GEOLOGIJA 25/2, 229—236 (1982), Ljubljana UDK 56:594.1(560) = 20 Three new species of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsak from Kocaeli region (Northwestern Anatolia) Sacit özer Ege Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Fakültesi Jeoloji Bölümü, Bornova-Izmir Abstract Three new species (G. polsaki n. sp., G. kayae n. sp. and G. akyoli n. sp.) of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsak have been determined from the Campanian beds at Köseler village in Northwestern Anatolia. Introduction In the Kocaeli region, the Upper Cretaceous rocks are represented mainly by rudistid limestones. K. Erguvanli (1949) has discovered rudistid lime- stone with Campanian age in the Hereke-Gebze area. I. E. Al t mil (1968) studied the geology of the Kocaeli-Hereke area and also found the rudists in the Campanian limestone. O. Kaya (personal communication, 1981) has recently made a detailed geologic investigation and collected many specimens of rudistid fauna in the Upper Cretaceous of Kocaeli region. The studied samples has been collected by Kaya from a location, approxi- mately 2 km south of Köseler village (map reference G 23-a 4). The rock unit that includes the material is of small-size reefy buildup of rudistids, at the base of the well known Latest Cretaceous limestone-limy mudrock sequence of Northwestern Anatolia. In the area of collection this basal unit unconformably overlies the older Triassic beds. The examination of this collection, of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsak revealed the presence of the three new species. On the otherhand, new species of Gorjano- vicia are associated with Vaccinites inaequicostatus Münster, Gorjanovicia cf. costata Polsak, Gorjanovicia sp., Miseia sp. and Radiolitids. Associated rudistid fauna and previous studies show that three new species are of Campanian age. 230 : Sacit özer Fig. 1. Location map Systematic Study Classis LAMELLIBRANCHIATA Ordo Rudistida Lamarck, 1819 Familia Radiolitidae Gray, 1848 Genus Gorjanovicia Polsak, 1967 Gorjanovicia polsaki n. sp. PI. 1, Figs. 1, 2 Derivatio nominis: This new species is dedicated to Dr. Ante Polsak who has made many valuable works on rudists. Material : Holotype and paratype with lower valves. H o 1 o t y p u s : Pl. 1, Figs. 1, 2, with lower valve is deposited at the Ege Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Fakültesi, Jeoloji Bölümü, with No. 2568. Diagnosis : Siphonal bands concave, interband bulge. Ligamental pillar inclined toward the anterior, head of ligament with two lobs. Descriptio : Lower valve is conical. The diameter is 3,2 cm, the height is 7.5 cm at posterior. The shell surface is covered with longitudinal costae of 1 mm width. Anterior siphonal band is 4 mm wide and concave. The wide of posterior siphonal band is 6 mm and it has 3 costules. Interband is bulge and 4 mm wide. Probably, there are 2 costules on the interband. The ligamental groove is 3 mm wide and decreases toward the end of cone. Thickness of the outer layer is 4—5 mm. Ligamental pillar inclined towards anterior and it has 3 mm length. The head of ligament has two lobs and elongated towards anterior. The posterior tooth B is more nearer to the ligament than the anterior tooth B'. The anterior accessory cavity can be preserved. Three new species of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsak from Kocaeli region 231 Discussio: G. polsaki n. sp. differs from the other species of the Gorja- novicia by the position of ligamental pillar and the shape of head of the liga- mental pillar. Locus typicus: Holotype, Köseler village, Gebze, Kocaeli. Coordinate on 1 : 25 000 scaled map is 25.20 :17.15. Stratum typicum: Campanian, Gorjanovicia kayae n. sp. PI. 1, Fig. 3 Derivatio nominis: The new species is given the name after late Dr. Orhan Kaya who has made a detailed geologic studies in the Northwestern Anatolia. Material : One sample with lower valve. Holotypus: PI. 1, Fig. 3, with lower valve is deposited at the Ege Üni- versitesi Yerbilimleri Fakültesi, Jeoloji Bölümü, with No. 2566. Diagnosis : The anterior siphonal band as a groove, the posterior sipho- nal band and interband flat. The ligamental pillar strong with a rounded head. Descriptio : Lower valve is conical. The height of the lower valve is 9 cm. In the cross-section, the diameter is 2,8 X 3,7 cm in size. The surface is ornamented with 2—5 mm thick costae and grooves of 1—2 mm wide. The anterior siphonal band as a groove, is 10 mm wide. The posterior band is 7 mm wide and flat. It has 2 costae. Interband is flat and 8 mm wide. Probably, it has 3 costae. The ligamental groove is 5 mm wide and it has 3 costules. Outer layer is 3—5 mm and it is recrystallized. The ligamental pillar is widened in a very short distance and its head rounded off. The ligamental pillar is 2 mm long, head of ligament is 1.3 mm wide. Discussio: G. kayae n. sp., shows similarities with the shape of liga- mental pillar to G. planinica Plenicar and G. n. sp. Plenicar. G. planinica has concave siphonal bands and ridge-shaped interband. G. n. sp. Plenicar has nar- rower siphonal bands (M. Plenicar, 1973). But, G. kayae n. sp. has groove anterior siphonal band and flat posterior siphonal band and interband. G. kayae n. sp. is similar with the ligamental pillar to G. planinica and G. n. sp. Plenicar, but it completely differs with the structure of the siphonal region. Locus typicus: Holotype, Köseler village, Gebze, Kocaeli. Stratum typicum: Campanian. Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. PI. 2, Figs. 1—3, PI. 3, Figs. 1, 2 Derivatio nominis: This new species is dedicated to Dr. Eroi Akyol who has made many valuable studies on palynology. Material : Holotype, with well preserved upper and partly broken lower valves, and one paratype represented only with lower valve. H o 1 o t y p u s : Pl. 2, Figs. 1—3 and Pl. 3, Fig. 1 is deposited at the Ege Üni- versitesi Yerbilimleri Fakültesi, Jeoloji Bölümü, with No. 2570. 232: Sacit özer Diagnosis : Lower valve with sharp longitudinal costae. Shell structure partly lamellar, partly prismatic. Ligamental pillar well developed with a triangular in shape at anterior. Upper valve well developed also, and the com- missure makes an upward folding at siphonal region. Descriptio : Lower valve is conical and the end of the lower valve is curved towards the siphonal region. The height of the lower valve in siphonal region is 6 cm, and at ligamental region 7,6 cm. The diameter at commissure is 3,8 X 3,5 cm in size. The surface is ornamented with longitudinal costae. The anterior siphonal band is 9 mm wide and flat. The posterior siphonal band is 5 mm and also flat. But, siphonal band E is narrower than the posterior siphonal band S. Interband has 6 mm width, and as a groove. The shell structure is partly lamellar, partly prismatic. In the cross-section, passing through 2 cm below the commissure, ligamental pillar is 4 mm long, head of ligament is 1 mm wide. The head of ligament is widened towards the anterior side as triangular in shape. Anterior and posterior cardinal teeth are very well developed and anterior tooth is bigger than the posterior tooth. The posterior accessory cavity is very smaller than the anterior accessory cavity. Upper valve is well developed and it is 10 mm in height. The commissure makes an upward folding of 2 mm height at the siphonal region. Shell wall is composed of very thin lamellae. Discussio: G. akyoli n. sp. resembles with the structure of the siphonal region to G. costata Polsak (A. Polsak, 1967; M. Pleničar, 1974). It differs with the head of ligament from G. costata. Locus typicus: Holotype, Köseler village, Gebze, Kocaeli. Stratum typicum: Campanian. Fig. 2. Comparison of the new species of Gorjanovicia Polsak Three new species of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsalc from Kocaeli region 233; Plate 1 1 Gorjanovicia polsaki n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, holotype, 1 X 3 Gorjanovicia kayae n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, holotype, 1 X 2 Gorjanovicia polsaki n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, holotype, 3,5 X 234 i Sacit özer Plate 2 2 Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, holotype, 1 X 1 Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. lower and upper valves, anterior side, holotype, 1 X 3 Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, holotype, 3,5 X Three new species of the genus Gorjanovicia Polsak from Kocaeli region 2351 Plate 3 1 Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. upper valve, external view, holotype, 1 X 2 Gorjanovicia akyoli n. sp. lower valve, cross-section, paratype, 1 X 3 Miseia sp. lower and upper valves, anterior side, 1 X 236 Sacit özer Acknowledgment I thank to Dr. E. A k y o 1 for his critical reading the manuscript and to dr. O. Kaya who provided the material. References A111 n 11, I. E. 1968, Geologic investigation of the Izmit-Hereke-Kurucadag area. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey, 71, p. 1—29. Erguvanli, K. 1949, Hereke pudinglerile Gebze taslarimn insaat bakimindan etüdü ve civarlarinin jeolojisi. Doktora tezi, p. 31—45, Istanbul. Pleničar, M. 1973, Radiolites from the Cretaceous Beds of Slovenia, Part I. Geologija, 16, p. 187—226, Ljubljana. Pleničar, M. 1974, Radiolites from the Cretaceous Beds of Slovenia, Part II. Geologija, 17, p. 131—179, Ljubljana. Polsak, A. 1967, Kredna makrofauna južne Istre. Paleontologia jugoslavica, 8, p. 1—219, Zagreb.