ERK'2022, Portorož, 373-376 373 A Long-Term Discriminative Single Shot Segmentation Tracker Benjamin Dˇ zubur 1 , Alan Lukeˇ ziˇ c 1 , Matej Kristan 1 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Veˇ cna pot 113 E-mail:,{ alan.lukezic, matej.kristan} Abstract State-of-the-art long-term visual object tracking methods are limited to predict target position as an axis-aligned bounding box. Segmentation-based trackers exist, how- ever they do not address long-term disappearances of the target. We propose a long-term discriminative single shot segmentation tracker – D3SLT, which addresses the above shortcomings. The previously developed short-term D3S tracker is upgraded with a global re-detection module, based on an image-wide discriminative correlation filter response and Gaussian motion model. An online learned confidence estimation module is employed for robust es- timation target disappearance. Additional backtracking module enables recovery from tracking failures and fur- ther improves tracking performance. D3SLT performs close to the state-of-the-art long-term trackers on the bou- nding box based VOT-LT2021 Challenge, achieving F- score of 0.667, while additionally outputting segmenta- tion masks. 1 Introduction Visual object tracking is one of the main computer vi- sion problems, in which the task of the tracking algo- rithm is to continuously localize the target in a video. Target is specified by a single supervised example at the beginning of the video. Visual object tracking challenges can be roughly divided into two main groups: (i) short- term tracking, where target is always visible and (ii) long- term tracking, where target can disappear from the field- of-view or becomes fully occluded. Long-term trackers require a re-detection capability to re-localize the target after target disappearance. Long-term trackers in general consist of three main components: a short-term tracker, detector and interac- tion between the first two components. Lukeˇ ziˇ c et al. [7] use adaptive thresholding of the discriminative correla- tion filter (DCF) response to detect target absence and employ multiple DCFs, updated at various time scales, in combination with a simple motion model to re-detect the target. On the other hand, many successful long-term trackers from the past two years (LTMU B [2], CLGS, Megtrack [11]) use MDNet [13] or some similar special- ized online verifier for absence detection. For re-detection, the most successful long-term trackers either use a re- gion proposal network (RPN) to regress the target within Ground truth D3SL T (confident) D3SL T (not confident) Figure 1: Tracking results of the proposed D3SLT, which suc- cessfully detects the absence of the target and re-detects it when it re-appears, which is demonstrated in the first three rows. The tracker successfully recovers after re-detection of the wrong tar- get due to the backtracking module (last row). some region in combination with a simple sliding win- dow search (e.g. LTMU B) or by using a deep module for global target localization [5]. Interestingly, winner of the VOT-LT2021 challenge mlpLT [3] combines two short- term trackers [1, 15] by running them both simultane- ously and then giving the output of both to a verifier [13]. No additional global re-detection module is used. State-of-the-art long-term trackers report target posi- tion as an axis-aligned bounding box, which is just an approximation of a target position. This approximation is often not very accurate, e.g., when tracking an elongated rotated object, or when target is significantly deforming, since a lot of pixels within the predicted bounding box are actually background. In these situations a segmentation mask is much more accurate prediction. Development of segmentation-based trackers has been recently popu- larized by the VOT Challenge [11, 12], where ground- truth in a short-term sub-challenge is given as segmenta- tion masks. Wang et al. [14] proposed one of the first segmentation-based short-term trackers by extending a siamese tracking framework with segmentation mask pre- 374 diction, while Yan et al. [16] presented a segmentation- based framework which can be applied to any bounding- box tracker. Recently, Lukeˇ ziˇ c et al. proposed a dis- criminative single-shot segmentation tracker (D3S [8]), which combines a deep discriminative correlation filter (DCF) for robust target estimation and a feature-matching module for per-pixel segmentation. The D3S tracker has demonstrated robust tracking performance due to discrim- inative formulation as well as high prediction accuracy due to segmentation, while it lacks long-term tracking ca- pabilities. In particular, it fails when target disappears for a longer time period and is not able to recover it after it re-appears in the image. In this work we present a long-term tracker named D3SLT as a primary contribution, which extends an ex- isting short-term tracker D3S [8] with long-term tracking capabilities. We design a detector based on deep DCF in D3S capable of image-wide target re-detection. A back- tracking mechanism is proposed as a secondary contribu- tion, which is used to recover after potential re-detection of a wrong target. The proposed tracker achieves com- petitive results to the state-of-the-art long-term trackers on VOT-LT2021, while reporting target position as a seg- mentation mask. 2 Long-term Segmentation Tracker In this section we describe the proposed long-term dis- criminative single shot segmentation tracker (D3SLT). The tracker extends the existing short-term tracker D3S [9], described in Section 2.1, with long-term track- ing capabilities. A crucial component D3SLT is target re- detection module (Section 2.3), which is activated when target is localized with low confidence (Section 2.2). A potential re-detection of a wrong target is resolved by a backtracking module, described in Section 2.4. 2.1 Short-term tracker The short-term component is used to track the target in consecutive frames. We use the short-term D3S [9] track- er, which has demonstrated a robust tracking performance as well as a high accuracy of the predicted target segmen- tation. Target localization in D3S is performed within the search region which is approximately four times larger than target size. High robustness and accuracy are ob- tained by combining two visual models – one is adaptive and highly discriminative, but geometrically constrained to an Euclidean motion (GEM), while the other is invari- ant to broad range of transformation (GIM) which pro- vides an approximate segmentation. The outputs of GIM and GEM are combined in the refinement pathway, which produces an accurate segmentation mask of the tracked target. Finally, the scale estimation module is used for robust estimation of the target size. We refer the reader to the original publication [9] for more details about the short-term tracker. 2.2 Confidence estimation module This module predicts confidence of the current target lo- cation prediction. Ideally, high confidence value is out- puted when the predicted position highly overlaps with the actual position of the target and low value when tar- get prediction does not cover the target well, e.g., most of the object is occluded, or the object has left the camera view. Confidence score is predicted by classifying the im- age region cropped around the predicted target position using an online learned classifier. The classifier, called also the verifier, is trained online to distinguish between positive and negative samples using training methodol- ogy presented in [6]. At initialization, 100 positive training samples are gen- erated by perturbing a bounding box so that it overlaps with the initial bounding box at least 70%, while 200 neg- ative examples are sampled around the target with over- lap less than 50%. During confident tracking, both sets of samples are updated every fifth frame. In positive set, 100 samples are added by randomly perturbing bounding box, so that they overlap with the predicted bounding box by more than 70%. Negative set is updated by adding 100 negative samples collected over the entire image. The re-detection module (Section 2.3) is applied on the im- age to indentify the most similar regions compared to the tracked target. The top 30 local maxima in the global DCF response are taken as candidate positions. The neg- ative samples are constructed by cropping patches of the same size as the target, centered at the candidate posi- tions. Additional translation, scale and aspect jittering is used when generating the samples. Sets of positive and negative samples are limited to 2000 samples, each. When the limit is reached, the oldest samples are replaced first. After adding new samples to the positive and nega- tive sample sets, the classifier is re-trained. Low confidence (i.e., lower than a pre-defined thresh- old τ ) indicates that the target is not tracked anymore, thus a re-detection module (Section 2.3) is activated and the verifier as well as the short-term tracker are not up- dated anymore. ObservingK consecutive positive scores deactivates the re-detection module and triggers the back- tracking module (Section 2.4). If the backtrack is suc- cessful, tracking is resumed with the short-term tracker only. 2.3 Re-detection module Global (image-wide) target re-detection is performed us- ing a deep discriminative correlation filter (DCF) from the GEM module in D3S, which is correlated over the entire image to obtain a global correlation responseR G . After the target disappears, it is not likely that it will re-appear immediately on the position significantly far away from the last confident target position, denoted as x c . Thus we introduce a motion priorπ (x), formulated as a random walk dynamic model, which models the likeli- hood of target position x = [x,y] T by a Gaussianπ (x) = N (x c , Σ) . Note that Σ is a diagonal covariance matrix defined as Σ = σ 2 x 0 0 σ 2 y ,σ x = x w α ∆ t s , σ y = x h α ∆ t s , where x w and x h denote the width and height of the tar- get respectively, α s is the scale increase parameter and 375 ∆ t denotes the number of frames since the last confident estimation. Target location estimated by the re-detection module is defined as the position of the maximum in the responseR G ⊙ π (x), where⊙ is the pointwise product. 2.4 Backtracking module Target re-detection process may fail, leading to tracking of the wrong target. To address these situations we design the backtracking module, which tracks the selected target back in time to resolve possible target switches. Suppose that tracker successfully re-detected the target at framet. A new instance of the short-term tracker (Section 2.1) is initialized in the frame I t and is used to track previous frames from the set of past frames Γ = { I t− 1 ,...,I t− n } , where n is the maximum number of past frames which can be used. The backtracking process can end before reaching n past frames in the following cases: (i) the maximum in GEM correlation response drops under the thresholdθ GEM , or (ii) a confident tracking result was ob- tained before on the frameI t− j . The first case indicates that the tracked target is not visible anymore. We cannot assume whether this is the true target or not, therefore we continue with short-term tracking in frame I t+1 . In the second case (ii) or if alln frames have been backtracked, we compute the probability density at the backtracked target position π (x t− j ) based on the motion model and the last confident target position x c , as defined in Sec- tion 2.3. This density is subjected to a threshold θ MM to decide whether the backtracked target corresponds to the true target (in which case we switch to short-term tracking inI t+1 ) or a distractor (we continue with global re-detection inI t+1 ). Finally, the confidence estimation module is updated (Section 2.2) accordingly based on features extracted during backtracking. 3 Experiments In this section, we present the experimental results of the proposed D3SLT on the VOT-LT2021 dataset. In Sec- tion 3.1, we describe implementation details of our tracker. In Section 3.2 we compare our tracker to the state-of-the- art long-term trackers and in Section 3.3 we report the results of the ablation study. 3.1 Implementation details We use the pre-trained version of the short-term D3S tra- cker [9] with the ResNet50 [4] backbone. The follow- ing parameters were determined manually, based on our preliminary experiments and remained fixed in all exper- iments. The motion model parameter α s is set to 1.05, positive and negative samples in the verifier (Section 2.2) are updated every five successfully tracked frames and the classifier is updated using SGD with learning rate 0.0003 for 15 iterations. The decision threshold in the verifier τ is set to 0.5, while K is set to 3. In the backtracking module the maximum number of past framesn is set to 260, the motion model uncertainty thresholdθ MM to 0.26 andθ GEM to 0.16. 3.2 Long-term tracking performance The proposed D3SLT tracker is evaluated on the VOT- LT2021 benchmark [12]. The dataset consists of 50 long video sequences, in which target objects disappear and reappear frequently. Note that axis-aligned bounding box- es are required by the evaluation protocol, thus the pre- dicted segmentation masks are transformed into bound- ing boxes by generating the smallest axis-aligned bound- ing box which contains the whole mask. The reported confidence score at each frame is defined as the output of the verifier on the patch, contained in the predicted bounding box. Tracking performance is evaluated us- ing tracking precision (Pr) and tracking recall measures (Re) computed under a set of confidence thresholds. The primary performance measure to rank the trackers is F- score, defined asF = 2PrRe Pr+Re . The reader is referred to the original publication [10] for a detailed description of the performance evaluation measures and protocol. Tracker Pr Re F Award mlpLT [3] 0.741 0.729 0.735 1 (2021) STARK LT 0.721 0.725 0.723 2 (2021) LT DSE 0.715 0.677 0.695 1 (2019, 2020) LTMU B [2] 0.701 0.681 0.691 2 (2020) D3SLT 0.669 0.666 0.667 D3S [9] 0.452 0.465 0.459 FuCoLoT [7] 0.507 0.346 0.411 Table 1: State-of-the-art comparison on the VOT-LT2021. The proposed D3SLT is compared to the state-of-the- art long-term trackers and the results are presented in Ta- ble 1. We observe that the state-of-the-art trackers are slightly more robust (i.e., higher recall), however these trackers can not produce a segmentation mask. When compared to the original D3S tracker, our tracker im- proves F-score by more than 20pp. The results on se- lected sequences are visualized in Figure 1. While the tracker segments the targets nicely, the predicted axis- aligned bounding boxes which are lined up with the edges of the mask, might not be considered precise when com- pared to the ground-truth boxes from the dataset. Addi- tionally, the mask sometimes captures noisy background around the edge of the target, further inflating the pre- dicted box. A more intelligent adaptive prediction of the bounding box based on the mask might further improve precision and thus F-score. The proposed tracker runs at 4.7 FPS, measured on a system with a Ryzen 3700x CPU and a single Nvidia RTX3060Ti GPU. Most of the slow-down compared to the baseline short-term tracker [9], which runs at 9 FPS, is due to the DCF response computation for image-wide target re-detection and frequent backtracking. 3.3 Ablation study An ablation study was performed to analyze contributions of individual D3SLT components. The variants of the D3SLT without the following components were consid- ered: (i) without the global re-detection module (GRE); (ii) without the Gaussian motion model in re-detection 376 (MM); (iii) without the backtracking module (BT ); and (iv) instead of the verifier (VER) a confidence score based on the correlation response quality was computed, simi- larly as in [7]. Results of the ablation study are shown in Table 2. Variant Pr Re F D3SLT 0.669 0.666 0.667 GRE 0.654 0.515 0.576 MM 0.653 0.648 0.651 BT 0.654 0.642 0.648 VER 0.649 0.631 0.640 Table 2: Ablation study of D3SLT on the VOT-LT2021 dataset. Removing the global re-detection module (GRE) re- sults in over 9pp drop of the F-score, primarily due to the 13pp lower recall. This is expected as the target may disappear through one edge of the frame and re-appear through another. In this case, it is less likely to be re- detected using only the smaller local search region of the short-term tracker. The motion model provides additional inductive bias in our tracker, reducing the chance of tracking a faraway distractor, when the target is briefly lost due to e.g. short- term occlusion. Removing the motion model (MM) re- sults in 1.6pp performance drop in F-score comparing to the proposed D3SLT. When removing the verifier (VER) and use the corre- lation response to compute the confidence score, similar as in [7], we observe a drop in F-score of 2.7pp. This indicates that the alternative scoring mechanism is highly correlated with the proposed verifier, though slightly less robust. When backtracking is disabled (BT ) 1.9pp lower F- score is achieved, compared to the original D3SLT. Clear- ly, the module helps to ensure that D3SLT does not begin to confidently track a distractor when it loses the true tar- get. 4 Conclusion We introduced a long-term discriminative single shot seg- mentation tracker – D3SLT. A recent D3S tracker [9] was used as a short-term component and combined with an image-wide re-detection mechanism based on deep dis- criminative correlation filter. A separate confidence esti- mation module was designed for robust estimation of the localization confidence and a backtracking module was developed to recover after potential wrong re-detections. The tracker achieved respectable performance on the VOT-LT2021 challenge with F-score 0.667. While cur- rent state-of-the-art methods perform noticably better for the task of object tracking via bounding boxes, they do not provide accurate segmentation masks of the tracked object. To further improve the D3SLT performance, our future research will focus on bringing robust object-agnos- tic detectors from the literature to the proposed frame- work. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the ARRS program P2-0214 and project J2-2506. References [1] Goutam Bhat, Martin Danelljan, Luc Van Gool, and Radu Timofte. 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