NINE SLOVENIAN NEUROPTEROLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS TO THE BALKAN PENINSULA Dušan De v e t a k Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, k oroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia e-mail: Abstract – In the past, the knowledge on the fauna of Neuropterida in the Balkan Peninsula was sparse. a brief historical review of the faunal research in the area is presented. In a period 2011–2019, zoologists from the Department of Biology of the University of Maribor organized nine Balkan neuropterological expeditions in a lbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia. t he study of the neuropterid fauna of these countries resulted in a series of papers which, in general, doubled the known number of species at the country checklist level. k e y w o r DS: Neuropterida, r aphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, fauna, Balkan Peninsula, expeditions Izvleček – De v e t SLo v e NSk IH Ne v r o Pt e r o Lo Šk IH o DPr a v Na Ba Lk a NSk I Po Lo t o k Poznavanje mrežekrilcev (Neuropterida) Balkanskega polotoka je bilo v preteklosti skromno. Za območje podajamo kratek zgodovinski pregled raziskav. Zoologi o ddelka za biologijo Univerze v Mariboru so v obdobju 2011–2019 izpeljali devet balkanskih nevropteroloških odprav, in sicer v a lbanijo, Bosno in Hercegovino, Severno Make- donijo in Srbijo. Na osnovi terenskih raziskav mrežekrilcev v omenjenih deželah so objavili izsledke, kjer so se števila znanih vrst na vrstnih seznamih na nivoju držav v splošnem podvojila. k LjUč Ne Be Se De : Neuropterida, r aphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, favna, Bal- kanski polotok, odprave 39 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2021 Vol. 29, øt. 1: 39–58 Introduction For a period before 1980, when the monograph on the Neuropterida (r aphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera) in e urope (a spöck et al. 1980) was published, the knowl- edge of the lacewings in the Balkan Peninsula was poor. o nly two countries, Bulgaria and r omania were well explored. a nd even later, the distribution of lacewings on most of the peninsula was insufficiently known, documented mainly with sporadic data. Here, the Balkan Peninsula is regarded in the sense of physical geography (for detailed definition, see Popov 1992). In a period 2011–2019, zoologists from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, organized nine neuroptero- logical expeditions to the Balkan Peninsula with the aim of improving the knowledge of less investigated Balkan countries – a lbania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. t he aim of the collecting trips was to emend the species lists of Neuropterida for the Balkan countries. t he next goal was to study neuropterids from a nature conservation and ecological point of view. In the present paper, details of the expeditions and the results of the field work are summarized. Knowledge of the neuropterid fauna in the Balkan Peninsula before 2010 In a period between 1980 and 2010, further data on the occurrence of lacewings in the Balkan countries were accumulated. k nown distribution of the neuropterids in the w est Palaearctic was summarized in a catalogue published in 2001 (a spöck et al. 2001). Later, Popov and Letardi (2010) reviewed the knowledge and compared the fauna in the a pennine and Balkan peninsulas. a lready in the 1980s, the two best-investigated Balkan countries were Romania and Bulgaria, mainly due to the activity of B. k is and a . Popov. a monograph on Neuroptera of r omania (k is et al. 1970) recognized as one of the first modern works on the order in e urope was an excellent foundation for early studies of the Balkan fauna. Bulgarian neuropterid fauna is probably the best investigated in the Peninsula; many data were published in a series of papers by Popov (for a review of papers, see Popov 2007; Dobosz & Popov 2018). Despite of the fact that Slovenia was relatively well investigated, the Balkan part of the country representing one third of its area still remains under-explored. Croatia with a larger part in the Balkans was and still is relatively sufficiently studied (see for e.g., Saure 1989; Devetak 1992; Žanić and Igrc-Barčić 1996; a istleitner 2007; r ausch and w eißmair 2007; Ábrahám 2008; Ivković and w eißmair 2011; Devetak et al. 2015b; t hierry and Canard 2015; v ilenica et al. 2018). In the period 1980–2010, the Neuropterida in Albania, North Macedonia, and Serbia were almost unexplored. o nly sporadic data were published (e.g., for N Mace- donia: Pieper and w illmann 1980; Saure 1989; Popov 1997, 2004; Smiljkov et al. 2005; review: Hristovski et al. 2015; for Serbia: Malicky 1984; Stevanović and Bjelić 1985; Perić et al. 2009). For these countries, there were mostly older, sometimes un- reliable data and some papers were published even more than a century ago (for bib- Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 40 liography, see: for a lbania Devetak and r ausch 2016; for North Macedonia Hristovski et al. 2015; for Serbia Podlesnik et al. 2019). Kosovo which was in the past a part of former y ugoslavia, later unilaterally declaring independence from Serbia, is faunis- tically moderately well researched (Devetak and jakšić 2003). o ne of the least examined Balkan countries is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the fact that after the Bosnian w ar (1992–1995) some areas of the country remain contaminated with unexploded ordnance representing a great threat and danger, col- lecting insects without the support of the locals can be risky. Greece is well explored due to the intensive research in a period 1969–1993, when a ustrian entomologists – Horst a spöck, Ulrike a spöck, e rnst Hüttinger, Hubert r ausch, r enate r ausch, Franz r essl and Peter r essl conducted a number of expedi- tions to different Balkan countries, with the main focus on Greek snakefly fauna (r ausch and r ausch 2004; see also Saure 1989). Before 2010, there was a moderate knowledge on the neuropterid fauna of Mon- tenegro; the only thoroughly studied area of the country was the Durmitor National Park (Devetak 1991; for a provisional checklist of the country, see Devetak and jakšić 2019). European part of Turkey was moderately well-studied country of the Balkans (o nar and a ktaç 2002; o nar 2007). Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan Peninsula In the period from 2011 to 2019, zoologists from the Department of Biology, Uni- versity of Maribor conducted 9 neuropterological expeditions to the Balkans. Detailed information on the expeditions is presented in t able 1, superficial information with photo gallery one can find in Ur L site t he field trips were supported by 7 research funds and a number of companies (t able 2). In four countries (a lbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia) 18 pro- tected areas – national parks, natural parks and nature reserves were surveyed for lacewings at least superficially (t able 3). t he long-term goal of the expeditions is to compile standard checklists and prepare publications of interactively generated neu- ropterid faunas for selected Balkan countries as part of the Lacewing Digital Library’s w orld Neuropterida Faunas series (o swald 2021). From 2012 to 2014 three field trips were conducted in Albania. Up to that time, only about 39 Neuropterida species were known for the country. Since 2012, 51 species and two families (Coniopterygidae, Mantispidae) were reported for a lbania for the first time. Most of these species were collected during Slovenian Balkan ex- peditions – see Devetak and r ausch 2016; for other species records see Sziráki 2014; Dvořák 2016; Devetak et al. 2020). a ntlions were collected in the country with the aim to study their distributional pattern and predatory behaviour. a lbania is charac- terized by rich flora and fauna, and a wide array of ecosystems considering its diverse relief (Figs. 1–9). a noteworthy finding was the discovery of a snakefly Phaeostigma thaleri (a spöck & a spöck, 1964) exactly one hundred years after collecting the first individual. In a lbania (in Divjakë-k aravasta National Park) was confirmed the nort- Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 41 Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 42 Table 1. a list of Slovenian neuropterological expeditions in the Balkan Peninsula in the period 2011–2019. y ear e xpedition with details r esults: published papers 2011 First Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: Macedonia (=Fy r o M) (now: North Macedonia). Period: 5–12 july 2011. Participants: Franc janžekovič, Meta janžekovič, Dušan Devetak, v esna k lokočovnik. t our: Multi-Purpose a rea jasen: k ula, Lake k ozjak, Blizansko, v laka, Nova Breznica, r udine, Selište, Boro Pole, k aradžica, Gorna Belica; t reska, k atlanovo, Skopje. Devetak and k lokočovnik 2011; Devetak et al. 2013a; k lokočovnik 2013; Devetak and a rnett 2015; Devetak et al. 2015a; Hristovski et al. 2015. 2012 Second Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: a lbania. Period: 16–25 july 2012. Participants: Dušan Devetak, Franc janžekovič, Meta janžekovič, v esna k lokočovnik, jan Podlesnik. t our: t iranë, Berat, Çorovoda, r iver o sumi valley, k ëlcyra, Gllava pass, r iver v josa valley, Fir of Hotovë-Dangelli National Park, Frashëri, Përmeti, Divjakë-k aravasta National Park, a pollonia. Devetak and janžekovič 2012; Devetak et al. 2012; Devetak et al. 2013b; k lokočovnik 2013; Devetak and r ausch 2016; Podlesnik et al. 2016; Devetak 2019. 2013 Third Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: Bosnia and Herzegovina and a lbania. Period: 21–28 june 2013. Participants: Dušan Devetak, t ina k lenovšek, v esna k lokočovnik, jan Podlesnik; in Bosnia and Herzegovina also Mirza Dautbašić and o sman Mujezinović joined the team. t our: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Blidinje area: Blidinje Nature Park, lake Blidinje jezero, č vrsnica Mountain, Montenegro: Nikšić, Podgorica: river Zeta; a lbania: Shkodër, Bjeshkët e Nemuna (=Prokletije) Mountains: Bogë – t heth National Park; k rujë, Berati, Divjakë-k aravasta National Park, Droboniku, Zhitomi, Poliçani. k lokočovnik et al. 2014; Devetak and r ausch 2016; Devetak 2019. 2014 Fourth Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: a lbania. Period: 25 june–2 july 2014. Participants: Dušan Devetak, Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek, v esna k lokočovnik, jan Podlesnik.  t our: t iranë, e lbasani, Lake o hrid, k orça, Fir of Drenovë National Park, Gramoz Mountains, e rseka, Gërmenji, r iver v josa valley, Butrint National Park. Devetak and r ausch 2016; k lokočovnik et al. 2016; Podlesnik et al. 2016; Devetak et al. 2018, Devetak 2019; Devetak et al. 2019b. 2015 Fifth Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: Serbia. Period: 21–28 june 2015. Participants: Dušan Devetak, Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek, v esna k lokočovnik, jan Podlesnik.  t our: Pirot, Special Nature reserve (SNr ) jerma, Zvonačka Banja, Dimitrovgrad, v idlič Mt., Niš, SNr jelašnička river gorge, t ara National Park, Perućačko jezro. r eference: k lokočovnik and Devetak 2015. Canard and t hierry 2017; Podlesnik et al. 2017; Devetak et al. 2019b; Podlesnik et al. 2019. 2016 Sixth Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: Serbia. Period: 3–10 july 2016. Participants: Dušan Devetak, Predrag jakšić, Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek. t our: Niš, Special Nature reserve (SNr ) Suva Planina, v idlič Mt., Nature Park Stara Planina: Balkan Mountains, Đerdap National Park - river Donava (the Danube) area, SNr Deliblatska peščara (Deliblato sands), Beograd (Belgrade).r eference: Devetak 2016. Devetak et al. 2019a; Podlesnik et al. 2019; Ivajnšič and Devetak 2020. Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 43 2017 Seventh Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: North Macedonia. Period: Part I: 2–9 july 2017; Part II: 5–10 September 2017. Participants: Dušan Devetak, Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek, jan Podlesnik, Slavcho Hristovski, v ladimir k rpač. t our: Part I (DD, Fj, t k , jP, SH): t etovo, Mavrovo National Park (k orab Mt., janche), Struga, lake o hridsko ezero, Galičica National Park, Pelister National Park, Mariovo mountains, Prilep, Skopje. Part II (DD, v k r): Skopje, t reska, Shar Planina Mountains, Pchinja v alley, v eles. r eference: Devetak et al. 2017. Devetak and Zeqiri 2018; Devetak et al. 2019b; Devetak et al. 2021. 2018 Eighth Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: North Macedonia. Period: 31 May–6 june 2018. Participants: Franc janžekovič, Boža janžekovič, Slavcho Hristovski. t our: Skopje, v eles, k ochani, o vche Pole, Shtip, Demir k apija, josifovo, Negortsi, k ozhuf planina Mt., lake Dojransko ezero, Pelister National Park, lakes Prespansko ezero and o hridsko ezero. r eference: janžekovič et al. 2018. 2019 Ninth Balkan Neuropterological Expedition: North Macedonia, Greece, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Period: Part I (North Macedonia, Greece): 19–26 june 2019; Part II (Bosnia and Herzegovina): 5–7 a ugust 2019. Participants: Part I: Dušan Devetak, Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek, v esna k lokočovnik, v ladimir k rpač, jan Podlesnik; Part II: Dušan Devetak. t our: Part I: N. Macedonia (DD, t k , v k , jP, v k r): Demir k apija, Gradsko- Stobi, valleys of rivers v ardar and Pchinja, Gjopčeli, Dojransko e zero, Dojran, Gevgelija: river k onska, Prilep – Pelagonija, lake Prespansko e zero, Galičica National Park, lake o hridsko e zero, Shar Planina Mt.; Greece (only Fj): Peloponnese: k alogria-Metochi – Panachaiko Mountain – Mount e rymanthos – Mount a roania (Helmos). Part II: Bosnia and Herzegovina (only DD): r iver Neretva valley, Mostar, Prenj Mt., confluence of rivers Buna and Neretva, t rebižat river: Nature reserve k ravica: k ravica waterfalls. r eference: Devetak et al. 2019c. Devetak et al. 2019c; Devetak et al. 2021. Table 2. r esearch funds and companies supporting the field trips in the Balkan Peninsula. r e Se a r CH Pr o Gr a MMe S (RProg) / r e Se a r CH Pr o je Ct S (RProj) / Gr a Nt S (GR) Name a cronym RProg Biodiversity r esearch Programme (Slovenian r esearch a gency - Sr a ) P1-0078 RProg Computationally Intensive Complex Systems (Sr a ) P1-0403 RProg Infrastructure r esearch Programme, 2012–2017 IP-0552 RProg Infrastructure r esearch Programme Co r e @UM, 2018–2021 I0-0029 RProj Biodiversity of the Neuropterida in the Balkan r P BioDiv Neuropterida Balkan – a LBH 2013 RProj Biodiversity of the green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Serbia r P BioDiv CHr y Se r 2015 GR e rasmus+ grant - Co MPa NIe S Name Place (site) a jM okna-vrata-senčila d.o.o. Pesnica pri Mariboru a t t e MS storitve d.o.o. Slovenska Bistrica BIo t e H d.o.o. r adomlje Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 44 Ca r r e r a o ptyl d.o.o. o rmož CIZe r L d.o.o. Maribor Do GŠa d.o.o. Lendava-Lendva e BLa d.o.o. Maribor Go Lo B d.o.o. Muta k a MBIč Laboratorijska oprema d.o.o. Semič La Bo r a d.o.o. Maribor Me SSe r d.o.o. r uše MIk r o +Po Lo d.o.o. Maribor M PLUS podjetje za trženje d.o.o. Maribor o Pt Ik a a r e Na d.o.o. Maribor o r Ga NIC NUt r Ie Nt S, Bojan k ujavec s.p. Maribor Pe r Ge r 1757 d.o.o. Slovenj Gradec r o MIk S Didaktična oprema Sterkuš r obert s.p. Laporje r o t o Slovenija d.o.o. Puconci SIr a r Na č UŠ d.o.o. o rehova vas SNo Pje , proizvodnja in storitve d.o.o. Ljutomer t e HNo o Pt Ik a SMo LNIk a r d.o.o. Ljubljana-č rnuče t r a t Nje k servis in trgovina d.o.o. Murska Sobota Table 3. Protected areas – national parks, nature parks and nature reserves visited during field trips in the period 2011–2019. Country Protected area; year(s) of visit a lbania Butrint National Park; 2014 Divjakë-k aravasta National Park; 2012, 2013 Fir of Drenovë National Park; 2014 Fir of Hotovë-Dangelli National Park; 2012 t heth National Park; 2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina Blidinje Nature Park; 2013 Nature reserve k ravica; 2019 North Macedonia Galičica National Park; 2017, 2019 Mavrovo National Park; 2017 Multi-Purpose a rea jasen; 2011 Pelister National Park; 2017, 2018 Serbia Đerdap National Park; 2016 Nature Park Stara Planina; 2016 Special Nature reserve Deliblatska peščara (Deliblato sands); 2016 Special Nature reserve jerma; 2015 Special Nature reserve jelašnička river gorge; 2015 Special Nature reserve Suva Planina; 2016 t ara National Park; 2015 Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 45 Figs. 1–9: a lbania. Fig. 1: Sand dunes in the Divjakë-k aravasta National Park, a place of rare antlions (Myrmeleon hyalinus o livier, Acanthaclisis r ambur and Synclisis Navás). Fig. 2: t irana, 25 june 2014. From left to right: F. janžekovič, D. Devetak, v . k lokočovnik, t . k lenovšek, j. Podlesnik. Fig. 3: Bjeshkët e Nemuna (=Prokletije) Mountains: Bogë surroundings. Fig. 4: r iver banks with fine sand, a typical habitat of Cueta lineosa (r ambur); o sumi river near Berat. Fig. 5: Fir of Hotovë-Dangelli National Park: first mantidflies in a lbania were found on a single maple tree. Fig. 6: Dry meadows in Qafa e Gllavës, a place of Deleproctophylla Lefèbvre. Fig. 7: Dry parts of the riverbed of a lbanian rivers is a habitat of Cueta-larvae; river v josa near t epelenë. Fig. 8: In the Fir of Drenovë National Park were collected a few rare or in- teresting snakeflies (e.g., Phaeostigma thaleri /a spöck et a spöck/, P. pilicollis /Stein/). Fig. 9: Forest edge of the mixed forest in the Fir of Drenovë National Park, a place of Parvoraphidia microstigma (Stein). Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 46 Figs. 10–16: Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fig. 10: Blidinje Nature Park, 22 june 2013. From left to right: o sman Mujezinović, t . k lenovšek, v . k lokočovnik, j. Pod- lesnik. Fig. 11: Lake Perućac on the Drina r iver was the first collecting place of Sisyra nigra (r etzius) in Bosnia. Fig. 12: č vrsnica in the Blidinje Nature Park is the highest mountain in Herzegovina. Figs. 13 and 14: t wo places in Herzegovina with spongillaflies: Buna r iver (Fig. 13) and k ravica waterfalls on the t rebižat r iver (Fig. 14). Fig. 15: Prenj is a mountain range in the Dinaric a lps. Fig. 16: Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis /a ntoine/ Markgr. ex Fitschen) is endemic for the Balkans; Prenj. Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 47 Figs. 17–28: North Macedonia. Fig. 17: Shar Mountains (Šar Planina), Popova Šapka, 24 june 2019. From left to right: j. Podlesnik, v . k lokočovnik, v ladimir k rpač, t . k lenovšek. Fig. 18: Slandol area, 8 july 2017. From left to right: F. janžekovič, j. Podlesnik, t . k lenovšek, Slavčo Hristovski. Fig. 19: Multi-Purpose a rea jasen, 8 july 2011. F. janžekovič and v . k lokočovnik. Fig. 20: jasen a rea: Lake k ozjak is in the background. Fig. 21: k orab mountain, above the Zhirovnica village. Figs. 22 and 23: t wo places in North Macedonia with spongillaflies: Pchinja r iver near v eles (Fig. 22) and Crna r eka r iver between Shtavica and v itolishte (Fig. 23). Fig. 24: r udine in the Multi-Purpose a rea jasen is a plateau where two snakeflies, Phaeostigma pilicollis and P. setulosa setulosa (a spöck et a spöck) occur. Figs. 25 and 26: t he brown lacewing Hemerobius schedli Hölzel was only recently confirmed for two mountains: Planina Baba mountain in the Pelister National Park (Fig. 25) and Shar Mountains (Fig. 26). Fig. 27: Fine sand in dry riverbed of the k onska r iver is a convenient substrate for antlion larvae. Fig. 28: Slandol area, central North Macedonia, is the driest part of the country. hernmost Balkan locality of an antlion Myrmeleon hyalinus o livier, 1811 (Devetak et al. 2013b; Devetak and r ausch 2016). a lbania (Devetak 2019) was the first Bakan country with completed interactively generated fauna as part of the Lacewing Digital Library’s w orld Neuropterida Faunas series (o swald 2021). t here is only a handful of data from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the past, scattered in – mainly the old – literature (e.g., k lapálek 1898, 1899, 1900; Navás 1932; a spöck et al. 1977, 1991). In 2013 and 2019, two short collecting trips were organized to the Blidinje Nature Park, Prenj Mountain, and the Neretva valley (Figs. 10–16). In these Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 48 Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 49 Figs. 29–36: Serbia. Fig. 29: Suva planina, 4 july 2016. From left to right: t . k lenovšek, F. janžekovič and Predrag jakšić. Fig. 30: t he Danube is the second- longest river in e urope; in the background is the r omanian bank of the r iver. Fig. 31: t ypical landscape in the surrounding of the Lake Zaovine in the t ara National Park. Fig. 32: jerma gorge is a protected river valley in southeast of Serbia. Fig. 33: v idlič mountain is known for Libelloides lacteus (Brullé) and Mantispa spp. Fig. 34: Grassland habitats in the Special Nature reserve Deliblato Sands are endangered due to the overgrowing process. Fig. 35: a long the Dojkinačka reka r iver is one of a few places in Serbia with Nevrorthus-adults. Fig. 36: Zapadna Morava r iver, where Sisyra terminalis Curtis was surveyed. Photos: D. Devetak. trips, besides some rare lacewings, spongillaflies (Sisyridae) were recorded in the country for the first time (in Neretva river basin and Drina river sub-basin; Podlesnik et al. 2017 and unpublished). t his least surveyed Balkan country deserves more at- tention due to interesting discoveries in the two trips. Before 2011, numerous papers dealing with Neuropterida in North Macedonia have been published, mostly containing only sporadic data (for review, see Hristovski et al. 2015, Devetak and Zeqiri 2018). a mong old authors, the most famous is Doflein (1921) who published a magnificent book on natural and cultural heritage of the Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 50 country. Doflein’s “Mazedonien” was a fundamental monograph on the Macedonian fauna in the period before w w II, a chapter of the book is devoted to antlions. a mong recent publications reviewing knowledge at the family level has a great value a mono- graph on owlflies of the peninsula (Popov 2004) with distributional data for 4 species in the country. In 2011 and 2017–2019, four Balkan expeditions were conducted in North Macedonia (Figs. 17–28). Collecting trips in the country and support of local zoologists offered opportunity to survey a rich material of lacewings both deposited in the Macedonian Museum of Natural History in Skopje (Devetak and Zeqiri 2018) and collected in the field. o n the other hand, additional neuropterids were submitted to the author by other entomologists (P. jakšić, v . k rpač, a . Nahirnić-Beshkova, S. Beshkov, I. Sivec, v . Slavevska-Stamenković; Devetak et al. 2016, 2020). t he field trips increased the species list of Neuropterida for the country from 53 to 107 species (t able 4). t hree antlion species reported in 2013 (k ačírek 2013) which were not at- tributed to the expeditions were also added up in t able 4. However, North Macedonia is characterized by relatively high number of species, considering its relatively small area. t he country is – following Bulgaria, r omania and Greece – the fourth Balkan country regarding the species numbers of Neuropterida. Past records of Neuropterida in Serbia are scattered in numerous papers (review Podlesnik et al. 2019), some of them with a limited value due to the fact that the basic taxonomic questions at that time have not yet been resolved. t wo expeditions (2015, 2016) increased the species list of Neuropterida for Serbia from 37 to 84 species (t able 4). t he focus of the field trips in the landlocked country was the survey of the fauna in protected areas (t able 3), including lowland and montane habitats (e.g., Special Nature reserve Deliblato sands, t ara National Park; Figs. 29–36). In the future, a conservation status (extinct, endangered) should be verified for those antlion species which were reported for the country a century ago (Ivajnšič and Devetak 2020). w ith 84 neuropterid species only about two-thirds of the species to be expected for Serbia are known. Unfortunately, the Co v ID-19 pandemic prevented the planned expedition in the Balkan Peninsula in 2020. Further collecting trips will add more species to the country checklists. Conclusion In the period 2011–2019 four less investigated Balkan countries (a lbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia) were surveyed for Neuropterida. Col- lecting effort yielded 119 neuropterid species. r ich biodiversity of Neuropterida in the Balkan Peninsula is the result of the complex interactions of geomorphology, cli- mate and vegetation creating a wide variety of ecoregions (o lson et al. 2001). w hile the first checklist on a lbanian Neuropterida has already been published (Devetak and r ausch 2016), North Macedonia is among the four surveyed countries which has been the most thoroughly studied during the expeditions. Checklists of neuropterids of North Macedonia and Serbia are in preparation. Undoubtedly, further collecting trips will yield more species. Duøan Devetak: Nine Slovenian neuropterological expeditions to the Balkan peninsula 51 Table 4. Summary of the known species numbers of Neuropterida in three countries sorted by families. * 1 Sziráki 2014 reported on three snakefly species. * 2 Dvořák 2016. * 3 t hree antlion species listed by k ačírek (2013) are also included in the country list. * 4 r eport on an additional owlfly species by Petrović 2013 is also included. Acknowledgements First of all, I owe cordial thanks to friends who accompanied me on the trips: Franc janžekovič, t ina k lenovšek, v esna k lokočovnik, and jan Podlesnik; we were a great team. I am grateful to colleagues who supported our expeditions with sugges- tions and logistic help: Ferdinand Bego, k liton Bozgo, Mirza Dautbašić, e ltjon Halimi, Slavcho Hristovski, Predrag jakšić, Gordana janakievska, v ladimir k rpač, Boris k ryštufek, Mihail Malahov, o sman Mujezinović, Miran Podlesnik, e lvana r a- maj, a lma Spathara. I would like to thank Metodija v elevski who enabled the study of lacewings in the Macedonian Museum of Natural History in Skopje. Cordial thanks Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 52 Country a lbania North Macedonia Serbia (without k osovo) k nown species number k nown species number k nown species number t ime period before 2011 present knowledge before 2011 present knowledge before 2011 present knowledge r a p h i d i o p t e r a r a PHIDIIDa e 7 12* 1 9 10 4 6 INo Ce LLIIDa e 0 1 1 1 0 0 t otal r aphidioptera 7 13 10 11 4 6 M e g a l o p t e r a SIa LIDa e 0 1* 2 1 2 2 3 t otal Megaloptera 0 1 1 2 2 3 N e u r o p t e r a Ne v r o r t HIDa e 1 1 1 1 1 1 o SMy LIDa e 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHr y So PIDa e 9 25 12 28 10 25 He Me r o BIIDa e 7 17 2 21 5 20 SISy r IDa e 0 0 0 2 0 2 Co NIo Pt e r y GIDa e 0 6 9 14 1 9 DILa r IDa e 1 1 1 1 0 0 Ma Nt ISPIDa e 0 3 2 3 0 2 Be r o t HIDa e 1 1 1 1 0 0 Ne Mo Pt e r IDa e 0 0 1 1 0 0 My r Me Le o Nt IDa e 9 17 8 17* 3 12 13 a SCa La PHIDa e 3 4 4 4 1 2* 4 t otal Neuroptera 32 76 42 94 31 75 Sum Neuropterida (Meg., r aph., Neur.) 39 90 53 107 37 84 to colleagues who contributed supplementary insect material: Stoyan Beshkov, Predrag jakšić, r adomir jaskuła, v ladimir k rpač, a na Nahirnić-Beshkova, Colin w . Plant, Ignac Sivec, v alentina Slavevska-Stamenković. I am grateful to the companies listed in t able 2 which supported our expeditions. I owe my thanks for help with identifi- cation and discussion on taxonomic and distribution issues Horst a spöck, Ulrike a spöck, Davide Badano, r oland Dobosz, Peter Duelli, Herbert Hölzel, a lexi Popov, Hubert r ausch, r enate r ausch. Insects were collected in protected nature areas with the permissions of the Ministry of e nvironment, Forests and w ater of the r epublic of a lbania; the Public e nterprise for Managing and Protection of the Multipurpose a rea jasen-Government of the r epublic of Macedonia; the Ministry of e nvironment and Physical Planning of the r epublic of North Macedonia; and, the Ministry of a griculture, Forestry and w ater e conomy of the r epublic of Serbia. I owe special thanks Miran Podlesnik who supported us at many levels, from funding the expeditions to arranging numerous contacts with individuals from the Balkans to make our stay easier. t hanks to john D. o swald for remarks on the citation. Sincere thanks a lexi Popov for thoroughly reviewing and improving the manuscript. w e are grateful to the Slovenian r esearch a gency and the r esearch Programme Computationally In- tensive Complex Systems (P1-0403) which supported a part of field trips to the Balkan Peninsula. References Ábrahám, L. 2008. Myrmeleon bore (t jeder, 1941), an ant-lion species new to the fauna of Croatia (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). In: Purger, j. j. (ed.): Biodiversity studies along the Drava river. University of Pécs, Pécs, pp. 221–224. Aistleitner, E. 2007. Zur t axonomie und Chorologie des Schmetterlingshaftes Li- belloides lacteus (Brullé, 1832) (Neuroptera, a scalaphidae). Entomofauna, 28 (26): 357–368. Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U., Hölzel, H., Rausch, H. 1980. 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