SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL Vol. 9 Issue 1 2017 EDITORIAL Dear friends, I hope you started 2017 healthy, happy and with a lot of new gymnastics-related plans. For us, our work on the Journal continues. Last year we published 20 articles and for this year we plan to do the same. We are proud that our articles are referred to by others journals. For even more streamlined appearance we will prepare a template with formatting instructions for your future articles and make it available on our website. The first article in this issue comes from a group of researchers from Poland lead by Andrzej Kochanowicz. They looked at how gymnastics experience affects body posture and found that gymnastics does have an impact on better equilibrium in standing position. Those of you who work in kindergartens and schools might find this important. The second article deals with the effects of gymnastics programs on motor proficiency in young children. Greek authors Nafsika Karachle, Aspasia Dania, Fotini Venetsanou found that recreational gymnastics did have a significant influence on motor proficiency on their sample group. The third article also comes from Greece. A research group lead by George C. Dallas touched on another key issue - proper diet and the importance of minerals and vitamins in particular. Our sport requires a specific shape and a highly efficient body which may conflict with the predominant cultural attitudes. The authors of this article consider how this gap could be bridged. The fourth article is by Joca Zurc from Slovenia and brings an analysis of interviews with 37 females who were or still are active in artistic gymnastics. All participants found their involvement in gymnastics as something positive and would do it again. The fifth article is from a Slovenian group lead by Igor Pušnik. The group has created a new and more ergonomic design of rings and compared their design with classic rings. It was an unusual experience and produced unusual results. The sixth article is from the same Greek group of researchers lead by George Dallas as our third article. In this one the group explored the effects of training maximal isometric strength in young artistic gymnasts. The last article comes from Slovenia. A group led by Edvard Kolar analysed new element Dimic on parallel bars and compered the results with the Bilozerchev element. Anton Gajdoš prepared a new contribution on gymnastics history. Our first issue brings a list of all reviewers who participated in our Journal in 2016 with our thanks for their individual contributions. And there is also an announcement for a new book by Kamenka Živčic Markovic and Tomislav Krsticevič. Just to remind you, if you quote the Journal: its abbreviation on the Web of Knowledge is SCI GYMN J. I wish you pleasant reading and a lot of inspiration for new research projects and articles, Ivan Čuk Editor-in-Chief 3