/^creative ^commor ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Also available at http://amc-journal.eu ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 9 (2015) 45-50 Comparing the irregularity and the total irregularity of graphs Darko Dimitrov Institut für Informatik, Freie Universität Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany Riste Skrekovski * Department of Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana and Faculty of Information Studies, 8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia Received 9 June 2012, accepted 15 August 2013, published online 13 June 2014 Abstract Albertson [4] has defined the irregularity of a simple undirected graph G as irr(G) = J2uvee(g) |dG(u) - dG(v)|, where dG(u) denotes the degree of a vertex u G V(G). Recently, in [1] a new measure of irregularity of a graph, so-called the total irregularity, was defined as irrt(G) = 2J2u v£V(G) |dG(u) - dG(v)|. Here, we compare the irregularity and the total irregularity of graphs. For a connected graph G with n vertices, we show that irrt(G) < n2irr(G)/4. Moreover, if G is a tree, then irrt(G) < (n — 2)irr(G). Keywords: The irregularity of graph, the total irregularity of graph. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C05, 05C07,05C99 1 Introduction Let G be a simple undirected graph of order n = |V(G)| and size m = |E(G)|. For v G V(G), the degree of v, denoted by dG(v), is the number of edges incident to v. Albert-son [4] defines the imbalance of an edge e = uv G E(G) asimbG(uv) = |dG(u) - dG(v)| and the irregularity of G as irr(G) = ^ imbG(uv). (1.1) uveE(G) Obviously, a connected graph G has irregularity zero if and only if G is regular. In [4] Albertson presented upper bounds on irregularity for bipartite graphs, triangle-free graphs * Partially supported by Slovenian ARRS Program P1-00383 and Creative Core - FISNM - 3330-13-500033. E-mail addresses: dimdar@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Darko Dimitrov), skrekovski@gmail.com (Riste Skrekovski) ©® This work is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ 45 Ars Math. Contemp. 9 (2015) 93-107 and arbitrary graphs, as well as a sharp upper bound for trees. Some results about the irregularity of bipartite graphs are given in [4, 14]. Related to the work of Albertson is the work of Hansen and Melot [13], who characterized the graphs with n vertices and m edges with maximal irregularity. Various upper bounds on the irregularity of a graph were given in [19], where Kr+1-free graphs, trees and unicyclic graphs with fixed number of vertices of degree one were considered. In [16], relations between the irregularity and the matching number of trees and unicyclic graphs were investigated. More results on irregularity, imbalance and related measures, one can find in [3, 5, 6, 17, 18]. Recently, in [1] a new measure of irregularity of a simple undirected graph, so-called the total irregularity, was defined as irrt(G) = 2 £ |dG(u) - dG(v)|. (1.2) u,veV (G) Other approaches, that characterize how irregular a graph is, have been proposed [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15]. In this paper, we focus on the relation between the irregularity (1.1) and the total irregularity (1.2) of a graph. In the sequel we introduce the notation used in the rest of the paper. For u, v E V(G), we denote by dG(u, v) the length of a shortest path in G between u and v. In this short paper the notation of the sets, that will be defined next, is always regarding the graph G we consider. By Va,b, we denote a set of vertices of a graph with degrees in [a, b], and by V>a (resp. Va (resp. V dT(x, v)}. Each summand |dG(u) — dG(v)| in the last sum of (2.1) occurs in the sum exactly nuv = nunv times. Also, each summand |dG(v) - dG(u)| occurs nuv times. Thus, irrt(G) < £ |dG(u) - dG(v)|nuv. uv£E(T) As nuv < (n/2)(n/2) = n74, and Euv£E(T) |dG(u) - dG(v)| < EuveE(G) |dG(u) - dG (v) |, we obtain the desired inequality. Now, we show that the bound n2/4 is sharp. Let a, b be two distinct integers, say a < b. Consider a graph Ga whose all vertices are of degree a, with exception of one vertex u which is of degree a - 1. Similarly, consider a graph Gb whose all vertices are of degree b, with exception of one vertex u which is of degree b - 1. Let G* be the graph obtained from Ga and Gb by connecting u and v. Let na = |V(Ga)| and nb = |V(Gb)|. Observe that irr(G*) = b - a and irrt(G*) = (b - a)nanb. Choosing na = nb = n/2, we obtain irrt(G*) n2 ■ = nanb = -¡-. irr(G*) 4 In order to show that such graphs Ga and Gb exist, one may use the theorem of Erdos-Gallai [12] which states that a sequence di > d2 > • • • > dn of non-negative integers with even sum is graphic (i.e., there exist a graph with such a degree sequence) if and only if r n ^dj < r(r - 1) + min(r, dj), (2.2) i=1 j=r+1 for all 1 < r < n. So, fix a, b, and na = nb to be odd numbers with na > max{a, b}. We will show the existence of the graph Ga. In a similar way, one can show the existence of the graph Gb. As (na - 1)a + (a - 1) is even, the parity condition of the theorem of Erdos-Gallai is satisfied. So, we need to show only (2.2). For this we consider three cases regarding r and a: • r < a - 1. Then, (2.2) can be written as ra < r(r - 1) + (na - r)r. It obviously holds since a C na - r. • r = a. In this case, (2.2) can be written as ra < r(r - 1) + (na - r)r - 1, which holds for a similar reason as the previous case. • r > a + 1. Similarly, (2.2) can be written as ra < r(r - 1) + (na - r)a - 1, and it holds as ra C r(r - 1). □ 48 Ars Math. Contemp. 9 (2015) 93-107 3 Trees In this section, we give an upper bound on irrt(G) in term of irr(G), when G is a tree. To show the bound, we will use the following lemma. Lemma 3.1. Let G be a tree, x a vertex of degree d > 3 incident with threads T and T2, and let G' = G(T2 o Ti). Then, (a) irrt(G) - irrt(G') = 2v2,d_i; (b) irr(G) - irr(G') = 2(d - v>d - 1). Proof. Let T = aia2 • • • as and T2 = 6i62 • • • 6;. We consider the identities separately. (a) Notice that all other vertices except x and 6, have the same degree in G and G'. Hence, it holds that irrt(G) - irrt(G') = ^ (|dG(x) - dG(u)| - |dG/(x) - dG/ (u)|) + ^(|dG (u) - dG(b; )| - |dG' (u) - dG' (6, )|) + |dG(x) - dG(6,)| - |dG'(x) - dG'(6,)|. Since dG' (x) = dG(x) - 1 = d - 1 and dG' (6;) = dG(6,) + 1 = 2, further we have irrt(G) - irrt(G') = ^ (|d - dG(u)| - |d - 1 - dG(u)|) u=bj + ^(|dG(u) - 1|-|dG(u) - 2|) + 2. (3.1) If u € Vd. Similarly, if u € V>2, then |dG(u) - 1| - |dG(u) - 2| = 1, otherwise |dG(u) - 1| -|dG(u) - 2| = -1. Thus, the second sum in (3.1) is equal to v>2 - 1 - vi. Applying these observations, we have irrt(G) - irrt(G') = vd + v>2 - 1 - vi +2 = v2 - v>d = 2v2,d_i. (b) Let ei = xai, e2 = xbi, e3 = 6;_i6; and Ei = {ei, e2, e3}. Denote by E2 the set of edges incident to x that are different from ei and e2. Notice that every edge not in Ei U E2 contributes zero to the difference irr(G) - irr(G'). So, we can infer irr(G) - irr(G') = ^^ (imbG(uv) - imbG' (uv)) + ^ (imbG(uv) - imbG'(uv)). uvGEi D. Dimitrov and R. Skrekovski: Comparing the irregularity and the total irregularity of graphs 49 Notice that the first sum is equal to -v|d + (v:|d-1 - 2) (we have -2 as the edges e1 and e2 are excluded in this sum). In G', the edge e1 = xa1 does not exist anymore, but there is a new edge ei = bla1. Observe that after the concatenation T2 o T1 all other edges preserve their end-vertices. First, we consider the contribution of e1 and e1 in irr(G) - irr(G'). There are two possibilities regarding the length of T1: • s = 1: Then, imbG(e1) = d - 1 andimbc (e1) = 1; • s > 2: In this case, imbG(e1) = d - 2 and imbG (e1) = 0. In both of them, we obtain imbG(e1) - imbG' (e1) = d - 2. Next, we consider the contributions of e2 and e3 together. Again, consider two possibilities regarding the length of T2: • l = 1: Then, e2 = e3 and imbG(e2) = d - 1 and imbG'(e2) = d - 3; • l > 2: In this case, e2 = e3, and imbG(e2) = d - 2, imbG(e2) = d - 3, imbG(e3) = 1 andimbG (e3) = 0. In both cases, we obtain that J2ee{e2 e3}(imbG(e) - imbG'(e)) = 2. So finally, we have that irr(G) - irr(G') = -v|d + (v|d-1 - 2) + d - 2 + 2 = -v>d + vXd-1 - 2 + d = 2(d - vXd - 1). □ Theorem 3.1. Let G be a tree with n vertices. Then irrt(G) < (n - 2)irr(G). Moroever, equality holds if and only if G is a path. Proof. Let n1 (G) be the number of vertices of G with degree one. We will prove the second inequality by induction on n1(G). If n1(G) = 0, then G ~ P1, irr(G) = irrt(G) = 0, and the equality in the theorem holds. Since G is a tree, n1 (G) = 1. If n1(G) = 2, then G ~ Pn. In this case irr(G) = 2 and irrt(G) = 2(n - 2), hence we obtain equality. Now, assume n1 (G) > 2. Then, it is easy to see that G has a vertex x of degree d > 3, incident with at least two threads T\ and T2. Let G' = G(T2 o T\). Since n1(G') = n1(G) - 1, we can assume that inequality holds for G', i.e., irrt(G') < (n - 2)irr(G'). (3.2) By Lemma 3.1, we have irr(G') = irr(G) - 2(d - v|d - 1) and irrt(G') = irrt(G) - 2v2,d-1. (3.3) Plugging (3.3) in (3.2), we obtain (n - 2)irr(G) > irrt(G) - 2v2,d-1 + 2(n - 2)(d - v|d - 1). (3.4) As d(x) = d > 3 and x is incident with two threads, we infer v|d + 2 < d, and so 2(d - v|d - 1) > 2. 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