SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 A ust ra I i a P ost pri nt a p prove d PP 534387/00013 Check SBS schedule for Slovenia, Australia 2010 FIFA World Cup matches. Best of luck to both teams! SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 54 Winter / zima 2010 NEWSLETTER President's Address With half of the year almost completed, it is with pleasure that we present the winter edition of the Slovenian Club newsletter. On behalf of the committee, I extend my greetings and best wishes to all members and friends of the Slovenian Club community. In April, our club 'Minister of Tourism' Olga Hrvatin organised another of our very popular bus trips. This trip saw us travel to the areas of Maitland, Kadina and Moonta. It was an outing filled with friendship, laughter and great scenery. The day was topped off with a delicious lunch at the Maitland hotel. The hotel, owned by a Slovenian family by the name of Kregar served us a meal that was fresh, well presented and generous in its portions. We hope that there continue to be many such day trips in the future and urge people to book their places early to avoid missing out on a seat. In May we celebrated Mother's Day. It was wonderful to see so many people at the club on this day. We thank all volunteers and committee members who prepared the evening meal, Ivan Legisa who shared some poems and thoughts about mothers and the choir who entertained us with a musical program. Slovenian National Day is fast approaching and will be commemorated at the club on Sunday 27th June. I encourage all members and friends to join us at the club for dinner and a short cultural program. I know that as we get older, it becomes difficult for some of us to travel. If you can't join us, I would urge all Slovenian born members and friends to take a moment on this day to take pride in remembering and honouring your birth place. This was and is a land of physical beauty with a culture rich in history, traditions and character which has played a part in your personal life's journey. It has been gratifying to see those members and friends who regularly attend the club and extend an invitation to all who read this newsletter. Committee members are always present to help you and your attendance is a great moral support for all who work and attend the club. The club is a great place to be to share in the company of others. Your support and suggestions continue to improve the club and we are confident that we are getting better and better in what we are able to offer. The more the merrier!!! In maintaining the club, our thanks go to Mr Frank Končina who continues to carry out repairs on furniture and other jobs around the club, and to Mr and Mrs Stefan and Lenka Ivančič who look after and repolish our dance floor. (Did you know that we now have four different dancing groups whouse the club on a regular basis?) On behalf of the committee, we wish a very 'Happy Birthday' to our hard working committee members Ms Toni Zupančič (June), Mrs Milka Sapač (June) and Mr Frank Končina (July). I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you at the Independence Day festivities. Danilo Kresevič (A reminder that the next general meeting for all members is on 8th August at 3.30pm. You are all warmly invited). Prireditve / Upcoming functions at Slovenian Club Adelaide June 27 Dan Državnosti ..............Republike Slovenije / Slovenian National Day July 18 Balinanje / Bocce ..............competition July 21 Dan Sončnic / Sunflower ..............Day August 8 Letni sestanek Slovenski ..............klub / Annual General Meeting Slovenian Club August 15 Balinanje / Bocce ..............competition August 18 Dan Sončnic / Sunflower ..............Day Symbolic Slovenian Lipa (Lime) tree. The Carantanian black panther coat of arms of the Duchy of Carantania, considered the first Slovenian state. The black panther may have first made its appearance as a heraldic figure in the 6th century AD. Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Danilo Kresevic Nives Kresevic Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.55 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). Cvetka Jamnik, always willing to help, organizing Slovenia SA newsletters for mailing. Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Slovenec sem Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Tako je mati d'jala, Ko me je dete pestovala, ko me je dete pestovala. Zatorej dobro vem: Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Zatorej dobro vem: Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Zatorej dobro vem: Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Zatorej dobro vem: Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Od zibeli do groba Ne gane moja se zvestoba, ne gane moja se zvestoba. S ponosom reči smem: Slovenec sem, slovenec sem! S ponosom reči smem: Slovenec sem, slovenec sem! S ponosom reči smem: Slovenec sem, slovenec sem! S ponosom reči smem: Slovenec sem, slovenec sem! Originalno Slovenec sem note 1882 Avtorja pesmi sta Gustav Ipavec in Jakob Gomilsek, uglasbljena pa je bila I eta 1882. "Music is very important for the development of cultural identity" Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: The Slovenian program broadcasting in Adelaide for over 30 proud years. THANK YOU Elaine Vodopivec has kindly donated to Slovenian Club her wonderfully colourful creation. Elaine thank you , lepa hvala. Slovenci so se odločili za arbitražo N. R., Ti. K., De. P., STA, 06.06.2010 Neuradni izidi državne volilne komisije kažejo, da je arbitražni sporazum na referendumu podprlo 51,48 odstotka volivcev, proti pa je glasovalo 48,52 odstotka. Volilna udeležba je bila 42,28-odstotna. Izid referenduma o arbitražnem sporazumu neuradni izid po preštetih 720.723 glasovih volilna udeležba: 42,28 % DELO Vir: urlavna volilna komisija Ljubljana - Neuradni izidi državne volilne komisije kažejo, da je arbitražni sporazum na referendumu podprlo 51,48 odstotka volivcev, proti pa je glasovalo 48,52 odstotka. Volilna udeležba je bila 42,28-odstotna. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: rosemary.poklar@dsto. defence. gov. au continued on page 4 Materinski dan - Mother's Day Slovenian Club Adelaide, Sunday May 9, 2010 Mother's Day was celebrated at Slovenian Club with a welcoming drink to toast all our lovely ladies, entertainment and wonderful food. Mothers, may you all live forever and a day! Club president Danilo Kresevic welcomed members with a celebratory drink. Here with Danilo, centre, are Claudio and Bruna Cassini. Ivan Legisa, our esteemed poet, with some choice words for our mothers. continued from page 2 Največjo podporo arbitražnemu sporazumu so volivci izrazili v volilni enoti Postojna (56,51 odstotka volivcev). Sledijo Ljubljana - Center (56,19 %), Ljubljana - Bežigrad (53,68 %), Maribor (52,03 %), Novo mesto (50,27 %), Celje (48,42 %), Ptuj (47,10 %) in Kranj (46,23 %). Predčasno glasovanje močneje v prid arbitražnemu sporazumu Na predčasnem referendumskem glasovanju o arbitražnem sporazumu s Hrvaško, ki je potekalo od torka do četrtka, je večina volivk in volivcev izrekla podporo uveljavitvi sporazuma. Po neuradnih podatkih Državne volilne komisije je namreč za glasovalo 66,17 odstotka, proti pa 33,83 odstotka volivcev. Državna volilna komisija je namreč takoj po zaprtju volišč objavila prve delne začasne neuradne izide glasovanja, in sicer s predčasnih volitev. Na njih je sicer glasovalo 19.419 volilnih upravičencev. Nedeljsko glasovanje Na referendumu, ki bo davkoplačevalce stal približno štiri milijone evrov, je imelo pravico glasovati 1,7 milijona volivcev na približno 3400 voliščih po državi. Po zaprtju volišč so volilni odbori in komisije začeli šteti glasovnice, na spletni strani Državne volilne komisije (DVK) pa so sproti objavljali preštete glasove. Jutri bodo k izidom glasovanja prišteli tudi glasove, ki bodo prispeli po pošti iz Slovenije. Na glasovnice, ki bodo prispele po pošti iz tujine, bo treba počakati do 14. junija. Tedaj bodo znani končni, a še vedno neuradni izidi, uradne pa bomo zaradi dolgotrajnih procedur izvedeli predvidoma šele 29. junija. Slovenia backs Croatia border deal in referendum vote BBC News 6 June 2010 The border dispute is over access to the tiny bay of Piran. Slovenes have narrowly voted in favour of accepting a deal on a border dispute with Croatia, in a national referendum. The agreement, signed last year, allowed international arbitrators to resolve the issue. The border dispute concerns the small Bay of Piran in the Adriatic Sea, and dates back to the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991. It has soured relations between the two countries, and led Slovenia to block Croatia's bid to join the EU. BBC Balkans correspondent Mark Lowen reports that just under 52% of those who voted in the Slovenian referendum backed the agreement with Croatia. Parliaments in both Slovenia and Croatia had approved the deal, but the centre-right opposition in Slovenia branded the agreement as a "capitulation" that favoured Croatia. Slovene Prime Minister Borut Pahor accepted the opposition's demand for a binding referendum in March. In the past, Croatia has called for the border to be drawn down the middle of the bay. But Slovenia, which has a much shorter coastline than its neighbour, had feared this would deny its ships direct passage to the high seas. Slovenia exercised its veto on Croatia's EU accession talks because it said Croatia had provided maps and documents in negotiations that failed to take account of Slovenia's position. Croatia hopes to become the second former Yugoslav state to join the EU in 2012. Drnovšek-Račan agreement On 20 July 2001, the prime ministers of Slovenia and Croatia, Janez Drnovšek and Ivica Račan, made the so-called Drnovšek-Račan agreement, which defined the entire border between the countries, including the maritime border. According to that agreement, Croatia would get approximately one third of the gulf and a maritime border with Italy, while Slovenia would get a corridor to the international waters. The SLO-CRO border solution as proposed in Drnovšek-Račan Agreement (middle of the Bay of Piran shown as well). Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Spoštovani, Moje kratko službovanje na Veleposlaništvu v Canberri se izteka in v petek 7. maja bom odpravništvo poslov predala kolegu Juretu Gašpariču, izkušenemu diplomatu, ki prihaja iz slovenskega Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve. Vesela sem, da sem imela priložnost spoznati od Slovenije tako oddaljen košček sveta, kjer zahvaljujoč vam še vedno živita slovenski jezik in kultura. Vsem, s katerimi sem imela priliko sodelovati, se iskreno zahvaljujem za vso pomoč in podporo. Veseli me, da sem nekatere od vas uspela spoznati tudi osebno, žal pa mi je, da zaradi pomanjkanja časa veliko od vas nisem uspela obiskati. Vsem skupaj želim še veliko uspehov in zadovoljstva ter vas prisrčno pozdravljam. Mojca Nemec Van Gorp Začasna odpravnica poslov Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Canberri Maj 3, 2010 Jure Gašparič in Mojca Nemec Van Gorp na dan primopredaje pred vhodom v Veleposlaništvo. *** Spoštovani rojaki, slovenski zunanji minister Samuel Žbogar mi je zaupal prijetno nalogo, da Vam pomagam krepiti vezi z domovino, Sloveniji pa z vez z rojaki in z danes nič več oddaljeno Avstralijo. Jure Gašparič Prepričan sem, da smo tudi v tej nalogi združeni, saj me je že ob prvem dotiku z Avstralsko žemljico generalni konzul Alfred Brežnik prijetno presenetil z zelo spodbudnimi besedami, ki potrjujejo mojo vero v razvoj sodelovanja z Vami, spoštovani rojaki, in z Avstralijo. Razen Afrike je Avstralija edini kontinent na katerem še nisem služboval. Doslej sem se ukvarjal z včlanjevanjem domovine v mednarodne organizacije v Ženevi, na Dunaju in v New Yorku, v čemer smo Slovenci s skupnimi močmi zelo hitro uspeli. Tu ne morem preskočiti npr. neprecenljive pomoči rojaka Janeza Hacina slovenski stalni misiji pri OZN v Ženevi, ki je prispevala k hitrem vstopu v Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo in v tamkajšnje agencije OZN. Pred nami je ostal le vstop v prestižni klub razvitih v Parizu, v Organizacijo za ekonomsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD). S ponosom Vam sporočam, da je včeraj tudi OECD Slovenijo povabila k pristopu. Slovenci smo torej vajeni »prehitevati po desni«, zato upam, da z vožnjo po »napačni strani« ne bom imel prehudih preglavic niti v moji novi gostiteljici Avstraliji. Misija v daljni in prečudoviti Avstraliji je najprijetnejša in najzanimivejša naloga, ki lahko doleti Evropejca, čeprav gotovo ne pomeni le spoznavanja zanimive favne, flore in kulture. Pred nami so obiski in stiki na visoki ravni, ki naj okrepijo odnose z rojaki in z Avstralijo. Do julija moramo poskrbeti tudi za nov združeni sedež veleposlaništva in rezidence bodočega slovenskega veleposlanika v Canberri. O novem naslovu Vas bom pravočasno obvestil, saj kljub selitvi ne želimo prekiniti z delom. Hkrati Vas obveščam, da je Državni zbor Republike Slovenije razpisal naknadni zakonodajni referendum o Zakonu o ratifikaciji arbitražnega sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške, ki bo potekal 6. junija 2010, o čemer so podrobnejše informacije na spletni strani Državne volilne komisije Pri tem želim opozoriti, da bodo slovenski volivci s prebivališčem v tujini prejeli glasovnice in volilne karte za glasovanje po pošti le, če bodo zahtevo za glasovanje po pošti posredovali do 22. maj a. Zato predlagam, da volivci, ki želijo glasovati po pošti, svoje zahtevke čim prej posredujejo Državni volilni komisiji. Volišča bodo odprta tudi na Veleposlaništvih, o čemer Vas bom posebej obvestil. Pričakujem, da se čim prej snidemo, dotlej pa Vam posredujem še naslov novega spletnega portala, ki mi ga je danes poslala Vaša dobra znanka Helena Drnovšek Zorko, ponuja pa članke o umetnosti in kulturni dediščini v Sloveniji ter o prizoriščih, izobraževalnih programih, podpornih dejavnostih in virih financiranja. Upam, da Vam bo portal v pomoč, saj je živahno kulturno druženje že doslej bistveno prispevalo k Vaši presenetljivo dobri formi. Tistim, s katerimi sem že imel čast govoriti, se zahvaljujem za izjemno topel sprejem in pomoč, ki mi veliko pomeni, vsem rojakom pa ob tej priložnosti iz Ljubljane ponovno prenašam pozdrave Aljaža, Andreja, Helene, Bojana, Gregorja, Božene in Mojce, ki vedno radi obujajo spomine na svoje nepozabne avstralske urice z Vami. Prisrčno Vas pozdravlj a seveda tudi vedno Vaš Jure Gašparič pooblaščeni minister začasni odpravnik poslov Canberra, 11. maj 2010 Komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu VABILO Komisija Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu Vas vljudno vabi na jubilejno X. Vseslovensko srečanje z naslovom Skupni slovenski kulturni, gospodarski in znanstveni prostor: realnost ali utopija? ki bo v četrtek, 1. julija 2010, v veliki dvorani Državnega zbora RS, od 10. do 18. ure. V veliko čast mi je, da Vas lahko tudi letos povabim na deseto, jubilejno Vseslovensko srečanje Letošnje X. Vseslovensko srečanje nosi naslov Skupni slovenski kulturni, gospodarski in znanstveni prostor: realnost ali utopija?. O predloženi tematiki bodo kot vabljeni govorci razmišljali mag. Martina Piko Rustia (Slovenski narodopisni inštitut Urban Jarnik iz Celovca), g. Florjan Auser (Slovenian Media House, Avstralij a) in izr. prof. dr. Jernej Zupančič (Oddelek za geografijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani). Jubilejno obletnico dogodka bo obeležila predstavitev zbornika Prvih deset let, v katerem so zbrani pozdravni nagovor predsednika Državnega zbora dr. Pavla Gantarja, uvodni referat predsednika Komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu g. Mira Petka ter prispevki osemnajstih izbranih vabljenih govorcev. X. Vseslovensko srečanje bo spremljal kulturni program pevskega sestava iz Beneške Slovenije pod vodstvom Davida Klodiča ter razstava avtorja Stanislava Koblarj a Od izbrisa do prenove identitete. Slovenci v Bosni in Hercegovini 1530 - 2009. Prepričani smo, da bo izbrani naslov X. Vseslovenskega srečanja spodbudil veliko zanimivih razmišljanj, zato Vas vabimo, da nam jih predstavite na srečanju. Vljudno Vas prosimo, da sporočite naslov Vašega prispevka, ki naj ne presega 10 minut. Vljudno Vas vabim, da svoj obisk predhodno potrdite, Vaše prijave in želje za sodelovanje na X. Vseslovenskem srečanju pa sporočite: - referentki Komisije Nevenki Pirnat (tel: +386-1-478-9922, Fax: + 386 1 478 9882 ali na, - sekretarki Komisije dr. Katji Jerman (tel: +386-1-478-9938, Fax: + 386 1 478 9882 ali na Veselim se srečanja in sodelovanja z Vami ter Vas lepo pozdravljam. Miro Petek Predsednik Komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu Slovenia to Join OECD 14 Years after Applying for Membership Wednesday, 26.05.2010 Ljubljana - After nearly three years of accession talks, Slovenia will join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris on Thursday. The latest expansion, which also includes Estonia and Israel, will increase the number of its members to 34. While the ceremony to mark the expansion will be held at the headquarters of the this elite club of developed nations on Thursday, with Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor in attendance, Slovenia will actually sign its accession treaty in Ljubljana on 1 June. The treaty must then be ratified and the OECD has to adopt a relevant resolution, before the country completes its accession procedure by depositing the treaty with the French government. The OECD dates back to 1948, when the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was set up to help in the reconstruction of the post WWII-Europe. It became the OECD in 1961, after non-European states joined. At the time, it was transformed into an organisation concerned with promoting good management and forming global standards for economic and development policies, expanding its membership beyond Europe. Slovenia applied for membership in 1996, although it signed up to the OECD's general programme for Central and Eastern Europe after gaining independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. OECD membership should give Slovenia a chance to exchange best practices with developed countries, especially in implementing structural reforms. OECD members also have better conditions for international economic cooperation and are included in the OECD's statistical and databases, which gives them a chance to improve their standing in the international community. In turn, members are obligated to pay annual membership fee, which is calculated according to a county's GDP. For Slovenia it will amount to at least EUR 2.4m. However, the sum is not final yet as it will be adjusted to changes to the OECD budget and the accession costs that have already been paid. As an OECD member, Slovenia will also have to submit reports on progress in key areas, including investment, corruption in international business transactions, environment, corporate management, financial markets, insurance and private pensions. Minister Zekš ob Prvi veji Rastoče knjige slovenskega izseljenstva 24.03.2010 V prostorih Združenj a Slovenska izseljenska matica v Ljubljani minister dr. Boštjan Žekš udeležil odprtja razstave ob Prvi veji rastoče knjige slovenskega izseljenstva. Blaž Kavčič in predsednica Društva Rastoča knjiga Cvetka Selšek. Združenje Slovenska izseljenska matica je v letu 2004 z razstavo knjižnih del slovenskih izseljencev postala del Rastoče knjige, po šestih letih pa lahko že govorimo o prvi veji Rastoče knjige Slovenskega izseljenstva. Slovenski rodovi na tujem svojo izjemno duhovno moč dokazujejo s svojo knjižno produkcijo, ki je stara skoraj toliko kot izseljenstvo. Pot k enotnosti pa je temeljno sporočilo Rastoče knjige, ki raste iz skupnih korenin naše kulture in se razrašča v mogočno drevo ustvarjalne narodne istovetnosti. Minister Žekš je v svoje nagovoru pozdravil širitev razstave in poudaril pomen kulture za ohranjanje slovenske identitete pri naših izseljencih. Zbrane sta poleg ministra nagovorila tudi predsednik državnega sveta RS mag. Prva veja Rastoče knjige slovenskega izseljenstva je posvečena predvsem memoarski literaturi, ki ima posebno težo zaradi svoje dokumentarnosti. Je dragoceno dopolnilo zgodovine slovenskega izseljenstva in dokaz nikoli pretrganih duhovnih vezi med izseljenci in prvotno domovino. v Obisk ministra Zekša v Argentini, Urugvaju in Braziliji med 8. in 20. aprilom 2010 Obisk je potekal med 8. in 19. aprilom 2010. V Buenos Airesu, Mendozi, Montevideu in Sao Paolu se je minister prvič srečal s Slovenci in potomci Slovencev ter se seznanil z njihovimi aktivnostmi. Cilji obiska so bili naslednji: krepitev in širjenja sodelovanja med Uradom in slovenskimi strukturami; pogovori z vsemi vodstvi treh krovnih organizacij v Argentini in skoraj vsemi predsedniki slovenskih društev v Argentini, Urugvaju in Braziliji; sodelovanje na področju znanosti s poudarkom na povezovanju znanstvenikov in gospodarstvenikov slovenskega rodu z domovino; ohranjanje kulturne identitete s poudarkom na skrbi za slovenski jezik: obisk šol slovenskega jezika, srečanje z mladimi in spodbujanje ohranitve slovenske identitete med mladimi v Latinski Ameriki; Informiranje skupnosti o aktualnih temah, kot so seminarji za učitelje in novinarje, pridobivanje slovenskega državljanstva, sofinanciranje projektov ter drugo. v Minister Žekš Boosting Ties with Slovenians in Latin America 23.04.2010 Ljubljana - Minister for Slovenians Abroad Bostjan Zeks presented at a press conference on Friday his tour of Latin America between 8 and 19 April as part of which he visited Slovenians living in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The minister said he wanted to learn about their problems first hand and enhance their cooperation with Slovenia. The Government's Office for Slovenians Abroad estimates that there are some 30,000 Slovenians living in Argentina and a few thousand in Brazil and Uruguay. Žekš wanted to find out how Slovenia could support their efforts to preserve the Slovenian language and boost cooperation among different groups of emigrants. "It was very educational to see how they are nurturing the Slovenian language and identity." There is a big interest in learning Slovenian, Žekš pointed out, adding that some drive up to 300 kilometres one way to a Slovenian course in Brazil's Sao Paulo. The minister's visit was also dedicated to boosting cooperation in science. The Government's Office for Slovenians Abroad is drawing up a list of Slovenian scientists abroad and there is a wish to extend this project to business people as well, he said. Representatives of the Slovenian community in Latin America suggested to the minister that Slovenian companies which want to expand their businesses should contact them before entering Latin American markets, which has not been an established practice so far. Žekš met representatives of all three umbrella Slovenian organisations and almost all Slovenian associations in Argentina. He visited Slovenian schools at some of the Slovenian organisations and met the pupils there. He attended the opening of an exhibition by acclaimed Slovenian architect Viktor Sulcic and the celebrations of Slovenian Day, coinciding with the 200th anniversary of the Argentina's statehood. Žekš moreover visited the Argentinian Ministry of Science and Technology, met Mojca Jesenovec, a Slovenian language teacher at the main Buenos Aires university, and visited the studio of Slovenian artist Marjan Grum. He concluded his stay in Argentina with a visit to Mendoza and the Slovenians there. He attended the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the University of Nova Gorica and the Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. The minister also met Slovenian honorary consuls in Argentina and Brazil. Sreča se začne po 50. letu starosti New York - Kljub slabšemu vidu in sluhu, oslabljenim mišicam in vse pogostejšim težavam z zdravjem, ljudje s starostjo postajajo srečnejši, je pokazala raziskava. "Čeprav se mnogi spopadajo z zdravstvenimi težavami, se ljudje s staranjem počutijo vedno bolje. Osredotočijo se na pozitivne stvari, družino in prijatelje. Morda je to zaradi sprememb v okolju, ali pa zaradi bioloških sprememb v možganih," je povedal vodja raziskave Arthur Stone. Sodelovalo več kot 340.000 ljudi V raziskavi, ki so jo opravili preko telefonske ankete, je sodelovalo več kot 340.000 prostovoljcev starih od 18 do 85 let. Odgovarjali so na vprašanja o zdravju, financah in čustvenem doživljanju vsakdana. Rezultati so pokazali, da se splošno počutje po obdobju srednjih let za veliko večino izboljšuje, najsrečnejši pa so tisti v visokem letu starosti. Mladi se najbolje počutijo v osemnajstem letu, potem pa krivulja sreče pada in se ponovno obrne po 50. letu. Obseg stresa in negativnih čustev se namreč takrat drastično zmanjša, v ospredje pa pride sreča in zadovoljstvo. PARK VOJAŠKE ZGODOVINE PIVKA Park vojaške zgodovine se nahaja na območju nekdanjih italijanskih vojašnic v vasi Hrastje pri Pivki. Park Vojaške Zgodovine je projekt v nastajanju, v katerem bi radi na podlagi bogate vojaško-zgodovinske dediščine tega območja osnovali razgibano v muzejsk in doživljajsko turistično središče, ki je namenjeno izobraževanju, raziskovanju in izjemnim doživetjem. Obiskovalci si lahko v Parku trenutno ogledate prvo muzejsko zbirko, sestavljeno iz najdragocenejših primerkov težkega orožja (tanki, oklepna vozila in topovi), ki so kot pomembna vojaška in tehnična zapuščina različnih vojska ostali v Sloveniji. Zlasti tanki so izjemno zanimivi tehnični dosežki obdobja, v katerem so nastali, in so skupaj s prikazom njihove uporabe enkratno doživetje tako za ljubitelja vojaške zgodovine kot za naključnega obiskovalca. Zbirko dopolnjujeta razstavi Enotni v zmagi, ki prikazuje slovensko osamosvojitveno vojno v letu 1991, ter Tank je bunker in grobnica, v kateri so predstavljene zgodbe tankistov s Pivškega med drugo svetovno vojno. Po obisku muzeja se lahko podate tudi po tematsko-učni poti do utrdb Alpskega zidu in se podrobneje seznanite z naravnimi, kulturnimi in zgodovinskimi zanimivostmi Pivškega, na vodenih izletih pa si lahko ogledate tudi bližnjo podzemno utrdbo na Primožu. Pivka Military Museum to Fuse Sights With Military History 16.03.2010 Pivka - Culture Minister Majda Sirca, Defence Minister Ljubica Jelusič and Pivka Mayor Robert Smrdelj signed an agreement to expand the Pivka Park of Military History. The EUR 10m project will fuse local cultural sights with a presentation of military history in an attractive way, Smrdelj said. Source: Park of Military History Pivka The Pivka Park of Military History currently includes a pavilion dedicated to tanks and artillery, while the project is to upgrade the existing museum by renovating buildings of the old Pivka barracks and build a second pavilion which will showcase armoured vehicles and other heavy weaponry. "20 years ago the state decided to transform disused military facilities into cultural venues, but this idea is being implemented only now," Sirca said after signing the agreement. "It is especially important that the Pivka complex preserves a part of the tough military history of the region, especially the memories of the Second World War and the war for Slovenia's independence," Jelusic said. http ://www.prekrizane- mej Dessert from Prekmurje Protected by EU 02.03.2010 Brussels/Ljubljana - Prekmurska gibanica, a cake originating from the northeastern region of Prekmurje, has joined the EU list of traditional dishes whose recipe and traditional way of making are protected. So far, the European Commission has registered idrijski zlikrofi, a type of ravioli from the western town of Idrija, as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) from Slovenia. Apart from the TSG list, products and foodstuffs can also get registered as Protected Designations of Origin or Protected Geographical Indication in the EU. Prekmurska gibanica, a cake originating from the northeastern region of Prekmurje. According to information available on the European Commission website, the only other Slovenian product or foodstuff registered in such a way is extra-virgin olive oil from Slovenian Istria, which has a Protected Designation of Origin. Several other Slovenian traditional foodstuffs are waiting to be registered by the Commission, among them several types of cheese, ham, pumpkin seed oil, prosciutto and bread, the Slovenian Agriculture Ministry said in a press release. The ministry also said that another Slovenian dish is expected to be registered this month - belkoranjska pogaca, a type of bread typical of the south-eastern region of Bela krajina. Ingredients: 300 g (10 2/3 oz) flour 200 ml (4/5 cup) oil salt 150 ml (3/5 cup) water 60 g (2 oz) poppy seeds 250 g (8 4/5 oz) sugar cinnamon 500 g (17 3/5 oz) cottage cheese 1 egg 500 ml (2 cup) sour cream 80 g (2 3/5 oz) raisins 100 g (3 1/2 oz) ground walnuts 500 g (17 3/5 oz) apples grated lemon peel Procedure: Stir together flour, salt, lukewarm water and two tablespoons of oil to make dough, then let it rest for an hour. Meanwhile prepare poppy, cheese, walnut and apple fillings. To make poppy seed filling, ground poppy seeds, add 50 g (1 4/5 oz) sugar and cinnamon to taste. For cottage cheese filling mix cottage cheese, egg, sour cream, raisins and 10 g (2 tsp) sugar. For apple filling stir together ground walnuts and cinnamon. To make apple filling, first wash and peel the apples, then grate them. Add 10 g (2 tsp) sugar, cinnamon to taste and grated lemon peel. After the dough has rested, roll it thin, let it dry somewhat, and cut it into sheets the size of the baking tin. Grease the tin generously, place in the first layer of dough, and sprinkle it with oil. Spread over poppy seed filling, and cover with another sheet. Pour over cottage cheese filling, cover with dough, sprinkle with oil and the mixture of walnuts and cinnamon. Again, cover with a sheet of dough, grease it and spread over grated apples. Repeat all these steps and cover the gibanica with dough. Pour over sour cream and bake at 180°C (350°F) for just over an hour. Instead of making the rolled dough by yourself, you can buy ready-made dough for gibanica. You can also use less fat and sprinkle the gibanica with oil only immediately before baking. In this case coat every dough layer with sour cream. Another Slovenian Dish Gets EU Special Status 05.03.2010 Brussels - The EU has registered belkoranjska pogača, a type of bread typical of the south-eastern region of Bela krajina, as a Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG), which means that its characteristic composition and preparation are protected. belkoranj ska pogača This is the third Slovenian dish that has joined the EU list of traditional dishes. The first to enter the list were idrijski zlikrofi, a type of ravioli from the western Slovenian town of Idrija, while prekmurska gibanica, a cake originating from the northeastern region of Prekmurje, was registered as TSG earlier this week. Apart from the TSG list, products and foodstuffs can also get registered as Protected Designations of Origin or Protected Geographical Indication in the EU. According to information available on the European Commission website, the only other Slovenian product or foodstuff registered in such a way is extra-virgin olive oil from Slovenian Istria, which has a Protected Designation of Origin. Still waiting to be registered by the European Commission are pumpkin seed oil from the Štajersko and Prekmurje regions, prosciutto from Kras and ham from Prlekij a, the Slovenian Agriculture Ministry said in a press release. In Slovenia, 38 agricultural products and foodstuffs are currently protected. Belokranjska pogača (salted cake) Recipe Ingredients: 1 kg flour 2 tbs salt 1 tbs sugar 2 tbs oil 2 packages of dried yeast Approx. 0,7 l warm water Precedure: Mix all the ingredients and form a dough. Leave to rise for 30 minutes. Spread the dough evenly onto a baking tray, slice it into squares and glaze it with the beaten egg. The cake can be sprinkled with salt. Bake in a pre-heated oven for approximately 45 minutes at 200°C. Government Earmarks EUR 7.8m for Slovenians Abroad 03.03.2010 Ljubljana - The government Office for Slovenians Abroad has concluded a public tender for the co-funding of activities of the Slovenian minorities in the neighbouring countries, worth EUR 7.8m. The amount of funds is the same as in the last year, the office said. Minister for Slovenians Abroad Boštjan Žekš explained for STA that the funds had been distributed by an expert commission after the office had determined the criteria for the public tender. The office tries to support economic cooperation and the promotion of culture, and would like to pay particular attention to young Slovenians abroad instead of political organisations, the minister added. The Slovenian minority in Austria will get EUR 2.9m this year, while it received more than EUR 3m in 2009. According to Žekš, the commission took into account the previous activities of the umbrella organisations and the fact that they failed to draft a harmonised proposal for funding. "They failed to do their homework," Žekš said, adding that the political part of the Slovenian minority in Carinthia would be funded somewhat less, while other things, which are more important, would be funded more. According to the minister, Slovenia could provide additional funds to the umbrella organisations from the reserve fund if they present concrete and justified proposals. "The possibilities for an increase of this sum are open," Žekš said, rejecting the reproaches that the cut in funds for the Slovenian minority in Austria was a response to disagreements between the minority organisations. Ženske bodo delale do 63., moški do 65. leta starosti Mo. B., Ka.L./STA | 24.03.2010 ZSSS: Reforma je preveč pomembna, da bi se sprejemala "rokohitrsko" Po predlogu prve faze pokojninskih sprememb se bodo moški lahko starostno upokojili pri 65. letu starosti, ženske pa pri 63. letu. Vendar pa bo druga faza sprememb predvidela izenačenje za oba spola. Ljubljana - Vendar pa bo druga faza sprememb predvidela izenačenje za oba spola, je napovedal minister Ivan Svetlik. Po danes predstavljenem predlogu zakona o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju, ki zajema prvo fazo sprememb in naj bi v veljavo stopil z letom 2011, moški dobi pravico do starostne pokojnine pri 65. letu starosti, ženska pa pri 63. letu, če dopolni najmanj 15 let zavarovalne dobe. Za zavarovanca, ki je dopolnil najmanj 40 let pokojninske dobe, in za zavarovanko, ki je dopolnila najmanj 38 let pokojninske dobe, se zahtevana starost za pridobitev pravice do starostne pokojnine postopno zvišuje na starost 65 oz. 63 let v obdobju od leta 2011 do 2016. Pravico do predčasne pokojnine pa pridobi zavarovanec pri starosti 60 let, če je dopolnil najmanj 40 let pokojninske dobe, zavarovanka pa, če je dopolnila najmanj 38 let pokojninske dobe. Bonusi in malusi so po novem oblikovani tako, da skušajo čim bolj motivirati posameznike za podaljševanje delovne aktivnosti. V primeru, da ima oseba izpolnjene pogoje za predčasno upokojitev, a ostane delovno aktivna, se lahko moškemu do 65. leta oziroma ženski do 63. leta dodatno mesečno izplačuje še 20 odstotkov predčasne pokojnine ali pa se predčasna pokojnina trajno poveča za 0,3 odstotka za vsak mesec delovne aktivnosti. Osebi, ki uveljavi predčasno pokojnino, pa se odmerjena pokojnina zmanjša za 0,3 odstotka za vsak mesec do izpolnitve pogojev za starostno pokojnino. Predlog uvaja nov mehanizem delne pokojnine, ki bo namenjena stimuliranju podaljševanja delovne aktivnosti in kasnejšega upokojevanja zavarovancev. Oseba, ki izpolni pogoje za pridobitev pravice do predčasne ali starostne pokojnine, lahko pridobi pravico do delne pokojnine, če ostane v obveznem zavarovanju v določenem obsegu. Za izračun pokojninske osnove bodo namesto sedanjih 18 let upoštevali katerih koli zaporednih 34 let zavarovanja. Z namenom, da se višina pokojnin zaradi tega ne bi zniževala, pa uvajajo višji odmerni odstotek, je povedal direktor direktorata za delovna razmerja in pravice iz dela na ministrstvu Peter Pogačar. Praznik Občine Ajdovščina 06.05.2010 Ajdovščina - Sinoči je bilo v Ajdovščini nadvse slovesno. Polna Dvorana prve slovenske vlade je praznovala skupaj mladimi predstavniki občine ter letošnjimi prejemniki priznanj za dosežke v minulem letu. Slavnostni govornik je bil župan Marjan Poljšak, v imenu vlade pa je spregovorila Ministrica za kulturo Majda Širca. Podeljeni sta bili dve Petomajski priznanji. Najvišje priznanje Občine Ajdovščina je prejela družba Lozej, ki je lani praznovala 15. obletnico ustanovitve in se je po nekajletnem naporu, vloženem v notranjo reorganizacijo, preoblikovala v Inštitut za varnost Lozej. S Petomajskim priznanjem je bil odlikovan tudi Mešani pevski zbor Primorje, ki že od ustanovitve leta 1979 oblikuje kulturni prostor v Ajdovščini, Sloveniji in na tujem. Zbor odlikuje močna pripadnost podjetju Primorje, katerega delavci so pred mnogimi leti ustanovili kulturno društvo, podjetje pa tudi danes podpira delovanje pevcev. Občinska priznanja so včeraj prejeli: Društvo za ohranjanje lokavškega izročila DOLI - za ohranjanje tradicije furmanstva na visoki strokovni ravni; pomočnica ravnatelja ajdovske OŠ Danila Lokarja Alenka Dolgan za dolgoletno skrbno in zavzeto delo na šoli; Albert Kravos, krajan Ceste, za njegov velik in večplasten doprinos krajevni skupnosti. Komisija za mandatna vprašanja, volitve in imenovanja je sklenila, da Občina Ajdovščina tudi letos podeli spominsko priznanje športniku, ki se je skozi svojo uspešno športno kariero posvečal nogometu - Adrianu Fegicu bo priznanje izročeno na eni od mnogih športnih prireditev, ki bodo ta mesec v Ajdovščini. Radio Robin SLOVENIAN DIALECTS Slovenian is the official language in the Republic of Slovenia and an official language of the European Union. Dialectal variety of Slovenian One special feature of Slovenian, which is one of the most archaic Slavic languages with many linguistic peculiarities to this day, is its considerable dialectal variety, and indeed it has more dialects than any other Slavic language. In the relatively small area of Slovenia and the surrounding border areas - totalling just 24,000 square kilometres - there are 26 dialects and 12 sub-dialects with distinctive features, which together form 7 dialect groups. This dialectal diversity over a relatively small area and the relatively small number of Slovenian speakers makes Slovenian unique among Slavic languages. The reasons for the diversity are primarily geographical and historical, including the administrative and political division of the Slovenian nation across different states, historic provinces and ecclesiastical units. Slovenian-inhabited territory features numerous mountains and hills that act as major geographical dividers, and in the past made it difficult or even prevented cohesive development between people across the broader space, a fact that was only heightened by administrative and political demarcation, from former ecclesiastical and provincial divisions to current state borders. Dialects and the development of the Slovenian literary language Given this dispersion of Slovenians, who only gained an awareness of their shared linguistic roots and developed a national consciousness at a relatively late point, the development of standard literary language and hence spoken language was extremely important. This can be traced back to the mid-sixteenth century, when a number of Protestant writers -with Primož Trubar to the fore - founded the Slovenian literary language based on central Slovenian dialects; this central focus meant that Slovenians from the periphery did not immediately accept the standard language as their own. The process of shaping the Slovenian literary language therefore lasted for a considerable time, with the development of Slovenian news and journal writing and literature incorporating many elements from other dialectal areas, which enriched its expressive function and comprehensibility. The Slovenian language and geographic space its speakers populated were therefore a cornerstone of the United Slovenia (Zedinjena Slovenija) political programme in the mid-nineteenth century, which was promoted in various forms until the end of the twentieth century. Alongside the standard Slovenian literary language which gradually gained recognition for use in education, administration and public life in general, the individual dialects have largely continued their existence until the present day, and still function as markers of the regional origin and identity of their speakers. This diversity still has strong roots in more rural areas, but has in recent decades been subject to urbanisation, which is observed primarily in larger towns and their surroundings, where inhabitants have formed new sub-dialects, often under the influence of large numbers of immigrant groups from other parts of the former Yugoslavia. However, these are normal processes of mixing and melding of various language influences that have been present throughout history and are typical of all living languages. One specific feature along those lines, is the area around Kočevje, a town some 50 km south of Ljubljana, where a number of mixed sub-dialects, predominate that cannot be assigned to any of the dialect groups, which is due to demographic 10 changes after the second world war, during which the area was abandoned by a dense population of ethnic Germans (the Gotschee Germans). People from various parts of Slovenia moved there subsequently to fill the unpopulated area. Finally, the influence of neighbouring languages is seen in all outlying dialects to varying degrees: Italian and Friulian to the west, German to the north, and particularly Croatian and Serbian in some parts of the Slovenian-Croatian border, as well as Hungarian, to a lesser extent, in the north-east of Slovenia. Complementariness of dialects with literary language The dialect system in the Republic of Slovenia, the home state of Slovenians, remains largely unchanged, since anyone born outside the capital is born into their own dialect area, where they make themselves understood in their own environment, and share with other local inhabitants on a daily basis and pass it on to the next generations, even if the dominance of the literary language in public life is gradually moving dialects closer to each other, making distinctions between them less clear. Most Slovenians are skilled in both the literary language, which they study at school and constantly come into contact with via radio and television, and their dialect, which they use for everyday communication on the local level. Schools, in contrast to previous practice, are giving increasing respect to dialects, and recognising their role in the language of education, where previously they were strictly forbidden. The use of dialects in film and theatre is no longer unusual, either as a manner of expression that stresses local authenticity, or as an indicator of specific dramatic and film roles, often to comic effect. However, attitudes to dialects in public life are increasingly opening up, as awareness increases that dialects - as emphasized by the leading Slovenian dialectology expert of the present day, Prof Dr Vera Smole - are of value and part of the cultural heritage that should be protected and preserved, since dialects expand and enrich an individual's communication skills and understanding. Extract article by Albert Kos SinfO March 2010 HEALTH BULLETIN Olive oil's health-giving benefits Madrid: Olive oil's health-giving benefits stem from its ability to help "switch off' genes that inflame conditions including heart disease and arthritis. The discovery demonstrates how the much praised Mediterranean diet can suppress chronic disorders. Spanish researchers identified almost 100 genes whose inflammatory activity is dampened by consumption of olive oil, in particular extra virgin olive oil. *** Heart disease may be main cause of dizziness in older adults The Oregonian, Portland, Ore. Heart disease, not inner-ear problems, may be the main cause of dizziness in many older people, Dutch scientists say. About three of every 10 adults over 65 has problems with dizzy feelings. Many previous studies have blamed much of the dizziness on problems with the ear's balance-sensing system, conditions called vestibular disorders. Doctors did extensive tests on 417 people age 65 or older who went to their primary physician after having felt dizzy for at least two weeks. A geriatrician, a family physician and a nursing home doctor then independently reviewed the tests and assessed the causes of each patient's dizziness. The study counted a cause when at least two of the three doctors agreed. In most cases (57 percent), the panel listed cardiovascular disease as the main cause of dizziness. Inner-ear disorders were the second major cause (14 percent) and psychiatric problems third (10 percent). Side effects of drugs also contributed to the dizziness in a quarter of patients, a higher rate than most other studies have found. *** Radiation risks cited in full-body airport scans Full-body airport security scanners manufactured by Torrance-based Rapiscan Inc. expose the skin to high radiation levels that may lead to cancer and other health problems, according to researchers from the University of California, San Francisco. Particularly at risk, the researchers said, are travelers who are pregnant, elderly or have weakened immune systems. *** Tea helps cut cancer Women have a new reason to enjoy a daily cuppa, as an Australian study shows drinking tea can cut the risk of ovarian cancer. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) studied the food and lifestyle habits of about 2700 women, half of whom had a history of ovarian cancer. Total tea intake emerged as the key difference between the groups, a result that adds to a growing body of evidence which has suggested the household staple can play a role in warding off cancer. Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health management regime as self diagnosis and self medicating can be dangerous. Bomba v Mariboru Maribor, 06.04.2010, T.Š. V štajerski prestolnici so našli 500-kilogramsko letalsko bombo iz druge svetovne vojne. Prebivalce so evakuirali, dokler stare bombe niso varno odstranili. Bombo so našli na gradbišču. (Foto: Anja Rojko). Kot so nas obvestili bralci, so okoliške prebivalce popoldne začasno evakuirali. V stanovanja so se lahko vrnili po dobri uri, ko so strokovnjaki bombo odstranili. V Sloveniji 568.000 uporabnikov Facebooka. Beograd - Raziskava je pokazala, da je v Sloveniji 568.000 uporabnikov družabne spletne mreže Facebook. V regiji je sicer največ uporabnikov priljubljene spletne strani v Srbiji. Raziskava bloga je pokazala, da je v Srbiji dobra dva milijona uporabnikov družabne spletne mreže Facebook, v regiji pa sledijo Hrvaška (1,2 milijona), BiH (775.000), Makedonija (692.000), Slovenija in Črna gora (160.000). Vrstni red je drugačen, če se kot merilo upošteva število uporabnikov na število prebivalcev. V tem primeru je na prvem mestu Makedonija, sledijo pa Slovenija, Srbij a, Hrvaška, Črna gora in BiH. V omenjenih državah je med uporabniki Facebooka več moških (od 51 do 59 odstotkov), največ jih je starih od 18 do 34 let, najhitrejšo rast pa beležijo v starostni skupini nad 65 let. STA FACEBOOK As well as being able to connect with friends and relatives on Facebook, the opportunity is there to join groups of Slovenian interest. Some of the groups are: Slovenščina Slovenian Language Slovenian Kangaroos in Australia V osrčju dežele terana Kraški teran s samosvojimi lastnostmi in okusom buri duhove že nekaj stoletij. O njem je bilo izrečenih že toliko različnih misli in hvalospevov. Upam si zapisati še eno: V Sloveniji poznamo bela vina, rdeča vina in teran! V Tomaju in petih bližnjih vaseh, Šepulje, Grahovo Brdo, Križ, Filipčje Brdo in Utovlje, za katere je kar po vrsti značilno, da se na vrhovih vzpetin hiše stiskajo ena ob drugo, so ta konec tedna že šestič pripravili prireditev z naslovom V osrčju dežele terana, s katero se želijo predstaviti pridelovalci te vrhunske kraške kapljice. S kopico prireditev, od tihe slovesnosti Združenja evropskih vitezov vina v cerkvi v Tomaju do bolj glasnih pihalnih godb pa do predstavitve kraljice terana in različnih izobraževalnih projekcij, je minila tudi letošnja prireditev. Rdeča kraška zemlja zagotovo pripomore k značilnemu okusu terana. Seveda pa nas je največ ljubiteljev Krasa in njegovih dobrot prišlo na degustacije, ki jih nudijo vinske kleti šestih omenjenih vasi. Okoli vratu obešen kozarec, ki smo ga za 10 evrov lahko kupili na katerikoli sodelujoči kmetiji, je istočasno predstavlj al vstopnico in pripomoček za degustacijo v štirinajstih kleteh, ki so odprla svoja vrata obiskovalcem, kjer smo lahko pokukali v njihove sode, prisluhnili zgodbam vinarjev ter ob pršutu, siru in drugih dobrotah kraške gastronomije modrovali o drobnih malenkostih, ki ločijo vino ene kleti od vina druge. Okušanje žlahtne kapljice iz »gospodarjevega« soda. Prireditelji so o teranu povedali, da je to rdeče vino iz grozdja trte refošk, ki uspeva na Krasu in je intenzivno rdečevijoličaste barve. Ima zmerno stopnjo alkohola ter močan značaj. Mlado vino ima intenzivno cvetico, vonj pa včasih spominja na borovnice ali maline. Svež okus in živahnost sta posledica kislin, sploh mlečne kisline, ki vinu daje harmoničnost in žlahtnost okusa. Teran je zagotovo najboljši ob dobri hrani. Zaradi vsebnosti mlečne kisline, železa in antioksidantov pa zaviralno vpliva na razvoj bolezni srca in ožilj a. Prijetno druženje ob kraških dobrotah Kraška burja je gotovo nadloga, ki pesti Kraševce in jim z dvorišč odnaša vse, kar ni privezano, pribito ali privito. Ravno ta burja pa pomaga, da v mešanici kamna, miru in neokrnjene narave dozori pršut -še druga kraška dobrota, neločljivo povezana s prvo, teranom. Tanka rezina z močno aromo in vabljivim vonjem na koščku belega primorskega kruha je gotovo najboljša spremljevalka terana. Najboljši pršut je vedno narezan "na roke". Malo muhasto vreme ni uspelo pokvariti prijetnega vzdušja niti tistim, ki so s kozarčki med kletmi pohajali v bolj znanstveno-akademskem vzdušju, še manj pa tistim zanesenjakom, ki so ta dan izkoristili za veseljačenje in si s teranom pomagali iz spomina privabiti besedila že davno pozabljenih pesmi. Se še vidi na neki steni tam nekje med Tomajem in Štanjelom obledel napis: Dan brez vina je kakor dan brez sonca? Matjaž Pirš KNJIGE - BOOKS The A to Z of Slovenia by Leopoldina Plut-Pregelj The A to Z of Slovenia covers the history of Slovenia and its struggle to gain independence from communism. This is done through a detailed chronology, an introduction, appendixes, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on some of the more significant persons, places, and events; institutions and organisations; and political, economic, social, cultural, and religious facets. Available from Doctor's Orders Why is Adelaide surgeon Craig Jurisevic having his life turned into a blockbuster film? Name: Craig Jurisevic. Age: 45. Occupation: Cardiothoracic surgeon at Calvary Wakefield Hospital. What's his story? This month, Craig releases a memoir about his time with the International Medical Corps treating Kosovar refugees during the Kosovo conflict in 1999. Appalled by the atrocities he saw, the father of three from Burnside ended up joining the surgical team of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The what? The KLA was a guerilla organisation which fought the separation of Kosovo from Yugoslavia. Most of the members of the KLA were barely able to hold a rifle, so recreational shooter Craig began to train the soldiers. The book: Upon returning to Adelaide, Craig began to write his story during stolen lunch breaks, tapping furiously on his laptop at Alfresco café in Rundle Street. The deal: Craig began collaborating with biographer Robert Hillman and quickly found a book deal. His publishers peddled the manuscript at international book fairs and attracted the attention of Hollywood heavyweights such as Ridley Scott. "I got an email from Martin Scorsese," Craig laughs. The movie: Academy Award-winning Australian documentary producer Eva Orner has picked up the rights, with actor Sam Worthington showing interest in playing Craig. But first, you'll have to read the book. Blood On My Hands: A Surgeon At War is released on May 1, $32.95, Wild Dingo Press. Article reprinted from the Adelaide magazine, The Advertiser, May 5, 2010 (Craig Jurisevic is an Australian Slovenian.) NOVI DVD IN CD *** scheduled for release in the second half of 2010. Ekskluzivni dvojni DVD - Koncert Ans. LOJZETA SLAKA, Beltinci. Produkcija: GeorGe TV Studios, 031 288 966, Slovenija. Tanja Zagar: Hvala, ker si ob meni ti Hvala, ker si ob meni ti je njen drugi album, na njem pa je predstavljenih 14 popolnoma novih in še neobjavljenih pesmi s čutno in romantično vsebino v zabavnem glasbenem slogu. Prva skladba, ki je hkrati tudi nosilna skladba istoimenskega albuma "Hvala, ker si ob meni ti", nadaljuje kontinuiteto Tanjinih velikih uspešnic, saj gre za čutno izpovedno balado z optimističnim sporočilom, ki se bo zagotovo dotaknila zvestih Tanjinih poslušalcev. !/ gar?v=info In honour of the 30th anniversary of the existence and work of Laibach, the group has decided to release two very special limited edition albums in CD and vinyl versions. The LAIBACH REVISITED double album will include a complete version of the first classic Laibach album (LAIBACH, 1985), re-mastered from the original tapes with additional tracks included on the disc one. The second disc will present newly arranged and recorded versions of selected songs from the period 1980 - 1986. This album is due to be released in May 2010. The VOLKSWAGNER double album will present a unique Laibachian interpretation of Richard Wagner's music. Disc 1 will present a studio version of recorded and mixed material created in collaboration between Laibach, the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, and Izidor Leitinger. Disc 2 will present a selection of tracks recorded from live performances of the VOLKSWAGNER suite. This album is 13 Laibach prejeli priznanje z Otoka 26.05.2010 Ob 30-letnici je skupino Laibach opazila tudi metal revija Metal Hammer, saj so njihov album Opus Dei uvrstili med 300 najboljših metal albumov. V majskem izvodu britanske revije Metal Hammer je skupina Laibach doživela novo potrditev. Njihov album Opus Dei, ki je izšel leta 1987, so razglasili za enega izmed 300 najboljših metal albumov, ki jih morate slišati preden umrete. Skupino Laibach ob 30-letnici delovanja lahko bolje spoznate v Mednarodnem grafičnem likovnem centru v Ljubljani, kjer se odvija razstava GESAMTKUNST LAIBACH, Temelji 1980 - 1990. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on SloVid Seen & Heard Volcanic crockery in Bohinj region south of Lake Bohinj. Last active (submarine) volcano was in Slovenia 30 M Years ago. Internationally-acclaimed Laibach will mark their 30th anniversary with an exhibition focusing on the band's visual arts in the 1980-90s. The show, which opened at the International Centre of Graphic Arts in April, will run until 6 June. The Vocal Academy of Ljubljana (VAL), a male choir from Slovenia, has won the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing 2010, the most prestigious award in choral singing. The choir led by Stojan Kure was selected out of six finalists in Bulgaria's Varna on Saturday evening in a competition that also featured non-European choirs. VAL - Vocal Academy of Ljubljana Apart from the winning choir, two other Slovenian choirs made it to the finals this year. According to the Slovenian Public Fund for Cultural Activities, this is a feat unprecedented in the 20-year history of the competition. The contest is open only to the winners of any of the six grand prizes of European choral competitions in the year before. No choir may directly apply or audition for the contest. VAL convinced the jury with works by Jacobus Gallus, Hrabroslav Volaric, Hugo Wolf, Lojze Lebic, Giovanni Bonati and Ildebrando Pizzetti. The choir was set up in September 2008 and is comprised of singers from all parts of Slovenia. The renowned Lipizzaner stud farm in Lipica celebrated its 430th anniversary on May 19 with an evening ceremony addressed by Prime Minister Borut Pahor, who stressed that the farm must be preserved and enriched. The Lipizzaner is one of the symbols of Slovenian confidence, sovereignty and pride, the prime minister said. BUSINESS SLOVENIA International organisation Superbrands presented in March 2010 the best brands in Slovenia in 2009 at an event in Ljubljana. The Superbrands Slovenija 2009 title went to 29 brands, the organisers said in a press release. The selection has been carried out by a 60-member expert council, which has assessed more than 900 finalists, and by around 20,000 consumers who have casted on-line votes for their favourite brands. Top brands in Slovenia in 2009 are Baby Center, Cosmopolitan, Diners, Dormeo, Ego, Elan, Grand Hotel Union, Jogi, Kalia, Kolosej, Mercator, Mobitel, Mura, Obi, Odeja, Pekarna Pecjak, Petrol, Playboy, Riko, Siol, Steklarna Rogaska, Stihl, Story, Telekom Slovenije, Tusmobil, Vaillant, Zelene Doline, Zepter and Zlatarna Celje. According to Superbrands, the title went to brands who successfully made it through the 2009 business year. *** Slovenia has so far won the prestigious award twice. Academic Choir Tone Tomšič won it in 2002, when it was led by Kuret, and in 2008, under the baton of Ursa Lah. "You can't really know who you are and where you're going unless you know where you came from." Music legend Bruce Springsteen acknowledging his Italian heritage. Slovenia's leading retailer Mercator and a group of managers who took over retailer Merkur in 2007 have signed a letter of intent that envisages Mercator buying all of Merkur's technical goods stores, in Slovenia and abroad. *** Slovenia's economy is to expand by 1.1% this year and its general government deficit is projected to rise to 6.1% of GDP, the European Commission said in its spring economic forecast, released in Brussels in May. *** The 5-star Bohinj Park EKO Hotel in the Alpine resort of Bohinj is the first Slovenian hotel to receive the Green Globe Certification Award for sustainability. Founded in 1992 in California, the Green Globe Certificate is a prestigious label for the sustainable operation and management of travel and tourism businesses. The certification committee provides assessment based on several criteria like energy efficiency, water preservation and waste management. With Bohinj Park Hotel, Slovenia has joined 84 countries around the world whose businesses have been awarded the Green Globe Certification label, according to a press release from the hotel. Park Hotel, established in 2009 and located in the placid surroundings of Lake Bohinj, received the certificate as a result of the long-term environment friendly hotel policy. This certificate adds to the reputation of the hotel as one of the most environmentally-advanced in the EU and sets the foundations for a permanent sustainable management of tourism in Slovenia, the management stated. The Green Globe certificate is reviewed every two years and therefore requires continuous progress in the field of sustainable management, the press release from Bohinj Park Hotel said. Address: Triglavska cesta 17, Bohinj ska Bistrica , 4264, Slovenija Website: Social Media for Professionals Find Slovenian professional and business connections on the internet at LinkedIn -www. linkedin. com/ Linked AïL Alexander Jeglič Alexander Jeglič is an Instructor at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, and Legal Counsel at the Canadian Commercial Corporation. Previously he held the position of International Trade Advisor at the Australian Trade Commission in Washington DC, USA. v Sala Oči, a ti znaš pisati v temi? vpraša Janezek. - Seveda, tvoj oče zna vse! Kaj naj pa napišem? - Svoj podpis na moje spričevalo. *** - Tukaj je kopanje prepovedano, reče policist lepotici. - Zakaj mi tega niste povedali, preden sem se slekla? - Ker slačenje ni prepovedano! *** Mujo, povej mi eno dolgo besedo. - Guma. - Ta pa ni dolga. - Pa se lahko razvleče! Zavec v Tivoliju ubranil svetovni naslov 09.04.2010, Ljubljana - Slovenski boksar Dejan Zavec je v dvorani Tivoli v 12. rundi premagal Argentinca Rodolfa Ezequiela Martineza in ubranil naslov svetovnega prvaka v velterski kategoriji po verziji IBF. V Tivoliju sta se za naslov svetovnega boksarskega prvaka v velterski kategoriji po verziji IBF potegovala branilec naslova Dejan Zavec in argentinski izzivalec Rodolfo Ezequiel Martinez. Zavec je do naslova prvaka prišel 11. decembra 2009, ko je v Johannesburgu v tretji rundi nokavtiral branilca naslova, Južnoafričana Isaaca Hlatshwaya, ubranil pa ga je 9. aprila 2010 s tehničnim "knock-outom" v Tivoliju. Doslej ima 34-letni Zavec v profesionalni karieri že 29 zmag - 17 s KO - in le en poraz. Slovenski šampion tako nadaljuje z izjemnim boksarskimi podvigi. Dej an Zavec je ubranil naslov prvaka po verziji IBF. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Adrian, ampak ste pa res pridni, in iz vašega društvenega glasila ste se preobrazili v pravi časopisek. Žal mi je da mi tega niste poslali prej, bi lahko omenila v intervjuju kako dela mladina v Južni Avstraliji. Hvala in lep pozdrav, Stanka Gregorič Maribor, Slovenija 16/03/10 *** Pozdravljeni, Prav vesela sem, da se nas še vedno spomnite. Z veseljem prebiramo vaš časopis, katerega posredujem tudi našim šefom, da vidijo vašo aktivnost in predvsem povezanost, katera je v teh časih, še kako pomembna. Ko boste pripravljali novo številko, pa se bomo morda s kakšnim prispevkom oglasili tudi iz naše upravne enote. Želim vam vse dobro in lep pozdrav prav vsem. Majda Udovič Upravna enota Ilirska Bistrica Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenija 23/03/10 CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Zakelj - Dion, Jess and Holly, a baby girl Lilly Caitlin. Born May 24, 2010. Birthday - Rojstni dan April - Ivanka Pahor (80th), Magda Rother May - Loreta Lachi (75th), Sergio Lachi (80th) June - Ms Toni Zupančič, Milka Sapač July - Frank Končina Poroka - Wedding Anita Polajzer and Wajtek Gierlach, April 10 2010. Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Robert John Powell Passed away at Whyalla Hospital, May 26, 2010. Committed at Whyalla Garden Cemetery. Beloved husband of Mariella (nee Strgar). Loved father of Michael and Steven. Radislao Turelli Loved husband of Lea (deceased). Father of George and Robert. Joeseph (Jozef, Joshko) Budin Born in Trieste, Italy, July 6, 1954. Passed away May 27, 2010. 55 years old. Beloved husband of Wendy. Devoted father to Nicolas, Benjamin and Thomas. Father-in-law of Bianca and Caitlin. Loving nonno of Oliver. Loving son of Slava and Ludvik (deceased). PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $400.00 non-members: $850.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $180.00 non-members: $300.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $550.00 non-members: $1100.00 Further information phone -President: 8340 7010 Secretary: 8344 4757 USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President - Danilo Kresevič Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Danica Kaluža Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8121 3869 fax: 8346 2903 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am Pater Janez Tretjak 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Ivan Burnik Legiša President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) St. George's Building Level 6, 60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: Jure Gašparič pooblaščeni minister začasni odpravnik poslov Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Komenskega 11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8000 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: Boštjan Žekš Minister for Slovenians Abroad Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu (Government Council for Slovenians abroad) Sydney representative: Florjan Auser email: Melbourne representative: Peter Mandelj email: The Council meets annually in July in Slovenia. The objective of the Council is to preserve Slovenian culture, identity and language among Slovenians abroad. SBS Radio SBS Radio Sydney Locked Bag 028 Crows Nest NSW 1585 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 email: Tuesday and Sunday programs can be heard on SBS Radio 1 digital at 8.00 -9.00am. The program is repeated at 10.00am. Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesday's program at 9.00 - 10.00am on Adelaide FM 106.3 mhz or Adelaide Foothills FM 95.1 mhz Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio podcast: nguage=Slovenian Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney), Lenti Lenko and Pavel Šraj (Melbourne) Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna izseljenska srečanja (piknike) imenovana "Srečanje v moji deželi" Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Administrator Radio Slovenija 1 Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm -10.05pm Internet radio: d=rtvoddajeradio&op=show&func=read& c_menu=1&c_id=48 RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) tokens=slovenski+magazin chive.php The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Online newsletter from Cleveland, USA Phil Hrvatin Senior Editor Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 '/2 (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010