173VARSTVO NARAVE, Supl. 1 (2011) THE COAST OF S. BARTOLO SCI (MARCHES, ITALY) AS A SITE IN THE ADRIATIC AREAS NETWORK OF CONSERVATION INTEREST OBALA SAN BARTOLA (MARCHES, ITALIJA) KOT ENA IZMED LOKALITET V MREŽI NARAVOVARSTVENO POMEMBNIH JADRANSKIH OBMOČIJ Maria BALSAMO, Antonella PENNA, Federica SEMPRUCCI, Rodolfo COCCIONI, Fabrizio FRONTALINI, Dino SCARAVELLI, Anita MANTI, Stefano PAPA ABSTRACT Monte San Bartolo Park (Pesaro, Italy) is located along the coast of Marches and includes the only rocky cliff along the whole northern Adriatic coastline. The Park was created in 1997 to protect a terrestrial area of great naturalistic importance, since it lies along a main bird migratory route, includes wintering habitats of many bird species, hosts rare plant species and constitutes an almost complete section of the Messinian stage in Italy. The coastal strip is still poorly known, even if it is characterized by important hot-spots of zoobenthic biodiversity and a great heterogeneity of habitats: soft and hard, natural and artificial substrates, and few seagrass meadows. However, human activities, outputs from local rivers and Po river plume, seasonal or special euthrophication events as well as recent climate change greatly affect this marine system, the structure and functions of which may be altered over time with consequent deterioration and loss of ecosystem services. For all these reasons, a monitoring project through an integrated approach has been started in the San Bartolo marine area, which is not a subject to conservation plans as yet. The double aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of the local marine biodiversity and to analyze the complex response of the biological marine communities to external factors, mainly human activities and global warming. Regular checks of the littoral system and biological assemblages are needed to acquire scientific knowledge suitable for planning effective conservation strategies. The distinctive features of this site strongly support the proposal of including it in a possible network of Adriatic areas worthy of conservation actions, and useful for checking the climate change effects over time. IZVLEČEK Park San Bartolo (Pesaro, Italija) leži vzdolž obrežja Marches in vključuje edini klif ob celotni severni jadranski obali. Ustanovili so ga leta 1997, da bi zaščitili tamkajšnjo kopensko območje izjemnega naravoslovnega pomena, saj leži vzdolž ene izmed glavnih ptičjih selitvenih poti, a je hkrati tudi dom redkih rastlinskih vrst in skoraj popoln odsek mesinske stopnje v Italiji. Ta obalni pas je še vedno slabo poznan, pa čeprav obsega pomembne “vroče točke” zoobentoške biotske pestrosti in velike raznovrstnosti habitatov: mehke in trde naravne in umetne substrate in nekaj travnikov morske trave. Vendar pa človekove dejavnosti, odplake lokalnih rek in reke Pad, sezonska ali izredna evtrofikacija in nedavne podnebne spremembe v veliki meri vplivajo na ta morski sistem, katerega struktura in funkcije se lahko sčasoma močno spremenijo zaradi slabšanja in izgube ekosistemskih storitev. Prav to so razlogi, da se je v morskem območju San Bartola, ki še ni predmet naravovarstvenih načrtov, že začel uresničevati projekt spremljanja stanja. Dvojni namen projekta je izboljšati znanje na področju morske biodiverzitete in analizirati zapletene odzive morskih združb na zunanje dejavnike, predvsem človekove dejavnosti in globalno segrevanje. Da bi pridobili ustrezno strokovno znanje, ki je nujno za načrtovanje učinkovitih 174 Balsamo, Penna, Semprucci, Coccioni, Frontalini, Scaravelli, Manti, Papa: The Coast of ... naravovarstvenih strategij, so potrebna redna preverjanja obrežnega sistema in bioloških asociacij v območju. Izjemne značilnosti te lokacije bi morale biti deležne močne podpore pri predlogu, da se vključi v mrežo jadranskih območij, vrednih naravovarstvenih akcij in koristnih pri preverjanju učinkov podnebnih sprememb skozi daljše obdobje. Maria BALSAMO, Federica SEMPRUCCI, Rodolfo COCCIONI, Fabrizio FRONTALINI, Dino SCARAVELLI, Anita MANTI and Stefano PAPA Dep. Earth, Life and Environment Sciences (DiSTeVA), University of Urbino, 61029 Urbino (PU), Italy maria.balsamo@uniurb.it Antonella PENNA Dep. Biomolecular Sciences, University of Urbino, 61121 Pesaro (PU), Italy