Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, ISSN 1318-2269 53 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) IZVLEČEK Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti učinek šest tedenske vadbe za moč vdišnih mišic na dihalni volumen med ve č stop enjsk i m obremen i l n i m te stom z n i ž jo f rek venco dihanja. Enaindvajset merjencev (devet fantov in dvanajst deklet) je bilo razdeljenih v dve skupini: poskusno (skupina E) in referenčno (skupina C). Skupina E je dvakrat dnevno vadila s 30 dinamičnimi vdihi in izdihi s pomočjo dihalnega trenažerja, pri čemer je bil upor vdiha približno 50% največjega vdišnega pritiska. Skupina C opisane vadbe ni opravljala. Pred vadbo in po njej sta obe skupini opravili večstopenjski obremenilni test na kolesarskem ergometru z nižjo frekvenco dihanja. Le-ta je bila določena z 10 vdihi na minuto. Skupina E je z vadbo povečala moč vdišnih mišic (+35 ± 16%; p<0.01) in dihalni volumen (+13 ± 14%; p<0.01) med večstopenjskim obremenilnim testom z nižjo frekvenco dihanja. Slednje je omogočilo tudi daljše opravljanje tega testa (čas trajanja se je z vadbo podaljšal za 17 ± 15%; p<0.01). Pri skupini C opisanih sprememb ni bilo. Glede na dobljene rezultate lahko zaključimo, da vadba za moč vdišnih mišic poveča dihalni volumen med večstopenjskim obremenilnim testom z nižjo frekvenco dihanja. Kljub vsemu pa verjamemo, da nam bodo verodostojnejše in uporabnejše podatke dale bodoče raziskave, ki bodo ugotovile učinek tovrstne vadbe kot dodatek običajni vadbi z nižjo frekvenco dihanja ali brez nje. Ključne besede: vdišne mišice, vadba, zmanjšano diha- nje, večstopenjska obremenitev, plavanje ABSTR ACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on tidal volume (V T or inspiratory volume) during incremental exercise where breathing frequency is restricted. 21 healthy subjects (9 males, 12 females) were divided into two groups: experimental (Group E) and control (Group C). Group E performed 30 dynamic inspiratory efforts twice daily against a pressure-threshold load of ~50% maximal inspiratory pressure. A spring-loaded threshold inspiratory muscle trainer was used for this IMT. Group C received no IMT. Prior to and following a 6 week intervention both groups performed incremental cycle ergometry until volitional exhaustion with reduced breathing frequency (RBF), which was defined as 10 breaths per minute. After training, the inspiratory muscle strength in Group E (+35 ± 16%; p<0.01) and submaximal and maximal V T was higher (+13 ± 14%; p<0.01) during incremental cycle ergometry with RBF compared with pre-training. The latter adaptation was the reason for the extended time to exhaustion (17 ± 15%; p<0.01) following training. V T and time to exhaustion were unchanged in Group C. It could be concluded that IMT increased V T during incremental exercise where breathing frequency was restricted. However, future research is needed to establish the efficacy of this training as a supplement to regular exercise training with or without RBF. Keywords: inspiratory muscles, training, reduced breathing, incremental exercise, swimming University of Ljubljana, Faculty of sport Laboratory of biodinamics, Slovenia Corresponding author: Jernej Kapus, PhD University of Ljubljana Faculty of Sport Gortanova 22 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: nejc.kapus@fsp.uni-lj.si INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINING INCREASES TIDAL VOLUME DURING INCREMENTAL EXERCISE WITH REDUCED BREATHING – A PILOT STUDY V ADBA ZA MOČ VDIŠNIH MIŠIC POVEČA DIHALNI VOLUMEN MED VEČSTOPENJSKO OBREMENITVIJO Z NIŽJO FREKVENCO DIHANJA – PILOTSKA RAZISKA V A Jernej Kapus Anton Ušaj 54 Inspiratory muscle training Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) INTRODUCTION Perhaps the best example in sport of where breathing frequency is naturally reduced is during front crawl swimming. While performing the front crawl swimmers may use different breathing patterns. They usually take a breath every second stroke cycle (Maglischo, 2003). However, they can reduce their breathing frequency by taking a breath every fourth, fifth, sixth or eighth stroke cycle. During such exercise, breathing (and specifically inspiration) must be coordinated with stroke mechanics and as a result the tidal volume (V T or inspiratory volume) is elevated to com- pensate for the reduced breathing frequency (RBF) (Dicker, Lofthus, Thornton, & Brooks, 1980). However, as V T increases it requires progressively stronger inspiratory muscle force to expand the lungs, which requires greater effort and results in breathing discomfort. Further, the time for inhalation during swimming is quite short. Cardelli, Lerda, & Cholet (2000) demonstrated that the duration of inhalation lasted less than 0.5 seconds during 800m front crawl swimming at a lower velocity i.e. 1.28 m/s. Swimmers must therefore inhale quickly to ensure high lung volumes during swimming with RBF. Therefore, it could be suggested that this breathing pattern during swimming could pose a great challenge for the respiratory muscles. Indeed, it was recently shown that a reduced breathing frequency induced a larger magnitude of inspiratory muscle fatigue during 200m of maximal swimming (Jakoljevic & McConnell, 2009). In the 1970s, Leith and Bradley (1976) demonstrated that the strength of respiratory muscles can be improved by inspiratory muscle training (IMT). It is now well documented that IMT enhances the performance of athletes across a range of endurance sports (Griffiths & McConnell, 2007; Romer, McConnell, & Jones, 2002; Voliantis et al., 2001), as well as during repeated sprinting (Romer, McConnell, & Jones, 2002). Recent evidence suggests that IMT has a small positive effect on swimming performance in trained swimmers in events shorter than 400 m (Kilding, Brown, & McConnell, 2010). Given the unique challenge for the respiratory muscles, it is surprising that so far no studies have examined the influence of IMT on exercise with RBF. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of IMT on V T during incremental exercise where breathing frequency is restricted. Considering suggestions from previous studies, we hypothesise that IMT will increase V T during incremental exercise where breathing frequency is restricted. Due to the technical limitations of measuring respiratory parameters during swimming, the influence of IMT on subjects’ performance in reduced breathing conditions was investigated during cycle ergometry in the present study. During such exercise the breathing frequency can be modified and respiratory parameters measured with greater ease. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjects Nine males (age: 27 ± 3 years, height: 1.80 ± 0.07 m, body mass: 80 ± 13 kg) and twelve females (age: 24 ± 1 years, height: 1.67 ± 0.03 m, body mass: 61 ± 5 kg)volunteered to participate in this study. None of the subjects were smokers and none had any respiratory diseases. The subjects were fully informed of the purpose and possible risks of the study before giving their written consent to participate. The study was approved by the National Ethics Committee of the Republic of Slovenia. Inspiratory muscle training 55 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) Testing protocol The subjects completed the following tests in the same order in pre- and post-training: 1) tests of pulmonary function; 2) tests of respiratory muscle strength; and 3) an incremental cycle ergometry with RBF. All testing took place in controlled environmental laboratory conditions (21°C, 40–60% RH, 970–980 mbar) and at the same time of day. The subjects were asked to maintain their usual eating habits and avoid consuming food 2 hours before the testing. Post- training testing began 2 days after the last training session. Pulmonary function. A pneumotachograph spirometer (Vicatest P2a, Mijnhardt, Netherlands) was used to measure resting flow-volume profiles. The following variables were derived: vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1.0 ). Pulmonary function measurements were made according to European Respiratory Society recommendations (Miller et al., 2005). Respiratory muscle strength was assessed by measuring the maximal inspiratory mouth pressure (MIP) at residual volume and maximal expiratory mouth pressure (MEP) at total lung capacity. Both parameters were measured using a portable hand-held mouth pressure meter (MicroRMP, MicroMedical Ltd, Kent, UK) in the standing position. The assessment of maximal pressures required a sharp, forceful effort maintained for a minimum of 2 s. All subjects became well habituated with the procedure during two separate familiarisation sessions. They received visual feed-back of the pressure achieved during each effort by viewing the digital display on the hand-held device in order to maximise their inspiratory and expiratory effort. MIP and MEP measurements were taken repeatedly until a stable baseline of each parameter was achieved. The criteria for determining MIP and MEP stability was successive efforts within 5%. The highest value recorded was included in the subsequent analysis. Incremental exercise test with RBF was performed on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergom- eter (Ergometrics 900, Ergoline, Windhagen, Germany) with a pedal cadence of 60 rpm. RBF was defined as 10 breaths per minute and was regulated by a breathing metronome. The breathing metronome was composed of a gas service solenoid valve (24 VDC, Jakša, Ljubljana, Slovenia) and a semaphore with red and green lights. Both were controlled by micro-automation (Logo DC 12/24V, Siemens, Munich, Germany). The subjects were instructed to exhale and inhale during a two second period of an open solenoid valve (the green semaphore light was switched on) and to hold their breath, using almost all their lung capacity (holding their breath near total lung capacity), for four seconds when the solenoid valve was closed (when the red semaphore light was switched on) (Kapus, Ušaj, & Kapus, 2010; Sharp, Williams, & Bevan, 1991; Yamamoto, Mutoh, Kobayashi, & Miyashita, 1987). Prior to testing and training, the subjects were familiarised with cycling on the cycle ergometer and breathing in time with the metronome. The test began at an intensity of 30 W and increased by 30 W every minute until volitional exhaustion.The subjects breathed through a mouthpiece attached to apneumotachograph during each cycle ergometry test. Expired air was sampled continuously by a metabolic cart (V-MAX29, SensorMedics Cor- poration, Yorba Linda, USA) for a breath-by-breath determination of pulmonary ventilation(V · E ), V T , end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P ET CO 2 ), end-tidal partial pressure of oxygen (P ET O 2 ), and oxygen uptake (V · O 2 ). The pneumotachograph and O 2 and CO 2 analysers were calibrated with a standard three-litre syringe and precision reference gases, respectively. For further statistical analysis the breath-by-breath data were averaged for each 10 second interval. 56 Inspiratory muscle training Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) Training protocol The subjects were categorised according to gender and their baseline MIP measures and divided into matched trios. Two subjects of each trio were assigned at random to the experimental group (Group E) by an independent observer and the third to the control group (Group C). Descriptive measures of the subjects and training groups are presented in Table 1. Group E performed 30 dynamic inspiratory efforts twice daily for six weeks (84 training sessions) against a pressure-threshold load of ~50% MIP. A spring-loaded threshold inspiratory muscle trainer (POWERbreathe, Gaiam Ltd., Southham, UK) was used for this IMT. After the initial setting of the training loads the subjects were instructed by an independent observer to increase the load periodically once a week to a level that would permit them to only just complete 30 manoeuvres. The subjects initiated each inspiratory effort from the residual volume and strove to maximise the tidal volume. This IMT protocol is known to be effective in eliciting an adaptive response (Griffiths & McConnell, 2007; McConnell & Lomax, 2006; McConnell & Sharpe, 2005; Romer, McConnell, & Jones, 2002; Voliantis et al., 2001). The subjects completed a training diary throughout the study to record their adherence to the training. IMT had ceased 48 hours before the post-training testing. Group C received no IMT. The subjects in both groups were recreationally active, although they did not perform any intense exercise training during the research period. Statistical analyses The results are presented as means and standard deviations. Intra-group differences between the pre- and post-training values were calculated with a paired, two-tailed t-test. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with pre-training values as covariates and post-training values as dependent variables, was used to test for differences between the groups resulting from differ- ent training interventions. Statistical significance was accepted at the p≤0.05 level. Effect sizes were calculated using Cohen’s d statistics to assess the magnitude of the treatment with 0.2 being deemed small, 0.5 medium and 0.8 large (Cohen, 1988). All statistical parameters were calculated using the statistics package SPSS (version 15.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) and the graphical statistics package Sigma Plot (version 9.0, Jandel & Tübingen, Germany). R ESULTS Descriptive measures of the subjects and training groups are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the subjects and training groups Parameter All subjects Group E (N = 14; 6 M, 8 F) Group C (N = 7; 3 M, 4 F) Age (yr) 25 ± 2 24 ± 1 27 ± 3 Height (cm) 173 ± 8 172 ± 8 174 ± 9 Body mass (kg) 69± 13 67 ± 9 74± 18 VC (l) 5.08± 1.08 5.03 ± 0.94 5.19± 1.41 FEV 1.0 (l . s -1 ) 3.99± 0.74 3.98 ± 0.71 4.00 ± 0.86 MIP (cm H 2 O) 125± 22 122 ± 21 130± 26 MEP (cm H 2 O) 149± 30 142 ± 24 162±38 Values are means ± SD. VC, vital capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV 1.0 , forced expiratory volume in one second; MIP , maximal inspiratory mouth pressure; MEP , maximal mouth expiratory pressure Inspiratory muscle training 57 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) All subjects in Group E completed the prescribed training programme. Spirometry parameters and parameters of respiratory muscle strength measured at the pre- and post-training testing are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Spirometry parameters and parameters of respiratory muscle strength pre- and post- training Parameter Group Pre-training Post-training VC (l) E 5.03 ±0.94 5.02 ±1.03 C 5.19±1.41 5.23±1.41 FEV 1.0 (l) E 3.98 ± 0.71 4.06 ±0.74 C 4.00 ± 0.86 3.98± 0.88 MIP (cm H 2 O) E 122 ±21 164 ±30 †† ** C 130±26 133±32 MEP (cm H 2 O) E 142 ± 24 145 ±29 C 162±38 166± 43 Values are means ± SD. VC, vital capacity; FEV1.0, forced expiratory volume in one second; MIP maximal inspiratory pressure; MEP , maximal expiratory pressure.Significant training effect (paired T test): †† - p<0.01. Significant differ- ences between groups after the training (ANCOV A): ** - p<0.01. As shown in Table 2, MIP differed among the groups in response to the training period (p<0.01). As expected,a higher value (p=0.01, d=1.68) was observed after training in Group E compared with the pre-training values. By contrast, spirometry parameters and parameters of respiratory muscle strength were unchanged in Group C. Time to exhaustion during incremental cycle ergometry with RBF was extended with the IMT in group E (p<0.01, d=0.95), whereas this parameter did not change in group C. Between-group differences in time to exhaustion were also significant for the post-training comparisons (p<0.05; see Figure 1). Figure 1. Time to exhaustion obtained during incremental cycle ergometry with reduced breathing frequency pre- and post-training. Values are means ± SD. Significant training effect (paired t-test): †† - p<0.01; significant differences between groups after the training (ANCOVA): * - p<0.05. 58 Inspiratory muscle training Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) Table 3 shows the peak power output obtained at the pre- and post-training incremental tests. Peak power output was defined as the highest work stage completed (i.e. the last work stage thesubject actually sustained for one minute), and hence the power output obtained. Table 3. Peak power output (W) obtained at the pre- and post-training incremental tests Subject Group Pre-training Post-training 1 E 150 180 2 E 150 180 3 E 150 180 4 E 270 270 5 E 150 150 6 E 150 180 7 E 150 210 8 E 150 150 9 E 180 210 10 E 150 180 11 E 150 180 12 E 150 180 13 E 180 210 14 E 180 180 15 C 300 180 16 C 120 120 17 C 150 180 18 C 210 210 19 C 180 150 20 C 180 180 21 C 210 240 The lowest peak power output obtained at the pre- and post-training incremental tests was 150 W and 120 W, respectively, for Group E and Group C (Table 3). Therefore, the average data of measured respiratory parameters to these work stages and maximal or minimal values during the incremental test with RBF are presented in Figures 2 and 3, respectively, for Group E and Group C. Inspiratory muscle training 59 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) Figure 2. Respiratory parameters (V · E , minute ventilation (a); V T , tidal volume (b); P ET O 2 end- tidal partial pressure of oxygen (c); P ET CO 2 , end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (d)) and V · O 2 , oxygen uptake (e)) obtained during the incremental test with RBF pre- (white squares and columns) and post-training (black squares and columns) in Group E. Values are means ± SD. Significant training effect (paired t-test): † - p<0.05 and †† - p<0.01. 60 Inspiratory muscle training Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) As shown in Figure 2, there were significant training changes in V · E , V T ,P ET O 2 and P ET CO 2 (p varied from 0.01 to 0.05) obtained at submaximal work stages during an incremental test with RBF. In addition, maximal values of V · E (p<0.01, d=0.75), V T (p<0.01, d=0.81) and V · O 2 (p<0.05, d=0.53) were also enhanced by the IMT in Group E. By contrast, respiratory parameters during the incremental test with RBF did not change (neither in submaximal values nor at maximal or minimal) throughout the training in Group C (Figure 3). Between-group differences in the maximal values of V · E and V · O 2 were also significant for the post-training comparisons (p<0.05). Figure 3. Respiratory parameters (V · E , minute ventilation (a); V T , tidal volume (b); P ET O 2 end- tidal partial pressure of oxygen (c); P ET CO 2 , end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (d)) and V · O 2 , oxygen uptake (e)) obtained during the incremental test with RBF pre- (white squares and columns) and post-training (grey squares and columns) in Group C. Values are means ± SD. Inspiratory muscle training 61 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) DISCUSSION This pilot study is the first to our knowledge to have investigated the influence of IMT on V T during incremental exercise where breathing frequency is restricted. The data indicate that IMT increased MIP (Table 2) and additionally V T during the RBF exercise (Figure 2b). The later adaptation could be the reason for the significant improvement in time to exhaustion at incremental cycle ergometry with RBF in Group E (17 ± 15%; Figure 1). On the basis of the large effect sizes, it could be suggested that the training intervention per se was primarily responsible for the increased mentioned variables. The 35 ± 16% increase in MIP after six weeks of IMT (Figure 2) is in accordance with previous IMT studies. However, the increase obtained in some studies was greater (from 45% to 64% reported by Romer & McConnell, 2003; Voliantis et al., 2001) and lower in others (from 15% to 26% reported by Griffiths & McConnell, 2007; Inbar, Weiner, Azgad, Rotstein, & Weinstein, 2000; Johnson, Sharpe, & Brown, 2007;Klusiewicz, Borkowski, Zdanowicz, Boros, & Wesolowski, 2008; McConnell & Sharpe, 2005; Lomax, 2010). Established training principles appear to apply to IMT (Romer and McConnell, 2003), thus these discrepancies may be related, in part, to inter-study differences in the IMT mode, intensity and duration. However, since the scale of physiological adaptation within a system depends on its baseline status (Åstrand & Rodahl, 1986), it seemed that the training improvement is mainly related to the pre-training level of MIP. McConnell (2011) suggested that changes in inspiratory muscle strength due to IMT could be attributed to changes in diaphragm thickness. Indeed, it was shown that diaphragm thickness increased after just four weeks of IMT, which confirmed the presence of rapid fibre growth (hypertrophy) in response to loading (Downey et al., 2007). It is well known that during endurance exercise the respiratory muscles perform significant amounts of metabolic work. Indeed, Aaron, Seow, Johnson, & Dempsey (1992) showed that during strenuous exercise respiratory muscles can command ~10%of total oxygen consumption in moderately fit subjects and up to 15% in highly fit subjects. Taking this into account, previous studies have tried to determine the effects of IMT on respiratory muscle functions and in addi- tion on maximal aerobic capacity (Inbar, Weiner, Azgad, Rotstein, & Weinstein, 2000; Riganas, Vrabas, Christoulas, & Mandroukas, 2008; Williams, Wongsathikun, Boon, & Acevedo, 2002),on exercise performance (Forbes, Game, & Syrotuik, 2011; Kilding, Brown, & McConnell, 2010; Voliantis et al. 2001; Williams, Wongsathikun, Boon, & Acevedo, 2002), and on post-exercise inspiratory muscle fatigue (Romer, McConnell, & Jones, 2002). However, interestingly the impact of IMT on breathing parameters such us V · E , V T and breathing frequency during exercise has not been examined yet. Hypoventilation is a well-documented phenomenon during exercise with RBF. A reduction of approximately 48% in V E was demonstrated in previous studies in which 10 breaths per minute was used for the reduced breathing conditions (Kapus, Ušaj, & Kapus, 2010; Sharp, Williams, & Bevan, 1991; Yamamoto, Mutoh, Kobayashi, & Miyashita, 1987). A similar reduction in V E was reported when swimmers reduced their breathing frequency during swimming from the usual taking of a breath every second stroke cycle to taking a breath every fifth (Dicker, Lofthus, Thornton, & Brooks, 1980) or sixth (Town & Wanness, 1990) stroke cycle. As a reduction in V · E is unlikely to benefit exercise performance, it follows that an increase in V · E would be advantageous. Due to the prescribed and unchanged breathing frequency in the present study, an increase in V T was the only mechanism available for increasing V · E (Figure 2a). Indeed, our results indicate that IMT does increase V T during incremental exercise with RBF. 62 Inspiratory muscle training Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) Specifically, maximal values of V T increased by 13 ± 14% following the IMT (Figure 2b). Despite breathing with large V T , a 2 second period of an opened valve was enough for the subjects’ expiration and for deep inspiration. The obtained improvement in V T a s re su lt of t he I M T wa s le s s than the 41% reported after training with RBF (Kapus, 2008). However, it should be emphasised that increased V T was obtained without any additional exercise or RBF training in the present study.The higher V T at the post-training testing allowed the better regulation of blood gases, i.e. it induced a higher submaximal P ET O 2 anda lower submaximal P ET CO 2 in comparison with the pre-training testing (Figure 2). These measurements could indirectly show the level of O 2 a nd CO 2 in blood during rest and exercise (Williams and Babb, 1997). Previous studies demonstrated that hypercapnia and/or hypoxia in blood could be the reasons for earlier fatigue during exercise with RBF (Kapus, Ušaj, Kapus, & Štrumbelj, B., 2003; Sharp, Williams, & Bevan, 1991). Therefore, it seemed that a higher V T (via better regulation of blood gases) enabled higher peak power output during the post-training incremental exercise with RBF (Table 3). This adaptation was the reason for the higher maximal values of V · O 2 during the post-training testing in comparison with the pre-training testing (Figure 2). Considering this, it could be suggested that IMT may offer some potential benefits (via increasing V T ) for a swimmer’s ability to swim with fewer breaths and to hold their breath for longer during the underwater phases (flip turns, gliding, and underwater strokes). This could create an im- portant biomechanical advantage for a swimmer’s performance (Chatard, Collomp, Maglischo, & Maglischo, 1990; Kolmogorov & Duplisheva, 1992; Lerda, Cardelli, & Chollet, 2001; Pedersen & Kjendlie, 2006). Possible study limitations. The presented pilot study has some limitations and the results should be interpreted in the context of its design. Firstly, because the subjects were not blinded for the training intervention one may argue that this might have influenced our results. Although the subjects were naive and were not informed about the potential effect of the IMT on exercise performance with RBF, a placebo-controlled design should be used. Indeed, in most of the previ- ous studies concerning the influences of IMT the experimental group and sham-training control group were compared. Subjects were told that they were participating in a study to compare the influence of strength (like Group E in the present study, which performed IMT) versus endurance protocols (the placebo group, which also used the pressure threshold device, however, performed 60 slow protracted inhalations against minimum pressure threshold once daily for six weeks) (Inbar, Weiner, Azgad, Rotstein, & Weinstein, 2000; Kilding, Brown, & McConnell, 2010; McConnell & Sharpe, 2005; Voliantis et al., 2001). Further, increased V T during the post-training exercise with RBF could be the learning effect of the IMT. Indeed, at each training session the subjects in Group E performed several rapid inhalations in which they strove to maximise their V T . To avoid this effect, IMT should be added as an experimental group’s supplement to training with RBF which would be otherwise performed by both groups, i.e. experimental and control. Nonetheless, we find these preliminary data to be encouraging as part of the growing literature supporting the use of IMT as a supplement to regular swimming training. Future research is needed to establish the efficacy of this training in a randomised, controlled trial with the experimental design suggested above. It could be concluded that IMT increased V T during incremental exercise where breathing frequency was restricted. However, further research is needed to establish the efficacy of this training as a supplement to regular exercise training with or without RBF. Inspiratory muscle training 63 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 18, 1, 53–64 (2012) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research was supported by a grant from the Fundacija za šport, a foundation for financing sport organisations in Slovenia (RR-11-608). REFERENCES Aaron, E. A., Seow, K. C., Johnson, B. D., & Dempsey, J. A. (1992). Oxygen cost of exercise hyperpnea: Implications for performance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 72(5), 1818–1825. 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