CODEN SCPLEK ISSN 0351 - 0077 PRIRODOSLOVNl MUZHJ SLOVENIJE MUSEUM HISTORIAE NATURALIS SLOVENIAE SCOPOLIA 42 Botdnica Geologica & Falaeontologica Museologica 26 Zoologies Andrej GOGALA: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist of Species {Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Favna čebet Slovenije: seznam vrst (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) SCOPÖLIA No 42 pp. 1-79 Ljubljana Oct. 1999 Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist of Species (Hymenoptera; Apoidea) Andrej Gogala SJoveniaji Museum of »amral History Preäernova 20, PO Box 290 SI-] 001 Ljubljana, S3ovenia Received: 7,10.1998 UDC(UDK) 595.799(497,4)f05I)-20 ABSTRACT - Listed in ilit prcsem articJe are 536 bee spedfts known to live id Slovenia, according to llw published reco/ds, their presence in cc>11echons preserved in the Sloven!Ein Museum of Natural History, or such as fQünd by the author b recent surveys. The distributions of the species in Slovenia are shown according tc the phytogeogi^iphical regions, Data Oil the biology of species include foodplanr preferences, nesting habits or cleptopaJiastic way of life. Key words: HymenopLera, Apoidea, Slovenia, bees, fauna IZVLEČEK - FAVNA ČEBEL SLOVENIJE; SEZNAM VRST (HYMENOPTERA: APOIDEA) - Seznam 536 za Slovenijo znanih vrst icbci jc scitavijtn na podlagi objavljenih podatkov, prisotnosti v zbitkab PrirodoslovnegB muzeja Siovcnije in najdt med avtorjevimi raziskavami, RszSirjenos: vrst v Sloveniji je podana po fitogcogtstskih obmoEjih, Podatki u biologiji vrst vkljuSujejo hranilne rastline, gnezdiinc navado äli fcloptoparazitsfci na£in življenja, fcijučnc besede: Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Slovenija, Eebele, fa^a Introdiicdon Bees are key elements of many terrestrial ecosystems, providing pollination service to plants that, without them, would produce much fewer seeds. They are endangered by the human interference in the landscape. Bees require a lot of different flowers and specific places where they can bmld their nests, Modem agriculmral practices favoring monocultures and taking all availabJe space do not provide bees with basic requirements far their life. The bee fauna of Slovenia has never been thorotighly investigated and no catalojiue has been eoinpited. The present work is an attempt to remedy this deficiency, facilitating future research and assisting namie preservation. The majority of data have been compiled during the preparation of the dissenatiün thesis by the author (Goöala 1997). History of the Slovenian bee fauna sur\'eys Despite a long history of entomology and the tradition of beekeeping, the fauna of wild bee.s in Slovenia is not well known. Some species were listed by f. A. Scopoli in his work Entomologia camiolica (1763), the first itudy of the Slovenian insects. Several species are known under the names chosen by him, but some are described too vaguely to he recognized. In 1902 E, Graeffe, an entomologist working in Trieste, published a list of the bee species of the Austrian coast, with some records now belonging to Slovenia. A species he found in Tolmin was reCOgni^cd as new to science and described by J D, Alfken as Colletex graeffei. Between the world wars, physician E. Jaeger who worked at PodfehrteIc, gathered a nice collection of bees there, preserved partly in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, A part of his collection is in Zagreb and the records from this pan were published by V Vocrin in 1955, E latcer himself published an article in 1934 in the Prirodoslovne Razprave, with a description of a new species found at Podčetrtek and named Andfena kecfikae in honour to his wife, Many foreign entomologists collected in Slovenia, and data on the Slovenian bee fauna are scattered in many of their works. In recent times two contributions to the knowledge of the Slovenian bee fauna were published by the author (Gog.ala 1991b; 1994) Problems flf bee systtmatics The generic and higher classification of the bees is still under debate and far from a stable system. The bees could be treated as a single family or split into varying number of families, But most problematic of all is the generic classification in some groups, especially the Megachilidae. Some authors split the genus Osmia into many genera and then reunited them into an even larger unit. The problem lies in the lack of reliable apomorphic characters to be used in cladistic analyses. In the following list the genera Heriades. Chehstoma, Protosmia and Hopiitis are treated as distinct genera, while many other groups, believed to be more closely related, arc together in the genus Osmia. The genus Hoplhis, however, is understood differently than by Mfchemer, McGi^ftev and DANfOÄTH (1994.). Many groups included by them in this genus are treated here as members of the genus Osmia, as proposed by Gooala (1995), According to the cladistic principles, the genus Tetrahnia iti the Apidae, as recognized traditionally, would be split into several genera, but here it is still treated traditionally because the revision on a worldwide basis has tiot been published as yet. Parasitic bumblebees, traditionally forming the genus Psitkyrus, however, are treated here as members of the genus Bambus. Checklist of species Listed in the present article are 536 bee species known to live in Slovenia, according to the published records, their existence in collections preserved in the Slovenian Museum of Natural _A. GogaJa: Bee Famia ul'SloveniaL Chet:klist of Species [Hyinenoplera: Apoidea)_3 History, or those found by the author in rcccnt surveys. Only synonyms used in the literature concerning local fauna or such as used in recent times are iiicntioned. The joogeogtaphic categories to which the species are placed are selected according to the ktiown distributions of spccies, only in Halictidae the categories used by Ebm^h (1988) are followed. The distributioni of species in Slovenia are shown according to the phytogcographica] regions as defined by M, Wäabek (l%9) who divided Slovetila into six regions on the basis of the piedominam vegetation (Fig. 1): SM = Submcditerranian region, SP = Subpannonian region, PA = Preajpine region, PD = Predinaric region, Dl = Dinaric region, AL = Alpine region. Where only a few localities are known, these are mentioned precisely. Published records (P. t.) are cited. Species for vhich no published records are cited are recorded in Slovenia for the first time, Data on the biology of species include foodplant preferences {polylectic species collect pollen of many different plant species, while oljgolectic species need the pollen of a single plant genus or even a single species), and nesting habits or cleptoparasitic way of life, Cleptoparasitic species lay eggs in the nests of host bee spEcics. Spccics can have only one generation a year (untvoltinc species), while others have two, usually a spring and summer one (bivoltine species). The majority of species are solitary, social species are in the families of Halictidae and Apidae. The time of activity is also mentioned in the list For some species not all of data are known. Fig. 1: Phytojcugraphical regions of Slovenia according to M. Wrabci; SM = Submcditerrancan region, DI Dinaric rcgion, PD = Predinaric region, PA = Prcalpine rcgiots, SP - SutipaniiOnian region, AL " Alpine region. CoUetitke Hyiaeus Fabticiüs 1793 PrajD/fij Fabricius 1804 Hytaeus adriaücus (Waracfce 1972) North Mediterranean mOQtane species. In Slovenia found near Hipelje on the siope of Mt. Slavnik (SM), P, r.:GocALA 1991b Univoltiiie. Flies in June and July. Hylaeus siipinus (Morawitz 1SÖ7) Alpine species. In Slovenia in the Alps and on Mts. Nanos and Snežnik (AL, SM, DI), P.r.: Gogala 1991b; Gocau; 1994 Probably polylectic species (pers. obs.). Univoltinc. Flifis in July atid Auguit, Hytaeus angastaius (Scbänck 1861) West Palaeanctic species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P.r: vogmn 1955; Gücala 1991b; Goqala 1994 Poiylectic species, Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Hylaeas aitnuiaris Q^why 1S02) Prosopis dilaiaia (Kirby 1802) Prosopis cervicornis Costa 185S West Paiaearclic sptcles. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP P. i,; VocaiN 1955; Gocala 19?lb; Gocala 1994 Poiylectic species, Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (Westrich 1990). Univoltinc, Fliis from June to September. Hylaeus annuSafus (]J\:!^na.s[:l& 175s) Boreomontane species. In Slovenia found on VräiC pass (AL), Poiylectic species (Elfving S968). Nests probably in wood burrows (pers, obs.). Flies in July. Hylaeus fej-tvicarnis Nylander 1852 West Pakearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: vogkin 1955; Erlandsson 1986; Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Poiylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e,g. hollow stems (Westrjcü 1990), H i vol t ine. FUes from May to September, Hylaeus dypcoHs (Sclienck 1S53) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, DI. P.r.: Erlandsson 1986; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Poiylectic species, Nests in pre-existing cavities, e g, wood burrows (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. //jj/flCMS MMfflunij Nylander 1S52 PiVSOpiS amuiata auct. West Palaearctic species Present in the whole of Slovenia, P.r.: VocRJ^■ 1955, Gogala 1991b: Gogala 1994 A. Go gala: See Fauna of Slovenia: Check]!;: of Species (Hymcnoptcra: ApoideaJ S Polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g wood btirrows (westrich 1990>. Bivol tine. Flies from May to September. Hylaeus t'fJii/usiu Nylander 1S52 European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: VocHiN 1955; Oogala 1991b; Gogal.^ 1994 PolyJectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (WESTRICH 19?0). Bivol tine. Flies from May to September. Hyheus carnuius Curtis 1831 Mediterranean species. Siovenia: SP, PA. P. r.; VmriN 1955 Probably polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing Cavities, e.g. hollow stems (Westmch 1990). It carries the pollen by a different nnethod than the other members of the genus. It forms a ball of pollen carried in a hollow on the face, between two hom-lifce processes (OTOOLE & R^vw 1991). Univoltitie. Flies from June to August. Hylams di/jformis (Eversmann 1552} European species. Slovenia: SP, PA, AL, P. r.: vogrin 1955, Gogala 1991b; Gooa[.a 1994 Polylectic spectes. Nests in pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from May to August. Hylaeus duckei (Alfken 1904) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P r.: VocRiN 1955, Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Probably polylectic species (WsstRiCH 1990). Visits Apiaceae (peis, obs ), Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Hylaeus gibbus Saunders 1S 50 North Meditenanean species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP, P r.; VocRTN 1955, Gogala 1991b; Güüala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (Westhick 1990). Bivoltine. Flies from May to September. Hylaeus grcdleri Förster i S71 European spec its, Slovenia; Dl, PA, AL, SP, SM (Ca ven, Vremščica). Probably polylectic species (ErlaNDSSOH 1986). Probably univoltine. Flies in June and July, Hylaeus /lyalinatus Smith 1842 Nortb Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP. P. r.: VocRJN 1955, Gm3a:.a 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic spcctes. Nests in pre-existing cavities (W^sraicH 1990). Bivoltine, Flies from May to September. Hylaeus imparllix Förster 1871 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P r: Gogala 199lb; Gogala 1994 Probably polylectic specks (pers. obs., EklandSSON 1986], Bivoltine, Flies from June to September. ffy/aeus kaftri Förster 1Ž71 Mfditerrancan species. Slovenia; SM, Dl, PA, AL. SP. P.r.: VooRi?; 1955; Gooala 1991b; Ctoo.^l.^ 1994 Probably polylectic species (pers. obs,). Bivol tine. Flies from June to Seprember. Hylaeus leptocephalus fMorawitz 1S70) Hylaeus bisiiiuams Förster 1&71 European spedes. Sbvenia; Podčetrtek (SP). P, r.: Vo^}rl^' 1955; Gogala 1994 Probably polylecric species, Mests in pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990). Uni vol tine. Flies from June to August, Hylaeus- linevlaUts (Schenck 1859) Mediterranean spoolcs. Slovenia: SM, SP, ?. r,i VoGRiN 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species (pers. obs ). Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. hollow stems (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. F lies from lune to September. Hylaeus moricei (Friese 1858) Mediterranean species. In Sloveoia in the Sečovlje salt-flats (SM). Probably polylectie species. Probably nesls in reeds (Phragmites) CWestrich 1990), Uni vol tine. Flies from June to August Hylaeus nigriius (Fabricius 1798) European species. Slovenia; SP, PA. P, r.; VOGRIN 1955; Gogala 1991b; Goüala 1994 Oligplectic, specialized on Asteraceae. Nests in stone crevices and Other pre-existing cavities (Westr[ch 1990). Univoltine. Flies üom June to August. Hylaeus nivatiformis Dathe 1977 East Alpine species. In Slovenia above the forest limit in the Alps (AL). P. r.; Wahncke 1988, Gooala 1991b; Qooala 1994; Ebmer 1996 Probably polylectie species (pcrs. obs.). Univoltine. Flies in July and August. fTyJaeus pfankuchi (AJfken 19i9) European species. In Slovenia at the Cerknica lake and in Draga near Ig (Dl). T found it on Apiaceae and Asteraceae. Nests in reed stems (Westmch 1990), Univoltine, Flies from June to August. Ui'taeus pktipes Nyi ander 1852 Hylaeus panzeri Förster 1S71 West Paiacatctic speeies. Slovenia; Podčetrtek (SP). R r,: VuCRiN 1955; GcxjaMi 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to Angnst. Hylaeun punctalus (Bnille 1832) Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, FA, SP, _A. Gogala: Bee Fajfiti of Slovenki: Checklist of Species fHyiiienoplera: Apoidea)_ P. r.: aociala 1991b; Gogala 1994 PolyJcctic spedes. Nests probably in pre-cxisling cavil i cs {Westrech 1990), Univoltinc. Flies from June to August. Hylaeus punctulatissiniiis Smilh 1842 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, DI, SP. P, r,' Votj^nv 1955; Gogala 199lb; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, spcdalized on Allium (Liliaceae). Nests in prc-enisting cavities, e g, wood burrows (Westrich 1990). UnivoUine. Flies in June and July. ffylneux signatiis (Panzer 1798) Pmsopis pratensis (Geoffroy in Fourcroy 178SJ Pm^iipi.i^ hipunctata (Fabricius 1798) European species. Slovenia: SM. PA, SP. P, r,: Vocm 1955; Gooala 1991b; Ootala 1994 Oligoleciic, specialized on Reseda (Resedaceae). Ntsts in pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990), Partly bivol t inc. Flies from June to September Hyltiens i:inuaitis (Sehenck 1853) Pmsopis mi/iuta auct. European species, Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, AL, SP. P. r.: VocRiN 1955; Gqüala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Ifylneus styriacus Förster 1871 Pontic species. Slovenia; SP, PA. DI P. r.: VocRiN 1955; Goüala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in pre-existing cavities, e.g. wood burrows (WtsTRJCH 1990). Univoltine, Flies from June to August. flytäeus taeniolaius Förster 1S71 Hyhaus diploriyrrms, Dathe 19S0 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia found on Mt. Trgtelj (SM). P. r.: Gog al a 199 lb Probably polylectic species (Erlavdsson 1986). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Hylaeiis tyyolensis Förster 1871 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SP, PA. P. r,; Gooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Known foodplants are the Apiaceae {Eeu.ands5dn 19S6). Univoltine, Flies in June and July Hylaeus variegaUis (Fabricius 1798) European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P r.: voorik 1955; Goüala i99lb; Gckala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in found burrows in the ground (WjiSTlUCft 1990). Partly bivoltine. Flies from June to September. Colletes Latreilfe 1802 Colletes alößinact/larus (Lucas 1S49) CoUetes spectabiiis Morawitz 1868 Colletas niveo/asciatus Dours 1S73 Mediteiranean species. In Slovenia near Ihe village Dragonja in I s tria (SM). Probably polylectic species {OsvCnjuk 1970}. Univoitine. Flies in May and June. CoUeies can'fiaUis Radoszkowski 1891 East Mediterranean species. Sloven i a! SM. Oligoleclic, specialized on Allium (Liliaceae) (pers. obs.l. UnivoltiDe. Flies in June and July Colleifs cunictthrius (Linnaeus I76i) Eürüsiberian species, Slovenia; SP, PD, PA, P. r.:g0gala 1994 Oligolectic. specialized on Salix (Salicaceae). Nests in burrows in ihe gtuund, excavatcd by itself {Westrich 1990). I observed it also collecting the pollen of Brassica (Brassitaceae). Un i VC h int. Flies in March and April, CoUeies daviesanus Smith 1846 Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: SM, SP, PA. P. r.: GocrALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Astcraccac. Nests in burrows m the ground, excavated by itself (WESTiycH 1990). Univoitine. Flies from June to August. Colletes ßoratis Eversmann 1852 Boreomontane species. In Slovenia reported to be found near Kamnik (PA) (VofjRiM 1955), but Üiis report is unreliable because of possible m is identification. Probably poly lectic species (Elfvimü 1968), visits mainly Asteraceae (Schmiedekneoit 1930), Univoitine. Flies in July and August. Colletes fadiens (Gcoffroy in Fourcroy 17S5) European species. In Slovenia along the river Sava near ČmuSe and near Bevke on Ljubljansko Barje (PA). P, T.: Goo AL A 1994 Oligolectic, specialised on Asteraceae, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoitine Flies in July and August, Colletes graeffei Alfkcn 1900 East Mediterranean montane species, Iti Slovenia near Tolmin (locus typicus) (GaAEFFt 1902), near Rimske Toplice (Noskiewicz 1936), on Nanos and in Trnovski Gozd. near Škocjanske Jame and on Polliograjska Grmada (SM, PA). Oligolectic, specialized on j^Wiwji (Liliaceae) (graeffn 1902, OsyCntok 1970, Tkalcu 1974b). In _A, Go^a^ B^e Founa of Slovenja: Checklist of Specks CHyinenoptera: Apoidea)_9 SlDVenia it visits exdusLvdy the flowers oi Allium pulchiiium (pers. obs.). UllivoItine. Flies in July and August, CoUetes hederae Schmidt & Westrich 1993 North Mediterranean species. SlovEnia: SM, DL R r.: Gocala 1994 Oligoleotic, specialized on Hedera (Araliaceae) (ScHiüor & Westrich 1993, pers. obs.), The males visit mainly Apiaceae (pers. obs.J. Univoltine. Flies from August to October. ColUtes hylaeiformh Eversmann 1852 TJonh Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM. P, r.: Gogala 1991b; Goga[j\ 1994 Ofigolectie, specialized on Apiaccae (Graeff? 1902, pers. obs,). Univoltine. Flies io July and August. CoUetes nigricans Gistel 1857 Colletes dimiäiatus fiigricans. Wamcke 1978 West Mediterranean species. In Slovetiia near Seiovlje, Strunjan and the spring of the Ribana river in Istria (SMJ. P. r: Gogala 1994 (as Colieies eons - wrong identification) Probably oligolectic, specialized on Reseda (Resedaceae) (pers, obs,). Univoltine. Flies in July. CoUetes simUh Schenck lSi3 Calletei picistigma Thonison 1872 Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r; Gocala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae. Nests in bnrrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRICH 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to September. CoUetes succincius [Linnaeus 1758) PalaearCtic species. Slovenia! PA. SP. P T.: Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on CaUma (Ericaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich !990). Utlivoltitie. Flies in August and September. Halictidae Halictus Latrdlle 1S04 HaSictus Cürintbiacus Bliitligen 1936 South Alpine species of beech forrests. In Slovenia in Trnovski Gozd (Ebmee 1988), on Nanos (Gocala 1994) (SM) and on Kum (PA), Males fly in July and August. HaUctus cortfusns 1653 Haiictus perkiftsi Bluthgen 1926 Holarctic species, Tn Slovenia along the rivers Sava and Diava (SP, PA}. P, r.: Gogala 1994 Polylcctic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself, Social species (WESTfUCH 1990), Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July to September fffl/KfBJ fHriig/jfl/AHI Bluthgen 1931 European species. Slovenja: SP, PA, P.r.:GooAtA 1991b; Gooala 1994 O^'erwmtered females appear iti April, males fly in August, HaWctus gavarnicus Pitez 1903 East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in TmOVski Gozd near AjdovSčina (Ebmeb. 1988). Overwintered females appear in June, males fly from July, HaUctUS kesshri Bramson IS79 East Mediterranean Species. Slovenia; SM. R c.: GOCALA !991b;Go(3ALA 1994 Polylectic specics. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social spccies (pers. obs.). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July, Haiictus langobardkus'B\<ä\\ig'ai 1944 North Mediterranean species, Slovenia; SM, PA, SP, P r.: Gocala 1991bi Gogala 1994 Overwintered females appear in May, males fly from June. Hahctus maculatus Smith 1848 West Palaearctic sped es. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P r.: Eruanesson 1979; Gooala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social species (Westrech 1990), Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July to October Haiictus pateUatus Morawitz 1873 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Katst (SM). P. r: Gügala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Males fly in August. Hctlktus qnadricinctus (Fabricius 1776) Palaearctic species, Slovenia; SM, P, r.iGocALA 1991b PolylEctic specics. Nests in burrows in (he ground, cxcavated by itself. Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July to September. Haüctüs rubicundus (Christ 1791) Holarctic specics, Slovenia: AL, PA. SM (Sabottn, VremSčica), SP (Podčetrtek). P, r.: VooRiN 1955; Gooala 1994 Polylectic Species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social species (Westrich 1990). Overwititercd females appear in April, males and young females in July, _A. Gogala: Bcc Fnuna of Slüvenia: Chetkii^t of Species (Mymenoptera: Apoidea)_M flaliclus scahiosae (Hossi 1790) Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, SP (Podčtiriek). P. r: Vo 1594 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula (Campanulaceae). Nests m burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Solitary species (WESTRICH 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, maks fly from July. Lasioglossum crassepunctatum (Blüth^cn 1923) Mcditcrrancan-ccntral Asian steppe species. In Slovenia near Podietrtek (SP) (Ebmer 198K). Lasioglossum cupromicans [Pdfez 1903) Alpine spceies. In Slovenia in Trnovski Gozd, Nanos, VreraSčica, Snežnik and in tlie Alps (AL, SM, Dl). P. r,; Ebmer 1974; Goo al a 1994 Probably polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westkich 1990). Females fly from May, males frotn July Lashglassuin dtscum (Smith 1S53) UalicTiis morbUhsus Kriechbaumcr 1S73 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP, P. r.: Gocala 1991b; Gooaia 1994 Probably oligolectic. specialized on Asteraceae (pers. obs., Ebmeel 1970}. Females fly from May, males from July. Lasiitghssum duckei (Alfken 1909) East Mediterranean specics. In Slovenia near Divafa (Ebmer 198S) and near Hrastovlje (Gooala 1994) (SM), Females fly in June LüsioglffSmm fratenum (Perez 1903) Boreomontane species. Slovenia: AL, P. r.! VooR[M 1955; Gugala 1991b; Gögala 1994 Probably polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrjch 1990), Overwintered females appear iti April, males fly from July Lasioglossum fulvicorne (Kirby 1802} Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r; VooRiN 1955; Gooala 1991b; Gooaij. 1994 Pülylectic species. Nests in burrows in tlie ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from July, Lasioglossuiit glabriuscuitim (Morawitz 1872) MüditemineaTi species, Slovenia: SM, DJ, PA, SR P. r.: EfiLANDSios- 1979; Gooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Social species (Westuick 1990), Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from August, LasioglossiiJii griseolum (Morawitz 1872) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, P. r.: GotiALA 199lb Probably polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990J. Overwintered females appear in April, LusioghssHm intermedium (Schenck 1S6SJ West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia at the river Sava near Sp. Pimice (PA). Probably polylectic species. Inhabitant of saudy ground. Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. Lasioglossum interruptum {Panzer 1798) West Pakearctic species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP. R r.: VocEiN 1955; Erl andsson 1979; Gog al a 1991b; Gog.ala 1^94 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Social species (Westaich 1990). Overwintered females appear itt April, males fly from July. Lasiogiossum kusmrieme {Blüthgen 1925) East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gocai.a 1994). Females fly in May and June. Lanusloiiimt taeve (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia on Nanos (SM) (Ockia^a 1994). Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Probably solitary species {Wj-strjch 1990). Overwintered females appear in May, males fly from July, Lasfogtossum laevigatum (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: VocR[N 1955; GOCAI.A 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from July. Lasiogiosstum laiiceps (Schenck IS68) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: vogrin 1955; ErIj^wdsson 1979;Gocala 1991b, Gügala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests tn burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Social species (Westhech 1990). Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from June. _ A. Oogala: Beg Founa of Slovenia: Checklist of Species (HyrnenopKta: Apoidga)_[5 Lasioglossutii Ifitiventre (Schcnck 1853) WüSt Palaeatctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P, r,: Erlandsson J 979; Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground. eXcavaied by itself. Solitary species (Westhtch 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. Lasioglossum leacopus (Kirby IS02) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia; AL, PA, DI, Siavnik (SM). P. r.: vogrin 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gogala J 994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by irsclf (Whstrich 1990). Overwintered females appear m April, males fly from June. Lasioglossum leucozonium (Schrank 1781) Holarctk species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: Gogala 199lb; Gogala 1994 Polylectie specics, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from August, Lasioglossum /mefirtf (Schenck 1S68) West Paiaearctic species. Slovenia; SM, Dl, SP, P. r.; VooRi^i 1955; Coo ala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social species (Westrjoi 1990). Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from July Lasioglossum tissonoium (Nüskiewiez 1925) Balkan-central European steppe species. In Slovenia on Vremšcica (SM) (Gooala 1994). Probably polylectic species {Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from June, LaiiogSffSsnm majus (Nylander 1852) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P.T.; vogrtn 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. Lasioglossum malachurum ISO2) West Palaearctic species Slovenia! SM, DI, SP P r.: VocRiN 1955; Erlakdsson 1979; Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly firom July. Lasioglossum marginatum (Bnilli 1S32) Haticius fasciaieihfs Schenck 1B70 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM. SP, PD, PA. r i.: gftaeffe 1902; vdorix 1955; gmjala 1991b; gogala 1994 Polykctic specics. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social spccies (Westrich 1990), Females fly ftiom March to May, males in September and October TTie queen lives 5-6 years, Lasiogioasum Htinutissintum (Kirby 1SG2) West Paiaearctic species. Sioveniai SP, PA, Polylectic species. Nests in burrows iH the ground, excavated by itself. Probably solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fty from July to September. Lasioghsmm mvrio (Fabriciiis 1793) West Paiaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P.t.: VOGRIN 1955; Erlandsson 1979; Gouaia 199lb; Gocjala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Probably social SpCCics (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. Lashgiossum Pigripes (Lstpclcticr IS41) Halictus vuipinus Nylarder IS52 West Paiaearctic specics. Slovenia- SM, DI, PD, SP. P. r,; VocRm 1955; Gooala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Social species (Westrich 1990). Ovenvimered females appear in April, males fly from July, Lmioghssnm nitidtHScnhm (Kirby 1802) West Paiaearctic specics, Slovenia: SP, PA. P r,: Goqala 1994 Polylectic specics. Nests in butrows in the ground, excavated by itself Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered fcmalei appear in April, males fly from July, Lasiogiossunt nitiduluin (Fabricins IS04) ffaliclns smeathmanelliis auct, P r: Gooala 1991b; GckjAI.>i 1994 Polylcctle species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Probably solitary species (Westrich 1990), Overwintered females appear in Mai-ch, mates fly from July Two subspecies exist in Slovenia: i. n. nitidiilum (Fabricius 1804) European subspecies. Slovenia: SP, PA. L. «./«(^n^tJH'jÄi'r (Noskiewicz 192S) East Mediterranean subspecies. Slovenia: SM, AL (the Soča river valley). LosioghssfimpaUens (Brulk 1832) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP, P. r.: VoGEiw 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Uni volti ne. aoth sexes fly from March to May. _A, Cogata: 13ee Faiina of Slovenia: Checkilst of Speeles (HyifurtOptgra: Apuidea)_17 Lasioglossum panuhtm (Schenck 1S53) Halictus minutus auct, West Palaearcric species, Slovenia! D1 (Täkl Vintgar), SP (Podčetrtek), Kr.: Goo ALA 1994 Pofytecfic species, Mests in burrows in [hs: ground, excavaisd E>y itself Probably solitaiy species (WesTrsch 1990), Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July, Lasiogiosswm pauxillum (Sehend: 1S33) West Pakearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r.: VotiRK 1955; Erlandsson 1979; G(XjAL,a 1991b; Gog ALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Social species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in March, males fly from July. Lasioglossum peregriitum (Bliitligen 1923) East Mediterranean montane species. In Slovenia on Vremäiica (SM). Females fly from May ro July, maie.? in July. Lasioglossum poUtum (Schenck 1853) Palaearctic spcctes. Slovenian SM, PA, PD, SP. P. r.: voortn 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gdqala 1994 Polylectic Epecies, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Social species (Westrich 1990). Overwmtered females appear in April, males fly from July, Lasioghssum pscudocaspicum (Bliirhger 1923) East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in the Sečovlje salt-flats (SM). I found it on OrnithogaSum (Liliaceae), Females fly in May. Lasioglossum punciaiissimum (Schenck 1S53) West Palaearctic spccies. Slovenia: SM. DI, PA. SP. P.r: VncRiN 1955; Gogala 1991b; Goüauv 1994 Polylectic species Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Overwintered females appear in April, tnales fly from July. Lasioglossum pnncticoUe (Morawitz 1872) West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, PD, PA, SP. P, r.: VoGRiN 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gocala J994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Probably social species (Westrkh 1990). Overwintered females appear in May, males fly from August, Lasioglossum pygmaeum (Schenck IS53) Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrtck 1990}. Overw intered females appear in May, males fly from July. Two subspecies exist in Slovenia: L. p. pygmamm (Schenck 1S53) European subspecies. In Slovenia near Podietrtek (SP) (Gogala 1994). L p.pati,lum (Vaehal 1905) East Mediterranean subspecies. In Slovenia in Istria (SM). Lasioglossum ^uadrinotatiilum (Schenck 1861) Eurosibcrian spccks- In Slovenia near Središče ob Dravi (SP). Probahly polylectic species. Nests in bunows iQ a sandy ground, excavated by itself. Probably solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly ftCim July to October. Lasioghssum quadrinotatum (Kirby lfi02) West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia near Lukovi C a (PA) Prob^ly polylectic species, Nests in burrows in a sandy ground, excavated by itself. Probably solitary species fWESTTHCH 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly ia July. Lasiogiossum rußtatse (Zetterstcdi 1S38) Holarctic species Slovenia: AL, PA, Čaven (SM). P. r.i Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (Westwch 1990), Overwintered females appear in April, males fly ftotm July, Lasioghssum semilucens (Alfken 1914) Eurosiberian species, Sloveniar SP, PA, AL, Vremicica (SM), P. r : Gooala 1991bi Gocala 1994 Probably polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Ovawintered females appear in April, males fly from August. Lasioglossum sexaotaium (Kirby 1802) Eurosiberian spccies, Slovenia: SP, PA. P.r,:gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavatcd by itself. Probably solitary spccies (WEsnucH 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from Ally. Lasfogtossum sexstrigatum (Schenck 1S68) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: SP. P. r,: GoOala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (Westrich 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from June Laaiogiossum subaeneicens (Perez 1895) Lasioglossum illyricum Ebmer 1971 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Mo vraž and Dragonja in Istria (SM), P, r.: Gocau^ 1991b I observed it feeding on Dicismrms albas (Rutaceae). Females fly m May and June, males in July. Laiiüghssum subfulvkorne (Blüthgen 19J4) Eumsiberian spccics. In Slovenia on Pohorje (AL) (GogaUi 1994). Probably polylcctic species (Westrich 1990), Females fly torn April, males from June. __A Gogala: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Qiecklisc of Spcciti (HymeilQptera: A|>oidM)_i? Lüsioghssum iricinctum (Schcnck 1874) I^orth Mediterranean apecies. Slovenia: SM, DI, SP. P, t.: VoGalM 1955; Gogala 1991b, GooaLa 1994 Probably polylectic species, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrech 1990) Overwititered females appear in April, males fly from July. Liisi&slassum villoiufum (Kirby 1802) Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: VoGRfN 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gügala 1994 Polylectic species, Mests in burrows in ihe ground, excavated by itself. Solitary spccies (Westtuch 1990). Bivoltine. Letsioghssttnt xanflwpus (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic species. SJovenia: SM, PA (Zaplana). P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 According to Westrich (1990) a potykctic species visiting mainly Lamiaceae, but in Slovenia it collects pollen exclusively from Salvia (Lamiaceae) {pers, obs.). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Solitary species (WESmiCH 1990). Uni vol tine. Overwintered females Hy from April to June, males in September and October or in early spring. Lasiogtossum zotiuinm (Smith 1848) Holarctic species. Present in tlie whole af Slovenia. P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavated by itself Solitary species {WesraiCH 1990). Overwintered females appear in April, males fly from July. Sphecodes Latreille ISO5 Splifcodes albilahrh (Fabricius 1793) Sphecodes fuscipennis (Germar 1819) Eurosiberian species, Slovenia: SM, SP, PA. P. r.: Goo ALA 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Colletes cuniculanus {Weststch 1990). The host in Istria is probably Colletes atbomacuhtus, found with the female in its nesting place. In Istria the species flies too latE to parasitize the known host. Univoltine. Overwintered females fly in April and May, the new generation from July (Westoich 1990). In Istria females fly in May and June Sphecodes altematus Smith IS53 Mediterranean spccics. In Slovenia in the Sečovlje salt-flats (SM). Cleptoparasitic species. Host; Lasioglossum nigripes (Westrjch i 990). Males fly in July. Jp/iecoffey cfiiKKS Thomson 1870 Palaearctic species. Slovenia; SM, PA. P f.! Goo ala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: smaller spsetes of the genus Lasiogloisum, e.g. L. pauxUlum and L ptinaaUisimimi (Westhjch 1990). Univoltine. Overwintered females fly in May and June, the new generation from July. Spheatdes ephippius (Linnaeus 1767) Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Sfovcuia. R c,: GRAEF7E 1902 i üooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 CIcptoparasilic species. Hosts; several species of the genera Ldsioghssum and Halictits, e.g. L levcozoniwn and H. iumuhrum (Westrich 199D), Univoliinc, OverA'intered females fly from March to June, the new generation from July. Sphef^oden fertuginatus Hagens 1S&2 European species, Slovenia: SM, Dl, PD, AL. P.i.^Gocaui 1991b; Gogala 1994 CIcptoparasitic species, Yk&t^: Lasiogiossumfishicome, L. pauxilium, L /afif^/jj (Westrich 1990). Uni vol tine. Overwintered females fly in May and June, the new generation from July. Sphevodes geojjrdlus (Kirby 1802) European species. Slovenia: AL, PA, SP. P. r.i Gugala 1994 Ckptoparasuic species, Hosts: small species of the genus Lasioghsxum, e.g. i. morio. L leutopus andi. niiidiuiculum (WESTRtCH 1990). Univoltine. Overivintcred females fly from April to July, the new generation from July. Sphecodes gibbas (Liimaeus 1758) palacarctic species. Slovenia: SM, D I, PA, SP, AL. P. t,: Gogala 1991b; GOOALA 1994 Cleptoparasitic species, Hoits: several species of the genus Halictus, e.g. H. tnaculatus, H. rubicun-dus, H. quadricmctus. .rcxcinctus (Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Overwintered females fly from April, the new generation from June. Sphecodes hyali/tatus Hägens 18S2 European species. Slovenia: AL, PA, SM (Slavnik). p. r,j Gogala I99ib; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Lasiogtossum fulvicorne (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Overwintered females fly from April to June, the new generation from July, Sphecodes longiitus Hägens 1882 European species. Slovenia: PA, SM, P. r,; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species Hosts: Lasioglossum inirtulissimum, L. morio and L. leucopus (Westfucü 1990). Univoltine. Overwintered females fly in May and June, the new generation from July. Sp/iecodes majslis Perez 1903 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PA, P D Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Lasiogiossum pallens (Westrich 1990). Univoltitic, Both sexes fly in spring. Sphecodes: tniniatiis Hägens 1882 European species. In Slovenia at the river Sava near Črnuče (PA), Cleptoparasitic Species, Hosts: Lasioglos!rts?n niiidiuiicijlum, L sexsSrigatum, L. politum. L. triorio (Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Overwintered females fly from April to June, the new generation from July to September, A. Pop la: BL:e Fauna of Slovenja: CtMM:icjist uf Specks loparasiiic species. Host; Lasiogloxsum morio (Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Overwintered females fly in May and Jvine, liie new generation from July, Sphecodes pei!uc:idus Smith 1845 Palaearctic speeics Slovenia: SP. P r.: G(xiala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Andrena barhilabyfs (WESTRICH 1990). Univoltine. Over^vi^tcrcd females fly from March to June, the new generation from July. Sphecodes pseudofäSCiatiis Blüthgen 1924 North Mediterranean spccies. In Slovenia at the river Sava neat Cmuüe and near Brezovica near Lj. (PA). P. 7.: GotJAUi 1994 Cieptoparasitic species. Univoltine. Ovcrwintercii females fly in May, the new generation from August. Sphecade^ punctkepi Thomson 1870 Palaearctic speeics. Sbvenia: SM, PA, AL. SP, P. r; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cieptoparasitic spccics. Hosts: Lasiog,lo.s>iiim viiiosuiüm (Westrich !990), L piUKticoUe (p«r3. obs). Univoltine. Overwintered females fly fiom April to Jxily, the new generation from Jitly, Sphecodes reticulatiis Thomson 1S70 European species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, SP. P. r.: godai,^ 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cieptoparasitic species. Hosts: several species of the genus Andrena, e,g, A. barbtluhrh (Wkstikch 1990). Univoltine. Overwintered females fly from May to July, the new generation from July. Sphecoäcs rnfiventm (Panzer 1798) European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. r.: Gocala 1991b; Godala 1994 Cieptoparasitic .species. Host: Halicius mactilawx (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Overwintered females fly from May to June, the new generation from July, Spliecodes scabricollis Wesmael 1 S35 European species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, P. r.: GOGAL.-^ 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cleptuparasitic species. Host: probably Lasioglossum zonulum (WESTRICH 1990). Univoltine. Females fly from June, males from August, Spkecodes spiiiulosus Hagens 1S7S Eunosibtrian spccies. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst (SM) (Güüala 1994), CIcptoparasitic species. Host; Lasiaglas.'ntiii xanthapus {Westrich 1990). Uni voltine. Both sexes fly from May to July. Nomia Latreille 1604 Pseudapis Kirby 1900 Nomia diversipes Latreille 1S06 NortK Mediterrane Ein spccies. Slovenia: SM, P. T.; Güüala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (pers. obs,). Probably univoltinc. Flies from June to September, Nomia umdeniata Olivier IS 11 Noma ruficortiis Sptnola I S3 S Mediterranean species. Tn Slovenia in the Sečovlje salt-flats (SM), P. r.: GciOau^ 199lb; Gogala. 1994 Polylectic spccies. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {pers. obs.). Probably univoltine. Flies from May to September Dufvurea Lcpcletier 1R41 HaUctoides >jylander IS48 flu/onren dentiventrh {Nylander 1848) Eurosibcnan specics. Slovenia; AL, Nanos (SM), Kum (PA), P. r; OoüALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialised on Cinnpanula (Campanulaceac). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by Itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies fnjm July to September. Dufourea iJierntis (Nylander 1848) Eurcsiberian species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gocala 1994). Oligolectic, specialised on Campafiuia (Campannlaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August. Dtifourea minuta Lepeäetier 1641 Dufourea vulgaris Schenck 1861 European species. Slovenia; AL, PA, SP, P, r.: Gocala 1994 Oliguleclic, specialized on Cichoriaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRiCH 1990), Univoltine. Flics from July to September, Rhophitoides Schenck 1S61 Rkopkiioides canus (EVersmann 1852) Eurosibetian steppe species. Slovenia- SP, DI, SM P, r.: Gücala 1994 __A. Gogala: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checkli^l of Species (Hymcnapieni: Apoidta)__W Oligolectic, specialized on Medicagv (Fabaceae), Mests in burrows in the ground, excavated by i ts d f (Westrich 1990). UnivolEitiC. Flies from June tu August, Rophites Spinola 1808 Rophim atgims Hre? IS 95 European species, Slovenia! SM, PA. P. r.: Goo ALA 1994 Oligofectic, specialized on Lamiaeeae (in Slovenia exclusively Stachys recta - pets, obs.). Nesti in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrech 1990| Univoliine. Flies in June and July, Rophites quinquespinosus Spinola 180S European species, Slovenia: PA, AL, DI, SP. p. r.! Eslanpsson 1979; Gocai^ 1991b; Gocam. 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Lamiaeeae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Uni voltine. Flies from June to August. Systropha iliiger 1805 Sysiropha curvkarms (Stopo I i 1770) North Mediterranean species. Sloveuiar SM, SP, P. r.: Goqala 1991b; Goqala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on ConvotvuJus (Convolvulaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westäjch 1990). Uni voltine. Flies from June to August, Andrenidae Fabridus 1775 BiamoUrta Dours IS73 Andrena aberraiss Eversnmui 1852 ^ nt/iBna Stoeckhert 1924 Pontic species. Slovenia' SM (BraniSka Dolina), SP (Podčetrtek). P, r.; VoanjjJ 1955; Gotala 1994 Oligolectic, specialised on Ckamae.cyti!;iis (Fabaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRrcH 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena aeneiventris Morawitz 1S72 Mcditciranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst (SM). Polylectic species, visiting mainly Apiaccae and Brassicaceae (Dyi^wska 19S7), Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August, Andrena agilissima {Scopoli 1770) Andrena ßessaeY^nTXX 1805 West Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in the Soča valley, near Strunjan {SM) and Maribor (SP). P. r.: Giweffe 1902; Goqala 1994 Oligolecdc, specialized on Brassicaceae. Kests in burrows in the ground, excavatcd by itself. Probably communal species (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from May to June. Andrena agnata Wamcke 1967 West Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, Probably oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae (e.g. Taraxacum) (pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies in Apnl and May. Andrena alßceiiella Perkins 1914 West Palaearctic species. S loven La l SM, PA, SP. P. r.: Gocala 1994 Polyiectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August. Andrena upicuta Smith 1847 Eurosiberian species, Slovenia: SM, PA, DI, 3P. P. r: VocRiN 1955; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Salix (Saiicaccac). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in March and April. Andrena argetitata Smith 1844 European species. In Slovenia near Studenec (PD) fGoQALA 1994). Palyleciie species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flics in April and May and from July to September Andrena atrata Friese 1S87 Andrena bicarmaia auct. East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Hrastovlje (SM) (Gogala 1994). Probably polyiectic species, visiting mainly Brassitaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itsdf (Dylewsjca 19S7). Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August. Atidtv/ta barbilabtis (Kirby 1802) Andrena sericea (Christ 1791) Aiidretia albi'a^ (Kirby 1802) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: PA. DI, SP. P. r,; Gogala i 994 Polyiectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Bivohinc. Flics in April and May ter June in July. Artdrertu bkohr Fabricius 1775 Andrena gwynana (Kirby 1802) Andrena croatica Friese 1887 West Palaearctic species Present in the whole of Slovenia. P T.: Vocmw 1955; QOOALA 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polyiectic spccies, but the summer generation visits mainly Campanulaceae (pers. obs ). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies from March to May and from June to August. A. Gogüla: Bee Fauna of Sloveria: Checklist of Species (HymeTioptcra; Apoidca) 25 Aiidrena bimacutata (Kirby 1S02) Andrena bhieikgem Stoeckhcrt 1930 Palasrarcttc spccies Slovenia; SP, R r: Güüala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990}. Bivoltitic. Flies iti April and May and in July and August. Andrena bucepkala Stephens 1846 European species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P, r: vogrfn 1955, Godala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly trees and bushes, Nesis in burrows in the ground, eaccavated by itself. Communal specics (Westtiich 1990}. Univoltine, FI Les in April and May. Andrena carantohicu Pirez 1902 Andrena scoUca Periins J916 AndrattaJacobi Perkins 1921 Andrena trimmerana auct. European species. Slovenia: SM, AL, PA, SP. P, r,: voorin 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gog al a 1994 Polylectic species, Nesis m burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Communal spccies (WEsinicti 1990). Univoltine, probably partly bivoltine (pers. obs.). Flies from April to June, Andrena (.'AjysöJce/ej (Kiiby 1S02) European species, Slovenia: DI, PA, P. r.: Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from April to Jut\e, Andrena cineraria (Linnaeus 1758) Palaearctic species. In Slovenia neat Podčetrtek (SP). P r,: vogriw 1955; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (We.^trkh 1990), Univoltine, Flies in April and May. Andrena clarkeiln fKirijy 1802} Holatctic speeies. Slovenia: DI, PA, SP. P, T.: VooRiK 1955; Gocala 1991b; GOGALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Salix (Salicaceae). Nejts in burrows in the gioutid, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in March atid April, Andrena clypella Strand 1921 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gogala 1994), Univoltine. Flies in May and June, Andrena coitana (Kiihy 1802) Boreomontane species. Slovenia: AL, PA. P. r.: GctGALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WEsnucH 1990), Uni vol tine. Plies in July and August. Andrena coiteliformi), MürawilZ 1874 Mediterratiean spccies. In Slovenia along the coaat (SM). Polylectic species (OsvCnjuk 1977). Univoltine. FlLcs in Jyne and July, Andrena combinata (Christ 1791) Andrena meAefy/Atfken 1936 Euro Siberian species, Slovenia: AL, DI, SM, SP. P. I,: Gocala 1994 Polyleetic species. Neits in burrows in the ground, cxcavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and iu July and August, Andrena congruens Schmiedeknecht 1883 Andrena confinis Stoeckhert 1930 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SR P. n: OoqALA 1S94 Polylcctit species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and in July and August, Andrena atriuta Pdrez 1903 Andrena pauxilla StOeckhCft 1935 European species. In Slovenia found near Gradišče near Lukovica (PA), Polylectic species (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and in June and Jaly (Stoeckhert 1935), Andrena curvatta Warncke 1965 Andrena gascheii anct. East Mediterranean species, Slovenia; SM, PA, SP. P. r,: Gocala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Apiaceae (pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Andrena curvungula Thomson 1B70 European species, Slovenia: SM, DI, SP P. nj Goöau\ I 994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula and Phyteuma (Campanulaceae) (Westrich 1990, pers. obs.). NestS in burrows in the ground, eicavated by itself (Westrfck 1990). Univoltine. Flies from May to July Andrena decipiens S>chcnck 1S61 Andrenaßavilabri^ Sehenck 1874 Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, SP. P r: VocJtiN' 1955; Gocala I99ib; Oogala 1994 Polylectic species (pers. obs.), prefering Allium and Fabaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine (Westrich 1990), but Schuberth (1995) presumes that the spring generation is a distinct species, A. ßavilabris. The specimens from PodEetrtek (SP), found in April, would in such a case belong to this species, flying from April to June. The specimens found in October near Sočeiga in _A. Gogab: Biit Fauiia of SLovejiia: Checklist of Speci« tHyirtenopteni; Apoidta)_^ Istria also correspond well to tlie description of this species. Other specimens, flying U1 Istri a in July, would belong to the species A. decipiens. Andrena dentkutaia (Kitby IS02) Andrena iisterelia (Kirby IS02) Euro Siberian species. Slovenia! AL, PA, SP. P. r: vogrin ]955i Gocala 1991b; Gogau^ 1994 O ligo 1 eerie, specialized on Astemceae and Cichoriaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {Westiuch 1990). Univoltine. Flies ftom July to September, ÄMdrena distinguenda Scbenck 1871 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, SP, P. r: Gccala 19?4 Oligolectic, specialized on BrassIcaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTurcH 1990). Univolline. Flies from April to June. Aitdrrntt dorsalis Brulle 1833 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SP. R r.: vocrin 1955;Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species (per? obs). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Apäreita dt>rs:itct (Kirby 1803) Andrena }}ropinqua Schenck 1853 Andrena dubitata Schenck 1870 West Pakearctic species, Slovenia; SM, DI, PA, SP, P. r.: Gogala 199lb; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and in July and August. Andrena erythrocnemis Motawitz 1870 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia, near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gooala 1994), Oligolectic, specialized on Apiaceae (Dvlewska 19S7). Univoltine. Flies in June and July, Andtena eximia Smith 1847 Euro Siberian species. Slovenia: SP, R r.: Gooala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTBJCtt 1990). Univoltine. Flies from March to May. Andrena ftitsifica Perkins 1915 European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P r,: voorik 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species Nests in burrows m the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies fronn April to June, Andrena ferox Smith IS47 European specie^, Slovenia: SM, Dl, SP, P. r: Gooala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, cttavatcd by itsdf (Westmc:h 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June, Andtetiaßavipes Panzer 1799 Andi-ena fulvicna (Kirby 1S02} Aridrena extricata Smith 1849 West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, PA, PD, SP, P. r: GocAtA 1991b; GOGALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (westrich 1990). Bivoitinc, partly trivoltine. Fiies from March to May and from July to September. In Istri a the third generation flies in Octobet. Andrenaßorea Ystoncim 1793 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, SP. P. r: Voünm 1955; GOCA/JV I99lb; Gogala 1994 Oligokctic, specialised on Bryonia (Cucurbitaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from May tc July. Aitdyeiiaßoricoh Eversmann 1852 Eurcpeati species. Slovenia: SP. Probably oligolectic, specialized on Brassicaeeae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westiuch 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and in July and August. Andrenaßorivaga Everamann 1852 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM. P. r.: Gocala 199ib;GooALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena fucstts Smith 1S47 European Species. In Slovenia in Polhograjsko Hribovje (PA), Polylectic specics. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flics from April to June. Andrena fuha {Müller 1766) Andrena fu!m fSchrank 1781) Andrena aritiaia (Gntsim 1790) European Species. Slovenia: SM, PA, PD. SP. P. r: GOGALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Flies from March to May. Andrena fnlvago (Christ 1791) European species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, PA, SP. P. T.: VoaftiN 1955; Gogala l99lb; Gociala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae and Asteraceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WssTRrcH 1990). Univoltine, Flies from May to July. A. Gogola: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Chetklisi of Species (Hymcnoplera: ApoiijcD) 29 Andrena fuivafa StoeckhCTt 1930 Europeati species. Present in tiie wiiole of Slovenia. P. r,; VoQRiN 1955; Gooala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic species, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich !990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June, Andrena fulvida Schenck IS53 European spccics. Slovenia: PA (Črnuče near Ljubljana), SP (Podčetrtek), P, r: Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1590). Univoltine, Flies in May and June. Andrena fuscipes (Kirby 1E02J Andrena pubescens (Kirby 1802) European species. Slovenia! PA, SP-P. C.-. VOGRW 1955; GOG^LA 1994 Oligolectic, special!led on Calluna (Ericaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WEsraiCH 1990). Univoltine. Flies in August and September. Andrena gravida Imhpff 1832 Andrena extricata auct. European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P, r.; VCWRCN 1955; Goo At. a 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrjch 1990). Unlvoltme. Flics frotn March to May. Andrena buemonhoa (Fabncius 1781) Andrena albicans auct Palaearctlc species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P r.! Goqala 1991b; Qdoala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine Flics from April to June, Andrena hattorfiana (Fabricius 1775) West Falaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: VoGiUN 1955; Erlandsson 1979; Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Dipsacaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westflech 1990). Univoltine, Flies from May to August. Andrena hcdikue Jaeger 1934 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Podfetrtek (SP) [locus typicus). P. r.T Jaecer 1934; GogaIj^ 1994 Probably polylectic species, visiting mainly Apiaceae and Brassicaceae (Dylewsjia 1987). Bivol tine. Flies in April and May and from June to August. Andrena helvola (Linnaeus 175S) European species, Slovenia: PA, DL AL, SP. P. r.: vogrin 1955; Gooala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavatcd by itself (Westhick 1990). Univolfine. Flies from April to June. Andrena he^peria Smith IS53 Andrena frsya Strand 1915 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, PA, DI, SP P. r,: Gckjala 11 b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae {pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena humilis Imhüff 1S32 Andrena fuivesCens Smith 1847 Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r,: VooRiN 1955; GoiSALA 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae. NestS in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WEsniiCH 1990), Univoltine, Flies from April to June, Andrena hycmala Wamcke 1973 East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst (SM), P. r: Goqaia 1991b; GoCala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Alyssvm (Brassicaceae) (pcfs. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena hypopoiia Scbmtedeknecht 1S S3 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Koštabona in Ish-ia (SM) (Gocala 1994). Polylectic specics, visiting only Brassicaceae and Apiaccae. Nesls in burrcws in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August. Andrena impunctata Perez 1895 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia along the coast (SM). Polylectic species, visiting mainly Brassicaceae and Apiaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Dylewska 1987), Bivoltine. Flies m .April and May and ftom June to August. Andrena iniermediu Thomson IS72 Andrena gelriae, Stoeckhert 1930 European species. Slovenia: AL, PA, DI, SP, SM (Nanos). P, f.: vogrtn 1955; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies in June and July, Andrena kärteviciana Friese ISS7 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PD. P r.; Goo ala 199!b;GixiAi.a 1994 Polyfectic species (pcrs, obs.). Univoltine. Flies from April to Jnne. A. Gogala: Bee Fauna Of Slovenia: Check!iit Df Spccics (Hym6no|>tea: Apoidea) 31 Atidrena fabialls (Kitby 1802) West Palaearctlc species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. r.: VcjoRtN 1955, Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Probably communal species (Westiuch 1990). Univoltine. Flies from May to July Andrena tabiata Fabricius 17Sl AndiVna ciTsguiata auct, Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: vogiun 1955; Goüala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nejts in burrows in the ground, excavated by ttself (Westikch 1990). Univoltine. Flie? from April to June. Andrena iagopus Latreille 1809 Bim^oJhia iieglecta DourS 1S73 West Mediterranean spccies, Slovenia; SM, SP-P. r.; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Brassicaceac. Nests in burrows m the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine Flies from April to June. Andrena lapjtonica Zetttrstedt 183B Boreomontane spcdes, Slovenia; AL, PA. P, r,] Qooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Vaccirtiiim (Ericaccat), Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavatcd by itself {Westoich 1990). Univoltine, Flies from April to June. Andrena lathyH Alfkcn 1899 European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, DI, SP P. r.: VoGRiN 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Wbstkich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June, Andrena lititara Smith 1853 Andi-enapectoralis Schmiedeknecht 1883 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: AL, SP P. r: Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westri™ 1990). Bivoltine. Flies from April tü June and in August and September. Andrena marginata Fabricius 1776 Andrena cetii {Schrank 1781) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: SM, AL, PA, SP-P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oligoleetic, specialized on Dipsacaceae. Nests in bunws in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrjcei 1990). Univoltine. Flies in August and September. Andrenn miuuiuiu {Kirby 1802) Andrena parvuia (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic Species. Slovenia: SM, D[, PA. SR P. r; VocfifK 1955; Gocau lb; Godala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the pound, cxcavated by itself tWesTRECH 1990). Bivoltine, Flics from Match to May and from June to August. Andrena minutaloides Perkins 1914 West Palaeacctic species. Sloveniar SM, PA, AL, SP. R r; Vcmam 1955; CooALA ]991b; GooALA 1994 Polylectic species, Mests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and from June to August. Andrena mitis Sclimiedeknecht 1883 European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, PD, SR P. T.: VoüRiK 195S;Qocaui 1994 OJigolectic, specialized on Salix (Salieaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WesraccH 1990). tJnivoltine. Flies from March to May. Audretta mucida Kricchbaumcr 1873 Andrena julhaiii Schmiedeknccht 1883 Meditcrraneari species. Slovenia: SM. R r: Got.ALA 1994 Probably polylectic species (Dylewska 1987), Spring generation visits Mtiscari (Liliaceae) (pcrs. obs.), Bivoltinc, Flies in April and May and in July and Apgust, Andrena nana (Kirby 1S02) West Palacarctic species. Slovenia: PA, SP. R r.: Gcwala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRICH 1990). Bivol t ine. Flies froin April to June and in July and August, Aitdrena nanula'^y^xnAet 184g Boreomontane species. In Slovenia near PodEetrtek (SP) (Gooala 1994). Apiaceae are the only known foodplants. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WEsraiCH 1990J Univoltine. Flies in July and August. Andrena nigriceps (Kirby 1802) European species, in Slovenia on Nanos (SM) (Gooala 1994). Polylectic species, Nesrs in burrows in the ground, cjccavated by itself {Whstrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, Andrena nigroaenw (Kirby 1S02) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. R r: GdcaLa 1991b; GOOAI.A 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself Probably communal species (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to July. _A, Gogala: Bee Fauna of Slovenia; Checklist of Species [Hjirifnoptera: Apuidea)_^ Andrena nitida (Müller 1776) West Palaearctic species, Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.j VooaiN 1955; Cooala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectlc species, Nests m burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Flies from March to June. Andrena nitidiuscula Schenck 1SS3 Afidreua/ulvicornis Schenck IS53 Andrena lucetis Imhoff I66S Palaearctic species, Slovenia' SM, PA, DT, SP, P, r: GnAEFfE 1902; Vogrto 1955; Gogala 19911?; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Apiaceae, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Bivoltine (pers obs.), but ScHMiD-EMEE. and Doczkal (1995) distinguish two spccics, bivoltine A. fitlvicornis and univoltine A. nilidiuscula. The Slovenian specimens flying in Spring (from April to June) belong to A. fitlvicornis in this case, but summer specimens (flying in July and August) correspond well with the description of A. itiiidiusculci. The distributions of both hypothetical species in Slovenia are as follows: A.fiilvicornis-. SM, PA, SP^ A. nitidiuscula: SM, PA, DI. Aiidrena niveata Friese ISS7 European species. Slovenia: SM, P. r.; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Brassicaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena ovatula (Kirby 1B02) Andreita fuscara {Y^iby 1S02) Andrena aSbofa^daia Thomson 1870 Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P i.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectlc species, visiting mainly Fabaceae, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WesthicH 1990). Bivoltine. Flies from April to June and fiom July to September. Andrena puUitarsis P6rez 1903 Europeati species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, PA, SP. P. r.: VoüiUN 1955; Gocala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Apiaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August, Andrena pgndeUei Perez 1895 West Palacatctic species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P r.: VcwsiN 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula (Campanulaceae), Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Flies in May and June, Andrenapauci^iiuuma Noskicwicz 1924 Pontic species, Slovenia: SM, PA. PD, SP. P. r.: Gocala 1991b; Gugala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Campatiulaceac and Geranium (Gcramaceae). Nests in burrows iji the ground, excavated by itself (Dylewska 1987, pers, obs.), Univolfine. Flies in May and Junf. Andrena pellucens P6re2 1895 North Mediterranean spEcies. Slovenia: SM (Komen on Karst), SP (Podäetrtek). P.r.: Gooala 1991b, Gogala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae (e.g. Leontodon) (pers. obs.). Univoltine. Fties m August and September. Andrenapontica Waracke 1972 Pontic species. Slo venia; PA (Čttiuče near Ljubljana), DI (Cerfcniäko Jezero), P. r! Gooala 1994 Probably polylectic species (Dvlewska 1987). I have personally observed it on Apiaceat. Probably bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August. AndrenapoteaiiUae Panzer 1809 European species, Slovenia: SM (Komen on Karst). P. r.; Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized an Potent ilia CRosaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itseir(WEsrRicH I990J. Univoltine, Flies in March and April, Andrena praecox (Scopoli 1763) European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: VoGRm 1935; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Salix (Salicaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltiiie, Flies from March to May. Andrena protfucro Warn eke 1973 East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Brezovica near Lj, (PA), Oligolectic, specialized onFabaceae (OsvC^^.r^JK 1977). Univoltine, Flies from April to June. Andrenaproxima (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r.: vogmn 1955; Gocau 1991b; Gooma 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Apiaceae. Nests in burrows itl the ground, excavated by itself CIA'esTrICH 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to July. Andrena rogenfioferi Morawitz 1872 Alpine species. In Slovenia in Bohinj, on Triglav and on Košuta (ALJ, P. r.; Gogala 1991b; Ebmer 1997 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Files from May to August, Andrena rosae Panzer 1801 Andrena austriaca auct. A. Gogala: tfee Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist af S pecies (Hymenoptera: A poidea)_ Eurosiberian species. Slovenia; SM, PA, Dl, SR E r: Graefff. 1902; Goqala 1994 Oligolectic, specializitd on Apiaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westwch 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August. Andreita rußcrus tiyhndsj: 1S48 Andtena rußtarsis Zciterstedt 183& European species, Slovenia: PA, AL. P. r.: Gocala 1994 Oligolecii:, specialized on Salix (Salicaceae), Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westeuch 1990). UnivoJtinE. Flies from March to May. Andrerta rufula Schraiedeknecht I3S3 North Mediterranean species. SloveDia: SM. P. r.; Gooai-a 1991b; Gocala 1994 Probably polylecric species, visiting exclusively trees and bushes (Dylewska 19S7). 1 have personally observed the females on Prunus (Rosaceae). Univoltine. Flies in April and May. Andrena rugulosa Stoeckhert 1935 North Mediterranean spceies, Slovenia: SM. Polylectic species (Westwch 1990). T have personally observed it on Afyssum (Brassicaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WesTMch 1990). Univoltine. Flies in April and May. Andrena saxonica Stoeckhert J935 Andrena krosensis Gog\la 1991 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst and near Sočerga (SM). P. r: Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Ornithagalutn (Liliaceae) (pets, obs.), Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena schencki Morawiti 1866 Andrena iabiaia, Stoecidiert 1930 European specics, Slovenia: AL, SP. P. r.: Vociuw 1953; Gocala 1994 Polylettic species, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990J. Univoltine. Flies from May to July. Andrena semilaeyis Perez 1903 Andrena saundersella Perkins 1914 European species. In Slovenia near Radovna (AL), ou Kum (PA) and on Nanos (SM). Polylectic species, Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from May to July, Andrena sentinada Friese 1S96 Andrena setigera Alfken 1911 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SP. P. r: Goo ALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavatcd by itself (Dvlewska 19S7), Univoltine, Flies in April and May, Andrena simitii Smith 1849 Andrena rufohispida Dours 1S72 West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P, r: Gooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligoiectic, specialised on Fabaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univolrine. Flies from May to July. Andrena Simontarnyella Nqskiewicz 1939 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM. P. r.: Goqala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Poly lectio species (Dvxewska 1987, pers. obs.) Bivohine. Flies frcm March to May and io July and August, Amtrena spinigera 1802) Andrena dragüna Friese 1S87 Andrena rrimmeratia, CJjlewska 1987 (nec Kirby ISO2) Palaearctic species, Present in the whole of Slovenia. p. c.: Gogala 1994. Polylectic species. Nests in burrowfs ia the ground, excavated by iuelf (Dylewska 1987}-Univoltine (Schmid-Ecger et Scheuchl 1997, pers. obs,). In Slovenia it flies from Match to May If the specimens, flying in summer, belonged to the same species, this species would be called A. irimmerana Kirby. But the sumtner specimens are probably a distinct species or the second generation of A. carantonica (SCHMiD-EönER ET SCMEUCHL 1997). Andrena strohmella Stoeckhert 1928 European species, Slovenia: AL, PA, DI, SP. P.r : VoGRTNl955;GoeALA 1994 Probably polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Wt^Tmai 1990). Univoltinc. Flies from March to May. Andrena subapacu Nylander 1848 EuTosiberian species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r,: VocRN 1955;Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nejts in bunows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Andrena sns(erai Alfken 1914 Pontic species, Slovenia: SM, SP. P, r.: Gogala 1994 Polylectic species (Dylewska 1987, pers. obs.). Bivoltine. Flies in April and May and in July and August, Andrena symphyti Schmiedeknecht 1883 North Mediterranean species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r.T Vocm 1955; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Symphytum (Boraginaceac). Nests in burro vre in the ground, excavated _A Gagula: Bee FuUna of Slovenia: Checklist Of Spccica (Hjinenoplera: ApuidM)_^ by itsdf (Westrich 1990). Univollirle, Flies from April 10 June, Attdreua taraxaci GxtwA 1861 Palaearctic species Slovenia: SM, PD, SP. Pr,: Gooala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligoiectic, speciali;;ed on Cichariaceae Ne.TO in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrech 1990). Univoltine. Flies from Marth to May. Attdreita tarsata 1S48 Borcomontane species. In Slovenia on Korensko Sedlo (AL) (GogaL;\ 1994). Oligoiectic, specialized on PotentUia (Rosaceae). Nests in burrowj in the ground, excavated by itself (WEsreicH 1990). Univültine, Flics from June to August. Andrerm tkvracka (Fabricius 1775) Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, Stol (AL), P, r.-. Gocala 1994 Polylecti: species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRICH 1990). Bivoltine. Flies from April to June and frum July to September. Andrena Hbiaiis {Kirby 1802) Eurosiberian species, In Slovenia near Maribor (SP) (GocAtj^ 1994). Polylectic spccies- Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavatcd by itself (Westrech I?90). Uni volt inc. Flies from April to June Aittli ena tj-uncaiilabris Morawitz 187S Mediterranean species, In Slovenia near Strunjan (SM), Oligoiectic, Specialized on Brassicaceae (OsyCkjuk 1977). Univoltinc. F h es in May and June. Andrena tscheki Morawitz 1S7 J Andneiia nigrifrons Smifh 1S53 North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, SP, P. r.; VocRiN 1955; Godal.^ 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligoiectic, specialized on Brass:caccae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself {Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from March to May, Andrena vagtt Panzer 1799 Antiiwia ovina KJug 1810 Eurosiberian spectcs. Slovenia; SM, PA, DI, PD, SP P, T.: GRAEFFE 1902; GotiAiA 1994 Oligoiectic, specialized on Salix (Sälicaceae), >Jests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westick 1990), Uni volt ine. Flies from March to May. An^mua vtifiabilii Smith 1853 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Dragonja (SM) (GoCiAla 1994), Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (DvLEWssyi 1987). Bivoitine. Flies Id May and June and firom August to Octobct, /l/iätena v'tfffflH.T {Rossi 1793) European spcdes, In Slovenia near Hrpelje on Karst (SM). Polylectic species. NestS in burrows m the ground, excavated by itself (Westrech 1990). Uni voltine. Flies iu April and May. Andrem vcnttuUs ImhoflT 1832 Palaearctic species, Slovenia; SM, PA. PD, SP, P, r.: Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on (Salicaceae), Wests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (We^ttwch 1990). Univoltine. Flics in April and May. Artdrena ventricoSa Dours 1873 North Mediterranean species Slovenia! SM, SP. P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectie species (Dylewska 19S7j pers. obs.}. Bivoltine. Flies from April to June and in July and August, Andrena viridescens Viereck 1916 Andrena cyanescenis Nylander 1853 European species, Slovenia: SM, PA, DJ, SP. P. r,: vogrin 1955, Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Veronica (Scrophulariaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June, Attdrena vuSpecula Kriechbaumer 1873 North Mediteiraueau spccies, Slovenia: SM, DI, SP. P, r.r OotiALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Heiiatithemtim (Cistaceae) (pers. obs,). Univoltine, Flies in May and June Andrem witkeSla (Kirby ] 803) Andrena xüntkura (Kirby I 803) Andrena convexiitscula (Kirby 1802) Holarctic species. Slovenia; SM, PD. P. r: qociala 1991b; Güüala 1994 Oäigolectic. specialized on Fabaceae. Nests in burroivs in the ground, excavated by itself (WESTRICH 1990}. Univoltine, Flics from May to July Pannrgus Panzer 1806 Panurgu.f banksianuf (Kirby 1803) European sptcics. Slovenia; AL, PA, Nanos (SM), P. r.! Gogala 1991b; Goqaia 1994 _A, Gngala: Bee Fajna nf Slovcnta: Checkiisl tif Species (Hytncnoplera: Apoidea)_^ Oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae, Nests in buirows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, Panurgus calcaratus tScopoli 1763) West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: AL, PA, SP, SM. P. r.; CRAtFFE 1902; Goo am 199 lb; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Ciciioriaceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Communal species (Westrich 1990}. Univoltine. Flies from July to September. Camptopoeum Spinola 1S43 Campropoeum froMaU (Fabricius 1804) East Mediterranean specics, In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gooat.a 1994J. Oligolectic, specialized on CenSaurea (Asteraceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (OsvCnjuk 1977). Untvoltine. Flies from June to August. Melitturga Latreillc IS09 Meiitturga clavieomis (Latreillc 1806) Enrosiberian Species. In Slovenia near Maribor (SP) (GoCALA 1994}. Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaccae (mainly Medicago) Nest^ in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine, Flies from June to August, Melittidae Mditia Kitby 1E02 Melitla dimitiiala Morawitz 1 &76 Nortb Mediterranean species. In Slovenia along the river Sava near Črnuče (PA). Oligolettic, specialized on Onobrychis (Fabaceae). NeStS in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westmch 1990). Univoltine Flies from May to July, Metitia kaemarrkoidaiis (Fabricius 1775) Eurosiberian species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P r.: Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cetmpatatla (Campanulaceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from July to September. MeSitia leporina (Panzer 1799) Enrosiberian species. Slovenia; SM, DI, PA, SP P.r.: Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolcetic, specialized on Fabaceac (mainly Medicugo) Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Whstrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August Melifia nigricans Alfken 1905 European species, Slovenia: PA, Dl, SP. P. r.; aog.'il\ ]991b; Cocala J994 Oligolcctic, specialized on Lyrlmitr (Lythraceae). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Wfstrtch 1990), Univoltine. Flies in July and August. Melitta leiciiteta Kirby IS02 MeHua melanura (Nylander 1852) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: SM, Dl, PA, SP. p. r,! Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Odontites (Scrophulariaceae), Nesis in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies in August and September. Panzer ISO9 Macropis europaea Warncke 1973 Macropis labiata auct, Eurosiberian species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: Gkahffe 1902; Gocala 1991 b; Gogaij. 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Lysimachia (T^-imulaccac). Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). UnivoUme. Flies from July to September Mücropis fulvipes (Fabric i us 1804) Eurosiberian spsK;ies, Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP. P. r.: Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Lysimachia (Primulaccac), Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (WtsTRiCH 1990), Univoltine. Flies fron^ June to August. Düsypoda Latreillc 1802 Dasypoda hirtipes (Fabricius 179Ü) Dasypoda plitmipes (Panier 1797) Palaearctic species Slovenia' SM, PA, DJ, SP. P.r.: Gkaeffe 1902; Gogala 1991b. üocata 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cichotiaceac and Asteraceae. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from July to September A. Godala: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist of Species (Hymenoptero: ApoiJcu) 41 Meg^chilidae Dhxys Lcpeletier Serville 1S25 Diomiiies Popov 1947 DiOJCj/s cincta (Jurine 1807) Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Karat (SM), P. t.; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic spcties, Hosts: Megachik panetina and M. pytenaka {Westrich 1990). I have personally observed it together with Hoplilispallicomis, its presumed host on Karst, in the nesting place Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Dhxys tridentutfi (Nylander IS48) European species, Slovenia: SM, PA. P, r,: Goo ala 1991b; Goqala 1994 CIcpfoparasitic spccics. Hosts: HopUds Qulhompoldex and Megackik parietina (Westrich I99ü), Uni volti nc. Flies in June and July. Lithur^us Latreille 1825 Liihur^us chryEiirus Fonscolombe 1834 Mediterranean species. In Siovenia near the spring of the Rizana river and near Sečovije (SM), Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Centaurea). Nests in butioivs in wood, excavated bv itself (W£STR[CH 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August. Litkurgm cornuius (Fabricius 1787) Liihut$MS fuacipennis Lepeletier 1841 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Petišovci (SP). Oltgolcctic, specialized on Asteraceae. Nests in burrows iti wood, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univohine. Flies in July and August. Truf:husu Panzer 1B04 Tmchusa byssina 179S) Trachusa serramlae Panzer 1805 Huropeau species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r.: GkAEi^FE 1902; Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae. Ncsls in bunows in the ground, excavated by itself The cell partitions are made of leaf fragments, coated with resin on the inside (Westwch 1990). Univoltine, Flies from June to August. Antkidlellum CfickeTcl\ 1904 AnlkidieUiim strigaium (Panzer 1805) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r; Gdqala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Fabaceae Free standing nests, fixed to plant or rock substrates, are made of resin (Westrich 1990J. Uni voltine. Flies from June to August. Hhodatttkidium Isensee 1927 Rfiodaptfiidium ieptenidematani (Latreille 1809) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, Soča (AL). P. r.; Gooaij^ 1991b Probably polylectic species, visiting mainly Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. Nests in empty snail shells of the genus Cepaea ^per?. obs.). The cell partitions itc made of resin {O'tooli & Raw 1991). Univolrine. Fltcs from May to July, JcteranthidiumHichsnei 1948 IcteniHtliiiiiuni gtokmatitti (Spi no la 163 E) Ai^ihidium latreillei Lepeletier 1841 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, P, r.: Gooala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic specics, visiting mainly Eryngiuin (Apiaceae) (pers. obs.), Urivoltine, Flies from July to September, Pseudvanthidiu/a Friese 1S9S Paeudvanthidium xiapulare (Latreille 1509) Anthidium lituratum (Panzer I SOI) Anihidium nanum Mocsary 1881 West Palaearctic species Slovenia; SM^ PA, SP. P, r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogau>, 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Centawea). Nests in hollow stems. The cell partitions are made of cottony plant down {WeSTRJCH 1990, pcrs. obs.). Uni vol tine. Flies from Jutic to August. Anfhiiliinii Fabrieius 1804 Anihidium angitlatmn Latreille 1809 Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM. SP, P. r.: oocala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Probably polylectic species, visiting mainly Lamiateac (pers. obs., Graeffe 1902, Warncke 1981). Univoltitie. Flies from June to August. Anthidium loti Penis 1852 Anthidimn vane^omm (Fabrieius 1781) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia! SM. Known foodplants are Fabaceae (Warncke 1981) and Lamiaceae (pers, obs.). Univoltine. Flies from May to August. A. Gogab: Bee Fauna qf Slovenia: Qicdtliil □/ Spccics (HymcnOpEera: Apoidea) 43 Anthidium manicatum (Linnaevts 175S) Palaearclic species. Slovenia: SM, PA, AL, SP. P. r: GOGALA 1991b; GOCALA 1994 Pdlylcctic species, visiting mainly Lamiaceae and Fabaccae, Nests in various pre-existing cavities. The cell partitions ate made of cottony plant down, tlse neit is closed with small stents or similar objects from the surroutidings (Westrich 1990), Partly bivol tine, Flies from May to October, Atithidium monianum Morawitz 1864 Alpine species. In Slovenia near the village Soča (AL), Probably oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae. Nests in various pre-existing cavities. The Cell partitions arc made of cottony plant down (Westrich 1990). Unjvoltine- Flies from June te Augusf. Aitthidiam oblongatum (111iger 1S06) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia! SM, Dl, PA, SP. P. r.: Graeffe 1902; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Fabaceae, Nests in various pre-existing cavities Tbe cell partitions iire made of cottony plant down (Westeech 1990), Univoltine, Flies from June to August. Atithidium punctatuai Latreille 1809 West Palacarctic species, Slovenia: SM, AL, PA, SP, P r: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylcctic spccics. Nests in crevices in the ground and between rocks. The cell partitions are made of cottony plant down (westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Antktdium septem^pinosum Lepeletier 1S41 Palacarctic species, Slovenia! SP, PA, Dl. P r.: Gogala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Lamiaceae and Fabaceae, The cell partitions arc made of cottony plant down (Sugfura 1991) I have personally observed it exclusively on Vicia (FabaceaeJ. Univoltine. Flics from June to August, Sielis Panzer 1806 Stelis breviuscuia (Nyl ander 184 S) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: Vogrin 1955; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host! Heriades truncorum (Westrich 1990, pers. ohs ). Univoltina. Flies from June to August, Stelix minuta Lepeletier & Servjlle 1S25 West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) and near Brezovica near Lj. (PA). P. r.; Goo ALA 1994 Cleptoparasitic Species. Hosts: Osmia leucamelana and SOine Other species of the genus Osmia, probably also Heriades intncorum (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies firom June to August. Sielis nasitla (Latieille 1SQ9) Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst (SM), P, r: Gogala 1991b; Gwaua 1994 Clfiptoparziiric species, Hosts; Megachileparietinü and M pyrenaica (Westiuch 1990), Univoltice, Flies in June and July. Sielis odoHtopyga Noskicwicz 1925 North Meditecranean species. Slovenia: SM, Dt, PA, SP. P. r.r GögaIjv 1991 b, Gocala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Ojimia spinutosa (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, Slelis orti alula (Klug 1807) West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: PA, SM, SP P, r,: Gog ALA 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: Osmia claviveniHs (WESTRICH 199Ü) and some other species of the genus Osmia, e.g. Osmia teticomelana, personally confirmed host in Slovenia. Univoltine. Flies in June and July, Jrt/fs pitaeopiera (Kirby 1802) European species. Slovenia: SM. PA, AL, SP. P. r.; Goqala 1991b; GocfAla 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: Osmia fiilvivenlris, O. leaiana and some other species of the genus Qxmia (Westrich 1990). A personally tonfinncd host is Osmia leaiana. Univoltine. Flies from May to August. StelLi putsctulaHssima (Kitby 1802) Stehs (lierrima (Paii2er 179S) European specics, Sloventa: Dl, SP. R r,: Gocala 1994 Cleptoparasitic spccics. Hosts: probably Anihidium mamcatum and some other species of the genus Anthidium {WEsrmcH 1990), although some authors list the species of the genus Osmia. Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Steiis signata (Latreille 1809) West Palaearctic species Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P r.: Gogala 1991b; Gooae,a 1994 CIcploparasitic species. Host: Arnhidielltim sirigaium (Weetrjcu 1990). Univoltine, Flics from June to August. /TenW« Spinola 1S08 Erjiii^e.^, Friese 189S Th'riades crf^mfuiwj Nylandcr 1856 Mediterranean spccies. Slovenia: SM, Dl, SP, P. r.: Gocaijv 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oltgolectic, specialized on Asteraceae and Ciclioriaceae. Nests mainly in burrows in wood. Tlie cell partitions are made of resin (Wesitiich 1990). Univoltine, Flies from June to September. ^_A, Oogala: Bee Fauna of Slovenja: Clwckli^t üf Species (Hyinen&ptera: Apoidea)_^ flfi-iades nibicola Pirez 1890 Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, SP-P, r: Gog ala 1991b; Gügala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (pers. obs ), Nests in hollow plant stems {Benoist 1929). Urtivoltine. Flies from June to September, Heriades nuitcorHm (Linnaeus 1758) Wesr Palaearctic species Present in the whole of Sloveoia, R r . VooRiTJ 1955; Gügala 1991b; OOCALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae and Cichoriaceae. Nests mainly in wood burrows (Westrich 1990, pers. obs ). The cell partitions are made of resin (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to September, Protosmia Ducke 1900 Prommia giuimosa (Giraud J S71) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, P. r.: Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Probably polylectic species (pers, obs.). Nests in empty mason bee nests {Megachiie, subgen. Chaticadoma), sphecid wasps of the genus Scdiphron, and bees of the gentis Anthophora. The cell partitions are made of resin (Benoist 1929, Popov 1961). Univoltine. Flies in May and Junc. Cheiosioma Latreillc 1809 Chehsioma campanularuM (Kirby 1802) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: Gügala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campmuia (Campanulaceae). Nests mainly in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of clay or sand (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Flies in July and August. Chelästoma distincxiim Stoeckhert 1929 Osmia cantabrica {Benoist 1935) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM, PA, AL, SP. P. t.; Gogala 199lb; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula (Campanulaceae). Nests mainly in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of clay or sand {Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies in June and July. Ckelostonia emarginatum (Nylanda 1856) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P. T.: GOÜAIA 1991b; GOCALA 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Jiafiuncitlu.<; (Rannnculaceae) (Bhnoist 1929, pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Cheiosfoma JZoriromiie {Linnaeus 175&) West Palaearctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P, r.; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 oiigoicctic, Specialized on Ranunculus (Ranuncuiaceae). ^fesls mainly in burrows in wood. The tell partitions are made of clay and sand (Wo^TRiCH 1990). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Cheiostoma foveoiatum (Morawitz 1S68) North Mwüterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SE P. r.: Gogala 1991 b; Goüala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula {Campanulaceae) (pers. obs,). Univoltine. Flies in July and August, Cheiostoma grande (Ny I ander IR52) Alpine species. In Slovenia near Podkoren (WESriitCH 1993), on PI. Vogar and in Bohinj [AL). Oligolectic, specialized on Dipsacaceae. Nests mainly in wood burrows (Westrich 1993), Univoltine, Flies from June to August. Cheiostoma /ntKiaryi Schlerrerer 1S89 Bast Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Dragonja (SM). Oligolectic, specialised on Ornilhogalum (Liliaceac} (pers, obs.). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Cheiostoma rapuncuH (Lepe leti er 134-1) Cheiostoma fuliginosum (Panzer 1798) Heriadei nigricornis Nylander 1S4S European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.; Gogala 199lb; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula CCampanulaceae). Nests mainly in burrows in wood. The cell partitions arc made of clay and sand (Westkjch 1990). Univoltine, Flies from June to August. Chefosti/ma ventrale Schletterer 1889 Mediterranean Species. In Slovenia near the villagej Dragonja and Padua in Isma (SM). Univoltine. Flies in May and June, Haplitii Klug 1S07 Hopliiis adufica (Panier 179SJ West Palaeaictic Species. Slovenia: SM, AL, PA, SP P r.: Gogala i 99 lb; G goal a 1994 Oligolectic. specialized on Echium (Boragmaceae). Nests b various pre-existing cavities, e.g. in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of sand and clay (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in June and July, Hoplitis aiithoeopoides (Schenck 1853) Osmia caemeitiaria Getstaecker 1869 Osmia spinolae auct. West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia in Trnovski Gozd (DI), in the Soia valley (SM) and along the Sava river near Čmu£e (PA). P r.: Gkaeffe 1902 ____A- Gpgila: Bge Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist of Species ^Hytnenopwra: Apoidea)_£7 Oligoleclic. specialized on Echium (Boraginaceae), Nests in hollows in stonCS are made of sand (Westiuch 1990). Univoltine, Flies in June and July. Hoplitix jfieringii (Duckc 1898) Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Vipava (ducte 1900) and near Komen (SM). Oligolectic, specialized on Hippocrepis (Fabaceae) (Ducke 1900), Uni voltine. Flies from April to June. floplilh hpdetieri (Pä-cz 1879) Alpine species. In Slovenia in Bohinj (AL). Oligolectic, specialized on Echium (Boraginaceae), Nests in hollows in stones are made of sand (Westrich 1990, pets, obs.), Univoltine. Flies in June and July. Hopliiis ioti (Morawitz 1867) Osmia morawiizi Gerstaecker IS69 Osmia difformis Perez 1S79 Alpine species. In Slovenia on Košuta in the Karavanke and in Bohinj (AL). P.r.: Gogala 1991b Probably oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae. Mests in hollows in stones are made of sand (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. HopUtis paiticornis (Tiis^^ 1895) Osmia dijjbrmis. Ducke 1900 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM. P, t.; Gocala 1994 Probably polylectic species. Known foodplants are Sa/via (Lamiaceae) and Onoxnta (Boraginaceae). Nests in hollows in stones are made of sand (pers, obs.). Univoltine, Flies from May to July. Hoplitis ravouxi (Perez 1902) Osmia hrachyceros Blüthgen 1920 West Mediterranean species. Tn Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP). P. r.: Gooala 1994 Oligoiectic, spccialiied on Fabaceae, Nests in hollows in stones are made of sand (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Flies in June and July, Osmia Panzer 1806 Anthocopa Lepeletier Melallinelfa Tkalcu 1966 Osmia acutkornis Dufour & Ferris 1840 North Mediterranean species, Slovenia; SM. P. r.: Gooala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specializsd on Fabaceae. Nests in hollow stems. The cell partitions are made of masticated pith or masticated leaves (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies iti June and July. Ositiia ofiilyeiioiiles Spinola 1808 North Mediterranean species Slovenia: SM, Soča (AL), Rr.: Geaeffe 1902; Gogala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligotectic, specialized on Lamiaceae. Nests ir empty snaiJ shells. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990). Partly bivolline. Flies from May to July anil in August and September. Cjmip tjpicata Smith 1853 Ostnia ittacrtjghssa Gersiaecker 1869 East Mediterransan species. Slovenia: SM. P, r.i Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Onosma (Boraginaceae) (Graeffe 1902, pers, obs.}. Nests in wall hollows (GiiA£ffE 1902), Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Osmin äui-ülenta (Panzer 1799) North Mediterranean species, Slovenia; SM, Dl, PA, SP. P r.: Gr,.\effe 1902; Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylcctic species, visiting mainly Fabaeeae. Nests in empty snail shells. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves (W^stjuch 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to July. Osmia bkohr {Schrank 17S1) European Speeles. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P, r.; Gooala /991b, Gooala 1994 Polylectic Species. Nests in empty snail shells. The Cell partitions are made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990). Uni voltine, Flies from Marcll to June. Osmiii bideniaia Morawitz IS76 Mediterranean species.Slovenia: PA (Brezovica near Lj., Čmvičc near Lj,), R r.: Gocala 1991b; Gogau 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Ceniaurea) (pers. obs,). Uni vol tine. Flies from June to August, Osmia brevicornis (Fabiicius 179fi) Osmia ati-ocaemlea Schilling 1S49 Osmia panseri Morawitz 1859 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near the village Dragonja (SM). Oligolectic, specialized on Brassicaceae. Nests in various pre-existing cavities, e.g, in burrows in wood. The nest is not partitioned into cells. It is closed with masticated leaves (Westfich ! 990). Univoltine, Flies from April to June, Osmia caerufesceus (Linnaeus 1758) Osmia aenea {Lmmsus 1761) Holarctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r; Gooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Fabaeeae and Lamiaceae. Nests in various pre-existing cavities, e.g in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves (Westrtch 1990), Bivoltine. The first generation flies from April to July, the second in July and August, _A Gogala; Bee Faunaof Sioventii: Chei^klisl of Species (Hyiuenoplera: Apoidea)_^ O.iinia campanularis Morawitz IS77 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Soterga (SM) {Goo al a 1994}. Probably oligolectic, specialized on Cainpanjila (Campanulaceae) (pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from May to August, Ostitia cephaiotes laitgiceps Morawitz IB76 East Mediterranean subspecies of the Mediterranean species. Slovenia; SM. P, r: vafj der ZÜNDEN 1991; Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Probably polylectic species, visiting Fabaeeae and Lamiaeeae (pers. obs ). Nests in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of masticatfd leaves (Benoist 1931). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Osmia cerintkidis Morawitz 1875 East Mediterranean speeies. In Slovenia in Bohinj (AL). Oligolecric, specialized on Ceriiuhe (Boraginaceae) Nests probably in wood burrows (WosiEJCii 1990). XJmvoltine. Flies in May and June. Ostfiia dliaris ?itcz 1902 East Mediterranean specics. In Slovenia near Komen on Karst (SM). P. r.: Gooala 1994 Known foodplant is HeliafitheTnum (Cistaeeae) (pers. obs,}. Univoltine, Flies from May to August. Osittia ctaviventrvi TTionison IS72 Osmia kucomehna auet. European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: cooala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Lotus (Fabaeeae). Nests in hollow stems. The cell partitions arc made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990}. Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Osmia comma (Latreille 1805) North Meditcrraaean species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P. t:. Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in various pre-existing cavities. The cell partitions are made of clay (WesTlilCH 1990). I have personally observed nests made of clay in Crevices in a Stone wall, Univoltine. Flies from March to May. Osmia croatica Friese 1S93 East Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM. P. r,: Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraccae fe.g, Ceniaureü) (pers. obs.. Ducke 1900). Univoltine. Flies from July to September. Osmia tyaHoxanrltn Perez 1879 Mediterranean species, In Slovenia near Padna in Istria (SM). Visits Fabaeeae. Nests in empty cells of mason bees of the subgenus Ckalicodoma (genus Megachile). The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves (B&orsr 1931}. Univoltine, Flies from April to June. Osni id dalmatica Morawitz 1S71 East Mediterratman species. In Slovenia near Lipica (Geiaeffe 1902), near Škocjan on fCarst (Gocala 1994) atid near Vipava (SM), Oligolectic, specialized on Dipsacaceae {Westrich 1993, pers. obs.). Nests in stone crevices are made of scraps of leaves (Westrech 1990). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Osmia gallarunt Spinola ] S08 Mediterranean species. Slovenia! SM. PA {Polhograjsko TTribovje). P. r.; Gog ala 1991b, Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, spccistized on Fabaceae, Nests in various pre-existing cavitics, mainly in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves or pith (Westrich 1990). Uni volti ne. Flies from May to July Osmia faevifrt>ns Morawitz IS 72 East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia itear Podictitck (SP) (Gooaia 1994). Univolträe, Flies from June to August. Ositiia Uaiana (Kirby 1802) Osmia sohkyi Morawitz 1S70 european species, Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r, ' Goqala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligolcctic, specialized on Astcraccae and Cichotiaccae. Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in btitrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of mas tic al cd leaves (Westrich 1990) Univoltine, Flies in June and July, Osmia leucamelana (Kirby 1802) Osmiapai vtila Dufour & Perris 1840 European species, Slovenia; SM, PA, Dl, SR P. e: Güüaia 1991b; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Lotus (Fabaceae), Nests in hollow Stems, The cell partitions arc made of masticated leaves {Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August Osmia ligurica Momv/itz 1868 North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM. R r.: Tkalcu 1974a; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialised on Astaaceac (pers. obs., Benoist 1931), Nests in hollow plant stems (Benoist 1931), Univoltine. Flies fiom May to July. Osinia mehnogasiei- Spinola 1808 Osmia a:errima Morawitz lS72 Osmia caniiolica Morawitz 1872 Osmia noJata auct. North Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP, P, r.: CoGAtj^ 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialised on Asteraceac. I have personally observed it on Cemawea. Nests probably in various pre-esiisting cavities (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Fliei from May to July, _A. Gogala: Bee Fauna i>f Slovenia: CKecklist of Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)_^ Osmia miris Nylander 1352 European spccies. In Slovenia on Golica (AL) and on Nanos (SM). P. r: Gogauv 1954 OHgolectic, Specialized on Campatmla (Campanulaceae). Nests in Various prC-CKisting caviliM. Nests are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990). Uni vol tine. Flies from June to August. Oimia mustehna Oerstaecker 1841 Osmia emarginata auct, partim Ea^t Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, AL. P I.'. Gocala 1994 Polykctic species. T have personally observed it on Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. Nests in hollows in stones are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990}. Uni volti ne. Plies from May to July. Osmia fihvata (Fabricius 1804) Osmia/iffvivenrris (Panzer 1798) West Palaearctjc specics. Present in the whole of Sloveti i a P. r.; Gogala 1991b, Goüaiji 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Ci'rsium). Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in burrows in wood. The ccll partitions are made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in June and July. Osmiaparietiua Curtis 182S Omia {ingitttula {ZeUsTitcdt 1S3S) Boreomontane species. In Slovenia on Krvavec (AL) (Gocala 1994). PoJylectic species, visiting rnainly Fabaceae Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in burrows in wocd. The cell partitions arc made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Flies from May to August, Osmiapilii:ofnis Smith 1846 Boreomontane species. In Slovenia in Polhograjsko Hribovje (PA) and near Podčetrtek (SP), P. r.! Gogau 1994 Polylcctic spceies. I have personally observed it on Fabaceae. Nesls in Wood (WESTRICH 1990), Univoltine. Flies from March to June. Oswifi praeslaps Morawitz 1S94 Mediterranean species, Tn Slovenia on Nanos (SM) (Gogala 1994), Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula (Campanulaccae) (Benotst 1931). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, O^ntiit rufu {Linnaeus 1758) 0.iü hicornis (Linnaeus 17 5 S) carnigera Rjossi 1790 Palacarctic species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: Goo ala 1991b; GüGala 1994 Polylectic spccies. Nests in various pre-existing cavities. The cell partitions are made of sand or clay {Westrich 1990, pers. obs,), Univoltine. Flics from April to June. Oxntia ru/okirta ISH North Meditermnean species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP. P. r,; Gooala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Poiylectic species, I have peisDnally observed it on f abaceae and Heliariihemum (Cistaceae). Nests in empty snail shells. The celt partitions are made of masticated leaves and the nest is closed with sand {Westrich 1990). On Karst it uses snail shtlls of the species Pomatias elegmis (pers, obj ), Uni vol tine. Flies from May to July. Osmia scuieliaris Morawitz IS6S North MedUerranean specits. Slovenia: SM, SP. P. r,: 1991b; Gooala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae {pers. obs.), Nests in hollow plant stems (BENüfST 1931). Univoltine. Flics from June to August. Osfiiia spinulosa (Kirby 1E02) European species. Present irj the whole of Slovenia. P. r; Gocala 199lb; Gocala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae and Cichoriaceae, Nests in empty snail shells. Tlie ceil partitions are made of masticated leaves (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, Omia xubmicanx Mot3w\tz 1S71 Ostnia giraudii Schraiedeloiecht 18S6 North Mcditen^nean species, Slovenia; SM, PA, PD. P. r: Gooala 1991b; Goqala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae (pers. obs.). Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in burrows in wood. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves and sand grains {Westrich 1990}. 1 have personally observed a nest in a burrow in wood. Univoltine, Flies in May and June. Osmia tetgesietisis Ducke 1897 Nonh Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near K.omen on Karst (SM) and in Bohinj (AL). P. r.: Gooala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae (Graetfe 1902, Schmiedeknecht 1930). The nest made of clay is built in grass tussock. The cells are lined with petals (Benoist 1931). Univoltine. Flies from May to July. Osmia tridentala Dnfonr &. Perris 1840 North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PD, SP. P, r,: Gogala 1991b. Goüala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae, Nests in hollow plant stems (Westrich 1990, pers. obs.). The cell partitions arc made of masticated leaves and pith. Univoltine. Flics from June to August. Osmia uncinata Gerstaecker 1S69 Bofeomontane species. Slovenia: PA (Brezovica near Lj, Sp. Bmik). P. t.! Godala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests under loose conifer bark (Westrich 1990}. Univoltine. Flies from April to July, A, Gügala: Bcc Fajna of Slovenia: ChcckliM of SjKcies (Hymcnoptcra: Apoicka) 53 Osmia versicofor Latreilk 1811 Meditcrtancan species, In Slovenia near Kozina (SM) {Gor, al a 1991b). Probably polylectic species, visiting mainly Fabaceae Nests in empty snail shells (WESTRICH 1990), Univoltine- Flies from May to July. Osmia villosa (Schcnck 1853) Alpine species. In Slovenia in Karavanke, on PI. Vogar (AL) and on Čaven (SM). P. r.; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Cichoriaceae and Asteraceae. Nests in crevices between stODes. The ctii partition^ arc made of scraps of leaves and sand (Westrjch 1990). Univoltine Flies firom May to August. Osmia viridana Morawitz 1S74 North Mediicrranean species. Slovenia: SM. P. r.: Gocala 1994 Nests in snail shells and empty mason bee nests (BE>foisT 1931), Univoltinc. Flies from April to June. Osmia xanthotneiana (Kirby 1802) European species. In Slovenia In Polhograjsko Hribovje (PA), Oligolectit, specialized on Fabaceae, The cells of a nest made of clay are built in grass tussack, among spruce needles, in decaying wood, ctc, (WESTRiai 1990). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. MegachUe Latreilte 1802 CAaii'coc^oma Lepeletiei 1841 Creightoneiia Cockerel 1 190S Megackile albisecta (Klug IS17) Megachile sericans Fonscolombe 1832 Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Striinjan (SM) (Gocala 1994), Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Cirsium), Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in the ground. The cell partitions are made of masticated leaves and scraps of leaves (Benoist 1940). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Megachile alpicola Alfken 1924 Boreomontane species, Slovenia; ALP. r: Gogala 199lb; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species (Westrich 1990}. visits mainly Asteraceae and Cichoriaceae (pets, obs.). Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly in burrows in wood. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990). Partly b i volt inc. Flies from May to September, Megachile apicatis Spinola I SO8 Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SP. Polylectic species. Nests in various pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990). Univoitine. Flies from May to August. Megachile atratula Rebmann 1968 West Mediterranean spccies. In Slovenia in the SeCovlje salt-flats (SM). Visits Fabaceae. e.g. Lotus tenuis (pers. obs,). Univoltine. Flies ftoiu June to September Megachik burdigaiensis Benoist 1940 Megachite darsaiis P^rei 1879: of"{nec g) Noith Mediterranean species. In Slovenia m thu Sečovlje salt-flats (SM). P, T,: GooAtA 199S Probably oligolectic species. IGiown foodplant is Lotus lenuis (Fabaceae) (pers. obs,). Univoltine. Flies in July and August, Megacftile centuncularis (LinsRca^ 175S) Holarctic specics. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. T.: Gog ala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Poiylecric species (Westiuch 1990), visits mainly A&teraceac (pers obs,). Nests in vaTious preexisting cavities. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990). Partly bivoUine, Flies from June to October. Megachile ctrcumcincia {Kirby 1S02) European species. Slovenia' SM, AL. SP. P. r.: Gog ala 1994 Polylectic species {WesTRicH 1990), visits mainly Fabaceae (pers. obs.), Ntsts in the ground, in burrows excavated by itself or in pre-existing cavities. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from May to August, Megacftile äeceptf/Hü Perez 1890 Mediterranean species, In Slovenia in the Sečovlje sait-flats (SM). Visits Fabaccac (e.g. Ononis, Lotus) (Dorn & Webea 19SS; pers. obs ). Nests in the ground (Benoist 1940}, Univoltine. Flies ftom June to September. Megachile cmeiitrum Lepeletier 1841 West Palaearctic Spec its. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. T.: Gooala 1991b; Gooaui 1994 According to Westjuch (1990) oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae, but T have observed it on Lamiaceae and Fabaceae. Nests in various pre-existing cavities, usually in the burrows in the clay banks. The cell partitions are made of clay or sand and coated with resin on the inside {Westrsch 1990J. Univoltine Flies in Jnne and July. Megachiie flabeUipcs Perei IS95 Megachile rubrimana auct. North Mcditciratiean species, Slovenia: SM. P r.: GoGala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g, Centaurea) (pers. obs.). Univoltmc Flies from July to September. Megachile genaiis Morawitz 18SO European species. In Slovenia near Cmučc (PA) and Podčetrtek (SP), P, r.: Gouala 1994 A. Gngüla: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checkli$;t of Species (Hynwncprera; Apuidea) 55 Known foodplants arc Asteract:ae and Cichoriaceae- Wests in hollow stems. Cd Is are made of scraps of leaves {Westrsch 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to September. Megachile fagopoda (Linnaeus 1761) Palacarctic species, Slovenia: SM, PA, AL. P, t.: Gogala 1991b; Goqala 1994 Polylectic species, visits mainly Asteraceae (Westrich 1990). Pas. obs.: Lanuaceae, Dipsacaceae, Fabaceae. Nests m t!ie ground, in burrows excavated by itself or in pre-existing cavities (Westrich 1990). Univoliitie, Flies from July to September. Meguchih kachella Curtis IS2S Megachile ai-geniaia auct. West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, PA (Čmuče near Ljubljana). Polylectic species, visiting irainly Fabactac, Nests tn burrows in sand, e\gavated by itself. Cells arc made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990). Univoltine, Flies from June to August, Megachile ligniseca {Kirby 1802) European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia, P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species (Westrich 1990). Pers. obs.: Asteraceae, Lanniaceae. Nests in various preexisting cavities, mainly in wood burrows (westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Megacfiile luanicala Oiraud 1S61 East Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, P. r.: Frjese 1894^1901; Gogala 1994 Probably oligolectic, specialized on Fabaceae (e,g. Coroniita) (pers. obs.). l^iests made of sand built in hollows in stones (Gracffe 1902). Univoltine. Flies in April and May. Megachile maritima (Kirby 1802) European species. Slovenia: SM, DI, PA, SP. P, r,! Gooala 1991b; Gmaia 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990), Probably partly bivol tine. Flies from May to September, MegackHe metanopyga Costs. 1S63 North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PD, Dl (Iški Vintgar), SP. P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994; Bbmer 1997 Polylectic species {Westrich 1990), visits mainly Asteraceae (pers. obs.). Nests in grass tussocks (WEjTwm 1990). Partly bivoltine. Flies from May to September Mcgiichiie fiigrit'entfix Schenck 1870 Boreomontane species. In Slovenia on PI. Vogar and in Logarska Dolina (AL). P. r.; Gogala 1994 Probably oligolcctic, specialized on Fabaceae. Nests in decaying wood where it excavates burrows. Cells are imde of scraps of leaves (Westrjch 1990), Univoltine, Flies in June and Jvily, Megftchile odesignaia Nylander 1852 >jorth Meditenaneaji species. Slovenia: SM, SP, P, r: Gooala 1994 Probably polylectic spccics (pers. obs.). Nests in crevices between stones. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Benoist 1940), Univoltine, Flies from June to September. MegachUe psirietino (Geoffrey in Fonrtroy 17S5) ChäUcodoma muraria auct. Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, AL, P. T.: Gügala 1991b- Gogala 1994 Polylectic Species, visits mainly Lamiaceae and Fabaceae (westrich 1990, pers. obs,). Nests made of sand built in hollows in stones (Westrjcw 1990, pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies in May and June. Megachäe pilicras Morawiti 1S78 North Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, SP. P. r,: Gogala 1991b; Goqal.i 1994 Oligolectic, specialized on Asteraceae (e.g. Centaii/Tsa). Nests in hollow plant stems (Benoist 1940). Univoltine. Flies from July to September. Megachik pilidens Alfken 1924 Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, SP. P. r.; Gogala 1991b; Gooala 1994 Polylectic Species, visits mainly Fabaceae (WnsTiifai 1990), Pctrs, obs.: Lamiaceae, Dipsacaceae, Asteraceae, Nests in various pre-existing cavities, mainly crevices between stones. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrjch 1990, pers obs.). Bivol tine. The first generation flies from June to August, the sccond in August and September. Megae/iiie pyrtnaea P^rez 1&90 BoreomOntane species. Slovenia: AL, Čaven (SM), P. r.: Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests under stones or in the ground. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westrich 1990}, Univoltine. Flies from July to September, Megachile pyretiaica Lepeletier 1841 Mediterranean species, Slovenia; SM, Polhograjsko Hribovje (PA), P. r: Gogau^ 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species, visits Lamiaceae and Fabaceae (pers. obs., Gflaeffe 1902), Nests made of sand built on tree branches (Benoist 1940), Univoltitie. Flies in May and June Megachile rotundafa (Fabricius 1784) Megachik paciflca (Panzer 1798) Megachiie tmbscilla Gerstaecker 1869 West Palaearctic species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. ___ A - Ciogala: Bee Fan na of SI oveni a: Check [ist □ r Species (Hy me noplera: Apoiilea)_^ P, r.: Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species (Westrich 1990). Pcrs, obs.! Fabaceae, Apiaceae. NeSlS in various prC-existing cavities. Cells are made of scraps of leaves or petals (Westrich 1990). Uni volt ine. Flies ftom June to August. MfguchUe versictilar Smith 1844 European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.: Geiaekke 1902; Vocjiiix 1955; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in various pre-existing cavities. Cells are madt of scraps of loaves (Westrjch 1990}. Partly bivoltine. Flies from May to September, ^UgucltiU' willuglibiella (Kirby ] S02) European species. Slovenia: AL, SM, PD, SP. P. r: Gogala 1994 Polylectic Species. Nests in decaying wood, where it excavates burrovra, or in pre-existing cavities. Cells are made of scraps of leaves (Westsiich 1990), Partly bivoltine. Flies from June to September. Latreille 1809 Coelhxys tifra Lcpclctier 1841 Wesr Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. r: ERLAMDSSON 1991; GOQALA 1991b; Oogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: Megnckile piUderts and AJ. leachella (WesTftECh 1990J. Univoltine. Flies from June to September. C&eA'tixys afata Förster 1853 European species. In Slovenia neat Podčetnek (SP) (Gogala 1994) and near Hrastnik (PA). Cleptoparasitic species, Host: probably Megacliiis ligniseCa or Anthophara fursata {We-1TRJc;h 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August, Coelioxys auralimbala Förster 1853 West Palaearctic species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP, P. r,: GOGALA 1991b; Gocaui 1994 Clcploparasilic spceies. Host: Megachik ericetoi-um (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Ceelioxys conoidea (Illiger 1S06) Caelioxys vecris Curtis IK31 West Palaearctic species, S Jo venia: SM, PA, AL, SP. P, r.: Gogala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: MegacbÜe maritinia and M. lagopoda {Westrich 1990). Probably partly bivoltine. Flies from June to September. Coelioxys eMnuta Förster 1853 Coelioxys mfocaitdata Smitli 1854 West Palaeare[ie spccies. In Slovenia near Podtetrtek (SP) (Gogala 1994). Cleptoparasitic specics. Host; Megachile roiundasa (Westrich 1990), Untvcllinc, Flies in July and August. Coeiioxys elöiigata Lepeletiei 1841 Palaearctic species. In Slovenia near Čepovan (DI), in Bohinj (AL) and near Podčetrtek (SP). R r.: Gocala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: species of the genus Megachile, mainly Af wHIughhielhi (Westrich 1990). Probably un 1 voltine. Flies from June Jo September Caelioxys inermis {Kirby 18D2) Coelioxys acuminata Nylander J 852 West Palaearcfie species. Slovenia; SM, DI, PA, SR P. r,: GocjALA 199lb; Cooala 1994 Cleplopatasitic species. Hosts; Megachile cenlwiculat-is and M versicolor (Wl-STTWCH 1990). Probably partly bivol tine, Flies from May to September. Coelioxys maiidihularis Nyiander 1848 European species. Slovenia: .tL (PI. VogarJ, SM jKomen on Karst). P. f.IGOGALA 1991b Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts; \fegacbile versicohr, probably also other species of the genera Megachile and Osmia {Westrech 1990). Probably univoltmc, Flies from June to August Coelioxys obwsa Perez IS84 MediE^rranean species. In Slovenia near the village Dragonja (SM) (Gogala 1994). Cleptoparasitic species. Univoltine. Flies in August. Cveliox^'n piffycentrii PoTSter 1S53 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in the Sečovlje salt-flats (SM) (Goo al a 1994). Cleptoparasitic species. Host; Megachile decepioria (WaRNCKE 1992). UnivoJtine, Flies in June and July, Coeiioxys quadriäentata (Linnaeus 1758) Coelioxys conica (Linnaeus 1758) European Species. Slovctiia; SM, PA, AL, P r; Coo ALA 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: Aiuhopkom furcata (Westrich 1990) and some species of the genus Megachile, of which 1 can confirm Megachile ciroimcmcta. Univoltine, Flies from May to July Coelioji^s TM/MceBj Lepclclitr 1S25 Palaearctic species, Slovenia: AL (Bohinj), SP (Podčetrtek). P r: Goöala 1994 Cleptoparasitic specics Hosts: species of the ^snn^Anthophara, mainly,^, plügialci (WE.sTRiCH 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to September, Apidae C^raiitta LatreiUe 1802 Ceratina cUaJybea Chcvrier IS72 Ceratina callosa auct. _A. Gogak: Bee Fauna of Slove ma: Checklist of Species [Hyincnoptera: Apoidca)_^ Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP, P. r.[ Goöala 1991b: Guuala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in holiow plant stems (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to September when a new generation appears which overwinters unfertilLeed Ccratina cucurbilittti (Rossi 1792) Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP P, r,; Gocala 19911?; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in ho I lew plant stems (Westeuch 1990). Univoltine, FiieS from May to September when a nEW generation appears which overwinters unfertilized. Ceralina cyanea {Kirby 1802) European species. Present in the whole of Slovenia. P r." CoGAU\ 199lb; Gocala 1994 Polylectic species. Nests in hollow plant stems (Westrich 1990, pers, obs,). Univoltine. Flies from April to September when a new generation appears which overivinters unfertilized, Ceratiiia äollaiorreana Friese 1896 Mediteir^inean speci es. In Slovenia in Istria (SM). p.r.: goöala 1991b Probably polylectic species. T have personally observed it on Genista (Fabaceae), Nests in hollow stems- It reproduces parlhenogenetically (Dalv 19S3), Univoltine. Ceratina denthentm Gerstaecka 1869 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near the village Dragonja iti Istria (SM). Univoltine. Flies from April to September. Xylocopa Latteille 1802 Xyfocopa iris (Christ 1791) Xyhcopa cyaneicens Brülle 1832 Mediterranean species, Slovenia: SM, SP. P r.! G0GAI.a 1991b; Godala 1994 Polylcctic species, visiting mainly Fabaceae and Lamiaceac. Nests in hollow plant stems (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to August. Xytocopa vmenppiefa: Appicteü) 63 Cleptoparasitic jpecies. Hosts; small species of the genus Lasiaghssum, e.g. i, morio, L leiicop:is audi, punclatissi/nuni (WESTRICH 1990). Bi VC lime. Flies from April to Jme m d in July and August, vVamtfrfo/urvoitfey Stoeckhert 1943 Pontic species, Slovenia; SM (Komen), SP (Podčetrtek). P r.! StolctHERT ]943; CioCAtJ^ 1W4 Clepfoparasitic spccies. Hosts: probably small species of the genus Lasioglossufn, e.g. L. sertiiiucens and Z. poUium (Stoeck^ert 1943). Bivoltine. Flies in May and June and in July and August. Nomada /ujcjcn»-nrj Nylander 1S48 European species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Cöcala 1994). Cleptoparasitic species. Host; Pamirsus calcaratus (Westrich 1990) Uni volti ne Flies from July to September. Nomaila govdeniana (Kirby 1802) EuTosibertan species Slovenia; SM, SP. P. r,: Gqcala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts; Andrer a nigroaenea, A. nitida, A. tibialis, A thoracica and A. cineraria (1^'estrich 1990), Partly bivoltine. Flies from April to June and in July, IVomaJa gntfuiata Schetick 1861 Palacarctic species, Slovenia; SM (Komen), SP (Podčetrtek). P, r.; Gogai^ 1994 Clcptoparasitic specics. Host: Andreja hbhta (Westrich 1990), UnivoltLne Flies from April to Jnne. Nomada hirtipes Percz IS84 European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. r.: Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasiiie species. Host; Andrena bucephala (Westrich 1990). Uni volti ne. Flies in April and May, Nomada incisa Schmiedeknecht 18S2 East Mediteiranean species, Slovenia; SM. Cleptoparasitie species. Uni vol tine. Flics in May and June. Nomada Integra Brülle 1832 Nomada fenvginaia auet, European species. Slovenia: SM, PA, AL, DI, SP R r.: Gogala Gocaua 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Host: AndKna Iwrnilis (Westrech 1990J. Urivoltine. Flies from April to June, Nomada kohfi Schmiedeknecht 1882 Mcdicetranean species In Slovenia near the village Dragonja (SM). Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Lasiog!os.';uni punciicofle tWesTKicH 1990). Partly bivoltine. Flies from April to June and in July and August. IVomatlü latltburiaiia (Kirby IE02) Eurüptan species, Slovenia: SR Cleptoparasitic spccies. Hosts: Andrena \aga and A. cineraria (Westbich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from March to June. Nomatia ttiafshaitmHa {Kirby 1802) Nomada aiternata auct. European species, t'resent in the whole of Slovenia. P. r.T Gooau^ 199lb;rEaiT 1930, pcrs, obs), UnivoltiTie. Flies from March to May. Xoitiada vHlosa Thomson 1870 Nomada hillana auct. European species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gogala 1994), Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Andtena lulhyri (Westrich 1990), Univoltine. Flies from April tu June, Nnmada zoaata Panzer 1798 West Palaearctic species. Slovenia: SP, R r.: Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic spccies. Hosts: Andrena dorsaia and A. congruens (Westrich 1990), Bivoltine. Flies ftnm March to June and from Jnly to September. ^^_A. Gtigala: Bee Fauna of Slgvenia: Checklist of Species ^Hymenoptera: Apoifea)_^ Biastes Panzer 1S06 Biasfes brevicornis {Panzer 1798) North MediteiTaiiean species. Slovenia: SP {Dobova, Podčetrtek). P. r.; Gooala 1994 CIcptoparasitic species, Host: Sysiropha curvicomis (Whsthjch 1990). Univoltinc. Flies from June to August. Biastes emarginatus (Sehende I &53) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: P.A. (Brezovica near Lj,), SP (Podtetrtelf) P. r: Gooala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts; Ropfiites quinquespinosus and R. algirvs (Westeich 1990), Univoltitie, Flies from June to August, Biastes r™ncB/«iO)ylander 184S) European species. Slovenia: AL (Begunjif ica), SM (Nanos), SP (Podčetrtek). P, r.: Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic Species. Hosts: Dufourea dentivenim and D. ineimis (Westrich 1990). Uni voltine- Flies in July and August. Pasites Jurine 1S07 Pasitffs macuiatus Jurine I SO 7 Mediterranean-central Asian species. In Slovenia in the Sečovlje sali-flaB and near Koštabana (SM). P. r.: Gogala 1991b; gtxjala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: Nomia unidentaia and N. diverstpes (luea 1958, pers, obs.). Univoltitie Flies from May to August, .^ramofrato Latreille 1S09 Ammobates vinctus Oerstaecker 1869 North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Kostabona (SM) (COOAL,^ 1994). Cleptopaiasitic species. Host: Teiratonia inulae (Iuga 195S). Uni vol tine. Flies from June to August. Epeoius Latreille 1802 Epeolus crttciger (Panzer 1799) Epeoius variegatus, Friese 1S95 Eurosiberian species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. t.: Godala 1991b; cooala 1994 Cleptoparasitic spccies. Hosts: CoHeres succiiiaus and C. hedei ae {Westrich 1990, pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies from Jnne to September. Epeoius vatiegatus (Linnaeus 1758) Eurosiberian species, Slovenia: PA, SM, SP. P. t.: Gocau\ 1994 Cleptoparasilit ipecics. Hosts; Colkces simifis, C. i/aviesanus and C/oäwns (Westrich 1990). Uni voltine. Flies from June to September. Triepeotus Robertson 1901 Tmpeoiws ifliiss (Smith 1854) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P. r ■ Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts; Tetrnlonia macroglossa (WtsTKiai 1990) and T. nana (pcts. obs.}, Univoltine. Flies m July and August. Epeßloiäes Oiraud IS63 Epeploiiiex coeculifns (Fabric ins 1775) European species. In Slovenia near Cerknica (DI) (Gogala 1994). Cleptoparasitic species, Host: Macropis eumpaea (Westrjcei 1990), Univohinc. Flies in July and August. Antkophara Latreille 1803 Podalirius Latreille 1&02 Anthopkora aestivalii (Panzer 1801) European species. Slovenia: SM, SP. P. T.: Gooala ] 994 Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Anthopkora bimacutata (Panzer 179B) West Palacarcric specics. In Slovenia at the river Sava near Črnuče (PA). P. r.: Gogala 1994 Polylectic spccies, visiting mainly Astaaceae (c.g, Cemawva). Nc&ts in burrows in the gnound, excavated by itself (Westwch 1990). Univoltine Flies from June to August. Anthgphora erinipei Smith 1854 North Mediterranean species. Slo Venia: SM, PA (Polhograjsko Hribovje), SP (Podčetrtek}. P. r,: G0CiAi_A 1991b; Gogala 1994 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavatedby itself (Westrjch 1990), Univoltine. Flics from April to June. Amhophftra dufourii Lepeietier 1841 North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM. P.r: Gogala 1991b Oligolectic, specialized on Lamiaceae (Iuca 1958), Univoltine. Flies in May and June. __A. GQgala: Bee Faiin^ r'^l'^XgülgiJ^.i^'^' Of SpüCiiis (HyUlünQptera: Ap&idiia)_^ Anthophota futcala (Panzer 1798} EuTopean species. Slovenia: AL, PA, SM, SP. r r.: Gouala 1991b; Gocala 1994 Oligoiectic, specialized on Lamiaceae, Nests in the burrows in decaying wood, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies &om June to August, Amhophora pla^iata [Illigct 1&Ü6) Anthophorei parieiina (Fabrlcius 1793) West Palaearctic species, In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gocala. 1594). Polylectic species. Ntsts in burrows in the ground, excavated by itself (Westhioi 1990). Univoltine, Flies from April to June, AnlfiophDra phimipes (P^Ua^ 1772) Amhophora pilipes (Fabricius i77J) Anthopkora acervarum auct. West Palaearctic species. Preseflt in the whole of Slovenia. P. r: Gocala 1991b; Gocal.^ 1994 Polyleclic species. Nests in burrows in ihe ground, excavated by itself (Westoch 1990, pers. obj.) Univoltine, Flies from March to Junc- Anthopkara pubescens (Fabricius I7SI) North Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Podčetrtek (SP) (Gocala 1994). Polylectic species. Nests in burrows in the pound, excavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in Ally and August. Anthopkora quadrimacutata (Panzer 1S06) Anthopkora vulpina (Panzer 1798) West Palaearctic species. Slovenia! PA (Brezovica neat Lj.), SP (Podčetrtek), P, r: GoaAt> 199lb; Gooala 1994 Polylectie species. Nests in burrows iti the ground, excavated by itself (Wfsuuch 1990). Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Antkophora retusa (Linnaeus 17S8) European spcoies, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P. r.: Gogala 1991b, Oooala 1994 Polylcctic species. Nests in burrows in the ground, cxcavated by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies firom April to June, Amegitla Vricsi 1S97 Amegilia alhigena Lepeletier 1S41 Mediterranean-centra i Asian species. SJo venia; SM, P. r.: Gooala 1994 Probably polylectic species. Iuqa (1958) lists Boraginaoeae and Fabaceae as food plants, I obstrved it on Lamiaceae. Univoltine. Flies from June to August. Amegilia garnth (Rossi 1790) North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, PA. SP. P. r.: Gogala 1991b; Goc.m.a 1994 70 SC0K)L1A. No 42 Polylectic species, visiting mainly Lamiaceae [pers. obs,, Iejoa 1958). Univoltine. Flies froni July to September, Amegilla quadnfasciata VilterS 1789 Palaearctic species, Slovenia: SM (Istria), P, r.: Gog ALA 1994 Polylectic species. Nests iq burrows in the gnouDd, excavated by itself (Westwch 1990). Univoltine. Flies from July to September, Habropoda Smith 1854 Habropoda tarsata (Spinak North Mediterranean species. Slovenia: SM, Polylectic species according to Iuga (J958). but in Slovenia it visits exclusively tht bushes of Cononiifd (Fabaceae) (pets, obs,). Univoltine. Flies in April and May, Melecia Latreille 1802 Melecta albifrom Forster 1771 Meiectapunctata (Fabricius 1775) Meiecia armata (Panzer 1799) West Palaeatctic species, Slovenia: SM, PA, SP. P.r.: Gocala 1991b; Gogala 1994 Cleptoparasitic species. Hosts: species of the genus Amhophora, iminly Anthophora acer^rum (Westrich 1990). "Univoltine. Flies from April to June. M electa luctuosa (Scopoli 1770) Eurosiberian species. Slovenia: PA, SP. P r.: Liefti^tck 1980, Gogala 1994 Clcptoparasitic species. Hosts: species of the genus Amhophora, mainly Änthophora aestivalis (Westhich 1990). I can confirm Antkophcro retusa as its host. Univoltine. Flies from April to June. Popov 1955 Eupavlovskia abscura simuhtrix Lieftinck 1969 East Mediterranean subspecies of the north Mediterranean species. In Slovenia near Padna in Istri a (SM). Cleptoparasitic species. Host: Habropoda tarsata (LiEJTmcK 1969, Eelandsson 1991). Univoltine. Flies in April and May. Thyreus Panzer 1806 Crocisa Jurine 1807 Tkyreus orbatus Lepeletier 1841 Crocisa ScKtellaris auct. _ A-Qgg^l^" ^^^ FflUJia of Siowjiia: Checklist of Species eciiiS (Hyintnaptoa: Apoidea)_79 Peteeseiv, B,, 1956: Hymenoptera. In: The Zaoiogy oj IceSand. Vol 3. Popov, V. V., 1961: Oti the evolution of bee-geneia Protosmia Ducke and Chelostomopsis Ckll. Zao!.Ž!jrnal,4{)- 359-371, Rasmünt, p, 1984: Les bourdons du genre Bombus Latrcilic sensu itricto en Europe Occidents le et Centrale. Spmana, 1\ 135-160. rl.\smqnt, P,, et al, 1995: Hymenoprera Apoidea GaMica. BuU Soc entimol. France. lOÜ! !-9R. R[CHa!IL5, 0,W,, 1937; The generic names of the British Hymenoptera Aculeata, with a check list of British spccics. Generic names of British Insects, Royai Entomol. Soc, London, 5: 81-149. Schmid-Ecgeb C,, D. Doczkal, 1995; Der taxonomischc staths von Andrena fulvicomis Sc-henck, 1E53. Entonwfmna, 16: 1-12. Schmid-EggerC., E, Scheuchl, 1997; Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Widbietien Deutschlands und Österreichs, Band [[L Andrenidae. Eigenverlag, Velden/Vils Schmidt, K.., P, Westrich, 1993: Colletes hederae n. sp., eine bisher unerkannte, auf Efeu (Hedera) spezialisierte Bienen an (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)- Eniomoi Z,, 103: 89-112, Schmiedeknecht, O., 1930: Die Hymenoptercn Nord- und Mineleuropas, 2. Aufl. Gustav Fischer, Jena, ScHUBERTTi, J-, 1995: Eine als neu erkannte Sandbienenari avis Södostcuropa: Andrena wilhclmi n. Limer bioi Beity., 27: 807-S21, Schwarz, M., 1966: Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Nomada Scop. NachrbS. Bayei-, Ent.^ 15: 17-24. Schwarz, M., 1967: Die Gruppe der Nomada cinctiventris Fr, Pol. Pismo E^f,, 37: 263-339. Schwarz, M., F. Ousenleetner, P. Westrich, H. H. Daths, 1996: Katalog der Bienen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Etiiomofawta, SuppT. E. Scopol 1, J A., 1763: Entomologia Camlolica. Tratiner, Vindobonae. Stelpox, a W.. 1927: A list of the Hymenoptera aculeata (sensu lato) of Ireland. Prac. Royal Acad., (3) 37 . 201-355. Stoeckhert, E,, 1935: Über einige neue deutsche Arten der Andrena minutula-Gruppe. Dt. Ent. Z., 1935: 65-85, StioECKHERT, E., 1943: Über die Gruppe dsr Nomada furva Panz. Dt. Ent, Z., 1943: S9-126, StJGiLTAA, N., 1991: Male Territoriality and Mating Tactics in the WooUCarder Bee, Anthidmm septcmspinosum Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), J. Eihoi., 9: 95-103, Sedivy, J., 1989: Hymenoptera, In: Enumeratio insecwrum Bohemoslovakiae U\. Acta faun, entomo!. Nat. Prague, 19: 9-11, Tkalcu, S., 1974a: Revision und Klassifikation der bisher zur Untergattung Hoplosmia gestellten Anthocopa-Arten. Acta eni. hohemoshv., 71: 114-135. Tkalcu, B., 1974b: Bemerkenswerte Bienenfijnde in der Tschechoslowakei Acta em. bohemo^lov., 71: 205-20fi. Tkalcu, B., 1979: Revision der europäischen Vertreter der Artengruppe von Tetralcnia ruficomij. A cta Musei Mora viae, M: 127-152, Van Der 2anden. G., 1991: Systematik und Verbreitung der paläarktisehen Arten der Untei^attung Caenilosmia Linzer hioi. Beitr., 23: 37-7S. VoGHiN, V, 1955: Prilog fauni Hvmeroptera-Aculeata Jugoslavije Zaši. biijo (Beograd), 31: Dodatak wak>jcjie, K., 19S1: Die Bienen des KlagenfnrEer Beckens CarimHia //, 171: 275-34S. WAEiiCKE, K., 198fi: Isolierte Bienenvorkommen auf dem Olymp in Griechetiland, Limer biol. Beiträgs, 20:83-117. Waumcke, K., 1992; Die westpaläarktischen Arten der Bienengattung Coelioxys Lep. Ben nalur- forsch. Geselisch Augsburg, S3: 31-77. Westsich, P, 1990: Die Wiidbienen Baden-Württembergs, 2, verb. Aufl., Ulmer, Stuttgart. Westrich, R, 1993: Über die Verbreitung und Bionomie der Scherenbiene Chelostoma grande (Mylander) Lmzerbiol. Beitr., 25; 97-111. Wraber, M., 1969: Pflatiücngeojjtaphische Stellung und Gliederung Sloweniens, Vcgetatio, Den Haag. Priporočila sodelavcem za pripravo rokopisa ]. Revija Scopolia je glasiio Prirtnloslovjiega inuzeja Slovenije. Objavlja originate prispevke, vezane na dejavnost muzeja, ki obravnavajo problematiko s področij botanike, zoologije, geologije, paleontologije in mu^eologije, 2. Obseg prispevkov praviloma ni omejen. 3. Rokopis naj bo iim bolj igoš£en, pisan v slovenščini, angleščini ali nemSÜni. 4. Prispevki naj bodo na eni strani lista velikosti A4, z dvojnim razmikom med vrsticami (30 vrstic) in z najmanj 4 cm širokimi robovi. Odstavki naj bodo oznaOeni Z umikom. Izpisi morajo biti ustrezne kvalitete (nov trak). Vse gradivo oddajte v dveh izvodih (origidal in kopijo). 5. Prispevke pripravite in oddajte rudi na disketi [3 1/2" ali 5 1/4"} kot ASCII datoteke. Besedila na disketi ne smejo imeti deljenih besed. 6. Naslov prispevkov naj bo £im fcrajäi in ?goä£en Poleg imena in priimka avtorja naj bo v jeziku, kot je napisan prispevek, naveden tudi ločen naslov ustanove, kjer dela ali naslov stanovanja, 7. Navedene naj bodo ključne besede (key words). S. Izvlečka, z največ 300 znaki, naj bosta napisana v slovenščini in angleSčini. 9. Obsežnejši prispevki naj imajo na začetku na posebnem listu napisano stvarno kazalo. 10. Povzetek naj bo zgoščen, napisan v angleščini ali nemščini, če je original v slovenäCini in obratno. Priloženo naj bo tudi besedilo povzetka v slovenščini. IL Pri pripravi rokopisa in načina citiranja literature, naj se avtorji Zgledujejo po zadnji številki revije Scopolia. Vse Številke v citirani literaturi naj bodo arabske. 13. Imena rodov in nižjih kategorij naj avtor dosledno podčrta z valovito Čtto, ostale oznake opravi uredništvo. 13, V objavo sprejemamo čmo-bele fotografije, ki naj bodo narejene na gladkem papitju in primemo kontrastne. Vse risbe naj bodo narejene s tušem ali tehniko, kije enake kvalitete (letraset, laser itd.), Pri dimenzijah fotografij in risb naj avtorji upoštevajo primemo pomanjkanje na format revije. Barvno gradivo (risbe, diapozitive) objavljamo na stroške avtorja. 14. V tiskarni postavljajo le manj zahtevne tabele. Zato bolj zahtevne tabele pripravi avtor tako, da jih je možno neposredno reproducirati. Natipkane naj bodo jasno, brez popravkov, s kakovostnim pisalnim strojem ali tiskalnikom. 15 Fotografije, slike in tabele morajo biti primemo oštevilčene in na robu opremljene z imenom avtorja in naslovom prispevka. Po potrebi naj bo označen njihov položaj. 16, Podpisi naj bodo na posebnem listu, napisani V slovenščini in v tujem jeziku, v katerem je napisan prispevek oziroma njegov povzetek. 17, Vsi prispevki so sttokovno reeenzirani. 18, Prve korekture teksta opravi avtor prispevka, naslednje pa le na svojo željo. Ob prvih korekturah avtor označi na robu besedila približno mesto slik in tabel. 19, Prispevkov ne honoriramo, avtor prejme brezplačt^o 50 izvodov revije, večje ätevilo lahko avtor naroči posebej pri uredništvu. Uredniški odbor SOOFOUA Glasilo PiiiDdo&loMic^a muzeja Slovenije. Izdaja Piiitidoslovni nuzsj Sloveniji;, sofinanciraJa sta Ministrstvo aa kulturo in Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnoioßijo, UredniSki «Jbor; Breda ČINČ-JUMANT, Janez GREGOR I (urednik). Hnw I. GRIFFITHS (GB). Boris KRYSTUFEK, Lojze MARJNČEK. Ignafi SIVEC, KazijtiirTARMAN.NikolaTVRTKOVlČ (KR.) in Tone WRABER- CvcianaTAVZES(za siovcnSčino) in Helena SMOLIiJ (za angteäiino). Nasbv ujwtaiätva in uprave; frirodoslovni tnmzKj Slovenije, 1000 Ljubljana, frcžcmova 20. Ltideia najmanj dve ätevilki Jemo, fiaklsula 600 izvodov. Tskofi rsifun pri LB ät. 50100-603 40115. Tisk liskanui Tone Tomäü, Ljubljana. SCOPOLIA JoumBi of tho Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana. Edited hy llic Slovcnijui Museum of Natural History, subsidised by theJVIinistry ofCuitureand Ministy afScionce and Technology. Editorial Staff: Breda ČrNČ-JUHANT, Janez GREGOR I (Editor), Huw [, GRIFFITHS (GBJ. Boris KRYSTUFEK. LojzcMARH^ČEK. Ignac SlVEC. Kazimir TARMAN, Nilcola TVtOlCOVlČ (HR) andTonc WRABER. REadcra: Cvetana TAVZES (for Slovene) and Helana SMOLEJ (fbr English). Addnss of ihc Editurial Offioc and Adminštiation: Slovenian Museum of Natural H istBiy, S11000 Ljubljaiifl, PrcScmava 20 TTic Journal appears at Icasi twice a year, 600 copies per issue. Current aeeonnt at LB No ^0100-603-40115. Printed by tiskarna Tone Tbmiii, Ljublj ana. : - • > - t* •Si': •J •sHf 1 - ^ ■ -T