Informatica l8 (1994) 277-298 277 INFORMATIONAL BEING-OF Anton P. Zeleznikar Volariceva ulica 8, 61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: axioms, Being-of, functional composition and decomposition, function, includedness, informational, informational frame and gestalt, metaphysical gestalts, metaphysicalism, nested functional forms; serial, parallel, circular and metaphysical functionality Edited by: V. Fomichov • Received: April 5, 1994 Revised: August 5, 1994 Accepted: September 5, 1994 Informational Being-of is another fundamental informational concept of functionality in comparison with the informational includedness studied in [9]. It has its formal-theoretical informational structure which is recursive, circular and spontaneous. Informational Being-of can be studied in many aspects from which we chose basic axioms concerning informational functionality, informational interpretations of formula
(«) H ( f hof; a |=; {tp |=of a) C; V(a 1= vO Cof Function tp{a) informs by all its components, tp, ol, tp |=0f a and a |= tp. □ Functional externalism says: — that in a part of externalism, tp |=0f, entity tp can become a function of any (other) argument, e.g. tp |=of ß (externalistic functional openness); — that functional argument a informs, that is a |=, in a general manner (externalistic argumentative openness); — that the functional transition tp }=0f a informs includably in a general informational way (externalistic includable openness of functional transition); and — that the argumentative transition a |= tp informs in an of-includable (particularly includable) way (externalistic of-includable openness of argumentative transition). As shown in [7], the next basic axioms are in fact axiomatic consequences of Axiom 1. Let us see these axioms! Axiom 2 [Functional Internalism] A function of the form tp(a), as determined by Definition 1, informs internalistically in a regular way [7], that is,
(«)) ( bof Nw C {tp (=of a); V Cof (a h cp) can be decon- All components of function
• M«) N >(«)) where the right side of operator structed in a parallel manner, (tp(a) b ¥»(<*)) can be decon- (
l a a; (
) — that the functional transition (p |=0f ce informs metaphysical-includably in a general informational way (metaphysical-includable closeness or circularity of functional transition); and — that the argumentative transition a |= ip informs metaphysically in an of-includable (particularly includable) way (externalistic of-includable closeness or circularity of argumentative transition). Axiom 4 [Functional Phenomenalism] A function of the form (p(a), as determined by Definition 1, informs phenomenalistically in a regular way [7], that is,¥>(«) ) where the right side of operator structed in a parallel manner, can be decon- Function
(<*)/ OI=ofa)C; c (y> |=of a); (a |=
; V((v Kfa) Nf «(/?)); \ (tp [=of <*(/?)) |= ip; (¥> N (
) l=of
of(/?|=«); > (¡3 |= a) (=of a; (a |=0f (j3 a)) C0f a; \((/3 (= a) t=of a) C0f a / Formulas with operators C and C0f can then be derived according to Definition 1 in [9]. □ 282 Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 A. P. Železni kar 4 Informational (Verbal) Interpretations of Formula
]• 7. Operand a is a constructor (co-constructor) of operand ip. 8. ip |=0f a is an informational functional principle, which causes some other consequent informational formulas to come into existence. E.g., (ip f=0f &) => (a (= ¥>)• And so forth. These cases do not exhaust other possible interpretations of reading of formula ip |=0f a. □ Additional interpretations of formula ip |=0f a come to the surface when considering meanings, which pertain to the meaning of the word 'of'. Consequence 2 [A Possible Parallel Informational Interpretation of Formula ip ¡=0f a] Considering the language concepts pertaining to the word 'of' [10], there is, (V l=of «) V Nbe-a_function_Df a> \
marks that on its right side only some of the known parallel alternatives concerning its left side are listed. □
Formula ip |=Qf a is understood to mean the listed possibilities in a parallel manner, and also other possibilities which may arise in an informational situation.
5 A Notion of the
Informational Frame
Notion of an informational frame is in no connection with the frame in psychology. Here, a frame is simply another word for a formation of elements (operands, operators, and/or parentheses) which appear in informational formulas. Informational frame is an arbitrary serried (compact) section
Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 283
of a well-formed informational formula. We are forced to introduce this strange (irregular) structure, called frame, to master some problems of various possibilities of informational formula arising.
In this section we have to define the notion of an informational frame in a formal manner. We begin with the statement that each informational formula, which is a well-formed structure of operands, operators, and parentheses, is a frame. Such a frame is viewed as a well-structured and well-organized informational whole. But, if we are breaking-down a formula introspectively into its arbitrary structured components, we do in no way discard the original formula as a whole. The breaking-down has the role of additional interpretation possibilities of the original formula and, as we will see, an identification of frames within a frame in the sense of simple inclusion.
We distinguish several kinds of informational frames: operand or formula frames are called harmonious frames. On the other hand, operator frames or any other non-well-formed arrays of informational components (operands, operators, parentheses) are called disharmonious frames.
Definition 4 [Harmonious Informational Frames] Harmonious informational frames are enframed, well-formed informational formulas or well-formed parts of formulas (subformulas), built-up according to the informational formula syntax. Thus,
) « h > («1=) 5 f= a ) «M
(( (a 1= /?) H 7 ) M) 1= £
[(]«), («0, 0), (g], , (ag)
|= 0, ((a h /3 ) 1=7)1=
Disharmonious frames arise together with the arising of informational formulas.
Definition 6 [Embedded Harmonious and Disharmonious Informational Frames]
Harmonious and disharmonious informational frames can be embedded in other informational frames to any possible depth and form. For example,
( *)
01= P
( a N
P) h7
etc. are examples of embedded harmonious and disharmonious informational frames. □
We see how an informational formula can be systematically enframed by frames, so that the result is a complete enframing and frames "connection".
Definition 7 [Well-enframed Formulas] An
informational formula or a frame in or of a formula is well-enframed or frame-formed, if all formula components concerning it are enframed in the following way:
1. A well-formed formula is enframed, e.g. \ a \.
2. Two adjacent frames, harmonious and disharmonious, or disharmonious and harmonious, or disharmonious and disharmo-
nious can be concatenated, e.g. (a )
3. Within a formula frame, there are concatenated frames, e.g.
(a |= P)
etc. are examples of harmonious informational frames. □
Harmonious frames arise together with the arising of informational formulas.
Definition 5 [Disharmonious Informational Frames] Disharmonious informational frames are enframed, syntactically 'non-well-formed parts of informational formulas. Thus,
etc. are examples of disharmonious informational frames. □
4- If a formula frame is completely filled with concatenated frames, harmonious and disharmonious ones, it is called the well-enframed formula.
The procedure of enframing of formula parts starts from the formula as a whole. □
Definition 8 [Parenthesis Frames] Two parenthesis frames are distinguished: the left parenthesis frame, where n = 0,1,2, •••, marking
a sequence of n left parentheses, e.g. and the right parenthesis frame, $ 0,1,2,
theses, e.g. $5
where n -, marking a sequence of n right paren-5 )
284 Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298
A. P. Železni kar
Parenthesis frames $( and mark a frame of an adequate number of the left and the right parentheses, respectively. □
Definition 9 [Subscript Embedded Harmonious and Disharmonious Informational Frames] Embedded harmonious and disharmonious informational frames can be subscribed with the aim to distinguish them for the purpose of their textual description and further informational interpretation. A subscribed frame is marked by the subscribed which is the marker for the enframed informational frame. For example,
etc. □
h i«) h ca) h 7a)
\= £a) \= £a) b
1= la) h (Ca h (To 1= (£« |= Oc* |=
e, operator frame is opera-In the second case, oper-
In the first examp tor |=, that is, ator frame is split in two parts, that is, and [[].
| [= (/3 |= and |^)J. In the third example, we have a metaphysical operator frame between operands a and a, that is, the enframed part
|= la) |= Ca) |= ja) |= €a) |= ea) |= and, before
this enframed part (before a), the split part of
that is,
which equals
These two
frames (the left and the right frame $2) constitute an informational operator between two operands a, that is ^o^®» which may result as a decomposition (destruction) of the initial metaphysical situation a (= a. In the fourth example, we have a metaphysical operator frame $3 between operands a and a, that is, the enframed part
|= la) |= (Ca N (7a 1= (£a \= (sa |= and, before
etc. are examples of embedded harmonious and disharmonious informational frames. □
Subscribing informational frames, we can discuss them concretely. For instance, frames $1, $5, $7, and $io mark equivalent harmonious frames, which are well-formed formulas marked by operand a. Examples of disharmonious informational frames are $3, $n, and $15, representing non-well-formed formulas (non-well-formed parts of well-formed formulas).
Definition 10 [Disharmonious Informational Frames Concerning Informational Operators] Operator frames are not arbitrarily disharmonious; they must satisfy the condition to be sequences of operands, operators, and parentheses set between two operands. Within this rough determination, they can be split in two parts and united through the unique frame subscript Particular examples of operator frames are:
this enframed part (before a), the split part of ^3, that is, YJ which equals After the middle enframed part, there is the right split part of $3, that is )))) |, which equals These three frames (the left, middle and the right frame $3) constitute an informational operator between two operands a, that is iso^a^, which may result as a decomposition (destruction) of the initial metaphysical situation a \= a.
The concept of informational frame becomes very helpful in studying of possibilities of the so-called informational gestalts pertaining to serial and metaphysical functionality.
6 Serial Informational Functionality
Serial informational functionality offers several possibilities of its understanding and to this understanding adequate notation. At the beginning, we consider the most conventional form of functionality, which has its roots in the mathematical tradition.
Consequence 3 [Implicative Serial Functional Forms] According to Definition 2, for the functionally nested expressions the following informational implications are evident:
Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 285
/ v Kf (« Kf \ (/? Kf (•■•(V> Kf
a) \= «2)«3, • ■ ■ ,an-2,o>n-i,an)
( «1(0:2); \ «2(0:3);
«n-2(«n-l); V«n-l(«n)
This is, in fact, a serially connected parallel system. □
Which could be a senseful (adequate) consequence of the introduced parallel system
«"(«1) 0:2, «3, • • •, On-25 «n-lj On)?
Consequence 5 [A Form of Substitution of Parallel Informational Functions] Let
a1,a2, ■•■,otn be operand entities belonging to the system in Definition 11. By the operation of substitutional implication, there is, evidently„
( 01(02);
0n-2(0n-l); \on-i(on) /
(ai(a2(o!3(- • • (an_2(on_i(an))) • • -)));\ o2(o3(- • •(an_2(an_i(an))) • • •));
( «(«1)^ o(a2);
«(«i,«2, • • - ,on)
that is,
«(«!> «2, • • ■, an)
O |=of 01,02, •••,an;i 01, o2, • • •, an (= a j
Certainly, also 'shorter' functional formulas are possible. □
A parallel array of shorter formulas instead of the first formula on the right side of operator =>substitute would be
Oi(o2(o3(- •■(an-2(ari_i)) • • •)));
Oi(a2(Q!3(- • -(«„-2) • • 0)); «1(0:2(03))
Consequence 6 [A Parallel Functional Dependence] A function a can simultaneously (in parallel) depend on more than only one operand. This parallelism of dependence on several operands can be expressed as
which proves the adequacy of the introduced parallel functional expression. □
Informational parallelism and informational functionality are informationally dependent phenomena, which interfere with each other. Functions al'(ai,a2,a3,• • •,an_2,an_i,an) and a(ai, 012, • • •, an) (Definition 11 and Consequence 6, respectively) are essentially different functional structures (functionalities).
Consequence 7 [Informational Parallelism and Functionality] The beginning question is, what is the difference between the regular functional expression a(ai,a2, • • •, an) and expression a(ai; 0:2; • • • ; an) where commas have been replaced by semicolons. The comma system («iî «2î • • • > «n) is a system of separated entities «1 j «2) ■ ■ ■ j «n which may or may not cooperate (inform among each other). The semicolon system («i; a2; • • • ; an) is a characteristic parallel system in which semicolons are nothing else than parallel informational operators (e.g., H=j. The meaning is
'«» 11= «¿; ^ («1; «2; • • • ; «n) ^ I i / j;
h 3 = M. ••■,»/
Operator ||= has the meaning "informs in parallel with". "In parallel" means simultaneously, dependently or independently, spontaneously, circularly, particularly, etc. For instance, for the meaning of the last formula there are the following three alternatives:
Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 287
ai ||= aj ; i,j= 2, • - -, (( oti aj;
i^r, IV
\i,j = 1,2, • • • ,nj ((ai |= «¿);
Oj & ".); * ^ i;
V*iJ = I"-2»"":
a,- |= aj ;
* ^ i; = 1,2,-
parallel independence
partly parallel dependence/ independence
a complete
C(V? 1= if Nof a)) C )
(v 1= ( (v hof a) I=
(V t=of ( («N) (=of v
where operator V replaces the usual semicolon and means 'or' (informational 'or', that is an informational alternative). □
Informational operator |(= enables an explicit studying of informational parallelism, especially in a functional environment.
8 Circular Informational Functionality
Circular informational function as an informational function belongs to the phenomenon of circular serial phenomenality. An adequate functional parallelism would mean simply an occurrence of adequate functions in parallel, which build an cyclically structured system of simpler informational functions. In this section, we have to study a sufficiently general concept of circular informational function by means of informational frames.
Definition 2 guarantees some basic forms of informational functionality which can be developed (decomposed, deconstructed) to complex circularly functional schemes.
Consequence 8 [Some Basic Forms of Circularity Pertaining to Informational Function] According to Definition 2, the following implications can be deduced:
argumentative transition
The marked functional transition appears within the general informing
$ ^«i, a2, ■ ■ ■, an) ^ ^(«1, a2, ■ • •, <*„)
General informational function is said to be right-circular whereas inverse general informational function is said to be left-circular. □
Definition 13 [Particular Circular Informational Function] A particular circular informational function, is a functional informational system, that is,
VpartO) - ($( V(°0 $part part(°0*(al(>)> «2(a), • • •, On(a)) —
($( (a), the circular forms are
where and are concrete informa-
tional frames depending on operand a, for example, general or basic metaphysical frames of entity a. □
Definition 14 [Inverse Informational Frame ^ in Regard to Informational Frame An
inverse informational frame
It is to stress that 1 and i < n, the following implication is determined:
I i > 1; i < n j
i € A?)-,
6 -< 6; ; e A?J
Vj -< Vk]
j,ke {1,2,■••,»};
\vi,V2,-",Vi e Af
This scheme of decomposition delivers all possible linear functions of lengths I = 1 to I = i, according to the ordered set Af of operands ai,a2, •• •,«»•• □
Proof. This kind of informational decomposition is customary in cases of metaphysical interpretation of phenomena, that is, in linear-decomposition scenarios belonging to metaphysically circular schemes and also elsewhere. The proof proceeds from the informational fact which,
at least in the framework of a language, says the following: if a function depends on several informational entities, then it depends also on each of its arguments. Recursively, if a function depends on i arguments, then it can depend on all possible combinations, within an ordered set of arguments, say A?, on i — 1 arguments. Such a relativity of decomposition is a consequence of an interpretational freedom, that is, possibility in an occurring situation (a part of the unforeseeable informational arising). □
10 Composition (Construction) of Informational Functionality
Composition or construction3 can be understood as a reverse process to decomposition (deconstruc-tion). If decomposition proceeds into details of a roughly determined informational situation by a process of interpretation, composition builds systems from the existing informational lumps (subsystems) and connects them informationally. Then, the result of this form of construction becomes a new entity carrying a new (characteristic) interpretation.
We can understand how decomposition and composition condition each other and, in some situations, it becomes impossible to distinguish which way represents the reason and which the consequence. There exists an informational game concerning both of them (deconstruction and construction) when entities (operands, formulas, formula systems) arise, emerge, or come into existence.
Interpretation (together with induction, evolution of entities, etc.) as a complex informational mechanism can include several known and unknown procedures e.g., substitution, insertion of a new or additional (parallel or serial) 'interpretation', introduction of circularity in regard to functions or functional arguments, spontaneity as a supplement of an unforeseeable entity to the existing informational situation, etc. Such views of decomposition and composition of
Construction (we use the general term 'composition') means, for instance, a strategy of critical informational synthesis directed towards integrating unquestioned metaphysical assumptions and internal contradictions in any informational language.
Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 291
informational systems concern their understanding. Several reasons for decomposition and composition interferences can exist in the form of informational-system-interior and informational-system-exterior entities. We must not forget that any informational system has the system concerning environment and it depends not only upon its own metaphysicalism, but also on system-disturbing external entities.
Consequence 12 [A Case of Parallel-serial Functional Composition] From a well-connected parallel functional form
oi\\(ai,a>2, • • -,an)
in Definition 11, the following implicative composition from primitive parallel functions into sequential serial functions seems to be reasonable:
( ai(a2); «2(0:3);
Ctn-2(«n-l); Van-l(an)
( ai(a2(a3)); ai («2(03(04)));
ai(a2(- • -(an_2(an_i)) • • •);
Vai(a2(- • -(a n—2v."7i—1 K))) •
As we can see, the last composition was implemented by means of substitution. □
11 Informational Functionality of Metaphysical Cycles Impacted by an Exterior Entity a
In this section we turn our attention to the functionality which concerns metaphysical phenomena as functions of observing an external set of entities. An intelligent entity is, for example, metaphysical in observing its environment. The metaphysical is a regular property of any informational entity, regardless of its structure and organization. It has something in common with the entity existence. Existing means to be metaphysical in the sense to preserve (memorize, maintain, support) a certain structure and organization of the
entity's intentionality, its informational functioning in the world. In this manner, the metaphysical of an entity is a standard property for which one can put the question: in which way is it standard?
In some previous papers [6, 7], one of the possible standards was proposed. This standard roots in a logical consideration which is closely connected with the nature of an informational entity. Such an entity is subjected to informational arising, which in a trivial case approaches to the state of an absolute stability of the entity's structure and organization. Otherwise the entity is arising together with its vanishing, which is only a particular case of the arising phenomenality.
As the reader may state, we distinguish three substantial phases (processes) of an entity's informational arising. This arising is not only a change, in the sense of modification, but also the coming of new information into existence. Changed and emerged informational pieces (lumps) have to be informationally connected to the existing body of the informing entity. We say, that the arisen items have to be informationally embedded and that through the process of embedding, in fact, informational entity has emerged to a different state in comparison to the previous one. This process of three subsequent phases is circularly (hermeneutically, viciously, investigational) closed, so the process of arising is reaching a satisfactory state by cycling, from informing, counterinforming, and embedding—and again in this way to a possible satisfaction.
What is the functionality of the metaphysical phenomenon belonging to an informing entity, which is informationally impacted by an exterior entity or set of entities? The impactedness may mean nothing else than the observing and vice versa. An entity l is impacted by an outside entity a in the framework of t's metaphysicalism. Roughly, a \= l, where 1 has to be metaphysically decomposed (deconstructed) in a serial circular way, to satisfy the possibilities of informational adequateness (equilibrium, satisfaction, semantics, etc.).
Let us take only one possible form of metaphysical cycle, which belongs to entity l observing entity a. As we shall see later, one such form is sufficient for generating all possible metaphysical forms, that is, the so-called metaphysical gestalt belonging to l observing a. So, let us set an ini-
292 Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298
A. P. Železni kar
tial form of possible standard metaphysical structures, in which components of informing, counter-informing and informational embedding appear in an cyclic serial form.
Definition 15 [A Standard Metaphysical Form and Its Functionalism] Let the meaning of informational operands (entities) be the following:
1. Operand i is an entity, which has to be cyclically decomposed as a metaphysical structure of informing, counterinforming, and informational embedding when observing a. This dependence can roughly be denoted by the functional form ¿.(a). Thus, in a metaphysical situation,
(a ¡= l) =5> L(a)
2. Operand a marks an exterior entity or a set of entities (impacting environment) in regard to l. It functions as an independent informational variable of function i. Thus,
® C £environment(0
Environment £envjronment(i) is the environment which can impact t and is the only one which can be sensed (observed) by i. For i, other environment does not exist.
3. Operand t informs and is informed means that there exists the so-called informing component of l being marked by ZL. It is to understand thatlL means a function I(t) simultaneously. Being informationally involved in t, a consequence of functionality ¿(a) is
The first form depends solely on a. The second case is a nested functional dependence of rank 2. The third function linearly depends on both a and l, where
l(a,i) j
4. Operand l informs and is informed means that there does not only exist the informing component ZL, but also the counterinforming component Ct. It is to understand that CL means a function C(Z(t)) simultaneously. Being informationally involved in t and Tt, a consequence of functionalities ¿.(a) and lL(a)
(*(a) h= U<*))
C(J(,(a))); \C(a,L,l)meta)
The first case is a function, depending on a only. The second form is a nested functional case of rank 3. The third form is a linear function depending on three arguments, which can be decomposed according to Consequence 11, where
C(oi, -Vdecompose
C(a,i)-,C(a,I); \C(a,L,I) /
5. Operand i informs and is informed means that there does not only exist the informing component It and the counterinforming component Ct, but also the counterinforma-tional component It is to understand that 7,. means a function 7(C(Z(t))) simultaneously. Being informationally involved in i, Tl and Ct. a consequence of functionalities i(a), lt,(oc), and C^a) is
/%(«); ^
7 (C(2Wa)))) \f(a, 1,1,0) j
The first formula is a function of the exterior entity a. The second form is a nested functionality of rank 4■ The third form is a linear functional case of four arguments for which a decomposition according to Consequence 11 can be realized, that is,
7(01, I, C) -Vdecompose
7(i,C); 7(i,c); j(a, 1,1); j(a, 1,c); decompose which reads "informs decomposingly") of the nested functional form ai(a2(ot^{- • •(«„_](«„)) • • •))) in the following way:
(®n)) ' ' '))) -^decompose
/ai;«2! <23; • • •; an-i]an) \ an_i(a„);
a3(- • -(Q:n_i(an) • • •); a2(a3(- • -(an-i(an) • • •)); \a1(a2(a3(-■•(«„-!(«„)) • • •)))/
According to Definition 2, this decomposition causes another decomposition, that is,
/«n-i bof a«,;
«n N «n-1 ;
"3 1= of (• ' • («n-i bof Oin) ■ ■ •); (• • •(«„ (= an_ 1) • • •) |= a3; «2 bof («3 bof (• • '(«n-1 bof OLn) ■ • •));
((■ • 'K b «n-i) • • •) b «3) b «2; «i bof («2 bof («3 bof (• •'K-i bof
V(((---(«n b «n-1)---) b «3) b «2) b «1/
290 Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298
A. P. Železni kar
The first and the second informational system concerning decomposition in this consequence reveal together the informational complexity being hidden in the consequently serially embedded functional form 0L\{0i2{&3{-••(an-iK)) • ■ •)))• 1=1
Consequence 11 [A Decomposition of Linear Informational Function] Let an ordered set of informational items a,-, where i = 1,2, ■ • ■, n, be denoted by
■¿n = {«1 ■< a2 ■<----< an}
where operator symbol -< has the role of an ordering comma. Let hold the following:
ordered indexing:
(a- x aj) =$►(«< j)\
transitivity of ordering:
(a,- -< aj\aj -< a*,) => (a,- -< a*); subscript-entity difference:
(* # 0) ==>• K i <*j)
Then, for a function is a part of the so called metaphysical gestalt of informing of entity (operand) t(a). □
Informatica 18 (1994) 277-298 297
Consequence 15 [A Functional Metaphysical Gestalt of an Informational Entity] The
next question concerns the so-called functional metaphysical gestalt of an informing entity. If, in general, marks the traditional functional notation then, considering Consequence 13, the possible functions, within a metaphysical functional gestalt, are
I*i(a)-, l(i)*a;
c*l(<,(a)y, C(I)*t(a); c(l(0)*a; .
7(C(I)M«); 7(C(i(0r«); f*7(C(iWa)))); f(7)*C(I(t(a))); 5(7(C))*I(t(a)); £(7(C(I)))Ma);
£*£(7(C(lWa))))); £(^r7(C(I«a))));
^£(£(7(C(J(t(a)))))); ,(£)^(7(C(I«a)))));
,(£(£:(7(C))ri(,(a)); t(e(£(7(C(Il)M«);
For i/ie inverse metaphysical functional gestalt, the inverse functions, as
e*L{a)-, £(i)*a;
E{e{t))*a; 7^(£(A(a))); 7(£)M*(a));
C(7(fr£(t(a)); C(7(«f(£)))M«); C(7(C(£(t))))"a;
I*C(7(i(£(,(a))))); J(C)*7(f(eWal;
Z(C(7))*£(£Wa))); I(C(7(f X(C(7(£(£))))M«); I(C(7(i(£(0))r«; A*X(C(7(£(£(i(a)))))); t(I)*C(7(£(£(i.(a)))));