VODENJE v vzgoji in izobraževanju 3I2015 Pogledi na vodenje 3 Dejavniki sodelovanja pri oblikovanju podpornega okolja ob upoštevanju koncepta pripoznanja Marjeta Šmid in Martina Ozbič Izmenjave 23 Vodenje profesionalnega razvoja strokovnih delavcev v casu omejenih finančnih sredstev Mihaela Zavašnik Arčnik, Janja Zupančič in Tatjana Horvat 37 Povezovanje in poslovno komuniciranje med enotami znotraj Šolskega centra Kranj Lidija Grmek Zupanc 53 Aktualna izhodišca za delovanje strokovnih aktivov v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih Majda Pikl in Milan Koželj 69 Celosten pristop: prednosti in izzivi sodelovanja Anja Kristan 85 Naslavljanje kot metoda, s katero spodbujamo sodelovanje med uciteljem in ucenci Nina Modrijan 103 Kreativne in inovativne metode poucevanja: kljuc do kakovostnega pouka ter odnosa med uciteljem in ucencem Zorica Petrovič 117 Racunalnik kot pripomocek za ucinkovito vodenje Albert Pavli 131 Abstracts 136 Recenzenti Obiščite nas na http://www.solazaravnatelje.si/zaloznistvo/revija-vodenje Abstracts Marjeta Šmid and Martina Ozbic Collaboration Aspects in Forming a Supportive Environment Based on the Concept of Recognition In peer social life and work, partner collaboration is also affected by cultural injustices, which in practice manifest as the withdrawal of students from social life and their exclusion, especially of special needs children. Based on the research described in this article and by means of the concept of recognition within three programmes for special needs children, we attempt to establish the aspects that enable successful collaboration and determine whether or not it is possible to identify those negative cultural value patterns that impede collaboration, and what the differences among programmes are. We observed the activities of 98 pupils in adapted educational programme with a lower educational standard, special educational programme, and elementary school programme with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance in class. The results of factor analysis have shown that successful student participation depends the most heavily on the role of the teacher in ensuring collaborative work methods and presenting demanding tasks, verbal activity, representation and the visibility of students based on achievements. Often students refrain from engaging actively either because their classes fail to support collaborative ways of working or due to invisibility, not being heard, or the belief that they are unable to participate. Statistically significant differences have been shown among students enrolled in different programmes. Keywords: collaboration, recognition, redistribution, representation, special needs children, inclusion, education and care vqdenje 3I2015: 3-22 Mihaela Zavašnik Arčnik, Janja Zupančič, and Tatjana Horvat Managing the Professional Development of Teaching Staff During a Time of Limited Funds The two main levers assuring the quality of work in education institutions are the care of the principal and that of the teaching staff for professional development. In the time of economic crisis, the questions of financial efficiency increasingly crop up within education and regarding the professional development of teaching staff. In the last few years, the extent of funding available for the professional development of teaching staff has decreased, therefore making it even more paramount that the development be thoughtfully planned in a goal-oriented way both in terms of content and finance. This paper sheds light on what, from the prespective of structural characteristics, makes professional development efficient and good, how it can be managed by the principal and what the principal can do for it, even as the funds are limited. The article brings attention to some suggestions for managing professional development on limited financial means and points 131 Abstracts out that the reduction of funds has brought not only negative effects, but also a few positive ones. Keywords: professional development, financing, teacher, pre-school educator, leadership vqdenje 3|2015: 23-36 Lidija Grmek Collaboration and Business Communication Zupanc among the Units of the Kranj School Centre The Kranj School Centre is the biggest school centre in the Upper Carniola Region. It consists of a vocational college, three secondary school units and the Intercompany Education and Training Centre (mic). Several-hour meetings of the board consisting of managing director, heads and the director of mic are held weekly and enable demanding coordination which allows the work to continue smoothly. It is necessary to reach an understanding regarding the preparation of systemisation (some of the employees work at two units), joint promotion, the standardisation of guidelines and notifications, the standardisation of forms for yearly interviews, the standardisation of merit assessment, joint preparation for assessment for the acquisition of Slovenian Business Excellence Prize, the implementation of various innovations etc. As joint activities are the everyday reality of our centre, it would be impossible for us to attain our challenging goals if it was not for suitable communication within the board and externally. The professional work of the board is additionally supported by many other ways of communication, from meetings to personal conversations, emails, the publication of documents in the e-library of the Kranj School Centre or its individual units, telephone calls etc. In its conclusion, the article opens a discussion on the advantages and weaknesses of school centres. Keywords: school centre, substantive coordination among organizational units, business communication methods voDENJE 3I2015: 37-52 Majda Pikl and Current Bases for the Work of Teachers' Working Groups Milan Koželj in Educational Institutions In addition to guiding the development of subject-specific curricula, subject-specific teachers' working groups play an important role in shaping collaborative culture within individual schools, but they also influence the design of the goals and tasks for the entire school, the formulation of the fundamental criteria for student advancement and knowledge evaluation ('the vertical'), the minimal requirements necessary for task implementation and goal achievement, as well as the 132 Abstracts design of the annual work plan. Certain institutions abroad which focus on leadership research (eg. National College of School Leadership in the United Kingdom) have established a spontaneous need for the formal competences of experienced teachers who have shown suitable abilities through their work, so that they can assume a solid leadership role as 'middle management.' This article draws on a study carried out by means of an anonymous open-type questionnaire at two Slovene elementary schools of similar size, in order to interpret the current situation of teachers' working groups and their work in the following areas: agendas and content, meeting logistics, 'the vertical' and multi-subject working groups. In doing so, the authors identify the current bases that are important for the operation of teachers' working groups. Keywords: teachers' working groups, vertical, mid-level leadership, middle management yqdenje 3|2015: 53-68 Anja Kristan Integrated Approach: The Advantages and Challenges of Collaboration In the academic year 2012/2013, the educators of Kindergarten Sežana contemplated the approach to the field of reading literacy that would be the most suitable for us - as our intent was to reach all our kindergarten children and indirectly their parents - and everything the educators need in order to achieve the best possible preparation and implementation of these activities for children. During our two-year journey, it was the ability for collaboration and integration that proved as a very positive and important experience. All this time we followed the curricular principles that emphasise collaboration with parents, environment and team work, but also established wider collaboration, which included the Faculty of Education Koper, the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, and other kindergartens in the Slovene Littoral as well as beyond the borders of our country. This paper reveals the types and forms of collaboration in the field of reading literacy at Kindergarten Sežana. Keywords: integrated collaboration, kindergarten, reading literacy, leadership vodenje 3I2015: 69-83 Nina Modrijan Addressing as a Method of Encouraging Teacher-Student Collaboration In class, politeness strategies contribute to the success of the teaching process, more particularly to increasing mutual collaboration and 133 Abstracts trust. One of the rhetorical devices governing interpersonal relationships between the teacher and students in pedagogic discourse is address. It is the part of related speech by means of which the teacher moderates interpersonal relations in the classroom and encourages participation. This article provides actual examples of pedagogic speech, accompanied by the usage analysis of certain (direct and indirect) forms of address. Teachers can, if aware of the importance of address, use the nominal and pronominal-verbial address on purpose: especially for assigning the speaker or as a successful method for enhancing mutual collaboration of the participants in pedagogical discourse, thereby contributing to students' success. This is also monitored by the head carrying out classroom observation. This paper opens a different perspective on leadership in learning and appeals to principals to include the observation of address in the monitoring of their teachers' work and methods for successful communication in class. Keywords: addressing, pedagogic discourse, politeness strategies vodenje 3I2015: 85-102 Zorica Petrovic Creative and Innovative Methods of Teaching: Key to Quality Instruction and Teacher-Student Relations This article discusses teaching methods and their impact on the motivation of students and on creating a good classroom climate. It starts with a description of the present situation in Slovene schools in view of current social changes. By means of sample cases it later discusses teaching methods as one of the main levers for good cooperation between the teacher and their students, emphasising the effect that innovative methods have on teacher's authority, classroom climate and student motivation. It highlights the possibility of systematic research of teaching methods and the impact they have on teachers' teaching style and their professional integrity. The author of the article summarizes her thoughts in a conclusion, trying to place the innovation and creativity of the use of teaching methods within the corresponding context of other solutions which promote a better teacher-student relationship. Keywords: teaching methods, motivation, classroom climate, creativity vodenje 3I2015: 103-115 Albert Pavli Computer as a Tool for Effective Leadership Today the computer accompanies virtually our every step. On the one hand, computers assist us, while on the other we are becoming increasingly dependent on them the more their use grows. School is a 134 Abstracts place where we deal with a great amount of different data that must be gathered and saved systematically so as to be made available for use at any point of our work. The collected and arranged data help us lead, organise work, analyse, plan, prepare and coordinate conferences, carry out different presentations and make important decisions. Every principal today needs a good, high performing computer for their leadership to be efficient, and undeniably a lot of skill to boot. Even though the computer has become indispensable in our daily work, a certain distance has to be maintained. It must not be forgotten that, first and foremost, leadership means working with people, which is why the computer must never keep us from engaging in meaningful conversation, professional debates, and building good personal relationships as the basis of effective leadership. Keywords: computer, use of data, effective leadership voDENJE 3I2015: 117-129 135 Recenzenti Zahvala recenzentom Posameznikom, ki so vložili svoj cas, trud in znanje v recenzije enega ali vec Člankov za 13. letnik (številke 1I2015, 2I2015 in 3I2015) revije Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju, se iskreno zahvaljujemo za sodelovanje. Tatjana Ažman, Šola za ravnatelje Mateja Brejc, Šola za ravnatelje Sebastijan Cagran, Šola za ravnatelje Justina Erculj, Šola za ravnatelje Breda Forjanic, Združenje ravnateljic in ravnateljev vrtcev Slovenije Marijana Kolenko, Osnovna šola Lava Andrej Koren, Šola za ravnatelje Ivana Leskovar, Vrtec Slovenska Bistrica Peter Markic, Šola za ravnatelje Polona Pecek, Šola za ravnatelje Nives Pockar, Društvo ravnateljev srednjih šol, višjih šol in dijaških domov Slovenije - Ravnatelj Cveta Razdevšek Pucko, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Alojz Širec, Šola za ravnatelje Klemen Širok, Fakulteta za management, Univerza na Primorskem Nada Trunk Širca, Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije Mihaela Zavašnik Arcnik, Šola za ravnatelje Darko Zupanc, Državni izpitni center Janja Zupancic, Osnovna šola Louisa Adamiča Grosuplje Erna Žgur, Center za izobraževanje, rehabilitacijo in usposabljanje Vipava 136