Pozdravni govor dr. Boj ana Žalca, predsednika Slovenskega filozofskega društva, ob odprtju mednarodnega simpozija Evropski kontekst slovenske filozofije - France Veber (1890-1975) 19. - 21. september 2005 Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Novi trg 4 (Prešernova dvorana) Čas: 9.45 dopoldan Spoštovani predsednik akademije, cenjeni člani akademije, drage udeleženke in udeleženci, gospod dr. Tomaž Weber, spoštovana publika, vsi lepo pozdravljeni! 3. maja letos je minilo 30 let od smrti najpomembnejšega slovenskega filozofa Franceta Vebra, ki se je rodil 20. septembra 1890. leta v Radgoni (nemško Redkers-burg), v tedanji Avstro-Ogrski. Ta okrogla obletnica je bila povod za organizacijo kongresa. Razlogov za konferenco pa je več, naj omenim samo nekatere: 1. Predvsem bi radi opozorili na pomen Vebrovega dela. Zavest o njem je v Sloveniji premajhna. - natisnjeni samo dve. Izdaja zbranih del je zaenkrat le pobožna želja, trenutno naša država ne financira nobenega znanstvenega ali kulturnega projekta, ki bi raziskoval njegovo delo. Veber je institucionalno še vedno povsem zapostavljen. 2. V zadnjem času seje vendarle opravilo precej dela pri raziskovanju Vebrovega dela in prav je, da se ugotovitve izmenjajo tudi na znanstveni konferenci. 3. To je prvi simpozij o Vebru sploh, ki bo potekal v Ljubljani. Do sedaj so bili organizirani štirje t. i. Vebrovi kongresi. Duša njihove organizacije je bil prof. dr. Wolfgang Gombocz z univerze vGradcu, ki sedi tukaj med nami in kateremu pripada glavna zasluga za njih. Njihov pomen je zelo velik, vendar pa moram opozoriti, da niso bili posvečeni izključno Vebru. Vsaj na zadnjih treh je bila osrednja pozornost namenjena delu slovitih analitičnih filozofov. 4. V Sloveniji in v tujini obstajajo različni pogledi na Vebra, preučujejo ga predstavniki - nim vsaj dve) in prav je, da se njihovi zagovorniki soočijo tudi na skupni konferenci. Simpozij je organiziralo Slovensko filozofsko društvo ob soorganizatorici SAZU. Finančno je simpozij podprlo Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo RS oz. Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS. Naj se na tem mestu zahvalim SAZU za pomoč pri organizaciji in za to, da simpozij poteka v njenih prostorih. Zahvalil bi se tudi bibliotekarju gospodu Dragu Samcu za postavitev razstave v preddverju Prešernove dvorane. Nenazadnje gospodu Vojku Strahovniku, tajniku SFD, za njegovo vestno in predano delo pri organizaciji simpozija. Zahvaljujem se gospodu dr. Reinhardu Fabianu z Inštituta Alexiusa Meinonga v Gradcu, za gradivo, ki ga je iz Gradca prinesel za našo razstavo. Še novica: Nedavno je bil obnovljen spomenik na grobu na ljubljanskih Žalah, v katerem počiva France Veber. Kot predsednik Slovenskega filozofskega društva sem nadzoroval prenovo. Pred njo je bilo Vebrovo ime izklesano zgolj na skupnem spomeniku pokopanih in je bilo malo opazno. Sedaj je na grobu poseben spominski kamen, na katerem je zapisano: prof. dr. France Weber (1890-1975), član SAZU in - vensko filozofsko društvo, za kar gre obema dolžna zahvala in priznanje. 9 Izražam upanje, da bo simpozij uspel, in se Vam zahvaljujem za pozornost. Če bi ob otvoritvi kdo želel kaj dodati, bomo veseli njegovih besed. Potem bo prof. dr. Boštjan Žekš, predsednika SAZU, slovesno odprl kongres. Prosim, gospod predsednik! 10 Speech of Dr. Bojan Žalec, president of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, at the opening of the international symposium European Context of Slovene Philosophy - Franz Weber (1890-1975) 19th - 21st September 2005 The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Novi trg 4 (Prešeren's Hall) Time: 9.45 a.m. Honorable President of the Academy, honorable members of the Academy, dear participants, Mr. Dr. Tomaž Weber, honorable public, I wish you all a warm welcome! On 3rd May this year, 30 years have passed since the death of the most important Slovene philosopher France Veber, who was born on 20th September 1890 in Radgona (German Redkesburg) in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. It is this round anniversary that occasioned the organization of this congress. But motives for the conference are several. To mention only some of them: 1. Above all, we would like to draw attention to the importance of Veber's work. The awareness about its importance in Slovenia is rather weak. His books are difficult to be found in our libraries, and if so, to access them is even more difficult. Out of fourteen books in all, only two were reprinted. The edition of collected works is for now only wishful thinking, at the moment the state of Slovenia is giving a financial support to NO scientific or cultural project dealing with Veber's work. Institutionally, Veber is still completely neglected. 2. In the last years, considerable amount of work has nevertheless been done regarding Veber's research work and it is right that we share the findings also at the scientific conference. 3. This is the first symposium on Veber to be held in Ljubljana. Till now, four of the so-called Veber's congresses have been organized. The soul of their organization was Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gombocz from the university in Graz, who is sitting here among us, and the merit for them goes solely to him. They are really important, but I have to point out something else, namely that they were not dedicated exclusively to Veber. At least at the last three, the main attention was given to the work of famous analytical philosophers. 4. In Slovenia and also abroad, there are different views on Veber. Representatives of different philosophical schools are doing research on his work (analytical school, phenomeno-logical or hermeneutic school) and it is right that their advocators confront their views at a conference. The symposium was organized by the Slovenian Philosophical Society together with the co-organizer the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences. It received financial support from the Ministry for High School, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, or more exactly from the Agency for the Research Activities of the Republic of Slovenia. Allow me to give thanks to the Academy of Arts and Sciences for the help with the organization and for providing its premises for the conference. I would also like to give thanks to the librarian Mr. Drago Samec for setting up the display in the lobby of the Prešeren's Hall. And last but not least, I would like to thank Mr. Vojko Strahovnik, secretary of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, for his conscientious work at the organization of the symposium. I give thanks to dr. Reinhard Fabian from the Institute of Alexius Meinong in Graz for the material which he has brought with him from Graz for our display. And last some news: recently, the tombstone on the grave in which France Veber is resting has been renovated. As the president of the Slovenian Philosophical Society I 11 have supervised the renovation. Before, Veber's name was carved only on the collective tombstone and it was hard to notice. Now, there is a special tombstone on which it is written: Prof. Dr. France Weber (1890-1975), member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the founder of the Slovene philosophy. The erection of the tombstone was financially supported by the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Slovenian Philosophical Society. Hopefully, the symposium will prove a success and I thank you for your attention. If anybody wants to add some words we would all be very glad. Afterwards Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zekš, the president of the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, will solemnly open the congress. Please, Mr. President! 12