AN INFORMATIONAL APPROACH OF BEING-THERE INFORMATICA 3/92 AS UNDERSTANDING Iti Keywords: dictionary, Heideggerian Being-there, information, informational formulas, philosophy, Anton R Železnikar text formalization, understanding Volaričeva ulica 8, 61111 Ljubljana This part of the essay includes the remaining dictionary of Fraktur operands and informational operators pertaining to the Heideggerian Being-there as understanding. These dictionaries complete the discussion conceming understanding as informational phenomenality in terms of informational formulas in vvhich operands communicate among themselves in a dynamic, that is processing and operational way. This informational model of understanding approaches the concept of treating texts informationally in the most imaginable entirety. At the end a short comment is added. Informacijski pristop k biti-tu kot razumevanju m V tem delu spisa imamo še preostali del slovarja fraktumih operandov in slovar informacijskih oper­atorjev, ki se tičejo Heideggrove tu-biti kot razumevanja. S tema slovarjema se končuje razprava o razumevanju kot informacijski pojavnosti v terminih informacijskih formul, v katerih operandi medseboj dinamično komunicirajo v procesni in operacijski obliki. Ta informacijski model razumevanja se približuje konceptu informacijskega obravnavanja besedil v kar najbolj domiselni celosti. Na koncu j e dodana še kratka opomba. Fraktur Operands (A Continuation) Being-possible of Dasein | Being-in j In-Sein, das | v-bit | (2.2), Moglichsein des Daseins, das | 93 li l (2.3), (2.4), (7.2), (10.11) D moči-bit tubiti | (4.6) D ®there Being-there | Sein des "Da", das | 58in(U(2Bworld)) tu-bit|(l.l),(1.2),(1.6) , (2.2), Being-in of understanding of the (2.4) D world I In-sein des Verstehens der Welt, das | v-bit razumevanja ®there(^world) svetal (10.11) n Being- there of the world | Da-sein der Welt, das | biti-tu sveta j -^in-the-world (2.2), (2.4) D Being-in-the-world | ®with Being-with | Sein bei, das | pri-bit; In-der-Welt-sein, das | bit-v-svem | bit pri I (12.5) D (2.4), (2.6), (2.8), (7.1), (7.2), ^vvithC'^) Being-with Others | Mitsein mit (8.4), (10.1), (10.6), (10.10), (12.4), Anderen, das | bit pri drugih | (16.5), (17.1), (17.7) D (12.5) a ®one's-Self Being-one's-Self | Selbstsein, das | comporting | Verhalten, das | bit-pri-sebi; samobit | (10.6) D S, comport vedenje | (8.6) D ^ossible Being-possible | Sein-kormen, das | S, t(w moči-bit | (3.4), (3.6), (3.7), •comportV"'oneself) (4.4), (4.6) D Ccomporting oneself | Sichverhalten, S, const Sconst(®) S) ®discl S)ft act ®, •exist ®exist(°^) ®, expl ®general ®grant &. grasp ®grasp(U) ®known Sinter das I Se-vedenje | (8.6) D constitution | Konstitution, die | konstitucija | (16.6) D constitution of the Being | Konstitution des Seins, die | konstitucija biti | (16.6) D Dasein ] Dasein, das | tubit | (1.5), (1.5),(2.2), (2.3),(2.4), (2.8),(3.3), (3.4),(3.5), (3.6), (3.7), (3.11),­(4.2), (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), (4.6), (5.1), (5.2), (5.3), (5.4), (5.5), (5.6), (5.7), (6.1),(7.9),(8.3), (8.5),(8.6), (8.7), (8.8),(8.11),(9.1),(9.2), (9.3), (10.2),(10.3), (10.5), (11.1), (12.1), (12.2), (12.3), (13.1), (16.1), (17.2), (17.3), (17.4), (17.5), (17.6), (17.7) D disclosure | ErschlieBen, das | razprtje | (7.1) 0 factical Dasein | faktische Dasein, das I faktična tubit | (11.1) D existing; existentiality | Existieren, das; Existenzialitat, die | eksistiranje; eksistencialnostj (3.12), (12.5) D existence of entities | existierende Seiende, das | eksistirajoče bivajočega | (12.5) D explaining | Erklaren, das | pojasnjevanje | (1.6) D in general | iiberhaupt | nasploh | (14.7) D granting | Vorwegnehmen, das | vnaprej danost | (16.3) D grasping | Erfassen, das | zapopadanje | (8.10)0 graspingofunderstanding | Erfassen von Verstehen, das | zapopadanje razumevanja | (8.10) O that_which_we_have_such_ _compentence_over; known | Gekonnte, das | znano | (3.2'), (3.2"), (3.2^) O interpretation | Interpretation, die | interpretacija | (16.7) O (8.11), (9.1), (15.4), (16.5), (18.1) O 5?(93) kind of Being | Seinsart, die ] način biti I (3.3), (8.5), (9.1), (18.1) O ^(f8(a)) kind of Being of entity | Seinsart des Seienden, die | način biti bivajočega | (16.5) O f?(58(S))) kind of Being of Dasein, the | Seinsart des Daseins, die | način biti tubiti | (8.11) O ^(0see(93)) kind of seeing of Being | Art des JV, cogn ^kn: iOW Sehens von Sein, die | način videnja biti | (15.4) O kind of cognition | mogliche Erkenntnisart, die | spoznavni način | (1.6) D knowing; knowledge | Wissen, das | znanje | (5.4), (12.4) O "knowC*^self) knowledge of the Self | »Selbsterkenntnis«, die 1 samospoznanje | (12.4) O ^know(^) knowing of Dasein | Wissen des Daseins, das | vedenje tubiti | (5.4) O [Di mood I gestimmtes | razpoloženo ] (1.4), (17.2), (17.3) O 9Ji(ll) moodofunderstanding I gestimmtes des Verstehens | razpoloženo razumevanja | (1.4) O SR nature | Natur, die | narava | (7.6). (7.7) D ^opaque opaqueness | Undurchsichtigkeit, die I neprozomost | (13.1) O sDopaque(S) Dasein's opaqueness | Undurchsichtigkeit des Daseins, die | neprozomost tubiti | (13.1) O ^imm self-perception, immanent | immanente Selbstvvahmehmung, die | imanentno samozaznavanje | (5.4) D ^imm(^) immanent self-perception of Dasein | immanente Selbstwahmehmung des Daseins, die | imanentno samozazna vanje mbiti | (5.4) O •ointerC^temporal C™)/ ^perceive perceiving | Wahmehmen, das | temporal interpretation of Being | zaznavanje | (14.3) O temporale Seinsinterpretation, die | ^percept percepmally tracking down and časovna interpretacija biti | (16.7) O inspecting j wahmehmende ^ kind I Art, die | način | (3.3), (8.5), Aufspiiren und Beschauen, das | zaznavno zasledovanje in ogledovanje | (12.4) D rperceptv^self) perceptually tracking down and inspecting a point called the "Self" | das vvahmehmende Aufspuren und Beschauen eines Selbstpunktes | zaznavno zasledovanje in ogledovanje nekega Se | (12.4) D ^roject projecting | Entwerfen, das | snovanje; projektiranje | (8.5), (8.6), (8.7), (8.10), (8.11), (16.3) D 5Pproject(<^) what is projected | Entworfene, das | zasnovano | (8.10) D ^question ^^ *-'quest question | Frage, die | vprašanje | (7.7), (17.5), (17.6), (17.7) D Qquest(®(®)) question about the Being of Dasein | Frage nach dem Sein des Daseins, die I vprašanje po biti tubiti | (17.5), a7.6) n ^to-hand ready-to-hand | Zuhandene, das | priročno | (7.4), (7.5) D ®mind state-of-mind | Befindlichkeit, die | počutnost (počutje, nahajalnost) | (1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (4.2), (5.6), (17.1), (18.1) D ®of-Bemg state-of-Being | In-der-Welt-sein, das I stanj e-biti; svetovno-biti | (8.4)D ®of-Beiiig(Tchar01)) state-of-Being of the character of understanding | In-der-Welt-sein des Charakters von Verstehen, das | stanj e-biti karakterja razumevanja | (8.4) D Sgee 'seeing' | »Sehen«, das | »videnje« | (14.3), (14.4), (14.6), (14.7), (15.4) D 6see(93) seeing of Being | Sehen von Sein, das I videnje biti | (15.4) D ®seize seizing | verstehende Ergreifen, das | razumevno prijetje | (12.4) D ®seize( is/are_equivalent_to; mean(s) | informira(jo)_altemativno | (5.2') D ist/sind_equivalent; besagt/besagen | Haccord is/are_m_accordance_with | je_ekvivalentno; pomeni (j o) | (2.2), ist/sind_gema6 | (2.4), (2.8) , (4.4) D <:^Df is/are_m_every_case; is_definitively | ist/sindje | je/so_vselej | (3.5) D C is_a_part_of; is_in; has/have (read in the right to the left direction of operator Q , etc. | ist_ein_Teil_von; ist_in; hat/haben (gelesen in der Richtung von rechts nach links der Operanden); usw. | je/so_del; je/so_v; ima/imajo (prebrano v smeri od desnega proti levemu operandu); itd. 1(1.5), (1.6), (2.4), (2.5), (3.2), (3.3), (3.7), (3.11), (4.2), (5.1), (5.4), (5.7), (7.3), (8.2), (8.10), (8.11), (10.1), (14.3), (14.5), (14.7), (17.3), (17.4), (17.5) D ^always is_always_a_part_of; has_always (<-) etc. I ist_immer_ein_Teil_von; hatj e (<-); usw. | je/so_vselej_del; ima/imajo_vselej (<-) | (1.3), (1.4), (3.6) D -clarify clarifies/clariiy_in | klart/klaren_sich_auf_in/im | se_razjasm(jo)_v | (16.7) D -comp possesses_compentence_for | besitzt_.. ._zu_k6nnen | ima_..._kar_razume | (3.4) D -discl is/are_disclosed_in | ist/sind_in/im_..._erschlossen | je/sta/so_razprt(a/i)_v | (2.8), (8.1) D Qssen as_essentially_havrng | ist_als_wesenhaft_in | je_kot_bistveno_v | (4.2) D Qxist lies_existentially_in | liegt_existenzial(„in/im) | se_nahaja_eksistencialno_v | (3.3) D Cgroujid is/are_grounded_in | grundet/grunden_in/im | temelji(jo)_v | (15.3) D '-ground ° '-prim is/are_gronded_primarily_in | grundet/grunden_primar_in/im | temelji(jo)_predvsem_v | (15.3) 0 Ciie lies/lie_in | hegt/liegen_in/im | leži(jo)_v I (16.2) D ^prim is/are_primarily_in | ist/sind_primar_in/im | je/so_najprej_v | (15.1), (16.1), (16.2), (16.3), (16.4), (16.6) D is_one_of; belongs_to | ist_eine(r)_der; geh6rt_zu | je_eden/ena/eno_izmed; pripada ] (1.1), (1.5), (1.6), (10.5) D belong(s)_essentially | -essen geh6rt/gehoren_wesenhaft | pripada(jo)_bistveno | (9.2) D is_distinguished_from; is_different_from | ist_unterschieden_von | je_razločljivo_od | (1.6) D is_to_be_sharply_distinguished_ ^sh?LTp\y _from I unterscheidet_sich_ebensosehr_von | se_razlikuje_prav_tako_ostro_od | (3.7) D pertains_equiprimordially | -^, equi_p betrift_gleichursprunglich | zadeva_enakoizvomo | (2.6) D operator_composition | Operatorskomposition, die | operatorska_kompozicija | (10.1), (10.2), (10.5), (10.10), (10.11), (12.1), (12.2), (12.4), (12.5), (13.1), (14.3), (14.4), (14.6), (14.7), (15.1), (16.2), (16.3), (16.4), (16.6), (16.7), (17.3), (17.5), (18.1) D A Short (and Essential) Comment The informational operand is a synonym for the processing, acting entity, is an informational sub­ject which during its existence predicates (oper­ates) the nature, constimtion, being, foundation, behavior, phenomenality, impacting, impacted­ness, informing, communicating, etc. bf the marked real entity. An informational operand op­erates informationally, predicates its subjectivity, behaves as a predicating subject.