O. MELAD, M. JAROUR: COPOLYMERIZATION OF POLY (O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINE) VIA ... 283–288 COPOLYMERIZATION OF POLY (O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINE) VIA THE CHEMICAL OXIDATIVE TECHNIQUE: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION KOPOLIMERIZACIJA POLI (O-FENILENDIAMINA-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINA) S TEHNIKO KEMIJSKE OKSIDACIJE: SINTEZA IN KARAKTERIZACIJA Omar Melad, Mariam Jarour Al-Azhar University Gaza, Chemistry Department, P.O.Box 1277, Gaza, Palestine omarmelad@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-01-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-03-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.023 Chemical oxidative copolymerization of o-phenylenediamine -co-o/p-toluidine at different molar ratios of monomer was performed using potassium dichromate as an oxidant. The resulting copolymers were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-visible spectroscopy. In the copolymer, the intensity of the band at 1005 cm–1 is substantially decreased due to the -CH3 bending vibrations. A hyposochromic shift is observed in UV-visible spectroscopy. The electrical-conductivity values obtained for the o-toluidine copolymers are higher than those for the p-toluidine copolymers. Keywords: o-phenylenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine, conductivity, chemical oxidativeness, FTIR Izvedena je bila kemijska oksidativna kopolimerizacija o-fenilendiamina-co-o/p-toluidina pri razli~nih molarnih razmerjih monomera, z uporabo kalijevega dikromata kot oksidanta. Nastali kopolimeri so bili preiskovani z uporabo infrarde~e spektroskopije s Fourierjevo transformacijo (FTIR) in UV-vidno spektroskopijo. V kopolimeru je intenziteta pasu pri 1005 cm–1 ob~utno zmanj{ana zaradi upogibnih vibracij -CH3. V UV vidnem spektru je opa`en zamik v spektralnem pasu. Vrednosti elektri~ne prevodnosti dobljene pri o-toluidin kopolimerih so vi{je kot pri p-toluidin kopolimerih. Klju~ne besede: o-fenilendiamin, o-toluidin, p-toluidin, prevodnost, kemijska oksidativnost, FTIR 1 INTRODUCTION Intrinsically conductive polymers have become an efficient alternative to inorganic conductors in many practical applications in the recent decade.1 Polyaniline, poly toluidine, polypyrrole, poly aminopyridine, poly- thiophene and poly phenylenediamine are examples of conductive polymers, showing high conductivity. Poly- aniline is an important member of the intrinsically con- ductive polymers because of the ease of its preparation, an excellent environmental stability, interchangeable oxi- dation states, electrical and optical properties, economic costs,2–4 and because they can be used for chemical sensors,5,6 electromagnetic shielding,7 electrochemical and corrosion devices.8–9 Polymerization of a conducting polymer may be performed with chemical10 or electro- chemical11 methods. Different chemical oxidizing agents such as potassium dichromate,12–14 potassium iodate,15 hydrogen peroxide,16 ferric chloride or ammonium per- sulphate17 can be used. The application of polyaniline is limited because of its poor processability,18 which is true for most conducting polymers. A good method to obtain soluble conductive poly- mers is the polymerization of aniline derivatives. Poly phenylenediamine homopolymer has attracted attention because it has been reported to be a high aromatic polymer containing a 2,3-diamino phenazine or quino- xaline repeat unit and exhibiting an unusually high thermostability.19–21 In recent years, copolymerization has been developed as one of the most essential and alternative strategies for modifying physical and chemi- cal properties of conducting polymers. These copoly- mers show characteristics reasonably different from those of the homo polymer.22,23 Thus, copolymerization can be a convenient synthetic method and a process for preparing new conducting materials with improved properties. However, the conductivity and solubility of the phenylenediamine homopolymer are low.19–21 Co- polymerization of o-phenylenediamine with o/p toluidine might be one of the best methods. A close analysis of the literature shows a large number of reports on the chemi- cal and electrochemical synthesis of polytoluidine and its copolymer with aniline and other substituted anili- nes.24–33 Electrochemical copolymerization of o-pheny- lenediamine with o-toluidine has been reported.34 So far, there has been no report on copolymerization of o-phe- nylenediamine with o/p toluidine using the chemical oxidative method. Toluidines are derivatives of aniline where a – CH3 group is substituted in the aromatic ring MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 283–288 283 UDK 67.017:620.1:66.095.26 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(2)283(2017) at the o-, m- or p- positions. In this work, a chemical oxidative copolymerization of o-phenylenediamine with o/p toluidine at different molar ratios of monomer was synthesized and characterized using FTIR, UV-visible spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials o-phenylenediamine (o-PD), o-touidine (oT), p-tolui- dine (pT) (ADWIC, Egypt), potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), ammonium persulfate ((NH4)2S2O3) (Merk, Germany), hydrochloric acid (HCl 32 %), formic acid (HCOOH 98 %) and glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH 99.5 %) (Merk-Germany), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) were used for the UV-visible and conductivity measurements, respectively. All the chemicals, acids and solvents were used as received without any further purification. 2.2 Measurements The FTIR spectra were recorded with a FTIR 8201PC (SHIMADZU) instrument using KBr pellets techniques. For measuring the UV-visible absorption spectra, a spectrophotometer (UV-1601 SHIMADZU) was used. Conductivity measurements were made at room temperature using a conductivity meter (CM-30V). 2.3 Synthesis of poly (o-phenylenediamine – Co –o/p- toluidine)copolymer 2.3.1 Synthesis of poly o-phenylenediamine The polymer of o-phenylenediamine was synthesized by dissolving 1.622 g of o-phenylenediamine in 100 mL of 0.1M HCL in a stirred ice bath to produce a homo- genous solution. 4.413 g of potassium dichromate was dissolved in 50 mL of 0.1M HCL and added to the first solution for 30 min while being constantly stirred, then it was left at room temperature for 24 h. After this the solution was filtered, washed with acetone and distilled water and the polymer was left to dry in an oven at 60 °C for 24 h. 2.3.2 Synthesis of poly o- and p- toluidine Poly (o- and p- toluidine) were synthesized with che- mical oxidative polymerization of o- and p- toluidine in an acidic media. 5 mL of oT was dissolved in 300 mL of 1M formic acid and kept at 0 °C; 11.4 g of K2Cr2O7 was dissolved in 200 mL of 1M formic acid also at 0 °C and added dropwise under constant stirring to the (oT/HCOOH) solution over a period of 20 min. The resulting dark green solution was maintained under con- stant stirring for 24 h. The solution was filtered and then washed with distilled water; the black powder of poly o-toluidine was left to dry in air for one week, while 2.5 mL of pT was dissolved in 150 mL of 1M HCL and kept at 0 °C; 5.7 g of K2Cr2O7 was also dissolved in 100 mL of 1M HCL at 0 °C and added dropwise under constant stirring to the (pT/HCL) solution over a period of 20 min. The resulting dark red solution was maintained under constant stirring for 24 h. The solution was filtered and then washed with distilled water, and the black red powder of poly p-toluidine was left to dry in air for one week. 2.3.3 Synthesis of poly (o-phenylenediamine – Co – o-/p- toluidine)copolymer 1.54 g oPD and 0.5133 mL oT/pT were added to 150 mL of 1M glacial acetic acid in a 500 mL single- neck glass flask at 40 °C . 13.68 g ((NH4)2S2O8) was dissolved separately in 14 mL distilled water to prepare an oxidant solution. The monomer solution was then stirred and treated with the oxidant solution added dropwise at an adding rate of one drop every three seconds for 30 min at 40 °C. Immediately after the first few drops, the reaction solution turned violet in the case of oT and blackish green in the case of pT. After 1 h, the copolymer acetate was isolated from the reaction mixture with filtration and washed with the excess of distilled water to remove the oxidant and oligomers. A whitish O. MELAD, M. JAROUR: COPOLYMERIZATION OF POLY (O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINE) VIA ... 284 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 283–288 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Scheme of copolymerization mechanism of poly (o-phenylenediamine-Co-o-toluidine) copolymer Slika 1: Shema mehanizma kopolimerizacije poli ( o-fenilendiamin in o-toluidin) kopolimera violet solid powder and a greenish brown solid powder for oT and p-T copolymers, respectively, were left to dry in the oven at 118 °C for 48 h and then dry in air for one week. The above procedure was repeated at various molar ratios of the monomers oT and pT at the feeds of 0.50 and 0.25 molar of oPD, respectively. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Synthesis of poly (o-phenylenediamine – Co – o-/p- toluidine)copolymer Toluidines are derivatives of aniline where a –CH3 group is substituted in the aromatic ring at the o-, m- or p- positions. Schemes in Figures 1 and 2 represent the copolymerization mechanism of poly (o-phenylen- ediamine-Co-o-/p-toluidine)copolymer, respectively. 3.2 FTIR spectra of poly (o-phenylenediamine – Co - o / p- toluidine) copolymer Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectra of poly o-phenylen- ediamine, poly o-toluidine and poly p-toluidine, respec- tively. A weak band is observed at 3326–3391 cm–1 cha- racteristic of the –NH2 and N-H stretching, another one is observed at 1640–1525 cm–1 assigned to the quinoid and benzenoid phenyl ring for poly o-phenylenediamine (Figure 3 (A), the signal due to the C-H in-plane bending vibratio is observed at 1161 cm–1. Figure 3 (B and C) shows the frequency peaks at (2917, 1638, 1450, 1301, 1207, 1157, 920) cm–1 that are attributed to the C-H stretching of the substituent methyl group, C=C stretching vibrations of quinoid rings, C=C stretching vibrations of benzoid rings, C-N stretching vibrations of quinoid rings, C-N stretching vibrations of benzoid rings, C-H in-plane bending vibrations and 1, 2, 4- tri substituted aromatic rings, respectively. The signal at 567 cm–1 is due to the C-H out-of-plane bending vibra- tion. The peak at 3063 cm–1 in Figure 3 (B and C) is caused by the C-H stretch modes of the substituent methyl group. Figure 4 shows the FTIR spectra of poly O. MELAD, M. JAROUR: COPOLYMERIZATION OF POLY (O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINE) VIA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 283–288 285 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: FTIR spectra of poly (oPD-Co-oT) copolymer with different molar ratios of oPD: A) 0.25, B) 0.50, C) 0.75 Slika 4: FTIR-spektri poli (oPD in oT) kopolimera z razli~nimi molskimi razmerji oPD: A) 0,25, B) 0,50, C) 0, 75 Figure 2: Scheme of copolymerization mechanism of poly (o-phenylenediamine-Co-p-toluidine) copolymer Slika 2: Shema mehanizma kopolimerizacije poli ( o-fenilendiamin in p-toluidin) kopolimera Figure 3: FTIR spectra of: A) poly o-phenylenediamine, B) poly o-toluidine and C) poly p-toluidine Slika 3: FTIR-spekter: A) poli o-fenilendiamina, B) poli o-toluidina in C) poli p-toluidina (oPD-Co-oT) copolymer with different molar ratios of oPD. Most of the bands show variations in the intensity and position. The spectra of the copolymer show the main bands corresponding to the N-H stretching vibra- tions and ring stretching vibrations of quinoid and benzeoid structures. The intensity of the N-H stretching vibrations in the region between 3470–3010 cm–1 in- creases with the increasing oPD feed concentration, indicating an increase in the number of primary and secondary amino groups in the copolymer structure. The band at 1590 cm–1 (Figure 3 (B)) and the band at 1627 cm–1 (Figure 3 (C)) correspond to the C=C stretching vibrations of the aromatic rings. This signal is shifted to 1630 cm–1 in the copolymer, Figure 4. The intensity of the two bands centered at 1497 cm–1 and 600 cm–1 greatly increases with the increasing oPD feed concen- tration (Figure 4), while the 1497 cm–1 band in the copo- lymer indicates the presence of phenazine-type structures in the copolymer backbone. These cyclic structures in the copolymer are either due to the presence of oPD blocks or may result from the cyclization of the adjacent oPD and oT units in the copolymer chain. On the other hand, the intensity of the band at 1005 cm–1, due to the –CH3 bending vibrations, substantially decreases in the copolymer. This is indicative of a gradual decrease in the oT units in the copolymer structure with the increasing oPD feed concentration. Figure 5 shows the FTIR spectra of poly(oPD- Co-pT) copolymer with different molar ratios of oPD. In general, with some exceptions, the spectral charac- teristics of the copolymers are very similar to those of PoPD. The intensity of the broad band, in the region of 3000–3353 cm–1 increases with the increasing oPD feed concentration. The band corresponding to the quinoid stretching vibrations occurs at 1616 cm–1 for the copolymer. The intensity of this band was also found to increase with the increasing oPD feed concentration. The incorporation of the p-toluidine moiety in the copolymer was indicated by the appearance of the characteristic C-H stretching of the substituent methyl group, which was observed as a very weak band at 2917 cm–1. As in o-toluidine, the intensity of the band at 1029 cm–1, due to the -CH3 bending vibrations, substantially decreases in the copolymer. 3.3 UV-visible spectra of poly (o-phenylenediamine – Co - o / p- toluidine) copolymer Figure 6 shows the UV-visible spectra of poly o-phenylenediamine, poly o-toluidine and poly p-toluidine, respectively. Figures 7 and 8 show the UV-visible spectra of poly (oPD-Co-oT) and poly (oPD-Co-pT)copolymers, respec- tively, with different molar ratios of oPD. In Figures 6, 7 and 8, for UV-visible spectra of homopolymers and copolymers, two characteristic absorption peaks were found at around 290 nm and in a range of 417–563 nm corresponding to the benzene -* electronic transition and n-* electronic transition. A hyposochromic shift from 550 nm in the o-toluidine copolymer to 450 nm in O. MELAD, M. JAROUR: COPOLYMERIZATION OF POLY (O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE-CO-O/P-TOLUIDINE) VIA ... 286 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 283–288 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 6: UV-VIS spectra of: A) poly o-phenylenediamine, B) poly o-toluidine and C) p-toluidine Slika 6: UV-VIS spektri: A) poli o-fenilendiamin, B) poli o-toluidin in C) p-toluidin Figure 5: FTIR spectra of poly (oPD-Co-PT) copolymer with different molar ratios of oPD: A) 0.25, B) 0.50, C) 0.75 Slika 5: FTIR-spektri poli (oPD in PT) kopolimera z razli~nimi molskimi razmerji oPD: A) 0,25, B) 0,50 in C) 0,75 Figure 7: UV-VIS spectra of poly (oPD-Co-oT) copolymer with different molar ratios of oPD: A) 0.25, B) 0.50 and C) 0.75 Slika 7: UV-VIS spektri poli (oPD in oT) kopolimera z razli~nimi molskimi razmerji oPD: A) 0,25, B) 0,50 in C) 0,75 the p-toluidine copolymer implies a decrease in the extent of conjugation and an increase in the band gap. These bands correspond to the excitation transition of the quinoid rings. It can be observed that these bands increase when the o-phenylenediamine in the copolymer is increased. This blue shift with the increasing o-phenyl- enediamine in the copolymer is due to the steric effect of the substituents, indicating a successful copolymeri- zation. 3.4 Electrical conductivity Table 1: shows electrical conductivity of poly (o-phenylenediamine –Co-o/p-toluidine) copolymer at room temperature in DMF Tabela 1: Elektri~na prevodnost poli (o-fenilendiamina in o/p-toluidin) kopolimera pri sobni temperaturi v DMF Polymer Conductivity (S/cm) PoPD 2.23 PoT 1.43 PpT 2.04 P(oPD-Co-oT)25 3.39 P(oPD-Co-oT)50 3.42 P(oPD-Co-oT)75 4.65 P(oPD-Co-pT)25 1.615 P(oPD-Co-pT)50 1.878 P(oPD-Co-pT)75 1.898 It can be seen that the conductivity increases as the amount of o-phenylenediamine increases in the copoly- mers. In general, o-isomer gives higher conductivity values than the other isomers; the small values of the conductivity in the case of poly (o-phenylenedia- mine–Co-p-toluidine) copolymer compared with the conductivity value of o-phenylenediamine may indicate that p-toluidine is not a good enough polymer to make a copolymer with o-phenylenediamine. 5 CONCLUSION The synthesis of the copolymerization of o-pheny- lenediamine with o / p-toluidine was characterized using FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The intensity of the band at 1005 cm–1 that is due to the -CH3 bending vibrations, substantially decreases in the copolymer. A hypsochromic shift from 550 nm in the o-toluidine copolymer to 450 nm in the p-toluidine copolymer implies a decrease in the extent of conjugation and an increase in the band gap. 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