■»I-:*:-:* Ul < _I o o z o < Qč Z) >M LU V ul > O ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST, 1977 VOLUME 49 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — Izhaja vsak mesec razen skupen številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, f>6,00 — naročnina $6.00 letno za ne-61ane. For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice .40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, 111. 60432 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must bo in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone 847-6679, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY-AUGUST. . . National Officers: JULY 18 - OLGA ANGEL, National Secretary, Joliet, 111. JULY 28 — ROSE SCOFF, State President, California-Washington-Oregon San Francisco, Cal. Branch Presidents: JULY 3 — Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburg, Pa. JULY 4 — Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. JULY 11 — Jo. Wilhelm, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. JULY 12 — Marge Prebil, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. JULY 21 — Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. JULY 23 — Ann Trcek, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio JULY 25 — Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. JULY 26 — Ann Petanovich Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Secretaries: JULY 6 — Many Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. JULY 10 - Ann Mundi, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio JULY 17 — Mary Percic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. JULY 18 — Angie Wortman, Br., 63, Denver, Colo. JULY 18 — Denise Malenšek, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. JULY 18 — Mary Djubinski Br. 102, Willard, Wis. IULY 23 — Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. JULY 21 — Sally Davidson, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Daw Club. National Officers: AUG. 5 ANNE KOMPARE, National Auditor, So. Chicago, III. AUG. 13 MARY BOSTIAN, National President, Cleveland, Ohio Presidents: AUG. 4 AUG. 6 Betty Matjašič, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. Rose Pucel, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. AUG 7 — Moreen Spencer, Br, 13 San Francisco, Cal. AUG. 13 — Delores Heski, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. AUG. 17 Veronica Dolsak, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio AUG., 22 Mary Habich, Br. 74, Amibridge, Pa. AUG. 25 -- Shirley Melissa, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. AUG. 27 — Mary Jane llello, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio AUG. 29 — Ann Maver, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Secretaries: AUG. 5 — Jennie Stusek, Br, 88 Johnstown, Pa.. AUG. 3 — Mary Lou Prhne, Br, 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio AUG. 13 —• Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgetstown, Pa. AUG. 16 Frances Ulle, Br. 68, Fairport Hrbr., Ohio AUG. 22 — Sharon Church, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. AUG. 22 —Mary Kernz, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. AUG. 22 — Mildred Poropat, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. AUG. 26 Catherine Lastellic, Br. 64 Kansas City, Kans. Compliments of en’s Union, Br. 20, brought a record crowd of 3,000 persons to St. Joe’s ** 'n I*1- Smiling folks in Slovenian costumes, greeted the guests 0 visited 18 various booths filled with souvenirs, arts and crafts, literature ^ educational material. Lillian Cepon, Julia Kaluza and Jonita Ruth ^ ined the Heritage Booth where everyone stopped to enjoy a beautiful sP|ay, Stan Simrayh. one of the committee workers is on right. Prof. Edi Gobetz of the Slovenian Research Center, lectured on Slovenian ributions to American life and brought a huge display for everyone to J°y. He and his wife, Milena, answered questions and gave language esso"S all day. The crowd gathered outdoors for food and beverages while indoors a Ht I H i jek program of folk singing and dancing entertained them. Edi Bur- ^'nko Rigler, Dale Trinko and Johnny Burjek of the Slovenian American 10 Club Folk Dancers joined in some happy folksongs during the show. Read more about Slovenian Heritage Day in this issue. ■Stephen President’s Message // mary bostian Summer, Summer, summer! We will all be vacationing this month and I wish you all a very pleasant summer. Remember, take caution and staiy well. Come home as safely as possible. A bus load of members went to Joliet for the first S.W.U. Slovenian Heritage Day June 12th„ The great people of Joliet prepared a Special Saturday night dinner foi them which was much appreciated by all. I am very proud of our Cleveland members who try to cooperate as much as they can. My hearty thanks to all. I was sad to realize that I couldn’t join them as I had planned. But, we did manage to get the bus full and I am grateful to Sandy Koren for taking charge. My congratulations to the winners of the Young at Heart Campaign. Now we are into a new campaign called: Let’s Spring Ahead! I hope you will! Please try hard to work for new members. Maybe this summer you will find a new member while on vacation. Should you go to a picnic or party, don’t be bashful — speak to some nice friends about being members. Welcome to whoever will join us this summer. We welcome all our sisters. Our future generations are important to the organization and we hope they will join our ranks. Remember you receive your own ZARJA each month which is delightful reading and have the chance to attend many activities and join many programs throughout the year. 1 want to compliment all branches who are taking more interest in their branches to make meetings more COMBINED BRANCHES REPORT Our Combined Branches of Cleveland have met twice this year in the months of February and April. As always, we have a nice meeting. Branches participating are nos. 10, 14, 21, 25, 32, 41, 47 and 50. Also, we have our National President, Mary Bostian and National Youth Advisor, Frances Sietz with us and they brief us on all the latest news. First of all, a very speedy recovery to our Mary Bostian who was confined to the hospital for two weeks. She is home now recuperating. Mary was a very sick gal. She had a bus tour all ready to leave for Joliet for Slovenian Heritage Day June 12th but could not attend herself because of illness. We wish her the best. All the branches will be celebrating Mothers Day for their Chosen Mothers. Br. 25 had a lovely day for Dorothy Strniša. The ladies met at Sorn’s Restaurant and what a nice turnout. They must have had 45 ladles present. We had a lovely dinner, quite a celebration for Dorothy who is a charter member of Br. 25! Br. 21 also had a nice affair, sorry I missed that one. Also, Br. 42 met at the Hofbrau House and Br. 41 celebrated at the Waterloo Ave. Home. The rest of us remaining branches had parties after our meetings. Frances Sietz gave a complete report on the winners of the Youth membership Contest just finished, however, a drive for new members is on again so sign ’em up! Br. 14 of Euclid gave a nice report on their upcom- ing 50th Anniversary to be celebrated in October. The Ohio-Michigan State Convention will be Sept. 11th, 1977 at my home. All the branches and their representatives are welcome. Just don’t forget the date, Sept. 11th. This year has gone so fast and vacation time is July and August. Hope all of you have a nice summer. Best wishes to all SOPHIE MAGAYNA Interesting. Mother of the Year parties, the Valentine Sweetheart parties and other such events are very interesting and bring members together. A big compliment to our National Board for making such beautiful plans for future growth of our organization. Everyone was asking for the Songbooks and now we have them in full supply. Send for your copy today $1.50. For individual orders, add 25^ for postage. The branches will be ordering them too, I’m sure so you can pick up a copy at the meeting. I want to congratulate all celebrants of anniversaries: Br. 15, Cleveland was organized Nov. 7, 1927 by M. Planinšek and P. Zupančič. Br. 1G, So. Chicago on Feb. 13, 1928 by Agnes Mahovlich. Br. 37 of West Allis, Wis., on March 15, 1928 by Josephine Schlosar and Br. 19, Eveletli, Minn, on April 12th, 1928 by Josephine Rozinka. Br. 20, Joliet, 111. wil! have their 50th anniversary in 1978 having been organized June, 1928 by Bara Kramer. Br. 21 of West Park (Cleveland) was organized June 17, 1928 by Cecilia Brodnik and Br. 22, Bradley, 111. on August. 1, 1928 by Mary Jerich and Rose Svete. I am happy to hear good reports from some Branches who will try to reorganize and re-vitalize their branches. I hope to hear more good news as tho months go by. My best wishes to all who are on the sick list for good health and to our summertime birthday and anniversary celebrants. From Youth Director Branches here in Cleveland certainly do things in a big way for their Mother’s Day celebrations. I was able to attend three such parties, at Branches 21, 25 and 50. Each branch had a different and beautiful theme to follow and each had a full house of members attending. At each party, I was introduced and had the opportunity of saying a few words. Naturally, It was all about promotion work to gain young adult members. Somehow. I got the feeling that members think it is just necessary to ask family members to enroll. We should ask people out of our families, too, of any nationality, of Catholic faith. We all have neighbors and friends who might join, if only they were asked., Please try this method and bring one or two guests to a meeting some time and let. them decide if they would care to join. Make your next meeting a Guest Night, and have the president inti oduce the guests attending. JUNIOR LEAGUE FOR YOUNG MEMBERS The Slovenian Women’s Union of America proudly announces an exciting new program for young adults. The idea is to enroll our young members for the S.W.U. Junior League Clubs. Select your own officers and com-mittess for a successful start of your own Junior League Club. Urgently needed are your ideas, suggestions and leadership. Youth can carry on the integrity of their j fraternal forebearers in order to strengthen their Slove- i nian heritage. Please consider this as a special Invitation to young people to enroll and start a new club, the S.W.U. Junior League Club. Enjoy having your own meetings. Plan your own sport events in bowling, golfing, tennis, skating. Have singing and dancing groups, talent shows and an annual dance party. The S.W.U. officers will help you to make your Junior League Club enjoyable and an integral part of your American Slovenian culture. Dues are only $10.20 per year which Includes an insurance benefit of $300.00. Please phone 475-2G44 or 261-2856. F. SIETZ *- MOTHER'S DAY MEMORIES A ftlotket ctf the if ear ^ p|ONEER MEMBERS OF BR. 38, join Mother of the Year, Charter mem- ’ Anna Trdan second from left, seated. They are: Mrs. Marko Briški, Mrs I . • John Ponikvar and Mrs. Frances Ambrozlch and standing: Mrs. Jahanja ^er*:00 p.m. Cultural-Religious Program at Mt. Assisi Academy Auditorium, Serving of food will be scheduled 011 Sunday from noon until 2 p.m. and again from 4 until G p.m. will be a wonderful day for spiritual renewal and uplift and all the public is invited to attend the two day event. Jul all, we had a nice day for our Mother’s Day party. Meeting — vacation time will be in July and August. Hope you all have a nice summer vacation. If you go away, have a safe trip and come back safely. Our very best wishes to all of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Our meeting started off with a very pleasant day which helped bring out a good crowd to help with the business discussions as well as honor the Mother of the Year, Sophie Starupl'el. Prayer in Slovenian by Frances Plesko opened the meeting with all officers present for the roll call and their respective reports were given. So much was to be discussed that we hurried through the progress reports so far on the convention and finalized as much as possible. Then we made the final decisions on the bus tour to Joliet for the Heritage Day June 12th with Sophie Stampfel in charge. We were very anxious for that day, knowing we would have a full bus and anticipating a great time. The meeting lasted longer than usual so we hurried to get the attendance and door prizes over with — most of which was donated by Stavia Dobersek, LaVerne Korpnik, Mrs. Pipan and Tillie Russ. Our birthday girls were Mrs. Alpner, Mrs. Ahcin, Mrs. Kratchnik, Mrs. Kusik and Angeline Pipan, all of whom donated towards the very good luncheon of ham, wine, bean salad by Sophie Stampfel, jello mold by Mary Starich, strudel by Mrs. Ruppee and Mrs. Vodnik potatoe salad also by Mary Starich. Birthday cake for all was donated by Mrs. Pipan and after singing Happy Birthday we all enjoyed the good feast along with cheese torte baked by Mrs. Alpner as her treat. Thanks to all the generous ladies — it was one day to forget all calorie-counting. Last year’s Mother of the Year, Evelyn Laurich, brought a gallon of wine in honor of her twin grandsons but because we had plenty, we will save it for the next meeting! Our sympathy goes out to Veronica Visek and family whose mother passed away in Sheboygan, Remember all the sick and deceased in your prayers. It was late but the members were still in the mood for several games of their favorite pastime, so we obliged and enjoyed the games even If it was a little late. Real spirit in these gals! Hope to see you all again for the last meeting until Sept. P.S. Apolo- gies to Jean Jelenc — she Is not mariied, but runs the funeral parlor as a widow. Sorry, Jean! MARY DEZMAN NO. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary with mass on Aug. 14th at 8:0u a.m. at St. .Lawrence Church. Following mass will be a Breakfast in the School Hall for aill members. Our National President is a big help to me in organizing this affair. We will honor our charter members at this time., Please let me know if you will attend and help us to plan accordingly. My phone number is 9G1-0692 or let me know when you pay your dues on the 25th of each month. May the membersship come out in big numbers to help us celebrate this coming event. MARIE J. PABIJAN, Sec’y tbeceaAed ifletnberA 1—Angela Petek Anna Zavrl 2—Anna Borsnik Mary Sinigoy 10—Rose Fatur 15—Rose Globokar 17—Antonia Rlbich 24—Anna Kesich 25—Mary Murgel 31—Josephine Gorsha 65—Anna Metish 74—Christine Petkovich 83—Antoinette Deblock 85—Aloisia Yuvan 86—Anna Mary Bolf 88—Agnes Bizjack 95—Andrijana Bandera 97—Agnes Mavri I //(^ I lieu re it in peace! pea i Marge Prebil presented her with ® Memory Book. Father Claude said an opening prayer and Tina Martin lit the candles in front of the Blessed Virgin. Mary’s daughter, Mary Christine Whalen, carried a circlet of Roses on a pillow in procession f°r her Mother to crown the Blessed Virgin Mary while the members san? “Bring Flowers of the Rarest”. Fannie Konar presented a white Rose and Marge Vrhovnik said a prayer f°r the deceased members. Frances WiBe presented yellow Roses for our sdcK members while Mary Stone read 3 prayer. Each member then offered a Rose while singing Marian Hymn9, Anne Kompare, National Auditor, presented each former ‘Mother of the Year’ who was present with a red carnation. They were Josephine Bla" sovich, Mary Brebrick, Mary CholaK’ Anna Lustig, Mary Maricich, Marge Prebil, Alvina Sreboth, Frances Wioe id i NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Over seventy members and guests were present at our May meeting when we held our annual Chicken dinner and honored Mary Rago, our Mother of the Year. Mary’s husband Leonard was present and to keep him company, Jo Blasovich and Zinka Sesek brought their husbands. Also as an honored guest, our spiritual director, Father Claude Okorn, helped us celebrate. Under Edna Winters’ direction, we again had a May Crowning Ceremony as part of our program. Alvina Sreboth, last year’s Mother of the Year, crowned Mary Rago with a Tiara of fresh flowers and and Edna Winters. Gladys Buck an1 Mary Rago accepted flowers to tafc® home to their mothers, Anna Bud1 and Josephine Krai, who could no* attend., This year we also honored ladie3 who joined in 1944 and 1945. lteceiv' ing a red carnation were Ann Sprin' ger, Dolores Franko, Sylvia Spreti1' jak and Christine Tomsik. To complete the program, Gladys Buck, Helen Gornick and Pauli®6 Klobučar had recitations on Mothers' Grandmothers and bright sayings 0 | grandchildren. The program was short and swe®* and soon the members were partaking of our annual chicken dinner. The dinner was catered but much prep8' ration was needed to make it 9 festive occasion. Anna Lustig did 11 , tremendous job handling reservations’ Tables were set up and beautifull? decorated by Helen Gornick, Ann9 Lustig, Marge Prebil, Phyllis PerK° and Sylvia Spretnjak. With gre»l foresight, Katie Triller picked hef Lillies-of-the-Valley a week ahead aC^ refrigerated them so we could enjo? them the night of the party. The kitchen chores were handled by An11 Ksiazek, who also prepared the d0-llcious punch, Mary Marisich, Dess Pierce and Phyllis Perko. Our woi1' derful ladies were again generous i” their donations of salads and hoto® baked pastries.. Those who celebrated their birthdays in May were Glady5 Buck and IJesa Pierce. A big Thank You to all who helped make the evening a success! We have no meeting in August aD it H I our Secretary would appreciate it you would check your assessm^11 books and get your dues up to da*®’ MARGE SPRETNJA*’ Reporter FAMILY When Frank and Mary Murn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year, the family and friends gathered to make it really special. On this photo with the celebrants are their sons, Frank and Victor and daughter, Maryann. NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. -^s you must be aware, during the Sutomer months of July and August do not meet. The monthly meet-‘ngs will resume on Sunday, Sept. r*th 1977 at 2:00 p.m. at the St. ary’s Church Hall. All members lave been contacted with award sheets and please make sure that y°u have turned them in by Sept. iOth, 1977_ Congratulations and best wishes to ary and Frank Murn of New Berlin, Vis. who recently celebrated their olden Wedding Anniversary. It was Pi'il 24, 1977 and observed at a io,y Mass at Holy Apostle Church Uncelebrated by Rev. James John-^°n, pastor, Rev., Gasma, pastor of ‘ Mary’s of Burlington, Wise, and j1 • Rev. Joseph Cole of the Sacred eart Monastery of Hales Corners, isc. The St. John Evangelist church c °ir sang during the mass in Slo-venian, directed by Ernest Majhenich. reception was held at the church *laU and a delicious dinner with all llle Slovenian delicacies was served. ^ beautiful 4-tiered wedding cake 'Vas baked and decorated by Mary herself, it was a beautiful work of t to visit the sick at their °nies, in nursing homes and hospitals. I hope we will have a good year and will soon be planning our Anniversary of the branch. It’s roni’ng soon, members! The families ot the charter members will be ap-^’oached soon and asked to help us p'an this event. We extend our sympathy to the aniiiy of Anton Omahen who died ay 8th. He was the husband of °sephine of Oglesby. Surviving son ® James. He passed away at St. ary’s Hospital in La Salle and was l,ried from St. Roch’s church at St. incent’s Cemetery. Our deepest Sy»Pathy to all the relatives. God 8rant him eternal peace. MARY MICI PILETIČ NO. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. A warm greeting all our members fterever you may be, especially to he aged and ill. tQWe wish at this time to extend everyone a healthful and pleasant in''' Safe summer- C*ur last meet- S before vacations was scheduled June 21st and then we’ll all be ’th yoU again on Sept. 20th. Let’s th *d one of the first eleven Americans to die for Ame-■ica during the Second World War, this immigrant from Slovenai certainly deserves to have a street, a plaza a school, or some other important project named after him, don’t you agree? FRANK J. LAUSCHE is uniqtie in terms of his influence on Greater Cleveland and Ohio, for leading mass media have long referred to him as creator of a LAUSCHE ERA. A judge who dealt the gravest blow to 01-Sanized crime in Greater Cleveland, a most effective ®ayor of Cleveland who left the city not with a deficit but with a surplus of funds, the only five-term governor Ohio who also served two terms as TJ. S. senator, rank J. Lausche is one of Greater Cleveland’s most distinguished native sons. He has repeatedly received national acclaim and a building has long ago been named ln his honor in Columbus, but he has been completely £°rgotten in this regard in his native Cleveland. Why not correct this shameful injustice and ingratitude while Senator is still among us? LOUIS L. DRAŠLER is one of Greater Cleveland’s most prominent engineers and public servants, as attested by the fact that he was selected Cleveland’s Engineer of the Year in 196G. He planned and supervised the construction not only of numerous buildings and plants in Ohio and other States, but also served as division engineer of the Ohio State Highway Department and planned and supervised the construction of freeways and bridges in Cuyahoga, Lake, and Geauga counties, having also been the first one to introduce the cloverleaf design. He paved and modernized the Public Square, served with distinction as Cleveland’s director of Public Service and, earlier, as director of operations of the Works Progress Administration in a 19-county area, with over 50,000 employees under his jurisdiction. A man who contributed so much certainly deserves to have a street, a highway, a plaza^ or a building named after him, don’t you agree? Please give this proposal your support. It is a matter of our shared civic duty, gratitude, and pride. « * * What do you say, Slovenian Americans? Dozens of other names and sketches will follow in due time. We have a great heritage, with wonderful contributions. Be a proud Slovenian! Members Are Always Welcome! Slovenian Women’s Union invites you to be a Campaign Worker ! Sign up new members for cash prizes! See your Secretary for details! TO YOUR HEALTH! SUMMERTIME SAFETY TIPS FOR A SAFE AND ENJOYABLE SUMMER! According to first aid specialists at the American Red Cross, most of the commonly needed first aid techniques are easy to learn and easy to remember. CHOKING: If the person cannot breathe or talk, get behind the victim and wrap your arms; around him above his waist. Make a fist with one hand, place it just beneath the "V” of the rib cage, grasp the fist with the other and give four hard upward thrusts. BAD CUTS: Elevate the cut area to above the heart and apply pressure, using gauze pads or an article of clothing — directly on the cut. Do not use a tourniquet unless there is no other way to control severe bleeding. BURNS: First degree redness and second degree redness and blistering burns should be immersed in cold water for about 20 minutes. FISH-HOOKS: If the hook is stuck in past the barb, push it through in the direction it entered the skin until the barb end comes out the other side, then clip off both ends with a wire cutter and pull out the remaining piece. INSECT BITES: For stings by wasps, bees, hornets or ants, cleanse the area with soap and water, apply a paste of baking soda or ammonia to reduce swelling. If you are interested in taking a basic or advanced first aid course, you should contact your local chapter of the American Red Cross. Wish you all a happy and safe summer! A Great HERITAGE DAY! “Most People Ever!” Attend Celebration at St. Joe’s Park! BY CORINNE LESKOVAR Thousands of Americans of Slovenian extraction feel better today — feel a little happier in knowing that they are of a proud and cultured heritage! The crowds attending the first Slovenian Heritage Day at Joliet, Illinois on June 12th, 1977 spent a day really filled with interesting and entertaining activities — all of which were planned to bring out the best in our Slovenian — American traditions. They day began just before noon as the American Flag was posted by Post 1080, American Legion and Slovenian tri-color raised beneath it. The National An-tbemn rang out sung by Helen Završnik. A cool breeze did not deter the crowds from gathering outdoors at the bandstand for the radio broadcast that followed, at which time live music by the Ken Juricic Orchestra of Joliet was featured. Frankie Yankovich, America’s Polka King and the man responsible for putting Slovenian melodies on the polka dance floors all over America, was the star entertainer and Roman Possedi, dressed in his authentic Slovenian outfit, joined Frank Kovacic at the mike. Cleveland radio personality, Tony Petkovšek, visiting Joliet as Kollander Travel representative, added his greetings to the Chicagoland radio audience on behalf of the thousands of Slovenians in Cleveland! Inside the pavilion at St. Joe’s Park, there were things to see and do! Exhibits of all kinds were set up early in the day when hundreds of visitors were ready to enjoy seeing the beautiful art, handwork, and buying articles of all kinds that included dolls, crocheted red carnations, records, our S.W.TJ. cookbooks and songbook —tee-shirts, cards, and numerous other souvenirs. Dr. Edi Gobetz and his wife, Milena had a magnficent display for all to learn of the many Slovenian Contributions to America. Later Dr. Gobetz lectured on the subject and Mrs. Gobetz provided some instruction for learning the Slovenian language. Those attending the language classes remarked that the technique was so successful they all walked out speaking Slovenian! The wine-tasting booth turned out to be one of the most popular as people enjoyed a warming drink of hot wine, created from a traditional Slovenian recipe by our “Pots and Pans” Zarja columnist, Hermine Dicke who with her husband, Prof. Robert Dicke, manned the ever-busy station. Hollander's KISS ME, I’M SLOVENIAN buttons, maps of Slovenia, colorful brochures and travel information went like hot-cakes. The Bishop Baraga Association featured a huge portrait of the famed Slovenian-Ameri-can Missionary, Bishop Frederic Baraga whose life story is such an inspiration to the modern generation., The Karnak Button Box Accordion Company displayed their instruments and had players there almost all day. We were proud to have our brother fraternalists of the KSKJ there to greet friends and members at their own booth. Our Slovenian ladies outdid themselves in showing beautiful art and crafts. The intricate bobbin-lace demonstration went on continuously by Mrs. Jennie Puhek of Br. 2 Chicago. Mrs. Breda Modic did her copper metal tooling — Mrs. Frances Jasbec showed the most beautiful hand-made afghans and knitted-ware; Mrs. Gi-zella Hozian had a colorful display of rugs and hand sewn articles. Artists Emilija Razman-Bucik and Mary Foys Lauretig were kept busy showing their art galeries that ranged from tiny miniatures to large oil portraits of Slovenian landscapes, native costumes and other motifs. There was food galore, especially that delicious bar-bequed lamb prepared out on the open. Pork and chicken with the lamb — all was gone midiway thru the afternoon! While on the outdoor bandstand there was continuous music and people could sing and dance to their heart’s content — indoors, there was a continous stage program of singing and folk dancing. To open the program, the Cleveland, Ohio Baton Twirlers demonstrated just how they do their twirling and strutting. To the tune of some marches, the little tots stole the show,. Hearty applause greeted the bigger girls who are proficient twirlers. They came all the way to Joliet with their moms and numero-us members of Cleveland branches, among them, Frances Sietz, National Youth Director, Alma Elppich, Pres, of Br. 32, Jane Kaplan, Sec. of Br. 41 and Louise Epley, Sec. Br. 73. Cleveland Baton Twirlers in action at Joliet Heritage Day. Thanks! tfrcin Drene! As officer of the Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Committee, it gives me great pleasure to compliment Branch No. 20 for the superb efforts extended in preparation and execution of the first midwest Slovenian Heritage Festival held at St. Joseph’s Park in Joliet, Illinois on Sunday, June 12th. Initiating this event entailed a tremendous amount of correspondence. Many branches, groups and individuals were contacted to participate, exhibit, perform or demonstrate. Response to my request was rewarding and representatives from Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington, D. C. and numerous cities in Illinois responded, comprising the festival entries. Branch No. 20 then accepted the responsibility of organizing the event and the crowd of thousands who attended the festival have testified that they did an outstanding job, making this the most successful Slovenian activity ever held in Joliet, Illinois in all years of fra-ternalism. The Joliet members will long be remembered for this auspicious occasion but let us not forget that "success comes before work only in the dictionary” and the devoted committee along with those who donated items, time and hours of work during the festival are to be commended for their dedication to realizing the idea of a Slovenian Heritage Festival. My personal thanks to those •members, relatives and friends who enthusiastically and diligently gave their efforts that this festival would reach the height of success. As in all initial endeavors, experience is the best teacher and with the incorporation of new and varied ideas, future festivals may even surpass the first in promoting cultural unity and effectiveness within our ethnic communities. Highest commendation is extended to the performers, demonstrators and exhibitors who were excellent examples of the unique culture which the SWU is trying to preserve for posterity. Space does not permit a detailed appraisal of each item on the program but each was outstanding. Slovenians are considered a minority group in American society but this classification needn’t hinder Slovenians from expressing their cultural traditions nor in proudly acknowledging their “roots”. It was indeed gratifying to expereince the enthusiasm of first, second and third generation of SWU members working together toward a common goal, along with representatives from the KSKJ, SNPJ, Slovenian Research Center and Baraga Society. Let us not forget that credit for the festival’s success should also be delegated to the astounding and limitless determination and energy of fraternalists who paved the way for this celebration from the 1930’s-1960’s. The Slovenian community in Joliet had been burning brightly with the spirit and bond of “Slovenianism” decades ago and these smoldering coals were fanned into flame by the second and third generation of proud American-Slovenes. Let us hope that this flame will continue to burn brightly for generations to come and that the celebration of June 12th will continue to inspire pride, interest and involvement in the hearts of succeeding generations, not only in Joliet but throughout the U.S. Now it is your turn! Be unique and daring by planning a festival. Involve your members and the community. Show your colors! Think Heritage! IRENE M. ODORIZZI (PLANINŠEK) Heritage Officer The Prešeren singing society of Chicago, their quartette, and duets were very well received. The St., Joseph’s mixed chorus and little children of the Slovenian school, were terrific — all dressed in their Slovenian costumes — Fr. David Stalzer, our chairman among them — and their songs, too, made everyone happy. It ended with a real sing-a-long when everyone did join in singing the old. favorite folksongs. Dancing by the Slovenian American Radio Club Folk Dancers spotlighted the various regions of Slovenia. In the beautiful authentic costumes of Prekmurje they danced the “šamarjanka” and in the dress of Belo Krajina, the kolo. These young men and women sang and danced to the music of the Janez Arko Tivoli orchestra who played in the European style. Our own Br. 20 Slovenian folk dancers^ youngsters of the Joliet area, showed themselves to be experts at polkas, too, and entertained most delightfully. They were, on hand all day in their national costumes, helping at the displays. For those who enjoy seeing pictures, hourly programming of color slides and movies was held in an adjoining room and several hundred guests were able to see each showing. The movie program was arranged by Kollander Travel of Cleveland and slides taken by Stan Sustersic of Washington, D. C. were shown by Ken Odorizzi, husband of our Heritage Office, Irene, who came all the way from Reston, Va. for this day. Everyone agreed that the “picture shows” were just great. S.A.R.C: Folk Dancers thrilled audiences with authentic dances. Jennie Puhek at Br. 2, Chicago booth, Joliet Folk Dancers, all members of Br. 20, bright and proud of their Slo- demonstrated the intricate “Bobbin venian ancestry, danced happy polkas. Their teacher is Magda Simrayh, lace” method. A resultant bonus of Heritage Day is the offer we are able to make to our branches to have either the slides or the movies available to them for any future occasions. Branches wishing to have details may contact Mrs. Odorizzi who has a note on this subject in this issue. As a special attraction, the Chicago Button Box Band entertained as only they can — with the sound of the old time "squeeze box” that everyone seemed to enjoy tremendously. They appeared both in the hall and outdoors. Of all the beautiful memories we took home the best are of seeing the branches of S.W.U. and members, all taking part and being of a common spirit in showing their cultural pride. The branches that exhibited caught the right spirit of the day by bringing items that have historic meaning and value: Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. their old Charter, a photo of their original members and personal items of antiquity belonging to their members! Br. 2, Chicago, 111. showing their 50 year old banner ribbons and treasured handcrafted remembrances of more than 100 years ago! Br. 20, Joliet, 111. showing souvenirs of Slovenia plus newly made reproductions that their members made especially for this occasion! And, members and friends, all dressed in their beautiful Slovenian National Costumes! We heard some say they searched out these outfits from relatives and friends so that they could be dressed up — couples, men and women, children and tots! It took the right spirit to do this! The S.W.U. has a debt of gratitude to many people for carrying out the day so well — making an idea grow and flower into a full and wonderful festival. Those who took charge, committee chairmen, our clergy and workers, from Joliet and Chicagoland areas, everyone showed the right intention to succeed in the goal we had in mind. They undertook their work without recompense of any kind in order to assure its financial success which will benefit our S.W.U. Heritage Fund. Let me just mention our chairmen and thank them for without their know-how, the day would not have reached its spiritual and inspirational goals: standing left Mrs. Irene Odorizzi, Heritage Day Co-ordinator; Rev. David Stalzer, General Chairman, assisted by: Agnes Lovati, Secretary, Olga & Ed Ancel and Mary & Stanley Marolt, Treasurers, Jonita Ruth, Souvenirs, Millie Pucel, Reception, Marie Malnerick, Crafts, Emma Planinšek, Raffle Booth, Josephine Erjavec, Arts & Crafts, Bea Kostelec, Publicity, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fedo, Food, Bob Metesh, Lamb & Pig Roast, Emma Nosse and Ann Sternisha, Bakery, Marie Scheidt, Bingo, Rudy Pucel, Sound System, Ken Odorizzi and Helen Horvat, Movies & Slides Presentation, Gene Klainselc and A1 Lovati, Bar. There were 42 bartenders working and a total of 130 workers in all departments! In addition to the above, the Northwest Recreation Club staff headed by Cosmo Morocco, President, and members of Br. 20 served a chicken dinner Saturday night to guests who came by bus from Cleveland. The Baton Twirlers were guests at the Ancel home later In the evening, A lot of questions have already risen about next year and what can be done to make it better and bigger! Naturally, there are many ideas and we hope the best possible plan can be made to continue having SLOVENIAN HERITAGE DAYS all over the U.S. But, what are we doing now — from this point until next year? Irene will be receiving many suggestions we know, and other officers of S.W.U. will contribute, but the main work of the future is: TO PASS ON THE SPIRIT! Among branches, among members — to fire up the spark that has begun to preserve our national heritage. We need to engender enthusiasm and revitalize the ambition of our grandmothers and fathers, who were motivated then as we are now, to keep alive our music, art, literature, drama, dance, song, language! We need to teach our children and to remind our middle-agers about their obligation to know their “roots!” These are the times when the world is ready for it! For a beginning, something that every branch can do — is to select a person to act as “historian” of your branch, to begin collecting the things that show your history — your growth. The heritage of our organization is tied to our Slovenian national heritage and by beginning here, we can really malce a contribution to our own future while showing our appreciation to our pioneer officers. At any future SLOVENIAN HERITAGE DAY, the branches will have the opportunity of showing their historic and commemorative pieces! Secondly, the S.W.U. Home Office, will accept any and all pieces of historic importance such as books, Photos, clothing, old items of national costumes, all memorabilia that would be interesting and valuable in a Heritage Collection. These items may not mean much to some individuals or may not be able to be seen in a Private home, but we will preserve them for future generations to see and learn! Thirdly, — make your own ‘family tree”! We encourage you to talk to the elders of your families, and extract from them the facts and stories of their youth in Slovenia and in America. Write them down and record them on paper or on tape. Don’t let the experiences of our old-timers be lost before it’s too late. Find out how things were in your own communities and parishes 50 or more years ago. How did they live, work, where did they come from? Go back to find their birthplaces and family relatives, marriages, etc. In the future, we hope to be able to help those who wish to trace their family backgrounds. Your “family tree” is a noble activity and one that your children will appreciate having. So, a great heritage year is waiting for your participation. Remember, it’s your heritage! WINNERS AT HERITAGE DAY $50.00 BOND (donated by Marie Prisland, S.W.U. Founder) MRS. MARY BOSTI AN, SWU National President Cleveland, Ohio. AFGHAN (donated by Mrs. Emma Planinšek, Br. No. 20) MR. R.J. RUSS, Joliet, Illinois. LADIES’ SHAWL (made and donated by Mrs. Mary I vanich, Br. No. 20) MRS. MARY PLANINŠEK, Joliet, Illinois. OWL NIGHT LAMP (made and donated by Mrs. Frances Bottari, Br. No. 20) MRS. MARY LAMBERT, Indianapolis, Ind PILLOW (made and donated by Mrs. Marie Malnarich, Br. No. 20) MRS. LUCILLE SMITH, Strabane, Pa. Slovenian Slides Available to S.W.U. Branches Heritage slides will be available starting in September for meetings and festivals. These slides with commentary, show the excellent scenic views and life in Slovenia. The slide show takes about 40 minutes. Branches must provide their own carousel projector and must pay the postage for slides. Contact: Irene M. Odorizzi 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22C91 NO. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our branch had a lovely Mother-daughter luncheon in May. We had 30 members and guests at a local restaurant and it was very nice. May-nie Sporich and Millie Pallock were co-chairmen and we congratulate them on a nice party. Due to many Unexpected circumstances and bad weather, etc. we didn’t pick a Mother of the Year until late April. She is Mrs. Stefka Lukacic, a good member for many years. She seldom attends °ur meetings but always donates iovely shawls etc. for us to use in °ur money-making projects. She has been seriously ill the last few years hut was able to attend our luncheon. Stefka was born in Barberton, Ohio and came with her family to Newton Falls when young. In May, 1922, she married Peter Lukacic and they had two childien and lived out in the country. Her husband died in 1973. ^°r fifteen years, she worked in the dietary department of the local hospital and retired because of ill health, ^he has G grandchildren and one great grandchild., Stefka crochets beautifully and can decorate cakes better than our bakeries. I remember when our Patty made her first Communion she made a cake prayer-book and it was so lovely. Her illness bas curtailed these hobbies that she has loved doing so much, but we hope she will soon be able to enjoy doing "her thing” again soon. She was so surprised to be named Mother of the Year, it brought tears to all eyes because she is really such a wonderful person. Our next meeting will be in Sept, at my home on 4010 Greenmont Dr. Please come. Have a safe and happy and good summer. JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec’y-Treas. NO. 57, NILES, OHIO Our Mother’s Day banquet was very nice and we had a special guest, Justine Bower from Buffalo, New York. Justine was one of the Logar girls. The Mother of the Year, Mary Vis-nosky, was presented with a gift from the Club. Also, she received gifts from her family. Several door prizes were donated by the members of our club. Mary De Capua won a neck scarf donated by Nancy Segreto. Justine Bower won a tray donated by Mary Strah and Jennie Novak was lucky winner of a billfold donated by Frances Yer-man. Amelia Sammons and Nancy Segreto got the crocheted pillows made and donated by Julia Yakob. Another crocheted piece by Rebeca Trotogot went to Phyllis Muccio. I’m sure everyone had an enjoyable evening. The food was very good. Our sincere and deepest sympathy goes to Jane Logar on the loss of her mother, Winefred Lapinsky. May the eternal light shine upon her. Mary Strah and her sister, Ann Pease are vacationing in Slovenia. Stena Barson and son visited her grandaughter in Minnesota for several days. So nice to see Virginia Zev-kovich getting around after her operation. I enjoy reading the IMMIGRANT story in our /ARJA every month and many others I’ve talked to say it’s nice to read of the olden days. Please members, catch up on your dues and let’s see you at the next meeting. My son, Lawrence Moler and family are vacationing here from La Grange, III. Happy Vacationing to all who are going places! MARY MOLER, Reporting Sec’y NO. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. The meeting on May 4th was opened with the Lord’s Prayer led by Frances Korošec, our president. A nice crowd of 26 members attended and yours truly brought a guest for the evening, Mary Lou Thomas. The only communication discussed was for the Nationality Day festivities, and, our branch will not take part on account of a change of date and a late notice. Rosemaiy Orenchuk: Preparing cur 'JclJl-cut "frailer (or £.u\nwr BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Do we have any camping friends who enjoy camping as we do? Let me introduce myself. I’m Rosemary Orenchuk, and along with my hubby, Russell and two kids, Kimberlee and Bryan, we have been enjoying our trailer since purchasing it new in Nov. 1975. I didn’t think I would like camping, but when it comes time for a weekend outing, I’m the one who’s raring to go! Our solid-state Apache sleeps 7 and is equipped with a dinette, table, furnace, refrigerator, range, galley faucet, city water-hook-up system, waste-water disposal system, power converter and ventilator., It’s our home away from home! Here is what we do for the spring check up: 1. Remove Trailer from storage, open and air out. 2. Clean the outside and inside. 3. Touch-up any rust spots. 4. Clean windows and hang freshly cleaned curtains. 5. Check our electric converter; clean and sterilize water tank and check pump for proper operation., 6. Check all propane gas connections for leaks. 7. Check our furnace for proper operation. 8. Re-pack wheel bearings. 9. Now, we begin to pack the trailer. And, the question is, what to pack? Often, people overload their trailers with unnecessary gear and yet forget a tiny but necessary item like a toothbrush. We make a checklist adapted to our family’s needs, including kitchen utensils, food supplies, cleaning equipment, soap, shaving kits, toothbrushes, etc., first aid kit, bedding for each camper (sleeping bags preferred), clothing to suit location and season, toys, games, books (for all age levels), sport and recreational equipment, fire extinguisher, charcoal and grill, tool ldt lantern and food. Now, we’re all set to roll on the highway! Since we began camping, we have been to various campgrounds such as Pioneer Park in Somerset, Pa., Ryerson State Park in Waynesburg, Pa. Appalachia Bake Park in Bruce-ton Mills, West Va. There we enjoy- VacaVmd ed seeing Mel Tillis and the State-siders perform. Last year, we spent a week in Virginia at the Ashland Campgrounds and a day at nearby Kings Dominion Amusement Park, After two days, we went to the KOA in Va. Beach and spent another three days. That wasn’t knew to us as we lived in Va. while my husband was three years with the Navy. But the kids loved the beach and sand. I might say that the overnight stays cost us only $35 for five days and where can you stay for that price? It’s probably that or more for one daiy at a Motel! This year on Memorial Day we went back to Ryerson State Park where we met my husband’s parents and enjoyed a reunion, while swimming, boating, fishing and visiting other camper families in the park. It’s easy to make friends and we all gather around the campfire in the evening to talk and roast marshmallows. An, now conies the camp cooking! When’s the food coming? We’re starved! These are the most familiar phrases. Our trailer kitchen is more compact so I avoid stocking bulky food items. I keep the cooking to a minimal effort. I’m there to have fun, too, so I keep it simple. I buy non-perishable foodstuffs like seasonings, sauces, canned foods, dried foods and whatever else you can think of. Also, I include pancake mixes, cereals, dehydrated packaged soups in different flavors, pre-sweet-ened fruit drinks. Sometimes I pro-pare chicken at home and heat it on the grill upon arrival at the campsite. Now and then, we treat ourselves to a steak., Breakfast and lunch combined at times calls for sausages or bacon with eggs or french toast. You can smell the aroma of everyone’s cooking thruout the campground. Usually grocery stores are close by so you know you’ll always have enough to eat if you run out. Did I share any of my ideas with any readers? Two more newcomers have joined our branch, Mrs. Betty Batinich and youngest daughter, Lizanne. Betty's mom, Mary Dvoršak, is a lifelong member and her other four daughters became members in January, 1977. It’s nice to have a family join and come to the meetings together. After an hour of playing games, there were four extra prizes to be awarded which added to our treasury. Jenny Ferbežar brought the special prize, a nice tablecloth, won by Hilda Kranak. The “pig in a poke prizes” were brought by Mary Farulli, Frances Korošec and Fannie Sage. They were won by Hilda Gavazzi, Frances Montequin and Josephine Ferbežar. So, not everyone went home empty-handed. Did any of you ladies plant a vegetable garden? School will be out soon and some of us have vacations planned. Hope everyone enjoys a nice, hot summer. Good bye for this issue. ROSEMARY ORENCHUK Monica Lounder, left and Kimberlee Orenchuk, right, on their First Holy Communion Day, May 7, 1977. The two cousins are newest members of Br. 59. Their cake was baked and decorated by their moms, Linda Lounder and Rosemary Orenchuk, NO. 73, WARREMSViLLE HGHTS, 0. On Saturday May 21, 1977, Slovenian melodies were heard at the Polka Mass celebrated at 7:30 P.M. at St. Pius X Church, Bedford, Ohio, and several members of our branch attended and were enchanted by the entire performance. We are very proud to state that Evelyn Majercik, a long time member of our branch as well as a member of St. Pius X Church was the instigator as well as Chairperson of this wonderful event, and also acted as Commentator and Song Leader. John Dusek’s Orchestra played for this event and many Slovenian melodies were heard. According to Mrs. Majercik the liturgy was not changed, but the music that accompanies the celebration was set to familiar Slovenian polkas and waltzes. The Mass itself was celebrated by Father Kasteel of St. Pius X Church. For the very first time, the “Our Father” was sung to the melody of the “Blue Skirt Waltz”, so that those attending this Polka Mass were really in for an indescribable event. This song and music was taped and copies are being sent to Father George Balasko of St. Patrick’s Church in Hubbard, Ohio (the first priest to celebrate a Polka Mass In the United States); also to Father Frank Per-kovich of Resurrection Church, Eve-leth, Minnesota; as well as Tony Petkovšek, of Tony’s Polka Village. Euclid, Ohio, The reason for sending a copy of this tape to the above mentioned people is to get their critique of the arrangement. A social, including dancing, was held In the church hall following the Poilka Mass. MARIE PRISLAND: c r- Our Wi iSconAin Wisconsin dairy industry would like to have its own month. It more than deserves one. For instance, the 18 billion pounds of milk produced by ^•9 million cows on 65,000 Wisconsin dairy farms is worth a whopping 850 million dollars! And we are the nation’s biggest cheesemakers. Just last year the 846 million pounds of cheese produced in Wisconsin (600 million Pounds of Cheddar alone) was followed by 125 million pounds of Italian cheese, P'zza type. This makes up 43% of the nation's total cheese production. In 1918, as American forces in France were trudging their weary path to victory over Germany, a smaller army spread across Wisconsin and began stenciling numbers on telephone poles, bridges, and culverts. As well-planned and neatly executed as a military maneuver, the project began on May 24, 1918. By the end of the week, history had been made. Wisconsin had the w°rld's only numbered highway system. It came not a moment too soon f°r the thousands of beleaguered Badger motorists who had been facing '^credible obstacles in their pursuit of the open road. No more exclamations: Doggone it, I’m afraid I’m lost!” because Wisconsin established the world’s first system of numbered highways, and now has some 500,000 fancy signs a|ong its 14,000 miles of state highways. Also in 1918, so the story goes, a farm woman sent an automobile traveler who was lost on the road many miles down a one-lane road that dead-ended at an old farmhouse. There, an elderly couple stared at the strange machine — the automobile. The driver, fuming, retracted his route al°ng the rutted road and demanded from the farm woman to know why stle had been sent on a wild goose chase! “I only wanted my Pa and Ma to carriage before!” see you/' she admitted sheepishly/' They have never seen a horseless It happened in 1859 that President Lincoln slept in Wisconsin. It was a ^ar after the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates, that Lincoln had come to Wisconsin to give talks in Milwaukee and Beloit. He was invited by A. A. Jackson, secretary of the Republican party to speak in Janesville and WiUiam allman accepted him as a guest. The Tallman’s Villa was a three story ouse with 36 rooms. The cost to build it was $33,000. ts value now is a alf a million dollars. Where Lincoln slept was a large bedroom with a Garble washtand featuring running water which those days must have been a Wonder. The bedroom also had a black marble fire place. Lincoln’s talks are still remembered by the offspring of those pioneers. He was a wonder-ul speaker and the audience was profoundly impressed with his arguments at|d sharp tatire. This was the only visit of Lincoln to Wisconsin. IT'S AN INTERNATIONAL LIFE FOR AMERICANS: An American is a fellow who drives home In a German car from a ^rench movie, slips off his Hong Kong suit and Italian shoes, puts on his nglish robe and Mexican slippers and sips Brazilian coffee from Dutch lna, while sitting on Danish furniture. Then he writes a letter to his con-9rQssman on Canadian paper with a Japanese pen demanding that he do Sotr>ething about all the gold that’s leaving the country. * * * First husband: “My wife thinks she should have a dishwasher. Second usband: “You’re lucky. My wife thinks she married one.” Mrs. Evelyn Majercik told this reporter that if any organized church group would like to instigate a Polka Mass in their respective church, she would be more than happy to get together with the group and help with all the arrangements. Evelyn can be reached by calling 439-1825. May the good Lord bless her and her family for the many many charitable things she has done or participated in the past, and also for being so very proud of her Slovenian heritage and doing all in her power to make others proud of same. Congratulations to parents Emil and Leona (Epley) Mandich on the arrival of a baby boy, Christopher Lee, born May 16, 1977., Congratulations also to the grand-parents Lee and Louise Etpley as this baby is their first grand-child. Grandma Epley has already signed up Christopher Lee as a Junior Member. Sorry to hear that Mary Costello underwent surgery recently, and we all wish her a speedy recovery. Jack and Ann Yane recently visited Phoenix, Arizona as welil as various cities in California, and are back home now resting up after their travels. I was unable to make the combination “Mother’s Day and Pot Luck Dinner” celebration this year due to poor health, but I would like to express my most sincere congratulations to the lovely lady who was chosen “Mother of the Year” for 1977, Mary Chesnik. I know that Mary was thrilled and very happy, and if she were only half as thrilled, surprised and grateful as I was when chosen “Mother of the Year” for 1976, then she was one very happy member. I would also like to congratulate Mr. Frank Chesnik for being the very proud husband of Mary, as Mr. Chesnik called me the next day to tell me about the honor given to his wife and he was so thrilled and excited for her that had I had it in my power, Prank, I would have made you “Father of the Year” right then and there. It is beautiful to see and hear of so much devotion, and I as well as the other members of Branch No. 73 wish them many many more years of happiness. Mr. Chesnik advised me also that their married son was transferred from Lexington, Kentucky to California with the promotion to Vice President of a subsidiary of Parker-Hannifin Corp. With their married daughter living in Georgia and now their son being transferred to California where it will be a little further to go than Kentucky, Nothing will hold Mary and Frank back as they love their children and also love to travel. Their other son (Continued on Page 23) Hermina Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 a. zid * * . Upon request Mrs. Rosemary Oren-chuk from Br. No. 59 of Burgetts-town, Pa.,, sent the following three excellent recipes. BAKED CHICKEN BREASTS WITH ALMOND SAUCE This is an elegant chicken recipe you will be proud to serve. 4 whole chicken breasts, halved % cup butter or margarine, melted 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 and J teaspoon garlic salt 1 can (4 ounce's) sliced mushrooms, undrained J teaspoon Worcestershire sauce J cup sherry % cup sliced almonds 2 tablespoons flour 14 cup sour cream Dip breast pieces in melted butter to which paprika and lemon juice have been added. Sprinkle with garlic salt. Place in shallow baking dish with skin side up. Bake for 30 minutes covered at 350 degrees. Mix mushrooms, Worcestershire sauce, and sherry and spoon over chicken. Sprinkle with almonds. Bake uncovered 30 minutes longer or until tender. Remove chicken; thicken sauce "with flour; stir in sour cream. Serve over chicken. Makes 8 servings. CREAMED ZUCCHINI A very attractive, pleasant tasting vegetable dish. 2 tablespoons margarine or butter 1 medium zucchini, diced % cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons pimento 1 can creamed corn, size 303 dash pepper To melted butter in skillet, add the diced zucchini and chopped onion. Saute until soft. Add pimento and mix. Add the creamed corn and pepper and cook until corn is heated. CREAM OF POTATO-CELERY SOUP A very nutritious, flavorful soup which is delightful served hot with crackers and cheese. 2 cups peeled, cubed raw potatoes (in small cubes) 1 cup thinly sliced celery 2 tablespoons chopped celery leaves 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 cups water J teaspoon salt 1 cup scalded milk 1 tablespoon margarine 2 level tablespoons flour % cup cold milk 1 chicken boullion cube Salt, pepper to taste In two quart saucepan with cover, measure potatoes (about two medium size potatoes), celery, celery leaves, onion, water and salt. Bring to boil; cover, cook 25 minutes on low heat until fork tender. In small saucepan, heat milk just to scalding and stir into potato mixture along with margarine. Mix flour with the % cup cold milk and stir into mixture. Drop in a chicken boullion cube. Add seasoning. Cook, stirring until simmering and cube is dissolved. Makes four servings. * * * Mrs. Albina Stupar, member of Branch No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, was awarded a $25.00 Third Prize and a beautiful ribbon for her CONCORD SEEDLESS GRAPE APPLE PIE with STREUSEL TOPPING. She writes; “I hope you will try it and like it as well as we all do in our family”. CONCORD GRAPE APPLE PIE with STREUSEL TOPPING 1 unbaked 9 Inch pie shell 4 cups concord grapes 1 large tart apple, coarsely grated 1 cup sugar % cup flour 2 teaspoons lemon juice y8 teaspoon salt \ teaspoon cinnamon Wash and measure grapes, remove skins by pinching out centers. Reserve skins. Place pulp in sauce pan and boil for 5 minutes or until seeds come out. While hot put pulp through strainer adding to reserved skins. Grate apple into mixture. Stir in sugar, flour, lemon juice, salt and cinnamon. Pour grape mixture into pie shell. Sprinkle with STREUSEL TOPPING and bake in 450 degree oven for 30 minutes., STREUSEL TOPPING: * cup quick-cooking oats \ cup brown sugar V* cup flour J stick of oleo Combine the oats, sugar, flour and oleo until crumbly. Note: Grapes can be frozen in season to bake grape pies any time. # * * HOUSEHOLD HINTS: 1. To prepare cabbage for coleslaw use your blender. Fill the container halt full of water. Cut cabbage into large pieces and add to water, cover and turn blender on briefly. Drain well. 2. According to the U. S., Department of Agriculture for a successful barbecue chose steaks at least 1J inches thick, or shape the hamburger patties at least % Inches thick for good, juicy flavor. For the less tender cuts (chuck or round), the meat can be marinated for several hours or overnight in a refrigerator before broiling turning twice. An easy-to-prepare marinade is made by mixing half oil and half vinegar or lemon juice with your favorite seasoning. Start the fire 30 to 45 minutes ahead. When a fine gray ash covers the coals, spread them about an inch apart, making sure no two touch. Adjust grill to six to eight inches above coals or reduce heat by spreading the coals or by occasionally sprinkling water over them. Low to moderate heat gives the best results. HAPPY BARBECUING! HERMINE SLOVENIAN ARTICLES FOR SALE AT HOME OFFICE Members and friends of S.W.U. can order the following items from the Home Office: WOMAN’S GLORY-THE KITCHEN Cookbooks $4.50 (500 postage) LET’S SING Songbooks, $1.50 (250 postage) NOTE CARDS, , $1.00 for 10 (250 postage) BUMPER STICKERS (It's in every S-LOVE-nian!) 500 (no postage required) TEE SHIRTS (It’s in every S-LOVE-nian!) $4.00 (500, postage) Records, Cassettes, Tapes, from $5.00 to $10.00. Send to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 N. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 WONDERFUL WASHINGTON WEDDING NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. On Saturday afternoon, April 16th, Vida Maria Antolin, second daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Viktor Antoiin became the lovely bride of Ensign Martin Jenkins II at a Nuptial Mass at St. Joseph’s church, Emmitsburg, Maryland, officiated by Rev. Harry Kuhn. The radiant bride matched the beauty of the sunshine that day as 't shone through the windows of the lofty old church. She was escorted by her father to meet her handsome groom attired in his Navy uniform. In the stillness of the church, one was able to hear clearly the sacred vows of marriage exchanged. Mrs. Ivanka Antolin, mother of the bride, looked especially lovely in her ensamble of blue and white lace. Act-lng as her sister’s Maid of Honor was Anna Antolin and she was charming her role. Other honored attendants were the many attractive members of the large Antolin and Steph-ens families. A joyous and festive reception followed at Liberty Inn near the beautiful countryside of the bride’s home. Among those attending were the Maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ivanka Velikonja and aunt Miss Zina Velikonja of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozler of Ancaster, Ontario, cousins of her father and the bride’s Godparents, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Markes and family from Toronto joined the '•’any attending. Members of the groom’s family from Villa Nova, Pa. and Kentucky rounded out the guests. ^0. 73, Continued atld his family live in Garfield Heights, Ohio, so they don’t have for to go to see him. So to the both of you, Frank and Mary, good hick much happiness, and the best °f health always. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary (Our sincere wishes to Mildred for a quick and complete recovery from a recent illness. We will eagerly a''vait her return to this column. Ed.) NO. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Our April meeting opened with a Prayer by president, Mrs. Antonia ^estnick. The Minutes and reports Were read and approved. Plans for °Ur Mother of the Year breakfast 'vere finalized. Mrs. Josephine Kaplan was to be the general chairman. MRS. MARTIN JENKINS II From Washington area were Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kovacic and daughter, also Mr. & Mrs. Bogomir F. Javornik, Mr. & Mrs. Bogomir Chokel and myself. The groom attended Valley Forge Military Academy and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He will be on active duty in Jacksonville, Fla. where they will reside. He plans to continue his education in political science and law. Vida Maria is also a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania this year and hopes to study law in the future. Our members extend our first Junior member to be married, every good wish for their happiness in this new venture. FREDA MICHELITCH President A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Ann Kashi, Josephine Kaplan, Mary Michelich and Sophie Michelich. Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Jackovich was honored on Mother’s Day. The members attended the 7:30 mass in a group. Afterward, a delicious breakfast was served in Father Frederick Hall. Antonia Mestnik introduced the members of Mrs. Jackovich’s family, her son, Anthony, her daughter-in-law, Josephine and her grand children, Valerie and Stephen. A corsage and gift were presented to her from the group by Mary Marolt, Jr. The entertainment which consisted of Slovenian songs was provided by Mary Spolarich. The tables were decorated with bouquets of tulips and cherry blossoms. The dessert table held a large decorated cake donated by Dolly Fenstermacher, Thanks to all for making this happy occasion a great success. MARY MICHELICH Reporter NO. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. What a nice heritage and lovely Mother’s Day dinner and party at Sy’s! Rose Ann Prey was chairlady with Frances Kirbach as co-chairla-dy and forty-five members and friends attending. Get well cards will be sent to Julia Kupla, Mrs. Celia Hobneck, Lillian Byrnes, Mrs. Sltoporc, Irene Peterlin and Mrs. Muhich who is recuperating at home. Marlene Zamin won the special door prize, and a donation was made to the sunshine fund. Thank you, girls, we’re happy to have good people around. Our bowlers were very happy to receive a check for $80 as prize money for the bowling tournament. We are now awaiting the trophy. Thank you to Lil Putzell and the Midwest Bowling Association., See you all soon. C. A. DAWSON NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Our Mother’s Day Ceremony at the May 4 Meeting was something special, when 84 members and guests gathered to witness the crowning of our Mother-of-the-Year, Ann Sertich, who was also surrounded by her loving family relatives and friends. Yours Truly paid a special tribute to her, and Ann Kompare donated and presented the corsages to Ann and our outgoing Woman-of-the-Year, Evelyn Driscoll. With handkerchief in one hand and gifts in another she thanked everyone who remembered her with the floral bouquets sent to her, the many gifts, cards and all the congratulations expressed to her that evening. Also a special tribute was given to all of our deceased members and our past Mothers-of-the-Year were pinned with carnation corsages. As a memento, a card was filled with personal messages from each of us. But the real task of the evening was performed by Julie Hansen and the committee with the following dedicated members, Mary (Matt) Per-kovich. Evelyn Driscoll, Fran Sea-bloom, Bernice Morrison, Irene Evans Matilda Martin, Helen Price, Mildred Poropat, Frances Radosevic, Lucille Nosich, Mary Malcic., Yours Truly and Helen Golich who donated and BON LIPOVAC ORCHESTRA Present: NEW RECORD RELEASE: "POLKA FEAST' -// umi« FEftST”\ OOM SAVVY A* AN* Ntt ONCKfiSTfiA ALSO AVAILABLE: “MUZIKO, MUZIKO” Records $5.00 Tapes $6.00 Add 50c. per order for postage and handling Send orders to: DON LIPOVAC 1840 No. 41st Terrace Kansas City Kansas 66102 SIDE ONE 1. SLOVENIAN POLKA MEDLEY (A) Zdravica (B) Moje Dekle 2. SREM, SREM WALTZ 3. KLOBASE POLKA-Button Accordion (Sausage Polka) 4. LOS DOS (Latin Medley) 5. YOO-HOO WALTZ (A)Kaplan Sedi (B) Daj Daj Srček Nazaj 6. VINO POLKA MEDLEY (Wine Polka) SIDE TWO 1. HAPPY COOK POLKA (Vesela Kuharca) 2. TOPKAPI WALTZ (Greek Melody) (Lincoln Automobile) 3. SLOVENIAN POLKA MEDLEY (A) Hišca Ob Cest Stoji (B) Jaz Pa Pojdem Na Gorenjsko 4. šTRUKLE POLKA-Button Accordion 5. SUZE LIJU PLAVE OČI (Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain) made the punch. Because of the nature of our affair, we are blessed with members like Julie Hansen and the above committee who are dedicated and untiring in their efforts; our thanks to them for doing things very well, indeed. But what was most satisfying to the soul and stomach, was enjoying all the food donated by our generous members, which was one of the best and most and the most pleasant way to capture the feel and spirit of such an extravaganza is to eat it. In between bites — all you heard was, “such wonderful cooks!” For all this my sincere thanks to all of you. Cash donated by, $1-Matilda Cacich, $2-Mary Bareevas, Victoria Rukavina, Julie Hansen, Mary Malicic, $3-May-me Holmes, Ann Pave, Manda Yer-govich, Anna Plesha, Ann Granich, $2.,60-Matilda Turica (Las Vegas), $4-Helen Chorale, $5-Sylvia Werner and Eva Cora in memory of her beloved mother, Matilda Melvan Kordun. Winners of the prizes are: Emma Krai, Sylvia Vukadinovich, Regina Buchanan, Donna Standley, Mary (Matt) Perkovich. and Mary Topo-ris. Get well wishes to Carrie Plebanski who has been hospitalized. Our deepest sympathy to Sylvia Werner on the loss of her beloved husband John. May he enjoy his eternal rest and the rewards he has earned. The following will be having birthdays in July: Mary Perkovich (Matt) Sylvia Werner, Matilda Grepo, Madeline Trivador, Mary Brezone, Anna Loncar, Marge Krmpotic, Anne Ma-tesevac (Cal.), Mary Possedi, Mary Faron, Milka Miljak, Louise Dichele, Ann Polancic, Manda Nosich, Joane Paulich, Rose Marie Grafrath, and Frances Benkovich. August Celebrants are: Anna Plesha, Matilda Martin, Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Bernice Golden (Cal.), Rose Ballock, Genevieve Ross, Emma Yergovich, Olga Krmpotic, Mildred Poropat (Secty.), Lucille Nosich, Rose Winters, Evelyn McNulty, Mary Zelenika and Matilda Stevens. In conclusion, try to attend our meeting on September 7 when we will meet for our fall sessions., God bless you all! MILDRED JAMES NO. 105, DETROIT, MICH. I am pinch-hitting for my sweet sister who has done such a tremendous job as your reporter. We missed her and were saddened by the news of her husband Joe’s surgery on the eve of our Mother’s Day dinner. We are sending our sincere prayers and wishes to them for his full recovery. Our lovely and gracious Mother of the Year, Pat Emerson, her two daughters and mother, Catherine Musick looked radiant at the party. We were honored with the presence of Fr. Tad from St. John Vianney Church and his good humor kept us in stitches. We also had as our guests Audrey Krulic, Mary Golia and Mitzi Dolence. Ann McGee was to be the hostess lor our June meeting but it was cancelled and will have it in September. Date will be set later on. We wish all of our ailing members our prayers for a full recovery, especially to Joe Mihelič. You have our special concern and prayers. You’re a special guy, Joe. Would like to add how much we all enjoyed the Slovenian Mass with Father Tad on May 22nd. Memorable for all. Bless you all and hope for a safe and happy summer. ANN POBANZ New Album... DON LIPOVAC & HIS ORCHESTRA PRESENTS “POTKA FEAST" Don Lipovac and his orchestra are one of the most versatile musical groups now performing in the Midwest. The group consists of Don Lipovac on accordion, Frank Zager on bass, Ray Rodina on tamburitza and Bill Hargraves on drums. Besides being able to play music of their own Slovenian and Croatian backgrounds, they have a large repertoire of songs of all nationalities. They have played authentic music for such widely diverse events as Yugoslav weddings, Greek dances, German Octoberfests and Balkan folk songs for a Kansas City Philharmonic Cabaret concert. Don Lipovac, of Slovenian descent, started his musical career at the age of four playing Slovenian melodies on a button accordion bought by his grandfather. At the age of eight he began formal accordion lessons with Alfred Vacca who gave him a (Cont’d on P. 32) , TA SVET Pokojni pisatelj, župnik Franc Finžgar je poslal Sporočilo rojakom Tam, kjer beli so snežniki, holmci mali in veliki; tam, kjer teče bistra SAVA, teče SOčA, KRKA, DRAVA------------------- Da, tam je prelepi košček naše zemlje, kot jo je Bog ustvaril: od planine do ravnine, od gozda, polja in cvetnih livad; kjer so kakor na drobni dlani zbrane lepote sveta. Vsi, ki ste morali od doma po morju širokih cestah, ste se telesno ločili od te lepote, s srcem in dušo nikoli ne. Polno pisem dobivam od izseljencev: iz Evrope, Amerike, Avstralije. Redko je pismo od znanca, vse več je od neznanih rojakov. Zakaj? Ker sem se v vsem svojem življenju trudil, da bi v spisih s preprosto slovensko besedo, brez laži in besednega krotovičenja podal izrezek iz življenja in trpljenja našega naroda. Ko berete te spise, naj občuti Vaše srce vonj naše grude in dušo ljudi na njej. Zaradi tega mi Pišete, premnogi z okorno in od dela utrujeno roko. Zato tem iskrenejše. Hvala Vam in tisočkrat toplo pozdravljeni! V ljubezni vedno vdani FRANC ŠALEŠKI FINŽGAR PRAZNIK "GOD" Kako je nastal god, ki ga zdaj malokdaj omenjamo? Pred kakimi 200 leti, ko ljudje niso imeli pratik in četudi k* jih imeli bi jih niti brati ne znali, so pričeli pri krstu bajati otroku ime kakega svetnika na čigar dan je otrok bil rojen. Ljudje so namreč po cerkvenih pravilih poznali 'ttiena svetnikov, čeprav pratik niso imeli. Spominjam Se> da so sosedovega otroka krstili na Martina, ker je k*' ta dan rojen in je ime “v rokah prinesel”. Tako je Prišlo godovanje v navado. God je bil v starih časih jako l)0niemben, zdaj praznujemo le rojstne dneve. Vsakega prime bolezen poprej ali poslej. Mene je zadela meseca marca (srčec napad), od katerega se še nisem popolnoma okrepila. Kdor je bil dalj časa v bolnišnici zna, kaj je to. Hrana, zlasti če je diatetična, je za luno. Nima okusa in je vedno enaka. Zdravnik vas pošlje v bolnišnico, da si boste počinili in boste lepo v miru. A, kak mir je tam? Ko se okrog devete ure zvečer pripravite za nočno spanje pride ob desetih cel štab bolničark, da opravijo svoj posel preden gredo domov. Ena vam zmeri temperaturo, čez pol ure pride druga, ki potipje žilo, čez četrt druga, ki vzame krvni pritisk, čež kako uro pride nova, ki vas prijazno vpraša, kako se počutite in če vam lahko še z čim postreže. To se vleče do kakih enajstih. Ob polnoči pride nov štab bolničark, ko se znova uredi isti red kot poprej — merilo temperature, srčnega pritiska, žile, in ker ne morete zaspati vam nova bolničarka piinese uspavalno pilulo. Tako je mir do kake dve ure, ko se javi mlad fant z močno roko in odvzame vzorec krvi, kar vas popolnoma zbudi. Poskušate malo zadremati, ko pride bolničarka vprašati, če boste šli zjutraj h sv. objajilu, ki ga prinese bolniški kaplan. V ta namen je zvečer postavljen stol pred vrata, kar bolničarka ni opazila. Čez kako uro pride druga uslužbenka s vprašanjem, če mi naj umije obraz in roke, ker bom šla k obhajilu, dasi je do takrat še dve uri. Ta red je bil ves čas mojega bivanja v bolnišnici. Obračala sem se in obračala, pa zaspati nisem mogla. Upala sem da bo popoldne mir. Spet nič! Poleg rednega obiska bolničark je ena prinesla sveže vode ali kako drugo pijačo, nakar se je javila glavna sestra in prijazno vprašala, če sem zadovoljna s postrežbo in če lahko še kaj za mene storijo. Prišel je tudi bolniški duhovnik, s katerim sva znana in vršil se jo prijeten pomenek, zakar sem bila hvaležna, miru pa vseeno ni bilo. Hvaležna sem za obiske mojih prijateljic, dasi zdravnik ni dovolil obiskov prvih 10 dni, za darila, cvetlice in kartice s prijaznimi voščili, posebno se zahvalim tistim podružnicam, ki so se me spomnile na svojih sejah. Ena kartica je vsebovala nad 90 podpisov. Lepa udeležba na seji. Člani moje družine so me na vse načine hoteli razvedriti, posebno mladci. Petletna Ančka Turvey, pravnukinja je pisala: ‘‘Deer Grandma, I am sorry you sick. I pray for you.,”—Druga vnukinja, ki se šola za zdravnico je sporočila: “Napravila sem prvo operacijo in sicer na beli podgani. Operacija se je posrečila, ker podgana še živ.i in leta po kletki.” — Tretja me vspodbuja: “Dear Grandma. I am sorry you are sick, but hang in there, Grandma!” Tako pošto sem dobivala. Dobra prijateljica piše: “Vesela sem, da si bolj zdrava, vseeno še izmolim za Tebe en Oče naš vsak dan.” Kdo bi obupal, ko ima take prijatelje. Torej, lepa hvala vsem vam in Bogu^ ki je mene in vas uslišal, da lahko to pišem. ŠTEVILKE V NAŠEM TELESU Naše telo obstoji takorekoč iz samih čudovito setavl-jenih strojev. Glavni stroj je srce. To je tista votla, v štiri dele razdeljena mišica, ki vse življenje deluje brez prestanka in opravi v teku človeškega življenja naravnost ogromno delo. Srce je podobno sesalki.. Kadar telo miruje ta sesalka v eni uri izčrpa okrog 400 kvartov krvi. V enem dnevu, to je v 24 urah srce utriplje 108,00 krat. V vsem telesu je približno pet kvartov krvi. Od teh lahko brez občutne škode izgubimo en kvart. V enem kubičnem milimetru KRISTUSOVA KRI // p. Klavdij Okorn, ofm Pred vatikanskim koncilom smo praznovali na prvi julij praznik Presvete krvi. Spominjal nas je na predragoceno Jezusovo kri prelito za odpuščanje naših grehov. Ceščenje presvete krvi so ljudje v različnih časih različno praznovali. Ponekod so se ti običaji ohranili do danes.. Ob bodenskem jezeru je znana benediktinska opatija Weingarten. Znana je po starodavnih procesijah na konjih. Središče procesije je benediktinski opat, ki jezdi na konju, v talarju, oblečen v roket, ogrnjen v rdeč pluvijal, v rokah nosi, v dragoceni posodi relikvijo Kristusove krvi skoz mesto in bližnje vasi. Pred opatom jahajo konjeniki z zvonci in s cvetličnimi venci, ki naznanjajo prihod jahača z relikvijo predragocene krvi. Ta običaj procesije na konjih je zelo starodaven. Zgodovina začetka procesij z relikvijami Kristusove krvi sega nazaj v zgodnji srednji vek in je prepredena z legendami. Najlepša med njimi pripisuje zajetje predragocene Kristusove Krvi stotniku Longinu, ki je s sulico prebodel mrtvo Gospodovo srce na križu iz katerega je pritekla kri in voda in vzkliknil: “Resnično to je bil božji Sin.” Iz Kristusovega srca zajeto kri je vedno nosil s seboj. Postal je kristjan in misijonar v raznih deželah. dokler ni mučeniške smrti umrl v Mantovi, kjer so za njim ostale relikvije Kristusove presvete Krvi, ki so po čudnih potih prišle v last benediktinskega samostana v Weingartnu, kjer jih hi anijo v oltarju presvete Krvi. Ta legenda je brez zgodovinskega jedra kakor je sama na sebi lepa, ker je nastala šele v 4 stoletju, ko so, kristjani, krvi mučencev začeli pripisovati čudežne moči. Tako je španski pesnik Prudentius, ki je umrl 22. januarja 304. leta zapisal: “Kristjani namakajo kos lanenega platna v kri mučencev z željo, da po nji pride božji blagoslov v njih domove in njih prebivalstvo. Naj bo izvor relikvije "Kristusove Krvi” in začetek z njo združene procesije tak ali drugačen, dejstvo je, da skozi stoletja privlačuje na tisoče kmetov na konjih in na deset-tisoce romarjev, povečini peš, da jim simbol “Kristusove Krvi” prinaša po njihovi veri varstvo pred vremenskimi nezgodami in božji blagoslov njihovemu delu. Pobožni prejem svetih zakramentov pred procesijo jim daje poroštvo, da bodo njih prošnje uslišane. Poživi jim vero, ki je temelj in opora njihovemu zaupanju v božjo pomoč. Novi glavni urad SŽZ krasi velika umetniška slika naše ustanoviteljice, Marie Prisland. Fotograf je posnel glavne odbornice, ki so bile. navzoče ob priliki obiska ge. Prislandove. Od leve so: gl. nadzornica Marion Marolt, direktorica gl. urada, Jonita Ruth, nadzornice Barbara Rosandich in Anne Kompare, predsednica Mary Bostian, preds. šolninskega sklada, Hermine Dicke, ga. Prisland, tajnica Olga Ancel, blagajničarka Mary Marolt in bivša pod-predsednica Marie Floryan. Soglasna pohvala portreta, se je glasila:. “Res, zaslužna Slovenka!” krvi je 5 milijonov rdečih in C000 belih krvnih celic. Vsako krvno telesce prekroži človeško telo 3000 krat na dan. Naša pljuča sestoje iz 1,7000 neznansko drobnih mehurčkov. V miru vdihnemo v eni minuti IG krat, pri napornem delu pa do 60 krat. Naša pljuča lahko sprejmejo povprečno 335 kubičnih centimetrov zraka. Koža našega telesa ima 120 milijard celic ter dva milijona potnih luknjic, Iz kože raste 100,000 las. Naše okostje sestoji iz 222 kosti. Ta koščena zgradba je izredno trdna. Mišic immamo 639. Samo naša roka sestoji iz 38 mišic in 29 kosti. Da ohranimo zdravo in močno telo porabimo mnogo hrane. Odrastel človek porabi za hrano enega leta približno tole; 250 kvartov vode, 180 qvartov mleka, 200 funtov krompirja, 200 funtov mesa, 450 funtov zelenjave, 190 funtov sadja, 30 funtov rib, 50 funtov sladkorja, 5 funtov soli, 400 funtov moke, 400 jajc, 50 funtov surovega masla in druge masti. Dobra hrana ni le potrebna radi ohranitve zdravja, temveč tudi za razvoj duševnosti. Ne pozabite naslednje važne dneve: ZVEZI N DAN, dne 17, julija v Lemontu, 111. • • O Državne konvencije: 1LLINOIS-INDIAN A, dne 2. oktobra v Bradley, 11. Gostiteljica podr., št. 22 v Bradley. • • • OHIO-MIOHIGAN, dne 11. septembra v Clevelandu. • • • COIvOUADO-KANSAjSiMISSOURI, dne 9. oktobra v Pueblu. Gostiteljica podr. št. 3, Pueblo. • • • ČL.ASTVO OD BLIZU IN DALEČ VABLJENO! PROGRAM BARAGOVIH DNI V LEMO SOBOTA, 3. SEPTEMBER: Popoldan srečanje romarjev na romarskih prostorih pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu - 1400 Main Street. Od 4:00 popoldne do 6:00 zvečer kosilo v Romarskem domu. Kosilu je treba rezervirati. Kosilo dobite samo z listkom. Cena $3.00. 7:00 p.m. maša pred samostanom. Glavni mašnik Most Rev. James A. Hickey, škof v Cleveland-u. Pridigar profesor dr. Jože Gole; pridiga slovenska. Med mašo ljudsko petje s sešitka “Slavite Gospoda”. Po maši procesija s svečkami, ki jih boste lahko kupili pred mašo. Procesija gre od samostana v Baragov park, kjer bodo pete litanije Matere božje in molitev za Baragovo beatifikacijo. NEDELJA, 4 SEPTEMBER: 10:30 predpoldne maša v samostanski kapeli. Ta maša je za študente, reditelje in druge sodelavce. Po maši seminar v samostanski kapeli. 12:00 opoldne kosilo v Romarskem domu. Kosilo morate rezervirati in ga dobite samo s tiketom. Cena: $3.00. 2:00 popoldne zbiranje narodnih noš pred samostanom. Prosimo vse romarje in romarice, ki imajo narodne noše, naj jih prinsejo s seboj. Skupine narodnih noš naj si oskrbijo napise, da bodo udeleženci vedeli, iz katerega dela Slovenije je njihova narodna noša ali katero skupino predstavljajo. 2:30 p.m. procesija od samostana v Baragov park: križ — narodne noše - duhovniki - somaševalci — škofi. 3:00 p.m. maša v Baragovem parku. Glavni mašnik Most Rev. Charles A. Salatka, deveti škof v Mar-quctte-u in osmi Baragov naslednik. Angleško pridigo ima Rev. Victor Tomc, župnik pri Mariji Vne-bovzeti, Cleveland, Ohio. Med mašo ljudsko in zborovsko petje. Besedilo molitev in pesmi boste dobili v posebni knjižici, ki bo tudi spomin na Baragov dan v Lemontu. Takoj po maši bo zborovanje Baragove zveze na istem prostoru kot maša. 6:00 zvečer, versko kulturni program v počastitev služabnika božjega Friderika Barage v gym Mount Assisi Academy. Vstopnice je treba rezervirati. Cena: za odrasle $2.50; za otroke v spremstvu staršev $1.00. Za rezervacijo kosila v soboto in v nedeljo in za versko-kulturni program pišite na: P. Fortunat Zorman - P. O. Box 608 - Lemont, 111. 60439. Vstopnice za kosilo in predstavo vam bomo poslali po pošti ali pa jih boste prejeli ob prihodu v Lemont. Rezervacije je treba narediti (za kosilo in predstavo) do 25. avgusta. Program v angleščini, kratek Baragov življenjepis in zemljevid cest, ki vodijo k Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu bomo poslali skupinam in posameznim romarjem, ako bodo želeli. ODBOR “S”! Sl OGROMNA UDELEŽBA MA DNEVU SLOVENSKE KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE V PARKU SV. JOŽEFA Več tisoč glava množica slovenskih rojakov je s pravim narodnim ponosom sledila velikemu programu slovenskega kulturnega izročila v nedeljo dne 12. junija v prostornem parku Sv. Jožefa v Jolietu. Priprave in vodstvo sporeda je bilo v rokah posebnega odbora pod vodstvom jolietskega pomožnega župnika Fr. Davida Staitzerja, Slovenske ženske Zveze In ob sodelovanju drugih slovenskih organizacij. Pod. št. 2 v Jolietu zasluži posebno piiznanje za izredno veliko delo organiziranja tako odličnega programa. Zelo lep dan, čeprav nekoliko hladen, se je pričel s pozdravom ameriški in slovenski zastavi, katere je razobesila Ameriška Legija št. 1080. Narodno himno je pela Helen Završnik, nakar je bila posebna direktna radijska oddaja z živim izvajanjem slovenskih godb, Ken Juricic iz Jolieta, Frank Jankovič Iz Clevelanda, Romana Posse-dija in Franka Kovačiča iz Chicaga. Navzoč je bil tudi poznani clevelandski radijski napovedovalec, Tony Petkovšek v zastopstvu Kollandrove Potniške agencije. Posebne pozornosti je bil deležen ameriški kralj slovenskih polk, Frank Jankovič, ki ima zasluge, da so slovenske melodije poznane po vsej deželi. V dvorani parka Sv. Jožefa, so bile razstave raznih vrst, vse v namenu, da obiskovalcem pokažejo kaj vse so pridne slovenske roke ustvarile v tej deželi, žene in dekleta so občudovale krasne umetniško izdelane čipke in ročno delo. Moški so v spominih mladosti si ogledovali veliko prešo za prešanje vina, kakor je bila v uporabi pred desetletji tukaj in v Sloveniji. Naravno na razpolago so bili razni spominčki, slovenske plošče, znački, kuharske knjige, pesmarice, slovenske karte, in drugo. Dr. Edvard Gobetz in njegova žena Milena sta Imela krasno razstavo slovenskega doprinosa Ameriki. Dr. Gobetz je imel zanimivo predavanje o tem predmetu in ga. Milena je nam dala navodila za lažje učenje slovenščine. Mnogi udelženci so priznali, da je lahko govoriti slovensko, če se le potrudijo. Naša redna dopisnica Zarje. Hermine Dicke in njen mož prof. Robert ter g. Papesh iz Jolieta sta kazali kako se izdeluje vino v razvedrilo vseh. Kollandrovi predstavniki so delili zemljevide Slovenije, lepe barvaste brošure lepot slovenske domovine, dalje priljubljene značke in drugo. Baragova Zveza je razstavila velikansko sliko svetniškega škofa, značke za Baragov Dan v Lemontu dne 3. in 4. sept. in življenjepis izrednega rojaka. Karnak diužba slovenskih harmonik je razstavljala svoje izdelke. Posebno zanimanje je vladalo za razstavne predmete in spominčke naše velike slovenske katoliške bratske organizacije, KSKJ. Mnogi navzoči gl. odborniki in odbornice Katoliške Jednote so prijazno pozdravljali navzoče članstvo In prijatelje. Naše žene-umetnice so v resnici prekosile same sebe. Čikaške članice, Mrs. Jennie Puhek je ves dan predvajala kako se izdeluje domače platno in drugi izdelki; Mrs. Prances Jasbec, je kazala najlepše doma izdelane preproge in vezenine; Mrs. Breda Modic je kazala njeno upodabljanje v bakru; Mrs. Gizella Hozian je imela živo razstavo njenega ročnega dela. Umetnice Emilija Razman-Bucik in Mary Foys Lauretig sta bile ves dan zaposlene s kazanjem njunih slik slovenske pokrajine, noš in narodnih motivov. Naravno ni manjkalo domačih dobrot vseh vrst, vključno na ražnju pečena jagnjetina. Na zunanjem odru so se vrstile slovenske godbe ena za drugo ter vršile so se stalne oderske predstave. Prešernov pevski zbor iz Chicaga in njihov kvartet in duet so bili lepo sprejeti in navdušeno pozdravljeni ob izvajanju slovenskih pesmi. Odlični so bili mladi pevci in pevke jolietske slovenske šole ter farni zbor Sv. Jožefa. Mladina s Fr., Staltzerjem na čelu je bila v slovenskih narodnih nošah. Petje je bilo zaključeno z ljudskim petjem vseh prisotnih. Folklorni plesalci Slovenskega Radijskega kluba iz Chicaga so predvajali ljudske plese raznih dežel Slovenije. V pristnih prekmuiskih nošah so odplesali “šumari-janko” in v belokrajnskih, slovensko kolo. Mladi fantje in dekleta so prepevali stare ljudske pesmi v veselje vseh. Plesalce je spremljala godba Janeza Arkozta “Tivoli”, ki igrajo v evropskem slogu. Jolietska mladina podr. št. 20, se je tudi odrezala v njihovih lepih nošah so se izkazali za izvedence ljudskih plesov in so pomagali odboru ves dan. Program so pričele Zvezine “baton twirlers” iz Clevelanda, ki so mojstersko izvajale svoje ritmične vaje in posebno starejša dekleta v njihovih točkah so bile deležne živahnega odobravanja. Prišle so od daleč v spremstvu mnogih članic in gl. odbornice Frances Sietz, gl. mladinska direktorica, dalje preds. št. 32, Alma Eppich, tajnica št. 41, Jane Kaplan in Louise Epley, taj št. 73. Tistim, ki uživajo lepe slike, je bilo ustreženo s predvajanjem filmskih slik Slovenije potniške agencije Kollander ter diapozitivov dr. Staneta Šušteršiča iz Wash-ingtona, katere je vsako uro vrtel g. Ken Odorizzi, soprog naše načelnice za odbor Kulturne Dediščine, ga. Irene Pristni slov. zvoki čikaškega harmo-nikaškega kluba so bili navdušeno sprejeti. Otroci slov. šole sv. Jožefa pod vodstvom članice ge. Lilijane Čepon so z ljubkimi pesmimi spravili množico udeležencev v veselo razpoloženje. Odorizzi-Planinšek, ki sta prišla iz Virginije na ta dan. Slike so ugajale vsem! Podružnice, ki bi želele imeti te slike za krajevno kazanje, naj se za podrobnosti obrnejo na go. Odorizzi. Občinstvo je tople pozdravilo nastop čikaške harmo-nikaške godbe, ki igrajo izvirne slovenske harmonike, da b! jih kar naprej poslnšali! Upravičeno so užgali z domačim zvokom. Nastopili so v dvorani in potem tudi na prostem. Najlepše je bilo videti razne podružnice, ki so vneto sodelovale in pomagale k izrednemu uspehu dneva. Podr. št. 24 iz LaSalle, 111. je razstavljala njihov stari “charter” in mnoge zgodovinske slike in predmete iz njihove slovenske naselbine. Podr. št. 2 iz Chicaga je ponosno kazala njihovo 50 let staro zastavo in stare trake in izdelke nad 100 let stare. Podr. št. 20, Joliet, Ul. je imela izdelke iz Slovenije ter posebne predmete narejene od članic za to priliko. Izredno lep je bil pogled na številne narodne noše. Nekatere družine so v celoti bile oblečene v krasnih starinskih nošah, ki so vsem v ponos. Mnogi so se čudili kje so našli toliko noš. Treba je bilo preiskati stare skrinje tet in sorodnikov, da so jih našli. Se vidi, kjer je volja, tam je uspeh! SžZ dolguje svojo hvaležnost mnogim, ki so izvedli ta dan kot nepozabni slovenski festival. Vsi, ki so prevzeli odbore, naša duhovščina in pomočniki iz Jolieta in Chicaga in okolice so do potankosti izvedli celotne načrte. Vsi so podvzeli svoje delo v duhu službe slovenskemu kulturnemu izročilu, brez kakršnegakoli povračila. Tako je uspelo finančno pomagati SKLADU KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE SžZ. Naj na tem mestu izrečem besedo priznanja načel-nikom-cam raznih odborov, ki so z izredno sposobnostjo vodili vsa dela: Ga. Irene Odorizzi, gl. direktorica dneva; Pr. David Staltzer, gl. načelnik odbora ob sodelovanju: Agnes Lovati, tajnice, Olga in Ed Ancel, Mary in Stanley Marolt, blagajničarji, Jonita Ruth, spominčki, Millie Pucel, sprejem, Marie Malnerick, ročna dela, Emma Planinšek, žrebanje, Josephine Erjavec, umetniška in ročna dela, Bea Kostelic, obveščanje, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Fedo, okrepčila, Bob Metesh, praženje jagnjetov in prašičkov, Emma Nosse in Ann Sternisha, precivo, Marie Scheidt, bingo, Rudy Pucel, ozvočenje, Ken Odorizzi in Helen Horvat, filmske predstave, Gene Klainsek in Al Lovati, bara. Bilo 42 natakarjev in skupno čez 130 delavcev! Poleg tega je Northwest Recreation Club pod predsedstvom Cosmos Morocco in podr. št. 2 postregla z večerjo gostom, ki so prišli z busom iz Clevelanda. Mlade vežbalke “baton twirlers” so bile povabljene na dom Olge in Eddyja Ancel in družine. Mnogo vprašanj in predlogov je že bilo sproženih glede dneva slovenskega kulturnega izročila prihodnje leto, da bo še večji in privlačnejši. Mnogo idej je bilo izrečenih v upanju na najboljši načrt za izvedbo takih dnevov po vsej Ameriki! Toda, kaj naj storimo sedaj — od tega časa do prihodnjega leta? Irena bo gotovo prejela mnogo predlogov in vemo, da bodo tudi druge odbornice S.ž.Z. imele svoje sugestije; vsekakor je glavno delo v bodočnosti, naslednje: POŽIVETI ZAVEDNOST med podružnicami in članicami, da se prižgana iskra razširi v ogenj slovenske zavesti, da moramo vse storiti za ohranitev slovenska dediščina v Ameriki! Poživeti moramo navdušenost in korajžo naših starih staršev in staršev, ki so mnogo žrtvovali, da so ohranili živo našo pesem, besedo, književnost, igranje na odrih, ljudske plese in običaje! Učiti moramo naše otroke in opomniti našo mladino, da imajo svoje obveznosti, da bolje spoznajo in višje cenijo svoje “korenine”, narodni izvor, saj je to danes prav moderno. Za začetek naj vsaka podr. izvoli svojo “zgodovinarko”, ki bo pričela zbirati gradivo, ki kaže na preteklost in rast krajevne podružnice in naselbine. Zgodovina naše organizacije je tesno povezana s preteklostjo slovenskih naselbin in s priznanjem tega dela, damo najlepše priznanje našim pionirskim delavkam in odbornicam. Pri vsakem bodočem DNEVU SLOVENSKE DEDIŠČINE, bodo podr. imele priložnost razstaviti svoje zgodovinske in spominske predmete! Drugič, glavni urad S.ž.Z. bo sprejel predmete zgodovinske važnosti, kakor knjige, fotografije, narodne noše in spominske značke za posebno SLOVENSKO ZBIRKO. Ti predmeti dostikrat ne pomenijo dosti posameznikom in javnost jih ne vidi v privatnem domu, toda so velikega pomena za slovensko skupnost, da jih ohranimo za bodočnost. Iz preteklosti se učimo za bodočnost! Tretjič: Napravite svoje lastno “DRUŽINSKO DREVO”! Govorite s starejšimi ljudmi, ki vam bodo mogli mnogo povedati iz njihovih izkušenj v mladosti, tako tukaj, kakor v Slovenji. Zapišite si te zanimive podatke, ali pa jih rekordirajte na zvočni trak.. Ne smemo zamuditi, da bi izkušnje naše starejše generacije šle v pozabo. Preiščite kako so bile stvari v vaši naselbini, ali v fari pred 50 leti. Kako so živeli in delovali takrat. Ugotovite kje so bili rojeni ter kje so imeli sorodnike, kje so bile poroke in druge važne družinske okolščine. Vaše družinsko drevo, je zelo plemenito delo in vaši otroci vam bodo enkrat hvaležni, da bodo vedeli za svoj izvor. Čaka vas veliko delo. Ne pozabite, to je vaša dediščina! CORINNE LESKOVAR Slike iz otvoritvenih slovesnosti novega gl. urada PODR. 10, CLEVELAND, GHJO V mesecu maju smo imele kar lepo sejo. Praznovale smo Materinski Dan in počastile smo našo zaslužno mater Mary Korošec, ki je bila prav vesela. Preds. Anni Markovich ji je pripela lep šopek cvetlic in potem smo jo okrasile z lepim cape. Udeležba je bila zelo lepa. Na sejo so po daljšem času prišle tudi Jennie Planinšek, Jennie Leonhardt, sestrične in Josie Trček, Antonia Drensek in mnogo drugih članic. Praznovale smo tudi rojstne dneve Millie Novak Alice Struna, Helen Može, Lojzka Čebular, če sem katero izpustila, oprostite. Lojzka Čebular je vsem lepo deklamirala in članice so prinesle okusni prigrizek in tudi malo za grlo. Ubrano smo zapele in se vesele vrnile na naše domove. Podana so bila poročilo o naši 50 letnici, o seji skupnih podružnic in glede prihodnje državne konvencije, ki se bo vršila dne 11. septembra. Kovencija bo pri meni na mojem vrtu in ste vse lepo vabljene k udeležbi., Vem, da se boste dobro imele. Zaradi državne konvencije, se bo naša seja v septembru vršila dne 18. sept., tretjo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri popoldne. Našim bolanim članicam želimo hitro zdravje. Zaradi počitnic v mesecu juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele seje. Upam, da se boste vse imele lepo črez poletje in če boste šle daleč, da se boste srečno vrnile domov. Torej vsem želim vesele počitnice in lepe pozdrave. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica PODR. 14, EOCLSD, OHIO Seja dne 7. junija je bila odprta z molitvijo ob pol osmih. Prebran je bil zapinsnik in podani računi. Vse je bilo sprejeto. Podpresdenica Mary Stražišar je zopet postala pra-stara mama, ko so pri vnukinji kupili punčko. Čestitke tudi Mr. in Mrs. A. No-vinc iz Schenely Ave. (preje na Mus-koka Ave.) k 50 letnici zakonskega življenja, ali zlati poroki. £elimo Ji' ma, da bi še dolgo let bila zdrava. Prances gtupica se nahaja v Domu ostarelih na Neff Rd. in bo vesela vašega obiska, kakor tudi Mrs. Ga-brenja in Jennie Eržen, ki so tudi tam. Enako želimo tudi drugim bolnim članicam ljubega zdravja. Prav lepa hvala za darila v društveno blaagjno, kakor tudi v sončni kotiček. Tajnica me je opomnila, da bi pogledali v knjižico, če imate poravnano članarino in če je nimate, dajte čimprej. Na svidenje dne 2. avgusta na seji! Pozdrav! MARY ISKRA PODR. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Naše čestitke učencem šole Sv. Jožefa, ki so graduirall kakor tudi študentom višje šole St. Francis Academy in Joliet Cath. High School in ti so: Joyce Waltzak, ki je bila sprejeta Na gornji sliki Zvezina gl. podpredsednica Nežka Gaber v slovenščini čita berilo pri slovesni sv. maši v veličastni cerk- vi Sv. Jožefa v Jolietu. Na levi strani sedi urednica Corinne Leskovar, ki je čitala prvo berilo. Spodaj na desni je poznani slovenski rojak, sodnik Robert Bučar, med slavnostnim govorom na otvoritvenem banketu. Izraz na obrazu Msgr. Matije Butala kaže, da se on v celoti strinja z globoko zamišljenim govorom, ki je povdaril važnost slovenskega doprinosa Jolietu in okolici. kot odlična študentka v Honor Society. Bila je zmagovalka šestih šol. Ona je pred leti končala ljudsko šolo Sv. Jožefa in bila dobra pevka. Ona je hčerka Frances Waltzak in vnukinja pok. Frances Pikush. Dalje je prejela posebno odlikovanje in priznanje v godbi, Marie Ancel, hčerka Olge, gl. tajnice Sž^. Diane Fedo, tudi graduiranka šole Sv. Jožefa, je bila odlikovana z imenovanjem na “dean’s list” na univerzi. Ona je hčerka Janice in Robert Fedo in vnukinja Frank in Mayme Fedo ter sestrična Dorothy Končar. Med ostalimi gradui-ranci šole sv. Jožefa so: Sonja Dir-ker, Vicki Fihurowslci in Valerie Ogary. Tretji sin od Millie in Rudy Pucel, je graduirall iz Carbondale College. Starši so se udeležili zaključnih slovesnosti. Vsem graduantom iskrene čestitke. Naj jih Bog vodi po srečni poti v bodočnost. z A Y A S E L D It A V J E! Poletni varnostni nasveti za srečno in veselo poletje. specialisti prve pomoči pri Ameriškem Rdečem Križu nam pravijo, da bi se vsakdo ■moral z lahkoto naučiti osnovne načine izvajanja prve pomoči. DUŠITEV ALI DAVITEV: Ako človek ne more dihati ali govoriti, se postavite za njegovim hrbtom in ga, ali jo, objemite nad pasom, z eno roko naredite pest in jo položite pod “V” pri prsnem košu, To pest nato primite z drugo roko in vsaj štirikrat porinite navzgor pod prsnim košem. VREZATI SE: dvignite vrezan ali ranjen del telesa nad višino srca z dodatkom pritiska na rano, če je le mogoče s pomočjo čiste krpe. Raba tesne vezi ni priporočljiva, razen, če ni 'mogoče drugače preprečiti krvavitve. OPEKLINE: opekline prve in druge stopnje, katere povzročajo mehurje, je treba držati ali potopiti pod mrzlo vodo vsaj za 20 minut. TRNEK V KOŽI: Ako se kdo zabode s trnekom, v tem slučaju naj se ravnamo tako-le; porinemo trnek naprej v isto smer v katero smo se zbodli in ko pride zazobek na površje, odščipnimo oba konca z ostrimi kleščami, nato potegnemo ostali del trneka naprej. PIK ČEBELE ALI OSE: Pičen del kože umijemo z vodo in milom, nato pokrijemo ud z zmesjo pecilnega praška ali tekoč amonijo, da preprečimo zateklino. Upamo, da se lahko zapomnimo zgoraj navedena navodila. Seveda tistega, ki bi zanimal osnovni ali višji tečaj v prvi pomoči, naj stopi v stik z Ameriškim Rdečim Križem. Vsem članicam in družinam želim veselo in zdravo poletje. %iL* QM Za Materinski dan smo imeli lepo proslavo. Počastili smo letošnjo zaslužno mater, Agnes Lovati, našo tajnico. Predsednica ji je pripela lep šopek in podarjena so bila razna darila, za kar se je Agnes vsem lepo zahvalila za prijazno počastitev. Agnes je počastil sliko lokalni časopis Herald News, kakor tudi cerkveni buletin in seveda naša Zarja. Naše članice so se pridružile protestom proti temu, da bi se krasni Rialto teater podrl, saj je še vedno najlepši ln največji tukaj. Preds. Ema Planinšek obuja spomine iz Ellis Island, ko je prišla v USA. Dalje priporoča tudi drugim, da podajo svoje izkušnje. Kartico z željo za okrevanje smo Poslale Marge France in Jolin L. Je-vitz, ki je moral na operacijo.. Kartice smo podpisale vse navzoče. Hvala Mr. in Mrs. Jevitz za dar $10 v golninski sklad. Dne 4 jun. je imela naša podr. sv. mašo za članice ob 4 pop. Preds. se zahvali Ann Papesh za njeno agilnost in stanovitnost. Ona je bila pri naši podr. od vsega začetka, ko smo Imele prvo kegljanje vse do danes. Hvala, Ann! Taj, Agnes vzpodbuja članice, da bi pridobile kaj novih članic. Omenja, da je letos Jonita Ruth ena prvih delavk. Dobitke navzočnosti so dobile: Prances Bottari, Mary Trutman, Lorain Ruth in Ann Mulvey. Pecivo so prinesle Mary Ivanič, Johanna Krall in druge. Hvala vsem! Nato je bilo kazanje filmskih slik. Predvajala sta Joe Erjavec in Kris Pucel. Slike so od otvoritve novega doma Zveze in zadnje kovencije v Pittsburghu. Sledil je prigrizek. Udeležba je bila velika od strani članic ln tudi moških. Vabljeni vsi na prihodnjo sejo. Pozdrav! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC PODR. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Lepo smo obhajale Materinski dan. yodja programa je bila Helen Kon-koy, ki je les sposobna za to. Navzoča je bila Prances Zajc, ki je razložila de;lo za mladino, da se jih čimveč privabi in vpiše v podružnico. Udeležili smo se progreba sestre Mary Zeitz. Umrla je dne 29. maja, P'orence Jesen (Hunter), ki je več let bolehala. Naj počiva v miru. Bog ■1° je rešil trpljenja. V poletnih mesecih julija in avgusta, ne bo seje. Tajnica ima novo telefonsko številko: G7G-9216. Če imate kate novice, me pokličite 'n jih bom radevolje poročaila v Zarji, ''sem lep pozdrav! ANNA JESENKO PODR. 24. LA SALLE, ILL. Drage članice: Meseca maja nismo imele navadno sejo, ampak posebni sestanek prvega maja v počastitev častne mateie podružnice za to leto. Bilo je vse res nekaj izredno lepega, prijetnega in domačega. Mene ste letos izvolili za zaslužno mater, kar mi bo vedno ostalo v trajno lepem in častnem spominu. Ko ste mi dvignile kozarce s pesmijo, so se mi orosile oči s solzami, tako me je ganila vaša prijaznost in ljubezen. Ob lepi pesmi in s ponosmi slovenskim nageljnom in rožmarinom, mi je srce bilo veselo. Bog vas živi vse skupaj! Prejmite vse mojo srčno zahvalo za izkazano čast. Obljubljam vam, da bom po svojih močeh tudi v prihodnje delala za skupnost in za našo ljubljeno Zvezo. Bog vas blagoslovi za vse dobrote in darila, posebno še za izkazano prijateljstvo. Tudi v bodoče moramo držati skupaj, da bomo lepo napredovale. Prosim, da bi prihajale na seje, kajti več nas je, lepše je. Prosim, da odpustite napake, ker nobeden ni brez napak. Sedaj črez poletje v juliju in avgustu ne bo seje in samo ena Zarja bo prišla, menda v juliju. Pa zopet vsem na svidenje v jeseni in če Bog da na Zvezinem dnevu v Lemontu, dne 17. julija. Lepo uspeli Slovenski dan kulturnega izročila in naše narodne dediščine, ki je bil dne 12. junija, je v tem času že za nami in je kar najlepši uspeh. Vsa čast Slovenski ženski Zvezi, da se je podstopila in pripravili ta nepozabni dan za vse Slovence. Več bom še poročala o tem prihodnjič. Sporočam žalostno vest, da je dne 8. maja preminul Anton Omahen iz Oglesby v bolnišnici St. Mary’s v LaSalle. Za njim žaluje žena, ki je naša čla. Josephine Omahen, in sin James ter več drugega sorodstva v .Tolietu, Peru in DePue. Tone je bil dober človek, priljubljen vsepovsod. Žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje! Ses. Anna Klopčič ima moža že dalje časa v bolnišnici. Njemu in vsem bolnikom, želimo hitro zdravje. Pozdravlja Vaša, MICI MARY PILETIČ PODR. 32, EUCLID, 0H!0 Za slavje slavje materinskega dneva v mesecu maju, smo imele kosilo na čast vseh mater pri The Mark. Nas je bilo še precej in vse je bilo okusno pripravljeno. Počastile smo Phyllis Di Amico, našo zaslužno mater tega leta. Za dar in pušeljc se je lepo zahvalila., Ona ima 5 otrok in dela kot nurse v Euclid General Hospital. Tudi je zaposlena s twirlettes, naša mlada dekleta bodo še prej ali slej zavzele naše mesto. Iz Slovenije je dobila telegram Ann Bremec, ki je beautician na cesti 222nd Euclid. Oče je klical, da je mati ’zelo bolana, Maria Slak, Dol-neja vas. žal je mati prej umrla, predno je hčerka prišla domov, Bog daj ljubljeni mamici večni mir in pokoj. Naše sožalje vsej družini! Frances Korencic, ki stanuje v Nursing home na Neff Rd., bo dne 8. julija obhajala svoj 90. rojstni dan. Vse članice Vam prisrčno čestitamo, da ste dosegli tako lepo starost. Bog in Marija naj Vas blagoslovi! Happy birthday, še enkrat! Naša članica Josephine Cas, je dobila nagrado in priznanje za njeno dobro delo in trud kot prostovoljka za Red Cross. Bog ji naj poplača! Anne Cooke in Phyllis Di Amico sta vodile 52 pevcev in pevk v Orlando, Florida na ogled Disney World in druge zanimive kraje. Pevci so iz Euclid High School. Mary Bostian se zdravi doma. Bog naj ji da ljubo zdravje. Kot vsako leto, v juliju in avgustu ne bo seje. Srečno pot in Bog vas obvari, kjer-koli boste potovale, doma, ali po tujih krajih. A. T. PODR. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Krasni mesec maj je hitro zatonil. Z zanimanjem sem čitala vse lepe dopise naših članic v majniški Zarji. V prvi vrsti dopisi naše častne preds., Marie Prisland, ki je vsi želimo, da bi se dobro pozdravila. Enako jo-lietski dopisi Mrs. Erjavec in zanimiv opis od Mrs. Schlosar, ki tako resnično piše, da je v starem kraju otrok komaj shodil, pa je že moral pričeti delat. In kako lepo je opisala slovensko mater, Minka Chrnat iz Pittsburgha, Pa. Bog živi vse naše dopisovalke v Zarji. 1. maja je v naši cerkvi Sv. Družine prejelo prvo sv. obhajilo 10 otrok, kateie je pripravila njihova učiteljica. Dne 22. maja pa je 17 gra-duantov prejelo diplome iz naše šole in vsem želimo mnogo uspehov v življenju. Na Materinski dan so matere prejele skupno sv. Obhajilo in po maši so jim možje pripravili okusni zajut-rek v dvorani, za kar jim velja najlepša hvala. Dne 15. maja sta pa obiskala naše mesto in naselbino gl. predsednik KSKJ, Edward Kucic in gl. blagajnik Anton Mravle. Na domu Mr. in Mrs. Peter Majerle sta podarila lep dar od Jednote Petru Majerle, ki je C0 let skrbno deloval za slovensko ka- toliško jednoto, kot tajnik društva Sv. Petra in Pavla in pred tem je imel 3 leta drugi urad. Le škoda, da se Peter in njegova žena Mary, ki je preds. društva Sv.. Veronike že dolgo let in članica naše Zveze, — nista mogla udeležiti kosila v Hollyday Inn, zaradi bolj slabega zdravja. Na pojedini so bili poleg gl., uradnikov in članov omenjenih dveh društev, tudi člani društva čistega Spočetja, nakar je bila seja. Potem so si ogledali še cerkev, šolo in dvorano naše fare. Vse se jim je prav dopadlo in želimo, da so odnesli lepe spomine od nas. Upamo, da se še večkrat vrnejo med nas. Petru in Mary pa želimo, da bi se kmalu kar dobro pozdravila. Na graduaciji iz višje šole “Turner High School”, je naš vnuk, Richard Carter prejel certifikat kot State Scholar, kar je izredna čast. On je sin od hčere Angele. Imeli smo tudi 3 vnukinje, ki so letos graduirale iz višje šole. Bog daj, da bi vsi dobro delali še za naprej, kakor tudi vsi drugi. Najlepši pozdrav dični organizaciji! ANTONIA KOSTELEC, poroč. PODR. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. Sinoči smo imele zadnjo sejo pred vročimi poletnimi meseci. Seja se je vršila kot navadno v KSKJ dvorani. Naša prihodnja seja bo šele na prvi četrtek v septembru ob dveh popoldne. Udeležba na seji je bila za silo. toda bi lahko nas bilo mnogo več, ker bi tako lažje kaj dobrega ukrenile v korist podružnice. Me se staramo in potrebujjemo mladino, zato prosimo, da vse imate hčerke in vnukinje, da jih pripeljete v našo sredo ker v mladini je bodočnost. Globoko sožalje izrekamo naši Edith Drawenik, ki je izgubila drago mater. Bog jo je poklical k sebi in jo rešil trplenja v dolgi bolezni £al tudi hčerka ni prav zdrava že več let. Mary Rack-Pavšek je tudi v negovalnem domu. Pri padcu si je zlomila nogo. Vesela je obiskov, kakor vsi bolniki. Torej pridite na prihodnjo sejo. Imamo tudi Družabni klub, kjer se zabavamo s prikrivanjem številk in Mrs. Sušel je voditeljica. Naš duhovni voditelj, Fr. Strancar je šel obiskati sv. Deželo. Upamo, da se dobro počuti in ko pride domov, da bo imel veliko za povedati. Vsem tistim, ki ste imele ali boste praznovale rojstne dneve v teku 3 mesecev, želimo zdravje in veselje. God bless you all! CHRISTINE FILIPS DON LIPOVAC (continued): thorough training in the classics. While in high school, Don began playing with a Croatian Kolo Club, a Yugoslav folk song and dance group, where he met Frank and Ray. It was during these years his deep interest in European folk music was stimulated. The orchestra played for many Croatian and Slovenian church functions, polka dances and weddings in the Kansas City area. In 1958 Don won the nation’s top accordion honor — 1st place in the American Accordionists Association National Championship Contest and went on to represent the United States at the world competition in Brussels, Belgium. Don has appeared on the Lawrence Welk television show and as soloist with the Kansas City Philharmonic. Don is also the director of the St. John’s Tambu-ritzans. Recently Don, Frank and Ray have been traveling throughout the Midwest with their polka orchestra. Wherever they play the people always invite them back for more polka music. Since the release of their first album "Muziko, Muziko”, the orchestra has made many new friends. They have decided to follow-up with a second album “Polka Feast”. The theme for the album was suggested by the popular Slovenian tradition of gathering together for an evening of fellowship, good food, wine and singing to the music of the buttoniaccordion. Don has arranged selections such as; “Strukle Polka” and "Klobase Polka” for button-box, “Vine Polka” consisting of Croatian old-favorities and the "Happy Cook Polka” (Vesela Kuharca) which is especially liked by everyone for it’s old-time lift and flavor. For contrast the band plays the very popular "Suze Liju Plave Oci”. the Greek-style waltz “Lincoln Automobile” from Topkapi and “Los Dos” a beautiful Mexican melody. As in the first album the program also includes well-known Slovenian favorites such as “Jaz Pa Pojdem Na Gorenjsko” and “Moje Dekle”, Albums may bo purchased for $5.00 each and 8-track tapes for $G.OO each. Add .50 conts for postage and handling. Send orders to: DON LIPOVAC 1840 North 41st Terrace Kansas City, Kansas GG102 "FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" Hi, All Junior Members! During the summer months of your va ation, you will have lots of time to do different things. One of the things that would be nice to do is to express your talents by coloring the cover of our May 1977 issue of ZARJA-THE DAWN magazine. This is a beautiful picture of a young lady sprinkling her flower-box. She is dressed in her traditional Slovenian native costume. So, get out your paint set or crayons and start coloring your picture and send it directly to the Youth Board Advisor, FRANCES SIETZ, 26720 White Way Dr. F. 417, Richmond Hgts., Ohio 44143. An artist will judge your work and Prizes will be given for the best entires. C’mon, gang! Let’s try to be a winner. Your picture will be returned, maybe you would like to frame it for your room! Entries must be mailed by Sept. 1, 1977. HI BOYS AND GIRLS July and August are the prime months of summer vacation. Different families spend their summer different Wi»ys. My favorite vacation was when all eight of us would pack up and move to Rhinelander, Wisconsin for a week where we would do anything from fishing to exploring haunted houses. We’d always get the same cabin, 'he one with the bathroom on the Porch and the stuck back door. The first day we spent there, mom was doing dishes when suddenly she says Oh, my,” and points to the counter hy the sink. ‘‘What’s wrong, mom?” one of the eight asks. “A mouse just ran by,” she says calmly, “Oh,”' and we continue on with what we were previously doing. fhen there was the time 1 went fishing with my older brother Joe and niy dad. We were just narrowing in on a fish when my sister Cardta ftnd niy mora canle towards our boat ih their paddle boat. 'Ssh, be quiet,” my brother whispers. “You’ll scare away the fish.” What?” mom says at the same time she runs into our boat. “Oh NO!!” dad yells. But what is lhis? joe a tug on j,is ]ine and after a good struggle, pulls In a nice Lots of Fun: YANKEE DOODLE CRACKER GAME This game is for two teams of at least four players on each and a referee. The referee gives each player a saltine cracker. As soon as he blows a whistle or calls “On your mark, set, go!” the first person eats his cracker. From each team one at a time, a player tries to whistle after eating his cracker. The tune he must whistle is ‘‘Yankee Doodle went to town, a-riding on his pony! stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni!” As soon as he has succeeded in whistling it, the next player on his team eats his cracker and tries to whistle the same tune. This is not easy with a mouth full of crackers! The first team to finish is the winner. FRACES SIETZ Youth Board Director big northern pike. Not bad, considering that mom “scared the fish away”. My sister Nadine was the one for getting leeches on the bottom of her feet. I don’t remember anyone else but her getting those things. It seemed that as soon as Nadine would hit the water, she’d be out of it and started heading back to the cabin for salt to get them off. Poor Nadine, she must have tasted good to those leeches. Carita was the mosquito’s favorite appetite. She’d always be the one with the most mosquito bites. No matter how hard she tried, no “Off” or “6-12” would keep those mosquitos off of her. Vera, my oldest sister, was the friendly one. We wouldn’t be at our vacation site 1'or ten minutes and Vera would have made friends with all the other teen-agers in the area. She’d then bring them over to our cabin for pop and popcorn. Well this one time the whole family was gone except for me, Vera, and her friends. Vera told me to go out on the porch "For the mere fact that there is and get some pop., When I reached the porch, I heard something flying around. I looked up and took off. "Well, where’s the pop?” Vera questioned. "I didn’t get it.” I replied out of breath. "Why not?” a bat flying around in our porch.” “You’re kidding. Well . . . someone will have to run down to the main cabin and get the owner with his net.” “But Vera, how we gonna get him. The bat is in the only room that we can get out of.” “How about the back door?” “What back door? That thing is always stuck! How we gonna get out?” “We’ll just have to unstick it!” After ten long minutes of pushing and shoving we finally got the door open. You never saw people leave the house so fast. Bats were a common thing that year. One morning, I woke up and looked at the ceiling. There in the corner, staring back at me, was a nice big bat. If that ain’t a pretty face to wake up to. My little brother was really too small to do any thing fantastic. However, I do remember one time when we went into town to do some shopping. Andy got impatient and asked mom when we were going to go back to the “Cabbage”. However, those times of family vacations are gone. The family has grown up, gotten married, anti moved away. But the memories still live on to be talked about on our upcoming vacation of our now smaller family of four. Your friend, . REGINA It FOR FUN! The warld really isn’t any worse than it ever was. It's just that the n~ws overage is much better. * # * r. gypsy fortune taller to’d a client, "You will be poor and unhappy until you are 40.” “And what then?” asked the client expectantly. “Nothing,” the fortune-teller said, “by that time you’ll be used to it.” # * * We can do anything we want to if vie stick to it long enough. * # After struggling cm foot through r*erp driftr. rercrers finally reached the cabin rnd shoveled away enough snow to e'ear the door. The mountaineer responded to their knocking rid was to'd by ono rescuer: “We’re from the R“d Cross.” “Well,” the mountaineer responded, "it’s been a rp.ht tough winter and I don’t see h"\7 we cm give rnything this year.” u N B Union National Bank & Trust Co. Member F.D.I.C. FREE PERSONAL CHECKS FREE CHECKING JEFFERSON & OTTAWA STREETS PHONE: 727-5222 DRIVE-IN BANK — 50 N. Bluff St. JOLIET, ILL. FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME 251 N. Center St. at Campbell JOLIET, ILL 60435 Telephone 726-5211 Joel L. Dames - Mark L. Dames Michael L. Papesh METROPOLITAN & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDM ZETOAM FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 GEREf^D - H ABE RMAN N FUKERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 Save uuith ST. CLAIR 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 29001 Cedar Rd. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 6135 Wilson Mills Rd. 7481 Center St./Mentor 4936 Darrow Rd./Stow FSLIC 27801 EUCLID AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO A. GRDIMA & S0MS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje Iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd. Street Tel. HEnderson 1-20E8 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-G300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZESLE FUJIMEf&Al HOMES, BMC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361 0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Slovenian-International Cookbook Womans Glory — The Kitchen The perfect Gift! To order, send $4.50 plus 50c for postage per copy to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 N. CHICAGO ST. JOLIET, ILL. 60432 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. 'First in service since 1908” 459 North Ottawa Street Phone: 772 0534