ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1970 VOLUME 42 Young Ladies of S. W. U.! You are cordially invited to participate In the 15th National Convention COTILLION BALL Saturday Evening, May 23, 1970 BERKSHIRE HILLS COUNTRY CLUB Chesterland, Ohio (Application anil details inside) ) \ I I I I I i ) I I I ) I I I ZARJA - THE DAWN Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. NO. 2 FEBRUARY, 1970 VOL. XLII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno Por Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 r —---------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR MEMBERS CLEVELAND OR CHICAGO DIRECT, NON-STOP TO LJUBLJANA TRAVEL, TO SLOVENIA IN SPECIAL JET FLIGHTS DIRECT NON STOP FROM CHICAGO OR CLEVELAND TO LJUBLJANA! LEAVE CHICAGO JULY 2—RETURN JULY 25 Round trip Chicago-Ljubljana only $308.00 Leave Cleveland July 1 return July 31—Round trip Cleveland-Ljubljana only $298.00 Leave Cleveland August 6. Return August 2(i—Round trip Cleveland— Ljubljana only $298.00 For information and reservations call or write to: SLOVENIAN AMERICAN RADIO CLUB, 2022 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, 111. 60608 All arrangements by KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC., 589 E. 185 St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 FLY DIRECT TO LJUBLJANA-BRNIK AIRPORT! Explore SLOVENIA AND EUROPE IN 1970! KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL offers organized departures by Jet leaving several times a week in May, June, July, August, September, and October for LJUBLJANA-URNIK staying in Europe from 3 weeks to 3 months. ROUND TRIP JET FARES FROM NEW YORK TO LJUBLJANA: $230.00—is the fare for a group of 80 or more members traveling in May, returning in June or the second half of August, and September, returning in October. $265.00—is the fare for a group of 40 or more members traveling in May, second half of August, and September. $280.00—is the fare for a group of 80 or more members traveling in June, July, and the beginning of August. $313.00 to $358.00 is the price range for independent travel. Additional information will be given upon request. On all of the above quoted fares children under 12 pay half of the above fares and infants under the age of 24 months at only 10% of the fare. For the 1970 season Hollander World Travel will own a fleet of automatic Ford cars available for rental only to Kollander passengers. Many interesting tours of SLOVENIA, THE ADRIATIC COAST, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND annd ITALY will be available upon arrival in Ljubljana. Until March 1 you can travel or bring your relatives for only $310.00 round trip Ljubljana-NewYork—Ljubljana if you return before May 15 using the special individual excursion fare. For information and reservations call, visit, or write to: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 589 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 4411!) Phone (216) 531-1082 CALLING ALL MOTHERS OF YOUNG LADIES! Before you know it, the 15th National Convention of S.W.U. will be before us. The month of May is only a few months away. Plans to make it a success includes participation by our young members who are between the ages of 16 and 20 years in a special event which they will enjoy and will make us all proud. The important accent of this Convention will be on our young members. We must get them interested in joining our organization and if already members, to becoming better acquainted with it. To keep the Slovenian heritage alive among our young is the job of this generation. Most other nationalities have recognized the importance of featuring their young members and giving them projects and activities. We, too, wish the younger generation to participate in new programs that will guarantee our future and progress. The Cotillion Ball, on May 23rd on the evening preceding the 15th National Convention in Euclid, Ohio, has been set for a wonderful event. A lifetime of memories will be made for our young ladies who participate and mothers, you can help by getting your daughters to enter. The cost will be nominal, the enjoyment great! If you have a daughter, granddaughter, niece, between the ages of 16 and 20, enter her in the Cotillion Ball arrangements. The ball will be one grand affair with your co-operation. Jane Novak, Branch 50, Co-chairman of Cotillion Ball “You and I” We're important—you and I— Needed to the day we die. Much is asked of me and you No one else on earth can do. “Twixt our places—yours and mine, Runs a clear dividing line. On one side, what I should do. On the other, what should you, When my change is passing by, None important more than I. In what only you can do, On life’s journey this is true: I am needed; so are you. By the service we supply We’re important—you and I. —By Edgar A. Guest ACTIVITIES SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1970 — FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADS The Scholarship Committee of the Slovenian Women’s Union brings to your attention its annual scholarship drive. Requests for application forms will now be accepted from high school students graduating in June. Only those are eligible students who are members of the Slovenian Women’s Union for at least one year or, In the case of male students, their mother, grandmother or a sister must liav been a member for at least one year. Also, please note that awards cannot be made to members of the same Branch for two consecutive years. Therefore, if a scholarship award was made to a member of your branch last year, you unfortunately are not eligible this year. These scholarships are competitive. Three scholarships are available, and those selected will be from the most academically qualified applicants who need financial assistance. Each winner will receive $100.00 at the beginning of the first and second semesters totaling $200.00 if enrolled in an accredited college or university. For application forms please write Mrs. Robert J. Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., 53711. Sincerely, Mrs. Marie Prisland, Chairman Mrs. Albina Novak Mrs. Antonia Turek Mrs. Hermine Diclce, Secretary Scholarship Committee No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Our annual meeting was held December 21st, with a good membership present. The following program was accepted for 1970: A bake sale to be held in the spring. The annual card party will be held in September. Our chairman will be Dorothy Kregel assisted by Mary Turk. The branch Mother of the Year appointed is Mrs. Frances Krolnik. All ensuing officers were re-elected lor another term. Installation will take place at our February meeting, since there was no January meeting. Names were read of the sick and shut-ins for which each person received a Christmas card with money enclosure. The meeting was followed by refreshments and singing of Christmas Carols that were enjoyed accompanied by Johanna Zore on the accordian. Thank you, Johanna. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Linda Gustaveson and the Anton Urezonik family, who lost their beloved mother and daughter in death, Marianne Gustaveson. May her soul lest in peace. This being Convention Year let each one try and enroll a new mem ber. Hoping for a prosperous year for our organization and best of health to all members and officers everywhere. Do try and be present at our February meeting. The date is the 15th. A delegate to the National Convention will be elected. Margaret Fischer, Secretary No. 2, Chicago, III. On the coldest, sub-zero night of the year, it seemed, a dozen brave members attended the January meeting and installation of officers. Doing the honors in thes ceremony was our Auditor Mitzi Krapenc. We hope the year 1970 will be one of progress and good work ,(>r our branch. In mind for the iorthcoming year are two big events, tlie Howling Tournament in March !lud a trip to Euclid, Ohio for the National Convention May 24th-27th. Of course, we will also have the Mother’s Day celebration as usual and it takes place on May 14th and in the fall, the Penny Social and holiday parties. We are asking members who will be interested in making the trip to Cleveland-Euclid, to notify us as we "'ill have a special charter bus from <.'hicago that will be of nominal cost. The Convention will be beautiful and well worth the small expense. • n the spring, a committee of our Members is planning to take a grand tour around to the homes of our •‘ouse-bound members to bring them a bit of cheer and friendship. Anyone with a little free time is invited to join the group. We have also been asked for old clothes for the men and women of nearby old-peoples homes. Collection will be from the Home Office on Feb. 19th. Our new secretary, Frances Zibert, will be in touch with you with the annual reminder for dues and a full schedule of our program for 1970. Her address is 5918 S. Fairfield ave., Chicago 60029 and phone number is 471-2376. Mrs. Humar will also accept dues at the SWU Home Office an Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 3 if it is more convenient for you. Our sincere congratulations to Mother of the Year, Sophie Bogolin, selected by our branch members with their thanks for all her help and cooperation these many years. Sophie is a young mother of four and daughter of our president, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar. A unanimous vote went to the two delegates elected to represent the branch at the 15th National Convention and they are Frances Zibert and Fanika Humar. Alternates are Mary Poldan and Luba Troha. Knowing the importance of the Convention, the delegates we have selected are the best. We meet again in March on the 12th and hope you will attend to help with the plans for our future events. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Our December meeting was well-attended. We had election of officers: Frances Plesko, president; Ann Meier, vice-president; Mary Dezman, secretary; and Mary Evanich, recording secretary. Wo discussed the coming National Convention. It will be held in the month of May in Euclid, Ohio. If any lady is interested to attend, contact Frances Plesko. We are planning on having a card party soon, so please try to come or donate a prize. We had a wonderful Christmas Party. There was plenty of food and everyone had a good time. Try to attend our coming meetings and don’t forget to pay your dues. “Valentine” greetings to all our members and especially our shut-in members. Theresa Sukys No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Greetings from the far west to all sisters and friends of the Slovenian Women’s Union. We have beautiful days In California even in winter. The sun shines and only nights are cold. The chrysantehemums and carnations are all in bloom and Christmas with its message of love and peace couldn’t be more beautiful than it was with the beautiful Slovenian songs that filled our hearts with memories of home and the little crib in the corner of the room, so long ago, which still lives in our hearts and minds. In church, the choir sang under the very able supervision of our maestro, Alex Siinenc, a Joseph Hadyn Mass and we were especially happy to have among us our oldest priest. Father George Trunk. Father Trunk celebrated his hundredth birthday in September, 1909 His Excellency, the Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, Most Rev. Guilfoyle, friend of Father Vodusesk, our pastor, and friend of our people had a beautiful sermon with Slovenian words ending: Bog živi! Present also was His Excellency, Bishop Stanko Lenič of Ljubljana. The two most gracious guests, both so intelligent, are very MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY MARCH 14-15, CHICAGO warm and friendly as are all the other priests. People and the choir sang “Staromašnik hod pozdravljen.” Our new officers for the year 1970 are: President Rose Scoff, Vice-President Ann Stich, Secretary Doris Lov-rin, Rec. Secretary Margaret Pager, Door Sentinel Kate Lampe and Reporter Frances Chiodo. We wish all the officers and everyone of them a Happy New Year and may God reward them for their hard work. Our new priest of the Redemptorist Order, Father Vic Lampe, was here a few months ago to perform the marriage of his sister, now Mrs. Theresa Dubino. She was one of the most beautiful brides one did ever see. She also belongs to our branch. To the happy couple, our congratulations for a long and happy marriage. Sister Neža Kamnik is back to good health again and we are all very happy and wish her a long life. There was no meeting in January but will be in February, so please come one and all! Poldica Podgornik, Reporter No. 16, So. Chicago, III The December meeting was held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We had much to be thankful for in 19G9 as we got so many new members. All the ladies brought various kinds of food so we really had a nice Christmas party with beautiful table decorations made by the Spretnik girls which they do every year. We remembered all the sick members and send them cards to give them a little cheer in knowing they haven’t been forgotten. We had quite a few deaths in 1969 and hope that this year will be less deaths and more new members. Katie Triller, our president, is rea-ally happy that we have so many new members. Ann Lustig is such an active member and is chairman of all the doings we have. The next will be our games party on the first Sunday in March. Mary Cohen, Rec. Sec No. 14, Euclid, Ohio.— With the Holidays over, the members are now thinking ahead toward Spring and the National Convention to be held in the Greater Cleveland Area. One of the highlights of 1970 was the choosing of Mary Fakult to be the Mother of the Year of Br. 14. Mary was chosen by an unanimous vote of the members. She is more than deserving of this honor. There will be more written about her in future issues of Zarja. We are grateful to Frances Erzen, Angela Kern, Mary Poskovich for their donation to the Good-Time treasury and a special Thank You to Kati Jakobs for her contribution to the Sunshine Club. We hope that with all the excitement coming up in the next few No. 2, Chicago, 111. Bowling News. Zefran Funeral Home welcomed the New Year by regaining first place in the Chicago S. W. U. bowling league. As of Dec. 30, the leaders held a record of 37 wins and 20 losses. Marquette Service Station fell to second place with 36% wins and 20% losses. Wagner’s Bakery moved up a notch to third, with 33 wins and 24 losses. Dr. Grill’s record of 31% wins and 25% losses was good enough to raise them two places, to fourth. Tied for fifth place, with 30 wins and 27 losses, were John F. Cuneo and Reliance Federal. Dr. Grill took over the lead in high team handicap series with 2810. Zefran’s 995 is still on top in high team game. S. Gorka’s 659 put her on top of high individual series. A. Vucko retained her top position of high individual handicap game witli 264. Christmas “spirits” abounded once again. Townhall awarded bottles to the girls who bowled the most pins over average on their teams. This year’s winners were: C. Lexa, M. Omerza, A. Hozzian, S. Melissa, J. Ovnik, K. Navarro, A. Leben, R. Lit-win, D. Ceska and S. Rada. S. Gorka once again proved she is the top bowler in our league with a tremendous 257 game and 623 series (against my team, I’m sorry to say). It was exciting to watch her. M. Stuck came up with a 220 game and a 574 series. Other high series of December were A. Vucko’s 563 and A. Persa’s 557. There were several high games during the month. Some of them were: S. Melissa, 217; A. Scambiat-teria, 210; A. Kovacs, 209; L. Put-zell, 207; W. Šinkovec, 2-00; E. Stat-kus, 197; L. Hasek, 194. Railroads are still popular, I see. December’s pick-ups were: S. Melissa, 5-10 and 3-9-10; A. Hozzian, 5-7 and 3-7-10; L. Hasek, 2-7 and 3-10; M. Zefran, 2-7 and 5-10; A. Persa, A. Marrazzo, 5-10; D. Ceska, J. Ovnik, C. Wrezzes, 2-7; H. Fitzgerald, F. Smulski, K. Navarro, I. Diamond, L. Zefran, 5-7; J. Muelleman, 3-10; T. S tanelc, 6-8; A. Preskar, 4-7-9; W. Šinkovec, 3-7; J. Lexa, 2-4-9-10; R. Litwin, 6-7; A. Fingerhut, 5-610. Barbara Zurek months more members will attend the meetings. The weather has not been exactly the best, but it is bound to be better. So come to our meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue. Hope to see you there. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. The holidays are all behind us again for another year. After Christmas, we see new bowling balls, new shoes and bags, and an occasional off-night can be blamed on the new equipment! But, in our league we make no excuses because we have a grand bunch of girls bowling. They are so relaxed they even do their knitting sewing and ironing at the bowling alleys, right Evelyn? If some of you new members of Br. 20 would like to join our bowling league, you may contact Jo Sumic for further information. We can get you lined up for the 1970-71 season. Team Standings as of Dec. 29, 1969: Won Lost Blutli’s Sausage 35% 15% Shep’s Sunoco Service 30% 20% Northwestern Recreation 27 24 Merichka’s Restaurant 22)% 28% F. C. Dames Funeral Home 19% 31% American Slov. Home 18 33 Marge Wajchert had a couple of nice series, she had a 523 and 553, high game of 218. Vicki Bernickas had a 500 series, high game 183. Gen Klainsek had 525 and 567, high game 193. Our sub, Judy Derlinga, had a series of 503, high game 193. Nice shooting, Judy! Seems like Ann Steniisha, Agnes Verbischer, Betty Lakotich and Bernice Planker are the ones to call when you have a split to pick up. These girls can really knock down those hard set-ups. We would like to congratulate Virgina Guertin and husband on the new addition to their family. They have adopLed a baby girl and now their son will have a playmate. Mary Reznick’s daughter, Joan and husband John were visiting here a-round the holidays. Mary had fun with her grandson, John. Happy Valentine’s Day, girls! Don’t forget to bring your card and hankie to our Valentine’s Party. So long and see you next month. Gen. Klainsek No. 20, Joliet, III. At our annual meeting, the following were reelected: Emma Planinšek, president: Josephine Muster, vice-president: Olga Ancel, secretary; Josephine Erjavec, rec. secretary, Josephine Sumic, treasurer and Frances Hubert, Emma Nosse and Theresa Marentich, trustees. Theresa Muhich is sergeant-at-arms and our spiritual director is Msgr. M. J. Butala. A donation for Christmas was given to the church. Our sick members reported were Jennie Dernulc and Mary Hochevar who is still at St. Josejh’s Hospital. We wish them both a speedy recovery. This was the time to select, our Mother of the Year. Her picture and story of her life will be in the May edition. The most popular mother for the branch is Mrs. Caroline Gre-gorich of No. Broadway St. Those members who have been active in the past years will still remember Mrs. Gregorich coming to our meetings every month and her help to the branch especially at the time we were organizing the drill teams and the Slovenian National costumed girls. At that time she was the president of the sewing circle in 1932 with Frances Bottari as vice-president and together they worked so hard. Mrs. Gregorich devoted much time in sewing the costumes and permitted the young members to assemble in her garage for meetings and entertainments of their own. Mrs. Gregorich has 5 sons and 2 daughters who are already deceased. She was born at Trška fara in Slovenia and will be 90 years young next September. She lives in this country since 1899. She has 24 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Her maiden name was Okleshen. She still sews dresses as she is a known seamstress in this community. And, she still attend daily Mass at St. Joseph’s. We members unanimously agreed that if any one is entitled to this honor as Mother of the Year of Br. 20, it is our Caroline Gregorich! Congratulations! Secretary, Olga Ancel reported that we lost 10 members in the year 1969 who passed away into eternity and we pray for the repose of their souls. We gained 25 new members during the year. Our secretary also called attention to the Convention booklets and net proceeds are intended for the expenses of our delegates to the next National Convention. Junior member, Rosanne Ruth, age nine years, was present at the meeting and voluteered to take two book-letslets! God luck, Rosanne! She is this reporter’s granddaughter. All officers and members are requested to do their part and follow Ilosann’s lead — it’s for the progress of our branch. President Emma Planinšek was complimented for her entire efforts lor the branch as she is now serving 35 years as president and deserves our thanks and recognition. Jo Muster, vice-president, gave a lull report of the annual church card party which was a co-operative venture with all church societies, including Branch 20, taking part. An annual report on the finances of the branch was given by Josephine Sumic and she announced the coming bowling tournament to be held in the spring. (Continued on p. 20) Supreme President’s Message As the time of the 15th National S.W.U. Convention is approaching we must formulate plans for those attending the Convention which is to be held in Euclid, Ohio on May 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, 1970. The program will consist of the formal opening of the Convention on Sunday, May 24th at Holy Mass at St. Vitus church, followed by the Grand Banquet and program at St. Vitus Hall. Headquarters for the Convention will be at Rehar Hall, Euclid, Ohio. The Convention sessions will begin Monday morning at 9 a. m. Delegates and visitors will be housed at the Charter Motel, 24800 Euclid Ave. or privately as they prefer. Transportation will be provided to transport all delegates and visitors to and from the Motel to Mass and Banquet on Sunday morning and also to the Convention sessions at Rehar Hall, Euclid. The Cleveland committee will be very busy the next couple of months getting in readiness all details for a very fine Convention. February is the most important month for elections of delegates to the Convention for many branches who have not done so in January. Elect a delegate who shall represent your branch to the best of her ability so she may relate your ideas and suggestions for the betterment of your organization and branch. Convention Queen Campaign Will you be my Valentine? Month of February is here and has your branch chosen a campaign manager, so she could be the Convention Queen of your branch? How about presenting her with a Valentine with the name of a new member. I am sure she would be very appreciative as it would help her to win the crown. Convention Queen will not be chosen but she has to work by writing in most new memebrs. Members, you can help your candidate to reach her goal by giving her the name of a prospective member or even writing in the member yourself. Please remember to have two applications properly filled out and signed, this will help lighten Sec. Albina Novak extra work. Convention Queen will be crowned at the Convention Banquet. Who shall be the reigning Queen? Applications can be obtained from your branch secretary or write to the Home Office. Congratulations to the following branches who are observing their 40-35-and 30th Anniversaries. Sorry that I slipped up on my home town branch 38, Chisholm, Minn, last month. 40th, Br. 38 Chisholm, Minnesota, January 12, 1930 organized by Anna Trdan, and Mary Smoltz Lenich. 40th, Br. 30 Biwabik, Minnesota, February 3, 1930 organized by Johana Levec. 35th, Br. 61 Braddock, Pennsylvania, March 3, 1935 organized by May Zaitz 30th, Br. 97 Cairnbrook, Pennsylvania, March 10, 1940 organized by Mary I.ovse and Mary Kuzma. Slovenian Chapel Fund Chapel Fund received a very nice Christmas gift sent in by the good people of Bridgeport, Conn in the amount of $1053.00. Branch 103 of Washington, D. C. held a dinner dance and all proceeds were donated towards three important causes. The Chapel Fund, Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Fund and Slovenicum. Each charity received the nice sum of $05.00. Branch 103 is to be highly complimented on their fine work and it shows that their branch is a very active one. Nice going, ladies. Following are donations sent in by branch secretaries: Br. 3, Pueblo, Colorado; Anna Pachak $60.00; Br. 47, Jennie Pugely, Garfield Heights, Ohio $30.00; Br. 71, Anna Tomsic, Strabane, Pa. $30.00; Br. 50, Toni Turek, Cleveland, Ohio $13.00; Br. 22 Anna Godlar, Euclid, Ohio $10.00 and Br. 40 Angeline Kozjan, Lorain, Ohio $3.00. In behalf of the Chapel Fund again, a thank you to all. Happy Valentine to nil! Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month! And. speedy recovery to all ailing. Toni Turek WHO WILL BE THE CONVENTION QUEEN OF 1970? Convention Queen Campaign Needs You! Sign up a New Member today! Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: GOOD NEWS IGNORED M .ybe you would like to know. According to Morris Ernst, a New York lawyer who has been dedicated all through his adult life to human rights and human better-ment many good news were not reported. Here are some examples: Not too long ago Ernst helped a group in Harlem to raise $250,000 in capital to start a cooperative market. All the money came from Harlem residents — not a cent from the government or foundations. The news media reported the creation of co-op — but not the fact that the people did it themselves. Ernst said if the media had given publicity to that aspect to the event, he could have started ten more co-op’s in New York City because people would have been encouraged to do likewise. A new teletypelike mechanism for home use which makes it possible to talk with deaf people over the phone was never reported. Greece, Taiwan and other nations have sent expressions of gratitude to the U. S. for American aid. The letters are at the White House — but the communications media do not care. The nation is “over the hump” in overcoming racial discrimination — but the mass media won’t print the news. Ernst asked his reporter-editor friends why they never mention labor unions that haven’t had a strike or lockout in 10, 20 or 30 years. “Nobody is interested” is their reply. His answer is, “How do you know? You haven’t tried it.” Ernst recalls that 10 years ago the Ford Foundation sent out thousands of copies of a study, listing thousands of cases of peaceful desegregation. But the story ended in all the wastebaskets. Says Ernst: ‘I am not asking, for a moment, that the news media cut out the evil. I am just saying, Can’t you take a half inch out. of some murder story?” “What I say is, put all the muder and mayhem in — but don’t manage the American mind totally against goodness. This country is full of goodness. These are wonderful thoughts for our consideration. A special invitation was given to all members by the president, to attend the installation meeting when all officers will take the oath of office and members will be entertained at a party. Condolences to the family of Nick Linovlch who passed away at the Americana and was buried Jan. 2nd at St. Mary’s Nativity. He is survived by his wife, Anna who is our member for many years and herself in poor health for a long time. Also surviving are two step daughters and one son. Mr. Linovich died at the age of 88 years. May he rest in peace. Wishes to all for a very happy New Year and may the Good Lord give you all health and His blessings during the year. Josephine Erjavec No. 21., Cleveland, Ohio. I deem my duty to express myself regarding our recent meeting, our annual Christmas social and election. It was quite a successful event in as much as a great deal of business was discussed and settled. Perhaps some issues have been left in doubt and some radical changes voted in. Over-all, these must come about because of times and circumstances. As vice president for 1968-G9 I sent out 16 post cards early asking for a nominating committee for this e-lection. It was disheartening to have only 2 members actually return the favor. I’m sure the postman was not entirely to blame. The net result was very efficient in that a committee was formed of 5 attending members including President Theresa Lach. After all the active officers were asked of their standing the nominators formed a voting ballot. As the slate was read not one vote was brought up off the floor. This hastened the election by ballot and resulted in a new administration, namely: Rec. See. Jean Masso, Sec’y Stella Dancull, Treas. Lois Babnick. Vice-Pres. Theresa Lach and Pres. Helen Konkoy. Auditors of previous years remain: Ann Kosak, Rose Kožuh and Fran Cimperman. We are grateful to these reliable ladies in audit. Our new team is happy to have Stella Dancull stay on as we are to have Theresa at our side as V. P. All their knowledge is invaluable. All members regret terminating the treasurer’s seat which Josephine Weiss so ably held for some 38 years. She treasured her duties to the extent of personal concern for finances. It was truly a tearful exit. Lois Babnick will prove her ability I’m sure. God bless Mrs. Weiss, may she be available for consultation and advice. We cheer our matriarch of the branch, Cecilia Brodnik who kept records of our meetings until illness overcame her not to mention the untold previous years of dedication. We thank Lil Lunder who so unselfishly took up her mother’s duties faithfully. We were heartened to see our recuperating, new Young faces guests as well as our annexed members Mrs. Zaic and Mrs. Blazec. It was inspiring to see Anna Pelcic come with Dorothy after such a very long absence. My humblest thanks to all who cooperated in nominations, Jean Masso for ballots and members in attendance who were bewildered by the new approach. Members expect to be called for funeral attendance. Those of you who don’t work outside home and drive may be asked and get paid in return. Each of us must be obligated to the organization in one way or another. Don’t be a member on the roster only. Each one a doer—by acceptance. Jo Hočevar is selling the cook books and “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA” books. Mary Hosta and her sister Ann Hanchette the sunshine gals, wish to hear news of our members’ travels, events, illness, etc. Keep them informed. We will have lists of telephone numbers of all members soon. Meetings every first Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Call 941-4140 or 251-1G4G or 884-8217 to get to the meeting. Helen L. Konkoy, President 1970 No. 22, Bradley, III. We enjoyed a most pleasant afternoon Sunday Dec. 7th at the home of our president, Mrs. Mollie Metschuleit, when we gathered for our Chistmas party-meeting. Her sister, Mrs. Anna La-Montagne, was hostess. The following officers were elected for 1970: pres. Miss Mollie Starasi-nich, vice pres. Mrs. Anna Richards, sec. Miss Gabrielle Lustig, treasurer Mrs. Antoninette Legris, trustees Mrs. Anna LaMontagne, Mrs. Helen Sebastian! and Mrs. Mary Rittmanic. Father James McDermott is our spiritual director. An offering was sent to Sacred Heart Southern Missions for Masses tor our deceased members and loved ones. Our sick members, Margaret Hassett and Charlotte Skuba, were remembered with cards and gifts. We also honored with a gift our dear senior sister, Mrs. Barbara Schlitz, who on Dec. 2nd reached the good age of 91 years. Also, a Christmastime remembrance was sent our dear sister friend of Branch No. 2, Mrs. Pauline Ozbolt. To these, our very special ones, and to everyone we wish a New Year filled with God’s choicest blessings and we pray that peace will come to our troubled world! We congratulate and extend best wishes to Mr. Helen Sebastian! who was chosen Mother of the Year. Excitement and joy followed this business session as we exchanged gifts, sang Christmas carols and then sat down to a refreshing luncheon of salads, hot-rolls, coffee and the Marie Prisland: WONDERFUL AMERICA! It happened in California — in Pasedena, that is — where the Rose Parade is held every New Year’s Day, with this year being the 81st year. The place — Colorado and Aurora Streets. With my grandson “Billy” Dicke, whom I visited, I arrived a half an hour before the parade was to begin. Since we were unable to get reserved seats at the grandstand, we had to take our chances with the crowds of people on the sidewalks and the streets. The roped-off area was filled with people who had camped there since the night before or came very early that morning. We stood outside the roped-off area with many others. A young girl next to me was sitting down and I inquired where a chair can be rented. “Sefiora, you want chair?" asked a young man next to her. He then nudged the young lady telling her to give the chair to me. He said that she — his sister — can stand. I offered rent money for the chair, but he refused, saying: “No, no, am happy to give chair to American lady, I come from Mexico, found work, good Pay, now I can take care of sick mother and young sister. America — good country!” Soon a policeman arrived informing us that we could not stay outside the roped-off area. The others left but I asked the officer if lie could find a place for me, because I came a long way — 2000 miles from the state of Wisconsin — to see the parade for the first time. The officer quickly discovered an opening, placed my chair on the spot, lifted the ropes and put me inside. Through his kindness I had a “ringside” seat. The parade was wonderful! Any art lover would be thrilled to see the beautifully designed and decorated floats, each one more gorgeous than the one before. Equal to the artistic beauty of the floats — 60 of them — was the magnificence of the 200 Palomino horses on parade. They, too, were decorated. Their hoofs were painted to match the rider’s costumes and they wore wreaths around their necks and bouquets of flowers and ribbons tied on their tails. The many colorful high school and college bands, strutting smartly, were a pleasure to see. Bands apply many years in advance to be selected to appear in the parade. Several of them came from beyond the state of California, one being from Da Crosse, Wisconsin. A band and a float from Canada received much attention. Over a milion art lovers watched the parade under sunny skies with the temperature in the 50’s. The magnificence of the whole parade appeared on TV, but seeing it “live” was something of a lasting memory. Before I left, the kind officer returned to where I was sitting asking me how I enjoyed the parade. I thanked him warmly, fully realizing that his kindness made this unforgetable event possible for me. I will remember this day also because of the heart-wanning words of the man from Mexico. They are the reflection of the opportunities America offers, together with the kindness of its people. traditional Slovenian holiday delicacy “potica”, baked by Mrs. Agnes Zaic. Sincere thanks to her and the party hostesses and to all who so ably served in the year of 19G9 to make meetings “days to remember.” Our next meeting will be Sunday February 15th at the home of Mollie Starasinich, with Elizabeth Kinder assisting. Happy New Year! Gabrielle Lustig, Secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn. The Dawn Club. Members held their annual Christmas Party and meeting on Dec. 17th at Vertin’s Cafe. It began with a cocktail hour at G p. m. with Mary Star-kovich and Barbara Rosandich in charge. Dinner wras served at 6:30. Mary Gotchnik took care of the entertainment with her accordian. Croup singing was led by Mary Star-kovich. Prizes went to Rose Ferder-ber and Rose Pucel. Election of officers resulted in the following: Margery Preshiren, President; Mary Gotchnik, Vice-President; Rose Stup-nik, Treasurer; Anne Levar, Secretary; Helen Kochevar and Rose Pucel, Auditors and Margaret Somrak, Reporter. On behalf of the Dawn Club members, I wish to thank the past officers for the fine Job they did in the past two years. Lunch committee for January were Helen Kochevar, Frances Pengal, Frances Grahek, Mary Shikonya and Mary Knap. Wishes to all for a very prosperous and peaceful year especially success at this year’s National Convention. Mary M. Shikonya Reporter FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA SELLING FAST! History Book edited by Marie Prisland My supply on history books is very low and those of you who have not yet purchased your copy do so now before they are all gone. Demand is great. Here is a comment that was given to me. A gentleman of Polish decent purchased a book and after reading it called me up ordering three more books and telling me that it was one of finest history books he ever read and the author was to be highly praised on the fine work she did in writing the book and that every family in USA should own one regardless of nationality! I also had one of our members stop in to see me three days before Christmas and she purchased 5 history books, 5 Women’s Glory—The Kitchen and 5 song books and these she gave as a set of each to her children as a Christmas present, so they will have and know about the old timers who first came to America and how they struggled to work and live. She said: “My children and grandchildren have no idea about the first immigrants and their first youngsters who were born In the early years from 1895 on and how they struggled." Order your book now before they are all gone. Price of the book is $4.25 including postage. TONI TUREK J ORDER BLANK FOR NEW BOOK: FROM SLOVENIA ! TO AMERICA, $4.00 i J By Marie Prisland, Founder of Slovenian Women’# Union I i Enclosed I« (check) (money order) In amount of $........................ | for ----------------- copies of FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. ! Please enclose 25£ for postage and handling of Individual orders J Total $ .............. I j Name................................................... } Address .............................................. I J City .............................. State ......._ Zlpcode ............. J Mall to: Mr«. Antonia Turek, B86 Bryn Mawr, Wlckllffe, Ohio 44092 No. 24, LaSalle, III.— Very best for the new year, especially to the Supreme Officers and our dear Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak to whom we send best wishes for good health. An invitation to all members to attend our meetings in the new year. We need and want your help. A sad note to begin the new year is to recall that in 1969 we lost nine members. In December Anna Jakse passed away and if she lived another month, would have been 88 years old. She was a former officer of the branch and attended the meetings until ill health fell upon her. She is survived by three daughters, Anne. Olga and Millie and three sons, Joe. Edward and Julius, 14 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren remain. To all, our deepest sympathy. Condolences to member Rose Savnik who lost her husband, Frank. May our dearly departed rest in peace! We hope those of our members who are ill will soon recover and return to good health. To all, best wishes and see you at the meetings. Angela Strukel, Sec. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. We have been having very bad weather here in Pittsburgh during the month of December. Fortunately, on our meeting night the weather was a little nicer so our attendance was excellent. We nominated Mrs. Anna Trontel for our Mother of the Year. We congratulate her — she has been president of our branch for over 20 years. The Christmas party held after the meeting was a very sice affair. I am sure all the members enjoyed themselves. We have been enrolling quite a few new young members in our branch. Welcome to the following new members: Margaret Barlak, Margaret Kohler, Virginia Kohler, Frances Klayner, Janet Lynn Widina. Gearlyn Hotujec and Anna Wilhelm. It’s nice having these members join us. As I mentioned before, there was no meeting in January and will not. be In Feb., so the next time we meet will be March 17. At this meeting, we will have important business to discuss and election of delegate to the National Convention in May. Do try to come to this meeting. Best wishes to all! Ann Frankovic, Sec. No. 33, Duluth, Minn.— The first meeting of 1970 was held January 7th and was very well-attended considering the below zero weather. This evening was also the installation of new officers of Branch 33. And with the new slate of officers I’m sure we will have another interesting year. We did have a very busy past year and everyone worked hard for the branch and of course are to be commended for their endeavor. Closing remaks were made by Frances Blat-nick and Ann Podgoršek. It was at this time prayers and thoughts were asked for our Supreme Secretary Albina Novak who is recovering from surgery. A Mass was said for her health January 11th, to which members were urged to attend. Rod Speed, Albina. Branch 33 will make (he presentation of the book “From Slovenia to America” to the Duluth Public Library, St. Ann’s Home, and the Stowe Jr. High School. This book is highly recomommended to anyone of Slovene decent or just makes good reading. In charge of this presentation is Mrs. K. Collard. We have the appointment of Mrs. Yvonne Schmeling and Mrs. All Del-Zotto as our new juvenile directors. Mrs. T. Rukavina will act as advisor. Also was the election of Mrs. F. Blatnick as a delegate to the National Convention in Euclid, O., in May. I’m sure everyone has recovered from the busy holiday season by now. This reporter had a very happy and rewarding one in so many ways and God willing I will see another. Would like to send out our best wishes to all our members who are ill or cannot get out during these cold months. Please remember those who are ill or in nursing homes with a card or a visit. Let’s make 1970 a heart warming one for others and ourselves. God bless and reward you all! Florence Burger No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Greetings to each and everyone. We had our annual meeting and election of officers and everyone was re-elected unanimously by the members. The officers for the year of 1970 are as follows: President, Frances Hren; Vice-President, Sylvia Petrich; Sec.-Treas., Ann Trdan; Rec. Sec., Frances Jelenič; Auditors: Jennie Adamic and Teresa Gerzin, the latter newly-elected. We held our pot-luck Christmas party after the meeting. We had a very good crowd. What delicious goodies! That ocvirkova potica and apple strudel were just out of this world. Thanks to each and every one who took time out to make this annual Christmas party so enjoyable! A blessed new year to all our officers and God bless you all! Frances Jelenič, Rec. Sec. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our Deceni ber meeting and Christmas party was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Webb. Thanks to all who brought goodies to our party; they were delicious. The officers for 1970 are Viola Pisoni, Pres., Margaret Dolenz, Vice Pres., Helen Skoff, Sec’y and Treas., No. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio. — Happy New Year from Branch 47! Our annual meeting was held on Sunday Dec. 7th and was well-attended. About 30 members were there. Election of officers was held. All of last year’s officers were elected again. They are: Jennie Gerk, president; Mary Sholar, vice-president; Jennie Pugelj, secretary; Antonia Dolinar, treasurer; Jennie Praznik, recording secretary; Stella Mahnic, Ann Kresevic and Ann Kristofek, auditors. We had a gift exchange and gave prizes after the meeting donated by Mary Vlcek and Rose Praznik. Thanks, ladies! Then, in conjuction with the Gos-podinski Klub, we enjoyed a delicious dinner which they prepared and served. Our meetings are held every other month on the fourth Sunday. Jennie Praznik, Rec. Sec’y. * * * “ ' Now that we have begun a . new year, I wish to remind all our mem-rebel's that the dues payments are requested to be paid on time and anyone delinquent, to please straiglr IN MEMORIAM ANNA C. HERBST Feb. 2, 1967 Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear; fond memories linger every day remembrance keeps you near! Husband, EDWARD Br. No. 50, Cleveland, O. Jo Prebil, Rec. Sec’y. Our members Eva Hozjak celebrated her 75th birthday; many happy returns. Helen Skoff was chosen our Mother of the Year, so congratulations, Helen! The next meeting will be at the home ol’ Jo Prebil, on the 8th ol February. Try to attend. Jo Prebil, Rec. Sec’y. ten the matter at once. Kemember, Class A 45 pay monthly 500 or yearly $6.00; Class B 70 pay monthly 75$ or yearly $9.00; Class A 20 pay 25«S monthly or yearly $3.00 and juniors pay 10(! monthly or $1.20 yearly. (All adults are assessed the extra 50 for our treasury.) Thank you and best wishes. Jennie Pugelj, sec. No. 50, Cleveland, O. Feb. 16 at 8 p. m. is our meeting time. As you all know, it will be at the Euclid Recreation Center, Lakeshore Blvd. and E. 231st St., in the rear. There is lots of parking space. So far, the attendance has been great. Remember, we are all helping Ann Hočevar to become the Convention Queen by giving her names of prospective members. Help her sign up as many new members as possible. Bring your prospects to her attention. Also, we hope you will start selling the convention booklets and make returns as soon as possible. Send cheer-lip cards to Mary Finley and Evana Mandel who are still on the sick list. Marie Azman has been a very busy member helping her sister who is on the sick list, too. Pray and ask the Lord to help her get well. Albina Novak needs your prayers, too. Her operation was successful, but she still needs a lot of rest to recuperate and to be her old self again. Best of health to all our members. Our March meeting date will be March 16th — same place and same time. Frances Sietz, President No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Our first, meeting of the new year took place at the Little Grove on a cold and brisk evening. The mercury dipped down to 17 degrees below zero and the winds were crisp and frosty but even at that, 25 members came out to the new year meeting. We added two children members to our branch as the grandmothers signed them up, namely Marie Braatin and Stacv Jo Maki. We also congratulate sisters Rose Chiodi on her new grandson and sisters Alberta Russo and Alice Ba-ratto on their new granddaugters. Installation of officers took place and we had no change in the staff as everyone remained seated as in the previous year. Siser Rose Chiodi, our sec. and treas., has held her office for 25 years and a purse was presented her for her long service to our branch. Elected as delegate to the National Convention is Rose Chiodi and alternate is sister Josephine Oswald. We have a sick member, Veronica Krismanich, a patient at Hibbing General Hospital. ' We hope and pray she will have a rapid recovery and with God’s help, she will be up and around soon. To all our sick members, go our best wishes. Minutes were read and everything accepted thus bringing our meeting to a close. We then began the so- cial of the evening and we thank hostesses: Rose Chiodi, Dorothy Russo, Josephine Palitano and Rose Trombly. It was delicious. Prizes went to Florence Techar, Margaret Andrican, Gertrude Kochevar, Margaret Pogorels, Josephine Oswald, Angeline Russo, Julia Mancuso, Celia Politano and the door prize to Margaret Andrican. We had a delightful evening. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. We’ll meet again in February on the first Wed. and hope this will bring more of you out. The more the merrier. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. —- The December meeting was opened with a prayer by our President Anne Sato-vich. The minutes were read by Amelia Domen, Treasurer's report by Mary Drobnick and the by-laws were reviewed. The election of officers went easy as it was voted that we keep our slate of officers in. Anne Satovich as President, Agnes Barkis as Vice President, Mary Meadows as Financial Secretary, Amelia Domen, Recording Secretary, Mary Drobnick. Treasurer tvkh Elizabeth Spolar and Drirothy Oberstar as Auditors ahd Barbara Dosen the Sergeant, at Arms' with Margaret Skorich remaining as Reporter.' We give our thanks to the officers' that' have done more than their job for the good of the branch. Mrs. George (Manda) Butorac was voted “Mother of the Year” and a deserving Mother she is! We will honor her in May. A Christmas luncheon was served and games were played with numerous prizes awarded. Door prizes were won by Amelia Domen and Antonia Rapinac. Vera Brklich won the jackpot. We all missed the concertina concert that Tony Babich usually treated us to; we hope he makes the scene with us again. Sick members are: Angeline Paver, Caroline Kozina, Angela Genac, Anna Rapinac and Margaret Corser. We wish them well and it wouldn’t hurt, some of the members to go to the hospital and spread a little cheer once in a while. That falacy about letting the other person do it isn’t fair and who wants to be “The Forgotten Woman?” Happy Valentine’s Day. Sincerely. Margaret Skorich No. 57, Niles, Ohio. Our November meeting was a busy one with election of officers. All were in favor of the same statff for the new year except that Mary Opalko resigned as vice-president and Jane Loger was elected in her place and also Mary DeMalia was selected as Mother of the Year. In November, Nancy Segreto brought in three lovely new members, Florence Nevin, Mary Vigarito and Virginia Filipan. Welcome, girls! Hand-crocheted handkerchiefs were sold and proceeds went to the treasury. A get well card was signed and $2 sent to Mary Hersig who had surgery and is now doing well. Our Christmas banquet was held at Clenian’s in Girard. We had a lovely turnout witih many guests and several door prizes were donated by the president. Favors were Christmas corsages. We had a gift exchange and a good time was had by all. Mary Moler, Reporter * * ■ * It hardly seems possible that another year has rolled by. It was a sad year for us. In April we lost a good and faithful member, Vera Halko. She attended every meeting. When illness struck, she was in and out of the hospital several times until she was called to her resting place. Then, in October, a very dear, and charming lovable member, Mrs. John (Ann) Dolence was taken from our midst. She leaves her husband. John, and charming daughter, Carol, sister Jerry Spoljaric and a brother and sister in Barberton, Ohio. She will be sadly missed by all who loved her and came to say the rosary. May both our departed members rest in peace. - ■ • It was Ann DolenCe and her ' sister. Jerry, also our president, Frances Yerman, who worked all day long when we had a most successful garage sale last year in June. This help- VALENTINE OF THE YEAR Josephine Sietviorek We are very proud to announce that as our Valentine of the Year, we have chosen Mrs. Josephine Siewiorek who lives at 1017 E. 64th St., in Cleveland. For the past years, Jo has been a very conscientious member and helper for our branch. Her personally is always pleasant. She also volunteers her time helping out in the St. Vitus School Cafeteria quite often. God bless you, Josephine, with the best of health always! Members of Branch 50 ed our treasury very much. We are looking forward to another sale of that nature this year. So, gather up your odds and ends, out-grown clothes and what-have-you, for the sale. We are sorry to report that Barbara Chuirazzl was a surgical patient at the hospital. We wish her God’s speed for a rapid recovery. To all our sick members, we hope that they will soon be up and around. We are most happy to have still with us three members that passed the age of 80 and they are Mrs. Flere, who is convalescing at her home on McDonald, Frances Kosance, at the SleighBell Rest Home and Mrs. Theresa Racher. Election of officers took place at the close of the year and the first change was in Vice-President. Mary Opalka asked to be relieved of her duties and Jane Logar accepted the office. We have another change a-mong the auditors. The newly elected ones are Frances Stanec, Elizabeth Vavaich and Frances Hribar. Just a reminder, if you are behind with your dues payments, remember the meeting is every second Tuesday of the month at our president’s home 2110 Robbins Ave. We who attend mostly every meeting would enjoy seeing some new faces now and then. Why don’t you surprise us some second Tuesday, ladies? The more the merrier, you know. Mary Strah, Treas. No. 72, Pullman, III. Greetings to all! Hope you had a happy holiday saeson. Our December meeting was held at Mrs. Angela Arko’s home. Officers for 1970 were elected as follows: Mary, President. — 11447 Champlain Ave., Wilma Zagar, Sec’y and Treas. — 17801 Wentworth Ave., Lansing, 111. 60438, Margaret Vrhovnik, Rec. Sec’y — 1327 E. 169th PI.. South Holland, 111., Stephie Sheehy, Auditor — 722 E. 158th St., South Holland, 111. 60473. My moving to Lansing will probably cause a hardship for some of the members who used to come to my home to pay their dues. However, you would be most welcome to come out to my new home, and it would be a nice ride for you. If you cannot do this, and cannot come to the meetings, you can mail your dues to me at the above address. Send your book and money and I will return the book promptly. When paying your dues for 1970, please remember to pay the $1.00 assessment for the year. Our next meeting will be on the second Sunday in March at Mrs. Arko’s home at 318 West 111th Place. Please try to come. We know we have a number of sick members. To all of you who are sick — our wishes and prayers are with you — that you may get well soon. Wilma Zagar, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Heights, Ohio. The busy holiday season has come to an end, reluctantly for the children who must return to their studies, but to the parents, we can look to the rest of the winter in a much relaxed atmosphere. There were 6 of us who sojourned to Jennings Hall to deliver the lap robes for the infirm. We sometime« forget in the hustle and bustle of our lives how little it takes to make others happy. There elderly people confined to living in a home for the aged are like little children when told they are going to have a party. They were wheeled into the solarium and waited with great excitement for the goodies we brought. Sister M. Margaret allowed even the Diabetics to partake of cookies and hot chocolate. Just to have some one to talk to and sing a few carols brightened a few hours. How pleased they were when they opened up their packages and saw the colorful lap robes. “Just what I need”. “What beautiful colors,” were just a few of the remarks overheard. When told that our members made them they conveyed their thanks over and over a-gain. Color photos were taken and promised to all. God bless all these lovely people for what they in turn gave to us. The spirit of Christmas was truly alive. We promised to return to play games at a future date. We would like to welcome Joe Travnik home after completing his service in the Armed Forces. Joe was wounded and received the Purple Heart. His parents are proud of his record and very happy to have him back home again. Good luck in the future is wished you Joe from all our members. Betty Adamovich’s son Dan left for the armed forces before Christmas. God speed and may you return safe to your loved ones. We extend our sympathies to Helen and Steve Dusek on the loss of Helen’s beloved mother. Due to late notification we were unable to get our members together for a rosary. Our prayers are offered up for her soul and may she rest in peace. Helen (John) Dusek is off to sunny Florida leaving all the cold and snow to us less fortunate ones. She will return about the middle of March. Soak up a bit of the sun for all of us. Sylvia Kocjan visited her brother in California before the holidays. Ann Biennes, a long time member, has moved back to Ohio after living in Oxnard, California for 3 years. She now resides in Andover, Ohio. If you are in our area come and visit us on our meeting night. Linda and Jim Shumay bought a home in North Olmstead. Rosemary and Tom Prasek moved to Chester-land into a new home. May both families find many blessings and happiness in their new environment. Sorry to hear that Louise Bernstein is under the weather. Hope you’ll feel better soon. To all who may be ill we wish a speedy recovery. Our brancli has received Convention tickets which will help defray expenses of the Convention fo our delegate. We are hoping all members take at least two tickets. We have always had a good response and hope it will continue. Returns can be sent to Louise Epley. Kay Yuratovac No. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Now that the holidays are over and everyone is back from celebrating we will a-gain resume our meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every other month. Our October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Kolar, with co-hostess Mrs. Mary Marolt. The meeting was opened with a prayer. A short discussion was held on a project for a hand-crocheted tablecloth made by Mrs. Ann Preshiren, which will be given at our State Convention in September. Our December meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Milo Prebeck in Goodland. Due to inclement weather, only 12 members were present. Business matters were tabled until our next meeting in February which will be held at the home of Ann, Mary, and Sophie Michelich. We would like to see you all there as there will be an election af officers. I take this opportunity to wish a Happy New Year to all S. W. U. members and their families. Clem Bolf, Reporter No. 85, Depue, III. —New Years greetings to all! At our December meeting, new president and vice-president were elected and the following is the list of officers for 1970: President, Mary OBerch; Vice-president, Mary Benkse; Fin. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Mary Jermene, and Recording Secretary, Frances Machek. Our fonner president, sister Mary Stupar, resigned after 32 years of devoted service to the branch. Sister Marie Jermene, our former financial secretary also resigned, after 31 years of devoted work for the branch. Sister Theresa Grilc, our former vice-president resigned after many years of faithful service. God bless these three faithful ladies in their fine past performance of their duties. With the new year we hope to get more of the younger ladles to come to our future meetings. Also, to get some projects started. A speedy recovery to all who are ill or ailing. Hoping to see many members at the February meeting. Frances Machek, Reporter Young Ladies Cotillion Ball on May 23rd The Slovenian Women’s Union National Convention will be a four day business and festival occasion from Sunday, May 24th thru May 27th, 1970. An added attraction to the Convention will be the Cotillion Ball now scheduled to take place on Saturday evening, May 2l3rd at the Berkshire Hills Country Club. This will be an opportunity for members ages 16 to 20 years to be presented In a most beautiful ceremony, under the auspices of the S.W.U. The young ladies will be guests of honor at the ball which is open to all members. Delegates and friends to the Convention are cordially invited to arrive in Cleveland a little earlier so you can he present Saturday evening for this occasion. The young ladies will be received in the traditional way, wearing white long gowns and with their fathers, will form a grand march around the hall. Their introduction to the assembled guests will be the highlight of the evening, along with a "cotillion” dance by the ladies and their partners. All the guests will enjoy dancing afterward to the music of a fine orchestra. The requirement for participating in this event is that both mother and daughter must be members of the S.W.U. in order for the daughters to be included. Join now and be a part of this enjoyable event. Deadline for girls to enter the cotillion will be March 31st. Fill out the application and mail it directly to Mrs. Jane Novak, 681 Lander Dr., Highland Heights, Ohio. 44143. This will be a formal affair, a real FIRST for our organiztaion, a “coming out” party for the young ladies of S.W.U. Parents, families, relatives and friends are all invited to attend. Tickets for the dinner, and dance will be ready next month. Make your plans now as time is important and we will have a limited number for seating. Call the undersigned, at 201-2856 or Mrs. Jane Novak at 461-2299 for all details. Remember the Banquet-Cotillion Ball is Saturday, May 23rd. Frances Sietz, Chairman Committee: Jane Novak, 1st co-chairman, Toni Turek, National President. Mary Bostian, State President f------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA ' COTILLION BALL ! i i i Saturday, May 23, 1970, Berkshire Hills Country Club l J Mayfield Heights, Ohio j j I wish to be presented at the Cotillion Ball: j { Name ........................................................................ J i Address ................................................................... J i City ...................................................................... ! ■ I j Age ............................................. Branch No ............. j J Is your mother a member of S. W. U.? ........................................ j [ Please fill out and send by March 31st to Mrs. Jane Novak, j ; 681 Lander Dr., Highland Heights, O. 44143 i ■ I I______________________________________________________________________ i No. 89, Oglesby, III.— Christmas supper was held Dec. 8th at Bob’s Tap and a little business meeting also took place. The guests attending were Judy Bice, Eleanor Paprocki, Elsie Peacock, Marie Dusch. Games were played and songs were sung by all. About 25 were present. Prayers were said by Josephine Morrison. Get well cards were signed by the members and guests and sent to Julia Kulps who is in the hospital and Helen Kernz. Also, a 25th Anniversary card was sent in the name of our branch to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jerin — (Mitzi is our long-standing member). Christmas cards were sent to all the elderly members with the hopes that they made the holidays a little more enjoyable for them. A very sincere wish to all for a happy Newr Year from members of Branch 89. Frances Meglich, Reporter for 1969 * * * We had a good attendance for the fiirst meeting in 1970. The books were audited and found in order. The bank accounts were checked and reported. The installation of officers was held and Mrs. Josephine Schmidt acted as instatlling officer. Mrs. Sophie Frank told of her trip to Huntington Beach, Calif, to visit her daughter and son-in-law who both teach school there. Mrs. Mary Cen-kar is leaving for a winter vacation in California. She plans to visit her relatives and former Oglesby residents. A copy of the book “From Slovenia to America” was given to the Oglesby Public Library from the branch and a card of thanks was read from the librarian. The committee served delicious potica on tables decorated with win-tery snow-men. It was very enjoyable. Please attend the next meeting. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa.— Our last meeting was held in Dec. and was w-ell attended. We had our voting for the new officers fro 1970 and didn’t come to finish it, so please members come to the meeting on March 3rd. The weather should be nice. Now I would like to wish all members who are ill, to get well soon. We lost another member, sister Concetta Matassa. May she rest in peace. Our deepest sympathy to the family. Well, old man winter sure did come, but it is beautiful all the same, with lots of white snow' all over So, take care each and every one for the new year that has just started. Till next time, may God bless you all and keep you well. Ann K., Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. As the last days of an old year crumble under our feet, the air is filled with the usual resolutions for the New Year. I for one will not make any, because I always fail to live up to them. However, it may be desirable to look at the fundamentals wrliich continue to find me concerned with the task of asking the same questions each year. What progress has our branch made last year? Have we taken a good look in what direction our branch is going? Last-but-not-least, how many of you members have bothered to take a little time off to attend at least one meeting a year? Remember, if our branch is to live up to its high standards, we need your continued interest. For instance, how many of you have moved and failed to report your change of address, made necessary changes in your policy beneficiary, paid your dues, or perhaps given a cash donation so greatly appreciated; also how many of you have even bothered to bake a cake when you have a birthday and bring it along to one of our meetings so that all of us can enjoy. Don’t forget, if you have a loved one who is ill, or celebrating an anniversary, regardless of what other talents you may have, we would certainly like to hear about it. These are the things that are very important to us. Best wishes to the following birthday celebrants in February: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozynski, Ljuba Brunski, Rose Mary Cacich, Louise Dolan, Ann Hlacer, Benedicto Marino, Sylvia Mitchele, Mary Provich, Anna Velcich, Helen Zee, and Julie Hansen. As I look over the birthday list, Mary Provich is 85 years old and Ljuba Brunski is 83. Our congratulations and admiration to our two oldest members! In closing, remember all of our members who are ailing in your prayers. Plan to attend our next meeting on March 4th when we will have an interesting program planned for you. See all of you then. Mildred James, Pres. Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 7 * * . • The Catholic Women’s Club of Madison served a lovely Christmas luncheon for one hundred and thirty mem bers at seventy-five cents. The women thought it was an excellent menu especially at that price. The luncheon committee, of course, spent many hours preparing the chicken the day before. Menu: Chicken Loaf, Cranberry Relish, Buttered Roll, Orange Nut Bar and Coffee or Tea. The rolls as well as the orange nut bars were purchased. CHICKEN LOAF This recipe will serve 16. (8 stew- ing hens and 8 times the recipe were used to serve the 130 guests.) 1 stewing hen (about G pounds) 2 well packed cups bread crumbs, fresh (not diy) 1 cup cooked rice IV2 teaspoon salt Vtt teaspoon pepper % cup chopped pimento 3 cups broth 4 eggs, beaten Wash chicken. Cook in enough boiling water to cover chicken. Add one medium onion, 2 or 3 carrots, diced; several stalks of cut-up celery with leaves, t bay leaf and 1 tables-spoon salt. Simmer until chicken will come off bone easily. Break off meat into fairly good size pieces. Cook rice (% cup raw rice will make 1 cup cooked rice). Mix all the ingredients and bake 1 hour at 325 degrees in one or two, ungreased uncovered cake pans to serve 16 nice size squares : Mushroom Sauce: Vi cup butter Vi cup flour Vi cup cream % teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon pepper 1 pint chicken broth l/a pound mushrooms or 8 oz. can, drained Melt butter over low heat in a heavy saucepan. Blend in flour, seasonings. Cook over a low heat, stirring until mixture is smooth, bubbly. Remove from heat. Stir in broth. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute. NOTE: If fresh mushrooms are used, saute in butter before adding flour. If canned add drained mushrooms to sauce when adding broth. To economize the women did not use the cream and purchased the the canned mushrooms in a gallon size container. Squares of the chicken loaf were put on the plate then topped with the mushroom sauce. The mushrooms made it look quite elegant. Cranberry relish was served in little paper cups. The buttered roll and orange nut bar were also on the plate. * * * Mrs. Mary Udovich, member of Sheboygan Branch, sent a recipe for tempting potato dumplings. POTATO DUMPLINGS 1 Vi pound potatoes, unpeeled 1 tablespoon butter % teaspoon salt 1 egg Vz cup flour Wash potatoes and cook in boiling water »intil done. Peel and mash thoroughly. Add butter, salt, egg and flour. Mix until it makes a firm dough. Form into balls. Gently place the balls in boiling salted water and simmer. When the balls come; to the surface they are almost done. Place on plate and cover with buttered browned crumbs. Serve with any kind of meat or with goulash. NOTE: You can also shape the dough into small crescents, brown them in shortening and sprinkle witli finely cut parsley. Place around slices of meat. Dumplings can also be served separately with a meat sauce. * * * Cherry desserts are popular all year round, but especially in February on Valentine’s Day or Washington’s Birthday. A quick and easy dessert that’s also delicious is Cherry Crunch. CHERRY CRUNCH 1 can red cherry pie filling V> of a regular-size yellow cake mix or one package of mix for one-layer cake % pound butter, or oleomargarine, melted, (1 stick) Vi cup chopped nuts Pour cherry filling in a 9 inch greased cake pan or 8x8 square pan. Sprinkle with cake mix as it comes from the package. Spoon melted butter or margarine over the mixture and top with nuts; Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes: Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream topping. (For a less rich dessert, eleminate nuts and substitute % cup water for the butter (margarine). Another interesting dessert that I was served during the holidays is made with cranberries and molasses. It is moist and flavorful. CRANBERRY DESSERT 2 cups cranberries, halved Z tablespoons sugar dash salt % cup golden molasses (yellow label) 2 teaspoons soda in % cup hot water (add water to soda) 1 V.t cups flour Mix and bake in greased 8x8 pan 325 degrees for 25 minutes. NOTE: When doubled use 9x13 pan and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer Serve with Butter Sauce, ice cream or whipped cream Butter Sauce: V2 cup oleo or butter 1 cup sugar V2 cup half and half 1 teaspoon vanilla Simmer in double boiler for l'/z hours stirring frequently to prevent separation. Can be made day before. Reheat in double boiler to pour over dessert. * * * Plumber: “I understand you have something around here that doesn’t work.” Housewife: “Yes. He’s in the living room lying on the couch." * * * Bold, colorful, exciting prints with long sleeves will be part of the Spring Fashion. * «< s|; Physicis Professor: “Can you give me an example of wasted energy?’’ Student: “Yes, sir telling a hair-raising story to a bald-headed man,” » * * On Valentine's Day remember that the best way to a man’s heart is still through his stomach. Lovingly, Hermine No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Trusting that the new year will be a much happier one for our branch and all other branches, I wish you all good things, but primarily, good health. We had a lovely Christmas party, the attendance was a delight to the officers. How nice it would be to have such a full compliment, at our regular meetings. The ladies looked so grand all dressed up in their finery, sporting corsages, jewelry and beautiful hair-dos. Now and then, our "major domo”, sister Susel would lead off with a song and the first thing you knew, she had us all singing our very lovely Slovenian songs. That Susel must have a. built-in battery that never runs down! She’s very active and delightful company! The sisters presented our “boss” Jean Kurilich with a brooch and earrings set. We all felt that she deserved some recognition for the outstanding work she performs for Branch No. 100. Our birthday celebrants are Mary Ercek, Julia Vlasic, Julia Kukman. and Lillian Duller. Many happy returns of the day. Don’t forget to save the things you no longer need for our rummage sale. Now is the time to put aside undesired articles so that all will be in readiness when the rummage sale date arrives. niess you all for your “Merry Christmas” phone calls, especially you, Mary. * * * January Report. Branch 100 is re-nily starting the new year off with a bang! We have five new members. 2 regular and 3 social members. We extend a very warm welcome to sisters Antonia Kanoli, formerly from I orain, O., Elizabeth Marinovich formerly of Canton, O. ,and social members Mary Memach, Rose Perhay and Anna Smerdu. So nice to have iou join our organization and we are looking forward to seeing you at every meeting and social function. Our bake sale is scheduled for the near future and in order for it to be a big success, Slovenian pastries are desired. Now, for those of you who are unable to bake our traditional sweets, willing hands will do it for you if you will be kind enough to make a monetary contribution for this worthwhile venture. -3- 4 CARD OF THANKS to Californians, namely: Mrs. Mary Ercek, my host in Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Nicoloff in the same city; My grandson, William Dicke of Long Beach and officers and members of Branch No. 100 in Fontana; My hostess in San Francisco, 45» Mrs. Rose Scoff, her wonderful sisters and brother-in-law Mr. <§> Edward Lampe, officers and members of Branch No. 13, Mr. and Mrs. John Judnich and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gallagher; Mr. and Mrs. Pesley of Sac- ^ ramento and to my grandson. James Fischer and his lovely <§■ family in Rancho Cordova. To all these wonderful people — my deepest gratitude for ^ their hospitality and kindness. Marie Prisland Our beautiful voices were raised in song for sisters Julia Vlasic and Julia Kukman, our birthday celebrants for January. We are so good we ought to start a singing club, but then again, we would be so much in demand that we would never find time to attend our Zveza meetings! Sister Marie Prisland paid a whirlwind visit to Fontana and many of our members were sorry to have missed her. Sister Mary Omatis will be our Mother of the Year. The usual pot. luck dinner and celebration will be held in May, so come prepared to have a good dinner and a good time. Blessing on our sick members with a sincere wish for speedy recoveries. See you next month, God willing. Edith Drawenek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. We had a lovely Christmas party at the meeting at Jennie Bole's home with Ann Koren assisting. There were twenty members present. I must say that Jennie had her house decorated beautifully for Christmas! She has a niece who has a hobby making Christmas decorations, centerpieces, vases, floral, etc. We had a short meeting. We had the Christmas “grab-bag” so everyone had a lovely gift to take home. We were not a-ware that Jennie and Ann had decided to give a gift to the first member arriving who happened to be Ann Mndich. They presented her with a sachet. Ann also won the vase with artificial flowers — so you can say she really struck the jackpot! Pauline Adamic received the second prize which consisted of wine glasses and sherry wine! Josephine Krizer is probably in the hospital now for surgery. She was at the meeting but was due to enter the hospital the next day. We all wish you luck. Josephine, and a fast recovery. Let’s all send her a get-well card and let. her know that our prayers and thoughts are with her. I wish to thank the following members honoring me wltih lovely birthday cards: Ann Lindich, Pauline A-damic, Katherine Musick, Ann An-zick and Rose Jamnik. Also, thank-you all for the Christmas greeting cards. I do hope you all had a merry Christmas full of health and with your loved ones. The next meeting, Feb. 22nd, will be at. Ann Dindicli’s. In Jan. we met at Ann McGee’s home. Jennie and Ann, our December hostesses prepared a delicious lunch, two cheese strudels, baked by Ann Koren’s daughter, Angie. It was a delicious treat and thank you, Jennie and Ann. We sang Christmas carols with Ann Koren leading our choral group. Happy birthday to Julia Panzica who will celebrate Feb. 16th; also Katherine Musick and Katherine Mi-helich with birthdays March 2Gth. We hope they all have many more. Alice Sheets has pretty well recovered from an automobile accident while riding with her husband. She was bruised quite badly and hospitalized for several days. Her husband, Frank was somewhat shaken but Alice got the worst of it. We are all very happy that she is quite well now. We wish every member in Zveza a very, very happy New Year and see you at the meeting. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter HAPPY BIRTHDAY f/V FEBRUARY Supreme Officers: Feb. 5—Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. Feb. 6—Mary Otoničar, Supreme Auditor, Cleveland, Ohio Branch President: Feb. 8—Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 11—Frances Sietz, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 19—Sophie Sorcan. Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Secretaries: Feb. 1—Margaret Fischer, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Feb. 2—Mary Christian, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Feb. 15—Anna Kerkovich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, New York Feb. 17—Stephanie Plese, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Feb. 18—Frances Bradach, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. MANY' HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER Mar. 8—Games Party, Br. 10, So. Chicago, 111. Mar. 15-15—Midwest Bowling Tournament, Town Hall Bowl, Cicero, 111. May 11—Mother’s Day Mass, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. May 23—Contillion Ball, Chesterland, Ohio May 24-27—15th National SWU Convention, Euclid Ohio MARIE PRISLAND V decembrski številki ZARJE sem omenila pokojnega č. g. Matija Kebeta, bivšega duhovnega svetovalca naše Zveze. Naj danes ponatisnem njegov prvi članek, priobčen v ZARJI meseca augusta 1946 in sicer vsled tega, ker je posvečen materam. Malokdaj beremo tako globoko zamišljene, resnične besede o materi kot so nanizane v tem lepem sestavku. IZ ŽIVLJENJA ZA ŽIVLJENJE _ M. Kebe. MATI Pot me zanese na staro ameriško groblje. Vsevprek samo angleški napisi. Tu je družinsko grobišče. Sredi večji spomenik z družinskim imenom, pri zglavju vsakega groba pa manjši kameniti znaki s krstnimi imeni in letnicami. Sodeč po družinskem imenu, počiva tukaj ameriška družina. Vendar ne, kajti na srednjem grobu razberem tudi označbo MATI. To je toraj slovensko grobišče, tu počivajo telesni ostanki slovenske matere in njenih otrok. Morala je že biti res prava mati, da je tudi v smrt zbrala svoje otroke okoli sebe, in da ji je eden že preživeči otrok, dal napisati tudi na grob sladko ime, mati. — Mati je srce in ognjišče družine. Njena ljubezen in dobrota ogreva celo hišo. Mati je vez in življenje družine; kadar se poslovi mati, se družina navadno počasi razide. Mati je učiteljica družine. Njena beseda je blaga; iz oči ji gleda duša v oči otroka in beseda, ki jo mati govori, ne bo nikdar pozabljena, čeprav se je otrok pozneje mogoče ne bo držal; ker mateiin nauk je kakor glas vesti. Mati je tožnica in sodnica; toda kadar toži, sebe toži, in kadar sodi, sebe sodi: Kaj sem zagrešila, da si tak; sama sem kriva, ker ga nisem bolje vzgojila. Prve misli materine veljajo njenim otrokom: Gospod, daj, da bosta ta dva moja sinova sedela s Teboj, eden z desne drugi z leve v Tvojem kraljestvu — je govorila svetopisemska Zebedejeva mati; nase je pozabila. Mati se žrtvuje, gara, trpi, tolaži in miluje, da bi rešila srečo svojih miljencev, otrok. Res, materina dobrota in ljubezen je žarek božje ljubezni in dobrote iz nebes. Kje bi bil svet brez plemenitosti mater! Seveda niso vse matere popolne, toda blagohotnost in materinska ljubezen do otrok je skoraj prav vsem materam lastna. Mati je kakor zdravje. Dokler ga imamo se ne zmenimo dosti zanj; njegovo vrednost spoznamo šele v bolezni. Tako je tudi z materjo: Dokler jo imamo, uživamo njeno plemenitost, kakor sončno gorkoto in svetlobo, kakor da bi moralo tako biti; kadar jo izgubimo, vemo, da smo izgubili neprecenljivo bogastvo. Mati se nam ne pritožuje, toda naša brezrižnost jo boli. Dogajajo se pa še druge stvari. Poznal sem družine, kjer so mater naravnost izrabljali, dokler je bila pri moči; ko je onemogla so jo zavrgli v kot, kakor staro cunjo. Sirota mati, sužnja pri hiši, je morala molčati, poslušati strupeno zbadljivost svojih napram svetu kot med sladkih hčera in zaničljivost svojih neotesanih sinov, ki so hoteli veljati pred svetom za džentleniane. Hčere so zaslužile, materi pa dale komaj za lastno hrano; sini so svoj zaslužek zapravljali v veselih družbah, mater pa zjutraj obsipali s svojo zadirljivostjo, ki je vedno posle- dica čezmerne pijače in prečutih noči. Na vsako besedo so jo zavračali. Začela je govoriti tiho in boječe, oči so ji vgasnile, bolesten izraz obraza je zastiral njeno strto srce. Pa je umrla. Na njenem pogrebu so otroci vili roke. Obupno so klicali v grob: Mati, mati, mati! Toda, bilo je prekasno; materino srce so pohodili in strit. To se ni dalo več popraviti. Pogrebci, ki so jim bile razmere znane, so izpod oči, skoraj jezno, ošvrknili jokajoče otroke in se obrnili proč. Meni pa, ki sem poznal dušo in srce te matere, se je zdelo, da slišim nežen glasek: Bog naj vas blagoslovi, otroci moji! Kaj je pa Bog rekel, kaj bo Bog rekel? Seveda je bila na grobu grmada cvetja, ker otroci so hoteli pred svetom veljati. Ne sme biti tako! Materi donašaj cvetja svoje ljubezni, dokler se ga more veseliti! Oslajaj ji življenje s svojo dobroto! Neguj svojo mater in božaj jo! Prinesi ji kaj dobrega in lepega vsaj enkrat na teden! Podpiraj njen korak, ko jo teži življenje, da te bo bla-govala njena duša in srce in da te bo blagoslavljala njena drhteča roka, in da te bo tudi Bog blagoslavil. Ne čakaj do njenega groba, da te ne bo sodila tvoja vest. Kolikor starejša postaja tvoja mati, toliko več ljubezni ji izkazuj, da se bo časno in večno izpolnila na tebi božja beseda: Da boš dolgo živel, in da ti bo dobro na zemlji. Zapomni si: Če boš dobra svoji materi, bo Bog dober tebi. Drugače ne. Zapomni si pa tudi tole: Tl si v velikem obsegu vredna pred Bogom in pred ljudmi toliko, kolikor je vi'edna tvoja ljubezen do tvojih staršev. Vsem članicam, posebno materam Slovenske Ženske Zveze iskren pozdrav! Naj Vas Bog blagoslovi! Vaš — DUHOVNI VODJA * * * Moj rodni kraj Moj rodni kraj, moj rodni dom, kako si te želim. Nič več pozabil te ne bom, samo za te živim. Poj mi, zapoj, škrjanček moj, kot pel si mi nekoč. Saj jutri spet v tja daljni svet, bom šel in vse bo proč. Spomnim na mlada leta se, kako sem srečen bil. Prelepi časi, kje ste le, da spet bi vas užil. Tam kjer mi zibka tekla je, oj tam sem srečen le. Tam kjer izbral sem si dekle, tja vleče me srce. Ko pa nekoč v poslednjo noč, mi zvonček zazvoni. Ko vse bo preč, ko nikdar več ne bom odprl oči. Ne bo stezic, ne drobnih ptic, ko me bo vzela noč. Takrat nazaj, v moj rodni kraj, bom romal kot nekoč. # * * TEČAJ V SLOVENŠČINI JE NA RAZPOLAGO Tečaj sestoji iz 49 poučnih beril, objavljenih v knijlgi in šest fonografskih plošč, vse skupaj zavito v krasen album. Cena $16.00. Naroča se pri: Slovenska Izseljenska Matica Cankarjeva cesta št. 1-11 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Naročila sprejeme tudi Zvezln urad in pa. TIVOLI IMPORTS, 6421 St. Clair Ave Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Ta trgovina ima tudi vse Zvezine knjige v zalogi. P. Claude Okorn ofm: GLAS VESTI Naulc cerkve je, da je človekova vest najvišje merilo za njegova dejanja in odgovornost pred Bogom. Vest je glas božji, ki vsakemu človeku govori: delaj dobro in varaj se hudega. Vest dobro hvali, zlo pa graja. Tako je človek odgovoren za svoja dejanja, v kolikor jih je vršil v skladu a svojo vestjo. Toda vest mora biti prav oblikovana, da more bolj jasno presojati ter biti v skladu z božjimi in moralnimi zakoni. Danes hočejo mnogi vest proglasiti za naj višjega in božjega zakona. Za nje je obvezno le to, kar vest prizna za pravilno pa če tudi bi to nasprotovalo jasni božji ali prirodni postavi. Tak nauk je sam v sebi zmoten in v svojih posledicah silno ne varen. Sv. Oče pravi o odgovornosti naše vesti takole: Osebna vest človeka je spoznanje dobrega in hudega. To je last nas vernih, pa tudi onih, ki ne verujejo. Po vesti človek spoznava sebe v najvišjem in najplemenitejšem izrazu svobodnega bitja. Po vesti delati je najvišje merilo človekove dejavnosti in samostojnosti. Ustaviti se pa moramo pri naziranju, ki smatra vest za najvišje in edino sodišče človeških dejanj. Mnogi trdijo, da je vsa moralnost človeških dejanj v tem, da sledimo glasu vesti. Res je, da je človek dolžan slediti glasu vesti in da kdor dela drugače nima prav. Treba Pa je tudi reči, da sama po sebi ni najvišji sodnik o moralni vrednosti dejanj. Vest sama le tolmači moralne zakone, a jih ne ustvarja. Spoznavanje moralnih načel, ki se človeškemu umu prirojena, daje vesti zmožnost pravega odločanja. Vest ni vir dobrega ali slabega. Ona je le čuvar in poslušalec glasu notranjosti, ki poziva, da se lajenja v skladu z zahtevami, ki so v človeku, da bo pravičem in dober. Z glasom vesti pa je v tesni povezanosti zavest odgovornosti. Občutek zasluženja in čiste vesti ali na krivde, kesanja in greha je izraz te odgovornosti, ki se javlja po glasu vesti. Da pa je vest varno vodilo človeškemu delovanju, mora biti pravilna. To pa ni pogosto, ker je človekov razum slaboten kadar je prepuščen sam sebi je človekov dostno poučen. Nujno potrebno je, da je človekova vest primerno poučena. Saj vest ni edini glas, ki naj vodi človeka. Njen glas postane močnejši in jasnejši, kadar se z njo združi glas božjih postav in glas zakonite oblasti. Kajti glas vesti ni vedno nezmotljiv in ni najvišji odločevalec. To pa še posebej na področju nad-narave, kjer razum odpove in se mora zateči k veri in božjemu razodetju. Zato pa pravi sv. Pavel: “pravični živi iz vere.” Da bi mogli hoditi po pravi poti, če hodimo po noči — to je če smo v svetu verskih skrivnosti — ni dovolj da imamo oči, potrebna nam je tudi svetilka —• luč. Ta Kristusova luč pa ne ponižuje ali slabi luči vesti, temveč to razsvetljuje in usposablja, da sledi Kristusu v pravi smeri na našem potovanju k večnemu gledanju. PODRUŽNICA ŠT 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Novo leto pričenjamo. Dabi za vse naše članice in prijatelje bilo srečno in zadovoljno! Na letni seji meseca decembra, ki je bila zelo dobro obiskana, je bil nominiran in izvoljen ves statri odbor. Sledeči program je bil odobren: Enkrat spomladi bomo imele prodajo peciva, meseca septembra pa luirtno zabavo. Direktorica je Dorothy Kregel, njena pomočnica pa Mary Turk. Pri programu od “People to People” letos ne bomo sodelovale, temveč še le prihodnje leto ko bomo praznovale 45 letnico podružnice. Za našo častno mater leta 1970 je bila izbrana pridna delavka Francka Krolnik, ki je članica podružnice nad 20 let. Njena mamica, Frances Ta-gel, je bila večletna delavna odbornica, tašča Johanna Krolnik pa prva članica, ki se je za vstop priglasila še preden je bila naša podružnica u-stanovljena. Na seji meseca maja bomo počastile našo častno mater z primernim program, ki je v oskrbi Marie Prisland in Olge Say e. Po seji smo imele kratek program. Johanna Zore je vodila petje. Okusne jabolčne zavitke in druge dobrote sta darovali Frances Klancher in Mary Turk, Tončka Brulla pa nas je potrkala z "pink tea”. Malo pred Božičem je po dolgi bolezni preminula naša dobra članica Mary Gustaveson. Hčerki in družini Izrekamo Iskreno sožalje. Prihodnja seja se vrši 15tega februarja, ko ho ustoličen odbor za leto 1970 in delegatko za prihodnjo konvencijo bomo volile. Vse članice ste vabljene, da se te važne seje udeležite. ODBOR št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Na glavni seji v decembru so članice z zadovoljstvom sprejele predlog Nominating Committee Mamie Pugel in Jennie Lukanik, da se ponovno izvoli za leto 1970 ves bivši odbor. Druge odločbe ostanejo vse po starem. Naslov tajnice je : F. S., 1113 Mahren. Na glavni seji smo sprejele tri nove članice: rojakinja Dorothy Alley, Suzan Dinero in Andrew Scheider. Udeležba je bila prav lepa in posebno smo občudovali lepoto filmskih posnetkov Slovenije, katere sta nam kazala O. Frank in Olga Mesojedec. Pripovedovala sta nam o vtisih potovanja v rodni domovini, zadnje poletje. Vsem, ki se niste udeležile seje, posebno še v A-meriki rojenim, je lahko žal, da so zamudili si ogledati kraje njihovih staršev, G. Mesojedcu smo zelo hvaležne za trud, saj je program tega večera bil nekaj posebnega za naše članice. Enako hvala Frank Skul za poset med nami. To pogramu je bil servirani prigrizek "cover dish”, kar so čla. prinesle. Tudi zapele smo in še zaplesale, ker smo imele ugledne goste med nami g. Mesejedec in Mr. Skul. Odlična družba. Lepo bi bilo, če bi na vsaki seji imeli 58 članic navzočih, saj ni toliko če pomislimo, da imamo 2fi9 članic v odraslem oddelku. Po 5 letni privezanosti na bolniško posteljo, je končno podlegla smrti čla. Frances (Zaitz) Gornik. Mrtvoud jo je zadel v prsa in s tem je prenehal njen govor in prijazni nasmeh. Pred smrtjo ml je naročila: “Ann, lepo si opisala smrt mojega sina, prosim te, da tudi mene omeniš v naši priljubljeni Zarji.” Z žalostjo ji izpolnjujem njeno željo. Pok. soses. Frances je v dolgi bolezni imela pri sebi sina Johna, ki je materi lepo stregel in od njega ni prišla nobena pritožba. Vsako željo ji je izpolnil. Bil je vestni strežnik in še gospo-dinske posle je opravljal, kar je res redkost, saj mlajši rod nima potrpljenja za stare in onemogle. Vsa čast John. Kot mi je Elsie Mramor rekla, si je že nebesa zaslužil. Z Bogom, draga sestra, Tvoj prijazni nasmeh nam ostane vedno v živem spominu. Mary Kristan je dobila žalostno darilo za Božič, ko so ji sporočili, da je njena hčerka Mary Novak nenadoma umrla v Durango, Colo. Truplo je bilo prepeljano v Pueblo za Kampanja Konvenčne Kraljice se prične v tem mesecu in bo zaključena 31, marca, 1970 Krasne nagrade! Zmagovalka bo kronana za Kraljico 15. Narodne Konvencije v mestu Euclid, Ohio v maju prihodnjega leta. Kraljica bo častni gost konvencije z plačano vožnjo in drugimi darili. Denarne nagrade za vse “čebelice”, ki boro pridno delale v tej kampanji! Vsi na delo! ALBINA NOVAK, tajnica pokop. Viiuliinja Jennie Koomber iz Fort Wayne, Ind. je prišla na pogreb. •Jennie se je pomudila tudi pri stari mami in jo tolažila v žalosti. Sestra Kristan je sama bolana, in bo vesela obiskov. Rose Svartz žaluje za umrlo ses. Mary Norick, ki je bila pohabljena več let od automobilske nesreče. U-mrl je tudi soprog naše čla. Leo Hermes. Pretrpel je veliko bolečin. Bog mu daj rajski mir v nebesih. Naši pokojni nas nič več ne slišijo, njihova trupla počivajo tam, kjer bo nekoč tudi naš dom. Vsem bodi blag spomin! Po prestani operaciji se je dobro pozdravil Frank Novak soprog Anne N. iz Arroya. Ravno sem zvedala, da je v bolnišnici Mary Novak iz Mesa St. Želimo, da hitro okreva. Mr. in Mrs. Louis Deniro sta obhajala 50 letnico zlate poroke. Mary je naša zvesta čla. in speče najboljše torte (cakes). Zelo me veseli, da sta Mr. in Mrs. Matt Lukezik na poti okrevanja. Tako tudi Anna Bandi. Obe sta čla. št. GG. Še vedno imam Kuharske knjige in zgodovinsko FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Sezite po njih. Članice pridite v lepem številu na naše seje, da bomo uspešno začele novo leto. Vsem želim zdravja, sreče in uspehov v tem letu. Ann Pachak Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Po dolgem času se zopet oglašam. Pri naši podr. je vse po starem za leto 1970. Za tajnico in blag. je prevzala Mrs. Josephine Gostisha, ki se zelo zanima za napredek podr., toda je precej težko, ker nekaj naših članic je pomrlo, nekatere pa smo prestare. Mlade tudi rade pomagajo, toda večinoma so zavarovane pri njihovem delu. Za preds. je prevzela Anna Ka-meen in za zapisnikarico Mary J. Ka-meen. Nadzornice so: Mary Kotalili Miss Mary J. Kameen. Seje so še vedno pri naši blag. na domu na 1010 N. Main St. vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri pop. Prošene ste. da bi vsaj od pomladi naprej bolj redno prihajale na seje, da bomo kaj dobrega ukrenile za našo podr. Imamo še nekaj zelo dobrih članic, če bi jih bilo več takih kot so Jennie Matjen in njena mati Mrs. Mary Žagar, ki tako redno plačujejo svoj asesment in vedno rade kaj darujejo v blagajno. Še nekaj takih dob rili, hvala njim in vam vsem, ki redno plačujete asesment, upam, da bodo tudi druge sledile temu vzgledu, ker bi tako bilo zelo pomagano tajnici, ki ima dosti sitnosti z opominjanjem, a mora vsaki mesec poslati na gl. urad. Za častno mater leta je bila izovo-ljena Mrs. Catherine Žigon, ki je tudi ena izmed naših odličnih članic. Več sester je slabega zdravja in vsem, ki bolehajo, želimo hitro okrevanje. Vsem, ki ste praznovale rojstne dneve zadnje čase, posebno naša tajnica Josephine Gostisha, ki je obhajala rojstni dan t. jan. kličem: še na mnogo let! Enako želim in upam, da se je dobro pozdravila Albina Novak. God bless you, Albina! Naše sožalje tajnici Josephine Gostisha, ki je pred kratkim izgubila brata John Gerchman, ki je umrl v Simpson, Pa. Zapušča več sinov in hčera. Bog mu daj večni mir! Vsem članicam in odbornicam, želim zdrave in blagoslovljene Velikonočne praznike. Anna Kameen, preds. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Naša glavna seja se je vršila dne 9. dec. z nekoliko večjo udeležbo. Na programu je bilo več važnih stvari, predvsem volitve odbora za leto 1970. Me stare odbornice smo se otepale na vse strani, pa ni nič pomagalo, tako da je zopet ostal stari odbor. Edina sprememba je bila, da bomo odslej imele naše seje vsake tri mesece in sicer bodo odslej drugo nedeljo popoldne ob 2 uri v navadnih prostorih Slovenskega I)oma na Holmes Ave. To je bilo sklenjeno zaradi varnosti, ker se članice po noči bojijo iti od doma, zaradi napadov. Prva seja v tem letu bo 8. marca. Tajnica bo že dala pravočasno v Ameriško Domovino. Prosim vas, drage sestre, da bi kaj pridobile novih članic, ker naše število se manjša zaradi smrti. Zadnje leto nam je smrt pobrala 9 članic: Mary Agnlč, Rose Lap, Frances Valetič, Helen Grčar. Gertrude Bokal, Mary Boldin, Mary Krai, Frances Zulich in Mary Žust. Bog daj vsem mirni počitek. Ker se bo v maju vršila Zvezina konvencija v našem mestu, je tajnica prejela v prodajo tikete. Toplo vam priporočam, da bi jih pokupile, ali prodale, ker bomo imele večje stroške. Če jih več prodamo, več bo prišlo v našo blagajno. Dar v blagajno so prispevale naslednje članice: Antonija Kapel, Jennie Batich, Alice Opalich in Ivana Avčin. Za našo novo zastava so pa darovale: Ana Markovich $5 in Mary Ra-kovich $10. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj. Vsemu članstvu pa želim obilo Iložjega blagoslova v letu 1970. Mary Komidar poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Poročilo januarske seje. Božični prazniki so za nami in nastopili smo leto 1970. Želim vsem slovenskim društvom in članom, da bi to leto bilo srečno in zdravo za vse. Iz Pensilvanije se je preselila v Cleveland družina Paskovič. Mrs. Mary P. je pristopila k našemu druš- stvu št. 14, prej pa je bila članica št. 104. Dobrodošla med nami! Bolne članice so se zahvalile z bo žičnimi karticami za obiske po Frances Globokar in Veri Bajec. V teni času je hudo bolana Mrs. Ana Kuhar iz Arrowhead. Prestala je hudo operacijo in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Želimo ji, da bi kmalu popolnoma okrevala in se zopet u-deleževala naših sej. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo dne 30. maja posebna sv. maša za vse žive in umrle članice naše podr., zato bi bilo želeti, da bi se vse skupno u-deležile te maše. Ker ta dan ni delaven dan, zato ne bo izgovorov, saj je potrebno, da skrbimo tudi za duševno življenje. Posebni tikeci za konvencijo so sedaj v prodaji in katera jih želi kupiti, jih dobi pri naši predsednici, ki tudi prosi, da bi kaj novih članic pridobile. Katere še nimate poravnane članarine, prosimo, da storite takoj in tako prihranite naši tajnici mnogo časa in skrbi. Za delegatinjo konvencije je bila izvoljena Vera Bajec in njena namestnica je Rozi Mikovic. V “gud tajm” blagajno so ta večer darovale: Mary Paškovič, $1, Frances Eržen $2, Angela Korn $2 in v sončni kotiček je darovala Kati Jakob $2. Sejo smo zaključili ob 9 uri molitvijo. Vsem članicam in društvom lep Novoletni pozdrav! Antonija Sustar Št. 20, Joliet, III. Na naši letni seji v decembru je bil soglasno ponovno izvoljen ves stari odbor. Bolne so članice: Jennie (Smolicli) Dernulc in Mary Hochevar iz Spring St., ki se še vedno nahaja v bolnišnici. Za najbolj prominentno in zaslužno mater podružnice za to leto je bila izvoljena soglasno Mrs. Caroline Gre-gorčich iz No. Broadway. Naša častna mati leta je še vedno čvrsta, čeprav bo v septembru tega leta do-plnila 90 leto starosti. Je prav korajžna in hodi redno v cerkev pri njenih lepih letih. Tiste članice, ki ste že dolgo pri naši podružnici, se boste spomnile, kako je Mrs. Grego-čich navdušeno pomagala, ko se je ustanovil prvi in tretji vežbalni krožek, dalje leta 1922 šivalni krožek ker je bilo potrebno sešiti obleke zn Narodni krožek in teh ni bilo malo. kar 50 po številu. Mrs. Gregorčiči) je z veseljem sprejela delo in bila je izvoljena za predsednico krožka in Mrs. Frances Bottari za podpreds. In je bila desna roka pri šivanju obleke. Tudi svojo garažo je dala mladim deklicam na razpolago za njihove zabave in seje. Sestra Gregorčich ima pet sinov in dve hčere, ki so umrle v mladih letiih. Ima 24 vnukov in 25 pravnukov. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1889. Rojena je bila v Trški fari na Slovenskem. Je dobro pozna- ZLATA POROKA G. IN GA. LAWRENCE KOŽUH na šivilja v naši naselbini in še vedno rada siva in to brez očal. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Oklešen. Ona to odlikovanje res zasluži in ji vse članice izrekamo prisrčne čestitke kot častni matere podružnice! Tajnica Olga Ancel poroča, da je v letu 1969 umrlo 10 članic, napredovala pa smo za 25 članic. Dalje je poročala, da je iz gl. urada prejela 30 knjižic po $1 vsaki listek in $10 vsaka knjižica. Čisti dobiček je namenjen v pomoč delegatinjain podružnice za konvencijo. Na razpolago so lepe nagrade za srečne članice. Naša mladinska čla. Rosanne Ruth stara 9 let je takoj posegla po dveh knjižicah za prodajo, kar da vzgled tudi nam starejšim. Vsem članicam želim srečno in zdravo Novo leto. Bog vas blagoslovi skozi vse leto. Vas pozdravlja, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. Dne 7. dec. je bila letna seja in volitev odbora. Po seji smo imele okusna okrepčila, katera so darovale članice. Hvala lepa vsem za dar in delo. Imele smo izmenjavo durne nagrade in drugih daril. Bila je res lepa družba in v prijetnem pogovoru so ure kar prehitro minile. Izmenjale smo si tudi praznična in novoletna voščila, posebno novim uradnicam za leto 1970. Zaradi bolezni je bilo potrebno nekaj nadomestil in za to leto je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor: Pred- sednica Helen Konkoy, podpreds. Theresa I^ach, tajnica Stella Dancull, blag. Lois Babnich, zapisnikarica Jean Masso In nadzorni odbor: Theresa Kožuh, Frances Cimperman, Anne Košak; in vratarica Anne Kosale. Poročevalka v angleškem jeziku Lois Babnich in v slovenskem, Anna Jesenko. Seje so vsak mesec prvo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer v .TDN Dom, W 130 St. Meseca julija in augusta ne bo seje, zato se opozarja članice, da plačajo asesment v juniju za 2 meseca, da ne bo treba tajnici zalagati. Veliko bi pomagali tajnici, če bi plačevali članarino za 6 mesecev, ali za celo leto, kar bi ji prihranili na delu. Christine Lunder je postala tretjič stara mama. Naše čestitke njej in družini Gerry Lynn. Mr. in Mrs. Lawrence Kožuh bosta obhajala 50 letenico poroke dne 8. lebr., 1970. Tajnica je poslala božična voščila naslednjim bolnim članicam: Jos- ephine Weiss, Cecilia Brodnik, Prances Kozely, Prances Blatnik. Theresa Zupančič, Helen Less, Ann Pelcic. Želimo, da bi vse kmalu po-zdravele. Če imate kake novice, mi sporočite. Ob zaključku moje dopisa, želim malo poprositi vse članice in prijatelje, da bi pomagali z darovi za župnišče v Žireh, ki je bilo požgano ob zaključku vojne in so ga sedaj G. in ga. LAWRENCE KOŽUH, praznujeta 50 letnice zakonskega življenja v nedeljo dne 1. februarja, 1970. Sv. maša je bila darovana v cerkvi Marijinega Oznanenja. Zlatoporočen-ca Lawrence in Theresa sta bila poročena dne 8. februarju, 192*0 v Polhovem Gradcu pri Ljubljani v Sloveniji. Sedaj živita na 13110 Astor Ave. v Clevelandu. Imata 3 otroke: sina Franka in 2 hčeri, Rose poročena Pfell in Mary poročena Kekič. Mrs. Kožuh in hčerke so že dolgoletne članice Slovenske Ženske Zveze št. 21. Lawrence je bil zaposlen pri Midland-Ross Corporation celih 38 let ter je leta 1961 stopil v pokoj. Vse najboljše. po tolikih letih zopet postavili. Če katera želi kaj darovati, more izročiti, ali poslati meni. Vam bodo hvaležni. Vsem članicam in gl. uradnicam najboljše želje na veselo in zdravo leto. Anna Jesenko, 35G7 W. Gl St. Št. 24, LaSalle, III. Smo v letu 1970 in želim na pragu leta vsem članicam po celi Ameriki in vsem glavnim odbornicam, posebno gl. taj. Albini Novak, ki je prestala operacijo na očesu, — da bi novo leto prineslo vsem zdravja in sreče. Naše članice pa vljudno vabim, da bi se udeležile seje, ker imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti. Zopet moram poročati žalostno novico, da je zadnje leto nam umrlo 9 članic. Dne 9. decembra je preminula Ana Jakše, ki je dočakala lepo starost 88 let. Bila je naša nadzornica precej let in rada je prihajala na seje dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo. Pokojna je zapustila 3 hčere, Annie. Olga in Millie ter 3 sinove: Joe,, Edward, Julius in 14 vnukov ter 9 pravnukov. Nadalje izrekamo iskreno sožalje naši članici Rozi Savnik, ki žaluje za njenim možem Frankom. Pokojni zapušča poleg žene, še enega sina in dva brata ter sestro Mary Sever. Obem družinam in sorodnikom naše sožalje in pokojnim pa večni mir in naj jim sveti večna luč. Več naših članic se zdravi na domovih in v bolnišnicah ter jim želimo ljubo zdravje v novem letu. Vsem skupaj lepe pozdrave in na svidenje na seji. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 30, Aurora, III. Ta dopis sem začela pisati že v decembru, zato vam še voščim srečno in zdravo Novo leto, posebno zdravja, ki je največje bogastvo na svetu, posebno za nas starejše. Drage sestre, moram vam povedati, da so tudi mene razmere in življenje pripeljalo tako daleč, da sem morala v dom ostarelih. To je dobro, da je ta dom v Aurori in tako lahko grem nazaj pogledati moj pravi dom ka- dar hočem in tako mi ni dolgčas po njem. Imam sicer 5 živečih otrok, pa nimam nobenega v Aurori, razkropljeni so po treh državah: Illinois, Wis. in Calif. Kako pa je moj novi dom? Poslopje je zelo veliko, ima 106 sob, vse v pritličju. Stanovalcev je 104 in vsaka oseba ima svojo sobo in vse so oddane in mnogo ljudi mora čakati, kdaj bo kaka soba prazna. Samo jedilnica je skupna. Cena pa je najnižja v primeri z drugimi takimi domovi, samo $150 mesečno, zato imamo ljudi tudi od bolj oddaljenih krajev, tudi iz Chicaga. Nam vam še povem, kako ljudje tukaj spoštujejo ta dom ostarelih. Zadnjih 10 dni pred Božičem je prišlo 15 zborov nam pet lepa božične pesmi. En večer je prišel učitelj petja iz Aurora College z ženo, da je igrala na klavir, on je pa s svojim lepim in močnim glasom zapel par božičnih pesmi, potem smo pa še vsi skupaj zapeli: Sveta noč, blažena noč . . . Rekel je, da smo dobro zapeli. Prišli so College študentje s svojimi učitelji in profesorji, High School študentje in otroci od tretjega razreda naprej. O, kako lepo je bilo poslušati par deklic tretjega razreda, ko so tako lepo tiho pele božično pesem, samo: mm, mm, mm, slišati je bilo kot bi v daljavi angelčki peli. Zares lepo! Vsa pohvala in zahvala gre o-trokom in učiteljem, da so jih tako lepo naučili in da niso pozabili nas starih v našo onemoglosti in zapuščenosti. Bog jim vrni z zdravjem! Po Božiču me je pa poklicala sinaha iz Elmhurstu, 111. in me povabila za par dni, kar sem z veseljem sprejela. Prišla je po mene in ker ve, da ljubim slovensko petje, je takoj prvi večer igrala slovenske plošče. O, kako krasno je slovensko petje! Vi po večjih naselbinah ne morete razumeti kako srečni ste, lahko, poslušate naše slovensko petje! Pri nas še skoraj govorice ni več slovenske. Pa še drugič kaj več. Do takrat sprejmite najlepše pozdrave. Frances Kranjc Št, 32, Euclid, O. — Na Bejl 2 dec. smo imele tudi božičnico, na kateri je bila zelo velika udeležba naših članic. Izvolile smo nekaj novih odbornic za leto 1970: Predsednica Mary Boštjan; podpreds. Anne Cooke; taj. Josephine Comenshek, blag. Molly Sodja, zapisnikarica, Anna Tekavec; vratarica, Mary Drobnick — Mary Batich. Poročevalka v angleščini Anna Tekavec in poročevalka v slovenščini Tončka Skvarča. Častna mati leta 1970 Jennie Gustinčič in de-legatinje za konvencijo maja 1970: Anna Cooke in Mary Drobnick. Po seji smo imele prigrizek odličnih domačih dobrot, od pohanih piščancev do vsakovrstnega sladkega peciva, kar so prinesle članice. Razpoloženje je bilo prav prijetno in vem, da so se vse članice lepo zabavale. Pecivo so darovale naslednje: Anna Tekavec — jabolčno pogačo, Anna Rosman — jabolčno pogačo. Francka Klun — flancate, Mary Vodičar — štrudel, Mary Knific — biskvit, Anna Cooke — sadna želatina. Anna Požar — kekse in želatino, Josephine Comenshek — jabolčno pogačo, Marilyn Grich — zelnato solato in Tončka Skvarča pa vino za izboljšanje čajnega okusa. Vsem darovalkam peciva in kuharicam prav lepa hvala za trud in dobro voljo. V zabavni sklad pa so darovale po $2.00: Mary Knific, Barbara Baron. Theresa Potokar, in Annie Pierce. Po $1.50 Matlda Bolek in po $1.00: Jennie Gustinčič, Mary Kalin, Angela Barkovich, Jennie Jagodnik, Mary Ercul, Mary Baraga, Helen Kovačevič, Pavline Vuh, Frances Sokach, Margaret Turk, Marilyn Frick, Mary Z el e, Caroline Pech, Frances Koche-var, Mary Drenik, Mary Mance, Agnes Jazbec in Anna Chinchar. V blagajno so darovale po $2.50: Mary Baraga, po $2.00: Frances Ger-jevich, Nettie Pristov, Josephine Vid-rich in po $1.00: Carolina Peck. Vsem darovalkam prav lepa hvala. Annie Chinchar je bila en teden v Floridi, ko se je vrnila domov, je šla v bolnico, kjer je prestala operacijo. Vse članice se jo spominjamo v molitvi in ji želimo skorajšnje okrevanje. Operacijo je tudi prestala Tily Bo-Iik, ki se sedaj zdravi na doma. Mary Nada je zadela srčna kap, bila je v bolnici 3 tedne, sedaj se zdravi doma. Mary Boštjan je bila na zdravniškem pregledu v Euclid General Hospital. Vse članice ji želimo zelo hitrega okrevanja. Anna Cooke si zdravi gripo, upamo, da jo bo kmalu prebolela. Joseph Novak se je ponesrečil na domu, nakar je bil tri tedne v bolnici. Želimo, da se mu zdravje čimprej vrne. Naše sožalje Vidi Peremes, ki je 24. den izgubila očeta Antona Levstika. Sedaj je v teku konvenčna kampanja za nove članice. Konvencija se bo vršila v Clevelandu od 24. do 27. maja. Tista, ki bo pridobila največ novih članic, bo izvoljena kot konvenčna kraljica, kakor nam je pismeno sporočila gl. tajnica, ga. Albina Novak. Za podr. št. 32 je bila izvoljena Tončka Skvarča. Čestitamo in ji želimo dober uspeh. Vse članice ste prošene, da pomagate in pripeljite s seboj prijateljice in tako pridobimo čim več novih članic, da se bo naše društveno število povečalo. K naši podr. sta presopile: Agnes Sodja in Agnes Krivec. Dobrodošle med nami! Vsem članicam lep pozdrav in se vidimo na seji 3. marca. Želim, da bi bila zelo bogata udeležba. Tončka Skvarča, poročevalka Št. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio. — Božični prazniki so za nami. Novo leto nas je vzelo v objem. Kako bomo preživljali to leto je vse v božjih rokah. Na letni seji dne 7. dec. je bila dobra udeležba. Imele smo veselje z izmenjavo božičnih daril, potem pa še okusno kosilo, ki so ga pripravile kuharice Anna Kreševič in Jennie Bartel. Prav lepa hvala obema v imenu vseh članic. Mlajše članice so bile obdarovane s slaščicami, za katere smo dobile iz gl. urada. Hvala tudi za ta dar. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor, kakor tudi vse društvene obligacije. Za zaslužno mater je bilo za leto 1970 izvoljena Jennie Praznik. Naj ponovim, da je odobreno še za 1969 po pet centov na mesec v ročno blagajno. Katere pošiljate po pošti, je sledeče v razredu A 45$! na mesec, sedaj 50^. A 20 mesečno, sedaj 25(f. B 70tf mesečno, sedaj 75