A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 147–151 COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS KOMPOZITI Z ANORGANSKO OSNOVO ZA IZPOSTAVITEV EKSTREMNIM RAZMERAM Amos Dufka, Tomá{ Melichar Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Materials and Components, Veveøí 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic dufka.a@fce.vutbr.cz, melichar.t@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.205 The vast majority of reinforced-concrete structures are exposed to aggressive substances from the environment during their exploitation. The consequence is the degradation of the materials and reduction in the lifetime of the structures. Therefore, it is natural to make an effort to develop and apply the materials that are maximally resistant to such conditions. Materials based on alkali-activated matrices show a high resistance against chemically aggressive environments. The article is focused on the use of the materials based on alkali-activated substances as repair materials for the structures exposed to aggressive groundwater. Keywords: alkali-activated substances, aggressive surrounding, durability of structures Velika ve~ina betonskih konstrukcij je med uporabo izpostavljena agresivnim snovem iz okolja. Posledica je razpadanje mate- riala in skraj{anje trajnostne dobe konstrukcije. Zato je naravno, da si prizadevamo razviti in uporabiti materiale, ki so najbolj zdr`ljivi v danih razmerah. Materiali, ki imajo z alkalijami aktivirano osnovo, izkazujejo veliko odpornost pri izpostavitvi kemijsko agresivnemu okolju. ^lanek obravnava uporabo materialov, ki temeljijo na snoveh, aktiviranih z alkalijami, kot mate- rialih za popravilo konstrukcij, ki so izpostavljene agresivni talni vodi. Klju~ne besede: z alkalijami aktivirane snovi, agresivno okolje, zdr`ljivost konstrukcij 1 INTRODUCTION A lot of structures are exposed to the environments that are, due to their chemistry, quite aggressive to rein- forced concrete. The material’s resistance against the aggressive substances from the external environment is mainly determined by the features of its matrix.1 Com- pared to concrete stone, the materials with the matrices based on alkali-activated substances have a significantly higher resistance to chemical substances. The article deals with the development and, especially, the applica- tion of the repair materials based on alkali-activated materials used for the repair of the reinforced-concrete lining of an underground collector used in a chemically aggressive environment. 2 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COLLECTOR AND THE CONDITIONS OF ITS EXPLOITATION The excavation of the underground collector was done using the machine-excavation technology, while the final scraping of the excavation area was carried out with the classical, manual excavation method. The excavation area is from 13 m2 to 14 m2 (by stationing). The length of the underground part of the collector is 7.87 km; the lining and casing of the tunnels are made of shotcrete, whose strength within this project is determined to be 20 MPa. The lining of the tunnels is reinforced with welded mesh panels (Ø 6–100/100 mm) and a rigid mine casing. The thickness of the shotcrete is 100 mm. Dry shotcrete was applied. Already one year after the construction, significant defects began to occur. These were mainly the penetra- tion of water through the lining, new formations of solid carbonate on the surface of the lining, the formation of waste products associated with the reinforcement corrosion, etc. A typical state of the damaged lining after one year of operation is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 147 UDK 691.32:620.193:624.012.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)147(2016) Figure 1: View of the location, in which a massive penetration of moisture occurred: new solid-carbonate formations are visible on the surface of the lining Slika 1: Prikaz podro~ja, kjer se je pojavila mo~na penetracija vlage; viden je nastanek trdnega karbonata na povr{ini podlage The state of the structure continued to deteriorate very quickly and, therefore, it was necessary to take cor- rective measures. It was found that before the construc- tion of the collector no hydrogeological survey was per- formed, or it was performed unprofessionally and insufficiently. To properly assess the causes of the failures, a detailed construction and technical investigation was carried out in the places where the state of the concrete was being evaluated, and an analysis of the chemical composition of the groundwater in various locations of the collector was performed. The results of the chemical analysis of the groundwater are given in Table 1. The foregoing shows that in terms of the durability of the concrete the amount of sulphate ions in the water is essential. The aggressiveness of the environment in diffe- rent parts of the collector can be classified as relevant in accordance with EN 206-1 (Table 2). Table 1: Results of the chemical analysis of groundwater Tabela 1: Kemijska analiza talnice Chemical composition Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Alkalinity 7.68 7.50 7.70 Sulphates 3450 mg L–1 148 mg L–1 1369 mg L–1 Chlorides 170 mg L–1 152 mg L–1 260 mg L–1 Nitrates 146 mg L–1 124 mg L–1 180 mg L–1 Ammonia ions 0.17 mg L–1 0.13 mg L–1 0.08 mg L–1 Chemical composition Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments Alkalinity 7.15 7.25 7.38 Sulphates 3825 mg L–1 1740 mg L–1 193 mg L–1 Chlorides 156 mg L–1 78 mg L–1 178 mg L–1 Nitrates 160 mg L–1 112 mg L–1 134 mg L–1 Ammonia ions 4.12 mg L–1 0.17 mg L–1 16. mg L–1 Table 2: Evaluation of groundwater aggression Tabela 2: Ocena po{kodb zaradi talne vode Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Highly aggressive environment Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments No aggression Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Moderately aggressive chemical environment Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Highly aggressive environment Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Moderately aggressive chemical environment Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments No aggression On the basis of the results of the chemical analysis of the water samples it was possible to conclude that the water that passes through quaternary sediments does not cause the sulphate corrosion of the concrete. A com- pletely different situation occurs when the water passes through tertiary sediments. These waters show moderate and, in some areas, even high sulphate aggressiveness. The results of the chemical analysis clearly demonstrated a high level of aggressiveness of the groundwater affect- ing the collector. Underestimating this fact or failing to carry out a hydrogeological research before the construc- tion of a collector is, therefore, shown to be a serious deficiency. To assess the actual state after two years of the ope- ration of the collector, a construction and technical research was performed, aimed especially to: • assess the state of the concrete, in terms of both physical and mechanical parameters (i.e., particularly in terms of compressive strength) and in terms of its chemical and mineralogical compositions; • assess the state of the reinforcement and the degree of its corrosion, especially in connection to the concrete’s ability to passivate the reinforcement corrosion with its natural alkalinity. The process of the construction and technical re- search was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Technical Conditions for Reinforced Concrete Structure Reinstalment1 and the relevant technical stan- A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 148 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 Figure 2: Collection of core bores from the lining. Significant car- bonate efflorescence is visible on the surface of the wall. Slika 2: Zbiranje jeder iz izvrtine v podlagi. Na povr{ini stene je vi- den mo~an razcvet karbonatov. Table 3: Concrete’s compressive strength depending on the aggres- siveness of groundwater in different parts of the collector Tabela 3: Trdnost betona v odvisnosti od po{kodb zaradi talne vode na razli~nih pozicijah kolektorja Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments 8 MPa Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments 25 MPa Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments 14 MPa Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments 10 MPa Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments 16 MPa Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments 27 MPa dards. The sampling for testing the compressive strength and for the physico-chemical analysis was carried out with core bores. Within the project, the strength class of the concrete was defined as 20 MPa. The results for the compressive strength determined on the samples and collected within the research are summarized in Table 3. The mineralogical composition of the concrete was evaluated with an X-ray diffraction analysis, its results are presented in Table 4. Table 4: Results of the mineralogical analysis of the concrete Tabela 4: Rezultati mineralo{ke sestave betona Sampling point Identified minerals Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, ettringite, gypsum, quartz, feldspar Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, mono- sulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, portlandite, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, ettringite, gypsum, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, mono- sulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 6.67 km –quaternary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, carbonate complex, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar It is clear that in certain locations, already after two years of the groundwater penetration, a massive degra- dation of the concrete occurred. The concrete’s compres- sive strength in the affected areas is only about half of its original value. This finding corresponds completely with the results of the physical and chemical analyses show- ing massive corrosion formations (gypsum, secondary ettringite) in the microstructure of the affected concrete. In addition, the physical and chemical analyses showed that in some areas the water penetrating the lining caused quite an intense decomposition ("a washout") of the cement matrix. This, of course, resulted in a decrease in the strength of the concrete. So, massive and negative symptoms occurred after two years of the operation of the collector. On the basis of the experience with similar types of structures, sup- ported by a mathematical simulation, an assumption was formulated, according to which in approximately two years, in some parts of the collector the rate of degra- dation of the lining will be so high that the static load of the collector will be affected. Therefore, it was necessary to repair the structure. The first phase of the repair work related to the most affected areas. In these locations, the entire layer of the concrete along the lining was removed and the reinforce- ment affected by extreme corrosion was replaced. The removed concrete was then replaced with the repair ma- terial. Due to the highly aggressive environment, a mate- rial with a matrix based on alkali-activated substances was used. 3 REPAIR MATERIAL BASED ON ALKALI-ACTIVATED MATERIALS When developing a formula based on alkali-activated materials, we used the results from earlier researches.2–7 In terms of the properties of the resulting mixture, the compositions of individual components are important. The basic characteristics of the materials used for pro- ducing the mixtures with alkali-activated matrices are summarized in the following tables (Tables 5 to 7). Table 5: Chemical composition of metakaolin Tabela 5: Kemijska sestava metakaolina Component Representation (%) Al2O3 41.90 SiO2 52.90 K2O 0.77 Fe2O3 1.08 TiO2 1.80 MgO 0.18 CaO 0.13 Table 6: Chemical composition of slag Tabela 6: Kemijska sestava `lindre Component Representation (%) Al2O3 7.42 SiO2 38.51 CaO 36.26 MgO 10.11 K2O 0.43 Fe2O3 0.74 TiO2 0.026 Table 7: Chemical composition of sodium-silica water glass Tabela 7: Kemijska sestava vodnega stekla Na-Si Component Representation (%) SiO2 50.82 Na2O 26.25 Water 22.12 Silicate module 1.92 Table 8: Formula of the repair mixture based on alkali-activated mate- rials Tabela 8: Sestava reparaturne me{anice na osnovi z alkalijo aktivi- ranega materiala Ingredient Ingredient dosage of concrete,kg/m3 Slag 430 Sodium-silica glass 95 Metakaolin 50 Water 180 Aggregates 1750 Aggregates with fractions of 0–4 mm and 4–8 mm were used as the filler. The particle-size distribution A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 149 curve was optimized according to the Empa II proce- dure.5 The mixture composition is given in Table 8. This mixture was applied in the locations of the lining, where it was necessary to remove the original concrete. The effectiveness of this measure was then evaluated using the procedure described in the following section. 4 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE NEW MATERIAL The efficiency, or durability, of the repair material was evaluated as follows: One year after the repairs, control samples were taken from the localities in which the repair mixture in question was applied. A set of physico-mechanical and physico-chemical parameters of these samples was determined. Attention was focused especially on the following parameters: • the tensile strength of the surface layers; • the compressive strength; • the microstructure, analysed with physico-chemical methods. The X-ray diffraction analysis and the scanning electron microscopy were used. The tensile-strength test of the surface layers was made "in situ", the sampling for testing the compressive strength and for the physico-chemical analysis was carried out with core bores. These analyses were performed with the procedures that are in accordance with the provisions of the relevant technical standards. The samples representing the repair material were then subjected to the same set of experi- ments after being stored for about 28 d and 360 d in standard laboratory conditions (i.e., t = (20 ± 2) °C,  = (60 ± 5) %). These values were considered as the refe- rences. The comparison of the values recorded on the reference bodies and the samples of the repair materials exposed to the environment of the collector for one year was the essential criterion in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the repairs carried out. The data found with the set of experiments are shown below (Tables 9 and 10). Table 9: Results of the strength-parameter tests of the repair material Tabela 9: Rezultati preizkusa trdnosti reparaturnega materiala sample identification Bulk density (kg/m3) Tensile strength of surface layers (MPa) Compres- sive strength (MPa) Reference set – stored for 28 d in standard laboratory conditions 2450 2.1 35.6 Reference set – stored for one year in standard laboratory conditions 2400 2.3 36.2 Stationing 0.57 km – significant sulphate aggressiveness, annual exposure 2420 1.9 34.3 Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments, annual exposure 2380 2.0 34.0 Table 10: Results for the mineralogical composition of the repair material Tabela 10: Mineralo{ka sestava reparaturnega materiala Sample identification Identified minerals Reference set – stored for 28 d in standard laboratory conditions Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Reference set – stored for one year in standard laboratory conditions Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Stationing 0.57 km – signi- ficant sulphate aggressiveness, annual exposure Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments, annual exposure Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar The microstructure of the material was also analysed using the scanning electron microscopy (Figure 3). On the basis of the above findings we can say that in terms of both the strength parameters and mineralogy, the parameters of the repair material exposed to the highly corrosive environment are quite comparable with the reference parameters. A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 150 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 Figure 3: Detailed analysis of the microstructure showed a: a) de-facto amorphous phase of the matrix for both the reference material and b) the exposed material of the collector Slika 3: Podrobnej{a analiza mikrostrukture poka`e: a) amorfno osnovo tako v primerjalnem materialu kot tudi v b) izpostavljenem materialu v kolektorju (a) (b) 5 CONCLUSIONS The article deals with the way of repairing an under- ground collector affected, in some areas, by underground waters with a highly aggressive chemical effect. Already in one or two years of the collector’s operation these wa- ters caused distinct disorders. In the affected areas there was a significant reduction in the mechanical properties of the concrete, and its ability to protect the reinforce- ment against the corrosion was significantly reduced. Thus, local repairs were carried out, whereby a material with its matrix based on alkali-activated materials was used as the repair material. The matrix of the repair material was composed of a mixture of blast-furnace slag and metakaolin. Water glass was used as the activator. The matakaolin added to the mixture was to reduce the negative effects associated with the autogenous shrinkage that usually accompanies the aging of the materials with pure-slag matrices.3,6 The control tests that were conducted one year after the repair work demonstrated that the aggressive effects of the water did not result in a decrease in the strength of the repair material. Neither were negative changes found in its microstructure. It was also established that the rein- forcement was very well protected against the corrosion due to the repair material. It is clear that the period (one year of application) is short in terms of the durability of the structures, and for a precise verification of our findings, we will need to con- tinue with the monitoring of the concerned construction. However, despite this fact, it can be noted that so far the results have indicated a high potential of the material with a matrix based on alkali-activated materials in the repair of the reinforced concrete structures exposed to chemically aggressive environments. Acknowledgements This research was done with the financial help of project GA^R 14-25504S, Research of Behaviour of Inorganic Matrix Composites Exposed to Extreme Con- ditions, and EU project The Research and Development for Innovation, reg. number CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0097, through the activities of regional centre AdMaS – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies. 6 REFERENCES 1 R. Drochytka, J. Dohnálek, J. Byd`ovský, V. Pumpr, A. Dufka, P. Dohnálek, Technické podmínky pro sanace betonových konstrukcí TP SSBK III., 1. edition, Sdru`ení pro sanace betonových konstrukcí, (The specifications for the reinstalment of concrete structures TP SSBK III, 1st edition, Association of Concrete Structure Reinstalment), Brno 2013, 262 pages 2 M. Palacios, F. Puertas, Effect of shrinkage reducing admixtures on properties of alkali-activated slags, mortars and pastes, Cement and Concrete Research, 37 (2007) 5, 691–702, doi:10.1016/j.cemconres. 2006.11.021 3 P. 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MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 151