OriginalScientificArticle BigDataAnalysisofSustainableTourism CompetitivenessinEastJavaProvince DiasSatria UniversitasBrawijaya,Indonesia dias.satria@ub.ac.id JoshiMaharaniWibowo UniversitasSurabaya,Indonesia joshiwibowo@staff.ubaya.ac.id East Java Province is known as one of Indonesia’s regions that has succeeded in in- creasingtheirregionaleconomicgrowththroughtourismactivities.Thestudy’saim was to analyse East Java Province’s sustainable tourism competitiveness potential usingreviewdatafromtheTripAdvisorwebsitein2019.TripAdvisorreviewsareex- amplesofbig dataforqualitativeresearchthatprovide informationabout particular tourism competitiveness, like demographic condition, destinations characteristics, andtourismpreference.Thisresearchchoosesthreetourismdestinationswithhigh competitivenessinEastJava,namely:JatimPark2,IjenCrater,andBromo,Tengger, and Semeru National Park (btsnp). Tourism activity in East Java has high com- petitiveness and sustainability. This researchfound that the sustainable tourism ac- tivity with high competitiveness can not only be applied to nature-based tourism destinations,such as Ijen Crater and btsnp but also to artificial tourism like Jatim Park2.Supposetherelatedstakeholderscanexploreandmanagethemwell.Inthat case,tourismactivityinEastJavaProvincecanextendtouristspending,theirlength of stay and finally increase regional income in East Java. To accomplish this goal, we provided four recommendation to related stakeholders in the shape of strate- gicpolicies to increasecompetitivenesscapability and economicactivity in theEast Java Tourism Area. These are the following four strategies: tourism business level- ling, local common tourism brand-enhancing, local tourism integration, and cash- lesstransactionpromotion. Keywords: big data,tourismcompetitiveness,East Java,sustainabletourism https://doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.14.189-203 Introduction The tourism sector has been one of the relatively sta- ble sectors in regional economic growth, especially in the 4.0 industrialization era (Industry 4.0 era). There are a group of young people called ‘millennial trav- ellers,’ known to have a significant role in provoking tourismactivity(Poerwanto&Shambodo,2020).Sub- arkah (2018) also declared that millennial travellers significantlycontributetotheregionaleconomyabout 101 usd to 500 usd by visiting tourism destinations around the particular area. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia (2020) measured the high demand from the millennial generation in Indonesia, roughly about 5.5 or 2.8 billion Rupiah of the Indonesia National Gross Domestic Product (gdp). The related stakeholders, especially the gov- Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 |189 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s ernment, are trying to develop many potential sites into tourism destinations to meet that demand. One of the Indonesian regions that is intensively develop- ing many possible areas into tourism sites is East Java Province. In this province, the tourism industry is known as ‘The Awakening Giant,’ because East Java has a mas- sive amount of natural and social resources that can be turned into tourism activity to attract suitable in- vestors (Ministry of Communication and Informat- ics, 2019). Therefore, most cities and suburbs in East Java Province have their own local tourism destina- tions to increasetheir local economicgrowth,such as Jawa Timur Park, an amusementpark in Batu City, or Purwodadi Botanical Garden in Pasuruan Regency. Besides local tourism destinations, several tourism destinations are developed and promoted in the in- ternationaltourism market,such as: Bromo, Tengger, SemeruNationalPark(btsnp)andIjenCrater.These twodestinationsarementionedinthe Medium-Term National Development Plan 2020–2024 as two of ten Indonesia priority tourism destinations. The tourism sector growth in East Java Province was shown from East Java overseas visit data through Juanda International Airport and Room Occupancy Rates of star hotels data in East Java. In March 2019, foreign tourist visits to East Java Province increased by 22.8 (21,565 visits) from February–March 2019 (17,561visits).TheRoomOccupancyRateofstarhotels also showed growth by 0.82 in March 2019 (Central StatisticsAgencyofEastJavaProvince,2019).Toantic- ipate and utilize the growthof tourism sectors in East Java,theregionalgovernmenthastriedtodevelopEast Java Province tourism activity using a cluster system. Based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 80 year 2019, the development ofEastJavatourismactivitywasdividedintotwoclus- terareas,whicharetheBromo-Tengger-Semeru(bts) Priority Area and Ijen Supportive Circular Area, as stated. EastJavaProvincetourismsectordevelopmentwas centred in the bts priority area as the core area. This area has a high potential for nature-based tourism, suchasecotourism,agrotourism,educationaltourism, andmarinetourism.Thedevelopmentofthe bts pri- Figure1 PriorityandSupportive AreaofEastJava Province Map ority area as a tourism site was supported by the Ijen Supportive Circular Area. Ijen Supportive Circular Area has a similar demographic to the bts priority areaandisfamousasatourismsitebecauseithasthree tourism destinations known asSegitigaBerlian (The Triangle of Diamond). These three destinations are Ijen Crater, Sukamade Beach, and Plengkung Beach (G-Land). Besides these three main destinations, Ijen Supportive Circular Area also has various terrestrial reliefs that could potentially become tourism areas, likehighlands,mountainranges,volcanoes,hills(Ijen and Raung Mount), and lowlands and coasts (Suhato, 2016). The development of the Ijen Supportive Circu- lar Area was undertaken to support the bts prior- ityareabyattractingtouriststhatvisitBaliIslandto visittourismsitesinEastJavaProvince(BankIndone- sia, 2020). To accomplish that goal, the related gov- ernment has tried to develop new tourism destina- tions around bts and Ijen, such as Marina Boom in BanyuwangiRegencyorEdelweissVillageinWonokri- tiVillage(Nanda,2018;Wibowoetal.,2019).Byde- veloping tourism potential in East Java Province, the related government is not only aiming for regional economic growth but also economic equity in East JavaProvince ruralareas. Onecitythatsuccessfullygrewasamoderntourism industrial area in East Java is Batu City. Batu City successfully developed its area through tourism ac- tivityandpositivelyimpactedthelocalcommunity’ s 190 | Academica Turistica, Year14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s economybyallowingthemtoparticipatein voluntary activities, like maintaining cleanliness, security, and tourism destination promotion (Nurhayati, 2009). OneofthemostfavouredtourismdestinationsinBatu City is Jatim Park (Jawa Timur Park), especially Ja- tim Park 2. Jatim Park 2, also known as Batu Secret Zoo, is a tourism destination in East Java Province recommended by TripAdvisor as one of Batu City’s must-visit tourism destinations (TripAdvisor, 2020a). Not only that, many positive reviews from local com- munities andvisitors to Jatim Park 2 alsosupport this factthroughword-of-mouthpromotion(Apriliaetal., 2015). Accordingtothis fact, Jatim Park 2 is known as an ideal artificial tourism destination that has posi- tivelyinfluencedtheEastJavacommunity’ssocialand economic environment. Based on the case of Jatim Park 2 reviews in Tri- pAdvisor, we can conclude that social media has a highimpactontourismsectors.Suanpang(2020)and unwto (2020) also stated that social media such as TripAdvisor, Instagram, and Facebook played an im- portantrole in tourism competitivenessin 2020. This phenomenon happened because many visitors tried to tell other people about their experience at some tourism sites using social media. These experiences, written in social media, are called ‘tourism reviews’ and cover tourism destination competitiveness such as accessibility, facilities, and environmental condi- tions(Xiangetal.,2017).Manypeoplecanaccessthese reviews and use them for many purposes like accom- modation preference or government policy consider- ation. By using them for research purposes, tourism reviews can be classified as specified big data because textual-styledatalikesocialmediareviewscanrepre- senttheemotions,perspective,andfeelingsofavisitor during their visit to specific tourism destinations (Li etal.,2018). According to previous research, social media re- viewscaninfluencetourismdestinations’competitive- ness. Menk et al. (2018) and Schuckert et al. (2015) stated that social media positively impacts tourism destinationcompetitivenessthroughdataexploration. The potential consumers (travellers) usually do some onlineresearchbeforevisitingaparticulardestination based on their preferences. Using social media, po- tential visitors try to find their preferred tourism site basedontheirbudgetandprovidedactivity(Giglioet al., 2019). If stakeholderslike thegovernmentorlocal communitiescanprocessthisdataverywell,theycan useittomakeappropriateandsuitabletourismde- velopment strategies. For example, nature-based eco- tourismneedstourismstrategyandactivitytoincrease tourism and the economy. Still, it needs to have a low negative impact to avoid exploiting the ecological en- vironment and social capital around tourism destina- tions(Sunardietal.,2019). Based on that fact, this research was conducted to observe East Java Province tourism sustainable competitiveness using social media TripAdvisor re- view data in 2019. This study focused on three ma- jor tourism destinations:Bromo TenggerSemeru Na- tionalPark(btsnp),IjenCrater,andJatimPark2.All three destinations were selected due to their appear- anceinthetop15TripAdvisor-recommendedtourism destinations in East Java, their positive impact on the local community, and site location (President of the RepublicofIndonesia,2019;TripAdvisor,2020b).The result of this research is expected to support related parties in maximizing East Java tourism competitive- ness. By maximizing tourism competitiveness in East Java Province, in the near future, tourism sectors will come back and give the positive economic impact to EastJavaregional gdp andcanbecountedasonepo- tential sector with a high resilience and growth after covid-19era. LiteratureReview SustainableTourism Sustainable tourism is a tourism activity that inte- grates economic activity with social and natural cap- ital around the destination (Tsaur et al., 2006). The tourismdestination,fromthisperspective,shouldin- clude local cultural identity as the main attraction withoutsacrificingtouristprotection,satisfaction,and the environment around the destination. That is why sustainable tourism activity development should be undertaken based on socio-economic aspects follow- ing regional and national economic development growth in the destination area (Pavlic et al., 2019). Most of the time, sustainable tourism development in Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 |1 91 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s particular destinations was undertaken as a regional or national sustainable development policy project. The related stakeholder tried to preserve biodiversity andsocialcapitalinthesurroundingareathroughsus- tainable tourism activity. Sustainable tourism activity also positively impacts the local community in social andeconomicsectorsbyincreasingtheirincome,and reducing poverty and the unemployment rate around tourismdestinations(Tung&Cuong,2020). For some time, economic and social impacts on localpeoplehavebeenconsideredastourismdestina- tionlong-termguaranteestomaintaintourismactivity and tourist satisfaction at tourism sites (Nestoroska, 2012). The concept of a sustainable tourism destina- tion is known to maintain tourist satisfaction for re- turning and newcomer tourists due to their manage- ment trying to provide diverse experiences and sat- isfy tourists. The sustainable tourism concept is com- monlyknownasatourismmanagementcommitment to managing all kinds of resources in destination ar- eas for the economy, and social, and environmental purposes (Hassan, 2000). This commitment is repre- sented in management, tourist, and government acts to preserve local culture, ecological cyclic processes, biodiversity, and other life support systems. Sustain- ability intourismsitescan onlybe achievedwhenev- ery stakeholder, including tourists and local commu- nities, can activelyparticipate in sustainable activities and destination decision-making. This activity will positivelyenhancethetourismactivityexperienceand raise sustainable tourism awareness for tourists, local communities, and other related stakeholders (Sasid- haran& Krizaj,2018; Wibowo et al, 2019). DigitalTourism Digitaltourism,ore-tourism,isknownastheintegra- tion of Information and Communication Technology (ict), especially the internet, in the tourism industry (Y anti,2019).Putraetal.(2018)statedthattourism destinations could be introduced digitally to improve theircompetitivenessbycreatingcontentandspread- ing it digitally through social media, websites, televi- sion, or another digital platform.This method, called ‘try-before-you-buy’canhelptouristcandidatestoget a more realistic experience before deciding to visit a particular destination (Gretzel et al., 2020; Heliany, 2019). In exchange, the related stakeholders can pro- mote their destination in a broader range but with lowercostandmoretargetedtraffic(Putraetal.,2018; Yanti, 2019). Indonesia’s government considers digital tourism as a promotion strategy to improve Indonesian tour- ism competitiveness among domestic and overseas tourists (Putra et al., 2018). To realize that purpose, theIndonesiaMinistryofTourismandCreativeEcon- omy applied three main policies: Wonderful Startup Academy, Nomadic Tourism, and Destinasi Digital (digital destination) (Heliany, 2019). Through that programme, the government and stakeholders could communicateandmaximizetheimplementationofall three main programmes to improve Indonesia’s eco- nomicgrowththroughthetourismsector.Thispolicy implementationhasalso beenfollowedby a new sup- portingpolicy relatedtotourismdestinationbusiness licenses owned by stalls around tourism destinations, tourism information accessibility, and other tourism activities. TourismCompetitiveness Tourism competitiveness is known as the capabil- ity to attract tourists to visit and revisit a particular tourism destination. The tourist revisit is one aspect of the tourism destination competitiveness to main- tain their popularity in the tourism industry (Chin et al., 2014). The parameters to measure tourism com- petitiveness are environmental, social, cultural, po- litical, and technological aspects (Blanco-Cerradelo etal.,2018).Tourismcompetitivenessmeasurementis takentodeterminetheimpactoftourismfactors,such as hospitality, commonwealth improvement, and lo- cal community education level, especially sustainable tourism awareness among youth of a particular des- tination (Blanco-Cerradelo et al., 2018; Minciu et al., 2010).Byanalysingthesevariousfactors,themanage- ment party might determine a proper strategy to im- prove the destination’s competitiveness, for example, by making an adequate branding that is easily recog- nized, like ‘Wonderful Indonesia,’ the iconic tourism brandingfromIndonesia(Chenetal.,2016). Sunaryo (2013) states there are many components 192 | Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s that can be used to measure tourism competitive- ness.Blanco-Cerradeloetal.(2018)measuredtourism destination competitiveness based on destination at- traction, welfare, and sustainability in their research. Zhangetal.(2011)describedthattourismcompetitive- ness could be measuredbased on tourist demandand supply in the tourism market. In Indonesia, there are five main parameters used to measure local tourism competitiveness.Theparametersconsistofattraction, accessibility, supporting facilities, information and communication,andinstitutional(Sunaryo,2013). BigData Bigdataisclassifiedaslarge-scaleheterogeneousdata that increases every day and consists of various types ofdata(Sowmya&Suneetha,2017).PraveenandChan- dra(2017)classifybigdataintothreetypes:structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. Due to its data variance, big data is managed through specific pro- cessesasneededinresearch.Ifbigdataweremisman- aged through an improper process, the data would be useless for research purposes (Kusumasari & Rafizan, 2018). Tourism research usually uses structured data fromsocialmediadatalikereviews,posts,andcom- ments because this data has a unique characteris- tic that is needed for academic purposes (Praveen & Chandra,2017). In previous research, big data was used to deter- mine tourism competitiveness through tourist expe- rience reviews (Xiang et al., 2017). Many studies state thatsocial media datais moreaccuratethanquestion- naire data for tourism research because the respon- dentswritethereviewbasedontheirexperiencewhen visitingthedestination(Aydin,2020;Sabiote-Ortizet al.,2016;Sunetal.,2016).Theotheradvantageofusing socialmediadataisthatalmostallofthesocialmedia data(reviews, photos,status,etc.) werewrittenatthat momentoralmostinreal-timebytheuser(Mohamed &Al-Jaroodi,2014). The big data paradigm in tourism research is fre- quently formed as a framework of the smart tourism destination. This framework consists of three steps, namely data collection, interconnectivity, and data analysis. Through this big data framework, the study result is applied to establish new physical infrastruc- ture,socialnetworking,andbusinessmodelstrategies to enhance the efficiency of destination competitive- nessandincreasethepositivevalueoftourismactivity totherelatedstakeholders(Gretzeletal.,2015). Methods Thisresearchwasdonethroughaqualitativeapproach consisting of data collection, analysis, and interpre- tation through observation (Hussein Jaddou, 2007). This research data was analysed based on the senti- mentanalysisconceptusing‘nvivo 12’ tools. Through nvivo 12, the data was classified and mappedintothespecifictopicbasedonthesentiment approach (positive, negative, and neutral). The result of the sentiment analysis processed data was used to describetheresearchresultclearlyasneeded(Yeetal., 2009). This study uses secondary data of btsnp, Ijen Crater,and Jatim Park 2 tourist reviews from TripAd- visor in 2019. This data was collected using the text miningmethod,whichisamethodtogathervaluable informationforanalysispurposes.Thistype ofanaly- sisisappliedtocollectpreciseandexplicitinformation that is briefly preserved to be analysed using a com- puter or manually analysed by the researcher (Sari, 2020). The study aimed to present a recommendation about tourism development policy that promotes the competitiveness, uniqueness, and inclusivity of East Java Province. Figure 2 shows the flowchart of meth- ods to achieve this objective. First, East Java Province tourism was identified comprehensively through the textminingmethod by theresearcher.Then,afterthe potentialtourismcompetitivenesswasrecognized,we tried to provide a recommendation policy based on destination potential that can be considered and ap- plied to increased East Java tourism competitiveness in thefuture. ResultsandDiscussion EastJavaTourismProfile We obtained 640 reviews written in 2019 related to btsnp,IjenCrater,andJatimPark 2tourismdestina- tions through the TripAdvisor site that can be classi- fied asstructuredbig data.Table 1 showsthatthe Ijen Academica Turistica, Year14,No. 2,December 2021 |1 9 3 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s EastJavatourismdataanalysis (textmining)usingdatatourist reviewfromTripAdvisorin2019 IdentificationofEastJava TourismCompetitiveness (SentimentAnalysis) Attractiveness Accessibility Institutional Competitiveness Informationand Communication Infrastructure andFacilities Policy Recommendation Figure2 Conceptual Mindmap Flowchart Craterwasthemostdemandedtourismdestinationof East Java Province because Ijen Crater has the most reviews (245 reviews) in 2019, followed by Jatim Park 2, and finally btsnp. Table 1 also shows that artificial tourismdestinationslikeJatimPark2havehighcom- petitivenesswith theothernature-basedtourismdes- tinations in East Java because Jatim Park 2 has more reviews(205reviews)than btsnp (190reviews). DomestictouristsdominatedhighdemandinEast Java tourism activity. Table 2 represents Indonesia as thecountrywith themost peoplevisiting touristsites in East Java Province, followed by Singapore, France, Malaysia, and Italy. Most domestic tourists in East Java Province came from outside provinces, such as from dki Jakarta Province (from Jakarta City and TangerangCity)orYogyakartaProvince.Thelowrate of local East Java tourists shows a lack of interest in East Java tourism. Therefore, tourism competitive- nessinEastJavashouldbeimprovedtomeetthelocal tourists’needsandinterests. Table1 EastJava Tourism Reviews Destination Numberof reviews btsnp  IjenCrater  JatimPark  Total  Notes Table 1 shows analysis from text mining processed data related to the btsnp, Ijen Crater, and Jatim Park 2 tourism destinations on the TripAdvisor website in 2019. This data represented Ijen Crater as the most demanded tourism destination of East Java Province, followed by the JatimPark2and btsnp tourismdestinations. Table2 CountriesandCitieswithMostNumberofEast Java Province DestinationReviews Country or city Number ofReviews Indonesia  Jakarta  Malang  Surabaya  Tangerang  Yogyakarta  Batu  Bali  Bogor  Banyuwangi  Bekasi  Singapore  France  Malaysia  Italy  The high interest of outside East Java Province touristsshowninTable2wasfollowedbyanotherfind. We found evidence that many tourists, especially do- mestictourists,onlyspenttheirtimevisitingoneofthe three East Java tourism destinations before returning ortakingatriptoanothertourismdestinationoutside East Java Province, like Bali Island. Figure 3 shows a map of tourism mobilization across Bali and Java Is- landsin2019.Accordingtothisfigure,wecanassume Bali-Java tourists usually travel directly from Bali to 194 | Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s Figure3 Javaand BaliIslandTourism Mobilization inIndonesia Yogyakarta,withoutvisitingmostofthetourismdesti- nationsinEastJava.DespitethenumberofIjentourist visits,mostofthetouristsdidnotbothertovisitother destinations like btsnp and Jatim Park 2 when they passed through East Java Province. Figure 3 shows most of the tourists skipping the leadingtourismdestinationinEastJavaprovince.This evidence indicates that most East Java tourism desti- nations have lower tourism competitiveness than Yo- gyakartaandBaliIsland.AsianandEuropeantourists preferred to visit Yogyakarta and Bali Island instead of tourism destinations in East Java due to limited visit duration, lack of easy accessibility, insufficient supportive facilities, and low safety and health assur- ance. These weaknesses were commonly mentioned by tourists visiting East Java tourism destinations,es- pecially tourism destinations in rural areas such as btsnp. This weakness needs to be evaluated to iden- tifyEastJavatourismcompetitivenessfurtherandrec- ommendasuitablepolicy.Thus,thepolicyisexpected tosupportEastJavatourismdevelopmentwithitsdis- tinct geographic condition, infrastructural capacity, and tourist andcommunity needsin 2021. IdentificationofEastJavaProvinceTourism CompetitivenessthroughPerspectiveAnalysis AsingledataortouristreviewinTripAdvisorcouldbe classified as more than one category label of tourism competitiveness factors (accessibility; attraction; in- formationandcommunication;institutionalandsup- portive facilities). One review about the particular destination in TripAdvisor usually consisted of many things that can be classified in various aspects of East Javatourismcompetitiveness,thusitmustnotbesep- arated. Thereby, the number of data after being pro- cessed in the coding step usually has more data than theactual reviewsdata(640 reviews)(Table3) (Rach- mat & Lukito, 2016). Aside from that, the analysed perspectivereviewwasdeterminedasasinglelabelled perspective (positive, neutral, or negative) (Bandur, 2016). Table 3 shows the result of TripAdvisor reviews data after being processed through coding and sen- timent analysis in nvivo 12. The result shows that IjenCrateris the most influential tourismdestination in East Java Province tourism competitiveness com- pared to Jatim Park 2 and btsnp. This interpretation wasobtainedfromacomprehensivereviewanalysisof coding data processing. The more particular tourism destination was review data was processed in coding step, then the more likely the tourist could sharetheir experienceabout thattourismdestination(with posi- tive,neutral,ornegativesentiments).Incontrast, bt- snp had a low data processed in coding step, repre- senting tourists’ low enthusiasm to review btsnp. The results of the sentiment analysis processing data and interpretationin East Java tourism competi- tiveness will be explained based on five tourism com- petitivenessparametersbelow. Accessibility Accessibility of a tourism destination includes the transportation route support system, station, airport, harbour, and other types of transportation existence (Sunaryo, 2013). Based on reviews in TripAdvisor, accessibility significantly harms btsnp competitive- ness. There are 54 reviews or 45.76 negative reviews related to Ijen Crater accessibility and 13 reviews or 31.70 negative reviews related to btsnp accessibil- ity.ManytouristswritethattheIjenCraterand btsnp havepoorlightingconditions,andincompletepaving, with a form of zig-zag and uphill routes. This con- dition can be considered dangerous for new tourists, especially because almost all of the btsnp and Ijen Crater tourism activities are done at night. The study showedthat151of245reviewscamefromtouriststhat had taken trips to Ijen Crater at 1 am. A similar con- dition was foundedat btsnp. Thereare178of 190 re- Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 |1 95 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s Table3 EastJavaTourismCompetitivenessbasedonSentimentAnalysis Parameter btsnp JatimPark IjenCrater () () () () () () () () () Accessibility          Attraction          InformationandCommunication          I n s t i t u t i o n a l     Supportive Facilities          Total    Notes Column headingsareasfollows:(1)positive,(2)neutral,(3)negative.Table3 showsanalysisresultsfrom thecoding sentimentanalysisprocess in positive,neutral, andnegativereviews basedon btsnp, IjenCrater, andJatimPark 2tourism destinationreviewsfromTripAdvisor2019.Thetotalnumberofcodingandprocessedreviewswasmorethantheactualtotal reviews (640 reviews) in Table 1. But the sentiment analysisresult was the same with data from the coding process because everysinglereviewisonlylabelledoncebasedontheirsentimentcharacteristic. views written by tourists who took trips at 0–2 am in btsnp. Thepooraccessibilityofbothdestinationsisreduc- ing the East Java tourism competitiveness. The poor road infrastructural condition is harmful to tourists with privatevehicles,like a motorbike.This condition isworsenedbytheinfrequentscheduleofpublictrans- portation, even in the day. Most of the tourists try to overcome these obstacles by hiring the service of a travel agency. However, tourists need to pay more for travelagencyservices,andmanytravelagencyservices in East Java Province try todefraudtouristsby charg- ing them a high price or asking them to pay excess costswhendoingthetrip. On the other hand, we rarely found negative re- views related to accessibility in Jatim Park 2. This tourism site was considered to have high competi- tiveness in accessibility since tourists can easily come to Jatim Park 2 using public transportation, private transportation,ormasstransportationlikeabus.This accessibility was also enhanced with the operation time of Jatim Park from 10 am to 5 pm, which pro- vides higher safety and accessibility than btsnp or IjenCrater.Despitehavingthatadvantage,JatimPark 2sometimesgetsnegativereviewsduetotrafficjamsin BatuCityduringthehighseason(December–January and July). This disadvantage had prevented tourists fromvisitingJatimPark2atparticulartimes. Attraction Attractionin tourismdestinationsconsistsofnatural, cultural,andartificialresourcesthathavebeenusedto attracttourists(Sunaryo,2013).In2018,therewere265 natural-based destinations, 320 cultural-based desti- nations, and 199 unique interest destinations in East JavaProvince(BureauofCulturalandTourismofEast Java, 2019). Most of the tourism destinations in East Java Province are natural-based tourism, such as bt- snp and Ijen Crater. Usually, tourists visit this type of destination just once for hiking, sunrise seeking, and to get a photographic experience. Many tourist come to natural-based tourism on particular time like in dawn for sunrise or dusk for sunset. Because many of them considered natural-based tourism as monotonous tourism activity, only looking to the na- ture like sun, mountain, or forest without doing an- othertourismactivity,whichthatcanprolongedtheir leght of stay. This typical tourist behaviour poten- tiallyharmsthedestinationenvironmentduetomany tourist shortcomings at a specific area and time that exceedsenvironmentcapacity. However, special interest tourism like Jatim Park 2 has more advantages because they have various at- tractionsandactivities.MuchartificialtourisminEast Java has a high demand from tourists that come from various regions. The management and related stake- holders can spread the tourists to many areas and 196 | Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s avoidthempilingupinoneparticulararea.Theother type of negative review that needs more attention due to high negative sentiment is weather conditions in East Java Province. Many negative reviews related to attractions in East Java Province were due to rainy weather when they came to the tourism site. This re- view showed that most of the tourism destinations in East Java were dominated by outdoor tourism activ- ity and greatly influenced by the weather.The related stakeholdersneedtoconsiderthisconditionwhende- velopingatourismdestinationin EastJava Province. InformaticsandCommunication Information played a significant role in introducing theadvantagesoftourismdestinationsthroughsocial media (Heliany, 2019). Many tourists prefer to visit tourism destinations with information that is easy to find digitally, like on social media or websites. This advantage is caused by the matching search option of touristpreferenceontheinternet(Gretzeletal.,2020). For example, tourism destinations were matched and classified by the budget, online ticketing, or practical trip when tourists travelled using a travel agency ser- vice. Figure 4 is an analysis result graph called a word cloud,relatedtotheinformationandcommunication- relatedcategory.Inthisfigure,wefoundmanysignifi- cantkeywordsthatoftenappearinthereviews,suchas operational hours, guide, experience, location, price, worth, and ticket. The bigger the word in the picture, suchas‘guide’or‘hours,’meansthateverythingrelated to that word, such as ‘tour guide’ or ‘open hour,’ has a more significant influence on the information and communicationcategory. Information transparency and good communica- tionbetweengovernment,tourists,investors,thelocal community, and tourism managers have significantly influenced East Java tourism competitiveness. Poten- tial tourists can find information related to tour and travel agency services, tourism destination locations and their open hours, transportation and accommo- dation facilities, and other expenses they may need inthefuture,whiletherelatedstakeholdersuchas the local community and the businessmen around the tourism destination also need that information Figure4 Word Cloud Information and Communication of East Java Tourism to increase their economic activity by providing for tourismneedsin thesurroundingarea. InEastJava,JatimPark2andIjenCraterareknown asthetourismdestinationsthatgivetrustedinforma- tion through their official digital platforms such as their website and Instagram account. Both tourism destinations have adopted the tourism digitalization concepttofacilitatetouristsandstakeholdersinterms of tourism agency and activity information. The Ijen Craterinformationcanbeaccessedonthebayuwangi- tourism.com website while Jatim Park 2 information can be obtained on the jtp.id website. Both forms of digital media can provide information about online tickets,tourismactivity,operationalhours,accommo- dation, transportation, and nearby tourism destina- tionstothetouristcandidateorrelatedstakeholders. In contrast, the btsnp digital tourism informa- tion condition was worse than both of these. There was no official digital platform of btsnp available to ourists, especially concerning the ticket, tourism ac- tivity, operational hours, or nearby tourism destina- tions. Usually, btsnp information was provided by private travel agencies or individuals through social media, like vloggers or ‘celebgrams’ (famous users on Instagram). This condition drives tourists to gather Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 |1 9 7 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s the related informationon their own to avoid the risk ofmoneyfraudwhendoingtourismactivitieslikepay- ing for overpriced products or services, horse-riding, andjacketrentinginthe btsnp area. Institutional ‘Institutional’ is known as the category related to the management party of tourism destinations, including human resources and the local communities near the destination, and private investors (Sunaryo, 2013). Ja- tim Park 2 was regarded to have the lowest competi- tiveness in institutional aspects due to the local com- munityandminimumgovernmentparticipationinits development. Many tourists have written negative re- views of Jatim Park 2 institutional-related unfriendly employeesthatmayharmtouristsafetyinsidethedes- tinationbecausetheydonotwanttohearordealwith tourist complaintsreasonably. IjenCraterand btsnp institutionalconditionsare different than those of Jatim Park 2. The local com- munity participated significantly in tourism develop- ment, which caused either positive or negative sen- timents. Some local communities developed tourism competitivenesspositivelythroughtheirfriendly atti- tude, such as when local people try to greet tourists satisfactorily or try to keep the surrounding destina- tion clean from tourism activity waste. Based on the research, Ijen Crater was known to have the highest institutional competitiveness due to local communi- ties’creativityinprovidingculinaryoffers,like‘rawon,’ grilledfish,and‘pecel.’Inthisaspect,thebtsnpdesti- nationhaslowercompetitiveness,becausemostofthe food around the btsnp area was dominated by fried snacks and instant noodles that are easily found any- whereinEastJavaProvince. Related to negative sentiment, many tourists write their reviews about nasty behaviour that comes from the local community around tourism destinations. Manylocalpeoplethinkoftouristsastheirgoldmine, and scamming frequently happened in the tourism area. Local people insisted tourists purchase their overpriced products or services. For example, many local people in the btsnp area force tourists to take a horse ride in Bromo Mount for hiking with an ap- proximatepriceofRp150,000.Similarconditionscan befoundinIjenCrater.Thelocal communityinsisted tourists to ride the trolley of sulphur carriers when climbingordescendingJayaWijayaPeak(IjenMoun- tain Peak) and calling this activity as ‘Trolley Ride’ with an approximate price of around Rp 250,000–Rp 300,000 for every trip (climbing or descending). Low educationisregardedasthesignificantfactorin these poormanners,despiteIjenCrater’ sstatusasaprior tourismdestinationofEastJava. SupportiveFacilities Supportive facilities are the tourism competitiveness category that covers all public facilities, including se- curity, toilets, tourism agencies, souvenir shops, in- formation centres, banking facilities, restaurants, and others (Sunaryo, 2013). Jatim Park 2 is considered as a fully-supported facility tourism destination com- pared to the other two destinations. This statement wasprovedbythehighnumberofpositivesentiments (78.45) related to the review of supporting facilities in Jatim Park 2. Most of the positive reviews were about the hygienic toilets, proper parking site, and goodmanagementofJatimPark2.Thisfullyprovided facility has enhancedJatim Park 2 as a family-themed park. Jatim Park 2 also has other facilities to meet the requirementofspecialneedsconsumerslikepregnant women,toddlers,andseniors. In contrast, many supportive facilities around bt- snp and Ijen Crater were severely damaged and un- maintained.The btsnp andIjenCraterdevelopment in the protected forest area was limited by Act No.5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Ecosystem. Because of this regulation, management and related stakeholders cannot freely develop and maintain btsnp and Ijen Crater facil- ities. The most negative perspective reviews of bt- snp and Ijen Crater were about accommodation and amenities in the tourism area as shown in Figure 5. This figure highlights the words guide, toilets, jacket, mask, dollars (financial service), stalls, and lighting. These wordssignificantlyinfluence the supportivefa- cilities category in btsnp and Ijen Crater negatively or neutrally. The amount of btsnp and Ijen Crater facilities were considered less accommodated and ex- ceededthe touristcapacity. The amount ofBTsnp and 198 | Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s Figure5 Word Cloud of Negative Ijen Crater and btsnp Supportive FacilitiesPerspective Ijen Crater suportive facilities only a few and located in certain area like rest area. Many tourist were con- sidered this supportive facilities was not maintained, lessaccommodatedandexceededthetouristcapacity. This condition worsenedin peak seasonand at week- ends.becausetheavailablefacilitiescannotaccommo- date too many tourists who usually come on holiday. Not only that, btsnp and Ijen Crater amenities and accommodationwereconsideredexpensiveduetothe lack of supportive facilities like clean water supply in thesurroundingareas. Wibowo (2020) stated that the sanitary and culi- nary facilities of the btsnp area were preserved at a high cost due to a lack of clean water sources.As a re- sult, the local community needs to purchase water at a very high price to meet tourist demand in the bt- snp area.Thissimilarconditionwasalsofoundinthe accommodation facilities in Cemorolawang (an area nearby). Many tourists complained about the high- costhotelswithuncleanandunmaintainedroomsand toilets in their reviews. This condition can be consid- eredasonefactorthatcanaffecttourismcompetitive- nessnegativelyinthelongrun.Duetothiscondition, manytouristsrefusetorevisitthe btsnp tourismsite andseeknew tourismdestinationswithproperfacili- tiessurroundingthetourismsite. EastJavaProvinceSustainableTourism Recommendation Based on findings in this study, there are a few rec- ommendation policies thatcan be applied to enhance tourism competitiveness in East Java Province, as fol- lows: TourismBusinessLevelling Levellingisdefinedasbusinesscapacityincrementac- tivity, especially msmes (micro, small, and medium enterprises)ownedbythelocalcommunitysurround- ing the tourism site. According to the needs of local community businesses, levelling activity of business activity in tourism sites is provided through training or business incubation activities. These activities aim to improve tourism competitiveness through the fol- lowing aspects: • Thecommunitywouldbeabletomanagebusi- ness more professionally, including human re- source management, production management, financialmanagement,etc. • By introducing new innovations and technology uses, the local community should be able to in- crease their business capacity and attract more consumers,especiallytourists. • Business owners would be able to expand their business networkto find investorsmore easily. • Thewell-maintainedbusinessessurroundingthe tourism area will enhance tourism competitive- ness, especially in the accessibility category. This condition will also give a multiplier effect to the local community that previously never got the positiveimpactoftourismactivity. • Positiveeconomicactivity surroundingthetour- ismareawilleventuallyattractinvestorsthathave an interest to maintain and improve supportive facilities and services. The investment is usually intheformof csr (corporatesocial responsibil- ity) programmes,trainingclasses,orotheractiv- ities. LocalCommonBrandDevelopment The tourism activity in East Java Province is unique and makes it different from other tourism sites. The Academica Turistica, Year14,No. 2,December 2021 |1 99 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s uniquenessofEastJavatourismsitesandactivitymust be highlighted through branding and promotion ac- tivity. In tourism researchand developmentstrategies and practices, branding and promotion are known as the potential strategy in tourism sectors and can be used to support sustainable tourism activity in East JavaProvince.TherelatedstakeholderscanmakeEast JavaProvincetourismwellandwidelyknownthrough brandingandpromotingactivities,thusattractingin- terestedtouriststofindoutmoreabouttourisminEast Java Province. East Java Province brand development might be done through cultural and arts potential exploration. W ellexploredandutilizedculturalandartspoten- tial can create a positive tourism brand in East Java Province. This term means that tourism brands inte- gratetechnologywiththecharacteristiclocalphiloso- phy of East Java tourism. The brand output is formed in the online product such as digital content or phys- ical products such as souvenirs, product packaging, posters,flyers,andotherpromotionalproducts LocalTourismIntegration SustainabletourismdevelopmentofEastJavaProvince willcauseahighmultipliereffectincertainareas.The multiplier effect is able to increase the inclusive and sustainable economic activity of the local commu- nity. One effect is local business integration for each tourismdestinationtomaximizetourismresourcepo- tential. This local tourism integration programme of East Java Province can be achieved through the col- laboration of regional government, village govern- ment, and youth communities (karangtaruna)near totourismsites. SupportingCashlessTransactions Monetary facilities have become a matter of issue in the tourism competitiveness of East Java. Through fi- nancial literacy support, tourism economic activity couldbeimproved,becomingmoreeffective,safe,and remotely accessible. Cashless transactions would en- hancethedigitalpayment environment.This concept issupportedwithanonlinesystemtofacilitatetourism activity for each party, such as estimating the cost for tourists,determiningthenumberoftouristsforstake- holders,touristnumbermanagementforthemanage- mentparty,andtransactionof msmes.Recently,there havebeendigitalplatformsthatcanfacilitatefinancial transactionsinEastJavatourismdestinationstomake them more efficient and safe, such as qris, go-pay, ovo,and dana. Conclusion,Limitation,andSuggestions Conclusion Following are the conclusions of this research about sustainabletourismcompetitivenessofEastJavaProv- ince: 1. Thenumber oftouristsin EastJavaProvincehas increased annually, even though commonly only one tourism destination is visited before leav- ing East Java Province, like Bali Island and Yo- gyakarta 2. Accordingto the perspective analysisabout East Java tourism competitiveness, Ijen Crater is the most competitive tourism destination, followed by Jatim Park 2, then btsnp. Artificial or par- ticular interest tourism destinations have high potential to be developed in East Java Province throughattractionexplorationduetotheircom- petitiveness among nature-themed tourism des- tinations. 3. According to perspective analysis results about EastJavaProvincecompetitiveness,thefollowing fourrecommendedpolicieswereobtainedtoim- prove competitivenessand local economic activ- ityneartourismdestinations: • Tourismbusiness levelling; • EastJavaProvincelocalcommonbranddevel- opment; • Local tourismintegration; • Supportingcashless transactions. Limitations This article has limitations. First, we only obtained data from the TripAdvisor site. Another limitation is that we manually classified every review in the sen- timent category. This process is time-consuming and might influence the efficiency of characterizing crisis 200 | Academica Turistica, Year 14,No. 2,December 2021 D i a sS a t r i aa n dJ o s h iM a h a r a n iW i b o w o B i gD a t aA n a ly s i s information sharing. In the future, we will try to ob- tainalargeramountofdatafromasimilarsitelike Google Flights or Expedia to get a better insight. 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