Št. 1/2013 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning UDK: Cristian Suau TRANSGRESIVNI URBANIZEM: (Ob)mejna območja in urbana neformalnost ameriških mest ob vseameriški cesti TRANSGRESSIVE URBANISM: Borderlands and Urban Informality of American Cities along the Pan-American Highway 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek ČLANEK RAZPRAVA DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ COMPETITION PREDSTAVITEV PRESENTATION IZVLEČEK Raziskava obravnava načine za preseganje političnih mej, da bi razvili podrejene oblike urbanizma in robnih pogojev, s ciljem primerjalne analize (ob)mejnih mest v Amerikah, kjer prevladujejo sive ekonomije in jih najdemo vzdolž vseameriške ceste (angl. Pan-American Highway) - največje prometne infrastrukture na Zemlji. Ta zemeljski prometni koridor deluje kot velik linearni urbanizem in sestavlja ekonomski katalizator hitro rastočih urbanih gospodarstev in scenarijev politične regionalne integracije (»mehke meje«) ali utrditve (razmejevanje). Zaradi mejnih obremenitev so se v procesu »trenutnosti« različne sive urbane ekonomije nadgradile in dosegle primerne standarde proizvodnje, porabe in izmenjave. V zvezi z regionalnem razvojem je bil neposredni učinek vseameriške ceste - od Aljaske do Patagonije - razširitev formalnih in neformalnih ekonomskih in trgovinskih koridorjev ob glavni infrastrukturni mreži, ki oblikuje urbano strukturo (ob) mejnih mest. Po eni strani raziskava odraža mejne pogoje ameriških mejnih mest, v katerih vladajo formalne in neformalne ekonomije. Po drugi strani primerja in kritično prikazuje družbeno-prostorska načela infrastruktur-nega urbanizma in pojav metapolizacije (Ascher, 2004) urbanih ekonomij v izbranih mejnih mestih. Novost te raziskave je opazovanje in kartiranje novih prostorskih načrtov v obmejnih krajinah vzdolž največjega infrastruk-turnega sistema na Zemlji. KLJUČNE BESEDE politična geografija, infrastrukturni urbanizem, (ob)mejna območja, hibridne krajine, (ob)mejna mesta in neformalnost ABSTRACT This study explores the ways in which political boundaries can be trespassed in order to develop subaltern forms of urbanism and edge conditions, mainly to the comparative study of border cities in the Americas, predominantly ruled by informal economies, and which are situated alongside the largest land-transport infrastructure on Earth called 'Pan-American Highway'. This land transport corridor operates as a grand linear urbanism and constitutes the economical catalyst of emerging urban economies in scenarios of political regional integration ('soft boundaries') or fortification (demarcations). As result of border pressure, the process of 'instantness' has upgraded various informal urban economies to adequate standards of production, consumption and exchange. In terms of regional development, one of the direct impacts of the Pan-American Highway - from Alaska to Patagonia - has been the expansion of formal and informal economic and trade corridors along this main infrastructure network, which is shaping the urban structure of border cities or towns. On one hand, this study reflects on the border conditions of American border cities ruled by formal and informal economies. On another hand, it compares and critically reflects on the socio-spatial principles of infrastructural urbanism and the phenomenon of metapolisation (Ascher, 2004) of urban economies in selected border cities. The novelty of this study lies in the observation and mapping of new spatial schemes in border landscapes alongside the largest infrastructure on Earth. KEY-WORDS Political Geography, Infrastructural Urbanism, Borderlands, Hybrid Landscapes, Border Cities and Informality 68 Cristian Suau TRANSGRESIVNI URBANIZEM: (OB)MEJNA OBMOČJA IN URBANA NEFORMALNOST AMERIŠKIH MEST OB VSEAMERIŠKI CESTI: 68-77(202) IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No. 1/2013 1. INTRODUCTION Border conditions are connected to the establishment of socio-economic forces that rule the production and occupancy of every-day spaces in cities. This phenomenon creates a 'new geography of centrality and marginality' (Bayat, 2000), which is characterised by contestation, internal asymmetries, and discontinuous transgressions1 between territories in friction, mainly in borderlands and border towns. How do these urban dynamics operate and interplay between international, regional and urban frontiers? Economists and geographers have pointed out that urban forms have often been driven by neo-liberal forces (Brenner, Peck, and Theodore, 2012) with a stark increase in regional and global dissimilarities (Scott and Storper, 2003), growing environmental problems (Bateson, 1972), displacement of rural communities, extension of slums, informal employment and the dismantling of socio-environmental protections (Davis, 2006). Urban corridors, mega urban regions and city regions are emerging across national borders in Europe. The phenomena of border environments can be analysed through interurban (within the same city); trans-urban (bet- 1 Transgression (etymology): Late 14c., from Old French transgression (12c.), from Late Latin transgressionem (nominative transgressio) "a transgression of the law," in classical Latin, "a going over," from transgressus, past participle of transgredi "go beyond,"from trans- "across" (see trans-) + gradi (past participle gressus) "to walk,go"(see grade). Transgression (definition): 'An act that goes beyond generally accepted boundaries' Source: http://www.etymonline.com/ index.php?term=transgression ween various cities) and trans-regional (between more regions, states or countries) levels. Border cities perform like the strategic economic regions gateways. These border conditions are defined by visible vs. invisible; hard vs. soft; formal vs. informal; isotopic vs. heterotopic environments. Whilst the attributes of natural boundaries are defined by the internal structure of enclosed territories, the artificial borders delineate a territory from the margins inwards. Man-made borderlands are understood as peripheral or edge voids, buffer lands allotted between frictional political, ethnic and economic shores. They can fluctuate from highly dense strips to uninhabited borderlands, both vulnerable to processes of demographic shrinkage, political or economic abandonment or ecological dereliction (Solà-Morales, 2002; Daskalakis, Waldheim and Young, 2006). This study explores the ways in which political boundaries can be trespassed in order to develop subaltern forms of urbanism and edge conditions, mainly to the comparative study of border cities in the Americas, predominantly ruled by informal economies, and which are situated alongside the largest land-transport infrastructure on Earth called 'Pan-American Highway'2. This land transport corridor operates as a grand linear urbanism 2 "This titanic route so-called Panamericana in Spanish, with about 32,700 km and numerous geographical, environmental and urban contrasts, has captured the imagination (and hostility) of visionary planners, engineers and environmentalists for many decades. It represents a systematic attempt of linking and organising cities and regions in the Americas, through formal and informal dynamics of transportation, economic development and urban processes" (Suau, 2012). ■ (nbuhi P AN-AMERICAN highway (jig*rv( dumi j 1WK k» (1 mlnnniV)»! J dill« äf il pw-tXiitad Jujm I unp» pdrmna clijlj limai lanliago ; Jinrtillin il« in(j(niiiMou I buena: iln ) pLK-lEl UtUX -K ¿1 J_ PAN-AMERICAN CITIES je t*f> Iwghw jy undrJi nn^rn nop i . It benirilvid $ mtfli v f « • • Figure 8: Map samples of the international frontier or 'soft buffer zone' between Chile and Peru (left image) and the cities ofTacna and Arica along the Pan-American Highway (middle and right images) (Source: Dr. Suau archive, 2013). * . .. ... v:.,,-.-/' mSm • . ^rv-p Om 100m 2003 2009 2012 2011 itTSSh^ v" 'Vi IPIfiSfrf mm Figure 9: Beyond 'Zona Urbana': Informal immigrant settlement outside the urban limit of Arica. Top (clockwise array): Evolution of the squatter from 2003 to 2012. Bottom: Panoramic view of the 'campamento'. (Source: Dr. Suau archive, 2013). 117 Št. 1/2013 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning ■ Latentvesusactive. Its performance either remains in a dormant state (or intermittent activation) or active one when it is used regularly. ■ Transformative. It is resilient with a view to changing any aspect of formal social layer. It can initiate collaborative partnerships between community interests and the formal retail or real estate sectors, allowing for more inclusion. ■ Transgressive. It provides a robust structure of resistance. The formal infrastructural support creates substitutive informality in order to continue to operate easily. This 'safety-valve function' offers a place where informal traders and dwellers plot out their strategies to destabilise or disrupt the formal infrastructure. REFERENCES Bayat, Asef(2000). From 'Dangerous Classes' to 'Quiet Rebels' Politics of the Urban Subaltern in the Global South, International Sociology, Vol 15 (3). London: SAGE, 533-557 Brenner, Peck, and Theodore (2012), Civic City Cahier 4: Afterlives of Neoliberalism. London: AA publications Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sola-Morales, I (2002). Territorios. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili editorial. Daskalakis, Waldheim and Young (2006), The Landscape Urbanism Reader. New York: Princeton Architectural Press Ascher, F. (2004). New Principles of Urbanism. Madrid: Alianza Editorial Castells, M., Portes, A. & Benton, L. (1989). The Informal Economy. London: The John Hopkins University Press. Davis, M. (2006). Planet of Slum. NewYork: Verso. Hasan, A. (1998) The Informal City. Serving GIS Data through World Wide Web: http://www.fukuoka.unhabitat. org/docs/occasional papers/project a/07/city-arif-e.html (Accessed: September 2013). Laguerre, M. (1994). The Informal City. London: MacMillan Press. EDITORIAL CLANEK Richardson, C. & Pisani, M. (2012). The Informal and Underground Economy of the South Texas Border. Austin: University ofTexas Press. Schneider, F. (2002). Size and Measurement of the Informal Economies in 110 Countries in the World. Serving GIS Data through World Wide Web: http://www.amnet.co.il/attachments/informal economy110.pdf (Accessed: September 2013). Suau, C. & Tunka, S. (2009). Modern Suburbia. Arhitectura Journal 75, Bucharest, pp. 90-95. Suau, C. (2012). The Pan-American Strip. CERCLE Review 006. http://cercle.upc.edu (Accessed: 11 October 2012). UNCHS (2013). Urban Indicators Programme. http://www.urbanobservatory.org/indicators/database (Accessed: September 2013). PRESENTATION RAZPRAVA DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ COMPETITION PREDSTAVITEV 68 Cristian Suau TRANSGRESIVNI URBANIZEM: (OB)MEJNA OBMOČJA IN URBANA NEFORMALNOST AMERIŠKIH MEST OB VSEAMERIŠKI CESTI: 68-77(202)