Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana, 1999, šl. 35 257 ildik6 szabo* - judit lannert2 - antal ORKENY3 EAST OF WEST, WEST OF EAST The Value Orientations of Hungarian Secondary School Students in the Mirror of an Empirical Survey« Introduction The present analysis is based on a representative survey conducted among 2600 graduating secondary school students in 1996.5 The questionnaire included two series of questions. The first aimed to reveal the social and political value orientations of students. It contained 26 items regarding different issues, including the relationship between the majority and the minorities, politics, the role of the state, the function of law, national identity, and the relationship between the two sexes. The second series of questions aimed to locate Hungary politically, mentally and culturally. Students were asked to tell whether the country belonged to the western, eastern or central region of Europe in each of these three dimensions. First we will describe the value orientation structures of graduating secondary school students and explore how the differences among them relate to their educational backgrounds.6 Then we will analyze their views on Hungary's Euroregional location. We will also study the relationship between the perception of * * -* 1 National Institute for Public Education, Budapest (.SzaboI@oki.hu). 2 National Institute for Public Education, Budapest (1,annertJ@okl.hu). 3 Institute of Sociology, EOcvos L6r;ind University Budapest (orkeny@isis.eke.hu). ^ The present study has been prepared for a roundtable conference on Changing Political Horizons: National. Transnational and Global Perspectives on Political Socialization and Education, organized by the Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education of the International Political Science Association, Budapest, May 17-19, 1999. ^ The survey, carried out by the Minority Research Institute of Minoritas Foundation in May 1996, was based on a national sample representing graduating secondary grammar school, vocational school and industrial school students. The students filled in the questionnaire by themselves in their classrooms with help from independent interviewers. The survey was supported by the National Scientific Research h'und (OTKA) and the Public Education Program of Soros foundation. For more details, see the book of Szabo. lldiko & Ork