JUVENILE SECTION OF "NAPREDEK" CLEVELAND, OHIO, JULY 21st, 1937 WITH OUR JUNIORS By Michael Vrhovnik, Director of Vrtec and English Speaking Lodges JUNE’S LITERARY CON- TEST WINNERS Well, here we are again, boys and girls, ready to announce the winners of our S. S. P. Z. JUN- IOR LITERARY CONTEST for the month of June! How many of you know what the month of June means to our members? Yes, that’s true; it is the month of the roses and the sixth month of tha year . . But it is, also, S. S. P .Z. JUVENILE MONTH. Don’t forget that! Pil be around to ask you the same question ,next year, so be on the lookout for it. And now,.. Before vve proceed to diselose to you the prize vvinner^, we’re going to ask you another ques- tion . . . ,How ,many of you youngsters and “oldsters”, too, took the time to read the many fine “literary gems” contributed by our junior members m June’s issue of our Vrtec Section? Did you enjoy reading Valeria Ar- tel’s poem, “Peace In God”'; or Helen Previc’s splendid descrip- tion of JUVENILE DAY in White Valley, Pa., on Sunday, June 13; or Anne Gacnik’s bril- liant vvrite-up on Cleveland’s S. S. P. Z. at Surtz’s Farm on June 20; or William Pevc’s clear-cut views on hovv to build a stronger Society ?... These vvere only a few of the praiseworthy literary achievements sent in during the month of June. There were others, nearly as good, contributed by Angy Pevc, Agnes Tekstar, Rudolph Rosen- berger, Mary Klevisher, Wilma Gratchner and “Ernie” (let’s have your real name and age the next time, Ernie . . . You can’t vvin a prize if you choose to re- main incognito) ... Everyone of these boys and girls have ability to express their thoughts in vvriting and deserve highest compliments on their efforts, and right here and now, we’re going to be the first to congratulate not only the prize vvinners of June’s contest, but, also, ali you other hard- vvorking youngsters who haven’t been quite able to cop a prize, but yet are helping to spread the good news of the SSPZ on the pages of the Vrtec and ESL Sec- tions of our Napredek. Congrat- ulations to ali of you! JUNIOR WHEEL OF PROGRESS Vrtec No. 140, Pierce, W. V a. on top Tivelve leaders: NOTE: Turn to English-speaking Lodge Section for more campaign news. One more month remains for you to enter this contest. . . So, come on boys and girls! Get busy and write! . . . Remember, at the conclusion of this contest, two gold, two silver and two bronze trophies will be awarded to the boys and girls chosen as the outstanding S. S. P. Z. Jun¬ ior writers in 1937. These vvill be on display at the National Athletic Meet in Cleveland over the coming Labor Day holi- days... The winning contribu- tions will, also, be exhibited as a feature of the J unior Hobby Ex- hibit.. . Now, isn’t that an hon- or worthy of your best efforts ? . . . Surely, you will try once, vvon’t you ? Here are the vvinners of J une’s contest... MILWAUKEE’S VRTEC GROWS Sometime ago, an announce- ment was made in the English- speaking Lodge Section of the Napredek that an ACTIVE VR¬ TEC was established by Lodge No. 24, Milvvaukee, Wis., and now, upon completing my “Ju- venile Month” tour, we are hap- py to inform our readers that we- had the pleasure and the honor, too, of spending a very pleasant \veek-end vvith the members and administratrix, sister Sophie Stampfel, of this up and coming Vrtec. The transfer of this Vrtec from the inactive to the active ranks took plače, officially, June lst . . . Its organizers are sister Sophie Stampfel, secre- tary of Lodge No. 24, and broth • er John Maren, Supreme Audi- tor. At the first meeting, vvhich was held at the home of brother Frank Petritz, on Fniday eve- ning, June llth, a total of ten (10) new members were added to their previous enrollment of fifteen. The names of these nevv juniors members are as follovvs: Norma Stampfel Olga Stampfel Marie Gnader j ? Edvvard Ermence I Marie Ermence - Jeanette Kosrog June Mary Bohte Bertha Gole Richard F. Klopcich Jeanette Gaber Two new applicants vvere pro- posed and accepted at this meet¬ ing. By this time they are full- fledged members of the Vrtec and their names are: Margaret Angeline Ohojak and her sister Elsie Erna. Both girls are musi- cally inclined. And boy! Can they play bali and svvim! You should have seen them at Army ( Lake on Sunday June 27th! Election of officers for the current year took plače at this initial meeting, also. We have for president, Anton Jerkich; vice-president, Elsie Ohojak; secretary, N o rma Stampfel treasurer, Edvvard Ermence; recording secretary, Margaret Ohojak; Sargeant-at-Arms, Ol¬ ga Stampfel. j (Continued on page 2) GROUP“A” (Ages 13 and over) lst prize.Valeria Artel, Vrtec No. 11; Cleveland, O. 2nd prize.Helen Previc, Vrtec No. 103; White Valley, Pa. 3rd prize.Anne Gačnik, Vrtec No. 11; Cleveland, O. Consolation.Angy Pevc, Vrtec No. 1; Forest City, Pa. Consolation.Mary Klevisher, Vrtec No. 140; Pierce, W. Va. GROUP “B” lst prize.William Pevc, Vrtec No. 1, Forest City, Pa. A NNOUNCEMENT The SSPZ Junior Literary Contest vvill, officially, close vvith Augusfs issue of the Vrtec Section. That means that ali you boys and girls have one more opportunity to vvin a monthly cash prize or one of the beautiful trophies vvhich vvill be avvarded for the best entries published in the Vrtec Section during the six (6) months of the contest. . . Get busy today and start “grinding” out that letter, essay, original story or poem, or vvhat have you in your system ... Contestants are urged once more to be sure not to forget to sign their names t5 their entries. Also, state the present age and Vrtec number . . . Prizes vvill not be avvarded for con- tributions vvritten in collaboration vvith one or more mem¬ bers and signed vvith tvvo or more names! Vrtec Director ‘ fr T? v Ti ti M tt ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Stira .12 2 Ju venila Section of “JSTajpredLek** July 21st, 1937 S. S. P: Z. NATIONAL JUNIOR HOBBY EXHIBIT m w. PP RULES 1 Eurpose — The purpose of the JUNIOR HOBBY EXHIBIT is to promote and stimulate a greater interest in the acquisition of hobbies of a useful and educational nature among the ' boys and girls of our Society. i)ate — The JUNIOR HOB*BY EXHIBIT will be feature of our , National Athletic Meet, Sept. 4-5-6,1937. 'Hace — Slovene National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Uobby Classes — Ali hobbies shall be classified into four divi- I sions: Collections, manual work, household arts and arts. 'Aivards — First, second and third plače ribbons, attached to our t new “star” Junior pins, will be awarded to winners in each hobby classification. A beautiful trophy will be awarded to the Vrtec unit scoring the highest number of merit points. JThe following system shall be used as a basis for grading en- tries: Five (5) points shall be given for each first plače in each classification; three (3) points for each second plače and one (1) point for each third. An additional ten (10) W points shall be awarded to the Vrtec unit having promoted j \ the greatest interest in hobbies as evidenced by the number and quality of exhibits. 'iHoio to Enter — Fill in an entry blank with your name, Vrtec and certificate No., age, address, classification of entry, type of exhibit and number of pieces and mail or present it with your exhibit to Rudolph Lisch, 1393 E. 47th St., Cleveland, O. ginal Entry Date — Ali entries must be mailed or delivered to Rudolph Lisch, 1393 E. 47th St., Cleveland, O., not later than August 25,1937. Ali entries must be the creation or collection of the exhibitor. Exhibits will be given ali possible čare, but are entered at member’s risk. Articles should be protected against breakage. Be sure to pack well with cotton or paper and then plače in a box be- fore mailing. Please state if you wish exhibit to be returned. Ali local ex- hibitors must call for them, personally. No entry fee is required. For further information, write to Michael Vrhovnik, 247 W. 103rd St., Chicago, 111. NOTE: Entry blank is published in this issue! Director of Juvenile Department is its organizer, having- sent in five (5) new applications. This Vrtec is not yet an ACTIVE unit, but we are more or less cer- tain that \vith a few additional members, it, too, will soon fol- low in the foot-steps of Vrtec No. 33 at Mihvaukee. The names of Butte’s new members are: Annabel Kranitz Ione J. Kranitz Loraine Lubich Robert G. Henderson Katherine G. Henderson We welcome this group of youngsters into our Juvenile De¬ partment and wish them and their administrator success /in ali future ventures. May they grow and prosper under the guiding influence of SSPZ frat- ernalism. We c o n g ratulate brother Kranitz on his efforts and hope he follows through and completes the task he has set out to do. 1* VRTEC NATIONAL SOFT- BALL TOURNEY I’m sure ali you young Vrtec players will be mighty glad to hear that the Cleveland S. S. P. Z. 5th National Athletic Meet Committee reversed a previous ruling that there would be no National Vrtec gioftball Tour- ney this year . . . This tourney will be open to teams represent- ing ACTIVE units only . . . Al- though teams are permitted to carry fifteen (15) players, we suggest that the number be kept down to twelve (12) . . . The biggest j ob of the Meet is finding room for you to sleep and seeing that you’re fed and taken čare of properly. The other big woft*y is that none of you get hurt or get into any mis- chief which might leave a detri- mental stigma on the Society and Lodges of Cleveland . . . Age When you come to Cleveland, leave your bag of tricks at home. Address Make up your minds to be per- S. S. P. Z. NATIONAL JUNIOR HOBBY EKHIBIT Cleveland, Ohio — Sept. 4-5-6,1937. OFF1CIAL ENTRY BLANK Name...Vrtec No.Cert. No.. (City or town> (Street or box No.) (Check below the exhibits you ha ve entered) Classifications and Collections (State) Collections Manual Work fect gentlemen and the best of sports in victory or defeat. That, you find, is the best motto if you tvish to leave a good impres- sion on your hosts and other Vr¬ ta) Stamps.Q (b) Curios.Q (c) Buttons & Badges.1 | [ Household Arts (a) Sewing.,[~j (b) Needletvork.Q (c) Knitting. Vrtec Secretary (a) Woodwork F1 tec and Lod ® e members who will .. , — . , ‘ ‘ -fV)oro fo tt/ifnocc q n rl -navHpi- (b) Metal work.Q (c) Models (ships, planeš, etc.) .□ Arts (a) Cartoons & Poster s (b) (c) □ be there to witness and partici- pate in our 5th NATIONAL ATHLETIC MEET .On your showing and behavior will de- pend the future status of Vrtec Drnvvino- M competition in our National ~ *—’ IV/rpAfs Tf Clay & Soap Meets. If you tvant to be a par- Administrator-trix NOTE: This entri y blank, properlg filled and sigrted, should be mailed or presented to Rudolph Lisch, 1393 E. 47th St., Cleveland, O., not later than August 25, 1937. WTTH OUR JUNIORS (Continued from page 1) We tvelcome these boys and girls to our active junior ranks and hope they will take advan- jiage of every privilege and op- portunity offered them as mem¬ bers of this great Society of ours. Scuipturing. n ticipant in next year ’ s Meet ’ 1 — 1 \vherever it will be held, do ali you can to keep the work of handling your needs, at this year’s affair, down to a mini¬ mum. Nothing will go farther towards insuring a National Vr¬ tec event in 1938. So take čare, ali of you lads! To date, five (5) Vrtec teams are planning to en¬ ter the 1937 Vrtec Softball Tourney . . . Two, and possibly three others, are \vorking hard to raise funds to enable them to make the grade. Everything points to a most successful Na¬ tional Meet. . . Hope to see you there. VESTERN LEADERS PAR- ENT TO NE\V VRTEC The birth of a new Vrtec took plače in Butte, Mont., during our JUVENILE MONTH . . . Brother Peter Kranitz, secre- tary of the Western Leaders, Lodge No. 209, who tvrote to me, several months ago regarding the organization of a new Vrtec, VRTEC NO. 11 PLANS OUTING COLLINWOOD, O. — At our last meeting we didn’t have reg- ular attendance on account of a big storm. I give credit to those that did come, ali those that weren’t there should attend our next 4 meeting, August 6. Among our regular business we will dis- cuss the outing that will take plače next month. And of course the Wheel of Progress. We have a gigantic drive now in progress for ne\v members. We have three prizes: First, bicycle for girl or boy; second prize, $5.00 and third $2.50. Here’s information to the ones that didn’t attend the last meeting. If you have any friends \villing to join bring them along next meeting. Boys that play bali should come to practice more regular- ly. You’ll have contestants out- of-town, and they say that they are plenty tough. Spartan Jrs. are not an easy mark, either and the 01ympics are only two months away! So do come to practice every Saturday at 4 o’clock, Grovewood ave. and E. 176 St. The SSPZ Athletic Board changed the size of bali to 12 inches which Br. Vrhovnik al- ready explained in the Napre¬ dek. Ali the Vrtec 11 members should be proud of their splen- did orchestra which consists of five well-groomed boys. As you ali know they appeared at the banquet which was given in hon- or of SNPJ delegates at S. D. D. on Waterloo Rd., and they sure made a hit. The delegates from Gowanda, N. Y., could not for- get them, so they were invited to Gowanda to play July 24-25. ITI be seeing you at the next meeting—bring your friends! John Zaman Sr. Administrator Vrtec 11. Baseball in Six Simple Stanzas (As viewed by a mascot) Come on, kids, The game‘s begun; End of first — Score—three to one. Inning: three. Swing that bat! Huh?! Three outs? That ump’s a rat. (We want a new ump! We want a new ump!) Batter up! The pitcher’s sore; Balls one, two, three, Ha-ha! Bali four. (We want a new pitcher! We want a new pitcher!) "Pardon me, But that’s our bat.” “Oh yeah, sez who? Take that — and that-” (We need a new bat! We need a new bat!) Here's the bali And what a hit! But what a catcher — He swallowed it! (We need a new bali and catcher! We need a new bali and catcher!) Inning: ninth — The second half. Score: — 102-1 What a laugh! (Ho\v's about a new team? How's about a new team?) Valeria Artel, Vrtec 11. July 21st, 1937 Juvenile Section oi “3S5a.x»-re€Lefe? SA.ra.TDL Letters ¥rom\Our Vrtec Members MILWAUKEE, IVISCONSIN Written by Marie Ermenc We members of Vrtec No. 33 think Mr. Vrhovnik is a great leader and has a wonderful per- sonality. . It’s just too bad we didn’t have time enough to prepare for a good program to give in his honor. We tried to show our appreciation to him for his visit to our Vrtec, his lovely speech he made for us and the pictures he showed of differ- ent members and activities of our SSPZ. Marie Gnader played a cou- ple of lovely accordion selec- tions also brother Herman Jer- kich showed his škili with the accordion, the writer too play- ed some Slovene selections on the piano, and so did my broth¬ er Ed try his hand at the pia¬ no. Sisters Olga and Norma Stampel, Elsie and Margaret Ohojak sang a Slovene song entitled “Lipa zelenela je.” Al¬ so one of our youngest mem¬ bers Dolores Omeyc sang a song entitled “Pennies From Heaven.” We hope to do better on his next visit. This took plače Sat- urday evening, June 26th. Next morning we ali started out for the picnic grounds at Army Lake, a beautiful plače. Our Senior lodge donated 10 tickets to each of us Vrtec members and free lunch for young and old. We surely did enjoy our picnic, boating, swimming, and watching the two teams from Chicago play- ing baseball with our “Balkan- ites.” After the games were over Mr. Vrhovnik got us jun- iors to play baseball too. We stayed out there till dark. We sure had a swell time! Our great appreciation and thanks to our Vrtec administratrix, Sophie Stampel, John Maren and Leo Omeyc, ali Vrtec su- pervisors, for their efforts in behalf of us junior members, also Senior lodge members for rides and entertainment of us juniors at the picnic, and re- freshments served to us at our Vrtec meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Peric we also thank for do- nating the hali for our meet¬ ings. To pay our indebtedness to those above mentioned, I sug- gest, let’s do our best and gather in new members for Vr¬ tec No. 33. Let’s make it one hundred strong till next June. As a welcome greeting and our appreciation to our junior di- rector Mr. Vrhovnik’s visit for Saturday night June 26th, I wrote and recited the follovv- ing verses: OUR SSPZ GARDEN In a little garden fnll of flovcers, Once a month we spend a couple of happy hours, The flowers, boys and girls are tve, And the garden is our lodge Vrtec No. 33. We boys and girls from Mil- voaukee this day, Wish to present a lovely bou- quet, To our Mother Lodge SSPZ To be known as Vrtec No. 33. We are proud to belong to such a fine lodge Jcnown as SSPZ, That indeed offers a helping hand to you and me. Three cheers for its members H ere present or wherever they may be, Long live our SSPZ. Marie Ermenc, age 12, 7A Grade, Member Vrtec 33. Vandling, Pa., July 14, 1937. — The regular meeting of Pio- neers Vrtec No. 1 was held on Sunday, July 11, 1937. Not many members were present. Our secretary was also absent for the first time since the Vr¬ tec had been organized and for the first time she is spending her vacation in New York. In Genesis we read that often God had worked for six days ereat- ing the heavens, the earth, and ali that they contain. He rested the seventh day, and appoint- ed it a day of rest for the chil- dren of men. So the world over men feel that one day out of the week should be so observ- ed. We have no scriptural war- rant for summer vacations, but when the out-door season comes along most people feel like leaving the daily routine they have followed and do some- thing different for a month or so. And I think it’s a good practice. We get stale if we stay too long at the grind of every day life, and need a little recreation to bring back the savor of living. The change will be most welcome. Hoping she' is enjoying herself, and will be waiting for an article from her in the Vrtec page from L. Is., N. Y. Vrtec members please attend our next month- ly meeting Aug. 8, 1937, so we will be able to arrange for our outing before school starts. This should have been done at this meeting, is was impos- sible, for the members did not attend. We don’t think enough if we are active members, the kind that we should be, or to be just contented and wear the SSPZ button on our lapels? We must think, do we attend meetings and if we do our part. We should ali take an active part to help the Vrtec and the organization, the SSPZ. Are we doing our part in the Wheel of Progress Campaign? Our admx. had put two spokes in the Wheel of Progress at our meeting, which means the building is rising slo\vly. We should ali help the work along, or are we satisfied to loe one of those who just belongs? Mem¬ bers come to the meetings often and help with heart and hand. We shall get interested in the affairs, then we will attend every meeting. Don’t be just a member, take an active part. Think this over, brothers and sisters. You ali knovv right from wrong, so why not be an ac¬ tive member, instead of one who just belongs? Promise to attend one meet¬ ing a month and read the Na¬ predek Vrtec Page. So many do not read it. Questions are asked at the meetings that shows they do not read the Vrtec page. Read the monthly issue of the Napredek that every member receives. The di- rector of the Juvenile Dept. bro. Michael Vrhovnik, writes ali about the Vrtec units and organization, and the “Wheel of Progress Campaign.” If we read what he writes, we would be very interested in the work. The fraternal organization sys- tem is one of the real evidences of co-operation. It is develop- ment of the power among the members to intelligently work together for a given purpose. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the assistant supreme secretary of the SSPZ for the donation given to the Pioneer Vrtec at the time of his visit here. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the Junior Literary Contest judges for the prize I have received from them for my monthly article in the “Napredek.” The amount was received with great ap¬ preciation. Wm. Pevc, Vrtec No. 1 VRTEC 11 BALL PL A YERS, AT T EN T ION! CLEVELAND-Collimvood. — The next meeting of Vrtec No. 11 will be held on August 6, 1937. At that meeting we will decide about the outing. If \ve can find a suitable spot we are going to have an outing during the month of August. The 1937 SSPZ Athletic Meet is not far off. At this Meet we will compete against other Vr¬ tec teams for the baseball cham- pionship. There haven’t been many boys shovving up for practice for the last two weeks although the weather is fine. You can’t ex- pect any championship team \vithout practice. So let’s ali show up at E. 176 and Grove- \vood and have real practice. John Zamah Jr. Member Vrtec No. 11 for to make it grow irvto a \arge, strong one. S. S. P. Z. is a big, strong, young man now with the Vrtec lodges added to it’s čare of the Slovene and English-speaking lodges. We must help it čare for these lodges, and the way to do it is to take interest in our own branch. Many Vrtec units have a large membership but are not what one would call strong. The meet¬ ings are not attended well and nothing is accomp lished. First of ali, a good leader should be chosen. Then, most important of ali, the members should cooperate. It might be hard to get the members to attend the meetings because the ones they had at¬ tended had been dull, uninter- esting, with the president just talking listlessly about some- thing they didn’t know. Right after the meeting is over, every- one scatters almost immediate- ly. They hardly know anyone else there so what else could they do? This is how it should be— It is up to the president to make the meeting interesting. He should explain things to the members and make them enthu- siastic over the various activi¬ ties. The new members ought to be introduced to the members at the meeting. One of the most important things is to have something do¬ ing after. each meeting to keep the members’ interests from lag- ging. Sprinkle the year with out- ings, picnics, parties and dances. Have benefit card parties, bingo parties and bazaars. Plan small things to keep the members busy thinking about them. Don’t forget that— 1. Added membership goes for the growth of an organiza¬ tion. 2. Cooperation of the mem¬ bers for strength. 3. Lots of activity to keep the organization clothed in the in¬ terest of the members. Anne Gačnik, Outlookers’ Secretary HOV\TO BUILD A SUCCESS- FUL LODGE CLEVELAND-Collimvood, O. — The grofvth of a lodge or a club reminds me of a baby. While the lodge is very young, it is practically helpless be¬ cause of the small membership. Like a baby it must be fed, wash- ed and dressed. It must be cared NEWSY-NOTES FROM IV H IT E V ALLEY Vrtec 103 held their regular monthly meeting on Sunday morning, July 18, in the White Valley Hall. The meeting was well attended, but I could easily guess why. Follovving the call- ing to order of the meeting the minutes were read by our Re- cording Secretary Helen Previc and approved. The financial sit- uation resulting from our last picnic was settled with the old lodge. That being accomplished we began a discussion about tak- ing a group picture of our Vr¬ tec. The idea being brought up by our good administrator, Mr. Previc. Everyone was in favor of having our pictures taken and entering them in the Junior Amateur Snapshot Contest. We talked about holding a picnic on the first Sunday in August at the home of our secretary, Julia Continued on Page 4 &UT3Ja 3F ■Ju venile Section of "JVapredek^ July 2fst, 1&37 MY ENERGETIC SISTER • Lette rs From Our I Icnow it was time for me to write a contribution a long time ago, but since I haven’t I will teli why I have not. Like every other story this is a long one, but I will try to keep it as short as possible. It is ali on account of my little sister. She must of got- ten jealous or something, for after I won a prize she said, “The next time we will write to- gether. A good story that will surely win the final award.” “Good!” was my excited re- ply, “when do we start? What are we going to write about?” “Oh! ITI choose a suitable subject; you need not worry,” she answered and then added “Most likely ali you will have to do will be to sign your name.” “No, but that wouldn’t be fair.” “AH right! But your English is terrible and you don’t have any imagination at ali.” With this last bored remark she hur- ried out for Francis Sinkovič went by, and she j ust couldn’t bear to miss seeing his, oh so romantic countenance. But I was right after her for I wanted to teli ali my friends of my good lučk. How I regret that now. How my good name suffered. I real- ly am ashamed of myself, and you will see I have just cause to be, I returned home some time later, but xny sister must have been out boy-chasing as usual. If she wasn’t boy-chasing then she had caught one and was pestering him. Anyway she wasn’t home, so I filled her pen and bought a new tablet. Yes sir, my enthusiasm was high. After supper, when my sister had rested and I had wiped the dishes, I told her of my prepar- ations. She was aghast. She wasn’t going to be rushed. And besides she couldn’t write on such hot nights. And who did I think I was fooling around with her best pen. A moment later I was hurrying to put away the pen and paper with “ITI start when I’m good and ready,” ring- ing wrathfully in my ears. When I again took enough courage to approach her, and ask her about what we were go¬ ing to write about, she said something that sounded like: “A Satire on Politics.” I didn’t have a chance to ask her again for those curly hair of Tony Bayt had just passed our house. I don’t know if it was Tony though that made her run so or wa sit the fact that he did not have a shirt, and was svvinging it about his head. “A Satire on Politics”? That was a funny subject to choose. What did she know about poli¬ tics. Pop don’t know about any- thing but shoes. Mom can cook but that’s ali. Sis and I read only the last page or the ‘Globe’ and the funnies are on it. It was here I began to regret. We were going to vvrite about politics and no one in the house knew anv- thing about them. A week later I asked my sis- ter if she had done anything. She anstvered sweetly she had written two pages on my tablet. You should have seen her when I said: “How could you when I have it locked in my closet?” But she wasn’t going to be caught so easily. She yelled right back. “Do you expect me to be perpetually vvriting? I have other things to do,” and she stormed out of the house. Perpetually writing? Why she hadn’t written a word. A few days later I finally in- duced her to sit down and write a little at least, but after I read the few lines she did write I was not consoled. Besides not making sense it was no good. But I did not dare say I would not sign my name to such a thing so I said, “Why don’t we just write the local news? It won’t be such a strain on you.” “Oh! anyone can write such trash!” she said. “We are go¬ ing to be exclusive.” I was afraid we were not only going to be exclusive, but ex- cluded from the contest for that month also, so I continued my prodding. “We could write that Tony Bayt was elected captain of the baseball team, and that I am the manager. That’s news and not trash. Besides that’s ali they give prizes for anyway.” You always want your name in the paper. Anyone can write about that, so we are going to write about satire and that is final.. “Then ali I am going to do is sign my name. And have a may- be after that,” I crled angrily and threw my pencil after her receding back. Another eight days passed and stili no results, so we sat down together again to see what we could do. We didn’t do any- thing but quarrel. “Well, tvhy don’t you write something? — And quit humming,” I said. “That darn song is getting on my nerves.” “If you are so smart why don’t you write something your- self. Here! Here is the pen and paper.” “You needn’t get sassy about it!” I cried back. “ITI do what I like, and no one is going to teli me what to do. What if you are a few years older? You can’t boss me.” “Ali right! Ali right!” I cried back to her. “If that’s the way you feel about it you can go and chase Johnny Praprotnik and that čute Martin Dragan. I’ll write my own story. And 1 hope you break your wrist vvrit¬ ing your story. Give me my paper.” I picked up my tablet and dashed into my room, and that is where this originated from. I didn’t like the title anyway and I don’t see how Francis, Tony, Johnny, and Martin stand my sister or any other girl for that matter. I hate them ali, includ- ing my sister. Frank Mivec (Age: 16) Vrtec 9, Indianapolis, Ind. Vrtec Members (Continued from Page 3) Kosmach and I’m sure that would be a vvonderful location for a good time. Besides having a group picture we expect to take some individual hobby pic- tures, such as swimming, base¬ ball, playing instruments, etc. A committee was appointed to pre- pare some refreshments for the picnic and it seems like we’re ali in for a good time. Follovving our planning of the picnic we were informed about one of our members, Martha Ko- hosic, leaving our Vrtec and joining the senior lodge. That meant that we ovved her a dol- lar, for we made a rule that as long as our money lasted in the treasury we would give a dollar to any member that left out Vr¬ tec to join the SSPZ. Our treas- urer, Mary Lavrich, presented Martha with the money and ali was well. Farewell! Martha,Tm sure we’ll ali miss your pleasant company at our future meet- ings. Hurrah for Martha! She’s started the vvedding beliš ring- ing in our Vrtec this year and we hope they’ll keep ringing and ringing. Good for you Martha, we ali wish you many years of happy married life. The meeting was then ad- journed and refreshments were served. This has been one of the main attractions of our young- er members to our meetings lately. Everyone enjoyed the de- licious refreshments and went homehappy. Ali our members have been enjoying an easy life this sum- mer. The boys have been playing baseball, horseshoes, etc. Some of the girls have been doing a little farming, others have been keeping house (that’s ali right girls, it’s good practice) and the rest of the girls are taking \vhat- ever comes by. A few of the girls are certainly interested in danc- ing. Why they could almost dance day and night. For instance Helen Previc couldn’t count the dances she attended during the last month. Some of the girls have been doing quite a deal of hitch-hiking and boy, is it fun! A number of the mem¬ bers have tried their best in join¬ ing some of the contests novv open for juveniles, especially our recording secretary, Helen, and secretary, Julia have been quite successful in their at- tempts and we wish them more lučk in the future. We have tried stressing the contests upon our younger members but they ali seem to be backvvard or some¬ thing. Everyone has tried hard to get new members for our Vr¬ tec but lately it seems that we’ve gone to sleep on the j ob, but we really^ haven’t; we’re stili try- ing our best, and don’t seem to be able to find new members. Of course the encouragement given us by brother Vrhovnik seemed Note: Ali names used are true and they have consented to my use of them. to urge everyone to gro on. I’m sure that words couldn’t express our appreciations to him for coming out to visit us. This is about ali the news from our Vr¬ tec this time. Until the next time weTl ali KEEP TRYING. Tillie Mladenick, president of Vrtec 103. Box 102, Export, Pa. HELEN COMES THROUGH AGAIN EXPORT, Pa. — Dear Editor and Readers: I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreci- ation to the Junior Literary Contest Judges for the prize I had received for my article in the “Napredek”. The amount was received with great appre- ciation. A few of the Challenger mem¬ bers are great disappointers. The reason: Saying to watch for an article in the paper and then not having one. I guess they just don’t have the ambition to vvrite or it’s this summer vveather \ve’re having. What do you say, boys? Did Pellegrini find his red-headed girl friend, the one he says ali men prefer. So brother Vrhovnik changed his mind about me being a quit- ter. I want to thank him for the lovely letter which was sent to me. Everyone of.„the members are anxiously awaiting to see the movies of ourselves and they keep asking wheii they will have the opportunity of seeing them. We only hope that vre can see them soon, Brother Vrhovnik. Our July meeting was held as usual on the third Sunday of the month at 11:00 a. m. and was largely attended. They stili kept talking about brother Michael Vrhovnik. At this meet¬ ing we discussed plans ofhav- ing a photographer come next month to take a group picture, this is, if the vreather permits. We were very sorry to lose one of .our members to the adult class. After the meeting was ad- journed refreshments. were served. So the “quitter” is. saying so long till the next time. Helen Previc, recording sec’y Vrtec 103. Box 458, Export, Pa. A Symphony of Life I sit beside my window bright And gaze through its transparent pane I watch the clouds, but see them not, Nor hear the patter of the rain. No haunting wailing of the wind, No blinding spire of lightning white Disturbs me, as I sit and dream, Unmindful of the stormy night. I dream of happiness and farne — Of freedom from the pains of strife— Of love—of hope—of faithfulness — A perfect Symphony of Life. No clash of stubborn, seifish wills, No fear, no hopeless apathy, No loud discords of arrogance Will mar my Perfect Symphony. My symphony wiU soar on high, Will reach God’s heavenly domain; But when X feel a loneliness, ’T will come to comfort me again. And when the chords fade out and die When wearied, but content I'll be, I, too, shail then begin to fade — And join my Perfect Symphony. Valeria Artel, Vrtec 11,