Informatica 35 (2011 ) 363-374 363 Multivariable Generalized Predictive Control Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Moussa Sedraoui and Samir Abdelmalek Laboratoire (PI : MIS) Problèmes Inverses: Modélisation, Information et Systèmes, Université 08Mai 1945, Guelma, Algérie E-mail: Sofiane Gherbi Laboratoire d'Automatique de Skikda (LAS), Université 20 Août 195 5, Skikda, Algérie E-mail: Keywords: improved particle swarm optimization, multivariable generalized predictive control, feasible region Received: November 16, 2010 In this paper, an improvement of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed. The aim of this algorithm is to iteratively resolve the cost problem of the Multivariable Generalized Predictive Control (MGPC) method under multiple constraints previously reduced. An ill-conditioned chemical process modelled by an uncertain Multi-Input & Multi-Output (MIMO) plant is controlled in order to verify the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The performances obtained are compared with those given by the MGPC method using the standard PSO algorithm. The simulation results shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms standard PSO algorithm in terms of performance and robustness. Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda optimiranja z roji za nadzor s splosnim napovedovanjem in vec spremenljivkami. 1 Introduction Multivariable generalized predictive control (Morari & Lee, 1999) is a very powerful method. It has been the subject of many researches during the last few years and it was applied successfully in industry, particularly in chemical processes. It is based on MIMO predictive model [1], [2] where the expected behaviour of the system can be predicted in the extended time horizon. The MGPC law is obtained by minimizing linear or nonlinear criterion (Magni, 1999, Duwaish, 2000). This criterion is composed by the sum of the square prediction errors between the predicted and desired outputs, the weighted sum of the square change-controls (control-increments) and others [3], The constraints inclusion (as mathematical inequalities type) distinguishes most clearly MGPC from other process control paradigms as suggested in (Richalet, 1993, Qin 1997, Rawlings, 1999). These constraints are imposed in order to ensure a better stability and performance robustness (Al Hamouz and Duwaish, 2000, Imsland, 2005). The MGPC method formulates the constraint optimization problem at every step time for solving the optimal control move vector [4], At the next sampling time, a new process measurement is received, the process is updated, and a new constraint optimization problem is solved for the next control move vector. An efficient randomized constraint optimization algorithm is suggested to the MGPC method named by PSO algorithm (Rizvi & al, 2010, Yousuf & al, 2009, Al Duwaish, 2010). This algorithm explores the search space using a population of particles, each one with a particle or an agent, starting from a random velocity vector and a random position vector. Each particle in the swarm represents a candidate solution (treated as a point) in an «-dimensional space for the constraint optimization problem, which adjusts its own "flying" according to the other particles [5], The PSO algorithm can resolve successively various constraint optimization problems, such as linear or non-linear, convex or non-convex problems. Unfortunately, it cannot provide satisfactory results when the MGPC method is applied to poorly modelled processes [6] operating in ill-defined environments. This is, as often, the case when the plant has different gains for the operational range designed by user's trial-and- error. In addition, the PSO algorithm's convergence cannot satisfy multiple time domain specifications if the process (to be controlled) is constrained by a high number of hard constraints (Leandro dos Santos Coelho & al, 2009). Several heuristic algorithms have been developed in recent years to improve the performance and set up the parameters of the PSO algorithm [7],This paper investigates the analysis of the above mentioned problems. Two main contributions are proposed in this paper in order to 366 Informática 35 (2011 ) 363-374 M. Sedraoui et al. improve the performances of the MGPC method. The first one consists to reduce (if possible) the imposed inequality constraints which are reformulated as boundary constraints. The second one is to resolve the bounds constraints optimization problem by the improved PSO algorithm. 2 Unconstrained MGPC Method All the considered matrices are in discrete time domain. A CARIMA (Controller Auto Regression Integrated Moving Average) model for an m inputs and m outputs multivariable process can be expressed by [8]: A(q-l)ty(t):=B(q-l)M(t-\) + C(q-l)C{t) (1) Where y2(t) ... ym(t)T u2(t) ... Um(t)f C(q~l) are mxm monic polynomial matrices. Set C(q ') equal to the unity diagonal matrix. C(t) is an uncorrected random process and A(q ') = 1 - f/ '. this form enables to introduce an integrator in the control law. Without lost of generality one can supposed as diagonal polynomial matrix. }) (t) e 91, ui (t) e 91 denotes respectively, the process output and the control input of the channel number '/'. q ' denotes the backward shift operator. The role of A(q ') is to ensure an integral action of controller in order to cancel the effect of the step varying output in the channel'/'. As in all receding horizon predictive control strategies, the control law provides that, for each channel '/', the control-increment A;/( (t) which minimizes the following unconstraint cost problem of the MGPC method [8]: y(t)eKmA-.= [yi(t) M(0e9Txl :=[m!(0 A(q~l), B(q~l) and ( ; ¿=1 Zhc- j=i j It)- w, (t + j)]2 + A, £ [Am, (t + j- l)]2 J=l (2) Where yt (t + j) e 91 is an optimum /-step-ahead prediction of the system output vector on data up to time t. therefore, the expected value of the output vector at time t if the past input vector, the output vector, and the future control sequence are known. Noting that i',0 + ./) is depending to the control-increment Aui from resolving two Diophantine equations (more details are available in the reference [9]). \r( (t) e 91 is the future set-point or the reference sequence for the output y, (t). N'2, A; (wiili respect: A ; A \) denotes respectively, the maximum output prediction horizon (assumed equal to \'2 e ) and the maximum control prediction (assumed equal to Y„ e ) for each channel '/'. Ij e 9l+ denotes the positive parameter weighting the control input for each channel'/'. 3 Classification of Constraints and Problem Formulation In constrained control, a set of inequality constraints may be set as addition of the control objective and the variation limits of certain variables to the given ranges: v; — tri 1(1 n Where diag(Imxm)e 91' matrix, and tril(I ) {m.Nu)y{m.Nu) denotes the unity diagonal Je« (.m.Nu)x(m.Nu) triangular matrix of the unity diagonal matrix (Imxm). D ._ inq ~ [Ait i(m-Nu)xl \p-Ui \m-Nu)-A 1)1 as: J(AU,t) :=AUt-Q2-AU + Q[-AU + Q0 Where 02 := GT ■ G + A, Q? := 2(r - Wf G and 0o :=(r-w)T .(r-w) A:=;i-I(m-Nu)y and go to the next step [Step 7]: Update the second counter j <— j +1 a« 0.9 in more than 30 minutes. (52): >', (t)<\.\\ the maximum over-shoot corresponding the first output channel cannot exceed 11% for all range time t e [0,400]. (Sj): 0.99 < i ,(x)< 1.01 : the static error value cannot exceed 1% ((oo) - w1 (oo)| < 1%). (54): y2(t) < 0.5 : the maximum over-shoot of the second output channel cannot exceed to 50% for all range time t e [0,400]. (55):For t—» oo : -0.01 < y2(t) < 0.01: the static error value cannot exceed 1%. From another word: |_y2 (oo) - w2 (oo)| < 1% . (56):Closed loop stability. (57):Control signals should be limited by [-200 + 200]. (58):Control-increment signals should be limited by [-12 +12], For the set-point reference vector: w = (1 ())' . the sampling time Te = 1 minute is used to determine a CARIMA predictive model of the chemical process for two followings parameters cases [14]: Kl2 =r12 = 1 and Kl =1.2 ,K2 =0.8,r12 =1. b-The same previous time domain specifications should be satisfied for the second set-point reference vector \r = (() l)7 corresponding to the low gains direction K] = k2 = 0.8 and the same time delay constants zl = z2 = 1. 366 Informática 35 (2011 ) 363-374 M. Sedraoui et al. The MGPC method is tuned by choosing: (N'2,N'U,A;)i=u =(8,6,0.01) at time range I :=[().400] minutes. For each step time: t:=t0,t1,---,400, the feasible region is determined from the following constraints: -200 < u,(t + j)]=0,..,5 < +200 . ¿=1,2 12 \n (I ■ j). 12. ¿=1,2 From the reduced constraints algorithm (see section 3.1), these above inequality constraints are reduced in order to determine the search space D at each step time. The constrained optimization problem is resolved by standard and improved PSO algorithms according to the following parameters: Swarm size: N := 24 . Maximum iteration: m;i,. :=100. Cognitive and social learning rates: c, = c2 := 1 . For the set-point reference vector: w = (1 o)T and the parameter system's: K12 = z12 = 1, the figures 1.1 to 1.3 shows the results given by the MGPC method using the standard PSO algorithm (dashed curves), and the MGPC method using the improved PSO algorithm (line curves). The tablel summaries the results obtained by the two algorithms. 1.1 1 0.9 = 0.6 B- 0.4 0.2 0 0.5 >. 0.2 B- 0 -0.2 30 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 time (minutes) ; \ D 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 time (minutes) Figure 1.1: Set-point tracking results with standard and improved PSO algorithms for w = (1 0)T and Kl2 = z] 2 = 1 . Figure 1.2: Control effort results with standard and improved PSO algorithms for w = (I 0)T and Kl2=zl2=\. MULTIVARIABLE GENERALIZED PREDICTIVE. Informatica 35 (2011 ) 363-374 365 n v--^ »JWy-r-- U ¡-\«A J V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 J ▼ Vr-yj ..... Ki n 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Figure 1.3: Control-increment results with standard and improved PSO algorithms for u = (l o)T and Kl2 = z] 2 = 1. Specifications (SI) (52) (S3) -2(208) - w2(208)| = 5%. (S5): ^(208)-Wl(208)| =3%. 6 Conclusion In this study, we proposed an improvement of the PSO algorithm, it has been introduced and applied to solve the constrained MGPC problem. In order to find a feasible region, the constraints on the controls and their increments have been previously reduced at each step time, the obtained convergences by improved PSO algorithm are well improved in comparison with the standard PSO algorithm. The efficient of the proposed algorithm is clearly shown and the performances robustness and the stability robustness are guaranteed with little still sensitivity to a set-point references changes and parametric model uncertainties. The results of the proposed algorithm justifies its efficiency and presents quite promising results and can be a subject of an interesting investigations. MULTIVARIABLE GENERALIZED PREDICTIVE. Informatica 35 (2011 ) 363-374 365 Figure 2.3: Control-increment results with standard and improved PSO algorithms for ir (l Of and (A'j = 1.2,A"2 =0.8, Tj 2 =l). Specifications m (S2) (S3) (S4) (S5) (S6) (S7) (S8) Decision (St): yißO) y ,(400) y A4 m stable Satisfactory/ Satisfactory/ for / unsatisfactory unsatisfactory reasons (Si) max(yi) time max(y2) time unstable constraints constraints Algorithms: Standard 1.061 1.1124 24 0.9953 0.2562 8 0.006142 stable unsatisfactory unsatisfactory Rejected PSO -19.2