The Classical Pb-Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps (Austria/Slovenia) Revisited: MVT Deposits Resulting From Gravity Driven Fluid Flow in the Alpine Realm Nov pogled na klasična svinčevo-cinkova rudišča v Vzhodnih Alpah (Avstrija/Slovenija) - nastanek MVT rudišč zaradi gravitacijskega toka rudonosnih raztopin na območju Alp Stefan Zeeh', Joachim Kuhlemann- & Thilo Bechstädt' 'Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Sigwartstraße 10, 72076 Tübingen, Germany Key words: lead-zinc-deposits, Triassic, ore fluid-flow, Carinthia, Slovenia Ključne besede: svinčevo-cinkova rudišča, trias, tok rudonosnih raztopin, Koro- ška, Slovenija Abstract The stratabound East Alpine lead-zinc deposits in south Austria and northeast Slovenia are hosted by platform carbonates of Triassic age. Ore textures interpreted to be synsedimentary supported the model of syngenetic/synsedimentary ore forma- tion, favored by many authors for a long time. These „synsedimentary" ore textures represent in our interpretation internal cavity infills. Ore-formation commenced after the precipitation of shallow burial carbonate cements. The deep burial diagenetic stage includes two types of saddle dolomite and three types of blocky calcite. The Zn-rich first ore-phase occurred coeval with the first generation of saddle dolomite and shows a distinct succession of different sphalerite-types which can be distinguished by petrographical and geochemical characteristics. The mineralization of sphalerite is accompanied by pyrite, galena, fluorite, and barite. The second ore-phase was Pb-dominated and appears distinctly after the preci- pitation of the first generation of saddle dolomite and before precipitation of the first generation of blocky calcite. This second ore phase contains only one type of sphalerite, which shows a characteristic yellow color in transmitted light. Sphaleri- te with the same optical characteristics and geochemical composition is also related to younger carbonate cements. Fluid inclusion studies indicate formation tempera- tures of 122 to 159 °C for saddle dolomite and sphalerite of the first ore phase. For- mation temperatures of fluorite decreases from the first to the third generation. The first generation of sphalerite and of saddle dolomite can be followed upsec- tion into Late Triassic/Early Jurassic sedimentary rocks, giving a maximum age of ore emplacement for the first phase of Pb-Zn ore. Geochemical data for the ore and the host rock indicate the origin of the metals in the crystalline basement rocks. It is suggested that fluids originating in the hin- terland to the north (Vindelician-Bohemian massif) migrated southward by gravity driven flow. These fluids leached the metals from the crystalline basement rocks GEOLOGIJA 41, 257-273 (1998), Ljubljana 1999 258_Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Introduction The Pb-Zn deposits of the Eastern Alps hosted by Mid-Triassic carbonate rocks are believed to be different from Mississippi Valley-type deposits (MVT; Sangster, 1990), and have been summarized under the term „Bleiberg type" or „Alpine type" (Mancher & Schneider, 1967; Sangster, 1976; C e r n y, 1989). This di- stinction is mainly based on the occurrence of „sedimentary" ore textures (Schulz, 1964; Mancher & Schneider, 1967), believed to indicate a synsedimentary origin of these deposits. This paper presents petrographical and geochemical data, which indicate that the „Alpine" Pb-Zn deposits are normal MVT deposits, formed by precipitation from saline hot brines during burial diagenesis. Geological setting The study area in the Drau Range is located in south Austria and northeast Slove- nia, v^here the economically important „Alpine" lead-zinc deposits, Bleiberg and Me- žica, and many other small deposits occur (Fig. 1). These stratabound lead-zinc depo- sits occur within an approximately 1500 m thick, succession of Triassic carbonate rocks (Wetterstein Formation, Raibl Group; Fig. 2). and ascended, supported by a high heat flow resulting from the onset of rifting in the Alpine realm. Ores formed within the areas of high porosity under distinct geo- chemical conditions, e.g. the presence of Triassic sulfur. Kratka vsebina Svinčevo-cinkova rudišča v južni Avstriji in severovzhodni Sloveniji nastopajo v triasnih platformskih karbonatih. Rudne teksture, ki so jih razlagali kot sinsedi- mentne, so bile osnova za model singenetsko/sinsedimentnega nastanka rude, ki so ga dolgo časa zagovarjali mnogi avtorji. Po naši interpretaciji so te „sinsedimentne" rudne teksture interna zapolnitev odprtin. Ruda je začela nastajati po izločanju diagenetskih cementov. Epigeneza vključu- je dva tipa sedlastega dolomita in tri tipe debelozrnatega kalcita. Prva faza orude- nja bogata s Zn je nastopila istočasno s prvo generacijo sedlastega dolomita in kaže jasno zaporedje različnih tipov sfalerita, ki jih lahko ločimo po petrografskih in geo- kemičnih značilnostih. Izločanje sfalerita spremljajo pirit, galenit, fluorit in barit. V drugi rudni fazi prevladuje Pb; ta faza jasno nastopa po rasti prve generacije sedlastega dolomita in pred rastjo prve generacije debelozrnatega kalcita. Ta druga rudna faza vsebuje samo en tip sfalerita, ki ima v presevni svetlobi zna- čilno rumeno barvo. Sfalerit z enakimi optičnimi lastnostmi in geokemično sestavo se pojavlja tudi z mlajšimi karbonatnimi cementi. Raziskave tekočinskih vključkov kažejo za prvo rudno fazo nastanka sedlastega dolomita in sfalerita temperaturo od 122 do 159 °C. Temperatura nastanka fluorita pada od prve proti tretji generaciji. Prvi generaciji sfalerita in sedlastega dolomita v profilu lahko sledimo v zgornje- triasne in spodnjejurske sedimentne kamnine. Spodnja jura je s tem največja starost prve Pb-Zn rudne faze. Geokemični podatki za rudo in prikamnino kažejo, da so metamorfne kamnine v podlagi izvorno področje kovin. Verjetno so rudonosne raztopine prihajale proti ju- gu iz dvignjenega severno ležečega prostora (Vindelicijsko-češki masiv) zaradi gra- vitacijskega toka. Te raztopine so izluževale kovine iz metamorfne podlage in se dvignile, podprte z vročim toplotnim tokom, ki je posledica začetka razpiranja v alpskem prostoru. Rude so nastajale v območjih z višjo poroznostjo, v specifičnih geokemičnih po- gojih, kot je na primer prisotnost triasnega žvepla. The Classical Pb/Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps_259 Fig. 1. Location of the studied area and the studied Pb-Zn deposits. The carbonate rocks of the Wetterstein Formation were deposited on carbonate platforms. The Pb-Zn ores commonly occur in the so called „Bleiberg facies", which occurs at a distance of some hundreds of meters from a reefal facies and represents a cyclically exposed paleotopographic high within a lagoonal/tidal flat area (Z e e h & Bechstädt, 1994). The characteristic sediments and structures of the Bleiberg fa- cies formed during emersions. They consist of greenish marls (soil products), sedi- mentary breccias with black pebbles, calcretes, and beds with microkarst porosity (Bechstädt, 1975a; Bechstädt & Döhler-Hirner, 1983; Zeeh, 1994). They represent lithostratigraphic markers within the 60 m thick Bleiberg facies that facilitate exploration (Holler, 1936; Gern y, 1989). Sphalerite and galena are the main ore-components. Fluorite, barite, pyrite and blue colored anhydrite are the ma- in accessory minerals (S c h r o 11, 1984). Ore bodies also occur in stock-shaped dolomite breccias separated by faults from the Bleiberg facies. These breccias contain Zn-rich ores as networks and coarse mas- ses of ore with a metal content of up to 40 % Zn and Pb (C e r n y, 1991). 260_Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Fig. 2. Occurrence of the studied lead-zinc deposits within the Triassic sediments of the Drau Range. Ore occurrences within other fades of the Wetterstein Formation are rare. Reefal rocks contain Pb-Zn ores at Mežica (Struci, 1984), carbonate rocks of a lagoonal fa- cias contain Pb-Zn ores at Jauken, and carbonate rocks of a lagoonal to tidal flat fad- es contain Pb-Zn ores at Radnig. The carbonate rocks of the Raibl Group also can host ore bodies, but only on top of the paleotopographic highs of the Wetterstein formation. The Classical Pb/Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps_261 Methods Pétrographie analysis was done on polished thin sections. Cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy was performed using a Technosyn 8200 Mk II cold cathode instru- ment employing a beam voltage of 15 kV and a current of about 550 ??. Sulfur isotopie analysis were performed on sphalerite, galena, pyrite, barite, and anhydrite at the Institute Jožef Stefan Ljubljana (Slovenia). Analytical precision was better than 0.2 %o. Cold techniques were used for preparation of fluid inclusion samples to prevent overheating and reequilibration of the inclusions. Only a very small percentage of the samples actually contain fluid inclusions, which are also relatively small (<5 to 30 )im). Fluid inclusions within the various carbonate cements were studied with a Lin- kam heating/cooling stage. Measurements of homogenization temperature to liquid were made before freezing runs. i Carbonate cements Carbonate cementation of near surface to shallow burial diagenesis depends on the paleotopography of the Wetterstein platforms (Zeeh et al., 1995). Some parts were always flooded by marine waters while other parts, e.g. Bleiberg facies, became cyclically emerged and were influenced by meteoric fluids. Therefore, the Bleiberg facies contains cements of meteoric and marine regimes (Bechstädt, 1975a; Zeeh et al., 1995), such as dripstone cements, radiaxial-fibrous calcites, and dog- tooth cements. The changing diagenetic conditions within the Bleiberg facies favor the develo- pment of several dolomite-types (Henrich & Zanki, 1986). The shallow burial diagenesis terminated with the precipitation of an idiomorphic pore filling dolomite, which has also replaced the host rock. Carbonate cementation of these near surface to shallow burial diagenetic stages was very limited in the carbonate rocks of the Raibl Group and only some fibrous calcites can be distinguished. Deeper burial cementation (Fig. 3) began with a first generation of saddle dolomi- te, represented by relatively small crystals, appearing clear in transmitted light and called „clear saddle dolomite" (CSD). The following „zoned blocky calcite" (ZBC) shows a zonation from non luminescing to red, orange, yellow and orange zones un- der CL. Dedolomitization of the earlier CSD is associated with the occurrence ZBC. „Cloudy saddle dolomite" (CLOSD) consists of relatively large crystals with a mostly cloudy appearance in thin sections. The subsequent two generations of blocky calcite cements show crystal sizes up to several mm. Corrosion of earlier cements and no lu- minescence or dull red/brown luminescence is typical for „post-corrosion blocky cal- cite" (PCBC). „Uniform blocky calcite" (UBC) shows a uniform red or orange color under CL. These carbonate cements of deep burial diagenesis are followed by non lumine- scing blocky calcites, which contain brightly luminescing subzones. Smithsonite ap- pears in fractures and other secondary pore types and replaces the carbonate host rock. These carbonate cements are interpreted to be formed after uplift of the host rock under telogenetic/meteoric conditions (Kuhlemann et al., 1993). Formation of secondary porosity was active during all stages of diagenesis. Micro- karst porosity formed when the Bleiberg facies was emergent and carbonate rock was 262_Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Fig. 3. Relative succession of ore mineralization within the sequence of deep burial carbonate cements. leached before precipitation of late diagenetic blocky calcites. The cavities v^ere fil- led v^ith carbonate cements and with two types of internal sediments. The first type of internal sediment, which is associated with the carbonate cements of near surface The Classical Pb/Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps_263 to shallow burial diagenesis, formed when material of the sedimentation surface in- filtrated the cavities. The second type of internal sediment is intercalated between the carbonate cements of deep burial diagenesis. These internal sediments are either micritic and mostly dolomitized or coarse crystalline and consists of crystal relics of former cements. Ore structures The Pb-Zn ores are arranged concordant or discordant to the bedding of the host rock. Concordant ore structures include single beds replaced by ore and occurrence of channel-like cavities arranged subparallel to the bedding filled with Pb-Zn ores and carbonate cements (Fig. 4a). Finely laminated units up to 50 cm thick and consisting of alternating layers of sphalerite and carbonate mud or cement commonly occur on the bottom of these „Channels" (Fig. 4a). These laminated units sometimes show sedi- Fig. 4a. Channel-like cavity arranged subparallel to the bedding and filled with galena, sphale- rite and pyrite. Note the discordant contact of the orebody to the surrounding rock, indicating ore precipitation within cavities. The so called „ore rhythmites" occur below the massive Pb-Zn ore in small cavities (arrows). Konradi orebody, Bleiberg. Fig. 4b. Ore breccia with ore fragments (sphalerite) and a saddle dolomite matrix. Scale bar = 0.4 cm. Fig. 4c. Ore breccia with limestone fragments and a matrix consisting of galena. Fissures filled with galena crosscut the fragments and older fissures filled with saddle dolomite. Scale bar = 0.4 cm. Fig. 4d. „Small" sphalerite is postdated (arrow) and predated by clear saddle dolomite. Scale bar - 0.3 mm. 264_Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Carbonate cements and lead-zinc ores The different generations of carbonate cements enable relative dating of ore mine- rals by pore filling successions and/or crosscutting relationships. All carbonate ce- ments of near surface and shallow burial diagenesis predate the lead-zinc ores (spha- lerite, galena) and their accompanying minerals (fluorite, barite, „blue anhydrite"), with the exception of some synsedimentary or early diagenetic formed pyrite, an- hydrite („grey anhydrite") and barite (cf. Schulz, 1968; Schroll & Wede- pohl, 1972). A first phase of Pb-Zn precipitation is closely linked to the formation of CSD, which predates and postdates sphalerite (Fig. 4d). Galena, fluorite and baryite are the accompanying minerals. The interfingering between ore mineralization and for- mation of CSD is also indicated by a close relation between the occurrence of Pb-Zn ores and the mineralogy of the host-rock. Most ores are associated with coarse cry- stalline dolomites, which formed as a replacement of limestone by CSD. This depen- dency can be observed in many ore deposits (e.g. Jauken) and was in general already shown by C e r n y (1989). The first phase of ore precipitation is enriched in sphalerite and relatively poor in galena, while the second phase, which occurs distinctly after the precipitation of CSD and before ZBC, is rich in galena and poor in sphalerite. Pyrite, fluorite and barite are also accompanying minerals. The relationship of the ore minerals to CSD is illustrated by an ore breccia from the Graben area in Mežica (Fig. 4c), which consists of limestone and dolomite clasts containing a small amount of sphalerite. Fractures filled with CSD crosscut the clasts and the sphalerite, but not the galena-matrix. These fractures are crosscut by fractures filled with galena. Both ore phases are economically important. The late precipitation of sphalerite and fluorite after CLOSD and before PCBC and of sphalerite after PCBC and before UBC is rare and uneconomic. Blue colored anhydrite follows UBC and is followed by oxidized minerals (e.g. smithsonite, cerussite). mentary structures such as slumping or graded bedding and have been called „ore rhythmites" (Schneider, 1964; Schulz, 1964; Struci, 1984). Only discordant ore structures are economic. They include fractures/veins filled with lead-zinc ore and gangue minerals, which are fluorite, barite, and late diagene- tic carbonate cements. Even more important are two types of ore breccias: 1) The clasts are ore-bearing (mostly sphalerite), the matrix consists of relatively coarse grained carbonate mud or clay similar to shale of the Raibl Group. Fractures filled with CSD crosscut the clasts, but do not crosscut the matrix. The matrix of other breccias with ore-bearing clasts consists of CSD (Fig. 4b) and/or younger car- bonate cements. The clasts can be completely replaced by CSD, resulting in coarse crystalline dolomite breccias, which are typical for the stock-shaped dolomite brecci- as in the Bleiberg deposit. Clasts contain small solution cavities (Fig. 4d), in which the succession CSD - small sphalerite (see below) - CSD is present. 2) The matrix is ore and the clasts are mostly unmineralized (Fig. 4c). Fractures filled with CSD crosscut the clasts, but not the ore-matrix. This breccia-type with galena matrix is typical for ore breccias from Mežica („Graben" district). The Classical Pb/Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps_265 Petrography and trace element content of the sphalerite In hand specimens and in thin sections (transmitted light) sphalerite displays a va- riety of colors from yellow, green, red, violet, to brown without any distinct successi- on. Employing CL a distinct succession of sphalerite-types can be observed (K u h - 1 e m a n n et al., 1993; Kuhlemann & Zeeh, 1996). The first type of sphalerite crystals is small (20 to 40 fim) referred to as „small" sphalerite. This type luminesces similarly to the host rock or the gangue carbonate: dull, yellow or red. The following four types, which are called „light blue", „orange-red", „dark blue", and „brown" are characterized by their luminescence. The position of colloform sphalerite coinci- des with the light blue-type; light blue luminescing crystals occur in the center of colloform sphalerite as well as postdate it. Formation of these types of sphalerite is closely related to the precipitation of CSD, which predates and postdates all sphalerite-types mentioned above. All later formed sphalerite shows no luminescence and has a uniform yellow color in tran- smitted light. Geochemical analysis of trace elements by ICP-MS in the different sphalerite- types exhibit a characteristic distribution of Ag, As, Fe, TI, Ge, Cd, and Cu, which support the optical discrimination based on their CL. These geochemical data were corroborated by electron-microprobe and proton-microprobe analysis (Kuhle- m a n n and Zeeh, 1996). The small sphalerite-type is distinguished from other types by its relatively high Cu-, As-, Cd-, TI- and Ge- contents and low Ag-contents. Colloform sphalerite conta- ins the highest concentrations of Fe, As, Tl, and Ge, while both blue luminescing types of sphalerite are relatively poor in trace elements. The orange-red-type, which is in- tercalated between these two blue luminescing types, has the highest contents of Cu, Fig. 5. Trace element (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ge, and TI) content of sphalerite grains, measured by ICP-MS. 266 ___Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Ag, and Cd. The brown-type is relatively enriched in Fe, Cd, Tl, and Ge, while the yel- low-type shows mean values for As, Cd, Fe, Ge, and TI and a depletion in Ag and Cu. The distribution of trace elements in the sphalerite-type succession (Fig. 5) shows an increase of the Ag-content from small to orange-red followed by a decrease. Cu-va- lues are relatively low at the beginning and at the end of the succession with a strong maximum in the orange-red-type, while As, Ge and Tl reveal the opposite trend. The Fe- and Cd-contents of the sphalerite succession do not show a distinct trend. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies Fluid inclusion (FI) data are available from late diagenetic carbonate cements, flu- orites, and brown sphalerite (Table 1). Fis from other sphalerite-types are too small for measurements. Fis in CSD, which was formed before small sphalerite (cf. Table 1, sample no. 90J10), show homogenization temperatures (?^) of 83 to 109 °C and a sali- nity of the fluid of 15 to 16 wt% equivalent NaCl. Fis in sphalerite-type brown from the same sample have ?^ of 92 to 129 °C and the final melting temperatures of ice Tm indicate a salinity of 8 to 12 wt% equivalent NaCl. Fis in CSD formed after brown sphalerite show ?^ of 77 to 89 °C. Freezing temperatures could not be measured, be- cause of the small FI size. Another sample of CSD with unknown relationship to Pb- Zn ores reveals ?^ of 90 to 101 °C. The final melting temperatures of ice indicate a fluid salinity of 16 to 19 wt% equivalent NaCl. Table 1. Fluid inclusion data of CSD, fluorite, and sphalerite. FI in fluorite of the first mineralization phase, precipitated after brown sphalerite, reveal Th between 170 and 195 °C and a salinity of the fluid of 18 to 21 wt% equiva- lent NaCl. FI data of fluorite from the second mineralization phase show lower T^i of 120 to 142 °C and a salinity of 22 to 25 wt% equivalent NaCl. FI from three samples of the third fluorite generation show the lowest ?^ of 76 to 120 °C with a salinity of the fluid between 6 and 10 wt% equivalent NaCl. The first melting of ice (Tfj^) occurred in CSD at temperatures of -52 to -51 °C. Si- milar values were measured for the second generation of fluorite. The first and the third generation show values between -47 and -20 °C. The stable isotope data of the deep burial carbonate cements show a general de- crease in the '^O and '^C content from CSD to CLOSD and from ZBC to UBC (Zeeh et al., 1995). ?'^0 values of CSD are between -9.8 and -5.5 %o PDB and ?^^? values are between +1.9 and +3.8 %o PDB. Smithsonite and blocky calcite are distinctly different and show negative ?''? values (K u h 1 e m a n n, 1995). The Classical Pb/Zn Deposits of the Eastern Alps_267 Lead and sulfur isotopes Sulfur-isotope studies by S c h r o 11 & W e d e p o h 1 (1972) and S c h r o 11 et al. (1983) show a broad range of mostly negative ?''^5 values for the sulfides and positive values for the sulfates. Our own sulfur isotope data corroborate these values, but show other features in detail (Kuhlemann, 1995). The ô'^S of different sphalerite types from the same sample decreases with decreasing age of the sphalerite. For example, sphalerite-type red and sphalerite-type dark blue from the same sample of Obir area have a Ô'*S of -10.07 %o CD and of -12.99 %o CD, respectively One sample from Mežica also shows a decrease of ô^"'S in the sphalerite-type succession light blue (-13.22 %o CD), dark blue ( -13.98 %o CD) and yellow (-14.89 %o CD). This trend to- wards more negative values is not present in the succession of sphalerite types, consi- dering all sulfur isotope data of sphalerite. Lead-isotope studies by Koppel & Schroll (1988) show a different isotopie composition of ore-lead and trace-lead of the host rock. The ore lead has homogeneo- us isotopie compositions, but the trace lead of the host rock has varying isotopie com- positions. Discussion Ore structures The channel-like cavities were interpreted as channels on the sea-floor (Schnei- der, 1964;Schulz, 1964) and used as a proof of the synsedimentary origin of the East Alpine Pb-Zn ores. S i e g 1 (1956) showed that the channels do not represent structures formed on the sea-floor, but instead are formed after lithification and bu- rial of the host rock. This is indicated by the irregularity of the cavity-roofs (Fig. 4a) and the occurrence of clasts from the hanging wall within these cavities. The laminated units on the bottom of the channel-like cavities were interpreted as another indication of a synsedimentary origin of the ores. The graded bedding and Stratigraphie occurrence of Pb-Zn ores and carbonate cements Although the Carnian carbonate rocks of the Wetterstein Formation and the Raibl Group are the main ore-bearing strata, there are a few ore occurrences in rocks un- derlying and overlying these strata. The Pb-Zn deposit of Topla (Struci, 1974) is situated in Anisian carbonate rocks. These ores are somewhat different in their petro- graphy and their geochemical composition to the Pb-Zn deposits described above and are not further discussed here. Some sphalerite crystals can also be found in car- bonate rocks of Norian age. These sphalerites occur in fissures and show the same dark blue luminescence as observed in deposits hosted by Carnian rocks. Fluorite is also found in fissures crosscutting carbonate rocks of Rhaetian age. Studies on the distribution of the above mentioned deep burial carbonate cements show that CSD can be traced in fissures of sedimentary rocks from Anisian up to Early Liassic in age (Walter et al., 1994; Kuhlemann, 1995). CSD is also pre- sent in components of Early Jurassic conglomerates, but not in the matrix (Zeeh 1997). All other carbonate cements also occur in sedimentary rocks of Anisian to Mi- ocene in age (W a 11 e r et al., 1994, Zeeh et al. 1997, Zeeh 1997). 268_Stefan Zeeh, Joachim Kuhlemann & Thilo Bechstädt Source rock for Pb and Zn Isotopie similarity between feldspar-lead from the crystalline basement and ore- lead indicates a derivation of the metals from Paleozoic metasediments, with a possi- ble minor amount of lead from Permian sandstones and Triassic volcanic rocks (Koppel &Schroll, 1988). Feldspars as the main source of lead might be fur- ther corroborated by the presence of barite and the high thallium content of ore mi- nerals (Koppel &Schroll, 1988). In addition, Lower Paleozoic metasediments have in some parts high arsenic concentrations, which is one of the important trace element in the sphalerite (Koppel & Schroll, 1988). Therefore, the Paleozoic basement rocks seem to be the main source of Pb and Zn and trace elements of the sphalerite. Time of ore formation The stratigraphie distribution of CSD and sphalerite indicates a syn to post Late Triassic (Rhaetian) time of ore emplacement. Furthermore, CSD is present in compo- nents of Early Jurassic conglomerates, but not in the matrix (Zeeh, 1997), indicating that CSD and the related Pb-Zn ores were formed before or during Early Jurassic time. slumping structures should be formed by transport processes on the sea-floor (Schneider, 1964; Schulz, 1964; Struci, 1984), but internal sediments can also show lamination, slumping and graded bedding and these structures cannot be used as a proof of an origin on the sea-floor Furthermore, internal sediments were formed at different times as shown by the relation to carbonate cements. However, the time of formation of the channel-like cavities and the ore-rhythmites is questio- nable. They could be formed during the synsedimentary karstification of the Bleiberg facies or during late diagenesis by aggressive fluids leaching carbonate rock in relati- on to the ore forming processes. The economically important stock-shaped breccia bodies were interpreted to re- present other paleotopographic highs (Bechstädt, 1975b; C e r n y, 1989), which were subaerially exposed most of the time, deeply karstified and brecciated. These breccias were later replaced by CSD. The formation of sphalerite in these stock-sha- ped dolomite breccias is closely linked to the formation of CSD as indicated by the succession CSD -small sphalerite - CSD in solution cavities. Breccias with a matrix similar the Raibl shales have also been interpreted as indi- cative of a synsedimentary emplacement of the ores, because they are thought to be formed along fault scarps during sedimentation of the Raibl Group carbonates (Cerny, 1989). A strong arguement against a synsedimentary origin is the occur- rence of CSD within fractures, which crosscut the clast but not the matrix, indicating that brecciation occurred after formation of CSD in fractures. The second type of ore breccias with an ore-matrix is dinstinctly formed after for- mation of CSD, as indicated by the crosscutting relationships of fractures filled with galena and CSD. These examples and the observed relationship between Pb-Zn ores and gangue mi- nerals show that a first emplacement of Zn-rich ores with a distinct succession of sphalerite types is closely linked with the formation of CSD. The second phase after the precipitation of CSD is Pb-rich.