TOPOCLIMATIC MAPPING IN CENTRAL MORAVIA (CZECH REPUBLIC) Miroslav Vysoudir Abstract: The study deals with some results of topoclimatic mapping in central part of Moravia. Training area is covered by maps sheet 24-22 Olomouc, scale 1 : 50.000 and represents the territory 456 km2. 'Ilie map was constructed using the relief parameters as slopes inclination, aspects and the knowledge about morphographic types of georelief, respectively. By this way was possible to design theoretic insolation. Both the parameters the georelief and irradiance with regards on the active surface characters made possible to delimitate areas with typical topoelimate. Next phase of research was the spatial analysis. 1. Introduction The research area is situated in the central part of Moravia, Czech Republic. The district city Olomouc with more than 100.000 inhabitants can be considered as an organic central point of the region. A large part of this territory as a plain, used for intensive agricultural production. Partly wooded hilly karstland is an important water reservoir. The belt of flood forest along the Morava river has been proclamated as the natural protection area. Olomouc city and its surrounding is thought to be the site with intense economic activity that influences very important the environment quality. The topoelimate is understood to be one of the specific categories of climate. On the other hand the topoelimate is a characteristic feature for climate, being formed rigorous under influence of a local gcorclief and its active surface, (e.g. M.M. Yoshino, 1975). 2. The construction principle of a topoclimatic map A base for the construction of this kind of climatic map, topographic map 24-22 Olomouc at the scale 1 : 50.000 has been selected. The size of the * Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Palacky University Olomouc, Svobody 26, Chech Republic elementary area (grid cell) was chosen to be 500 x 500 meters. The parameters necessary for each cell were investigated: - altitude - slope angle (see Tab. 2) - aspect (see Tab. 3) - morphographic type of georelief (see Tab. 1) - dominating type of active surface - theoretic solar potential with regards to the energy balance at the earth’s surface (in April) as a combination both the slope angle and aspect (see Tab 4). The features a-c can be gained by the digitizing of the topographic map and subsequent processing by using of the fitting computer’s programs, e.g. G1S software. Because as the aspects as the slope inclination permit to appreciate the rate of the illumination of the elementary cells the author stated the actual value of the potential direct radiation relative to this value at horizontal plain. In this way the classification on the primary cells into 5 classes was made (see Tab. 4). The combination of the knowledge about values of the theoretic solar potential, dominating morphographic types of the georclief, dominating types of active surface, respectively, issued into topoclimatic classification and its spatial localisation. 3. Spatial analysis of the topoclimatic categories The individual categories of the topoclimate were designated in the plain, in the hillyland and in the highland, respectively. In the adjoining overview arc remarked all topoclimatic classes include their total/relative areas in km 2/%. 3 .1 Topoclimate of plains The plains cover the area 150,65 km2 on the map sheet and there was designated 6 specific categories of the topoclimate. The topoclimate of the plains (is not more specified) occurrences in the all areas that were determinated as a plain during morphographic classification of the georclief. - topoclimate of plains with low housing (16.12 km2-10.73 %) - topoclimate of flood plain forest (20.33 km2-13,49 %) - topoclimate of more large vvatcrsurfaces (1,38 km2-0.90 %) - topoclimate of plain with possibility of the occurrence of local temperature inversion (8.44 km2-5,60 %) - topoclimaic of plain with low housing and with possibility of local temperature inversion (1,36 km2-0.90 %) 3.2 Topoclimate of hillylands There is possible to define higher number of classes of topoclimatic categories due to predominant morphographic type of this georclief and as its more large area as more variable landscape architecture in the hilllyland. On the map sheet could be found 17 classes. - topoclimatc of foot plateau (116,01 km2—51,14 %) - topoclimatc of foot plateau with low housing (15,55 knr-6,85 %) - topoclimatc of foot plateau with high housing(3,75 km2-l,65 %) - topoclimatc of convex forms merged with surroundings (3.67 km2-l,62 %) - topoclimatc of very good insolatcd slopes (0,14 km2-0,06 %) - topoclimatc of good insolatcd slopes (1,31 km2-0,58 %) - topoclimatc of good insolatcd slopes with possibility of katabatic streaming (0,54 km2-0,24 %) - topoclimatc of normally insolatcd slopes (54,75 km2-24,13 %) - topoclimatc of normally insolatcd slopes with possibility of katabatic stream (15,62 km2-6,89 %) - topoclimatc of normally insolatcd slopes with low housing (4,74 km2-2,09 %) - topoclimatc of less insolatcd slopes ( 0.55 km2-0,24 %) - topoclimatc of low insolatcd slopes (0,35 km2-0,15 %) - topoclimatc of the areas with possibility of local temperature inversion (1,40 km2-0,62 %) - topoclimatc of the areas with low housing and with possibility of local temperature inversion (0,51 km2-0,22 %) - topoclimatc of concave forms (6,75 km2-2,98 %) - topoclimatc of concave forms with low housing (0,89 km2-0,39 %) - topoclimatc of the lakes (0,32 km2-0,14 %) 3.3 Topoclimatc of the highlands Even if these topoclimatc categories allocate on the topoclimatic map the least area (78,88 km2) in highlands their number is relatively high (13). - topoclimatc of foot plateau - topoclimatc of foot plateau with low housing (1,85 km2-2,35 %) - topoclimatc of convex forms raising above the surroundings (1.01 km2-1.28 %) - topoclimate of convex forms merged with surroundings (1,25 km2-1,58 %) - topoclimatc of very good insolatcd slopes (2,23 km2-2,83 %) - topoclimatc of good insolatcd slopes (25,58 km2-32,43 %) - topoclimate of very good insolatcd slopes with possibility of katabatic stream (0,25 km2-0,32 %) - topoclimatc of normally insolatcd slopes (18.59 km2-23,57 %) - topoclimatc of normally insolatcd slopes with possibility of katabatic stream (15,06 km2-19,09%) - topoclimate of normally insolatcd slopes with low housing (3,29 km2-4,17 %) - topoclimatc of less insolatcd slopes (1.11 km2-l,41 %) - topoclimate of concave forms (7.86 km2-9,96 %) - topoclimate of concavc forms with low housing (0.61 km2-0,77 %) Tab. 1: Morphographic types of gcorclief Type of gcorclief Total area (km2) Rel. area (km2) plain 150,65 33,01 hillyland 226,85 49,71 highland 78,88 17,28 Total 456,38 100.00 Tab. 2: The slopes inclination Slope inclination Total area (km2) Rel. area (%) 0,0- 2,0 dcg 303,86 66,58 2,1 - 5,0 dcg 24,78 27,34 5,1-10,0 dcg 21,07 4,62 10,1-15,0 dcg 4,72 1,03 >15,1 dcg 1,95 0,43 Tab. 3: The aspccts of slopes Aspects Total area (km2) Rel. area (%) north 30,04 6.58 south 26,11 5.72 west 32,70 7.17 cast 65,52 14,36 Tab. 4: Potential solar radiation (l=low. 2=less, 3=normal, 4=more. 5=very good) Slope (dcg) Aspect South East/West North <5,5 3 3 3 5,1 - 10,0 4 3 2 10,1 - 15,0 4 3 2 15,1 -20,0 5 3 1 20.0 > Fig. I: The topoclimatic map ( the section of map sheet 24-22 Olomouc). Explanation: t. of plains t. of fool plateau t. ofhillylands 7 t. of very good insolated slopes t. of normally insolated slopes t. of normally insolated slopes with low housing 13 t. of low insolated slopes t. of concave forms with low housing A 4 A A A t. of plain with low housing t. of foot plateau with low housing A A A A t. of convex forms merged with surroundings t. of good insolated slopes o V o o V o t. of normally insolated slopes with possibility of katabatic stream 12 t. of less insolated slopes t. of concave forms t. of highlands ft ft t. of convex forms raising above surroundings t. of convex forms merged with surroundings H t. of very good insolated slopes 3« I of good insolated slopes t. of normally insolated slopes o . o o • o t. of normali low housing o V o o V o t. of normally insolated slopes with possibility of katabatic stream 25 t. of less insolated slopes X - X X • X t. of concave forms . of concave forms with low housing □ |V|o □ |V|n t of good insolated slopes with possibility of katabatic stream Literature: Quitt, E.: Obsah mezoklimaticke mapy. 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