Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 106, No. 45 USPS 024100 •ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 Phone: (216) 431-0628 Cr-mail: ah@buckeycvveb.com / vl'j* Medical School Scholarships The Stanley M. and Jane A. Prijatel Family Trusts are please to announce the endowment of The Stanley M. and Jane A. Prijatel and Theresa Prijatel Phipps Scholarship Fund at the Case Western Reserve University Medical School in Cleveland, Ohio, for needy students with Slovenian ancestry. Stanley and his sister Theresa are graduates of the Case Western Reserve University School of Pharmacy, and Jane graduated from Cleveland’s Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing. They have established this endowment as a tribute to their heritage and to the Slovenian community. The Prijatel/Phipps Scholarship Fund will provide scholarship support for financially needy students of Slovenian descent enrolled in the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, helping to ensure they can fulfill their true potential as healers and medical scientists. Scholarships will begin with the 2005-2006 school year. The students will be known as “Prijatel Scholars.” Interested students should contact Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Office of Financial Aid, 10900 Euclid Avenue T-303, Cleveland, OH 44106-4920. Admission information is available on the school’s website http://casemed.cwru.edu Ralphie, played by Matthew Chauby, listens for the secret code on the radio. Narrator is Paul Feiden who plays an older Ralphie. Matthew Chauby in Christmas Play Matthew Justin Chauby Plays the part of young Ral-Phie in the Christmas play 'A Christmas Story” at the Corning Auditorium, 38660 Mentor Ave., Willoughby, OH. The Jean Shepherd novel, A Christmas Story,” written Wore than 20 years ago, was fumed into a popular movie °f the same title. It is the story of anticipation of Christmas gifts from an 8-year-old (Ralphie) who Promises Santa Claus how good he will be in exchange for a great present. Matthew Chauby is the son of Jennifer and Michael Chauby of Chardon, Ohio and grandson of Lenka and Joe Chauby of Wil- loughby Hills, and Richard and the late Frances Turk. Matthew is both honored and excited to be given the privilege of performing at The Fine Arts Association. Matthew’s grandmother, Frances Turk, was a member of The Fine Arts Association and he feels proud to be a part of it. He is a fourth grade student at Park Elementary School in Chardon, Ohio. The play will be performed on Dec. 3, 4, 10, at 7:30 p.m. and on Sundays Dec. 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $19 for adults; $17 for seniors and students. For information call (440) 951-6637. Congratulations to all! Baraga Meeting A meeting of all interested persons who wish to help with the Bishop Baraga Weekend in Cleveland in 2005 and everyone who was part of the last Cleveland Baraga gathering in 1998, are asked to meet on Tuesday evening, 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school Reeling room. 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. -J.V.D. — 52 pilgrims from Greater Cleveland journeyed to L’Anse, Mich., for Baraga Days on September 25 and 26. St. Nicholas is Coming to Town That’s the literal translation of the title of a stage production currently being rehearsed at St. Mary’s Parish in Collinwood. This year’s show holds some special surprises and, while giving them away would give them away, you are invited to experience them for yourselves on Saturday evening, Dec. 4. The show begins at 6:30 p.m. in the new parish center. All are invited to a memorable fairy-tale evening. Admission is $8 for adults, $4 for youth, and free for good little children. The hall is handicapped-accessible with no stairs. Sandwiches and refreshments will be available. The “operetta” as the musical is called, holds many memories for the Cleveland community. Written by Fr. Jerko Grzincic, it was played during the post-war years in the refugee camp in Austria. Mr. Rudi Knez was directing it then, too. It has been put on periodically at both St. Mary’s and St. Vitus parishes over the years. Recently, a few former graduates of St. Mary’s Slovenian School asked 85-years-young Mr. Knez if he would be willing to direct the full-length operetta again, some 50+ years later. The cast will include many alumni, some of them also sporting a few gray hairs. In the case of angels perhaps, a few silver hairs. Usually, the real show-stealers are the younger actors, the students currently attending Slovenian School. The story takes place in heaven, hell, and on earth (in Cleveland, to be specific), with streets like St. Clair mentioned. The singing is in Slovenian, but can be universally understood as the action unfolds. There is much anticipation and humor in the preparations being made by the angelic host for their annual visit to the children on earth. Favorite characters include the tailor Gerard and the shoemaker Krispin, along with junior-angel Kodercek. The angels review the Book of Good Deeds to see who is deserving, and what is written about each child. This takes place in the beautiful starry setting of the clouds in heaven. The red, fiery place of the impish devils and their leader Lucifer is altogether different. Lucifer reviews the devils’ commandments and encourages his hom-and-tailed followers to tempt the children on earth. Finally, the long-awaited evening arrives. The devils race to earth, but are moved aside when the graceful angels arrive, accompanying the beloved St. Nicholas. It is his feast day, when every year, the good Lord allows him to return to earth to visit the children and bring them all good things. The sight of the bishop is enough to make hearts race and children hopeful. Even those too old for fairy tales can get swept up in the emotion of the moment. When he greets all present with his gentle eyes and soothing voice, many a heart will melt. And if you have been very, very, VERY good, St. Nicholas might even call your name. Those parents wishing to “speak” with St. Nicholas before-hand to let him know their children’s wishes are asked to “make special arrangements” at the side entrance to the new parish center on E. 167 St. (school side). There will be a designated door marked “Deliveries and meetings with St. Nicholas.” -SSP ■*r o o CM tu m S tu o tu Q < Z > o s o D ’£2 S tu S < AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lailsche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 45 December 2, 2004 Tt^LBCTTONS-fiY Good Life Got Better Madeline D. Debevec, (center), Secretary-Treasurer of The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation, presents a grant to Fran Anderson Mack (right) President of Journey of Hope, and to Kim Ann Kaifesh, Chairperson of the Oct. 2nd, luncheon at Windows on the River. Exceptional Benefit Fund-raiser Luncheon by RUDY FLIS The good life just got better, as we enter the holiday season. Family, friends, good food, and now computers also. Life has become interesting and challenging and fun also. I think that instead of running out of time to live, I am running out of time to do things. Not a bad problem at my age. This week I’ll be in Boston to pick up on my lap top computer. It comes with instructions. I just finished talking to my sister Therese. She found my mom’s passport. I have a pretty good idea about my mom’s home in Slovenia, but it’s my dad’s place of birth I know little of. Therese might have stored away, undiscovered until maybe now, some papers of my dad’s home town. I sure hope so. My dad never said much about his youth in Europe. He wasn’t the story teller my mom was. But to my mom and dad I will forever be grateful for my life in this great nation of ours, for my brothers and sisters and all that are my family today and always. The special season is always nice. It is flooded with memories, special ones, easy to remember, of home, packed with memories from the top of the attic to the floor of the basement. I was never hungry, and I was never poor. I had brothers and I had sisters, both older and younger. I was insulated with kindness and good deeds from my older brothers and sisters. But the younger ones were at times a pain. Was I that way to my older ones also? Time works miracles. I enjoy the company of my brother A1 and Tony, and my sister Therese, all younger. Fran, Harry, Matt, Aggie, Mary and Mickey have all joined my mom and dad in heaven. Large families are what you make of them. Mine was a gift to me from my God. So, I have many to remember, which means a lot of memories. But do you know what else? You gotta pray a lot. Is that good? Let’s think about it, ok? If each day I pray for my parents, brothers and sisters, to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother and all the Saints, I shouldn’t be a stranger when I approach the pearly gates, should ? I would just die if when I stood before Jesus at the pearly gates and He would say, “Hi, stranger.” Thanks to my family, it’s not going to happen. Tomorrow, Saturday, our family is celebrating a second Thanksgiving day at my daughter Mary’s home. Roast turkey, pies, home made buns, all for consumption, among family, and friends. Thank you, Lord. Holiday Schedule There will be no American Home (Ameriška Domovina) printed the last two weeks in December. St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School children on Dec. 5 at 3 p.m. in St. Vitus Auditorium. A play about St. Nicholas will be performed in Slovenian. Admission is $6.00 for adults. Children are admitted free. Everyone is welcome to attend this wonderful event. “A different language is a different vision of life.” Help Wanted Wanted: experienced tax preparer for part-time seasonal work. Prefer Friday, Saturday, and Sunday work schedule. Prefer mature person with experience using Turbo Tax software. Please contact Paul or Kathy at Cleveland Accounting Service. (216) 881-5158 Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat fVe love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Journey of Hope, a Greater Cleveland non-profit organization whose mission is to provide financial support for adult cancer patients in Northeast Ohio raised $32,000 on Saturday, Oct, 2, their largest profit since the organization’s inception in 2001. The fund-raising luncheon was held at Windows on the River restaurant in the Flats, downtown Cleveland. Kim Ann Kaifesh, American Home recipe contributor, was chairperson for this year’s luncheon. Due to her successful organizing skills, Kim Ann was also selected to chair the next fund-raiser event to be held next October in the same place. Journey of Hope is unique in that they fund cancer patients while they are in treatment, to give them hope that they can conquer the disease. It is staffed solely by Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will be holding a krofe and homemade noodles sale on Saturday, Dec. 11 at the usual times in the Social Room. Please tell others, too. volunteers, and all donations go directly to help patients. Since 2001, they have helped more than 110 families get through cancer treatment by paying utility bills, mortgage or rent, setting up accounts for food or medications, paying car insurance, and even purchasing a refrigerator for a patient whose greatest need was a refrigerator. * Journey of Hope has just published a cookbook featuring more than 200 recipes from the kitchens of the members and their families and friends, including Kim Ann. These tried-and-true recipes are perfect for everyday or special occasions. Cost of the cookbook is $12 (plus $2 shipping and handling). Call (216) 227-1759 for information, or send check or money order to Journey of Hope Cookbook, 15607 Delaware Rd., Suite #3, Lakewood, OH 44107. We have finally mastered the meaning of Christmas when Christmas becomes a way of life. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “ SVETI MIKLAVŽ” Even an old man has a right to feel like a child again...when it comes to the eve of St.Nicholas day on the 6* of December. Lacking an old Slovenian wood-burning stove (krušna peč), lined with shiny fireplace tiles (peČhice) from my youth, I fired an old Hitzer wood-burning stove in my barn tonight, lit an oil lamp (petrolejka) and sat next to the hot stove. Reading the chapter detailing the visit of St.Nicholas,^ as presented in the book, “Pod Vernim Krovom** 1, by Dr.P.Metod Turnšek, I soon fell asleep. I reminisced in my dream the traditional visit of Sveti Miklavži Memories took me back to my childhood, the angels and the little devil (parkelj, hudič, krampus)that accompanied him. The sounds of bells rung by the angels and the sound of chains controlled by the devil woke me up. It was time to set out the biggest boots in my collection, in hope that St.Nicholas would fill them up with goodies, to include fresh figs, oranges, dried fruits as well as socks and slippers. It is no wonder that Slovenians love Sveti Miklavž. Over 200 churches in Slovenia, to include the Ljubljana’s cathedral, are dedicated to him. Out of 182 municipalities in Slovenia, one is named “Miklavž, incorporated in 1998 in the Dravsko polje area. May all of you have a pleasant visit from St.Nicholas and if you are nice, you may even receive some gifts from him, or at least a blessing. Not many sounds in life, and I include all urban and rural sounds, exceed in interest as a knock at the door. -Charles Lamb Life in the Refugee Camps 1949 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 I went to the dentist in Trofaiach in the morning and again in the evening, but he was too busy to see me. Thursday, Nov. 10,1949 The dentist repaired my broken false teeth and added two new teeth for 50 shillings. This afternoon we finally received an invitation to see the American consul on November 16. I am worried that I will become sick before then and they won’t accept me. Friday, Nov. 11,1949 I collected donations for my mail distribution in the Ukrainian part of the camp, but didn’t receive much. In the afternoon, I repaired shoes with Zupančič. He fixed my boots. He charged me 97 shillings, but I gave him 130. Monday, Nov. 14,1949 Bore Erman will take over my mail carrier duties when I leave. He accompanied me to the post office today and started learning more about the job. Wednesday, Nov. 16,1949 At 7:20 a.m., a group of ns from the camp took the train to Kapfenberg. First we saw the doctor (again!), then they took our fingerprints, nnd then we finally met with the American consul. I had to swear that everything I had written on our forms was the truth. Then he shook my hand and wished me luck. Finally, we have approval -we will be going to America. Although I never really wanted to go to America, now I feel fortunate that we 'v‘il go. The others are very envious, especially because °nr sponsors sound so perfect. We had to wait an extra °ur at the consul’s office ecause there was some con-cern regarding Rihtar’s grandmother. They told her she might be able to go to America by airplane instead °f by ship, and that someone ^ise might be able to go with her. Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 1 wrote letters all mom-*ng> making arrangements 0r our departure. Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 I went to the train station 'n Leoben to meet our friend 1 Va, who brought lots of good food, clothes for Janko, an 10 dollars for my bicycle radio. I bought 5 Ameri-an dollars from a friend for ^ shillings each. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949 Today is Cilka’s 35lh arne day. We celebrated at ^icL W'th S0UP, ^ 'vin en’ P°tatoes> lettuce, ne’ potica and cookies. The rest of the day we made preparations for our trip to America. They will tell us we will leave on Nov. 25th. Thursday, Nov. 24,1949 I bought some new shoes for Janko for 58 shillings. The ones I made for him are too small, so I gave those to the Jesenko family. Even though I haven’t packed anything for our trip yet, I’m feeling happy. This morning we each got another vaccination. I went to the camp store and exchanged most of our remaining points for clothes. Then I went to the camp offices and said farewell to the workers there, including Hilda Jung and Frank Lorber. Hilda Jung is a pleasant young lady who has been working in the camp offices. She’s the daughter of a tailor who was also a former member of the German SS troops. She has a beautiful figure and a pretty face with black velvet eyes. When I deliver mail, she’s always hoping I’ll bring a letter from her boyfriend. When I bring one, I like to tease her and tell her I don’t have anything for her. When I finally give her the letter, she’s never angry at me. I also said farewell to Frank Lorber, who has been working in the camp office. (He was the director for a while.) In Slovenia, he was the manager of a stocking factory. The first time I met him was when he came out to tell the women who were working in the garden that it was time to come in for lunch. He stayed out and continued their work. (Some years later, he moved to Cleveland and I helped him get work at Risher’s. He was a very hard worker. Even though he was highly educated, he was willing to take on any kind of work.) In the evening from 9 -11, we said more farewells to our friends in the camp, including Levičar, Dr. Erman, Rebernak, Rev. Kokelj, Sankal and others. The Cerar, Sršen and Rihtar families (who will all be going to America with us) sang songs. Some of us drank wine. We ate bread, klobase, cookies and candy. I tried some coffee liqueur. From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., I continued to make preparations for our trip. I couldn’t sleep because Janko was crying due to pains from his vaccination. (To Be Continued) It's Cool To Be Slovenian! St. Mary’s CD St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian Choir CD is now available in the rectory office and from members of the choir. The CD features 31 songs from the church’s liturgical year from Advent to the Feast of Christ the King. Cost of the CD is $15. The parish is located at 15519 Holmes Avenue Cleveland, OH 44110. Phone: (216) 761-7740. Four voices of four hamlets round, From far and near, on mead and moor, Swell out and fail, as if a door Were shut between me and the sound. Each voice four changes on the wind, That now dilate, and now decrease, Peace and goodwill, goodwill and peace, Peace and goodwill, to all mankind. --Alfred, Lord Tennyson IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-486-1105 Stlmburys Accounting Accounting G Income Thx Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0996 Fax (216} 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccountlng. com Emofed Id Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service ServioneJnitjiduals Corporations 4 Small Businesses St.Therese, the Little Flowei, please pick me a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love, ask God to grant me the favor I thee implore and tell Him I will love Him each day more and more. [ The above prayer, plus 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's, 5 Glory Be's, must be said on 5 successive days, before 11 a m. On the 5th day, the 5th set of prayers having been completed, offer one more set of 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Glory Be's.] Reprinted from LEAVES MAGAZINE. P O. BOX 87. Dearborn. Ml 48121 " Mother most dear, we wish you were here, we cherish your thoughts as we recite this prayer to your favorite St. Therese, for you and for others as a remembrance of your love and devotion to everyone whose life you've touched. " Mary Frances Mlakar Petrie 7/29/22 - 11/26/95 Petrie Family If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives. -Robert Smith Savings Account Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Savings Account:______________ • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance: • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKJ Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of $8,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ or visit us online at wvvw.kskjlife.com KSK144/ Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glcnwood Ave. Joliet, IL 60435 1-800-THE-KSKJ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane Harry by RAY MLAKAR Well, I am back and this will be my second attempt to get the editorial out, for the first one I wrote and sent, got lost in the computer. Really can’t blame the computer for I did not have the e-mail address correct. Unfortunately, my own computer had to be taken in to be reworked and am working with a borrowed one which I am not used to which may account for me not having it right the first time. What can I say about computers? They are like a baby’s butt, you don’t know what to expect or when. Well, let’s get on with the article. Last Sunday I surprised the folks at church and instead of my bringing the usual pastry, I brought them “želodec," (stomach) which is actually Slovenian sausage in a much larger casing and also brought Daisy-field baked ham along with fresh French bread. The only thing lacking was some good Slovenian home-made wine, but we can’t have everything, for we are not in heaven yet and at times I hope St. Peter won’t change his mind about me. A few of the Slovenians at church wanted to know where I bought it and this was purchased at R&D'Sausage ”on Waterloo Rd., in the east side of Cleveland. Speaking of his place, Joe Zuzek is the only one that I know of who makes his own home-made sauerkraut and it goes without saying that whenever I get there I always buy a couple of cartons. The folks at church must have liked the meat dishes, for they ate everything. I was fortunate in meeting a new Slovenian at the church hall, a gentleman by the name of Ray also, but his last name slips my mind. We talked about the St. Clair area for at one time he lived on East 47lh Street. It always makes me feel good to meet fellow Slovenians, but then I am partial to Slovenians and feel we are the “Cream of the Crop.” The pastor did mention at Mass that he felt the newly built “Hall Kitchen” will be ready by the middle of December. Holy smoke, then we will be able to cook on the front burner. Good thing they will not count on me to cook because when I try, I end. up even frying the egg on the wrong side. Well, according to the weatherman, he feels that snow is on the way. We have been fortunate up until now. I know last week a lot of folks were decorating their house with the outdoor Christmas lights. I haven’t decorated in years but let’s face it, I am not even safe on a step stool any more. Regardless, if my house was decorated or not, it is for sure that Santa will never stop at my house for it seems his satchel is always empty when he comes near my place. Maybe Santa himself won’t stop here, but I have to admit his reindeer have certainly found my place and moreover they have found my garden this past year. Hey, Santa, if nothing else, you owe me some tomatoes, peppers, beans and cucumbers and be sure it is fresh when you deliver it. I must be dreaming for let’s face it, in the past, well over 75 years he has not been able to drop off that electric train I had been waiting for all these years. So he certainly won’t remember to drop off the vegetables that his deer feasted on in my garden. Here is hoping all of our readers had a nice Thanksgiving with their families and without a doubt put on a few pounds. I lost weight for I was home alone as usual and so “Happy Harry” and I feasted on a TV dinner for I did not feel like doing any heavy cooking for just me and the pooch. As you can see I have not mentioned the duties at the Reserve Center, so will save that for another time when I have my own computer back home. One thing that I did treat myself to was the purchase of a high back desk chair, cushioned seat, arm rests, that tilts. It has everything but a motor. What can I say, George Bush eat your heart out. I don’t even have an “Oval Office” and I know I have a better chair than he has. I may have a hard bed but I have a soft cushioned desk-computer chair. Well, I think it is time to give this computer a rest, but before signing off will leave you with a couple of jokes. I owe these jokes to Gus Russ from Elyria, a Slovenian friend of mine from church. Are you ready? A man walks into a store and says to the clerk, “Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday, and I would like to buy her a beautiful fountain pen.” The clerk smiles and motions to a display case and says to the man, “A little surprise for her huh?” “Right,” answers the customer, “she is expecting a brand new Cadillac.” Okay, one more for the road. A police officer pulls over a driver after watching his car travel recklessly down the road. “Do you realize that you just ran two traffic lights and three stop signs?” the officer asks. The driver shakes his head, “No,” and reaches over and whacks his dog. Confused, the officer asks, “Why did you hit your dog?” The driver says, “My seeing eye dog must have fallen asleep.” Well, that’s it and in closing, May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep all of you in good health. Words of Truth from Philip Hrvatin Whether a man winds up with a nest egg, or a goose egg, depends a lot on the kind of chick he marries. Trouble in marriage often starts when a man gets so busy earning his salt, he forgets his honey. Too many couples marry for better, or for worse, but not for good. When a man marries a woman, they become one; but the trouble starts when they try to decide which one. If a man has enough horse sense to treat his wife like a thoroughbred, she will never turn into an old nag. On anniversaries, the wise husband always forgets the past - but never the present. Many girls like to marry a military man. He can cook, sew, make beds, is in good health, and is already used to taking orders. Fantje na vasi Proudly presents its latest CD Laudate Dominum Praise the Lord Selections of Sacred & Classical Songs Oce Nas, Pie Jesu, Canon in D, Panis Angelicus, Marija Pomagaj, Bring Him Home and 13 more selections sung in English, Latin and Slovenian with narration CD’s may be ordered by contacting Tony Hauptman at (440) 446-9202 , via email at tvhauptman@vahoo.com or purchased at St. Vitus or St. Mary’s Church, Patria Foods or the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame Cost $15 each; please add $2 for shipping and handling. Also available “Iz Srca” ( “From the Heart”) a collection of Slovenian folk songs. Church Benefit St. Joseph’s Lodge #146 and St. Anne’s Lodge #150 of KSKJ are sponsoring a 50/50 raffle to benefit St. Lawrence Church on E. 81st Street in Cleveland. This is a matching funds raffle, which means all money raised from the raffle will be matched by the home office of KSKJ. The drawing will be held on Sunday, Dec. 5th at Slovenian Home on East 80lh St. Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10 and may be purchased by calling Josie at (216) 267-4866 or Larry at (216) 883-1735. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year R&D Sausage Open Tuesday through Saturday 8 to 5 Slovenian Smoked Sausage Rice & Blood Sausage Cottage Ham - Zalodec POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 16714 Waterloo Road - (216) 692-1832 Joe and Carol Zuzek WE THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT fmiSGM PI-RITE SUPERMARKET 12503 rMDISON (fit. LAKEWOOD. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS, - HAPPY. HOLIDAYS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 PM Fondly Remembering Two Special People Locked Keys in Car? by FATHER FRANK KOSEM Pastor, St. Jude Parish ELYRIA, OH - The month of November represents the most dramatic seasonal changes and is also the time of the year when we remember all who have entered eternal life and returned to our Loving God. This past year we had 52 funeral services in our St. Jude community. I take this opportunity to especially thank our Bereavement group for all their dedicated service at a time when it is most needed and appreciated. This past month I have Personally felt the loss of two people very important in oty life. My mother, Frances Kosem, who died on Sun-tfcty, Nov. 14 at age 97, and Cardinal James Hickey, who died October 24, at age 84. b Words cannot really describe all that one feels about “is or her mom. My mother had a very full life and is n°w again united with Dad, whom she missed so much since his death over 40 years ^8°- Our family came from lovenia as “displaced peo-P'e” after World War II. She never really spoke English, s^e simply always did what Was best for the family and nothing seemed to be “too ^uch.’’ She was always a s°urce of love, support and encouragement with an un-canny ability to always “tell it as it is.» Mom always loved gardening _ both flowers and Vegetables. I would often drive back to St. Jude with a car full of plants. As a matter of fact, most of the large plants in our chapel came from her little living room. They were just getting too big and she would say they will grow even better in church. The Slovenian culture and traditions meant, that especially the holidays, wonderful foods and baked goods... potica, strudel, krofe, etc., would be made at home. Faith and religious values were always so important. By her- request, she was buried wearing a blue and white dress that she made for my first Mass in 1970. Her family was the center of her life. She had eight children (3 girls and 5 boys). Still living are my three sisters and brother. I happened to be the baby. She was also so proud of her 13 grandchildren and 28 greatgrandchildren. We each only have one mother, and I am very grateful for the almost 98 years of her love and life. * On October 24, Cardinal Hickey died in Washington, D.C. and I felt the loss of a close friend and mentor. Bishop James A. Hickey was installed as the eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland on July 16, 1974. I had the privilege of being his Secretary and Master of Ceremonies for six years before his move to Washington, D.C. At the time I was 30 years old and four years ordained a priest. To be perfectly honest; I had no idea what I was really getting into. However, ip. m Stan Mejac, left, and Frank Kosem, in 1949, leaving Spittal Displaced Persons camp in Austria going to the United States.________ I never, never regretted the experience. It was a lot of work, but very enriching and life giving. I felt very comfortable with him from day one. Bishop Hickey was a very kind, gentle, and charismatic leader. His motto was “Veritatem in Caritate” -Truth in Charity. He lived in that spirit and created a work environment that was always challenging. I vividly remember him saying to me (and I have often said this to co-workers) “Please tell me what you honestly think, don’t just say ‘nice ’ things people would want me to hear. ” He was tndy a Man of the Church who appreciated the role of the Holy Father and the complexities of the universal church, which is a bridge between the human and divine. I was honored to be a pallbearer at Cardinal Hickey’s funeral. He will always be remembered as a shepherd totally dedicated to his flock. I was blessed and privileged to have worked with him so closely and will always remember him as a dear friend. ! I 1 i i i t ■ip BECKMAN & SON§ FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 481-5277 I This only applies to cars that can be unlocked by that remote button on your key ring. Should you lock your keys in the car and the spare remote is at home, and you don’t have “onStar,” here’s an answer to your problem. If someone has access to the spare remote car door opener at your home, call them on your cell phone (or borrow one from someone if the cell phone is locked in the car, too). Hold the cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the other person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the phone. Your car doors will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away and the remote will unlock the doors, or trunk. --James V. Debevec, II St. Clair Pensioners Club It’s that time of year when the days are getting shorter and the air is a little colder. It’s also the time of year when we are thinking of Christmas. We have scheduled our Christmas party .(members only) for Thursday, Dec. 9 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Doors open at 12 noon and dinner will be served at 1:00 p.m. A delicious dinner with all the trimmings will be prepared by Julie Zalar. Admission is SI2.00 for members and $ 15 00 for guests. Tickets are available by calling Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453 or Larry Hočevar (216) 431-1995. Reservations must be made in advance. Deadline for tickets is Dec. 3. —Sylvia Plymesser I Merry Christmas anti Happy New Year Your Name r Street Address and Cits , American Home Publishing Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Enclosed is my check for .-------fora( ^540 ad; ( ) $25.00 ad; ( ) $15.00 Christmas ad. •if* * s'vf--i*'. Name Address City, State, Zip AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, « Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima by MICHELLE RENEE MARY In September Joe Snyder’s oldest granddaughter, Michelle, went on a pilgrimage with his daughter, Jo-sette, sponsored by St. Peter and Paul’s parish in Garfield Hts., Ohio, to Fatima, Lourdes, and places in Spain. I was nervous and excited as Aunt Josette entered the airport. I had waited so long for this trip; it was hard to believe that we were finally leaving. We departed the Cleveland airport at 3:35 on the afternoon of September 13. We arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, at 8:30 the following morning, Portuguese time. Our tour guide, Teresa, was waiting for us and we soon were in our bus driving through Lisbon. Teresa explained to us many interesting facts about the city. We stopped at the Church of St. Anthony, where St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of Portugal, was bom. There we had Mass and proceeded on our way to Fatima. In Fatima, our hotel was within walking distance of the shrine. We toured the shrine and basilica before returning to the hotel for dinner. After our meal, we joined in saying the rosary at the shrine, followed by a candlelight procession. The following day, we traveled to Aljustrel, where Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, the three seers of Fatima, had lived. We saw their homes, the parish church and the cemetery. We also visited Valinhos, where the Angel of Peace appeared twice in the year preceding the Apparitions of Our Lady. That afternoon we had free time, so Aunt Josette and I made an excursion in search of the convent of the Poor Clares to buy scapulars. The next day we set out for Lourdes, stopping for the night in Burgos, Spain. The local guide, Gloria, gave us a tour of the magnificent cathedral. We also had Mass in one of the 19 side chapels. On the way to Lourdes, on September 17, we were able to make a detour and visit the house and Basilica of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. In Lourdes, as in Fatima, we stayed a short distance from the shrine. The streets were lined with shops and crowded with people. In the shrine, above the cave, where Mary appeared to St. Bernadette, are built three basilicas, one on top of the other. The first is called the Crypt, the main altar of which is directly above the niche where Our Lady stood. There was also an underground basilica, where they have a Eucharistic procession every evening. After dinner, we attended the candlelight procession and rosary, which, like Fatima, was said in many different languages. The following day we were able to walk around the town after seeing the Boly Mill where St. Bernadette was bom and the old jail, where she lived during the time of the apparitions. Aunt Josette and I were also able to go to the Lourdes Baths, which was a wonderful experience. From Lourdes we departed for Montserrat, Zara-gosa, Barcelona and finally Madrid. In Montserrat, we attended Mass and kissed the hand of the “Black Madonna.” In Zaragosa, we saw the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, where stands the pillar, as the legend goes, Our Lady pointed out to St. James, who was discouraged by the reluctance of the Spanish people to embrace Christianity. Mary touched the pillar and promised that the faith of these people would be as hard as this pillar. We stayed the night in Zaragosa, and spent the next in Barcelona. Finally, we stayed two days in Madrid, even going to a Flamenco Dance one night. After 10 days in Europe, we set out for home. Although the pilgrimage was wonderful, I was glad to be home again. Chocolate Dream Dessert Mom’s friend Jennie contributed this recipe. Ingredients: 18-1/4 oz. chocolate cake mix 12 oz. Cool Whip. Thawed Vi C walnuts, chopped 3.4 oz. vanilla instant pudding mix 1 C chocolate syrup, divided Directions: Prepare chocolate cake according to package directions in a 9x13 pan. Cool cake on a wire rack. Meanwhile, prepare vanilla pudding according to package directions. Pour pudding into another 9x13 pan. Tear the cake into pieces and push into the pudding. Drizzle with 3/4 C chocolate syrup. Spread with Cool Whip. Drizzle with remaining chocolate syrup and sprinkle with nuts. Refrigerate overnight. Serves 16. --Kim Ann Kaifesh X Our Family and Friends Cookbook POTATO CHIP COOKIES 1 c. butter lA tsp. soda 1 c. sugar tsp. vanilla 4 Tbsp. brown sugar % c. crushed potato chips .1 egg Vi c. ground nuts 2 c. flour Cream shortening. Add sugars, egg and vanilla. Add flour, soda, potato chips and nuts. Mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork dipped in flour. Bake 12 to 15 minutes in a 350° oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar when cool. , 7-Emilee Jenko Tl/IL/ WCW Euclid, Ohio iw •»' — — —>-«■*' M M' « ' h* ~ i-'•— I*rJ' Lost Will the person who mistakenly took the wrong man’s cap at the Belokranjskem Martinovanje dinner on Saturday, Nov. 13 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., please return it to the Slovenian Home and receive his own cap in return. Or call Stan at 440-944-8736. Christmas Dinner Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 25 will celebrate Christmas with a gathering at Sterle’s Country House on Sunday, Dec. 5 at 1:30 p.m. Bring a gift for the raffle. Guests are welcome. Please attend. Cleaning Homes East side. Full time = $300+ weekly. Must be 21+, clean driving record, bondable. Applications accepted at Molly Maid, 3550 Warrensville Center Road #10 IN, Shaker Heights 216—491-8800. As you get older, the pickings get slimmer, but the people don’t ..dblWc+'O f Coming Events... Friday, Dec. 3 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland (216) 941-3224, from 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., featuring Ray Polantz. Friday, Dec. 3 Evening with Bishop Pevec, sponsored by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, 7 p.m. in Center for Pastoral Leadership (Borromeo Seminary), 28700 Euclid Ave. Sunday, Dec. 5 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80th St., brunch with Santa 11-2 p.m. Adults $8.00, children under 10 $4.00. Attend Mass at St. Lawrence Church, then walk to the Nash. Sunday, Dec. 5 St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School children, 3 p.m. in parish auditorium. Adults $6. Everyone is welcome. Friday, Dec. 10 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland (216) 941-3224, from 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., featuring Joey Tom-sick. Wednesday, Dec. 15 Birthday Party for Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, and Eddie Kenik. Doors open 6 p.m. Dancing 7 to 11 p.m. Music by Jeff Pecon. Program 9 p.m. $8 pp. (216)361-5115. Friday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Dinner-Dance in St. Mary’s new parish hall, featuring Ensemble Veseli Godci. Donation: $50 person. For reservations call 440-537-1941. Tuesday, Jan. 4 Meeting of interested persons willing to help with Cleveland Baraga Weekend at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school meeting room. Saturday, Jan. 22 Pristavska Noc banquet at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. Music by Stan Mejac band. For seating arrangements call Metka Zalar at 440-943-3844. Sunday, Jan. 30 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School annual benefit dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the new Parish Community Center. Saturday, April 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School perform play “Žogica Nogica” in honor Mother’s Day in parish auditorium. Sunday, July 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover y°ur mistakes. -Antisthenes__ (440)602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorney-at-Law Centre Plaza South Suite 380 35350 Curtis Blvd. ___Eastlake, Ohio 44095^ Specialists i«1 Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills R°a^ 461-7989/461-0623 Richmond Hts.,Ohio^i Come Visit PATRIA IMPORT STORE for your Unique Gifts Boris and Suzi Music Store Hours: Tues.-to-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p m-Tel: (216) 531-6720 Patria Imports 794 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 44119 'iii: o' iiO' .Din ’ )r;:v;v.L'b‘r -nu bsivsifion ;on Ihw žir .500£ Yi v 7 St. Vitus Church Maintenance Report On Nov. 14-over 400 persons attended an all parish Mass in St. Vitus Church in order to say thanks to the Lord for all the good work accomplished with the installation of new church and parish house roofs and maintenance work on school and auditorium buildings and on the parish grounds. The work began in November of 2003. Father Joseph Boznar, pastor, was the principal celebrant for the 10 a.m. all parish Mass. In his homily he noted the need to be of service to God, one another, and our neighbor. He stressed how blessed the parish has been throughout this 12 month project with many generous parishioners who donated much toward the long needed repair work on the church and rectory buildings as well as the generosity of several non-parish benefactors whose unexpected financial donations could make one simply wonder how good people are to St. Vitus Parish. Father Boznar symbolically blessed the church during the Mass as well as a plaque of the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr., whose generosity enabled a major portion of this project to become a reality. The plaque is a copy for a final bronze plaque that should be completed within the next 12 weeks and will be placed in an appropriate place in St. Vitus Church. The plaque reads: "In Memoriam, Edward L. Mihevic, Sr., 1912-1998. This plaque is dedicated to the memory of St. Vitus parishioner, neighbor, and benefactor Mr. Edward L. Mihevic Sr., for his extraordinary generosity to Catholic education of parish youth and to the continuation of St. Vitus Parish. By his actions Mr. Edward L. Mihevic Sr. is rightfully joined to the blessed memory of St. Vitus Parish Founders. R.I.P. Dedicated by the pastor, Pother Joseph P. Boznar, and grateful parishioners on November Fourteenth Two Thousand and Four." WRITER’S NOTE: In November, 2002 the estate °f the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr., bequeathed to a scholarship program at St. Wtus Parish $6.6 million. In 003 the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County, state of hio, approved amending e irrevocable trust of the ^cholarship program by al-0w'ng $3.3 million for an exPanded scholarship pro-Sram for registered parish-'0ners of St. Vitus from gT rf8 K'ndergai-ten to l^aiJ^J^.,1.6 and the remaining J^tensiheisr-viuii......... d°wment Trust. The ap- nation through an estate of a former parishioner. The average household response has been $620 per household with nearly 54% of parish households responding to date. The entire projected cost for the church work is estimated at $900,000. Stane Kuhar, parish finance director, reminded those in attendance at the all parish Mass that the parish has a $300,000 bank loan that will need to be repaid over the next four years as part of the financing for this project. Kuhar also noted that an annual report will be provided to parishioners and benefactors each year until all obligations are paid in full. (WRITER’S NOTE: In addition to year-to-date pa- rishioner and benefactor donations, anonymous bequeath donation, and the bank loan, other sources to pay for this project include use of income only from the parish endowment trust ($400,000 over a four-year-period), net proceeds of last bingo held from July 2003-July 2004 ($63,000), and net proceeds from parish picnic ($21,000 in 2004; and for the next three years), and future donations by individual donors or through bequeaths.) The brunch portion consisted of an opening prayer by Sister Mary Avsec, SND, brunch and a time period for fellowship and social by all in attendance. The brunch concluded around 2 p.m. -Prepared by S. Kuhar Euclid Pensioners Club proval was granted with the support of the Co-Trustee of the estate, Mrs. Donna Marie Boekley, daughter, the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr.). Following the Mass, a brunch was held in the parish auditorium for all parishioners who have contributed to the roof project. The brunch was made possible by the donation of an anonymous benefactor of the parish. The remaining work to be completed in the church in 2004 are two stairways that are, respectively, on the Mary and St. Joseph sides of the church. Since the stairways are, for all purposes, hidden from the main body of the church, no scaffolding will be required. This work should be completed within the next two weeks. Work that still needs to be addressed includes fencing, brick pillars that support the fencing, retaining wall leading to the lower church hall (on E. 61s' St. side), and landscaping. This work will not proceed ahead until after Easter 2005. There are also initial proposals in review in regards to work on the church’s historic Holtkamp organ. Work inside the parish house is progressing in a satisfactory manner with installation of drywall ceilings, painting, hanging of wallpaper, and updating of restrooms. The former three small front office spaces are being converted into two office spaces to allow for adequate space for parish needs. The final part of the rectory that will receive attention is the kitchen. Once all the work is completed an open house will occur. But " this wilT riot be achieved until sometime in 2005. The campaign for this project is also proceeding ahead in a satisfactory manner. As of Nov. 15, there have been 429 household responses to the request for contributions toward this parish project. The 429 household have donated $264,955 toward the parish goal portion of $350,000 (or 75% of the parish goal to date). In this amount there is one anonymous $50,000 do- lt is the Holiday Season and the time of year when we are thinking of the upcoming holidays. The Slovenian Euclid Pensioners Club will be holding their Christmas Dinner and Dance on Wednesday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. at Re-cher Avenue Hall in Euclid, Ohio. Music will be by A1 Batistelli. Tickets are avail- able by calling Frank Kosten at 440-946-3878. Election of officers took place on Nov. 3, details to follow. The club is taking this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year. --Carolyn Janezich Recording Secretary Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Somraki %itcficns CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak’s can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. hours MON-FRI 8:30-5 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry ^ 9 2 ' —.... -464.-*6500 EVENINGS BY !o;AO APPOINTMENT 26201 RICHMOND RD. BEDFORD HEIGHTS, . OHIO 44146 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 8 80 Attend Florida Palm Gathering We are happy to inform you that our first reunion was a big success. Over 80 Slovenians came from all parts of Florida. Among our guests were members of other Slovenian-American clubs. The cultural program began with the Slovenian anthem and continued with the presentation of the purpose and goal of the Slovenska Palma organization. Philip from Grenada sang a song that he wrote in the Slovenian language, “In the Name of Love.” Next was our Argentin-ean-Slovenian opera singer Veronika Fink Menvielle, who introduced and sang us Slovenian folk songs. She was singing at the Ljubljana Opera House for four years. At that moment entered traveler Matej Sedmak (www.okolisveta.com), who is on his journey around the world. He put a smile on everybody’s face with the story about his adventures. He took a guitar in his hands and warmed up the crowd with his songs. Slovenian dinners followed, with dishes from different parts of Slovenia: golaž, jota, segedin, potica, strudel, prekmurska gibanica. The great Slovenian wine Traviata was sponsored by Kmetijska Zadruga Goriška Brda, for which we are really grateful. Sponsors for the raffle include Maaco West Palm Beach, International Store from Ft. Lauderdale, Svet Knjige and Radio Veseljak. Our first reunion was a big success and we hope to have even more Slovenians visit us at the next party in February. You can visit our web page on the Internet at www.slovenskapalma.org for more photos. Regards from sunny Florida Slovenska Palma Silvester and Mojca Slovenians: People with good taste CHMSTMAS A6» HAPPY HEW YSAK Stimburys Accounting 496 E. 200 St. Euclid, OH 44119 If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you... Be honest and frank anyway. -Mother Theresa PERKIN'S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster HAPPY HOLIDAYS Dr. and Mrs. Chrzanoski M. J. Chrzanowski, DDS, Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 ALTERATIONS BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • IAKEW00D, OHIO 44107 692-2010 LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor . i h jv i Azman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216-361-0347 E-mail: frankazman@msn.com We ship anywhere: Smoked Sausage - Fresh Garlic Sausage Želodec - Potica In business at'(hiii l6catiori| since 1924 9 Father Roberts Reassigned in Trieste Fr. Rafko Ropret Fr. Ralph Roberts (Rafko Ropret), S.S.S., has been reassigned from the Barkov-Ije parish in Trieste, Italy, to the parish of Boljunec in Trieste. Farewell This year’s annual procession on the first Sunday of October, which is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, was something special for the faithful of the Bar-kovlje parish in Trieste, Italy. Many parishioners and friends gathered for this celebration to honor Our Lady and at the same time to bid farewell to Father Rafko Ropret as he takes on a new assignment in the Breg area of the diocese. Because of the lack of Slovenian speaking priests in the diocese of Trieste, the few that minister here are heavily burdened with pastoral assignments in order to serve the Slovenian faithful in their various locations. The Bishop of Brieste, Msgr. Eugene Ravignani, has often lamented the fact of the shortage of Slovenian Priests. This was also recalled in the farewell of Fr. Rafko as he said: “Today you gather to celebrate your special an-nual parish feast and at the Same time it is also a memo-table occasion for me since I have come to the end of my Pastoral ministry with you. It was exactly three years ago °n this very same feast that I began my ministry here in Earkovlje. Now I am going 0n to another territory of the diocese where the demand will be greater. I will be Working with another priest ar>d together we will be serving four parishes and one fission church. With the ew Slovenian priests such as We are, we try to cover big-8er areas as best we can.” As the people of Barkov-Je showed their deep grati-fede to Father Rafko for his Past pastoral work in the Parish, they also paid special SbUte t0 0ur Blessed other of the Rosary for her j^eat intercession in ending “Bi ravenous plague of the Black Water Fever” that the Trieste area in 5> causing the deaths of "Umerous people. ...expression 'of. ! thanks was shown in the long procession that began at the church and wound its way through the park onto the borders of the Adriatic seashore where the waves clapped against the rocks to cheer Our Blessed Lady as she passed by decked out in a floral attire and sitting on a carriage with the warm sun smiling down on her as she was escorted by an honor guard of young and old dressed in native Barkovljan costumes and accompanied by a powerful marching band that sounded out Slovenian Marian hymns throughout the procession. Welcome The parish community of Boljunec extends heartfelt welcome to Father Rafko Ropret. With great joy we received the wonderful news two months ago that you have been assigned to our parish as its new administrator in what is now the pastoral area of Breg, under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Max Suard. We would like to inform you that as a local parish, we are not very numerous, yet we are beset with a number of problems. One of them is we live in a plural language society. This at times causes misunderstandings and hard feelings among various parishioners. Another difficulty is that there are people who for various reasons have distanced themselves from the Church and need encouragement to return to the fold. Despite these difficulties, we still remain optimistic for the future, most of all, since now we accept you as our new spiritual leader. With your guidance and past experience, we feel that much can be accomplished to build a true and solid Christian Community in our parish. On our part, we promise you that we will give you the encouragement and the assistance in whatever way we are able, so that your burden may be lightened and together we can bring about a deeper faith centered community. We realize that at the present time the priest cannot work alone. It is now the duty of the lay Christian Community to be co-workers with the priest to share with him the spiritual and material needs of the parish. Therefore we want to assure you that we will be of help to you in whatever way we can. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for accepting this difficult challenge which on your part will demand patience and much effort. Yet we feel that as we work together a great deaf can be accomplished to enrich the spiritual and fraternal efforts not only to our parish, but also to the surrounding area. by ALAN LUFKIN SANTA ROSA, CALIF. - When the Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937, connecting northern California and the peninsula of San Francisco, it was a high point in the lives of us members of our Fortuna high school band. The opening of the suspension bridge eliminated the last water barrier along the Pacific coastal highway between Canada and Mexico. The bridge opening celebration also honored three other Bay Area accomplishments of the 1930s - the inauguration of air service to the Orient, the completion of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the upcoming Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island. We 80 musicians marched and played in two 5-mile-long parades as well as a march up Market Street as we escorted the Oregon governor’s cavalcade to San Francisco’s Civic Center. Afterward, we gave an impromptu concert at City Hall. Preparations for our trip began- months ahead of time, with help from the Fortuna Rotary Club, our chief sponsor. Along with lots of band practices and public performances, we had fund-raising events, including .a.n i high" Sch'bol jdmbbree,'"“a Perhaps it can be familiarly said, “A field of weeds with great effort can be cultivated into a fruitful vine- Golden Gate Bridge dance and performances with other bands at field nights at Eureka’s Stadium. We traveled south to the events on a special train that was arranged by the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, allowing us to travel. the 250 miles for $5.50 round trip each. The train arrived in Sausalito. We than ferried across the bay to San Francisco, where we got our first look at the beautiful art deco Golden Gate Bridge. Its towers were twice as tall as any giant redwood trees I’d ever seen. Since few of us had been to San Francisco or ridden in a railroad car before, we were an exuberant bunch. Wowed by sights We stayed and played for three days, with plenty of time off to get acquainted with the city’s sights: Golden Gate Park, Playland at the Beach, offbeat movie theaters, cable cars and Fisherman’s Wharf. For some reason I especially remember a restaurant called Merry Go Round, where salads and desserts were magically passing along the counter before us and we just lifted a glass cover to serve ourselves. There were no serious transgressions or problems that would have sent us home early, although no one took credit'.1 for the first ■Waiter-filled' balloon 'that was yard of luscious grapes,” and this is our aim as we begin a new era in our parish. Today as we celebrate the Eucharist together on this our Thanksgiving Sunday, we ask the Good Lord to bestow His abundant blessings on all of us of the parish of Boljunec, so that we may be strengthened in our faith and at the same time we give Him special thanks for the precious gift of your priestly ministry, Father Rafko, that you now share with us. This is our sincere and prayerful wish to you, our newly appointed spiritual shepherd. Fr. Roberts at one time was assigned to St. Christine’s Parish in Euclid, OH. tossed out a hotel window on other band members below. Our music director, Lloyd Anderson, ended the great water-balloon war with one bellowed order. After the long opening day parade, I learned that our band had won first prize in the county bands division, which included high school and musical bands. We were so tired that the news really did not register until later. We didn’t even know we were competing; we just enjoyed playing.___________ This article is from the magazine Reminisce Extra and was submitted by Joseph S. Baškovič of Willoughby Hills, OH. Fortuna Union High School is located at 379 12th Street in Fortuna, CA. Fortuna is located in the northwestern part of the state, not too far south from Oregon. The first settlers came there in search of gold. Fortuna, however, offered a rich farming life. Fortuna is located in Humboldt County, just south of Eureka between along US Highway 101. In July, 1885, when the rail line from Eureka was completed the town of Slide-Springville was changed to Fortuna. The “Friendly City” hosts rodeos every July. -•jliilt iUM:!! dli v Fortuna Band Played for Golden Gate Opening AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 ŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 Pharmacists Gave Aid to Gas Explosion Victims East Side Cleveland pharmacists gave emergency first aid to over 200 victims of shock and burns in the East Ohio Gas Explosion fires in October, 1944. John Levy (right), secretary of Northern Ohio Druggists Association prepares report on disaster from statements of Stanley Prijatel (left), Fred H. Braunlich (center), and John J. Zwalsh (2nd from right), all of whom opened their doors to the stricken. President of N.O.D.A., Earl J. Albrecht (2nd from left), is an interested listener. (1944 photo)._______________ On October 20, 1944 while flames stabbed the sky in roaring sheets 1,000 feet high, men, women and children - their flesh seared by hot liquid gas, their hair singed by shriveling blasts of heat, their clothing burned away, their homes destroyed, their loved ones lost, some temporarily and some for all time - stumbled by the hundreds into their neighborhood pharmacies. It was at o- the height of Cleveland’s 2 most devastating fire, sure ^ they would find relief from their suffering at the hands of their neighborhood druggist. Cleveland’s East Side pharmacists worked feverishly to relieve their suffering, giving emergency first aid for first and second degree burns, shock and painful cuts about the face and head received from flying glass splinters, to well over 200 persons. At one time there were as many as 50 persons in a pharmacy - all seeking aid. The heat was intense, blistering. Outside, flames from tidal waves of liquid gas rolled against the store fronts and licked at the doors. With little or no help, their clothing drenched and dripping from perspiration, fighting fatigue and collapse, the pharmacists applied bandages and dressings until, exhausted, they had to evacuate their establishments for their own safety. Tales of heroism are coming to light slowly in the aftermath of the tragic disaster, as the homeless and bereaved in the stricken area gradually recover from shock and piece together the sequence of events which followed after that first terrific blast at 2:40 Friday afternoon. High up on the list of recollections is the cool, calm courage with which the pharmacists of St. Clair Ave., which borders the fire zone, responded to the emergency, and with professional skill bom of long training and practice, often at great personal risk of their own safety, applied first aid bandages, dressings and treatment for shock without thought of recompense or recognition of any kind. Mayor Frank J. Lausche, of Cleveland, expressed the feelings of the entire stricken area in a letter to Earl J. Albrecht, president of the Northern Ohio Druggists Association, commending the pharmacists for their brave work: “Please convey my warm personal appreciation and gratitude to each one of the druggists who in a spirit of selfless service helped to alleviate the suffering and distress of a stricken community,” said Mayor Lausche. “These men by their quick thinking and action, their ability to respond with calmness and courage in the face of an emergency, and their application of professional skill, with no thought of personal reward or recognition, deserve the thanks of communities everywhere. It is by such examples of service that the neighborhood pharmacy has, in truth, become a community health center.” Typical of those in the fire-ravaged district who could not praise highly enough the emergency aid given by the pharmacists was Charles Nock, vice president of the Nock Fire Brick Co., 1243 East 55,h St. While fleeing from the area sprayed with flaming liquid gas following the first explosion, Mr. Nock, along with hundreds of others, suffered painful bums on the back of his neck. He ran to Braun-lich’s Pharmacy, 5500 St. Clair Ave., where he was given first aid treatment by Fred H. Braunlich, proprietor, and then ordered by Mr. Braunlich to go immediately to his doctor. “Braunlich’s knowledge of exactly what to do and not a second lost, saved me from having a very badly burned neck,” said Nock. “My doctor says I would be in the hospital right now if it had not been for the prompt first aid I received. AH of us who work or live in the neighborhood owe Mr. Braunlich and the other druggists like him our present state of good health and safety.” The pharmacists themselves were extremely modest in their appraisals of the heroic work they performed. “I only did what was expected of me and other pharmacists in the line of professional duty,” said one. “It was routine,’ said a second. “Professional service in times of an emergency is what we’re here for,” said a third. “It was my job - and I did it, that’s all,” said a fourth. The pharmacists on whom the major burden of the emergency fell by reason of their closeness to the inferno were: Fred H. Braunlich, already mentioned, a pharmacists for 31 years, a graduate of Western Reserve College of Pharmacy, the father of two sons, one in the Army at Ft. Benning, Ga., and a grandfather. John James Zwalsh, proprietor of Zwalsh’s Pharmacy, 5920 St. Clair Ave., a pharmacist for 34 years, a graduate of Valparaiso, Ind., College of Pharmacy, the father of a son who is a physician and surgeon with the armed forces in France, and two daughters, Genevieve, a radio writer in New York, and Gloria, a student at Cleveland’s East High School. John Komin, proprietor of Komin’s Pharmacy, 6430 St. Clair Ave., a pharmacist for 28 years and father of a son, also a pharmacist, with the Miller Drug Stores in Cleveland. Stanley Prijatel, proprietor of Prijatel’s Pharmacy, 6728 St. Clair Ave., a pharmacist for six years and a graduate from Western Reserve College of Pharmacy. Braunlich’s most harrowing experience, according to him, occurred when Mrs. Chester Hanks, of 5812 St. Clair Ave., rushed into his pharmacy with one of her 5-month-old twins, just after the first explosion, left the child in his care and rushed out again into the street against his protests to fetch the other twin. “I was afraid I would never see her again,” said Braunlich. “The sky was dripping liquid fire like rain and in her hysterical state I dared not think what she might do. I was never so glad to see anyone as that woman when she returned with the second twin, safe and sound. In her excitement she had forgotten where she had left it.” Braunlich “guessed” he had given emergency first aid treatment to “30 or 40” persons. Due to proximity to the danger zone, he was forced to close his store from Friday evening to Monday morning. Zwalsh gave first aid to the stricken as flames billowed up to his front door. “The heat was almost overwhelming. I went to the door to see how close the fire was approaching,” he explained. “When I opened the door a tongue of flame shot at me just like from a flame thrower. I ducked and slammed the door and ordered everyone into the back room quick.” Zwalsh continued his ministrations until ordered by firemen to leave. Then, with the help of his wife, he piled neighbors and their belongings into his truck and carried them out of the danger zone. He made several trips before he was stopped by the fire department. One of his passengers was Mrs. Annile Nikolas, a widow who lives with her son, Albert, at 6009 St. Clair Ave. Mrs. Nikolas who speaks with a Lithuanian accent and wears a pretty scarf around her head, betraying her “old country” origin, was loud in her praise of Pharmacist Zwalsh: “He is a good man. He is my friend and neighbor. So when the flame come I say T will go to my friend and neighbor, John Zwalsh. He will help me.’ He has helped me. Now I say, ‘God bless him. He is a good man’.” Stanley Prijatel recruited the help of two professional co-workers as the burned and shocked stormed into his pharmacy by the score. They were both dentists, Dr. Fil-more Feldman, who has offices over the Prijatel Pharmacy, and Dr. H. A. Beck, with offices around the corner. Most of the persons given emergency treatment by Mr. Prijatel and his cohorts suffered from second degree bums of the scalp and back, and after treatment were directed to report immediately to their family physicians. Many returned later to thank Prijatel for what he had done and to pay for his services, but he, like the others, refused payment of any kind. “It was our job,” they said. “It was expected of us.” Job or not - expected or not - these four East Side Cleveland pharmacists, all typical members of their profession - by their steadfastness and courage in the performance of their professional duties in a time of emergency - by their loyalty and warm devotion to the welfare of their friends and neighbors in a time of tragic need - have dramatically demonstrated what an integral part of community life the neighborhood pharmacy is, and how truly representative of American democracy at its best is the neighborhood pharmacist. —National Pharmacy Committee New York, NY This article was submitted by John Leskovec of Kirtland, OH, a friend of Stanley Prijatel who owned the pharmacy at 68th and St. Clair from 1938 until his retirement in 1982. He then sold it to his cousin, Allen Perse. Leskovec was the executor of Stan’s estate and forwarded the article and photos to the American Home. 11 Remembering Bishop Gregory Rozman by BISHOP A. EDWARD PEVEC From Catholic Universe Bulletin, Nov., 1959 November 16, 1959, 3:45 a.m. Outside St. Alexis Hospital on Broadway, the heavy traffic had not yet begun. The young day was still dark, quiet, cold. Inside the hospital, under glaring lights that were in stark contrast to the darkness of the corridors, nurses sat at their stations, completing patients’ charts and preparing medical doses for the hour when everything would once again break into the hectic activity of another day. Father Michael Rosztas, the hospital chaplain, had finished the prayers for the dying and stood, in silent reverence, next to the bed on which lay a very sick 76-year-old man. In one hand, tfic patient clutched the cru-c‘fix on a rosary; the other ”Ung limply at his side. The quiet groans had now topped and the breathing that had become lighter and m°re shallow with each Passing hour gradually slowed and then ceased. Gregory Rozman, the ex-''ed Slovenian bishop of f-jubljana, was dead. With a reverence that had een deepened by many years of hospital ministry, ather Rosztas reached over, j-losed the eyes of the dead •shop, anci veiy quietly ut-ered, "A saint has died. ” This marked the end of an ^hly life that had begun in It marked the end of a Priesthood that began in , u'> of an episcopacy that be8an in 1929. If a lifetime ^°uld be measured only in errns of such events as birth, Oination, consecration, en November 16th would ave marked an end to so Uch. But life is not meas-re(l simply by events or ..®ars, and certainly not the Ite of Bishop Rozman. . had come to know, only n the last nine years of his *e on earth, the life and lr>istry he shared so com-flete>y with so many "roughout the world. 1 was blessed to have him reach at my first Mass in St. Church on April 30, , 0- Later, for 15 months, I > ^ privilege of living » 1 him in the rectory of St. awrence Parish - having wS,Wlth him - praying him *lIm * fr ’ and always learning a 7 hina what it meant to be m me shepherd: what it ant to be available to his m?,StS:. what it meant to »beam !me f°r prayer; what il "'hat ■ ° Ce*ei)rate Eucharist; \yhat 11 meant to be alone; n meant to be a dedi- ZLATOMASN1K DR. GREGORIJ ROZMAN — GOLDEN JUfilLARlAN DR. GREGORY ROŽMAN 1907 - 1957 cated servant of the Lord. Bishop Rozman died before the Second Vatican Council and so he never saw its results. But then, he didn’t have to. His was a wisdom that was resplendent and unfailing during his years as a noble and fearless leader of Christ’s church. Throughout his ministry, he was deeply aware that foremost in his life were duties and responsibilities, not prerogatives and rights. The 30 years of his life as a bishop reflected so well the 35 years of the saintly ministry to St. Augustine, who wrote in the fifth century a message for all bishops of all times. For you, I am a bishop, but with you, I am a Christian. The first is an office accepted; the second a grace received; one a danger, the other safety. If then I am far more glad to be redeemed with you than I am to be placed over you, I shall, as the Lord commanded, be more completely your servant. Bishop Rozman was completely a servant of his Slovenian people. He never had the opportunity to read the documents of Vatican II that spoke of the bishop as a teacher, priest, and pastor; that spoke of priests as sons and friends of the bishop; that spoke of critical problems of contemporary society. But, he didn’t have to read these words - he lived their meaning. To become nameless and homeless was the cost of his being a bishop. To witness the martyrdom of so many of his Slovenian brother priests and close friends in his native land was the cost of his did remain yet to be learned by all of us in eternity. On the day of my first Mass, this exemplary bishop preached on the psalm verse I had printed on my souvenir holy card. “How shall I return to the Lord the good he has done for me?” Probably in the course of his 76 years he asked himself that question many times. He was always a grateful man, and the Lord’s good for him so often came in the form of heavy crosses. A good bishop, this Bishop Rozman. A good pastor. A good servant. He did so much to make himself worthy of the task given him by Jesus. November 16, 1959, 3:45 a.m. Truly, a saint died, but only to live forever. I will always remember. Perhaps we all should. Submitted by Frank Sega. being a bishop. To be condemned by the very ones to whom he ministered was the cost of his being a bishop. To watch families suffer and die was the cost of his being a bishop. To exhort bravely, to suffer willingly, to pray endlessly — these were the costs of his serving as a bishop. An exile among exiles -that was the lot of Bishop Gregory Rozman. So much did he want to come unto his own, but his own would not receive him. I recall the humility of this bishop who cared not for things of this world and who was committed to being a crusader against those who looked upon God as an enemy. I recall the faith of this bishop who would kneel patiently in the presence of his Eucharistic Lord and know that his sheep, scattered widely throughout the world, were very much cradled in the Lord’s hands. I recall the silent suffering, the bitter tears, and the deep pain of this bishop who could reach out only from a distance to so many who needed him. I recall the Christ-like love of this bishop who readily forgave those who wronged him but who was convinced that genuine love meant firmness against those to whom Christian principles were far less important than political persuasion. Many others knew him better than I, but I thank God I knew him as well as I did. Bishop Rozman was a man for all seasons - prayerful, priestly, principled, and pleasant. So much of who he was and so much of what he Albin Gorišek, religion editor by RICHARD M. PERRY The Plain Dealer SOLON, OH - Albin A. Gorišek, an award-winning religion editor who covered social turbulence in local churches in the 1960s, died Friday, Nov. 12, 2004 at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. He was 72. Gorišek was a tall, friendly man with a broad smile. He was not a likely candidate to be thrown out of a church, but it happened in 1969, when he was alerted to attend a midnight Mass in St. John Cathedral. Two Catholic priests attempted to conduct an unauthorized service to protest what they considered the church’s passivity in opposing the Vietnam War, racism and poverty, according to a Plain Dealer account of the incident. Police carried them from the building at the request of church officials and had them charged with trespassing. When Gorišek was recognized as a reporter, police promptly pushed him out the door, too. Gorišek also reported on stresses in Protestant churches as they responded to demands they take on new social roles arising from the war on poverty and Vietnam. He covered a meeting of the World Council of Churches in Sweden and visited holy sites in the Mid- dle East. In 1968, he was a third-place winner in the Su-ple Award competition of the national Religious News Writers Association. He interviewed international religious figures but confided that one of his favorites was the Rev. Billy Graham’s wife, whom he considered as charismatic as her famous husband. Gorišek was bom in War-rensville Township when residents raised their own pigs and chickens and most families had a milk cow. His parents, who were from Slovenia, operated a picnic grounds and tavern. Slovenians who lived in Cleveland took a streetcar to “Gorisek’s Farm” to enjoy the country air and the homemade wine. Gorišek and his wife, Suzanne, also a journalist, lived in Solon. They attended a sheriffs auction in Loudon-ville, Ohio, in 1982 to look for antiques but wound up as the building’s owners. They turned the 1865 Italiannate house into a bed and breakfast called the Blackfork Inn. After years of working at two places, Gorišek retired from his newspaper job in 1998. Gorišek also is survived by sons, A. Anthony of Medina, and Stephen of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a daughter, Kristin of Concord Township; and two grandchildren. Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything. -Katharine Hepburn Slovenia’s Masterpiece & International Bestseller In English At Last ALAMUT by Vladimir Bartol On the Slovenian bestseller lists for over two years, and translated into 19 languages worldwide, Vladimir Bartol s remarkable 65-year-old masterpiece is more relevant today than ever before. Available through independent bookstores, Amazon.com, and directly from www.scalahouaepreaw.com. Save 30% ofT list price by plat ing the code HOME into the “Discount Coupon" at checkout. www.scalahousepress.com Same business day shipping on all Web site orders. PO Box 17964 / Seattle, WA / 206-706-3339 Hardcover • $22.95 • 6-9720287-3-1) © © CMM> AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 2, 2004 12 | Death Notices STANISLAV VRHOVEC Stanislav Vrhovec, 86, passed away on Monday, Nov. 29, 2004 at Hospice House in Cleveland. Mr. Vrhovec was bom on Nov. 15, 1918 in Dragomir, Slovenia. He was a 14 year resident of Euclid, prior to that he resided in Cleveland. Mr. Vrhovec worked at White Motors as a drafting engineer, serving 25 years. He retired in 1978. Mr. Vrhovec was a member of SNPJ, St. Vitus Church, Holy Name Society, Tabor, DSPB, Slovenska Pristava, and Slovenska Pristava Pensioners. He is survived by a brother Albin (wife Josephine) Vrhovec of Slovenia, a niece Maja, also of Slovenia, friends Vladmir (Marija) Kralj, Franc Sever, Filip Oreh; goddaughter Sonja Scancar. Friends received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 2-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial on Thursday, Dec. 2, 11 a.m. at St. Vitus Church. Interment in Dragomir, Slovenia. THERESA CLEMENTS (DOLŠAK) Theresa Clements (Dolšak), 90, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 14 at Hospice House. Theresa was bom on March 17, 1914 in Cleveland. She lived in Euclid and Florida. Theresa was owner/-operator of Model Food Market along with her husband, Charles. Her parents were owners of Dolšak Dairy. She belonged to SNPJ #614 Strugglers, SDZ #26 Blejsko Jezero, Progressive Slovene Women #3, Slovenian Women’s Union #50, American Slovene Club of Cleveland, 777 Club of Florida, Waterloo Pensioners, St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary Society, was a life member of the Polka Hall of Fame, and honorary member of the Euclid Pensioners. Theresa is survived by nieces and nephews William and Anne Perusek, Carol and Jim Devanny, Kenneth and Bonnie Dolšak, Elaine Dolšak, Karen Korkin, Edward, Charles, Frank and Joseph Dolšak, Ronnie Ann and Michael Lafferty, Noreen Clements, and Mary Clements; and many great and great-great nieces and nephews. Deceased family are: husband Charles; brothers: Frank, John and Edward Dolšak; sister Josephine Perusek; parents: Frank and Josephine; nephews: Donald Dolšak, Charles and Albert Clements. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Sunday, Nov. 21 from 2-6 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was on Monday, Nov. 22 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Rev John Kumse, pastor, officiated. Family suggests contributions in her memory to Hospice of Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. ROBERT SPELIC Robert Spelic, 53, beloved son of Fredrick and Frances (nee Plavan); loving brother of Janet (Thomas) McNamara; dear uncle of Kelley (Richard) Wachhaus, Megan, Katherine (Jason) Hill and Bryan; great uncle of Casey; nephew of Albina, Michel (deceased), and Victoria Spelic. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Thursday, Nov. 18 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where services were held Friday at 9 a.m., and at St. Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice in his memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. ALBERT F. JANCIGAR Albert F. Jancigar, 82, a 40 plus year resident of Euclid, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 24 in Euclid Hospital. Mr. Jancigar was bom on March 20, 1922 in Cleveland. Mr. Jancigar was an employee of Conrail, formerly New York Central railroad as a car inspector for 30 years, retiring in 1983. He was a part-time employee at Zele Funeral Home. He was a U.S. Army Veteran during World War II, having fought in the Pacific Theater of Operations. He loved gardening, polkas and dancing. Friends were received on Friday, Nov. 26 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, Nov. 27 at 11 a.m. in St. Christine Church in Euclid, OH. In Memory Thanks to Jacquelyn L. Delost who renewed her subscription and added a $30.00 donation in memory of Margaret R. Delost, Mary P. Delost, and Tony Delost. In Loving Memory The 9,h Anniversary of the death of our beloved Mother, Sister, Aunt, Great-Aunt, and Grandmother Josephine “Pep” Flaisman Died Dec. 1,1995 Though her smile is gone forever and her hand we cannot touch We will always have happy memories of the one we loved so much. Missed by: Sons - Alan and Aldon Daughter - Alana Wallin Sister - Sylvia Plymesser Son-in-law - Robert Daughter-in-law Karla and Grandchildren In Loving Memory Ella Skoda Died Dec. 4, 2000 Your memory to us is a keepsake. With which we will never part. Though God has you in his keeping, We always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: Husband: Frank Son: Frank, Daughter: Charlotte Clebenger, Son-in-law: Wayne Clebenger, Grandson: Patrick, Granddaughter: Lisa sister: Ann Bouha In Memory I am sending you $35.00 for my subscription to the American Home newspaper and $15.00 in memory of John Kužnik, a dear friend. We worked together at the Leece-Neville Co., for many years. Sincere sympathies to the family. —Agnes Flanders Yukon, PA In Memory Thanks to the Tome Family of Cleveland, OH for the $12.00 donation in memory of Ana Tome. Donation Editor, On the occasion of James Debevec’s 50th anniversary of adult membership in AMLA, Marge and I are donating $50.00 to the American Home newspaper. Congratulations and best wishes. —Stane and Marge Kuhar Wickliffe, OH Donation Thanks to Antonija Gorše of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Theresa Ba-buder of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her parents, Ivanka and Joze Kete. , In Memory Thanks to Amalia Gregorc of Richmond Hts., OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Anton Gregorc. In Memory Thanks to Mary Coffeh of Milwaukee, WI who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of Ralph C. Cof-felt. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ In Loving Memory Dec. 3, 1928 Nov. 14,2003 Tillie Vrtovsnik We mis-i your smile, the sound of your voice and your special ways of making us i Vwed. We take comfort in knowing that you are at peace. All our love, always. Husband: Chuck, Son: Chuck, Daughters: Cathy Peyton & Cheryl Lombardi And spouses Grandchildren: Rachel, Matthew. Aimcc, Josh and Lindsay Sister: Dorothy Zitko — _____--l The Perfect Gift A gift subscription to the American Home NewspaPer *s the perfect Christmas present that will last the entire yea^ Your recipient will think of your thoughtfulness each t*01 the paper arrives. . ! Besides that, you will be supporting the only indepen e j Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slo nian heritage will be perpetuated. And we’ll send a card to the new subscriber telling oi your informative gift. Subscriptions are $35.00 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 St. Clair A'j®’ Cleveland, OH 44103; or call (216) 431-0628; fax: (21 ' 361-4088 ore-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com Name.......... Address....... City, State, Zip: Your name Address........ City, State, Zip fi.» t* • •.% • t • v i • • • r FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina ft It Tj l a »I rcfc ; r«T. ^ i: AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 2, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - se ne bo zapletlo, bo državi zbor jutri Potrdil novo slovensko vlado pod vodstvom Janeza Janše - Štiristrankarska koalicija Janez Janša je uspel pri sestavljanju vladne koalicije. V njej bodo štiri stranke, njegova lastna SDS, nato partnerica iz že predvolitvene Koalicije Slovenije NSi ter še SLS in DeSUS. Predvidevajo, da bodo poslanci o novi vladi glasovali jutri. Vsaj ob začetku se zdi, da bo imel solidno večino. Ankete javnega razpoloženja od volitev 3. oktobra dalje kažejo, da njegova osebna Priljubljenost še vedno raste. Poglavitni franki v opoziciji bosta LDS in ZLSD, z rvgmi verjetno tudi Jelinčičeva SNS. Vladna ekipa, ki ga je predlagal Janša, Je v začetku imela 16 oseb. Ena teh, Darinka Mravljak iz vrst SLS, ki naj bi bila •ninistrica brez listnice, odgovorna za regio-nalni razvoj in lokalno samoupravo, se je ^adnji trenutek odločila, da tega mesta ne ^eli zasesti. Tako sta se Janša in Podobnik ogovorila, da bo SLS koga drugega predala v največ 10 dneh. Od prvotnega se-^•atna kandidatov jih je bilo štirinajst moš-ttt in dve ženski, njih povprečna starost je ’a 49 let, štiri od njih so bili nestrankar-s i Lovro Šturm, Gregor Virant, Dragutin ate in Marija Lukačič. Celoten seznam Kandidatov za ministre je: p^tntster za zunanje zadeve: Dimitrij Ru- minister minister minister minister zdravje: Andrej Bručan; kulturo: Vaško Simoniti; gospodarstvo: Andrej Vizjak; šolstvo in šport: Milan Zver; minister za javno upravo: Gregor Virant; za za za za minister Mate; za notranje zadeve: Dragutin ministrica za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in fe .ano: Marija Lukačič; minister za pravosodje: Lovro Šturm; minister za finance: Andrej Bajuk; ^ minister za delo, družino in socialne za-CVe; Janez Drobnič; t ,ni'n‘ster za visoko šolstvo, znanost in hnologijo; Jure Zupan; minister za promet: Janez Božič; minister za okolje in prostor: Janez Podobnik; minister za obrambo: Karl Erjavec. Izreden kongres Liberalne demokracije (LDS) bo že 11. decembra - Anton Rop odstopil kot predsednik, a z zadržko Vodstvo LDS je na svetu stranke predstavilo odstopne izjave, ki bodo začele veljati 11. decembra, ko bo kongres največje poraženske stranke imel volitve za novo vodstvo. Poleg predsednika Rop so odstopne izjave podpisali tudi trije strankini podpredsedniki. LDS je 3. oktobra prejela 22,8 odstotka glasov in tako v primerjavi z letom 2000 (36,3 odstotka) izgubila več kot tretjino volivcev. Zaradi volilnega poraza so se v stranki odločili za sklic kongresa, na katerem naj bi oblikovali svojo držo kot vodilna opozicijska stranka in izvolili novo vodstvo. Politični komentatorji soglašajo, da strankin predsednik po 11. decembru ne bo več Anton Rop, niso pa enotni o tem, kdo naj bi postal njegov naslednik. Hitra cesta od Ljubljane do Kopra dokončana - 100 kilometrov dolga pot Za promet so odprli 6,9-kilometrski avtocestni odsek Črni Kal - Ankaran, tako da je primorski avtocestni krak od Ljubljane do Kopra /100 kilometrov (tj. 63 milj), tudi 2,2-kilometrski predor Dekani/ v celoti dokončan. Prvi odsek te ceste (Vrhnika -Razdrto) je bil zgrajen v začetku 70. let. “Ta veseli dan kulture” Za slovo od ministrskega mesta je An-derja Rihtar (sicer članica ZLSD) kot zadnjo potezo - zamenjal jo bo morda že jutri Vaško Simoniti iz SDS - razglasila 3. december (torej jutri), ki je obletnica Prešernovega rojstva tudi letos za Ta veseli dan kulture. V Sloveniji sicer Prešernov dan slavijo 8. februarja na obletnico njegove smrti. Napovedanih za jutri je 250 kulturnih dogodkov (lani jih je bilo 170 z 20 tisoč obiskovalci. Jane^p01^1 ŠTIRIH STRANK NOVE VLADNE KOALICIJE - Zbrani so z leve Janez I0dvobnik' predsednik SLS, ki bo v novi vladi minister za okolje in prostor, NSi, kj.nŠa’ Predsednik SDS, ki bo predsednik vlade, dr. Andrej Bajuk, predsednik 0 v novi vladi finančni minister, in Anton Rons, predsednik DeSUS, ki pa v «>ovi vladi ne bo sodeloval neposredno. Vlada bi morala biti potrjena od parlamenta jutn. ittMi Iz Clevelanda in okolice Miklavž prihaja— Učenci in absolventi Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vne-bovzeti bodo predstavili o-pereto “Miklavž prihaja” to soboto zv. ob 6.30 v župnijski dvorani. Vstopnina je $8 za odrasle, $4 za najstnike, vstop je prost za še mlajše. Vsi vabljeni. Miklavževanje— Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu priredi miklavževanje to nedeljo pop. ob 3h, v farni dvorani. Vsi vljudno vabljeni. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo pri sv. Vidu jih bo prodajalo v soboto, 11. dec., ob običajnem času v društveni sobi avditorija. Pridite! Novi grobovi Stanislav Vrhovec Dne 29. novembra je v Hospice House-u na E. 185 St. v Clevelandu umrl 86 let stari Stanislav Vrhovec, rojen 15. novembra 1918 v Dragomeru, Slovenija, zad-jih 14 let živel v Euclidu, prej pa v Clevelandu, zaposlen 25 let pri White Motor Co., do svoje upokojitve 1. 1978, brat Albina (Slov.), stric Maje (Slov.), že pok. v Sloveniji so tri sestre in brat, boter Sonje Scancar, bil je prijatelj Filipa Oreha, Franca Severja ter Vladimirja in Marije Kralj, član Tabora DSPB, Slovenske pristave, Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave, DNU pri Sv. Vidu, SNPJ ter dolgoletni dopisnik Ameriške Domovine (tj. “S.V.”). Pogreb je bil 2. decembra v oskrbi Žele-tovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida, pokopan bo v domačem Dragomerju. Anthony Lekan Umrl je 76 let stari Anthony Lekan, mož Marilyn, roj. Koss, oče Anthonyja, Gregoryja, Timothyja, Mary Yantek, Josepha in Michaela. 8-krat stari oče, sin že pok. Josepha in Frances (r. Perko), brat Marie Viskocil, Sally, sr. Miriam Joseph O.P., Louisa, Pat Sammons ter že pok. Rev. Josepha Lekan S.M., Malta, Cy-a, Franka, Fanny in Johna, zaposlen kot učitelj v višji šoli sv. Josepha 38 let, do svoje upokojitve. Pogreb je bil 30. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Clarencea s pokopom na Sv. križa pokopališču. (DALJE na str, lO) ^ .. Dr. Tone Arko preminul— “V bolnici sv. Jožefa v Jolietu, 111., je po težki operaciji 24. novembra 2004, preminul 69 let stari dr. Anthony C. Arko. Tone, rešen si bremena življenja, sedaj počivaj v miru pri Bogu. Družina.” LILIJA ima sestanek— Odbor dramskega društva Lilija sporoča, da bo redni mesečni sestanek v ponedeljek, 6. decembra, ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Božični oglasi— Naša pisarna sprejema božične oglase, rok zanje je pa ponedeljek, 13. decembra. Obrazec je v današnji AD, v obeh delih. Lahko pa pokličete pisarno na 216-431-0628 ali se oglasite osebno. Zamejeno— Oseba, ki je pomotoma vzela napačno moško kapo na belokranjskem martinovanju 13. novembra v SND na St. Clairju, je naprošena, da jo vrne v SND in vzame svojo, ki je tam shranjena. Lahko tudi pokličete Staneta na 440-944-8736. Božični koncert— Ohio Boys Choir bo imel koncert v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete v nedeljo, 12. decembra. Zbor vodi Jon Simšič. Peli bodo klasične in tradicionalne pesmi. Vstopnine ni, prostovoljni prispevki bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Božičnica— Pristavski upokojenci so vsi lepo vabljeni na božičnico v četrtek, 16. decembra, pop. ob 1.30 v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Za vse bo pripravljeno dobro kosilo, tudi bolnim članom bomo ponesli kosilo in božično rožo na dom. V tiskovni sklad— Ohijska federacija KSKJ društev je poklonila $100 v tiskovni sklad AD. G. Stane in ga. Marge Kuhar iz Wickliffa, sta darovala $50 v isti namen, ob priložnosti 50-letnega članstva g. Jamesa Debevca v AMLA. G. Miroslav in ga. Kathy Gorjup, Eastlake, O., sta darovala $15. Ga. Antonija Gorše iz Euclida je poklonila $20. Ga. Cecilija in g. Bob Dolgan, Willoughby Hills, sta darovala $65. Naša iskrena hvala vsem darovalcem za naklonjenost in podporo! iv;’ n> '2 n?s yTim-i Advent - čas pričakovanja Eno najlepših izkustev je pričakovanje, večkrat je celo lepše od izpolnitve. Ali ni otroštvo tako lepo ravno zato, ker otrok vedno nekaj pričakuje in si to v svoji domišljili naslika v najlepših barvah in podobah? Kakšen žar je v otroških očeh, ko prihaja Miklavž, ali ko se odpirajo darila ob božičnem drevesu. Lepo je gledati ljudi na železniški ali avtobusni postaji ali na letališču, ki koga hrepeneče čakajo in dočakajo. Pričakujemo advent, čas pričakovanja, upanja in hrepenenja. Na mizi pred nami je adventni venec, ki so ga spletle skrbne roke. Venec ima bogato govorico. Najprej je to znamenje zmage. Včasih so z njim okrasili zmagovalca športnih tekem. Iz takšnega venca na glavi se je sčasoma razvila kraljevska krona, saj so kralji navadno prišli na oblast z zmago nad nasprotniki. Dandanes navadno vidimo venec ob žalostnih trenutkih slovesa. To so venci z mnogimi rožami in dolgimi trakovi. Pozabili pa smo, da so venci tudi znamenje upanja in zmage, in sicer Kristusove zmage nad smrtjo, znamenje Njegovega vstajenja od mrtvih. Kaj nam govorijo simboli v adventnem vencu? - KROG je najpomembnejši lik, lik brez začetka in konca, je starodavno znamenje za Boga, za Njegovo popolnost in večnost; ZELENJE, ki je uvene, kaže na naše neuničljivo upanje vanj. Govori tudi o božji zvestobi, ki človeka spremlja skozi svetle in temne dni. SVEČA spominja na Kristusa, ki se je imenoval prava luč sveta. Naj bo vsako adventno nedeljo več Kristusove luči v našem srcu. Advent nas vabi k novemu začetku. Ne recimo, da se ne da nič spremeniti. Ne pustimo, da bi šlo še naprej vse po starem. Preprosto zelenje nas vzpodbuja, naj v veliki puščavi sveta postanemo majhne oaze, kjer vse začenja spet rasti in cveteti. Bodimo zelenice, ob katerih se bodo ljudje radi ustavili, se okrepčali in odpočili. Povzeto po knjigi “Sejalec na ozarah" F.O.L. - Miklavž prihaja! - SVETI MIKLAVŽ bo obiskal vse otroke in prijatelje v Clevelandu to soboto, 4. decembra, v novi farni dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Za to slovesnost pripravljajo otroci, starši, učitelji in bivši učenci šole pod vodstvom Rudija Kneza opereto Miklavž prihaja. Pričetek bo zvečer ob 6.30. Vstopnina pri vratih bo $8 za odrasle, otroci do 12. leta bo pa brezplačno. Vsi prisrčno vabljeni na ta nepozaben večer. Doživeli boste priprave nebeških angelov za obisk med zemljane. Pridni čevljar Gerard in krojač Krišpin, mladi Serafinček ter mali Koderček nam bodo zapeli. Angelci si bodo skrbno očistili zvezdice in pripravili herme-linova ogrinjala in Hoff- manove kapljice, da se ne bi kdo prehladil po poti. Ne bo presenetljivo, če bosta Lucifer in njegova klapa iz pekla tudi kaj rogovoili ta večer. A nič se bati, vsem bo lepo, ko pride priljubljeni svetnik sv. Miklavž med nas. Starši, ki bi se radi pomenili s svetnikom glede osebnih želja njihovih otrok, se lahko oglasijo eno uro pred programom v sobi z napisom “Pomenki z Miklavžem”. In še: Mlada Majda se dopisuje s sv. Miklavžem: Dragi sv. Miklavž! Kako je z Vami? Ali je kaj novega v nebesih? Gotovo se že angelci veselijo vsakoletnega potovanja na zemljo. Ali kaj veste, kako je s parklji, ali so se kaj pomerili od lani? Mene je kar strah, ko pomislim, kako so ropotali z verigami in kazali tiste grde jezike. Potem pa malo pomislim spet na radostne angele s svojimi zvezdicami in postanem spet mirna. Najbolj se veselim videti Vas! Ko zagledam Vaš ljubezniv obraz, častitljivo brado in škofovsko obleko, mi srce začne bolj hitro biti. Imate tako lepo palico in tisto lepo zlato knjigo. Vedno me skrbi, kaj je zapisano o meni v nebeški ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 tei/fax web: www.wcsb.org knjigi, čeprav se trudim, da bi bila čim bolj pridna. A kaj če pride do zmote, in je napisano veliko slabega, ali celo da ne najdete mojega imana na seznamu? Kaj pa če. so prišli parkeljni do knjige in izbrisali dobra dela in napisali kaj slabega? Se kar oddahnem vsako leto, ko me pokličete s sebi na pogovor. Letos bom že 10 let stara. Vsako jutro in vsak večer hvalim Boga in se vmes zmolim za mojo družino, za vse lačne in osamljene ljudi, za uboge otroke, za vse bo-lane. Mamico in atija u-bogam. V šoli se pridno učim. Le bratec Janezek me včasih jezi. Ko gre mimo mene me nalašč vščipne ali pocuka za lase, potem pa leti in se skrije. Mamica mi pravi, da to dela, da bi ga jaz lovila, da bi se rad igral. Pravi, da ga naj kar pustim pri miru in se bo naveličal. Zdaj, ko že dobro berem, mu včasih preberem kakšno lepo pravljico. Za Vaš god bom pomagala mamici hišo pospraviti in nastavila krožnik na mizo. Mogoče bom napisala kakšno pesmico in narisala lepo sliko za Vas. Prosim, če bo še kaj piškotov in bonbonov, ko boste š' mimo nas (saj si mislim, da imate veliko otrok za obiskat), se priporočam. In bom zelo vesela, če boste imeli za mamico eno pomarančo, in za atija kakšno jabolko. Za Janezeka pa prosim igračko, da bo mene pri miru pustil. Joz si pa močno želim kakšno novo knjigo. Zgodbe o princesih so mi najbolj všeč. Se veselim Vašega obiska! vaša Majda O Draga Majda! Hvala za tvoje lepo P1' smo. Tudi jaz se veselim letošnjega obiska pri tebi doma. Še prej pa le pri' di to soboto, 4. decembra, v farno dvorano sv. Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Avenue. Tam pripravljajo dr. Jerko Gr' zinčičevo opereto Miklavž prihaja, s pričetkom ob 6.30 zvečer. Nastopali bodo učenci Slovenske šok kakor tudi bivši učenci šole. Tudi jaz pridem, in se bova lahko pomenila kar osebno. Obdaril bom Pri' dne otroke. Tudi ang^ri se veselijo tega dogodka-Vsi bralci tega pisma k' po vabljeni na večer, ki bo ostal vsem mladini in mladim pri srcu v kp spomin. Vaš sv. Miklavž Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš' nov naslov 'kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da- boste brez prekinitve do bivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 cen tov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma 116 dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta' obrazec za posredo vanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Star naslov Star naslov Mesto,, država, zip BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481 -5277 Na pogrebu Frančiške Kosem... Spomin (Pogreb je bil 17. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete v Clevelandu. Govoril je njen sin Marjan.] O Pri tej sveti daritvi smo se zbrali, da se poslovimo od naše drage mame. Mama je bila rojena 29. januarja 1907 v trdni, verni kmečki družini v Beričevem, Slovenija. Ko je bila stara komaj sedem let je stari ata padel na ruski fronti leta 1914. Njena mama je ostala sama z majhnimi otroci - dva sinova in tri hčerke. Naša mama je bila druga po starosti. Komaj osemnajstletna se je poročila z atom Alojzijem Kosem. S trdnim delom sta si gradila dom v Dolu pri Ljubljani. V ljubezni in sreči smo prihajali na svet, do- na mamo kler se ni začela druga svetovna vojna leta 1941. Ata in mama sta bila trdna v veri, pridna pri delu in odločna proti komunizmu. Ata je bil zaprt od Nemcev v Begunjah, kar je bilo v srečo, da ni tedaj padel pod komunističnim strelom. Ko je bil spuščen na svobodo, se je umaknil na Koroško; mama se je trudila doma sama z majhnimi otroci na kmetiji in mesariji. Predno so partizani zavladali, se je družina z ostalimi umaknila na Koroško. Tedaj najmlajši, Franci, je bil star komaj osem mesecev. Noseča je peš prekoračila greben čez Karavanke, ker je bil tunel miniran. Niki se je rodil v taborišču, podlegel bolezni, in sedaj počiva na koroški zemlji. Težki časi so bili za mamo, posebno še, ko je zvedela o mučeništvu in smrti najstarejšega sina, domobranca Lojzita. Leta 1949 se je družina preselila v Ameriko -na Gilbert, Minnesota. -Kmalu sta si z atom postavila s trdim delom nov dom. A ta dom ni bil za dolgo. Leta 1953 smo se preselili v Cleveland in tu začeli znova. Po večkratnih selitvah smo 1954 zopet zaživeli v svojem domu. Kamor koli smo prišli, sta se ata in mama takoj vključila v farno življenje. Obisk sv. maše je bil na dnevnem redu. Če sta le videla potrebo, sta bila vedno pripravljena pomagati. To je nam otrokom ostalo v nepozaben zgled. Z besedo, molitvijo in ljubeznijo sta za vse skrbela in nam pomagala do samostojnega življenja. Veselila sta se vsakega našega uspeha. Posebno z veseljem sta sprejemala prihod vnukov. Tako je danes 13 vnukov in 28 pravnukov. Velik sunek je bil, ko je ata vzela strašna bolezen rak. Vse nas je to zelo pretreslo, posebno pa mamo. Pripravljena je bila in rada bi šla kar za njim - toda Bog je imel druge načrte. Letos pomladi je minilo 40 let od njegove, očetove smrti. Največja sreča mame je bila na dan nove maše najmlajšega sina Fran-cita. Na žalost ga je ata spremljal že iz nebeških višav. Kod drugi, je bila one še posebno ponosna, da ima sina duhovnika. Za razmere v svetu se je vedno zanimala. Če sem se slučajno ustavil doma ob času večernih novic, mi je rekla: “Daj Petra gor”. To je bil Peter Jennings. In vedno je hotela podrobnosti: “Kje je to in kaj se dogaja?” In tudi potovala je rada. Posebno je šla rada na romanja, naj bo to Lemont, Brezje, Fatimo ali Rim. Jaz sem službeno veliko potoval in me je vedno spraševala: “Kje si pa spet bil? Po celem svetu hodiš, kdaj boš šel pa ti v Fatimo?” Pred dvema mesecema sva bila tudi z Miro v Fatimi in Lurdu. Ko je mama zvedela, da bova šla je bila zelo zadovoljna. In pred dvema tednoma jo z veseljem gledala slike iz potovanja. Ponosna je Oltarno društvo sv. Vida vabi na božičnico CLEVELAND, O. - Od Zahvalnega dne smo se že poslovili. Upamo, da ste ga lepo preživeli. Sedaj se pa pripravljamo na prihod rojstva našega Odrešenika. Naše Oltarno društvo bo imelo sv. mašo 12. decembra ob pol enajstih. Začele bomo z rožnim vencem pred sv. mašo, torej ob desetih. Lepo ste vabljene, da pridete vse v sprednje klopi, da bomo skupaj, ko molimo. “V skupnosti je sloga,” pravi pregovor. Takoj po maši se bomo podale v šolsko dvorano. Tam nas bodo čakale lepe jaslice, ki jih bo č.g. župnik blagoslovil. V duhu bomo poromale v Betlehem, z lepim božičnim petjem. Po tem lepem obredu nas bo čakal dober prigrizek. Za vse bo lepo preskrbljeno. In zato vas prav lepo vabimo, da pridete vse članice. Posebno pa vabimo vse nove članice. Pripeljite s seboj še prijateljico, čeprav še ni članica. Vsaka bo dobrodošla. Priporočamo se tudi za pecivo, kakor tudi dar za žrebanje. Vse bo zelo hvaležno sprejeto. Vseh naših bolnikov se bomo spomnile z molitvijo. Vsem tistim, ki berete te vrstice, voščimo: Blagoslovljene božične praznike in veliko duševnega in božjega miru! Ivanka Matič “The Greatest Gifr The greatest gift at Christmas time is one we all may give. A friendly smile that helps to make life easier to live. A kindly thought, a helping hand to show someone we care, and let them know how how much it means for us to have them here. The greatest gift at Christmas time costs not a lot to buy. It’s being a good neighbor as days and months go by. It’s offering a shoulder when someone needs a lift. And so I pray this Christmas Day, * that this may be your gift. Grace E. Easley bila, ko je zvedela, da sem v procesiji nesel Marijin kip. Pred tremi leti je mamo zadela hud kap, kar dvakrat v enem mesecu. Po prvi si je hitro opomogla, druga pa ji je pustila resne posledice. Odločila se je, da bo zopet hodila. Ko sem hodil z njo na terapijo, jo je terapevtka vedno svarila: “Ga. Kosem - bolj počasi!" Ona pa kar naprej. S trdo voljo in vestno terapijo je dosegla zopet svojo osnovno nego in tako cenjeno samostojnost. Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Mama je bila ponosna. Palico je težko sprejela, toda s časom se je vendar vdala. Frank ji je prinesel palico, s katero je bila nekaj časa zadovoljna. Ni bilo dolgo po tem, ko ni bila ta palica več dobra za cerkev. Frank ji je prinesel drugo, kateor je imel pokojni škof Cosgrove. Rekla mi je: “Marjan, daj mi jo ti zrihtat’, da bo dobra za v cerkev.” Skrajšal sem jo, popravil in na novo polakiral. Nestrpno je spraševala in čakala, kdaj bo zagotovljena. In vsako nedeljo ste jo videli pri maši, seveda s škofovo nedeljsko palico. Trpela je, ko ni mogla delati na vrtu in razna ročna dela. Več pregrinjal in blazin je darovala za misijone in za vse nas so ostali še za uporabo in spomin. Ljubila je rože in z veseljem skrbela za vrt. Zadnja tri leta je preživela v glavnem v molitvi in branju. Trpela je, (dalje na str. 16) SPOROČAJTE PRAVOČASNO O PRIHAJAJOČIH PRIREDITVAH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV jfnifSfJ ttfvr vjjncj n.: foths ’.‘Oti rii ' J Igo £»'/0 nil PAVLE BORŠTNIK KOMENTAR Janševa vlada: začetek konca ali konec začetka? PERRY, O. - Slovenija bo te dni dobila novo vlado, ki ne bo pod nadzorstvom Komunistične partije v eni ali drugi o-bleki. Če pomislimo, da se bo to zgodilo točno šestdeset let po tistem najtežjem obdoblju slovenske zgodovine, postane pomen te spremembe še toliko globlji, toliko pomembnejši, pa tudi toliko bolj nepredvidljiv. V letu, ko je morala Slovenija izvesti dvoje kritičnih volitev, je prišlo do življenjsko važnega preobrata. Volitve so prinesle presenečenja, čeprav so bila do neke mere pričakovana ali napovedana. Na volitvah v evropski parlament, je zmagala Nova Slovenija (NSi), stvarna naslednica predvojne “klerikalne" stranke, na rednih parlamentarnih volitvah pa Slovenska demokratska stranka (SDS), ki se je šele ne tako dolgo tega otresla prejšnje nejasne klasifikacije “Slovenska socialdemokratska stranka”. Res sta obe stranki, Janez Janševa SDS in Andrej Bajukova NSi, povezani v precej trdni koaliciji, toda kako si razlagati ta nepričakovani izid enih in drugih volitev? Morda bi kazalo V BLAG SPOMIN ob 25. obletnici smrti naše ljube mame in stare mame Pavle Arnež ki je umrla dne 3. dec. 1979 Blagor tistim, ki umrjejo v Gospodu, njih dobra dela gredo z njimi. Pned Gospodom prosijo za nas blagoslova. Žalujoči: Sin Anton, v Kaliforniji hčerke: Marija Grum — Milwaukee Helena Gaser — Cleveland Paula Hauptman — Cleveland in njih družine. najprej zapisati, da predstavljajo letošnje volitve oz. njih izid predvsem kot začetek dokončnega procesa demokratizacije slovenske družbe, s tem konec obdobja, ki ga je obvladovala totalitarna miselnost, čeprav kamufli-rana z demokratičnimi geslami. Janševi stranki je potem, ko si je nadela nedvoumno oznako, uspelo prepričati volilce, da predstavlja resno alternativo komunistični kontinuiteti. Predvsem to je stranki prineslo zmago na volitvah. Bajukova NSi pa je kljub podobnemu preobratu oz. prelomu s staro (klerikalno) tradicijo ostala stranka, za katero SPOMIN NA MAMO (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) ko ji je sluh opešal. Rada je brala verske časopise, posebno A ve Maria in Družino. Vedno se Je veselila o-biskov in na težave in bolečine je takrat kar pozabila. Običajno je bilo, da smo se v nedeljo proti večeru zbrali pri njej. Čeprav ni več' slišala, je rada gledala televizijo. Spomnim se, da je bila ura pol sedmih in mi reče: “Daj, obrni tam, kjer je Angelca." “Kje pa je to?” sem jo vprašal. Vzela je v roko kontrolo in našla program Izpostavljenje sv. Rešnjega telesa. Zbrano ga je gledala in ko je bilo tega konec se je pokazala Sister Angelica na katoliškem kanalu EWTN. Spoznal sem mamino Angelco (sedaj po slovensko se prebere Angelica). Toda želela si je na drugi svet, kjer ni omejitev in bolečin. Čeprav otroci tiho želeU, da , »segla stoletnico. Jb vendar uslišal in poklical domov. Sedaj bosta zopet skupaj z atom pri Bogu na gričku pokopališča Vernih duš. Hvala Vam, draga mama. za tako lepo in bogato življenje! Križci, ki jih je skupina raziskovalcev izkopala pri grobišču Macesnova gorica v KočevskenT rogu septembra letos. Najdbe so potrdile, da so bili tam pobiti Slovenci. Gl. članek o posvetu, ki se pričenja na str. 17. so mnogi volilci mislili, da je preveč navezana na Cerkev, če ne celo pod njeno kontrolo. Tu seveda igra veliko vlogo predvojna in medvojna diferenciacija slovenske družbe, čeprav jo je povojni razvoj v veliki meri prerastel. Ali je torej dejstvo, da je na volitvah v Evropski parlament kljub temu zmagala NSi predvsem dokaz, da so hoteli slovenski volilci ob vstopu v EU poudariti, da izhajajo iz krščanske tradicije? (Razlaga, da je zmago NSi treba pripisati popularnosti Lojzeta Peterleta se zdi preveč enostavna.) V BLAG SPOMIN 18. obletnice smrti našega ljubljenega moža, očeta, starega očeta, brata in strica PAVEL DOLENC ki umrl 8. decembra 1986. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večria Luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči ostali: Antonija, žena Sinova in hčere: Maria Yaecker, Josie Taricska, Pavel ml., Anton in Ann Bloom, vsi v ZDA Vnuki in vnukinje S. Euclid, O., 2. decembra 200-1. Ali naj bi bilo to zaupanje "krščanski demokraciji” nekakšen dokaz, da volilci vidijo v tej stranki najprimernejšo transmisijo in tolmačenje te slovenske krščanske usmerjenosti? Ali naj torej pričakujemo, da se bo NSi razvila v na krščanskih osnovah temelječo stranko, ki pa ne bo več potrebovala zaslombe na Cerkev za svoj obstoj in uspeh? In ali naj - kar je veliko bolj važno - pričakujemo, da bodo novo nastale razmere v Sloveniji ustvarile tudi novo ozračje, v katerem Cerkvi - tako kot je to v Ameriki - ne bo več potrebna še taka ali drugačne politična stranka za opravljanje njene misije med slovenskim rtarodom? Tisti klasični klerikalizem je zdaj že odmrl v domala vseh evropskih državah. v Ameriki pa ga sploh nikdar ni bilo. ' Oboje - jasna definicija SDS in- nava podlaga krščanske demokracije, se pravi NSi - sta do-, brodošla znanilca nove dobe slovenske politike, ki se bo zdaj - tako lipam - otresla vseh ideoloških predsodkov in razvila specifične atribute svoje lastne družbe. V nekem smislu torej gre za nekakšno amerikanizacijo slovenske politike. Dejansko se Je med letošnjo volilno kampanjo pričel med ljudmi uveljavljati izraz republikanizem za prizadevanja, ki naj bi bila tipična za stranke slovenske pomladi. Torej naj bi bilo na koncu začetka tudi slo- vensko politično življenje razdeljeno na dva pola: prvo zmerno desno in drugo zmerno levo. Posebno pomembno je pri vsem tem, da so volitve potekle brez kakršnihkoli resnih incidentov ali zapletov, da je poražena levica sprejela spremembo brez kakšne histerije in da je pripravljena na vlogo lojalne opozicije. Pri tem prihaja človeku na misel ruski izrek, ki se ga je tako rad posluževal predsednik R°' nald Reagan: “Doveraj 1 proveraj" - se pravi, zaupaj, a preverjaj. Zaupajmo torej, da je slovenski človek šest desetletij po končani revoluciji slednjič prebolel njen strup in zakoračil v novo obdobje razvoja družbe, obenem pa ostanimo budni in ne dopustimo. da nas karkoli spet ne najde speče 1° nepripravljene, kar Slovenijo spet lahko potisne v temo totalitarizma ali v meglo kontrolirane “!)uC*' ske" demokracije. Joseph L. fortunaB POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Clevelaod, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolag® podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Strokovni posvet pod naslovom “Žrtve vojne in revolucije” Odkrito o žrtvah revolucije Državni svet je 11. in 12. novembra gostil strokovni posvet pod naslovom Žrtve vojne in revolucije, na katerem so zgodovinarji in drugi strokovnjaki predstavili svoje izsledke. Posvet je bil pomemben predvsem zato, ker so na njem brez dlake na jeziku govorili o vojnem in povojnem nasilju. O ❖ O (O tem posvetu sta že poročala tako dnevnik Delo in tednik Družina, te članek - pripravil ga Je novinar Mitja Volčan-Sek za tednik “Demokra-eljo" v Sloveniji - ponatisnem kot prvi iz omenjenega tednika, ki ga sedaj po zaslugi g. Milana Kravanje iz Arlingtona, prejemamo po letalci pošti. Upam in pričakujem, da bom mogel tudi za vir črpati v korist naših bralcev. Sicer Je letna naročnina za ta tednik (po letalski pošti) kar $288. Še enkrat: iskrena zahvala naročniku in Kravanji! prijatelju g. Milanu Ur. AD) O Kot je poudaril pred-Sednik državnega sveta Kranc Sušnik v uvodnem n3govoru, je bil datum Posveta izbran zato, da k* v času pred volitvami ne Izzval spolitizirane raz-Prave. D strokovni ravni pos-Veta priča navzočnost tri-naJstih doktorjev znano-sti med skupno petnajsti-^ referenti. Dr. Jasna scher je uvodoma pou-^arila pomen projekta evidentiranja žrtev tega °bdobja, ki ima le redke VzPorednice pri drugih Narodih, hkrati pa pou-ariia da pr0jekt v poli-^nih sferah ni bil zaže-en- kar je razvidno iz ežav pri financiranju. 89 tisoč žrtev Med najzanimejše lah-0 štejemo referat z nas-°Vom Žrtve druge sveto-^e vojne in zaradi nje npril 1941 -januar 1946), . katerem sta Mojca £0rn in Tadeja Tomin-ek-Rihtar z Inštituta za P°vejšo zgodovino predali dosedanje izsledke ^matičnega popisova-j,.9 VSe^ ^rtev vojne in ^ev neposredno po njej. i^0, Hi poteka od leta 997 Ikoniano iembra 2006)......... Pak08^116 vrednostl- tudi družbenopolitič- in etično, saj se na bo sep-nima le am- inštitutu nadejajo, da bo država na podlagi znanstvenih izsledkov izdala mrliške liste za žrtve, za katere tega še ni bilo mogoče storiti. Ena prvih ugotovitev zgodovinark, ki delajo pri tem projektu (pri njem sodeluje tudi Dunja Dobaja), je bila, da so bile prve ocene števila žrtev za ozemlje današnje Slovenije bistveno prenizke (42.000, 60.000 po Klanjščku), prav tako se je ocena ob začetku projekta (65.000 žrtev) bistveno povečala. Do sedaj opravljeno delo, ki poleg identitete in kraja rojstva zajema ugotavljanje različnih podatkov in ki se v grobem ne bo spremenilo, govori o okoli 89.000 žrtvah oz. skoraj 6 odstotkih celotnega tedanjega prebivalstva. Od teh je bilo vsaj 13.556 po vojni zunajso-dno usmrčenih. Šornova je med drugim poudarila pomanjkljivo financiranje tega projekta, saj ga financirata le ministrstvi za šolstvo in za delo. Nobenih sredstev pa ni primaknilo ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, kar bi bilo glede na potrebe občinskih u-pravnih enot (ki raziskovalce prosijo za preverjanje posameznih podatkov fjmm * ■*' w s . A za ugotavljanje statusa žrtev) nujno, je poudarila Šornova. Glede na to, da se najdražja faza projekta (delo v tujih arhivih) še ni začela, je nadaljnji nemoten potek dela vprašljiv. Skoraj 400 prikritih grobišč V javnosti zelo opaženo delovanje strokovne komisije za evidentiranje med- in povojnih grobišč je z dosedanjimi delnimi, a zato nič manj pretresljivimi izsledki predstavil dr. Mitja Ferenc. V svojem referatu je predstavil posebnosti projekta, pri katerem je terensko delo delno odstopalo od klasične zgodovinske metodologije, saj so se zaradi skoraj popolne odsotnosti pisnih virov močno opirali na ustna pričevanja. Ferenc je postregel z nekaj pomenljivimi številkami; pri nas obstaja prek štiri tisoč vojnih grobov in grobišč, v katerih počiva skoraj 120 tisoč žrtev vojne, vendar med te niso zajete žrtve, ki svojega groba niso smele ali mogle dobiti. Ob podrobnejši razlagi postopkov iskanja in evidentiranja grobišč na terenu so sledile številke groze; komisija je zabeležila 390 lokacij; letos najdeni dokument tedanje komunistične oblasti pa je dokaz, da so za grobišča in poboje ne le vedeli, ampak so vodili tudi natančno evidenco grobišč svojih sovražnikov. Slovenska pisarna —6114 Lausche Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 ovenska pisarna sporoča Tel.: 216-361-0300------- Bliža se novo leto in s tem čas za obnovitev naročnin. Vse stare in nove naročnike prosimo, če bi to poravnali pred 10. decembrom, ker se nam nudi ugodna priložnost za pošiljko na uredništva. Verski tednik Družina, mesečne revije Ognjišče, Misijonsko Obzorje, Duhovno življenje in četrtletnik Zaveza. Pri nas si lahko nabavite tudi lepe slovenske božične kartice ter zavitke oglja in kadila. Dobra knjiga je vedno primerno božično darilo. Obiščite nas in si oglejte zalogo knjig, magnetofonskih trakov ter CD plošč. Prav gotovo boste našli kaj lepega in za božič nekoga razveselili. Nasvidenje v Slovenski pisarni! Odbor Zaradi odsotnosti dokumentov so se obračali na lastnike zemljišč, ki so jim po vrsti potrjevali navzočnost grobišč na njihovih zemljiščih. Zanesljivost sicer ni popolna, vendar pa je dr. Ferenc ocenil, da bo vsaj 90 odstotkov lokacij potrjenih. Grozljiva je tudi prepredenost ozemlja, saj ležijo grobišča na ozemlju 86 občin, pri čemer po številu grobišč izstopajo Celje, Škofja Loka, Ljubljana, Mislinja in Radovljica. Dodatno težavo predstavlja dejstvo, da vse do danes lokalne skupnosti praviloma niso bile seznanjene z navzočnostjo grobišč na svojem območju. Skoraj nobeno grobišče ni urejeno, 272 lokacij pa sploh ni označenih. Ferenc je poudaril potrebo in dolžnost države po ekshumaciji in pokopu pomorjenih. Konkret- 0rt Božo Repe je govoril o ipjif/ninjanju odnosa do ....... ......... .........IMR ■......................., povojnih grobi*« vse do današnih dni. Šele sredi Dr. Tine Hribar je tudi odnos sedanje politike do žrtev revolucije osemdesetih let je bilo mogoCe začeti javno, razpra- označil za pomanjkljivega. Brez poimenovanja krivcev se zabriie tudi vo o zamolčanih žrtvah. krivda. Na ta način se krivda prenača tudi na sedanjo generacijo. Policist pri delu olroli na novo evidentiranega grohi^člelo ko- Pritrtvahpevojnlh pobojev je bilo mogoče narodno pri j « . V -'* ni predlogi so, naj se ministrstvo za delo loti zaznamovanja grobišč s sredstvi in kadri, do česar bi leto in pol po sprejetju zakona vsekakor moralo priti. Potrebne so tudi spremembe zakona o grobiščih, ki naj omogočijo natančnejše evidentiranje. Decembra lani Je bilo sicer postavljeno prvo u-radno spominsko znamenje na enem od prikritih grobišč, po predvidenem tempu (5 do 6 znamenj letno) pa bo po Ferencu označevanje grobišč trajalo 20 let. Vloga Cerkve Dr. Spomenka Hribar na primeru Antona Mahniča vidi vzroke za izbruh nasilja med vojno in po njej v “ločevanju duhov”, ki naj bi ga bil pod vplivom Mahničeve dediščine izzval katoliški tabor. V razpravi je publicist Viktor Blažič dejal, da Mahnič predstavlja skrajnost in ni reprezentativen, dr. France M. Dolinar pa je pri tem spomnil, da Mahnič ni predstavljal uradnih stališč Cerkve, temveč le lastno mnenje. Dolinar je v referatu Duhovniki v primežu revolucije predstavil sistematično zatiranje Katoliške cerkve v prvem povojnem desetletju. Kot je razvidno iz spisov nadškofa Vovka, sta bila obsodba ravnanje nekaterih duhovnikov v času okupacije ter izkaz pokorščine in zvestobe novi oblasti pristna. Po drugi strani je komunistična oblast videla v Cerkvi najnevarnejšega tekmeca v slovenski dru-(PALJE na str. 18) ODKRITO (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) žbi, ki ga je bilo treba spraviti na kolena. Od Cerkve so oblasti zahtevale nekakšno novo “dolomitsko izjavo”, s katerim bi se slovenska Cerkev znebila vpliva Vatikana in postala “narodna”, kar je pomenilo, da bi postala orodje v rokah oblasti. Napadi na duhovnike, odstranitev duhovnikov in redovnikov iz javnih ustanov, zaplembe in nacionalizcija so bili sistematični način: izvaja- nja pritiskov na Cerkev. Poleg tega je bilo od konca vojne pa do 1. 1961 kar 429 duhovnkov v sodnem postopku, 393 izmed njih pa je tudi dobilo zaporne kazni. V večini primerov je šlo za montirane procese. Sektaštvo in ekskluzivi-zem OF Dr. Boris Mlakar je v prispevku Krogi nasilja med Slovenci v vojnih letih 1941-1945 govoril o stopnjevanju nasilja med vojno in vzrokih zanj. Izpostavil je, da je okupator v Ljubljanski pokrajini sprva deloval dokaj mirno, nasilni odnos pa se je pokazal med samimi Slovenci, pri čemer je bila partizanska stran prva, ki je posegla po krvavih sredstvih oz. likvidacijah. Že do konca leta 1941 je VOS pobil več kot 120 ljudi, do dokončnega preloma pa je prišlo v prvi polovici naslednjega leta; sektaško nasilje je V BLAG SPOMIN 4. OBLETNICE SMRTI naše mame, stare mame in prastare mame * ANA MEDVED ki je umrla 6. dec. 2000. Štiri leta so že minila, odkar Tebe več med nami ni. Le pri Bogu mirno zdaj počivaj in sveti raj uživaj. Žalujoči; sin Tone z družino, v Sloveniji, sinova Nace in Lojze ter hčerka Ani z družinami. ŽRTVAH REVOLUCIJE v nekaj mesecih prineslo več kot 500 žrtev, zaradi občutka ogroženosti in ob oceni vrha SLS, da gre za revolucijo na delu, je nato prišlo do formiranja vaških straž, po o-bliki kolaboracionistične-ga, po vsebini pa protirevolucionarnega pojava. Od leta 1943, ko je bil okupator v glavnem le še v defenzivi, partizani pa čedalje bolje organizirani, so možnosti za dogovor splavale po vodi, proti koncu konflikta pa je šlo za "totalno” vojno med domačima taboroma, pri čemer so žrtve partizanske strani močno presegale nasprotnikove. Dr. Bojan Godeša je problematiziral Ustanovitev SNOO in pomen njegovih odlokov za nadalj-ni razvoj v Sloveniji. Godeša ugotavlja, da so bili sklepi o konstituiranju Slovenskega narodnoosvobodilnega odbora septembra 1941, ki so med drugim sprejeli stališče o ekskluzivnosti SNOO v boju proti okupatorju, naperjeni proti konkurenčnemu taboru, ki se je organiziral v istem času. Čeprav je zaradi prvotne šibkosti OF sam Kardelj označil odloke SNOO za “operetno” zakonodajo, kar je povzročilo tudi kasnejšo opustitev sklicevanja nanje, je v njih že videti pospešeno diferenciacijo v slovenski javnosti zaradi obojestranske nepripravljenosti na sodelovanje in pripravo komunistov na prevzem oblasti. Na referat se je odzvala dr. Tamara Griesser Pečar in spomnila, da je bila KP ilegalna organizacija v nasprotju z drugimi političnimi strankami, poudarila pa je tudi, da da ne smemo zmanjševati pomena sklepov SNOO. Ti so se po njenem mnenju tako močno vtisnili v kolektivno podzavest, da mnogi še danes enačijo revolucijo z uporom, kontrarevolucijo pa s kolaboracijo. Griesser Pečarjeva je tudi poudarila, da se moramo zavedati krivde komunistične strani, ki je bistveno spodbudila razdvajanje naroda. Revolucija na delu Nezmožnost kompromisa med obema domačima taboroma je imela za temelj politično nestrpnost, ki se je pozneje prelevila v državljansko vojno, je izpostavila dr. Jera Vodušek Starič v prispevku Vrtinec političnega spora. Zaostrovanje med taboroma se je začelo po Stalinovem pozivu, da je napočil čas za razredni boj, in je posledično prišlo do ustanovitve proletarskih brigad z nalogo boja proti okupatorju in domačim sovražnikom, končni cilj pa je bila svetovna revolucija. Tega cilja niso poudarjali, da ne bi povzročili slabih odzivov in izgubili precejšnjega dela podpore med ljudmi. Nekje od 1944 je partija v boju za oblast izvajala revolucijo “od zgoraj” v obliki terorja, ki je bil že po Leninu temelj revolucije. Da je bila revolucija najvažnejši del programa OF, je potrdil tudi dr. Janko Prunk s prispevkom Pojmovanje revolucije v različnih segmentih OF in NOB. Pri tem so obstajala precej različna pojmovanja revolucije znotraj OF. Sokoli so revolucijo razumeli kot narodno in ne socialno, krščanski socialisti so si želeli socialne revolucije brez fi- OB 35. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ZASPAL NAŠ LJUBLJENI SIN, BRAT IN STRIC MILAN ZRIM Svojo plemenito dušo je izdihnil 5. decembra 1969 Preteklo petintrideset let je že, ko hladna zemlja krije Te. Zelo vsi smo Te ljubili, in prezgodaj izgubili. Oh, grenko je spoznanje to, da Te med nami več ne bo; čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v srcih naših še živiš. MARIJA -mati; ERNEST -oče dve sestri in brat, z družinami 6 nečakov, 1 nečakinja V starem kraju žalujejo za njim številni sorodniki. Cleveland, O., 2. decembra 2004. žičnega nasilja in diktature proletariata, Kocbek pa je poudarjal še duhovno revolucijo - preobrazbo narodnega značaja. Komunisti, ki so imeli najbolj izdelan koncept -boljševiško revolucijo so o tem večinoma molčali, ker niso hoteli strašiti zaveznikov. Čeprav je marsikje vojna postala priložnost za osebno obračunavanje in so bili povodi za prihodnjo spopad dani v lokalnih sporih, kot je bilo povedano med razpravo, ostaja po Prunku dejstvo, da je bila ideologija pri komunistih zmeraj navzoča in se ji niso odpovedali niti po letu 1990. Vloga države danes Med razpravo se je postavilo vprašanje o vlogi države pri doseganju sprave. Ta je za Spomenko Hribar “narodni projekt”, pri čemer mora biti vsakemu zagotovljena svoboda lastnega prepričanja na podlagi medsebojnega spoštovanja. Prvi pogoj za narodno spravo Hribarjeva vidi v pieteti do mrtvih vseh strani. Prepričana je tudi, da država lahko marsikaj naredi za spravo, čeprav ne neposredno, ampak v smislu vzdrževanja demokracije in strpnosti. Dr. Lovro Šturm pa je spravo opredelil kot vrlino civilne družbe, ki jo mora država spodbujati, sama pa mora ugotoviti krivce in jih nato obravnavati na enak način. Tine Hribar se je ob tem pa tudi kasneje v svojem referatu spomnil dikcije “žrtvam vojne in povojnih pobojev”, ki zanj predstavlja zgleden primer, kako država sicer ne more prinesti sprave, lahko pa jo onemogoča. Povojno represijo v nacionalni identiteti in kolektivnem spominu je obdelal dr. Božo Repe, ki je ugotavljal, da se je o vojnem in povojnem nasilju začelo govoriti šele po Titovi smrti, pred tem pa so se v sedemdesetih letih oglasili le redki. Dejansko razpravo o zamolčanih zločinih je sprožila Spomenka Hribar v spisu Krivda in greh, v katerem si je upala zapisati, da so se tudi domobranci bojevali za domovino. Proces pluralizacije slovenske družbe je prvič omogočil javno razpravo, konstituiranje večstrankarske skupščine maja 1990 pa je njen predsednik dr. France Bučar označil za “konec državljanske vojne”. Razprave so se v naslednjem desetletju nadaljevale, leta 1996 je svoje delo sklenila državnozborska komisija, ki je raziskala povojne poboje, vendar ta kljub strinjanju o potrebi po popravi krivic in odgovornosti prejšnje oblasti ni sprejela nobenega poročila, ker ni želela neposredno kriviti komunistične partije. V letih 2001 in 2002 je prišlo do polemik gle' de zakona o grobiščih, ki bi “izenačil" vse mrtve. Sprejeti zakon, kot ve-(dalje na str. 19) V BLAG IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN JOŽE IN FRANČIŠKA GAZVODA Gospod, daruj jima mir, naj večna luč jima sveti; ker si dobrote vir uživata raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: hčerki FRANCES in MARTINA ŠTEPEC sin MARK, zet ANTON vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo ■L-.-* ijllt li m, ^ Dr. Boris Mlakar: partizanska Stranje prva sprožila val nasilja in maščevanja, sektažko nasilje VOS pa je že v prvih mesecih okupaciji povzročilo prek sto žrtev. Dr. France M. Dolinarje problematiziral sistematičnoznaSa-' nje povojnega režima nad Cerkvijo in duhovniki. Cerkev na Slovenskem so si hoteli podrediti in spremeniti v poslušno orodje oblasti. Dr. Lovro Sturm je sistematično analiziral kršitve pravnih določil, ki so jih komunisti zagrešili med vojno in še posebej po njej ter vzdrževali oblast s kršenjem pravic državljanov. Dr. Mitja Ferenc je navedel grozljive podatke o dosedanjem delu komisije za raziskovanje povojnih prikritih grobišč: v 390 grobišč so komunisti dobesedno zmetali svoje sovražnike in prikrili sledi zločinov. ODKRITO O ŽRTVAH REVOLUCIJE (NADALJEVANJE s str. 18) m°> ne priznava razloga za povojne poboje, t. j. revolucije. Dr. Peter Vodopivec Je poskusil oceniti populacijske posledice vojne In povojnega nasilja. Izsledki kažejo, da je bila demografska izguba glede na pričakovano število Prebivalstva 9,8-odstotna 02 • da je slovensko ozemlje izgubilo izgubilo 145.000 oseb. V razpravi je zgodovinar Jože Dežman postaji tudi provokativno ^rašanje, na katerega najbrž ne bo mogla od-govoriti nobena raziskava. Je, koliko ljudi je bilo P0leg pobitih pod komu-nizrnom prikrajšanih in ni moglo razviti svojega Potenciala. Pravni vidik Dr. Vladimir Simič je ocenil Primerjalno pravni vidik prehodnega obdobja druge svetovne vojne. Po njegovo je revolucija dogajanje v nasprotju z veljavnim pravom neke države, do katerega pride, ker pravni sistem ne deluje. Revolucija s sabo vedno prinese tudi fizično nasilje in je sopomenka za prevzem oblasti. Od tod tudi številčnost žrtev pri nas ob kombinaciji vojne in revolucije. Dr. Lovro Šturm je analiziral Pravo in nepravo v Sloveniji po letu 1941. Šturm je 2. člen sklepa Vrhovnega plenuma OF, da SNOO edini predstavlja, zastopa, organizira in vodi slovenski narod, ocenil za protipravnega. Šturm je prav tako problematiziral odlok Avnoja iz aprila 1945 o odpravi in razveljavitvi vseh pravnih predpisov, izdanih med okupacijo s strani okupatorja. Šturm je tudi navedel ugotovitve Ustavnega sodišča RS v zvezi s povojnimi zakonskimi ukrepi, da so bili namreč državljani po vojni “podvrženi trajnemu in sistematičnemu ogrožanju človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin”. Nova oblasti je bila “pripravljena uveljavljati svojo oblast tudi z nasiljem, z zlorabami prava ... in s sis-temskostrukturnim kršenjem človekovih pravic. Zakoni niso bili uporab- Savings Account Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? 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Ijenl le z namenom kaznovanja kolaboracije, ampak tudi z namenom izločitve razrednega sovražnika, prevzema oblasti in utrditve totalitarnega sistema". Zločin brez zločincev Posvet je sklenil dr. Tine Hribar, ki je v referatu Zločin brez zločincev ugotavljal, da se brez imenovanja zločincev tudi sam zločin zabriše. Spomnil je na težavnost priznanja zločina, saj je molk glede zunajsodnih pomorov z izjemo emigracije trajal vse do Kocbekovih izjav leta 1975. Hribar je omenil ime “bela garda”, ki spada v revolucionarno izrazje in s katerim so označevali vse nasprotnike revolucije. Tak izraz pa je že sam v sebi nosil obsodbo. Opravičevanje zločinov se kaže tudi v dikciji sprejetega napisa “žrtve vojne in povojnih usmrtitev”, kajti molči o pravi naravi zločina in zločince. Hribar je glavne krivce pobojev nedvoumno poimenoval: Edvard Kardelj, Boris Kidrič in Ivan Maček. Ob tem je priznal, da bi moralo iskanje krivcev potekati od vrha navzdol, kot je predlagal pokojni dr. Jože Pučnik, in da so bile v tem pogledu storjene napake. Hribar je grobove označil za temelj civilizacije, z odrekanjem grobov kot tudi s sintagmo “povojni poboji” (po Hribarjevo je primerneje govoriti o pomorih in moriščih) pa so se žrtve razčlovečile. Krivda je s prepovedjo spomina na žrtve prešla na naslednje generacije in bo, dokler spomin ne bo prečiščen, težila tudi sedanjo generacijo, četudi ta zatrjuje, da “ni njena stvar”. Mitja Volčanšek DEMOKRACIJA 18. novembra 2004 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 | IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA . ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Posvet o žrtvah vojne in revolucije - Na fotografiji predsednik državnega sveta Janez Sušnik in Jasna Fischer z Inštituta za novejšo zgodovino. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area 531-7700 - EMERGENCIES-Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. ____(between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1549. S praznikom Kristusa Kralja smo zaključili zopet cerkveno leto in z adventom začenjamo novo. Advent - čas poln milosti, miru, skrivnosti - ki nas popelje k lepim božičnim praznikom. Dragi brat, draga sestra, tudi tebi poklanja Gospod žarek svoje ljubezni osrečujoče, take, ki objame v največji bolečini, ki osreči z veseljem. Človek je željan zavetja, upanja, je v tihem pričakovanju, da mu prisluhne razumevajoča duša. Bog pa čaka, da prisluhne, posluša - odpri mu svoje srce, le tako boš globoko doživel božični praznik - rojstvo Jezusovo. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Oglasila se je sr. Andreja Šubelj iz Čileja: “Dragi MZA sodelujoči! Najprej zahvala za pismo in bogati dar, ki je bil priložen. Tisočeri Bog povrni MZA in pokojni dobrotnici. Zanjo bomo imeli sv. mašo 15. nov. Naj počiva v miru. Sestre usmiljenke smo v službi najbolj potrebnih. Osebno sem že nekaj časa prosila in molila Mariji, posrednici vseh dobrot, za eno zelo obuboženo družino. Vse so izgubili pod vojaško upravo, ostalo jim je samo pet otrok. Četrti sin je prosil našega kaplana, da želi prejeti prvo sv. obhajilo. Star je 20 let. Študira za zobotehnika; če Bog da, bo končal naslednje leto. Poleg študija pomaga mami, katera je težek sladkorni bolnik. Pomaga tudi očetu, ki prodaja zelenjavo na trgu. Vsak dan pelje svojega invalidnega brata z vozičkom v šolo, popoldne pa na zdravljenje. Namreč brat Nikolaj je bil operiran na hrbtenici, ker ni mogel hoditi. George se je dobro pripravil na prvo sv. obhajilo. Prejel ga je 20. avgusta; sedaj se pripravlja za birmo. Pomagam ga pri učenju. Zaradi revščine so zelo trpeli, stradali so, niso imeli nobene hrane. Ko smo sestre to opazile, smo jim vsak mesec nudile z najnujnejšim za hrano. Tu imamo od 8. nov. do 8. dec. šmarnice. Sama grem vsak večer v eno naselje, kjer se ljudje zberejo v hiši, kjer imajo kip Marijin. Tu molimo rožni venec, prosimo za bolne in trpeče. Potem razmišljamo temo leta: “O zakonu, družini; krščanski družini itd. Za adventni čas želim vsej MZA globoko pripravo k božičnim praznikom, posebno pa vsem zadovoljivega zdravja in božje pomoči pri misijonskem delu. Sama sem Bogu zelo hvaležna za 60 let svetega poklica, ki ga bom praznovala 8. decembra. Vsem še želim globoko doživetje božičnega praznika. Ob jaslicah se spomnimo drug drugega.” Sr. Šubljevi čestitamo k jubileju, želimo ji predvsem zdravja in dobrega počutja - in še na mnoga leta. Popolnoma iz drugega konca sveta, iz Albanije, se je oglasila usmiljenka dr. Mirjam Praprotnik. “Morda mislite, da je sr. Mirjam že poletela v Domovino - v nebesa. Taka misel je zaradi mojega molka upravičena. Vendar ni tako, Gospod še kar potrpežljivo čaka na moje poboljša-nje. Prav malo pa smem misliti, da me ohranja v teh krepkih letih pri zdravju in pameti, da bi Mu s svojimi sosestrami mogla še kaj dobrega postoriti pri naših tako revnih bolnikih, ki v njih On sam na skrivnosten način, resničen način, nadaljuje svoje odrešilno trpljenje. Letošnje leto, posebno poletje, je bilo zelo naporno. Ne le zaradi hudih in dolgotrajnih vlažnih vročin in vsakovrstnega dela od zdravniškega in gospodinjskega, ampak predvsem zaradi obnovitvenih del naše sestrske hiše. Tako smo imeli delavce v hiši skoraj pet mesecev. V vsem tem času nisem imela ne časa, ne prostora za pisanje. Ko sem bila oktobra v domovini, najprej na duhovnih vajah na Mirenskem gradu, kjer sem se s hvaležnostjo spomnila na najino srečanje pred nekaj leti in vas priporočila Sočutni Materi božji. Naj vam nekaj povem tudi o svojem veselju. 5. marca 2005 bo 13 let, od kar misijonarim v Albaniji. Tistega dne sem priplula sem z ladjo po 26 urah vožnje. Z menoj je potovala še sr. Djusto, mnogo mlajša, a zelo ljubezniva so-sestra usmiljenka, ki je sedaj predstojnica v Peči na Kosovem, kjer sem jaz delovala kot sestra in zdravnica v veliki bolnici za pljučne bolezni 30 let. Lepa doba, kajne. Pomislite, sedaj imamo v Albaniji že tri sestrske skupnosti. Naša hiša je provincijalna, ker so se albanske sestre po dogovoru in na željo višjih predstojnikov oddvojile od slovenske (preje jugoslovanske) province. V naši hiši je tudi noviciat z devetimi novinkami in še se jim bodo pridruževale, če je tako božja volja, druge, ki so sedaj v postulatu ali v aspiratu v Skadru in Rreshenu (sic.) v Albaniji in na Kosovem, kjer imamo šest sestrskih hiš. Vem, kaj so vse slovenske usmiljenke na Kosovu z največjo ljubeznijio žrtvovale v služenju trpečemu Jezusu v bolnikih, se kažejo sedaj sadovi v številnih poklicih. Tako se bo služenju Jezusu v ubogih na Balkanu še nadaljevalo. Istočasno pa me srce boli, ker v Sloveniji praktično nimamo poklicev. Ena, edina postulantka, ki bo 27. t. m. stopila v noviciat. Naša domovina, draga Slovenija, je preveč zaznamovana s potrošništvom in uživaštvom z zrahljanimi družinami, z maloštevilnimi otroci itd. Vendar - vztrajam v zaupanju in prepričanju, da je slovenski narod še vedno Marijin narod in Mati Marija ne bo dopustila, da bi izginil s površja zemlje. Še nekaj o Albaniji, o tej tako lepi in z naravnimi darovi bogati deželi. V trinajstih letih mojega delovanja tukaj se ni prav nič spremenilo na bolje. O, da! Lepo uspevajo sadovi polstoletnega - bolj kot v Rusiji - izvajanega komunizma, z diktaturo strahovanja in ateizacije. In ti sadovi so: mafija, korupcija z vsemi najrazličnejšimi umazanimi vejami. Zal, državo vodi prejšnja garnitura, ogrnjena s plaščem lažne demokracije. Oblast sama s svojimi ministri in poslanci živi od mafije. Pred kratkim sem v dnevnem časopisu brala, da je med 50-imi revnimi državami na svetu Albanija na 49. mestu. To se pravi, da je le ena državica v Afriki še revnejša od nje. V Albaniji je 70% brezposelnih, 20% jih dela v državni službi ali pri privatnikih. Povsod je slabo, plače so bedno nizke, privatniki pa jih še tako izkoriščajo, da nimajo nobenega dneva v tednu prostega. Delovni čas traja tudi po 16 ur na dan itd. Divji kapitalizem, ki je pred ne še davnim časom rodil komunizem. V vseh teh letih ni prišlo v državi do nikakršnega razvoja, ne v poljedelstvu, živinoreji ali v industriji. Še bi lahko naštevala. Toliko rud skriva zemlja, na jugu so naftni vrelci, s svojo preko 400 km dolgo obalo bi lahko živeli samo od ribjega trga, soli, turizma. Dovolj je naštevanja. Cerkev z najrazličnejšimi misijonarji in misijonarkami iz vseh delov sveta si z reevangelizacijo prizadeva omiliti tudi gospodarsko stanje ljudi. Vendar ni v njeni moči, da bi nadomestila državno oblast, ki nima nobenega posluha za revščino ljudi. Naj omenim oziroma dodam k prejšnjim številkam še to, da je 10% prebivalcev blazno bogatih. Vse na najbolj umazan način, od kraje do prodaje otrok za organe v Grčijo in Turčijo, od izvabljanja in kraje deklet za prostitucijo, od kupčevanja z mamili, do nešteto drugih lumparij, donosnih za njihove žepe. Ko oblast sama ne bi bila pri tem udeležena in kar vodilna sila, kako bi moglo priti do tako imenovanih masovnih lumparij in v nebo vpijočih grehov. Z obzirom na vse to, kar sem vam odkrila, smo tudi me usmiljenke močno vezane na pomoč dobrotnikov, da vsaj malo omilimo bedo naših trpečih in ubogih ljudi. Ko sem bila oktobra v Sloveniji, sem se sama sebi zazdela kot Božji berač, ki prosi okrog dobre ljudi za materialno in nič manj za molitveno pomoč. Brez tega zaledja misijonarji ne bi mogli kaj prida narediti. Toda božja pomoč je neizčrpna. Upam, da nam bo slovenska Karitas v adventu poslala velik tovornjak z živili, zdravili in higienskimi predmeti itd. Vse to nam bo zelo prav prišlo, a je kot kapljica v morju, kapljica v oceanu potreb. Vse poslano takoj razdelimo na tri dele. Tudi za naši sestrski hiši v Skadru in Kresenu na severu Albanije, ki je najrevnejši. Seveda bi bilo veliko bolj pomagano z denarjem. Sestre bi same kupovale tisto, kar je res potrebno in kadar je potrebno. Tudi prevoz stane. Naj končam s prijateljskimi pozdravi in s priporočilom za molitev za deželo Albanijo in za vse misijonarje. Sestre usmiljenke in ubogi iz Drača iz srca želimo vam vsem garačem v zaledju in vsem dobrotnikom blagoslovljene božične praznike, milosti in miru polno Novo leto Gospodovo 2005. Naj vas vse Mati Marija v tem letu evharistije povezuje z ljubeznijo evharističnega Jezusa, da bomo vsak dan na svojem mestu in poklicanosti veseli pričevalci za Ljubezen, ki jo smemo prejemati po posvečeni hostiji. Sprejmite vsi in vsak posebej prisrčne sestrske pozdrave z obljubo molitvenega spomina sr. Mirjam z vsemi sosestrami in novinkami.” Vsem dobrotnikom in tudi bralcem teh vrstic želim veliko božjega blagoslova v pripravi na božični praznik, na Novo Rojstvo. Iskren in hvaležen pozdrav vsem dobrotnikom, Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto Ontario M8W 4M7 Canada bitelj polke glasbe in dober plesalec. Pogreb je bil 26. novembra v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. John Troha Umrl je 77 let stari John “Joe” Troha s Concord Twp., mož Dorothy, roj. Grosko, oče Clare Montz, Sandre Henry in Williama, 3-krat stari oče, brat Agnes Nedoh, Virginije Koch, Richarda in Donalda. Pogreb je bil 27. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Gabrijela na Johnnycake Ridge Rd-in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Raymond F. Tomažič Dne 26. novembra je na svojem domu v Elyriji, O., po krajši boležni umrl 57 let stari Raymond F. Tomažič, mož Terri, oče Ra- , chel Minney, Alicije Coffman in Stacy Parsons, 3-krat stari oče, sin Josephine, zapušča še sestro in tri brate, zaposlen pri Great Lakes Const. Co. Pogreb je bil 29. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije v Elyriji- Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi vaših društev! _ V blag spomin ob 3. obletnici, odkar se je nas poslovil ljubljeni naš mo > oče, stari oče in brat JOŽE BOJC Umrl je 2. decembra 2®® Leta tri so že minila, odkar Te več med nami ^ Žalostna so naša srca, ko se spominjamo na Tc- V raju prosi zdaj Boga, da raj nebeški nam da, kjer bomo zopet združeni, veselje večno uživali. NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Albert F. Jancigar Dne 24. novembra je v Euclid bolnišnici umrl 82 let stari Albert F. Jancigar iz Euclida, roj. 20. marca 1922 v Clevelandu, mož Louise, roj. Germ, oče Marge Bryan, Geri Kuzmiak in Linde Eich, .v. H-Krai stari oce, i-Krat prastari oče, brat Tonyja, Er-nieja, Mary in Hermine (vsi že pok.), zaposlen pri Con-rail (tj. New York Central železnici) 30 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1983, zaposlen delni čas pri Želetovem pogrebnem zavodu, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški vojski v Pacifiku, vngt-‘yrto^; )FV 'JMtty § Tvoji žalujoči: Žena Poldi sinova Joseph in John z družinama hčerka Marjeta Laughl*11 z družino .. sestri v Sloveniji Ani B^J in Francka Turk z dn1 ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, O., 2. decembra ^