189VARSTVO NARAVE, Supl. 1 (2011) NATURE PARK TELAŠĆICA NARAVNI PARK TELAŠĆICA Milena RAMOV, Vesna PETEŠIĆ ABSTRACT Telašćica Bay is situated in the central part of the eastern Adriatic coast, in the SE part of the island of Dugi otok. In 1980, this area became protected due to its exceptionally valuable plant and animal life, geological and geomorphological features, valuable colonies of the sea bottom and interesting archaeological heritage. The bay, which is surrounded by 13 islands and islets, together with 6 islets inside the bay of Telašćica itself, was proclaimed a Nature Park in 1988. Total area of the Nature Park is 70.50km2, of which 25.95km2 covers the land, and 44.55 km2 the sea. There are beautifully cultivated meadows and hillsides, rich with Mediterranean vegetation with more than 500 species of flora and equally rich fauna. The undersea world has more than 250 plant and 300 animal species. IZVLEČEK Zaliv Telašćica leži v jugovzhodnem delu Dugega otoka v osrednjem delu vzhodne jadranske obale. Leta 1980 je območje postalo zaščiteno zaradi svojih izjemno dragocenih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, geoloških in geomorfoloških pojavov, dragocenih kolonij na morskem dnu in zanimive arheološke dediščine. Zaliv, ki ga obdaja 13 otokov in otočkov, skupaj s 6 otočki znotraj zaliva samega, je bil leta 1988 razglašen za naravni park. Skupna površina Naravnega parka Telašćica je 70,50 km2, od tega se 25,95km2 razteza na kopnem in 44,55 km2 na morju. Pohvali se lahko z lepo obdelovanimi travniki in pobočji, bogatimi s sredozemsko vegetacijo več kot 500 različnih vrst in prav tako bogato favno. Podvodni del parka je dom več kot 250 rastlinskih in 300 živalskih vrst. Milena RAMOV and Vesna PETEŠIĆ Public institution Nature Park Telašćica Ulica Danijela Grbin bb, HR-23281 Sali, Croatia milena.ramov@telascica.hr, vesna.petesic@telascica.hr 190