doi:10.14720/aas.2018.111.3.01 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek The response of corn (Zea mays L.) cultivars to row spacing under weed interference condition Gholamreza MOHAMMADI1*, Mehdi NOOKANI2, Hamidreza MOHAMMADDOUST2, Danial KAHRIZI1 Received May 10, 2018; accepted October 23, 2018. Delo je prispelo 10. maja 2018, sprejeto 23. oktobra 2018. ABSTRACT This study was carried out in order to study the response of corn cultivars to row spacing and weed interference at the Research Farm of Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran in 2011. The experiment was a split block factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Factors consisted of three corn cultivars ('KSC 704', 'Simon' and 'Maxima') and three plant row spacings (45, 60 and 75 cm) under weeded and un-weeded conditions for all of the growing season. Results indicated that for all three corn cultivars, the highest weed dry mass occurred in the row spacing of 75 cm. Weed interference throughout the growing season reduced corn grain yield by 20 %. This condition also significantly decreased corn yield components except the 100-seed mass. Increasing plant row spacing increased weed density, while decreased corn yield by 16.5 %. Corn cultivars were significantly different in terms of the number of seed per ear and 100-seed mass, as 'KSC 704' and 'Simon' showed the highest values for these yield components, respectively. However, the number of ear per plant and grain yield were not significantly different between the corn cultivars under study. Key words: corn; competition; 'KSC 704'; 'Maxima'; 'Simon'; weed; yield; yield component IZVLEČEK ODZIV SORT KORUZE (Zea mays L.) NA RAZMIK MED SETVENIMI VRSTAMI IN VPLIV PLEVELA V raziskavi je bil preučevan vpliv razmika med setvenimi vrstami in zapleveljenostjo pri treh sortah koruze na Research Farm of Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran, v letu 2011. Poskus je bil izveden kot popolni naključni bločni poskus z deljenkami s tremi ponovitvami. Faktorje so predstavljali tri sorte koruze ('KSC 704', 'Simon' in 'Maxima') in trije razmiki med setvenimi vrstami (45, 60 in 75 cm) v razmerah brez plevela in s plevelom v celotni rastni sezoni. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila največja masa plevelov pri vseh treh sortah pri razmiku setvenih vrst 75 cm. Zapleveljenost skozi celotno rastno sezono je zmanjšala pridelek zrnja koruze za 20 %. Te razmere so tudi značilno zmanjšale posamezne komponente pridelka razen mase 100-zrn. Povečan razmik med vrstami je povečal gostoto plevela, kar je zmanjšalo pridelek koruze za 16.5 %. Sorte koruze so se značilno razlikovale v številu zrn na storž in v masi 100-zrn, pri čemer sta imeli 'KSC 704' in 'Simon' največji vrednosti teh dveh komponent pridelka.Kljub temu se število storžev na rastlino in pridelek zrnja nista statistično značilno raziskovala med sortami, preučevanimi v tej raziskavi. Ključne besede: koruza; kompeticija; 'KSC 704'; 'Maxima'; 'Simon'; plevel; pridelek; komponente pridelka 1 INTRODUCTION Corn is one of the most important crops which is extensively planted in Iran and Kermanshah province is proposed as a major region to produce this crop. Weed interference is a main limiting factor which can significantly reduce corn yield and economic return. The reduction may range from 30 to 70 % when weeds are not controlled during the growing season (Ford and Mt Pleasant, 1994; Teasdale, 1995; Mohammadi 2010; Mohammadi et al., 2012b).In many regions of Iran such as Kermanshah, farmers highly use chemical and mechanical methods to control weeds in their corn production systems. These methods usually have 1 Dept. of Plant Production and Genetics, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran; Corresponding author: 2 Dept. of Crop Production and Breeding, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of MohagheghArdabili, Ardabil, Iran Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 3, december 2018 str. 699 - 714 Gholamreza MOHAMMADI et al. negative environmental consequences (such as soil erosion, water and soil pollution) and notably increase the cost of corn production. Alteration of planting arrangement has been documented as an efficient approach to suppress weeds in agroecosystems (Mohammadiet al., 2015) which can be achieved by a reduced row spacing.Vera et al. (2006) suggested that narrower row spacings can cause an earlier canopy closure and allow the crop to shade weeds in their early developmental stages. Other researchers working with barley showed that increasing seeding rate and the use of high competitive cultivars improved crop competitiveness against weeds (Watson et al., 2006; Harker et al., 2009). This can be due toan increased resource use by crop which can lead to the reduced effects of weeds (Berkowitz, 1988; Mohler, 1996). Chauhain and Johnson (2011) reported that rice grown in narrower rows had higher grain yield and lower weed biomass than in wider rows and increasing row spacing caused more crop vulnerability to weed competition for the longest period. Drews et al. (2004) also found that the competitive ability of short-stature cultivars could be improved by reducing row spacing. Weed competition to acquire limited resources is the primary cause for crop yield loss from weeds. Crop cultivars with high weed competitive abilities may be used in an integrated weed management (IWM) program (Lemerle et al., 1996; Lindquist and Kropff, 1996). Some studies have shown that corn cultivars differ in terms of their ability to suppress weeds (Mohammadi, 2007; So et al., 2009). Identification of these cultivars can significantly improve crop yield in the presence of weeds and reduce the cost and environmental consequences caused by weed control practices. According to McDonald (2003) the development of crop cultivars with high competitive abilities against weeds is an important aspect of IWM and can decrease the reliance of cropping systems to chemical herbicides. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the response of some corn cultivars to different row spacings under weed interference condition at Kermanshah, west Iran. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was carried out at the Research Farm of Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah (latitude 34° 18' N, longitude 47° 4' E, altitude 1350 asl), Iranin 2011.Soil was a clay-loam with a pH of 8 and 1.4 % organic matter. The experiment was a factorial split block based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor was corn cultivars including 'KSC 704' (late matured), 'Simon' and 'Maxima' (both medium-matured cultivars) which are cultivars well-adapted to the environmental conditions of the region. The second factor was three plant row spacings including conventional (75 cm) and reduced (45 and 60 cm). To evaluate weed interference effect on corn plant traits each block was divided into two sections lengthways, which one of them was kept free of weeds and another was un-weeded for all of the growing season. There was a dense natural weed infestation in the experimental field.The list of dominant weed species is shown in Table 1. The land was plowed then disked before planting. Fertilizers were applied according to the soil test recommendations. Corn was planted on May 2011. Each plot consisted of 6 rows (6 m per row) with a planting density of 6.5 plant m-2. Weeds werehand weeded in weed-free section of each plot throughout the growing season. At maturity, the corn ears belong to the two center rows of each plot were harvested by hand, allowed to dry toa constant mass then threshed and grain yield was determined. Corn yield components including the number of ears per plant and the number of seeds per ear were determined on ten randomly selected plants of each plot. Additionally, 100-grainmass was calculated according to the recommendations of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) (Draper, 1985). At the end of the growing season, weed density and dry masswere determined by harvesting weeds at ground level in two random 0.5 x 0.5 m squaresin un-weeded section of each plot. Weeds were initially counted then dried at 80 °C to a constant mass then weighed. Data analyses including analysis of variance and mean comparison were carried out using SAS software (SAS Institute, 2003). Means were compared using Duncan test at the 0.05 level of probability. 528 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 3, december 2018 The response of corn (Zea maysL.) cultivars to row spacing under weed interference condition Table 1: The list of dominant weed species emerged in the experimental field Common name Scientific name Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Redroot pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus L. Lamb'squarters Chenopodium album L. Common cocklebur Xanthium strumarium L. Field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis L. Common purslane Portulaca oleracea L. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Weed density Analysis of variance (data not shown) revealed that weed density (WD) was significantly influenced by row spacing. Weed density reduced in response to decreasing row spacing as the highest WD occurred in the conventional row spacing (75 cm). Although, there was no significant difference between the two reduced row spacings (45 and 60 cm) in terms of WD (Fig. 1).Reduction of WD in narrower rows can be attributed to an earlier canopy closure and consequently a less light level intercepted by weed seeds. Some studies showed that an earlier canopy closure can notably reduce weed germination and emergence by decreasing light quantity (intensity) and quality (spectrum)reaching the soil surface under the canopy (Bradley, 2006; Ghadiri and Bayat, 2004; Rajcan and Swanton, 2001). Lindquist and Mortensen (1999) also reported that a reduced row spacing can improve weed control in corn due to an earlier crop canopy closure. According to Porter et al. (1997) compared to wider rows (76.2 cm) a reduced row spacing (50.8 cm) decreased the light penetrated into the crop canopy by 10 % causing a 35 % decrease in weed infestation. 3 £ « Ö