Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Arnerican Home | over 100 years of serving American-Sloven la ns Vol. 105, No. 48 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška Domovina- SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Phone:(216)431-0628 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 cj-niail: ah@buckeyeweb.eom 70c i! * k Christmas Symbols Among the items seen year after year at Christmas time are the nativity scene, the candles and the orna-roents. They am just some of the many Christmas symbols. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with beginning the custom of symbolizing Christ’s birth in a manger. He celebrated Christmas Mass in front of the early Nativity scene, which included figures of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds and their animals. Candles are often burned at Christmas time, symbol-•zing light and warmth at a time usually associated with the darkness and cold of winter. In olden days, burning candles were placed on Christmas trees. Near the turn of the century an employee of New England telephone came up with the idea of using electric lights, instead of candles. The glass and paper ornaments we now place on our Christmas trees stem from the fruits and nuts and flowers that were placed on the first Christmas trees. The Advent wreath is a symbol of the coming of Christ. It is traditionally an evergreen wreath with four candles that are lit, one on each of the four Sundays before Christmas. Legends of Christmas The celebration of Christmas is a joyful mixture customs that have devel-°Ped in many different lands °Ver thousands of years. Integrated into our customs are ancient Roman traditions, early Christian practices, Medieval pagan rituals and tetorian nostalgia. Christmas is richer in tra-ltion than any other holiday JAdebrated in this country. cse traditions have been ^ °Pted and changed by mericans over many years. ^ 1659 the Puritans declared . e celebration of Christmas ^egal. They said the holiday as just an excuse to drink 1° rnuch and overeat. So for ^st two centuries Christ-as m America was virtually ‘Snored. In the 1800s, writers and ists began transforming nstmas into the celebra-v^n ^at we know today. Our ^ 0wn version of Santa as created in the writings Clement C. Moore, ashington Irving and the jMngs of Thomas Nast. any customs - caroling, a' stockings, and ginger- of W, 3read Americans have embraced these customs and added their own special traditions to them as they have been passed down through the generations. The Germans introduced the Christmas tree to America. Many years before the celebration of Christmas began, the Germans used evergreens to decorate their homes. They believed these trees represented life and immortality and would protect their homes from evil during the coming year. There are many different stories about how the tree first appeared in America -but the result is the same -rare is the home that does not decorate a tree at Christmas. Christmas is a time of joy and celebration - a time to share traditional rituals with family and friends. Giftgiving, caroling, tree decorating, hanging stockings and baking cookies are all traditions that have been passed down through the years. All these traditions begin with stories, some fact and some fictional. On Sunday, Nov. 9 the Kres Folklore Dancers held a fund-raising palačinke breakfast in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school auditorium for the benefit of their “long-awaited trip to Slovenia next summer. Pictured above are some of the workers. Front: Ursi Wein (left) and Kristina Sedmak. Behind counter, left to right, Edi Mejac, Breda Ribic, Cathy Osredkar, Monica Povirk, Kristina Mejac, Nadia Kobal, Monika Zalar, Mark Tome, and Victoria Zalar. (Photo by phil hrvatin) The one who does not have Christmas in his heart will not find it under the tree. originated in Europe. Christmas Trees c hristmas trees date back to the 8th century when a group of Germans who were about to sacrifice a child to Thor were stopped by St. Boniface. The sacrifice was taking place under an oak tree, so St. Boniface cut down the oak, revealing a small fir tree, which he proclaimed a symbol of Christ and the spirit of love that Christ urges. Another early legend tells that Martin Luther created the first Christmas tree. One Christmas Eve, he went for a late walk through the forest. Inspired by the sparkling, snow covered trees reflecting moonlight and the twinkling stars showing through the branches, he cut a small fir tree, took it home, and decorated it with candles. The Christmas tree as we know it also descends directly from a representation of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. It was featured in the traditional medieval mystery play performed on Christmas Eve within a circle of lighted candles. The re-enactment of the story of Adam and Eve culminated in their expulsion from Paradise. The play, however, ended optimistically with the promise of a savior sent by God who would be the incarnation of the Son of God. An evergreen tree was hung with apples and symbolized the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve. Because of the fir tree’s use in these religious contexts, candles came to represent Christ, the Light of the World. In the early 19th century, the Christmas tree was widely accepted throughout Germany and Europe. Prince Albert, the Ger-man-bom husband of Queen Victoria, is credited with popularizing this custom with the English. The Legend of the Compassionate Robin Wb rdju rea| Chri^!1 produces the most r,st"ias trees. According to legend, the robin’s heart ached when it saw the Christ Child shivering as the fire in the stable began to die. The bird flew lose to the embers and began fanning them with its wings. The flames grew and the fire soon burned brightly. The heat had turned the compassionate robin’s breast red. Tum-of-the-century Christmas cards frequently depicted the colorful robin’s image, often surrounded by sprigs of holly and other holiday greenery. Today, the robin Christmas tree ornament is traditionally clipped to a prominent bough to remind us of its unselfishness. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11. 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor AjneriSka Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: , ([ Rl Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES -V * D r * • UnitedvStates and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) ____. .... h_______________________________ AMERICAN'l^HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 48 December 11, 2003 gEFLiCTlOm BY gUM Weather Was Bad; Life is Good by RUDY FLIS George Does It Again! That’s George Knaus holding a check for $300.00 to buy everyone a drink at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. George has been buying fellow fratemalists drinks at SNPJ Farm for the last 20 years. He is a member of SNPJ Lodge #158. President of the lodge is Jo Ann Heinz, left, and on the right Dorothy Gorjup. George says he likes to make people happy. Voinovich Statement on Steel Tariffs WASHINGTON - In re- Eve been down this road before. But what a difference from my last trip through the area when grass and dirt flew in the air behind my car as I drove 55 mph past fields of com and wheat. Today, behind my car was a spray of snow and slush as I drove much slower than last time. The com and wheat are harvested and all is under a blanket of snow. The trees stand bare, a part of nature’s stark beauty that is winter. Not as pretty as the green of spring, summer, and fall. But there is still a cold beauty in winter. All seems to be in a deep sleep waiting for the warmth of the sun in early spring as more daylight shines upon our land. When I leave the warmth of my car and walk through the snow, I notice a quiet because the snow muffles all sound. Did you ever notice that? The Ohio BoyChoir will present a concert of Christmas Classics at St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., in Cleveland on Sunday, Dec. 21 at 3 p.m. The concert will include works by Adam, Bach, Britten, Gains, Haydn, Leon-tovich, Parker, Schram, Simšič, Vaughan Williams, and others. The choir, founded in The weather and traveling was bad. I decided not to fight it. In no haste, I headed toward “Our Mother of Sorrows” shrine in Bellevue, Ohio. Again I heard the quiet as I walked to the church and again inside. Simple beauty accompanied by peace and quiet is why I try to come here to the shrine on a regular basis. I don’t spend enough time with my creator or his saints. When I visit here, it’s quality time for my soul; and that’s good for me. As I left this beautiful shrine, I drove at a slower speed with caution, down Route 4 to the Ohio Turnpike. All I saw was bare trees, slushy roads and snow covered ground. But I know that in no time at all, life will again burst from this quiet earth. And if I drive carefully, once again, I will be here to enjoy it. My hope is that eventually I will see the green countryside that I so love. How warm I find that dream. 1974 by Alexander Musi-chuk, is comprised of boys ages 8 to 14 years from the Northeast Ohio area. Entering its 30th year, the choir welcomes coconductor Jon Simsic. He prepared and conducts the first half of this season’s holiday concerts. Admission is free; donations are welcome. Hidden Names... Say the following phrases fast. Solve the puzzles by saying them out loud, over and over, faster and faster, repeating the phrase, until you “hear” the answer. Example: LAWN SAND JEALOUS = Los Angeles. 1. - SHOCK CUSSED TOE (person) 2. - SAND TACK LAWS (fictional character) 3. - MY GULCH HOARD UN (person) 4. - MOW BEAD HICK (book) 5. - TALL MISCHIEF HER SUN (person) 6. - CHICK HE TUB BAN AN US (product) 7. - THOUGH TIGHT AN HICK (thing) 8. - AISLE ON VIEW (phrase) 9. - TUB RAID HEAL HUNCH (TV show) 10. - CARESS TROUGHER CLUMP US (person) 11. -DOCKED HEARSE WHOSE (person) 12. - THUMB ILL KEY WAKE OWL LICKS HE (place) 13. - AGE ANT HUM BLOWS HEAVEN (fictional character) 14. - THESE HOUND DOVE MOO SICK (movie) 15. - BUCK SPUN HE (fictional character) Answers: 1. - Jacques Cousteau 2. - Santa Claus 3. - Michael Jordan 4. - Moby Dick 5. - Thomas Jefferson 6. - Chiquita Banana 7. - The Titanic 8. -1 love you 9. - The Brady Bunch 10. - Christopher Columbus 11. - Doctor Seuss 12. - The Milky Way Galaxy 13. - Agent 007 14. - The Sound of Music 15. - Bugs Bunny______ Thanks to Philip Hrvatin for this mind stimulator. Christmas Party Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 25 Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, Dec. 14 at 1:30 p.m. in Sterle’s Slovenian Countrv House Restaurant on E. 55lh Street in Cleveland. Guests are invited. Bring a door prize. Homemade Strudels Delicious homemade apple and cheese strudels for sale. $6 a strip. Call (216) 392-7191. sponse to the Bush Administration’s announcement it will repeal tariffs on foreign steel imports, U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) said, “The Bush administration deserves credit for doing something that the previous administration never did despite pleas from steel companies and steel unions, and that’s come to steel’s rescue. I’m grateful that they listened to the request from me and others to initiate the Section 201 investigation and then also to respond in a concrete way to its findings. “The steel tariffs are working and for the past 18 months have provided some much needed stability to the battered steel industry. The emergence of Wheeling-Pitt from bankruptcy and the purchase of LTB by ISG and the restarting of the Cleveland facility demonstrate the tariffs’ effectiveness. They’ve been critical to leveling the playing field in the face of illegal foreign steel dumping. “I am, however, disappointed that the President won’t be renewing the tariffs just as they’ve begun to work. It’s my hope that the breathing room the industry received will be sufficient to carry it through and that the Administration will soon put forth alternative ideas for helping the industry continue to stabilize. One of those ideas must be continued support for the Steel Loan Guarantee Program and I will work to make sure this tool is as sharp as it needs to be to help steel and steel families.” New 3 for 1 Campaign Just in time for the holidays, the American Home newspaper is holding a 3 for 1 campaign for NEVV subscribers. 1) — Our generous anonymous donor will pay $15.00 toward a new subscription. 2) - The American Home will contribute $5.00. 3) - All NEW readers will only have to pay $15.00 for a full year subscription. Send $15.00 for each NEW subscription to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Offer is limited to the first 30 new subscribers. There are only 7 slots remaining. The campaign ends Dec. 19, 2003 or when we receive 30 subscriptions. Remember: This makes a GREAT Christmas gift and highlights your wonderful Slovenian heritage. Ohio BoyChoir at St. Vitus Life in the Refugee Camps by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ Monday, Dec. 15, 1947 I received a letter from my father. He says two of our neighbors died. One was 81 and the other 63. Life and death continue in our home village, 1 sent him a Christmas package with some slippers that I had made for him. Thursday, Dec. 18,1947 Cilka has been sewing shoes for Rusche'm, a master shoemaker in Judenburg. Today, she also hurried to finish a large lace tablecloth with flowers for an order I had obtained. Saturday, Dec. 20,1947 This afternoon I rode my bike (it is fixed again) to Fohnsdorf and Fetzendorf, where I sold 187 shillings woith of lace. It was cold and the roads were icy. I fell down once, but I’m all right. Thursday, Dec. 25, 1947 We began Christmas with Mass at 8 a.m. and then a walk around the camp. For Christmas dinner, we had soup, potatoes, pork roast and even a little wine. A special celebration! We went to sleep at 8 p.m. Monday,-Dec. 29, 1947 Today I helped get some coal to heat the larger buildings in our camp. Four of us from the camp helped load 8,000 pounds of coal onto a truck at the train station. Wednesday, Dec. 31,1947 Mr. Kien offered me a job as a supervisor in the camp. The job will pay 250 shillings a month, but then Cilka and I will be expected to pay back about 180 shillings for camp food. I don’t want to work for nothing. I also don’t want to be in a position where I’ll be harassing my fellow refugees. For most of the Jay I worked on an inventory of our lace and lace designs. For New Year’s Eve, we prayed all three parts of the rosary and marched in procession around the barracks. Karl and Mici joined us with their baby daughter Jolanda. Afterwards, Ceferin and I worked on the crossword puzzle in the “Karinthian Chronicle.” Then we listened to news and New Year’s greetings on Radio London. This year there were 29 babies bom in our camp. Four people died, and 8 couples were married. (To Be Continued) Merry Christmas § Happy New Year Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto St. Joseph Lodge # 169 Don’t let winter get you down! Rent a condo out-of-town. Call 1-216-261-1050 now tor the best price and selection. 22078 Laksstiore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050, 1-800-659-2662 euclidtravel@aol.com travel@euclidtravel.com |»i «H 9i n tt Con doCenlre I >!\ IMOII I I ( i.ll) I !\ WT I. Bmm Bcmmmmš Can you unscramble the following. 1. - WNSOKAFEL - The last time South Floridians saw one of these in the sky was in 1977. 2. - EETMISOTL - Perhaps the Scandinavian love goddess Frigga deserves a little smooch for this over-the-top tradition. 3. - OLHLY - Well, because of the mistletoe’s kissy-kissy reputation, certain long-ago churches had strict rules forbidding its appearance. So this holly leaf with its bright berries became a welcome substitute. You can see some growing in St. Vitus church’s garden. 4. - YRMRH - A sweetsmelling gift from the Magi. 5. - SRETE SSCHMI-TRA - Teddy Roosevelt once banned them for environmental reasons, until he discovered one of his children had smuggled a small one into the White House to celebrate the holiday. After that, it became popular to create whole farms dedicated to their growth, although they’d been available for retain in America since the mid-1800s. ASWERS: snowflake, mistletoe, holly, myrrh, Christmas trees Merry Christmas IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J, Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 St. Vitus Altar Society Christmas Party 3 All members of the St. Vitus Altar Society are cordially invited to our Christmas Party, which will take place on Sunday, Dec. 14 in the school auditorium. Please mark this date on .your calendar as a reminder. Especially invited are those who joined our society this past year. You will have the opportunity to meet all the members. This will be a time for relaxation from every-day pressures and to enjoy good company. We will attend the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Immediately after, we will go to the school auditorium for the party. Rev. Joseph Boznar will bless the manger. With beautiful Christmas songs, we will begin our Christmas party. Refreshments will be served. Bring a gift for the raffle. Come one and all. Bring with you a friend even if she is not a member of our society. They are welcome. It will make us very happy. To all our sick members we wish a speedy recovery. You are remembered in our prayers. Best wishes to all for a very Blessed Christmas and good health in 2004. The same good wishes are extended to all our members. Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! —Ivanka M. Christmas Angels According to Christian beliefs, angels played a large role in the Christmas story, Angels appeared several times in the Bible to announce the events related to the birth of Christ - an angel appeared to Mary, telling her of Jesus’ coming birth; and afterwards, an angel came to the shepherds proclaiming Jesus’ birth. In some European countries, it is an angel who brings Christmas gifts to children instead of Santa Claus. Some children write their Christmas letters to “little Jesus” and believe that these letters are taken to heaven by angels. Hungarian children believe that on Christmas Eve one of God’s angels decorates the Christmas tree and brings the gifts. Before the angel leaves the home, it blesses each child who lives there. Here in America there are many stories about angels. A very popular Christmas story is The Littlest Angel written by Charles Tazewell in 1957. This story is performed in many churches as the Christmas Program. Another very famous angel is Clarence, from It's a Wonderful Life. Clarence is not a typical angel but when he hears the bell and gets his angel wings everyone cheers. And for year-round angel fans there is Touched By An Angel, a popular television show. Coming Events Friday, Dec. 12 Dance West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Music by Wayne Tomsk. Sunday, Dec. 14 St. Vitus Altar Society Christmas Party in St. Vitus Auditorium, after 10:30 Mass. Saturday, Jan. 24 Pristavska Noč at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Cleveland. Sunday, Feb. 1 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School annual dinner starting at 11 a.m. Tickets call (216) 381-4591. Feb. 6, 7, 8 Slovenian Ski Weekend at Windham Mts. Information call John F. Kamin, (2121691-5553. Saturday, March 20 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Banquet, Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. March 27 - April 3 Slovenian Ski Trip 2004 to Lake Louise, Canada. $950 from Cleveland (2 per room) (includes round trip airfare from La Guardia via Denver to Calgary, all ground transportation, 7 nights lodging at Ptarmigan Inn, 5 days lift pass). Call John F. Kamin (212) 691-5551. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Days, L’Anse-Baraga area of Michigan. Labor Day Weekend 2005 Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 4ERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 4 Lots of Catholics... o Did you know that there are 1.06 billion Catholics in the world? In the United States there are 64 million Catholics, or 23% of the total USA population. In the entire world there are about 4,600 bishops, 266,500 priests, 28,000 deacons, 139,000 lay missionaries and 792,000 religious Sisters. Whereas, there has been a sharp decline in vocations in many Western countries, the opposite is true in Africa, Asia and South America. < There, vocations are on the rise and new communities of religious men and women are being founded. In our country, there are some dioceses who are witnessing an increase in priestly and religious vocations. Catholic university students have doubled in the last 25 years. The Catholic Church worldwide sponsors 106,000 hospitals, health clinics and welfare institutions. --St. Vitus Church Bulletin Collinwood Memories Editor, Enclosed find $35.00 for another year of this great newspaper that keeps me updated of what is going on back home and also of true memories of the good days in Collinwood. —Amelia Habjan Lebanon, OR Stimbur^s Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http:llslimburysaccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service ServitinpJndfviduals Corporations & Small Businesses Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat; If you haven’t got a penny, -a half penny will do, If you haven’t got a half penny; God bless you! —Beggar’s rhyme. The custom of observing Boxing Day in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand is said to come from the traditional British custom of handing out boxed gifts to servants and employees on the day after Christmas. Merry Christmas from all of us... When You Want to Travel... Contact the Travel Experts at HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE On the West Side visit HANSA IMPORT STORE and TRAVEL AGENCY 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland 44113 631-6585 ALSO - VISIT OUR NEWL Y REMODELED PATRICIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185th Street, Cleveland 44119 We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN and VISIT US SOON. Ask for Boris or Suzi (216) 531-6720 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Somraki ‘Kitchens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff dnd quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. hours , f MON-FRI 8:30-5 1 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry sat 9 2 26201 RICHMOND RD. cce\e\ BEDFORD HEIGHTS. 4o4-D500 EVENINGS BY OHIO 44146 APPOINTMENT In Grateful Appreciation “I wish to express my gratitude to all who joined me in the Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of the 60Ih anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. “My thanks to Father Boznar and his committee who prepared the beautiful Liturgy for that day. “My thanks also to all who arranged and helped with the reception after the Mass, and for your warm words of congratulations and your kind remembrances. “I ask that you continue to remember me in your prayers, as I promise to remember all of you in mine. “May God’s blessings be richly bestowed on all for the kindness you have shown and given to me.” —Rev. Victor Cimperman For The Holidays GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC! from the POLKA HALL OF FAME GIFT SHOP Largest selection Of polka & nationality Compact Discs, Tape Cassettes, Videos, Polka Jewelry, Books, T-shirts & Aprons .all (216) 261-FAME (3263) Email: Polkagiftshopmillie@hotmail.com Website: www.polkafame.com All major credit cards accepted Hours: Tues - Fri: 12-5 p.m. — Sat. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Visit The NATIONAL CLEVELAND HALL OF FAME & MUSEUM • 291 East 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 Christmas in Other Countries Every country has its own customs for the holiday season. And some of them bear no resemblance to the way we celebrate Christmas in America. Christmas is celebrated virtually the world over, with customs and traditions unique to each country. In Mexico, for instance, every town and city sets up elaborately decorated niarket stalls in a main plaza. The stalls are then used to sell foods and flowers and crafts of every kind. By the way, the poinsettia is thought to have been first used in connection with Christmas in 17lh-century Mexico. In Australia, Christmas falls in the middle of summer. So while it is not uncommon to see a hailstorm, or flood or tornado, Austrians never dream of a snowy Christmas. In Iran - where the Three Wise Men are believed to have lived - Christians begin abstaining from animal products on December first. Then they enjoy a traditional chicken stew on Christmas Day. And in Italy, the main exchange of gifts takes place on January sixth, the Feast of the Epiphany, to mark the Magi’s v'sit to the Christ child. There is nothing inherently wrong with a brain in your 90s. If you keep it fed and interested, it will last you very well. _ ________________________ —Mary Stonerrian Douglas Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 ALTERATIONS BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • LAKEWOOD, OHIO 44107 KWICK-N-CLEAN DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY “Somehow not only for Christmas but all the long year through, the joy that you give others is the joy that comes back to you.” -John G. Whittier 2 HR VIDEO TAPE •Krofe »Potica •Strudel »Pohanje •Potato Pancakes •Noodles and Cabbage •AND MORE 'DEAL 'or...Brides...Showers.. Xmas Gifts...Personal PRICE $29 - FLORENCE PETRICH 38453 WOOD RD. 1-440-946-2803 WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094-7604 JL i«rr CHRISTMAS AM© HAFTFY NiW YIA! Glasbena Matica Chorus Thank You for Attending our "Decades of Songs" Fall Concert We Welcome New Members. For information call 440-886-4777 imiSOSI PIqI1TC SUPERMARKET 12503 nmsoti dVL LdKCWOOb. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS, - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 ?M WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! 3 3 3 8 8 8 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! sJ^>arz d< ona Funeral Homes 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 440-944-8400 (Formerly Grdina’s) 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 216-486-2900 Independently owned and Sovenian family operated by Dan Cosic and Joe Zevnik Licensed Directors AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 6 Major Role of Slovenian News Media by T1NCA STOKOJNIK In the seventh century Slovenians were living in their own state for the first and last time until 1991. The state was called Karantanija, and the Karantanians voted for their aristocracy. Pretty impressive for a time when tribal wars pervaded Europe and power was often transferred by violence. Despite early democratic inclinations Slovenians had to re-leam democracy after regaining independence 10 years ago. Tito had steered Yugoslavia away from the Soviet model of communism, and the social order differed in many ways from the oppressive communist systems of other eastern European states. Nevertheless, building democracy in Slovenia has proved to be a challenge. The media played a major role in shaping a political agenda that led Slovenian representatives to walk out of the Yugoslav government in 1991. The two main players were Mladina, a liberal weekly news magazine, and “Radio Student,” a quirky, radical radio station transmitting in Ljubljana and its outskirts. They each attacked the Yugoslav government in their own way. Mladina took a serious journalistic approach by serving as a watchdog and exposing the wrongdoings of communist party officials. Radio Student took a punk approach in terms of musical content and a general anti-establishment ethic. Radio Student journalists expressed their views through alternative youth culture and abrasive political commentary. These two media outlets not only played a political role, but also led a movement toward civic journalism. After independence was achieved, Mladina continued publication and became one of the most respected news outlets in the country. It is especially notable for its investigative journalism. However, conservatives have no appetite for it because of its liberal leanings. A magazine called Mag is now successfully serving the conservative part of the population. Radio Student also continues broadcasting but has drifted toward the political center. It continues to serve as a major training ground for Slovenian journalists. Other post-independence media have had more difficulty. In Slovenia, most of the old media outlets still exist while new ones have perished quickly after trying to make room for themselves in a sparsely populated country. The main reason for their failure is market competition and dependence on advertising revenue. Naturally, only those publishers that already commanded a wide audience survived. There were three attempts at establishing new daily newspapers in the 1990s, all marked by different political orientations. First came Slovenec (The Slovenian), which took its name from a conservative newspaper that existed in the early 20th century, at the time of the emergence of the first Yugoslavia (The Kingdom and later the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs). The first Slovenec was the organ of the Christian Democrats, one of the most important parties at the time. After 1991, the Christian Democrats again became one of the strongest political parties in Slovenia. They established Slovenec with their eyes set on past glory. The then prime minister, a Christian Democrat, funded the paper with 2 million German marks in the name of diversifying the Slovene media scene. It did not work. Although Slovenians are over 90 percent Catholic and usually vote in substantial numbers for the Christian Democrats, the paper folded after six unprofitable years. A year after Slovenec appeared, the left-wing Republika hit the newsstands in 1992. It was seen as a political project - a baby of the Christian Democrats’ competitor, the Liberal Democrats, who are currently the ruling party in Slovenia. Much like Slovenec, Republika soon perished as well. These two failures scared most potential news media moguls from attempting to make it in the Slovenian market. In 1998, however, the owners of the popular conservative magazine Mag tried again. They established Jutranjik (The Morning Paper). No luck again. This newspaper folded after fewer than 20 issues. This leaves Slovenians with four dailies, three of which have very familiar names since they have been around for decades. Delo (Work) is by far the most successful. The largest Slovenian newspaper since World War II, it had a solid infrastructure and quickly emerged as a Slovenian media giant. Its circulation averages around 90,000. The company that owns Delo also publishes the tabloid Slovenske Novice (average circulation 110,000 copies). Delo is connected with the company Delo Revije that publishes 17 magazines and controls more than 50 percent of the Slovenian magazine market. Two other daily newspapers have survived the market transition: Dnevnik (The Daily), along with its weekly tabloid Nedeljski dnevnik, and Večer (The Evening), which is popular mainly in the northeastern region. Broadcasting is divided between public and private radio and television operations. The public broadcast corporation is RTV Slovenia. It is a conglomeration of the old TV Ljubljana, which changed its name to TV Slovenia and offers two programs, and Radio Slovenia, which has three channels. Before December 1995 not much could be said of private television stations. There were some, but they were limited to very small areas and their earnings were insignificant. In 1995, however, POP TV emerged, backed by Central European Media Enterprises (CME), a U.S. company that now pervades most of the commercial television market in eastern Europe. POP TV immediately succeeded with its predictable feed of primarily American programming. Scandinavian Broadcasting System (SBS) followed suit in 1997, buying the fledging Kanal A television station and becoming successful in a similar way. A year ago CME bought Kanal A, which continues to provide its own programming. These two channels command most of the Slovenian television audience. Radio Slovenia has much competition from a wave of new commercial radio stations. Most offer contemporary dance music, hourly news bulletins, and never-ending “contact shows” in which listeners call in and engage in essentially mindless chat and music requests. The Slovenian media have adapted - more or less successfully - to the new market situation. Slovenian democracy could benefit from the addition of more media voices, but this is not likely to happen. The market is simply too small since the Slovenian population hovers slightly below 2 million. The political orientation of most Slovenian media is neutral, although the mainstream media are often attacked by conservative politicians and commentators as “leftovers from the past,” or “government propaganda” (the government has for most of the time been predomi- nantly left of center), or are even accused of being vehicles for a mysterious communist conspiracy led by president Milan Kucan. These accusations are exaggerated. Nothing this exciting is happening in Slovenian media. But the centrist blandness of Slovenian media may be a problem in the long run. Investigative reporting is limited to the efforts of Mladina and Mag magazines and public television’s news program “Odmevi” (Echoes). In a democracy that is still growing, critical media are necessary. Slovenian journalists do not need to go back to the revolutionary journalism that led to independence, but keeping some of that relentlessly critical spirit alive would be healthy for Slovenian democracy. When writing this article for “Reelfication” in 2001 Tinea Stokojnik was a graduate student from Slovenia at the Indiana University School of Journalism. HIOUBAV PRIWTW® SCH'EDytJ There will be no American Home NEWSPAPER PRINTED THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS (Dec. 25). The next American Home after Christmas will be dated Jan. 1,2004. There will be no American Home printed THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1. It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. to plan their estate? . KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. Call a professional KSKJ representative today! KSKiA/ Proudly serving the needs of more than 26,000 members nationwide since 1894. American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, 11 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. 7 St. Vitus Parish Rectory Roof Update by STANE KUHAR Parish Finance Director The St. Vitus Parish rectory roof was installed between 1930 and 1932. It is now having its first major complete repair and replacement in 71 years. The roof support struc-ture, framed with solid wooden rafters as well as finished tongue and grove wood, had only felt paper as the primary underlay mate-r'al to the cla> tiles. There was minimal ventilation with no ice and water protection. The rectory roof is over 3,300 square feet with three formers as well as a number °f hidden valleys. Once brown clay tiles had darkened to a btef'k color, indicating seven plus dec-ades of industrial pollution, acid rain, and exposure to coal “fly ash,” once used for heating. The residue of the coal “fly ash” was implanted 0n the tiles, eventually destroying part or all of the composition of the clay tiles. A number of tiles were Cracked with indications of general decay of metal (copper or steel) used for flashing or other places on me roof to deflect water and °ther inclement weather. The entire new tiled por-h°n of the roof will have the jyo°d framing treated with a lcluid bonding adhesive as Well as with ice and water Suard, including the three 0rrners. All new copper, hlizing either 16 ounce or ounce copper, will domi-ate flashing, pans, gutters, nd other points on the roof Where needed. metal protection is New ventilation is being placed around the entire perimeter of the rectory as well as the eventual installation of two attic fans to promote proper ventilation, plus control humidity. A new sky window will replace the current weather beaten sky window, allowing for a screen and motorized operation to properly circulate air movement in the upper floors. The two current turbines will be removed. A normal residential roof, depending on quality of materials used, proper ventilation and other factors, should last approximately 20-to-25 years. The rectory roof should last from 75-to-90 years with proper maintenance. Cost is estimated at $160,000. Industrial Energy Systems, Inc. is the roofing company engaged for this process with Tom Žnidaršič, parishioner of St. Vitus, having primary responsibility of overseeing this project. Approval for this task was obtained from the Diocese of Cleveland as well as being reviewed and approved by both parish pastoral and finance councils. * St. Martin de Porres High School The first new Catholic high school to be established in the city of Cleveland in more than 50 years, St. Martin de Porres, is proceeding ahead with testing for the first prospective class for August, 2004. St. Martin de Porres High School is part of the Cristo Rey school network that has work-study and a college preparatory ^mwm ew Pasto artnershiP *s Formed- - Father Joseph Boznar, pre Vitus Parish, and Mr. Richard Clark, han(Jsc.nt °T St. Martin de Porres High School, shake Porr 'n re§ards t0 the newly established St. Martin de Par*sh School, the new high school will be leasing beBj ,School and auditorium facilities for its operation bning in August, 2004. Ice and water guard protection is being installed over the entire rectory roof that will have new clay tiles. program as an integral part of the school program. School size is designated for 400-to-500 students with at least 20% of the school away each day at a job. Students “share” a job, normally consisting of four students for each job. A student’s “pay” is then used to provide for approximately 70% of the tuition with the remaining portion coming from the family or other outside sources. A lease agreement is currently being prepared to define and outline policies, procedures, and responsibilities between the high school and St. Vitus parish regarding use of the parish school and auditorium buildings. The Diocese of Cleveland and the respective parish pastoral and finance councils requires review and approval of the lease agreement. If we ever forget the meaning of Christmas, all we need do is listen to children. .European B>eli & BafelJ MONDAY - SATURDAY 10AM-8pm SUNDAY 12pm-6pm 28060 Chardon rd. Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 Tele: (440) 944-1313 European Deli & Bakery carries; Foods, Candy, Cheese, Jams/Preserves, Juice, and Souvenirs that have been imported from different European & Middle Eastern Countries. We bake Fresh Bread, Cake, and Gata Daily. • Armenia France Italy Romania • Bulgaria Poland Israel Lietuva • Croatia Russia Sweden Clrivronio (Plus Dine in Area) ^«-£0111 Come in for Sandwiches or just to drink Coffee. We have different varieties of Coffee’s and Sandwiches. • Armenian Coffee (Espresso) • French Coffee • Italian Coffee If you’re having a party or a Family get together you can pre-order Armenian BBQ and Kebab. You also can preorder Cakes or Armenian Cookies (Gata). Across the Street from Sam's Club Si Burger King Christmas Donation Thanks to Marie and Rudy Pivik of Cleveland OH for the $50.00 Christmai Donation. We have finally mastered the meaning of Christmas when Christmas becomes a way of life. CD mi T cmsmAS Am mpn MEW YEAR ED PIKE 9647 MENTOR AVE . MENTOR. OHIO iincom nuitcuRY HVUnDfll Quality Service - Sales ■ Body Shop ED PIKE BS ON MCNTOR.PJUNESVUXC TOWNSHIP UNE BOUTE 20 »wt^Tomo wL Phone Lake County 1-440-357-7533 - Phone Cuyahoga 1-440-942-3191 Daily Car Rental Cease Long or Short Term on All Lincoln Mercury AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, : Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane * by RAY MLAKAR The turkey holiday is over and am sure all of our readers are looking forward to Santa who should be coming within a few weeks. Well, let’s set the mood right with a few jokes. Following the death of an elderly spinster, the Funeral Director read the instructions the woman had left for her memorial service. “I don’t want any male pall bearers. They wouldn’t take me out when 1 was alive so I don’t want them taking me out when I am dead.” Okay, one more. Two amateur carpenters went to the lumberyard to pick up some lumber. The parking lot was full so Jim went into the store while Joe looked for a place to park. Finding a salesman, Jim said he wanted to buy some two-by-fours. “How long do you want them?” asked the salesman. “1 don’t know,” replied Jim. “My partner and I never talked about how long we’d want them. I’ll go find him and find out.” Jim returned to the store and spoke to the salesman again. “So what did your partner say? How long do you need them?” Jim replied, “Joe says we’ll be wanting those two-by-fours for at least ten years.” Before I go on with the column going back to 1957, let me say that I enjoyed reading about Joe Glinsek’s school at Cathedral Latin and it sure brought back similar memories to a lot of our readers. It was also interesting to read about the “Olde Collinwood Days” and perhaps poorer, yet happier times. I can recall in the old neighborhood, well over some 60 years ago when the Žnidaršič’s, the Kovach’s and Komocars also slaughtered hogs and we certainly looked forward to those days for we all enjoy in sharing the sausages made at that time as well as the rendering of lard and making cracklings. Ray, stop piddling and let’s get back to 1957. Well, there we were enjoying the newly purchased home and all seemed to be going well. Come Thanksgiving, Ma made the big turkey dinner and we were able to feast on it, in the newly completed recreation room. At that time I had a huge round picnic table with curved benches that I once wrote about in earlier articles and we were all able to sit down and partake of Ma’s great cooking. A month later it was Christmas and as was our custom, we were all together once again. In fact Mom, my sisters and I went back to the old church, Annunciation, for Midnight Mass and even though we were grown up, we looked forward to coming back home and opening gifts for even back then, even though I was 28 years old and had hopes that just maybe Santa would be bringing me my electric train that I had been praying for all these years, but no such luck. After opening the gifts and eating some more fresh baked ham and Ma’s homemade potica, it was soon three in the morning. It was decided that Mom would go with my older sister and her family back to Bedford where they lived and stay overnight. Irene went back to her home, which left Dad and I home alone. Needless to say it did not take Dad and I long to hit the sack for it seemed that it was a night that would never end. We slept in and it felt good for I did not have to get up early for church since I had already attended Midnight Mass. We got up about 10 in the morning and slowly got ourselves dressed and were soon on our way to Bedford to continue with the celebration at my sister’s home where Ma was staying overnight. Again we had another big meal and after eating, we went to the living room where my sister’s children were showing us all the toys that Santa had left them. It was approximately four in the afternoon when Dad who was sitting on the sofa slumped down to the floor. Needless to say, our hearts stopped. Dad was having a stroke. The brothers-in-law helped me get Dad into our car and we headed for home for we did not want to be calling an ambulance out East and having him taken to an east side hospital. We got home and with some help, got Dad in bed and his speech was slurred to say the least, and he was unable to walk on his own. I called a special number in which they secured a doctor to come out to make a house call for fortunately back in 1957, doctors still made house calls. Until that time, we had no family doctor per say and the only one we really knew was Doctor Cortner but this was an emergency and we needed Dad looked at right away. A doctor came, examined Dad and confirmed that Dad suffered a severe stroke and said to keep him in bed and just maybe he might improve over the next 24 hours and he would be back the next day to make a determination as to what further steps should be taken. It seemed like the longest 24 hours, but the next day the doctor did come back to the home and felt that without a doubt it was best to have Dad taken to the hospital since he was unable to take food by mouth. The closest hospital at that time in the Parma area was Berea Hospital so that was where he was admitted. It goes without saying that this was one Christmas that was far from happy. Prayers were on our lips constantly. Unfortunately, strokes at that time were not that common and it seemed that no one really knew what could be done for Dad. Without a doubt this would be one long ordeal to say the least with its ups and downs from day to day. It is for certain that this event in our lives cannot be written all in one column, and it is even painful to write about it today, so I will pause for now until next week. In closing, may the Good Lord keep all of you in good health and perhaps if I had to give medical advice to all our readers I would say to have your blood pressure checked regularly, and have your carotid arteries checked on a semi-annual basis. A little precaution now can save a lot of misery in the future. Hang in there. I did; for it is only in our faith in God that we are able to carry our cross sometimes, for we cannot do it alone. In the meantime, “Better watch out, better be good, Santa Claus is coming to town.” I myself have doubts about Santa, for here it is almost a quarter of a century later and he still has not brought me an electric train. HAPPY H0PIPAYS West Park Slovene Home 4583 W. 130th St. FRESH HOME-COOKED SPECIAL MEALS by Char 7 Days 11:30-9 (216) 941-3224 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year g — Visit Us Soon — -We Are Open from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. -_ SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — - SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER - Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio Merry Christmas Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar — Attorneys at Law — Omni Bldg. - Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue - near 1-90 261-0200 PROBATE, ESTATE PLANNING, REALESTATE MATTERS AND GENERAL CIVIL PRACTICE ___^ _ I ■ .... I-I.Tf«- .1'■ Electronic Greeting Cards I Donations 1 by JOE GLINŠEK Think about it. How many nitons will pass before the ever-expanding computer public and the etiquette gums deem it acceptable to exchange greeting cards by e-mail? The currently available selection is already impressive, but even this practicing cheapie” thinks the idea is a shade tacky. However, something well-crafted by the sender, with personal art-work and a photo, might lift 't a few notches on the good-taste scale.” Imagine the convenience and the time-cost savings. Create a new entry in your e-mail address book, then one ciick and you’re finished. Sounds tempting. The annual ‘dance’ of sending and receiving cards oas always been a problem, 0oPs, an issue. If you’ve made a new friend during the year, which of you will send j!16 first card? Whoever minks first makes the other kol guilty, and though they may be mildly offended by the one-upmanship, will feel °bligated to send a return Card at once. But, it might arrive late - a sure sign that you were a last-minute addi-jjon to the dance-card. Then, °th must decide if the other "'ill be on next year’s list -"'hat a pain. toughie. Did I offend them during the past year? How? When? Have they just tired of this bah-humbug and aren’t sending cards to anyone? Call your sister - did she get a card from them? Was there a death that you didn’t know about? That’s really heavy. Do 1 wait for two consecutive ‘no card’ years before I stop sending? Good idea. Maybe they really never liked me in the first place, and just send cards because I did. Check the old lists - who sent first? The latter possibility is always the last to dawn on us. 1 can already feel my GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) kicking in and am searching for my pills. These issues will soon be a thing of the past when the PC revolution reaches the EGCAP (E-Mail Greeting Card Acceptance Plateau). Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, Dec. 13 in the auditorium social room. You can observe a lot just by watching. -Yogi Berra Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Silvester Rabič, Foster City, CA -$15.00 Heiene Koioson, North Brook, IL — $15.00 Stanley Krulc, Willoughby Hills, OH - $5.00 Jana Bevec, Washington, DC- $5.00 Evelyn Majercik, Bedford, OH -$10.00 Valentine Pfeifer, New Windsor, NY — $15.00 Maria Chokel, Temple Hills, MD-$15.00 Emma Marc/is, Cleveland, OH -$10.00 Alice Kuhar, Cleveland, OH - $15.00 Jožefa Horvat, Berwyn, IL - $5.00 Theresa Rus, Willoughby Hills, OH — $15.00 Betty Zahler, Brecks-ville, OH -$15.00 James Snyder, Parma, OH -$15.00 Florence Unetich, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Dorothy Tomshe, Lorain, OH — $5.00 Terezija Zupančič, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Martin Tominc, Wil-lowick, OH — $15.00 Nevenka Percic, Greer, SC-$10.00. -------------------------------------- PIPPIK6WWT TW(ST CHEESECAKE i Good recipe for the holidays. . Often, just the opposite Nation will become a oops, an issue. A Aguiar’ on your back and °dh Greeting Card List has ot sent you a card. Was it °st in the mail? Not likely. 1 toey forget, as in ‘clerical ttor?’ Were they downsized Q cost became a prob..., °PS> an issue? That’s a For Rent La E. 200 & Neff ^ r8e one bedroom apt. v,6"1 aPpliances and carpet. 0 Pets. $450 a month. ^____440-951-3087 For Sale Three Button Box Accordions 'and nt°n Mervai\ Cleve-^ °hio, 3 row -$1,500 Lou nt°n'n Hlavacek etr n^’ 3 row wfth flowers, C-S1,000 hauer't*'a Musik-Stog-T ’ 2 r°w - $350. LRlon ALL three< 4Li E NEGOTIABLE. Co*DmorN.1N G00D tiiles031^1 APProx- 45 (Latr^351 of Pittsburgh 423 e-6, Ea)- Phone 724— rnaii after 7 p.m. or c- to: L«^tana@wpa.net Ingredients: CRUST: 9 oz. Oreo cookies V* C sugar lA C unsalted butter, melted FILLING: 2 lb. cream cheese, room temp 1 C sugar 4 eggs */4 C half-n-half 1 t vanilla 1 t peppermint extract 1/3 C crushed peppermint pinwheel candies (16-20) Red food coloring (optional) TOPPING: 1 pint sour cream 3 T sugar Vi t vanilla Va t peppermint extract Directions: Wrap outside of springform pan in foil (also line bottom of oven with foil). In food processor, grind peppennint pinwheels until they are very fine. Set aside. In food processor, grind Oreos and sugar together (and if you do this after you process the candies, the crust will have a hint of peppermint taste, plus it saves washing the bowl in between). Mix with melted butter and press into bottom and sides of springform pan. Refrigerate while you are making the filling. Preheat oven to 350°. Beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the sugar and mix until blended. Add eggs one at a time. Add half-n-half, then the vanilla and peppermint extracts. Stir in crushed candies, and a drop or two of red food coloring, if you want it pinker. Pour into crust. Bake approximately 50 minutes, or until set in center and puffed at edges. Cool 10 minutes. Mix topping ingredients and pour over hot cheesecake. Bake for an additional 8 minutes, until topping sets. Cool completely and cover and refrigerate overnight. —Kim Ann Kaifesh ! X Our Family and Friends Recipes I Msmy cmtsmAs Am HAPPY MEW YEAR Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s 9 HAIR SALON\ 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 1 ■ ■ ~ 1 ■ 1 ~~ ■ ■ ■ ...... . — —, , | ^ LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 6507 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44103 216 / 391-0035 Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the FVeedom 90 s lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90, and give your neighborhood meter reader sometlilng to wonder about. ^l&iSggSK MM STANDARD Built To A Higher Standard GORJA;N (440) 944-9444 lA ♦ 207 Alpha Park ■imiuifcaujilB Highland Hts, OH 44143 A Niamr For All Seasons'" Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 18S'h Area ? 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) čSt. (Vitin (Vi[[a^E 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 10 Remembering Dr. Hermann Hans Herman Anton Haus, an institute professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and one of the world’s leading authorities on optical communications, died on May 21, 2003 of a heart attack after arriving home in Lexington from his 15-mile commute by bicycle from MIT. He was 77 years old. Haus led research and taught at MIT for nearly a half-century and inspired generations of new thinkers in a field that led to successive revolutions in communications. He received the National Medal of Science from President Clinton in 1995 for his research and teaching and was one of the very few engineers in the country to become a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences. Haus was bom in Ljubljana, Slovenia (formerly Yugoslavia) on August 8, 1925. Haus and his mother were taken from their home in the middle of the night of Dec. 17, 1945 and shipped by rail-car, with other refugees, to Austria. Conscripted to work in a factory as a machinist while still in his teens, he became fascinated with electricity and its properties, eventually leading to his extraordinary career in electrical engineering. Once relocated in Austria, Haus studied at the Technical University of Graz and the University of Vienna. He came to the United States in 1948 and earned his B.S. fr«'m Union College in 1949 and the M.S. in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1951. Haus received the Sc.D. from MIT in 1954, the same year he joined the faculty as an assistant professor. He became an associate professor in 1958 and a full professor in 1962. He was named an institute professor in 1986. Haus’s research and teaching ranged from fundamental investigations of quantum uncertainty as manifested in optical communications to the practical generation of ultra-short optical pulses. In 1994, the Optical Society of America recognized Dr. Haus’s contributions with its Frederic Ives Medal, the society’s highest award. The fiber optical undersea cables that provide rapid voice and data communications among the United States, Europe and Asia are the results of the pioneering investigations of Haus and fellow researchers at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Research Laboratories. They helped develop “soliton” methods of transmissions that have created new possibilities for transmitting voice and data signals across an ocean without distortion. Haus authored or coauthored five books, published nearly 300 articles, and presented his work at virtually every major conference and symposium on laser and quantum electronics and quantum optics around the world. He was a visiting professor or consultant at a number of corporations, universities and laboratories, including Raytheon Corp., Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Cambridge University, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Research Laboratories, bell Communications Laboratories, Technische University in Vienna, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the University of California at Berkeley. He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Physical Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the Optical Society of America. He received Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships and several honorary doctorate degrees, including an honorary degree from the University of Vienna, and the Austrian government’s Wittgenstein Prize, awarded for outstanding contributions to humanity. He was selected by his MIT colleagues for the 1982-1983 James R. Killian Faculty Achievement Award, one of the highest honors that the MIT faculty bestows. Dr. Haus was educated in Slovenian schools, including the well known Classical Gymnasium in Ljubljana According to statements of some people who were attending the same classes at the same school, he was one of the top students, and of very good and tolerant disposition. Today his inventions are conveniently usee also in Slovenia. With haw word he achieved the highest honors. Thanks to Rudolph F-Lukez of Kirtland, Ohio f°r this article. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year R & D Sausage Open Tuesday through Saturday 8 to 5 Slovenian Smoked Sausage Rice & Blood Sausage Cottage Ham - Zalodec POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 16714 Waterloo Road - (216)692-1832 Joe and Carol Zuzek WE THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT Tony’s Old World Barber Shop Haircuts $ 5.00 Thanks for your business and patronage this past year! 664 E. 185 St. at Abby Ave., and Windward Rd. Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. M-F _______7:30 - 5:00 p.m. Saturday_____ HAPPY HOLIDAY To All Our Members and Friends and to All American Slovenians ■4 AN* 1 '4z //" -7‘ t' v- Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Božične Praznike ilRY GHK5STSIAS AM© HAPPY IMIiW YEAR from Your Cleveland Ward 13 Councilman Joe Cimperman his time of year we alj share our happiness witf those around us. /\nd, those who are struggiih^ to find happiness aft^ the loss of a loved one, we offer warmest wish^ for your holiday season. May the spirit of healingfin^ you this (Christmas. f peatb Nptices MARY YAN Funeral services for Mary (Cimperman),. (Januskevic) Yan, 102, . pi Euclid, Ohio Were at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152nd Street in Cleveland. Mrs. Yan died Nov. 24, 2003 at the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland. Bom March 31, 1902 in Begunje pri Cerknici, Slove-n'a, she came to America in '921, and became a citizen in 1944. She lived in Euclid for the past 71 years. She was a member of ^merican Mutual Life Asso-ciation No. 40 Clairwood’s, and Slovenian Women’s Union #50. Mary was an av'd gardener and polka fan a" of her life, and was very Proud of the day she became an American citizen. Mrs. Yan worked as a cleaning lady at Zagar Tool f°r 17 years Survivors are her sons, eter p. (Anna May), and Filipp granddaughters, Bonna (Michael) Sindrich, usan (Gary) Karp, and mda (Tom) Abate; grand-^ons, Philip (Donna) Yan Jr., oseph Yan, Pete (Debra) an Jr-, and Greg (Nancy) an; 15 great-grandchildren; great-great-grand-c ''dren; and one great-^reat'great-grandchild. Her husband, Peter; and aughter-in-law, Alice Yan, are deceased. th ^r’ends were received at e Zele Funeral Home. The .ev- John Kumse of St. Church (Collinwood) 'ciated at the services. inp3* 'n A" Souls Cemetery harden Township. tr'K • fami'y suggests con-1 utions to the charity of your choice. Mr. Jane is survived by siblings Catherine Pibernik, Jane Smith, Edward, John, Paul and Alfred Jane, and Anne Yuchelvich; and many nieces and nephews. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills. Mass of Christian burial was at 11 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 5 at St. Noel Church in Willoughby Hills. Interment All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, OH. ALICE V. SOMRAK Alice V. Somrak, age 77, died Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003. She was beloved daughter of the late Louis and Alice; dear sister of Louis (Helen). Robert (Virginia), and Donald (deceased) (Alice); aunt and great aunt. Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday, Dec. 3 at St. Roberts Church, Euclid, at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at Brickman & Sons Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., on Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 6 to 9 p.m. In Memory Thanks to Maria Novak of Euclid, OH who added a $17.00 donation to her subscription in memory of her husband, Ivan. In Loving Memory Of the 13lh Anniversary of the Death of Our Beloved Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather Louis Oswald Passed away Dec. 11, 1990 William janc Pass !!llam Janc (Janis)> at th 3Way on Dec‘ 4’ 2003 Ao ? S*ovene Home for the ^ Cleveland. Jam r ^anc was korn on Cj. aW 2, 1904 in Fayette resirf was a 59-year OH ent °f Willoughby Hills, He ty , was a Maintenance C0 er at General Electric As we loved him, so we miss him; In our memory he is near; Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. Sadly missed by: Wilma — daughter Walter — son & wife Alberta grandchildren and great-grandchildren ^ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL . Located at ^52E. 152St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Memory Thanks to Mary Jackson of Wickliffe, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her wonderful husband, John Jackson. Donation Thanks to Marija Brod-nick of Willoughby, OH who submitted a $15.00 donation. In Loving Memory of the 2nd Anniversary ot the death of our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Antoinette Gerbec Entered into rest December 12, 2001 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you! Sadly missed by: Loving daughter Nancy Slapnik; son-in-law Don Slapnik; Granddaughter -Shelli March. Grandson - Louis Slapnik; Great-granddaughter -Lisa March; Daughter-in-law Dorothy Gerbec; and the Gerbec Grand and Great-grandch i 1 dren Large Donation Thanks to Prof. Joze Velikonja of Bellevue, WA who added a $65.00 donation to his subscription renewal. In Memory Thanks to Frank and Gerri Spisich and Family of Wickliffe, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents Mike and Anna Spisich and William Cahill. In Honor Thanks to Steven Mramor of Willowick, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $5.00 donation in honor of Frank Mramor. Christmas Donation A very big thanks to The Belokranjski Klub for their $100.00 Christmas donation. Stari ata, in memory Karel Klesin by DANIELA STROEHRER (age 9), (granddaughter) One day I looked up at the sky and try to find him, but then I look right and left but no sign of him. Then I see faces smiling back at me. I see lady on the ground, I see a baby hug its mother, all around them. I see he must be happy up in the heaven. Just one time, I see him in the clouds, but not just in the sky, I see him in my heart. I see him in my memory. He is just one part In Memory 24th Anniversary of the death of MARY DEBEVEC Who died Dec. 8, 1979 Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part. Though God has you in His keeping, We always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: James V. — son Madeline D. — daughter-in-law James V. II — grandson and family Richmond Hts., Ohio. In Memory Thanks to Mary Starin who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her husband, Joseph Starin. Donation Thanks to Cirila Sluga of Middlebury, CT who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. ■' ,!S ;.- Large Donation A great big thanks to Dr. Valentin Mersol of Chagrin Falls, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $150.00 donation! i/isnag- >• Large Donation rd Thanks to Dr. Anthqny Ravnik of Piedmonk^CA who renewed his subscription and added a $65.00 donation! In Memory Thanks to Veronica Maurer of Wickliffe, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $30.00 donation in memory of loved ones John and Vera Benchina, and Daniel and John Maurer. In Memory Thanks to Albina Cendol of Wickliffe, OH who donated $10.00 in memory of Paole Rijavec. Christmas Donation Thanks to The American Slovene Club for their $50.00 donation. Enjoys paper I would like to renew my subscription to Ameriška Domovina. I really enjoy the paper. —Mrs. Rose Turovsky Wickliffe, OH Informative Thanks to Lillian Hlabse of Willoughby, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She writes, “We enjoy the informative reporting and unique articles in the American Home. Keep up the good work.” A good Slovenian doesn’t figure, - he knows. -Phil Yan Sr. St. Vitus Village December Birthdays Frances Hočevar, bom Dec. 3rd. Ivanka Hirschegger, bom Dec. IT". Margaret Bobak, bom Dec. 13th. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 11. 12 Advice from Bill Gates O Bill Gates’ recent speech at Mount Whitney High School in Visalia, CA: Rule 1. - Life is not fair... get used to it. Rule 2. - The world won’t care about your selfesteem. However, the world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you start feeling good about yourself. Rule 3. - You will NOT get $40,000 a year right out of high school, (and you won’t be Vice President with a car phone until you earn .both.) Rule 4. - If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. Rule 5. - Flipping burgers at McDonalds should not be beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping... they called it OPPORTUNITY. Rule 6. - If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine. Rule 7. - Before you were bom, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rainforest from the parasites of your parents’ generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. Rule 8. - Your school may have done away with recognizing that there are winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have even abolished failing grades, and they’ll give you as much time as you want to get the right answer on an exam. This doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life. Rule 9. - Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. You are supposed to do that on your own time. Rule 10. - Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go out and find a job. Rule 11. - Be nice to NERDS. Chances are you will end up working for one. Thanks to Emma Pogačar and Henry Stalzer for submitting this article. Not many sounds in life, and I include all urban and rural sounds, exceed in interest as a knock at the door. -Charles Lamb SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road in Cleveland who were born in the month of December: 12-01 - Mary E. De-baltzo, 95, bom in Yugoslavia. 12-02 - Elizabeth Frabotta, 83, born in Cleveland 12-03 - George Prokopovich, 81, bom in Cleveland 12-03 - Elizabeth Zadnikar, 82, born in West Moreland, PA 12-07 - Alene Klenotic, 88, bom in Cleveland 12-08 - Amelia Ziccardi, 95, born in Cleveland 12-12 - Michael lafigliola, 96, born in Italy 12-15 - Frances Zgonc, 92, born in Slovenia 12-17 - Peter Opacich, 82, born in Penna. 12-21 - Christine Lisy, 92, bom in Austria 12-21 - Štefanija Rozman, 93, bom in Slovenia 12-22 - Walter Salaikas, 70, bom in Penna. 12-25 - Mary Ann Spe-shock, 82, bom in Grindstone, PA 12-26 - Frances Adams, 85, bom in Cleveland To All Our Relatives, Friends, and Employees: MERRY CHRISTMAS Phone 692-2099 {jammA , a , 475 EAST 200th STREET jNjjkl EUCLID. OHIO i 44119 Frank and Edward Fujs and Family Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Slovo Leto if w » Merry Christmas and m M BA Happy New Year I ft “For those who wish ( to send the very best" BIG BOUQUET FLORIST 480 East 200 Street ■ Euclid, Ohio 44119 PHONE 486 4343 or FLO-WERS MRRRT CHRISTMAS ~ HAPPY MEW TEAR Oujnzcl and O^zzatsd bo predvidoma prvič odmeval v pone- deljek, 15. decembra. Stal bo na Trnovski planoti na grobišču Zalešnik. Vladna komisija je predlagala 198 lokacij, na katerih naj bi bila postavljena spominska znamenja. Prva enotna znamenja bodo predvidoma do junija prihodnjega leta postavljena na naslednjih lokacijah: Slovenska Bistrica, Maribor - Tezenski gozd, Laško, Dol pri Hrastniku, Jama pod Macesnovo gorico, Glažuta pri Konfinu, Ravni Dol - Travna gora. Prešernova nagrada za leto 2004 Prešernov nagrajenec za leto 2004 je Florjan Lipuš, za pisateljski opus. Nagrajencev Prešernovega sklada pa bo največ šest, upravni odbor tega sklada bo jih izbral izmed dvanajstih nominirancev, ki so jih predlagale komisije za posamezna umetnostna področja. Nominirani so: klaretinist Mate Bekavac (za koncertne dosežke na Svetovnih glasbenih dnevih in solistične nastope v zadnjih dveh letih; igralec Radoš Bolčina (za vlogo Škrata v Shakespearovem Snu kresne noči, Don Juan v istoimenski Molie-rovi igri in Estragona v Beckettovem Čakajoč Godota\ kipar Mirko Bratuša (za razstavo Navadni kipi; pisatelj Aleš Čar (za zbirke kratkih zgodb V okvari); pisatelj Iztok Geister (za povest Pospala poželenja); filmski režiser Damjan Kozole (za režijo filma Rezervni deli); avtor stripov Tomaž Lavrič (za časopisni strip Diareja), baletna plesalka Alenka Ribič Laufer (za vlogi Swa-nilde v Coppelii in Nikije v Bajaderi), slikar Oto Rimele (za razstavo Iluminacije); skladatelj Tomaž Svete (za opero Kriton); pesnik Aleš Šteger (za pesniško zbiro Protuberance) in skladatelj Igor Štuhec (za skladbo Simfonieta). Podelitev nagrad bo 7. februarja prihodnje leto v Cankarjevem domu. V Sloveniji brez otroške paralize 25 let Četrt stoletja je že, da se ni v Sloveniji nihče zbolel za otroško paraližo (polio). To gre pripisati izredno natančnemu cepljenju prebivalstva, ki se še nadaljuje. ’‘“'Cele so SE PRVE PRIPRAVE NA BOŽIČNE IN NOVOLETNE PRAZNIKE - Trg ta , vCe P° Sloveniji že dobivajo praznično podobo. Na fotografiji dva delavca namešča-^a*‘ib*ICn° n°VO*etne °*tras*4e v centru Maribora. Že 5. decembra so na Trgu svobode v Posejj0rU osvetl*li praznično drevo, na tem trgu od včeraj, 10. decembra, potekajo ne> času primerne prireditve za otroke in mladino. V ta namen so postavili šotor. !z Clevelanda in okolice Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Vsi člani in članice Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave so lepo vabljeni na božičnico v torek, 16. decembra, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Začetek ob 1.30 pop. Oltarno društvo sv. Vida— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima božičnico to nedeljo dopoldne ob 11.30 v šolski dvorani. Vse članice lepo vabljene, da se je u-deleže. Krofi in rezanci— Svetovidsko Oltarno društvo ima prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto dopoldne, v društveni sobi. Božični koncert— V nedeljo, 21. decembra, pop. ob 3. uri se bo pričel koncert Ohio Boychoir. Več o tem prihodnjič, gre pa za res odličen zbor mladih fantov. Novi grobovi Terezija Klemen Rojena 24. oktobra 1907 v Savljah pri Ježici. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1949 in je ves ta čas živela v Clevelandu. Zaposlena je bila kot čistilka pri General Electric do svoje upokojitve. Zadnja leta je bila stanovalka v Slovenskem domu za ostarele in je tam tudi umrla 7. decembra. Zase je bila zelo skromna a velikodušna darovalka za dobre namene. Podpirala je veliko ustanov v Sloveniji in tu v Ameriki in Argentini. Bila je zvesta članica in podpornica fare sv. Vida in Oltarnega društva pri sv. Vidu. Edini brat France Klemen je umrl v Argentini. V Argentini zapušča svakinjo Johane Klemen, nečaka Janeza Klemen z družino ter nečakinji Ano in Ivanko z družinama. Za vsa njena dobra dela ji bodi Bog dober plačnik. Naj počiva v miru božjem! Pogreb je bil 10. decembra v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Raymond E. Zalokar Dne 5. decembra je umrl 82 let stari Raymond E. Zalokar, oče Raymonda M. in Sandre Sue DiPaolo, 3-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Henryja, Joe-a, Jacoba, Anne Gabrenya, Ursuline Widmar in Emily (dalje na str. 18) Skupna božičnica— V nedeljo, 21. decembra, imajo že tradicionalno skupno božičnico sledeče kulturne ustanove: Korotan, Kres, Lilija, Fanje na vasi in sobotni slovenski šoli pri sv. Vidu in Mariji Vnebov-zeti. Pričetek bo ob 5. uri pop., v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave., duhovno misel bo podal škof Edward Pevec. Člani in prijatelji vabljeni. Več na str. 14. Še ena številka letos— AD bo izšla redno prihodnji četrtek, ne pa 25. decembra. Tako bomo z naslednjo številko zaključili še eno koledarsko leto, sicer 105. po našem štetju. Za leto 106 bo prva številka nosila datum 1. januar 2004. V pisarni bodo sprejemali božične oglase do ponedeljka, 15. decembra. Zahvala— “Po desetdnevnem bivanju v bolnici in šest dneh na okrevanju pri hčerki, se želim tem potom naj lepše zahvaliti vsem številnim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, ki so se me spomnili z obiski, darovi, molitvi in dobrimi željami v obliki voščilnih kartic in telefonskih klicev. Vsem moja iskrena zahvala in Bog povrni za dobroto in zanimanje. Frank Šega” Božični darovi— V zadnjih dneh smo prejeli darili med drugimi od Belokranjskega kluba ($100), isto vsoto $100 je poslal Štajerski-Prekmurski klub in tudi Primorski klub. American Slovene Club nam je pa podaril $50. Vsem velja naša iskrena hvala za tako lepo podporo. Naši dobrotniki— Dr. Valentin Meršol, Chagrin Falls, O., je nam podaril $150. Dr. Jože Velikonja, Bellevue, Wash., je daroval $65. Ga. Marija in g. Rudy Pivik, Cleveland, sta darovala $50 ter dodala zelo lepe besede za vlogo, ki jo igra naš list. Dr. Anthony Ravnik, Piedmont, Kalif., je daroval $65. Ga. Cirila Sluga, Middlebury, Conn., je darovala $20, ga. Marija Brodnick, Willoughby, O. pa $15. G. Polde Omahen, Richmond Hts., O. je daroval $25, g. Stanley Rus, Willoughby Hills, O., je daroval $20, g. Tony in ga. Mary Vogel, Euclid, O. sta darovala $15. Najlepša hvala vsem! Dr. ZMAGA KUMER NA PREPIHU Advent: res priprava na božič? S prihodom Kristusa Kralja se je končalo cerkveno leto in se je začelo novo, uvaja ga pa advent kot priprava na božične praznike. Ali advent še občutimo tako? Ali pa nas vsakdanjost tako zasipava z vsem mogočim, da šele v zadnjem trenutku zvihramo nekaj priprav z vzdihom, naj bi bili prazniki vendar že mimo? Vijolična barva mašnih oblačil nas kristjane opozarja, da je advent spokorni čas. Ljudsko izročilo pripoveduje, kako resno so ga naši predniki obhajali, se odpovedovali zabavam in več molili. Tisti, ki niso imeli več dela na polju, so radi hodili k jutranjim mašam, t. i. zornicam, kar vsak dan. Danes pa se mnogi v adventu niti ne spomnijo, da je tudi Marija obhajala advent, ko je z Jožefom romala v Betlehem, kjer so se ji dopolnili dnevi ... Kam pa se kristjani odpravimo v adventu? Ali se bomo v srcu vprašali: “Gospod, h komu naj gremo?” (Jn 6, ’68)? Ali se bomo dodobra zavedeli, da se bliža praznik Njega, ki je “pot, resnica in življenje”? Ali pa nas bo premotila reklama potovalnih agencij, ki vabijo na smučišča, na počitnice, v tuje kraje - čeprav je morda v bližini ena izmed mnogih domačih romarskih cerkva, vredna ogleda? Menda nam vendar ne bo zmanjkalo časa za pravočasno nabavo mahu za jaslice ali celo na sam božič za slovesno mašo, za polnočnico? Bo drugo pomembnejše? Ali se bomo dali premotiti bleščavi trgovin, ki že v prvih adventnih dneh vabijo na božične nakupe? Ali bo naša priprava v adventih dneh samo v premišljevanju, kam pojdemo božič “praznovat”, koliko bo to stalo, česa nam še manjka za slovesno praznovanje doma in kaj vse naj kupimo otrokom in vnukom, če so nam prazniki postali samo še priložnost za obdarovanje? Kaj če bi enkrat za spremembo pomislili, da so pri nas tudi ljudje - npr. ona babica pa ta mama ali tista stara teta - ki nikoli ne dobijo darilca za božič? Ali veste, koliko veselja užije človek, ki zanje pripravlja, kar jim bo koristilo, česa se bodo razveselili, kar jim bo skromno kosilo naredilo slovesnejše? Ko to pripravljaš in zavijaš v okrasni papir, hkrati obdariš sebe, ker ne dobiš zahvale, saj za razdelitev poskrbi nekdo drug, na primer Karitas ... V adventu seveda ne smemo pozabiti, da mora biti naš dom do praznikov urejen. Gospodu v čast. Še pomembneje pa je, da bo do božiča očiščena tudi kamrica mojega srca. Ob prvem božiču so angelci oznanjali “mir ljudem na zemlji, ki so Bogu po vojni” (Lk 2, 14). Na zemlji pa ne bo miru, če ga ne bo v naših srcih. Prizadevajmo si zanj, potem bo božič svetal in topel, praznik rojstva Kneza miru ... DRUŽINA. 30. nov. 2003 Skupna božičnica ... CLEVELAND, O. - Kulturna društva: KOROTAN, KRES, LILIJA, FANTJE NA VASI in slovenski šoli pri Sv. Vidu in Mariji Vnebovzeti vabijo svoje člane in prijatelje na skupno vsakoletno božičnico v nedeljo, 21. decembra, ob peti uri popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. (Gospodinje so lepo naprošene za pecivo.) Duhovno misel za božične praznike nam bo letos podal prevzv. škof Edward Pevec. Pridite in s prijatelji obudite spomine na pretekle praznike in jim osebno voščite vesele praznike, kar je mnogo več vredno kot voščilna kartica po pošti. Ne bo vam žal! Zanimiv prispevek k naši zgodovini CLEVELAND, O. - Nedavno je izšla v Buenos Airesu v Argentini 300 strani obsegajoča knjiga “To sem bil”, zgodba življenja in dela Pavleta Ranta, rojenega leta 1923 v Kranju in umrlega v Buenos Airesu leta 1984. Delo imenuje pisec, Pavletov brat dr. Jože Rant, “prispevki k zgodovini slovenske politične emigracije”. Pavle Rant je obiskoval ljudsko šolo v domačem Kranju, gimnazijo v Škofovih zavodih v Št. Vidu nad Ljubljano, dokler ni bil po sedmem razredu izključen in menda je prešel na Klasično gimnazijo v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 1941 maturiral. Izključen je menda bil zato, ker se je priključil takozvani “tretji skupini”, katere idejni vodja je bil profesor Edi Kocbek, v Škofovih zavodih pa sta jo podpirala profesorja Jaka Šolar in Maks Miklavčič. Pred vojno je Pavle Rant sodeloval pri tedniku Gorenjec, med vojno pa pri dnevniku Slovenec. Vpisal se je na pravno fakulteto v Ljubljani, študija pa ni mogel zaradi vojne uspešno nadaljevati. Po italijanski zasedbi Ljubljane je bil Pavle med prvimi sodelavci Fanouša V znak hvaležnosti CLEVELAND, O. - Želim izraziti svojo hvaležnost vsem, ki ste se mi pridružili pri Zahvalni sv. maši ob priliki 60. obletnice moje posvetitve za duhovnika. Moja zahvala č.g. Bož-narju in Farnemu svetu, ki so pripravili čudovito bogoslužje za ta dan. Moja zahvala tudi vsem, ki so pripravili in pomagali pri sprejemu po maši. Hvala za vse Vaše tople čestitke in Vašo pozornost. Prosim Vas, spomnite se me v molitvi. Tudi jaz obljubim, da se Vas bom vseh spominjal v svojih molitvah. Naj Vas Bog bogato blagoslovi za vse Vaše neštete dobrote, ki ste mi jih izkazali in darovali. Rev. Victor Cimperman Iz Buletina fare sv. Vida Emerja in postal njegov namestnik. Ko so komunisti Emerja, organizatorja in vodnika nacionalnega odpora proti okupatorju v sodelovanju s častniki jugoslovanske vojske, umorili decembra 1941, se je Pavle pridružil "Glavačev! skupini” ilegalnega odpora proti okupatorju. Vključil se je v Slovensko legijo in po naročilu dr. A. Šmajda šel leta 1943 k politični policiji v Ljubljani. Zaradi suma sodelovanja z nacionalno ilegalo ga je Gestapo prijel, pa ga po posredovanju kmalu izpustil. Po koncu vojne se je Pavle Rant umaknil na Koroško in v Vetrinju z Jankom Hafnerjem pričel izdajati prvi begunski list. Hotel je nadaljevati študij prava v Gradcu, pa se je moral umakniti v Rim, kjer je bil zaposlen pri Slovenskem socialnem odboru na Via dei Colli. Po naselitvi v Argentini je dolga leta bil sourednik in sodelavec tednika Svobodna Slovenija in njenega Koledarja-Zbornika. Desetletja je bil tudi glavni ali pomožni urednik revije Vestnik, glasila Društva slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev. Poučeval je v osnovnošolskem tečaju, posebej pa v srednješolskem tečaju, kjer je poučeval zgodovino, in bil ponovno njegov ravnatelj. Kot predsednik odbora za šolske knjige je priredil nekaj knjig za potrebe teh tečajev. Politično se je udejstvoval v Slovenski ljudski stranki in bil ponovno v njenem načelstvu. Pokojni Pavle Rant je pisal dnevnik, neke vrste kroniko in shranjal obsežno dopisovanje z msgr. Matijo Škerbcem, z dr. Mihom Krekom in drugimi. Iz vsega obsežnega gradiva, ki ga je Pavle zapustil, je njegov brat Jože izbral pomembnejše dele, ki so zares zanimivo branje za vsakogar, ki bi se rad podrobnejše seznanil z delom in življenjem v katoliških krogih tik pred drugo svetovno vojno in med njo, posebej pa z življenjem in delom slovenske politične emigracije ne le v Argentini, ampak tudi izven nje. “To sem bil” je zanimiv in pomemben prispevek k zgodovini slovenske politične emigracije, še posebej k razumevanju njenega dela in življenja, vreden branja. Knjiga “To sem bil" je naprodaj v Slovenski pisarni, 6114 Lausche Ave. v Clevelandu, OH 44103. V. L. Mary (Cimperman) (Januskevic) Yan Pogreb Mary (Cimperman) (Januskewicz) Yan. 102, iz Euclida, je bil dne 5. decembra iz Žele-tovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St., Cleveland. Ga. Yan je umrla 24-novembra v Slovenskem domu za ostarele v Clevelandu. Rojena 31. marca 1902 v Begunjah pri Cerknici. Slovenija, je prišla v Ameriko leta 1921 ter postala državljanka let3 1994. Živela je v Euclidu zadnjih 71 let. Bila je članica American Mutual Life Association društva št. 40 Clair* woods ter Slovenske ženske zveze podr. št. 50. Mary je bila vneta vrtnarica in je celo življenje zelo ljubila polka glasbo-Zelo ponosno se je spomnila dneva, ko je p°s' tala državljanka ZDA. Ga. Yan je bila zaposlena kot čistilka pri Žagar Tool 17 let. Zanjo žalujejo sinova Peter P. (Anna May) ta Philip: vnukinje Donna (Michael) Sindrich, Sušah (Gary) Karp in Lind3 (Tom) Abate: vnuki PhiltP (Donna) Yan ml., Joseph Yan, Pete (Debra) Yah ml. in Greg (Nancy) Yah-15 pravnukov, dva Pra' pravnuka in eden pra” prapravnuka. Že pokoja3 sta njen mož Peter ta svakinja Alice Yan. v Pogrebne obrede je pogrebnem zavodu opr3 vil č.g. Janez Kumše ^ cerkve Marije Vnebovzd6. na Holmes Ave. K večne mu počitku je bilo trupi0 položeno na pokopališč11 Vernih duš, Chardon. O- Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVI^0 STE VEDNO NA TEKOČE^ ANTON STRES, mariborski pomožni škof Daj nam danes naše vsakdanje vrednote “Človek ne živi samo od kruha ...” pravi Jezus. Noben človek in nobena človeška skupnost ne živi brez vrednot. Vrednota je vse tisto, kar ima za nas vrednost, kar cenimo in za kar se potegujemo. Brez vrednot - življenje samo je prva vrednota - postane življenje nesmiselno. Vrednote imamo posamezniki, imajo pa jih tudi skupnosti. Naroda in države ni brez skupnih vrednot. Se prvi skupnih ciljev. Evropska unija, ki si sedaj sestavlja ustavo, je svoje temeljne vrednote zelo jasno °Predelila. To so vse tiste vrednote, ki jih vsaka poli-bčna skupnost mora pospeševati tudi po nauku kato-bške Cerkve: spoštovanje dostojanstva slehernega človeka, solidarnost med ljudmi, spoštovanje njihovih Pristojnosti (subsidiarnost), družbena pravičnost, enakopravnost in svoboda za vse, skrb za šibke, skupno dobro oziroma v&cstranski napredek vseh članov sku- Pnosti Najbolj brezobzirno tepta te temeljne vrednote te-r°rizem. Ne samo znani sodobni terorizem, temveč J^ je surovo teptal revolucijski terorizem med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej, nato pa državni terorizem totalitarnega komunističnega režima. Njegovi sledovi so številna grobišča, posejana po naši domovini, do vse-§a tega pa naša mlada država še ni zavzela dolžnega in jasnega moralnega stališča. Samo po sebi je bilo zelo primerno, da je pred-Sednik države na posvet o vrednotah sklical kakih 40 ljudi z različnih področij našega življenja. Čeprav v ttašem javnem mnenju bolj prevladuje misel, naj ima Vsak svoje vrednote, kakor hoče, skupnost pa da sko-raJ ne kaže iskati, ta liberalna miselnost na tem pos-Vetu ni prevladovala. Če bi, bi se udeleženci lahko že na začetku razšli. Stališča razpravljavcev se niso izključevala, prej bi lahko rekli, da so se dopolnjevala. eJansko se naše vrednote, ki jih razlagamo, ne razsujejo od tistih, za katere se zavzemajo drugi Evro-in bodo zapisane v skupni evropski ustavi. Vprašanje torej ni, ali priznavamo skupne vred- note ali ne, vprašanje je, ali tisto, kar izjavljamo, tudi sP°štujemo. Ali smo v govorjenju o vrednotah verodo-stojm? ^ Kljub tem razmislekom razprava ni bila odveč, ji bodo sledile še druge, in predvsem, če se bo v ePanju oblasti kaj spremenilo. na besede znanega živi sodobna svobodo- fTedvsem pa velja spomniti jj^^kegn jurista, ki pravi, da na in sekularizirana država od predpostavk (beri: Wto n°^’ ^ J1*1 sama ne more jamčiti. Edino učinko-2ak Srec*stvo’ ki ga ima na voljo država, je namreč tem0*°daj- vrednot pa ni mogoče ukazovati z zakoni, več jih je tj-eba posredovati z vzgojo v najširšem Wmeuu besede. Za dr - ^ednote vzgajajo ustanove s področja civilne ve e' Je najprej družina, ki vzgaja mlade rodo-Zavesti, kaj je dobro in prav, kaj pa ni. Njej Pa P°magajo vzgojno-izobraževalne, šolske ustanove, H0vCerkve in druge verske skupnosti, kulturne usta-in končno tudi javno mnenje, ki ga oblikujejo vi §*asila. Kako je s temi ustanovami v naši drža-Vem° vsi. Življenje v družini in “vzgoja” v šoli sta ('la(je na str. 20) m Pesmi., , ... m Melodije 12 Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družin« WCSB 89.3 EM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Som rack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TF.l/fax web: www.wcsb.org IVO ŽAJDELA Ljubljana Spomini Metoda M. Milača Milačeva knjiga se dotika nekaterih najbolj tragičnih dogodkov med 2. svetovno vojno in po njej, ki so doleteli mnoge Slovence. Bil je priča mnogim smrtim in pogosto tudi sam na skrajnem robu preživetja. Po življenju so mu stregli vsi trije slovenski okupatorji, Italijani, Nemci in partizani. Čeprav je njegova zgodba na videz obrobna, saj se ni dejavno vključeval v takratna velika gibanja, so ta ves čas stregla po njegovem življenju in gja-vna vrednost knjige je prav v tem, ko nam kaže, kako malo možnosti oziroma praktično nobene ni imel odraščajoči človek, študent, da ostane nedotaknjen. Po njem so grabili vsi trije totalitarizmi, ki so pustošili po Sloveniji, vsi so hoteli izrabiti ali uničiti njegovo eksistenco. Pred usodnim vrtincem Milač je bil sin predvojnega uradnika. Uvodoma sledimo piščevi mladosti na Prevaljah, kjer se je leta 1924 rodil, in po preselitvi v Dravogradu. Leta 1936 se je vpisal v Škofijsko gimnazijo v Šentvidu, kjer se je pridružil svojemu dve leti starejšemu bratu. Leta 1940 se je zaradi svoje ljubezni do glasbe, predvsem do klavirja, prešolal na Klasično gimnazijo v Ljubljani. Na prvih štiridesetih straneh Milač opisuje svoja otroška in mladostna doživetja in se ustavlja pri pomembnejših dogodkih. Medtem se je, predvsem v šoli, že soočal s politično polarizacijo med komunistično usmerjenimi vrstniki in drugimi. Zaradi vsega, kar je takrat slišal o komunistih, je o-stajal pri njihovem snub- Idslice I \iiiivii\ mm) Ijenju hladen. To je opisal z naslednjimi besedami: “V naših slabo pripravljenih glavah so se porajala vedno nova vprašanja. Kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi namesto ene diktature /fašistične in nacistične, op. I.Ž./ dobili drugo? Sovjetska zveza je imela v tistem času nekaj prednosti: predvsem je bfia daleč od nas. Poleg tega je imela močno slovansko podlago. Tako smo bili prepričani, da bo Nemčija nazadnje premagana. Veliko manj jasno pa je bilo, kaj bo prinesel konec. Smiselno je bilo upati, da se bo vojna nazadnje le končala, morda čez leto ali dve. Povojna rešitev in oblika vladavine, če bi bila v sovjetskem slogu, pa bi lahko trajala tudi sto let. Poročila iz Sovjetske zveze še pred vojno, vesti o čistkah in procesih proti u-radnikom, poročila o sovjetskem sistemu in družbi kot takšni so v nas zbujali neprijeten strah. V našem razredu je kmalu postalo jasno, da smo glede na svoje poreklo, društva in družine obrnjeni v različne ali nasprotne smeri. Polarizacija je postajala vsak dan večja. Naše upanje, da bi bila povojna rešitev nekakšno predvojno stanje brez tujega vpliva in/ali nadvlade, je z razvojem vojne počasi postajalo vse manj realistično. Suženj partizanom Potem je prišel 26. maj 1942, ki je kot bomba zasekal v njegovo življenje. Priča je bil atentatu oziroma umora Iva Peršuha, uradnika Vzajemne zavarovalnice, ki ga Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR © On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik Im 440-944-2538 je sredi Ljubljane, pred očmi mnogih izvedla Vos, komunistična teroristična organizacija. Samo zato ker je organiziral odpor zunaj OF. Konec junija 1942 so ga Italijani z mnogimi vrstniki aretirali in odpeljali v internacijo. Vlak so pri Verdu po naključju napadli partizani in ujetnike “rešili”. Milač je padel iz enega ujetništva v drugega. Po naključju je preživel neusmiljeno ravnanje partizanov z jetniki: dvanajst so jih namreč ubili in domnevno vrgli v Krimsko jamo. Skupaj z mnogimi drugimi so ga partizani izrabili kot sužnja pri svojih pripravah na zimo na Kočevskem. Ti opisi so zelo zanimivi, saj so opisani dokaj doživeto in dodajajo še kakšen nov kamenček pri razkrivanju neznane medvojne zgodovin’ Konec avgusta, med o-fenzivo, so ga Italijani najeli na obrobju Kočevskega roga in odpeljali v internacijo na Rab. Tudi opisi rabskega življenja so nadvse dramatični, saj so Italijani tam do konca leta 1942 izvajali načrten genocid. Ujetnike so prepustili lakoti, boleznim in posledično množičnemu umiranju. V pričakovanju zavezikov Januarja 1943 je bil rešen iz rabskega pekla. Ni mu uspelo ugotoviti, po čigavem posredovanju. Omenil je tri možnosti, morda pa je bila celo četrta, ki je avtor ni navedel, bila pa je splošno navzoča, saj je z Raba rešila mnoge moške. Ko se je z bratom vrnil domov, oba sta bila popolnoma shirana, je nadaljeval s šolanjem. Profesorji so mu šli zelo na roko, tkao da je konec šolskega leta razred uspešno končal. Prek znanca se je povezal v pro-jugoslovansko ilegalno organizacijo, iz katere so kasneje nastale 'dalje na str. 16) Spomini Metoda M. Milača (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) enote Jugoslovanske vojske v domovini. Avgusta 1943 so ga znanci v tej organizaciji nagovarjali, naj gre na teren. Govorilo se je, da se bodo zavezniki izkrcali na jadranski obali. Odhodu se je zadnji hip izmaknil, prijatelja, s katerim naj bi odšel, pa so čez nekaj dni v Grčaricah ubili partizani. Grčarice in Turjak sta bila prelomnici, ki sta z veliko’1 partizansko morijo vojnih 'ujetnikov do konca zasekali v narodovo tkivo. 7(Qčl tod dalje sta se obe strani, komunistična in protirevolucionarna, bojevali med seboj samo še na življenje in smrt. Avtor spominov je dogajanje zgrožen spremljal. Zavezniki se niso izkrcali na jadranski obali, ampak na jugu Italije, njihovo napredovanje pa je za dolgo leto ustavil krčevit nemški odpor. Na obrobju Auschwitza Milač je nadaljeval šolanje in gimnazijo končal junija 1944. Takoj po koncu je s skupino ilegalcev tako imenovanje nacionalne ilegale (avtor je zanjo vpeljal novo, doslej neznano besedno zvezo Slovenske narodne tajne odporniške sile) odšel na teren. Z vlakom so se odpeljali do Postojne in tam nekaj dni čakali na zvezo. Ker te ni bilo, se je vrnil v Ljubljano. Tam pa ga je konec junija 1944 aretiral gestapo, očitno so njegovo ime našli na kakšnem seznamu pri drugih takrat aretiranih. Do septembra so ga imeli zaprtega v sodnih zaporih na Miklošičevi, kjer So ga zasliševali, vendar za zasliševalce ni predstavljal pomembnega vira informacij. Septembra 1944 so ga z večjo skupino odpeljali na prisilno delo v Nemčijo. Bil je v enem od delovnih taborišč v Ausch-witzu. Opisi življenja v taborišču so v primerjavi z drugimi deli v knjigi nekoliko manj zanimivi, vendar dragoceni, saj avtor tudi tu dobro prikaže temno ozračje “obrobja” enega najhujših uničevalnih nemških taborišč. Osupljivo je, kako ujetniki v / delavskih taboriščih, ki so hodili na de- lo v tamkajšnji velikanski tovarniški kompleks, vse do konca niso vedeli, da v njihovi neposredni bližini melje velikanski uničevalni stroj. Čudežno reševanje domov Konec leta 1944, še posebej pa januarja 1945 je bil avtor priča hudim zavezniškim bombardiranjem taboriščne tovarne, hkrati pa so se nezadržno približevali zvoki vzhodne fronte. Opisi evakuacije iz Auschwitza in beg prek Poljske, Češke in Avstrije proti domu so eden od vrhuncev v knjigi. Dogajanje je filmsko napeto in priče smo čudežnim rešitvam iz mnogih izgubljenih situacij, ko je življenje ves čas viselo na nitki. Po čudežni rešitvi do Maribora, potem ko jim je uspelo spektakularno pobegniti iz taborišča daleč na severu Evrope, je bil po nekaj dnevih s svojimi sotrpini znova v krempljih gestapa. “Prostovoljno” so se morali oglasiti na prisilnem delu v Gradcu. Tam je več mesecev prekladal premog za graško bolnišnico. Potem je skupina aprila 1945 tudi od tam pobegnila, vendar ne daleč. Moral je kopati zaklonišča za nemško vojsko. Ko jim je navsezadnje, še pred koncem vojne, vendarle uspelo priti nazaj v Slovenijo, se je avtor spet znašel v še vedno okupiranem Mariboru. Po zvezah mu je uspelo odpeljati se na Koroško, od tam na Jesenice in v Kranj. Domov v Ljubljano mu ni uspelo priti. Sledilo je razsulo ob koncu vojne, Milač se je pridružil umikajoči se množici proti Koroški, med katero je bil kot domobranski vojak tudi njegov brat. Sledijo opisi Vetrinja, kjer je bil civilist, angleške prevare, vračanja domobramcev v Slovenijo in v smrt. Teža begunstva Milač je nekaj strani posvetil povojnim pobojem, navajal je pričevanja preživelih, saj Je bila knjiga napisana v angleščini, predvsem za tujega bralca. Od jeseni 1945 do leta 1950 se je s skupino drugih Slovencev šolal na Univerzi v Gradcu. Knjiga, ilustrirana s številnimi dokumentarnimi fotografijami, se konča z letom 1950, z Milače^im odhodom v Združene države Amerike - stran od vsega, kar je moral doživeti kot eden med mnogimi v zadnjih skoraj desetih letih. Knjiga je napisana z več kot petdesetletnim spominskim zamikom, vendar je avtor ohranil dober spomin, tudi na številne podrobnosti. Bere se podobno napeto kot Bajtov Bermanov dosje. To je povsem drugačno od raznih partizanskih o- ziroma komunističnih spominov. Tu ni nobene propagande in neskončnega opravičevanja neopravičljivega kot v parti-zanščini. Spomini so napisani z intelektualno natančnostjo, ves čas na visoki ravni, saj avtor brez okolišenja pohvali tudi (dalje na str. 17) V LJUBEČ IN HVALEŽEN SPOMIN 1921 2003 V globoki žalosti in vdani v božjo voljo sporočamo vsem znancem in prijateljem, da je umrla naša draga sestra PAULA RIJAVEC Po kratki bolezni je v Gospodu zaspala 4. novembra 2003, stara 82 let. Pokojna je bila rojena januarja 1921 na Primorskem, v vasi Trnovo pri Gorici. Prišla je v Cleveland aprila 1958 iz Gorice, da se je združila s svojimi sestrami, ki so se tu, v Clevelandu, naselile po drugi svetovni vojni. Bila je zvesta faranka sv. Vida, tajnica pri sv. Vidu, tajnica Primorskega kluba, in v letih upokoja je bila zvesta prostovoljka za Lake Hospital System (Willoughby West). Ležala je na mrtvaškem odru v Cosicevem pogrebnem zavodu. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila v petek, 7. novembra 2003 ob desetih zjutraj pri Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Wick-liffe). Daroval jo je clevelandski pomožni škof Most Rev. A. Edward Pevec ob asistenci čč.gg. D. McCafferty in J. Božnar. Nato smo jo spremili na pokopališče Vseh vernih duš, kjer je bila položena k večnemu počitku. Iz srca se zahvaljujemo g. škofu, ki je pokojni prinesel sv. popotnico, in vsem častitim duhovnikom, ki so darovali pogrebno sv. mašo. Posebna zahvala g. škofu Pevcu za ganljive, globoke in tolažbe polne besede v cerkvi pri sv. maši, in še enkrat zahvala g. župniku pri sv. Vidu č.g. J. Božnarju za njegovo duhovno podporo, ki jo je nudil vsej naši družini. Vsem naša iskrena zahvala. Iz srca se zahvaljujemo tudi vsem, ki so našo ljubljeno sestro obiskovali v njeni bolezni, posebno gdč. Olgi Valenčič, in vsem, ki so jo prišli kropit v pogrebni zavod in so se je spomnili z molitvijo, cvetlicami in darovi za sv. maše. Predvsem pa zahvala vsem, ki so jo spremljali na njeni zadnji življenjski poti na pokopališče Vseh vernih duš. Bog vam vsem povrni! Najlepša hvala g. Danilotu Kranjcu za molitev rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu, pevskemu zboru Fantje na vasi za prelepe žalostinke v pogrebnem zavodu. Naša zahvala tudi osebju Dubrovnik restavracije, ki je pripravila okusno kosilo za vse, ki so se udeležili pogreba, in tudi Cosicevemu pogrebnemu zavodu za vso naklonjenost, razumevanje. Posebna zahvala g. Jožetu Zevniku za vzorno podporo in lepo ureditev pogreba. Še enkrat naša iskrena zahvala vsem, ki ste nam stali ob strani s tolažnimi besedami, molitvijo in kakršnokoli pomočjo. Odposlali smo zahvalna pisma; če smo po pomoti koga izpustili, prosimo, naj nam oprosti in sprejme to obvestilo kot našo zahvalo. Bog vam vsem tisočkrat poplačaj! Ti pa, naša draga sestra, teta in prastara teta, počivaj v Bogu, ki si Mu vse svoje življenje tako zvesto služila. Prosi za nas, ki smo ostali brez Tvoje ljubeče besede. V globoki žalosti nas krepi sv. vera, da se bomo enkrat vsi zopet združili pri Očetu. Takrat, Stvarnik, nas usliši, Med izvoljene nas štej, Daj nam delež v Tvoji hiši, Spet nas združi za vselej! Žalujoči: Kati por. Burjes, Julka por. Gorenšek, Hermina por. Bonutti sestre in Mici por. Kozman Lojze Burjes, Karl Bonutti in Janko Kozman svaki Nečaki, nečakinje, pranečaki, pranečakinje ter ostalo sorodstvo. Duh pri Stvarniku počiva Truplo krije grob teman, Govori pa Božja njiva, Da vstajenja pride dan. tLea Urbanc TORONTO. Kan. - Na dan pred praznikom Vseh svetih Gmo se na pokopališču Assumption v Missi-ssaugi poslovili od Lee Urbanc, zveste žene, dobre matere in članice župnijske skupnosti pri Mariji Pomagaj v Torontu. Sedeminsedemdeset let življenj^ ji je bilo danih. Metod Milač: Spomini... (nadaljevanje s str. 16) Italijana ali Nemca, če je v njem začutil človeški odnos. To je še ena knjiga sPominov na težke dni druge svetovne vojne in komunistične revolucije, ki nam govori, kako po-urembni so tovrstni spodrini. Če že naši zgodovi-darji odpovedujejo pri o-bravnavanju mnogih naj-Pomembnejših tem, bodo ostali vsaj spomini akterjev. Ocena objavljena 11. nov. 2003 v tedniku v Ljubljani Demokracija, tekst nam posredoval dr. Stane Šušteršič. Ur. AD Otroška leta je preživela v rojstnem kraju Tržič na Gorenjskem v Seljakovi družini s sestrama Vero in Emo ter bratom Tonetom. V Ljubljani so jo uršulinke vzgajale v srednji šoli. Konec vojne maja 1945 je razbil njeno družino. Štirje otroci so šli v begunstvo, oče in mati sta ostala sama v Ljubljani. Lea je vztrajala v šoli in nadaljevala srednjo šolo v Trstu. Še dalje od doma je peljala pot... V Benetkah in Rimu je obiskovala univerzo... V letu 1949, 1950 se Je odprl nov svet v Kanadi, Kot begunka, služkinja v župnišču v Ottawi je končala univerzitetne študije in postala učiteljica jezikov na srednji šoli. V tistih letih je nastajala v Torontu nova slo- venska skupnost, kateri so se pridružili Lea, sestre in brat. Leta 1952 se je poročila z advokatom Petrom Urbancem in z njim praznovala jv.Mja 2002 petdesetletnico skupnega življenja. Hčerke Sonja, Louise, Charlotte, sin Marcel in osem vnukov sedaj žalujejo za dobro in modro mamico in babico. Mnogi znanci in prijatelji Urbančeve družine so se udeležili pogrebne maše v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj, kjer sta Lea in Peter imela svoj prostor za redne nedeljske maše. Na pokopališču Vnebovzetja se je od svoje življenjske spremljevalke z ganljivimi besedami poslovil mož Peter in potresel v sveži grob vrečico prsti, ki sta jo nabrala na grobu njenih staršev v Ljubljani. Težko je slovo od ljubljene osebe... Žalostno je srce in prazen je dom... Vendar vsi s Petrom in njegovo družino verujemo v vstajenje mrtvih in večno življenje... Onstran naših zemskih dni in časov nas čaka nov dom, naši dragi, s katerimi smo delili življenje... Takrat se bomo spet srečali na praznik Vseh svetih, ki bo trajal večno... Anica Resnik Slovenski vojaki v Afganistanu Ljubljana - Po sklepu vlade bo v peti zamenjavi mednarodnih stabilizacijskih čet ISAF od februarja do avgusta 2004 sodelovalo do 20 pripadnikov 1. brigade Slovenske vojske, in sicer predvidoma dva v poveljstvu ISAFa, do 18 pa v mednarodni brigadi Kabul -v bojni skupini vzhod. V mednarodni operaciji sodeluje približno 5200 vojakov. Vlad je že maja potrdila sodelovanje oddelka vojakov SV v Afganistanu. Zaradi sklepa ustavnega sodišča o začasni ustavitvi vseh postopkov varnostnega preverjanja oseb in izdaje dovoljenj za dostop do tajnih podatkov pa niso mogli izpolniti vseh pogojev, ki so bili potrebni za udeležbo pripadnikov SV v mirovni operaciji ISAF. Vlada je zato junija sprejela sklep, da sodelovanje Slovenije v ISAFU preloži za ;šest mesecev, in naložila ministrstvu za obrambo, naj o sprejeti odločitvi obvesti NATO. Z uveljavitvijo zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o tajnih podatkih so bile odpravljene ovire za varnostno preverjanje oseb in izdajo dovoljenj za dostop do tajnih podatkov. Vlada je sprejela tudi pobudo za sklenitev sporazuma o nabavi in vzajemnih storitvah med slovenskim in ameriškim obrambnima ministrstvom in pooblastila vodjo urada za logistiko na obrambnem ministrstvu, da podpiše usklajeno besedilo. STA Delo fax, 5. dec. 2003 HRANILNICA IN POSOJILNICA Vam želi Vesel Božič in blagoslovljeno Rovo leto 20041 SLOVENIA Parishes Credit Union fit % # 46 Years of Service 725 Brown’s Line, Etobicoke, Ontario M8W 3V7 Tel. 416-255-1742 Fax: 416-255-3871 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. — 7:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. — 12 noon 618 Manning Ave., Toronto, Ontario M6G 2V9 Tel. 416-531-8475 Fax: 416-531-8533 Monday 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday 12:00 noon — 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Friday 12:00 noon - 7:30 p.m. Villa Slovenia 23 Delawana Drive, Hamilton, Ontario L8E 3N6 Tel. 905-578-7511 Fax: 905-578-5130 Thursday 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Friday 12:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 noon Dom Lipa, Etobicoke, Ontario (For residents only) Wednesday 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ««cv-4«rvt «*•>*»»tj. > - _______ .*■- ■» - - — *t-.- . „ . "s&č***^ : Zahvala Slovensko ameriškega sveta - 6. zahvala CLEVELAND, O. - Slovensko ameriški svet se iskreno zahvaljuje naslednjim, ki so velikodušno darovali v spominski sklad dr. Valentina Meršola. Posebej pa se Slovenski ameriški svet zahvaljuje tudi za pripisane vrstice odobravanja našega dela za postavitev spomeniških obeležij. Darovali so: Dr. Gloria Bratina, Toronto, Kanada ........ $ 300 Dr. Vilibald in ga Maria Jenko, Helena, Montana - Prispevek k spomeniku dr. Valentina Meršola, ki je rešil mnogo življenj beguncev na Koroškem leta 1945 ................... 250 Ga. Matilda Hočevar, Plantation, Fla........... 50 G. Anton in ga. Mary Kocjan ................... 50 G. Marjan in ga. Maria Laboda, Argentina -V zahvalo in spomin velikemu dobrotniku nas vseh, ki smo bili v grozni stiski ............ 50 G. Viktor ih ga. Tončka Lamovec ............... 50 G. Stane Lesar, Mt. Horeb, Wis................. 20 Dr. Albert R. Jurečič, Cherry Hill, N.J........ 100 G. Anton in ga. Ruth A. Jurečič, Gap, Pa....... 25 G. Franc Kokelj, Toronto, Kanada .............. 100 G. Tony Mestek st.. St. Catherines, Kanada -Tudi jaz sem bil 1945 na Vetrinjskem polju prepuščen usodi. Ko ne bi bilo dr. Meršola med nami, ne vem kako bi se končalo z nami. Zato sem mu iskreno hvaležen . kan. 50 Ga. Milica Ovnič ............................... 50 G. Anton in ga. Ana Pechaver, Rancho Cordova, Kalif. - V spomin na srečanje med dr. Meršo- lom in maršalom Aleksandrom .................... 50 G. Aleš in ga. Dora Šimenc, Millbrae, Kalif. -Pogosto se spominjava dr. Meršola s hvaležnostjo in spoštovanjem .......................... 50 Ga. Ana Tasner, Westchester, 111. - Tudi midva, sedaj že pokojnim možem Otmarjem sva bila rešena po posredovanju dr. Meršola gotove smrti ........................................ 50 G. Edi in ga. Marica Veider - V spominski sklad prilagava dar, da se naredi nekaj v njegov trajen spomin ................................. 100 G. Henry in ga. Frances Ziernfeld, Toronto, Kanada .................................. kan. 250 Ga. Marija Žakelj ................................. 20 Slovenski ameriški svet sporoča, da se bo nabirka zaključila koncem tega meseca, zato če želite prispevati v spominski sklad dr. Valentina Meršola, lahko to storite še ta mesec. Vsak dar bo hvaležno sprejet. Prosimo, da čeke naslovite na: Slovenski ameriški svet in jih pošljete na naslov: Slovenski ameriški svet c/o Maruša Pogačnik 7628 Chapin Falls Lane KirUand, OH 44094 si"' : ^ Slovenski ameriški svet opozarja Slovence po svetu, da pripravlja organiziranje skupnega potovanja po Ko-’ roški in Sloveniji, to ob priložnosti odkritij spominskih - obeležij in vsakoletni sv. maši v Kočevskem rogu, ki bo predvidoma potekalo v prvih dveh tednih meseca junija prihodnjega leta. Natančen datum in vsa druga potrebna sporočila bodo objavljena v doglednem času. Organizacijo potovanja bo vodila potniška pisarna Borisa Mušiča, TRA-VELMAX. Za Slovenski ameriški svet Maruša Pogačnik Tajnica BRICKMAN & SONS » FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio NOVI GROBOVI Misijonska srečanja in pomenki (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Simončič. Pogreb bo jutri, v petek, v oskrbi Brickma-novcga zavoda s sv. n,..šo dop. ob lOh v cerkvi sv. Vida, sledil bo pokop na Kalvarije pokopališču. Ure kropljenja so danes od 4. do 8. zvečer. Jennie H. Femec Dne 5. decembra je umrla Jennie H. Femec, rojena Mazzon, vdova po Louisu, mati Jennie A. in Louisa, sestra že pok. Mary Yelo-chen, Franka in Alberta Mlakar. Pogreb je bil 8. decembra v oskrbi Brickma-novega zavoda, kjer so bili pogrebni obredi, s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. William Janc Dne 4. decembra, malce manj kot mesec dni pred svojim rojstnim dnevom, ki je bil 2. januarja 1904 v Fayette Cityju, Pa., je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele umrl 99 let stari William Janc (Janis) z Willoughby Hillsa, kjer je živel zadnjih 59 let, vdovec po Mariji, roj. Kopač, oče že pok. Williama ml., brat Catherine Pibernik, Jane Smith, Ed-warda, Johna, Paula, Alfreda in Anne Yuchelvich, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri General Electric Co. Pogreb je bil 5. decembra v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. No-ela in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Anna F. Kuhel Umrla je Anna F. Kuhel, rojena Zakrajšek, vdova po Edwardu, mati Marsije Ber-lan, Edwarda in že po. Annette Marie, 2-krat stara mati, hčerka Alojza in Ma- (dalje na str. 20) V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠEGA MOŽA, ATA, IN STAREGA ATA MILAN DOLINAR ki je umrl 14. decembra 1991 Dvanajst let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš; Srce Tvoje več ne bOje, bolečin več ne trpiš; Nam pa žalost srca trga, solze rosijo nam oči; Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: Pavla — žena Rozi, Milena — hčerki, in zeta Miran, Gregor — sinova, in snahi vnuk in vnukinji (K MSIP 1504) - Darovali so: N.N. $40; N.N. (za br. L. Zabret $50, za sr. M. Mrhar $50) $100; M. Celestina (za Karmel-Sora $50, za Rev. L. Tomazin $25, za br. V. Poljanšek $25) $100; Družina Tomc (v spomin pok. mame A. Tomc) $100, M.V. Vrhovnik v isti namen $10) $110; A.M. Lavriša (za Rev. F. Buh) $50; R.A. Knez (za R.O.) $60; T. Horn (za bogoslovca $500, za R.O. $60, za Rev. J. Horn $200) $760; M. Lacijan (za sv. maše za pok. starše) $100; K. Jereb (za sr. K. Knez $100, za v spomin pok. Julke Raztresen $25) $125; za sr. M. Pavlišič V. Devine $100, J. Cozza $200 in Niki Tomc $50. Prav lepa vam hvala in lepo pozdravljeni. Lavriševa V blag spomin Peter Pečavar Tri dolga leta bodo že minila, odkar Te več med nami ni. Vendar Tvoj vedno veseli nasmeh nas spremlja po vseh naših težkih poteh. Tvoji - žena Stanka ter sinova Peter in Johnny It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. How much time did it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSK) 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, 11 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. Avseniki praznovali 50-letnico Bled - Narodnozabavni ansambel bratov Avsenik je v soboto, 22. novembra, na Bledu praznoval 50-letnico. Jubilejni večer sta brata Slavko in Vilko praznovala v krogu glasbenih prijateljev ini več kot 3000 obiskovalcev iz domovine in tujine. Rdeča nit prireditve je bil kronološki pregled Avsenikovih skladb in z njimi povezanih dogodkov, ki sta jih v obliki hudomušnih dialogov interpretirala igralca Nataša Ralijan Tič in Jure Ivanušič. Začetki Avsenikove glasbe segajo v leto 1953, ko je Slavko Avsenik v Ljubljani ustanovil trio, ki je leta 1955 prerasel v Gorenjski kvintet, kmalu nato pa v Kvintet bratov Avsenik. Skupaj z bratom Vilkom sta postavila temelje povsem novi, izvirni obliki narodne glasbe. Ansambel bratov Avsenik je v dolgih desetletjih delovanja posnel več kot 50 albumov in prejel eno diamantno, eno platinasto in 31 zlatih plošč. Posneli so več sto skladb, pretežno polk in valčkov, med katerimi jih je veliko ponarodelo. Ansambel je Prenehal delovati leta 1990. STA Delo fax, 24. nov. 2003 Pomembno evropsko priznanje za Lojzeta Peterleta Ljubljana - Čestitkam slovenskemu poslancu in članu predsedstva konvencije o prihodnosti Ev-rope Alojzu Peterletu, ki ga je tednik o evropskih zadevah European Voice 2. decembra razglasil za zmagovalca v kategoriji za dosežek 1. 2003 v evropskem prostoru, se je Pridružil zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel. “Strinjam se, da omenjena prestižna nagrada Predstavlja tudi priznanje Sloveniji za aktivno vlogo v času dela Konvencije o Prihodnosti Evrope ter za njeno demokratizacijo”, Je v svojem pismu zapi-Sa* minister Rupel, ki se Je Peterletu tudi zahvalil Za izjemno pozitivno sodelovanje v času dela konvencije, so sporočili 12 zunanjega ministrstva. Velja omeniti, da je Peterle za dosežek že Prejel čestitke od najviš-■Nh političnih predstavnikov Slovenije - med nji-1111 sta premier Anton ^°P in v imenu poslan-Cev predsednika državne- ga zbora Borut Pahor -pa tudi iz vrst političnih strank. Med izjamami je poslanec ZL Aurelio Juri, ki je v pismu zapisal, da Peterletu ne bo čestital, saj ga od te vljudnosti odvrača Peterletovo angažirano sodelovanje pri o-nemogočanju 18.000 ljudem, da bi videli popravljeno krivico, ki so jo utrpeli, ko “jih je bila država 1990 najprej poklicala na plebiscit o svoji neodvisnosti in samostojnosti, samo dve leti kasneje pa jih zbrisala s seznama svojih prebivalcev”. Peterle je bil za izbran za dosežek leta 2003 zato, ker se je, kot je obrazložil European Voice, kot prvi uradnik iz držav kandidatk prebil v hodnike moči EU. in sicer kot član predsedstva konvencije o prihodnosti Evrope. Peterle je v kategoriji dosežka leta premagal u-gledno konkurenco - za naziv so se namreč potegovali še italijanski pre- It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) mier Silvio Berlusconi (ker je preživel vse kritike), novi šef Evropske centralne banke Jean-Claude Trichet (ker se je zavihtel na čelu ECB kljub obtožbam o nepravilnosti, generalmajor Pierre Maral (za vodenje prve vojaške operacije EU v Makedoniji) in malteški premier Eddie Fenech Adami (ker je Malto pripeljal v EU). European Voice je sicer podelil skupaj 11 nagrad naziv Evropejec leta 2003 pa si je prislužil malteški premier Eddie Fenech Adami, in sicer zato, ker je evroskeptič-no pristopnico Malto pripeljal v EU. STA 4. decembra 2003 ^ The Republic of Slovenia Posvet komisije ^ DZ za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Ljubljana - Komisija DZ za Slovence in po svetu je v prostorih parlamenta organizirala prednovoletni posvet z javno predstavitvijo mnenj v zvezi s spremembami in dopolnitvami resolucije o položaju slovenskih avtohtonih manjšin v sosednjih državah, ki jo je parlament sprejel leta 1996. Večina udeležencev je izpostavila pomen slovenskega jezika kot dejavnika prepoznavnosti znotraj Evropske unije, slišati pa je bilo tudi zamisel, da naj bi Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu dobili svojega predstavnika v DZ. Udeležence posveta je sprejel tudi predsednik državnega zbora Borut Pahor. STA Delo fax, 6. dec. 2003 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TOSi ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED * PRESCIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAyOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel, 216-641,0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! REPUBLIKA SLOVENIA Wishes Everyone A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Vesele božične in novoletne iii.vmM praznike voščimo vsem Dr. Davorin Kračun, Ambassador Embassy, Washington, DC 202-667-5363 Andren Podvrste General Consulate New York, NY (212) 370-3006 Toni Gogala General Consulate Cleveland (216) 589-9220 Holiday Greetings from The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION s am* *T\ > 01 'Z-. S§fi$S r~ V 4» 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 Fraternal Insurance Society (SDZ - Slovenska - Dobrodelna Zveza) Affiliated with: National Fraternal Congress of America, Ohio Fraternal < nngre Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1504. Pretekli teden ste čitali o pokojnem misijonarju Ivana Štanta, ki je deloval na Madagaskarju in odšel po svoje plačilo v večnost. Ljubi Bog, bodi mu bogat plačnik! Spomladi je poslal par vrstic in priložil tudi tri pesmice, kar sem na zadnjem sestanku prečitala, in je pisal: ‘Draga gospa! Iz srca se Vam zahvaljujem za božična voščila in za lepo pomoč za naše revne. Je samo s pomočjo dobrotnikov ko misijonar lahko pomaga, lepe besede ne napolnijo želodca. Božične praznike sem prestal še kar v redu. Po božiču sem bil 15 dni v bolnici v Sakalini zaradi malarije. Sedaj je zopet vse v redu. Po Veliki noči, če Bog da, bom šel na trimesečni oddih v Slovenijo. Tako zadnjič bom lahko prekoračil mejo med Italijo in Slovenijo. Drugo leto upam, da je ne bo več. Lep pozdrav Vam in vsem dobrotnikom. Ivan Štanta” Zdaj imamo še enega priprošnjika v onostranstvu. Kar veliko jih je že odšlo. Dovolj je pomagal pri graditvi božjega kraljestva, posebno še v gobavskem naselju in starim ljudem na Madagaskarju. Naj se spočije in veseli med nebeščani, mi ga pa ohranimo v lepem spominu. Prejeli smo naslednje pismo: “Spoštovani! Smo redovna skupnost sester Hčera Marije Pomočnice s sedežem v Ljubljani na Rakovniku. Drugače smo poznane kot don Boskove salezijanke. Ena od skupnosti je Ljubljana-Gornji trg. To je skupnost sedmih sester in dvanajstih deklet srednješolk, ki so v našem mini internatu in obiskujejo razne šole. Dve sestri iz skupnosti še tudi obiskujeta fakulteto in se tako pripravljata, da bosta lažje in bolj učinkovito delovali med mladimi. Zakaj pravim mini internat? Preprosto zato, ker je prostorska stiska. To je hiša v starem delu Ljubljane, kjer so vse hiše med seboj povezane in tako nimamo nobenih možnosti, tudi če bi želele, da bi se razširile ali kaj dogradile, ker je pač tak načrt stare Ljubljane. Zaradi tega tudi ni možnosti, da bi lahko vzele več deklet v internat. Želja mnogih staršev in mladih je, da bi prišle v naš internat. Starši želijo omogočiti svojim dekletom zdravo vzgojno okolje. Me sestre pa tem mladim nudimo ne samo neke sigurnosti, ampak jim preko vzgoje družinskega duha skušamo dati čim več. Dekleta se čutijo sprejete, razumljene in se z veseljem vračajo med nas. Razen tega v skupnosti ponujamo mladim razne tečaje, kot so: gospodinjski, da se lahko mlada dekleta naučijo kuhanja, šivanja in drugih veščin za življenje, tedenska srečanja za mlade fante in dekleta, ki želijo z nami sestrami sodelovati pri raznih programih, da se prej sami pripravijo, to so naši animatorji, poučevanje italijanskega in španskega jezika za mlade, kakor tudi za odrasle, redna srečanja staršev deklet, ki pri nas stanujejo. Želja in potreb je veliko, a ni prostora. Zdi se nam, da se je prav v tem času odprla možnost, ker naša soseda prodaja stanovanjsko hišo in nad hišo vrt. Ta hiša je sicer v slabem stanju, a nam bi veliko pomenila, če bi jo lahko odkupile. Tako bi sestre lahko razširile svojo dejavnost, sprejele več deklet in mnogim mladim priskočile na pomoč. Zato si srčno želimo odkupiti to hišo in jo potem počasi usposobiti v dostojne prostore. Ker pa je naše delo delo z mladimi, to pomeni, da nimamo rednih plač. Edino kar dobimo, je honorar za pastoralo v župniji. Zato si upamo trkati na mnoga dobra srca, da bi nas denarno podprli. Nekateri so se že velikodušno odzvali, a za nakup te hiše še veliko manjka. Z veliko prošnjo se obračamo na Vas in prosimo, da te želje posredujete še drugim. Ker pa je pred nami Zahvalna nedelja, ko se Bogu zahvaljujemo za vse, tudi za dobrotnike, ki nam jih daje, sklepamo roke v molitev tudi za Vas, da bi priklicale blagoslova z neba na Vaše življenje in delo. S. Marija Kociper inspektorialna ekonoma” Vedno nove priložnosti za dobra dela delati, tako nam jih pošilja naše življenje, od nas je pa odvisno, kako jih sprejemamo in koliko lahko tudi nudimo. Ni napisano, da moramo takoj odgovoriti, posebno v sedanjnem času, ko je toliko prošnja novih dan za dnem. Vsak naj sam presodi in stori kar mu je mogoče. Že danes Vas, dragi bralci, vabim na našo božičnico, ki bo v nedeljo, 11. januarja, v šolski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Gotovo že imate nov koledar in si tam zabeležite, da ne pozabite. Želim vam vsem prav lepe božične praznike in blagoslovljeno novo leto 2004, ter lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelavcev in Marice Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Daj nam danes naše vsakdanje vrednote (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) v znamenju permisivnosti, se pravi razpuščenosti, ki vzgoji za vrednote nikakor ni naklonjena, saj si po tem načelu lahko vsakdo poljubno izbira svoje vrednote, kar na koncu pripelje do popolne krize vseh vrednot. Cerkev bolj ali manj nemočno plava proti temu toku, vendar javna glasila praviloma rušijo njen ugled in avtoriteto. Govorom, ki so jih imeli najodgovornejši politiki na tem srečanju, bi lahko človek ploskal. Vse skupaj pa bo le pesek v oči, če bo oblast še naprej metala polena pod noge in ovirala delovanje tistih ustanov civilne družbe (družini in cerkvam), ki so vzgoji za vrednote najbolj zavezane in edine popravljajo škodo permisivne vzgoje, ki jo zagovarja in na vso moč uveljavlja sedanja šolska oblast. Za večino vrednot, o katerih smo slišali na sestanku pri predsedniku republike. Cerkev že ves čas vzgaja. Kljub temu ni deležna drugega kakor kritike in zaničevanja. Oblast daje vtis, da ima rajši, da ostanejo ljudje brez vrednot, kakor da bi jih zanje vzgojila Cerkev. Za javno mnenje pa tudi ni toliko pomembno, kaj kdo reče, ampak veliko bolj to, kdo kaj reče. Če pa nam gre res za skupne vrednote in če smo prepričani, da bomo samo z njihovim uveljavljanjem v našem zasebnem in javnem življenju obstali v evropski prihodnosti in bomo v njej bolj srečni, bi nas to moralo povezovati in spodbujati k najširšemu sodelovanju. DRUŽINA 30. novembra 2003 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO Happy holiday season Visit Sheliga Drug 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 Daily 9 am - 8 pm, Sundays 9 am • 4 pm JOSEPH SHELIGA NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 18) rijane (r. Perušek) (oba že pok.), sestra Ted-a Zak ter že pok. Louisa, Franka Johna, Josepha, Tonyja, Ed-warda, Alojza in Albine. Pogreb je bil 9. decembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Janeza Vianneyja in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Margaret Delost Umrla je 83 let stara Margaret Delost, roj. Mol-can, žena Josepha, mati Marlene Dudash in Jacquelyn Delost, sestra Elizabeth Masika, 1-krat stara mati, 2- krat prastara mati. Pogreb je bil 9. decembra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Our Lady of Mt. Carmel v Wickliffu s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frank G. Stupar Umrl je 88 let stari Frank G. Stupar, mož Kathryn, roj. Skoken, oče Judith Hartford, Francine Immke in Gail Augustine, 7-krat stari oče, 11-krat prastari oče, 5-krat brat. Pogreb je bil 6. decembra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. S. Mary Justin Kikel Umrla je s. Mary Justin Kikel, S.I.W., članica tega reda je bila 47 let, hčerka že pok. Henryja in Maty (r. Stalzer), sestra že pok-Alme Primosch, teta. P°' greh je bil 8. decembra s sv. mašo v kapeli reda Sisters of the Incarnate Word na Pearl Rd. s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Charles B. Vidmar Umrl je 83 let stari Charles B. Vidmar, naož Dorothy, roj. Sankovich, oče Patricije Hammond Charlesa ml., 5-krat stari oče, 4-krat prastari oče, sin Josepha in Mary (r. PirC) (oba že pok.), brat Joseph3’ Stanleyja, Tonyja, Mathe"'3 in Josephine (vsi že pok-)’ veteran ameriške mornaric6’ Privaten, družinski pogr6*5 je bil v oskrbi Želetoveg3 zavoda. Stanley J. Zupančič Dne 4. decembra je un^i 63 let stari Stanley J- pancic iz LawrenceviH63’ Ga„ oče Debre Zupan6*’ brat Jamesa in Glorije (°^a v Clevelandu), upokojen P° 20-letnem služenju pri 3,116 riških marincih. Pogreb v soboto v Lavvrencevillo- Franc Kastelic tl' Dne 25. novembra Jc mrl 65 let stari Franc K®5 telic, brat Zalke, Marij2’ Albina, Mihele in Krist*,l6j 3- krat stric. Pogcb je 29. novembra v oskr Brickmanovega zavoda s sV mašo v cerkvi Marije ^II6 bovzete in pokopom Vernih duš pokopališču.