Hi sto r y of De r mat o log y Dpt Dermatology MMA Sankt Peterburg 130 years of the Department of Dermatolngy and Venereolngy of the Military MedicalAcademy The Department of Dermatology and Venereology of the Military Medica! Academy in Sankt Peterburg, Russia was founded on November 15, 1869 by the de- cision at the Conference of the Medico-Surgical Aca- demy (now Military Medica! Academy, MMA) . It is the first and oldest Department of Dermatology ancl Vene- reology in Russia. At the session of the Academy Conference on No- vember 22, 1869 F.V. Podkopaev was elected Professor ancl Heacl ofthe Department ofDermatology, while V.M. Tarnovskij was elected Professor and Head of the De- partment of Syphilidology and Venereal Diseases. F.V. Poclkopaev heaclecl the clepartment for less than one year, after his death in 1870 A.G. Polotebnev succeeded him as chairman. A.G. Polotebnev (1838-1907) who enjoys the reputation of establishing the Russian derma- tological school, was a follower of the famous clinician ancl therapeutist I.P. Botkin. He obtained an excellent education in Vienna and Paris. According to him two main principles should be observecl in ali the investi- gative activities in dermatology: 1. the studies of disor- ders of the skin should be correlated with the condition of the entire body, paying special attention to the ner- vous system as well as to the environment; 2. clue con- sicleration has to be given to histopathology and patl10- physiology, in view of the fact that appropriate functio- ning of the skin is of vita! importance for the normal functioning of the entire bocly. acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 4 A. V. Samtsov Professor V. M. Tarnovskij (1837-1906) is an impor- tant personality within the history of Russian derma- tology and venereology. Initially he was Heacl of the Department of Syphilidology and Venereology but since 1894 he directed the joinecl Department ofDermatology and Venereology of the MMA. His merit was the foun- ding of the Russian Society ofSyphilidology and Derma- tology in Sankt Peterburg in 1885, which seems to be the first such society in Europe; this society is stili active ancl was namecl after him. From 1897 to 1924 the department was heacled by professor T.P. Pavlov (1870-1932). Under his direction the problems involving the neurogenic aspects in the pathogrnesis of eczema, prurigo ancl in different forms of alopecia were intensively studiecl. Histopathology of syphilis was also of great concern to him. Professor P.A. Velikanov (1876-1929) who was in charge of the Depart- ment only during one year enjoys the reputation of ha- ving introcluced the x-ray treatment of skin disorders. Professor M.G. Mgebrov headed the Department from 1929 to 1940. During his tirne numerous investigations were going on concerning primarily th.e pathogenesis and treatment of pyoderma, the metabolism of the skin as well as the role of metabolic disorders inducing vari- ous skin diseases. In 1940, professor S.T. Pavlov became Heacl and re- mained in charge up to 1968. During this perioda pleiad 153 Dpt Dennatology MMA Sankt Peterburg of gifted dermatologists were trained who subsequently headed many departments of dermatology throughout Soviet Union. New methods were introduced to study pathogenesis and treatment of eczema. During World War II efforts were concentrated on handling infections and parasitic diseases . Later on among other problems, etiology and pathogenesis of seborrhea and bullous skin diseases, the role of biochemistry in the pathogenesis of skin disorders as well as exposure to ionizing radia- tion were investigated; a special interest was dedicated also to combustions and treatment of syphilis. Professor O.K. Shaposhnikov (1920-1990) headed the department from 1968 to 1987. The main efforts in scientific activities during that period were devoted to allergic vasculitis, immunology of lupus erythematosus, clinical and histopathological aspects of skin lympho- mas, the study of papulopustular lesions of the face and on new trends in mycological skin disorders. In 1987 professor A.N. Rodionov became head of the Depart- ment. At that period the research was concentrated on cytophotometry and electron microscopy of skin lymphomas, on Wegener's granulomatosis, urticarial vasculitis, systemic connective tissue disorders and connective tissue involvement in rubromycosis. At present the Chairman of the Department is profe- ssor A.V. Samtsov; he is assisted by another professor, three senior lecturers and six assistant-doctors who are tutoring 6th- and 7th-term medica! students, 15 to 20 residents in dermatology and organizing the praxis- oriented educational courses for general physicians. The residency in dermatology comprises a three-year training, while courses for general physicians are lasting 2 to 3 months. Research currently going on is concerned with, morphological and functional characteristics of phagocytizing mononuclear cells in sarcoidosis and sarcoid-reactions of the skin, cutaneous manifestations ofLyme borreliosis, immunologic and endocrine aspects ofKaposi's sarcoma. Special attention is being paid also to problems concerning trichology, skin lymphomas, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, syphilis and neurosyphilis as well as to telemedicine. Preparations are in course for introduction of a postgraduate teaching in histo- pathology of the skin. During the last years more than 130 scientific papers were published as well as 40 contri- butions at various scientific meetings in Russia, Europe and USA. Histor y o f Der mat ology Professor A.G. Polotebnev (1838-1907) chairman of the Department of Dermatology during the years 1870-94, initiator of the Russian derma- tological school. Professor V.M. Tarnovskij (1837-1906) since 1894 chairman of the joint Department of Dermatology and Venereology, founder of the Russian Society of Syphilidology and Dermatology. AUTHOR'S ADDRESS Aleksej V. Samtsov MD, PhD, projessor and chairman Department oj Dermatology and Venereology, Afilitary MedicalAcademy, P.O. Box 349, 196135 Sankt Peterburg, Russia 1J4 acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 4