms based on two statistical conditions. First, the index of distribution Wij must be greater than 1. Second, the index of distribution must be greater than the sum of the arithmetic mean and average deviation in the category of the characteristic studied (Křížek, Treml and Engel 2007; Křížek 2007). 4 Results Thirty-four tors were mapped in the Pohořská Mountains (see Figure 2), as well as 153 frost-riven cliffs (see Figure 3), thirty-six castle koppies, ninety-nine areas of blockfields, and a significant number of cry- oplanation surfaces and terraces. This landforms are defined in global research as cryogenic landforms (Traczyk and Migoń 2000). According to Demek et al. (2006), the territory of what is now the Czech Republic was located not far from the frontal part of a continental glacier in Pleistocene sequence, where the climate 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 49 Figure 2: Tor on Mount Kamenec. Figure 3: Frost-riven cliff on Mount Kuní. JI Ř Í R Y P L JI Ř Í R Y P L 50 Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek, The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains … 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 50 51 Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2, 2017 was cold and cryogenic processes took place. This geomorphological processes formed cryoplanation ter- races with frost-riven cliffs, tors, castle koppies, and blockfields (Demek et al. 2006). These landforms also developed in the Pohořská Mountains. They stand next to the Bohemian Forest (Šumava), a mountain range covered by an alpine glacier in the late Pleistocene sequence (Demek et al. 2006). Tors and castle koppies were formed during the same process (Migoń 2006) and they are mainly distinguished by their shape and proportions. Landforms with height greater than length were mapped as tors, and landforms with length greater than height were defined as castle koppies. The cryoplanation terraces in the study area were not included in the analysis due to the scale of the maps used (1:25,000; the maps used covered the entire study area) and due to the size of cryoplanation terraces, which was smaller than other rock landforms. The thickness of the regolith was not considered in the research because the regolith was removed by etching during Saxon tectogenesis and a planation surface with a stripped etchplain was created (Migoń 2004a; Demek et al. 2006). The study area is practically without regolith orig- inating from chemical weathering in the Paleogene. The percentage occurrence of cryogenic landforms in relation to various categories of relief is shown in Figures 4 through 7. The index of distribution, the arith- metic mean, the average deviation, and the distribution sum are shown in Tables 5 through 8. Table 5: Index of distribution, arithmetic mean, average deviation, and distribution sum in relation to lithology. Lithology Tors Frost-riven cliffs Castle koppies Blockfields Arithmetic mean Average deviation Distribution sum Granite 1.71 1.53 1.71 1.51 1.62 0.09 1.71 Gneiss 0.10 0.13 0.00 0.33 0.14 0.06 0.20 Table 6: Index of distribution, arithmetic mean, average deviation, and distribution sum in relation to slope. Slope Tors Frost-riven cliffs Castle koppies Blockfields Arithmetic mean Average deviation Distribution sum 0.0–2.0° 5.41 0.40 2.27 0.10 2.05 1.80 3.85 2.1–5.0° 0.15 0.17 0.42 0.05 0.20 0.11 0.31 5.1–10.0° 0.24 0.39 0.23 0.75 0.40 0.17 0.57 10.1–20.0° 1.28 2.68 1.60 2.15 1.93 0.49 2.42 > 20.1° 3.89 12.11 16.56 11.30 10.97 3.54 14.51 Table 7: Index of distribution, arithmetic mean, average deviation, and distribution sum in relation to slope orientation. Slope orientation Tors Frost-riven cliffs Castle koppies Blockfields Arithmetic mean Average deviation Distribution sum N 0.20 0.90 1.15 0.76 0.75 0.28 1.03 NE 0.19 0.70 0.74 0.81 0.61 0.21 0.82 E 1.22 0.42 0.86 1.15 0.91 0.27 1.18 SE 1.61 2.27 1.52 1.48 1.72 0.27 1.99 S 0.00 2.10 0.39 1.70 1.05 0.85 1.90 SW 0.95 0.95 0.89 1.62 1.11 0.26 1.37 W 0.00 1.20 0.98 0.93 0.78 0.39 1.17 NW 0.67 0.75 0.43 0.85 0.68 0.13 0.81 plain 6.22 0.38 2.61 0.19 2.35 2.07 4.42 Table 8: Index of distribution, arithmetic mean, average deviation, and distribution sum in relation to elevation. Elevation (m) Tors Frost- riven cliffs Castle koppies Blockfields Arithmetic mean Average deviation Distribution sum 560–600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601–700 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.20 0.06 0.04 0.10 701–800 0.16 0.50 0.15 0.90 0.43 0.27 0.70 801–900 1.11 0.94 0.96 1.45 1.12 0.17 1.29 901–1,000 2.42 2.74 3.24 1.04 2.35 0.67 3.02 above 1,001 25.86 12.21 18.31 2.21 12.76 7.44 20.20 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 51 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Granite Gneiss and migmatite Sediment Lithology Tor Frost - riven cliff Castle koppie Blockfield P er ce n ta ge q u o ti en t o f la n d fo rm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0–2° 2.1–5° 5.1–10° 10.1–20° above 20.1° Slope Tor Frost - riven cliff Castle koppie Blockfield P er ce n ta ge q u o ti en t o f la n d fo rm Figure 4: Occurrence of rock landforms in relation to lithology. Figure 5: Occurrence of rock landforms in relation to slope. 52 Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek, The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains … 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 52 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 P er ce n ta ge q u o ti en t o f la n d fo rm Slope orientation N o rt h N o rt h – ea st E as t So u th – ea st So u th So u th – w es t W es t N o rt h – w es t P la in Tor Frost - riven cliff Castle koppie Blockfield 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 560–600 m 601–700 m 701–800 m 801–900 m 901–1,000 m 1,001–1,072 m Altitude Tor Frost - riven cliff Castle koppie Blockfield P er ce n ta ge q u o ti en t o f la n d fo rm Figure 6: Occurrence of rock landforms in relation to slope orientation. Figure 7: Occurrence of rock landforms in relation to elevation. 53 Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2, 2017 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 53 Jiří Rypl, Karel Kirchner, Martin Blažek, The spatial distribution of rock landforms in the Pohořská Mountains … 5 Discussion and conclusion The determination of regularities in the spatial distribution of rock landforms is based on a comparison of the indices of distribution and arithmetic averages, or corresponding distribution sums. Each value of the index of distribution that is greater than the corresponding arithmetic mean of all the indices of dis- tribution of the category shows that the occurrence of the specific type of rock landform is above average with regard to the mean. The data in Tables 5 through 8 show that the criterion related to the distribution sum is more stringent. This is because the criterion corresponds to only some values of the distribution indices that belong to the set of values greater than the arithmetic mean of the corresponding indices. The elimination of a number of values is caused by calculating the variability of all rock landforms in the category, which also involves the error of minimalization potentially caused by variance in irregular- ly distributed values (Křížek, Treml and Engel 2007; Křížek 2007). The spatial analysis of cryogenic landforms shows that all rock landforms are related to the presence of granite in all cases in which Wij > 1 (Table 5). The analysis did not prove dependence on another type of rock from the area studied. The dependence of cryogenic landforms on granite results from its easier conservation as solid rock (French 2007; Migoń 2006; Summerfield 1991) and was also studied in the Giant Mountains (Křížek, Treml and Engel 2007). With regard to slope (Table 6), the dependence between tors and a slope of 0 to 2° was confirmed. This dependence is primarily based on the genesis of these cryogenic landforms (French 2007; Migoń 2006; Summerfield 1991). An above-average occurrence on slopes with an inclination of 0 to 2° was also dis- covered for castle koppies. The dependence of castle koppies and relief with a slope greater than 20.1° is interesting. This dependence is mainly explained by the low percentage quotient of occurrence of this land- form in the area studied. The dependence of occurrence of frost-riven cliffs was proved for relief with a slope of 10.1 to 20° and an above-average occurrence of such cliffs was identified for relief with a slope of 20.1° and greater. This dependence and the above-average occurrence can be explained by the genesis of these cryogenic landforms (French 2007; Migoń 2006; Summerfield 1991). In the case of blockfields, no dependence was found, but only an above-average occurrence for two slope categories: 10.1–20° and > 20.1°. It is not possible to compare the dependence and above-average occurrence of landforms with the results of this relief category in the Giant Mountains because Křížek, Treml and Engel (2007) specified different slope categories in their work. With regard to slope orientation (Table 7), the dependence of tors and the above-average occurrence of castle koppies on plains was confirmed. This dependence and above-average occurrence is connected to the genesis of cryogenic landforms (French 2007; Migoń 2006; Summerfield 1991). The dependence of tors extends to the eastern slope orientation, and the dependence of castle koppies to the northern slope orientation. Frost-riven cliffs are mainly distributed on slopes with a warm exposure (W, S, SE) owing to the intensive dynamics of cryogenic processes (Czudek 2005). This is why the blockfields also depend on slopes with a warm exposure, especially on slopes with a south (S) and southwest (SW) aspect. In this case, it is also difficult to compare the dependency and above-average occurrence of landforms with the results of this relief category in the Giant Mountains because Křížek, Treml and Engel (2007) specify four prin- cipal orientations in their work (N, E, S, W). Above-average occurrences (Table 8) of destructive landforms (tors, frost riven cliffs, and castle kop- pies) were found at elevations above 901 m (climate conditions at this elevation are favorable for the significant expansion of tors; this is cold climatic zone CH7, based on Quitt 1971). Dependences and above-average occurrences of accumulation landforms (blockfields) were found at elevations between 801 and 900 meters (Table 8). Dependences and above-average occurrences with relation to elevations are a result of the gen- esis of these cryogenic landforms (French 2007; Migoń 2006; Summerfield 1991). In the Giant Mountains dependences and above-average occurrences of destructive cryogenic landforms depend on higher ele- vations (1,400–1,500 m), whereas in the case of accumulation landforms this dependence was found for relatively lower elevations (1,100–1,300 m; Křížek, Treml and Engel 2007). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This research could not have been carried out without the financial support of grant no. MSM 124100001 from the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic, and grants nos. KJB 300460501 and RVO 68145535 from the Czech Academy of Sciences. 54 57-2_03_1184-Jirí Rypl_acta49-1.qxd 5.5.2017 10:22 Page 54 7 References Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Stone, C. J., Olshen, R. A. 1984: Classification and regression trees. New York. Collection of laws of the Czech Republic, 114/1992. Prague. 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