ERIKA D. MY WAY AROUND THE WORLD 7 THE LEARNED HEAD Collection: My way around the world (9 books) Original title: Moja pot okoli sveta First electronic edition: Železniki, 2024 Published by Erika Drobnič Canva illustrations Published on, Kindle books Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 192960003 ISBN 978-961-07-2072-0 (KPF) Without the written permission of Erika Drobnič, reproduction, distribution, public communication, processing or other processing of this author's work or its parts in any scope or process, together with photocopying, printing or saving in electronic form within the framework of the provisions on copyright and related rights, is prohibited. The path around the world is a path we walk from birth onwards. The countries that the main character visits in the story are different periods of our lives. The experiences in these stories show our perception of life in a humorous way. For example, the land of the giants is the period when we are babies or small children and everything around us is huge and upside down when viewed from the stroller. In each country, we also learn a new Spanish word. Read all the stories and find out for yourself in which period of your trip each country is. I wish you lots of fun reading and don’t forget to learn all the Spanish words. THE MAGICAL FOREST WAS ALREADY FAR BEHIND US, AND THE NEW LAND WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. I SAW A BIG HOUSE WITH LETTERS AND NUMBERS ON IT AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DIDN'T KNOW. "YOU, THERE, ON THE PINK MOTORBIKE, GO STRAIGHT TO THE LEARNED HEAD!" I HEARD A STERN VOICE. "SHOULD I CLIMB INTO MY HEAD?" I ASKED AND LOOKED TOWARDS THE VOICE. ESCUELA THERE STOOD A GREAT LONG TALKING STICK. "TO THE LEARNED HEAD, THIS IS THE HOUSE BEFORE WHICH YOU STAND!" REPLIED THE STICK STERNLY. "WHY IS IT CALLED THAT?" I ASKED IT. "BECAUSE HERE THE CHILDREN LEARN UNTIL THEY HAVE AN EDUCATED HEAD," SHE ANSWERED SERIOUSLY. "WHAT KIND OF HEADS DO THEY GET?" I ASKED IN AMAZEMENT. "LEARNED HEADS, LITTLE GIRL, THOSE ARE THE HEADS THAT KNOW SOMETHING." "AH, WELL, THEN I'M ALREADY A LEARNED HEAD, I'M EVEN VERY LEARNED, BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING," I ANSWERED QUICKLY. "OOOH," SAID THE ROD. "YOU STILL HAVE A LOT TO LEARN. CAN YOU EVEN READ?" "I CAN EAT AND DRESS MYSELF, I CAN CLIMB TREES, I CAN SWIM," I ANSWERED. "WHOA, WHOA, RIGHT INTO THE LEARNED HEAD!" SAID THE STICK AND DIRECTED ME TO THE BIG HOUSE. I STAYED HERE FOR QUITE A LONG TIME. EVERY DAY I WENT TO THE LEARNED HEAD AND DILIGENTLY LEARNED NEW THINGS UNTIL ONE DAY THE STICK ANNOUNCED: "YOU HAVE BECOME A LEARNED HEAD; YOU CAN MOVE ON." I WAS HAPPY AND PROUD BECAUSE I LEARNED A LOT. AS A SOUVENIR, THE STICK GAVE ME A BIG THICK BOOK WHICH HAD EYES AND EARS. I LOOKED AT THE BOOK AND TURNED IT TO ALL SIDES, BUT I COULDN'T OPEN IT. "STOP TURNING ME, IT HURTS!" THE BOOK SUDDENLY SAID. "GET ON THE MOTORBIKE AND LET'S GO, HURRY UP. I'LL OPEN IT WHEN YOU NEED IT." I QUICKLY PUT IT IN MY GREEN BAG, AND BEFORE SHE COMPLAINED AGAIN, I WAS ALREADY WALKING AWAY. But school is an experience, right? And how much we learn in it, incredible. The following story can be found in Book 8, titled: WELCOME TO THE CAULIFLOWER