Metodološki zvezki, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006, 267-287 Correcting Measurement Error Bias in Interaction Models with Small Samples Josep Bisbe1, Germà Coenders2, Willem E. Saris1, and Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet1 Abstract Several methods have been suggested to estimate non-linear models with interaction terms in the presence of measurement error. Structural equation models eliminate measurement error bias, but require large samples. Ordinary least squares regression on summated scales, regression on factor scores and partial least squares are appropriate for small samples but do not correct measurement error bias. Two stage least squares regression does correct measurement error bias but the results strongly depend on the instrumental variable choice. This article discusses the old disattenuated regression method as an alternative for correcting measurement error in small samples. The method is extended to the case of interaction terms and is illustrated on a model that examines the interaction effect of innovation and style of use of budgets on business performance. Alternative reliability estimates that can be used to disattenuate the estimates are discussed. A comparison is made with the alternative methods. Methods that do not correct for measurement error bias perform very similarly and considerably worse than disattenuated regression. 1 Introduction When an interaction effect between two continuous variables is present, the effect of one of the variables on the dependent one is different for different values of the other variable. If both variables are measured without error, a particular form of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression (i.e. moderated regression analysis, a regression analysis including the product of the variables that interact as an additional variable) can be used to estimate and test interaction effects (Irwin and McClelland 2001; Jaccard et al. 1990). 1 ESADE, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain; 2 Corresponding author. Department of Economics, University of Girona. Postal address: Faculty of Economics and Business. Campus Montilivi. 17071 Girona, Spain; 268 Josep Bisbe et al. Interaction effects are relevant to a number of research problems in disciplines that use questionnaire data that are subject to measurement error. If variables are measured with error, OLS leads to biased estimates. This bias is usually negative and is hence referred to as measurement error attenuation bias. In this case it is common practice to use summated rating scales (SRS, Spector 1992) by averaging multiple indicators of each variable of interest, and then using these SRS as variables in the OLS regression model. However, attenuation bias is not eliminated completely because the SRS are not perfectly reliable, even if they are more reliable than single items. Thus, OLS on SRS is only useful for predictive purposes, not for theory building or testing. This distinction between prediction and testing will be very relevant throughout this article. For estimating the parameters of a model according to a theory, absence of bias is a key requirement. In this case, measurement error correction is necessary because the parameters that are theoretically of interest are those that relate error-free variables. However, when the aim of the researcher is merely to predict the observed dependent variable from the available (i.e. observed with error) explanatory variables, then the relevant relation is that among variables containing errors. In this case it turns out that the biased parameter estimates yield optimal predictions in the sense of being unbiased estimates of the conditional expectation of the dependent variable given the observed (i.e. with error) values of the explanatory variables. Many methods for modelling variables measured with error have been suggested in the literature. Among the most widely used are structural equation models (SEM), two-stage least squares regression (TSLS), partial least squares (PLS) and ordinary least squares regression on factor scores (FSR). However, these methods either rely on large samples, depend on an arbitrary choice of instrumental variables, or do not properly correct measurement error bias. SEM can in principle be used to eliminate attenuation bias (Bollen, 1989; Goldberger and Duncan, 1973; Raykov and Marcoulides, 2000). In recent years, different developments have been proposed to examine interaction effects using this approach following a seminal paper by Kenny and Judd (1984). Kenny and Judd’s approach requires each latent variable to relate to at least two indicators and implies the formation of one or more interaction indicators based on the products of the main effect indicators (Batista-Foguet et al., 2004a, 2004b; González et al., in press; Jackard and Wan, 1995; Jöreskog, 2000; Jöreskog and Yang, 1996; Marsh et al., 2004; Moulder and Algina, 2002; Ping, 1995; Saris et al., in press). For instance, if item1 and item2 are indicators of the first variable and item3 and item4 of the second, the possible interaction indicators would be item1´item3, item1´item4, item2´item3 and item2´item4. Except those of Batista-Foguet et al. (2004a) and Marsh et al. (2004), SEM approaches have a great degree of complexity, requiring non-linear constraints. More importantly, with sample sizes below 100 or 200, SEM are hardly applicable because the properties of estimators and tests are Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 269 asymptotic (Cortina et al., 2001; Schumacker and Marcoulides, 1998; Boomsma and Hoogland, 2001). The requirement of large samples is particularly relevant when cases are not individuals but organisations. For instance, in management research, sampling units may be firms and respondents may be top managers who are limited in number. Consequently, and despite the cautions regarding minimum sample sizes (Medsker et al., 1994), often business studies (Abernethy and Vagnoni, 2004; Bisbe and Otley, 2004; Chalos and Poon, 2000; Chenhall, 2004; Chong and Chong, 2002) report findings based on small samples (i.e. less than 100 data points). TSLS regression (Koopmans and Hood, 1953; see Johnston, 1972 for an introduction; Bollen, 1996 for its application to measurement error correction and Bollen and Paxton, 1998 for its use in interaction models) also eliminates the measurement error bias. In this method, one indicator is selected as regressor and the others as instrumental variables. Instrumental variables may be any variables that are highly correlated with the regressor measured with error but uncorrelated with the disturbance term. The other indicators of the explanatory variable can be used as instrumental variables if their measurement error is uncorrelated with the measurement error of the regressor and with the disturbance of the dependent variable. In the case of product indicators, this will be fulfilled only if instrumental product indicators do not include products of the same items that are multiplied in the indicator that is in the regression equation. In the above example, if item1, item3 and item1´item3 are used as indicators, the valid instruments are item2, item4 and item2´item4. A drawback of the TSLS method and of any limited information method is that the estimates will usually change depending on which indicators are chosen as regressors and which as instruments. If all model assumptions hold and the sample size is large, differences should be small, but not otherwise (Bollen and Paxton, 1998; Jöreskog and Sörbom, 1989). In particular, the assumption of uncorrelatedness between the measurement errors of the instruments and the disturbance is crucial in this respect (Saris et al., in press). PLS (Chin, 1998; Chin and Newsted, 1999; Fornell and Cha, 1994; Wold, 1975) does not rely on large samples but fails to correct measurement error bias properly. PLS constitutes a rather complex procedure that is in fact not so far from OLS on SRS, from which it differs by the fact that the weights of the indicators are not equal but computed from the optimization of certain criteria. On the positive side, PLS shares with OLS regression the property of providing optimal predictions and can successfully be applied for predictive purposes or whenever the aim of the analysis is exploratory, the theory is weak, or the number of variables is too large for formal modelling (Jöreskog and Wold, 1982). Wold (1982) introduced the term “soft modelling” to refer to these situations. However, on the negative side, and in the same way as OLS on SRS, PLS has the limitation that it does not eliminate measurement error bias, as it is consistent only under perfect reliability or with an infinite number of items per dimension (Dijkstra, 1983; Fornell and Cha, 1994; Hulland, 1999; O’Loughlin and Coenders, 2004; Wold, 1982). 270 Josep Bisbe et al. Therefore, and despite its potential usefulness for prediction with small samples, PLS is not adequate when theory is well developed and the researcher’s purpose is the estimation of population parameters related to the theory, for which the lack of bias is a key requirement. In FSR (e.g. Hair et al., 1998), separate factor analysis models (e.g. Kim and Mueller, 1978a, 1978b) are fitted for each dimension, factor scores are saved and used as variables in an OLS regression. It is similar to PLS in that it computes composite scores from a weighted sum of the indicators and in that it does not correct for measurement error bias. The weights of the items used to compute the factor scores do differ from PLS, but not to a large extent. Anyway, changing the weights of the indicators is reported to have a minor impact (McDonald, 1996). The simpler uniform weights that are used in OLS on SRS have the advantage over both FSR and PLS that they are fixed instead of being sample dependent, and thus are more suitable for comparative research. In this article we concentrate on a very simple method for correcting the effects of measurement error in the estimation of grounded theoretical models including interaction terms with small sample sizes. The long known disattenuated regression (DR) on SRS (Lord and Novick, 1968) is discussed in this article as an alternative to OLS, SEM, TSLS, PLS and FSR that is unbiased while being very little demanding, both in terms of statistical expertise and of sample size. In short, this method estimates the reliability of the SRS, uses this information to compute the variances of the SRS that would have been obtained in the absence of measurement error, and substitutes these variances in the covariance matrix from which OLS estimates are computed. An extension of DR is developed for the case of interaction effects. Obtaining a good reliability estimate is of course a crucial issue. Two reliability estimates are discussed: a (Cronbach, 1951) and W (Heise and Bohrnstedt, 1970). a can be obtained from the covariances among items while W requires estimating a factor analysis model, but W is based on less stringent assumptions. The estimation of the reliability of interaction terms cannot be done by just using the a and W formulae, but a suitable method is developed in this article. The DR procedure will be illustrated on an example of Bisbe and Otley (2004), who estimated and tested the moderating effects of an interactive use of budgets on the impact of innovation on performance using OLS on SRS. The results obtained under OLS and DR regression will be compared to those obtained with TSLS, FSR and PLS. The results of applying SEM on the same data, although not very reliable due to the small sample size, can be found in Batista-Foguet et al. (2004b). This article is structured as follows. First we present the DR method. Then we summarize the model of Bisbe and Otley (2004) and the data collection mode and measurement instruments used. Then, the DR method is extended to the interaction effect case. Next we provide the results of the different analyses and sizeable differences emerge between DR and the methods that do not correct attenuation bias (PLS, OLS and FSR), and sizeable differences appear within the TSLS method depending on the instrumental variable choice. Based on these results, some recommendations are given to applied researchers facing small samples. Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 271 2 Disattenuated regression on summated rating scales SRS are often used when an unobservable concept, assumed to be unidimensional, is measured by multiple indicators. A SRS is computed as either the sum or the average of these indicators (in this article we assume, without loss of generality, that they are averaged; for summated items Equations 2.1 and 2.2 will change somewhat). This has a threefold purpose: 1) properly defining a composite construct by combining observable variables; 2) increasing measurement reliability by averaging out random errors of measurement from single indicators and 3) increasing parsimony as only equations relating the composites (of which there are fewer than variables) are needed. Unfortunately, if OLS regression is estimated on the SRS, measurement error correction is not complete. It has long been known that a sum or an average of several measures is more reliable than just one measure (Simpson, 1755). However, this average is only perfectly reliable when the number of items approaches infinity or the reliability of all items approaches one. As a result, the OLS estimates of regression coefficients will still suffer from attenuation bias. DR is a simple method for solving measurement error bias in the estimation of well-grounded theoretical models when sample sizes are small. DR is a method whose foundations were laid long ago (Spearman, 1904) and which, for large samples, became superseded by more modern alternatives such as 2SLS and SEM and thus stopped being used. The first step in a DR is to estimate the reliability of the SRS. Reliability is defined as 1 minus the percentage of variance of the SRS that corresponds to random measurement error. So, the product of the total variance of the SRS and reliability yields the so-called true variance. A disattenuated regression proceeds as an OLS regression in which true variances are substituted for total variances. Any OLS regression software that accepts covariance matrices as means of data input as well as any SEM software can thus perform a disattenuated regression. Reliability of an SRS is usually computed as Cronbach’s a (Cronbach, 1951) on the assumption that items are at least tau-equivalent (e.g. Bollen, 1989: 215-216). This assumption implies that all items are an unweighed sum of the true score plus a random error term. These random error terms are assumed not to contain any systematic component (the items thus measure the true score and only one true score), and to be mutually uncorrelated. An observed consequence of tau-equivalence is that all covariances among all pairs of items are equal (the opposite does not hold, i.e. covariances may be equal and yet items may not be tau-equivalent). Cronbach’s a is a very popular measure and its computation is performed by most commercial software packages as: 272 Josep Bisbe et al. a = p p -1 y^var(item ) 1-------------------- p ´ var(SRS) (2.1) where p is the number of items, var(itemj) the variance of the jth item and var( SRS) the variance of the SRS constructed as the average of the items. If the tau-equivalence assumption is fulfilled, then the disattenuated regression estimates obtained in this way are consistent. Otherwise, a is biased (Cortina, 1993; Novick and Lewis, 1967; Raykov, 1997), and, unlike what is usually understood, this bias can be both positive and negative in sign (Raykov, 2001). Unfortunately, empirical studies do not usually perform any test of the tau-equivalence assumption when applying a. A myriad of alternative estimates of reliability that are based on more relaxed assumptions is available. Among them, one of the simplest is Heise and Bohrnstedt’s W (Heise and Bohrnstedt, 1970). In order to estimate W, a unidimensional factor analysis model must be fitted to the items in each dimension. The estimates of the model will include the so-called communalities or percentages of true score variance in each item. Reliability is estimated as: V [ var(itemj) ´ (1 - hj )] = 1------------2------------------------ (2.2) p ´ var(SRS) where hj is the communality of the jth item. A factor analysis model requires p (number of items) to be equal or larger than three. This measure assumes that items are congeneric. This assumption implies that all items are a weighted sum of the true score plus a random error term, which makes it possible for the contribution of the true score to the different items to be different. As before, these random error terms are assumed not to contain any systematic component and to be mutually uncorrelated. An observed consequence of congeneric measurement when the number of items is equal to or larger than four is that the unidimensional factor analysis model fits the inter-item correlations well (the opposite does not hold, i.e. the one-factor model may perfectly fit the correlations and yet items may not be congeneric; See Coenders et al., 2006 and Saris et al., in press for large sample tests of congeneric measurement). If the model is estimated by maximum likelihood, most commercial software packages will produce a c test of the fit of the model to the correlations. Otherwise, the residual correlations may be examined one by one to check that they are all small. Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 273 In this article we use the two simple approaches described to estimate reliability of an SRS in order to perform a DR, and we compare their results to OLS, TSLS, PLS and FSR using Bisbe and Otley’s (2004) data. First we present Bisbe and Otley’s conceptual framework and specify a regression model with interaction effects and errors in the variables and show how a and W have to be used to estimate a DR in the presence of interaction effects. 3 Conceptual framework The management literature has long considered innovation to be one of the major determinants of long-term organizational performance in contemporary environments (e.g. Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Kanter, 2001). Most empirical studies (e.g. Capon et al. 1992; de Moerloose, 2000) have shown a positive relationship between innovation and performance. Another determinant of business performance is the use of management control systems (MCS). Simons (1991, 1995) states that, when used interactively, MCS focus on strategic uncertainties and become a recurring forum and agenda for a continuous and challenging debate in which top managers are involved. Following Simons’ framework, it can be expected that, by orientating the contents and the adequacy of the innovation initiatives, an interactive use of MCS will positively influence the success of innovation initiatives and, consequently, will enhance their impact on performance. Thus, the relationship between innovation and performance will be affected by the extent to which MCS are used interactively, suggesting a moderated causal relationship in which an interaction effect is present (See Bisbe and Otley, 2004, for details). Figure 1: Conceptual framework. Drawing on Simons’ framework (Simons 1990, 1991, 1995), Bisbe and Otley (2004) estimate and test the model in Figure 1 that includes the aforementioned interaction effect (arrow C). Besides, Figure 1 includes the main effects of both 274 Josep Bisbe et al. innovation and interactive use of MCS on performance (arrows A and B). Following Irwin and McClelland (2001), all main effects of the variables that interact must be introduced in the interaction model (even if they are expected to be theoretically irrelevant) in order to obtain meaningful estimates of the interaction effect. 4 Data collection and instruments Data were gathered through the administration of a written questionnaire to a sample of Chief Executive Officers of medium-sized, mature manufacturing firms with headquarters located in Catalonia, Spain (Bisbe and Otley, 2004). Mature medium-sized firms were defined as those with an annual turnover of between 18 and 180 million euro, with between 200 and 2000 employees and founded at least ten years before the survey was administered. Exploitation of the Dun and Bradstreet/CIDEM 2000 database (referring to 1998) resulted in 120 firms fulfilling the screening criteria. Once revised after pilot tests, questionnaires were distributed and traced following Dillmann’s (2000) guidelines. Out of the 120 questionnaires distributed, 58 were returned, all of which were complete. This compares well with the response rate of similar studies. Cases where the executives reported not to have been in their current position for at least three years (n=18) were excluded. The resulting useable sample size was n=40. The measurement instruments used for each of the variables in Figure 1 are described next. The interactive use of MCS (h1) was defined based on Simons´ (1990, 1995, 2000) work in terms of the patterns of attention posed by top managers and considering budgets as type of MCS. Using Simons´ framework, and developing the instruments suggested by Abernethy and Brownell (1999) and Davila (2000), Bisbe and Otley (2004) developed a 3-item instrument in a 1 to 7 scale containing: item 1) Degree to which information from the control system is discussed face-to-face merely on an exception basis. item 2) Extent to which it demands frequent and regular attention from the top manager. item 3) Extent to which it demands frequent and regular attention from operating managers at all levels of the organization. Product innovation (h2) was understood from an output perspective and was defined as the development and launching of products that are in some respect unique and distinctive from existing products. It referred to innovative behaviour during the last three years in relative terms, in comparison with the industry average. The measure of product innovation used in Bisbe and Otley (2004) was Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 275 drawn from instruments used by Capon et al. (1992), Thomson and Abernethy (1998) and Scott and Tiesen (1999) and contained 3 items on a 1 to 7 scale: item 4) Rate of introduction of new products. item 5) Tendency of firms to pioneer. item 6) Part of the product portfolio corresponding to recently launched products. Performance (h4) was defined as the degree of goal attainment along several dimensions, including both financial and non-financial aspects, during the three years previous to the administration of the questionnaire. An instrument for the evaluation of strategic business unit effectiveness (Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998; Chong and Chong, 1997; Govindarajan 1984, 1988; Govindarajan and Gupta, 1985; Gupta and Govindarajan, 1984) was adapted by Bisbe and Otley (2004), who used eight questions related to both financial (sales growth rate, revenue growth rate, return on investment, profit/sales ratio) and customer perspectives (customer satisfaction, customer retention, customer acquisition and increase in market share). A single item (item7) was constructed from the assessments of the firm’s performance on those eight aspects weighted according to their perceived importance by respondents themselves. 5 The regression model with interaction effects and measurement errors The model is composed of two parts, one relating the variables, called structural part, and one containing measurement error, called measurement part. The relationships of the structural part in Figure 1 are formalized in Equation 5.1. For simplicity we do not use a different notation for endogenous and exogenous variables: h4= b41h1+b42 h2 +b43 h3 +?4 (5.1) where: - h1 is the interactive use of budgets corrected for measurement error, centred with zero mean. - h2 is innovation corrected for measurement error, centred with zero mean. - h3 = h1h2 is the interaction term corrected for measurement error, referred to the mean-centred h1 and h2 centred again after computing the product. As in moderated regression analysis (Irwin and Mclelland, 2001; Jaccard et al., 1990) the interaction is constructed as the product of both variables that interact. 276 Josep Bisbe et al. h4 is performance corrected for measurement error, centred with zero mean. z4 is a disturbance term, with zero expectation and uncorrelated with h 1, and h2. The b43 interaction term implies that the effect of the interactive use of budgets on performance depends on the innovation level or that the effect of innovation on performance depends on the level of interactive budget use. For instance, the effect of h 1 of h4 conditional on a given value of h2 is b41+b43h2. Thus, the interpretation of the main effects b4j and b 42 is that occurring when the value of the other variable is zero (if h 1 and h2 are mean centred, for the mean value of the other variable). Standardization of the h variables cannot be performed as it would prevent h 3 from being equal to the product of h 1 and h2. This implies that standardized parameter estimates have no interpretation (Jaccard et al., 1990). As regards the measurement part, for each variable the same measurement equation is assumed: yj = h j + ej where j=1,. ..,4 (5.2) where: - y1 and y2 are not items but centred SRS of the interactive use of budgets and innovation. - y3=y1y2 is the centred product of centred SRS used for the interaction term. - y4=item7, the single weighted item measuring performance. ej are measurement errors with zero expectation. e1, e2, e4, h 1, h2 and z4 are assumed to be mutually independent, not just uncorrelated. The decomposition of y3 as a function of the error-free component h 3 and the error term e3 is more complicated as it involves the product of two variables. Following a similar procedure as Jöreskog and Yang (1996), if the above assumptions of mean centring and independence hold, the interaction term can be decomposed as: y3=y1y2 =(h 1+e1) ´ (h2+e2) = h 1 h2+(h 1e2+h2e1+e1e2) = h3 + e3 (5.3) with cov(e3 ,e1)=cov(e3 , h 1)=cov(e3 , h2)=cov(e3 ,e2)=0. Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 277 6 Extension of DR to interaction effects. Steps of the analysis 6.1 Computation of reliabilities and true variances of main effects Table 1 first shows the necessary information to calculate a and W for y1 and y2: the variances and covariances of the two sets of items, the variances of the SRS and the maximum likelihood communality estimates in two separate factor analysis models, as provided by a standard package such as SPSS 10.1. For instance, for W and the interactive use of budgets we have: W 3.259´(1 -0.755) +2.743 ´(1 -0.778) + 2.615´(1 -0.366) 1 =1---------------------------------------------------------------------------= 0.840 9´2.125 (6.1) The items measuring interactive use of budgets have markedly different covariances (the ratio of the smallest over the largest covariance is 1.6) and thus the application of Cronbach’s a is dubious in this particular case. This results in a and W being somewhat different for this dimension. All a’s and W’s are substantially different from 1, much too different for OLS to be appropriate. Table 1: Computation of a and W. Statistics for items in y1 (budget use) Statistics for items in y2 (Innovation) Variances and covariances Variances and covariances item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item1 3.259 item2 2.291 2.743 item3 1.535 1.429 2.615 var(y1)= 2.125 var(SRS1) item4 2.984 item5 1.994 3.208 item6 1.577 1.682 1.887 var(y2)= 2.065 var(SRS2) a 1 0.824 a2 0.848 item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 communalities 0.755 0.778 0.366 communalities 0.626 0.663 0.705 (hj) (hj) W1 0.840 W2 0.852 To estimate the reliability of the single item y4=item7, a direct question about overall performance was also included in the questionnaire. This question might play the role of an external criterion. If both measurements (this single question and item7) are valid for performance (measure performance and only performance), their correlation is the geometric mean of the reliabilities of both. 278 Josep Bisbe et al. The high value of this correlation at 0.73 makes validity a reasonable assumption. We take this figure as the reliability of the dependent variable y4. Once the reliability of yj is obtained, its product by the total variance of yj is the true score variance of yj or the variance of yj corrected for measurement error, that is, the estimate of the variance of hj. For instance, for the interactive use of budgets and using W we would have: var (h 1)=W1´var(y1)=0.840´2.125=1.784 (6.2) Table 2 shows the covariance matrix of y1 to y4, the variances corrected for measurement error (covariances do not change), and the error variances. Table 2: Raw and corrected variances and covariances among dimensions. r aw variances y1 and covarian ces among di y3 mensions Y2 y4 y1 2.125 y2 0.464 2.065 y3 -0.286 -0.242 4.283 y4 0.078 -0.604 -0.593 1.003 tr ue variances (corrected f var(h1) var(h2) or measuremen t error) var(h3) var(h4) a 1.751 1.751 2.961 0.732 W 1.784 1.759 3.035 0.732 error variances var(e1) var(e2) var(e3) var(e4) a 0.374 0.314 1.322 0.271 W 0.340 0.306 1.248 0.271 6.2 Computation of the true variance of the interaction effect The presence of interaction terms makes measurement error correction somewhat more complicated. One might think that the computation of the reliability of y3 could be performed by selecting the 9 products of items item1´item4, item1´item5,..., item3´item6 as tau-equivalent or congeneric indicators of y3 and then estimating a or W in the usual way. However, these pairs of items overlap and thus can lead to correlated measurement errors. As an alternative, 3 non-overlapping pairs could be used (e.g. item1´item4, item2´item5 and item3´item6) but then y3 would fail to be equal to y1y2, h3 would fail to be equal to h 1 h2 and thus could not be interpreted as a proper interaction term any more. By using Equation 5.3 and some properties of variances of products of independent variables we can obtain an appropriate true variance for h 3=h 1 h2: Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 279 Var( h 3)=var(y3)-var(e 3)= =var(y3)-var(h 1)var(e2)-var(h2)var(e1)-var(e1)var(e2) (63) where var(ej) can be obtained as var(yj)-var(h j). For instance, using the W approach, var(h 3) in Table 2 is computed as: var(h 3)=4.283-var(e3)= 4.283-1.784´0.306-1.759´0.340-0.340´0.306=3.035 (6.4) DR USING OMEGA OBSERVED VARIABLES Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 COVARIANCES 1.784 0.464 1.759 -0.286 -0.242 3.035 0.078 -0.604 -0.593 0.732 SAMPLE SIZE: 40 RELATIONSHIPS Y4 = Y1 Y2 Y3 END OF PROBLEM Figure 2: Sample SIMPLIS input file. 7 Results The estimates and t-values for Equation 5.1 are displayed in Table 3 for OLS, DR using a, DR using W, PLS (using PLS-PC 1.8, with 30 jackknife resamples, the path weighting scheme, the outward measurement model, and item1´item4, item2´item5 and item3´item6 as interaction indicators), FSR (using SPSS 10.1, with maximum likelihood estimation and regression factor score computation) and TSLS (using SPSS 10.1). Even if raw estimates are the only ones that can be interpreted for models with interaction terms, PLS and FSR only compute standardized estimates and thus the latter have also been computed for OLS and DR for comparative purposes only. Since more than one TSLS estimate is possible depending on the instrumental variable choice, the maximum and minimum estimates across all possible choices are reported. The R obtained with methods that do not correct for attenuation (OLS, PLS and FSR) are very similar and much lower than those under DR. Both disattenuated regression variants provide similar R . The TSLS R is strictly non comparable because this method corrects for measurement error in the explanatory variables only. What is most striking about this method is the huge difference in 280 Josep Bisbe et al. the R2 that can be obtained depending on the instrument choice. The results obtained by Batista-Foguet et al. (2004b) using SEM on the same data closely resemble those of DR, in spite of the small sample size. The regression coefficients follow the same pattern. They are erratic for TSLS; lower and roughly similar for OLS, FSR and PLS; higher and roughly similar for both methods correcting for attenuation, though slightly higher for DR using a. Though in this case a and W have yielded similar estimates, this does not need to be the case under all circumstances, especially when there are strong departures from the tau-equivalence assumption. Table 3: Estimates under 6 approaches. OLS on SRS esti- t- stand. DR on SRS (a) DR on SR esti- t- stand. esti- t- S (W) parameter stand. mate value estim. .088 0.9 .129 mate value estim. mate value 0.116 1.5 .179 0.114 1.5 estim. ß41 .178 ß42 .330 3.4 .473 0.406 5.4 .629 0.403 5.3 .625 ß43 .151 2.3 .312 0.222 4.0 .447 0.217 3.8 .441 R2 .295 PLS esti- t- stand. 0.528 0.520 FSR TSLS parameter esti- t- stand. estimate t-value mate value estim. - 1.1 .207 mate value estim. range - 1.1 .159 -.013/.289 range ß41 -0.1/1.8 ß42 - 3.1 .498 - 3.2 .474 .226/.372 2.0/2.8 ß43 - 1.4 .269 - 1.9 .267 .051/.253 0.6/2.3 R2 .309 .285 .011/.209 The significance at the 5% level also varies across approaches in the case of the b43 parameter, which fails to be significant under some of the approaches that do not correct for measurement error attenuation and for some instrumental variable choices in the case of TSLS. In the analysis using disattenuated regression with the W reliability estimate (which is correct under the mildest assumptions), we find support for a positive interaction effect between interactive use of budgets and innovation on performance. Overall we can conclude that large biases can be encountered when correction for attenuation is omitted. 8 Discussion As expected, in this article we have found substantial differences in estimates, t-values and R2 depending on whether measurement error correction is applied or not, even if SRS are used. For large samples, the researcher can use efficient methods like SEM for performing this correction. For small samples this is not the Correcting Measurement Error Bias… 281 case, but researchers can resort to the classic DR technique, which can be extended to the interaction case. Other techniques that are sometimes believed to correct for measurement error attenuation (PLS and FSR) in fact do not. When DR has been applied in the past, it has traditionally been carried out with Cronbach’s a. The use of Heise and Bohrnstedt’s W is not substantially more complex and relies on milder assumptions and should thus be preferred on a general basis, even if, for our particular data set, results obtained for a and W were quite similar. The DR standard errors (and thus the t-values) can tend to slightly underestimate uncertainty because a and W are treated as known, thus leading to the possibility of true null hypotheses being rejected. There have been many attempts to produce exact standard errors of disattenuated estimates (e.g. of correlations) but they rely either on complex simulations or on large-sample methods (Charles, 2005). Exact standard errors can be obtained with SEM and TSLS but only for large samples. PLS has been claimed to produce correct standard errors with resampling methods like the jackknife or the bootstrap. However, even if PLS itself does not require large sample sizes, resampling methods do (e.g. Efron and Tibshirani, 1993; LePage and Billard, 1992; Shao and Tu, 1995). Besides, since PLS does not correct measurement error bias, one may wonder what the use is for a correct standard error around a biased point estimate. PLS yielded point estimates and R2 which were very similar to those of the much simpler OLS. This finding is in accordance with that of McDonald (1996), who shows that merely changing the weights of the items used to compose the scale has a minor impact on the results. FSR results were also very similar to those obtained under PLS and OLS. In fact, PLS scores are very close to being principal components, which are considered by some as a special case of factor scores. In any case, in the context of models with interaction terms there is one respect in which OLS is superior to FSR and one respect in which FSR is superior to PLS. OLS makes it possible to compute unstandardized estimates which are the ones that can be interpreted for such models. PLS selects weights of the interaction indicators independently of those of the main effect indicators and thus h3 fails to be equal to h1h2, which compromises its interpretation as a proper interaction term. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that there has been growing interest in PLS (even if the technique dates back to the 1970’s, half of its applications reported in the Social Sciences Citation Index in November 2005 were published in 2001 or later). This is probably due to a mystification of the “soft modelling” term (McDonald, 1996). In fact, many of these applications of PLS are for non-predictive purposes, for which the presence of bias is a fundamental drawback. Our particular application could not be further from a soft-modelling situation: our aim is parameter estimation, the number of variables is small, and theory is well grounded. 282 Josep Bisbe et al. Summarizing, all these considerations enable us to make some recommendations for applied researchers. If the aim of the analysis is parameter estimation or theory testing, then lack of bias is a key requirement. In this situation, if sample size is large enough, SEM and TSLS will be the approaches of choice. For small sample sizes, disattenuated regression should be used. Reliability should best be estimated by W, as it relies on milder assumptions than a. Disattenuated regression can also be applied for regression models with only main effects (i.e. without interactions). The procedure is essentially the same but becomes much simpler as the computation of the true variance of interaction effects (section 6.2) is not needed. If the aim of the analysis is prediction, then the appropriate technique would be OLS regression using SRS, no matter what the sample size is. 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