Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 48/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18.12.2011 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian church.htm Christmas 2011 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Christmas music moves the soul! Year after year, I have listened to many Christmas carols over and over again; several have become my favorites and give me great pleasure and peace! The many wonderful choirs throughout the Diocese of Hamilton make special efforts to assure that the music sung at Christmas Masses is their very best offering of the year. You who come to our parishes to celebrate the Christmas liturgies and listen to the music are never disappointed! The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News of God's love, is joyfully proclaimed through such beautiful music. In the midst of your hectic schedules, with all the worries and concerns you carry every day, I encourage you to stop every now and then during this season of peace to listen to a Christmas carol or hymn from beginning to end. Allow it to carry you to that inner place where you meet the Lord. Each year we celebrate the birth of the Lord anew. We recall the remarkable story of his birth in Bethlehem, and we are moved to recognize his birth each day in our lives and in our world - through acts of compassion, goodness, and love. Having received the Body and Blood of Christ at Christmas Mass, we are sent out to do what He did by our good works. Revel in the music, recognize acts of kindness when you see them, be generous in your care for others, and know that through it all, Jesus Christ moves us to an ever deeper awareness of his love for us and for all! May you have a blessed Christmas and joy throughout the New Year! Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton December 8, 2011 V nedeljo, 11. decembra 2011 je deruštvo Bled-Beamsville obiskal Santa. Zbralo se je veliko otrok. Zamotili so se z izdelovanjem okraskov, Silvija je zanje pripravila zanimiv program, Abby je zapela pesem svojo pesem »Beleive« in še nekaj drugih, nato pa jih je obiskal Santa in jih obdaril. V kuhinji pa so poskrbeli za dobro kosilo. Članice KŽZ in tudi druge članice naše župnije so se zbrale na že kar tradicionalnen družabnem večeru. Naj prej so se božično uglasili s pesmijo, dekleta so prestavila božični dogodek, nato so se podkrepčale in si ob »Santa« izmenjale darove. Niso pozabile na potrebne. Sunday's Readings 4th Sunday of Advent First Reading 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12,14a, 16 The Lord will always look after his people Israel. Second Reading Romans 16:25-27 In the person of Jesus Christ the mystery of God's will for us all is revealed. Gospel Luke 1:26-38 Mary accepts graciously God's invitation to be the mother of God's Son. "Mary said, 'Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.'" Who in your mind has done most to change the world? We will have different answers to this question. Our replies may depend upon our own particular interests. If we have scientific leanings we might think of Darwin or Einstein, who changed the way we think about our world. Others of a more artistic bent might point to more modern times - they may not be our favorite artists, but they changed the way we look at our world. Then there are political leaders. Winston Churchill had many opponents and detractors, but without his leadership the world might be very different today. In quite a contrasting way, Gandhi inspired the Indian nation to be a nation but with a way of thinking that went counter to all revolutions experienced before. They both left the world a very different place through their lives and teaching. Philosophers often have to wait till they are dead to have their full influence. The Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle had at least two bites at the cherry, inspiring their contemporaries to begin with and then being the intellectual driving force of the medieval Renaissance for both Islam and Christendom. Karl Marx became the intellectual inspiration and support for the Russian and other socialist revolutions. And we have not mentioned the dictators who did - and still do - their utmost to turn the world into their private toy. Among the influential names of world history are the founders of the great religions. Unique among them is the role played by Mary in the foundation of Christianity. In none of the other religions is an ordinary woman asked to play such an important role. She is the gateway between the old dispensation and the new. In the mystery of the incarnation, the Lord empties himself of his glory to become a human being. Before this happens, through the angel's message to Mary, God asks humanity's permission for this to come about. No wonder Mary is confused. If on the one hand the Lord is emptying himself, on the other it is as though the angel Gabriel gets carried away with the excitement of the event and addresses Mary with all the richness of title her role implies. She is highly favored; she will conceive a son called Jesus who will take over the throne of David and rule without end. All this will happen through the power of the Holy Spirit, who will come upon Mary as the same Spirit hovered over creation at the beginning of the world. There is no doubt in the angel's address that this is the second beginning, the chance of a new creation through the gift of God's only Son. Another sign of this new world is the pregnancy of Mary's kinswoman Elizabeth in her supposed barren old age. In this new world nothing will be impossible to God. And Mary, with her yes - "May it be done to me according to your word" - changes the universe for ever. If God asks Mary's permission to enter our world in the person of her son Jesus, this humble request is a sign of how the new creation will work. The Lord will continue to make humble requests to his followers, and Mary will be forever the model of how to respond. Jesus offers himself as gift to us in so many ways: in his word, which we ponder through the Scriptures; through the sacraments, which continue his living presence among us; and through the loving fellowship we share as we gather in his name. Each age has its particular challenges. In our day we are asked to come up with creative answers that link our belief to the world that surrounds us, whether it be in the realm of science, the arts, politics or thought. Sometimes our knee-jerk response will be to say no. Like other human beings, we are comfortable with what we know and like. The challenge of the new makes us both suspicious and afraid. Yet we are asked to be like Mary and find a way to say yes and so continue to give birth to the new creation brought to us through her son. It will always challenge us, spiritually, morally, even physically at times. Let us pray for the courage to be inspired by Mary to say yes to the world we are asked to share in transforming. V nedeljo, 11. decembra sta zakrament svetega krsta prejeli dve deklici. Med slovensko sveto mašo je po rokah g. Antona Rozmariča krst prejela TEYA ADRIA ŠKRBAN, hči Tomaža in Helene /Konte/. Med enajsto sveto mašo pa je bila krščena NEVAEH RENATE ZORKO, hči Andrew-ja in Carol Ann /Williamson/. Obema staršema iskrene čestitke, da bi bili svojim otrokom dober zgled pri vzgoji za vero. Naj jih spremlja božji blagoslov in naša molitev. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor Pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor so ob četrtkih, po večerni maši. CWL - KZZ As we enter the season of giving and sharing we will again be collecting your kind and generous canned and dried food donations for Food Share Hamilton. Our Food Banks are in need of canned fruit and vegetables,pastas,pasta sauce, canned or dry soups,baby formula, and cereals. Please consider donating generously to over 18,500 people in our community of whom 8,100 are children who go to bed hungry. Our CWL membership fees are due. Envelopes have been put into our 2012 Sunday collection boxes. Members who have not been able to attend our monthly general meetings will notice that the fee has been increased from $14 to $19. This is a $5 increase that was voted on by all our Diocesan parishes at the Diocesan Convention,May 2011 and was almost unanimously accepted. Our membership is split into 3 parts, National, Provincial and Diocesan. This is a $5 increase to be sent to the National level. Any questions please contact Sidonia at (905) 578-8896.We hole heartedly hope that this increase does not discourage you to continue your membership because your membership is extremely important to our National representation that goes to parliament defending our Catholic/Christian family lives and values. društvo sv. joZefa_ Društvo Sv. Jožefa membership fee is now due for 2012. Please see Frank Erzar and receive your new membership card. Vse člane društva prosimo, da obnovijo članarino za leto 2012. Pri Franku Erzarju placate članarino in dobite člansko izkaznico. Our annual members' Christmas Party will be held at Villa Slovenia on Tuesday, December 20th at 7 PM. Light dinner will be served. Entertainment will be provided by Branko Pouh! We will also hold a Poinsettia Draw with al donations going to the "Christmas Tree of Hope". Look forward to seeing you! Božičnica za člane društva sv. Jožefa bo v Villa Slovenija, v torek 20. decembra ob sedmih zvečer. Pripravili bomo večerjo. Za živo glasbo bo poskrbel Branko Pouh. Izžrebali bomo dobitnike "božičnih zvezd". Dobiček je zamenjen za "Božično drevo upanja" /Christmas Tree of Hope/. Vse vas pričakujemo v torek, 20. decembra! naročnina za ognjišče_ Naročnina za Ognjišče za leto 2012 je 75 CAD. Slomškovo oltarno društvo_ Tudi za letošnji Božič lahko naročite potice. Naročila sprejemata Jožica Novak 905-560-0705 in Jožica Vegelj 905-6645240. PLESNA SKUPINA VENEC Final Reminder! Mark December 26th on your Calendars! Folklorna Skupina VENEC will be hosting the first annual Boxing Day Dance at St. Gregory the Great Hall. Doors Open at 7:30pm Tickets are $10 Contact: Andrej Kanc 905 516 0730 Mateja Mihelcic 416 889 1224 Joanna Habjan 905 788 7712 for details and tickets NA PROGRAMU_ • 19. - 20. december: Duhovna priprava na Božič. Natančen program si poglejte v božičnem pismu. • 20. december - torek: ob 7:45 p.m. - Sv. Jožef - Božičnica -Christmas party. • 24. december - sobota: Sveti večer. Maša ob 6:00 p.m./angleška/ in ob 10:00 p.m. - Polnočnica / slovenska/. • 25. december - nedelja: BOŽIČ - maša ob 9:30 a.m. In ob 11:00 a.m. • 26. december - ponedeljek: Sveti Štefan, maša v Lipa parku ob 4:00 p.m. • 31. december - sobota: New Year's Eve: Silvestrovanje - St. Gregory the Great. Čimprej se prijavite. t. Gregory th£ Cjrjzat ti ali o^ ®*z:eizmb{2r 51, 2011 g 7:00 p.m. eg šš>tlbe£ter£fea bečerja tn ples "J £t\a §ear'ž Burner & Bance ^ Boor primež & baffle S Students with ID $35.00 Menue Hors - d'oeuvres Dinner Rolls & Butter Soup Mixed salad Roasted Beef with vegetables & gravy Potatoes Roasted Pork Tenderloin & Pierogi Cheese Strudel Chicken Breast with Sauce »Kremsnite« Coffee Light Buffet at 11.00 p.m. Za rezervacije kličite: For reservations call: Terezija Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 Jožica Vegelj: 905-664-5240 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 18. December 4. ADVENTNA Gacijan, škof za žive in rajne župljane ff Annie in John Igl 9:30 a.m. f Robert Zver 11:00 a.m. ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 12:00 noon ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. Steve in Vida Sajder Družina Žižek Maša in spoved - Sava Breslav Maša in spoved - St. John the D. Ponedeuek - Monday f Rozalija Ifko 7:00 p.m. Družina Likavec D ff Miklavčičevi Anica Miklavčič 19. december f GuSti žalik /Montreal/ Družina Raduha Urban UL, papež f Gentililna Casalanguida Karl in Joanne Ferko f Jožef Pust 9:00 a.m. Anton in Marija Šverko Torek - Tuesday ff Marija in Štefan Kovač 7:00 p.m. Hčerka Ljudmila Zadravec 20. December ff Ana in Štefan Zadravec Sin Štefan Zadravec Evgen, muč. f Marija Rejc Tončka in Janko Demšar z dr. ff Anna in Rudol Fartek, obl. Pavla Pelcar z družino ff sorodniki f Tončka Gerkiš f Rozalija Ifko Peter Kanizij, duh-c.učf Jože Jakša Sreda - Wednesday 21. December 7.00 p.m. Francka Cestnik z družino Marija in Ignac Korošec Terezija Dunko Rudi in Mary Hanc Četrtek - Thursday ff Zorčič 7:00 p.m. Jožica Vegelj z družino D f Carlyn McArthus Matilda Prša 22. december f Blaž Čulig Majda Salajko Frančiška Cabrini,red. f Rozalija Ifko Ivan in Veronika Obal Petek - Friday 23. December Janez Kancij, duh. f Janez Recek ff Ivan in Louise Sarjaš f Mike Martin f Karl Volčanšek 7:00 p.m. Žena Sin z družino Josie z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa Sobota - Saturday f Janez Kosednar 6:00 p.m. Žena z družino 24. December f Darinka Ferletič 10:00 p.m. Viktor in Olga Glavač Sveti večer, Adam in Evaf Pokojni duh. Alojzij, Stanko, Karel, Ivan Salezijanci NEDELJA - SUNDAY 18 DECEMBER Za žive in rajne župljane ff Štefan in Rufina Kelenc 9:30 a.m. Marija Glavač z družino B°Z|Č - CHR|STMAS ff Marija in Alojz Ipavec 11:00 a.m. Hči in sin GOSPODOVO ROJSTVO -»ff svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.