683Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2021.6690 Scientific paper Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients with Oculocutaneous Albinism Tinka Hovnik,1,2,* Maruša Debeljak,1 Manca Tekavčič Pompe,2,3 Sara Bertok,4 Tadej Battelino,2,4 Branka Stirn Kranjc2,3 and Katarina Trebušak Podkrajšek1,2 1 University Medical Centre Ljubljana, University Children’s Hospital, Clinical Institute for Special Laboratory Diagnostics, Vrazov trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Vrazov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Eye Hospital, Grablovičeva 46, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 University Medical Centre Ljubljana, University Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Bohoričeva 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author: E-mail: tinka.hovnik@kclj.si Received: 04-23-2021 Abstract Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is an inherited disorder affecting the visual system and skin pigmentation. Our aim was to evaluate genetic and clinical heterogeneity in a cohort of Slovenian paediatric patients with clinically suspected OCA using advanced molecular-genetics approach. In as much as 20 out of 25 patients, genetic variants explaining their clinical phenotype were identified. The great majority of patients (15/25) had genetic variants in TYR gene associated with OCA type 1, followed by variants in TYRP1, SLC45A2 and HPS1 genes causative for OCA3, OCA4 and Herman- sky-Pudlak syndrome type 1, respectively. We concluded that OCA phenotype could not predict genotype and vice versa. Nevertheless, the diagnostic yield after targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) was 80% and proved to be affective in our paediatric cohort of patients with various degree of OCA. Even in 16 patients with normal complexion the diagnostic yield was 62,5%. Interestingly, we have identified a patient of white European ancestry with OCA3, which is an extremely rare report, and one patient with OCA due to the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1. Keywords: Oculocutaneous albinism, Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1, next generation sequencing, genetic variant 1. Introduction Albinism is a rare inherited disorder affecting visual system and skin pigmentation, and has a global incidence of approximately 1 in 17.000.1,2 The most handicapping manifestations are ocular abnormalities, namely reduced visual acuity with nystagmus, strabismus, photophobia, foveal hypoplasia and misrouting of optic nerve fibres at the chiasm.3,4 Albinism is clinically classified in three groups. In ocular albinism (OA, OMIM # 300500) pig- mentation is impaired only in the eyes, while in oculocuta- neous albinism (OCA) also pigmentation of the skin and/ or hair is impaired. In syndromic forms, such as syndrome Hermansky-Pudlak and Chediak-Higashi syndrome, ad- ditional manifestations are present.5 OCA is associated with defective biosynthesis or transport of melanin.6 Each of the several OCA types is related to the individual genetic defect. OCA1 is caused by disease causing variants in TYR gene (OMIM* 606933)7 encoding enzyme tyrosinase catalysing the first two steps in melanin biosynthesis.8 In OCA1A subtype, enzyme activity is completely abolished and patients have no pig- ment and severe ocular symptoms. In OCA1B subtype, residual tyrosinase activity is present and consequently patients may develop some pigment after infancy.9 Among patients with mild OCA1B, two relatively common TYR variants, namely NM_000372.4:c.575C>A (p.Ser192Tyr) and NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (p.Arg402Gln) located in cis and were reported as a prevalent cause when inherited in trans with pathogenic TYR variant.10–14 OCA2 is the commonest type and represents about 30% of OCA worldwide.15 It is caused by disease causing variants in OCA2 gene (OMIM* 611409) encoding inte- 684 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... gral melanosomal transmembrane protein.16 Patients have various amounts of cutaneous pigment. OCA3 is more common in Africa but is extremely rare in white Europe- an or Asiatic populations.17 It is caused by disease causing variants in TYRP1 gene (OMIM*  115501) encoding ty- rosinase-related protein 1 involved in melanin biosynthe- sis pathway. OCA4 is caused by disease causing variants in SLC45A2 gene (OMIM* 606202)18 encoding melanoso- mal MATP protein, that might affects tyrosinase activity through the regulation of the melanosomal pH.19 In 2013, three additional rare OCA types, namely OCA5, OCA6 and OCA7, and their associated genes, were added to the consensus list of albinism types.2 Recently, additional gene was reported in relation to the oculocutaneous albinism, namely dopachrome tautomerase gene (DCT) shown to be associated with autosomal recessive form.20 Clinical evaluation of a child with suspected albi- nism should consist of full clinical examination with spe- cial emphasis on nystagmus evaluation, iris transillumina- tion defects detection, foveal hypoplasia gradation and ret- inal pigment epithelium evaluation.21 The diagnostic tools of great importance are optical coherence tomography (OCT) for foveal hypoplasia gradation22 and visual evoked potentials (VEP) which can demonstrate misrouting of optic nerve fibers in the chiasm.23 Despite significant tech- nological advances in genetic testing, a substantial fraction of individuals with OCA remains genetically unexplained. Missing heritability after common four gene testing was reported to be between 10 and 25% in complete OCA and up to 50% in partial OCA24 and was still as high as 28% in panel based NGS approach.12 Nevertheless, next gen- eration sequencing (NGS) based genetic testing presents a possibility for an early definitive diagnosis and manage- ment of the disease, especially since OCA types are often difficult to differentiate clinically. Our aim was to evaluate genetic and clinical heterogeneity in a cohort of Slovenian paediatric patients with clinically suspected OCA using combined molecular-genetic approach. 2. Methods 2. 1. Patients Paediatric individuals with clinical signs of OCA were examined at the outpatient clinic of the Eye Hospital at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Clinical oph- thalmological examination with visual acuity for distance and near, colour vision, perimetry, ocular motility, biomi- croscopy, fundus examination andelectrophysiology was performed. Main albinism signs in the studied group of children were: ocular hypopigmentation with iris trans- lucency or fundus hypopigmentation, foveal hypoplasia, misrouting, nystagmus, skin and hair hypopigmentation. Best corrected monocular and binocular visual acuity was tested using Teller Acuity Cards, Cambridge Acuity Crowding Cards, Lea Symbols Cards; verbal optotypes for distance and near visual acuity were tested with HOTV optotype and Jaeger tables. Colour vision was assessed at first or follow-up examinations with non-verbal and verbal Ishihara plates. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to flash and onset stimulation were recorded in all children25 at presentation and follow-up, and macular OCT (spectral domain optical coherence tomography) in some cooper- ative children. OCT images, were obtained in mydriasis with OCT Topcon 3D OCT-1000 (Topcon Medical Sys- tems, Tokyo, Japan) and/or Spectralis HRA + OCT (Hei- delberg Engineering, Germany). The retinal thickness and total macular volume were determined using the OCT ap- paratus software. All participants or parents of minors gave their writ- ten informed consent prior to the study (approved by the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee nr. 132/03/15) and the study followed the statement of the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee nr. 0120–489/2018/7 and principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. 2. 2. Genetic Testing Genetic testing was performed at the Clinical In- stitute for Special Laboratory Diagnostics of the Univer- sity Children’s Hospital at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripher- al blood samples with FlexiGene DNA Kit 250 (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). In male patients, ocular albinism due to GPR143 gene variants was previously excluded.26 To evaluate the genetic aetiology of ocular albinism, we performed targeted NGS with TruSightOne Sequencing Panel on the MiSeq platform desktop sequencer coupled with MiSeq Reagent kit v3 (all Illumina, USA). Following on-board primary analysis, we performed secondary data analysis with Variant Studio 2.3 software (Illumina, USA). Rare variants with minor allele frequency less than 5% in genes reported to be related to syndromic and non-syn- dromic OCA (AP3B1, BLOC1S3, BLOC1S6, C10ORF11, GPR143, HPS1, HPS3, HPS4, HPS5, HPS6, LYST, MC1R, MITF, MLPH, MYO5A, OCA2, RAB27A, SLC24A5, SL- C45A2, TYR, TYRP1) were further evaluated. Possibly causative variants were confirmed by targeted Sanger se- quencing using custom oligonucleotides, BigDye Termi- nator v3.1 sequencing kit, and ABI Genetic Analyser 3500 (both Applied Biosystems, USA). The pathogenicity of the variants was evaluated as recommended by the American College of Medical Genet- ics (ACMG)27, while novel variants were evaluated with ensemble in silico prediction tools CADD,28 REVEL,29 VEST430 and SpliceAI,31 while their frequency in general population was assessed using GnomAd database.32 Addi- tionally, we evaluated large deletions and duplications of the OCA2 and TYR genes with multiplex ligation-depend- ent probe amplification (MLPA). The probe mix SALSA MLPA P325 OCA2 (MRC-Holland, The Netherlands) 685Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We included three normal control samples to normalize for the allele dosage. We separated amplification products with capillary electrophoresis on ABI Genetic Analyser 3500 (Applied Biosystems, USA) and analysed raw data with GeneMapper® Software Version 4 (Life Technologies, USA). Peak patterns were evaluated using Coffalyser v8 software (MRC-Holland, The Netherlands). 3. Results 3. 1. Clinical Characteristics Altogether, 25 paediatric individuals, median age 12 years (age range 5–19), 16 male/9 female from 24 un- related families with clinical signs of OCA were included in the study; patients 12* and 13* were brothers. Among them, 16 had normal complexion in regard to the family members. Their clinical characteristics were summarised in the Table 1. All patients had horizontal and/or rotary nystagmus. Patients had no clear deficit of near and colour vision, their corrected vision for distance was within limits of mild amblyopia. The patients’ best corrected visual acu- ity for distance was 0.2–0.6 Snellen equivalent (0.7–0.2 log MAR). Perimetry revealed no evident lesions of the visual pathways. Electrophysiological evaluation (VEP) showed contralateral asymmetry in all studied children, but not being apparent in the control (Figure 1). Retinal pigmen- tation was normal or with rare retinal pigment epithelial pigmentation at the posterior pole or retinal vessels, and Table 1: Clinical finding in children with suspected OCA. M-male, F-female. Iris translucency: – not present; 1/3 one third; 2/3 two thirds; 3/3 total. Foveal pit : ± underdeveloped; + minimal foveal depression; ++ absent; +++ no foveal depression, choroidal vessels seen at the posterior pole and foveal area. Retinal pigmentepithelial pigmentation: – changes not evident; ± rare, abnormal periphery; rare +, choroidal vessels seen at the posterior pole, but not in the foveal area; rare ++, choroidal vessels seen also in the foveal area. Refraction: HA – hypermetropic astigmatism, low (≤ 2.50 D, Dcyl); medium (> 2.5 D, Dcyl); high myopia (–10 and –11 D). Photophobia: + minimal outside; ++ in light condition outside, inside; +++ in normal light, * siblings. Pro- Gender Skin pigmentation Iris Foveal Retinal Refraction Photop- Classification band in the context translucency pit pigment hobia according to of the family epithelial the genetic pigmentation defect 1 M unremarkable 1/3 + – Low HA – OCA1 2 F unremarkable 1/3 ± – Low HA – 3 M unremarkable 1/2 + – Low HA – 4 M unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Medium HA + 5 F unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Low HA – 6 F unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Low HA – 7 M fair 2/3 ++ Rare + Medium HA ++ Highly likely OCA1 8 F unremarkable – + Rare + Low HA – 9 F unremarkable – – Rare + Low HA – 10 M unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Low HA – 11 M fair 1/3 + – Medium HA – 12* M fair – + Rare + Low HA – 13* M fair 1/3 + Rare + Low HA – 14 F unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Medium HA – 15 M fair – ++ Rare + Medium HA – 16 F unremarkable 1/3 + Rare + Medium HA + OCA3 17 M fair – + Rare + Medium HA – 18 M fair 2/3 ++ Rare + Medium HA – OCA4 19 M fair 3/3 + Rare + Medium HA + 20 F fair 1/3 +++ Rare ++ Low HA + Hermansky- Pudlak syndrome type 1 21 M unremarkable 1/3 + Rare ± Low HA ++ ? 22 M unremarkable – – Rare + Medium HA – 23 M unremarkable 1/3 +++ Rare + High myopia – 24 F unremarkable 1/3 ± Rare ± Low HA. + 25 M unremarkable 1/3 + – Low HA – 686 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... evident macular hypoplasia, but normal optic discs. Com- plexion, hair and lashes pigmentation did not differ among individual participants. None of the children had really dark or red complexion or hair, iris pigmentation was blue to green, none of the included children had brown iris. At the time of the first referral to the genetic testing, no additional signs or symptoms were reported. However, at the time when the genetic results were issued in 2018 and results led to the diagnosis of the Hermansky-Pud- lak syndrome type 1, patient 20 she was already referred to the gastroenterological assessment by her paediatri- cian because of the chronic abdominal pain and occa- sional diarrhoea. Fulminant Crohn’s disease with peri- anal fistulas was diagnosed and treated with infliximab (Remicade). According to the clinical practice, she was also referred to the paediatric haematology department where prolonged bleeding due to thrombocytopathy was recognised. 3. 2. Genetic Testing Genetic characteristics of the cohort were summa- rised in Table 2. Patients 1 to 6 had pathogenic variants on both alleles of the TYR gene causative for OCA1. Ad- ditionally, probands 7 to 15 had variants on both alleles of the TYR gene highly suspected to be causative for at least mild form of OCA1. Patients 16 and 17 had patho- genic variants on both alleles of the TYRP1 gene causa- tive for OCA3. Patients 18 and 19 had pathogenic variants on both alleles of the SLC45A2 gene causative for OCA4, while patient 20 had pathogenic variants on both alleles of the HPS1 gene causative for Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1. Patients 21 to 25 carried monoallelic variants that could not fully explain the clinical presentations. Parental analysis confirmed the segregation of the detected patho- logical variants. Among the genetic variants detected in the cohort, three variants, namely TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A, p.Trp477Ter; SLC45A2 NM_016180.4: c.302G>A, p.Ar- g101His; TYRP1 NM_000550.2: c.913+1G>A were not previously reported in patients with OCA and were pre- dicted to be deleterious. Their general population data and in silico prediction scores are summarised in the Table 3. SLC45A2 missense variant NM_016180.4: c.302G>A; p.Arg101His was detected in homozygous state in patient 19. Nonsense variant TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A; p.Trp477Ter introducing premature termination codon was detected in patients 3 and 10 in compound heterozy- gous state with another monoallelic variant in TYR gene. Intronic TYRP1 variant located in consensus splice donor site (TYRP1, NM_000550.2: c.913+1G>A) was detected in patient 21 in heterozygous state, while variant on the other TYRP1 allele has not been detected. Diagnostic yield after the targeted NGS sequencing was 80% (20/25). MLPA analysis did not reveal large dele- tions or duplications in analysed regions of OCA2 or TYR genes, as detected height ratios of the fluorescent peaks were in the normal height ratio range between 0.7–1.3. Figure 1: Flash VEP from a control child and child with albinism. In a control child there is a symmetrical distribution of the P and N waves over the lateral two electrodes (R-occ.: right occipital electrode, L-occ.: left occipital electrode) and no deflections of polarity on the differential channel (Dif. L-R), representing the difference in potentials between the left and right electrodes (subtraction of the right from the left occipital signal). In a child with albinism, there is a marked asymmetry over the lateral two electrodes, with the waves of opposite were compared between the eyes (albi- no crossed asymmetry). From the right eye a positive (P) wave is seen over the right electrode and a negative (N) wave is above the left electrode, while from the left eye the distribution of P and N waves is exactly the opposite. This asymmetry is even more clearly seen on a differential channel, where predominance on the negative wave is seen on the right eye, and a positive one on the left eye. 687Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... Table 2: Genetic variants detected in OCA patients (novel variants are in bold; M: male; F: female; homo: homozygous variant; hetero: heterozygous variant; PA-paternal allele, MA-maternal allele, ? segregation analysis was inconclusive; * siblings.). Proband Variant ACMG HGMD ClinVar33 classifi- Professional cation 27 2021.131 1/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.1A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Met1?) Homo Likely path. OCA1, CM981972 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Homo Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. path 2/F TYR NM_000372.4: c.650G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg217Gln) Homo Path. OCA1, CM930714 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Homo Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. path 3/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.650G>A (NP_000363.1p.Arg217Gln) Het,MA Path. OCA1, CM930714 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A (NP_000363.1p.Trp477Ter) Het,PA Likely path. Not reported Not reported 4/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.265T>C (NP_000363.1: p.Cys89Arg) Het MA Path. OCA1, CM910381 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.1352A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Tyr451Cys Het PA Likely path. OCA1, CM117403 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1217C>T (NP_000363.1: p.Pro406Leu Het MA Likely path. OCA1,CM910385 Likely path. 5/F TYR NM_000372.4: c.265T>C; (NP_000363.1: p.Cys89Arg) Het Path. OCA1, CM910381 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.325G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Gly109Arg) Het Likely path. OCA1, CM13052 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1352A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Tyr451Cys) Het Likely path. OCA, CM117403 Likely path. 6 /F TYR NM_000372.4: c.1A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Met1?) Het PA Likely path. OCA1, CM981972 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.1217C>T (NP_000363.1: p.Pro406Leu) Het MA Likely path. OCA1, CM910385 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het PA Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het MA Benign Benign 7/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.265T>C (NP_000363.1: p.Cys89Arg) Het MA Path. OCA1, CM910381 Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.1352A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Tyr451Cys) Het MA Likely path. OCA, CM117403 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het PA Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het (?) Benign Benign 8/F TYR NM_000372.4: c.1063G>C (NP_000363.1: p. Ala355Pro) Het PA Path. OCA1, CM971550 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.1217C>T (NP_000363.1: p.Pro406Leu) Het PA Likely path OCA1, CM910385 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het MA Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het MA Benign Benign 9/F TYR NM_000372.4: c.265T>C; (NP_000363.1: p.Cys89Arg) Het PA Path. OCA1, CM910381 Pathogenic TYR NM_000372.4: c.1352A>G (NP_000363.1: p.Tyr451Cys) Het PA Likely path. OCA, CM117403 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het MA Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. path 10 /M TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A (NP_000363.1p.Trp477Ter) Het PA Likely path. Not reported Not reported TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het MA Benign. OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het (?) Benign Benign 11/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.650G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg217Gln) Het Path. CM930714 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Homo Benign CM041478 Conflic. int. path 12*/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.650G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg217Gln) Het Path. OCA1, CM930714 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Homo Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het Benign Benign 13*/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.650G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg217Gln) Het Path. OCA1, CM930714 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln Homo Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het Benign Benign 688 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... Table 3: General population frequencies and in silico prediction scores of the novel genetic variants detected in OCA patients (REVEL29, VEST430 and SpliceAI31 values O-1, and CADD28 Phred values: variants with higher scores are predicted to be more likely pathogenic; nd: not detected) Variant Position and MAF In silico prediction tools (gnomAD32) and scores TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A (NP_000363.1p.Trp477Ter) nd CADD: 39 VEST4:0,88 SLC45A2 NM_016180.4: c.302G>A (NP_057264.3:p. Arg101His) chr5:33984282: rs763531791 CADD: 36,6 MAF: A = 0,0024% REVEL:0.829 (6/251,262 alleles) VEST4: 0.65 TYRP1, NM_000550.2: c.913+1G>A chr9:12698656: rs748926400 CADD: 34 MAF: A = 0,0016% SpliceAI: 0.85 (4/250,176 alleles) Proband Variant ACMG HGMD ClinVar33 classifi- Professional cation 27 2021.131 14/F TYR NM_000372.4: c1217C>T (NP_000363.1: p.Pro406Leu) Het PA Likely path OCA1, CM910385 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het MA Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Homo Benign Benign 15/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.1217C>T (NP_000363.1: p.Pro406Leu) Het Likely path OCA1, CM910385 Likely path. TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1: p.Arg402Gln) Het Benign OCA1, CM971555 Conflic. int. Path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Homo Benign Benign 16/F TYRP1, NM_000550.2: c.670C>T (NP_000541.1:p.His224Tyr) Homo Likely path. Not reported Likely path. 17 /M TYRP1 NM_000550.2: c.70G>A (NP_000541.1: p.Ala24Thr Het Benign OCA3: Conflic. int. path CM135782 TYRP1 NM_000550.2: c.418G>T (NP_000541.1: p.Glu140Ter) Het Pathogenic OCA3: Not reported CM172531 18/M SLC45A2 NM_016180.4: c.606G>C Homo Likely path. OCA4: CM040231 Conflic. int. (NP_057264.3:p.Trp202Cys) Path/ Likely path. 19/M SLC45A2 NM_016180.4: c.302G>A Homo Likely path. Not reported Not reported (NP_057264.3:p. Arg101His) TYR NM_000372.4: c. 589G>A (NP_000363.1:p.Asp197Asn) Het VUS Not reported Not reported 20/F OCA2 NM_000275.2: c.1025A>G (p.Tyr342Cys) Het Likely path. OCA, Likely path./ CM091279 VUS HPS1, NM_000195.3: c.972dupC Het Pathogenic Hermansky- Likely path (NP_000186.2:p.Met325HisfsTer128) Pudlak, CI962292 HPS1, NM_000195.3: c 1189delC Het Pathogenic Hermansky- Likely path (NP_000186.2:p.Gln397SerfsTer2) Pudlak, CD982692 21/M TYRP1, NM_000550.2: c.913+1G>A Het Likely path. Not reported Not reported 22/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1p.Arg402Gln) Het Benign OCA1, Conflic. int. CM971555 path TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Homo Benign Benign 23/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (NP_000363.1p.Arg402Gln) Het Benign OCA1, Conflic. int. CM971555 path 24/F TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Het Benign Benign 25/M TYR NM_000372.4: c.575C>A (NP_000363.1: p.Ser192Tyr) Homo Benign Benign 689Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... 4. Discussion OCA shows considerable clinical heterogeneity.2 Consequently, individual types of albinism might be dif- ficult to differentiate clinically in children, especially in those with light complexion, where there might be an overlap with other related disorders. Even though OCA is a genetically heterogeneous disorder, NGS based genetic testing enables timely definitive etiological diagnosis and consequently appropriate management of the disease. This is of notable importance in cases with mild or partial clin- ical manifestations.10 Among 25 paediatric patients of Slovenian descent with clinically suspected OCA, as much as 16 had normal complexion in regard to the other family members, and some of them had only mild albinism-related features (Ta- ble 1). In as much as 20 out of 25 patients (80%) in the entire cohort, genetic variants explaining their clinical phenotype were identified (Table 2). This is in accordance with other recent reports, where molecular diagnosis was achieved in 92% of patients with mild partial albinism10 and 72,3% of patients with albinism.12 Great majority of patients in our cohort (60% – 15/25) had TYR disease causing variants. This is surprisingly high when compared to the large cohort of 990 tested patients in France, where the number was 41,8%12. High frequency of TYR disease causing variants can partly be explained with the fact that ocular albinism due to GPR143 variants was previously ex- cluded from our group of patients.26 For instance in above mentioned large cohort GPR143 variants were responsible for 7% of the cases.12 Among our remaining patients, 4% (1/25) had only monoallelic disease causing variants that cannot fully explain the clinical presentation, while in 16% (4/25) no disease causing variant was detected in analysed genes. This is comparable with the large reported cohort, where 12% of patients had monoallelic variants and 15,5% had no detected disease causing variants.12 Surprisingly, we did not identify variants in OCA2 gene that would be a probable cause of albinism in our cohort. We identify only one OCA2 variant in heterozygous state in a patient 20 car- rying HPS1 disease causing variants. NGS results in this study were confirming the results of our earlier testing ap- proach using selective gene Sanger sequencing. This is in concordance with a previously reported group of patients with partial OCA, where OCA2 disease causing variants were identified only in heterozygous state together with the heterozygous variant in TYR gene.10 The novel TYR NM_000372.4: c.1430G>A (NP_000363.1 p.Trp477Ter) variant was detected in pa- tients 3 and 10 in compound heterozygous state with an- other TYR variant. This variant is introducing premature termination codon and was predicted to be pathogenic. Both patients harbouring this variant had mild signs of OCA with normal complexion, mild to medium iris tran- sillumination, foveal depression still present, but smaller, normal or rare retinal pigment epithelium, and no photo- phobia. The mild phenotypic characteristics in patient 10 are likely associated with hypomorfic variant present on the other TYR gene allele as it was previously reported.14 SLC45A2 variant NM_016180.4: c.302G>A (NP_057264.3: p.Arg101His) was detected in homozygous state in patient 19. It has so far not been reported in OCA and was predicted to be pathogenic. A different amino acid change, namely p.Arg101Cys, on the same position as here reported variant, was previously reported in a patient with OCA4, but his clinical characteristics were not de- scribed in more details (HGMD acc. nr. CM083847). Var- iants in SLC45A2 gene are associated with OCA4. This is a rare OCA type, reported in approximately 3% of Europe- an patients,34–36 but is more common in Japan.37 OCA4 is clinically variable and overlapping with other OCA types.5 Patient 19 had mild clinical phenotype with fair complex- ion, minimal foveal depression, rare retinal pigment epi- thelium, choroidal vessels seen at the posterior pole, but not in the foveal area, medium hypermetropic astigma- tism, and minimal photophobia. His clinical presentation did not differ significantly from other patients, neverthe- less, he was the only patients in this group with complete iris transillumination. Variants in TYRP1 gene are associated with OCA3, an extremely rare type in Caucasian patients, reported only in individual patients17 and in 2,1% of patients in a cohort of mainly but not exclusively French origin.12 Patient 16 had homozygous TYRP1 variant NM_000550.2:c.670C>T (NP_000541.1:p.His224Tyr) that was previously report- ed in ClinVar database in a patient with ocular albinism (Allele ID: 360904) but was so far not reported in Human Gene Mutation Database. He had normal complexion, mild iris transillumination, choroidal vessels seen at the posterior pole, but not in the foveal area, medium hy- permetropic astigmatism, and minimal photophobia. His clinical presentation did not differ significantly from other patients and was not concordant with the reported Cauca- sian patients, who had light-yellow skin, yellow-gold hair with orange highlights and fair eyelashes, divergent stra- bismus, and no photophobia.17 Among the variants that were classified as highly susceptive for OCA was also the TYR gene harbouring two allelic variants, namely NM_000372.4:c.575C>A (p.Ser- 192Tyr) and NM_000372.4: c.1205G>A (p.Arg402Gln). Those variants individually are frequently reported in general population and consequently regarded as benign. Nevertheless, when these are located in cis they are much rarer and when inherited in trans with pathogenic TYR variant, they were repeatedly reported to be causative for mild or partial form of OCA.10–13 This complex TYR allele was present in several patients in our cohort, while in six patients (subjects 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15) it was inherited in trans with other TYR variant. Therefore, those patients we classified as likely OCA1. They all had normal or fair com- plexion, rare retinal pigment epithelium, low or medium hypermetropic astigmatism, and no photophobia – con- 690 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 683–692 Hovnik et al.: Genetic Variability in Slovenian Cohort of Patients ... cordant with mild OCA. Among them, two were brothers (subject 12 and 13) with very similar clinical presentation. They only differed in iris transillumination that was pres- ent in mild form only in the younger brother (subject 13). Similarly as in our cohort, this complex allele was the most common disease causing allele in a previously reported group of patients with partial OCA.10 Patient 20 was compound heterozygote for two known disease causing variants in HPS1 gene associated with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1. Additionally, she was a heterozygous carrier of know disease causing variant in OCA2 gene associated with OCA2. In our co- hort, she had the most severe retinal pigment epithelium phenotype with choroidal vessels seen also in the foveal area. She had fair complexion, mild iris transillumination, no foveal depression, low hypermetropic astigmatism, and photophobia. She was referred to genetic testing due to her albinism-related symptoms and the genetic testing results led to the diagnosis of the Hermansky-Pudlak syn- drome type 1 in 2018 when she was 11 years old. Later on, fulminant Crohn’s disease with perianal fistulas and prolonged bleeding due to thrombocytopathy were recog- nised, both known manifestations of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.38,39 The diagnostic pathway that led to the diag- nosis of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in this patient con- firms the importance of genetic testing in children with al- binism. As previously suggested, early identification of the genetic aetiology of albinism can reveal serious syndromic causes of albinism that need appropriate clinical manage- ment including clinical evaluation of possible extraocular manifestations.40 In our cohort of patients, phenotype could not pre- dict genotype or vice versa, and there were no specific clin- ical signs correlating with the molecular diagnosis. Nev- ertheless, these children seem to be of lighter complexion with greater foveal hypoplasia and rare retinal pigment epithelium. Iris transillumination did not correlate with photophobia or other clinical signs, but it was present to a certain extent in all subjects. Furthermore, all subjects had low to medium hypermetropic astigmatism, with one who was highly myopic. In conclusion, NGS based genetic testing had a high diagnostic yield of 80% in our paediatric cohort of patients with various degrees of OCA and previously excluded OA due to disease causing variants in GPR143 gene. In- terestingly, we have identified a patient of white European ancestry with OCA3, which is an extremely rare report, and one patient with OCA due to the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1. Acknowledgements The authors thank Assist. Prof. Jelka Brecelj, PhD, and Assist. Prof. Maja Šuštar, PhD, for electrophysiological assessment and assistance, as well as Mrs. Barbara Klemenc for technical assistance with OCTs and fundus imaging. This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (grants P3-0343, P1-0170). Declaration of interest: There is no conflict of interest declared. 5. References 1. Marçon CR, Maia M. Albinism: epidemiology, genetics, cuta- neous characterization, psychosocial factors. An Bras Derma- tol. 2019; 94(5), 503–520. DOI:10.1016/j.abd.2019.09.023 2. 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Velika večina pacientov (15/25) je imela genetske različice gena TYR, povezanega z OCA tipa 1, sledile so mu različice genov TYRP1, SLC45A2 in HPS1, ki so vzrok za OCA3, OCA4 in Hermansky-Pudlakov sindrom tipa 1. Ugotovili smo, da fenotip OCA ne more napovedati genotipa in obratno. Kljub temu je bil diagnostični izkoristek po ciljanem sekvenciranju naslednje generacije (NGS) 80 % in se je izkazal za učinkovitega v naši pediatrični kohorti pacientov z različno stopnjo OCA. Tudi pri 16 pacientih z normalno poltjo je bil diagnostični izkoristek 62,5 %. Zanimivo je, da smo identificirali pacienta belega evropskega porekla z OCA3, kar je izjemno redko poročano, in enega pacienta z OCA zaradi Hermansky-Pudlakovega sindroma tipa 1.