ZARJA «• DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NOVEMBER, 1964 NUMBER II VOLUME 36 PRINCIPALS AT BIWABIK, MINN. STATE DAY State and Branch officers with Mrs. Albina Novak, supreme secretary, who spoke at the business meeting and the banquet Sept. 13th. Seated left to right are Ann Podgoršek ol' Duluth, Supreme Auditor; Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary; and Ann Kosteliz, president of the Biwabik chapter. Standing: Barbara Rosandich ol Ely, State President; Angela Karish, Recording Secretary of the Biwabik Branch; Mary Geržina, vice-president; and Josephine Reishus, Toastmistress. Congressman Blatnik is presented the Taconite Amendment Resolution which was unanimously adopted by the Convention. Branch members presented the resolution to the original author of the Taconite Law. Lett to right are Mary Lushene Chernowski of Eveleth, Congressman Blatnik, and Mrs. Frank Kosteliz, president of the Biwabik Branch.. Honored at the Banquet were two of the oldest and ehartei members of the Biwabik Branch and also the Mother ol the year I’ietured in front are Mrs. Mary Strukel, age SK; Mrs. Anna Speh ar of Me Kinley. Mother of the year; and Mrs. Ursula Urick, ag< 87. Behind the honored mothers are Judge Nick Chanak ol nibbing; Congressman John Blalnik, and Rev. I’ather Leo Hannan. IMiotos Courtesy Till'’. TU I l .l'N K-1'KKSS, Chisholm, Minn. ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mcsec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher’. ZARJA, 1 937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office-. 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. I'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVI — NO. 11 NOVEMBER, J964 LETO XXXVI — ŠT. 11 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 i' Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1926 in the State ol Illinois Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V NOVEMBER! Supreme Officers: Nov. 5 Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary Branch Presidents: Nov. I — Frances Plesko, Br.12, Milwaukee, Wise. Nov. 3 — Mary Shikonya, Br. 23 Dawil Club, Ely, Minn. Nov. 5 Theresa Colangelo, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio Nov. 7 - Anna Markovich, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 15 Antonia Kostelec, Br. 61, Kansas City, Kans. Nov. 15 — Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, W7ise. Nov. 1(! — Marion Marolt, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Nov. 25 ■— Katie Triller, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. Nov. 26 — Mary Pavella, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 12 Penny Social. Br. 2, Chicago, III. Nov. 14 — Commemorative Holy Mass, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio at St. Rose Church, 7:30 a. m. YEARLY MEETINGS AND CHRISTMAS PARTIES OF OUR BRANCHES 1 - Br. 14 Euclid, Ohio Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 20 1 — Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio 1 — Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 2 Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 3 — Br. 100, Fontana, Calif. (Pot Luck Supper) 7 — Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. MINN. DAY WELL-ARRANGED AT BIWABIK The State Convention and annual Zveza Day lor Minnesota was held at. Biwabik on Sept. 13th! Our group, alter traveling the short distance from Ely to Biwabik, met at. the Pavillion where coffee was served lo the members. Then, lo St. John the Baptist church where we were part ol' a very good attendance at Mass. We held a short meeting at the Pavillion lor all the branches representing the state of Minnesota. The Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, who was our honored guest, was asked for her remarks. The current campaign is in honor of our Founder, Mrs. Prisland and the founders of all our separate branches. I know Minnesota will follow her advice and enroll many new members! At the meeting, we also went on record as favoring passage of the Taconite Bill in Congress. The meeting closed with prayer offered in memory of our deceased members. Minnesota Day Banquet then commenced at the church hall. It was prepared by the Altar Society of the parish. The main speaker was our Congressman, John A. Blatnik. We all listened attentively to his talk and enjoyed hearing the play on words between our Congressman and Supreme Secretary, she may wind up beng his campaign manager since she offered to do so! If was all in fun! The entertainment was under the direction of William Kuntara and his Choraleers. Closing benediction was given by Itev. Leo Hannon. We left Biwabik for home knowing that we all enjoyed ourselves by meeting our old and dear friends from all over the state. We wll be looking to seeing them next, year at Aurora. Barbara Rosandich, Stae President Pictured here are KATHY & CAROIj COOKE, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooke, 20971 Wilmore Ave., Euclid, Ohio. They are the granddaughters of Anna Godlar and along with theit mother, are all members ot Branch No. 32. Kathy, age 12, is a seventh grader at St. Christine’s school and has been taking baton lessons for six years. She has been in competition for five years and has won 50 trophies and 60 medals tor solo twirling and strutting. In December, she went to Atlantic Citj, N.I. ioi the World Twirling As sociation year-end Nationals and the Worm's Most Beautilul Majorette Con test m the Juvenile Division Carol, 111 */v. years old, is a sixth grader at Si. Christine's and has taken lessons for five years, too She has been m competition foi t years anti Hi Steppers! s 1 KATHY and CAROL COOKE has won 63 trophies and 40 medals for solo twirling and strutting. Last July she won the title: Ohio State Baton Twirling Champion in the novice division at the 1964 World Twirling Ass’n. Majorette Contest held at Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1961, she won the title “Little .Miss Sweetheart” of ()hio They started twirling as duets for one year. This Sept. they performed at. Br. 32 Anniversary celebrations and for the combined Ohio Branches Baza ar on Oct. 11th in Cleveland. They make a. marvelous appearance and everyone loves to watch the precision of their work. Such talented girls! Mom and dad can certainly be proud of them and grandma, too. Here's hoping they glow up to have many wonderful opportunities and a full, enriched life! MINUTES OF THE COLORADO-KANSAS-MISSOURI STATE CONVENTION Colorado branches met for Zveza Day oil Sunday, Sept. 20th. Neighboring branches from Denver, Canon City, and Crested Butte attended. Kansas and Missouri branches which belong to this group were invited but could not attend. The delegates met under the auspices of Br. 3 in Pueblo. Mrs. Anna Pachak, State President, led the prayer. Helen Cobai of Br. 92 was elected Recording Secretary. First on the agenda was the inroduction of Mrs. Marie Prisland, Founder of the S.W.U. and introduction of delegates. A short talk was given by Mrs. Prisland in which she asked that we honor State Pres, by obtaining as many new members as possible. The minutes of the last convention were read by H. Cobai and approved. Each delegate was then asked to give her report. Mrs. Anna Wadishek, Br. 3, gave a very nice report. They have a number of Class A and B members. Their popular games parties attract many members and they help out on church collection. A reserve fund is kept in the bank. Mamie Kovač, Br. 63, gave an interesting report. They hold a picnic each summer and sell food. Money from parties is used for incidental expenses; they have 162 members in the branch. A holiday get-togetlier is held annually and they have a nice reserve fund. The death of their long-time secretary, Mollie Svigel this past year saddened them very much. Christine Konte, Br. 60, reported that they have five members who are 75 years old. They also have just celebrated the anniversary of the branch and have a sizeable amount in the bank. Helen Cobai of Br. 92, stated that they solicited over $2,000 towards the construction of a chapel at their cemetery. All expenses on this project are paid plus an insurance for one year and a nice reserve amount. They have a traveling bake sale to help towards the church debt and also have realized a nice profit on fruit cake sales for their own treasury. The main highlight each year is a Christmas party at which they invite their husbands as guests. A discussion on projects and doings of conventions followed. Ellen Nortnik, (#63) made a motion, seconded by Frances Simonich (#3), that we have our state convention every other year. Motion was carried and it was made known that our next convention will be in Denver in 1966. We had the pleasure of listening to Mrs. Prisland’s remarks on various subjects and her thanks to all who attended, especially to Mrs. Pachak for her wonderful work year after year for the betterment of the S.W.U. There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned with a short prayer by the State President who briefly stated her hopes that many more new members would be enrolled in the forthcoming campaign as a result of this convention. Thanks were extended to Mrs. Prisland, delegates and members who came and were to enjoy the rest of the day socially. Congratulatory letters were received from the following officers and friends: Antonia Turek, Supreme President; Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary; Mary Tomsic, State Pres, of Penna.; Antonia Kostelic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans.; John Starr, Member of Supreme Board ol’ K.S.K.J., Pueblo, Colo.; Edward Tomsic, Walsenburg, Colo.; Cecile Adamic, Sec’y, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo.; Helen Cobai, Pres., Br. 92', Crested Butte. Helen Cobai, Rec. Sec’y PLAN NOW TO ATTEND BR. 2 CHICAGO PENNY SOCIAL, NOV. 12th! Members and friends are reminded of the annual Penny Social and Games Party on Tliurs., Nov. 12tli at St. Stephen’s Lower Hall. There will not be a meeting; however, the Secretary, Mrs. Novak, will be on hand to accept dues. Many wonderful prizes and loads of fun — good refreshments, too! Proceeds from this year’s Penny Social go into our Juniors’ Christmas Party Fund. Donations of prizes and baked goods cheerfully accepted! C. Leskovar No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Hello a-gain to everyone, after being away lor a couple of months. Vacations are all memorable events. Our meetings started again with the Sept. 8th session. The usual attendance was ready to start the new season with energy and spirit. All our ladies gathered for the annual picnic on Aug. 19th at the Slov. Nat’l Home on Holmes Ave. and from there we left for Geneva, Ohio. We spent the day there, eating, playing cards, covering numbers, and enjoying the company. We ended with a big supper and started for home at 7:30. While picnicing, we celebrated Mrs. Urbas’ birthday. She is our beloved past president. We sang Happy Birthday to her and to Josephine Brusich, another active member. At the Sept. meeting, the ladies surprised us with a beautiful birthday cake, krofe and something to quench our thirst. Many happy returns. We wel- No. 7, Forest City, Pa. There were 40 Slovenian Belles who took part in the Sept. 4th Centennial parade in F. C. Frances Matircho who is a fine member of ours won a prize for the nicest costume. Congratulations, Frances. The Slov. Belles also won a trophy. All are members of our branch No. 7. Congratulations to all of you! You looked so beautiful. Regards to all members, all over the U.S. And, to all officers and especially our branch members. Josephine Gostisha, Sec’y come back Mrs. Salmich after a brief illness. Get well wishes also to Rose Tomažič and Frances Leskovec. Hope good health comes back to all of you very quickly. Our deepest sympathy to the family of our member, Agnes Novinc. May she rest in peace. Congratulations to S.Z.Z. No. 32 of Euclid for the lovely 35th anniversary celebration. The food was good, the crowd was big and our Supreme President, Mrs. Turek gave a wonderful speech. All in all, the five of us who attended had a very nice time. Also, thanks to Antonia Repic for the nice article she wrote in the Sept. Zarja. Remember our sick members in your prayers. Happy Birthday to all Nov. celebrants and belated ones to my sister Beanie and me, too! See you next month! Sophie Magayna, Rep. No. 13, San Francisco, California. With our reporter Frances Chiodo and her husband Joe, touring Europe SLOVENIAN BELLES . . . Josephine Gostisha, Anna Kameen and Mary J. Kameen. On the right, Frances Matircho attired in prize-winning Slovenian costume at the Forest City Festival. for three months, I would like to make a report on the events for Branch 13. I had the pleasure to visit Fontana, Calif, (which is 48 miles East of Los Angeles) Sept. 9th with the S.N.P.J. Group and to meet many member’s of Branch No. 100. Our congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Radovich of San Francisco, who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary August 23rd at a large dinner and reception with many friends and relatives, also their son Raymond and his wife Jennie and two grandchildren, Mark and Cathy. It was held at the Slovenian Hall and it was a Gala affair. Kate Radovich is a charter member of Br. No. 13 and is always willing to work for the betterment of the Branch. Kate and Joe are a popular couple and we wisli them many more years of happiness and an abundance of good health. To another fine couple our congratulations! Much happiness go to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sullivan, who celebrated their 40th anniversary with a large reception with their many friends and relatives, which was also held at the Slovenian Hall Sept. 29th. Five generations were present. They are all members of Br. No. 13. Also, a surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Kochevar on her S3rd birthday, many more happy returns of the day. Mrs. Barbara Nemanich, our Charter member and Mother of the Year is very ill and in hospital. Ann Stich our Treasurer is her daughter. A speedy recovery to her and all our sick members. Very happy to have Father Vital Vodušek back again, after a three month trip to Slovenia. I have several more new cook books on hand, so contact me if you are interested. To each one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Rose Scoff, State President No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Our final meeting for the 19G4 year will be held December 1st, and our members should take note of this early date of the month. We wish to remind the members that we will have our annual Christmas party at this meeting, and a highlight will be the gift exchanges. Also included will be the birthday celebrations. Let us have a good turnout. Frances Skocay, who left in May of this year for a trip to Yugoslavia, has returned home in October after visiting her aunts, uncles and other relatives. We trust that she enjoyed her lengthy visit. Mrs. Kog held a Bobbin Lace demonstration at Halle’s department store in Cleveland for the Golden Ager’s Exhibit. The brother of our president, Tillie Spehar, is coming here from Yugoslavia, and will stay here living with Tillie. Anna Novinc is recuperating at home surgery for removal of gall stones. Jennie Virant is also at home after spending some time in a hospital. Mrs. Mary Gerl, of E. 200th is now in Euclid Glenville Hospital. Our wishes for a speedy recovery for these people. By mail, we received a donation to our treasury from Mrs. Karoline Gab-renja. Many thanks to Mrs. Gabrenja, SAN FRANCISCO ANNIVERSARLANS Mr. & Mrs. Joe Radovich, Golden Jubilarians who is in our over 80 group, and is unable to attend our meetings. In closing, we extend to all happy Thanksgiving holiday greetings. Molly Sodja No. 16, So. Chicago, III. We discussed many important things at our September meeting among them the oncoming “Christmas Party” which will take place Sunday December G, 19G4 at St. George’s Hall, 9Gth and Ewing at 2:00 P.M. All the juvenile members, along with their mothers are invited. We shall have entertainment, refreshments and small gifts to make the children happy. We are grateful to Jean Buckvich for accepting the responsibility of all the shopping. She always does such a fine job. We were saddened by the loss of a member, Mrs. Frances Jenko, who passed away in Willard, Wisconsin last August. Our condolence to the bereaved family. Mary Breberick, Mrs. Matasich and Katie Triller had some interesting reports on their tour through Yugoslavia. We were glad to see them back and enjoyed listening to them. Mary Cohen and Josephine Blas-ovich celebrated their birthdays by treating us members with a couple of delicious cakes. And of course, Birthday or not, Mrs. Josephine Krai always favors us with her tasty apple strudel. November birthdays are: Katie Triller, Rose Salakar, Pauline Druga, Mrs. Ann Klobuchar, Mrs. E. Salihar, Mrs. Prisol, Emma Krai, and Frances Grat-kowski. Don’t forget the Christmas Party. We do not have a regular meeting in December but dues may be paid at the party. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. The beautiful season of Autumn is upon us and in every way, you see Mother Nature’s FIVE GENERATIONS begin with grandma Kochevar seated with baby Robin Thomas, her great great granddaughter. Standing are Gail Thomas, great granddaughter, June Patrick, granddaughter and Sophie Sullivan, daughter. It was taken on the 40th anniversary of the Sullivans. beautiful work. An artist can never put such beautiful colors on a canvas. Our Miscellaneous Card Party which was held for our own treasury to defray some of the year’s expenses was a success. At this time, the officers and I wish to thank the donors for their cash prizes and donations and for their merchandise prizes. Thanks to the members, friends and all who attended for their generosity. To the faithful workers who come, rain or shine, to do their part, our sincere thanks. May God keep you in good health. Members, kindly remember the date, Sunday, Dec. 20th at 2:00 P.M. for the annual meeting, election of officers and important discussions. There will be an exchange of $1 gifts among the members. Christmas gifts for the juvenile members to the age of 12 years, will also be distributed. Cake and coffee will be served, so do make it a must to attend and bring some of the spirit of Christinas with you. Our cookbook, Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen is available and makes a marvelous gift for Christmas or to a new bride. Sometimes you have a friend who has everything — but not our cookbook! A very good gift suggestion! Best wishes are extended to all our sick and shut-ins and if possible, won't you try to see them or else, send a note of cheer. They will he most happy that someone thinks of them and cares. Food For Thought. There’s nothing like a greeting — from folks who truly care — to keep the good old friendly trail — in excellent repair! A happy thanksgiving to all. God's blessing and may you have the best of health. Marie A. Floryan, Sec’y Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. A HEROINE OF FORGIVENESS lil Jasper National Park, in the Canadian Rockies, thero is a snow-crowned mountain peak dedicated to the memory of a woman who forgave as the saints forgive. Mount Edith Cavell stands as the monument of nature and of nature’s (Jod to a heroine who went to her death courageously and without a wimper. On August 5, 1915, the British nurse was arrested by the Germans, who accused her of having succored French and English soldiers and having helped them to escape into Holland. Two months later she was sentenced to be shot. On the evening before the date set foi the execution, she was visited in her military prison cel\ by a British chaplain who had secured permission to comfort her in her last hours. He half-expected that the noble soul would break down and have to combat feelings of poignant remorse and bitterness. Instead, she told him how willingly she was laying down her life for her country. "I have no fear nor shrinking," she confided charitably. ‘‘I have seen death so often that it is not strange to me. But, standing as I do in view of God and eternity, I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness toward anyone.” The tragic story of the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell may be retold in seven words borrowed from Alexander Pope: “To err is Human; to forgive, divine.” She met her doom because in her Christian charity she had harbored and helped men who could count on no other human assistance. The death sentence was unmerited; to say that it was an error would be a gross misunderstatement. However, there was a war on — and that explains much. In nurse Cavell’s heart there was a deep peace and pardon — no room at all for the memory of a wrong, but only forgiveness which makes a mere mortal so like God and so like His Christ. That’s what we are on earth for. Not to be all shot down like tenpins, for sure; but to become perfect as our Father in heaven above is perfect, to copy Christ our model so closely that — well, that he lives in us and we live in Him and anybody can tell us apart. Spiritual systems that don’t revolve around this central aim are bound to collapse. We are born anew in Baptism, for that; strengthened in Confirmation for that; refreshed and given a new start in Confession for that; nourished on a God’s Body and Blood for that. Our spiritual life. Hatred is out. Revenge is forbidden fruit. Jesus told his apostles that Thursday evening in the Cenacle: “A new Commandment I give you, that you love one another: that as 1 have loved you, you also love one another. By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Try to be a small heroine in your little world you live in. No. 20, Joliet, III. — After a three months vacation, our regular meeting commenced Sept. 20th. The officers and members presented their reports oil how their leisure days were spent. Our condolences to member Mrs. Johanna Krall who lost a son, age 43, a commercial artist by trade, Edward Krall from Sherwood PI. He is survived also by wife, Gloria, two sons and daughter, three sisters and other relatives. He was a member of many lodges and clubs. He was buried from St. Joseph Church to St. Joseph Cemetery. Our condolences also to Mrs. Jennie Pluth from Center, upon the passing away of her brother, Frank Turk in New York. He was buried here. He is also survived by two other sisters and brother in Europe. May they both rest in peace. Confined at St. Joseph Hospital was Mrs. Mary Gaspich, mother of our secretary Frances; also Mrs. Jennie Pluth from Center. They both are now convalescing at home. Best wishes for speedy recovery also to all sick members at this time. A baby congratulations card was sent by the secretary to Mr. and Mrs. Mando Di Bartolomeo of Clinton St. Mrs. Bartolomeo is the daughter of Frances Bottari. A card party held annually by the combined societies of our parish will be held the Nov. 15th at the parish liall. Since we also cooperate for many years, you are all asked to help and bring pillow cases or some other hand work to the meeting which will be used for the card party prizes. Hope to see all you members at our next meeting Nov. 15. Best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. At our Sept. meeting, we were surprised to have one of our members of Pima, Florida with us. Mrs. L. Pischel was visiting Cleveland for several weeks to help with wedding plans for her daughter, Jeanne. May the future keep on bringing you happiness in every way, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wenters. Congratulations are extended to Judith Segerer and Laurence J. Pfeil who were married Aug. 2i)tli at Lady of Mercy church in Dayton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Segerer of Dayton. Mr. Pfeil is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pfeil of Lakewood. The bride graduated from Bowling Green Univ. and Mr. Pfeil now attends Ohio State. They will reside in Columbus. Larry is the grandson of Mrs. Theresa Kozuh. Mother Rose and grandmother are our good members. Our most sincere congratulations to Anna and John Pelcic who will celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary on Nov. 23rd. May you celebrate many more years together. Two new members were enrolled, namely Denise Marie Dancul, and Vicki Delores Maidick. A hearty welcome. Get well wishes to Sophie Borelc and Mary Vehar. Next on the agenda of the branch will be our annual Christmas Party on our regular meeting night, Dec. 2. I am now inviting all juvenile members to attend. There will be gifts for the juniors (only). Adult members will be asked to bring a dollar gift exchange. Remember, to make a branch successful, everyone must co-operate. Hope to see some of our absent members at the Christmas Party. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 22, Bradley, III. In November we are reminded in a most special way to pray for our dear departed loved ones and so in our charity we shall in particular this year remember the soul of our beloved sister and charter member Mrs. Anna Starasin-ich, who in the early morn of September 22 was called to her eternal reward after many months of patient suffering. We have always known her as a very devoted wife and mother, kind and sympathetic to all of us. We shall miss her much and we join in sorrow with those who survive, her husband, Joseph; son John; daughters Mrs. Maymie Marcotte, Mrs. Elizabeth Kinder and Mollie Starasinich; seven grand children and three great grandchildren. May she rest in peace! We also extend our sympathies to Mrs. Agnes Zajc in the death this past summer in Cleveland, Ohio of her brother Mr. Valentine Petach. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace! We wish now to congratulate our 85 year-old “flying grandmother” Mrs. Barbara Schiltz, who this past August travelled by jet to Jacksonville, Florida to visit at the home of her son Louis and family. She made the trip with her grand daughter Margie Billadeau and really enjoyed every minute of her new experience. She was amazed at the “huge” size of the plane and thinks flying is great. We are indeed proud of her spirit and courage. Best wishes to all for a happy Thanksgiving Season! Gabrielle Lustig, Reporter JOLIET ROLLS OFF 1964-65 SEASON AT RIVALS No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. In behalf of the officers, Helen Golobic, President; Jo Sumie, Vice-President; Barb Terlep, Secretary; Mary Gasperich, Treasurer; Gert Padovich, Sgt. at Anns and myself, Marilyn Nenianich, we want to welcome back the bowlers to the SWU’s 1964-05 bowling season. In addition we are glad to have as newcomers this year Ann Cernetich, Lil Berge and Virginia Guertin, formally from the SWU in Chicago. Mildred Briski is back with us after being operated last year and needless to say in very good spirits. We finally got an inside man. Marge Wajardt’s husband, Joe, will be attending the racks at Rivals, and as we all know on some nights, we need all the help we can get. The bowling season will be from September 14 through May 10. Our Captains and Sponsors are; Lil Berge, Ellena Builders; Jo Mlakar, Shep’s J)X Service Station; Marge Wajchert, Bluth’s Sausage; Marge Gasperich, Northwest Club; Ann Savol, American Slovenian Home; Ann Stefanich, Pap-esh Funeral Home; Helen Golobic, Merichka’s Restaurant and Ann Ster-nisha, Krause T.V. This is the first year as captain for Ann Sternisha; it couldn’t have happen to a nicer person. A special thanks to our Sponsors and Captains for their continuing efforts in making this league a success. No. 23, Ely, Minn., DAWN CLUB. With a number of recent new residents in our community, who hold membership in the Slovenian Women’s Union, requesting membership in the Dawn Club but ineligible because of charter provision age limitations, our club took action in September to open the charter to those enthusiastic newcomers and all other interested S.W. U. members up to the age of 50 to become members of the Dawn Club during the period ending October 21. The committee on arrangements for October included, Mesdames Louise Seliga, Ann Miklavcich, Margaret Shuster, Emma Pucel, Pauline Polyner, Katherine Merhar, Pauline Ferderber, Barbara Rosandich, Mary Stubler and Christine Grahek. A new calling committee was named at the September meeting. It Includes, Angela Erchull, Ann Rowe, Stephanie Vranesicli, Margaret Shuster and Rose Pucel. Thirty-seven members of Ely Branch 23 were in attendance at the Minnesota Day State Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union held at Biwabik September 13. The Ely delegation was headed by Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, state president, and Mrs. Katherine Slogar, president of Branch 23. Lil Anderson, a former member of the winning team (Bluth’s Sausage) in 1904, started the season with a 510 series (174-145-191). Lil has been on the winning team for two years, and it looks like she is shooting for her third; the only problem is finding room for her trophies. A former team mate of Lil’s last year, Agnes Verbischer, rolled a 499 (155-171-173). It seems like the girls have acquired a strange power from those Bluth’s Sausages they’ve been eating all summer. Millie Briski, Edna Grohar and Lod-ene Hayes have been spotted picking up some difficult splits. Keep up the good work. A belated congratulations to Mike and Ann Papesh who celebrated their 40th Anniversary August 26. Also, I am especially proud to extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Nemanich on 50 golden years of married life celebrated with many close friends and relatives on June 1st. Mary Nemanich has been a member of the SWU for almost 35 years and John participated in Slovenian activities and organizations all his life. May both couples enjoy many more happy years together. Our wishes for a speedy recovery go out to John Rezich. Marilyn Nemanich Publicity Chairman Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Barbara Shikonya, who passed away in July. She was the mother of our state president Barbara Rosandich and Dawn Club president Mary Shikonya. Margaret Somrock, Reporter No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. At our Sept. meeting, the attendance was fair. It was a brief meeting and we decided to have another luncheon and card party in May. After the meeting, coffee and cake was served. We wish to thank the members in Oakmont, Br. 91 for the nice time we had on Sunday, Sept. 13th when we celebrated Penna. State Day at Acmetonia Hall. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, the food, entertainment and everything was perfect. Our sympathy to Frances Gould on the loss of her husband, Larry, and also to Mary Jaketic on the loss of her brother, John Stayduhar, who was the father-in-law of our Blondie, the branch’s vice-pres. May their souls rest in peace. A reminder to those owing dues please try to clear up this matter before the close of the year. Thanksgiving greetings to all and may God bless you. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 34, Soudan, Minn. To observe the 35th anniversary of Branch 34, twenty members of the Branch travelled by car to Ely for a dinner held in the Ship and Shore Room of Ver-tin’s Cafe Sept. 30. It was a most enjoyable evening. After being graciously served a delicious meal, the members sat around and enjoyed a social hour with prizes at “500” going to Mrs. Louis Zupanich (who recently moved to Ely from Soudan), Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. Nick Tek-autz. Mrs. Leo Wilson was the winner at Scrabble. By the time this gets into print it might be too late, but if not, I would urge all Minnesota members of the Slovenian Women’s Union to vote FOR the Taconito Amendment in the November election -— and to write to your friends and relatives in the State of Minnesota to do the same. As Representative John Blatnik told us at Minnesota Day in Biwabik — our economy and prosperity for the future depends oil the passage of the Taconite amendment. Mrs. Anthony Yapel reported on the festivities of Minnesota Day which were held at Biwabik on Sunday Sept. 13th which she and Mrs. Mary Pahula attended. We surely do congratulate the Biwabik ladies for their efforts which made the day so enjoyable, beginning with the 10:45 Mass with the beautiful Slovenian hymns, the meeting at the Park Pavilion and the delicious banquet at the Parish Hall with over 300 in attendance where the main speaker was our Minn, representative in Washington, D.C., Hon. John Blatnik. He and Mrs. Albina Novak and Mrs. Victor Reishus (the toastmis-tress) provided many laughs and food for thought for all of us. Wm. Kuntara and his Slovenian Men’s Choraleers were a delight to listen to after the banquet as well as at Mass in the morning. All the other numbers on the program were enjoyed by all. A-gain congrautlations, and a sincere “thank you” to the Biwabik ladies. After the business meeting a social hour was held with prizes at "500” going to Mrs. Anthony Yapel and Mrs. William Vollendorf. At “Scrabble” prizes were awarded to Mrs. Herman Mesojedec and Mrs. Ernest Mustonen. The attendance prize donated by Mrs. Mary Pahula was won by Mrs. Herman Mesojedec. The evening was concluded with a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. John Pahula. Hostesses for the Oct. meeting were Mmes. William Vollendorf and Joseph Stefanich. Mrs. Ramon Berg donated the attendance prize. Anthony Yapel, Reporter No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. First, thanks to all the ladies who attended our /veza Day for it is your co-operation that made it such a great success. Great compliments to our president, Ann Kostelz for her work in making the day a big success and enjoyable to all. Must say that our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak stole the show with her charm and grant wit. She was just wonderful. Thanks, Albina, for taking the time from your busy schedule to travel to Minnesota. Congressman John A. Blatnick was the main speaker and was immensely enjoyed as was proven by the long applause accorded him. We even found out about some hidden talent we have among our members. Josephine Reis-hus did an outstanding job as the toastmistress. By honoring our two oldest members, both 88 years old, we brought happiness to all. The members, Mrs. Ursula Urick and Mrs. Mary Strukel were proud to be remembered. We had a grand day and everything went off just so! It meant a lot of work and planning, but with everyone’s help it was fun! (See cover!) Our president reports that a rosary was found at the premises on Zveza Day, so anyone missing same should get in touch with her. Again, best wishes to all our fine members, organizers and mothers! We had the pleasure of honoring our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Spehar at our affair too. May God bless you all with the best of health. Angeline Karish, Reporter No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. AH! It’s that beautiful time of the year again. Mother nature arrayed in all her glory. So take in the beauty of it, for in just a little while Old Man Winter will invade us again. Recently married was Janice Ferlič, to Gilbert Lee Diedrick. Janice is the daughter of Mrs. Annette Ferlič, and the late Jacob Ferlic, .also the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cemilec. They are making their home in Dayton Ohio, where Mr. Diedrick will be a senior at the University of Dayton, and his bride will teach at Dayton High School. Our heartiest congratulations. Congratulations go out to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Butcher who are blessed with a baby girl Constance who became the fourth generation in that family. The grand parents, are Mr. and Mrs. William Butcher, and the greatgrandmother is Mrs. Agnes Jancer. The Grand lodge of Ohio Sons of Italy awarded Joseph DeLillo Jr., a graduate of Admiral King High School, with a $300 Scholarship each year for four years. The scholarship presentation was made at the Pick-Carter Hotel in Cleveland, O. Joseph was president of the Class of 1964, and a member of the National Honor Society & Booster club. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeLillo, and grandson of Mrs. Louise Mahnic, who is the recording Seoy. of Branch 40. He enter- ed the premedical studies at the University of Cincinnati. Kathy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Smith was crowned Queen of the Admiral King High football team. Georgene Voytko, a senior at A.K.H.S., was elected first runner up for the football Queen. Georgene is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Voytko, and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kozjan. Second runner up was Lois Gradišek, she is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gradišek. They were all presented with beautiful bouquets. Congratulations girls, you were all pretty in the parade. On the sick list we have our president Frances Bresak, who fell down the steps and broke her arm; she had it in a cast for long time. Also on the sick list we have Mary LaVriha, Mary Cemilec and Jennie Cerni, all are convalescing at home. It would be nice if our members would send them cards. At our last meeting we decided to have a Christmas gift exchange for one dollar at our December meeting which will be December 9. Meeting will start at 7 o’clock in the evening. Bring some baked goods along or something else. Election of officers will also take place at this meeting, and 1 sure hope to see some of you younger members present. To the members who are behind with their dues please pay them up to date, not only that but try to pay some months in advance. I have to send the money to the supreme office every month. Don’t forget starting with January 19G5, the dues will be five cents more every month, for each member. — Oh yes, I almost forgot! We got a new member and she is Ann Gregus. Her mother passed away so she will fill her place at our branch. We all say welcome Ann to our Branch. A very Happy Birthday and best wishes to all of our members who are having birthdays in November and December and also to the ones that had one in October. May you all have many more healthy and happy ones, God Bless you all. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Angela Kozjan, Secy. No. 45, Portland, Oregon. Portland branch held their first meeting after summer vacation on Sept. 15th. The meeting was held on the third Tuesday rather than the second as per usual so as to he able to disburse tickets for our coming dance which were not ready the week previous. Everyone present seemed to have had an enjoyable summer with their families and it seems that fall came all too quick. Main point of discussion was our big dance to be held on October 17th. Tickets were given to all members present and same will be mailed to all other members. Our president, Mary Roso, please urged all members to do their very best in selling as many tickets as possible to their families and friends. This will be the first dance to be held in several years by this club and we most hopefully wish it to be a great success. The well-know all girl orchestra, Vivian McCathy will be the music for the evening. The dance will be held at the Portland Police Athletic Association Hall which everyone is familiar with. Every member is requested to purchase one ticket for herself which in itself will be a great help. Tell your sons and daughters and their friends to come out for an evening of fun and gaiety. Plans were also discussed as to whether we should have the usual Christmas party in December, Everyone was very much in favor as it is always such a success and such a lovely time is always had by all. It was decided to have more of a buffet than the usual dessert and coffee. Different members offered to bring certain dishes. Other members will be notified. May we hope to see a good turn out at our November meeting so till then we will be close looking forward to seeing you all. Ann M. Carlisle 2634 NW Savier St. Portland, Oregon No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Our Sept. meeting was excellent with a large attendance but we had a little disappointment with blown fuses in the hall and had to conduct our meeting in candlelight. This made it difficult to do some serious thinking, but we did the best we could. Our Supreme President, Toni Turek, was back on the job after her trip to Europe. She seemed rested up and happy to be back at her activities a-gain. A get-well wish to Sophie Zagorc and Gabriella Polosky from all of us and a cheery note to Josephine Trunk. Happy to hear she is up and around again. Hope we see them at our meetings soon. We had a lovely Mother and Daughter team as our hostesses — they were Nettie and Evelyn Hlad. Nettie should be very proud of her daughter and we admire them both. They were joined by a committee of Mary Susnik, Mary Azman, Mary Vizdos and Mary Chesnik. Thanks to them for the delicious goodies and luscious sandwiches. These girls are also in our drill team, isn’t that wonderful! Our recording secretary, Ann Dekleva is also back on the job after her Florida vacation. She had a lot to read in the minutes this time as so much .vas happening over the summer. Ann is quite a Floridian — someday sho will probably leave us to move there — and if this happens, we’ll surely miss her. From The Editor THE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN TO HONOR OUR FOUNDERS! In a month, the Slovenian Women’s Union of America celebrates the 39th anniversary! Many branches will observe this occasion with special commemorative Masses on Dec. 19th and dates close to it. The day is especially important to the many founders and organizers of our branches who are still with us, still actively engaged in the business of Zveza. Why not take this opportunity — which as you have read will be a profitable project for you with prizes galore — to do something for your beloved organization and your circle of members? Bring in a new member to join the group. Bring in your chidren and other relatives. Further the work of our pioneers in this way and you will feel well-satisfied that our fore-mothers have not been forgotten and their work not in vain. Every branch does so much good for the church and community — do your part by enlarging its ranks, adding support and help to those already devoted to its goals. The Slovenian Women’s Union is more than insurance — it brings to your life richer meaning and purpose. It gives you a sense of pride in your heritage and in the traditions that should not be lost to future generations. The good it does is indescribable. The young and old benefit from the good a branch does in its community. Being a member of S.W.U. gives you advantages right from the start and encourages you, too, to give of yourself to the many activities and good works that otherwise might be left undone. Why is it that our late President Kennedy's words apply so well in so many phases of life? You know the words I mean. Say them to yourself and apply them to our grand Slovenian Women’s Union and you will see that you have a place in it — a place that perhaps no one else can fill. Or maybe the member you bring in now will be the one who will take your place someday. Our Founders and our members have the same goal. Make it your goal, too. JOIN THE S.W.U TRIBUTE TO OUR FOUNDERS MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! C. L. I hope to have some new members again at the next meeting and we are always happy to see some of our long lost members come in and surprise us. — So much for now. God bless you all. Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Minn. Dear sisters! I think it’s about time yours truly gets on the ball and begins to do some writing. It has been a long time since any events of importance have come up and due to the early press deadline, our news reaches us late. I am sorry about this but nothing can be done at this time. Oct. meeting at the Little Grove was interesting with a film shown on cancer and a lecture by Dr. Bernard French. There were quite a few ques- tions answered and Mrs. Naughton signed up a number of our ladies for the cancer check-up. We all wish to thank the Doctor for taking time out from his busy career to talk to us a-bout this serious subject. It wras most interesting and educational. Sister, Josephine Oswald secured the film from St. Paul. It took a great deal of effort on her part to secure the projector. Anthony Barbatto picked it up and returned it. Thanks again to all for the special effort — it. was well-worthwhile. We send our congratulations to sister Margaret Andrican on the arrival of her new son, John George. We hope and pray that her new family will be healthy and happy and may God bless them all. We also have many on the sick list. Sister, Gertrude Dimatteo had surgery and is in a Duluth hospital .Florence Techar’s daughter, Shelly, was confined to the Hibbing Gen’l Hosp. and Betty Strazishar’s daughter, Sandra had surgery at the Univ. Hosp. at Minneapolis. She has casts on both feet from the knees down, and will remain there from four to six weeks. We hope and pray that they are doing well and will soon be up and a-bout. The same good wishes to all of our ill members, many of whom we have had no recent reports about. Blessings to all for good health. A new member was with us at (lie meeting, sister, Ann Roberts. Welcome to her. The membership campaign is now on and we would like to see a lot more new faces, so everyone should get out and gather them in. Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hrovat on the engagement of daughter, Kathleen to Mr. Lonnie Fisher of Goodland. Wedding date was set for Dec. 2nd at Blessed Sacrament Church. We wish them many years of blissful happiness. Meeting was closed by the president with prayer and a social then took place with games and prizes awarded to the following: Josephine Oswald, Angeline Hrovat, Josephine Palitano, Julia Mancuso, Jenny Crea, Gertrude Kochevar, Frances Shega, Genevieve Zidarich and door prize to yours truly. A delicious lunch was served by our hostesses: Frances Rapovich, Joseph- ine Fryckman, Katherine Adamicli and Florence Techar. This closed a delightful evening. Please try to attend our Christmas party and meeting in December and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you all then. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. After a two month vacation, our group met again at our Slovenian Home. Here we recalled many happy events of the past summer and heard our president, Rose Racher and sister member, Hattie Gradishar relate all about their European vacations. We’re glad that they came home safe and sound. December will soon be upon us and we must start thinking about Christmas. Our party will be held sometime in December. Call me for further information because as yet, our plans are not complete. (EXpress 3347-8). Congratulations to our “twins,” Valentine and Virginia Glad, both recent college graduates. Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to all who are ill. The year is coming to a close and I have many members who have not as yet paid up their dues for the year. Please come to the meetings and take care of this, or come to my home, 1040 Meadowbrook, S.E. A wish to all members for an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day and may God bless you all. Joanne Ponikvar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. The meeting in Sept. opened with prayer and our president, Barbara Umeck presided over a very well-attended and happy group. Many members told of their vacation trips and it was surprising how many visited Arlington Nat’l Cemetery to see the grave of our late President Kennedy. They also toured the White House and saw the sights in Washington. A Mass will be offered for the living and deceased members of Br. 55 on Nov. 14th at 7:20 A.M. at St. Rose Church in Girard. Hope many of you will attend this Mass that is being offered for you and our departed. On the sick list we have Mrs. Mary Nigut. Get-well wishes were sent to her and the same to any one else who is ill. We also wish you a speedy recovery. We extend sincere sympathy to the family of Mrs. Mary Turk. God took her as she sat down to rest. She will be sadly missed by all. She was a good member, always doing more than her share. The November meeting will also be election night, so come out and elect your choice of officers. After the business meeting, president, Barbara, served a delicious nut roll and beverage. The social hour was enjoyed by all. Prizes went to Matilda Cigolle and Catherine Russ. Best wishes for health and happiness to all. Mary Ann Mehalco STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN REPORTING Congratulations to Br. 14 of Euclid on how nicely they do their meetings. 1 paid them a visit recently and was amazed at their system and that is the way it should be. I really enjoyed my visit there. Also, I visited Br. 25 and they, too, should be congratulated. Everything goes like clockwork! They finish their meetings and then the fun starts. Both visits were very pleasant and I hope someday to visit the other branches in my jurisdiction as State President. On Sept. 20th, Branch 32 in Euclid, Ohio celebrated their 35th anniversary. I want to congratulate them again as I did at the banquet. Many of our branch attended with the Supreme President, Mrs. Turek and representations from many Cleveland units. They had a large crowd and a very successful event. Next month I hope to tell you all about our wonderful Ohio Bazaar in October. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Mary Bostian No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. The regular monthly meeting for September was held at the Assumption Hall club-rooms. Discussion for evening was mainly planning to attend Minnesota Day in Biwabik. During the summer the husband of our beloved secretary Mary Meadows passed away. There was a wonderful turnout at the rosary to show our love and appreciation to our Mary. Angela Genac and Fran Puhek are still on the sick list but reportedly well on the road to recovery. Games were played after a delightful lunch with prizes going to Mrs. Anna Brklich, Mrs. Anne Furin, Mrs. Ann Satovich, Mrs. Walter Latick, Mrs. Vincent Domen and Mrs. Louis Drobnik. Dateline Biwabik — We have spent our Minnesota Day in Biwabik. To those that couldn’t make it, “Sorry you missed it.” To those that did, “Didn’t we have a most wonderful time?” The coffee hour preceding the Mass, the wonderful choir under the direction of Mr. Kuntara which sang during the Mass, the dinner which was most delicious, the interesting speakers, the entertainment, the individual rose we all received — all made it a day to remember. Thanks again to the ladies of Biwabik. Liz Draskovic, reporter No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. After an absence of three months in writing a report, there is not much one can write this time when our meeting was poorly attended. We would like to see our ladies at our next meeting, and the ones who don’t have their dues paid to please see that they are paid up so Mrs. Mary Brodesko’s books are in order. When we have sadness it seems it comes in threes. Three members of the same family passed away this year. We mourned the passing of Mrs. Yena Stanish, a former member, March 10; her son, Joseph Jan. 1; and now his wife, Ann, who was called Aug. 4. She was also a member of our club. With deep emotion, I join the rest of Ann’s family and friends in saying farewell and may she rest in peace and find eternal happiness. I wish to express my warmest personal thanks to the loyal members who said the rosary and attended the funeral. To all our members who are ailing, we wish them a quick recovery. Send them a card of cheer members, and let them know we are thinking of them. See you all at our meeting. Good health to all with God’s Blessing. Mary Percic, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. Our meeting of Sept. was held on Sunday, the 20th at the home of Mrs. Angela Bezlaj. It was opened with prayer by our President, Wilma Zagar. We had a good group attending and didn’t have much of a business meeting. But. so- cially, we celebrated two birthdays — my own and Mrs. Dolinar’s. We were also happy to see her as it was her first meeting since a long illness. She has always been one of our regulars and we had missed her very much. Now she is feeling better and looking very good to us, so we greeted her with open arms. Hope she continues to improve. We missed Mrs. Arko she, too, is one of the regulars. At present she isn’t feeling well. Hurry and get better, Mrs. Arko. Mrs. Klun has moved back to Pullman and we are happy to have her back among us. Ladies! Christmas will soon be here so try to attend the next meeting for we have much to discuss. Our Christmas Party is always so much fun. If anyone has any kind of news, call me IN 8-3209. Will be looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the meeting.Margaret M. Vrhovnik No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. We started our meetings off again for another year with our picnic, but it was too cold outdoors, so we had to go indoors! We had a nice time and discussed where we will have our Birthday Dinner. At our Oct. 5th meeting we had continuing discussion on this point. On our sick list, Lucy Lubanovicli was in the hospital, but is home now. She must rest a lot and says thanks to all for the lovely cards and for visiting with her. She is also a new grand mother. Congratulations. Josephine Turk was also in the hospital for observation but is home now and we hope she is better, too. Rose Repasky is celebrating her 25th aninversary. Congratulations to her and her husband for many more happy years together. Our member, Helen Papa moved to Detroit, Mich, and we all hope she likes her new home. We’ll miss her. Thanks to Rose Zbasnik for the lovely story she told us about her last trip. She tells her stories so well. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 85, DePue, III. Our branch has postponed the first fall meeting until November 15th at 2:00 p.m. due to the 40 Hours Devotion being held on our usual meeting day. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Stupar and her family in the recent death of her nephew. Our secretary, Mrs. Spolar is still hospitalized, showing a slow return to recovery. God bless her. We sure miss her smiling face and cheerful personality. Those of our branch who attended the State Convention in Oglesby in August enjoyed the kind hospitality of Br. 89. Father Mayes sermon was also appreciated by us all. Our president remarked that it was very beneficial to attend the State Convention in order to learn how other branches are doing things — one is never too old to learn! Hoping to see a good number of our members on Sunday, Nov. 15th! Frances Machek, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Well, here we are again, beginning our fall meetings. After a quiet summer, we held our first regular meeting of the new season in Sept. at the Nashwauk Memorial Bldg. and as things now stand, we will continue to hold them there every third Monday of the month. Several subjects were under discussion, but the most interesting was on the recent state convention held in Biwabik. This was held at their beautiful new church. Six of us from Nashwauk attended: Kate Stimac, Slava Katalinich, Anna Rolf, Mary Zakrajšek, our president Katherine DePetro and your reporter Anne Mazar. It was my first such convention and enjoyable for me and for all. We ask that you keep in mind the coming year and the election of new officers. Altho, in my personal opinion, the present ones are doing a splendid job, the choice is yours. We do wish to thank all the committee for all their efforts. Our lunch was pot-luck and very nicely served by Mary Zakrajšek. After our business session, we played cards with prizes won by Christine Meyer in Canasta and the cut prize went to Ida Menard, one of our guests. Bridge prize went to Mrs. Oscar Jensen, another guest. We hope many more members will be present at our next meeting. See you there, girls. Anne Mazar, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke: and “HOLIDAY TURKEY TIME” and Turkey On The Table The Year Round Americans are now preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving over tables laden with delicacies which would have been unbelievable to the Pilgrims. At that time, preparing for Thanksgiving was a whole year’s work. Today, a short trip to the supermarket — God bless it — and your harvest is in. The U.S. Department of Agriculture gives us excellent information on the modern turkey, so improved over the years, it is literally a new bird. It is meatier and more tender, plumper and more compact, has a larger proportion of breast meat and comes both smaller and larger than its ancestors. “Newest among turkey choices is the class called “Turkey Fryer-Roast-ers,” used when about half grown. Ready to cook these very young birds, marketed at 15 to 17 weeks of age, may weight as little as 4 pounds or as much as 7 to 8 pounds. Any of these very young birds may be stuffed and roasted, a fine choice for dinner any day. Turkeys best suited for roasting will carry the word “young” on the label — young hen, young tom, or simply young turkey. Commercially frozen stuffed turkeys should be selected with special care; buy only hard-frozen birds in wrappers that are not torn or broken. Turkey parts, new on the market a few years ago, are increasing in favor — legs, wings, neck, back, turkey steaks and also boneless or “knitted” steaks. Do not thaw commercially frozen stuffed birds before cooking. Thaw frozen turkeys slowly by one of these methods: 1. Refrigerator is the best place to thaw. Thaw large whole birds in original wrapper from 1 to 3 days, depending on size. 2. To shorten the time, turkeys seal- ed in watertight wrappers may be thawed in cold water. Do not use warm water. Change the water often or place under cold running water. Allow 2 to G hours depending on size. To clean turkey, rinse bird with cold water (some experts suggest first rubbing all poultry inside and out with baking soda then washing in running water), drain, and pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towels. Do not stuff the turkey until time to roast it. If you stuff any poultry the day before it is cooked, you are taking chances of changing the flavor of the turkey or even getting food poisoning. Turkey may be roasted unstuffed to shorten the cooking time, and the stuffing baked separately in a pan during the last hour while turkey roasts. Baste stuffing occasionally with drippings. Allow about one cup of dressing for each pound of turkey. Salt inside of bird before stuffing. After stuffing the turkey, fastening the neck skin to the back with a skewer is the first step in shaping the bird. Use heavy string to lie the wings into a position so they hold the turkey firmly upright. Now loop the string around the back and tail and tie each leg to the tail. Or, if there is a band of skin over tail, tuck legs into it. Before you put the bird in the oven, oil it with clean fat and dust it lightly with flour. Pre-heat the oven to 850-375° P. Place the turkey in a shallow roasting pan to allow complete circulation so it will brown evenly. The pan should be hot when placing the bird in the oven. As soon as the bird begins to brown, the temperature should be reduced to 325° F., a slow oven. (Mr. Carson Gulley, former chef at the University of Wisconsin, suggests a roasting time of 300° F. with no cover of any kind. I have found this temperature most satisfactory). If you use the 32'5° F. temperature for roasting then put over the turkey a tent of aluminum foil or a piece of thin cloth moistened with fat. With a 300° F. temperature the cooking time averages 25 minutes per pound for birds weighing 12 pounds or less and 18 to 20 minutes per pound for birds of 1G pounds or over. The turkey is done when the leg No. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — We have only a few more months of good weather, therefore, please take ad-ventage of them and attend our meetings. Some of the members are in arrears with dues and are requested to pay up and keep your membership in good standing. Mrs. Lovse, our former secretary is feeling better. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ivana Klinar and husband celebrated their Golden Wedding recently. Congratulations! Jennie Stusek, Secretary No. 89, Oglesby, III. The September meeting was a revue of the state convention highlights. Mrs. Frances Nemeth, delegate from our branch, was commended for her proposal to encourage the junior members of our organization to participate in the national conventions. The annual fall auction sale was planned for the Oct. meeting with the members bringing the delicacies of their prize recipes and their special handcrafts. The bowlers will again be selling candy as their special yearly project, joints move easily and the flesh on the legs is soft and pliable when pressed with the fingers. Plan roasting time so that the turkey will be done 20 to 30 minutes before serving. This “rest period” helps make meat juicy and carving easy, and gives you time to make the gravy. Right after the meal, remove stuffing left in turkey. Cover stuffing and bird lightly, and refrigerate at once. Any holiday meal would be enhanced by this Almond Cake, a favorite recipe of Jane Gorenz of Branch No. 1, Sheboygan. ALMOND FORM CAKE Bake this cake to a golden brown. Then freeze to have it ready for company at any time. Allow 3 to 4 hours to defrost at room temperature in original freezer wrapper. 1 cup butter, soft 1 % cups sugar 4 eggs, separated 2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 can almond filling 1 cup sour cream Makes one 10-inch form cake. Cream together butter, sugar and egg yolks with an electric mixer. Sift together flour and soda; add alternately to creamed mixture with sour cream and almond filling. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour butter into a greased and floured 10-inch tube pan. Bake in a preheated moderate oven (350° F.) GO to 70 minutes. Cool; remove from pan. This cake needs no frosting. Only a spray of confectioner’s sugar. HOUSEHOLD HINT To remove cranberry stain, stretch the stained area over a bowl and pour boiling water from a teakettle held about three feet above the cloth. The water should strike the cloth with force. Next wash cloth with detergent and hot water. Be certain not to use soap, for some fruit and berry stains are permanently set in fabric by soap. Coffee stains can be removed in the same way. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Thank you, Jane, for the delicious recipe. — Hermine so, everyone is asked to help by either selling or buying some. A sincere get-well wish to all the sick members. Mary Kernz, Rep. No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Our Penna State Convention Day on Sept. 13tli was our first banquet and it was a great and memorable one for us. I would like to extend deepest appreciation to all who attended. First of all, thanks to our Supreme President, Antonia Turek, State President, Mary Tomsic and Supreme Auditor, Vicki Faletič. Mmes. Tomsic and Faletič also donated gifts for our project. We appreciate so much the visit of our neighboring branches, No. 26, 100, 77, 96, and 71 and a busful of members of Br. 50 in Cleveland, Ohio. I would like to thank our own Mrs. Mary Prašnikar as guest speaker at the banquet and Mrs. Skerlon for her little speech. Mrs. Frances Bergoich and sons gave us the finest entertainment, too. Thanks to the Women’s Auxiliary of the Slovene Club and all who had in any way helped out to make it a big success. Mrs. Stanoich and Mrs. Leskovec gave us beautiful bouquets and as beautiful as flowers were the Slovenian songs sung by Misses Stella Piety and Frances Ros-enberger; also, a young lad played the accordion and two gentlemen from Cleveland played and sang for us. So again, thank-you to all and don’t forget next year, 1965, we hope to have you with us again! Recently we had a member and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yurada, pay us a visit from St. Gabriel, Calif. My son-in-law, Mr. E. Usnik also visited from San Diego, Calif. I hope they had nice times here. After such a busy month, we shall settle down with plans for our Dec. 1st meeting and each member is asked to bring a gift for the exchange — it being the Christmas meeting, too. To each and everyone, a Happy Thanksgiving Day and in advance, a happy Christmas season. May God bless you of our Slovenian Women’s Union. And, members, please, don’t forget Dec. 1st.________Anna Kastelic No. 95, So. Chicago, III. While I was on my vacation in Dallas, Texas visiting with my daughter and mother, I was saddened to learn of the death of Matilda Martin’s beloved mother, and Victoria Rukavina’s son. I wish to convey to both of you and to the other members of your family my deep sympathy upon the loss of two of these remarkable people. May they rest in peace and May God give condolence and a little bit of comfort to you, Matilda and Victoria. Best wishes for a complete recovery to Mary Sambol’s husband who had a freak accident at home and will be hospitalized for awhile; also to Dragica Vukasovich’s husband who has undergone more than one operation. Here’s wishing that both men will bo on their feet soon. A happy birthday to the following who are celebrating in November: Doris Cuzella, Mary Duich, Anna Gre-po, Anna Jovanovich, Frances Mat-anovich, Kate Musa, Helen Nowlcki, Mary Perkovich (96tli & Houston). Helen Plantz, Mary Pleslia, Katherine Satalic, Mary Simunic, Fedelia Sval-ina, Ljuba Trgovac, and Dorthy Wor-tiska. May I remind our members of our Christmas party which will be held on December 2nd at 7:30 P.M. Our ladies have long been accustomed to bringing bakery goods and any other line of refreshments. Your contribu IN LOVING MEMORY LILLIAN ISABEL KNISKERN Bom: May 1G, 1903, Niagara Falls, New York Died: October 18, 1963, Cobleskill, New York You can only have one mother, Patient, kind and true; No other friend in all the world Will be as true to you. For all the loving kindness, She asks nothing in return; If all the world deserts you, To your mother you can turn. So all we can do, dear mother, Is go and tend your grave And leave behind a token of love To the best mother God ever gave. Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. Sadly missed by husband, Charles Kniskern, daughters, Mary Jane Bian-chine and Patricia Vidergar and grandchildren. Fontana, Calif. tions of anything you see fit to bring along, as well as your help, are appreciated. Do your utmost to attend. With so many other weeks in the year devoted to other purposes, it is good to have a week aside for giving thanks. Thanksgiving is the time for enjoying the ritual feast and family assembly. It is time for counting our blessings and good fortunes. We, in our branch, may wish to add thanks for the privilege of giving service — perhaps one of the greatest privileges of all. We try to serve the aged, the ill, the needy. We should give thanks that ours is a land where people can still laugh, and dream, and hope, and speak our minds and worship as we please. We have much to be thankful for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. It has been some time since I wrote in Zarja as my summer vacation took up most of my time since the last report. I hope all you senior members and the juniors as well, had a fine summer. Our August meeting was held with a good attendance but we hope to have more ladies attending future meetings. Among items discussed was the Card and Games Party of Oct. held for the benefit of the Sacred Heart School to be built in Etiwanda. I was glad to meet our State President, Rose Scoff who recently visited Fontana from San Francisco. I’m sure she met many other members of our branch as well. We hope to see her again soon. As I previously mentioned, I was quite busy this summer touring all over France, England, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland for a period of eight weeks with a group. It was erroneously stated by the Slovenian reporter that this trip was paid for by my school. Actually, my parents financed my trip and to them I owe my deepest gratitude for allowing me to experience such a wonderful thing as this trip to Europe. My sincerest greetings to all the Slovenian ladies from Br. 100 in Fontana! Frances Kurilich, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Sept. 20, nine members convened at the home of Ann Karun for our first monthly meeting since June. Our meeting opened with a prayer, led by our Pres. Pauline Adamic. The minutes were rear by our secretary, and financial reports by Pauline. A neat sum was added to our fund. Prizes were received by our hostesses and by Julia Zrimec. Julia received a beautiful hand made poodle dog, made by Angeline Bernick, she is the daughter of Ann, and a very talented young woman. Our hostess received an ornate box, a very handsome one indeed! That was donated by Alice Kocijan. Fulvia Rosa came to the meeting, sporting a new 1964 Pontiac! Now a few belated birthdays, Ar.n Karun Sept. 16, Frances Rovsek Sept. 4, Gail Simon and Rose Yamnich in Aug., and Mary Zimmerman coming up in Oct. 16. A very happy birthday to all of you. We wish to extend our deepest sym-pathys to the family of Catherine Musich. Her mother passed away Sept. 3, she was 83 years old, Ann Lindich’s brother passed away at 48, and Frances Rovsek’s mother passed away in July. May they rest in peace. After the meeting was adjourned, we filed out into the kitchen, where Ann had a large buffet supper spread out on the table! Roast chicken with stuffing, home made sausage, “sarme,” sauce made with yellow cheese, creamed, on cauliflower, mashed potatoes, endive salad, and gelatin salad. Her two lovely daughters gave her a hand, as you see Ann has a job, and does not have time to do the things that she would like to do. To top it all. she had apple strudel, and cheese strudel! We all wish to thank you, Ann, for a delicious buffet supper! Our next meeting will be held at Pauline Adamic’s house on the 18th of Oct. We are all hoping for a large attendance then. Best wishes to you all. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Marie P risi and Leposlovna revija NOVI SVET — urednik John Jerich si je pred kakimi 20 leti nadela važno in priznanjavredno nalogo zbrati in priobčiti zgodovino slovenskih naselbin v Ameriki. G. Jerich me je takrat povabil naj pri tem sodelujem, zberem in spišem zgodovino sheboyganske slovenske naselbine. Zbrala in spisala sem torej zgodovino naše naselbine za NOVI SVET v slovenščini, v angleščini pa za lokalni list THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS. (Priobčeno aprila 1945.) Nekaj let zatem me je Zgodovinska družba naše države prosila naj spišem zgodovino slovenskih naseljencev v državi Wisconsin. Spis je bil priobčen marca 1950 v njih mesečniku — WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY. Ker me zgodovina zanima že izza šolskih let — bila mi je najljubši predmet — sem več let pred tem zbirala in shranjevala zgodovinske podatke. Zanimalo me je kdo so bili prvi Slovenci, ki so se v Sheboyganu naselili. Zgodovino sem pričela pisati na podlagi mojili zapiskov in danih ustnih izročil še živečih starih naseljencev ter tako otela pozabljenja vsaj nekaj važnejših dogod kov iz življenja prvih naseljencev v Sheboyganu. Ker ti podatki v ZARJI v slovenščini niso bili obljavljeni, jih bom priobčila sedaj v prepričanju, da bo s tem ustreženo našim še živečim pionirjem. Mesto Sheboygan točasno šteje 50,000 prebivalcev. Leži na idiličnem kraju, na mali obrežni višini, iz katere se nudi lep razgled po Michiganskemu jezeru. Od Milwaukee je Sheboygan oddaljen 55 milj severno. Zime imamo precej ostre, poletja in jeseni so pa jako prijetne. Mesto je čisto in nikakih slumov nimamo. Zgodovinski zapiski povedo, da je bila tu leta 1820 ustanovljena trgovska postaja z kožuhovino, ki se je počasi razvijala. Leta 1840 je bil Sheboygan inkorporiran kot vas, leta 1853 pa kot mesto. Kmalu so v mestu pričeli graditi tovarne več vrst in promet je naraščal. Sheboygan namreč leži ob reki istega imena, ki nudi lepo priliko za plovbo po jezeru ter tako povezuje naše mesto z ostalimi naselbinami ob jezeru. Kako je Sheboygan dobil svoje ime pove naslednja legenda: Mesto je prvotno bilo precejšno indijansko taborišče. Indijanski glavar in njegova žena sta imela 5 sinov, hčerke pa nobene. Ko se je poglavar odpravljal na več-tedenski lov, je ženi naročil, ki je bila noseča, naj gleda, da bo rodila hčerko, ker sinov ima že dovolj. Ko se je glavar z lova vrnil, mu žena naproti prinese dete moškega spola, lepo zavito v živalsko kožo ter žalostna naznani: “SHE BOY AGAIN!" Žena namreč angleščine ni dobro razumela, pa je namesto “HE” rekla “SHE.” Od takrat se naše mesto imenuje She-boy-gan. V svrho sestave zgodovine slovenskih naseljencev v Sheboyganu, sem najprvo obiskala Franka Švartza, ki je takrat (leta 1945) bil izmed prvih naseljencev edini še živeči Slovenec, njegova žena Ana pa je bilo prvo slovensko dekle, ki je prišlo v Sheboygan iz starega kraja. Njuna hčerka Viktoria je članica naše Zveze. G. Švartz mi je mnogo zanimivega povedal, kar tu navajam : “V letih 1890-1893 so pri železnici na Dunaju, proga-Dunaj -Muerzuschlag — bili uposljeni naslednji Slovenci: Frank Švartz iz Ptuja na Štajerskem, Anton Starič iz Trebelnega na Dolejnslcem, Jakob Drofenik iz Rogaške Slatine in Jožef Stih iz Maribora. Ker jim vodstvo železnice za delo ni veliko plačalo in ker so Nemci svoje ljudi ob vsaki priliki potiskali v ospredje naše rojake pa k nevarnim delom, so se slednji odločili iti v Ameriko, o kateri so od svojih domačih slišali, da je velika dežela z ogromnim bogastvom in dobrim zaslužkom. Kupili so vozne karte pri Nord Deutsche Lloyd, plačali voznino 170 goldinarjev iz Dunaja v Minnesoto, kamor so bili namenjeni. Na morju so bili 18 dni. Kako veselje ko so 19-ti dan zagledali Novi Svet in mesto New York. Bilo je septembra 1893. Podali so se naravnost v Minnesoto, kjer so nekateri dobili delo v To-wer-ju, drugi v Soudan-u. Edino delo na razpolago je bilo v premogokopih po 1400 čevljev globokih, z zelo1 slabo ventilacijo. Naši rojaki, vajeni svežega zraka, v globokih rovih niso z veseljem delali. Plača je bila pičla. Za vagon nakopanega in naloženega premoga — vagon je držal po dve toni — so prejeli 25 centov. Kdor je delal od ure je zaslužil $ 1.25 za deseturno delo. Od domačih v starem kraju so ti rojaki zvedeli, da se v Sheboyganu nahajajo Slovenci in pričelo se je medsebojno dopisovanje. Frank Starič in John Sebanc, bivajoča v Sheboyganu, sta povabila rojake v Minnesoti, naj pridejo sem, kjer bodo dobili lažje delo, zaslužili pa od šest do osem šilingov na dan. Naši fantje v Minnesoti niso znali kako denarno valuto reprezentira en šiling, pa so poslali Franka Švartza — ki je nemško znal — v 20 milj oddaljeno mesto, da tam poizve kako bogastvo predstavlja en šiling. Dasi bi v Sheboyganu manj zaslužili kot v Minnesoti, so se vseeno odločili, da gredo sem, kjer bodo delali nad zemljo in ne pod zemljo. Meseca junija 1895 so goriomenjeni štirje rojaki dospeli v Sheboygan. Z njimi je prišlo še nekaj drugih kot: Frank Kralj, Jožef Jakoš, Frank Kotnik, vsi iz Trebelnega ter John Oberman iz Metlike. V Shebo.v-ganu so našli sledeče Slovence: John, Jožef in Jakob Sebanc in njegova žena ter Frank Barba, vsi iz Trebelnega: Frank Debelak iz Višnje gore in John Pungerčar iz Škocjana. Poleg teh je bival v Sheboyganu tudi Frank Starič, bratranec Antona Stariča. Sem je dospel leta 1889 ter bil prvi sheboyganski Slovenec. Poleg goriomenjenih se je takrat v Sheboyganu nahajalo tudi edino slovensko dekle, Ana Rojšček, doma iz Podturna, katero je Frank Švartz zasnubil in poročil 10. februarja 1896. To sta bila prva slovenska novoporočenca v Sheboyganu. Poročil ju je Rev. Van Treek, župnik nemške fare Sv. Petra Klaverja. Zelo me je zanimalo, kaj je napotilo prvega Slovenca Franka Stariča, da je prišel v Sheboygan, saj naše mesto ne leži na kakem križišču kot naprimer Chicago, katerega se niti ogniti ne morete, Sheboygan pa je zataknjen daleč na severu in ga je treba posebaj poiskati. Pokojni g. John Veršaj, sosed Franka Stariča v starem kraju, mi je povedal, da je omenjeni najprvo šel v Brazilijo, bival tam več let. nato prišel v Združene Države, se nekaj časa nastanil v Clevelandu, dokler ga ni gnalo na zapad. Prišel je v Milwaukee, se tam par mesecev ustavil ter končno iztaknil Sheboygan, kjer se mu je tako dopadlo, da je tu ostal do smrti. Prihodnje leto je iz Pennsylvanije prišel v Sheboygan Frank Debelak, Staričev prijatelj. Ta dva rojaka sta bila začetnika sheboyganske slovenske naselbine. Oba sta se poročila z Nemkami. Leta 1895 je slovenska naselbina v Sheboyganu štela 17 oseb; 15 moških in dve ženski. Prvi slovenski naseljenci so bili večinoma vposljeni v usnjarni in v tovarnah za pohištvo. Delavska plača v us-njarni je bila 75 centov na dan, v tovarnah za pohištvo pa od 50 do GO centov za deseturno delo. Na vprašanje kako so se prvi Slovenci zabavali, kaj so brali, kako si dolg čas preganjali je g. Švartz odgovoril: “V nedeljo smo hodili ven v naravo, včasih šli tudi na lov na zajce, največkrat pa skupaj posedali, obujali spomine na rodno domovino in pili pivo, ki je bilo tiste čase izredno dobro. Tudi zapeli smo, da se je dvigal strop! Brali smo nemške časopise, ker tisti, ki smo bili na Dunaju smo bili vešči nemščine. Pozneje smo se naročili na “Amerikanskega Slovenca” in “Glas Naroda,” a ti naročniki so bili redki. Listi so romali od enega do drugega, ker brati so hoteli vsi, naročnino plačati pa ne.” Tako je pripovedoval g. Švartz, pionir naše slovenske naselbine. Mož je v svojem življenju mnogo čital ter vkljub visoki starosti ostal vedrega duha in svežega spomina. (Pride še) P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. KAJ POTEM? Dokler se človeku dobro godi in je zdrav nima posebnega smisla in ne pravega smisla za kakšne duhovne ali moralne obveznosti. Vprašanje večnosti se mu zdi nesmiselno in če se mu kdaj taka misel pojavi jo z lahkoto porine stran. Pomiri se s tem, da je skril svojo glavo v blagajno, pregledal hranilne knjižice in dolžna pisma, pomislil na svoj ugled, na vse tiste, ki se mu klanjajo in ga občudujejo, da je sedel v avto, se peljal na sprehod, na izlet, na koncert, v gledališče, na ples, na pojedino in je bil s tem zadovoljen. A nenadoma je prišel konec, prišla je ločitev od vsega in pojavilo se je pred njim vprašanje v vsej strahotnosti: Kaj potem? Neki častnik je ležal smrtno ranjen v bolnici. Smrt je že stopila k njegovemu zglavju. Nenadoma je v vsej strahoti videl svoje preteklo življenje. Videl je, da mu je bilo vse življenje posvečeno le zadevam telesa. Za Boga, za dušo, za cerkev, se ni menil. Sedaj pa je njegova duša trkala na vrata večnosti. Pogled mu je že plaval v ono-stranost. Tedaj pa je opazil z grozoto kako mu branijo dostop k Bogu in v srečno onostranost tri stvari in sicer njegov pes, ki mu je enkrat celo rešil življenje, pa ga je pustil stradati, da se je naslajal nad njegovimi mukami; dveletni otrok, ki ga je ob pregledu neke hiše za časa vojske nabodel na bajonet in neka mati, ki je prosila za sina jetnika, ki ga je on že ukazal ustreliti. Mati je bila pripravljena dati celo roko v ogenj za sina in je on to dopustil, četudi je vedel, da je sin že mrtev. Ob tej strašni prikazni je izdihnil. Edino, kar še velja v življenju je to, kar smo storili dobrega iz nesebičnega namena. In še v tem nam pomaga božja milost. Brez Boga je človek največja reva na svetu. Pobožni Job, o katerem beremo v svetem pismu zelo toži o bednem človekovem življenju. Takole pravi: “Ali nima tlake človek na zemlji in njegovi dnevi niso li dninarjevi dnevi. Kakor suženj hrepeni po senci in kakor dninar pričakuje svoje plače tako so mi postali v dediščino mesci polni gorja in truda polne noči so mi bilo dodeljene. Če ležem, mislim, kdaj bom vstal? Ko se vleče noč, se naveličam preobračanja do svita. Človek, od žene rojen, je kratkega življenja in poln nemira. Vzcvete kakor cvetlica in ovene, beži kakor senca in ne obstaja. V mesecu novembru romajo naše misli k milim in dragim, ki so že odšli pred nami v večnost. Čas je že, da pomislimo, da nas tudi čaka. Nihče ne bo večno živel na tem svetu. Človeku je določeno enkrat umreti. Prav je da se tega zaveda in temu primerno živi. Pomisli, kaj bo potem. Cela večnost je pred nami. Tako bo kakor si jo bomo napravili sami. Od nas je odvisno. Prav je, da se z vso resnostjo večkrat vprašamo: Kaj potem? Tako bomo morda več delali na zveličanju svoje duše. Pomislimo kratko je trpljenje, neskončna pa slava pri Bogu. KRATKO POROČILO S prvim januarjem stopi v veljavo nov asesment: Razred A 45 centov na mesec; Razred B — 70 centov mesečno; Mladinski oddelek — 10 centov mesečno. Članice, ki so že dopolnile ali bodo dopolnile 75 let starosti plačajo 20 centov mesečno. Prostega asesmenta ni več razen tiste ostanejo proste asesmenta, ki so dopolnile 80 let starosti pred 1. juliljem, 1964. S novim asesmentom odpade dosedanji prispevek 25 centov letno za Zarjo. Albina Novak, glavna tajnica DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Vse članice in prijatelje prijazno vabimo na pokrivanje številk v nedeljo 22. nov. ob pol 8 uri zvečer v cerkveni dvorani. Sreča bo za vse, da dobite purane in druge dobitke, kakor tudi izredne dobitke, potica, ki bo na posebne listke. Pridite vse, saj veste, da imamo tekoče stroške. Vsak dar bo dobrodošel in rezervirajte si ta večer za našo domačo zabavo. Vse smo bile vesele naše častne preds. in ustanoviteljice, Marie Pris-land, ki se je udeležila naše drž. konvencije in rade smo se odzvale vabilu Mr. in Mrs. T.awrence Bandi za obisk v Canon City. Vozila nas je Frances Simonich. Prav domače smo se počutile na njihovi lepi domačiji z mnogim sadnim drevjem in cvetlicami. Iskrena jim hvala za prijazno postrežbo. Spotoma smo obiskale tudi Mr. in Mrs. Kante, kjer smo sprejeli krasni šopek cvetlic v spomin. Drugi dan smo z Mrs. Prisland obiskale Denver. Vozil je moj soprog. Zopet smo se zelo lepo imele v družbi Therese Plut in Johna Butkovicha. Tam je bila miza obložena z jestvinami. Bilo lepo v družbi prijaznih članic ter Father L. Mihelič in g. Mike Popovich. Mlada preds. Agnes Pogline je imela pozdravni govor in Mrs. Prisland je vzpodbudno govorila za našo SŽZ. Najlepša hvala vsem za gostoljubno postrežbo. Naj na tem mestu zopet izrečem iskreno zahvalo našim članicam za o-gromno delo, za darilo potic in šunke, vsem za pridno prodajo vstopnic. Rada bi vse osebno imenovala, toda ni mogoče, ker bi vzelo preveč prostora. Naj vam Bog povrne. Zopet imamo več bolanih članic: Mary Ogulin in Mildred Pechek sta prestale resne operacije, tudi Angela Medved je bila operirana v Denverju na nogi. Na bolniški listi so tudi: Mary Krasovich, Mary Beth Klune, Mary Grahek in Katherine Zabukovec. Bog jim vrni ljubo zdravje. V dec. bo naša letna sejo, zato že sedaj vabim vse, da bomo imele zadnji sestanek v letu ob veliki udeležbi. Imele bomo volitve novega odbora ter prigrizek in druge zabave. Matere o-pozarjam, da pridete s svojimi otroci, če hočete, da bodo prejeli božična darila. — 4. okt. sta slavila zlato poroko Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Zupančič. Čestitke. Vesele rojstne dneve želimo gl. taj. A. Novak (5. nov.), gl. preds. A. Turek (8. okt.) in naši urednici Corinne Leskovar (9. okt.). Vse sosestre SŽZ toplo pozdravljam. ___________Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. Bliža se nam letna seja, ki je zelo važna za nas vse in dolžnost vsake članice je, da se te seje udeleži. Imele bomo kot po navadi volitev uradnic za 19G5. Opozorila bi matere, da naj opomnijo njihove hčerke, da je njihova dolžnost, da prevzamejo društvo v svoje roke, ker me starejše smo že napravile svojo dolžnost in sedaj je čas, da mladi rod prevzame vodstvo in tako pokaže svojo zmožnost. Me starejše pa jim bomo pomagale. SŽZ je bila ustanovljena z velikim trudom, ker prve gl. odbornice in ustanoviteljica ses. M. Prisland so imele skrbi in dela, da so premagale težave. Naša ustanoviteljica povdarja, da narod se ne šteje po številu, pač pa po izobrazbi, tako nuj bi bila vsaka članica naše edine SŽZ ponosna na delo naše organizacije. Pridite na dec. sejo, ko imamo več važnih stvari za urediti. Na bolniški listi so: Mary Mekina, Katra Ujčič, Jennie Dolez, Ana Lautar, Elizabeth Grbec in Kristina Smole. Obiščite jih, da jim s tem damo malo korajže. Sesterske pozdrave vsem članicam naše edine SŽZ. Jennie Ožbolt, taj. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Počitnice so za nami in upam, da ste se vse srečno vrnile od blizu in daleč na svoje domove. — Vsem članicam SŽZ po celi Ameriki najlepše pozdrave. — Poročam, da smo se me tudi lepo zabavale na našem pikniku, katerega smo imele v augustu v Genevi. Imele smo okusni prigrizek ter zabavne igre za kratek čas. Sprehod po farmi med fižolom in kumaricami je bil kar najbolj prijeten. Zvečer smo se vrnile proti domu. Naše seje so zopet drugi torek v mesecu. Na zadnji seji smo se zopet zbrale kakor po navadi. Med nami je bila tudi ses. Salmich. Praznovale smo tudi rojstna dneva prejšnje preds. ses. Urbas in ses. Brusich. Kar odlično sta nas postregle z birthday cake-om, krofi, pa tudi malo za grlo. Prisrčna hvala. Na bolniški listi se nahajata Rose Tomažič in Frances Leskovec. V imenu članic jima želimo hitrega in popolnega okrevanja. Sophie Magayna Poslanica glavne predsednice Članska Kampanja Ustanoviteljic Mesec november nas približa koncu leta in božičnim praznikom, ki bodo tukaj v nekaj tednih. V božičnem času se spomnimo naših dragih ter prijateljev v darili in voščilnimi karticami. To bi bil tudi najbolj primerni čas za pridobitev novih članic kot darilo in izraz spoštovanja ustanoviteljicam podružnic ter v počastitev naši ustanoviteljici Zveze, priljubljeni Marie Prisland. Deležne boste denarnih nagrad za vsako novo članico ter posebnih nagrad za 25 točk boste prejele zlati Zvezin spominski prstan. Vredno je storiti vse, da dosežemo naš cilj. Državne Konvencije Drž. konvencija za Penna. je krasno uspela. Slov. dom v Acmetoniji je bil nabito poln. Iz Clevelanda nas je prišlo 32. Z nami je bila gl. nadz. Vicki Faletič in drž. preds. Mary Bostian ter podpisana. Vsa čast podr. v Oakmont in vsem pensilvančanom za prijazno gostoljubnost. Posebna hvala tudi drž. preds. Mary Tomšič, odbornicam v Oakmont in vsem, ki so pomagale k sijajnemu uspehu tega dneva. Poročila o drugih drž. konvencijah so enako zelo razveseljiva. Gl. taj. Albina Novak se je udeležila Minnesotskega Dneva 13. sept. in ustanoviteljica, Marie Prisland 20. sept. v Pueblo, Colorado. V tej in naslednjih številkah Zarje boste čitale poročila o uspešnih krajevnih zborih Zveze. Kuharske Knjige Tajnice, pohitite z vašimi naročili za Kuharske knjige, da jih boste imele pri roki za praznike. Knjige gredo naglo v prodajo, saj jc( to najboljša kuharska knjiga za nizko ceno $2.75 s poštnino vred. Antonia Turek Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 19. nov. ob 1 uri pop. v cerkveni dvorani, 1028 So. 9th Street. Na bolniški listi imamo več naših sester: Josephine Martinčič, Anne Planovsek, Mary Erman, Kathie Stul-ler, Anne Oresltovich, Josephine Berginc, Anne Brulc, Mary Koropec, Josephine Jacklich, Josephine Seiko, Amelia Bizjak, Helen Presečnik. Prosim, da obiskujete bolne sestre in jim lajšate dolge ure bolezni. Prosim, da tudi pripeljete na sejo kaj novih članic, da nadomestimo tiste, ki so nas za vedno zapustile. Pozdrav gl. odbornicam, vsem članicam Zveze, posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz (Op. ur.: Žal nam je, ko smo slišale, de se je naša dobra odbornica ses. Schimenz morala podati v bolnišnico St. Mary. Upamo, da je sedaj že zdrava kar ji želimo iz vsega srca. C. L.) Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Na dan naše seje se je že prvi sneg pokazal in zima je začela pritiskati, toda vseeno je bila udeležba še kar povoljna. Največ smo se pogovarjale o pripravah in delu za skupni bazar, ki se je vršil 11. okt. v Euclid na Recher Ave. Med članicami je bilo mnogo zanimanja za bazar. Na decemberski seji bo nekaj sprememb glede zamenjave daril, kakor so članice sklenile, da bo vsaka članica ki se bo osebno udeležila seje, daruje en dolar, kar bo skupno darovano za revne otroke. To bo tudi letna seja in volitev odbornic ter godovanje, zato se vas opozarja, da pridete gotovo v kar največjem številu na to sejo. V tem času je več naših članic bo lanih, to so sestre Novinc, Valter, Virant in Mavric. Vse so bile hvaležne obiskovalkam našega društva, sestram Mary Stražišar in Mary Iskra. —■ Prosimo vse članice podr., katere doleti nesrečna bolezen, da nas takoj obvesti, ker le tako jo moremo obiskati. Kakor veste, naše leto 1964 gre proti koncu. Prosim vse, ki še niste poravnale članarine, da to storite sedaj in tako olajšate delo naši tajnici. Ta večer so darovale pridne članice za skupni bazar sestre: Troha, Kuhar, Tomazin, Kog in Josipina Čebulj. Za good-time blagajno pa so darovale sestre: Gabrenja, Mary Stražišar (Ke-voni) in Trček. Vsem se v imenu društva najlepše zahvalim. Naj vam Bog poplača z ljubim zdravjem. Antonija Sustar V NEPOZABNI SPOMIN LOUIS MAJER 1894 - 1963 Ljubljeni mož in oče, prehitro si odšel v večnost 22. septembra, 1963. Zame in hčerko Ivanko, katero si imel tako rad, je odtlej življenje postalo prazno in žalostno, saj ne mine dan, da ne bi obujali nate lepe spomine. Nemoreva se sprijazniti z resnico, da si odšel v kraj odkjer ni vrnitve. Zelo si pogrešan v trgovini, v domu in med prijatelji. Krepi nas trdna vera, da se bomo združili nad zvezdami! Tvoja žena Helen in hčerka Ivanka Čl. št. 2*5, Cleveland, Ohio Št. 15, Cleveland-Newburg, O. — Naša septemberska seja je bila po-voljno obiskana. Sklenile smo, da bomo imele plačano večerjo za članice, kar se je vršilo 17. sept. v SND na 80 cesti. Udeležba na večerji je bila velika in vse so bile prav zadovoljne. Tako smo skupno preživele lep večer, se poveselile in prepevale. Prisrčna hvala Ani Habjan, ki je darovala v blagajno. Članica Ana Zbikavski je izgubila moža. Njej in družini izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Naj blagi pokojnik počiva v miru. Na operaciji je bila v bolnici Agnes Kainec. Ana Molek se tudi nahaja v bolnici in več članic je bolanih. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Po seji smo praznovale rojstne obletnice sester: Helen Mirtel, Mary Filipovič, Angela Stražar, Louise Černe, Prances Lindich, Ana Habjan in Theresa Jeric. Vsaka je nekaj prinesla, tako, da je bila miza odložena z vsemi dobrotami in kar spada zraven. Prav veselo smo prepevale. Srčna hvala vsem. Frances Lindich, por. Št. 20, Joliet, III. Po treh mesecih odmora smo imele zopet mesečno sejo in sicer 20. sept., ko so odbornice in članice podale svoja poročila kako so preživele poletne mesece. Naše sožalje članici Johanna Krall iz Hickory St. ob zgubi sina Edward R. Krall iz Sherwood Pl. star 43, kate- FLY WITH US VIA AIR FRANCE TO SLOVENIA AND ALL FAMOUS EUROPEAN POINTS! S.W.U. Excursions to Europe will be the best this year! Group travel is fun and makes your trip worry-free and pleasant! bet the S.W.U. and “AIR FRANCE” give you the service and guidance you want for your trip to Europe! For information on all travel questions, write to the S.W.U. Supr. Secretary, Albina Novak at the Home Office, 1937 West Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 or to August Kollander Travel Bureau, 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio ri se je po dolgi in mučni bolezni preselil v večnost. Bil je commercial artist. Zapušča poleg matere tudi ženo vdovo, hčerko in dva sina, tri sestre in več drugih sorodnikov. Vince sladko — Zahvalni dan in konec novembra Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Že smo v mesecu novembru, še nekajkrat se bomo srečali, in konec leta 1964 bo tu. Me pri podružnici št. 25 se rade držimo naših lepih slovenskih šeg in običajev. Prijetno nam de, ko se spomnimo patrona tega meseca, Sv. Martina in stare navade, da krstimo sladko, iskrečo kapljico od zida. Novo vince daje novo moč, zato ga vse tako lepo pozdravimo ob Sv. Martinu. Kmalu zatem pa obhajamo ameriški praznik Zahvalni dan (včasih smo slišali le —-čiken dej, zdaj pa je čikico spodrinil puran in menda je redka hiša, da ne bi za ta dan imeli okusni obed s puranom in vso prikuho). Torej, vsem našim članicam kličemo: Živele in dobro se imejte, ko boste krstile fino domače vino in potem, ko boste servirale in uživale dobrote zahvalnega dne. Ob tem času je poteklo že par tednov, odkar je bila velika modna razstava in bazar skupnih podružnic naše Zveze, ker pa je treba imeti dopise v uredništvu skoro mesec dni, predno izide Zarja, nam ne bo mogoče poročati o izidu priredbe do decembra meseca. Prosim vas torej, da malo potrpite — bo vse prišlo na vrsto. Zdaj pa imamo nekaj veselih novic za poročati. Prav ponosna sta te dni Mr. in Mrs. Rudolph Otoničar st., ker sta postala prvič prastari oče in prastara mama, še posebno pa zato, ker je tetica štorklja pustila krepkega fantka, ki so ga krstili na ime “Rudy” (njegov očka je Rudy, takisto je bil Rudy pokojni stari oče, in prastari oče — to je četrti Rudel v Otoničar-jevi družini). Težko je reči, kje je večje veselje, pri roditeljih, stari mami Mary Otoničar ali prastarih starših. Naš poklon vsem skupaj, novorojenčku pa mnogo zdravja! Mr. in Mrs. Anton in Dorothy Strniša (naša zapisnikarica) sta obhajala 57.obletnico srčnega zakonskega življenja. Še na mnoga leta! Naše zvestna članica, Julia Makše, z E. CO St. je prekoračila svoj 79. rojstni dan. Sestra Prances Mihelčič z 1150 E. 61 St. pa že 85 rojstni dan. Imamo pa tudi druge članice, ki bo- Dalje naše sožalje članici Jennie Plutli, katera je izgubila brata živečega v New Yorku. Prepeljan je bil v Joliet za pokop. Zapušča tri sestre in brata v Franciji. V bolnišnici Sv. Jožefa se je nahajala mati naše tajnice Frances in sicer Mary Gaspich, katera se je že vrnila na svoj dom. Nahajala v bolnišnici se je tudi Jennie Pluth iz Center St. Tajnica je poslala kartico čestitke za novonojenca v družini Mr. in Mrs. DiBartolomeo. Mrs. Bartolomeo je hčerka Frances Bottari. Jos. Erjavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. To pišem danes dne 4. oktobra, to je ravno na 20 let- do ta mesec praznovale “happy birthday,” namreč: Pauline Železnik z Chardon Rd.; Rose Škrab z Homer Ave.; Jennie Suvak (tajnica društva Sv. Ane št. 4 SDZ); Marie Ogrinc (rojena Grdina) in njena sestra, Magdalene, poročena Žnidaršič (katerih možje sta zdravnika); Frances Godec z Carl Ave.; Anna Zalar z 1038 E. 70 St., in mladenka med njimi pa je Sylvia Mihevc z E. 60 St. Podružnica št. 2'5 je med največjimi podružnicami pri Zvezi; zdaj pa se odlikuje še z nekaj posebnega. Imamo namreč med nami ČLANA — mladega in zavber fanta — ki je ponosen na svoje članstvo v krogu samih “mladih in starejših” deklet. Ta fant, ki se ne da ustrašiti ko ga obkolijo dekleta, je naš Zino Zak, sin pionirske, znane in spoštovane družine Zakrajšek, ki vodi pogrebni zavod na St. Clair Ave. Njegov stari oče je bil boter naši zastavi, njegova pokojna stara mama in mama ste bile članici, in tudi ostale dekleta v družini so članice pri naši podružnici. Ann Marie je zelo dobra kuharica in pripravi fino domače pecivo. Zino je prijazen in postre-žljiv dečko, rad je vesel in smehljajočega obraza kadarkoli ga srečate. Vabimo ga, naj pride na naše seje, da bo nas vse malo razvedril s svojim razprošenim veseljem. Ker bo kmalu konec leta, naj vas vse še enkrat opomnim, da poravnate svoj mesečni asesment. Ne čakajte do zadnjega dne in ne zaostanite. Ne pozabite tudi naše lepe božične zabave, ki bo po redni seji v ponedeljek, 14. decembra. Vsaka naj prinese majhno darilce v vrednosti $1.00 za izmenjavo; postregle bomo tudi z okusnim prigrizkom in pijačo in okrepčili; zabava pa bo prvovrstna, kakor vselej, kadar pridejo skupaj naše vesele članice. Malo bomo pokramljale, malo potožile, malo zapele in minil bo večer, ki bo ostal nam v prijetnem spominu. V veselem razpoloženju se bomo razšle in si voščile lepe praznike. Torej, na svidenje na letni seji in božičnici, 14. decembra v navadnih prostorih. S sestrskim pozdravom, Josephine (Antončič) Golinski nico odkar je umrla moja nepozabna hčerka Josephine, stara 18 let in 7 mesecev. To je bilo še v vojnem času, ko so bili vsi 4 sinovi v Stric Samovi službi. “Josephine moja, spomni se me pri Bogu, ker ni več daleč ko bom prišla za Teboj. Naj angel božji vodi po livadah večnih Te in duša naj uživa v srečni večnosti. O prosi tam pri Bogu za nas ostale še, ko pridemo za Tabo nas Jezus sprejme vse.” Naši študentje so zopet odšli po visokih šolah. Helen Prapornik je zadnje leto na Univerzi v Chicagu. Edvin Aister je zadnje leto v College v De Kalb. Sin moje hčere v Calif je tudi zadnje leto v šoli, da bo zdravnik. Grandson v Wis. je pa prvo leto v ZVEZIN DRŽAVNI DAN V PUEBLO JE ODLIČNO USPEL 20. sept. je bil velik praznik za članice in prijatelje naše podr. Med nami je bila ustanoviteljica in častna preds. Marie Prisland, ki je podala zanimivi govor priznanja naši SŽZ. Zelo smo hvaležne našemu cerkvenemu pevskemu zboru za krasno petje slov. nabožnih pesmi v cerkvi. — Drž. konvencija se je vršila po maši. Vodila jo je drž. preds. Za zapisnikarico je bila izvoljena Helen Cobai. Sklenjeno je bilo, da se bodo drž. konvencije odslej vršile vsako drugo leto. Delegatinje so podale svoja poročila. Zastopane so bile naslednje podr.: št. 3, 63, 66, 92. Naša prih. konvencija bo leta 1966 v Denverju. Banketa se je udeležilo 300 gostov ter nam bo ostal v lepem spominu. Hvaležne smo vsem skupaj za številni po-set. Program je vodil naš starosto John Butkovich, ki nam je predstavil častne goste, poleg ses. Prisland, je bil navzoč naš duhovni vodja č.g. Daniel Gnidica, č.g. Bonaventure Bandi iz Canon City, dalje mestna županja Georgia Fara-baugh, ustanoviteljica Mary Bozich in častne delegatinje. Posebna zahvala gl. uradnikom Zapadne Slovanske Zveze College v White Water, Wis. Sestra moje sinahe je pa dokončala Univerzo v Chicagu in sedaj je zaposlena pri nekem listu v New Yorku. Vsem študentom želim vso srečo pri učenju in naj jim bo življenje boljše in lažje, kakor je bilo nam starejšim. Lepe pozdrave vsemu članstvu, Vaša Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Proslava naše 35 letnice je za nami in je kar lepo uspela. Veliko je bilo dela, posebno za one, ki so imele na skrbi vse priprave. Zahvala gre posebno našim pridnim kuharicam, Frances Klun in Mary Vodičar in vsem drugim pomočnicam in Johnny Popovich in njegovemu svaku, ki sta pridno stregla žejnim. Pomočnice so bile: Anna Godlar, Mrs. Math Tekavec, Mrs. Anton Tekavec, Mary Zele, Mary Pendor, Ana Chin-car, Mary Drobnič, Ana Požar, Angela Jami, Pavlina Vrh, Agnes Cooke in hčerke, Carolyn Vehovec, Ann Cook in hčerkam, ki so lepo nastopile s svojim baton. Med častnimi gosti so bili, naš zastopnik v Euclid, Max Gerl in žena Mary, gl. preds. Antonia Turek, drž. preds. Mary Boštjan. Hvala sosednjim podružnicam, ki so bile navzoče in sicer št. 10, 14, 15, 25, 41 in 50. — Pogrešale smo Mary Noda, ki je obljubila pomoč, a žal je bila odpeljana v petek v bolnišnico, kjer je prestala težko operacijo. Želimo ji, da bi se kmalu zdravje vrnilo, kakor tudi vsem ostalim bolnim članicam. Hvala tudi za pismene čestitke od Marie Prisland in Elle Starin naše prejšnje drž. predsednice. Še enkrat hvala vsem in vsaki posebej, ki je na eden ali drugi način pomagala k uspehu naše proslave. Že sedaj pa vabim vse na dec. sejo, ko bo važna volitev odbora in pa tudi praznovanje božičnice. Katero veseli naj prinese dar v vrednosti enega dolarja za izmenjavo daril. Pozdrav od predsednice in tajnice. F. Perme, poročevalka iz Denverja: Mr. in Mrs. Mike Popovich, Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Yersin ter Ed Krasovich z 87 letno mamo Mrs. Mary Johns. Iz Puebla so bili naši zvesti prijatelji Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Blatnik ter Mary Kogovšek. Mrs. Mary Germ je zastopala bolnega soproga Johna. Hvaležne smo za številna ustna in pismena voščila: gl. preds. Antonia Turek, gl. taj. Albina Novak, Mary Tomsic iz Penna., Antonia Kastelic, Kansas, Christine Conte, Cicel Adamic, Helen Cobai, John Starr in Edward Tomsic iz Walsenburg, Colo. Preds. podr. št. 63, Agnes Pogline je skrbela za prodajo vstopnic. Prišlo jih je črez 50 z busom. Christine Konte in Helen Cobai soi tudi imele lepo skupino s seboj. Hvala Mary Therese Kalinger za krasno petje na pragramu ter Jaklich trio za igranje na harmoniko, Johnie Pancek in Frank Habich za poskočne polke, da se je vse vrtelo po dvorani. Zahvala J. Butkovich za pomoč. Preveč bi bilo vse zapisati, ki so na eni ali drugi način pomagale k uspehu konvencije, toda naj velja vsem in vsakemu posebej naša iskrena zahvala. Enako tudi vsem gostom in posetnikom prisrčna hvala. (Več v angleškem delu Zarje). A. Pachak, drž. preds. Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Dolgo je že odkar sem zadnjič pisala v našo priljubljeno Zarjo, toda sedaj me veže dolžnost, da se zahvalim našim vrlim članicam za vso naklonjenost in delo za Zvezo. Jaz sem bila ustanoviteljica podr. št. 36 na McKinley, Minn, pred 35 leti. To je res dolga in lepa doba; bila sem mnogo let predsednica in tajnica, pozneje pa smo 1. 1955 s članicami prestopile k št. 39 v Biwabiku. Dne 13 sept. smo slavile odlično uspeli Zvezin Dan. Iskreno se zahvaljujem članicam, ki so me izvolile za častno mater 1. 1964. Proslava bo pa ostala vsem v najlepšem spominu. Krasno je bilo ko so prišle članice iz raznih krajev Minnesote. Hvala Vam in ob priliki vam vrnemo obisk. Iskrena hvala naši gl. tajnici Albini Novak, ki je prišla iz Chicaga in imela prekrasni govor. Hvala tudi našemu kongresniku Johnu Blatniku, ki je tudi imel lep govor, on je veliko pomagal našemu Železnemu okrožju in smo ponosni na njega. V cerkvi je bilo krasno petje pod vodstvom Mr. Kuntara iz Evel-etha in njegovi pevci so nam zapeli tudi pop. v dvorani. Hvala njim in pevcem. Zahvala naši preds. Ann Kos-telic, ki je vse lepo vodila in uredila, enako tudi za dar, dalje tajnici Frances Anzelic ter poročevalki v Zarjo Angeli Karish; posebno še lepa hvala Josephine Reishus, ki je vodila program, hvala ses. Zallar za dar cerkvi in hvala našemu župniku za govor in županu Walter Ostly za sprejem in vsem našim članicam in dekletom, ki so pridno pomagale, da je vse najlepše poteklo. Ko smo imele med seboj kongresnika Blatnika sem se spomnila našega izleta Zveze v Washington, D.C. pred dvemi leti pod vodstvom preds. Antonije Turek in urednice Corinne Leskovar. — S hčerko Celeste sva šle v Anapolis hotel in tam smo videle kongresnika Blatnika in Senatorja Franka Lauscheta iz Ohio, ki sta se oba lepo po domače z nami pomenila. Res smo Slovenci lahko ponosni na te velike osebnosti, ki se ne sramujejo svojega naroda. Vsa čast jim. — Naj se na tem mestu tudi zahvalim gl. preds. za vso prijaznost ter sestri Zakrajšek in ses. Pleško od št. 12, ki so bile zelo dobre do mene. — Drugi dan smo šle v spremstvu g. Blatnika in g. Ludvika Andolšeka na ogled naše presto-lice. To vse po zaslugi SŽZ. To leto sem bila s hčerko na obisku lepe rodne Slovenije. Naša voditeljica je bila Mrs. Albina Novak. Lepa ji hvala za spremstvo in vso prijaznost. Ne bom opisovala našega potovanja, ker bodo to storili drugi, toda naj po-vdarim, da smo se res imele prelepo in nepozabno v krasni Slovenji, zato naj si nobena ne pomišlja, če le more, naj obišče domovino, saj je doma najlepše. — Hvala tudi našim prijaznim Clevelandčankam, posebno ses. Josephine Trunk za lepo sliko. Pozdravljene vse gl. uradnice in članice Zveze, posebno še pri naši podr, št. 39. Anna Špehar, McKinley„Minn. Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. Srebrna maša č.g. Gabriela Rusa se je vršila v cerkvi Sv. Lovrenca ,nato je bilo kosilo v SND na 80 St. ob navzočnosti 400 gostov in številne duhovščine. Po programu je srebrnomašnik podelil vsem papeški blagoslov. V augustovi št. Zarje je bila slika slavljenca in njegove matere Agnes Russ. Zadnjo soboto v juliju se je poročila Barbara Kočevar, hčerka Johna in Therese Kočevar iz 5242 E. 119 St. Ženinovo ime je Neal Holder. Nastanila sta se v Euclidu, kjer bo Barbara poučevala v farni šoli. — Dne 15. aug. pa se je poročila sestrična omenjene in hčerka Anthony in Jennie Zala iz Maple Hts., Janet L., ki je vzela Kennetha Cudnik. Poročno slavje je bilo v SND na 80 cesti ob veliki udeležbi. — Theresa Kočevar je naša ustanovna članica in Jennie ter Janet in družine so naša članice in aktivne za slovenske prireditve, (čestitke vsem! VELIKA UDELEŽBA NA DRŽ. KONVENCIJI V PENNA! 3. okt. se je poročila Vel Marie, hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Mervar z James Protiva. Poroka je bila v cerkvi sv. Imena v Clev. Nevesta je gra-duirana bolniška strežnica. Njena mama Vel in stara mama Terezija Bizjak .so naše ustanovne članice. Stara mati je bila nad 20 let predsednica in par let častna predsednica. Novo poročenim želimo ljubega zdravja, sreče in veselja ter božjega blagoslova v zakonskem življenju. Med nami imamo več veselih starih mamic, ki se veselijo svojih mladih vnučkov, to so: Jennie Gerk, Pauline Močnik, Mary Zust, Mary Sholar ter R. Shuster, žal je slednja potrta, ker je novorojenček kmalu po rojstvu umrl. Mlada starša Edward in Irene Spisak sta z veseljem pričakovala ta dogodek. Ker pa za žalostjo pridejo tudi sončni dnevi, upamo, da se vam izpolnijo želje in da vaju bo razveselilo novo življenje. R. Shuster je naša preds. ter je s hčerko Irene, naša članica od začetka. Vsem praznovalkam rojstnih dnevov želimo še mnogo veselih in srečnih let. Posebno naj omenim Mary Rusjan, ki je 14. sept. dopolnila 75 let. Pripravili so ji domači lepo presenečenje ter ji zapeli tisto “Happy Birthday.” Njim se pridružujemo tudi članice ter ji kličemo: “Bog vas živi še sto let.” — Uršula Strojin iz Madison, O. pa je praznovala SO rojstni dan. Tudi njej najlepša voščila in še mnogo let zdravja in veselja. V novembru se bomo spomnile naših dragih umrlih. Me imamo tudi dve članice ki so se v sept. pridružile vernim dušam. Ses. Mary Rožanc je preminula 14. sept. po kratki bolezni. Zapustila je sinova Rudolpha in Richarda ter vnuke, brata in 5 sester in ostalo sorodstvo. Bila je priljubljena in vsi jo bomo pogrešali. — Druga je bila ustanovna članica Josephine Kmet, ki se je 22. sept. preselila v večnost po dolgi bolezni. Trpljenje je vdano prenašala in vse je prepustila božji volji. S svojimi dobrimi deli si je zaslužila večni počitek. Za njo žalujejo 3 hčere, 2 sinova, vnuki in ostalo sorodstvo. Naše iskreno sožalje obema družinama. Umrli pa večni mir in pokoj v ameriški zemlji. Vsem našim bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Pozdrav, Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 53, Cleveland, O. Malokrat se oglasimo z dopisi od naše podr., zato hočem jaz malo poročati. V teh letih se je mnogo izpremenilo. Kot prva tajnica vem, kako je bilo takrat veselo, ko so članice rade prihajale v lepem številu na mesečne sestanke. Več let smo se zbirale pri pružine Frank Železnik iz N. Jennings Rd., kjer je podr. tudi bila ustanovljena. Toda pozneje so se članice pričele seliti in kakor drugod, tako je tudi pri nas. Starejše gremo v leta, mladim pa se ne ljubi dosti delovati Naša Konvencija za državo Penna dne 13. sept. je kar najlepše uspela. Udeležba je bila velika in po seji ob 2 uri, se je ob treh pričel slavnostni banket ob polni dvorani. Vsi sedeži so bili zavzeti. Iz Pittsburgha in Clevelanda so prišli busi, enako lepa hvala vsem, ki so prišli iz Universal, Strabane, Meadow Sands. Res iskrena zahvala vsem! Banket je pričela ses. Kostelec z molitvijo. Naša gl. preds. Turek je imela lep govor in drž. preds. Boštjan se tudi zahvalimo za njeno delo in trud, kakor tudi vsem članicam in prijateljem, ki so se udeležili proslave. Iskrena hvala stolorav-nateljici, Mrs. Prašnikar ter Mrs. Sterle in Mrs. Klemenčič za pozdrave, v društvih. Naše seje smo imele pri družini Mary Kolanz iz 22 St., ki je radevolje dala prostor na razpolago vsake 3 mesece. Bila je tajnica mnogo let. Na žalost smo jo v septembru izgubili. Nevarno je zbolela, bila v bolnišnici nekaj tednov, potem pa umrla. Zapušča sedem otrok, 5 jih je poročenih, a sin John je živel pri njej. Njen mož je umrl pred leti, bil je doma iz Žiri, a Mary je iz Vrhnike. — Letos je tudi umrla 23 letna hčerka Rozalija Železnik. Eno leto pred smrtjo je prenehala biti članica podr. Njena stara mama je poznana Katarina Železnik, ki je že od začetka naša podpreds. ter ima največ članic od družine in par prijateljic, skupno 14 knjižic, za katere skrbi, da je plačano. Take članice so res naš ponos. Ob izgubi vnukinje izrekamo naše sožalje, kakor tudi družini Kolanz. Od ustanovitve do sedaj je bila nam zvesta preds. Mary Oblak iz Parme, toda sedaj ji ni več mogoče prihajati na seje, ker je preoddaljena, nahaja se v Slov. zavetišču za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Clev. Zelo bo vesela če jo obiščete saj je vedno rada obiskovala tudi prireditve sosednjih podružnic. Tudi njena svakinja Mary Oblak iz 22 St. se nahaja v enem zavetišču, toda mi ni znamo kje. Obema želimo, da bodo zdrave in vesele v teh domovih. Naše zapisnikarica Mary Ostanek, 7304 Dudly, Clev., je naša sedanja tajnica in blag. V vsem glede plačevanja mesečnih prispevkov se obračajte na njen naslov. To je posebno važno, kadar prejmete poštno obvestilo glede sej in volitev odbora, da se prav gotovo udeležite. Pozdrav vsem. Anna Jesenko, začasna poročevalka Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Poletje je kar hitro minilo in nastopila je hladna jesen. Upam, da so se vse članice srečno vrnile iz počitnic .posebno tiste, ki so obiskale staro domovino. Naša sorodnika Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kos-teleo sta se tudi srečno vrnila in sta vesela, kakor vsi drugi, da so nazaj v “good USA.” Frances Rozenberkar in Stella Peltz za lepo petje ter Joye Lukas za igranje na harmoniko. Prav lepo je tudi zapel en fant iz Clev. in eden je zaigral na harmoniko, žal ne vem za njuna imena. — Hvala za pismene čestitke ustanoviteljici, Marie Prisland in drž. preds. ses. Pechak iz Pueblo, kakor tudi podr. št. 90 iz Presto. Najlepša hvala št. 91, ki je bila gostiteljica ter njihovim vrlim uradnicam, Kastelec, Sorch in Persin ter članicam, ki ste vse tako lepo uredile in prevzele še za leto 19G5. Hvala Mrs. Sker-long, ki je lepo oglašala na slovenskem radijskem programu. Najlepši pozdrav, Mary Tomsic, preds. Enako tudi želim, da so se vsi delegati in gl. uradniki ABZ, ki so bili na konvenciji tukaj v Kansas City, srečno vrnili domov. Res lepo in častno je bilo vas imeti vnaši sredi. Mnogo vaših veselih obrazov imam pred očmi. Ob tej priliki smo se pozdravili z gl. uradniki; Frank Kres iz Pa., J. Rogel iz Euclid, O., Julia Pirc, Barbara Matesa, dr. Grahek in soprogo; g. An-zelc iz Aurora, Minn., g. Masle iz N. Y., Rovanshek iz Clev., Mauser, An-žiček, Denver, Colo., g. in ga. Lilek, g. in ga. Kochevar in Tillie Artač, vsi iz Jolieta, Ul. ter Louis Zefran iz Chicaga. Na našem domu so nas posetili, taj. Frank Tomsich s prijazno soprogo, g. in ga. Mihelich iz Enumclaw, Wash., in g. Pezdirc iz Reading, Pa. Pozdravili smo se tudi z g, in ga. Oblak ter Antoinette Možina iz Pa., ki tudi piše v Zarjo ter Agnes Mahnich iz Euclida. Žal, da prostor ne dopušča, da bi vse naštela. Na banketu je zapela ga. Arch ameriško himno, nakar s v narodnih nošah peli pod vodstvom znanega harmonikarja Donalda Lipovca: Ray Rodina, Mary Lou Nastav, Mary Ann Mikesic in Elizabeth Peresich. Za svoje prekrasno izvajanje slovenskih pesmi, so bili deležni navdušenega ploskanja. Čast in priznanje uradnikom društva Sv. Jurija, ABZ ,ki so pridno delali in vse tako lepo pripravili, da je konvencija brezhibno potekala, posebno še v soboto in nedeljo zvečer v dvorani sv. Družine. Zahvala velja tudi vsem, ki so posetili njihovo prireditev v lepem številu, kakor pravi slovenski pregovor: “V slogi je moč!” Žal, da so 3 tedne po konvenciji, Jurjevci izgubili dobrega člana Franka Bukovac, ki je na konvenčni zabavi še sedel pri naši mizi in njegova hčerka Mary Palchar, nam je pridno stregla. Vsem žalujočim ostalim izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Najlepše pozdrave vsem s katerimi smo se srečali in vsej naši dični organizaciji. (Na rokah še imam nekaj Kuharskih knjig.) Antonia Kostelec, pretiš. FINANČNO PORODILO ZA MESEC JULIJ, 1964 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 1964 Branch Assessments Membership 41. 101.00 261 37 No. Total Adult Junior 42. 22.45 49 — 1. 83.75 168 45 43. 57.90 118 75 2. 187.10 349 159 45. 76.35 52 7 3. 145.15 28C 163 46. 13.10 30 5 4. 4.65 18 — 47. 53.60 120 25 5. 91.24 109 36 # 48. 3.70 12 3 6. 48.35 121 12 49. 31.20 35 4 7. 57.45 101 12'8 50. 95.70 164 87 8. 62 1 51. 7.65 16 — 9. 34 3 52. 26.05 53 15 10. 145.70 366 45 53. 17.10 36 7 12. 193.60 212 70 % 54. 37.90 73 66 13. 50.60 114 20 55. 30.65 69 7 14. 133.90 314 28 56. 47.25 110 21 15. 110.60 248 27 57. 39.35 74 37 16. 138.80 140 82 % 59. 33 4 17. 74.05 160 59 61. 20 — 19. 58.15 136 40 62. 16.70 34 1 20. 175.05 424 12>7 63. 116 58 21. 84.20 90 53 % 64. 46 2 22. 22 — * 65. 26.05 59 24 23. 101.55 229 61 66. 26.50 53 20 24. 78.05 174 76 67. 123.75 73 27 25. 353.45 735 210 68. 25.15 43 7 26. 45.80 110 12 70. 19.95 14 3 27. 64 4 71. 48.00 106 21 28. 82 10 * 72. 11.40 31 4 29. 12.60 32 7 73. 51.00 107 58 30. IS — * 74. 23.25 44 4 31. 48.35 104 40 77. 52.2-0 56 33 32. 59.30 115 32! 78. 25 9 33. 78.95 147 89 79. 18.90 35 21 34. 18.45 41 7 80. 19 — 35. 3C.95 71 40 81. 8.70 25 — 37. S.75 26 4 83. 11.90 23 o, 38. 53.95 145 1 84. 69 6 39. 23.55 58 24 85. 11.55 29 5 40. 42.60 100 5 86. 9.95 20 — % Št. 68, Fairport, O. Počitnice so se končale in sedaj bomo zopet pričele, kakor po navadi z našimi mesečnimi sejami, vsako 3 nedeljo v mesecu ob 3 uri pop. Seje se bodo vršile v istili pristorih, v Slov. Amer. Klubu, 3 St. Vabljene ste vse članice, da se po možnosti zopet udeležujete naših sej. Na prih. seji bomo se pogovorile, kako bomo poagitirale za pridobitev novih članic. Na sept. seji smo si imele mnogo povedati, kako smo preživele naše počitnice. Udeležba je bila lepa, pridobile smo tudi eno novo članico. Darilo je dobila Frances Pilar. Po seji smo se pa zabavale z balincanjem, ki je prijetna zabava v lepem vremenu. Sesterske pozdrave vsem članicam naše podr. in celi SŽZ. Frančiška Bajc, zapisnikarica št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Približala se je jesen, ampak je še tisti lep čas, ko lahko hodimo ven, kar ne bo tako prijetno, ko nastopi zima in smo rade na toplem, posebno me starejše. Prosim lepo, da bi prišle poravnat ases-ment, saj je za Vašo korist, da ste dobrostoječa članica, ako pride nezgoda ali smrt. Naša bivša tajnica sestra Lovše je hudo zbolela, toda ji gre malo na bolj- še. Vsem bolnim želimo skorajšno o-krevanje. Mrs. Ivana Klinar in soprog sta slavila zlato poroko. Čestitamo in želimo še mnogo obletnic! Terezija Zalar se je navzlic onemoglem stanju podala v staro domovino na obisk. Mora se voziti na “wheelchair.” Želimo ji vse najboljše. Najlepše pozdrav vsem sosestram! Jennie Stusek, tajnica Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. Zopet poročam nekaj novic v naši priljubljeni Zarji. Naša seja se je vršila 1. okt. ob udeležbi lepega števila članic. Rojstni dan je slavila Mary Kokocic, ki je prinesla prav okusni jabolčni štru-del. Zapele smo ji Happy birthday. Na seji smo imele obiskovalko, Frances Sporlich iz Washington, D.C., ki je prišla v spremstvu njene sestrične Mary Vidergar. Hvala za obisk. Naša letna seja se bo vršila dne 3. dec. ob 7 uri zvečer. Praznovale bomo tudi božičnico z izmenjavo daril in pot lunch. Torej vabim vse članice, da se tega večera udeležite v polnem številu. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice, posebno še urednico, ki jo sedaj osebno poznam. Frances Lukanich, poročevalka 88. 21.79 44 13 89. 98 58 90. 22.75 52 25 91. 30.90 54 13 92. 23 2 93. —— 65 — 94. 18 1 * 95. 198.90 170 38 t 96. 23.65 51 2 97. 11.10 21 6 99. 8.75 21 — 100. 43 9 * 101. 28.75 45 20 102. 21 4 * 104. 8.55 23 — 105. 11.32 21 5 106. 20 1 Totals $4,257.00 8867 2623 # Assessments paid for August and September % Assessments paid for July and August * Assessments paid for June @ Assessments paid for June, July and August -H Assessments paid for July, August and September f Assessments paid for June and July Income-dohodki: Assessment from members $4,257.00 Rental income in July 155.00 Interest from investments 994.70 Total income $5,406.70 Disbursements-stroški: Paul. Diklich, br. 4, Oregon City 100.00 Frances Tonja, br. G, Barberton 100.00 Anna Leskovec, br. 10, Clevel. 100.00 Jos. Dolgan, br. 10, Cleveland 100.00 Pauline Kapel, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 Jos. Gregorčič, br. 15, Cleveland 100.00 Lydia Paich, br. 17, West Allis 100.00 Mary Ulasich, br. 19, Eveleth 100.00 Agnes Korelc, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Anna Vranich, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Mary Prazen, br. 24, La Salle 100.00 Julia Jurca, br. 25, Clevel. (B) 150.00 Karoline Hočevar, br. 25, Clevel. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2016.34 955.00 218.00 503.16 43.60 75.00 266.51 Gert. Florjančič, br. 25, Clevel. Sophie Smajdek, br. 25, Clevel. Agnes Koren, br. 32, Euclid Amelia Grubar, br. 37, Greaney Anna Marinčič, br. 41, Clevel. Mary Safoshnik, br. 43, Milw. Manda Perkovich, br. 95, Chgo Zarja — The Dawn July (32) pages) Salaries and administration Bonding of officers, 3 years Director of Internal Revenue Property insurance Rent of home office Printing, postage, sundries Total - skupaj stroški $6,127.61 Balance June, 1964 $493,556.28 Income in July, 1964 5,406.70 $498,962.98 Disbursements in July, 1964 6,127.61 Ledger Balance July 31, ’64 $492,835.37 Albina Novak, Sec’y FOR OUR JUNIORS lli, Boys and (,irls, Our two sons celebrate their birthdays this month. Fifteen years separate the two male heirs. The eldest enjoys all outdoor life, which may include baseball and football with his cousins and neighborhood “kids,” golf, tennis, fishing, canoeing, swimming and water skiing, lie is a great fan of every type of sport, rooting loudly for his favorite teams - the Cubs and Hears. Ilis school days find him greatly preoccupied with his books with Math of special interest, ilis loves include home, family, school, music, sweets, peaceful atmosphere and his own room. The youngest will be celebrating his first birthday. He i.s a somewhat spoiled little fellow of perpetual motion, a noisemaker deluxe, an attention getter, a “character” enjoying every type of mischief and a source of joy. During liis tenth month, his walking took him into greater realms of adventure, lie, too, enjoys the outdoors and his special love is daddy. To the rest of the family both hold a special place in our hearts. Taken from an old record were these words from a song titled “Daddy’s Little Roy”: “You’re an angel from heaven sent down from above You’re daddy’s little boy to have and to love. Hoy ot mine — you're a fine little laddie You’re the world to your mommy and daddy. You're a good little soldier who always obeys You bring me happiness in so many ways. You’re as cute as a toy You’re my pride and joy And you're daddy’s little boy. You’re :ny proudest possession — a gem from above. You’re the precious things that dreams are made of. When you grow up like me You'll still always be Just your daddy's little boy.” HAVE YOU HEARD THIS: Three bears came down to break-last one morning. “Somebody’s been at my porridge and lias eaten it all up. " growled the Papa Rear. “Somebody’s been at my porridge and has > it is that the Church dedicates November to the Poor Souls in Purgatory. In our own Slovenian cemetery on the evening before All Souls Day, countless vigil lites bedeck the many graves. As one walks or rides through, a spiritual aura envelopes one. The darkness brightened by hundreds of burning vigil lites gives one a prayerful feeling that God, we the living, and those in the graves are part of a great reunion. A bit of heaven is enjoyed in this scenic, breath-taking evening beauty. Veterans Day on November 11, once known as Armistice Day, honors all servicemen and women who have served the United States. Flags are displayed and parades are watched or taken part in. November 1!), 18ti3, President Abraham Lincoln honored the Civil War soldiers, who lost their lives in the Rattle of Gettysburg. You, no doubt, heard his great Gettysburg address and even perhaps had to memorize those immortal words — 267 combined in ten sentences. The first and last sentences are: “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. . . . It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” The schools’ first vacation is known as Thanksgiving Vacation. This year Thanksgiving day is November 2(i and what great plans are made. For the parents there is the task of providing a delicious dinner. For large and small tamilies it's a time of reunion including a special or lonely friend. For students of every age a time of relaxation from studies or perhaps a chance to catch up. And of course through the media of TV, there is the endless round of football games for its many ardent fans. To all of us it is a time of Thanksgiving lor the many blessings received, symbolyzing the purpose of the Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving Days. Oo OUR ADVENT WREATH With Thanksgiving Day over, Christmas will soon be here. Advent, a time of prayer and fasting in preparation for Jesus’ Rirthday, begins November 29. The children in our home prepare an Advent wreath. It is circular made of thick, green fir or pine branches. Three candles for the first, second, and fourth Sundays are tied with purple ribbon, while the candle for the third Sunday is tied with a rose ribbon. Alter the wreath is blessed with holy water, the following prayers are recited daily: “() Lord, stir up Thy might, we beg Thee, and come, that by Thy protection we may deserve to be rescued from the threatening dangers of our sins and saved by Thy deliverance. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen.” The second week two candles are lit and this prayer said: “O Lord, stir up our hearts that we may prepare for Thy only begotten Son, that through His coming we may be made worthy to serve Thee with pure minds. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen.” The third week two purple and rose ribboned candles are lit and the prayer is: “() Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Thy visitation. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen.” In the final week all four candles are lit with this prayer: “O Lord, stir up Thy power, we pray Thee, and come: and with great might help us, that with the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. Who livest and reignest lorever. Amen.” Do prepare for His birthday and you will find your heart filling more and more with the love of Jesus. Your friend, REGINA S.W.U. FOUNDERS’ COMPAIGN TILL JUKE I, 1965 Gel application blanks from your secretaries! Enroll adults in Classes A and B and children in the Junior Class. Prizes are: SI.00 cash for Class B new member; .50 cash for Class A member; .25 for Junior member. Points awardad for each new member are 1 pt. Class B; */2 pt. Class A and '/j pt. Junior. Workers with 25 points will receive beautiful gold emblem ring or charm bracelet. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 VV. Cermak ltd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities R. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve .Nad 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je doka/, da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. 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