Image Anal Stereol 2012;31:27-42 Original Research Paper NETWORKS OF NANOPARTICLES IN ORGANIC-INORGANIC COMPOSITES: ALGORITHMIC EXTRACTION AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Ralf Thiedmann1, Aaron Spettl1, Ole Stenzel^*1, Thomas Zeibig1, James C. Hindson2, Zineb Saghi3, Neil C. Greenham2, Paul A. Midgley3 and Volker Schmidt1 institute of Stochastics, Ulm University, Helmholtzstrasse 18, 89069 Ulm, Germany; 2Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Thomson Av., Cambridge CB3 OHE, UK; department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK e-mail:,, ^corresponding author),,,, ncgl 1,, volker. schmidt @ uni-ulm. de (Received July 1, 2011; revised December 13, 2011; accepted December 18, 2011) ABSTRACT The rising global demand in energy and the limited resources in fossil fuels require new technologies in renewable energies like solar cells. Silicon solar cells offer a good efficiency but suffer from high production costs. A promising alternative are polymer solar cells, due to potentially low production costs and high flexibility of the panels. In this paper, the nanostructure of organic-inorganic composites is investigated, which can be used as photoactive layers in hybrid-polymer solar cells. These materials consist of a polymeric (OCiCio-PPV) phase with CdSe nanoparticles embedded therein. On the basis of 3D image data with high spatial resolution, gained by electron tomography, an algorithm is developed to automatically extract the CdSe nanoparticles from grayscale images, where we assume them as spheres. The algorithm is based on a modified version of the Hough transform, where a watershed algorithm is used to separate the image data into basins such that each basin contains exactly one nanoparticle. The algorithm is validated by application to (semi-) synthetic data. After the extraction of the nanoparticles, neighboring ones are connected to form a 3D network that is related to the transport of electrons in polymer solar cells. A detailed statistical analysis of the CdSe network morphology is accomplished, which allows deeper insight into the hopping percolation pathways of electrons. Keywords: 3D watershed, charge transport, electron tomography, Hough transform, network morphology, nanoparticle system. INTRODUCTION The rising global demand in energy and the limited resources in fossil fuels require new technologies in renewable energies like solar cells. Classical silicon solar cells offer a good efficiency but suffer from high production costs. A promising alternative are polymer or hybrid-polymer solar cells due to potentially low production costs and high flexibility of the panels. In this paper, we investigate the nanostructure of organic-inorganic composites that can be used as photoactive layers in hybrid-polymer solar cells. More precisely, blends of CdSe nanoparticles (w 6.5 nm diameter spheres) with poly[2-methoxy-5 -(3' ,7' -dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (OCiCio-PPV) are investigated. Solar cells based on polymer:nanoparticle blends, in particular CdSe nanoparticles, have been fabricated for a number of years with a great deal of success (Greenham et a/., 1996; Huynl\etal, 2002; Wang et al,, 2006; Dayal et al,, 2010). It is clear that there is a close relationship between nanostructure and functionality of this kind of composite materials when using them in hybridpolymer solar cells. Under exposure to light, photons are absorbed in the polymer phase and neutral excited states known as excitons are generated, which diffuse in the polymer phase within a limited life time. If an exciton reaches the surface of a CdSe nanoparticle, it is split up into an electron (negative charge) in the CdSe and a hole (positive charge) in the polymer phase. In addition, CdSe nanoparticles can also absorb photons directly, followed by hole transfer to the polymer. The electrons have to hop from CdSe nanoparticle to nanoparticle to reach the electrode. Since an electron can only hop over short distances between nanoparticles, the morphology of the network of nanoparticles as a whole is of great importance for the performance of the solar cell. Therefore, it is essential to develop tools in order to extract the ensemble of CdSe nanoparticles from 3D grayscale images obtained by electron tomography. Connecting neighboring CdSe particles yields a network through which the electrons can hop to reach the electrode. A detailed statistical analysis of the network morphology is accomplished, which allows deeper insight into the hopping percolation pathways of electrons. The algorithm to extract the ensemble of CdSe nanoparticles is applied to grayscale image data gained by high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). Examples of image data for this type of composite material are displayed in Fig. 1, where the upper part shows a thin 2D section and the lower part a 3D cutout of a suitable binarization obtained by global thresholding. In the grayscale image on the upper part of Fig. 1 the gray values are inverted, i.e., the nanoparticles are displayed dark (low gray values) and the background is bright (high gray values). Fig. 1. CdSe nanoparticles embedded in a OC1C10-PPV phase: Thin 2D slice (top; the scale bar corresponds to 50 nm) and 3D cutout ofbinarized data (bottom; obtained by global thresholding). Note that binarization and subsequent manual extraction of nanoparticles in 3D grayscale images is accompanied by an enormous effort. Furthermore, small failures in the binarization procedure can lead to quite different results. Hence, in the present paper, a computer algorithm is developed for automatic (i.e. non-interactive) extraction of spherical objects directly from 3D grayscale images. The precise extraction of the CdSe nanoparticles from electron tomography images and the statistical analysis of the morphology of CdSe networks are of significant importance to characterize transport properties of the considered composite material with respect to electron hopping. In this paper we focus on the case of spherical nanoparticles, so-called nanodots. However, the basic idea of our extraction algorithm also works for nanoparticles with other shapes. For example, for elongated nanoparticles, so-called nanorods, just the maximization step in the Hough transform for the detection of nanorods will be computationally a bit more complex. The paper is organized as follows. At first, the imaging technique and the resulting 3D data are described, which are the basis of our investigations. Then, a robust algorithm of image processing is developed for fully automatic extraction of nanoparticles from 3D grayscale images. Subsequently, the morphology of the system of extracted spheres representing the CdSe nanoparticles is analyzed with respect to properties that are relevant e.g. to quenching of excitons. Consecutively, network graphs based on the detected spheres are constructed, whose structural properties are closely related to charge transport. The algorithm to extract nanoparticles is validated by detecting nanoparticles from (semi-) synthetic 3D image data, where the true configuration of the nanoparticles is known. Finally, the results are summarized and an outlook to possible future research topics is given. 3D IMAGES OF CDSE-(OC1C10-PPV) COMPOSITES In this section, the considered organic-inorganic composite is briefly described. Moreover, the imaging technique applied to generate 3D images of this material with high spatial resolution is explained. For further details on materials and imaging, we refer to Hindson et al. (2011). DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL The photoactive layer of the considered hybridpolymer solar cell consists of a blend of CdSe nanoparticles (w 6.5 nm diameter spheres with butyl-amine ligands) with poly[2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-l,4-phenylene vinylene] (OC1C10-PPV). The ratio of CdSe nanoparticles to OC1C10-PPV was 6:1 by weight. The photovoltaic device was built using regular architecture. Cleaned substrates were coated with PEDOT:PSS which was annealed under nitrogen for 30 minutes at 230°C. The active layer was spin-coated at 2000 r.p.m. which yields a thickness of 50-70 nm, and annealed at 150°C for 20 minutes. Films for tomography were floated off the substrate onto water, using the PEDOT:PSS as a sacrificial layer, and were then transferred onto TEM grids. IMAGING TECHNIQUE AND TOMOGRAPHIC RECONSTRUCTION To investigate the nanomorphology of the ensemble of CdSe nanoparticles embedded in the polymeric phase, we used 3D images obtained by high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). In general, electron tomography enables to obtain three dimensional images with a nanometer resolution. Thus, it is an ideal method to analyze the structure of nanoparticle networks in organic photovoltaics. The HAADF-STEM has an advantage in systems where the two components differ significantly in atomic number, Z, since it mainly detects electrons that have undergone Rutherford scattering. The 3D grayscale images were obtained using a FEI Tecnai F20 field emission gun TEM operated at 200 kV. The tilt range was between 120 and 142 degrees in 1 or 2 degree steps, depending on the exact topography of the selected area. The image series was aligned and reconstructed using a SIRT algorithm in Inspect3D software. DESCRIPTION OF IMAGE DATA AND BASIC NOTATION The complete 3D data set analyzed in this paper has a size of 917 x 872 x 404 voxels, where each voxel represents (0.4 nm)3. An example of a 2D slice can be seen in the upper part of Fig. 1. W ' A. i • ^ - / J «Fig. 2. Cutout of a 2D thin section with densely packed particles; the scale bar corresponds to 50 nm. For the statistical analysis described later on, we considered a cutout of 421 x 421 x 91 voxels, which is a part of the complete data set. Beforehand, in order to obtain a large (cuboid-shaped) cutout with as much nanoparticles as possible, the 3D image has been rotated. The considered cutout contains only that part of the whole data set where the CdSe nanoparticles are rather densely packed (Fig. 2), corresponding to the high-density regions described in Hindson et al, (2011). The values of all parameters are given in voxels, where we regard the darker phase, i.e., the particles, as the foreground phase, and the brighter phase as the background phase (Fig. 2). Note that for the 8bit grayscale images considered, a gray value of 0 indicates black and a gray value of 255 white. The algorithm developed in order to automatically extract the CdSe nanoparticles from grayscale images is based on mathematical methods. Therefore, it is unavoidable to introduce a certain minimum of notation. Let I = {I(x.y.z). (x.y.z) € I)} denote the 3D image, where I(x.y. z) € {()..... 255} is the gray value of the 3D image I at grid point (x. y. z) € D c Z3 and the set D is interpreted as a sampling window. Furthermore, in order to simplify the handling of boundary effects, we consider the following (formal) continuation of the image outside of D. For locations (x.y. z) € Z3 \D not in the domain I) of the image I, the gray values I(x,y,z) are assumed to be such that they do not affect the applied operations of image processing (which will be I(x,y,z) = 0 for (x. y. z) € Z3 \ D in most cases). ALGORITHM FOR NON-INTERACTIVE EXTRACTION OF SPHERES In this section, we describe an algorithm to extract single particles from grayscale images like those shown in Fig. 2, where we assume that each nanoparticle can be seen as a 3D sphere. This assumption is supported by the production technique of the particles. The segmentation algorithm developed is based on the Hough transform (HT) for spherical objects (Duda and Hart, 1972; Ballard, 1981; Burger and Burge, 2008). The HT is a robust algorithm to detect parameterized geometric objects, but suffers from long computer runtimes when the number of parameters which describe the objects is high. However, since spheres can be described quite simply by four parameters, the HT is adequate for extracting such objects. Note that this HT-based approach is similar to the idea of maximum-likelihood estimation in mathematical statistics, where the parameter vector (here: position and radius of the CdSe nano-particle) is chosen such that the identified object is the most plausible {i.e., most likely) one given the 3D image data. Hence, the HT is mainly conceived for extracting one single but not several (densely packed) objects from an image. It can be used to extract an ensemble of objects, but either the number of objects has to be known in advance or has to be determined by extensive computer simulations. In this work, we go one step further and perform a data preprocessing, where we divide the sampling window D into disjoint regions each containing exactly one object to be detected. Subsequently, each region is transformed using the HT-principle in order to identify the object located in this region. This procedure reduces computer runtime of the HT even further and is much more robust. The splitting of the domain D into separated regions (so-called 'basins') is based on an iterative thresholding procedure detecting the initial points of the subsequent 3D watershed segmentation. These initial points are called the 'springs' of the 'basins' in the following (Beucher and Lantuejoul, 1979; Beucher and Meyer, 1993; Baere and Lehmann, 2006). SMOOTHING OF GRAYSCALE IMAGES A first step of image pre-processing, which usually precedes statistical image analysis, is a smoothing of the data to reduce noise, i.e., small artifacts resulting from the imaging and reconstruction techniques. Thus, we apply a 3D symmetric Gaussian filter G of size 3x3x3 and standard deviation o = 0.4 to the image I. Note that such a small filter has only negligible influence on the geometric structure of the data we are interested in. The application of the filter can be seen as a convolution of the image I with the (matrix) filter G = (G(i,j,k),i,j,k € {—1,0,1}). This means that the gray values I'(x,y,z) of the smoothed image I' = {I'{x,y,z), (x.y.z) € D}, where the filter G of size 3x3x3 with centered origin has been applied to, are given by I'(x,y,z) = l l l L L L I(x + i,y + j,z + k)-G(i,j,k) . i=-1 j=-\k=-1 A 2D slice of the smoothed 3D image, together with the corresponding 2D slice of the original image, can be seen in Fig. 3. Fig. 3. 2D sections of the original (top) and smoothed (bottom) image. MORPHOLOGICAL CLOSING To emphasize and additionally smooth the spherical structures that have to be extracted from the given image, we apply a morphological closing with structuring element of size 5x5x5 and centered at the origin (Serra, 1982). More precisely, the gray values I"{x,y,z) of the dilated image I" = {I"{x,y,z), {x,y, z) € D} are given by I" (x, v, z) = max I' (x + i,y + j,z + k). —2f) and the phase of I'", where I"' equals 1, is called foreground. Note that the foreground is growing with increasing value of t, i.e., {foreground of l't"} C {foreground of I',", }. 2) All connected clusters of the foreground in l't", i.e., the parts of I't" with value 1, are determined. This can be done using e.g. the algorithm of Hoshen and Kopelman (1976). Let {C\.. ■■■C'k(lj} denote the set of separated (foreground) clusters in I"' with volumes \C\\,..., respectively. If the volume of a cluster, say cluster C\, exceeds a predetermined size, in our case 100 voxels, we check whether this cluster has already contributed to an initial point for the watershed transformation or not. Therefore, we check if one of the points from S = {si,....srii ,} is contained in C\. If no point of the current set S is contained in Cj, i.e., Sj ^ C\ holds for all j in (Fig. 11 (bottom), and Fig. 12). In the following, besides the marked point pattern (s\,ri),... ,(sk,n) itself, we will analyze the union of spheres \Ji=\b{si,ri) representing the system of CdSe nanoparticles with respect to electrical conductivity, where we assume that this system can be described by a 3D graph. The volume fraction of the union \Jl=\b(si,ri) of spheres after repeated extraction is equal to 0.311. Fig. 12. Final result of sphere extraction in the same slice as in Fig. 1 (top), 3D cutout of detected spheres (bottom). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED SPHERES Like in the preceding sections of this paper, for the statistical analysis provided in this and the following section we restricted ourselves to a densely packed part of nanoparticles of the whole data set which can be assumed to be statistically homogeneous, a required condition on the data for the applied analysis tools. Several structural characteristics of the marked point pattern (si,ri),..., (Sk,rk) of extracted spheres representing the CdSe nanoparticles have been considered. To begin with, we analyze the distribution of particle sizes. Then, we consider some structural characteristics of particle locations, where we analyze the pair correlation function and the nearest-neighbor distance distribution function of sphere centers. We also computed the cumulative distribution function of spherical contact distances to the union of spheres Uf=i b(si,rj). Finally, the subsequent section deals with three-dimensional graphs formed by these spheres. PARTICLE SIZES The sphere representation of the CdSe nanoparticles derived in the previous sections enables us to determine the distribution of particle sizes by considering the distribution of radii r\,..., rk of the extracted spheres. The histogram of these radii is shown in Fig. 13. Note that the variability of radii is rather small. More than 90% of the analyzed spheres possess radii between 5 and 10 voxels, where the mean value is equal to 7.82 voxels. This corresponds to an average sphere diameter of 6.23 nm. This is in reasonable agreement with the mean particle diameter determined experimentally for nanoparticles dispersed on a surface in the absence of any polymer (Hindson et al, 2011). 0.6 0.5 o 0 0.4 3 cr s 0.3 0 1 0.2 0 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 radius in voxels Fig. 13. Histogram of radii. PARTICLE LOCATIONS In order to analyze structural properties of the point pattern s\,...,sk of particle locations (i.e., centers of detected spheres) we consider the pair correlation function and the nearest-neighbor distance distribution of s\,...,sk. These characteristics are popular in statistical analysis of geometrically complex point patterns (Diggle, 2003; Illian etal, 2008; Gelfand et al, 2010). Furthermore, we determine the cumulative distribution function of the (voxel-wise) spherical contact distances to the union of spheres |J*=i b(si,rj). The first diagram in Fig. 14 shows the pair correlation function g{r),r > 0, of sphere centers si,..., Sk, where g{r) is the relative frequency of pairs of sphere centers with distance r from each other. Note that in the case of complete spatial randomness (CSR, i.e. homogeneous Poisson point process), that is, there is no interaction between the points of the considered point pattern, it holds that g{r) = 1. Furthermore, g{r) > 1 indicates clustering of points, whereas g{r) < 1 means repulsion of points. In our case, a repulsion of spheres can be observed, which is about up to distances of 14 voxels (with a minimum distance of r = 8 between pairs of sphere centers), and, for distances between 16 and 23 voxels, there seems to be a moderate clustering of sphere centers. However, in view of the relative small variability of radii mentioned earlier in this section it is quite clear that the function g(r) shown in the first diagram of Fig. 14, cannot be the pair correlation function of a so-called 'dense packing' considered in mathematical physics. In this case, there should be much larger deviations of the values of g(r) from level 1, having in mind the small variability of radii; see also Fig. 6.11 of Illian et a I. (2008). Similar structural properties can be concluded from the second diagram in Fig. 14 which shows the cumulative distribution function D(r), r > 0, of nearest-neighbor distances between pairs of sphere centers. In case of CSR it holds that D(r) = 1 — exp(— Xk^1), where A is the mean number of sphere centers per unit volume, d the dimension and Kd the volume of the rf-dimensional unit sphere. Thus, in this case, D(r) is a strictly concave function, whereas the diagram shown in the middle of Fig. 14 first runs along the j-axis, then having a convex part, and being concave only later on (for r > 15). Notice that this type of diagram clearly indicates repulsion of sphere centers for small distances with the same minimum distance r = 8 as indicated by the pair correlation function. We also remark that the distances between pairs of spheres (i.e. CdSe nanoparticles) are of great importance for the transport of electrons by the system of CdSe particles. However, note that the distribution function D(r) does not (yet) take into account the size of the extracted particles. The third diagram in Fig. 14 shows the cumulative distribution function H(r),r > 0, of the minimum distance from an arbitrary location in the polymer phase, chosen at random, to the union of spheres \Ji=ib(si,ri). Note that H(r) can be determined by spherical dilations of the union of spheres Uf=i b{si, r,) (Serra, 1982). This characteristic also provides important information regarding the performance of polymer solar cells since it is closely related to quenching probabilities of excitons (Oosterhout etal, 2009). Suppose that tq is the (average) diffusion length of excitons. Then, H(tq) is the fraction of those voxels classified as polymer, whose minimum distance to the set Uf=i b(siji), i.e. the CdSe phase, does not exceed the expected diffusion length of excitons. This means that the larger the values H(r) for r ■ € b(sj,rj)} = max{|sj — sj\ — r, — rj,0} between the corresponding spheres is smaller than some predefined threshold dmax > 0. For our analysis, we use different values for dmax, i.e., di!Jx = 2, dmax = 4, and dm}x = 6. For each of these values of dmax, the result is a 3D graph ('V,E), where the set of vertices V is equal to the set (si,...,Sk) of sphere centers. The set of edges E consists of the (undirected) line segments between pairs of points from V such that the distance between the corresponding spheres is smaller than dmax as explained above. Cutouts of such 3D graphs obtained in this way are shown in Fig. 15. 5" 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 coordination number 0.3 'Jlk.. .' 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 coordination number Fig. 15. Cutouts of 3D graphs with hopping distance dmax = 2 (top), d,,^ = 4 (middle), and d,„ax = 6 (bottom). MODEL DESCRIPTION Transport of electrons within the CdSe-(OCiCio-PPV) composite depends on its interior connectivity, i.e., on the existence of percolation pathways towards the electrodes via a network of nanoparticles whose maximal neighboring distance is below the hopping distance of electrons. Since the electrons can hop between the nanoparticles only within a certain maximum distance dmax > 0, we analyze the detected spheres (si, n),..., (s*-, ?>) with respect to their connectivity using a graph representation for the ensemble of these spheres. This means that those pairs Si, sj, i / j, of sphere centers are connected to each 0.3 — o 1 Q) 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 coordination number Fig. 16. Histograms of the coordination number for dmax = 2 (top), dmax = 4 (middle), and dinax = 6 (bottom). COORDINATION NUMBER A common characteristic to describe the connectivity of a graph is the distribution of degrees of its vertices, i.e., the number of edges emanating from each vertex. By some authors, this characteristic is called the coordination number of the graph. The histograms of the coordination numbers, which have been obtained for the three graphs of nanoparticles introduced in earlier in this section, are displayed in Fig. 16. It is clearly visible that the shape of the histograms essentially depends on the choice of the hopping distance dmax. For dmax = 2 the histogram is quite narrow, whereas for dmax = 4 and dmax = 6 it becomes wider and more symmetric. In particular, the mean coordination number increases from 2.2 for dmax = 2 to 4.7 and 7.0 for dmax = 4 and dmax = 6, respectively. MINIMUM-SPANNING TREE Another characteristic describing the connectivity of graphs is the so-called minimum spanning tree (MST), which is a popular tool in graph theory (lungnickel, 1999; Diestel, 2005). The idea is to consider the sub-graph with the minimum length but the same connectivity as the original graph, i.e., all nodes that can be connected in the original graph by a sequence of edges are also connected in the MST. Then, as a characteristic to describe connectivity, the relative length £ of the MST is considered, i.e., length of the MST length of the original graph ' where we obtain the values £ = 0.83, £ = 0.48, and £ = 0.32 for the graphs with hopping distance dmax = 2, dmax = 4, and dmax = 6, respectively. These values can be interpreted as follows. The graph with an assumed hopping distance of dmax = 2 has no good connectivity at all, i.e., it is hard to find any good percolation pathways. More precisely, for dmax = 2 the graph consists of 119 isolated subgraphs. In contrast, for dmax = 4, the graph consists of 9 subgraphs, where for dmax = 6, the whole graph is connected. Thus, the graph with hopping distance dmax = 6 has very good connectivity properties, i.e., the charge transport to the electrodes should work very well in this case. GEOMETRIC TORTUOSITY For describing transport processes in composite materials, the tortuosity of their phases is an important characteristic. It is usually defined as the ratio of the mean effective path length through a material divided by the material thickness. In this paper, we use a geometric approach to describe this kind of property. We consider shortest path lengths instead of effective path lengths. This has the essential advantage that not only a single value is obtained, like the effective path length being a mean value, but a whole distribution of local geometric tortuosities can be considered, which contains much more information. Additionally, the shortest-path approach can be seen as a purely structural method, i.e., it does not dependent on physical constraints (Decker et al, 1998; Peyrega et al, 2009; Thiedmann et al, 2009). For electrical conductivity within CdSe-(OCiCio-PPV) composites the Euclidean distances, which electrons have to go, are not important, but rather the number of hops of charges until reaching the electrode. Thus, shortest paths are considered in the way that the number of hops is counted. This approach is quite close to the physical understanding, where a large number of hops causes increased likelihood of losses by recombination. The normalization is done with respect to the material thickness, which is supposed to be the Euclidean distance between the left-hand and right-hand side of the boundary of the sampling window. Thus, the number of hops relative to the material thickness is considered. This quantity is related to the required energy of an electron to move one voxel size closer towards the electrode. Note that in contrast to the standard definition of tortuosity, values smaller than 1 are possible. The results for maximum hopping distance of d,„ax = 4 and dmax = 6 are displayed in Fig. 17. Note that both histograms are quite narrow. Anyhow, it can be seen that they (slightly) depend on the selected maximum hopping distance dmax. 100 .1 40 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 hops per voxel 100 .1 40 il Q) 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 hops per voxel Fig. 17. Histograms of geometric tortuosity for dmax = 4 (top) and dmax = 6 (bottom). L Because of the bad connectivity of the graph with maximum hopping distance of dmax = 2, for most starting points there does not exist a path to the end points. Thus, in this case, it is not reasonable to compute the histogram of tortuosity. the their radii (Fig. 20). In particular, the mean distance between the centers of two matched spheres is equal to 0.6 voxels and the mean of the (absolute) difference between the radii is equal to 0.13 voxels. In comparison to the mean radius of 7.82 voxels these differences are very small. VALIDATION To validate our sphere-extraction algorithm, we use the extracted spheres bis,.r(), i 1 ...k, to draw them into an empty 3D image. After adding a Gaussian blur and white noise (Burger and Burge, 2008) we apply the algorithm once again. This approach allows us to compare the detected spheres with the (known) spheres given in the input image. GENERATION OF SYNTHETIC INPUT IMAGE We use the centers and radii of the spheres detected from the original image to create a new 3D image with the same dimensions. Similar as in real data, the spheres are drawn in a light gray (gray value 175), the background is a dark gray (gray value 100). To make the extraction of the spheres more difficult and especially more realistic, we apply a Gaussian blur with standard deviation 2.5 and insert white noise subsequently. White noise is modeled by a Gaussian random variable with expectation zero and standard deviation