VELIKOST KNJIŽNE ZBIRKE IN NJEN VPLIV N A RAZVOJ BRANJA Silva Novljan, N arodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana UDK 027.8(497.12):028.5 Povzetek Najbolj pogost kriterij ocenjevalca knjižne zbirke, "število knjig na prebivalca oz. uporabnika", smo uporabili za ovrednotenje njenega vpliva na razvoj bralne pismenosti. Primerjali smo dosežke, ki sojih učenci osnovne šole dosegli na testih bralne pismenosti, s številom knjig (temeljno zalogo in prirastom) v šolski knjižnici in ocenili ustreznost standardnih priporočil. Ključne besede: vrednotenje, temeljna zbirka, prirast, šolska knjižnica, branje UDC 027.8(497.12):028.5 Summary The most frequent criterium of library collection evaluation, "number of books per resident or user", has been used for evaluating the influence of a library collection on the development of reading skills. The results pupils of the elemen­ tary school made at reading tests were compared to the number of books in the school library, by which the adequacy of school library standards was evaluated. NOVLJAN, Silva: Library collection and its influence on the development of reading skills. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 39(1995)3,45 - 59