Urbani izziv, volume 32, no. 2, 2021 136 Reviews and information Anja ILENIČ Alenka MAUKO PRANJIĆ Darko KOKOT Ana MLADENOVIČ Mateja KOŠIR The EIT Urban Mobility Knowledge and Innovation Community: More pleasant and sustainable living in European cities through innovative mobility solutions The demand for sustainable transport systems increases every year. Therefore, urban areas require targeted and stra- tegically oriented action plans that will improve the accessibility, quality, and use of transport networks while simul- taneously contributing to less conges- tion, fewer accidents, and less pollution in urban areas. EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Urban Mobility focuses its activities on the challenges of European mobility. It aims to strengthen and connect var- ious stakeholders in the ecosystem, which will continue to have a positive impact on sustainable mobility, accessi- bility of urban services, more efficient urban logistics, waste reduction, a more integrated transport system, increased active mobility, and public transporta- tion use, consequently resulting in less dependence on cars. The main objective of EIT Urban Mobility is to transform cities into greener and more environ- mentally friendly places to live. People are at the heart of sustainable de- velopment. Global demographic trends, population growth, ageing, migration, and urbanization all have a significant impact on the transition to a more sustainable society, environment, and economy, consistent with the princi- ples of the circular economy (United Nations, 2019b). In 2019, the world population reached 7.7 billion, and statistical trends show that this number will reach 9.7 billion in 2050 (Figure 1; OWID, 2021 based on United Nations, 2019b; United Nations, 2019a). Figure 1: Urbanization forecast for 2050: percentage of the population that will live in urban areas (source: OWID, 2021 based on United Nations, 2019b). Urbani izziv, volume 32, no. 2, 2021 137Reviews and information In addition to population growth itself, the number of people living in urban areas is also increasing. In 1950, about 30% of people lived in urban areas and in 2018 about 55%. The United Na- tions predicts that 68% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, and in some parts more than 80% (UN-Habitat, 2011; United Nations, 2019b). Population growth in urban areas can have extremely negative effects on the environment and society. Globally, cit- ies (urban areas) occupy only 2% of the world’s territory, but they contribute 70% of all greenhouse gases produced (Vandecasteele et al., 2019). In the Eu- ropean Union, the transport sector con- tributes to 27% of total greenhouse gas emissions (Eurostat, 2020). The chal- lenges for people in urban areas include affordable housing, challenges related to (over)pollution of transport networks (air, water, and soil pollution from car exhaust, congestion, related longer travel times, etc.), accessibility of urban public services (e.g., public health and transport, and waste collection), ageing of the population, and climate change (Vandecasteele et al., 2019). Despite the many challenges posed by urbanization, urban areas have many opportunities to reduce their impact on the environment and society, also due to a certain degree of autonomy and will- ingness to adapt to new technological advances. In urban areas, there is a need to make public and commercial urban services more sustainable and efficient in the future; for example, in ways that make them reusable, shareable, mod- ular, and based on new ways of using data. Public spaces in urban areas occu- py 2 to 15% of the total land. Therefore, well-designed public space policies with greener and more open spaces can have a significant impact on improved air qual- ity, better microclimatic conditions in urban areas, increased safety, and better public health. Moreover, new technolo- gies can contribute to better public ser- vices to solve sustainable and environ- mental challenges, and to improve the productivity of individuals and society as a whole (Vandecasteele et al., 2019). Traffic congestion, and air and noise pollution are just some of the challenges facing European urban areas. In Slove- nia, the predominant mode of transport is cars (Figure 2), in which people spend an average of fourteen days a year (Sta- tistical Office of the Republic of Slove- nia, 2017). Over the last decade, there has been a trend toward an increasing number of cars in transport, although there is an increasing trend of hybrid or electric cars (Figure 3). Motorized traffic is one of the main sources of particulate matter in the air (e.g., PM10 and PM2.5), along with fire- places, industrial exhaust, construction sites, and other contributors (Thunis et al., 2017). In addition to the envi- ronmental impact, higher levels of PM particles can also have negative effects on human health: on the development of Alzheimer’s disease, increased risk of heart failure, a tendency toward higher blood pressure, and so on (VFA Solu- tions, 2021). Over the last decade, PM10 and PM2.5 levels in Slovenia have been continuously higher than the Europe- an average (Figure 4). The joint devel- opment of urban strategies and action plans in synergy with urban residents is therefore important for the preserva- tion of urban areas and associated sys- Figure 2: Share of passenger kilometres by mode of transport and route purpose (source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2017). Figure 3: Number of cars by fuel type (source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2020). Transport modes by route purpose Number of cars by fuel type Urbani izziv, volume 32, no. 2, 2021 138 Reviews and information tematic progress (Vandecasteele et al., 2019). EIT Urban Mobility addresses urban issues and challenges. In 2019, the EIT established EIT Urban Mobility as one of nine EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (Figure 5). One of the main objectives of the EIT is to increase the competitiveness of European companies, including by systematically accelerating the transfer of innovations and innovative solutions to the market. In addition to fostering competitiveness, particularly in the au- tomotive industry, EIT Urban Mobility identified seven other major challeng- es: relieving congestion on transport networks in urban areas, promoting interdisciplinarity, transporting people and goods (including waste) in an envi- ronmentally efficient and safe way, new uses of data, creating a framework for changes in legislation and human be- haviour, sustainable urban growth, and urban management. In 2021, the community included more than eighty-five various city and government institutions, research and educational institutions, and industrial partners involved in mobility. All activities are designed to achieve three key social goals: 1) to mitigate and adapt to climate change, 2) to create better living conditions in urban areas, and 3) to create jobs and strengthen the European automotive sector (EIT Ur- ban Mobility Strategic Agenda, 2021). The strategic objectives developed to achieve social and mobility impacts are creating liveable urban spaces; closing the knowledge gap; providing green, safe, and inclusive mobility solutions for people, goods, and waste; accelerat- ing market opportunities; and promot- ing effective policies and behavioural change (EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda, 2021). Furthermore, all EIT Urban Mobility activities are in synergy with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Great emphasis is placed on healthy life- styles and promoting overall wellbeing at all stages of life, as well as reducing en- ergy consumption and ensuring sustain- able and economically accessible supply. Despite the noticeable downward trend, in 2019 3% of households in Slovenia still could not afford sufficient heating, and the share of energy obtained from renewable sources was only 21% in the same year (Statistical Office of the Re- public of Slovenia, 2020). One of the objectives of the sustainable mobility indicators is to improve the quality of life in cities and towns, as well as to promote progress in developing more sustainable transport with less harmful effects on the environment, promote responsible use of primary resources, and create more sustainable cities and towns (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2020). EIT Urban Mobility introduces changes in all the eight chal- lenge areas mentioned above through five different programmes: City Club, Academy, Business Creation, Innova- tion, and Factory. City Club is a programme of activities in which European cities cooperate and exchange information on challenges, opportunities, and good practices. In- formation and experience from differ- ent European cities serve as a basis for other programmes as well as annual calls in various thematic areas of innovation development, science, business creation, regional innovation schemes (RIS), fac- tories, and citizen engagement. In the 2021 call, the challenge areas focused on possible transitions to active modes of transport (walking and cycling), ad- dressing the negative impacts of trans- port in urban areas, improving urban logistics with a focus on the last mile, and so on. The Academy programme includes mas- ter’s and doctoral programmes, as well as other educational programmes, such as lifelong learning. The programme aims to close the knowledge gap in sustainable mobility in urban areas by collecting and analysing data on smart mobility, alternative forms of mobility, public space transformation, new trends Figure 4: Average annual exposure of urban residents to particulate matter pollution in Slo- venia and the EU (source: Eurostat, 2020). Figure 5: EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities. Exposure of urban residents to particular matter pollution Urbani izziv, volume 32, no. 2, 2021 139Reviews and information in urban logistics, challenges posed by autonomous vehicles, active mobility, and so on. Great emphasis is also placed on the development of critical abilities of the individual as well as the interdis- ciplinarity of all programmes. The Business Creation and Innovation programmes are committed to acceler- ating the market introduction of inno- vative services and products, particu- larly in active mobility, intermodality, infrastructure, pollution reduction, sus- tainable urban logistics, creation of pub- lic spaces, future mobility, and energy. The Business Creation programme im- plements its activities in three sub-pro- grammes: • Accelerator targets start-ups, and micro and small enterprises that can receive grants, mentoring, access to living labs, testing fields, technology, and market verificati- on options; • ScaleTHENGlobal is an ongoing programme aimed at bringing in- novative solutions to international markets; and • Finance2Move is a programme under which companies can rece- ive financial support to continue their entrepreneurial careers and a vast variety of networking oppor- tunities. The main focus of the Factory pro- gramme is to leverage solutions around the world. Its activities include match- ing relevant products to specific needs through a digital marketspace and physical matching activities, promoting good practices, and scouting relevant opportunities in order to support in- novations. In 2020, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG) became the national contact point for the EIT Urban Mobility Knowledge and Innovation Community. The main objectives of EIT Urban Mo- bility RIS Hub Slovenia are: • To connect different stakeholders into an integrated and multidisci- plinary ecosystem (focused on the representatives of the Knowledge Triangle: education and research institutions, cities, decision- and policymakers, and industry par- tners in urban mobility); • To increase the visibility of EIT Urban Mobility in Slovenia; • To inform the general public about activities and upcoming calls for proposals; • To actively support start-ups, stu- dents, and researchers in develo- ping their innovative ideas; and • To improve business creation con- ditions at the local level in general. Therefore, EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Slovenia organized various activ- ities in 2021. They were divided into six different segments: mandatory ac- tivities; communication and informa- tion activities; activities supporting the local innovation ecosystem; activities supporting local business creation; ed- ucational activities; and local commu- nity building, knowledge triangle in- tegration, and strengthening the local innovation ecosystem. In 2021, the international EIT Urban Mobility Conference was organized, focusing on strengthening the partner- ship community in Slovenia. In addi- tion, various training sessions (project proposal wiring, intellectual property rights, information on upcoming calls, and public and private funding) and a winter school for students were held to reduce the knowledge gap in this field. Part of the activities focused on start- ups and micro-enterprises, and others focused on the local community and improving active mobility. In coopera- tion with the Maribor Cycling Associ- ation (MKM), two cycling events were held during the autumn months: a cy- cling treasure hunt and the two-month Strava cycling challenge “Cycle with me to the spa”. As part of the challenge, peo- ple could borrow free PM2.5 sensors to assess air pollution levels on their cy- cling route. EIT Urban Mobility Knowledge and Innovation Community is an ecosystem of sustainable mobility stakeholders that provides numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and researchers to contribute to better living conditions in urban areas. Anja Ilenič Slovenian National Building and Civil Engi- neering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: anja.ilenic@zag.si Alenka Mauko Pranjić Slovenian National Building and Civil Engi- neering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: alenka.mauko@zag.si Darko Kokot Slovenian National Building and Civil Engi- neering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: darko.kokot@zag.si Ana Mladenovič Slovenian National Building and Civil Engi- neering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: ana.mladenovic@zag.si Mateja Košir Slovenian National Building and Civil Engi- neering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: mateja.kosir@zag.si Information about other project events: https://www. hubum.si References EIT Urban Mobility (2021) EIT urban mobility strategic agenda 2021–2027. Barcelona. Eurostat (2020) Exposure to air pollution by particulate matter. Available at: https:// ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/ sdg_11_50/default/table?lang=en (accessed 26 Sept. 2021). Urbani izziv, volume 32, no. 2, 2021 140 Reviews and information OWID – Our World in Data (2021) Share of the population living in urban areas, 2050. Avail- able at: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ urban-population-share-2050?region=Europe (accessed 30 Sept. 2021). Statistical Office of the Republic of Slove- nia (2017) Sustainable development goal indicators. Available at: https://www.stat. si/Pages/cilji/cilj-9.-zgraditi-vzdr%C5%BElji- vo-infrastrukturo-spodbujati-vklju%C4%8Du- jo%C4%8Do-in-trajnostno-industrializaci- jo-ter-pospe%C5%A1evati-inovacije/9- .8-dele%C5%BE-potni%C5%A1kih-kilomet- rov-po-prevoznem-sredstvu-in-namenu-po- ti-zaradi-dela-izobra%C5%BEevanja-in-proste- ga-%C4%8Dasa (accessed 25 Sept. 2021). Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (2020) Sustainable development goal indica- tors. Ljubljana. Thunis, P., Degraeuwe, B., Peduzzi, E., Pisoni, E., Trombetti, M., Vignati, E., et al. (2017) Urban PM2.5 atlas: Air quality in European cities. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019a) World population prospects 2019: Highlights. New York, United Nations. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019b) World urbanization prospects: The 2018 revi- sion. New York, United Nations. United Nations Human Settlements Pro- gramme (UN-Habitat) (2011) Cities and cli- mate change – Global report on human settle- ments 2011. London, Earthscan Ltd. DOI: 10.4324/9781849776936 Vandecasteele, I., Baranzelli, C., Siragusa, A., Aurambout, J.P., Alberti V., Alonso Raposo M., et al. (eds.) (2019) The future of cities – Op- portunities, challenges and the way forward. Executive summary. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. VFA Solutions (2021) Indoor air quality. Avail- able at: https://www.vfa-solutions.com/en/ home/indoor-air-quality/ (accessed 23 Sept. 2021).