ŠTRAJK KONTROLORJEV ŠE TRAJA; BELA HIŠA JiH ODPUSTILA IZ SLUŽBE Iz Clevelanda in okolice Francija odpoklicala svojega vedeposlanika h Irana; zdaj Reza H. PARIZ, Fr.; TEHERAN, Iran. — V dneh od bega v Francijo bivšega iranskega predsednika Abolhasana Ba-nija Sadra, je postal položaj francoskih državljanov, živečih v Iranu, nevaren. Pred francoskim veleposlaništvom v Teheranu so demonstracije na dnevnem redu, prav tako v drugih iranskih mestih. Demonstranti zahtevajo med drugim smrt francoskega predsednika Francoisa Mit-teranda. Kot kaže, utegnejo priti razmere med Iranom in Francijo v isti položaj, kot so bile lani in predlanskem med Iranu in ZDA, ko so Iranci zasedli ameriško poslaništvo in ugrabili talce, pri tem pa zahtevali izročitev šaha Pahlavija Iranu. Sedaj zahtevajo Iranci od Francije izročitev bivšega predsednika Banija-Sadra. Včeraj so Iranci preprečili odhod posebnega letala, na katerem naj bi zapustilo Iran okrog 62 francoskih državljanov. Politična anarhija v Iranu se nadaljuje. Atentatorji so ubili člana parlamenta in vodilnega ideologa vodilne Muslimanske republikanske stranke Hassana Ajata. Vlada pa je usmrtila več nasprotnikov. V zadnjih mesecih je menda bilo najmanj 300 u-smrtitev nasprotnikov, ki jih je uradno priznala iranska vlada. Reza II., sin pok. šaha Reze Pahlavija, ki živi v Kairu in deluje zoper iranski režim, je dejal, da vodi priprave za nekakšno “narodno vstajo”, katere cilj je strmoglaviti režim ajatole Homeinija. Reza II. je star 20 let. Ni znano, ali ima kaj vpliva med Iranci, ki nasprotujejo sedanjemu režimu. ------o----- Zdravniki zadovoljni s papeževim stanjem po uspešni operaciji RIM, It. — V sredo so zdravniki v bolnišnici Geme-Hi, ponovno 'operirali papeža Janeza Pavla II. Menijo, da je operacija, ki je trajala 45 minut, popolnoma uspela, da je papež prestal kirurški poseg zelo dobro, ter da je pričakovati njegovo popolno o-krevanje. Ako bo vse potekalo normalno, bo Janez Pavel II. zapustil bolnišnico v kakih 10 dneh, potem ostal v svoji poletni rezidenci v Castel Gan-dolfo, južno od Rima. dva meseca. Z naj novejšo in zadnjo o-peracijo so zdravniki popravili rane, ki jih je papež trpel vse od glavne operacije na črevesju, izvršene nekaj ur Po atentatu dne 13. maja letos. Ko je prišel k zavesti po operaciji, poročajo iz bolniš-oice, je bil Janez Pavel II. zelo dobro razpoložen. Ako ne bo prišlo do nobenih komplikacij, bo papež v dokaj normalnem zdravstvenem stanju že sredi oktobra letos. ------o----- če še niste naročnik Ameriške Domovine, postanite še danes! Novi grobovi Josephine Barbo Sinoči je v Mt. Sinai bolnišnici preminula Josephine Barbo, ki je živela na Brush Rd. na Richmond Hts., rojena C us vdova po pok. možu Josephu. Pogreb bo v oskrbi Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 Sc, Čas pogreba ob tem poročanju še ni določen. Frank J. Butala Umrl je Frank J. Butala, mož Mary, roj. Potochar, brat Mae Brandt (FIa.) in pok. Ralpha, večkrat stric in pra-stric. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v soboto, ob 9.15 dopoldne, v cerkev sv. Krka ob 10. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes od 2. do 4’. popoldne in od 7. do 9. zvečer. John Tomcic V Richmond Hts. bolnišnici je po dolgi bolezni umrl 85 let stari John Tomcic z 22544 Ivan Ave., rojen v Obrovu, Slovenija, od koder je prišel v ZDA leta 1913, mož Jennie, roj. Skocaj, stric Josepha in Anne Marie Skocaj ter več drugih, živečih v raznih krajih ZDA, zaposlen kot stroj m ključavničar pri Royal Brass Co. skozi 40 let, vse do svoje upokoj'tve leta 1973. član The Maccabees. Pogreb je bil iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St. v sredo, na Lakeview pokopališče. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu Za ostarele na Neff Rd. -----o----- VREME Spremenljivo oblačno in soparno danes z možnostjo krajevnih neviht v popoldanskem in večernem času. Naj-višja temperatura okoli 80 F. Slično vreme jutri, a nekaj hladnejše. Najvišja temperatura okoli 77 F. V nedeljo pretežno sončno in prijetno z naj višjo temperaturo okoli 73 F. -----o------ žrtvujmo se za svoj tisk, ohranimo n a Š slovenski list Ameriško Domovino! * v II. Zborovanje sploh ni moglo v začetku izvoliti novega vodstva, ker je prišlo do spopadov zaradi javnega ali tajnega glasovanja. Končno so zmagali pristaši tajnega glasovanja — prvič v zgodovini stranke. Potem so delegati še potrdili izgon iz stranke bivšega glavnega tajnika Giere-ka. Nato so volili člane centralnega komiteja. Ta šteje 200 članov in le malo teh je bilo v prejšnjem centralnem forumu: torej, popolna sprememba in obnovitev. Iz centralnega političnega biroja so izpadle osebnosti kot Tadej G r a b s k i, najvidnejši predstavnik konservat ivnega (prosovjetskega) dela stranke, in tudi Tadej Fiszbach, najliberalnejši strankin voditelj. Zmagali so umirjeni, in do take mere, da sta glavna kandidata za vodstvo stranke, Transportni delavci končali demonstracijo v središču Varšave VARŠAVA, Polj. — Transportni delavci, ki so celih 59 ur blokirali glavne ceste v mestnem središču, s tem pa onemogočili promet, so končali s svojo za komunistično državo nenavadno demonstracijo. Med demonstranti in policisti ni bilo opaziti posebne napetosti, tudi do kakega neljubega incidenta ni prišlo. Poleg demonstrantov je bilo več radovednežev, v podporo demonstrantom so bili posamezniki, ki so jim prinašali hrano in pijačo, nastopili so tudi znani popevkarji in druge znane osebe iz vrst zabavne glasbe na Poljskem, tako, da je bilo vzdušje kar festivalno. V teku so pogajanja med predstavniki Solidarnosti in vlade. Delavci pa napovedujejo nadaljevanje mirnih demonstracij in o p o z o r ilnih štrajkov. V vodstvu Solidarnosti se ogrevajo za temeljite spremembe v poljskem gospodarskem sistemu, posebno v smeri večjega vpliva prostega trga in večje samostojnosti posameznih tovarn. Dejansko gre za sistem, sličen tistemu v SFRJ, vendar tega ne priznavajo odkrito. V vladi in partijskem vodstvu so tudi pripravljeni pristati na obsežne spremembe, očitno se pa bojijo reakcije sovjetskih voditeljev, ako bi se na Poljskem preusmerili na sistem samoupravljanja jugoslovanske vrste. Zahodnonemška revija Der Spiegel je objavila poročilo, v katerem pravi, da je prišlo do štrajkov v nekaterih vzhodnonemških tovarnah, v katerih se delavci sklicujejo na poljske razmere. Neznani oporečniki menda tudi trosijo letake po ulicah v več mestih, v katerih pozivajo delavce, naj v Vzhodni Nemčiji začnejo z aktivnostmi, sličnimi tistim, ki jih podvzemajo delavci na Poljskem. Vzhodnonemški predstavniki so demantirali trditve revije Dor Spiegel in rekli, da so iz trte izvite. ki sta dobesedno pobrala glasove delegatov, bila oba z u-mirj enega dela stranke. Volitev glavnega tajnika stranke je izpadla takole. Stanislav Kania je pobral 1311 glasov, Kazimir Barcikowski 568 glasov, drugi delegati pa skupno 60 glasov. Še pred vo-litvijo sta se umaknila tako konservativec Olszowski kot liberalec Rakowski — morda iz strahu pred porazom. Kania je obljubil nadaljevanje umirjenih reform. Zanj je ta trenutek trenutek zmage. Sedaj se začenja težko delo. Vsakdanji boj, cene, dolgovi (Poljska je zadolžena v višini 35 milijard dolarjev), zahteve in stavke. Od tega bo v veliki meri odvisno, ali bo razvoj, ki se je začel pod o-kriljem liberalizacije, mogel nadaljevati v tem vsekakor zanimivem poljskem, poskusu. ... . WASHINGTON, D. C. — V ponedeljek je začelo štrajka-ti okoli 13,000 kontrolorjev, ki nadzorujejo polete civilnega letalstva v ZDA. Vsi so u-službenci zvezne vlade, zvezni zakon pa trdi, da nimajo pravice štrajkati. Vsak kontrolor je ob nastopu službe podpisal izjavo, po kateri se je uradno obvezal, da ne bo štrajkal. Ker te obljube kontrolorji niso držali, in so tudi kršili zakon, je predsednik Ronald R e a g an mnenja, da so vsi štrajkajoči kontrolorji sami odpovedali službo. Zvezna vlada je že začela s postopkom, po katerem bodo vsi kontrolorji, ki sodelujejo v štrajku, odpuščeni iz Obsežni gozdni požari v črni gori ogrožajo vasi in obalna mesta BEOGRAD, SFRJ. — V Črni gori in sosednjih krajih SFRJ traja že dalj časa najhujši vročinski yt„’ v zadnjih 35 letih,Te-ta je povezan s sušo, ki pa traja od maja letos. V nekaterih občinah Črne gore ni deževalo vše od 11. maja. V zadnjih dneh je izbruhnilo več gozdnih požarov, ki jim gasilci in prostovoljci ter vojaki sploh niso kos. Tiskovna agencija Tanjug poroča, da sov tej gorati republiki zabeležili več kot 20 gozdnih požarov in da nekateri ogrožajo vasi in obalna mesta. Pred obalno vasjo Bučini, blizu Kotora, so bili plameni visoki nad 20 metrov, tako, da so vas evakuirali. Požari so uničili oz. pretrgali električne daljnovode in so nekateri kraji Črne gore brez e-lektrike. Dnevna temperatura v prizadetih krajih se povzpne tudi do 100 stopinj F, piha še močna, vroča burja, ki razširja plamene ter preprečuje u-činkovito gašenje. O človeških žrtvah zaenkrat ne poročajo. Še vedno v bolnišnici vsled trdovratne bolezni, je papež Janez Pavel II. vendar že imenoval naslednika umrlega kardinala Višinskega. Po globokem premisleku, ki ga težka poljska situacija zahteva, se je papež odločil, da postavi na mesto poljskega prima-sa 52-letnega škofa Jožefa Glempa, dosedanjega pastirja škofije Warmia. Kot v primeru sedanjega papeža, je duhovniški poklic škofa Glempa prišel do izraza med vojno, ko je pod nacistično okupacijo delal v tovarnah in čutil s trpečim poljskim narodom. Pred kratkim je izjavil, da je tako prišel do zaključka, da sta ljubezen do domovine in ljubezen do verskih in narodnih tradicij neločljivi. Posvečen je bil v duhovnika 1. 1956 v starosti 27 let. službe. Stališče predsednika je tudi, da ko bodo štrajkajoči uslužbenci odpuščeni iz službe, jih zvezna vlada ne bo vzela nazaj v službo po končanem štrajku. Razni sodniki so že izrekli denarne kazni uniji, ki pred-. s.tavlja kontrolorje, ter nekaterim voditeljem unije. Nekaj teh voditeljev je že v zaporu oz. jih čaka aretacija, ker ne spoštujejo pravnomočnih določil sodišč. Kljub vsem tem ukrepom, kontrolorji nadaljujejo s štrajkom in trdijo, da so še vedno zelo enotni. Zvezna vlada bo v kratkem začela z usposabljanjem novih kontrolorjev, ta proces pa utegne vzeti tudi dve leti. Letalske družbe poročajo, da so odpovedale nekatere polete svojih letal, da pa promet poteka dokaj dobro in da je veliko prostih sedežev na razpolago potnikom. Kot kaže, so nekateri potniki v skrbeh, nad varnostjo poletov, vendar doslej ni bilo nobenih nezgod v zvezi s štrajkom. Kontrolorji zahtevajo povi-šanje svojih plač od sedanjih povprečnih $33,000 na leto na $43,000 ter delovni teden, ki naj bi trajal samo 32 ur. Zahtevajo tudi druge ugodnosti, posebno v zvezi s pokojnino. - —o——— V Španiji ogorčenost nad obiskom Charlesa in žene na Gibraltarju MADRID, Šp. — Madridski časopisi izražajo ogorčenost nad odločitvijo angleškega prestolonaslednika princa Charlesa, da bosta on in žena-preživela medene tedne na Gibraltarju. Nekateri celo trdijo, da gre za provokacijo. Ako je kralj Juan Carlos kralj Španije, potem je tudi kralj Gibraltarja, je pisal časopis ABC. Španski kralj se ni udeležil poroke princa Charlesa z damo Diano Spencer prav zaradi tega, ker sta se nameravala mlada Angleža muditi nekaj časa na Gibraltarju. Študiral je tudi na Gregoria-ni v Rimu in bil dolga leta najožji sodelavec kardinala Višinskega. Leta 1979 ga je novoizvoljeni papež Janez Pavel H. posvetil v škofa in mu določil za delo škofijo Warmia, katero sedaj zapušča za varšavsko nadškofijo. Msgr. Jožef Glemp je po mnenju opazovalcev ena najprimernejših oseb za težko mesto poljskega p r i m a s a . Zveze, ljubezen in poznanje z delavstvom se pri njem spajata z velikim čutom potrpežljivosti in razumevanja do mnenj drugega. Njegovo imenovanje je bilo sprejeto z veseljem v trenutku, ko se porajajo na Poljskem nove socialne napetosti, nove stavke, in ko se režimska RP izživlja na kongresu, ki naj določi Poljski nove poti. S. S. Romarjem v Lemont— Vsi, ki potujejo z Zvezo oltarnih društev v Lemont jutri, v soboto, 8. avgusta, naj se pravočasno zberejo in sicer; pri Sv. Kristini na E. 222 St. in Miller Ave. ob 6. uri zjutraj; pri cerkvi Marije Vne-bovzete na Holmes Ave. ob 6.15; pri Sv. Vidu na St. Clair Ave. in E. 62 St. ob 6.30. Točno ob 7. uri zjutraj se bodo skupaj odpeljali s tremi avtobusi proti Lemontu. Slovenski športni klub— Ne pozabite na Superteam tekmovanje, ki ga organizirajo člani Slovenskega športnega kluba in ki bo na Slovenski pristavi v nedeljo, 9. avgusta. Članek na 2. str. Škof Anthony Pilla pri Sv. Lovrencu— V nedeljo, 9. avgusta, bo sodeloval pri sv. maši ob 9.30 dopoldne novi clevelandski škof Anthony Pilla. Letos obhajajo pri Sv. Lovrencu 80. obletnico ustanovitve fare. Župnik pri Sv. Lovrencu je č.g. Anthony Rebol. Ohio KSKJ dan— Ohijska KSKJ društva organizirajo KSKJ dan in piknik, ki bo v nedeljo, 9. avgusta, na farmi Sv. Jožefa na White Rd. na Willoughby Hills. Začetek ob 1. popoldne. Piknik Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu— V nedeljo, 16. avgusta, ima Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu svoj vsakoletni piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Obed bodo začeli servirati ob 12. uri opoldne. Pridite in podprite to prepotrebno slovensko ustanovo! Važna seja— Podružnica št. 47 Slovenske ženske zveze na Garfield Hts. ima važno sejo v nedeljo, 9. avgusta, ob L popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Stanley Ave. Članice se pripravljajo na 50. obletnico obstoja svoje podružnice in bodo na seji razpravljale o ustreznem praznovanju te obletnice. Vse članice so vljudno naprošene, da se seje udeleže. Čestitke— Tom Štepec z Richmond Hts., Ohio je prejel obvestilo iz Columbusa, da je uspesno naredil izpit za Certified Public Accountant. Tom ie sin g. Toneta in ge. Martine Štepec. Čestitke! Avtobus že zaseden— Avtobus, ki bo peljal udeležence letošnjega Baragovega dne v Marquette, Mich., je že zaseden, drugega pa ne nameravajo naročiti. Ako želite, da je vaše ime vključeno v seznam tistih, ki čakajo na morebitno prosto mesto, pokličite rev. Victorja Tomca na tel. 761-7740. , Imenovanje— Clevelandski župan George V. Voinovich je imenoval 56 let starega Ernesta Cedronija za komišenerja mestnega vodovoda. Voinovich je rekel na tiskovni konferenci, da so iskali kvalificiranega komišenerja kar 10 mesecev in da niso našli nobenega v Velikem Clevelandu, ki bi bil kos tej službi. Ernest Cedroni je imel isto službo v mestu Detroitu. G. Luka Kuhar umrl— Včeraj zvečer je umrl znani g. Luka Kuhar. Več let je bil raznašalec Ameriške Domovine. Pogreb bo iz Zakraj-škovega pogrebnega zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. Cas pogreba bo določen šele danes popoldne ali zvečer. Kdo je našel?— Preteklo soboto zvečer se je na Megličev! ohceti v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. izgubila zelena jopica brez rokavov. Najditelj je naprošen, da pokliče Ameriško Domovino na tel. št. 431-0628. Prodaja peciva— Članice Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete bodo prodajale pecivo v soboto in nedeljo, 15. in 16. avgusta. V soboto bodo prodajale od 1. popoldne naprej, v nedeljo pa po vsaki sv. maši in na farnem žegnanju, ki bo tisto nedeljo. Prosijo za domače pecivo. Za radijsko postajo— G. Joe Grčar, Maplevievv Lane na Willoughby Hills, je daroval $500 novi radijski postaji WAMK-FM, G. Grčar je lastnik G & J Construction. G. Jože Lah, lastnik postaje, bo poslal ček odvetniku Thomasu Schattenfieldu v Washingtonu, D C. kot delno plačilo za pravne stroške v zvezi z novo radijsko postajo. G. Lah se javno zahvaljuje g. Grčarju za darilo. SŠZ št. 25— V sredo, 12. avgusta, ob 1.30 popoldne priredijo članice Podružnice št. 25 SŽZ svoje “B” igre v družabni sobi svetovidskega avditorija, diskovnemu skladu— Univ. prof. dr. Jože Velikonja. Bellevue. WTash. je daroval $12 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Anna M. Zak, Euclid, Ohio je pa darovala $10 našemu slovenskemu listu. Obema darovalcema iskrena hvala! -----o------ Zadnje vesti • Akron, O. — Včeraj dopoldne je na posledicah srčne kapi umrl 73 let stari Ray Bliss, dolgoletni aktivist v vrstah republikanske stranke in načelnik stranke od 1. 1965 do 1969. Bliss je bil tisti, ki je vodil obnovo stranke v dobi po porazu sen. Barryja Goldwaterja na predsedniških volitvah leta 1964. Bliss je močno podprl Richarda Nixo-na v 1. 1968, ko je Nixon premagal sen. Huberta Hum-phreyja. • Ottawa, Kan. — Predstavniki kanadske vlade in unij, ki predstavljajo štrajkajoče poštne uslužbence v tej državi, so dosegli sporazum o novi delovni pogodbi. Štrajk kanadskih poštarjev traja 39 dni. Poštni uslužbenci bodo glasovali o novi pogodbi v prihodnjih dneh, njihovi linijski predstavniki pa menijo, da jo bodo odobrili. • Tampa, Ela. — Tudi v tej državi so začeli s škropljenjem zoper muho “medfly . ki uničuje sadje in druge rastline. V zadnjih dneh so v Floridi našli več teh muh, domnevajo, da so prišle ia Kalifornije. Zmaga političnega realizma AMERIŠKA domovina . '_________4 :_______ 6117 ST. CLAIR AVE. — 431-0628 Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Owner, Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel—Editor , Beseda iz naroda... Srečanje med Slovenci: Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za 3 mesece •Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: ' < $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja: $15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele-izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: . *. ' $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months;!$8.00: for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: ! ' ' $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $15.00 for three months Fridays only: $15.66 per year — Canada iand Foreign $20100 ,yr. 1 1 -----------------—-----------— . __________ 1 : j Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio ' i; POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 8» No. 86 Friday, Aug. 7, 1981 Opraviti imamo z Amerikanči Junija letos sta ZDA in Kanado obiskala predsednik Slovenske izseljenske matice Stane Kolman in tajnik te vladne ustanove Marko Pogačnik. Bilo je prvič, da sta bila na obisku v omenjenih državah. Simpozija o Louisu. Adamiču se nista udeležila, kar je malo presenetilo,, pač pa sta se mudila v več slovenskih naselbinah v Združenih državah in Kanadi. Po povratku domov sta govorila o svojih vtisih z ljubljanskim novinarjem Bogdanom Pogačnikom, pri tem pa marsikaj zanimivega povedala. (Pogačnikov članek, ki je izšel v “Delu” dne '3. julija 1981, bom ponatisnil v celoti v torkovi izdaji Ameriške Domovine. Ur.) Stane Kolman in Marko Pogačnik sta opazila, “...da imamo/V sedanjih generacijah ameriških izseljencev v bistvu opraviti že z Američani, ki so seveda po svojih koreninah slovenskega rodu, ki pa so Američani in ki prav zaradi tega tudi danes že opravljajo vrsto pomembnih funkcij v družbi.” Ta osnovna ugotovitev je najbrž bila povod, zakaj je B. Pogačnik dal članku naslov: Nekdanji težaki zdaj kongresmani. To realnost je pri Matici treba upoštevati, sta trdila Kolman in M. Pogačnik, ker ni več dosti tistih starejših izseljencev, s katerimi je Matica doslej sodelovala in na katere se je nanašala: “... starejša generacija čedalje bolj izgublja neposreden vpliv na delovanje slovenske skupnosti. Sedanja socialna in izobrazbena struktura slovenskih potomcev se je bistveno menjala in s tem tudi njihov odnos do te skupnosti.” Kolman in M. Pogačnik s ta primerjala stanje v ZDA z razmerami v Kanadi. Tu sta ugotovila, da se je menda Slovenska izseljenska matica preveč ukvarjala s Slovenci v ZDA, hkrati pa zanemarjala kanadske Slovence. V bodoče se bo torej SIM več zanimala za slovensko skupnost v Kanadi. Predstavnika SIM nista sicer neposredno povedala, da bo njuna ustanova začela spregledavati rojake v ZDA, očitno pa je, da ne vidita več velike koristi -v tej skupnosti. Prvič sem opazil kakšno kritično besedo celo o SNPJu: “Tudi nasploh je trenutno opaziti v ZDA pri vsej poslovnosti in trdnosti neko stagnacijo, kar se je nekoliko pokazalo tudi v osnovni slovenski izseljenski organizaciji SNPJ, s katero seveda Izseljenska matica še naprej vzdržuje najprisrčnejše stike.” Kolman in M. Pogačnik sta med bivanjem v ZDA obiskala tudi Washington, D.C., kjer sta pripisala velik ptfmen in uspeh srečanju s tremi kongresniki slovenskega rodu, Jamesom Oberstarjem (Minn.), Denni-som Eckartom (Ohio) in Raymondom Kogovškom (Colo.). Kakor je zapisal B. Pogačnik, je šlo “...za prvo organizirano srečanje z vsemi trenutno izvoljenimi slovenskimi parlamentarci v ZDA.” Nadalje: “V pogovorih so s ponosom potrjevali svoje slovensko poreklo, se zanimali za razmere v Jugoslaviji in izražali tudi vso podporo sedanjim prizadevanjem Jugoslavije v prepričanju, da bomo vse težave uspešno prebrodili. Pokazali so tudi sicer zanimanje za povezavo s slovenskimi oziroma jugoslovanskimi parlamentarnimi delegati.” * ❖ . ^ Kot kaže, je bila Kanada za Kolmana in M. Pogačnika pravo odkritje. V Kanadi je med slovenskimi rojaki družbeni in gospodarski zagon, kakršnega so imeli ameriški Slovenci pred drugo svetovno vojno. Ugotovila sta, da so kanadski rojaki pripravljeni na vse večje sodelovanje s Slovenijo. B. Pogačnik citira predstavnika SIM: “Ena osrednjih značilnosti v Kanadi je, da živi tu v glavnem mlajša generacija od 40 do 50 let starosti, ki biva v Kanadi povprečno 20 let. Tu res lahko govorimo o izseljencih, ker so naši ljudje tudi pretežno prevzeli kanadsko državljanstvo.” Želja teh kanadskih Slovencev za kulturne in druge stike z matično domovino je ogromna, menita Stane Kolman in Marko Pogačnik. Vendar je tu zaenkrat precejšnja praznina. SIM se ni doslej dovolj zanimala za te Slovence, poleg tega je med temi kanadskimi Slovenci čutiti pomanjkanje izobražencev v društvih, še posebno je pomanjkanje glede tiskane slovenske besede. “Slovenci, ki jih je v Kanadi blizu 25,000, nimajo glasila, ki bi bilo korektno do stare domovine. Dobivajo pa nekaj katoliškega tiska iz tujine.” Kaj želita po- Korotanci v Evropi CLEVELAND, O. — Ktiroš- r • v "Z ■ • • •• o- : ca zaznaš najprej s sluhom. Naj poje ali pa samo žobari po koroško, njegov glas za. črko r je značilno svojski. Izgovarja jo precej trše kot o-stali Slovenci na nasprotni strani Karavank. To pride morda od bolj trde vode v teh krajih. Trije so prišli sprejet našo prvo clevelandsko skupino že na muenche riško letališče. Čez. dolgih sedem leV se s Korotanci Vid’mo spet. To misel je povzel ob dobrodošlici mladi župnik Ivan (Han-zi) Olip, ki je zdaj predsednik Gallusa. Vsestransko izobraženi in delovni pastir, je svoje učenosti prejel že v celovški šlbvenski gimnaziji. Šopek roz je ‘prinesla seveda ga. Tischlerjeva, tista Marica, ki je pomagala zasaditi spominsko lipo na Slovenski pristavi. Ta lepo raste, kljub vsej škodi, ki jo na listih vsako leto ob tem času napravijo japonski hrošči. Tretji naš spremljevalec v deželo Mi-klove Zale je bil g. Podreč-nik. Vsaka pot tolikšnih razdalj je utrudljiva, vse drugo pa fnirne duše: lahko pohvalimo. Slikovito pot v Celovec po doliriah, med večinoma poraščenimi hribi in skozi gorske predore, je popestril postanek v Žagarjevi Rimski kleti v Špitalu. (Janez Tominc , je tu pri rojaku obhajal svoj rojstni dan.) Mogoče so samo zlobni jeziki, ki pripovedujejo‘ da nekje na podaljšku teh roparskih cest — 'cestnina in gorivo sta draga —, prometni miličar lahko kaznuje voznike umazanih vozil z denarno globo. To verjetno vedo evropski le^ toviščarji, ki se v teh dneh truhioma Vozijo na Jadrap. z res snažnimi avtorriobili. V Celovcu smo Se pozdravili z ravnateljem Mohorjeve, z dr. Hornboeckom in s tistimi člani zbora Gallus, ki so pred leti sodelovali na koncertu v Clevelandu. Koroška pesnica Milka Hartman nas je prisrčno ganila s sledečimi verzi, ki nam jih je v pozdrav prebrala tajnica Ga-lusa. Pozdravljeni — Slovenci iz daljnega sveta — Amerike! Prišli ste k nam kot bratje, sestre. Pozdravljeni — Vi dragi otroci ste naše zemlje. Prejmite pozdrave vseh naših domov, planin in dobrdve, prejmite pozdrave potočkov in jezer valov — in pesmi pojoče vam Drave. Vsi virčki studencev naj vam zašume kot spevi Slovencev, ki tukaj žive — saj z Vam utripa koroško srce. Ko šli ste od doma tja v tuje daljave, ste vzeli s seboj iz gredice zdrave rože rdeče in bele in plave in rožmarin zelen iz grede — povezali šopek 'ste z “žido domače besede”, zalivali ga z rrtelodijo slovenske popevke; nje sladki glasovi zvenijo v širino rodov vse zemlje, ki povedo: Slovenci živijo — živijo in delajo in trpijo po svetu vesoljnem, slovensko kulturo krepijo ko molijo, govorijo in motnvajo, marjejo in žobarijo in pesem pradavnih junakov — Slovencev pojo. Hej, dobrodošli pri nas — živijo! Prvi počitek smo si privoščili v Slomškovem domu, v prostorih, ki so namenjeni za stanovanja tukajšnjim študentom gimnazije za Slovence. Tu smo odložili odvišno prtljago in se v soboto, 18. julija, zjutraj odpeljali s tre- mi Sienčnikovimi avtobusi čez Trbiž na Primorsko. Župan Gorice nas je sprejel na gradu i n spregovoril nekaj pozdravnih stavkov tudi v slovenščini. Zdaj primerjajo nekateri to z zgodovinsko slavnirp pozdravom “Buge do stare domovine”, mislim, je znano vsakemu bralcu vedati, Kolman in M. Pogačnik z izrazom “korektno teh vrstic. Med bivanjem v Kanadi sta predstavnika SIM o-biskala tudi dr. Georgea Bancrofta, ki je izvršni direktor oddelka za multikulturo ministrstva za kulturo in rekreacijo države Ontario. Zanimala sta se za možnosti večje pomoči Slovenije Slovenski skupnosti v Ontariu, posebej v zvezi z ohranjanjem slovenskega jezika in kulture, Bancroft se je baje zelo zanimal za to. Bogdan Pogačnik je vprašal predstavnika SIM, kakšen je vpliv Cerkve med kanadskimi Slovenci" Kolman in M. Pogačnik sta odgovorila dokaj previdno. Precej je tega vpliva, sta priznala, vendar se razlikuje od primera do primera. Omenila sta, da je dopolnilno šolstvo v rokah verskih organizacij, kar velja-tudi za ZDA. Pripisala sta velik pomen bližnjemu obisku v ZDA in Kanadi nadškofa dr. Šuštarja. Ta obisk naj bi po Kolmanu in Pogačniku prispeval k utrditvi dobrih odnosov. Stane Kolman, ki se je ukvarjal z od-,nosi med slovenskim režimom in verskimi skupnostmi pred prevzemom dolžnosti predsednika SIM, je posebno poudaril, da “____ti odnosi tudi v tujini ne morejo bi- ti drugačni, kot so doma v Jugoslaviji, torej dobri.” ❖ Ji! * Pred odhodom iz ZDA so Kolman, M. Pogačnik in nekateri jugoslovanski diplomati, nastanjeni v New Yorku, obiskali grob pisatelja Louisa Adamiča v Bloomsburyju, New Jersey, nedaleč od Adamičeve hiše v mestecu Milford, New Jersey. O tem obisku je B. Pogačnik napisal: “Grob, ki je dostojno vzdrževan in ki ga označuje plošča z -napisom, češ da tu počiva Louis Adamič, ameriški pisatelj in novinar slovenskega rodu, je bilo sicer težko najti, ker so pač po tamkajšnji navadi vsi nagrobniki skromni in drug drugemu po- Vas sprimi gralva Venus”, ki je bil tudi izrečen prvič na isti poti, ki je nas privedla v Gorico. Malo hudomušnosti je seveda v tej primerjavi. Izmenjali smo si darila in pozdrave clevelandskega mestnega zastopstva z goriškimi predstavniki. Članek s .sliko naših turistov je objavil II Pi-collo v Gorici. VŠi nastopajoči so prejeli medalje z gori-škim, grbom, zbor pa še kovance, kakršne je to mesto kovalo pred stoletji. Za ogled Trsta smo se povzpeli na hrib, da smo s ptičje perspektive ogledovali mirni zaliv ter ostalo panoramo. Za kaj več nismo imeli časa. To popoldne in drugi dan smo priredili prva 2 koncerta v Nabrežini in v Gorici ter peli pri maši v Štandrežu. Tu in kasneje v Šte ver jami so naš tudi pogostili. O naših nastopih je obveščal slovenski zamejski tisk. Že prejšnji dan je naš prihod v te kraje objavil tudi Radio Ljubljana in dva zastopnika družbe, ki menda snema za TV Koper, sta posnela naš nastop v Gorici. V Nabrežini je bilo predstava na prostem in smo program prikrojili okoliščinam. Slovenec sem, Slovenka sem, so bili naši razpoznavni znaki. Njihov simbol je bila slovenska zastavica z lipovim listom v zgornjem kotu. Pesmi in Kresovi plesi so se lepo zvrstili in ljudje so bili navdušeni nad lepoto narodnih noš. Tudi v Gorici je bilo odlično razpoloženje. V dvorano je prišel celo župan, navdušenje v njej pa se je že prej dvignilo skoraj za celo oktavo in ni jenjalo do konca. V dvorani so bili tudi tisti sorojaki, ki so organizirali in gladili našo pot v te kraje: Humar, Ferletič, Paulin, Stoka, Prašnik, Špacapan, Filejev zbor in Hledetova skupina ter še mnogi poedinci, ki so skupino iz navdušenja celo gostili na svoje stroške. To so ljudje iz kulturnega in političnega življenja tukajšnje slovenske skupnosti. Skoraj vsi nosijo akademske naslove, ki pa jih niso obvarovali pred notranjimi čustvi ob snidenju in ne pred solzami, ki so bile pravzaprav kristali ginjenosti in navdušenja. Ljudje so začeli posameznike spoznavati. Ena je bila Znamenje, druga Rožic nebom trgala, tretja Njega ni. Ta je bil Mlinar, drugi Kosec, oni Puobic vesel. Ena bela,' druga plava, tretja rdeča. Šele kasneje so prišla tudi krstna in rodbinska imena do ve-Ij ave. Proslava desetletnice posvetitve Slovenske kapele v Washingtonu ; (1971 — 1981) d G ent isrču5 lostii Odbor, ki se je v ta namen sestal v Washingtonu, pt11 vabi' slovenske rojake, da se udeleže spominskih slovesni ki se bodo vršile v petek in soboto, 11. in 12. septembra prav je bila Kapela posvečena že 15. avgusta, na Veliki S® ren, je proslava desetletnice prestavljena na gornji datum to, da se je lahko udeleži dr. Šuštar, ljubljanski nadškof in 15 tropolit, ki bo ta dva dneva na obisku v Washingtonu. Predviden jg^ sledeči spored: PETEK, 11. SEPTEMBRA: Slavnostni sprejem in več^ okrog sedme ure zvečer v dvorani cerkve sv. Bernarda- SOBOTA, 12. SEPTEMBRA: Slovesna maša ob lOh dopo1^ v Kapeli Naj svetejšega v vrhnjem delu Narodnega sVL šča, pri katetri bo, po možnosti, somaševal washingi0w nadškof Hickey. Po maši bo prigrizek in poslovitev nadškofa Šuštarja. 'v . Jm Washingtonski odbor si prizadeva, da bi čim bolj stroške za vse, ki bi se radi udeležili te zgodovinske slov® sti, zlasti pa za mladoletnike. Podrobnosti o tem bodo v K kem objavljene. Rojaki so pa medtem naprošeni, da sporoče svoje . f Odbor, na žalost,' ne inoretevOi skrbeti za rezervacije prenočišč — lahko pa nudi, na seznam dobrih, a nepredragih hotelov in motelov v Wa8 tonu in okolici. l čimpreje mogoče in tako omogočijo odboru, da lahko Pr^, no poskrbi za vse udeležence. Prosimo, da prijave za udeležbo naslovite na: 5 Gospod Konrad Mejač 4445 Butterworth Place, ‘ Washington, D.C. 20016 N^' Naslednji dan, 20. julija, smo šli v Padovo, na grob sv. Antona. Vsakdo je imel pri liko, da se mu priporoči na tem romarskem kraju. Na trgu pred cerkvijo so se jate golobov pulile za dobrote, ki so jih jim metali letoviščarji kot hrano. Ni minilo pol ure in vsi smo vedeli v golobjem neredu v bližnjem parku, da se okrepčamo za nadaljno .pot v Benetke. Za temeljit ogled tega zgodovinskega mesta na kolih se rabi več časa, kot pa smo ga imeli na razpolago, Ta dan je bilo tam polno letoviščarjev iz vseh koncev tega planeta. Le s težavo smo se prerivali po ozkih ulicah. Vsak je ppazoval to znameni-tos s svojega zornega kota. Doževo palačo in cerkev sv. Marka pa smo vsi videli in nihče se nam ni zgubil v množici. Sledil je povratek na Kord-ško skozi Briška Brda in z mašo na Višarjih. Za slovo, ki smo ga proslavljali že v Števerjanu, nas je tik ob jugoslovanski meji, pa tudi na meji med Slovenci in Furlani, še enkrat odrešil žeje zavedni Bric Gradnik, ki ima tukaj svojo vinarno. Na poti proti severu smo se ustavili v Doberdobu, na bojišču iz prve svetovne vojne. V bliži- iterifl1* ni smo našli tudi kranjskih Janezov. Sp01 | ki slavijo padle žrtve stikrat enostransko. pedi pod dušo pa naj)(e v res zavladata enakost 1 vica za vse. Vršaci, med s0 se vračali na KoroškOi ^ pred letom močno tre8*1' ei središču sunka so razva1 jj( danes močno pričuj oče-kaj čez poldne smo se , vili pod Višarjami. l1116 ^ lepo vreme in veličast6^ ji gled. Na sam vrh, ^a^ji naši predniki ob r0J sif nosili polena za kurja^^ se vzpeli po žičnici. mlajši pa so se le oj uri3 ^ brez tehničnih prip0 ^ so z malo zamudo P ^ svoje kosti in zasopi6 J svetišče. Na vrhu so W : kali že koroški rojaki. ^ skupino nato vodili P° Zilje nazaj v Celovec- ^ [ Za vsakega udelež611 ^ pustilo to gostovanj6^ brati res lepe spomiri6; . jf srečali s sorodrU* 'i so se -starimi znanci. Uživa veliko so doprinesli k m naši mlajši rodovi, y ^ vesti pa je le vstajat6 sanje bodočnosti. K jf v teh krajih, kjer 8rnv; dobni, razvrščeni po zelenem travniku brez siceršnjih razmejenih grobov. Generalni konzul SFRJ v New Yorku Dušan Bogdanovič je zagotovil, da bodo letos 4'. septembra, na dan smrti, znova položili cvetje in da bodo to poslej delali kot spominsko vezilo vsako leto.” Tu naj povem samo to, da sem sam obiskal Adamičev grob med počitnicami julija lani. Res ga je težko najti na omenjenem pokopališču, res pa je tudi, da je grob dobro vzdrževan. Ampak so prav vsi grobovi na pokopališču dobro vzdrževani, brez razlike. Pisanje B. Pogačnika bi lahko yodilo k napačnemu sklepu, da je Adamičev grob posebno dobro vzdrževan, kar ni res. Bil sem na pokopališču nekako ob 2. popoldne, ko ni bilo tam žive duše razen mene. Ko sem že sedel avtomobilu, da bi se odpeljal, sem opazil neko žensko, ki je prišla obiskat grob svojca blizu Adamičevega groba. Izstopil šeni iz avtomobila in se ji približal. Zanimalo me je, ako kdajkoli kdo pride Adamičev grob obiskat oz. je kdajkoli videla cvetje položeno na njem. Odgovorila mi je: “Ne.” Nikoli ni opazila, da bi kdo stal poleg Adamičevega groba ali da bi bilo tam cvetje. Spraševala me je, kdo je pravzaprav bil ta Adamič, in • sem ji na kratko povedal. Omenila je, da je opazila “čudno” pisavo na nagrobniku in jo je zanimalo, kaj naj bi to pomenilo. V kolikor ie fneni znano, tudi tisti ameriški Slovenci, ki najbolj cenijo Louisa Adamiča, niso organizirali kakega obsežnejšega obiska Adamičevega groba, vsaj v zadnjih desetletjih ne. Zaenkrat nisem nič slišal, da bi kaj takega želeli organizirati, niti letos. Največji častilci Louisa Adamiča so in menda bodo tudi o-stali slovenski in jugoslovanski komunisti in le-ti samo tako dolgo, v kolikor jim bo to politično služilo. , Rudolph M. Susel drugemu v hudo, med našo rn12u‘' $ tako lepo in pravih1 J slovenske pesmi in /narodne plese, matefl11 .j da v medsebojnem P6 nima več prvega rneS,cl<^ Upam, da bo med u ^, ci še kdo, ki bo P°I)1jZp0!,‘ gi del te turneje in ^ nil tudi moje orise in ^ Kor°taI’ oporo * V 44 Naročniki p1 ' Willoughby Hills, O-^ štovani! Prilagam Q narrio nakazilo za 6 ročnino Ameriške ^e' v znesku $40. SprelJLu kot dar za tiskovni 8 pozdrav Marjan in Mi * Cleveland, O. p" ^ f uredništvo! Tukaj v ^1 Ij am .poštno nakazm6. j T^° ■ . Ldov-oW. movmo sem zaau piše veliko novega. berem. . 'm Jennie * hodnje leto, pomoč listu. Don*oVj5' Ameriška um'"' ^ druži Slovence F svetu! r Pečenje školjk MAPLE HTS., O. — Direktorji Slovenskega narodnega doma na 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., priredijo svoje drugo vsakoletno pečenje školjk, ki bo v nedeljo, 30'. avgusta. Gostje boste lahko izbrali izvrstno pečene školjke ali pa stejk. Cena je $10.50 na osebo. Obed bodo pripravili pri znanem slovenskem podjetju Maple Hts. Catering. Serviranje bo od 2. do 5. popoldne. Od 4. do 8. zvečer bo igral za ples in zabavo Eddie Bueh-ner orkester, sodeloval bo tudi Maple Heights Button Box Club. Vstopnice so v predprodaji pri vseh direktorjih SND na. Stanley Ave., ali pa lahko pokličete tel. št. 662-9731. Naj povem, da je bila naša lanskoletna prireditev razprodana. Torej nabavite si vstopnice pravočasno. Vljudno vabimo naše stare prijatelje in znance, posebno pa tiste Slovence naše clevelandske okolice, ki morda doslej niso imeli prilike, da bi nas obiskali na Maple Hts. in si ogledali naš dom in naselbino. Prav radi bi se srečali z vami! ■o- Ann. .Rani k 1 1 1 M ■ i ■4; , i\Ui '-i* • To nedeljo Drugi Superstars športni dan na Slovenski pristavi CLEVELAND, O. — Za to nedeljo, 9. avgusta, se kot lansko leto mladi slovenski fantje in dekleta Slovenskega športnega kluba trudijo, da bi pripravili za vso slovensko mladino, kakor tudi za njihove starše, družine in prijatelje, dan pravega veselja in zabave, dan resničnega prijateljskega in družinskega vzdušja. Trudimo se, da bi pripravili za vsakega nekaj, da bi tudi mi mladi dali svoj doprinos k slovenskemu življu v Ameriki. Gd poldan naprej se boste lahko okrepčali z okusno domače pripravljenim kosilom. Posebna specialiteta našega športno-zabavnega dneva bodo tudi dišeče pripravljeni prašički na ražnju. “Ljubezen gre skozi želodec,” pravi stari slovenski pregovor. Slovenska pristava bo zadišala po domače pripravljenem prašičku na ražnju, s katerim bomo skušali obuditi idilo starega kraja, ob kateri se zbero prijatelji in veselo pokramljajo ih urežejo domačo slovensko pesem. Kot običajno, boste imeli na razpolago razna okrepčila in. pijače ter glasbo domačega orkestra. . Ob enih bomo začeli s športnimi igrami in tournamen-tom na prostem, v bazenu in na balincarskem igrišču. Vsako moštvo se sestoji iz 7 članov — pet fantov in dve dekleti — isto kot lani. Kdorkoli se želi prijaviti in sodelovati, naj pride tja pred 1. uro, kajti naš cilj je, da se vključijo med slovensko mladino tudi tisti, katerih imena še vsi ne poznamo, pa si morda ravno tako želijo biti del slovenske družbe v Clevelandu. Da bi bili tudi starši in odrasli del našega dneva, smo letos organizirali še balincar-sko tekmovanje. Naše očete in prijatelje pa povabimo na igro nogometa med STARIMI in MLADIMI, kajti tako se bomo bolj zbližali, povezali, imeli med seboj več skup-nčga in se zato tudi bolj razumeli. Kajfi naš Superstars športno-zabavni dan naj bi potekal v smislu krepčanja prijateljskih odnosov in stikov med vso slovensko mladino. starši, družinami in prijatelji. Zato so vse igre ure- jene v športno-zabavnem duhu, kateri naj bi rodil večje razumevanje ih upoštevanje drug drugega. Torej še enkrat prav vljudno vabimo vse Slovence, vso mladino in vse prijatelje, da se pridružite in pridete to -----—o nedeljo na Slovensko pristavo, kjer boste preživeli par uric med mladimi Slovenci, med svojimi domačimi in prijatelji v domačem, prijateljskem in intimnem vzdušju. Iskreno vabljeni! Predsednik Leon Vovk Gospod Lojze Breznik, zbogom in na svidenje! EAST HELENA, Mont. — V petek, 17. julija, zjutraj po sv. maši me je klical škof škofije Spokane, Washington, Lawrence Welsh: “Vaš dobri prijatelj g. Lojze Breznik, župnik v Davenport, je sinoči okrog enajste ure nenadoma umrl!” — “Oh, no!”, je bilo edino, kar sem mogel odgo-. voriti. , “Pogreb bo v ponedeljek ali torek, boste utegnili prisostvovati.” “Seveda bom, gospod škof, in hvala lepa za tragično novico.” Vest o Lojzetovi smrti me je toliko bolj presunila, ker sva bila zgovorjena, da bo prišel k meni prihodnji teden za nekaj dni. Pred nekaj tedni sem se vrnil iz Evrope. U-deležil sem se trimesečnega študijskega tečaja za ameri-kanske duhovnike v Rimu in obiskal Jugoslavijo. G. Lojze je komaj čakal, da mu povem več o novem maribor-. skem škofu, s katerim sem preživel precej časa v Evropi. Tudi moj helenski škof, škof Curtess je prišel v Slovenijo, obiskal ljubljanske škofe, beograjskega nadškofa in svoje sorodnike v Sloveniji. G. Lojze je pripovedoval svojim faranom dan pred svojo smrtjo, kako se veseli snidenja z m^.-no. Takoj sem telefoniral svojim prijateljem po Ameriki, poslal telegram Lojzetovemu bratu Janezu pri Benediktu v Slovenskih goricah. Smrt g. Lojzeta me je strašno prizadela, čeprav sem pričakoval, da g. Lojze ne bo dolgo med nami. V zadnjih dveh letih je imel šest operacij: štiri od teh so mu nadomestile glavno o-žilje od srca prav do prstov. Imel je zelo težko poapnenje žil. Teden pred smrtjo pa je bil operiran še na očesni mre-ni. Po nedeljski sv. maši sem se odpeljal na 450 km dolgo potovanje iz East Helene, Montana, v Spokane, Wash., kjer sem šele zvedel podrobnosti o njegovi smrti. V četrtek so se peljali z g. Lojzetom njegovi najboljši laični prijatelji iz spokanske škofije na večerjo v Harrington,, ki je ca. 40 km oddaljen od Davenporta, kjer je g. Lojze služboval ca. osem let kot župnik. Prijatelji so mi zagotovili, da je bil g. Lojze kot po navadi v najboljšem razpoloženju, nikdar kazal znaka, da bi bil bolan, ali čutil kake bolečine. Okrog desete ure zvečer je pred župniščem pomahal vsem v slovo. Okrog 10.30 zvečer je poklical lokalno bolnico in sporočil, da čuti težke bolečine v prsih. Bolniška administracija je takoj obvestila lokalnega lekarnarja, ki je g. Lojzeta zelo dobro poznal. Ko je lekarnar prispel v župnišče, je svetoval g. Lojzetu, da bo Idical ambulanto in ga peljal v bolnico. G. Lojze je svetoval, da to ne bo potrebno. Kar na svoje je korakal iz župnišča v lekarnarjev privatni avto. Na poti v bolnico, ki je 5 minut vožnje oddaljena od župnišča, pa je g. L. nenadoma od kapi zadet umrl. Lekarnar mi je zagotovil, da so se zdravniki trudili preko ene ure, da bi ga spravili k življenju, pa popolnoma brez uspeha. Na pogrebu V ponedeljek ob sedmi uri smo opravili večerne molitve za pokojnega v njegovi župni cerkvi v Davenportu, Wash., pod predsedstvom škofa Wel- . sha. Navzočnost duhovnikov in laikov pri sv. rožnem vencu in še posebej pri pogrebu je izpričala, kako so ga vemL ki, laiki, kakor tudi duhovniki spoštovali. Odkar sem v A-meriki, sem. prvič videl lokalnega škofa, ki je vodil molitve za pokojnega duhovnika na predvečer pogreba. V presunljivih besedah je prosil vernike, naj molijo pogosto za svojega zvestega in ponižnega dušnega pastirja. Nato me je škof naprosil, naj se poslovim od g. Lojzeta v imenu Slovencev: Na kratko sem orisal Lojzetov križev pot iz domovine, preko italijanskih taborišč, Španije in končno njegov prihod v spokansko škofijo. Zahvalil sem se mu za 37 prijateljskih let, ki jih je delil z menoj in veliko slovenskimi duhovniki v tujini in domovini. Razen treh ali štirih počitnic sva vse preživela skupaj, obiskovala najprej duhovnike, s katerimi sva preživela taboriška leta, predvsem dr. Toneta Stoparja in g. Avgusta Zavbija. Nepozabne bodo počitnice, na katerih smo oživljali predvsem vesele dogodke iz taborišč kakor tudi domovini pred begom iz domovine. Kjerkoli je bil slovenski duhovnik na poti, sva ga skušala najti in obiskati. Ob odprti krsti sem se pokojnemu Lojzetu zahvalil v imenu vseh slovenskih duhovnikov v tujini in domovini, s katerimi je g. Lojze s takim veseljem delil begunstvo, vzpodbujal in zabaval, kakor je samo oh znal. Naša glavna zabava je bilo igranje “taroka”, katerih rezultate smo hranili kot največjo dragocenost v svojih župniščih. Dokler je bil g. Vodušek pri življenju v San Franciscu in g. Trunk njegov gost, sva ju obiskovala želo pogosto. Letos marca meseca sva bila zgovorjena, da se bb pripeljal v Rim, da bova šla skupaj z našim razredom v Sveto deželo. Ob tej priliki si je želel še enkrat obiskati svojega brata pri Sv. Beneditku v Slov. goricah in svoje sošolce v mariborski škofiji. Strašen je bil udarec, ko mu je njegov osebni zdravnik prepovedal potovanje. Zahvalil sem se mu v imenu beguncev laikov, s katerimi je vzdrževal pogoste stike. Končno pa sem izrekel besedo zahvale laikom kakor tudi duhovnikom spokanske škofije, ki so mu s takim veseljem lajšali begunska leta. Najbolj pa sem bil hvaležen škofu Welshu, ki ga je pogosto obiskoval na svojih potovanjih preko škofije, mu pomagal organizirati prostor za pokojnino, katero je nameraval začeti v enem letu, ko bi bil star v 70 let. G. Lojze se je pogosto zelo pohvalno izrazil o svojem zadnjem škofu. Škofov župnik je bil g. msgr. Gnidovec iz Rock Springs-a, Wyo., njegov župnik preko 30 let. Škof Welsh nam je povedal, da je bil g. Gnidovec njegov edini župnik. Prijateljstvo z gospodom Gnidovcem je gotovo vplivalo na zanimanje, s katerim je g. škof obiskoval pokojnika. škof Welsh V torek, 21. julija, ob enajsti uri je škof Welsh vodil pogrebne obrede v Davenportu. Somaševali smo na škofovo željo vsi navzoči slovenski duhovniki: g. Viktor Breznik, Colfax, WA, g. Karl Pečovnik in g. Jože Vogrin iz škofije St. Cloud, Minn., škofov pomožni tajnik msgr. Grant in pisatelj teh-le vrstic. G. Tony Flour, Lojzetov sosed vsem osem let, je bil pogrebni pridigar. Orisal je pokojnika kot ponižnega, gostoljubnega, zelo inteligentnega duhovnika, vedno lojalnega katoliški Cerkvi. Vsi so občudovali njegovo knjižnico, pa tudi njegovo znanje teologije. Na študijskih tečajih se je pokojni pogosto oglasil z isto uvodno besedo: “To knjigo sem tudi jaz preKfal.” 6d 90 škofijskih duhovnikov jih je 60 prišlo in ga počastilo pri pogrebu in rožnem vencu. Krasno priznanje našemu rojaku g. Lojzetu. Po sv. maši je škof Welsh •zopet spregovoril: “Gospod Lojze je zvesto služil svojim ljudem in Bogu, ali morete pričakovati več od duhovnika? Ko sem prišel prvič na obisk, mi je po svoji kranjski navadi, kakor tudi g. Gnidovec, ponudil “slivovko”. Ker sem že preko 30 let imel strah pred to močno pijačo, sem ga prosil, če ima pivo “Light Beer”. Slučajno je imel samo eno pivo v hladilniku. To je tudi vse, kar spijem. Ker je ugdtovil, da mi te vrste pivo ugaja, je imel pri drugem obisku cel zaboj Light Beer.” Škof je bil med kratkim govorom tako ganjen, da mu je beseda zastala v grlu in se je opravičil, da ne more več govoriti. Vsem nam je dokazal, kako je spoštoval g. Lojzeta in kako pri srcu mu je bil. Cerkev je bila tako prenapolnjena, da so morali odpreti dvorano, da so vsi ljudje prisostvovali pogrebnim slovesnostim. Več družin je prišlo iz njihovih prejšnjih fara. Najlepše so se izražali farani iz male podružnice Reardon, katero je pokojni posebno ljubil. Prepričan sem bil, da bi šel g. Lojze celo v pokoj v Rearon, če bi bilo to mogoče. Po pogrebni sv. maši so nas farani pogostili s kosilom, za katero sem se vsem zahvalil. ' Nato smo spremili krsto na pokopališče “Holy Cross” v Spokane. Molitve ob grobu je opravil škof Welsh v mavzoleju, kot je tu navada. Včasih ostane krsta v mavzoleju po več dni, predno je vse urejeno za pokop. Tokrat pa je bilo vse pripravljeno za pokop. Ko smo si gg. Vogrin in Pečovnik in jaz ogledovali prostor, kjer bo g. Lojze počival, so pripeljali krsto h grobu, ki je samo tri krste proč od groba g. škofa Whita, ki je g. pokojnika sprejel v škofijo. Kako lepo in kako primerno, G. Lojze jč vedno imel veliko spoštovanje do škofa Whita. Vedno nas je manj Vrste begunskih slovenskih duhovnikov na Zahodu se hitro redčijo. Tako smo se odločili: g. Pečovnik in Vogrin, da bomo preživeli vsaj dva dni pri edinem slovenskem begunskem duhovniku v spo-k:ansk|i škofiji gg. Viktorju Brezniku, ki nas je prav po kranjsko gostil v Colfaxu. Pred odhodom smo si zagotovili, da se bomo vsaj mi štirje sešli, če le mogoče letno, čeprav bomo preko 1,200 km oddaljeni drug od drugega. V četrtek sem spremil gg. Pečovnika in Vogrina na avion-sko postajo v Spokane, da sta se vrnila"ha svoje fare v Min- nesoto. Karl, Jože in Viktor, tisočkrat boglonaj, da ste mi tako prijateljsko pomagali lajšati izgubo mojega najboljšega prijatelja g. Lojzeta. Vse vas, ki ste g? Lojzeta poznali še iz begunskih taborišč, pa prosim z besedami škofa Welsha: “Napraviti g. Lojzetu naj večjo uslugo: spomnite se ga. pri sv. mašah, pri katerih se vas je tudi on pogosto spominjal.” G. Lojze, bil si sijajen slovenski duhovnik, inteligenten, globoko veren, zvest Materi sveti Cerkvi, prijatelj in ljubitelj vseh Slovencev, kar si dokazal s Svojo pisano besedo. Naj ti bo lahka tuja zemlja! Tvoj Jože Mavsar, župnik fare sv. Cirila in Metoda, E. Helena, Montana ---------o------- V tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine so od zadnjič darovali sledeči narodno zavedni rojaki: , Ga. Ljubica Pozek, .... 3.00 Chicago, 111. Gregory Fedran, ...... 6.00 Monterey, Kalif. John Novak, ........... 5.00 Windsor, Ont. Stanley Babic......... 12.00 Alpha, N.J. Miha Sršen, .......... 2.00 Cleveland, O. John Sivec, ......... 100.00 Cleveland, O. G. in ga. John Ambrosic, Euclid, O., v spomin umrlega sina Johna Ambrosic .............. 50.00 Rev. Joseph Ferkulj, .. 44.00 Lake Panasoffkee, Fla. Ga. James H. Mayer, .. 2.00 Newton, N.J. Mary Safošnik, ........ 3.00 North Chicago, 111. V BLAG SPOMIN OB ČETRTI OBLETNICI, ODKAR SO V GOSPODU ZASPALI NAŠA LJUBLJENA MATI, STARA, PRASTARA MATI, TAŠČA, SESTRA IN TETA iv- FRANCES MM roj. LADIHA ki je umrla 8.. avgusta 1977. Hvala, naša dobra mama, vso ljubezen ste nam dala, vse moči,*in vse skrbi; rajski mir. nebeška sreča, bodita Vaša v večnosti. Žalujoči ostali: -Albert in Rudolph: sinova Julie in Josephine: snahi 3 vnuki, 1 vnukinja, 2 pravnuka ih 1 pravnukinja. 2 nečaka in 2 nečakinji. Josephine Darovec: sestra v Sloveniji; Louis. Marn: svak v Detroitu, Mich. ter ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Cleveland, O. 7. avg. 1931. Antonia Kapel, Cleveland, O. 2.00 Ernest Zrim, Cleveland, O. 2.00 Maria Leben, Willowick, O. 50.00 Ga. Ana Zalar, ...... Seven Hills, O. 2.00 Frank Sepin, Cleveland? O.. 2.00 John Suhadolnik, Lantana, Fla. Družina Bergant, 2.00 Cleveland, O., je darovala v tiskovni sklad A.D. v spomin pok. Franka Jenkota 15.00 Valeria Miklavčič, .... Cleveland, O. 7.00 Frank Konsut, Cleveland, O. 2.00 Vladimir N. Pregelj, .. Washington, D.C. 7.00 Anton Debevec, Madison, O. 2.00 Albin Lorigar, Chicago, 111. 2.00 Maria Šef, Cleveland, O. 2.00 Rev. Aloysius Jenko, .. Long Island, N.Y. 32.00 Jacob Vrtačrdk. .: McDonald, Pa. 7.00 Al Zupan,- 2.50 Cleveland, O. Ivanka Urbanija, .... Maplewood, N.J. 1.00 Maria Sturm, .... 2.00 Berkeley, Kalif. . * Ciril Skebe, Y ''' Richmond Hts., O. 20.1)0 Hilari Gravizi, ! Euclid, O. $17.00 Ga. Andy Cajhen, Madison, O., ( v spomin soproga Andy j a Cajhen, ki je nas zapustil 1. julija 1977) 10.00 Vida Krebelj, Euclid, O. 2.00 Ivan in Frances Vidmar, 2.00 Clevcl—d, O. Stanley Mrak, .......... 2.00 Gary, Ind. Tony Mrva, ............. 2.00 Rochester, N.Y. Mihaela Zakrajšek, ... 2.00 Cleveland, O. Louis Hribar, .......... 2.00 Willoughby Hills, O. Anton Klemen, .......... 5.00 Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. Anton Florjančič, ...... 2.00 Girard, O. Peter T. Miller, ....... 1.00 Cleveland, O. Albina M. Zimmerman 10.00 (“Beanie”), Euclid, O. Vsem darovalcem iskrena hvala! -----o------- Carst Memorials Kraška kamnoseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 EDINA SLOVENSKA IZDELOVAL-NICA NAGROBNIH SPOMENIKOV Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR PARENTS Matthew Debelak Died April 13, 1946 Nothing can take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Frances Debelak Died Aug. 10, 1941 Your memory to us is d keepsake With which we will never part. Though God has you in His keeping, We always have you in our hearts. Sadly missed by: Sons, Daughters and Families Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1981. 13. OBLETNICE ODKAR JE UMRL NAŠ DOBRI, NEPOZABNI OČE, STARI IN PRASTARI OČE 29. OBLETNICE ODKAR JE UMRLA NAŠA LJUBLJENA, NEPOZABNA SESTRA IN TETA JACOB RESNIK Svoje blage oči je zatisnil za Všelej 4. avgusta 1963. Ti rešen zdaj si vseh skrbi, a duša Tvoja neumrljiva v objemu večnega Boga, naj srečo rajsko uživa! Žalujoča: : - V :-' ! ........... BRIGE! MARIE RESNIK Svoje blage oči je zatisnila za vselej 9. avgusta 1952. Blag spomin na Tebe, draga bo živel v nas do konca dni pri Bogu Tvoja d lisa biva in prosi za vas milosti! Cleveland, O., 7. avgusta 1981 noivfo^A, atigust i, mn ANDREJ KOBAL: SVETOVNI POPOTNIK PRIPOVEDUJE t. t Med starejšimi potniki na ladji sem našel odličnega Štajerca, čigar imena se ne spomnim več. Šolan človek'. Bil je v Ameriki pred vojno in je tožil nad svojo neumnostjo, da je prišel na obisk domov tik pred izbruhom svetovne vojne. Angleščina toU je šla gladko in tako sem se mu pridružil za učenje jezika. Kadar ni bilo razburkanih valovi sem prebil dolge popoldanske ure z njim na krovu. Druge knjige nisva imela kot staro izdajo Kubelkovega “Tolmača angleško-slovenske-ga jezika”, katero mi je Valentin poslal iz Montane. Knjiga ni posebno služila,, a boljše kot nič, in dobri Šta-jerc je poznal pravila angleškega besednega reda, kar je v tem jeziku važnejše kot slovnica. S Štajercem sem tudi obiskal pristaniška mesta, med temi Alžir, kjer smo se ustavili cel dan. Tu sva naletela na neprijetnost, zaradi katere bi bila malone zamudila povratek na ladjo. Da bi si dodobra ogledala panoramo mesta, sva po kamnitem klancu šla na vrh nekega griča. V Vročini, da bi si ugasila žejo, sva pobrala s poti nekaj pomaranč, ki so padle z drevja v nasadu preko kamnite o-graje. Žive duše ni bilo videti, ko sta se v hipu postavila pred nama dva arabska policaja, da naju aretirata. S šepavo francoščino sem pojasnjeval, da sva bila žejna in da bom plačal za pomaranče, a vse zastonj. Preteče sta Arabca korakala na najini strani in naju hotela odpeljati na postajo. Šele po dol- gem pričkanju in ko sva jima . dala iz žepov preostale franke, sta se zadovoljila. Franke sta brez kakšnega vpisovanj a, spravila v žep, ko sta si jih pred nama razdelila. “Argentina” je na poti čez Atlantski ocean dobila nalog pristati v Bostonu in ne v New Yorku, kjer so priseljeniški uradi očitno imeli preveč posla z nenadnim navalom izseljencev. Tudi v Bostonu, kjer sem 21. maja 1921 prvič stopil na ameriška tla, so čakale dolge vrste Italijanov, Ircev in drugih Evropejcev, da jih urad za priseljeni-štvo zdravniško pregleda ter razpošlje po raznih državah. Čakati v Bostonu me ni razburjalo, saj sem bil od veselja tako navdušen, da bi poljubil tla nove dežele. Tako sem videl Italijana, ki je pokleknil, se prekrižal, nato pa nagnil glavo k tlom in jih poljubil. Ni bilo težko razumeti taka čustva: po trplje- nju od pomanjkanja in drugih nadlog izseljenec pride z globoko nado in prepričanjem, da mu bo novi svet nudil boljši obstanek in večjo prostost. Uradniku, ki me je spraševal v hrvaškem jeziku, sem povedal, da grem k bratu in sestri v Montano. To je videl tudi iz “affidavita’ in voznega listka. Vse je šlo gladko in brez zaprek. V eni uri sem bil na vlaku; vozil sem se noč in dan do prihodnje polnoči. V Chicagu bi se bil moral presesti na vlak za Montano, pa sem izstopil, da se oglasim pri Vincentu Cainkarju s pismom. Takoj po prihodu v Chicago sem bil ogoljufan. Najel II. fo r HURON mo HOSPITAL ANTICIPATED VACANCIES In preparation for normal turnover during the next ►several months, the HURON ROAD HOSPITAL is ►recruiting for anticipated vacancies in the FOOD SERVICE* ►and HOUSEKEEPING areas. We require individuals who are energetic and hard ►working. A high school diploma is preferred for all ►positions. Experience in kitchen work or housekeeping is ^preferred. Proven ability to hold a full time job with a ^good work record is required. Part time and full time vacancies are anticipated. AH' ^positions pay over $4.25 an hour. Full time employees have ^excellent benefits including fully paid health insurance for ^themselves and their families, prescription drug insurance, Uife insurance and dental insurance after 1 year. Also included are 2 weeks of vacation after 1 year, and 11 paid holidays. Apply between 9 a.m. & 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. HURON RD. HOSPITAL 13951 TERRACE RD. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44112 No phone calls accepted. Affirmative action/Equal Opportunity Employer \ SPOROČILO QD ^ THE SUNSHINE PEOPLE UPOKOJENCEM IN ZA DRO NESPOSOBNIM I ;V • - Morda ste upravičeni do popusta od 25 do 30% na vašem računu za ogrev hiše na plin. Pogoji: Vi ali soprog morate biti družinski poglavar... morate biti oz. po-. stati najmanj 65 let star tekom 1. 1981, ali pa morate biti popolnoma in trajno nesposobni za delo... vaši skupni dohodki ne smejo biti večji od $9,000 na leto. The Energy Credit program nudi 30% popust, ako so vaši dohodki > manjši kot $5,000 na leto, 25% popust pa, ako so dohodki manjši od $9,000 na leto. /v ROK PRIIAVE ZA ENERGY CREDIT PROGRAM TRAJA 00 L SEPTEMBRA 198 L Obrazci so bili razposlani po pošti vsem, ki so prejeli popust lani; ako so vsi podatki na obrazcu, ki ste ga prejeli, točni, vam preostane samo to, da odgovorite na vprašanje o vašem letnem dohodku in zakonskem položaju ter da obrazec podpišete in ga vrnete na naslov Ohio Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 2619, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ako nameravate letos prvič vložiti prošnjo za ta popust, obrazec boste dobili v vsaki poslovalnici East Ohio Gas Company ter v večini bančnih poslovalnic, javnih knjižnic, poštnih uradov, upokojenskih in soseščinskih centrov. Ako potrebujete več pojasnila o tem programu, pokličite ali pišite Ohio Department of Taxation. Brezplačna tel. št. je 1-800-282-4310. The Sunshine People *****---- sem taksi, da se popeljem na Cainkarjev naslov. Vozniku sem pokazal pismo. Z njim je s sedel še drug možakar, s katerim se je vso pot razgovar-jal. Kot sem kmalu uvidel, sta se morala posvetovati, koliko naj bi za vožnjo računala. Dvanajst dolarjev. To sem zastopil, a težko je bilo verjeti. V žepu sem imel zadnji dvajsetak. Plačal sem in videl, kako se voznik obotavlja vrniti mi osem dolarjev; ostal sem v avtu, dokler mi ni končno dal drobiža. Pozneje sem izvedel, da bi za vožnjo s kolodvora ne smel plačati več kot en dolar. Ne vedoč kaj storiti, sem stal pred zgradbo z naslovom 2657 South Lawndale Ave. Zvončka ni bilo in bil sem na vrata, kolikor se je dalo. Stopil sem okoli poslopja, da vidim, če gori kaka luč. Na vogalu sem videl vklesano ime' Slovenska narodna podporna jednota. Naslov je bil torej od urada, ne Cainkarjevega stanovanja. S kovčkom v roki sem se podal do bližnje prometne u-lice, našel odprto restavracijo in vstopil. Češki lastnik Čap mi je potrdil, da nikdo ne stanuje v zgradbi jednote in da pozna mister Cainkarja. Ponudbo, da prenočim v nadstropju nad gostilno, sem hvaležno sprejel. || If you never did confine yourself to the ordinary... j| ... experience the photographic visions of ” SPECIAL EFFECTS (CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY) 6612 Bliss Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 (216) 431-1927 DISCOVER... provocative images that add interest to your home or office. Delovanje med rojaki Pomožni urednik Vsi so umrli, večinoma že pred desetletji. Nič nelepega bi ne mogel o njih pisati in to ne zaradi starodavnega pravila “de mortuis ...” (O mrtvih govori le dobro.) Dr. Frank Kern je pred leti opisoval v Ameriški Domovini svoje življenje in v spisu o-menjal takratno sodelovanje z odborniki in uradniki Slovenske narodne podporne jednote, na kratko SNPJ, katere je poznal in s katerimi je imel mnogo let opravka kot glavni zdravnik ustanove. Pohvalil jih je kot izredno poštene može. Stoodstotno se z njim strinjam. Služil sem z njimi skoraj deset let v istih uradih, v presledkih stanoval pri njih in poznal njih družinsko in družabno življenje. Zato dodam, da so pokojniki imeli poleg poštenja druge človeške kreposti. Če je proti koncu mojega sodelovanja z njimi prišlo do političnega spora, ni bila njih krivda; mogoče moja, kajti jaz sem njih organizacijo zapustil. Toda vzroki in dogodki v tem oziru so predmet poznejšega opisovanja.. Urad SNPJ sem posetil ob SPECIAL EFFECTS offers for sale original color and black and white photographs — mounted, matted, framed, ut>.. ready to be displayed. CONSIDER... the endless possibilities of decorating with photographs that create the proper atmosphere or that simply reflect your impeccable taste. You are welcome to shop at our gallery. We are always happy to discuss your decorating and gift giving needs. For more information, please call. BUSINESS HOURS: Friday — 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday — 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. — Other hours by appointment — 4« 9 Day SLOVENIAN PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND Hosted by Father Joseph Gole December 2 to December 10 From Chicago $1098 — From New York $986 Price includes: First class hotels, meals, sightseeing, Return airfare from Chicago or New York. Father Gole will celebrate Slovenian Mass in Jerusalem Kollander Tours 971 East 185th Street 5792 N- Lincoln Avem,e Cleveland OH 44119 Chicago, IL 60659 (216) 692-2225 (312) 878-1190 TONY KRISTAVNIK PAINTING AND DECORATING i Telephone 831-6430 Pomlad je tu! Najboljši čas za barvanje vaših hiš! Preglejte vaše domove in pokličite nas za brezplačen proračun. Smo strokovnjaki! Sanitas in papiranje. Nameščamo nove žlebove in aluminum siding. osmi uri zjutraj, ko se je poslovanje začelo. Sobota je bila, ko so delali samo pol dneva. Na vrhu vhodnih stopnic je stala v razgovoru majhna skupna mož, med njimi nevi-sok, širokih pleč in ravne postave ter lepo oblečen Vincent Cainkar, katerega sem brž spoznal, ker je bil kot dvojček podoben bratu Cajn-ku. (Dalje) ISKRICE Klasično je delo, za katero si vsakdo želi, da bi ga bil prebral, a ki si ga nihče ne želi brati. —Twain IZ SLOVENIJE Grafofonake plošče • Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • časopisje • Vage na kilograme • Semena • Strojčki za valjenje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC. 641» St. Clair Ave., Clevland, O 431-5216 MALI OGLASI 8-sobna enodružinska. $8,900 2 enodružinski, 8-6. E. 69 St. in St. Clair. $12,500. Velika dvojna na Addison Rd. Stavite ponudbo! E. 53 St. in St. Clair. Dober dohodek. 3 stanovanja. Mesečni dohodek od najemnine $315. Samo $13,500. 2-družinska in 1-družinska na E. 31 St. $12,900. Dve 1-družinski in 2-družin-ska na E. 63 St. $30,000. 18-stanovanjska. Potrebuje popravila. Samo $18,000. A.M.D. REALTY 6311 St. Clair Ave. / 432-1322 (F-X) HOUSE FOR SALE Beautiful, newer, 3 bedroom ranch. Country kitchen. St. Mary’s parish. To settle estate. Call Milka 261-1182. BOB ANDERSON REALTY (86-87) FOR RENT 3 rooms and bath. E. 72 St. Call 391-6279 (83-86) Baby Sitter Wanted For 17 month old baby, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 431-0007. (83-86) “help WANTED Woman Companion to live with elderly woman in Richmond Hts., in an attractive home. Must be able to drive. Attractive salary. Call Joan at 481-6500 from 8 to 5 daily. (85-87) HOUSE FOR SALE 5 room single. St. Vitus area. Under 7 M. (85-88) HOUSE FOR SALE IN EUCLID IV2 story. 3 bedrooms. Alum, sided. 2 car garage. 486-6319. (X) ACCOUNTING OFFICE Full time. Will train. Typing required. Must understand Slovenian. Call bet. 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. — 881-5158. ________________________GO FOR SALE BY OWNER St. Mary’s Parish. 5 room home with attic & basement. All redecorated. Detached 2 car garage. Call 249-5367. (77-88) LASTNIK PRODAJA Hiša v Willoughby. Ranch > 3 spalnicami. V nizkih 90ih Kličite 942-7811 (X) HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER WILLOUGHBY Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch. the 90’s. Call 942-7811. _________________________(X) Stanovanje v najem 4 sobe in kopalnica, na E 47 St. Vse prenovljeno. KU' čite 391-1941 po 4. uri pop. (X) WANTED CUSTODIAN COUPLE Experienced for high-rise apartments. Call 480-0050 (84-88) FOR SALE — BY OWNER 3 bedroom single in St-Jerome’s Parish. Close to Villa Angela and St. J'oseph High Schools. Phone 486-0978 (86,88) Inside - Outside Work Redecorating, painting, re' pairs of all kinds including plumbing and roofing. Call 431-7240 or 431-7343 (86-93) SECRET JOY OF ETHNIC COOKING COOKBOOK Over 300 European And American Recipes. Stain-Resistant Pages. Ring Bound. Buy 3 get 1 “Free” $7.99 each Add $1.00 for postage Checks Payable to: ETHNIC COOKBOOK Dept. A. Home 1863 Timothy W. Mifflin, PA 15122 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Financing 10-11% Cbllinwood Double — $24,90^ St. Clair Brick, 4 units ....... $39,00° Grovewood Double ... $43,90° Machine Shop Brick Bldg........... $59,90° Several Colonials off Lake Shore $55 - $75,00° Euclid Ranch $79,90° Willowick Brick Ranch ........... $72,90° Willoughby Hills 10 acre land . $52,00° Chesterland lot 80x322 $15,50° Cameo Realty Anton Matic, Broker 531-6787 (FX) BY OWNER REDUCED $10,000 EUCLID NORTH OF BLVD-Unique contemporary split' 3 bedrs. 2% baths, cathedra) ceilings, new carpeting, v/oO' ded setting, private Beach AS' soc. with club house just steP5 away. $75,900. 261-1596 (86-90) FOR RENT 5-5 Collinwood area. No pets* very clean, newly remodeled-729-4239 evenings (86-89) ASSUMABLE 1114% Immaculate maintenance free, 3 bdrms., colonial, 1V-baths, finished rec. rm., 2V'ž car garage, newly remodeled-$55,000. Open Sun. 2-6 1141 E. 172 St. So. of Lake Sh-481-5849 (86-87) SEMI-BUNGALOW On E. 232 St. off Tracy. Li^-rm., din. rm., 1 bdrm., lavatory; spacious kitchen on I5* 2 bdrms. and bath on 2nd-Enclosed rear porch. D/o car garage. Alum, siding. Asking 56. VERA H. SULAK REALT^ 531-6275 THE LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS || YOUR ETHNIC FORUM WEEKLY neuUp&a&t AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 19811 Jame« V. Debevec, Editor TOUR V 11 W S OUR NIWS THE KRES DANCERS show off their new American Western dance and outfits at the recent picnic held at AMLA Recreation Center in Leroy, Ohio. (Photo by Jim Debevec.) Two Patriots Douglas Mac Arthur and Frank Lausche New Slovenian Restay rant Seeks Charter Members Memo: From Madeline By JIM DEBEVEC Editor Upon completion of reading the biography, “American Caesar” the life of General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) by William Manchester I could not help but become amazed by the similarities between the world famous Army leader and our own statesman Senator Frank J. Lausche. Most people either loved or hated MacArthur. Truthfully, most Americans regard Frank Lausche as one of the greatest benefactors of Slovenians who put our nationality on the world map. And yet I have spoken with those who felt Lausche left the Cleveland Slovenes for a glamorous life in Washington. Ironically, one of those so inclined now has a close relative doing the exact same thing. As MacArthur grew up, he had a strong devotion to his mother affectionately called, “Pinky.” She even took up residency on the campus of West Point while her son was a cadet there. And we all know Lausche has dedicated his entire life to his mother. He always remembers her in hHs talks and returns to St. Vitus Church in Cleveland over the July 4th weekend to attend Mass in her memory. This year was no exception. MacArthur was a baseball fan. He tried out for the West Point team and often played shortstop. However, his hitting left a little to be desired and so he became manager of the team. To his dying days, he invited members of the West Point sports teams to his Waldorf Astoria hotel to talk athletics. Frank Lausche also had a liking for baseball. As a matter of fact he was very good at it and had a chance to play pro ball but turned it down to pursue his law studies. Both men were concerned about the value of human life. Gen. MacArthur’s respect for his men was unbounded. He carefully studied the possibilities of his moves and the enemies as far as the the seventh degree of possible countermoves. The total casualties v from his defense of Australia to Victory over Japan Day were fewer than Eisenhower’s in the single Battle of the Bulge. Sen. Lausche also placed a pinacle value on human life and often wept for our fallen countrymen. During the dedication of the Frank J. Lausche Building in downtown Cleveland a couple of years ago, he imprompt-ly spoke about the World War II veterans he noticed who carried the flag that day and spoke of their courage and sacrifices enabling us to enjoy.the fruits of freedom. He is a staunch member of the St. Vitus Catholic War Vets. The two were first class patriots. Their country came first in their hearts even if others disagreed. Their love for the United States is un-waivering. To this day Frank Lausche is still in Washington lobbying for what is best for the country. Likewise, MacArthur became a confidant for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Ironically, he urged Johnson to stay out of Vietnam. He remembered the lesson in Korea, “You can’t win a war by only fighting halfway.” Truman disagreed and ordered MacArthur to stay south of the 38th Parallel. The General couldn’t see it and consequently was recalled from active duty. Like MacArthur, Lausche was hastily rejected by his superiors, the voters, a few years back. But, alas, his political philosophies are now in vogue and it has become evident his thinking was correct and must be envoked if this country is to survive economic disaster. Two days after his return to the U.S. from 14 years in the Pacific area, MacArthur spoke before the Joint Houses of Congress in Washington. He expressed himself so eloquently and for hours without a note that some politicians (who are used to hearing rotoiic) said it was, “Like listening to God,” And no one Enlarged Edition This edition of the English section of the American Home newspaper is enlarged in order to better serve our readers with more news. Although we will not be able to carry four or more English pages each week, this is the first of many special features planned for you. In the future look for more photos, more features and more special category articles a-bout our Slovenians. We promote our heritage, our culture, and our future. Please help by sending in all your news so we may share it with others. ------o----- Maple His. Has Clambake Aug. 30 The directors of the Maple Heights Slovenian National Home are having their 2nd Annual Clambake on Sunday, August 30th. The Home at 5050 Stanley Avenue will offer you a choice of a bake or steak at $10.50 per person. It will again be catered by well known Maple Heights Catering. Serving will be from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. The Eddie Buehner Orchestra will provide the music for your listening and dancing pleasure from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 P.M. The Maple Heights Button Box Club will also play. Tickets may be obtained from any director, the Home, or call 662-9731. Last year’s affair was an early sellout so we ask to get your tickets early so you wmn’t be disappointed. Anne Ranik Recording Secretary ---------o----- who has ever heard pr seen Frank J. Lausche speak can deny he also is one of the most captivating speakers in the world. Another similarity is the two were rumored to have an eye of the presidency. Who can refute the exhalation of living in an era producing two of the world’s greatest human forces, the American Caesar and the American ideal. The Swiss Haus resturant, 7480 Warner Rd. (Rt. 307) in Madison will be open for business in the later half of September. The building, designed by Josef Lah, is a three-story masterpiece executed by internationally renown architect William Wickli. It is in the middle of a 70 acre plot of land surrounded by hills, lakes and the Grand River, and a grape producing farm with vineyards leading up to the chalet. The dining will be family style with Olga Mauser of Olga’s Restaurant as the head chef. The entire food facility will be under the direction of Bill Holtrey. A unique feature of the restaurant is that it will require membership to be able to dine there. A brochure describing the details is enclosed in today’s American Home. Mr. Lah and his wife, Maria, and three teen-age children have spent the last three years working on the structure. There is not a nail in it. All joints are perfectly fit out of wood. Not since the Von-Trapp family mansion in Vermont has such an authentic expression on “The Old Country” been seen. By FR. ANTHONY REBOL On Sunday,'August 9, 1981 the parishioners of St. Lawrence parish, Newburgh, will be joined by Bishop Anthony Pilla for the 9:30 am Liturgy of the Eucharist to celebrate God’s gifts. At this Liturgy we will remember to give thanks to God for His goodness to Slovenian people. This year we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the first Slovenian immigrant to settle in Cleveland. We will remember that it was 100 years ago that Jozef Turk, at age 45, a blacksmith by trade left his native Village of Zvirce, near Hinje in lower dry Car-nolia (Suha Kranja) to come to the New World, America. Though the city of Cleveland w-s fairly large, Jozef Turk was quiet »inne and knew no one. Luckily, walking down Broadway Avenue from the old train depot, he met a good willed Slovak who invited Jozef to live with him in his home on Marble Avenue in Newburgh. Together with our Bishop we will give thanks to God for all His favors to the Slovenes living in Cleveland area these 100 years. At this Liturgy of the Mass we will also remember God’s love of Father Kerze and the founding members of St. Lawrence parish 80 years ago. We will remember the 65 Also, on the lower level, during the winter season, a full facility for cross country skiing is available with rental of skis. This activity has been going on for the past two years with national cross country ski races being held there last year. In the amazing complex of the Swiss Haus will be the new radio station, WAMK-FM. In the future the Lah’s hope to add indoor swimming, hot tubs, racquetball, tennis, speed skating, roller skating, outdoor concerts, plus a pavilion for private family parties. Besides their hectic activities with constructing the restaurant and radio station, Joe and Maria run the “Josef’s” Future Directions men and women’s hair styling beauty salon on Wilson Mills road in front of the Richmond Mall in Richmond Heights. They have been subscribers to the American Home for years and are true American and Slovenian patriots who are committed to the Bishop Baraga for Sainthood cause and are involved in various Slovenian cultural and sports activities with their children Andrej, Maria and Kristina. families and few single men who met with Fr. Kerze in the basement of Holy Name Church to plan for a new Slovenian parish in the diocese * of Cleveland. It was too far for them to walk each Sunday to St. Vitus Church and it was too strange for them to go to an American church. It was 80 years ago, December 11, 1901, that this small group of Slovenians met and committed themselves to establish a new parish with a church and school of their own. We will remember these and all parishioners of 80 years at God’s altar at the 9:30 Liturgy on Auanst 9, 1981 at St. Lawrence Church. For us at St. Lawrence it is also necessary to celebrate another sacred event. We will celebrate the Feast of St. Lawrence, our parish patron. Even though St. Lawrence is counted among those saints about whom we know factually rather little, we will remember him. St. Lawrence made an impact on the Christian world of his time. Like the first martyr, St. Stephen, and like the renown St. Francis Assisi, St. Lawrence chose to serve God and Church in the ministry of the deacon. Like the other two saints he was honored in life by the Christian community which he served. He was selected by the Church in Rome to serve their poor and sick. Today St. Lawrence serves (Continued on page G) By Madeline Debevec CHRISTINE DEJAK RECEIVES NURSING SCHOLARSHIP Christine Dejak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dejak of Neff Rd., Cleveland, Ohio was the recipient of a $650.00 nursing scholarship from Euclid General Hospital. Christine, a volunteer at The Slovene Home for the Aged and a member of tne National Honor Society, will pursue her interest in nursing at Ursuline College. Congratulations! % V The St. Vitus Slovenian School of Cleveland annual picnic will be held on Sunday, August 16 at Slovenska Pri-stva. A delicious home cooked dinner will he served beginning at noon. Other foods including home baked pastry and refreshments will be available. A family fun filled day is planned for all. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. :;r * CAMPUS NEWS Mark L. Celestina, son of Miro and Mary Celestina, of Richmond Heights, Ohio, was named to the Dean’s List at Parks College of Saint Louis University in Cahokia. Illinojs for the trimester just ended. Mark, who is majoring in Aerospace Engineering, is a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Cleveland, Ohio. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must maintain a 3.3 grade point or more than a B average. Parks College of Saint Louis University w^as founded in 1927 by aviation pioneer Oliver L. Parks. Before joing the University in 1946, it was known as Parks Air College and had earned an international reputation as the world’s first institution devoted to aeronautical instruction. Today Parks College offers seven Bachelor of Science degree programs in engineering and aviation related fields. * Mariana Ovnic of Geneva, Ohio graduated cum laude from Miami University. She will attend Duke University to study towards masters in microbiology. * Kim Ann Kaifesh, daughter of Edward and Jo Ann Kaifesh of Kirtland, Ohio, graduated from Cleveland State University with a B.A. Double Major in English and Communications. She made the Dean’s List 6 times. Kim Ann hopes to pursue a career in public relations. Congratulations to all! :'s St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Ohio) will celebrate their Diamond Jubilee Dinner on Sunday, October 18, 1981, at 2 p.m.. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Dinner will be prepared by Julie Zalar and her staff. Donation $10.00. Abbot Jerome Koval, OSB, wall con-celehrate the Mass at Noon with Father Tome. For tickets contact Fr. Tomcat 761-7740. ::: # TRAVEL NEWS Antonia Stokar of Independence, Ohio attended the Eucharistic Congress at Lourdes. She left Cleveland with the. USŠ Band. She also enjoyed the beautiful two day bus trip from Ljubljana to Lourdes. Jane Jaksic writes from Go-rizia, Italy, “I’m having a great time. We’ve danced two concerts (Kres dancers) so far and they’ve just loved us. They’ve publicized us all over the place — Italy, Austria and Jugoslavia. We’re in the papers and on posters everywhere. In fact, they video taped our second concert. It was on TV in Ljubljana.” Jane, in another correspondence, says, “How beautiful everything is. We just finisheci touring Italy: St. Anthony's Basilica, Venice, Trieste and Sv. Višarje.” Anuška, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Helen, Steffie and Theresa Jarem, Angele Fujs, and Theresa Jarem reports from Austria. “The reception (of Korotan) in Italy (Gorica) was over-w-helming. Everyone is really having a great time.” Tone, Vida and Mark Oblak send greetings from Celovec, Austria. Honey and Charley Sepic of Houston, Texas write from Zagreb, Yugoslavia. “We’re in Slovenia visiting our relatives. We wish all our friends in America good health.” Sylvia Krulc, Anne Cesar and Valerie Paynich send thoughts from Klagenfurt, Austria. “Warmest greetings from beautiful Europe. Our travels have taken us from Venice through Brene, Thun, Interlaken, and Lučine. We went from Switzerland to Innsbruck and Greece. Our cruise of the Greek Islands was really exciting and the food was excellent. Now we’re enjoying the land and people of our beautfiul ‘domovina’.” Father Frank Rebel will visit Cleveland from Taiwan in September. Dick and Joni Gričar of Texas will be moving back to Cleveland after eight years in the sun belt. They report Tom and Veronica Kalan also left Texas some time ago and are now living in Indonesia. Tom's job as a Petroleum Engineer took him there, just as it brought him to Houston a few years ago. Gricar's daughter Julie has been living in Houston following her European tour after her grad-. uation from Kent State in Ohio. She has been accepted by the Columbia University graduate School of Sociology. She’ll be pursuing her Doctorate at Columbia beginning this fall and will be then moving to New York. Son, Jeff Gričar will remain in Houston with Qualitron Aero Services at Houston Intercontinental Airport. Tony and Betty Novak, and Suzie, Ed, and Beth Turk enjoyed a boat trip to Ratttle-snake Island in Lake Erie. Ann and Charlie Terček, world travelers, have recently returned from Slovenia where they were on tour with the United Slovenian Society Band. Charlie is’ one of the star trumpeters who originally played with the first Slovenian marching band in Collin wood 50 years ago. This was his fifth trip to Slovenia, and Ann’s fourth. They have also gone to Hawaii twice, Australia, Spain and California. They’ll be repacking for their tour of Alaska on Monday. Happy trip to a wonder-(Continued on page 4) BISHOP HELPS SL LAWRENCE MARK ANNIVERSARY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 ST. CLAIR AVE. — 431-0628 — Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Owner, Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države:; $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za 3 mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja: $15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $15.00 for three months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20.00 yr. Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 u« No. 86 Friday, Aug. 7, 1981 CHIAPPETTA PRIMES ECONOMY WITH PUMP JACK There is no recession. Just ask John D. Chiappetta. “I made a decision not to participate in ~ the recession. And, so far I haven’t.” In fact, Chiappetta founded Erie Pump Jack Inc. in January to take advantage of the increasing demand for oil. He expects the company’s sales to reach $3.5 million this year. Chiappetta, 35, said: “Over the next three years, 4,000 (oil and natural gas) wells will be drilled in Ohio. Every well needs a pump. And, we’re the only pump jack maker in the Midwest and Ohio.” Pump jacks sell for $2,500 to 60,000 apiece. The Richmond Heights resident is also president of Euclid & Wickliffe Services, Quality Sheet Metal Products, both in Mentor, and Cape Coral Fabricating & Manufacturing Co. in Cape Coral, Fla. E&W was founded by Chiappetta’s father-in-law, Stephen Opalich. These firms specialize in computer-controlled, custom metal fabricating and sheet metal design for the energy, medical equipment and electronics industries. Their customers include General Elec trie Caterpillar Tractor, Gulf & Western Ohio Nuclear and Picker X-ray. Together, these privately-held companies have sales of almost $10 million a year and employ about 60 workers, including engineers. For example, Euclid * Wickliffe has annual sales Of about $4 million. “Our sales volume for E&W doubles every five year,” he said. Chiappetta said that his formula for success calls for equal pinches of foresight, aggressive selling, hard work and capable workers and supervisors. “My day starts at the plant at about 7 a.m. when I check in with the supervisors about the day’s jobs.. “I usually don’t leave before 6 p.m., and generally come back to the plant in the evening after dinner.” Chiappetta’s plants here are in the Great Lakes Industrial Park in Mentor. Chiappetta is also a collector of made-in-Cleveland antiques, a golfer and member of organizations such as the Richmond Heights Jaycees, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s small business committee and the Cleveland Athletic Club. He is the district deputy grand master of the Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio. “I have a 1924 Chandler car, which was produced, at E. 131st St. and St. Clair Ave.,” said Chiappetta. “There are only 64 of these in America.” Chiapp'etta and his wife Patricia have two daughters, Stacey and Stephanie. The family are long-time subscribers to American Home newspaper. Wliat Is Tbe Goodrieli-Gaiinett Center? We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with our Agency. The Good-rich-Gannett Neighborhood Center is a not-for-profit corporation supported by the United Way Services, government grants and various contributors. As part of the Goodrich House heritage, the Center offers services for children, Youth and older adults. In all, these programs serve thousands of persons each year. The area served by the Center is cosmopolitan with countless cultural groups. The history of Goodrich-Gannett’s service to our community goes back to 1896 through its predecessor organization, Goodrich Social Set- tlement. To recognize and honor these 85 years of dedication and innovation in the area of community and family service, we are planning a week of celebration from Sunday, September 13 through Sunday, September 20, 1981. The activities will begin with a Banquet. During the following days, there will be an Auction, a Raffle and a community-wide Parade and Carnival. Our neighborhood religious, civic and private organizations will be participating throughout the celebration. Sincerely, Richard D. Mills, Pres. Board of Trustees Richard Mott, Member Board of Trustees JASMIN BAND DOES CAPITAL JOB Thousands of people stopped daily in the shadow of the Washington Monument the week of July Fourth, to hear a polka band from Euclid perform. '“We had to, play well, there were so many people listening,” : band leader Edward Fujs, 19, of Euclid said after the five days of performances by his band in Washington ended. Fujs and his five member band, called “Jasmin,” performed as many as three times a day, for dancing and musical entertaining, on the Mail between the White House and the Capitol. They appeared as part of the Smithsonian Institution’s Festival of American Folklife, which this year gave special recognition to the heritage of South Slavic immigrants to the United States. Euclid’s “Jasmin” band was the only group chosen by the Smithsonian to play what was referred to at the Festival as Slovenian-style Alpine music. Other members of Fujs’ band were Eric Kosten of Euclid, John Nemec of Cleveland, Roger Mikulander and Scott Hunter of Wickliffe, and Thomas Gasser of Richmond Heights. was a cook at Recher Hall in was Thursday afternoon, when we played for open dancing for about an hour and a half,” Fujs recalled. “People were there from everywhere, and in just an hour and a half, more than a thousand persons canie up and talked to us and danced to Our music.” The Festival presented from other South Slavic cultures in addition to Slovenian. Sixty-five Slavic entertainers were in Washington for the Festival, representing Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, and Bosnian backgrounds. “Getting chosen to go to Washington was a real thrill,” said Fujs, “but performing was even more fun. There was a sense of responsibility in being out there in Washington on our own. It meant we really had to do well, and make a good showing,” Fujs said. The appearance of the band “Jasmin” at the annual Smithsonian Institution’s Festival of American Folklife, in Wash-ington,. was arranged by Congressman Dennis Eckart. The six youths who make up the band were in Washington from June. 29th through July the 5th. FESTIVAL IS FUN FILLED FIVE DAYS By TONY PETKOVŠEK From the time of the opening on Wednesday evening, July 29, until the closing late Sunday night, the East 185th “Old World Festival” on the Jackshaw Chevrolet lot was the scene of much merriment as record crowds jammed the area each day. The East 185th Street Business and Professional Association is thankful for five days of perfect weather enabling a variety of ethnic groups to perform on two major bandstands without a hitch. Hundreds of people were accom--odated with seating provided in the big top as they enjoyed superb music for dancing on a very large wooden floor. The “Polka Mass” was attended by at least 1500 people and thousands more saw the parade on Sunday as the Lithuanian Village Club took the “Best Float” award; Ažman Meats the “Best Vehicle” trophy; Slovene Women’s Union Twirlettes. the “Best Marching Unit”; and the United Slovenian Society the “Best Marching Band”. In a spirit of volunteer cooperation, members of the sponsoring committee, the non-profit business association, will be hopefully able to realize enough profits from the sale of beer and other functions to cover the cost of the rental of the tent and the installation of new overhead holiday lighting as well as new electrical facilities on the festival lot. Any remaining proceeds will go into the continuing improvements on the street. The Jackshaw Chevrolet lot next to Zaller’s Arco station seemed to be adequate for the tent set-up, games, and ethnic food booths. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic was again in record proportions from the Freeway to Lake Shore Blvd. with many of the people taking advantage of sidewalk sales and special entertain- ment at area taverns. Considering the crowds estimated at 15.000 daily and perhaps higher over the weekend, there were few incidents to report of which were festival related according to Euclid and Cleveland Police and the Waterloo Beach Auxiliary Police which was responsible for maintaining the security. • ------o----- Thanks Joe Grcar of Maple view Lane, Willoughby Hills, Ohio donated $500.00 toward the new radio station WAMK-FM. Mr. Grcar is the owner of G and J Construction. Joseph Lah, developer of the station along with his wife, Maria, are sending the check to their attorney Thomas Sehattenfield in Washington, D;C. to help defray the tremendous legal expenses connected with the FCC. The Lahs publicly thank Mr. Grcar for his overwhelming contribution to the ethnic station. ------o----- Meeting Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 47, Garfield Hts., O., will have an important meeting in regards to our 50th Anniversary on Sunday, Aug. 9th, at 1 p.m. at the Slovenian Home on Stanley Ave. All members are asked to attend this very, very important meeting. ------o----— Donates $10.00 Editor: Enclosed please find check in the amount of $10.00 from the Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 14 in memory of deceased member Margaret Baron, 774 Et. 266 St., Euclid, Ohio 44132. Thank you, Sincerely, Vera Bajec, Sec’y ’ JOSEPH GQRNICK SCANDINAVIA Late in the afternoon, leaving Denmark, we boarded the ship Princess Margaret on our way to Oslo, via D.E.D.S Seaway. Twenty-one from our group were included'' with a passenger list of 564. Ship’s capacity is 1,000. On board we enjoyed a Danish De-Luxe Smorgasbord dinner. Upon arriving at 8:45 a.m. we were served breakfast, buffet style. Travel to Learn —' Learn To Travel. Norway Known as the land of the midnight sun, population is over 4 million. It contains 125,180 square miles. It is a country that inspired the music of Greig, the paintings of Munch, and the dramas of Ibsen. Norway is the birthplace of explorers Nansen, Amundsen, and Heyerdahl. Shipbuilders, Norway’s mer chant fleets are seen in every port in all parts of the world, Norway occupies the western and northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula, and has the sea on three sides. Norwegian history began about 9000 B.C. Remains of hunters from this date have been found in the North in 1971. Norway was christianized in 1030 and founded in 1100. Prices here are slightly higher than in Denmark. Oslo Oslo is the sunniest capital in North and Central Europe. Dr. Anton J. Ogrise; Opens Denial Office By DAN J. POSTOTNIK A new dental office was recently opened in the Col-linwood • Slovenian community at 15609 Waterloo Rd. by the eldest son of Dr. Lawrence B. and Marie Ogrinc (nee Grdina). Dr. Anton J. Ogrinc received his education at St. Vitus Grade School, St. Ignatius High School (2nd Honors), John Carroll University (Cum Laude), B.S. Degree in Chemistry, Case Western Reserve School of Dentistry (D.D.S. Degree) in May 1980, and then spent one year at St. Luke’s Hospital in General Dentistry. Since Sept. 1980 he was a faculty member of CW-RU School of Dentistry, serving as Clinical Instructor in Community Dentistry at the Cleveland Free Clinic. Dr. Ogrinc belongs to the following professional organizations: Psi Omega Epsilon Dental Fraternity; American Dental Association; Ohio Dental Association and Cleveland Dental Society. He is presently assigned as an adult monitor for Youth Ministry at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, and is a former Board Member of Brate-nahl Recreation Commission. Dr. Ogrinc and wife Susan whom he married July 26, 1980 reside at 7213 Indiana Ave., Cleveland, O. 44105. His office hours are Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone number is 531-6665. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to you, Dr. Anton J. Ogrinc for a long and successful dental career! From May to September each day, there are 12.20 hours of sunshine. Formerly Christiania, now Oslo, is a seaport and capital of Norway. Oslo has a population of about 468,000 and is over 900 years old. Akershus Castle is ancient and impregnable and a symbol of Norway’s medieval kings. It is one of the oldest buildings in the country. Haakon V, King of- Norway, had it constructed as a fortress in 1300, the same time he made Oslo the capital of Norway. On a guided tour of Oslo, we proceeded along the main avenue, Karl Johansgate St. In view is the Royal Palace, National Theatre, and University Building. After passing the American Embassy, we stop at Frogner Park. Here are sculptures by Gustav Vigeland. He specialized in nude figures of stone and bronze. In four sections are some 200 figures. Adorning the bridge are 58 bronze statues. A circular column contains 121 figures. It stands 61 The 30th annual Ohio KSKJ Day will be held Sunday, August 9th at St. Joseph Grove on White Road in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. It is sponsored by the Ohio Federation of American Slovenian Catholic Union Societies as a social event for for all KSKJ members and friends. < Everyone is kindly invited to come and join the get- together to renew old acquaintances and enjoy good fellowship. A Button Box contest will feature top accordionists from near and far competing for feet high, made of stone and a tqtal weight of about 215 tons. Vigeland devoted his whole life to his works. Each figure represents a story Leaving here, we climb up the hill, 400 meters above sea level. A beautiful scenic view of the countryside. Here is the Holmenkollen Tower, outskirts of Oslo. Construction is going on to enlarge the area in preparation for World Ski Championship to be here here in 1982. hosted by Oslo. We continue on to the Vih' ing Museum. On display are remarkable relics of the Viking age. Here are the Oseberg ship, Gokstad, and the tune ship, found near the Oslo Fjord. In the Kon-Tiki museum nearby, is the Balsa raft, on which Thor Heyre-dahl and five companions drifted close to 5,000 mileS across the Pacific ocean, from Callao in Peru to Raroia is' lands in Polynesia. End of another day, we return to Hotel Viking and out evening meal. awards. They will furnish nul' sic for listening and dancing from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p r°- There will be food and iiqui^ refreshments available. Bake Sale will feature homemade delicacies by the members. Free refreshment tickets worth one dollar will be giveIJ to children, 0 to 14 years 0 age, until 5:00 p.m. Games and contests for children wit begin at 6:00 p.m. The picnic is from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. and admission an parking are free. Publicity Committee Frank Zupančič --------o------- Slovenian Proverbs and Sayings One blossom doesn’t make Spring yet. - Youthfulness ends, when the blossom vanishes. Every flower has its thorns. There’s no flower in the garden, which would guard against death. Cherry blossom and a beggar’s prayer do not give out enough. Native mountain is the greenest. No mountain heights without a valley. The higher the mountain, the shorter the grass. A mountain is no fool, but he who goes up, he is the fool. Keep on the straight path even if you have to go over a mountain. He praises the hills but rcG* * * * 5 & * * * * * himself down. Young blood says, lets leaP’ while the old, let’s sit doW11- • Beneath the skin everybow is bloody. Blood isn’t water. Everything happens 1° live person, to a dead one t grave. He who does not respect parents in life, will rue them at their grave. Alive I won’t go to the graV’” and dead I won’t come either. People put faith only if1 announcer, who testifies Wi his life what he teaches. ^ “Maksimilijan Držečnik One is bound not only ^ what his position comman him, what he is capable ° ’ this a man is obligated to 0 OHIO KSKJ PICNIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 Eci«ar{ Attacks Slue Cress Hike ( Oakar Reports From Washington Death notices Congressman Dennis E. Ec-kart (D-22 Euclid) attacked Blue Cross of Northeact Ohio’s proposed 94.2D rate increase for non-group subscribers as “highly inflationary” and unfair to older citizens. “The rates requested in the newly filed Blue Cross proposal, if approved, would be nearly double those put into effect onty 20 months earlier,” Congressman Eckart said. The new rates would make ' Blue Cross non-group coverage cost an average of nearly $163 per year more for the 172,000 subscribers affected, according to the Blue Cross filing. “For those leaving group coverage, and wishing to continue their Blue Cross policies, the increase would be more than double. For those persons on Medicare, their Blue Cross complementary coverage would go up almost eighty percent,” Eckart said. “The speed of Blue Cross in seeking this new increase, and its unprecendented size, are out of step‘with the nation's need to control inflation. ■ “Requests of this size, combined with the pressure now being applied in the Ohio Legislature to repeal H. B. 448 (requiring cost containment efforts by Blue Cross), are proof that Blue Cross of Northeast Ohio remains uninterested in reduction of costs for medical care.” “Congress is demohstrating spending restraint in an effort to conquer inflation. Budget cutting and program reductions will curtail the cost of government, all in the battle against inflation,” said Eckart. “But the costs of health care continue to rise. In 1979, the last year for which Health Industry statistics have been published, health expenditures averaged $943 for each man, woman and child in the United States. For 1975 to 1980 (only estimates are available for 1980), health costs nearly doubled in the United States. “There is a severe need for restraint in the health care costs area, just as there is elsewhere. These groups must learn it is up to everyone to cure inflation. Every segment of society must help. Those who help determine health care costs are no exception,” Congressman Eckart concluded. EUDUD PENSIONERS CLUB NEWS Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio, held their annual picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road on Wednesday, July 22. The weather was perfect and helped bring the attendance to a goodly number. The highlight of the picnic was the attendance of both Stan Pockar and Joe Birk, our former and present presidents, who are recovering from long illnesses. They were warmly greeted by their many friends. The paffle was also very successful, and the winners were: 1st prize $75, to Joe Lynch; 2nd prize $50, to Frank Simončič; 3rd prize $25, to Joe Peterlin; and 4th prize, a trip to Put-in-Bay won by Jennie Nagel from Barberton. A special “Thank You” should be given to the untiring efforts of ticket sellers, John Kausek, Ann Filipič and her helper Jean Jansa, and Nettie Mihelich. They covered Ihe grounds and persuaded the picnickers to buy. Bertha Walden and Eleanor Pavey (known as the Cerne sisters) had the easy job of selling at the table.. As usual, the refreshments Were excellent under the supervision of Mrs. Mary Ster and her crew. Frank Sabec and his crew did a superb job °n the liquid refreshments, dancing was performed to the 1 "very good sound of music by h* 1- Cercek. The day , ended with community singing which was enjoyed by everyone. We wish to express our appreciation to the many visitors from out-of-town (some from Slove- nia, Europe), and especially to the Floridians who joined in the singing to contribute to the harmony. Special Notice: Ann Mrak wants those of you intreested in dog racing to reserve Wednesday, November 18, for a bus tour to Wheeling, West Virginia. Be sure to attend the August 5 meeting for further details. Reporters, Helen Levstick and Eleanor Cerne Pavey Happy Birthday Marilyn Turk, 289 East 151 St., Cleveland, Ohio will celebrate her special day on August 17th. Marilyn is an avid supporter of the Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary and all the members are very fond of her. Anna Tomsic of East 61 St., Cleve., will celebrate her 86th birthday on Aug. 9. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel the Slovenian editor of the Ameriška Domovina, celebra-' ted his 41st birthday July 20. By MARY ROSE OAKAR Congresswoman, - 20th District, Ohio APPOINTED AS CONFEREE Since Congress returned from our one week District work period, we have been busily preparing for the conference on the “Omnibus Reconciliation Bill”, H.R. 3964. As Chair of the House Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits, I was appointed as a conferee on that portion of the bill that deals with Federal Employee's concernš. THE ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO GUT SOCIAL SECURITY Speaking of the rights and earned benefits of the workers of this nation, I have spent the last several weeks scrutinizing the Administration’s devastating proposals to gut the Social Security System. The President wants to eliminate the minimum benefit, drastically penalize early retirees, eliminate student benefits, raise eligibility for disability, eliminate the lumpsum death payment and place a ceiling on family benefits. May I remind you, as I’ve been reminding myself, that this is the same Administration who promised that Social Security would be protected by the so-called “safety net” features of the budget. Clearly that “safety net” is gradually being torn’ to shreds. THE TRUTH ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY While there is no doubt that some reform is needed to deal with long-range funding difficulties in Social Security, it is the unkindest of lies to terrorize the elderly of our country by falsely -claiming that there is an immediate crisis. Data from the Aging Committee’s Subcommittee on Retirement, Income and Employment/on which I sit, indicates that there is no short-term problem in the combined Social Security Trust Funds. Yet the Administration calls for a budget cut totalinng $100 billion, nearly double the amount deemed necessary for Social Security stabilization. Why? I can find no other reason but to presume that this surplus will be used to counteract that huge deficit that will result if the tax-cutting proposal for the rich is adopted, compounded by exhorbitant compounded by exorbitant The facts are that Social Security has not missed one check since it began in 1935 and that of the three separate insurance programs in Social Security; Old Age Survivors, Disability and Medicare, the latter have surpluses. Also, only since 1969 has the Social Security program been included in the overall budget of the United States. This inclusion has instigated and perpetuated the myth that Social Security expenditures are part and parcel of other Federal expenditures. This is simply not true. What is true, however, is that so as to protect the legal and earned rights of the 36 million Americans who currently receive benefits and 114 million workers and their employees who pay into the system, certain legislative strategies must be immediately implemented. SOCIAL SECURITY LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS Just this past week, I introduced two pieces of legislation. The first would remove the trust funds from the unified budget and permit Interfund borrowing among the three trust funds. The second would insure that the rqini-mum benefit is restored for all those who are eligible regardless of age. REMOVE SOCIAL SECyRITY FROM UNIFIED BUDGET The prime reason why Social Security must be removed from the Federal Budget is to prevent any political budget tinkering. Franklin Delano Roosevelt cautioned against this sort of manipulating and insisted that Social Security remain a separate trust fund. I, for one, subscribe to his wisdom and shall fight to once again return Social Security to its original place. INTERFUND BORROWING My Interfund borrowing provision is a simple, costless solution to the current deficit in the OASI fund. Interfund borrowing will see the funds through the lean years without subjecting the elderly to further benefit reductions. Adoption of this legislation is a sufficient solution to the current problems and also gives us time to prudently consider long-term solutions in a rational and objective manner. RESTORE THE MINIMUM BENEFIT As noted earlier, the Administration proposes to eliminate the meager $122.00 minimum benefit. Recent estimates indicate that there are about 3 million people receiving benefits close to the minimum, 2 million of whom will face a significant income loss if the President’s proposal is adopt-Generally, the recipients of the minimum benefit are people who as a result of low wages, movement in and out of the labor force to bear and raise children and the clergy would receive even a lesser amount than the meager $122,-00 currently provided for by law. This Administration proposes to eliminate even that pittance. There is no question that this proposal is the cruel-est of all. Over half a million of these individuals are in their 80’s and almost all are women. In effect, the President proposes to eliminate what in many instances is the only income for the mothers, the grandmothers and the great grandmothers of this Nation. Moreover, this proposal directly affects 75,000 sisters of religious orders who have JACOB A. ČERNILOGAR Jacob A. Černilogar, age 91, died after a short stay at Manor Care Nursing Home in Willoughby. He is the beloved husband of the late Frances (nee Gor-sha), dear father of James E. Logar and ' Florence1 Jaksie; grandfather of 6 and great grandfather of 4. Jacob was a member of AMLA No. 12, SNPJ No. 28 and SNPJ No. 126. Services were Tuesday at 9 A.M. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass 9:30 A.M. at St. Vitus Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. FRANK BOZIC Frank Bozic, age 75, died at St. Vincent Charity Hospital late Friday night July 31. He was at the hospital only 2 days. Mr. Bozic was known as the “Bee Man.” Mrs. Bozic had the delicatessen on E. 61 St. for many years. He is survived by his wife, Anna nee Lipoid Turk. His first wife was Agnes nee Turk. She died some years ago. He was the step-father of Daniel Turk, Mrs. Joseph (Florencel Klobe, Mrs. Louis B. (Gertrude) Racz, Mrs. Andrew (Pat) Cashen, and Mrs. Anita Deliman. He was the grandfather of 14 and the great grandfather of 13. He was the ANTON M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law jOdvetnik Bus. 623-8588 Res. 531-3413 (F-X) brother of Angela Pustavrh of Jugoslavia. The Funeral Mass was Wednesday, August 5 at Holy Cross Church at 10 A.M. In-termnt at All Soul Cemetery. He was a retired employee of TRW. He was a machinist by trade. He was a member of the,Ohio Bee-Keepers Association, Slovenec No. 1 of the ADZ, a long-time member of the Euclid Rifle Club, and the Euclid Pensioners. Friends called at Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. ------o------ MARY VODIČAR Mary Vodičar (nee Vidmar), age 86, passed away recently at Euclid General Hospital. She had fallen early in the morning. She was taken to Euclid General Hospital. She was a widow;' her husband, Anton, died a number of years ago. She is survived by her sister, Rose Molan of Madison, Ohio. Her brother, Ignac Vidmar is deceased. She was the aunt of Rose Bohinc, Paul Molan, and Mary Pluth. She was also a great aunr. Mrs. Vodičar was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Mary’s Church, Euclid Pensioners Club, SNPJ No. 142 Loyalites, Slovenska Zenska Zveza No. 32, Progressive Slovenian Women of America, and Klub Ljubljana. Before her retirement she was. a cook at Rechor Hall in Euclid. The Funeral Mass was at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) Monday, August 3, at 10 A.M. Interement at St. Paul’s Cemetery (Chardon Rd.). Friends called at Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME GO. Tel: 361-3113 6016 St. Clair Ave. ****+++**+**++**+++++++++*++++*■ taken the vow of poverty and only qualify for the minimum benefit due to restrictive limitations in previous legislation. The legislation which I introduced restores the minimum benefit for all those eligible to receive social security- I shall continue to focps on this critical question of \ Social Security and diligently work toward the adoption of the proposals outlined. Favorite Recipes FOR RENT Commercial space, for any kind of business. Waterloo Rd. Call 486-7451 or 692-1832. ______________________ (85/86) FOR SALE BY OWNER In Euclid, near Lloyd Rd. - 4 bedrms., all brick, energy efficient Bungalow, in Slovenian neighborhood. Newly remodeled kitchen, rec room, 2ya bath, 2Vz car garage. $74,900. Call for appt. 261-2041. (81,84,87,90) TWO FAMILY \ Just listed. Attractive 5 & 5 income with double garage. Very well maintained thru-out. Front porches, wood burning fireplaces. Rental potential $500. Located on E. 168 near Lakeshore. In 50’s. Jodi Joyce Realty, Inc. 397 E. 200 St. 531-3302 (81,90) SWEET-AND-SOUR CHICKEN 2 whole medium chicken breasts y4 cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons water teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons salad oil 1 medium onion, sliced 1 10-ounce package frozen peas 1 20-ounce can pineapple chunks in pineapple juice ABOUT 30 MINUTES BEFORE SERVING Remove skin and bones from chicken breasts; cut breast meat into 1 (J-inch chunks. In cup, mix vinegar, brown sugar, cornstarch, soy sauce, water, salt, and pepper. In 12-inch skillet over medium heat, in hot salad oil, cook onion until tender, stirring occasionally. Increase heat to medium-high; add chicken; cook, stirring frequently, until chicken is tender, about 5 minutes. Add frozen peas, pineapple chunks with juice, and cornstarch mixture; cook, stirring frequently, until mixture boils and thickens slightly. Makes 4 servings. STRAWBERRY COOKIES yU cup butter or margarine 3 J stick) ID cups (8 oz.) snipped pitted dates y/> cup flaked coconut y2 cup sugar 1 egg, slightly beaten Dash of salt iy2 cups Rice Krispies 1 tsp. vanilla y2 sups chopped walnuts 2 jars (2y4 oz. ea.) red sugar crystals 1 tube green decorating icing In a skillet, melt butter. Add dates, coconut, sugar, egg and salt. Cook and stir over medium-low heat untd it thickens and bubbles (5 to 10 minutes). Remove from heat, stir in cereal, walnuts, and vanilla. Cool 10 minutes. Use one tablespoon date mixture and shape into a strawberry, keeping fingers moistened with water. Roll each in red sugar and trim with green frosting leaves. Makes approx. 2!/-> dozen. Faye Starman Newbury, Ohio Slovenian Sports Club Second Annual Grand Picnic WITH SUPERSTARS and BAUNCA TOURNAMENT AUGUST 9,1981 AT SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA IN GENEVA FOR SUPERTEAMS SIGN UP, CALL: Marko Vovk — 942-0395 Mike Dolinar — 481-7551 Tom Veider — 944-7009 Mike Skebe — 486-1985 FOR BALINCA TEAM SIGN UP, CALL: Mr. Ciril Štepec — 481-5140 Mr. Edward Skubitz 946-4039 ■s * • From Madeline Memo... (Continued from page 1) ful couple. Jane and Alyce Royce, and Vicki Svete recently returned from a 3-week trip to California, and these were their comments: “We flew from Cleveland to San Francisco and stayed there seeing the sights. We visited Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, Giradelli, Square and stopped in Sausa-lito. Had dinner with Eleanor Pavey and Bertha Walden at a Chinese restaurant while browsing through Chinatown, which covers an enormous area, the largest settlement of Chinese in the U.S. We then took a 10-day bus tour down through California stopping at such places as Yo-semite National Park, with its majestic mountains and waterfalls, down to the Monterey Peninsula and taking the scenic and famous 17 mile drive and ended the day in the quaint artists’ haven of Carmel. Going further down we stopped for a tour of the incredible Hearst Castle in San Simeon. It is unbelievable what wealth was lavished on the Castle and three “cottages” which were used for the guests. The main building contains 100 rooms and the “cottages” with 10 to 18 rooms. The whole estate is located on 123 acres of gardens, terraces, pools and palatial guest houses. The Hearst property covers thousands of acres. All of the buildings are filled with magnificent art treasurers and it must be seen to be believed that a family once lived in that Castle. The next day we drove to Solvang a charming- village recreated on the Danish theme. Then to Santa Barbara where one of a string of famous missions is located. Finally to Dos Angeles where we toured the city, walked down Rodeo Drive with its extravagant shops, and drove, through some of the sections where famous movie stars live. While in Los Angeles we visited with our Aunt, Mary Matyazich, who has visited Cleveland a number of times and has many friends here. We also stayed with our cousin, Helene Reitenbach (a former Clevelander) who made arrangements for us to visit San Syimar, a private museum. Every treasure you see at the museum is completely restored and in use. They term their collections “Functional Fine Art” and includes at least 50 priceless restored cla^ic and antique automobiles, automatic mechanical musical instruments, such as music boxes, grand pianos, and a 1926 Wuriitzer Theatre Pipe Organ, as well as gorgeous antique furniture and clocks. All these objects of fine art are displayed in a setting of breathtaking beauty- Near the end of our stay we took a 3-day train trip to Las Vegas to try our luck in the casinos. The most beautiful one, of course, is Caesars Palace and also the most expensive. We won some and lost some and had a good time doing it. All in all, it was a wonderful, wonderful trip. You all ought to take a trip like that.” ❖ ❖ ❖ Albin Lipoid, attorney and assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, is seeking the office of Judge, Lyndhurst Municipal Court in November. Voting will be in the districts of Highland Hts., Richmond Hts., Gates Mills, Mayfield Village and May-field Hts. Lipoid, prominent Slovenian, is past president of the Board of Directors of the Slovene Home for the Aged. * * * Anniversary Greetings To: Tony and Jennie Trennel of Euclid, Ohio will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary on Aug. 8. Fondest wishes from all' of their relatives and friends. ❖ * ❖ Happy Retirement To: Joseph Cimperman of Cleveland recently retired from Gould Corp. , Fred Križman of Euclid, Ohio, announced his retirement as Executive Director of St. Augustine Manor. Fred is one of the prime movers in the Slovenian community. His untiring leadership in worthwhile projects have not gone unnoticed among his fellow ethnics. We hope he will continue his valiant efforts because he is needed by the community. John Habat says goodbye to teaching science and social studies at Forest Park School in, Euclid, Ohio. Good guy John is one of the greats at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Collin-wood, and is an officer in the Federation o f Slovenian Homes in Cleveland. It was through his efforts that the special editions of the American Home dedicated to the national homes was made possible. Habat has been with the Euclid Schools for 32 years. He is also a famous swimmer, having his picture on the front page of the Sunday Magazine during one of his olympian feats. Habat is a modern up-to-date fellow who is now working with video taping for the cultural benefits of the Slovenian people. Ohio KSKJ Day Picnic will be held Sunday, August 9 at St. Joseph Picnic Grove on White Rd. (East of Richmond Ed.), Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Games, Bake Sale, Button Box Music, Refreshments, a fun filled day is waiting all. Everyone is invited, * -5- <' Father Louis Fizmoht named Pastor of St. Justine Martyr Effective Monday, August 3, Father Louis Pizmoht was named pastor of St. Justine Martyr parish in Eastlake, Ohio. Fr. Pizmoht graduated from Borromeo High School, Bor-romeo College, Wickliffe and St. Mary Seminary, Cleve- land. He was ordained at St. John Cathedral, May 21, 1966. He has served as Assistant Pastor at St. Christine, Euclid; St. Jerome, Cleveland; and St. Mary Mentor. Fr. Pizmoht has also served as vicar coadjutor at St. Justin Martyr Parish, Eastlake, spiritual director for Borromeo High School students, and a member of the Diocesan Commission on Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs in 1969 and 1970. * * * NEW BIRTHS Kathleen and Christopher Raddell, 24151 Devoe Ave., Euclid, a son, Michael Patrick, weighing 8 lbs. Judith and Joseph Slovene, 18024 Windward Rd., Cleveland, a daughter, Jesse Danielle, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz, Sheila and Carl Tomšič, 1060 E. 346th St., Wickliffe, a daughter, Carly, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz. Sandra and Gary Zalar, 29235 Oakdale Rd., Willowick, a daughter, Kristina Ann, weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. Deborah and William Champa, 30050 Regent, Wickliffe, a daughter, Kristen Renee, weighing 9 lbs. 2 oz. Mary and James Pelich, 6008 Shore Dr., Madison, Ohio, a son, Tyler James, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. Carol and Michael Bacnik, 20200 Hillcrest Dr., Euclid, a son, Michael Anthony, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. Congratulations to all! ❖ * * WE HEAR THAT Judy Cerne has completed her three-year training program as an apprentice theatre manager and has been appointed house manager of the Hanna Theatre. Judy’s proud aunts are the hard working Cerne sisters, Eleanor Pavey and Bertha Walden usher every Saturday evening at the Cleveland Playhouse. * * * The Old World Festival on East 185th Street held last Wednesday through Sunday night was the best ever. Tony Petkovšek, Past President of the E. 185 St. Association, and originator of the festival, said between 75,000 and 100,000 came to the area to see the carnival-like activities. It was also aired live on WELW-1330 AM with Tony and Eddie Bučar and his sons and Leo D’Arcy. “Between 1500 to 2,000 attended the noon Polka Mass,” Tony said. Also more entries than ever entered the 5-mile Viking Run. When- Joseph Skrabec, 72, of Creekview Drive in Cleveland, met his brother, Ivan, 55, of Slovenia, it was the first time the. two had met in 52 years. The reunion was arranged by a brother-in-law Jacob Strekal on a visit to Yugoslavia last year. Strekal’s wife, Molly, who had seen Ivan on previous visits, was a third Skrabec in on the reunion. Ivan had worked at the furniture foctory in Grahovo, Slovenia where Joseph had also worked prior to his immigration to the U.S. Ivan was amazed by the size of Randall Park Mall. There is another Skrabec sister who hasn’t been seen in over 50 years. She lives in France. - Another reunion is planned in the future. * * * Mrs. John (Clara) Spilar, wife of John Spilar High Court Trustee and Mrs. Stanley (Dorothy) Urankar recently1 received one of the highest awards of the Catholic Order of. Foresters, the Legion of Honor. THE SLOVENIAN SPORTS CLUB will present their 2nd GRDIHA FUNERAL ROMES 1053 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6300 mmm furniture store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Annual Superstars Sports Tournament and Balinca Tournament this Sunday at Slovenska Pirstava. Games begin at 2 p.m. Last year’s event was the highlight of the sports season with outstanding fun for both participants and spectators. * * * St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. in Collinwood will be celebrating their Patron Feast Day on Sunday, August 16 with a festival in the old church beginning at 2 p.m. and will continue until 9 p.m. Father Vic Tome, pastor, says profit from the raffle and festival will go toward the upkeep of the school and repairs of the parish grounds. * * * Euclid High School, Class of ’61 is seeking information regarding their classmates for the upcoming 20 year reunion on Aug. 15 at Normandy Party Center, Wickliffe. If not contacted yet, please call Ma-delinie Randazzo Bradock at 289-4340 or Dave Sprochi at 531-6173. * ❖ ❖ Sally Kirchner, daughter of Mr. Edward Kirchner and the late Betty Kirchner of Wickliffe, Ohio, is engaged to John Hayes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes of Euclid, Ohio. A September, 1982 wedding is planned. They became engaged July 16. Congratulations! ❖ * ❖ John Telich, the Sun Life Insurance salesman reports the birth of grandchild Michael James Telich, III born on his 34th anniversary. Son Michael missed the birth by 12 hoi irs' in spite of Concord flight from Tunisia. Beth Telich starts her residency at University Hospital. Son John Telich, Jr. is the sportscaster on Channel 8 in Cleveland. ❖ ❖ * The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Euclid, Ohio is open to the public daily throughout the year. Visitors are invited to enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings of the wooded hillside, and peace and serenity of the Shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes. The Rosary is recited daily at 12:30 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. The new modern St. Ann Dining Room is open every Sunday (thru October) from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Breakfast and dinners are available. Fish Fries Friday evenings from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. * * * MARIE VIDMAN GARF RECEIVES AWARDS Marie Vidman Graf, an American Home subscriber and of Slovenian descent, recently was awarded a Cleveland Communicator Award from Women in Communications, Inc. The award was in the best entertainment category for a program called “Donahue Looks at Cleveland.” Graf is public affairs director for WEWS-TV 5. She also received an award during the rceent Northern Ohio “Excellence in Journalism” competition. She represented WEWS TV 5 in a commentary. •4: 4: * Thirty-nine contestants from around the world will arrive in Cleveland, Ohio in the United States on Friday, August 14 for the prestigious Robert Casadesus Fourth International Fiano Competition, August 15-23 at The Cleveland Institute of Music. Preliminary rounds begin Saturday, August 15 at 9:30 A.M. at The Institute and run through Wednesday, August 19. Semi-final rounds are Tb ursday and Friday, August 20 and 21. Final rounds, with New Subscribers C. A. Zebot, Washington, D.C. — Daily Joseph Cah, Richmond Hts., Ohio — i Daily Dorothy Bukovnik, Mentor, Ohio — Friday Vida A. Stavana, Chester-land, Ohio — Friday Peter Pecavar, San Francisco, CA. — Friday Elizabeth Strukel, Cleveland, Ohio Friday (gift from son Frank) Frank Levstek, Bradenton, Florida — Friday (gift from Helen Levstick, Cleveland, Ohio) Clarence Tabernik, Euclid, Ohio — Friday Hanna Gaber, Lakewood, Ohio — Daily John Mandel, Geneva, Ohio Daily Stanley Kuhar, Cleveland, Ohio — Friday John Kermavner, Cleveland, Ohio — Friday , John M. Pozar, Salem, Oregon — Friday Linda J. Wallace, Lakewood, Ohio — Friday Edward Gliha, Euclid, Ohio Friday Mary Rost, Chicago, 111. — Friday (gift from Anna Pozar, Euclid, Ohio) Al Glavic, Maple Heights, Ohio — Friday Stephanie Fryger, Seven Hills, Ohio — Friday Mrs. Maurice Gulich, Highland Hts., Ohio — Friday Amelia Krall, Euclid, Ohio Friday HAPPY READING! INDEPENDENT SAVINOS BUILDS STRONO FOUNDATION In a changing environment of inflation and high interest rates, Independent Savings, Euclid’s home-based, locally owned financial institution, continues to grow and expand. The company now operates two (2) full service offices and has assets of approximately $13 million. President, Hal Swope, reports, “The first half of 1981 earnings have shown a 30% increase over the comparable 1980 period.” He attributes the success of Independent Susier Seeks To Reduce Home Taxes Legislation sponsored by State Representative Benny Bonanno (D-Cleveland) and State Representative Ronald J. Šuster (D-Euclid), to reduce the amount of property taxes paid by homeowners and farmers passed the Ohio House of Representatives, 64-35. Substitute House Bill- 50, which would return the proportion of property taxes paid , by residential taxpayers to 1975 levels, passed on the floor of the House and was signed in Cleveland by the Governor. . The bill is the second half of the tax reform begun by State Issue I, which voters approved last November. State Issue I created two classifications of property tb allow for tax credits based upon the differing rates of inflation experienced by residential property as opposed to commercial/industrial property. By establishing a floating base year, Substitute House Bill 50 seeks to repair the damage created during the time that the old system was in effect. As passed, the bill alters the proportion paid by each property classification and will not reduce the total , amount of revenue collected by the State. orchestra, Max Bragado-Dar-man conductinng, are Saturday, August 22 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. The three top winners will perform in recital Sunday, August 23 at 3:00 P.M.-at The Institute of Music. There will be a $3.00 per person charge at the door for the recital. Competition patrons will be admitted free. For patron information phone 216-791-5165. The public is invited ot attend daily competition rounds at no charge. mainly to the company’s philosophy of sticking to the basics of accepting deposits, originating loans and having substantial liquidity; coupled with providing many free customer services. - / Mr. Swope stressed that Independent is a conservative institution and tries not to overreact to the changes taking place in the financial industry, but to respond to cus- . tomer and community needs after a proper cost analysis has been completed. Tbs Perfect Photograph John and Cecilia Kermavner, owners of Special Effects, a photography studio at 6612 Bliss Ave., recently completed a successful exhibition at Baragov Dom on St. Clair Ave. The couple, whose work has appeared in Cleveland Magazine, was born and raised in the St. Clair-Superior area. John is a graduate of St. Vitus School and Benedictine High School, while Cecilia graduated from St. Francis School and St. Peter High School. Though their formal education in photography consisted only of basic courses in darkroom at Cuyahoga Community College, they studied under the direction of Derrill Dalby and Renee Psiakis, whose photos have been exhibited at numerous area galleries. Since then, their on-going education in the photo arts has been bolstered by their comprehensive, up-to-date library of technical books and Baraga Bouri The straining of 2011 bers of Baraga Court Catholic Order of from the blue tees Briardale Greens Golf 11 could be heard thro^ the Babbitt Road area-skies were blue to blen( tees on the 18th of 3^' The moans and groan* quelled by some fDe , mances and the solacd* ers are as follows: Low Gross — Frank Skoda — 85 . Low Net — Gary v Jakomin — 73 , Low Putts — John Kovacic — 28 Pin Shot No. 2 ■" (Inch) Vogrig — 34 Pin Shot No. 11 " ^ (Close) Marolt — 8 Senior Pin Shot N0, Walt (Birdie) StangrT feet ^ Seniors Long DrN6 j — Doc (Smasher) ^ 273 yards. Long Drive No. 18 , (Lucky) Perme — 28l High Gross — J°e (J«11 (5 Sauer — 117 jolts ^ High Net — John (u Pristov — 82 crunch65. High Putts — Mik6 ter) Koczan — 41 bla5 Remember the ne^ „ for August will be ^ dale Greens 10:00 a^1.. off on the 22nd whic : fourth Saturday of the Elmer per*11 Reporter volumes from fanacm5 P graphers. “We draw the to teach ourselves fr0., books,” Kermavner sa1 \ spur ourselves on t0 levels of compefeIlC creativity.” 0ecii. Though Special established'Vn 1979; 1 exp1 fie" it P1 mavners, both wedding and portra ^ ^ graphers, have enjo/6 success. In addition to photos for promoil01^ ture for the city of ^ and the slides for 3 ^ ployee orientation s local savings and s i tiorr, their photograP ^ chosen for exhibit10^ fr Northern Ohio Fh° ^ which gave them an “We strive for P^fC our photographs by 0) control of every feV er work,” Mrs. Kerma^ “We expose and Pr° ejii enlar» film, make mount the photos ^ ble the frames onrs “This assures llS ^ customers that fbe totally ours. remodeling RICHARD S. PRICE — CONTRACTING Third Generation — All Home Renovaf*0’1 7309 St. Clair Ave. TEL. 391-4688 \ “My Only Business” 000<)000<^ ZELE FUNERAL KGIW# 452 E. 152nd Street MEMORIAL CHAPEL Phone 481 -3ll8 6502 St. Clair Avenue ADDISON ROAD CHAPEL 0ggJ Phone trefr Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo poS oooooooAYINGS '':'-A/A ■ 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 Samostojna društva SLOVENSKA TELOVADNA ZVEZA V CLEVELANDU Starosta Janez Varšek, tajnica in blagajničarka Meta Lavrisha, ■ 1076 E. 176 St. 44119, načelnik Milan Rihtar vaditeljski zbor. Milan Rihtar, John Varšek, Meta Lavrisha, Majdi Lavrisha. Telovadne ure vsak četrtek od 6. -10. zvečer v telovadnici pri Sv Vidu. BALINCARSKI KLUB NA WATERLOO RD. Predsednik — Frank Grk Podpred. — Jože Lipec Tajnica — Emma Grk Blagajnik — Joseph Ferra, 444 E. 152 St., 531-7131 Zapisnikar — Ivan Kosmač Nadzorniki — Tony Champa, Karl Družina, Stanley Grk . Kuharica — Mary Dolšak Natakarice — Mary Umek, Marija Družina Seje se vrše po dogovoru. Balina se vsak dan od 12. opoldan do 12. ponoči izven v nedeljah v zirhskem času. Članarina $4 na leto. Sprejemamo še novo članstvo. ŠTAJERSKI KLUB Predsednik — Rudi Pintar Podpredsednik— Tone Zgoznik Tajnica — Slavica Turjanski Blagajničarka — Kristina šrok Gospodar — Janez Goričan Pomočnik — Slavko Zagmaj-ster Odborniki: Rozika Jaklič, Agnes Vidervol, Stefan Rezonija, Tonica Simiček, Rudi Kristavenik, August Šepetavem Jože Kolenko Nadzorni Odbor: Božidar Ratajc, Frank Fujs, Stefan Maje, Martin Walentschak Razsodišče: Marija Goršek, Anica Koren, Pepca Feguš, Sandy Musulia Kuhinja: Voditeljica, Elza Zgoznik Pomočnice, Angela Radej, Marija Goršek, Marija Maje,, G. Walentschak, Marija Goričan Seje po dogovoru. Oolfinwood Slovenian Home Festival Slated For August 23 Cleveland, O. — The Collin-wood Slovenian Home will be celebrating its Annual Homecoming Day on Sunday, August 23rd, with a parade from St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Avenue to the hall. The parade route is on E. 156 St., 157th St, 159 Street, between Saranac Road and Holmes Ave. Also, the parade will be on School Avenue between E. 156 and 157 Streets. It is scheduled to start at 1:30 p.m. At the hall there will be continuous music all day. The public is cordially invited,an there is no charge, free 8 mission to the entertainn15' Fraternally yours, Collinwood Slovenian HC" Frank Koncilja, Co-chairman Si. Lawrence Oelebrales Sunday (Continued from page 1) as a model to deacons and laity serving the Church in the many ministries of the Church. He is a model to Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers, commentators, choir, visitors to the aged and ill, parish council and commission members, like St. Lawrence of old these ministers serve God and Church today. We will remember St. Lawrence who suffered martydom in the year 528 during Valerian’s persecution of the Body of Christ and we will pray that he may be our patron for years to come. The parishioners of St. Lawrence are . thankful to Bishop Pilla for joining them in their moments of joy. We also invite all former parishioners and currenR friends to come to St. Lawrence Church on August 9, 1981 for the 9:30 am Mass and pray with us for God’s continued favor on Slovenian people world over; and to remember our grandparents and parents who gave us our churches and schools to preserve those values so dear to them and to instill in us a rich culture and heritage. Come to pray with us. ------o----— | LAUD LIQUIDATION SALE | Saturday, August 8, 1981 I APPLE CREEK SUBDIVISION Overlooking Metropolitan Park in the Scottish Highlands CHOICE OF 15 REMAINING LOTS FULLY IMPROVED from $13,800 2 MODEL HOMES No Reasonable Offer Refused. 21/l> baths, 4 bedrooms, central air, full built-ins. For information Gall 473-5200 Directions: Highland Road to Dumbarton (across from Trebisky), north on Dumbarton to Douglas. Dougles to Harms. West on Harms to Apple Drive. Special 15 Day Complete Vacation at Great Savings On the Beautiful Adriatic Coast FOR SLOVENIAN RETIRED CITIZENS ONLY! In PORTOROŽ — $709 In DUBROVNIK — $759 On the Island of HVAR — $689 Price includes: Round trip air fare from New York, ao ,con1'I modations in first class hotels, 2 meals daily, U, day si$| seeing, transfers and baggage handling, farewell dinner, time services of a professional escort/guide, flight bag ( document portfolio. Also available: optional tours, opti