Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 5 (2012) 325–331 On the core of a unicyclic graph Vadim E. Levit Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel Eugen Mandrescu Holon Institute of Technology, Israel Received 23 February 2011, accepted 22 December 2011, published online 10 April 2012 Abstract A set S ⊆ V is independent in a graph G = (V,E) if no two vertices from S are adjacent. By core(G) we mean the intersection of all maximum independent sets. The independence number α(G) is the cardinality of a maximum independent set, while µ(G) is the size of a maximum matching in G. A connected graph having only one cycle, say C, is a unicyclic graph. In this paper we prove that if G is a unicyclic graph of order n and n − 1 = α(G) + µ(G), then core (G) coincides with the union of cores of all trees in G− C. Keywords: Maximum independent set, core, matching, unicyclic graph, König-Egerváry graph. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C69, 05C70 1 Introduction Throughout this paper G = (V,E) is a simple (i.e., a finite, undirected, loopless and without multiple edges) graph with vertex set V = V (G) and edge set E = E(G). If X ⊂ V , then G[X] is the subgraph of G spanned by X . By G−W we mean the subgraph G[V −W ], if W ⊂ V (G). For F ⊂ E(G), by G − F we denote the partial subgraph of G obtained by deleting the edges of F , and we use G − e, if W = {e}. If A,B ⊂ V and A ∩ B = ∅, then (A,B) stands for the set {e = ab : a ∈ A, b ∈ B, e ∈ E}. The neighborhood of a vertex v ∈ V is the set N(v) = {w : w ∈ V and vw ∈ E}, and N(A) = ∪{N(v) : v ∈ A}, N [A] = A ∪ N(A) for A ⊂ V . By Cn,Kn we mean the chordless cycle on n ≥ 4 vertices, and respectively the complete graph on n ≥ 1 vertices. A set S of vertices is independent if no two vertices from S are adjacent, and an in- dependent set of maximum size will be referred to as a maximum independent set. The E-mail addresses: (Vadim E. Levit), eugen (Eugen Mandrescu) Copyright c© 2012 DMFA Slovenije 326 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 325–331 independence number of G, denoted by α(G), is the size of a maximum independent set of G. Let Ω(G) denote the family {S : S is a maximum independent set of G}, while core(G) = ∩{S : S ∈ Ω(G)} [11]. An edge e ∈ E(G) is α-critical whenever α(G − e) > α(G). Notice that the inequalities α(G) ≤ α(G− e) ≤ α(G) + 1 hold for each edge e. A matching (i.e., a set of non-incident edges of G) of maximum cardinality µ(G) is a maximum matching, and a perfect matching is one covering all vertices of G. An edge e ∈ E(G) is µ-critical provided µ(G− e) < µ(G). Theorem 1.1. [13] For every graph G no α-critical edge has an endpoint in N [core(G)]. It is well-known that bn/2c+ 1 ≤ α(G) + µ(G) ≤ n hold for every graph G with n vertices. If α(G) + µ(G) = n, then G is called a König- Egerváry graph [3, 19]. Several properties of König-Egerváry graphs are presented in [6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16]. It is known that every bipartite graph is a König-Egerváry graph as well [5, 8]. This class includes also non-bipartite graphs (see, for instance, the graph G in Figure 1). w w w w w w w @ @ @ a b cu v x y G Figure 1: A König-Egerváry graph with α(G) = |{a, b, c, x}| and µ(G) = |{au, cv, xy}|. Theorem 1.2. If G is a König-Egerváry graph, then (i) [12] every maximum matching matches N(core(G)) into core(G); (ii) [13] H = G−N [core(G)] is a König-Egerváry graph with a perfect matching and each maximum matching of H can be enlarged to a maximum matching of G. The graph G is called unicyclic if it is connected and has a unique cycle, which we denote by C = (V (C), E (C)). Let N1(C) = {v : v ∈ V (G)− V (C), N(v) ∩ V (C) 6= ∅}, and Tx = (Vx, Ex) be the tree of G− xy containing x, where x ∈ N1(C), y ∈ V (C). w w w w w w w w w w @ @ @ @ @ @ u v x y w c a b d t G w w w w w @ @ @ u v x a b Tx Figure 2: G is a unicyclic non-König-Egerváry graph with V (C) = {y, d, t, c, w}. Unicyclic graphs keep enjoying plenty of interest, as one can see, for instance, in [1, 4, 7, 14, 18, 20, 21]. In this paper we analyze the structure of core(G) for a unicyclic graph G. V. E. Levit and E. Mandrescu: On the core of a unicyclic graph 327 2 Results If G is a unicyclic graph, then there is an edge e ∈ E (C), such that µ(G − e) = µ(G), because for each pair of edges, consecutive on C, at most one could be µ-critical. Let us mention that α(G) ≤ α(G − e) ≤ α(G) + 1 holds for each edge e ∈ E (G). Every edge of the unique cycle could be α-critical; e.g., the graph G from Figure 2, which has also additional α-critical edges (e.g., the edge uv). Notice that the bipartite graph Tx from Figure 2 has only two maximum matchings, namely, M1 = {ax, uv} and M2 = {bx, uv}, while for each maximum matching there is a vertex in core(Tx) = {a, b} not saturated by that matching. Lemma 2.1. For every bipartite graph G, a vertex v ∈ core(G) if and only if there exists a maximum matching that does not saturate v. Proof. Since v ∈ core(G), it follows that α(G− v) = α(G)− 1. Consequently, we have α(G) + µ(G)− 1 = |V (G)| − 1 = |V (G− v)| = α(G− v) + µ(G− v) which implies that µ(G) = µ(G− v). In other words, there is a maximum matching in G not saturating v. Conversely, suppose that there exists a maximum matching in G that does not saturate v. Since, by Theorem 1.2(i), N(core(G)) is matched into core(G) by every maximum matching, it follows that v /∈ N(core(G)). Assume that v /∈ core(G). By Theorem 1.2(ii), every maximum matching M of G is of the form M = M1 ∪M2, where M1 matches N(core(G)) into core(G), while M2 is a perfect matching of G−N [core(G)]. Thus v is saturated by every maximum matching of G, in contradiction with the hypothesis on v. Remark 2.2. Lemma 2.1 fails for non-bipartite König-Egerváry graphs; e.g., every maxi- mum matching of the graph G from Figure 1 saturates c ∈ core(G) = {a, b, c}. Lemma 2.3. If G is a unicyclic graph of order n, then n− 1 ≤ α(G) + µ(G) ≤ n. Proof. If e = xy ∈ E(C), thenG−e is a tree, becauseG is connected. Hence, α(G−e)+ µ(G − e) = n. Clearly, α(G − e) ≤ α(G) + 1, while µ(G − e) ≤ µ(G). Consequently, we get that n = α(G− e) + µ(G− e) ≤ α(G) + µ(G) + 1, which leads to n− 1 ≤ α(G) + µ(G). The inequality α(G) + µ(G) ≤ n is true for every graph G. Remark 2.4. If G has n vertices, p connected components, say Hi, 1 ≤ i ≤ p, and each component contains only one cycle, then one can easily see that n−p ≤ α(G)+µ(G) ≤ n, because α(G) = p∑ i=1 α(Hi) and µ(G) = p∑ i=1 µ(Hi). While C2k, k ≥ 2, has no α-critical edge at all, each edge of every odd cycle C2k−1, k ≥ 2, is α-critical. This property is partially inherited by unicyclic graphs. Lemma 2.5. Let G be a unicyclic graph of order n. Then n − 1 = α(G) + µ(G) if and only if each edge of its unique cycle is α-critical. 328 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 325–331 Proof. Assume that n− 1 = α(G) + µ(G). Since G is connected, for each e ∈ E(C) the graph G− e is a tree. Hence, we have α(G− e)− α(G) + µ(G− e)− µ(G) = 1, which implies µ(G− e) = µ(G) and α(G− e) = α(G) + 1, since −1 ≤ µ(G− e)− µ(G) ≤ 0 ≤ α(G− e)− α(G) ≤ 1. In other words, every e ∈ E(C) is α-critical. Conversely, let e ∈ E (C) be such that µ(G− e) = µ(G); such an edge exists, because no two consecutive edges on C could be µ-critical. Since e is α-critical, and G − e is a tree, we infer that n− 1 = α(G− e) + µ(G− e)− 1 = α(G) + µ(G), and this completes the proof. Combining Lemma 2.5 and Theorem 1.1, we infer the following. Corollary 2.6. If G is a unicyclic non-König-Egerváry graph, then no vertex of its unique cycle belongs to N [core(G)]. Remark 2.7. Corollary 2.6 is true also for some unicyclic König-Egerváry graphs; e.g., the graph H1 from Figure 3. However, the König-Egerváry graph H2 from the same figure satisfies N [core(H2)] ∩ V (C) = {u} 6= ∅. w w w w w w w w w a b c d H1 w w w w w w w w w @ @ @ x y zu v H2 Figure 3: H1 and H2 have N [core(H1)] = {a, b, c}, N [core(H2)] = {x, y, z, u, v}. Lemma 2.8. Let G be a unicyclic graph of order n. If there exists some x ∈ N1(C), such that x ∈ core(Tx), then G is a König-Egerváry graph. Proof. Let x ∈ core(Tx), y ∈ N (x) ∩ V (C), and z ∈ N (y) ∩ V (C). Suppose, to the contrary, that G is not a König-Egerváry graph. By Lemmas 2.3 and 2.5, the edge yz is α-critical. Hence y /∈ core(G), which implies that α(G) = α(G− y). In accordance with Lemma 2.1, there exists a maximum matching Mx of Tx not saturating x. Combining Mx with a maximum matching ofG−y−Tx we get a maximum matchingMy ofG−y. Hence My ∪ {xy} is a matching of G, which results in µ (G) ≥ µ (G− y) + 1. Therefore, using Lemma 2.3 and having in mind that G− y is a forest of order n− 1, we get the following contradiction n− 1 = α(G) + µ (G) ≥ α(G− y) + µ (G− y) + 1 = n− 1 + 1 = n, that completes the proof. V. E. Levit and E. Mandrescu: On the core of a unicyclic graph 329 Remark 2.9. The converse of Lemma 2.8 is not generally true; e.g., the graph H1 from Figure 3 is a unicyclic König-Egerváry graph, while both c /∈ core(Tc) = {a, b}, and d /∈ core(Td) = ∅. Theorem 2.10. If G is a unicyclic non-König-Egerváry graph, then core (G) = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N1(C)} . Proof. Claim 1. Every maximum independent set of Tx may be enlarged to some maximum independent set of G, for each x ∈ N1(C). Let A ∈ Ω(Tx), y ∈ N (x) ∩ V (C), and z ∈ N (y) ∩ V (C). According to Lemma 2.5, the edge yz is α-critical. Hence there exist Sy ∈ Ω(G), Syz ∈ Ω(G − yz), such that y ∈ Sy and y, z ∈ Syz . Case 1. Assume that x /∈ A. If |Sy − V (Tx)| < α(G − Tx) = |S0|, where S0 ∈ Ω (G− Tx), then the set S1 = S0 ∪ (Sy ∩ V (Tx)) is independent in G, and we get the contradiction α (G) = |Sy − V (Tx)|+ |Sy ∩ V (Tx)| < |S0|+ |Sy ∩ V (Tx)| = |S1| . Therefore, we have |Sy − V (Tx)| = α(G − Tx). Then A ∪ (Sy − V (Tx)) ∈ Ω(G), otherwise we obtain the following contradiction |Sy − V (Tx)|+ |A| < α(G) ≤ α(G− Tx) + α(Tx) = |Sy − V (Tx)|+ |A| . Case 2. Assume now that x ∈ A. Then we have |A| ≥ |Syz ∩ V (Tx)|, because Syz∩V (Tx) is independent in Tx. Hence we infer α (G) = |Syz − {y}| ≤ |(Syz − {y} − (Syz ∩ V (Tx))) ∪A| = = |(Syz − {y} − V (Tx)) ∪A| . Since W = (Syz − {y} − V (Tx)) ∪ A is independent and its size is α (G) at least, it follows that W is also a maximum independent set, i.e., we have A ⊆ W ∈ Ω(G), as needed. Claim 2. S ∩ V (Tx) ∈ Ω (Tx) for every S ∈ Ω (G) and each x ∈ N1(C). Let S ∈ Ω (G), and suppose, to the contrary, that A = S ∩ V (Tx) /∈ Ω (Tx). By Lemma 2.8, x /∈ core(Tx). Thus we can change A for some B ∈ Ω (Tx) not containing x. The set (S −A) ∪ B is clearly independent in G, and this leads to the contradiction |(S −A) ∪B| = |S −A|+ |B| > |S| = α(G). Combining Claims 1 and 2, we infer that: core (Tx) = ∩{A : A ∈ Ω(Tx)} = ∩{S ∩ V (Tx) : S ∈ Ω(G)} = (∩{S : S ∈ Ω(G)}) ∩ V (Tx) = core (G) ∩ V (Tx) , which clearly implies core (G) = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N(V (C))− V (C)} as required. 330 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 325–331 Remark 2.11. The assertion in Theorem 2.10 may fail for: (i) bipartite unicyclic graphs; for example, the graphs H1, H2 from Figure 4 satisfy core (H1) = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N1(C)} , and core (H2) 6= {x, z} = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N1(C)} ; w w w w w w w w w a b H1 w w w w w w w w @ @ @ x y z t H2 Figure 4: H1, H2 are bipartite unicyclic graphs, core(H1) = {a, b}, core(H2) = {t, x, y, z}. (ii) non-bipartite König-Egerváry unicyclic graphs; for instance, core (G2) 6= {t, z} = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N1(C)} , while core (G1) = ∪{core (Tx) : x ∈ N1(C)} , where G1 and G2 are from Figure 5. w w w w w w w w w @ @ @ a b c G1 w w w w w w w t y z G2 Figure 5: G1, G2 are König-Egerváry graphs, core(G1) = {a, b, c}, core(G2) = {t, y, z}. It is worth mentioning that the problem of whether there are vertices in a given graph G belonging to core (G) is NP-hard [2]. In [17] we have presented both sequential and parallel algorithms finding core (G) in polynomial time for König-Egerváry graphs. By Theorem 2.10, a unicyclic graph is either a König-Egerváry graph or its core (G) equals a union of cores of a finite number of some special subtrees. Therefore, we get the following. Corollary 2.12. IfG is a unicyclic graph, then core (G) is computable in polynomial time. 3 Conclusions The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the structure of core (G) for unicyclic graphs. 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