Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! America Ameriška ZfL-,.::: yA -NOl.eNli.yy ^ 90171 ‘idy od 3:-.noHiynoo "n toc 1; _____ yfNyAyyx NtHIW ^ SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serv'py.'n 10 wn.l nationwide over 150 000 American Slovenians Vol. 96 — |\io. 41 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 13, 1994 ISSN Number 0164-68X 50C KSKJ Concludes 100 Years With Fitting Celebration by Stane J. Kuhar and James V. Debevec The American Slovenian Mtholic Union, KSKJ in ^Operation with the Ohio Generation of KSKJ Lodges, c°included its year-long ce0tennial observation to s Packed gathering at both St. ■tus Catholic Church and St 'us parish auditorium or Sunday, October 9. Auxiliary Bishop A. Ed-ward peveC) D D ; vica] 8®peral, eastern region, Pcese of Cleveland, was the Hucipal celebrant at the 12 °bn Mass with concelebrants e>s- Joseph Yelenc, KSKJ P.ntual Director, Joseph P, . aznar, Richard Evans, Vic-°s Cimperman, Victor Tome Paul Krajnik. Rev- Joseph Yelenc, TOR, AVe ^e homily stressing the Portance of doing gooc ?rks and helping the poor Pting the words that chang “■vu1, Franc's’s bfe forever ^What?” w e readers for the epistle; S*, J°*ln Nemec and Antonie °ever tu ljen ' ltle Jgift bearers were ^ y S- Grosel, France; Jo? an'cb, Gloria Krepfl, anc ^Phine Winter. by, fng at Mass was providec (j0h e Vitus 9:15 Choii Davij KSrsen. director), anc Kriznn^ music director. entn tCr Mass> 360 people audCf the St- VitU5 brjgp , Uni for dinner and £ gram’ ut well-organized pro- BožnarPaS!0r Rev' UQžnar , Pathpr >VVelcomed every« 'UVr. 0sePl1 Velenc gave Coati°n- Joseph Tede-V'C’ President, ;;r-0n °f KSKJ Lod e toastmaster Six °fcerernony. ihen.„ mernbers of Cleve Vasi i81”8*11« group Fant th,^f ^ Tom Srsen,' Witjj°nal Anthem tog« e entire anHipnr.*. r ai^ I*" ent're audience. them fbe Slovenian the pravljica,” to v v°ice rfaordinanly bea dearivu Marija Pivik r|V heard. gaVeather Victor Cimpe hef0r„ aPPropriate ble Ca 7',din"'r' and cm mar and her effi We)uarte°Us staff provii ueaI that^i and n°Uri bun, A.at Pleased the i °ttds rvf Vou t.f,each attendee. °u i„,. attende« Afi :and staff- ^lr. t>r t^le delicious I —ut te^stinask0vic gave °f frat8 ta'k about the and in i!rnalism in A: °f4partlcular.the fo< eipals and its exaltec 116 then en Proceeded troduce those seated at the headtable. He then called upon Mr. Eugene Kogovšek, National President of KSKJ, who delivered the keynote address. Mr. Kogovšek recalled the opening event of the KSKJ Centennial Year, which was the visit of the first U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia, Allan Wendt, in January of this year in the same auditorium. Mr. Kogovšek stressed how the organization has maintained fidelity to its spiritual, charitable, social, cultural, educational and financial guidelines established 100 years ago. He emphasized the staunch determination of KSKJ officers and members to maintain the same lofty goals in the following 100 years. A larger number of Fantje na Vasi singers provided a musical interlude under the brilliant baton of its director Mr. John Srsen. Members of the National Board of KSKJ who were in attendance were introduced. Mr. Anthony Mravle, national secretary/treasurer of KSKJ gave a beautiful talk in Slovenian. Mr. Mravle re-emphasized the points made by Mr. Kogovšek and added how remarkable were the efforts of the first KSKJ members in the late 1890s and early 1900s who sought to help the orphans and widows of the Slovenian immigrants who were employed in the lumber, coal mining and construction industries. He also stressed how the KSKJ played a major role for the Slovenian emigrees during and after World War II to find the opportunity to practice their faith and freedom in this new country and helped them hurdle the many barriers placed before them by misguided individuals and organizations. Messrs. Frank Šega, Joseph Hočevar, and Raymond Zak then presented a large, new Slovenian flag to the parish of St.' Vitus that they brought back with them this summer from the first KSKJ trip to Slovenia in over 55 years. Mr. Ray Zak explained that the flag came from Peter Vend, Slovenian State Department, for Slovenians living abroad. Ms. Nancy Hlad was then called upon to entertain everyone with her tremendous talent on the accordion. Rev. Yelenc then said the concluding prayer with Ms. Louise Strauss leading the entire group with the concluding song, “God Bless America.” A three part “Centennial Pictured above, left to right, are Ray Zak KSKJ National Athletic Director; Frank Šega, Joseph S. i Baškovič (at microphone) First National Vibe President; Joseph Hočevar Second Na-tiojnal Vice President-elect; Anthony Mravle N4tional Secretary/Treasurer, seated; and KSKJ National President, Eugene Kogovšek. The new Slovenian flag was presented to St. Vitus parish by officers of KSKJ who traveled to! Slovenia this summer. It was a gift from Peter Vend, Slovenia’s Secretary of State for Slovenians living abroad. Cake” was baked by Mrs. Ann Tomsick and each guest received a piece to take home. From the many comments, it was just “heavenly.” Thank you Ann for your time, talents, and most creative design which included the KSKJ Centennial logo in the center. Table prizes consisting of a jar of pepper-mint candy and a large floral arrangement were given to two people at each table. Singing choir Korotan was thanked for the use of their festive fall stage props. A bus load of fellow KSKJers came from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania under the guidance of A1 Suhadolmk. There were also many other KSKJ members who came from various states including Mr. and Mrs. Karl and Helena Klesin of New York. Lauditory Proclamations were received from the State of Ohio, presented by August Pust in behalf of Governor George V. Voinovich; the General Assembly of the State of Ohio presented by State Representative Ronald Šuster; Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Office, J. Timothy McCormack, presented by Jennie Gorjanc, the City of Cleveland, Mayor Michael White, presented by Joseph Skrabec; and the City Council of Cleveland, by Councilmen Gary Paulenske and Michael Polenšek, presented by Michael Polenšek. The Planning Committee consisted of Rev. Joseph Božnar, Joseph Baškovič, Joseph Hočevar, Albin Orehek, Frank Šega, Ann Nemec, Eugene Kogovšek, Louise Strauss, and the coauthors of this article, Stane Kuhar and James Debevec. * * * NOTE: Thanks to Dr. Edward Gobetz for the fine preparation and completed brochure provided to everyone in attendance, entitled, “Slovenia and The Slovenian American Heritage Foundation announces a lecture by the M^yor of Ljubljana, Jože Strgar on Monday, October 17 at;7:30 p.m. in the lower hall of; the Slovenian Society Hbme, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid. This presentation is free and opjen to the public, and will be followed by a reception. The Slcjvenian American Heritage Foundation is proud to be cosponsoring this program with thč Ljubljana-Cleveland Sister City Committee and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia. Mayor Strgar is in Cleveland to encourage further cultural and economic ties between the two cities and to promote the Ljubljana-Cleveland Sister The Ohio Judicial Conference (OJC) gave special awards to State Representative Ronald Šuster, Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) President Ray Michalski, and OSBA Government Affairs Director William Weisenberg for their efforts leading to the passage of House Bill 637, the Judicial Impact Statement bill. The awards were presented by. Judicial Conference Chairperson John J. Donnelly during the O.J.C. 1994 Annual Business Meeting on September 8. Slovenian Americans.” This was published as one of the Centennial Public Service projects by the KSKJ. City program. In his presentation, Mayor Strgar will give an overview of developments in Ljubljana since becoming the capitol of the newly independent Republic of Slovenia. He will also address the current economic and political changes taking place in Slovenia. Accompanying the mayor on his visit will be Marko Morel, head of Ljubljana’s Bureau on International and Intercity Cooperation. The program will be conducted in both English and Slovenian. Mayor Strgar was the first democratically elected mayor of Ljubljana following Slovenia’s independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. He is a member of the Christian Deimocratic Party. In presenting the plaques, OJC Chairperson. Donnelly noted that, “Passage of H.B. 637 is a major step in improving Judicial/Legislative communications and we sincerely thank Representative Šuster, President Michalski, and Government Affairs Director Weisenberg for their pivotal roles leading to passage of this most important legislation.” The Ohio Judicial Conference is a state entity in the Judicial branch created to educate and promote the fair administration of justice. Mayor of Ljubljana speaks in Euclid Ronald Šuster given judicial award AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 13, 1994 - The fascinating Baltimore Harbor !The captain of the Water Taixi is quick to point out the architectural disparity on the horizon. On the one hand, there is the prosperous financial district of ‘ole 'Baltimore Town with its glass and steel high-rises sparkling in the sun, and on the other hand, the equally prosperous, yet distinctly low-rise skyline of Fells Point, Baltimore’s first seaport. With 15 landings and attractions on its busy itinerary, the Water Taxi is the quickest and easiest way to taste all that Baltimore has to offer. For a single fare, visitors can traverse the Inner Harbor all day and all night long. Baltimore, less than an hour’s flight from Cleveland, is a perfect destination for a weekend getaway. Ringing the very popular Inner Harbor are a variety of indoor and outdoor shops, pubs, restaurants, galleries, museums, the National Aquarium, the waterside Harborplace and Gallery markets. Little Italy, antique shops, marinas, markets, the Science Center, Davis Planetarium and IMAX theater and the U.S. Frigate Constellation — oldest ship in the U.S. Navy. Nearby is the beautiful Oriole Park, home field of the Baltimore Orioles. There is plenty to do in Baltimore, come rain or shine. Outdoor entertainers draw huge crowds on a busy Friday and Saturday night. Daylight hours find dozens of paddle and electric boats scudding about amid the busy water taxis and sightseeing boats. Shoppers will be delighted with their finds at Harborplace or The Gallery. One hundred fifty unique shops, restaurants, food vendors and more will tweak the credit cards right out of your pocket. You’ll need to come home with something “Baltimore” like crab decorated T-shirts, crab and seafood seasonings, crab this and crab that. And, don’t forget to have some delicious crab cakes, or sauteed crab or crab with lobster, at Phillips Seafood Restaurants (over 300,000 pounds of crabmeat are consumed yearly at Phillips), perhaps topped off with a delicious slice of peanut butter pie, with hot fudge and whipped cream. For lunch after a morning trek to the unique shops, pubs and market in historic Fells Point, stop at Bertha’s for some world-famous mussels complete with a variety of tasty dipping sauces. And, if I EUCUDrik TRAVEL “ Listen! The SEA WIND is calling Seawind Cruise! Live... the ultimate value in “the South Seas of the Caribbean. Register to win a special SEA-Aruba cruise/resort package for two, with free air to Aruba, 7 nights at LaCabana and a 7-night cruise on the Seawind Crown. Call For Details: EUCLID TRAVEL 22078 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123 261-1050 300,000 Winners A Day. Join iNlhE Winning. All Ohio Lottery players are sutofect to laws and regulaiions ol the Orno Lottery Commission For more information call our Customer Relations Department (216(787 3200 during regular Business hours you’re still hungry after all that walking around, there are more than 20 restaurants to pick from in Little Italy. Other points of interest in Baltimore include antique row, the B&O RR museum, Babe Ruth’s birthplace, the Maritime Museum and Mbseum of Art, the Museum of Industry, Streetcar Museum, Edgar Allan Poe House, Top of the World Trade Center, Lexington Market — the oldest continuously operating market in the U.S., art galleries, and the Fell’s Point Historic District Why not take a little stroll around Baltimore’s beautiful Inner Harbor yourself, maybe get a leg up on Christmas shopping. Call us (Euclid Travel) at 261-1050- Fall Card Party The Progressive Slovenian Women of America Circle 7’s annual Fall Card Party will take place on Wednesday, October 19, from 1 to 3 p.m., at the Waterloo Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. Tickets are $3.00. Door prizes and refreshments will be provided. Pristava Pensioners making ‘kolina’ again On October 16 we are going to serve homemade blood, rice and fresh garlic sausages with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, apple strudel and coffee. Serving will be from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. Sausages will also be sold to take home. So come and enjoy a delicious meal in a beautiful fall atmosphere at the Slovenska pristava. —Frank Urankar By BRAIN FOOD ! SAW A POSTER YESTERDAY, WITH A PICTURE OF ALBERT EINSTEIN AND THE FOLLOW INC WORDS INSCRIBED ON THE POSTER: # ’7 »MAT TO KNOW GOD'S THOUGHTS... THU REST ARE DETAILS' IT S REALLY IMMATERIAL WHETHER EINSTEIN REALLY SAID ABOVE W ORDS. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT IF W'E COULD COME EVEN CLOSE IN KNOWING W HAT COD’S THOUGHTS ARE, WE WOULD NOT WORRY OR CARE ABOUT THE REST. Bake Sale St. Mary Altar Society is sponsoring a krofe and bake sale on Saturday, October 22 beginning at 9 a.m. in the school auditorium. I showed my appreciation of my native land in the usual Irish way by getting out of it as soon as I possibly could. —George Bernard Shaw The Country Place. It feels like home. We offer the highest quality nursing care and rehabilitation services in a homelike, scenic setting. And we're conveniently located just off 1-90. • Short- & Long-term Nursing Care & Rehabilitation • Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy • Adult Day Care • Respite Care • Alzheimer Care • Social and Recreational Programs • Medicare and Private Insurance Accepted Wickliffe Country Place "The Community of Caring" 1919 Bishop Rd. • Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 (216)944-9400 « SMS J3UICIC 21601 EUCLID AVE in 00 G 48 SHORE WAV 11- fN CM OJ ui © o 00 CO 097‘3 ttEl! £?. Z ! V 'lUCLID AVt V ^ L I CMAROON ROAD T. ~ EUCLID W CHRYSLER‘PLYMOUTH 20941 EUCLID AV 692-3900 TOLL FREE 1-800-688-SIMS (7467) STOP PAYING HIGH CHECKING FEES. GET. 100% FREE QIECKING AT METROPOLITAN- COMPARE! METROPOLITAN YOUR BANK ATM Card FREE ATM Transaction Fees FREE at Green Machine Monthly Fee NONE Per Check Charge NONE Per Deposit Charge NONE Free Checks 50 Balance to Open $100 Dox’iWait, Stop I\Now! \sk him \mi ran gel I KI I dieckinguilh inkTesI, Inn! Mk METROPOLITAN i Bainbridge ... > Chesterland. > Cleveland... ..543-2336 . Cleveland Hts...............371-2000 . Shaker Hts....... ..729-0400 • Euclid......................731 -8865. • South Euclid..... ..486-4100 • Pepper Pike ................831-8800 . Willoughby Hills . METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK Of CLEVELAND • MEMBER F0IC .752-4141 291-2800 .944-3400 Progressive Slovene Women Mark 60th Anniversary Over two hundred guests gathered last Saturday evening at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Road to join in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Progressive Slovene Women of America. The evening began with a dinner in the lower hall, after which guests went upstairs to the main auditorium. Joyce Plemel, one of three stiH living founding members °J the PSWA, began the program with a welcome to all who had come to share this ■niportant milestone in the or-Sanization’s history. Those present stood for a tcndition of the American and ‘Ovene national anthems, led y Cecilia Dolgan, Joe Valen-^lc> Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek. Frances Mauric then spoke 0 lhe three still living found-ln8 niembers. In addition to C0yce Plemel they are Dr. Vera andon, who was present, and ntoinette Simcic, now a resi-®nt at the Slovene Home for e Aged, who was unable to attend. Recognition also went to °se PSWA members who wTh SPent ^ty or more years 1 the organization. They e> Ursula Branisel, Bertha n°Vgan, Olga Leskovec, Jen-'e Škerlj, Mary Terlep and MarV Vardian. 1 ^ delightful musical inter- ^°^owed> with Cecilia 8an and Joe Valencie sing- selectl°ns- Serv°rer)ce Unetich, who has PS\Va as Presldent of the gave u ^°r a numl5er °f years, f0c t‘le Principal address. She the Po* °n t^le tssue whether Plav • ^ st*^ ^a<^ a ro*e t0 ti,e ^ both the Slovene and \ju , rnerican communities. *tas changed in the sixty years since the PSWA was founded, she said, and women have made many gains over those years. As do other organizations in the Slovene American community, so too the PSWA has had difficulty in attracting younger people, in the PSWA’s case younger women, to replenish its membership. In fact, Miss Unetich insisted, the PSWA still has an important calling, not only in the Slovene American com- Here is the news you have been looking for: the Slovenian Day annual festival in two parts: The social entertainment and program will be held on Saturday, October 22 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Steven’s Hall, 1852 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. Slovenian songs will be presented by the Slovenska Pesem chorus and an excellent (imported) dance music ensemble will play afterwards. If you wish to make ticket reservations, call the St. Stevens Rectory (312) 376-4339 or Mr. Stanley Simrayh at (708) 257-7923. A delicious dinner is being prepared for our friendly guests, with a good choice of beverages during the night. This is sponsored by the Slovenian-American Radio Club of Chicago. The second part will follow the next day after the 10 a.m. Slovenian Mass at St. Steven’s church. This is the cultural part of the festival. It will include some music, but the main part is linked to a social munity, but in the broader American setting, and in continuing to support Slovenia. She urged the organization to rededicate itself to its historic mission of supporting positive social goals and perhaps redefining them in terms more relevant to the issues of today. If the organization can do this, she concluded, it will be able to continue and to find new members Among the guests in the audience were the presidents of es^ay from the older Slovenian history. The following is a rough resume: The Peasants Uprising in Slovenian History In older times, Slovenian peasants endured a hard life. People were badly impoverished. For many centuries, they had to work for their landlords, i.e., proprietors of farms. They were not paid but mistreated and disdained, even offended and beaten. Their families were morally endangered. A few times, they tried to change this terrible course by themselves. First, they pushed for their rights in a peaceful way by seeking justice with higher (and even at the highest) authorities; however, always unsuccessfully. We will discuss a few attempts in the form of war, by the peasants, in the 15th and 16th century, trying to improve their fate. All these conflicts failed, however, with cruel punishment for the peasants.' Everyone invited: Chicago Slovenian Days celebration three major Slovene American fraternals. From the KSKJ were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kogovšek, from SNPJ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Evanish, and from AMLA Stanley G. Ziherl. Other board members from all three organizations also were present. Florence Unetich invited Dr. Karl Bonutti, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland, to address the audience. Dr. Bonutti spoke of the praiseworthy work of the PSWA in the six decades since its founding, then read the text of a letter of congratulations from Milan Kučan, President of Slovenia. The program concluded with Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek, known to many as the “Jadran Songbirds,” singing several Slovene songs. Jadran’s concert, by the way, will be Saturday, November 12, at the Waterloo Slovenian Home, where the chorus is based. Musical accompaniment for the singing during the evening and for the dance which followed the program was by the Fred Kuhar Orchestra. May the PSWA continue its work and service to our community and to Slovenia for many, many more years. Rudolph M. Susel • Private Garden Apartments • No Endowment or Entrance Fee • Planned Activities • Transportation • 24 Hour Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals Call us today for a lunch and tour 261 -8383 25900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio 44132 *If you sign a lease and move in by the end of the year, you will receive $1,000 off your 4th month's rent. S^te3'8llte* Vlr*oo| J "ttoior, or ■93 FORD RANGER V-6, «uto./ power steering ft bralcev rear step bumper/ custom graphics | «12,970 '93 MERCURY CAPRI ^^U.wMvAM/FMcaa., Power window 38,780 Js® ^j780 ssssr \$90 . 'W * "Hw. ■MOLDS CUTLASS * Supreme, Quad 4 •njine, *u,o< elum. wree«, electronic dash. ^190 ■»MERCURY GRAND MARQUS Utereo, can. *6,980 *93 FORD PROBE i dr., GL auto, ovetdrive tram, A/C AM/FM cast., interval wipers, rear defroster *13,995 ■92 FORD F-150 Custom, air, power steering 8 braJcct, bedliner, rear step bumper 13,060 Miles ■91 MERCURY TRACER A hard to find station wagon. 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Born Nov. 7, 1916 in Cleveland, he moved to Richmond Heights 27 years ago. He was a member of Club 59ers, Euclid Rifle Club, FOPA 15, SDZ Lodge 40, SNPJ 158, Blue Gavel, Northeast Yacht Club, Richmond Heights Senior Citizens, Waterloo Pensioners, St. Mary’s Holy Name Society and St. Vitus Alumni. He was a maintenance foreman for Lincoln Electric for 30 years, retiring in 1979. Survivors are his wife, Thelma (Zupančič); daughter, Linda Bedzyk of Richmond Heights; son, Greg of Ashtabula; sisters, Mary Figurski and Sophie Japel; brother, Anthony; grandchildren, Robert and Tim Bedzyk, Carolyn Dolence, Debbie Kapel and Theresa Beukemann; and eight greatgrandchildren. His daughter, Gail Dolence; grandson, Robert Michael Dolence; brothers, Louis and Jo|hn; and sister, Jennie Marolt, are deceased. Friends called at The Dan Ctjsic Funeral Home, 28890 CHardon Road, Willoughby Hills. Msgr. William N. Ndvicky of St. Gregory the Gfleat Church will officiate at services. Burial will be in All Soluls Cemetery in Chardon. MARY BAZNIK Mary Baznik (nee Kavcic), 96( wife of the late Anton; mother of the late Joseph (w|fe, Jolan) and Anthony J. (w)fe Valerie); sister of Joseph of Kostanjevica na Krki, Sldvenia, and Frank, Anton an]d John (all deceased) (Slbvenia); grandmother of Apthony W., Marge, Betty, Barbara Stevenson (husband George); great-grandmother oflBrian, Timmy and Andy. The family received friends at The Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St.; Clair Ave. on Tuesday, Sejjt. 27. Mass of Christian Burial was on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at St. Vijus Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. (Family suggests memorial contributions to St. Vitus Church or Sisters of Notre D4me. CHRISTINA ŠTUCIN Christina Štucin, 78, passed aWay in Richmond Heights Gdneral Hospital on Wednesday, September 28. Christina was born in West Virginia. She was a former resident of Benton Avenue CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” anjJ presently lived in Hilltop Village. Christina was retired from the lamp division of General Electric where she worked as anj assembler. She was the daughter of Anthony and Mary Ann (both dec.); the sister of Frances Kromar, Cejcilia Sivic and the following deceased: Mary Zakrajšek, Elizabeth Jaklich and Anthony. Visitation was held Tuesday, Oct. 4 at Zele Funeral Hc)me. Funeral services were Wednesday, Oct. 5 at St. William Church. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. JOHN J. BUDIC John J. Budic, 77, passed away on Friday, Oct. 7 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. Mr. Budic was a former resident of E. 71st St. for 44 years. He was presently living in Gateway Health Care Center for the past two years. He was employed as a saw operator at the Republic Structural Steel Co. for 40 years, retiring in 1982. Mr. Budic was a member of St. Vitus Holy Name Society and SNPJ No. 126. Mass was held in St. Vitus Church on Monday, October 10, with burial in All Souls Cemetery. Donations in his memory to St: Vitus Endowment Fund would be appreciated by the family. MARY MAROLT Mary Marolt, 71, passed aW:ay at her home in Euclid on Friday, September 30th. She was retired from Addresso- In Loving Memory of our Husband, Father and Grandfather graph-Multigraph where she was employed as a payroll clerk. Mary was the daughter of John and Theresa (both dec.); sister of John (dec.), Anne Mokriš; aunt of five; and great-aunt of six. Funeral services were Tuesday, Oct. 4 at St. William Church. Burial was in Calvary Cetnetery. The family suggests any contributions should be made to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Rd., Mentor. FRANK ZAJEC Frank Zajec, 46, passed away at his residence on Saturday, October 1st. Frank was employed as an electronics technician at Cyber X Inc. for 21 ’years. He was the son of Frank and Mary (nee Orehovec); the brother of Karen (Brian) Koch; uncle of Kevin and nephew of many. Visitation and funeral services were held at Zele Funeral Home; burial in All Souls Cemetery. The family would appreciate any memorials be made to the Slovene Home for the Aged in his name. In Memoriam Emil F.Trunk Died October 15, 1967 ^ Countless memories ** Treasured ^ Ever with us Lovingly, Your entire family, Other relatives, And your many friends RE-ELECT JUDGE MARTIN O. PARKS LAKE COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Joseph Kusar died Oct. 1, 1985 A beautiful memory of one so dear and loved. You ’ll live forever in our hearts. Joy you gave, joy you have found. You are gone but not forgotten. Sadly missed by: Wife — Caroline Son — Jerry, Wife — Mary Jane Son — Joseph, Wife — Andrea 6 grandchildren EXPERIENCED / QUALIFIED: * Common Pleas Court Judge for 8 years - Administrative Judge, General Division * Graduate of John Carroll University and Case Western Reserve Law School * Elementary and Secondary Education at St. Mary's - Painesville, St. Mary's - Mentor' and Riverside High School * 18 years of law practice prior to assuming judicial duties * Past President of the Lake County Bar Association * Former Solicitor, Village of Grand River ENDORSED BY: * Lake County Bar Association - Voted "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" * Lake County AFL-CIO * Ohio Education Association * Ushers & Ticket Takers Union * F.O.P. Lodge #116 (Western Lake County) * F.O.P. Lodge #16 (Eastern Lake County) Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Judge Parks, Robert L. Lewis« -*r" Treas., 5840 Heisley Road, Mentor, Ohio 44060 Joe (Jože) Zevnik Licensed Funeral Director 9^ an a Finest Funeral Facility in Northeast Ohio OiLC FUNERAL HOME 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 440*« THE CI.EVELAND PRESS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER ?l m« Suffering Victims Find Flaven After Disaster ? j >1 Coming Events... Finds brother’s picture in EOG story Editor: 1 am sending $3.00 for 3 J^Pies and mailing of the East °hio Gas explosion edition. I attl a*so renewing my subscrip-‘10n and the extra $12.00 is a onation in memory of my asband, Al Marinch who Passed away December 18, , 9- It will be the 5th an-niyersary of his death. '0n Page 14 of the EOG sMcial edition is my brother’s Pidture. Edward John Sittinger is now a Priest and works for Unitary Missions (Catholic) Ch ^Ur Lady Victory arch in Los Angeles, Calif. °u won’t believe this coin-! .ence- My girlfriend came to '^t me this past spring. She drks for the Cleveland Plain Mer. I (olj hg,. to see jf siie *d find my brother’s pic-She tried but couldn’t pefiences during the gas explosion, but I used so much time anjd effort trying to get my brother’s picture that time had elapsed and the story was never written. Maybe next time when you bring out the 55th anniversary edition. Thanks for publishing a great paper. I thoroughly enjoy it. Anna Marie Marinch Las Vegas, NY ED. NOTE: The entire Cleveland Press edition of Saturday, Oct. 21 was given to us; by Sophie Verderber of Venice, Florida and hand delivered to the American Hbme by her son. Edward John Sittinger is pictured at the top, second from right, eating a bowl of Wheaties, Breakfast of Champions. Talk on KSKJ annuities open to all find it ltyw and told me to write to estern Reserve Historical r^ty. I did in July and just 0;fed a response at the end \ ^P^mber. They suggested rile to Cleveland State pJVersity, c/° tf*6 Cleveland Archives, which 1 did on ,cPlemho_ ^ ™___________ 3o(he,^r 26. Then on Sept. e,ljt. received your special broti brntiT". and there is my ■ ^er’s picture which would e.n 1 seen in 50 years. If 1 have waited four more wouldn’t have been Stat SSiary to wr'te to Cleveland e University. saNVC°u!dn,t believe it when I j td’s picture! Wfit at* 0riginally planned to e an article about our ex- On Thursday, October 20, at 7 p.m. St. Joseph KSKJ Lodge No. 169 will host a free program relating to a new product being offered. It will take place in St. Mary’s school auditorium. food and refreshments will be available after the presenta-tio|n. Security will be provided in [the parking areas. National Director of Sales for KSKJ, Joseph Mullin, will present all details of this new anhuities program. If you are interested in attending, please contact any of the following: Jennie Tuma (944-5083), Tony Nemec (541-7243), or Frank Žnidar (761-6362). It is very important that you make reservations to attend as we must know how much seating to arrange and how much food and reflreshments to prepare. This is an informal seminar wljich is open to KSKJ members and non-members. If you are a non-member, this is am opportunity to join our grfat organization and take advantage of a new annuities program. Features offered through this anpuities program are: high-yiOld interest rate with guaranteed minimum, immediate annuity option, installment refund annuity op-tioh and interest out first rule. —Frank Žnidar Meeting The Slovenian National Art Guild will meet on Monday, Ogt. 17 at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Solciety Home, 20713 Recher Ave:, Euclid, Ohio. Pat Habat will speak on “Genealogy - Finding Your Family While Visiting Slovenia.” Additional commentary by Sylvia Močnik, Mprge Cigoy, and Doris Sadar. Sunday, Oct. 16 Glasbena Matica Concert. Dinner served at 2 p.m. with concert to follow. Dancing to Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. Sunday, Oct. 16 Newburgh, Maple Hts. Pensioners Club family-style dinner, dance at E. 80 St. Slov. National Home. Serving at 2 p.m. Ron Stark playing. Donation $14.00. For tickets call 663-9064 or 663-6957. Wednesday, Oct. 19 Progressive Slovenian' Women of America Circle 7 annual Fall Card Party from 1 to 3 p.m. at Waterloo Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. Tickets: $3. Oct. 21 thru Oct. 23 Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio 75th Anniversary Celebration. Saturday, Oct. 22 Štajerski Klub, Martinovanje evening with Family Style Dinner, Alpine Sextet band at Slovenian National Dome, 6417 St. Clair, 6:30 p.m. Donation $16.00. Saturday, Oct. 22 Chicago Slovenian Day celebration, 7:30 p.m. St. Steven’s Hall, 1852 W. 22nd Pl. Slovenska Pesem chorus, with dance to follow. Sunday, Oct. 23 Chicago 10 a.m. Mass in St. Steven’s Church followed by cultural festival. Sunday, Oct. 23 “Občni zbor” General meeting at the Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Oct. 29 Zarja Fall Concert at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Sunday, October 30 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Saturday, Nov. 12 Jadran Singing Society concert, dinner, and dance at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. For tickets at $16 call 951-1694 or 531-3979. Sunday, November 13 Fall Concert of Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 at Slovenian Society Home. Saturday, November 19 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 165 5 is celebrating its 45th anniversary with a banquet and dance in St. Vitus auditorium. Polka Mass in St. Vitus church at 5 p.m., followed by cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7. Music by Orcades. Open bar. Guarded parking. Donation $20.00. Thursday, November 24 Thanksgiving Day Polka Party from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. in Marriott Society Center Hotel, 127 Public Square at St. Clair, downtown Cleveland. Donation $10. Friday, November 25 Thanksgiving Friday Polka Party from 4 p.m. until 2 a.m. in Marriott Society Center Hotel, 127 Public Square at St. Clair, Cleveland. 7 polka bands. Admission $10. Saturday, November 26 Polka Awards Show 7 at Euclid Cultural Center. Meeting AMLA Lodge Ribnica will hold its fall membership meeting on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 2 p.m. at the home of President Louis Silc, 30417 Oakdale Road (off E. 305 St.) in Wickliffe, Ohio. Please note the change of date to one week later. Carole Czeck Day Dinner (family style) in St. Vitus Auditorium; serving _______..... .^5.c.retary 1:30 p.m. Donation $15.00. Sunday, Nov. 6 AMLA Anniversary Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home, 65th & St. Clair Ave. Bob Kravos Orchestra. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 I^ARK PETRIČ Citified Master Technician Sale's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair (216) 942-5130 3430 L»k«land Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR “Our f amity Has ‘Been Here to Serve You Since 1903" — Serving Slovrman Families for 90 Years. — Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home 17010 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 f«' Iwilwr ml 531-6300 lonmuoa call Don JaaitMlwr—tnoerni Dtrvcior ePlanned Funeral Arrangements Available Focllliios Available Throuynout Non boast Ohio V, V,•••••. .<$0 . JEROME A. 1 PBRENTAR TO U.S. CONGRESS INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR U.S. House of Representatives PAID FOR BY BRENTAR TO CONGRESS COMMITTEE P O BOX 516 . MENTOR. OH 44061-0516 (216) 692-1390 . (216) 491-2181 W« ^ v. s , , ftv.v.v.v.v.s'.v.v.v.v.v.w.sv.w.vv.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.w.-.w.v.v.w.vX- Important!!! “You can vote for any candidate in the Nov. 8th General Election you do not need to vote for a party candidate. Be an Independent voter and Elect BRENTAR in the 19th Congressional District 19th Congressional District Parts of Cuyahoga County 19th DISTRICT INCLUDES ALL OF LAKE COUNTY AND ALL OF ASHTABULA COUNTY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 13, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 13, 1994 St. Clair Pensioners News ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★*★★*********£ OCTOBER — My, where has our summer season gone? It is ending too soon, we say as we scramble to enjoy the summer activities. Picnics, tours, trips to visit friends; yes, even a degree of gardening for some. All crowded into the sedson of bright sunshine and embracing warmth. But before summer’s end, the St. Clair Pensioners were given the opportunity to enjoy a traditional “Picnic in the Park.” And amazingly, Tuesday, September 20th, the day scheduled for the picnic, proved to be an IDEAL day for the occasion. I failed to get an attendance count, but estimate the gathering to be 60 plus. The Karnaks, Zgoncs, and Ann Krajc were at the park at 9 a.m. getting things organized. Getting the grills going for the wiener roasting, boiling the water for the coffee and te^, and then welcoming the members as they arrived with arms loaded with the other ingredients essential for a picnic menu. Variety? It was there. Quantity? It was there. The quality? It was excellent! Manning the grills, whoopse, must not exclude the ladies. Sb, I had better say, the cooks at the grills were: Joe Zgonc, Tony Brodnik, Ann Zgonc, Ed Karnak and Tony Baznik. Frances Karnak, Rose Godic, and Ann Krajc took charge in dispensing the salads, chips, pickles, mustard, etc. and the fruit and yummy pastry. I am sure that others pitched in to help, and if I overlooked anyone, it was only because I had eyes mainly on the food delicacies. I must tell you that this year, we had no bees. Throughout the afternoon wq were entertained by some of! our talented accordionists. Th|ere was Tony Baznik, Joe Zgjonc, Adolph Kapla, Frank Riqh, and our special guest, Fajther Evans. And “You had better bejieve it,” our member Kati Plavan, with the highest nuimber attached to her age, was there enjoying the day. What a great lady! And so this day ended as all things must end. Everyone went home knowing that they were a part of a wonderful “Picnic in the Park.” Having put the 1994 summer season to rest, we anticipate some delightful autumnal days before we settle down for the cold days of winter. Our tour coordinator, Frances Karnak is aware that no year can end without a trip to the Amish country. So, on Wednesday, October 19th, a busload of fortunate passengers will be heading there. By that time the trees should be dressed with a rich array of multi-colored leaves. It will be autumn in its splendor. A wonderful sight! With bellys filled with delicious Amish prepared food, visits to the various quaint and interesting shops, bags filled with fresh crisp apples, spices, and other purchases, the 1994 tour season will come to a happy ending. It will have been a good season. Thanks to Frances Karnak for her planning things so well, even in selecting the perfect days. It is not an easy job trying to select the right tour or event, trying to satisfy as many people as possible, to handle the financial end properly, and the many other duties involved, such as making sure that everyone is on time. Our sincere thanks and appreciation for a job well done, Fran. I am happy to report that I have had no bad news to report for a change. Some of our ailing members are still on the mend. Both Mary Primožič and Emilia Giovanetti attended our last meeting, and also attended our Picnic in the Park. We hope to see Josephine Stinziano, Margaret and Tony Kaus and Josephine Mohorčič back with us soon. We miss you. In the last two months we have added five new members to our club. Election of officers for 1995 will take place at our November meeting. It is important that you take part in this election. We will end the year with our Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 15th. There will be No Meeting in December. Only our Christmas dinner. Our coming meeting date is Thursday, October 20th, the day after our Amish Tour. Please make very effort to attend the meetings. Stanley J. Frank, Secretary *- * * * * * * * * * * * STOP IN AT + * * BRONKO’S * * * * Drive-In Beverage * * * * * 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 In Memory Anne Marinch donated $12.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, Henry Marinch. Special Notice There will be NO MEETING on WED., OCT. 19 of Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 50. Instead there will be a picnic at the Euclid Park Club House, E. 222 St. by the lake at il p.m. Guests are welcome. For any information call 261-3615. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Imported Slovenian Wines Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water. Various soft drinks, pretzels, popcorn. UPS service — We have Ohio Lottery and Instant Ohio Lottery tickets — Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m-Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine — Owner - David Heuer ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A********** On November 8 elect Steve LaTourett® LaTourette will be Tough in Congress LaTourette will fight to keep jobs here in Northeastern Ohio. LaTourette won’t cave in to special interest groups. LaTourette will work to balance the budget while fighting against higher taxes and the spend, spend mentality in Congress. Steve LaTourette will be tough on crime: Working for a more efficient criminal justice system with tougher sentences for violent criminals. r It's time for Justice in Congress “Those who attempt to ride the white horse of reform will use cosmetic refor1tle1-y a mirage to fool the people.... the lesson of history, recognized by fFK and el ^ president, until now, that increased taxes only stimulate more govemfrte spending and less economic growth, hasn’t been learned by these agents change....The only thing that people ask is that Washington trim the fed bej asking that we tighten our belts”. Steve LaTourette Steve LaTourette Republican Candidate for Congress 19th District American Slovenian Club of So. Fla Qctober — a time for Halloween goblins and football. A time for welcoming the winter residents. In Florida, it’s time for window screens not storm windows; and a time for planting a vegetable garden. In Planning a club garden: first, plant five rows of PEAS Presence Promptness Participation Patronage Preparation Next to these plant rows of sQUASH Squash gossip Squash criticism Squash indifference Then plant four rows of ‘ettuce Let us be faithful to duty Let us be loyal & unselfish Let us be true to our obligations Let us love one another coi ° 8arc*en is complete, of rse> without TURNIPS ^Urn up for the meetings Urn UP with a smile urn up with new ideas Urn up with a positive t0 attitude Soike everything count for while ln^ ®ooc* anci w°rth- Co!?Ctober Pest — No riot of in8.? w't*1 the leaves chang-the Ut We celebrate with saus traditional smoked Potat86' sauerkraut, mashed tiishp06^ anc* many other great ^ s> including dessert. Dnjg1 ^eeling up to par, chef Lqu. ^eLar and his wife, Se> did not attend the meeting, but he graciously prepared his winning sauerkraut that Mary and Cyril Grilc delivered. How’s that for participation? Word has been received that former member John Taucher of Pittsburgh, died. Condolences are extended to his family and friends. Mamie Willis, accompanied by her brother, Anthony Augustine of California has gone to Slovenia for two weeks. Please keep in your prayers our hospitalized and ill members especially Ann Gorton and Jennie Washio. Sophie Phillips was the only October birthday celebrant. Mary and Cyril Grilc, Ann and Stan Gorton, and Mary and Bill Pene (66 years) were wed in the month of October. Our Christmas celebration will be a luncheon held in a private room at Gibby’s Steaks and Seafood Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale on December 18. Make your reservations early. “SLOVENIA” RADIO SATURDAYS - 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania! “WE BRING YOUR HERITAGE HOME” Paul M. Lavrisha AM 830 SOOOSOCCGOOGOOOOOal ANNUITY SEMINAR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 - 7:00 P.M. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL, COLLINWOOD 15500 HOLMES AVENUE, CLEVELAND & FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 - 7:00 P.M. SLOVENIAN HOME 3563 E. 80TH STREET, CLEVELAND PUBLIC INVITED SECURITY & REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION CALL 1-800-THE-KSKJ SKI UTAH - 95! April 1 ■ 7, 1995 JOIN FELLOW SLOVENIANS IN THE HEART OF AMERICAN SKIING Trip Includes: 6 Nights at PARK STATION Condominium Accommodations Roundtrip Air from Cleveland Roundtrip Transfers 4 Day Ski Pass A///or only $589.00 pp based on DBL EUROPA TRAVEL 800-677-1313 (216) 692-1700 Diane ^rpinski 'Jucl9e, Court of Appeals tier ^ Plain Dealer ^ aPPealCe 35 311 0hio Assistant Attorney General...has honed her ability to try !l"ellectUai cases- ...Karpinski is bright and willing to work hard and has the JllIW. professional qualities to become one of those capable appeals finski should be elected." (September 6, 1994) ^°rsed bv n PrefeiTed 1C Sun NewsPaPers She jmD "'“Ue 10 her wide-ranging and impressive legal and life experiences. 811 ClientreSSCS US 35 having the desire, commitment and requisite skills to make 'Judge." (September 15, 1994) , End r bie by-' United Auto Workers * Service Employees International Union bohota i,‘,Can Nationalities Movement * Cosmopolitan Democratic League * 0rnen s Political Caucus ^6rnbef h’fi- 11th Democratic Ward Club ^eco^t?7Ship °f the Po,ish American Congress pai enclecl by: Cuyahoga County Bar Association Ibr fry ^ °/ Diane Karpinski. Irene O. Schryer Treas. 20550 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid. Ohio 44123 A little, gained honestly, is better than great wealth gotten by dishonest means. _ Dr. Zenon A. Klos [E1851h I 531-7700 ! I Emergencies Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY Shore C sega v nižine, ki niso lahk° dosegljive. Občudovanja vr® dno je, kako so samo štirj basisti obvladali te nižine, ^ sta bas in alt velikokrat razo®, Ijena v dve liniji. Napr6®*1^ akordni postopki, pogosto slogu recitativa, in z^or°.,„ bogata dinamika nista Pustl nobenega dvoma, da je to m° litev najglobljega pomena- Potom dveh priredb nar° dnih pesmi Sama Vremša a’ »Ziljska ohcet« in »Zeleni u rij« nam je zbor jasno P0*®3 (dalje na str. 10) Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services Slovensko praznovanje CHICAGO, 111. — Starodavna navada nas navaja, da tudi letos praznujemo Slovenski dan in sicer proti koncu oktobra. Letos bo proslava 22. in 23. oktobra. Prvi del bo živahne narave, v soboto, 22. oktobra, ob pol osmih zvečer, v veliki dvorani Sv. Štefana, nasproti cerkve (1852 W. 22nd Pl.). Pripravlja se pester spored, ki bo vseboval marsikaj nenavadnega, poleg tradicionalnih točk (npr. razglasitev Gospodične Slovenskega dne), ter veseli nastop plesnega orkestra — uvoženega — ki je pred nekaj leti požel uspehe na našem odru. Vključenih bo še nekaj slovenskih pesmi. Dehtelo bo po pristni domačnosti! Postrežba bo imenitna, s prijaznimi strežaji in narodno nošo. Drugi del proslave bo prosvetnega značaja. Kulturni odbor prireja poglobitveno zgodovinsko predavanje iz slovenske preteklosti, ki bi mikalo vsakogar. Dopolnila bodo zajela dragoceno literarno snov, povezano s predavalno temo in s petjem (otroškim in odraslim), ter z ustrezno spremljavo. Čutili boste lepoto slovenskega izraza, glasbenega in književnega, ki ga naš rod neguje že dolga stoletja. Pridite, dragi rojaki, na pristno slovensko razvedrilo v sobo-t0) ter na slovensko nedeljsko mašo naslednjega dne in še na literarno prireditev po tej maši — pod cerkvijo. Tudi ob tej priložnosti bo primeren prigrizek in nadvse vabljiv prijateljski pomenek Pred razhodom. Vljudno vabita Slovensko-ameriški radio klub in kulturna sekcija. M. Milanez Pričetek v soboto, 22. okt., bo ob 7.30 zv. Za rezervacije vstopnic, pokličite župnišče Sv. Stefana (312) 376-4334, ali g. Staneta Simrayha (708) 257-7923. Sv. maša v nedeljo, 23. okt., bo °b 10. dop., sledil bo omenjeni kulturni program. ur. Koncert Komornega zbora Ave (nadaljevanje s str. 10) marja )>Dajte, dajte« iz Istre. Dirigent Andraž Hauptman je vključil na tem koncertu tudi nekaj pesmi, ki so večkrat na sporedih tukajšnjih zborov, tako da smo imeli priliko slišati, kako ta vrhunski zbor in dirigent interpretirata te skladbe. Med te štejemo korošno narodno »Še rožce so žalovale« v priredbi Vasilija Mirka, primorsko »Dober večer« Mihaela Rožanca, Zorka Prelov-ca »Doberdob«, Benjamina Ipavca »Domovini« in Karol Pahorja priredbo narodne »Pa se sliš«. Večer je zbor zaključil z nadvse živahno in ritmično priredbo Alojza Srebotnjaka »Rezijanska«, poleg dveh dodatkov. Vsekakor sta dirigent in zbor prepričala poslušalstvo sto-procentno o svojem pevskem poslanstvu, saj je ob koncu koncerta vsa dvorana ploskala stoje. • Komorni zbor Ave z dirigentom Andražem Hauptmanom na čelu, je na sobotnem (1. okt. 1994) koncertu dokazal najvišji raven zborovskega petja. Zakladnica njihovega repertoarja je obširna, od renesanse do moderne, od umetnč do narodne, od religiozne do svetne. Tehnično so na vrhuncu, pa naj bo to intonacija, tonalnost ali dikcija; obvladajo z lahkoto najtežje ritmične, melodične, akordne, homo-fonske in polifonske kombinacije. Dirigentu ne uide nobena podrobnost; posebna značilnost za njegove interpretacije pa je globok smisel za celotno strukturo ali arhitekturo vsake posamezne skladbe z ozirom na besedilo, izraz, in kompozicijski slog. Kaj to pomeni za nas, ki smo tako daleč stran od slovenskega etničnega ozemlja? Naša naloga in velika želja je, da ohranimo v naši novi Za*> kakšna velika razlika je motivi, ritmiko in struk-tUr° med dvema tako oddaljenima pokrajinama kot sta doma Zilje in Bela Krajina. Obe sta daljši skladbi, ziljska ima ^dem delov od št. 1, »Po ne-vesto pridejo« do »Sprevod ^vatov«. Iz Bele Krajine izha-tudi zapis iz arhiva Glasbo narodopisnega instituta j?^1) v Ljubljani »Bog daj, .8 daj dobro večer« in Mati-Je Tomca, ki je bil do nemške-ea napada leta 1941 profesor klasični gimnaziji v Št. 'du nad Ljubljano, priredba aarodne »Kresna pesem«. Od °dernih priredb sodobnih l°Venskih skladateljev je zbor *e Predstavil koroško • rumlca je zvomlana« z lepo z8ovorjavo tega ne tako lah-e8a narečja, in ritmično zelo ^nimiv0 priredbo Aldo Ku- ^lag spomin sedemnajsti "obletnici smrti ^mrla je i Počivaj v m tet Pogled v Slovenijo... Največja želja in cilj: vključitev v Evropsko unijo domovini naš jezik in našo kulturo še za naslednje generacije. Glasba, posebno petje, ima pri tem zelo važno vlogo. Komorni zbor Ave nam je zopet dokazal, kako lepa je naša pesem in da je na ravni vseh drugih kultur, čeprav je drugačna ali morda prav zaradi tega. Zbora Ave najbrž ne moremo doseči, lahko pa stremimo za takimi cilji. Za njihovo vzpodbudo smo še posebno hvaležni. Slovenska skupnost v Clevelandu in okolici se je spet odzvala in veliko število ljudi je pripomoglo k temu gostovanju. Uvodni in zaključni pozdravi društev, organizacij, in Cleveland City Councila, kakor tudi odgovori gostov so še dodali k lepemu večeru. Naj omenim le pozdrav v angleščini predsednice zbora Korotan, gdč. Rezke Jarem, v imenu meddruštvenega odbora, in dr. Mateja Roesmanna, v imenu Slovensko-ameriškega sveta. K dr. Roesmannovemu uvodnemu pozdravu Buge waz primi (Bog vas sprejmi), naj zboru v slovo zakličemo samo prisrčni Boglonaj. Po turneji v ZDA in Kanadi Komorni zbor Ave odhaja konec oktobra na mednarodno zborovsko tekmovanje v Tolo-so, Španija. Naslednje leto, menda junija, pa bodo sodelovali na prvem mednarodnem simpoziju za zborovsko petje, ki bo v Ljubljani. Želimo zboru in dirigentu Andražu Hauptmanu še veliko uspehov. Metod M. Milač Naša faks številka je: 216/361-4088 in je stalno vključena. MALI OGLASI MALE, 28, looking for own apartment or to share one w/ others in Euclid area. Call 261-0431 between 8 a.m.-9 a.m. Gregor (41-44) Exceptional Euclid Colonial 164 East 208 St. North of Lake Shore Blvd. “Model Home” condition. 3 bdrms. 1 Vi baths. Custom-designed cherry kitchen. Formal dining rm. Family rm. below 1st. Finished laundry. Large deck. Central Air. New throughout. Must see! Call for an appt. 486-0432 $118,900.00. (41-42) For Sale 8 Room Single House. Basement. 2 car garage. Carry Ave. Call 391-4447. (41-44) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! V Sloveniji bodo najbrž kmalu spremenili ustavo v tistih členih, ki določajo načela in postopke glede prodaje nepremičnin kupcem iz tujine. Država bo sprostila ustrezne predpise in jih prilagodila zakonodaji, ki velja za omenjeno področje v državah Evropske unije. To pomeni, da bodo v Sloveniji kmalu lahko kupovali tudi tujci iz dežel dvanajsterice zemljišča, hiše in drugo imetje, ki ga uvrščamo med nepremičnine. Država bo seveda upoštevala tudi t.i. zaščitna merila, ki bi preprečila, da bi začeli razprodajati Slovenijo. Posamezne prodaje torej da, toda le po filtru, ki bo zavaroval strateške interese majhne države, kakršna je Slovenija. Pri odpiranju tržišča z nepremičninami bo veljal za vse države članice Evropske unije enak režim, s katerim bodo poskušali preprečiti morebitne posebne težnje kakšne države. Italijanska vlada črtala prispevke za slovensko kulturo Katoliški glas, 6. okt. — V novem finančnem zakonu italijanske države niso več predvideni prispevki za slovensko kulturo. Tako lahko v enem stavku skrčimo naravnost grozljivo vest iz Rima. Berlusconijeva vlada je namreč prav v teh dneh pripravila finančni zakon za leto 1995 in v njem črtala postavko šestih milijard lir, ki jih je namenjala Furlani-ji-Julijski krajini za podporo kulturnih in umetniških dejavnosti slovenske manjšine. Tako torej! In to navkljub dejstvu, da se je italijanska vlada dogovorila s slovensko vlado, da bo odslej dajala za kulturo slovenski manjšini v Italiji ista sredstva kot leta 1993, se pravi osem milijard lir in ne šest, kolikor jih je bilo namenjenih v letu 1994. Novica je za slovensko manjšino zelo zaskrbljujoča. Upajmo, da bo senatorju Darku Bratini v italijanskem parlamentu uspelo sprožiti razpravo o tem in pa seveda ukiniti ta nesramni poskus miniranja slovenske kulture v Italiji. Kaj pomeni za slovensko -kulturo ta denar, je v zamejstvu vsakomur jasno, saj bi se v primeru, da obvelja »črtanje« denarja za našo kulturo v finančnem zakonu, lahko poslovili od marsikatere kulturne ustanove, ki je bistvenega, življenjskega pomena za našo stvarnost, za naš obstoj. Naravnost neverjetno je, da si vlada sploh upa početi te stvari in obenem pogojevati Slovenijo ter od nje zahtevati »več demokracije«! Vse to pa je bolj razumljivo, če pomislimo, da ima Berlusconi v vladi na vidnih mestih fašiste, kakšen odnos pa imajo fašisti do nas, je vsakomur znano. -jp- Trst-Gorica, P atija Omenjene ustavne spremembe sodijo k strategiji in usmeritvi, ki naj bi omogočili Sloveniji pričetek pogajanj o pridruženem članstvu v Evropski uniji. O tem, da Slovenija izpolnjuje pogoje za pričetek omenjenih pogovorov oziroma pogajanj, soglaša enajst držav članic Evropske unije; pridržke - pa še ti so pretežno poli-tično-psihološke narave - ima le Italija. Nekako nepričakovan zaveznik Slovenije je postal podpredsednik Evropske unije sir Leon Brittan, ki je med nedavnim obiskom v Sloveniji odločno izjavljal, da izpolnjuje pogoje za pričetek pogajanj o pridruženem članstvu v Evropski uniji. Menijo celo, da je pripravljen posredovati pri odpravi težav v slo-vensko-italijanskih odnosih. Toda medtem, ko kaže, da Slovenija izpolnjuje poglavitne pogoje za njeno postopno vključevanje v evropske združevalne procese oz. ustanove, kakršna je zlasti Evropska unija, pa njena notranja preobrazba iz totalitarne v demokratično družbo poteka prepočasi. Stare politične sile se krčevito upirajo novostim in odnosom, kakršni bi morali veljati v novi slovenski državi. Politični in ideološki spopadi slabijo moč in sposobnosti Slovenije in zagotovo zmanjšujejo njeno prepričljivost v tujini. Kaj lahko stori Ivo Bizjak, varuh za človekove pravice? V Sloveniji je najbolj potrebna odločna akcija za zaustavitev prilaščanja družbenega premoženja oz. za povrnitev imovine, ki so jo posamezniki že odtujili - ukradli. Ce se ne bo ukrepalo za ozdravitev razmer, v katerih sta denar in profit prvi in poglaviten cilj mnogih politikov, zlasti tistih iz prejšnjega sistema, tedaj bodo tudi morebitni novi zakoni — slednje pa parlament sprejema zelo hitro kot po tekočem traku — veljali le kot pročelje demokratične države. Nekaj takih zakonov je bilo sprejetih tudi v prejšnjih dneh. Tako je bil za varuha človekovih pravic izvoljen bivši minister za notranje zadeve in podpredsednik stranke Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov Ivo Bizjak. Velja za poštenega, značajnega in pokončnega človeka, vendar pa ga zaradi tega, ker je bil preveč poslušen oblasti, v kateri je do nedavnega sodeloval, nekatere politične stranke in posamezniki sprejemajo s pridržki in nezaupanjem. Sicer pa si je težko predstavljati, kako bo g. Ivo Bizjak vsaj za sedaj sploh lahko zagotovil varovanje človekovih pravic, ki jih v Sloveniji kršijo na mnogih področjih. Vrzeli na tem občutljivem področju je toliko, da je dogajanja v Sloveniji začel preučevati tudi Odbor za človekove pravice Združenih narodov. F.Z. Kat. glas, 6.X.1994 J Slovenci zn d&nes — Zdomstvo - Emigracija Dr. Hilarij Rolih, New York, navtični inženir, projektant, podjetnik O nalogah slovenskega zgodovinopisja — II. del — • Ob Vaših sposobnostih ni dvoma, da tudi zunanji uspeh ni izostal. Bi hoteli povedati nekaj o svojem vzponu na hierarhični lestvici družbe Sharp, Inc.? Če se spomnim na ameriške filme, je s tem vzponom navadno v zvezi tudi soudeležba pri dobičku... Ali izsledke svojih raziskav in podatke o tehničnih izboljšavah tudi objavljate v strokovnih revijah? Ste že imenovani v kakšni enciklopediji ali leksikonu? Najprej sem postal šef sekcije pomorskih inženirjev. Nato sem kmalu postal direktor oddelka inženerije in zatem podpredsednik celotne inženerije. Leta 1983 sem dobil funkcijo tehničnega direktorja. Nazadnje pa najvišjo funkcijo v tej družbi, kjer sem administrativni direktor upravnega sveta družbe George Sharp. Leta 1964 so me prvič povabili, da kupim delnice tega podjetja. Tako sem postal solastnik. Danes nas je v firmi 12 delničarjev. Sam imam 30% delnic. Imam seveda dosti odgovornosti. Pišem tudi tehnične referate in članke, objavljam pa pod imenom družbe, le v strogo tehničnih publikacijah izhajajo članki pod mojim imenom (ali moje ime s sodelavci). To so strokovni članki; recimo o ventilatorjih: kako izračunaš velikost ventilatorjev za kotle, da producirajo pravo količino pare. Ali kako predvidevaš, kakšne okvare imajo lahko stroji; na primer pri vojaških ladjah, ki so ponavadi počasne, če pa ob nevarnosti morajo voziti hitro, kako bodo reagirali stroji, če bo hitrost desetkrat večja, in kako prirediti stroje za takšno možnost (čiščenje, popravila itd). Ali pa študija o plinskih turbinah pri trgovskih ladjah: kako izrabiti vroč zrak oziroma plin; pa še o kombinacijah med plinsko in parno turbino ali študije o raznih tipih ladij »ferry boat«. Imenovan sem v angleški enciklopediji Who’s Who in v Gas and Oil, ker sem projektiral tudi naftne ploščadi. Imenovan sem tudi v neki drugi podobni knjigi v ZDA. Nisem pa omenjen v Slovenskem primorskem biografskem leksikonu. • Ob vsem, kar ste navedli o družbi Sharp, mora biti to precej razvejeno podjetje. Kje vse deluje? In s čim se največ ukvarja danes? Podjetje G.G. Sharp je danes zelo razvejano. Ima približno 900 uslužbencev in urade v raznih mestih in državah, na primer v New Yorku, New Jer-seyu, Washingtonu, v Virginiji in Južni Karolini, na Floridi, v San Diegu v Kaliforniji. Dejavnosti, s katerimi se danes pečamo, so — poleg projektiranja ladij — razne vrste del za mornarico, menedžiranje projektov zanje, študije za varnost na ladjah, od požarov do eksplozij itd. Nadzorujemo tudi modernizacijo vojaških ladij: namesto da se obrnejo na ladjedelnice, jim mi svetujemo predelave in popravila in jih naučimo, da to opravijo sami in tako prihranijo na stroških. Samo za to delo imamo zaposlenih 120 ljudi. Potem imamo ljudi, da nadzorujejo skladišča ameriške mornarice v raznih pristaniščih. Nadziramo in upravljamo tudi njihov inventar v teh skladiščih. • Med vizitkami, za katere sem vas prosila, sem opazila eno, s katere razberem, da imate celo neko svoje lastno podjetje ali družbo, Inlere Corp. Od kdaj? In katere so njene dejavnosti? Res, imamo tudi zasebno družbo (nekateri moji kolegi in jaz), ki sem jo ustanovil jaz. V začetku so bili skeptični, a zdaj so zadovoljni. Družba kar dobro uspeva, imenuje se Inlere Inc. (kratica iz začetnic besed »Investments, Leases, Rentals«), ime je torej sestavljeno iz začetnic zlogov naših dejavnosti. Investiramo največ v stavbe za urade in v stavbe za oddajanje v najem. Imamo tudi vozni park tovornjakov ter stroje za fotokopiranje in za kopiranje risb. Tak stroj stane 39.000 dolarjev in dela avtomatično vse, od kompjuterskih navodil za risbo do končnega izdelka. Najemamo pa tudi stanovanja za naše uslužbence, ki prihajajo z drugih koncev ZDA. • Tukajle sva na domu Vaše žene v Barkovljah, streljaj od morja. Pravkar sem jo osebno spoznala, pravo živahno tržaško lepotico. Kje sta se našla? — Je tudi gospa Zorka dejavna zunaj družine? — Imate tudi dva sinova. Menda ne tako uspešna kot Vi? Svojo ženo Zorko Pertot sem spoznal, ko je plesala 1. 1949 na predstavi češke Besede v ulici Macchiavelli, a opazil sem jo že prej v koloniji v Žab-nicah, ki jo je organiziral dr. Jože Prešeren: že takrat sem bil pozoren nanjo. Poročila pa sva se šele 1. 1956, ker sem hotel prej končati univerzo. Ona je študirala slovensko realno gimnazijo in se nato vpisala na ekonomsko fakulteto, istočasno pa je hodila v službo, dela- la je za milansko prevozno podjetje. Moja žena Zorka izhaja iz znane barkovljanske družine. Oče je imel pet bratov in eno sestro. Njen oče Milivoj Pertot je imel mizarsko delavnico. (Gradili so celo jadrnice za italijanski Touring Club). Njegovo delo zdaj nadaljuje moj svak Gorazd Pertot. Njegova hči, moja — oziroma ženina nečakinja Milojka pa je poročena z znanim tržaškim košarkarjem Borisom Vitezom. Mama moje žene, gospa Pina Španger, doma s Proseka, je — kot vsa družina — zelo narodno zavedna. Bratranec moje žene pa je odvetnik in bivši poslanec dr. Drago Stoka. Zorka je bila tudi v Ameriki sprva zaposlena v izvozni družbi, a ko sva dobila otroka, fanta, je delo opustila. Zdaj, ko sta fanta odrasla, pa dela v podjetju mojega sina kot administratorka. Sodeluje v pevskem zboru v cerkvi Sv. Cirila v New Yorku. Včasih je delala tudi pri skavtih in pri dobrodelnih organizacijah. Sin Hilary je imel diplomo Master of Business Administration (MBA); zelo cenjena diploma. Zdaj ima svojo firmo s prijateljem in ima že petdeset uslužbencev. Ukvarjajo se s preverjanjem in iskanjem informacij za svoje kliente. Poročen je in ima punčko in fantka ter ženo Ann. Drugi sin Peter je arhitekt in dela v moji družbi. Dela projekte za urade in za moderniziranje hiš. Ni še poročen, išče kako lepo Slovenko... * Slišala sem od gospe Pine, Vaše tašče, kako čudovito hišo (dalje na str. 14) Od carjev do včeraj Lojz Tršan (Slovenec, 3. okt. 1994) Od četrtka, 29. septembra, do sobote, 1. oktobra, je bilo v Ljubljani tradicionalno že 27. zborovanje slovenskih zgodovinarjev, ki je bilo združeno tudi z občnim zborom. Predavatelji so govorili o vseh obdobjih slovenske zgodovine, od rimskih vojaških cesarjev, ko je bilo naše ozemlje izrednega, tako rekoč svetovnega pomena za vstop in nadzorovanje Italije, kar navsezadnje dokazuje tudi bitka pri Frigidu v Vipavski dolini, do obdobja partijskega »liberalizma« v najnovejšem času, ko so se v Sloveniji pojavili prvi poskusi sprememb, in sicer v delu takratne vladajoče stranke. Med zborovanjem smo se s predsednico Zveze zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, dr. Jero Vodušek-Starič, pogovarjali o vpetosti zgodovinopisja v slovenski prostor. • Kako je z dosedanjo organiziranostjo zgodovinarjev? V Sloveniji imamo štirinajst krajevnih društev na vseh območjih države, razen na Gorenjskem. Vanje je vključenih kar 1.800 članov. Društva organizirajo prireditve in predavanja za svoja okolja in izdajajo glasila, med katerimi je v zadnjem času najbolj prodoren primorski Ahallas. Zveza pa koordinira njihovo dejavnost in izdaja osrednji glasili, Kroniko in Zgodovinski časopis. To je stanovska organizacija, ki združuje zelo raznoliko članstvo, od učiteljev in profesorjev na šolah, do znanstvenih delavcev, muzealcev, arhi-vistov, pa tudi ljubiteljev zgodovine. Na tem zborovanju želimo sprejeti posodobljen statut in se preimenovati v Zgodovinsko društvo Slovenije, da bo že iz naslova jasno vidno, da smo društvo, in ne družbena organizacija. • Zakaj letos zborovanje prav v Ljubljani? Letos mesto praznuje 850. obletnico prve omembe v virih. Tudi sicer so zborovanja vsaki dve leti, že izpred druge svetovne vojne v različnih krajih, kar pomeni, da na njih obravnavajo določeno problematiko, vezano na območje gostitelja. Letos pa se s svojimi prispevki predstavlja tudi večina iz generacije mladih, pravkar predstavljenih doktorjev znanosti, ki so raziskali veliko pomembnih tem iz naše preteklosti in za katere upamo, da bodo v najkrajšem času izšle v knjižni obliki. • Kakšno je razmerje med tako imenovano znanstveno in šolsko zgodovino, predvsem moderno, in ali so novi izsledki že preneseni v učbenike? V zadnjem letu je glede novih učbenikov precej izboljšav. Marsikaj pa je odvisno od učiteljev samih. Glede na to, da je letos na zborovanju kot 600 udeležencev, mislimo, da so zainteresirani za predstavljene najnovejše dosežke in jih bodo uporabili pri pouku. To kaže tudi diskusija po vsakem sklopu predavanj. So pa še spodrsljaji. Kot kaže, bo v napovedanem in s prospektom predstavljenem šolskem Atlastu poglavje o protirevoluciji oziroma nasprotnikih OF popolnoma izpuščeno. • Ste tudi specialistka za novejša obdobja. Vaša knjig* Prevzem oblasti v Sloveniji 1944—1946 je zbudila precejšnjo pozornost in odmev. Seveda je o vojnem in P°' vojnem času v zadnjih letih iz- šlo že nekaj knjig ali pa so > pred izidom. V zgodovinopisju prihaja do različnih mnenj 0 najnovejših obdobjih naše zgodovine, kar je povsem le®1' timno. Je pa težko govoriti o reviziji novejše zgodovine, kef določeni problemi sploh nis° bili obdelani. Pri tem razlo®1 niso bili samo politični. več tudi kadrovski in tehničnl> seveda spet v povezavi s finaI1 cami. Pomembno pa je, da se k raziskovalci in kot društvo rimo za to, da se naša zgodov‘ Tum na predstavi korektno. namen tega zborovanja je> da stroko predstavimo širši j*' nosti, ki je velikokrat podvr ® na političnim interpretacij* naše novejše zgodovine. Tre se bo pač navaditi, da se np° števajo strokovna mnenja- vašem sti d0 * In kakšno je po mnenju razmerje javnost stroke? Če želimo biti spoštlji^ ° naših medicinskih in tehni P znanj, potem se zavedaj01^ da vede iz humanistike niso n manj strokovne. MALI OGLASI Tailor Wanted ot Experienced tailor, for fu part-time job. Call 975-985^ MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4 WHEEL ft FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT <8 AUTOMOTIVE IfRViLf ntmiFNCf EUCLID SUNOCO SERVICE IdBWIll EAST 200 SUNOCO B @481-5822 “ I • TO e. 200 ST W-FRI • AM-11 PDA MON SAT 7 AM-11 PM Si IN Q AM O pm QEBSZD APPROVED automotive Rf’*1 Joe Zigman, o^et p h 0 b b b Pi h V; *i fa SC bi ti sti tic Studijski dnevi draga 94 Slovenci in prihodnost JANEZ JANŠA (NADALJEVANJE IN KONEC) Naravne, lahko razpoznavne skupne prvine koalicje no-v>h strank so naslednje: * čas nastanka v slovenski pomladi kot izraz zahtev po demokraciji; * podobne ali enake vrednotne opredelitve članstva glede mn°gih programskih točk; * zavzemanje za skupno vre-noto neodvisne slovenske dr-Ve Pred plebiscitom; * zavzemanje za oblikovanje normalnega gospodarske-gn sistema; * status relativne depriviligi-’’nnosti v času starega režima e glede na položaj sloja, ki ,,U je Pripadal posameznik e avec, kmet, intelektualec, rtnik, uslužbenec itd.) Med skupne strateške cilje naicije strank slovenske po-mladi vsekakor sodijo: javna opredelitev odnosa J? Preteklosti, do sistema soci-'stičnega samoupravljanja, e8ovih strank in nomenklature; razporeditev upravljalske, si?nagerske in državne moči v adu z merili sposobnosti, ne ana podlagi položajev in mo- dobr^°V 12 starega r^ima, pri-^ Jenih z negativno kadrov- ^kdjo, zvez in poznan- ^končno lastninsko preo-()ar^Vanje slovenskega gospo-Cj0 Va z dokončanjem dena-laStna izacije in pravičnega 4ninjenja; le( ^ ''kovanje sistema socia-nih ne,^° skrival neupraviče-jans?riv'*eg>jev, ampak bo de-ciai_.° Pomagal najnižjim so- •do Sl°jem; prav . gra^itev lokalne samou- veje ^ditev neodvisne sodne luči:. b asti in nadzornih insti- traingZ®ra^nja Politično nev-iavne^a s‘stema državne in ia, dr,Varnosti (vojska, polici-% ge službe); in ^vanjc Slovenije EU Slce8aPreStrUlCtUriranje sloven‘ sldŽb ®0sP0clarstva in javnih sti Jn uvajanjem prvin tržno-^Ojti ^ narodnih meril uspe-^ejŠnip61^ u^‘n‘tev služb, v lih na eni re^imu ustanovlje-^tavk 0dla8i ideoloških pred-^ri IWni!Predelitvi odnosa do ^Jati j,83 re*ima bi morali iz-0r'alnep na^e*a sprave in naci-onsenza in ne iz na-fiii vsf !Vanja- Teza. da smo Vsi .0.®0vorni in da smo So sicpriVl Vpliva na mnoge, Prisile ■ je bila zamišljena kot ^ erjalna analiza ZDA 1(1 slavije. Tfl P0' Avtorica v posebne Avtorica v poseu>*v ^e-ivju opozarja tudi na n j ičeno Adamičevo z iceno Adamičevo ,:e^ mana o slovenskih iz ^j) v ZDA, za katerega J. i v ZDA, za katere»“' izbral naslov The £ou _ 0- izorai nasiov i — . ^r Michael Novak tela Novaka) in Pr'^ V li njegov Kratek ost^ je ostal v rokopisn- .^1 (damič si je rorna11 ^ ju- ih slovenskih zna^Ck0ii , „ 7DA on K . e priselili v ZDA ° stoletja. Ob zadnjo^ ^ E st le e« 7| damic si je run*«- " ), da bi v izmišUen^ nje- sv a Michaela Novak .joe a Micnaeia i^— ^ - družino strnil ^ e jenjske zgodbe ne ^ sioieija. '-'u -— . jer ii" stare domovine, pa biral snov za ta rorn lisel nanj opustil '" ^jH to tega posvetil V j in korenin. -r. Žitnikova pr ' nekaterih 9°z^ ■ 1 * ja Adamičevega ^ , da je bila to na ^ odločitev, saj naJJLj/ nje knjige Orel m etlo Adamiča ap^°, :e neusmiljenih s . 0jev jej dri dit •'ki ves bo, boi ra H % 1 "ii, 'ati ivcev«, »inf°rrn*\ jjU'*1 k. nčanov ter J g toV političnih em.gr* vrhunca hladne >)Vfo , Koreji že pr^a (dalje na str. l5) % *1*1 v hrv; % OBMOČJA OBČIN, KOT JIH JE DOLOČIL DRŽAVNI ZBOR 2. oktobra 1994 VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE SI.ltf.BA ZA REFORMO LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE VR PODATKOV ZAVOD R SLOVENIJE ZA STATISTIKO, ROU, SLUŽBA ZA REFORMO LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE TEHNIČNA IZVEDBA MKRODATA MARIBOR f GEOSIAT ) TEHNIČNA PODPORA ZAVOD R SLOVENIJE ZA STATISTKO. SLUŽBA ZA REFORMO LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE novi grobovi Nadaljevanje s sir. 9) I i Structural Steel Co. 40 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1982, član DNU pri Sv. Vidu in SNPJ št. 126. Pogreb je bil 10. oktobra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin St. Vitus Endowment Fund. Mary A. Ogrin Dne 8. oktobra je umrla Mary A. Ogrin, rojena Schu-maker, žena Rudolpha, mati Jamesa, Kennetha in č.s. Kathleen, sestra Florence in William ter že pok. Frances Gilles in Catherine. Pogreb je bil 11. oktobra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pero in politika (nadaljevanje s str. 14) čo«, in tako povzročilo Adamičevo tragično smrt. Dr. Žitnikova navaja ob sklepu svoje knjige tudi bibliografijo o Louisu Adamiču, ki obsega kar trinajst strani in tako lepo podkrepi že poudarjeno dejstvo, da bo Adamič še dolgo časa najbolj proučevani slovenski izseljenec. Vseeno pa prinaša knjiga dr. Janje Žitnik Pero in politika veliko novega Vse slovenske občine po novem zakonu: Ajdovščina, Beltinci, Bled, Bohinjska Bistrica, Borovnica, Bovec, Brda, Brežice, Brezovica, Cankova, Celie. Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Cerknica, Cerkno, Crenšovci, Črna na Koroškem, Črnomelj, Destemik-Trnovska vas, Divača, Dobro-va-Horjul-Polhov Gradec, Dobrepolje, Dol pri ljubljeni, Domžale, Dornava, Dravograd, Duplek, Gorenja vas-Poljane, Gorišnica, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Grad, Gornji Petrovci, Grosuplje, Hodoš-Šalovci, Hrastnik, Hrpelje-Kozina, Idrija, Ig, Ilirska Bistrica, Ivančna Gorica, Izola, Jesenice, Jurštnci, Kamnik, Kanal, Kidričevo, Kočevje, Kobarid, Kobilje, Komen, Koper, Kozje, Krško, Kmai, Kranjska Gora, Loška dolina, Loški Potok, Logatec, Luče, Lukovica, Majšperk, Maribor. Moravske Toplice, Medvode, Mengeš, Mežica, Metlika, Miren-Kostanjevica, Mislinja, Moravče, Mozirje, Murska Sobota. Muta, Naklo, Nazarje, Nova Gorica. Novo mesto. Odranci, Ormož, Osilnica, Pesnica, Piran, Pivka, Podčetrtek. Podvelka-Ri-bnica, Poljčane, Postojna, Preddvor, Etui, Puconci, Rače-Fram, Radeče, Radenci, Radlje ob Dravi, Radovljica, Ravne-Prevalje, Ribnica, Rogaševci, Rogaška Slatina, ske Konjice, Starše, Sveti Jurij, Šenčur, Šentilj, Šentjernej, Šentjur pri Celju, Škocjan-Bučka, Škoija Loka, Škofljica, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Šmartno ob Paki, Šoštanj, Štore, Tolmin, Trbovlje, Trebnje, Tržič, Turnišče, Velenje. Velike Lašče, Videm, Vipava, Vitanje, Vodice, Vojnik, Vrhnika, Vuzenica, Zagorje ob Savi, Zavrč, Zreče, Žalec, Železniki, Žiri. (Podčrtane občine, teh je enajst, so mestne.) in osvetljuje Adamičevo življenje in delo z doslej še neraziskanih vidikov. Slovenec, 28. april 1994 MALI OGLASI Mobile Home For Sale Krope custom-built by the Amish mobile home. Euclid Beach Park. Must see. $32,000 Call 531-6511. (41-44) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1053. Po enotedenskem oddihu na Zahodu sem se vrnil v Toronto in bil sprejet v gostoljubno hišo slovenskih sobratov v župniji Čudodelne svetine na Brown’s Line. Po več urnem pregledu v Western Hospital 9. septembra sem bil pripravljen na operacijo za desno oko 13. septembra v isti bolnici. Dr. Hou-sler mi je po dvakratnem pregledu po operaciji zagotovil, da je lepo uspela, za kar sem Gospoda iskreno zahvalil. Nekaj tednov se po treba paziti in potrpežljivo čakati, da se oko spet normalizira. (Op. ur.: Ta dopis je bil pripravljen že 19. sept., pretekli ponedeljek je g. Wolbang uredništvo telefoniral in povedal, da bodo MSIP poročila redno nadaljevala, tokrat iz njegovega novega naslova St. Joseph’s Seminary v New Jerseyu.) V tem času omejenih aktivnosti sem predvsem pregledoval arhiv misijonskega sodelovanja mnogih rojakov, odkar sem iz Kitajske prišel leta 1952 na ta kontinent. Posebej sem bil pozoren na prva leta, ko smo pripravljali ustanovitev MZA-CMA in na čas pred tem, ko smo iskali stike in s skromnimi darovi začeli podpirati naše misijonarje in misijonarke po vsem misijonskem svetu. Vsakih 50 centov smo skrbno zbirali, da smo lahko prva leta razdelili koncem leta nekaj nad $800, vsakemu pač kolikor smo zmogli. Srečal sem se prvič s koprskim škofom dr. Metodom Pirihom, ki obiskuje tokrat slovenske rojake po Kanadi. Vodil je slovensko romanje v Midland 11. septembra in pohitel za 30-letnico slovenske župnije sv. Gregorija v Hamiltonu 18. septembra. Po srečanju s slovenskim veleposlanikom dr. Majcenem v Ottawi 19. septembra, se je vrnil z letalom v Rim in Koper 20. septembra. Med rojaki je poprosil za pomoč za popravila vipavske katoliške gimnazije in gotovo mu bo ta pomoč v današnjih težavah zelo dobrodošla. Če bo kdo od MZA sodelavcev za ta namen kaj daroval, mu bomo z veseljem posredovali. Nenadno je 65 let star umrl v Etobicoke Andrej Kosec, svak naše dolgoletne sodelavke Julije Zarnik, kateri, kot tudi gospe Slavki in otrokoma izrekamo iskreno sožalje in obljubljamo svojo molitev. Pokopali smo ga 19. septembra ob veliki udeležbi slovenskih rojakov. Navezal sem tudi stike z blagajničarko Apostolskega krožka gdč. Sonjo Kodrič, ki deluje za pomoč misijonarjem in misijonarkam na Madagaskarju, in ji izročil velik ček v pomoč vsem našim pionirjem na Madagaskarju v imenu MZA že za leto 1994, da jim oni odpošljejo, ko imajo z njimi stalne stike. Izdali nam bodo ‘income tax’ potrdila za naše MZA sodelavce in darovalce v Kanadi, ki so dosedaj za letos darovali preko MZA pomoč za razne namene. Vodstvo AK je sedaj v celoti novo in so imeli prvi redni sestanek šele v sredo, 21. septembra, dan pre-dno sem sam odšel nazaj v Princeton. Glavna tajnica MZA Sonja Ferjanova je po 15-letnem garanju kot laična misijonarka v fari Marijinega Brezmadežnega Srca v Scarboroughju, s 1. septembrom iz fare odšla istočasno kot tajnica Cathie Neagle, ki ostane faranka in pomaga, dokler novi župnik, rojen v Indiji, g. Edwin D’Souza, ne najde novo moč. 14. septembra je odšla v Lemom na grob brata frančiškana, rajnega o. Philipa Inocen-cija Feryana. S predsednico jolietske MZA Marijo Jeretina sta okrasila njegov grob in onega rajnega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana. V Jolietu sta obiskala MZA pionirke iz prvih let sodelovanja, med njimi 90-letno Angelo Čebašek, ki je še zelo duhovno in miselno aktivna, čeprav ji fizične moči pešajo. Gdč. Ferjan se je udeležila poroke dr. Puca ml. v New Jerseyu 24. septembra in nato odšla začasno v Slovenijo. Za njeno dolgoletno pionir-jenje v MZA ji ne bomo nikdar dovolj hvaležni. Sodelovala bo tudi v bodoče, kolikor ji bo to možno. Če se vrne na naš kontinent, še posebej. Osebno sem ji dolžan posebno zahvalo za njeno skrb kot ‘registered nurse’, da sem vsa ta leta lažje pazil na svoje zdravje, kljub resni dijeti in premnogim dušnopastirskim in misijonskim skrbem. Če delamo za Boga in nas vodi Njegova ljubezen, znamo za take blagoslove biti iskreno hvaležni. Pustila je vse knjigovodstvo MZA v odličnem stanju in pripravila še razdelitev pomoči vsem na Madagaskarju in v Zambiji, da smo nabavili potrebne čeke in izročili za Madagaskar skupni ček, z razdelitvijo za vsakega posebej, Apostolskemu krožku v Torontu, da vse odpošlje, potem ko jih mi o pomoči informiramo. Gospe Francki Ziernfeld pa smo dali skupni ček za misijonarje v Zambiji in istočasno jih na terenu mi sami o tem daru informiramo. Obema se za sprejem tega posredovanja lepo zahvaljujemo. V Sloveniji bo gdč. Ferjan mogla temu ali onemu malo več o MZA povedati, saj o našem delu zelo malo vedo, razen morda tistih, ki stalno pomoč dobivajo in sproti uporabljajo, največ v ljubljanskem semenišču. Kar gre za Šentviško gimnazijo ali druge namene, se pa itak izgubi v mnoštvu darov, ki verjetno sproti gredo v take namene. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ *- * * nrjani: Established 1963 SALES • SERVICE INSTALLATION FURNACES AIR CONDITIONERS BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL REFRIGERATION 760 E. 200TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 (216)692-2557 Whenever you have a problem with water tanks, air-conditioning, furnace, or want installation, call on well-known, trusted and reliable American Slovenians from Gorjanc. ■k'k-k'k'k'k-k'k-k-k'k-k'k-k-k-k-k-kidrkirkirkitifidfififififif^^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 300,000 Dobitnikov Dnevno Sodelujte pri dobitkih Al Oho Lottery player? are subfeci to laws and regulations o< the Oho Lottery Commission For more information can Our Customer Relations Department (216) 787-3200. during regular business hours V nadškofiji Kisumu, Kenija, sta bila ordinirana 24. avgusta in pela novo mašo 28. avgusta dva novomašnika: Charles Oloo K’Ochiel iz U-kwale, ki ga je vzdrževala štiri leta MZA Milwaukee, Wis., in John Luši Agulo iz Ahero, vzdrževan od Jožeta in Tončke Kastelic iz Etobicoke, Ont. Iz škofije Kakamega, Kenija, bodo v mašnike posvečeni 15. oktobra štirje kandidati, ki bodo 16. oktobra peli novo mašo v svojih rojstnih župnijah: Kizito Sabatia Handa, vzdrževan od Johna in Anice Tu-shar, Gilbert, Minn.; Maurice Muhatia, ki sta ga podpirala 4 leta Anton in Marica Lavrisha iz Clevelanda. Oba sta iz fare Shibuye. Dalje, Josephat Evojio Ase-nahabi, podpiran od Leopolda in Ivanke Pretnar, iz župnije Mukumu; in Conrad Munyen-do iz župnije Mumias, podpiran od vdove Mary Pirjevec iz Gilberta, Minn. Vsem dobrotnikom smo vabila razposlali in vemo, da zanje molijo. Običajno priporočamo dobrotnikom, da darujejo kak dar novomašniku za ta velik dogodek. Sto dolarjev je že zelo lep dar, da si lahko vsak kupi, kar morda najbolj potrebuje. Sestra predstojnica Apostolskega Karmela v Kalkutti je poslala zahvalo Franku in Jelki Kuhelj iz Clevelanda in Sonji Ferjan za poslani dar. Imajo veliko novih poklicev in zelo lepo delajo z ženskim svetom pri vzgoji. Rev. Charles Wolbang C.M. St. Joseph’s Seminary 65 Mapleton Rd., p.o. Box 807 Plain« boro, NJ 08536-0807 MALI OGLASI House For Sale Brick Ranch. Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts. 3 bdrm, 2 bath Full bsmt. 2 car det. garage. Asking $106,000. Call John Zakel, Realty One: 289-2445. (x) KOLEDAR OKTOBER 16. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave priredi koline, na SP. 16. — Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica ima koncert z večerjo in plesom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 22. — Štajerski klub priredi martinovanje v Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clairju. Pričetek ob 6.30 zv. Igra Alpski sekstet. 23. — Občni zbor Slovenske pristave. 29. — Pevski zbor Zarja ima koncert z večerjo in plesom, v SDD na Recher Ave. Igra Ray Polantz orkester. 30. — Klub graduantov farne šole sv. Vida ima obed v dvorani pri sv. Vidu. Serviranje ob 1.30. NOVEMBER 6. — Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza priredi večerjo ob 8^ obletnici ustanovitve, v SN na St. Clairju. 12. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima koncert, združen z večerjo in plesom, v SDD na Waterlo0 Rd. 12. — Belokranjski klub pr're' di martinovanje, v Slov. n^0 dnem domu na St. ClairJu' Igra Alpski sekstet. 13. — Ob 75-letnici usta""' vitve poda Dramatsko Lilija veseloigro >>^v0!ia glavček« v Slov. doma Holmes Ave. DECEMBER 4. — SKD Triglav, MHw*r kee priredi miklavževanje- 31. — Primorski klub silvestrovanje v Slovens domu na Holmes Ave. MALI OGLA^ MACHINIST WANTED, Flexible hours. Small jobs^. j Retirees welcome. Call- *>• Eastlake, Ohio — 946'®^j) For Rent Off E. 185 St. 4 rooms, up. Adults. Non-smoker. Call 481-8255. (39-42) Prijat el's Pharmacy SI. Clair Ave. & E. 68 SI. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS For Sale gj, Willoughby Hills, EddV (ef 1.6 acres, 100 x 700, gaS’ ^ & electricity. Sanitary hook-up in & pd. $72,000- ^ 946-0928. J. R. Electric Compaq Licensed-Bonded-Ir>sur Free Estimates 531-1140 pa(JJj3) Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 Zele Funeral Memorial Chapel ^ 452 E. 152 SI. Phone 481-311® Addison Road Chapel > 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-05» Family owned and dnee a: s< tti C c th G; Hi Cl ca Wt *h( his oic 1 Ser Pal "'o S Hlo fic der of, fou 'vili