Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 179 A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Compositions of Automata Pál Dömösi Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Nyíregyháza, H-4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/B, Hungary Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26, Hungary E-mail:, József Gáll and Géza Horváth Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26, Hungary E-mail:, Bertalan Borsos Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University, H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary E-mail: Norbert Tihanyi Digital14 LLC, xen1thLabs, Cryptography Laboratory, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates E-mail: Yousef Al Hammadi College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University P.O. Box 15551, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates E-mail: Keywords: automata network, NIST test, block cipher, pseudo random number generator, composition of automata, Gluškov product of automata, temporal product of automata Received: April 3, 2020 In this paper a new Pseudorandom Number Generator based on compositions of abstract automata is pre- sented. We show that it has full cycle with length of 2 128 . It is also shown that the output satisfies the statistical requirements of the NIST randomness test suite. Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljen nov psevdonakljuˇ cni generator števil. 1 Introduction In this paper, the authors continue their joint research of cryptographic tools based on compositions of abstract finite automata started in [6]. Random number generators have been used for a wide variety of fields and purposes, such as cryptography, pat- tern recognition, gambling and VLSI testing. [18]. In this paper a Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) based on automata theory will be introduced and studied. The most frequent type of automata theory based pseudoran- dom generators are implemented on the basis of cellular automata. The first pseudorandom number generator based on cellular automata was proposed by S. Wolfram [29, 30] and there are many pseudorandom generators based on cel- lular automata today. (See [2]-[5], [8]-[16], [19, 20],[23]- [28]). A common problem of some well-known pseudorandom generators based on cellular automata is that they have se- rious application difficulties: some of them can be broken [1],[17], while in case of others the selection of the key automaton poses difficulties [10]. These reasons, among others, justify the use of new automata theory-based pseudorandom number generators based on principles other than cellular automata. Counter-based random number generation [22] is a rel- atively new technique for creating a pseudorandom num- ber generator using only an integer counter as the inter- nal state of the generator. The state transition function is an increment by one modulo the size n of the finite state set S = f0;:::;n 1g and the complexity comes in the map from the state to the random sample. Formally, a counter based random number generator (CBRNG) is a structureCBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g), where K is the key space; Z J =f0; 1;:::;J 1g, where J is a positive integer called output multiplicity; S is the state space; U is the output space; f : S ! S is the state transition function, s i = f(s i 1 ); g : K Z J S ! U is the output function. If Z J is a singleton (i.e., Z J = f0g) then we will write g in the form g : K S ! U and then we say thatCBRNG has a simple output multiplic- ity. Given an output function g : K S! U having a simple output multiplicity and assume that U S. We 180 Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 P. Dömösi et al. say that the output function g 0 : K S ! U is a dou- ble round of the output function g : K S ! U if for every k 2 K;s 2 S; g 0 (k;s) = g(k;g(k;s)). In gen- eral, we say thatg 0 : K S! U is ak-times round of g :K S!U for somek> 2 if for everyk2K;s2S; g 0 (k;s) = g(k;h(k;s)) such thath : K S is ak 1- times round of g : K S. Finally, the single round of g :K S!U is the functiong :K S!U itself. TheCBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g) works in discrete time scale. It starts from a fixed states2 S, called initial state and a fixed keyk2 K. Then the generated random number sequence isg(k; 0;f 1 (s));:::;g(k;J 1;f 1 (s)); g(k; 0;f 2 (s));:::;g(k;J 1;f 2 (s));g(k; 0;f n (s)); ;:::;g(k;J 1;f n (s)), where f 1 (s) = f(s);f 2 (s) = f(f(s)) andf n (s) =f(f n 1 (s)) for every furthern> 2. In this case, the vector (g(k; 0;f(s));:::g(k;J 1;f(s)) is called the output vector of initial state. Given aCBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g) we say that its state transition function f : S ! S has a full cycle if for every s 2 S;S = ff n (s)jn = 1;:::;jSjg, where, by definition,jSj denotes the cardinality ofS. Moreover, a CBRNG is said to have a full cycle or full period if for any key and initial state s2 S, theCBRNG traverses every output vector (u 0 ;:::;u J 1 )2U J before returning to the output vector of the initial state. The following statement is clear. Proposition 1 A CBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g) has a full cycle if and only if its state transition function f : S! S has a full cycle and for every keyk2 K, the functiong k :S!U J withg k (s) = (g(k; 0;s);:::;g(J 1;s));s2S is bijective. In this paper we consider CBRNGs having a simple out- put multiplicity. For CBRNGs,g is complex,f is a simple counter withf(s) = (s + 1)mod 2 p , wherep is the state size in bits and S =f0;:::;p 1g. Applying the ideas of this construction, in this paper we consider CBRNGs, where f is a counter, and g is defined by composition of abstract finite automata. 2 Preliminaries We start with some standard concepts and notation. For all notions and notation not defined here we refer to the monograph [7]. By an automaton we mean a deterministic finite automaton without outputs. In more detail, an au- tomaton is an algebraic structureA = (A; ; ) consisting of the nonempty and finite state setA, the nonempty and finite input set , and a transition function :A !A: The transition matrix of an automaton is a matrix with rows corresponding to each input and columns corresponding to each state; at the entry of any row indicated by an input x2 sign and any column indicated by a statea2A the state (a;x) is put. If all rows of the transition matrix are permutations of the state set then we speak about permuta- tion automaton. A Latin square of order n is an n n matrix (with n rows andn columns) in which the elements of ann-state set fa 0 ;a 1 ;:::;a n 1 g are entered so that each element occurs exactly once in each fixed (row, column) pair. In this paper we will consider special compositions of automata consisting of component automata such that all components have the same transition matrix of the Latin square form. We will show that these compositions of au- tomata are permutation automata, moreover for every state of these automata compositions it has a very low likeli- hood that two randomly chosen distinct input signs take the automaton into the same state. By these properties, we would like to avoid vulnerability to statistical attacks. Fi- nally we note that, apart from the trivial cases, the transition matrices of the considered automata compositions are not quadratic. Therefore, their transition matrix can not form Latin squares. 3 Construction We start with some standard definitions. (See, for example [6, 7]). Let A i = (A i ; i ; i ) be automata where i 2 f1;:::;ng; n 1: Take a finite nonvoid set and a feedback function ’ i : A 1 A n ! i for every i 2 f1;:::;ng: A Gluškov-type product of the automataA i with respect to the feedback functions ’ i (i2f1;:::;ng) is defined to be the automatonA = A 1 A n ( ; (’ 1 ;:::;’ n )) with state set A = A 1 A n ; input set ; transition function given by ((a 1 ;:::;a n );x) = ( 1 (a 1 ;’ 1 (a 1 ;:::;a n ;x));:::; n (a n ;’ n (a 1 ;:::;a n ;x))) for all (a 1 ;:::;a n )2 A and x2 : In particular, ifA 1 =::: =A n then we say thatA is a Gluškov-type power. Given a functionf : X 1 X n ! Y; we say that f is really independent of its i-th variable if for every pair (x 1 ;:::;x n ); (x 1 ;:::;x i 1 ;x 0 i ;x i+1 ;:::;x n ) 2 X 1 X n ; f(x 1 ;:::;x n ) = f(x 1 ;:::;x i 1 ;x 0 i ;x i+1 ;:::;x n ): Otherwise we say that f really depends on its i-th variable. A (finite) directed graph (or, in short, a digraph) D = (V;E) (of order n > 0) is a pair consisting of sets of vertices V =fv 1 ;:::;v n g and edges E V V: Elements of V are sometimes called nodes. IfjVj = n then we also say thatD is a digraph of order n:D is called bipartite if its vertices can be partioned into two sets A;B such that every (direct) edge connects a vertex inA to a vertex in B or vica versa. Further on, we will assume that V is an ordered set of integers 1;:::n for some positive integer n: Given a digraphD = (V;E), we say that the above defined Gluškov product is aD-product if for every pair i;j 2f1;:::;ng; (i;j) = 2 E implies that the feedback function ’ i is really independent of its j-th variable. Let be the set of all‘ (preferably 4 or 8) length binary strings for a given length ‘ > 0. Moreover, let A i = ( ; ; Ai );i = 2;:::;n be copies ofA 1 , and letn be a positive integer power of 2. Consider the following A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 181 simple bipartite digraphs: D 1 = (f1;:::;ng;f(n=2 + 1; 1); (n=2 + 2; 2);:::; (n;n=2)g), D 2 = (f1;:::;ng;f(n=4 + 1; 1); (n=4 + 2; 2);:::; (n=2;n=4); (3n=4+1;n=2+1); (3n=4+2;n=2+2);:::; (n; 3n=4)g), :::, D log 2 n 1 = (f1;:::;ng;f(3; 1); (4; 2); (7; 5); (8; 6);:::; (n 1;n 3); (n;n 2)g), D log 2 n = (f1;:::;ng;f(2; 1); (4; 3);:::; (n;n 1)g); D log 2 n+1 =D 1 . For every digraph D = (V;E) with D 2 fD 1 ;:::;D log 2 n g, let us define the Gluškov-type power, called two-phaseD-power,A D = A 1 A n ( n ; (’ 1 ;:::;’ n )) ofA 1 (withA 1 =A 2 ::: =A n ) so that for every (a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n ) 2 n ; (i;j) 2 E, ’ i (a 1 ;:::;a n ; (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = a 0 j x j ; and ’ j (a 1 ;:::;a n ; (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = a i x i , where a i x i is the bitwise addition mod- ulo 2 of a i and x i , a 0 j denotes the state into which ’ j (a 1 ;:::;a n ; (x 1 ;:::;x n )) takes the automatonA i from its statea j ; anda 0 j x j is the bitwise addition modulo 2 ofa 0 j andx j . 1 Next we define the concept of temporal product of automata. Let A t = (A; t ; t );t = 1; 2 be automata having a common state set A: Take a fi- nite nonvoid set and a mapping ’ of into 1 2 : Then the automatonA = (A; ; ) is a temporal product (t-product) ofA 1 byA 2 with respect to and’ if for anya2 A andx2 ; (a;x) = 2 ( 1 (a;x 1 );x 2 ); where (x 1 ;x 2 ) = ’(x): The concept of temporal product is generalized in the natural way to an arbitrary finite fam- ily ofn> 0 automataA t (t = 1;:::;n), all with the same state setA. Proposition 2 Suppose thatA 1 = ( ; ; ) is a permu- tation automaton. Then for every i = 1;:::; log 2 n, the D i -power ofA 1 also forms a permutation automaton. Proof. Assume thatA 1 is a permutation automaton. Then, by definition, all rows of its transition matrix are permuta- tions of the state set. Therefore, none of these rows contain repetition. Consequently, for any statesa;b2A 1 and input x2 ; 1 (a;x) = 1 (b;x) impliesa =b. By our above observation, if the D i -power A Di = ( n ; n ; Di ) is a permutation automaton, then for every pair of states (a 1 ;:::;a n ); (b 1 ;:::;b n ) and input sign (x 1 ;:::;x n ), we have Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = Di ((b 1 ;:::;b n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) that implies (a 1 ;:::;a n ) = (b 1 ;:::;b n ). Suppose that A Di is not a permutation automaton. Then, by our observations, there are a pair of dis- tinct states (a 1 ;:::;a n ); (b 1 ;:::;b n ) and an input sign (x 1 ;:::;x n ) for which Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = Di ((b 1 ;:::;b n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n ). 1 We remark that there areV 1 ;V 2 V withV = V 1 [V 2 andV 1 \ V 2 =; so that for everyj2 V 2 there exists exactly onei2 V 1 with (j;i)2E. Therefore all the functions’ 1 ;:::;’n are well-defined. If (a 1 ;:::;a n ) and (b 1 ;:::;b n ) are distinct then there exists an index j 2 f1;:::;ng with a j 6= b j . Put (a 0 1 ;:::;a 0 n ) = Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) and (b 0 1 ;:::;b 0 n ) = Di ((b 1 ;:::;b n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )). It is enough to show that, in this case, (a 0 1 ;:::;a 0 n ) 6= (b 0 1 ;:::;b 0 n ). LetE denote the set of edges inD i . First we suppose (j;k)2 E for somek2f1;:::;ngn fjg. Then, by definition, a 0 j = A1 (a j ;a 0 k x k ) and b 0 j = A1 (b j ;b 0 k x k ). BecauseA 1 is a permutation au- tomaton, by the assumption a 0 k = b 0 k , we get a j = b j , a contradiction. Thereforea 0 k 6= b 0 k . Hence, (a 0 1 ;:::;a 0 n )6= (b 0 1 ;:::;b 0 n ). Next we assume (k;j)2 E for somej2f1;:::;ngn fkg. Obviously, by a 0 j 6= b 0 j we have (a 0 1 ;:::;a 0 n ) 6= (b 0 1 ;:::;b 0 n ) and then we are done once again. There- fore, suppose a 0 j = b 0 j . Then, again by definition, a 0 j = A1 (a j ;a k x k ) andb 0 j = A1 (b j ;b k x k ). BecauseA 1 is a permutation automaton anda k 6= b k ,a 0 j = b 0 j is pos- sible only ifa j = b j , a contradiction. Therefore,a 0 j 6= b 0 j and thus we obtain (a 0 1 ;:::;a 0 n )6= (b 0 1 ;:::;b 0 n ). The proof is complete. QED Now we give an alternative proof of Lemma 2 in [6]. Proposition 3 Temporal products of permutation au- tomata are also permutation automata. Proof. Obviously, it is enough to prove our statement for temporal products of two components. Thus, letM = (M; ; M ) be a temporal product of permutation au- tomataM 1 = (M; 1 ; M1 ) andM 2 = (M; 2 ; M2 ) (having the same state set) with respect to and ’ : ! 1 2 . Let m 1 ;m 2 2 M be distinct states and x 2 be an arbitrary input sign ofM. Moreover, let ’(x) = (x 1 ;x 2 ) for somex 1 2 1 andx 2 2 2 . Then for every distinct pair m 1 ;m 2 2 M of states and x 1 2 1 we have M1 (m 1 ;x 1 ) 6= M2 (m 2 ;x 2 ). On the other hand,M 2 is also a permutation automaton. Therefore, be- cause of M1 (m 1 ;x)6= M2 (m 2 ;x), for everyx 2 2 2 , M1 ( M1 (m 1 ;x 1 );x 2 )6= M2 ( M2 (m 2 ;x 1 );x 2 ). Thus, using’(x) = (x 1 ;x 2 ); M (m 1 ;x)6= M (m 2 ;x). In other words, for every distinct pair m 1 ;m 2 2 M of states and input signx2 ; M (m 1 ;x)6= M (m 2 ;x). But then all rows of the transition matrix ofM are permutations of the state set. This completes the proof. QED LetB = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n ; B ) be the temporal prod- uct ofA D1 ;:::;A D log 2 n with respect to ( n ) log 2 n and the identity map ’ : ( n ) log 2 n ! ( n ) log 2 n , where A Di ;i = 1;:::; log 2 n is aD i - power of the automaton A 1 = ( ; ; A1 ). From now on we assume thatA 1 is a permutation au- tomaton having A1 (a;x)6= A1 (a;x 0 ) for everya;x;x 0 2 ;x6= x 0 , and we say thatB is a key-automaton with re- spect to the permutation automatonA 1 called the basic au- tomaton ofB. 2 Theorem 1 in [6] concerns key automata consisting of basic automata having a transition table forming a Latin 2 Recall thatn should be a positive integer power of 2. 182 Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 P. Dömösi et al. cube. The next statement is formally the same but, of course, it concerns key automata consisting of basic au- tomata having a transition table forming a Latin square. By this fact, the next statement could also be derived from The- orem [6] using some simplification regarding its proof. We note that the following statement is formally the same as Theorem 1 [6] which is concerning key automata consisting of basic automata having a little bit different structure as basic automata of the present paper. (The tran- sition table of basic automata in [6] forms a Latin cube while the transition table of basic automata of the present paper forms a Latin square.) This fact implies that the automata compositions discussed in the present paper are more or less similar to the ones in [6]. For the sake of simplicity, we give a direct proof of the next statement which, using some simplifications, can also be derived from the proof of Theorem 1 in [6] . Theorem 4 Every key automaton is a permutation automa- ton. Proof. Consider a key automaton B = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n ; B ) and its basic automaton A 1 = (A 1 ; 1 ; 1). By the definition of key automaton, A 1 is a permutation automaton. Therefore, using Proposition 2, for every permutation automatonA 1 and i = 1; 2;:::; log 2 n; theD i -power A Di =A 1 A n ( n ; (’ 1 ;:::;’ n )) ofA 1 is a per- mutation automaton. Recall that B is a temporal product of A D1 ;:::;A D log 2 n . Therefore, by Proposition 3, our proof is done. QED Proposition 5 Suppose that the transition matrix of an automatonA 1 = ( ; ; ) forms a Latin square. Then for every i = 1;:::; log 2 n, the transition matrix of theD i - power ofA 1 also forms a Latin square. Proof. Obviously, if the transition matrix of an automaton A i = (Ai; ; ) forms a Latin square thenA is a permu- tation automaton. But then, by Proposition 2, all ofD i - powers are permutation automata. In other words, the rows of their transition matrices form a permutation of their state set. All that is left is to show that the columns of their tran- sition matrices also have this property. Consider a D i -power A Di = ( n ; n ; Di ) of A 1 having A Di = A 1 A n ( n ; (’ 1 ;:::;’ n )) for some i = 1; 2;:::; log 2 n. We should prove that for every state (a 1 ;:::;a n ) 2 n and distinct words (x 1 ;:::;x n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n ) 2 n , Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) 6= Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )). Let j 2 f1;:::;ng be an index with x j 6= y j . Moreover, let E be the set of edges in D i and let us assume that (i;j) 2 E (with i 2 f1;:::;ng n fjg). Then x i 6= y i implies (a j ;a i x i ) 6= (a j ;a i y i ). Therefore, by our construction, the j-th com- ponents of Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) and Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )) are distinct as we stated. Now we assume (i;j)2 E (with i2f1;:::;ngnfjg). If (a i ;a j x j ) 6= (a i ;a j y j ) then the i-th components of Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) and Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )) are distinct again. There- fore, let (a i ;a j x j ) = (a i ;a j y j ). But then, by x i 6=y i ; we receive (a i ;a j x j ) x i 6= (a i ;a j y j ) y i . Obviously, this leads to (a j ; (a i ;a j x j ) x i ) 6= (a j ; (a i ;a j y j ) y i ). Thus we get again that the j-th component of Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) and Di ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )) are distinct. This finishes the proof. QED Obviously, if the automatonA 1 has a transition table forming a Latin square then it is a permutation automaton. Therefore, it can be a basic automaton of an appropriate key automaton. Observation 6 Consider a key automatonB for which its basic automatonA 1 has a transition table forming a Latin square. Then for every state a ofB, the probability that its two random signs takeB froma into the same state is ((2j j 1)=j j 3 ) n=2 , where is the set of states ofA 1 and n is the number of (identical) component automata in each D i power (i = 1;:::; log 2 n) for whichB is a temporal product of theseD i powers. Proof. Denote byM = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n 1 ; M ) the temporal product consisting of the first log 2 n 1 com- ponentsA Di ;i = 1;:::; log 2 n 1 of the key automaton B = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n ; B ) and consider the log 2 n-th com- ponentA D log 2 n = ( n ; n ; D log 2 n ) ofB. By Proposition 2 and Proposition 3,M is a permutation automaton. There- fore, for every state (a 1 ;:::;a n )2 n ofM its random input signsw2 ( n ) log 2 n 1 takeM into each state with the same probabbiliy 1=j n j. Consider a fixed state (c 1 ;:::;c n ) 2 n and a ran- domly chosen pair w 1 ;w 2 2 ( n ) log 2 n 1 ofM and de- note by (a 1 ;:::;a n ); (a 1 ;:::;a n )2 M the pair of states inM such that M ((c 1 ;:::;c n );w 1 ) = (a 1 ;:::;a n ) and M ((c 1 ;:::;c n );w 2 ) = (a 1 ;:::;a n ). Moreover consider a randomly chosen pair (x 1 ;:::;x n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )2 n of input signs ofA D log 2 n , and assume that D log 2 n ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = D log 2 n (b 1 ;:::;b n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )). For everyi = 1;:::;n, there exists a single i 2 f1;:::;ng such that either (i;j) 2 E or (j;i) 2 E, where E denotes the set of edges in the digraphD log 2 n . There are the following cases. If (i;j) 2 E then (a i ; (a j ;a i x i ) x j ) and (b i ; (b j ;b i y i ) y j )) will be the i-th and (a j ;a i x i ) and (b j ;b i y i ) will be the j-th component of D log 2 n ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) and D log 2 n (b 1 ;:::;b n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )), respectively. By the assumption D log 2 n ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = D log 2 n (b 1 ;:::;b n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )), we have (a i ; (a j ;a i x i ) x j ) = (b i ; (b j ;b i y i ) y j ) and (a j ;a i x i ) = (b j ;b i y i ) By the sec- ond equality, we can write the first one in the form (a i ; (a j ;a i x i ) x j ) = (b i ; (a j ;a i x i ) y j ). Recall that the transition matrix of A 1 forms a Latin square. Therefore, by these considered equalities,a i = b i if and only ifx j =y j anda j =b j if and only ifx i =y i . On the other hand, for everyk = 1;:::;n, there arej j 2 A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 183 cases havinga k =b k andx k =y k ,a k ;b k ;x k ;y k 2 . Of course, all of these cases take thei-th andj-th components ofA D log 2 n into the same state. In addition, every element of appears exactlyj j- times in the transition table ofA 1 because it forms a Latin square. Moreover, we can consider only nonequal pairs of quadruplets. Hence there arej j(j j 1) number of quadruple possi- bilitiesa i ;b i ;x i ;y i 2 ;i = 1;:::;n havinga i 6=b i ;x i 6= y i taking thei-th andj-th components ofA D log 2 n into the same state. In sum, we have that the probability that (a;x) and (b;y) coincide for a random quadruple a;b;x;y2 is (2j j 2 j j)=j j 4 = (2j j 1)=j j 3 . By our constructions, the digraphD log 2 n hasn=2 edges. Consequently, the probability that a random quadruple (a 1 ;:::;a n ); (b 1 ;:::;b n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n ) 2 n has the property D log 2 n ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = D log 2 n (b 1 ;:::;b n ); (y 1 ;:::;y n )) is ((2j j 1)=j j 3 ) n=2 . We remark that if we have an implementation withj j = 256 andn = 16 then the considered probability is ((512 1)=256 3 ) 8 1=2 120 . By our investigations, we receive that the probabil- ity of the equality B ((c 1 ;:::;c n );w 1 (x 1 ;:::;x n )) = B ((c 1 ;:::;c n );w 2 (y 1 ;:::;x n )) is ((2j j 1)=j j 3 ) n=2 , whenever w 1 (x 1 ;:::;x n ) and w 2 (y 1 ;:::;x n ) are ran- domly chosen input signs ofB. QED Theorem 7 Every key automaton transition function can be applied as an output function of a counter-based pseudo random number generator. Proof. As the proof of our statement, we give a con- struction of an appropriate counter based PRNG (CBRNG) CBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g) having this property. First of all, consider a counter which realizes the state function asf(n) = n + 1modm, wherem is a sufficiently large positive integer (preferably m = 2 128 ), and n is given as a fixed-length binary number (preferably with 128-bit length). For sake of simplicity, assume thatCBRNG has a simple output multiplicity, i.e., letZ J =f0g be a single- ton (although it may have more than one element). Thus the state space is S =f0;:::;m 1g. The elements of S may be considered binary strings of fixed length. There- fore, we may assume thatS coincides with the state set n of the key automaton. We assumeK S ( n ) 2log 2 n , whereS = n is the state set, and ( n ) 2log 2 n is the in- put set of the key automatonB = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n ; B ). The first component of the elements of K are consid- ered as possible seeds of the random number generator and the second one is an input element ofB. The output spaceU and the state spaceS coincide. The output func- tion g : K S ! U is given as g(k; (a 1 ;:::;a n )) = b 1 jjb 2 jj:::jjb n ;k2 K; (a 1 ;:::;a n )2 S(= n ), where b 1 jjb 2 jj:::jjb n is the concatenation of b 1 ;:::;b n as bi- nary strings and (b 1 ;:::;b n ) is a state of the key automa- tonB with (b 1 ;:::;b n ) = B ((a 1 ;:::;a n ); (x 1 ;:::;x n )), where the concatenation a 1 jj:::jja n of a 1 ;:::;a n as bi- nary strings is given bya 1 jj:::jja n =s+kmodm, where s +kmodm is thek-th state of the state spaceS starting from the state s, s2 S is the first component of the key (s;x 1 jj:::jjx n )2K andx 1 jj:::jjx n is the second one. Finally, for every w = a 1 jj:::jja n ; (a 1 ;:::;a n )2 S, put w = (a 1 ;:::;a n ). Then we can consider the dou- ble round g 0 : K S ! U of g : K S ! U (with U = S) such that for evey pairk2 K;s2 S,g 0 (k;s) = g(k;g(k;s)). Similarly, for everyk > 2, we can consider thek-times roundg 00 : K S! U ofg : K S! U (with U = S) such that for evey pair k 2 K;s 2 S, g 00 (k;s) = g(k;h(k;s)), where h : K S ! U is a (k 1)-times round ofg : K S! U. This completes the proof. QED By Proposition 1, Theorem 3, and Theorem 7, we can derive the following. Corollary 8 LetCBRNG = (K;Z J ;S;f;U;g) be a counter based pseudorandom number generator with sim- ple output multiplicity (i.e., Z J =f0g) and assume that its output function is defined by the transition function of a given key automaton. ThenCBRNG has a full cycle. Proof. Of course, because the state transition f of CBRNG (having a simple output multiplicity) is a sim- ple counter with f(s) = (s + 1) mod 2 p , where p is the state size in bits and S = f0;:::;p 1g, f has a full cycle. Moreover, by Theorem 4, the key automaton B = ( n ; ( n ) log 2 n ; B );n > 1 is a permutation au- tomaton, therefore, for every input sign x 2 ( n ) log 2 n , g x : n ! n withg x (y) = B (y;x) is a bijective map- ping of n onto itself. By Proposition 1, that means that CBRNG (having a simple output multiplicity) has a full cycle. QED Next we give an example and then we study the security of ourCBRNG. 4 Example In this section we show a simple example. Consider the following transition table of an automaton A = (f0; 1g;f0; 1g 2 ; ): 00 01 10 11 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Letn = 4 and assume that all ofA 1 ;A 2 ;A 3 ;A 4 coin- cide withA. Then log 2 n = log 2 4 = 2 and thus D 1 = (f1;:::; 4g;f(3; 1); (4; 2)g), D 2 = (f1;:::; 4g;f(2; 1); (4; 3)g). Suppose that either a counter or a pseudorandom number generator sends an input (1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0) to the key au- tomatonB which is the temporal product ofA D1 andA D2 . Assume thatB is in the state (0; 1; 1; 0). Denote, in order, ’ i ;a i ;a 0 i ;x i ;i 2 f1; 2; 3; 4g the feedback functions, the state components, the next state components, and the input components ofA D1 . Then ’ 1 ((0; 1; 1; 0); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 3 x 3 ;x 1 ) = (1 1; 1) = (0; 1), ’ 2 ((0; 1; 1; 0); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 4 184 Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 P. Dömösi et al. x 4 ;x 2 ) = (0 0; 0) = (0; 0), moreover (0; (0; 1)) = 1(= a 0 1 ) and (1; (0; 0)) = 1(= a 0 2 ), and thus ’ 3 ((0; 1; 1; 0); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 0 1 x 1 ;x 3 ) = (1 1; 1) = (0; 1), ’ 4 ((0; 1; 1; 0); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 0 2 x 2 ;x 4 ) = (1 0; 0) = (1; 0). Thus (1; (0; 1)) = 0(= a 0 3 ) and (0; (1; 0)) = 1(=a 0 4 ). Next we denote by ’ i ;a i ;a 0 i ;x i ;i 2 f1; 2; 3; 4g the feedback functions, the state components, the next state components, and the input components ofA D2 . Recall that (a 1 ;a 2 ;a 3 ;a 4 ) coincides with the new state ofA D1 . Then (a 1 ;a 2 ;a 3 ;a 4 ) = (1; 1; 0; 1) and (x 1 ;x 2 ;x 3 ;x 4 ) = (1; 0; 1; 0), where (x 1 ;x 2 ;x 3 ;x 4 ) consists of the last four components of the input (1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0) of the key au- tomaton. Then ’ 1 ((1; 1; 0; 1); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 2 x 2 ;x 1 ) = (1 0; 1) = (1; 1), ’ 3 ((1; 1; 0; 1); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 4 x 4 ;x 3 ) = (1 0; 1) = (1; 1), moreover (1; (1; 1)) = 1(= a 0 1 ) and (0; (1; 1)) = 0(= a 0 3 )), and thus ’ 2 ((1; 1; 0; 1); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 0 1 x 1 ;x 2 ) = (1 1; 0) = (0; 0), ’ 4 ((1; 1; 0; 1); 1; 0; 1; 0) = (a 0 3 x 3 ;x 4 ) = (0 1; 0) = (1; 0). Thus (1; (0; 0)) = 1(= a 0 2 ) and (1; (1; 0)) = 0(=a 0 4 ). Hence the actual pseudorandom output is (1; 1; 0; 0) which is also the next state. 5 Implementation Next we give a detailed explanation of the enclosed pseudocode of our implementation. (See Algorithm ACBRNG.) The procedure parameters are the number of random blocks (SIZE), the input word (INPUT ) of the key automaton, the transition matrix of the basic automaton (AUT ), and the initial (seed) state of the key automaton (JSTATE). Each of the generated random blocks consists of 128 random strings and each of the random strings is 128 bits long. Thus, the size of the generated random blocks is 2048 Kbyte. The key automaton is a four-component temporal prod- uct of automata which are (D 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 )-powers of the basic automaton. The digraphsD 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 are defined by the matrixP [4][16]. Each of theD 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 pow- ers consists of sixteen copies of the basic automaton which has 256 states and 256 input signs. Thus, the transition matrix AUT of the basic automaton is a 256 256-type matrix, where each state and input sign can be represented by a 8-bit binary string. The connection digraphs D 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 are stored in the four consecutive row vectors of the 4 16-type con- nection matrixP . We will considerROUND = 1; 2; 3 rounds of the out- put function ofCBRNG. The four row vectors of the 4 16-type input matrix INPUT represent four consecutive input signs of the four (D 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 )-powers, the key automaton of which the temporal product consists. Thus the matrixINPUT represents a single input sign of the key automaton. The main structure of the implementation is the follow- ing. 1. Read the number SIZE of the input block, the input word INPUT of the key automaton, the transition matrix AUT of the basic automaton, and the initial (seed) state JSTATE of the key automaton. 2. Store the initial (seed) state JSTATE in a working storage ISTATE. 3. GenerateSIZE number of random blocks as follows. 4. Consider the ISTATE as a 128-bit length binary number and fput ISTATE =ISTATE + 1mod 2 128 . 5. Repeat the following procedure ROUND-times. We could not pass the NIST test for ROUND = 1 and ROUND = 2 but we were successful forROUND = 3. 6. Each of the ROUND number of repeti- tions operates on the actual value of the actual key automaton state (ISTATE) by the consecutive element (the consecutive input sign) of the input word (INPUT ) . 7. The operation of the states of (D 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 ) – products by the consecutive input sign (i.e., the consecu- tive column vector of the matrixINPUT ) determined by the transition table (AUT ) of the basic automaton and the digraphsD 1 ;D 2 ;D 3 ;D 4 defined by the matrixP [4][16]. 8. Collect the records of the pseudorandom block OAR- RAY . 9. Output the consecutive pseudorandom block OAR- RAY . 6 Experimental results We implemented Algorithm ACBRNG in C++ in order to measure the actual running time and statistical properties of the generator. The test environment was a 2017 MacBook Pro equipped with 7th Generation Kaby Lake 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 processor (7820HQ) using 16 GB RAM. We have generated 1 GB of random data and applied the NSIT SP- 800-22 statistical randomness test. 6.1 NIST test The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published a statistical package consisting of 15 statistical tests that were developed to test the randomness of arbi- trarily long binary sequences produced by either hardware or software based cryptographic random or pseudorandom number generators [21]. In case of each statistical test a set of P-values was produced. Given a significance level , if the P-value is less than or equal to then the test suggests that the observed data is inconsistent with our null hypoth- esis, i.e. the ’hypothesis of randomness’, so we reject it. A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 185 Table 1: Parameters used for NIST Test Suite Test Name Block length Block Frequency 128 Non-overlapping Template 9 Overlapping Template 9 Approximate Entropy 10 Serial 16 Linear Complexity 500 We used = 0:01 as it is common in such problems in cryptography and PRNG testing. An of 0.01 indicates that one would expect 1 sequence in 100 sequences to be rejected under the null hypothesis. Hence a P-value ex- ceeding 0.01 would mean that the sequence would be con- sidered to be random, and a P-value less than or equal to 0:01 would lead to the conclusion that the sequence is non- random. One of the most important characteristics of a PRNG is the indistinguishability from true random sources. That is, the evaluation of their output utilizing statistical tests should not provide any means by which to distinguish them computationally from a truly random source. 6.2 Minimum rounds to achieve randomness ACBRNG has a cycle length of 2 128 , however this does not yet mean that ACBRNG is really producing good quality random numbers. Consider the simple generator k mod 2 128 ; (k2 0::: 2 128 ) (1) If we start k = 0 and increment by 1 then the genera- tor has a 2 128 cycle length, however it is not random at all. ACBRNG has a more complex structure, but statisti- cal tests were needed to check for possible weaknesses. In order to test the quality of ACBRNG the NIST statistical tests were performed using the same parameters as for the AES candidates in order to achieve the most reliable and comparable results. First the input parameters - such as the sequence length, sample size, and significance level - were fixed. Namely, these parameters were set to 2 20 bits, 300 binary sequences, and = 0:01, respectively. Exact pa- rameters can be seen in Table 1. One Round ACBRNG We started the ACBRNG with a low entropy random seed. The running time was 4.5 sec using 8 parallel threads. Applying only one round (ROUND = 1 in line 25 ) ACBRNG did not pass the NIST requirements. More precisely, we have failed in al- most every statistical test using one round. So one can con- clude that only one round is not complex enough, and fur- ther investigation was needed. We would like to note, that surprisingly all Random Excursions tests from NIST were passed after one round. Two Rounds ACBRNG Using ROUND = 2 sur- prisingly almost every statistical test was passed. The run- ning time was 8.4 sec using 8 parallel threads. Only two non-overlapping templates were unsatisfied, which is quite a good achievement after two rounds. We did not expect such good quality random numbers and p-value distribu- tion after two rounds. One can conclude that using only two rounds is enough to reach good quality random num- bers and pass the NIST test. Three Rounds ACBRNG After only three rounds ACBRNG did pass every requirement of the NIST statis- tical test suite. It has turned out that the output of the al- gorithm (usingROUND = 3) can not be distinguished in polynomial time from true random sources using the NIST statistical test. The running time was 12.25 sec using 8 parallel threads. The exact p-values of the evaluation of the ACBRNG for ROUND = 3 are shown in Table 2. We also tested the uniformity of the distribution of thep- values obtained by the statistical tests included in NIST. The uniformity of p-values provide no additional informa- tion about the PRNG. We have also shown that the propor- tions of binary sequences which passed the 0:01 level lie in the required confidence interval (see e.g. [21]). 7 Conclusion and further research In this paper a full cycle length pseudorandom number gen- erator (ACBRNG) based on compositions of automata was presented. We have seen that it produces promising results in terms of statistical randomness and passed all statistical tests included in the NIST test suite. We can see that the running time of the generator is efficient enough for prac- tical use. In order to consider this generator cryptograph- ically secure, formal verification of its security would be necessary which is a direction that might be worth investi- gating. References [1] Bao, F.: Cryptoanalysis of a partially known cellular automata cryptosystem. IEEE Trans. on Computers, 53 (2004), 1493-1497; 1109/TC.2004.94 [2] Bilan, S., Bilan, M., Bilan, S: Novel pseudoran- dom sequence of numbers generator based cellular automata. 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