Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 16, No. 2 A Proceedings to the 18th Workshop What Comes Beyond ... (p. 143) Bled, Slovenia, July 11-19, 2015 12 A Democratic Suggestion A. Kleppe * SACT, Oslo Abstract. Within the framework of quark mass matrices with a democratic texture, the unitary rotation matrices that diagonalize the quark matrices are obtained by a specific parametrization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix. Different forms of democratic quark mass matrices are derived from slightly different parametrizations. Povzetek. Avtorica predstavi masne matrike kvarkov s skoraj demokratičnimi matrikami. Izbere različno parametrizacijo, ki preko unitarne transformacije vodijo do izmerjene mešalne matrike Cabibba-Kobayashija-Maskawe. Komentira sprejemljivost različnih parametrizacij. 12.1 Introduction A main weakness of the Standard Model is the large number of free parameters. There is at present no explanation for their origin, and we don't know if there is some connection between them. Most of the free parameters reside in "flavour space" - with six quark masses, six lepton masses, four quark mixing angles and ditto for the leptonic sector, as well as the strong CP-violating parameter (3. The structure of flavour space is determined by the fermion mass matrices, i.e. by the form that the mass matrices take in the "weak interaction basis" where mixed fermion states interact weakly, in contrast to the "mass bases", where the mass matrices are diagonal. One may wonder how one may ascribe such importance to the different bases in flavour space, considering that the information content of a matrix is contained in its matrix invariants, which in the case of a N x N matrix M are the N sums and products of the eigenvalues Aj, such as traceM, detM, 11 =Lj Aj = Ai + A2 + A3... 12 = Y.jk Aj Ak = A1 A2 + A1 A3 + A1 A4 + ... 13 = Ljkl Aj Ak At = A1A2A3 + A1A2A4 + ... (12.1) In = A1A2 • • • An These expressions are invariant under permutations of the eigenvalues, which in the context of mass matrices means that they are flavour symmetric, and obviously independent of any choice of flavour space basis. * 144 A. Kleppe Even if the information content of a matrix is contained in its invariants, the form of a matrix may also carry information, albeit of another type. The idea -the hope - is that the form that the mass matrices have in the weak interaction basis can give some hint about the origin of the unruly masses. There is a certain circularity to this reasoning; to make a mass matrix ansatz is in fact to define what we take as the weak interaction basis in flavour space. We denote the quark mass matrices of the up- and down-sectors in the weak interaction basis by M and M', respectively. We go from the weak interaction basis to the mass bases by rotating the matrices by the unitary matrices U and U ', M -> UMUf = D = diag (mu, mc, mt) (12.2) M ' -> U 'M ' U/f = D ' = diag(md,ms,mb) The lodestar in the hunt for the right mass matrices is the family hierarchy, with two lighter particles in the first and second family, and a much heavier particle in the third family. This hierarchy is present in all the charged sectors, with fermions in different families exhibiting very different mass values, ranging from the electron mass to the about 105 times larger top mass. It is still an open question whether the neutrino masses also follow this pattern [1]. 12.2 "Democratic" mass matrices In the "democratic" approach [2], [3], [4] the hierarchical pattern is taken very seriously. The basic assumption is that in the weak interaction basis the fermion 12 A Democratic Suggestion 145 mass matrices are next to "democratic", in the sense that they have a structure close to the S(3)L x S(3)R symmetric "democratic" matrix /111\ N = k (111) (12.3) 111 The underlying philosophy is that in the Standard Model, where the fermions get their masses from the Yukawa couplings by the Higgs mechanism, there is no reason why there should be a different Yukawa coupling for each fermion. The couplings to the gauge bosons of the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions are identical for all the fermions in a given charge sector, it thus seems like a natural assumption that they should also have identical Yukawa couplings. The difference is that the weak interactions take place in a specific flavour space basis, while the other interactions are flavour independent. The democratic assumption is thus that the fermion fields of the same charge initially have the same Yukawa couplings. With three families, the quark mass matrices in the weak interaction basis then have the (zeroth order) form /1 1 1\ /11 1\ M(0) = ku (111) , M,(0) = kd (111) (12.4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 where ku and kd have dimension mass. The corresponding mass spectra (mi, m2, m3) (0,0,3kj) reflect the family hierarchy with two light families and a third much heavier family, a mass hierarchy that can be interpreted as the representation 1 © 2 of S(3). In order to obtain realistic mass spectra with non-zero masses, the S(3)l x S(3)r symmetry must obviously be broken, and the different democratic matrix ansatze correspond to different schemes for breaking the democratic symmetry. 12.2.1 The lepton sector We can apply the democratic approach to the lepton sector as well, postulating democratic (zeroth order) mass matrices for the charged leptons and the neutrinos, whether they are Fermi-Dirac or Majorana states, /1 1 1\ /11 1\ M<0) = k (111) , MV0) = kv (111) (12.5) \1 11) V 1 V Relative to the quark ratio ku/kd - mt/mb - 40 — 60, the leptonic ratio kv/k < 10-8 is so extremely small that it seems unnatural. One way out is to simply assume that kv vanishes, meaning that the neutrinos get no mass contribution in the democratic limit [5]. According to the democratic philosophy, then there would be no reason for a hierarchical pattern a la the one observed in the charged sectors; the neutrino masses could even be of the same order of magnitude. 146 A. Kleppe Data are indeed compatible with a much weaker hierarchical structure for the neutrino masses than the hierarchy displayed by the charged quark fermion masses. Unlike the situation for the quark mixing angles, in lepton flavour mixing there are two quite large mixing angles and a third much smaller mixing angle, these large mixing angles can be interpreted as indicating weak hierachy of the neutrino mass spectrum. The neutrino mass spectrum hierarchy could even be inverted; if the solar neutrino doublet (vi ,v2) has a mean mass larger than the remaining atmospheric neutrino v3, the hierarchy is called inverted, otherwise it is called normal. Supposing that the neutrino masses do not emerge from a democratic scheme, a (relatively) flat neutrino mass spectrum could be taken as a support for the idea that the masses in the charged sectors emerge from a democratic scheme. 12.3 The democratic basis At the level of the zeroth order mass matrices the quark mixing matrix is V = UU't = UdemUfdem = 1, where 1 /-3--3 0 \ Udem = ( 1 1 -2 I (12.6) V6 \>/2 a/2 V2J We use this to define the the democratic basis, meaning the flavour space basis where the mass matrices are diagonalized by (12.6) and the mass Lagrangian is symmetric under permutations of the fermion fields (p, cp2, cp3) of a given charge sector. In the democratic basis the mass Lagrangian 3 Cm =