197 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Area and Energy efficient CORDIC Accelerator for Embedded Processor Datapaths Abdul Rehman Buzdar1, Liguo Sun1, Shoab Ahmed Khan2, Abdullah Buzdar1 1Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China 2Department of Computer Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan Abstract: A proven approach to enhance the performance of an embedded processor is to add specialized hardware accelerator blocks. We present two novel CORDIC accelerator units based on mixed hardware/software approach. These CORDIC accelerators are integrated with an embedded processor datapath to enhance the processor performance in terms of execution time and energy efficiency. The first accelerator design is based on the Standard CORDIC algorithm. The Standard CORDIC based accelerated embedded processor datapath is 35% more cycle efficient than a datapath lacking Standard CORDIC accelerator. This design also leads to 34% energy reduction. The mixed hardware/software implementation of Standard CORDIC algorithm is area efficient as it saves two 16- bit adders. The second accelerator design is based on a Modified CORDIC algorithm. Our evaluation shows that a Modified CORDIC accelerated embedded processor datapath is 14.5 times more cycle efficient than a datapath lacking Modified CORDIC accelerator. This design leads to 14 times energy reduction with a very small area overhead. The mixed hardware/software Modified CORDIC accelerator is area efficient as it saves four multipliers and two adders. The Modified CORDIC hardware accelerator block has 4.3 times less latency and takes 4 times less area as compared to Standard CORDIC Time Shared implementation. The novelty of the design in the use of Modified CORDIC accelerator is that it takes a single iteration to compute the values of sine and cosine as compared to the Standard CORDIC algorithm, which requires N iterations. This provides effective use of the accelerator in programming systems where a series of values of sine and cosine are required to be computed. Keywords: CORDIC; Accelerator; Codesign; FPGA; MicroBlaze Processor Prostorsko in energijsko učinkovit CORDIC pospeševalnik za podatkovne poti vgrajenega procesorja Izvleček: Dodajanje specializiranih pospeševalnih blokov v vgrajen procesor je uveljaljena metoda povečevanja njegove učinkovitosti. Predstavljamo dve novi pospeševalni enoti za CORDIC na osnovi mešane programsko strojne rešitve. Ti pospeševalniki so integrirani v podatkovne poti procesorja za zagotavljanje krajšega izvajalnega časa in energijske učinkovitosti. Prvi pospeševalnik temelji na standardnem CORDIC algoritmu in omogoča 35 % višjo učinkovitost cikla kot brez njegove uporabe. Poraba energije je 34 % nižja. Programsko/strojno mešana implementacija je prostovno učinkovita in prihrani dva 16-bitna seštevalnika. Drugi pospeševalnik temelji na modificiranem CORDIC algoritmu. Vrednotenje modificiranega algoritma je pokazalo 14.5 kratno izboljšanje učinkovitosti cikla. Istočasno se je za 14 krat zmanjšala poraba energije. Programsko/strojno mešana rešitev prihrani štiri množilnik ein dva seštevalnika. Strojno izveden modificiran CORDIC pospeševalnik ima 4.3 krat manjšo latenco in potrebuje 4 krat manj prostora kot standardna CORDIC rešitev s delitvijo časa. Prednost modificiranega CORDIC pospeševalnika je, da potrebuje le eno iteracijo za izračun sinusa in kosinusa v primerjavi s standardnim CORDIC algoritmom, ki potrebuje N iteracij. To omogoča njegovo učinkovito uporabo v programskih sistemih s potrebo po računanju velikega števila izračunavanja funkcij sinus in kosinus. Ključne besede: CORDIC; pospeševalnik; Codesign; FPGA; MicroBlaze procesor * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: liguos@ustc.edu.cn ; abdul.buzdar@alumni.chalmers.se Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 198 1 Introduction The CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm first introduced by Jack E.Volder [1], [2] in 1959 is used for the computation of trigonometric functions, multiplication, and division. It was extended further by John Walther [3], [4] in 1971 for the compu- tation of a wide range of elementary functions such as logarithms, exponentials, and square roots. During the same period, Cochran [5] showed that the CORDIC al- gorithm is a suitable technique for scientific calculator implementation. CORDIC algorithm is used in a broad range of areas including signal processing, communi- cation systems, robotics and computer graphics. Dur- ing the past 50 years, a lot of research has been carried out on CORDIC in the area of algorithm and architecture design to achieve high performance and area efficient hardware solutions [6-8]. Angle recording CORDIC [9] solves the repetitive rotation issue of Standard CORDIC by recoding the latest inserted item into the angle set. This technique is helpful in the implementation of Dis- crete Fourier Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform but has a drawback of unpredictable scale factor [10]. Extended Elementary Angle Set (EEAS) CORDIC uses searching techniques such as Greedy Searching and Trellis-based Searching Algorithm (TBS) to find the required angle from an angle set [11], [12]. Pipelined CORDIC architectures [13-15] are widely implemented in digital signal processing for sine wave generation, orthogonal discrete transform, and adaptive filtering. Radix-4 [16], [17] and BCD [18], [19] CORDIC architec- tures are applied in situations where high precision is required. Vachhani et al. [20] implemented CORDIC de- sign by eliminating ROM and barrel shifters, resulting in huge resource reduction. CORDIC architecture with reduced ROM has also been reported in [21]. Aggarwal et al. [22] implemented Scale-free hyperbolic CORDIC processor for waveform generation. Caro et al. [23] implemented digital synthesizer/mixer with hybrid CORDIC multiplier architecture. CORDIC algorithm is used in many real-time appli- cations including direct digital frequency synthesis (DDFS) having critical latency issue. The Standard CORDIC algorithm has fixed latency in which the num- ber of iterations is directly proportional to bit precision. A lot of research has been carried out in past to improve the latency of CORDIC for the calculation of sine and cosine of an angle. Rodrigues and Swartzlander [24] proposed a 50% reduced iterative CORDIC algorithm, by using dynamic angle selection which recodes the angle. Aytore and Alkar [25] used additional logic and control circuitry to reduce the number of iterations, by involving diversified iterations. Hu and Naganathan [26] also proposed a 50% reduced iterative CORDIC al- gorithm, but it works only for fixed number of angles which should be known in advance. Higher Radix CORDIC algorithms have also been used for the reduc- tion in iterations. Antelo et al. [27] proposed a radix-4 representation for si in which the rotations are chosen from a set {+2,+1,0,-1,-2} of four possible iterations, but has more area overhead. Phatak et al. [28] proposed a double rotation technique in which the values of si and si+1 are set using a prediction technique. Parallel angle coding is also reported in the literature at the cost of an increase in micro-rotations compared to Standard CORDIC algorithm [29-31]. Kao et al. [32] proposed the use of encoded angle to directly compute the initial it- erations using look-ahead approach at the cost of area overhead. Kamboh and Shoab [33], [34] proposed an IS-CORDIC architecture which computes the values of sine and cosine in a single cycle. The CORDIC algorithm can be implemented in soft- ware on an embedded processor. But software solu- tions running on a processor takes a lot of clock cycles compared to the dedicated hardware implementa- tions. The research on the sources of inefficiency in var- ious applications showed that 90% of the program run- time and energy is utilized by only 10% of application code [46]. This small portion of the applications which becomes a performance bottleneck can be efficiently managed by implementing them in hardware as spe- cialized accelerator blocks [35-38]. High data rates in modern signal processing and communication sys- tems can only be delivered by dedicated hardware so- lutions. Today’s embedded systems use processor core with different hardware accelerators in order to speed up certain portions of the application code. This het- erogeneous approach reaps the benefits of program- mability of an embedded processor and efficiency of specialized hardware accelerator blocks. Most of the embedded processors today contain various dedicated hardware blocks to perform a wide range of communi- cation system tasks efficiently. These include MAC, TCP/ IP, Ethernet, CRC, and CAN etc. Implementing CORDIC as a hardware accelerator will be effective in program- ming systems where a series of values of sine and co- sine are required to be computed. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in the next section, the theoretical background of Standard CORDIC algorithm is presented. Later, we describe the implementation of hardware accelerator based on the Standard CORDIC algorithm. Subsequently, we de- scribe a Modified CORDIC algorithm and we use this technique to implement a more efficient CORDIC ac- celerator. Finally, we summarize our conclusions. A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 199 2 Standard CORDIC Algorithm In Standard CORDIC algorithm we start with a unit vector and rotate it to the desired angle θ. When the unit vector reaches the desired angle the x and y co- ordinates of the unit vector give us cos θ and sin θ, re- spectively. Mathematically, this can be shown with the expression below.    − + ∆∑ − rotation negativefor 1 rotation positivefor 1 == 1 0= ii N i where σθσθ (1) First, the unit vector is rotated by an angle θi and then by an angle Dθi again. This brings the unit vector to an- gle Dθi+1, as depicted in Fig. 1. Mathematically, this can be expressed [34] by Equations (1) and (2). Figure 1: Standard CORDIC algorithm iterations iiiiiiiii θθσθθθσθθ ∆−∆∆++ sinsincoscos=)(cos=cos 1 (2) iiiiiiiii θθσθθθσθθ ∆+∆∆++ sincoscossin=)(sin=sin 1 (3) From Fig. 1. we can see that xi = cos θi, yi = sin θi and similarly xi+1 = cos θi+1, yi+1 = sin θi+1 Substituting these in Equations (2) and (3), we get Equations (4) and (5) as given below. iiiiii yxx θσθ ∆−∆+ sincos=1 (4) iiiiii yxy θθσ ∆+∆+ cossin=1 (5) Equations (4) and (5) can be expressed in matrix form as             ∆∆ ∆−∆       + + i i iii iii i i y x y x θθσ θσθ cossin sincos = 1 1 (6) By taking cos Dθi common, we get Equation (7)             ∆ ∆− ∆      + + i i ii ii i i i y x y x 1tan tan1 cos= 1 1 θσ θσ θ (7) By using the trigonometric identity i i θ θ ∆+ ∆ tan1 1=cos 2 To avoid multiplication we get Equation (8) i i −∆ 2=tan θ (8) Equation (8) can also be expressed as Dθi = tan -12-i. Substituting Equation (8) in (7) we get the following Equation.             − +       − − − + + i i i i i i i i i y x y x 12 21 21 1= 2 1 1 σ σ (9) Let,       − + − − − 12 21=, 21 1= 2 i i i i iii k σ σσ Then Equation (9) can be expressed as             + + i i ii i i y x K y x σ= 1 1 (10) Initially, the index i=0, thus the Equation (10) can be given for i=0 as             0 0 00 1 1 = y x RK y x (11) and for index i=1, we have             1 1 11 2 2 = y x RK y x (12) Substituting the value of       1 1 y x from Equation (11) into (12) we get             0 0 1010 2 2 = y x RRKK y x (13) Thus Equation (10) for indices i=N-1 becomes A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 200             −− 0 0 12101210 ......= y x RRRRKKKK y x NN N N (14) All the Ki are constants and their product can be com- puted as a constant k, so we get i N i NKKKKK 2 1 0= 1210 21 1=...= − − − + ∏ (15) Finally we get Equation (16) as given below             − 0 ...= sin= cos= 1210 K RRRR y x N N N θ θ (16) 2.1 Hardware Mapping of Standard CORDIC For efficient hardware implementation the Standard CORDIC algorithm is listed as follows: - To simplify the hardware θ0 is set to the desired angle θd and θ1 is computed as given below 01 001 2tan= −−σθθ Where, s0 is the sign of θ0 and initialize as x0 = k and y0 = 0. - The algorithm then performs N iterations for i = 1,2,...,N-1 and computes the following set of Equations 1=1=0)>( −iii elseif σσθ i i iii yxx − + − 2=1 σ (17) i i iii xyy − + + 2=1 σ (18) i iii −− + − 2tan= 11 σθθ (19) All the values for tan-12-i are precomputed and stored in an array. - The final iteration generates the desired results given below in the two equations Nd x=cosθ Nd y=sinθ The Standard CORDIC algorithm is naturally suitable for hardware mapping. The ith iteration of the algorithm can be implemented as a CORDIC Processing Element (PE), shown in Fig. 2. The CORDIC PE implements the Equations (17), (18) and (19) of Standard CORDIC al- gorithm in hardware and its internal implementation is shown in Fig. 3. These CORDIC PEs can be cascaded together for a fully parallel hardware implementation of Standard CORDIC algorithm as shown in Fig. 4. De- pending on the number of cycles available for com- puting sine and cosine values the Standard CORDIC algorithm can also be folded and implemented as a time-shared architecture with these CORDIC PEs. Figure 3: Internal implementation of Standard CORDIC PE Figure 4: Pipelined fully parallel architecture of Stand- ard CORDIC algorithm 2.2 Standard CORDIC Hardware Accelerator We have developed a novel mixed hardware/software CORDIC accelerator unit using the Standard CORDIC al- gorithm. Equations (17) and (18) of Standard CORDIC algorithm are implemented in hardware using Verilog HDL hardware description language. While Equation (19) is implemented in software. We used Xilinx Spar- tan-6 FPGA SP605 Evaluation Kit [41] and Xilinx Em- bedded Development Kit (EDK) [39] for the implemen- tation. Xilinx Microblaze soft core processor system [40] is used to execute the software part of Standard CORDIC accelerator. There are two ways to integrate a hardware accelerator core into a MicroBlaze based em- bedded processor system. One way is to connect the accelerator through the Processor Local Bus (PLB). The second way is to connect it using a dedicated Fast Sim- plex Link (FSL) bus system [42]. First, PLB was tried but Figure 2: Standard CORDIC Processing Element (PE) A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 201 it was taking more cycles. The reason for this is the fact that it is a traditional memory-mapped transaction bus. Later, it was decided to integrate our Standard CORDIC accelerator block with the MicroBlaze processor system using a dedicated FIFO style FSL bus as shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5: CORDIC Accelerator with MicroBlaze Proces- sor System First, the Standard CORDIC algorithm was implement- ed in C programming language. It was executed on MicroBlaze processor using Xilinx Software Develop- ment Kit (SDK) [39]. The cycle count for the software implementation of Standard CORDIC algorithm was measured using the XPS hardware timer block. The Mi- croBlaze processor takes 933 cycles to compute the val- ues of sine and cosine. While executing the complete software implementation of Standard CORDIC algo- rithm. In the next step, Verilog HDL code of the hard- ware part of Standard CORDIC accelerator was imple- mented. It was verified and synthesized using Xilinx ISE design suit [39]. Table 1 shows the Synthesis results of Time Shared Standard CORDIC algorithm and Standard CORDIC hardware accelerator block. Standard CORDIC algorithm having N iterations has a latency of N times the delay of a single iteration. Here, N represents the in- ternal word length. The Time Shared Standard CORDIC algorithm and Standard CORDIC hardware accelerator block were synthesized on 7vx485tffg1157-3 Virtex-7 FPGA device. This FPGA device uses a 28nm technology and gives a critical path delay of 51.52ns and 51.408ns respectively. As in the case of Standard CORDIC hard- ware accelerator block we have implemented θi Table in software. Thus no RAM is used. The mixed hardware/ software implementation of Standard CORDIC algo- rithm is area efficient as it saves two 16-bit adders as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Synthesis results of Time Shared Standard CORDIC algorithm and Standard CORDIC Accelerator Time Shared Stand- ard CORDIC Standard CORDIC Ac- celerator Max Freq (310/16)=19.3 MHz (311/16)=19.4 MHz Latency 3.220x16 = 51.52ns 3.213x16 = 51.408ns RAMs 16x16-bit RAM 0 Adders 2x16-bit, 4x22-bit 4x22-bit Counters 1x4-bit 1x4-bit Multiplexers 6 4 Logic Shifters 2 2 Slice Registers 108 92 Slice LUTs 344 282 Slices 148 139 Fig. 6 shows the architecture of Standard CORDIC hard- ware accelerator unit. The Standard CORDIC accelera- tor was attached with the Microblaze processor system via FSL bus using Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) [39]. Later the software part of Standard CORDIC accelera- tor was implemented in C programming using Xilinx SDK. The predefined C functions of SDK were used to communicate with hardware part of Standard CORDIC accelerator via FSL bus. In the software part of Standard Figure 6: Standard CORDIC Hardware Accelerator Block Figure 7: Flow chart for Standard CORDIC Accelerator Implementation A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 202 CORDIC accelerator the values for tan-12-i are precom- puted and stored in an array. Equation (19) is executed for every iteration of Standard CORDIC algorithm using C programming language. The sign bit of θi is sent via FSL bus to the CORDIC hardware accelerator which ex- ecutes Equations (17) and (18) in hardware. For every iteration of Standard CORDIC algorithm as shown in Fig.3. After the final iteration, we get values of sine and cosine via FSL bus from the Standard CORDIC accelera- tor by using predefined C functions in SDK. Fig.7 shows the steps involved in the computation of sine and co- sine using mixed hardware/software Standard CORDIC accelerator. The cycle count for mixed hardware/software imple- mentation of Standard CORDIC algorithm was meas- ured using the XPS hardware timer block. The mixed hardware/software implementation of Standard CORDIC algorithm takes 601 cycles to compute the val- ues of sine and cosine. The energy dissipation was cal- culated for both the implementations, shown in Table 3. Our evaluation shows that an accelerated embedded processor datapath is 35% more cycle efficient, than a datapath lacking Standard CORDIC accelerator. The design also leads to 34% energy reduction. This mixed hardware/software implementation is also area effi- cient as we implemented the Equation (19) of Standard CORDIC algorithm in software on a MicroBlaze proces- sor, which resulted in saving two 16-bit adders. Obvi- ously, if we implement all the three Equations (17), (18) and (19) of Standard CORDIC algorithm in hardware it will be a faster solution. Thus it’s a trade-off between area and execution time. 3 Modified CORDIC Algorithm The Standard CORDIC algorithm is dependent on si for making a decision of whether to do addition or sub- traction, in Equations (17), (18) and (19). This algorith- mic limitation is the reason for taking more cycles for computation of desired results. To make this algorithm fast and suitable for parallel implementation we need to make some modifications in the Standard CORDIC algorithm. In Standard CORDIC algorithm we assumed that θ is the summation of N positive and negative micro-rotations of angles Dθi as shown in Equation (1). The θ can also be represented in a binary form for micro-rotations [34] as shown in Equation (20) below {0,1}2= 1 0= ∈− − ∑ iii N i bforbθ (20) Here, bit bi decides between a positive rotation of 2 -i or a zero rotation, for each term in the summation. To make this expression useful for hardware implementation we need to make the constant K in Equation (15) data in- dependent by recoding the Equation (20) to only use +1 or -1. For fixed point implementation of CORDIC, the desired angle θd is represented as θ1.Ν-1. Here the most significant bit (MSB) is used for representing the sign of integer value and N - 1 bits are set aside for fractional part of N-bit θ. The expression (20) can be represented after recording by Equation (21) as {0,1}1,2=222=2 01)( 1 0= 1 0= ∈−−+ −−+− − − − ∑∑ iiiNii N i i i N i rwherebrrb (21) To manage the constant factor (2-0 -2-N) in the recoding of Equation (21), an initial fixed rotation Qinit is given. The recoding of bis as ±1 helps in making K a constant and its value is equal to [34]. )(2cos= 1 1 0= − − ∏ N i K The initial rotation is applied first offline given below by the three equations )2(2= 0 NinitQ −− − )(cos=0 initQkx )(sin=0 initQky The following equations are computed for i = 1,2,3 .... N-1 iterations as i i iii yrxx −− + − 2tan= 11 ii i ii yxry + −− + 2tan= 11 Here, the values of ri are precomputed. Unlike si, these iterations don’t need to compute Dθi as was required in Standard CORDIC algorithm. The final iteration gener- ates the desired results as Nd x=cosθ Nd y=sinθ One issue in modified CORDIC algorithm which needs to be solved is the elimination of multiplication by tan 2-i in every iteration. As tan θθ for small values of θ, this results in converting multiplication into simple shift by 2-i. So we get 4>22tan iforii −− ≈ (22) This approximation does not affect the precision of desired output results [29], [44]. We can precompute the values for the first four iterations and store them in a ROM. In the hardware implementation of the algo- rithm, we can use these precomputed values for initial M iterations from a ROM. The ROM address for these A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 203 precomputed values is calculated using M most signifi- cant bits (MSBs) of θ as given below 0 1 2 1 1 0 2...22= −−− +++ MMMindex θθθ (23) x[M-1] and y[M-1] values are accessed from ROM and the remaining values of x[k] and y[k] are computed with the help of approximation of Equation (22). This results in converting multiplication by tan 2-i into sim- ple shift by 2-i. This transformation helps in fully parallel hardware implementation of the algorithm for better performance. We can combine various iterations in the CORDIC algorithm to increase the performance and reduce the hardware [45]. As the iterations are not de- pendent on the values of Dθi in the modified CORDIC. Thus, we can substitute the values of previous itera- tions into the current iteration. For M=4 indexing into the tables, we get values of x4 and y4. Substituting these values for i=5, we get Equations (24) and (25) as given below 4 5 545 2= yrxx −− (24) 54 5 55 2= yxry −− (25) For i=6, we get Equations (26) and (27) as provided be- low 5 6 656 2= yrxx −− (26) 55 6 66 2= yxry −− (27) Substituting the expressions for x5 and y5 from Equa- tions (24) and (25) into Equations (26) and (27), we get the following equations 4 18 765 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 13 76 12 75 11 657 )2222( )222(1= yrrrrrr xrrrrrrx −−−− −−− −+−− +−− (28) 4 13 76 12 75 11 65 4 18 765 7 7 6 6 5 57 )222(1 )2222(= yrrrrrr xrrrrrrx −−− −−−− +−−+ −+− (29) The terms 2-k with k > P for a P-bit data path makes the expressions (28) and (29) outside the required preci- sion and can be discarded. Ignoring these terms and substituting previous equations into current iteration we get the value xN and yN, expressed in terms of x4 and y4 [33, 34]. For P=16, we have 447 17 15= 446 17 13= 445 17 11= 4 17 5= 416 22 22= xrrxrr xrryrxx n n n n n n n n n n n n − − − − − − − ∑∑ ∑∑ −− ++ (30) 447 17 15= 446 17 13= 445 17 11= 4 17 5= 416 22 22= yrryrr yrrxryy n n n n n n n n n n n n − − − − − − − ∑∑ ∑∑ −− −− (31) Expressions (30) and (31) can be reduced to the follow- ing equations M i i N Mi M ji ji N Pjiij N Mi yrxrr )2()2(1=cos 1 1= )( 1 )1(= 1 1= − − + +− − ≤++ − + ∑∑∑ −−θ (32) M i i N Mi M ji ji N Pjiij N Mi xryrr )2()2(1=sin 1 1= )( 1 )1(= 1 1= − − + +− − ≤++ − + ∑∑∑ +−θ (33) We can further optimize the modified CORDIC algo- rithm by using reverse encoding and mapping the expressions in ri into two binary constants, which will require four parallel multipliers and two adders to com- pute the desired results in a single cycle. The expres- sions (32) and (33) have two constants given below )2(= 1 1= 1 i i N Mi rconst − − + ∑ (34) )2(1= )( 1 )1(= 1 1= 2 ji ji N Pjiij N Mi rrconst +− − ≤++ − + ∑∑− (35) The following Equations (36) and (37) gives the desired results in a single cycle by using these constants. mM yconstxconst ×−× 12=cosθ (36) mM yconstxconst ×+× 21=sinθ (37) Figure 8: The optimal hardware design which com- putes sine and cosine in a single cycle A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 204 The single cycle modified CORDIC design [33, 34] is shown in Fig. 8. The constants in Equations (36) and (37) can be inverse coded using Equation (21). The const1 can be inverse coded as NMi i N Mi i i N Mi br −−− − + +− − + +−∑∑ 222=2 1 1= 1)( 1 1= (38) The bi s are used for computing the constant without modification. The 2-N term is eliminated by appending 1 to b. MSB of bN and the term - 2 -M is eliminated by flip- ping bM+1 bit and assigning negative weight to it. Thus const1 can be expressed as 1)( 2= 11 22= −− + − + ∑+− ii N Mi M' M bbconst (39) The complement of the bit bM+1 results in the bit b‘M+1. We can implement Equation (39) in hardware by con- catenating the bits bi. The const2 can be implemented by computing tks for i + j = 2M + 1,…,P as tks = rirj, where k = i+j and k  P. The Equation (38) can be used to in- verse code the tks and Equation (34) is used to compute its equivalent as const1. Let N=16 and P=16 holds. For this the values of tks are computed for i=5,6,7. For i=5, tk are inverse coded as constant value tk = r5rj, for j=6,7,...,11 where k = 5+j and k  P. k k N Mk j P ij cjt − − + +− ≤ + ∑∑ 2=2, 1 12= 1)( 5 1= (40) Here, ck = b5 ∼ bj and k = 5+j hold. Then values of t6, j, t7, j are computed for every index i. The tks are inverse coded using bks as NMk k N Mk k k N Mk btbeta −−− − + +− − + +−∑∑ 222=2= 2 1 12= 1)( 1 12= 0 (41) Equation (41) after some manipulations can be written as 1)( 22= 2 120 22= −− + − + ∑+− ii N Mk M' M bbbeta (42) Similarly, the values of beta1 and beta2 can also be computed following the same steps for i=6 and i=7, re- spectively. The const2 can be computed as 2102 1= betabetabetaconst −−− (43) The inverse coded constants const1 and const2 can be implemented in Verilog HDL for the desired angle θd, by the simple concatenation of bits as given below 1}0],1:[10[5]},{6{=:1 1 bbbconstConstant '~ 6]:[11[5]}}{6{=:2 0 bbcConstant ∧~ 7]:[10[6]}}{4{=1 bbc ∧~ 8]:[9[7]}}{2{=2 bbc ∧~ 1}0],1:[4[5]},{12{= 000 bccbeta '~ 1}0],1:[2[3]},{14{= 111 bccbeta '~ 1}[0],1[1]},{16{= 222 bccbeta '~ )(400016= 2102 betabetabetahconst ' ++− 3.1 Modified CORDIC Hardware Accelerator We have developed a second novel mixed hardware/ software CORDIC accelerator unit using the Modified CORDIC algorithm. In Modified CORDIC algorithm based accelerator we implemented the two constants const1 and const2 in hardware using the Verilog HDL. The four multiplications and two additions in Equations (36) and (37) are implemented in software. Fig. 9 shows the block diagram of Modified CORDIC hardware ac- celerator unit. We used Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA SP605 Evaluation Kit [41] and Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) [39] for the implementation. Xilinx Microblaze soft core processor system [40] is used to execute the software part of Modified CORDIC accelerator. The hardware part of Modified CORDIC accelerator is at- tached to the MicroBlaze processor system using Fast Simplex Link (FSL) bus system [42]. Figure 9: Modified CORDIC HW Accelerator First, the Modified CORDIC algorithm is implemented in C programming language and it is executed on Micro- Blaze processor using Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK) [39]. The cycle count for the software implemen- tation of Modified CORDIC algorithm was measured A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 205 using the XPS hardware timer block. The MicroBlaze processor takes 2971 cycles to compute the values of sine and cosine while executing the complete software implementation of Modified CORDIC algorithm. Most of the processor time is spent while computing the two constants of Modified CORDIC algorithm. The two con- stants can be implemented more efficiently in hard- ware using Verilog HDL by simple concatenation of bits, compared to software implementation. This is the reason for implementing the two constants in hard- ware and doing the four multiplications and two addi- tions in software. In the next step, Verilog HDL code of hardware part of Modified CORDIC accelerator was im- plemented and verified using Xilinx ISE design suit [39]. The 16 precomputed values of xM and yM each for M = 4 in Q2.16 format was generated using MATLAB. These values are stored in a lookup table (LUT) in hardware using Verilog HDL for implementing the Equations (36) and (37) of Modified CORDIC algorithm. The last four bits of theta desired θd [15 : 12] form the address of this LUT. The Modified CORDIC hardware accelerator was attached with the Microblaze processor system via FSL bus, using Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) [39]. Table 2: Synthesis results of Modified CORDIC Algo- rithm and Modified CORDIC Hardware Accelerator Modified CORDIC Algorithm Modified CORDIC Accelerator Max Freq 212 MHz 954 MHz Latency 4.704ns 1.048ns RAMs 16x36-bit RAM 16x36-bit RAM Adders 5 x 18-bit 3 x 18-bit Multipliers 2x(13x18-bit), 2x(18x18-bit) 0 Xors 3 3 Slice Registers 52 64 Slice LUTs 129 82 Slices 57 35 Later, the software part of the Modified CORDIC ac- celerator was implemented in C programming using Xilinx SDK. The predefined C functions of SDK are used to communicate with the hardware part of Modified CORDIC accelerator via FSL bus. First, the Microblaze sends theta desired θd through FSL bus to the hardware part of Modified CORDIC accelerator. This computes the two constants const1 and const2 in hardware and sends it along with xM and yM values, obtained from the LUT to the MicroBlaze processor via FSL bus. Later the four multiplications and two additions are performed in software on the MicroBlaze processor, using the Equations (36) and (37) of Modified CORDIC algorithm. Fig. 10 shows the steps involved in the computation of sine and cosine using the mixed hardware/software Modified CORDIC accelerator. Figure 10: Flow chart for Modified CORDIC Accelerator Implementation Table 3: Cycle count and Energy dissipation at clock period 20ns Architecture #Cycles Power (mW) Energy* (μJ) SCORDIC SW 933 178 3.3214 SCORDIC Mixed 601 181 2.1756 MCORDIC Mixed 64 183 0.2304 *: Energy dissipation = #cycles × clock period× power. The cycle count for mixed hardware/software imple- mentation of Modified CORDIC algorithm was mea- sured using the XPS hardware timer block. The mixed hardware/software implementation of Modified CORDIC algorithm takes 64 cycles to compute the values of sine and cosine. The energy dissipation was calculated for the Modified CORDIC mixed hardware/ software implementation as shown in Table 3. Our evaluation shows that a Modified CORDIC accelerated embedded processor datapath is 14.5 times more cycle efficient than a datapath lacking a Modified CORDIC ac- celerator. This design leads to 14 times energy reduc- Figure 11: Cycle count of different architectures A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 206 tion with a very small area overhead. Fig.11 and 12 shows the cycle count and energy dissipation of differ- ent architectures, respectively. Figure 12: Energy dissipation of different architectures The Modified CORDIC mixed hardware/software im- plementation is also area efficient as we performed the four multiplications and two additions of Modified CORDIC algorithm in software. This code is executed on the MicroBlaze processor system which results in sav- ing 2x(13x18-bit), 2x(18x18-bit) Multipliers and 2x(18- bit) Adders as shown in Table 2. The Modified CORDIC algorithm and Modified CORDIC hardware accelerator block were synthesized on 7vx485tffg1157-3 Virtex-7 FPGA device. This FPGA device uses a 28nm technology and gives a critical path delay of 4.704ns and 1.048ns respectively as shown in Table 2. The Modified CORDIC hardware accelerator block has 4.5 times reduced la- tency compared to Modified CORDIC algorithm. Be- cause the four multiplication and two addition opera- tions in the critical path delay have been removed and these operations are performed in software. The Modi- fied CORDIC hardware accelerator block has 4.3 times less latency and takes 4 times less area compared to Standard CORDIC Time Shared implementation. The novelty of the design in the use of Modified CORDIC accelerator is that it takes a single iteration to compute the values of sine and cosine as compared to the Stand- ard CORDIC algorithm, which requires N iterations. Table 4: Delay and Area comparison for FPGA imple- mentations Reference Slices Clock(MHz) Latency(ns) Volder [1] 1111 21.43 46.66 Xilinx [43] 1057 37.70 26.52 Perwaiz [47] 978 139.87 7.15 Zaidi [45] 769 151.73 6.59 Ramesh [48] 373 198.27 5.04 Aguirre [49] 276 83.99 11.90 SCORDIC TS 148 19.3 51.52 MCORDIC Proposed 35 954 1.048 + SWtime=11.96 Table 4 compares the area and latency of proposed Modified CORDIC mixed hardware/software imple- mentation with other referenced CORDIC FPGA im- plementation designs. Our proposed technique has reduced area and latency requirements. The latency of proposed Modified CORDIC mixed hardware/software implementation is 1.048ns in addition to the time re- quired to perform the four multiplications and two ad- ditions in software. This software code is executed on an embedded processor system using the Equations (36) and (37) of Modified CORDIC algorithm. 4 Conclusion We have presented two novel CORDIC accelerator units using a mixed hardware/software approach. These CORDIC accelerators were integrated with an embed- ded processor datapath to enhance the processor per- formance in terms of execution time and energy effi- ciency. We used Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA Evaluation Kit and Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) for the implementation. Xilinx Microblaze soft core proces- sor system was used to execute the software part of CORDIC accelerators. These CORDIC hardware accelera- tors were attached with the MicroBlaze processor using FSL bus system. The first accelerator was implemented using the Standard CORDIC algorithm. Our evaluation shows that the Standard CORDIC accelerated Micro- Blaze processor datapath is 35% more cycle efficient than a datapath lacking Standard CORDIC accelerator. This design also leads to 34% energy reduction. The mixed hardware/software implementation of Standard CORDIC algorithm is area efficient as it saved two 16-bit adders. The second accelerator is implemented using a Modified CORDIC algorithm. Our evaluation shows that a Modified CORDIC accelerated MicroBlaze processor datapath is 14.5 times more cycle efficient than a data- path lacking Modified CORDIC accelerator. This design leads to 14 times energy reduction with a very small area overhead. The mixed hardware/software Modi- fied CORDIC accelerator is area efficient as it saved four multipliers and two adders. 5 Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by the Chinese Acad- emy of Sciences and The World Academy of Sciences CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship 2013-2017. A. R. Buzdar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 4(2016), 197 – 208 207 6 References 1. J. E. Volder, “The CORDIC trigonometric comput- ing technique,” IRE Trans. Electron. Computers, vol. 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