| 246 | | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES V G 2017 GEODETSKI VESTNIK | letn. / Vol. 61 | št. / No. 2 | DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2017.02.246-262 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Received: 6. 4. 2017 Accepted: 28. 5. 2017 UDK: 658.23(497.521.2) Klasifi kacija prispevka po COBISS.SI: 1.01 Prispelo: 6. 4. 2017 Sprejeto: 28. 5 .2017 KEY WORDS KLJUČNE BESEDE Namen prispevka je pokazati politiko načrtovanja mest na področju preoblikovanja degradiranih območij, posebej preobrazbe teh območij v stanovanjska naselja. Rezultati raziskave treh izbranih primerov so pokazali, da preobrazba degradiranih območij v stanovanjska naselja prispeva h kakovosti življenja na regeneriranem območju ter njegovi umestitvi v širše območje, tudi z vidika trajnostnega razvoja na lokalni ravni. Razvoj novih stanovanjskih območij prispeva k boljšemu povezovanju prostora in dinamičnejši mobilnosti. Zasnova in načrtovanje novih stanovanjskih območij v skladu z organiziranimi programi, kot je hrvaški nacionalni program socialne stanovanjske gradnje, dovoljuje hitro in celovito izvedbo posegov velikih meril ter zagotavlja enakopravno socialno vključenost in kakovostne življenjske razmere. Območja, ki so bila prej monofunkcionalna, zaprta in nedostopna, tako postajajo večnamenska, odprta in dostopna ter so motor razvoja v širšem kontekstu. Preobrazba, ki temelji na aktivni urbani politiki, celovitem urbanističnem načrtovanju in projektiranju, prispeva k trajnostnemu razvoju na lokalni ravni in izpolnitvi aalborških zavez. This paper aims to show the city planning policy for transformation of brownfield areas into housing developments. Research results of three selected case studies have shown that the brownfield area transformation into housing developments contributes to the quality of life in the area and the integration of that area into the surrounding space, and thus also to the aspects of sustainable development at the local level. New housing developments contribute to the better networking of space and dynamic mobility. Design and construction of new housing areas based on a programmes put in place, such as the Croatian Social Housing Construction Scheme allow rapid and integral implementation of large-scale interventions and provide socially integrated housing and high-quality living conditions. Areas that were once monofunctional, enclosed and inaccessible have become multifunctional, open and accessible thus representing a generator of development in the wider context. A transformation based on an eff ective city planning policy, comprehensive urban planning and design contributes to sustainable development at the local level, thus fulfi lling Aalborg Commitments. Zagreb, City planning policy, Brownfi elds, Housing Development, Croatian Social Housing Construction Scheme, Sustainable Development Zagreb, politika načrtovanja mest, degradirana območja, razvoj stanovanjskih območij, hrvaški nacionalni program socialne stanovanjske gradnje, trajnostni razvoj CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU ABSTRACT IZVLEČEK Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik SI | EN Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 247 | | 247 | | 247 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN 1 INTRODUCTION City development, gradual expansion and the transformation of its urban structure over the centuries has resulted in the dynamics of space and the dynamics of life, which have become the most prominent features of contemporaneity. Th e overall city area are characterized by complex dynamics of (a) physi- cal and non-physical space, which could be considered on diff erent levels through mobility dynamics, (b) structural and functional changes, (c) space use, (d) social interaction, (e) environmental networks and fl ows and (f) virtual mobility - information and the (g) fi nancial investments (Gašparović, Petrović Krajnik and Hladki, 2015). Th e urban structure of Zagreb, like many other European metropolises, contains area called brownfi elds as of the end of the 20th Century, where the complex dynamics is visible. Th ere are many defi nitions of the term brownfi elds in the European context, among them standing out the defi nition prepared within the taskforce CLARINET (Contaminated Land Rehabilitation Network for Environmental T echnologies, 2002). According to Ferber and Grimski (2002), brownfi elds are sites that have been aff ected by the former uses of the area and surrounding land; are derelict or underused; may have real or perceived contamination problems; are located mainly in developed urban areas; and require intervention to bring them back to benefi cial use. Th is defi nition was amended based on the conclusions of the European expert network CABERNET (Concerted Action on Brownfi eld and Eco- nomic Regeneration Network), which emphasise that these are areas which were: (a) under the infl uence of former users, (b) neglected or insuffi ciently researched, (c) mainly located in part or in whole in de- veloped urban areas, (d) require an intervention that would restore them to useful use and (e) may have realistic or potential problems with pollution. Th ree main categories of brownfi eld sites were identifi ed (Ferber and Grimski, 2001): (1) brownfi elds in traditional industrial areas - as a result of the massive employment decline in the coal, steel, and textile industries at the beginning of the 1980s and following structural changes in industry; (2) brownfi elds in metropolitan areas - as a result of persisting displacement pressures on peripheral areas during the urban sprawl process; and 3. brownfi elds in rural areas - as a result of abandonment of sites related to primary economic activities in agriculture, forestry and mining. Th is paper focuses on the second type of brownfi elds – brownfi elds in metropolitan areas, located on city outskirts and resulting from economic and socio-political changes in the late 20th Century. Th ese areas represent a huge potential for implementing urban strategies and policies, the implementation of which requires to conceive appropriate measures and instruments which are the basis for the complex task, the design of their further development. Planning and development of brownfi eld areas was highlighted as one of the important elements of European cities on the path of achieving sustainable development at the 4th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in 2004 in Aalborg. Based on the Aalborg Charter (1994), in 2004 Aalborg Commitments were adopted addressing 10 themes 1 (2004) whose implementation contributes to the achievement of sustainability at the local level. Th eme Planning and Design emphasizes the importance of strategic role for urban planning and design in addressing environmental, social, and economic, health, and cultural issues for the benefi t of all. T o contribute to sustainable development with regard to theme No. 5, the following must be implemented: (1) re-use and regenerate derelict or disadvantaged 1 1. Governance; 2. Urban management; 3. Natural common goods; 4. Responsible consumption; 5. Planning and design; 6. Better mobility; 7. Local action for health; 8. Sustainable local economy; 9. Social equity and justice; 10. Local to global Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 248 | | 248 | | 248 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN areas; (2) avoid urban sprawl by achieving appropriate urban densities and prioritising brownfi eld site over greenfi eld site development; (3) ensure the mixed use of buildings and developments with a good balance of jobs, housing and services, giving priority to residential use in city centres; (4) ensure appro- priate conservation, renovation and use/reuse of our urban cultural heritage; (5) apply requirements for sustainable design and construction and promote high-quality architecture and building technologies (Th e Aalborg Commitments, 2004) Writing on the brownfi eld redevelopment and sustainability has been interdisciplinary in nature (architec- ture and urban planning, economics, sociology etc.) Brownfi eld regeneration has become a mayor policy driver in many developed countries (Dixton, Raco, Catney and Lerner, 2007). Bagaeen, S.G. (2006) argues that the challenge in brownfi eld sites (especially military sites) will be to guarantee competitive advantages that can transform these sites into reliable economic opportunities while looking after the interests of all the parties involved. Dixon, T . (2007) stress that in UK there is a clear attempt to interlink “sustainable development” and “sustainable brownfi eld” policy agendas. V ojnović, I. (2014) points out that limited understanding of the science behind sustainability and the lack of commitment and apprehen- sion by governments are two variables that limit our advancement toward the sustainability condition. Th is paper aims to show that city planning policy of structural and functional transformation of brownfi eld areas on city outskirts into housing developments contributes to integration of the area into the wider context and to the overall quality of life, thus also contributing to the aspects of sustainable development at the local level. It wishes to show that once monofunctional, enclosed and inaccessible zones used for specifi c purposes have become, as a result of transformation based on eff ective city planning policy, comprehensive urban planning and design, multifunctional, physically open and accessible to users of the surrounding area, and that they represent a generator of development in their context. 2 METHODOLOGY Criteria that housing developments had to fulfi l in order to be taken into consideration as a case study within this research were: (1) brownfi eld area, (2) housing development drafted in accordance with the Croatian Social Housing Construction Scheme (Th e Act on State-Subsidized Residential Construction 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2012) and (3) beginning of transformation after the year 2000, based on architectural design competitions (Figure 1). Representation of the structural and functional transformation of selected case studies and their impact on the wider spatial context are based on the established analysis model. Th e analysis model includes following elements: (1) land use and built-up area before transformation process, (2) selected area and its surroundings in the new planning documentation, (3) national public architectural competition awarded project and legally binding land use plan, (4) accessibility of the area by public transport, and (5) new structure, facilities, density and footprint of the housing development. In order to collect the necessary data for the analysis of housing development, fi eld research was carried out, the spatial planning documentation in the period before and after the transformation was analysed, the awarded plans and projects and urban planning documentation (elaborated based on the competi- tion) were analysed, as well as the public transport network and built structure visible on Croatian basic maps and aerial photos in the period before and after transformation. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 249 | | 249 | | 249 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Figure 1: Zagreb’s housing developments after the year 2000. 1 Špansko Oranice (CSHCS, competition in 2003, realised), 2 Novi Jelkovec (CSHCS, competition in 2003, realised), 3 Sopnica South (CSHCS, competition in 2007), A Vrbani III (competition in 2004, realised), B Podbrežje (competition in 2006), C Borovje-Tigrovi (compe- tition in 2006), D Borovje-Savica (competition in 2006), E Munja (competition in 2006), F Blato-East (competition in 2007), G Müllerov breg (competition in 2010) For the purpose of this research graphical illustrations and tables of the elements of the analysis model were made. In order to understand the overall changes in the physical structure of the selected areas, a graphical representation with parallel aerial photos before and after the transformation process and the award-winning competitions for the subject areas was made (Figure 2). In order to deepen the analysis of individual elements of the model and to enable their further quantitative analysis, graphical representa- tions of land use and built structure before and after the transformation process were made (Figure 3 and Figure 4), which served as a basis for quantitative comparison presented in tables (T able 1 and T able 2). For the purpose of perceiving changes in a wider spatial context, directly or indirectly related to the transformation process, a graphical representation of the spatial planning documentation of the City of Zagreb in the period before and after the transformation process was made (Figure 5). Th e graphical illustrations and tables of the parameters for housing development are presented in parallel to perceive changes within specifi c area and between selected areas. Furthermore, in order to understand the similarities and diff erences between selected examples, their comparative analysis was made, based on the set analysis model, graphical illustrations and tables, and elements of the Aalborg Commitments themes (2004) especially on the theme Planning and design (re-use and regenerate derelict or disadvantaged areas; avoid urban sprawl by achieving appropriate urban densities and prioritising brownfi eld site over greenfi eld site development; ensure the mixed use of buildings and developments with a good balance of jobs, housing and services (giving priority to residential use in city centres); apply requirements for sustainable design and construction and promote high-quality architecture and building technologies), Better mobility (increase the share of journeys made by public transport, on foot and by bicycle) and Social equity and justice (secure good quality and socially integrated housing and living conditions). Th e comparative analysis was made based on Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 250 | | 250 | | 250 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN the following elements: (1) Planning and realization, (2) Land use and public transport before and after transformation, (3) structural transformation, (4) Social housing programme, (5) Spatial and urban planning documentation changes, (6) Relation to the surrounding area. An integral table (T able 2) gives the results of comparative analysis of selected examples. Finally, the relation between the results of research and the elements of the themes of Aalborg Commitments were analysed in order to confi rm the hypothesis and possible impact of interventions in the context of achieving sustainability and sustainable development at the local level (Table 3). 3 HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB AFTER THE YEAR 2000 At the beginning of the 21st Century, planning and partial construction of new housing developments begins in Zagreb, as a result of development in the last decades of the 20th Century. After Croatian independence in 1991, the country was struck by the War of Independence (1991 - 1995) which caused large destruction, including 11% of the housing stock (Bobovec, 2000: 2). Due to specifi c political and economic conditions, intensity and volume of economic activities was signifi cantly reduced, while the post-war economic recovery had been slow, with a pronounced stagnation in housing construction. Th e pre-war shortage of housing in major cities, especially in Zagreb, was further emphasized with the arrival of people from war-torn areas. Increased demand for fl ats in Zagreb was not accompanied by a clear vision and an eff ective implementation of housing construction, which was one of the major causes of individual construction of residential buildings (Zlatar, 2014: 154). Th ey were built on mainly small and inadequate plots and in areas without planning documentation that would ensure clear urban concept of conservation and development, as well as quality housing. Planned housing developments in Zagreb in the 1990s were also absent because of new market conditions after the War of Independence in which large pre-war construction companies with experienced professionals and operative infrastructure failed to fi nd successful models of independent activity, while private entrepreneurs had neither knowledge nor suffi ciently-developed operative infrastructure (Mlinar, 2009: 160). Th ere were no programmes or models for housing construction like the pre-war model of Socially oriented housing construction that marked the 1980s to provide a suffi cient number of good quality fl ats nor was the housing market regulated (Bobovec and Mlinar, 2013: 142). Th e Ministry of Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction prepared and started implementing the Act on State-Subsidised Housing Construction (2001). Follow- ing the adoption of the Social Housing Construction Scheme in late 2001 and the adoption of the City of Zagreb Master plan in 2003, urban and architectural competitions were launched for new housing developments of Špansko-Oranice, Novi Jelkovec, Vrbani III, Podbrežje, Borovje-Tigrovi, Borovje-Savica, Munja, Blato East, Sopnica South, and Müllerov breg (Mlinar, 2013: 36). Housing developments were planned as transformations of what were brownfi eld areas at the time, or as developments of greenfi eld sites, in locations in which construction of new housing developments was planned according to the spatial and urban planning documentation. Competitions were funded by state and city institutions and carried out by the Croatian Architects Association and Th e Zagreb Society of Architects. Out of a total of ten public competitions held, three housing developments were realised (Špansko- Oranice, Novi Jelkovec and Vrbani III), while the construction of the remaining seven was halted by the fi nancial crisis that hit Croatia in 2008. According to the newly adopted Social Housing Construction Scheme, housing developments were planned for Špansko-Oranice, Novi Jelkovec and Sopnica South. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 251 | | 251 | | 251 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Figure 2 Comparative illustrations of selected areas – Aerial photo before and after planned transformation and urban planning and architectural solutions. Špansko-Oranice: 1.1 Aerial photo (2003), 1.2 awarded project (2003), 1.3 Aerial photo (2012) Novi Jelkovec: 2.1 Aerial photo (2003), 2.2 awarded project (2003), 2.3 Aerial photo (2012) Sopnica South: 3.1 Aerial photo (2003), 3.2 awarded project (2007), 3.3 Aerial photo (2012) Source: 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2 Mlinar (2013) 4 CROATIAN SOCIAL HOUSING CONSTRUCTION SCHEME Croatian Social Housing Construction Scheme (CSHCS) began in the late 2001 as one in a series of organized housing construction programmes that were implemented in Croatia under certain conditions and at certain periods. Before it, the best-known programme was the Programme of socially oriented housing construction from the 1970s. Th e main features of the CSHCS were its scope and multi-level implementation, using experiences from the implementation of the Housing Care Programme for Victims of the War of Independence, launched in 1996, the goal of which was primarily to secure housing for as many victims of the war as possible. Other people were not included in the programme and were left to the free housing market, which faced a growing demand for housing units, driving prices up and making them less and less aff ordable to an average buyer. With the CSHCS the aim was to solve, in a relatively short time, two extremely complex tasks, the fi rst being to provide the required number of housing units in all of Croatia, ensuring the quality of urban life and housing, and the second to preserve the space from uncontrolled use. Th e aim of the CSHCS is to meet housing needs and improve the quality of housing for a wider number of citizens, as well as to improve construction, enabling Croatian citizens to buy fl ats under more favourable terms than the ones off ered on the market with a guaranteed quality of construc- tion and completion of work within set deadlines. As part of the implementation of the CSHCS, needs were identifi ed and project programmes prepared based on which architectural competitions were carried Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 252 | | 252 | | 252 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN out, enabling the selection of the best design solutions. During the ten years of the implementation of CSHCS, in Croatia 5.553 apartments (of which 2.102 apartments in the City of Zagreb) were built in 173 residential and residential-commercial buildings (Bobovec and Mlinar, 2013: 145), as well as one complex of ground-level and one-storey row houses. In addition to individual buildings, the CSHCS also included the already mentioned three housing developments in Zagreb: Špansko-Oranice, Novi Jelkovec and Sopnica South. 5 STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF SELECTED BROWNFIELDS INTO HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURY IN ZAGREB Th is paper analyses in detail the three selected areas on the outskirts of the city of Zagreb: Špansko Oranice, Novi Jelkovec and Sopnica South (location 1, 2 and 3 on Figure 1), which meet the set criteria according to the set analysis model explained in the chapter Methodology. 5.1 Špansko Oranice Th e Špansko Oranice area is located in the South-West of Zagreb. Before the transformation of the area (19.18 ha), most of the land was used for military purposes, housing the Prečko military complex 2 . Th e area South-West of the complex was used by a kart centre and a car wash. Due to specifi c military use, 15.74 ha of land was enclosed by a fence. Between 1942 and 1978 in the Špansko-Oranice area, 43 buildings were built for military use and 4 for karting centre and car wash. Th e total built-up area covered 11.21 % of the whole Špansko Oranice area. Under the purchase agreement between the Republic of Croatia – Ministry of Defence and the City of Zagreb, the Ministry handed the military complex over to the City of Zagreb in 2002. According to the Zagreb Master plan (2003) the Špansko Oranice area was designated for the transformation into an area of mixed - predominately residential use. In the immediate contact zone are areas designated for mixed - predominantly business uses, a protective green area, sport and recreational use, and water and water resources. In 2003, a national public architectural competition for the housing development at the location of the Špansko Oranice military complex in Zagreb, for the CSHCS, was held (Th e Zagreb Society of Architects). Th e awarded project from the Zagreb City Planning Offi ce served as the basis for Detailed urban plan for the housing development. Th e urban planning solution and the detailed urban plan are marked by an orthogonal urban grid laid out following the grid of the former military complex, synchronised with the asymmetric boundary of the coverage area by asymmetric peripheral blocks, layout of buildings, and their slanting gables. A great deal of attention was paid to the park landscaping concept based on the formation of pedestrian-only squares and streets. Pedestrian areas are intersected by a continuous system of relatively smaller, yet connected park areas enabling the connection with a wider spatial context (Šimpraga, 2014). Th e Southern side of the area is adjacent to the city’s main East-West expansion direction (Zagreb Avenue). Th e residential area is connected by public transport – bus lines – to the transport terminal Ljubljanica in the Western part of the city. Th ere are plans to build new light-rail routes North and East of the Špansko Oranice area to complement the current tram system. 2 which was unique due to its peripheral vegetation and landscaped areas within the complex. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 253 | | 253 | | 253 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Th e housing development is shielded from Zagreb Avenue by a stretch of park area and planned com- mercial buildings. Th e park potential of the Vrapčak creek is not fully utilized, but it is emphasised by slanting and indented gables of the surrounding residential buildings. A total of 32 residential buildings with 1,586 fl ats for housing approximately 4,758 residents were built (83 fl ats per ha, 250 residents per ha) (Mlinar, 2013: 37). A kindergarten and primary school were also built, with plans for the construc- tion of commercial buildings. Some residential buildings have commercial spaces on the ground fl oor. Th e total built-up area covers 22.83 % of the whole Špansko Oranice area. 5.2 Novi Jelkovec Th e Sopnica – Jelkovec area is located in the South-East of Zagreb. Before the transformation, the entire area of 33.2 ha was used from 1966 for economic - industrial purposes. Due to its specifi c use, the area was enclosed by a fence (25.51 ha) and available solely for industrial purposes. It contained the total of 62 structures (57 buildings), with the administration building at the main entrance. Th e buildings were laid out in an orthogonal grid, with the longer side of each building facing North-South. Th e total built-up area covered 25.39 % the whole Sopnica – Jelkovec area. In the late 20th Century the pig farm’s location was deemed inappropriate from the urban planning and ecological aspect. Th e Sesvete Master plan (2003) classifi es the entire Novi Jelkovec area as mixed-use. In the immediate contact zone are area designated mostly for economic use, except for the green area – the city park with forest and protective green areas located towards the sport and recreation zone, and towards the residential area. In 2003, a national public architectural competition for the housing development at the location of Sopnica-Jelkovec (today Novi Jelkovec) in Sesvete (33.20 ha), for the CSHCS, was held (Th e Zagreb Society of Architects). Th e awarded project of the group of authors from the Institute for Urban and Spatial Planning at the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture served as the basis for the develop- ment of the Detailed urban plan for the housing development, that divides the elongated area into four subsections (Megastructure, Fingers, Forest Park and Ellipse), i.e. urban blocks which may be used as a basis for the structural and functional transformation and urbanisation of the surrounding abandoned area. Th e Western side of the Novi Jelkovec area is adjacent to the Ljudevit Posavski Street, which connects two important parallel expansion directions – Slavonia Avenue in the South and Zagreb Road in the North. Th e housing development is connected by public transport – bus lines – with three terminals of the City of Zagreb, Dubec and Sesvete in the Eastern part of the city and the Central train station in the city centre. Novi Jelkovec contains a total of 54 residential buildings, with 2,733 fl ats (Mlinar and Šmit, 2008: 120) for housing approximately 8,199 residents (82 fl ats per ha, 246 residents per ha) (Mlinar, 2013: 37). Th e structures either completed or under construction include: two kindergartens, primary and secondary school, cultural centre, indoor swimming pool, playgrounds, sports grounds, clinic, veterinary clinic and department store. Th e overall built-up area of Novi Jelkovec covers 23.19 % (completed and under construction 21.87 %). Th e housing development were designed as part of the CSHCS; however, the construction and sale of fl ats were mostly organised by the City of Zagreb according to the so-called Zagreb model (149 fl ats are included in the CSHCS (Agency for T ransactions and Mediation in Immov- able Properties, 2015), but it should be noted that these are individual residential units within buildings). Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 254 | | 254 | | 254 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Figure 3: Comparative illustrations of selected areas – land use before and after transformation. Špansko-Oranice: 1.4 land use before transformation, 1.5 land use after transformation Novi Jelkovec: 2.4 land use before transformation, 2.5 land use after transformation Sopnica South: 3.4 land use before transformation, 3.5 land use after transformation (1- Residential use, 2- Mixed use, 3- Public and social use, 4- Public green area, 5- Protective green area, 6- Sport and recreation use with construction, 7- Economic use – industry / business, 8- Special use, 9- Infrastructure, 10- Infrastructure – pedestrian-only streets and squares) 5.3 Sopnica South Th e Sopnica South area is located in the Eastern part of Zagreb. Before the transformation, Sopnica South (5.81 ha) was used from the 1960s as a military warehouse. Due to its specifi c use, the area was enclosed by a fence (5.32 ha) and available solely for military purposes. From 1959 to 1988 a total of 11 structures were constructed (including 7 buildings) used as warehouses. Th e buildings were grouped and located near a small natural lake, with the longer axis facing North-South. Th e total built-up area of the Sopnica South covers 11.19 % Based on the decision by the Central State Administrative Offi ce for State Property Management, Min- istry of Defence handed over the Sopnica warehouse to the Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties in 2009. According to the Amendments of Zagreb Master plan (2006) the Sopnica South was turned from a special-use area into mixed-use - predominantly residential zone. Th e area is surrounded by protective green areas, except for the Eastern side where the area is a continuation of the existing construction designated for mixed, predominantly residential use. In 2007, a national public architectural competition was held (Th e Zagreb Society of Architects). Th e winning design is made by a group of authors from the x3m: arhitektura+urbanizam studio (Th e Zagreb Society of Architects, 2016), which retained the existing lake as the focal point. In between residential buildings, playgrounds and sports grounds are planned. Th e plan included 22 residential buildings in an orthogonal grid, with a total of 400 fl ats for housing approximately 1200 residents (68 fl ats per ha, 206 residents per ha) (Mlinar, 2013: 41). Residential buildings with square and rectangular layouts, stretching along the longer axis Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 255 | | 255 | | 255 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN in the North-South direction. Buildings along the lake and pedestrian areas were envisaged to contain commercial and service spaces in the ground fl oor. In the North-East section of the coverage area a kin- dergarten was planned. Th e total built-up area will amount to 18.28% of the whole Sopnica South area. Table 1: Share of land use in selected areas before and after transformation. Špansko-Oranice Novi Jelkovec Sopnica South before after before after before after h a%h a%h a%h a%h a%h a% Residential - - 2.07 10.80 - - 3.69 11.11 - - 3.74 64.38 Mixed-use – predominantly residential - - 2.78 14.50 - - 5.94 17.90 - - - - Public and social - - 2.20 11.46 - - 4.07 12.26 - - 0.59 10.15 Economic - business - - 0.65 3.38 - - 0.42 1.27 - - - - Infrastructure 0.13 0.68 6.36 33.14 0.11 0.33 8.50 25.6 - - 0.59 10.15 Pedestrian-only streets and squares - - 1.69 8.80 - - 2.17 6.53 - - - - Public parks and landscaped areas - - 2.43 12.66 - - 8.41 25.33 - - 0.89 15.32 Sport and recreation 3.09 16.10 1.01 5.26 - - - - - - - - Special use - Military 15.57 81.14 - - - - - - 5.21 89.67 - - Economic - Industry - - - - 25.51 76.84 - - - - - - Protective green area 0.40 2.08 - - 7.58 22.83 - - 0.6 10.33 - - TOTAL 19.19 100 19.19 100 33.20 100 33.20 100 5.81 100 5.81 100 6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED EXAMPLES OF BROWNFIELD TRANSFORMATION In the context of achieving sustainability and sustainable development at the local level, the comparative analysis of selected transformation examples is based on elements of the Aalborg Commitments, as well as the set analysis model. Planning and realisation Špansko Oranice and Novi Jelkovec housing developments were realized according to urban planning and architectural competitions and spatial planning documents, i.e. detailed urban plans on the former brownfi eld area. Th e Sopnica South housing development was shelved partly due to the outbreak of the 2008 fi nancial crisis and partly due to unresolved ownership issues, although an urban planning and architectural design competition was held as the basis for its execution, providing high-quality urban and architectural design solution on the former brownfi eld area. Špansko Oranice housing development Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 256 | | 256 | | 256 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN was planned to be constructed in two stages because of the concession for the operation of the karting centre - land currently occupied by the karting centre will represent the second stage of construction. Table 2: Results of the comparative analysis of selected areas. Elements of comparative analysis Housing development Špansko Oranice Sesvetska Sopnica/ Novi Jelkovec Sopnica South Planning and realization Brownfi elds + + + Urban planning and architectural competition + + + Detailed urban plan + + - Realization + + - Land use and public transport before and after transformation Land use before special - military industry special - military Accessibility of the area before - - - Public transport lines before + - - Land use after multifunctional multifunctional multifunctional Accessibility of the area after + + + Commercial and service facilities in ground fl oor of buildings +++ Public and social facilities + + + Buildings for business purposes + + - Landscape areas + + + Public areas of high standard + + + New public transport lines - + - New system of public transport in immediate vicinity + - - Structural transformation Aesthetic and construction value of existing structure before --- Built-up area before 2.15 ha 11.21 % 8.43 ha 25.39 % 0.65 ha 11.19 % Built-up area after (planned) 4.38 ha 22.83 % 7.69 ha 23.19 % 1.06 ha 18.28 % Built-up area after (realisation) 3.51 ha 18.30 % 7.26 ha 21.87 % - - Housing units density 83 fl ats/ha 82 fl ats/ha 68 fl ats/ha Population density 250 inh./ha 246 inh./ha 206 inh./ha Diversity of new structure + + + Social housing programme CSHCS + + + Total number of fl ats 1,586 2,733 400 Spatial and urban planning documentation changes Master plan – changes in land use on the site + + + Master plan – changes in land use on immediate vicinity + + + Relation to the surrounding area Consolidation of surrounding area + - - Benefi t for surrounding area + + + Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 257 | | 257 | | 257 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Land use and public transport before and after transformation Two selected areas were used for special purposes – military complex and military warehouse, whereas one was used for industrial purposes. One of the areas also contained an area of diff erent use – sport and recreation (karting centre). All three areas were enclosed by a fence and available solely to specifi c users. Th e areas in question were accessible from the main traffi c development axis. Before the transformation, only one area (Špansko Oranice) had a good traffi c connection via public transport – bus lines. After the structural and functional transformation, these areas became multifunctional, with emphasis on residential construction. T wo housing developments are a combination of residential use and mixed, predominantly residential use, whereas one is of exclusively residential use. Ground fl oors of residential buildings in all three selected areas contain a certain amount of space used for commercial and service purposes. All three housing developments either contain or plan to construct facilities for public and social use, primarily for the residents, as well as for the residents of neighbouring housing developments in need of such amenities. In two of the housing developments, there are plans for the construction of buildings intended for business purposes, but they are yet to be realised. All new housing developments contain a large portion of public landscaped areas and are characterized by landscaping design, which signifi cantly improves the quality of life. Th e proportion of areas designated for infrastructure and pedestrian-only areas and squares clearly demonstrates that the selected areas are equipped with public amenities of the highest standards. All three examples of housing developments feature well-balanced diff erent uses of space. For the purposes of the new housing development in one of the selected areas (Novi Jelkovec), new bus lines were introduced connecting it with three main bus terminals. According to the current spatial planning documentation, for one of the selected areas (Špansko Oranice) there are plans to construct a new system of public transport – light rail, to complement the existing tram network and provide better access from a broader city area. Structural transformation Th e analysis of structure of the selected transformed areas shows that all three areas were already built up. In one of the area construction began as early as the 1940s, whereas in the other two it began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Th e built structures in selected areas were rationally constructed, functional, and orthogonal. Th e structures in all three areas were without any aesthetic or construction value (bar- racks, production plants, warehouses etc.) and were thus suitable for complete removal, to enable further structural and functional transformation. After the structural and functional transformation, the selected areas now feature diverse structures. Novi Jelkovec is an area dominated by various structures ranging from dense city block, rectangular-layout buildings, and small square-layout “towers”. Th e Sopnica South area is in the immediate vicinity and features rectangular and square-shaped buildings located in landscaped areas. Špansko Oranice features structures with rectangular layouts and residential buildings of specifi c typology, transitioning from classic residential buildings with verticals, to buildings with galleries. Buildings in all three areas were rationally constructed, functional, and orthogonal. When compared based on their previous use, two areas previously used for military purposes now have a larger footprint than the area previously used Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 258 | | 258 | | 258 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN for industrial purposes. All three selected areas have achieved or plan on achieving population density appropriate for collective residential housing. Figure 4: Comparative illustrations of selected areas – built structure before and after transformation. Špansko-Oranice: 1.6 built structure before transformation, 1.7 built structure after transformation Novi Jelkovec: 2.6 built structure before transformation, 2.7 built structure after transformation Sopnica South: 3.6 built structure before transformation, 3.7 built structure after transformation (1- built structure, 2- structure planned for building, 3- selected area) Social housing programme All three housing developments were planned and designed according to the Croatian Social Housing Construction Scheme, enabling the construction of a complete housing development, controlled quality construction, and socially integrated housing and living conditions. In addition, by applying this social housing program, fl ats in the analysed housing developments were more available to a greater number of potential buyers who could not aff ord fl ats in the then market value since it was at least one third higher than the price of a fl at built according to the CSHC. Th e highest number of newly built fl ats was in Novi Jelkovec (2,733), then in Špansko Oranice (1,586), and the least in Sopnica Jug (400 fl ats were planned). Spatial and Urban Planning Documentation Changes A comparative analysis of selected areas from the 2003 Master plan, and the 2013 amendments to the Master plan, clearly shows that two areas underwent a change in use. Th e detailed urban plan designated the Špansko Oranice area for public and social use, whereas the purpose of the Sopnica South area was converted from special use to mixed, predominantly residential use. Th e use of the Novi Jelkovec area remained unchanged. In the immediate vicinity, West of the Sopnica South area, the protective green area has been converted into mixed use area to enable the further construction expansion. North of the Špansko Oranice area, i.e. the Vrapčak creek, the Pavlenski put residential complex was built which uses the accompanying Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 259 | | 259 | | 259 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN facilities of Špansko Oranice housing development. South-East of the Novi Jelkovec area, the protective green area has been converted to economic – business use to accommodate further building expansion intended for business purposes. Relation to the surrounding area Th e Novi Jelkovec area is separated from the surrounding housing development – by protective green area in the East and by existing economic construction in the South. Due to its specifi c position and isolation within the economic zone, the area is mostly its facility-oriented. Due to a well-defi ned sur- rounding urban structure, and the use of pedestrian pathway networks and landscaped areas, Špansko Oranice is integrated into and connected to a wider area. Th e Sopnica South area is a direct extension of the existing housing construction, thus forming a larger unit whose residents could use the facilities of the newly-planned housing development and further stimulate the development of the area. All three housing developments favourably aff ect the surrounding area with its urban structure and facilities. Th e wider urban context of Špansko Oranice is consolidated, while the other two examples are the non- consolidated city areas. Figure 5: Comparative illustrations of selected areas – Master plan before and after transformation. Špansko-Oranice: 1.8 Zagreb Master plan (2003), 1.9 Zagreb Master plan (2013) Novi Jelkovec: 2.8 Zagreb and Sesvete Master plan (2003), 2.9 Zagreb and Sesvete Master plan (2013) Sopnica South: 3.8 Zagreb and Sesvete Master plan (2003), 3.9 Zagreb and Sesvete Master plan (2013) 7 CONCLUSION City planning policy for structural and functional transformation of Zagreb brownfi eld areas on the city outskirts into housing developments with all the accompanying facilities and a good balance between the various uses of space contributed to integration of the area into the wider context and to the overall quality of life. One of the important integration factors is the use of space in the immediate vicinity of specifi c area. Planning and construction of a housing development in predominantly economic zone (Novi Jelkovec) leads to a much longer process of integration into the surrounding context than in the case of integration in the context of a residential and mixed-use area where the structure is already partially or almost completely defi ned (Špansko Oranice). Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 260 | | 260 | | 260 | | 61/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Construction of new housing developments stimulates the introduction of new public transport lines (Novi Jelkovec) and the development of new public transport systems (Špansko Oranice), which contributes to space networking, creates dynamic mobility and stimulates the use of public transport. Design and construction of housing developments based on organized programmes, such as the CSHCS, enables qualitative outcomes in urban planning, architectural and construction terms, allows rapid and integral implementation of large-scale interventions in the area and provides socially integrated housing and living conditions. T ransformation of the area does not necessarily lead to an increase in the percentage of the built structure. It primarily depends on the land use and facilities in the selected area before and after the transforma- tion (Novi Jelkovec). Table 3: Relation between selected themes of Aalborg Commitments and elements of comparative analysis. Selected themes of Aalborg Commitments with their elements Elements of comparative analysis Planning and realisation Land use and public transport before and after transformation Structural transformation Social housing programme Spatial and urban planning documentation changes Relation to the surrounding area PLANNING AND DESIGN re-use and regenerate derelict or disadvantaged areas +++ avoid urban sprawl by achieving appropriate urban densities and prioritising brownfi eld site over greenfi eld site development ++ ensure the mixed use of buildings and developments with a good balance of jobs, housing and services (giving priority to residential use in city centres) ++ + apply requirements for sustainable design and construction and promote high-quality architecture and building technologies ++ + BETTER MOBILITY increase the share of journeys made by public transport, on foot and by bicycle ++ SOCIAL EQUITY AND JUSTICE secure good quality and socially integrated housing and living conditions ++++++ Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ivan Mlinar, Damir Krajnik | POLITIKA NAČRTOVANJA MESTA: NOVA STANOVANJSKA NASELJA NA DEGRADIRANIH OBMOČJIH V ZAGREBU | CITY PLANNING POLICY: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS IN ZAGREB BROWNFIELDS | 246-262 | | 261 | | 261 | | 261 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 61/2 | RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Areas that were once monofunctional, enclosed and inaccessible due to specifi c use have become, as a result of transformation based on eff ective city planning policy, comprehensive urban planning and design, multifunctional, physically open and accessible to users of the surrounding area. Th ey represent a generator of development in the wider context which can be seen from the changes in their immedi- ate vicinity (construction of Pavlenski put residential complex which uses the accompanying facilities of Špansko Oranice housing development; conversion of the protective green area into mixed use area in order to enable the further building expansion towards the Sopnica South area; conversion of the protective green area into economic – business use to accommodate further building expansion South- East of the Novi Jelkovec area). Comprehensive transformation of Zagreb brownfi elds into housing developments contributes to sustain- able development on the local level, thus fulfi lling Aalborg Commitments - especially theme 5 Planning and Design, theme 6 - Better mobility and theme 9 - Social equity and justice (Table 3). 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