179VARSTVO NARAVE, Supl. 1 (2011) ANALYSIS OF MONK SEAL (MONACHUS MONACHUS, HERMANN 1779) SIGHTINGS IN THE CROATIAN PART OF THE ADRIATIC (2006-2009) ANALIZA OPAZOVANJ SREDOZEMSKE MEDVEDJICE (MONACHUS MONACHUS, HERMANN 1779) V HRVAŠKEM DELU JADRANSKEGA MORJA (2006-2009) Jasna ANTOLOVIĆ, Nenad ANTOLOVIĆ, Mara ANTOLOVIĆ, Emanuele COPPOLA, Gianni PECHIAR, Marta PICCOLI, Martina HERVAT ABSTRACT The Monk Seal (Monachus monachus, Hermann 1779) belongs to the order Pinnipeds (Pinnipedia), seal family (Phocidae) and sea monk genus (Monachus). Its total population amounts to about 350 individuals in smaller, isolated and endangered groups. The aim during our 4-year systematic research (2006-2009) was to gather data on Monk Seal sightings in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. The result: 79 sightings in the above-mentioned area. According to the systematic research of their habitat (21 caves) on the Adriatic open- sea islands and on the coast, it has been determined that the Monk Seal inhabits them. The conclusion: for the survival of the species, it is essential to protect the areas of the open-sea islands in the Adriatic and to place infrared cameras inside the caves, thus giving us the insight as to their use. IZVLEČEK Sredozemska medvedjica (Monachus monachus, Hermann 1779) spada v red Pinnipedia, družino pravih tjulnjev (Phocidae) in rod Monachus. Njena populacija dosega kakih 350 osebkov, živečih v majhnih, izoliranih in ogroženih skupinah. Namen naših štiriletnih sistematičnih raziskav (2006-2009) je bil zbrati podatke o tej vrsti v hrvaškem delu Jadranskega morja. Rezultat: 79 opazovanj v zgoraj omenjenem delu Jadrana. Glede na sistematske raziskave njihovega habitata (21 jam) na odmaknjenih jadranskih otokih in na obali sami je bilo ugotovljeno, da jih sredozemska medvedjica vsekakor naseljuje. Sklep: za preživetje te redke vrste je nadvse pomembno, da se zaščitijo območja otokov na odprtem morju v Jadranu in postavijo infrardeče kamere v jame, da bi dobili vpogled v njihovo rabo. Jasna ANTOLOVIĆ, Nenad ANTOLOVIĆ, Mara ANTOLOVIĆ, Emanuele COPPOLA, Gianni PECHIAR, Marta PICCOLI and Martina HERVAT Grupa sredozemna medvjedica - udruga za istraživanje i zaštitu prirode, Krešimirov trg 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia mhervat@unipu.hr 180