|5f:f. ŽIVLJENJE. ZDRAVO ŽIVLJENJE. ... Soustvarjamo ga t«di mi. S svojim znanjem, izkušnjami, izdelki. Naša poglavitna skrb je a a m reč zdravje. rS Zdravila za humano uporabo Dietetični in zeliščni izdelki Veterinarski izdelki BiosintetiČni izdelki Kozmetični izdelki Zdraviliške storitve (^KRKk KKKA, d,d., Šmarješko e. 6, 8561 Novo mesto, Siovenija, tal: 068 352 !11, fofesi 068 323 152 GLASILO Established • Ustanovljen 1996 Izdaja Publisher Vseslovenski kulturni odbor • All-Slovenian Cultural Committee Glavna in odgovorna urednica Editor-in-Chief Nives Čorak Uredniški odbor Board of Editors Simona Kenk, Bill Pavlič, Ivan Plut, Metka Zupančič Svet revije Editorial Advisors Jože Slobodnik (za VKO), Stane Kranjc (za KSK), Miha Luzar (za Gospodarsko zbornico), Marija Ahačič-Pollak (za radio Glas kanadskih Slovencev), Ivan Plazar, Valentin Batič in Franc Slobodnik (za slovenske župnije), Frank Novak, Cvetka Kocjančič, Branka Lapajne, Tone Kačinik Sodelavci Collaborators Veronika Bric Avtorica grafične podobe Original Graphic Concept Nives Čorak Naročila in oglasi Subscription and Advertising Ivan Plut Naročila, spremembe naslovov, prispevke, oglase in pripombe pošljite na naslov Subscriptions, change of address, advertising and comments forward to GLASILO KANADSKIH SLOVENCEV 770 Browns Line, "Kastelic Building" Toronto, ON M8W 3W2, Canada Tel: (519) 884-9413 Fax: (519) 884-4464 E-mail: sdbslo@wchat.on.ca Prosimo, da ob naročilu oglasa priložite vso potrebno dokumentacijo (logotip, fotografije, tekste), na naročilnici pa označite velikost in Število oglasov. Uredništvo si prizadeva, a ne sprejema odgovornosti za točnost podatkov. Besedila ne odražajo vedno stališča uredništva. Vse pravice pridržane. Ponatis celote ali posameznih delov je mogoč le s pisnim dovoljenjem. Prispevki so zaželjeni. For advertising please forward all necessary documentation (logo, photos, texts) and mark the size and number of adds. The editors have made every reasonable effort to provide accurate and authoritative information, but they assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the text. Articles do not necessarly reflect the opinion of the Editors. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in pan allowed only by written permission. Submissions are welcome. Tiskano v Kanadi v nakladi 3000 izvodov 3000 copies Printed in Canada Na naslovni strani • Cover Killbear Park, Ontario Foto • Photo Nives Čorak 4 8021 0 jf Ijfol/o iz vsebine 4 Uvodna beseda • Introduction 4 Iz Slovenije • News From Slovenia 5 Naši bralci sprašujejo • Questions 6 Novice iz kanadske slovenske skupnosti • News from Canadian Slovenian Community Slovenci v torontski paradi Ansambel Slapovi v Kanadi Prekmursko proščenje 7 Poletje v Slovenskem parku 8 Slovenian "Spice Girls" in Montreal 9 Zakaj se Vseslovenski kulturni odbor ukvarja z organizacijo turnej glasbenih ansamblov? 10 Slovenian Summer Camp 12 In memoriam Karel Vipavec 13 Poezija • Poetry Tomaž Šalamun 14 Odprti album • Open Album Spomini na prehojeno pot - Ivo Bergant 16 Literatura • Literature Rising to grace 17 Kako ljubiti domovino in svoje bližnje Počitnice, dolge 10 let 18 Alternatives Journeying 19 Zdravje • Health Depression: The Illness With Many Faces 22 Sport • Sport Slovenian Classic Golf Tournament Deseti slovenski turnir v golfu Nogomet petdesetletnikov Balinanje 24 Križanka • Crosswords 26 Kulinarika • Gastronomy Humor Pred dnevi sem srečala znanca in ko sva poklepetala o poletju, ki sicer počasi odhaja, mi je povedal, da bo svoje poletno potovanje nadomestil z ogledi filmov na mednarodnem torontskem filmskem festivalu. Izbor filmov spremeni vsako leto glede na to, v katero deželo se želi "premestiti" v dvournem času predvajanja filma. Takšno popotovanje po deželah sveta se zdi prav čudovito, izluščeno je bistvo nekega prostora vezano na ljudi, dogodke, preteklost ali sedanjost, kakor koli pogledamo vedno govori o tistem določenem, na poseben, specifičen način. Podobno bodo naši bralci lahko občutili ob branju Glasila. Bogato poletje in številne prireditev, ki so se vrstile od junija do septembra se zrcalijo v člankih časopisa. Trudimo se, da bi pritegnili k pisanju sodelavce zunaj Ontarija. Veseli smo članka iz Montreala in vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite s pripovedmi o svoji dejavnosti v Vancouvru, na planjavah Alberte in od drugod. Še posebej bodo dobrodošli prispevki v slovenščini ali angleščini s strani mlajših ali celo najmlajših bralcev. Naš literarni zalogaj je tokrat precej obširen in tudi tu vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite s svojimi razmišljanji in prispevki. Iz knjige The Four Questions of Melancholy vam tokrat predstavljamo tri značilne Šalamunove pesmi in vam za eno izmed prihodnjih številk obljubljamo recenzijo knjige, ki v angleščini predstavlja petidvajset let pesnikovega ustvarjanja. Nives Čorak Glavna in odgovorna urednica New US Ambassador in Slovenia NewYorkXWashington, August The new US ambassador in Slovenia Nancy Hilliday Elly-Raphael has been sworn into office at the State Department and will arrive in Ljubljana on September I. A lawyer by profession, Nancy Elly-Raphael has served earlier as assistant state prosecutor and assistant secretary for democracy, human rights and labor. She is well acquainted with Slovenia, its economic and political situation and its way from socialism to modern democracy. In a senate committee hearing she said Slovenia was economically the most successful country in transition with a good human rights record. In the swearing-in ceremony, state undersecretary for political affairs,Thomas Pickering, the third-ranking man at the State Department, said Slovenia had done a lot in getting over the communist heritage in politics, economy and the protection of human rights. He underlined close partnership between Slovenia and the United States which is one of the key elements in the US efforts for the stabilization of South Eastern Europe. Despute between Slovenia and Croatia Ljubljana,August Slovenian and Croatia have as yet failed to settle the dispute over the nonpayment of electricity bills by Croatia's energy provider HEP for electricity supplied to Croatia by the Krsko nuclear power plant.The Croatian side has paid part of its debt for this year, but it still owes close to SIT 2.2 billion. It has been announced that the foreign ministries, along with the economics ministries, will help settle the dispute. Another outstanding issue re-emerged in relations between Ljubljana and Zagreb, concerning border settlements of Mlini, Buzini, Skodelin and Skrile, in which the Surveying and Mapping Authority of Slovenia, responding to recent citizen applications, issued five house numbers, a move that was strongly protested by the Croatian side. Extra Government Funds for Posočje On August 13, the government adopted the proposal of the Environment Ministry to establish the Posočje reconstruction Fund. The fund will be granted to 50 claimants for the renovation of 54 buildings, including 14 housing premises and 40 living premises on farms. The government has thus allocated a total of SIT 152 million to 79 claimants. Gorenje Fair The 48th Gorenjsko fair in Kranj featured 711 Slovene and 52 foreign exhibitors from Italy, Austria and Croatia on a total of 50.000 sq. m. of fairgrounds.The fair was opened by Interior Minister Mirko Bandelj. The Austrian Chamber of Trade and Industry was attending the fair. Krka Penetrates US Market Pharmaceuticals producer Krka will start selling its generic drugs on the US market. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors have established that Novo mesto-based Krka meets all standards that are required from those producers of active pharmaceutical substances and end products that would like to sell their products on the American market. Last May, Krka sent the FDA all the documents that a company should produce in order to have a drug registered in the USA.The FDA has thus approved four variants of the Enap tablets, developed in Krka's own laboratories. Krka has been selling its pharmaceutical ingredients and supplements to cattle food in the USA for almost 25 years. Aerodrom Ljubljana Ljubljana aerodrom made about 10.1 million US turnover in the first half of 1998, with net profit amounting to 2.25 million. Altogether I 1.796 planes landed or took off at the airport, marking a 23.3 percent yearly increase with a 53.8 percent annual plan realization.The airport had 332.952 passengers in the first half of the year, up 8.7 percent over the same period last year. Cargo traffic rose by 9.5 percent to 5239 tons. The number of passengers using Slovenia's airlines Adria Airways reached 383.162 in the January-to-July period, up 10 percent from the same period last year. While the number of passengers using Adria's regular flights rose by 14 percent, the number of those who used charter flights went up only 2 percent.Adria operated 5583 regular and 1520 charter flights in the first seven months. V rubriki Naši bralci sprašujejo vam na vaša vprašanja posredujemo strokovne odgovore iz slovenske ambasade v Ottavvi. Na vprašanja, ki jih zastavljajo bralci in utegnejo zanimati širši krog naših rojakov, odgovarja svetovalec veleposlaništva Republike Slovenije v Ottavvi, g. Goran Križ. IZDAJA POSMRTNEGA POTNEGA LISTA Posmrtni potni list za prevoz žare v Slovenijo s posmrtnimi ostanki osebe z veljavnim slovenskim potnim listom ni potreben. Priporoča se, da žaro poleg potnega lista pokojnika spremlja tudi ostala dokumentacija: izpisek iz matične knjige umrlih (Death Certificate) ter potrdilo o upepelitvi. Z uveljavitvijo Pravilnika o prevozu, pokopu, izkopu in prekopu posmrtnih ostankov (Ur. I. RS Št. 70/97) tudi ni več potrebna izdaja dovoljenja Ministrstva za zdravstvo Republike Slovenije za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov ali žare v Slovenijo. Po 6. členu zgoraj omenjenega pravilnika sledi, da v primeru, da oseba ni slovenski državljan, mora posmrtne ostanke med prevozom v Republiko Slovenijo spremljati posebna potna listina (posmrtni potni list), ki jo izda pristojni organ tuje države. Kanada sodi v skupino držav, ki niso podpisale Evropske konvencije o prevozu posmrtnih ostankov. Končna posledica tega je, da Kanada ne izdaja posebne potne listine za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov v tujino (v svojem in v enem od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope). Iz tega sledi, da je Veleposlaništvo RS v Ottavvi zadolženo za izdajo posmrtnih potnih listin, v kolikor gre za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov v Slovenijo. V primeru, da oseba nima veljavnega slovenskega potnega lista, se za izdajo posmrtnega potnega lista zahtevajo naslednji dokumenti: • potni list • potrdilo oziroma dovoljenje uprave pokopališča v Sloveniji v kraju, kjer se bo opravil pokop ali hramba žare (samo v primeru prevoza posmrtnih ostankov tujega državljana) • potrdilo o upepelitvi (v primeru upepelitve) • izpisek iz matične knjige umrlih • potrdilo zdravnika o vzroku smrti (za žaro ni nujno) • soglasje oziroma dovoljenje pristojnega organa države, v kateri je nastopila smrt, za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov v tujino. Konzularna taksa za izdajo posmrtnega potnega lista znaša 20.00 kanadskih dolarjev. Za izdajo omenjegega potnega lista se zahteva predložitev originalnih listin. Po drugi strani posmrtni potni list za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov iz Republike Slovenije v tujino izda zdravstveni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in je sestavjen v slovenskem jeziku in enem od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope. SLOVENCI VTORONTSKI PARADI V počastitev Kanadskega dne je organizacija Canada Unity Day Federation pod vodstvom ontarijskega poslanca Tonyja Ruprechta organizirala Unity parade. Tudi Slovenci smo dobili povabilo za sodelovanje v paradi, ki se je v sredo, 1. julija ob 2. uri vila od Queen's Parka do torontske mestne hiše. Vseslovenski odbor je povabilo spejel in pritegnil slovenske glasbenike in folklorne skupine k sodelovanju. Za pripravo je bilo komaj teden dni časa, zato so se Slovenci predstavili zgolj z glasbo in plesom. Po zaslugi Cirila Sorška in Nevenke Stajan se je kar precej članov folklornih skupin Nagelj in Mladi glas udeležilo parade. S svojimi slikovitimi narodnimi nošami so zbujali pozornost pri gledalcih, še zlasti, ko so po zvokih harmonikašev Tonija Jelovčana in Louia Mavca izvajali polkine korake. Z narodnimi nošami iz različnih slovenskih pokrajin so simbolično pokazali, da tudi v Sloveniji vlada raznolikost, ki lahko harmonično deluje, in da ima Kanada iste možnosti, da goji raznolikost raznih kultur in s tem sama sebe bogati. Toni Korsič je za to priložnost izdelal ličen napis, tako da so Slovenci izmed številnih etničnih skupin, ki so sodelovale v paradi, še bolj prišli do izraza. Še posebej je treba pohvaliti slovensko mladino, ki si je ta dan vzela čas in sodelovala v paradi in na ta način Kanadčanom pokazala, da je slovenska skupnost v Torontu vitalna in aktivna in da se ji z mladimi ljudmi, ki tukaj gojijo slovenske glasbene in folklorne tradicije, obeta tudi lepa prihodnost. ANSAMBEL SLAPOVI V KANADI V organizaciji Vseslovenskega kulturnega odbora v mesecu septembru v Kanadi gostuje ansambel Slapovi iz Slovenije. Ansambel Slapovi je sorazmerno mlada glasbena skupina, tako po starosti igralcev kot po letih skupnega nastopanja. Ansambel je nastal leta 1992 in seje hitro priljubil občinstvu na raznih festivalih, nastop na Lojfrci domačih pa jim je odprl pot tudi v širši prostor narodnozabavne glasbe. Pri založbi Helidon so posneli že štiri kasete. Prva in najnovejša kaseta se ž e bližata zlati nakladi, kaset Ne reci nikdar pa se je že pred letom povzpela med diamantne kasete. Posneli so tudi tri CD-je. Člani ansambla so v glavnem Dolenjci in vsi se ukvarjajo z glasbo zgolj ljubiteljsko. Jože Pečjak je edini izdelovalec harmonik v Sloveniji, ki aktivno igra pri ansamblu. Kitarist Robi Kuhelj je zaposlen v novomeški bolnišnici. Bobnar Marko Mirtič je strojni tehnik, pevec Jože Skubic dela na Slovenskih železnicah, klaviaturist in obenem tudi harmonikaš Martin Štibernik sedaj čaka na poziv za vojsko, sicer pa dela kot tonski tehnik, aranžer in producent v študijih širom Slovenije, bas kitarist Gregor Štibernik pa končuje študij arheologije. Ansambel Slapovi bo gostoval v Kanadi tri tedne. Njihov prvi nastop bo v SNPJ Rekreacijskem centru v Ennon Valleyu, sledili pa bodo nastopi na lovskem oktoberfestu v Allistonu, na vinski trgatvi društva Večerni zvon, na vinski trgatvi društva Simon Gregorčič, v Slovenskem parku, v društvu Sava, Breslau, in v VVindsorju. PREKMURSKO PROŠČENJE Proščenje je največja letna prireditev prekmurskega društva Večerni zvon. Tudi letos se je 16. avgusta vršila ta verskokulturna in družabna prireditev, ki se navadno prične z mašo, konča pa s plesom, vmes pa je še kulturni program. Mašo je letos daroval župnik iz Murske Sobote Martin Horvat, ki je v svojem popoldanskem govoru spregovoril tudi nekaj besed o nabiralni akciji za prenovo stavbe, ki je z denacionalizacijskim postopkom spet postala cerkvena last in v njej nameravajo urediti katoliški vrtec in druge potrebne prostore. Nabiralna akcija med Slovenci v Montrealu, Londonu in pri Večernem zvonu je bila dokaj uspešna in bo vsekakor pripomogla k čimprejšnji ureditvi prostorov. V popoldanskem kulturnem programu je nastopil pevski zbor društva Večerni zvon pod vodstvom Lojzeta Žižka, s folkloro pa so se predstavile plesne skupine Nagelj in Mladi glas iz Toronta ter Soča iz Hamiltona, ki je uprizorila prekmursko gostuvanje. Za veselo razpoloženje je poskočne melodije igral ansambel Alpski kvintet. K veselemu razpoloženju pa je seveda prispevala tudi gostoljubnost in odlična postrežba društvenih delavcev. UM1TY .awoisrpf ALL-SLOVENÏÂN CULTURAL COMM! 4 , i- S / . \y - Î * k . -, i ^ ' K i ** r * \ ' r\jf 1 * i :yV k1' « ... A * 'SS » «»n * ■ M -ca plesno-akrobatska skupina Flip Vesele Štajerke POLETJE V SLOVENSKEM PARKU Milica Muhič Poletje se nagiba h koncu, ostali pa so nam spomini na živahno kulturno in športno dejavnost, še posebej pa na pisane šotori, otroški vrisk, petje in glasbo, pa na slovensko besedo, ki se je ob slovenskih otrokihtudi kanadskoslovenskim otrokom spontano oglasila. V mesecu juliju nas je obiskal komorni pevski zbor Gloria iz Velike polane pod vodstvom dirigenta Jožeta Gerenčerja. Spremljala sta jih tudi predsednik Slovenske izseljenske matice dr. Janez Bogataj ter župan občine Črenšovci Anton Tornar, ki sta Parku podarila posebne plakete. V svojem nagovoru jim je zaželel dobrodošlico predsednik Parka Štefan Muhič. Čeprav je bil koncert v petek zvečer, so Slovenci, vglavnem Prekmurci, dvorano napolnili. Medtem ko so se pevci Glorie mudili v Parku le en dan, so akrobatke skupine Flip iz Pirana ostale v Parku kar dva tedna. Iz Chicaga so se pripeljale s posebnim avtobusom 23. julija. Spremljali so jih njihovi vodje Stasja, Mojka in Mitja Mehora, Gino, Martina Sobič in Jana Modic. Pa tudi njihova organizatorka Cvetka Jagodič je bila z njimi. Obiskovalci so bili navdušeni nad naravno lepoto in urejenostjo našega parka. Res, da smo se kar malo bali, kako bomo ugodili otrokom iz Slovenijie, ker smo se zavedali, da jim Slovenija nudi veliko več, kot jim lahko mi nudimo. Pred njihovim prihodom smo v Parku naredili ogromno stvari, da smo prostore usposobili za taborjenje tako številne skupine, da omenim samo gradnjo garaže in tušev, novo plinsko in električno napeljavo, beljenje dvorane, čiščenje bazena ter nove ogrevalne naprave. Naši člani so vložili v ta dela nešteto prostovoljnih ur, še posebej pa je društvo hvaležno Billu Stajanu za darovana vrata in Kristjanu Hladu za podarjena garažna vrata ter slovenski skavtski organizaciji iz Toronta za posojilo šotorov. Prvi dan po prihodu so gostje uporabili za ureditev šotorov in spoznavanja okolja. V soboto, 24. jullija, so v kuhinji zagorele luči že zelo zgodaj, ker so se tukaj zbrali ribiči, ki so šli že ob 5. uri zjutraj z avtobusom na ribolov na Erijsko jezero. Zajtrk sta jim pripravili Marica in Milica, enkratno pomoč pa je nudil Boris Mozetič. Ta dan smo sprejemali tudi otroke naših rojakov, ki so se prijavili za taborjenje. Bilo jih je petnajst. Po začetniških težavah, ki so se v nekaj dneh uredile, je tabor polno zaživel v ponedeljek. Vodja naših tabornikov Mirko Mainič je razdelil dolžnosti vsem ostallim sodelavcem - Štefiju Muhiču, Janiju Pušiču, Davidu Mirtu, Jovu in Sandyju. Sledili so izleti in nastopi skupine Flip. Ogledali so si Lions' Safari, slapove in Marineland v Niagara Fallsu, Wonderland i n CN Tower v Torontu. Slovensko športno društvo v Hamiltonu, Lipa Park v St. Catharinsu in Triglav v Londonu so jih počastili z večerjo, prav tako nekateri posamezniki, kot Ivan Plut, Boris Mozetič in Jože Slobodnik. Večere, ki so jih preživljali v Slovenskem parku, pa jim je popestril hišnik Eric s karioki glasbo. V nedeljo, 2. avgusta, smo imeli piknik z bogatim programom, v katerem je v glavnem nastopala mladina. Med mašo so ...nadaljevanje na 8. strani I SLOVENIAN "SPICE GIRLS" IN MONTREAL ...nadaljevanje 7. strani peli otroci pevskega zbora Novi rod iz Toronta pod vodstvom Mojce D'lmperio. V popoldanskem programu so poleg Flipovih akrobatk nastopili tudi plesalci plesne skupine Planika iz Toronta pod vodstvom Nevenke Slavinec ter ansambel Vesele Štajerke iz Slovenije. Navzoče sta pozdravila predsednik Vseslovenskega kulturnega odbora Ivan Plut in predsednik Slovenskega parka Štefan Muhič. Piknika se je udeležila tudi mlada hokejska skupina, ki se je tiste dni mudila v Hamiltonu. Po dveh tednih je bilo taborjenja konec. Flipove akrobatke so se vrnile v Slovenijo in kar težko smo se od njih poslovili, ker so se nam priljubile s svojo toplino, prijaznostjo in izredno disciplino. Da je turneja Flipovih akrobatk tako lepo uspela, gre zasluga številnim prostovoljcem, članom Parka, ki so za to akcijo žrtvovali svoje dopuste in brezplačno garali od jutra do večera, da je vse potekalo v najlepšem redu. Naj omenim samo ženske, ki so po 16 ur na dan brezplačno delale v kuhinji: Tončka Demšar, Štefka Kane, Pavla Kunej, Marica Šemlak, Katy Kuzma, Anica Bubaš, Štefka Marinko, Trezika in Majda Pušič, Sonja Rasmus, Irena Rakuša. Pušičevi mami in Zorki Hočevar pa se Park posebno lepo zahvaljuje za pecivo, Veri Plut pa za pranje perila. Kljub temu, da je slovenska vlada prispevala denar za bivanje skupine Flip v Kanadi, tako gostovanje brez dobre volje društev in prostovoljnega dela Slovenskega Parka ne bi bilo izvedljivo. By Margaret Novak The Bishop Baraga Society is a non-profit, Slovenian cultural organization. Founded in 1952 it was first Slovenian organization in Montreal. Today, the BBS has over one hundred members, a majority of which are active members. During the summer season, the society's grounds are always in use. There are three annual picnics held on the St-Lazare grounds between early June and Labour Day week-end. St-Lazare is a charming and growing town about one hour west of Montreal. After Labour Day, the pool closes but the boci ball courts stay open, up until the players are still willing to brave chilly temperatures to play. Once winter does set in, the grounds become an ideal setting for cross-country skiing or just for taking a scenic walk. In addition to holding picnics, the BBS occasionally hosts concerts by groups from Slovenia. In 1993 we hosted Big Ben in St-Lazare and two years ago, in 1996 we were proud to host HenCek in Montreal during their North American tour. When the committee heard of the opportunity to get the Vesele Stajerke in concert in Montreal, we readily agreed. I say we, because since 1995,1 have been the associate secretary for the society, but also because my parents have been involved with the organization since before my birth. Almost every one of my childhood Saturdays were spent on the grounds. Becoming a member of the committee then, seemed like a natural evolution. I wanted to help preserve (and still do) what my parents and everyone else worked so hard to establish. But, as al- most every Slovenian club in Canada and abroad knows, maintaining what once was, is not easy.The challenge remains in getting the second generation involved in operations. Upon receiving the Vesele Stajerke's promotional posters, the members of the committee were quick to affectionately call them the Slovenian "Spice Girls." We weren't alone. When people saw the posters, the first reaction was usually something along the lines of, "They look like the Slovenian version of the British group!" The comparisons may have held up until the girls began their concert. Similarities however, ended there. On Friday July 24th, the Bishop Baraga Society of Montreal hosted the Vesele Stajerke in concert. People kept on calling me before the plesne skupine: Rožmarin, Mlade lastovice in Metulčki ZAKAJ SE VSESLOVENSKI KULTURNI ODBOR UKVARJA Z ORGANIZACIJO TURNEJ GLASBENIH ANSAMBLOV? concert to ask what kind of music these young girls play. Judging by the posters, people expected some Slovenian rock group. I told them what I had heard, "They play a bit of everything, and no one goes home disappointed." At around seven-thirty, the St-Vladimir church hall was full and, I think that a lot of skeptical people that had called up were waiting to prove me wrong. How could these young girls know those old songs that everyone knew and loved? Especially how can they play them in those skirts! Where were the 'Narodne Noše'? Within minutes however, all doubts were pretty much laid to rest. The evening began with welcoming words from Baragovo Društvo and a greeting from the president of the All Slovenian Cultural Committee,John Plut.TheVesele Štajerke then began a short concert.The girls knew many old songs, they knew the not-so-old songs and they played their own new songs. Once the concert was over, they played until the dance floor filled up. That only took a few short minutes! The evening ended up being very successful, and as promised, no one went home disappointed! WHIZ-A-TOP LINEN OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE GRBAVAC FAMILY LINENS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. LARGE VARIETY OF COLOURS. LET US HELP MAKE YOUR EVENT COMPLETE. 142 STAPELTON AVE. HAMILTON, ON. L8H 3N8 TEL: 905 545 1316 FAX: 905 545 7869 WATS 1-800-263-8623 Cvetka Kocjartčič Mogoče si je letošnje poletje že marsikdo zastavil to vprašanje, saj narodnozabavni ansambli ne spadajo v področje "kulturnih skupin", ki zadnje čase vse bolj pogosto obiskujejo Kanado, in se tudi slovenski vladi ne zdi primerno, da bi gostovanje ansamblov finančno podprla. V domovini so narodnozabavni ansambli "business", ki dobro trži po veselicah, tukaj v Kanadi pa od tega "businessa" ne morejo kaj dosti zaslužiti ne tukajšnji ansambli in ne tisti, ki pridejo sem gostovat iz Slovenije. Slovenska društva imajo z vzdrževanjem svojih društvenih domov tako velike stroške, da ne morejo plačevati dragih honorarjev ansamblom, še zlasti zadnja leta, ko število ljudi na piknikih upada. Ansambel iz Slovenije na društvni piknik še vedno pritegne večje število naših ljudi. Organizacija turnej ansamblov iz Slovenije je torej dejavnost, ki jo društva od Vseslovenskega kulturnega odbora pričakujejo, ker so društva ta odbor ustanovila z namenom, da bo kar se da enakopravno zastopal interese vseh slovenskih društev v Južnem Ontariu. S tem, da sta letos prišla gostovat kar dva slovenska ansambla, so prišla na vrsto skoraj vsa društva, da jim je na pikniku igral ansambel iz Slovenije. In ne samo južnoontarijska društva. Skupina Vesele Štajerke je gostovala tudi v Edmontonu, Calgaryju in Montrealu, kjer si naši rojaki še bolj želijo slovenske glasbe, ker nimajo svojih ansamblov, kot jih imamo v južnem Ontariu. Na ta način Vseslovenski kulturni odbor pomaga drugim društvom, čeprav od tega sam nima nobenih finančnih koristi. In če ne bi člani Vseslovenskega odbora sami prevzeli levji delež dela in odgovornosti, turneje ansambla preprosto ne bi mogli izpeljati, kljub temu, da ansambel iz Slovenije ne postavi drugih pogojev, kot da so mu stroški povrnjeni. Namreč stroški za letalske karte, pa tukajšnji prevozi in najem kombija, pa najem ozvočenja in drugi stroški komaj krijejo dohodke. Nastanitev v motelu je predraga in s tem, da so člani ansambla nastanjeni po domovih, je organizacija gostovanja sploh finančno izvedljiva. Včasih je bilo med našimi ljudmi več ljubiteljev glasbe, ki so člane ansambla sprejeli v svoje domove, sedaj pa je takih prostovoljcev vse manj in tako člani VKO poleg drugih del opravljajo tudi vlogo gostiteljev. Kaj nas pri tem motivira? Zavest, da delamo nekaj potrebnega in koristnega za slovensko skupnost, tako za posameznike kot za slovenska društva, pa tudi za slovensko mladino, saj prav ti pogosti obiski glasbenih skupin iz Slovenije nedvomno vplivajo tudi na tukajšnje slovenske muzikante, ki po njihovem vzgledu lepo slovensko igrajo in tako skrbijo, da slovenska družabnost v Kanadi ne bo zamrla. In kjer se naši ljudje družijo, se ohranjajo tudi slovenske navade, slovenska beseda in slovenska kultura. In kadar Vseslovenski kulturni odbor apelira na Slovence za pomoč radijski uri Glas kanadskih Slovencev ali časopisu Glasilo kanadskih Slovencev, pričakujemo, da nas bo tukajšnja slovenska skupnost podprla, saj opravljamo to pomembno in koristno delo za vse kanadske Slovence. Kanadski Slovenci smo pripravljeni odpreti svoja srca vsem, ki nanje trkajo s prošnjami za pomoč, sami nase pa pozabljamo, pri tem pa tarnamo, kaj bo z našo mladino... Skupina Vesele Štajerke in ansambel Slapovi sta pritegnila na slovenske prireditve tudi precej mladine. Radijski oddaji Glas kanadskih Slovencev so se letos pridruž ili trije mladi sodelavci, časopis Glasilo kanadskih Slovencev urejajo mladi ljudje... Podprimo jih v njihovem prizadevanju. SLOVENIAN SUMMER CAMP (govor Staneta Kranjca ob 40 letnici) Forty-one years passed since one of the first Slovenian priests, Father KolariC, asked Mr. Joe Kastelic to find and purchase a piece of land outside of Toronto where Slovenian people could meet, unite, worship and enjoy each other's company, as well as fresh air and nature. As per agreement with Father KolariC, Mr. Kastelic did purchase 22 acres of land on August 30,1957 and later on October 16, 1963 transferred the ownership to the Slovenian Missionaries of St. Vincent. Later, another parcel of land consisting of 30 acres was purchased and ownership also transferred to the Slovenian Missionaries. The second parcel of land is on the other side of the creek, the hills covered with maple trees. Unfortunately, Father Kolaric is no longer with us, but I am sure that today he is smiling down on us, knowing that this land was cultivated into everything he ever dreamed of. However, we are fortunate and grateful to have with us today the only 41 year member of the SSC, Mr. Joseph Kastelic. Let's thank Mr. Kastelic and show him our appreciation for his outstanding contributions to SSC, to the Canadian Slovenian Community and to Canada. Most of the 40 year members are by the grace of Cod and nature Slovenians and Canadians by choice. I am sure that each and everyone could tell an interesting story about this land which originally was called Slovenska farma or in English Slovenian Farm. Personally I remember a Sunday afternoon when my wife Elsie and myself parked our 1954 Plymouth approximately where the present flag poles stand. As we got out of the car and looked around I said to myself, "One thing is sure - there won't be any potatoes, beans, corn or wheat on this farm," as I was so used to on the farm in Slovenia. Most of the farm below the ridge on the other side of the hall was a thick brush, trees, swamp and ground hog holes all over the place. At the beginning the farm was managed by Father KolariC and the Church committee of our Lady of Help of Christians on Manning Avenue. Since Mr. Ivan Peterlin was a president of the church committee, he automatically became the first president of SSC. Clearing the land, digging the first swimming pool and constructing the wooden building named "lopa", started immediately. The official opening, and blessing of SSC was on Sunday, August 16, 1958. Mass was celebrated in the new structure 'lopa' by the swimming pool which at the time was called "jezerce" - in English "small lake". Jezerce was beautifully decorated by a young group of Slovenian men and women - members of "Mladi dom." After the mass and after Father KolariC blessed the swimming pool and the grounds, a ribbon by the pool was cut and the Slovenian Summer Camp was officially open. Several of the camp members barbecued pigs, starting in the middle of the night, manually rotating pigs on the rods, above the hot coals, to get them ready for lunch. Later in the day, swimming races started -a competition between girls and older ladies and between men and boys. Team winners were awarded with thunders of applause. After the swimming races were over, children plunged into the pool. The church choir sang a few Slovenian songs and then the sports activities moved to the volleyball field, and dancing started in "lopa." After the official opening, life really flour- ished on this land. The ridge on my right was covered with tents. Originally, there were no trailers or cottages. People didn't have money for such luxuries. Families camped mostly on weekends, holidays and vacations. During the day one did not see people sitting around there was much work to be done. Men helping and improving the grounds and women looking after the children, tent-work and sewing worn-out clothes, crocheting, etc. During the evenings campers enjoyed sitting around the campfire, telling jokes, discussing work and business and life in general, and no evening ended without singing, and accordion playing. Accordion music, singing, playing balina, swimming and home made jokes were the main source of entertainment. After the completion of any project there was always a celebration. One weekend campers constructed a new outhouse. This, too, was reason for celebration - a parade was formed, four men carrying the outhouse, and others followed with bottles of wine and other drinks, everyone singing and the button accordion player playing and leading the parade away from the tents to a designated outhouse destination. At one of the early grape festivals where guards usually jail the people stealing grapes, some smart ladies convinced the guards to jail the president, because they didn't have flush toilets. They got them shortly after. And there was the one when a husband went into the pool to cool off but he didn't realize how deep the water at that end of the pool was. By the time he knew it, water was over his head and in his lungs. A few guys helped him out and as they were clearing the water out of his lungs his wife came by and said in Slovenian, "Si se že spet napil, ha?" - "You were drinking again, ha?" A few years after the open i ng Father Kopač got really involved in the camp activities. His strong spiritual belief, and love of Slovenian people, Slovenia and nature was evident in everything he did and said. For over 30 years he worked hard and made many outstanding contributions. On these grounds he celebrated his golden mass, and his 65th and 70th birthdays. We owe him a lot. Camp is also fortunate to have had nine capable and caring presidents, some serv- škof Metod Pirih, 26.julija 1998 Del letoviškega odbora ing longer than others. The first president was Ivan Peterlin, followed by John Kavčič and Stanko Šuligoj. They are no longer with us, however, we are pleased to have with us Mrs. Kavčič and Mrs. Šuligoj. Mrs. Peterlin sends her best wishes to everyone. She cannot attend because of health reasons. After those three presidents, the following people served as the Camp's presidents: Štefan Serec, John Flegar, Jose Meden, Janez Grdodolnik, Joe Jaklič and John Kuri. Progress and improvements continued throughout the years. After the swimming pool and lopa werecompleted, the chapel was constructed, flush toilets, later Baraga home, a new swimming pool, dance platform and now gazebo. Lopa was demolished after Baraga home was built and the old swimming pool had to be filled in before a new one was constructed. During all of these years, the Camp actively supported boy scouts, girl guides, youth jamborees, baseball, volleyball, boci games and other sports activities tailored to young and old. During the life of the camp we celebrated 39 Slovenian Days, 39 Corpus Christi processions, approximately 38 grape festivals, 20 Catholic Days, Thanksgiving, Baraga days, Scouts and Girl Guide Days, and other Canadian and Slovenian national celebrations and weekly religious services. In June 1991, when Yugoslavian communist tanks attacked our native homeland Slovenia, SSC joined other Slovenian organization in staging the biggest protests outside Slovenia, demanding the stop of attacks and the recognition of a democratic Republic of Slovenia. SSC also actively participated in one of the largest financial campaigns in Canada organized by the All-Slovenian Cultural Committee in support of Slovenia. And how about the future? Someone wrote in Slovenian: "Zgodovina je priča preteklosti, učiteljica sedanjosti in svetovalka prihodnosti." In English: "History is witness of the past, teacher of the present and counselor of the future." We are standing on the doorsteps of a new millennium asking ourselves: "What should we do? How do we counsel and help our children to preserve and to improve and continue to enjoy what we jointly built?" We are fortunate to have some very talented and dedicated young people like our young president, Mr. John Kuri. However, we need more young people to get involved, start taking on ownership and responsibilities. We should counsel and help them, so that they don't repeat mistakes we made - like every generation, they will have enough of their own to deal with. Recently, we had several interesting conversations regarding the future and decided to prepare a SSC mission statement, which read: "SSC mission is to make a positive difference in people's lives by providing Canadian Slovenians the opportunity to unite, fulfill and preserve social, cultural and spiritual aspirations, based on traditional values and beliefs, as well as providing a forum to impart these values and traditions to future generations of Canadian Slovenians." Let this be a road map to the future. We must continue to build the bridge between the past and the new millennium with the hope that SSC will celebrate its 50th, 100th and many more happy anniversaries. Anthony Klemencic B.Sc., LL.B. SLOVENSKI ODVETNIK Tel: (416) 251-5281 Fax: (416) 251-0029 332 Browns Line Toronto, M8W 3W2 ROCKWOOD OPTICAL owner: MARJAN MOZETIČ • Eye Examinations Arranged • Laboratory on Premises • Lenses Duplicated • Prompt Service • Repairs Rockwood Mall 4141 Dixie Road, Missisagua Tel: 625 6444 view on design based studio Nives Corak 416.932.8592 nivescorak@hotmail.com KAREL VIPAVEC V nedeljo, 30. avgusta 1998, je za posledicami raka v Wellesley bolnišnici umrl znani slovenski odvetnik Carl Vipavec. V mrliški vežici in na pogrebu se je od njega poslovilo veliko število ljudi, saj je bil priljubljen med svojimi strankami, poklicnimi kolegi ter v slovenski skupnosti. Carl Vipavec se je rodil 1929. leta. Njegovi slovenski starši so mu privzgojili ljubezen do slovenskega jezika in do drugih vrednot, kot preprostost, poštenost, delavnost, vztrajnost. Na torontski univerzi je dokončal študij prava in leta 1954 odprl svojo odvetniško prakso, ki jo je uspešno vodil polnih 44 let. Njegova pisarna je bila v samem slovenskem središču v Etobicoke, v Kasteličevi stavbi. Med njegovimi klienti je bilo veliko Slovencev in Hrvatov, ki jim je Carl pomagal v pravnih zadevah, od prepisov pri nakupih hiš, pravnih nasvetov podjetnikom do pravnega zastopstva na sodiščih in urejanja pravnih zadev, povezanih z domovino. Pri njegovem delu ga ni motiviral samo zaslužek, pač pa sočutje do človeka. Našim ljudem je bil vedno pripravljen pomagati. S svojimi pravniškimi uslugami in nasveti je rad priskočil na pomoč raznim slovenskim organizacijam in tudi Vseslovenski odbor mu je hvaležen za njegovo brezplačno delo. Na svoje slovensko poreklo je bil Carl vse življenje ponosen. Rad se je predstavljal za Belokranjca, od koder so prišli njegovi starši, čeprav ga je govorica pogosto izdajala, da je bil v Kanadi rojen. Zanimal se je za Slovenijo in si je ob obiskih domovine svojih staršev tudi tam našel precej prijateljev. S Slovenci je vedno rad govoril slovensko. Tudi svojo življenjsko družico si je poiskal iz vrst druge generacije Slovenk. Z ženo Evanko sta skupaj preživela 43 let. Sinu Petru in hčerki Ivanni je bil Carl dober oče in kljub zaposlenosti je našel čas za svojo družino. Najbolj srečen pa je bil v naravi, v mirnem zatišju svojega vikenda v vasi Blue Water Beach. Carl je bil navdušen športnik, še posebno je užival v igranju tenisa. Bil je član Slovenskega lovskega in ribiškega društva v Torontu. Rad se je udeleževal ribolova, za lov pa je imel preveč mehko dušo. Za lovsko društvo je opravljal pravne posle, poleg tega pa je brez privilegijev, tako kot ostali člani, sodeloval pri društvenem delu na letovišču in dajal drugim pobudo. Pogosto se mu je pri "dežuranju na lovski farmi" pridružila tudi njegova žena. Tudi sin Peter se je včlanil v Slovensko lovsko in ribiško društvo. Člani lovskega društva so se na poseben način poslovili od svojega prijatelja. Mnogi so prišli na pogreb v svojih lovskih uniformah, z vejicami zelenja, ki so jih položili na krsto. V imenu društva pa je ob odprtem grobu spregovoril Carlov dolgoletni prijatelj Miro Rak, ki je med drugim povedal: "Od rojstva do smrti živi samo človek, po smrti pa živijo vsa dobra dela, ki jih je človek v svojem življenju naredi. Bog dobro ve, da si bil pošten in pravičen, da si bil vsakemu pripravljen pomagati. Tako se danes poslavljamo od Tebe, dragi Carl, ki si si z dobrimi deli in trpljenjem zaslužil miren počitek." Ne samo Slovensko lovsko in ribiško društvo, ampak celotna slovenska skupnost bo Carla pogrešala. Pri pogrebni maši so slovensko cerkev Brezmadežne napolnili ljudje, ki jih je usoda na tak ali drugačen način povezala z njim in spomin nanj bo še naprej živel v njihovih srcih. Tomaž Šalamun The Word (poem translated by Sonja Kravanja) The Word is the one and only foundation of the world. I am its servant and its master. And though the spirit sends out atoms to smell, touch and feel, we are equal to gods in this field. Language is not encountering anything new.There is no final judgement, no superior.The assumption is in the concentric, and everything we see or don't see there is more than a grain of sand. Things in their gazing seem closer, but that is not the criterion. I repeat: things are not the criterion.The criterion is inside us, and we have to disperse it, ultimately. Death was named mistakenly by those to whom the light was hidden. To Him Who Was Prohibiting Me His Name (poem translated by Charles Slmic) To grow up. To burst open the sky. To run in bows and arrows and floods. To smell the hamster.To smell the hamster. Here.To pry open the muzzle. To have soft gray tentacles. To suffocate.To suffocate. To bet double or nothing and take off buzzing. The whimpering.With the small thread to double-stitch together the red pile. To knead the breath out of clay, no more to awake. Let the blood flow like malleable little soldiers with skis on, no more to be seen since they were swallowed up by the door. Shepherd (poem translated by Sonja Kravanja) The snow buried all the trees, all the trees. I'm warming my numb hands on the fire beneath the sheepfold. My sheep are dropping on their backs from cold, bleating their milklike cries, on their backs. I've been in the mountains for ages guarding the Seven Lakes. How the buzzards hovered. They slew my sheep one by one under the Cross. My soot turned white under the dark blue firmament. Snow and ice devour everything. They all had their moment except me: my pleasures, my piping, my valley. I've always been alone with my cruel dog who gnaws my bag strap to ease his hunger and warm himself, to make the sheep stop their dismembering in the snow. From The Four Questions of Melancholy, New and Selected Poems, ed. by Christopher Merrill, Fredonia, NY:White Pine Press, 1997, 257 p. o3prtTaTbum SPOMINI NA PREHOJENO POT - Ivo Bergant Cvetka Kocjančič Vsak izseljenec ima svojo zanimivo zgodbo, pa naj ga je zaneslo življenje na ta ali oni konec sveta. Ivo Bergant že skoraj pol stoletja živi v Kanadi, od tega 47 let v Vancouvru. O njegovem življenju sva se pogovarjala na letovišču društva Bled v Beamsvillu, kamor je prišel na konvencijo Vzajemne podporne zveze Bled. Rojen je bil v delavski družini v Ljubljani, kjer je med vojno leta 1942 končal gimnazijo in se vpisal na pravno fakulteto. "Rad bi študiral medicino, pa mi je oče odsvetoval, da je študij predolg in da me s svojo delavsko plačo ne bo mogel vzdrževati tako dolgo, še posebej, ker so bili v družini še trije drugi otroci," mi je povedal, ko mi je začel razlagati svoje doživljanje 2. svetovne vojne. "Da ne bi bil očetu preveč v breme, sem si našel zaposlitev pri Slovenskem domu in sem ob delu študiral. Naš tednik je bil sprva pod italijansko upravo, nato pa pod nemško, zato smo lahko v njem pisali samo tisto, kar je bilo sprejemljivo za tedanjo upravo, največ uradna poročila. Sodelavci Slovenskega doma pa smo se tudi aktivno ukvarjali s proučevanjem ozadja Osvobodilne fronte in tako smo kaj hitro odkrili, da je bila Osvobodilna fronta le maska za komunistično revolucijo. Videl sem, kako je bil ustreljen ban Natlačen. Še danes mi je ž ivo pred očmi umor dr. Erlicha, ki je bil tedaj vodja Stražarjev." Petega maja 1945 je celotna redakcija Slovenskega doma, z urednikom Mirkom Javornikom na čelu, skupaj z Rupnikom, Kaciprom in drugimi, zbežala na Koroško, v Millstatt. Takrat se je tudi za Berganta začela trnjeva pot izseljenstva. Vračanje domobrancev iz Vetrinja je vsem beguncem dalo občutek, da v Avstriji niso več varni. O tem je povedal takole: "Ko sem bil v Millstattu, sem šel s prijateljem Škobernetom v Vetrinje, da bi videla, kaj se je tam dogajalo. Tam sva imela v sredo pogovore z Rupnikom, poglavarjem domobrancev. Njegov bataljon se je ravno pripravljal, da bo naslednje jutro odšel v Italijo. Še danes se živo spominjam, kako so bili domobranci, v lepih čistih uniformah, postrojeni naslednji dan pri jutranji molitvi, in potem so odšli na kamione, misleč, da gredo proti Italiji. Midva s prijateljem sva potem odšla v neko gostilno v Celovcu, kjer se je zbiral Narodni odbor. Opoldne je prišel tja dr. Janez Janež, ki je bil poslan s prvim transportom tri dni poprej. Povedal je, da domobrance vračajo, več pa od same groze ni mogel tedaj povedati. S Škobernetom sva se vrnila v Millstatt in povedala župniku in Kacipru, da domobrance vračajo." Iz Avstrije je Ivo Bergant odšel v Italijo, kjer je bil nekaj časa v begunskem taborišču v kraju Bricone, od tam pa je odšel v Loke poučevat na osnovno šolo. Svojega učiteljevanja se takole spominja: "Tržaško ozemlje, tako imenovana "cona A", je bilo tedaj pod angleško upravo. Angleži so do tedaj že uvideli, kaj se v Sloveniji dogaja in kako po šolah nastavljajo samo tiste učitelje, ki so komunistično usmerjeni, zato niso hoteli učiteljev iz Slovenije. Na Tržaškem je bil takrat g. Baraga upravnik vseh slovenskih šol in je začel v taborišču iskati ljudi z višjo izobrazbo, ki bi bili primerni za učitelje. Tako sem iz pravnika postal učitelj, ko sem v Trstu opravil še tečaj iz pedagogike. Poučeval sem eno leto in ljudje v tisti hribovski kobariški vasici so me izredno lepo sprejeli, saj od 1. svetovne vojne ni bilo tam slovenskega učitelja. Še nikoli poprej nisem videl tako revnih in tako delavnih ljudi. Vso zemljo so ročno obdelovali, ker njive in travniki niso bili dostopni z plugom ali vozom. Leta 1947 je bila podpisana pariška pogodba, po kateri je tisti predel slovenskega ozemlja pripadel nazaj Jugoslaviji, jaz pa sem se preselil v Trst, kjer sem do 1949. leta poučeval na slovenski šoli, istočasno pa sem čakal za izselitev v Argentino, kamor je že odšlo precej naših beguncev, in obenem tudi za Kanado. Sprejet sem bil v obe državi, a sem se končno odločil za Kanado in se obvezal, da bom tam eno leto pogodbeno delal, kamor me bodo poslali." Tako je Ivo Bergant leta 1949 prišel v Manitobo in eno leto delal na farmi sladkorne pese v Emersonu. Potem se je preselil v Winnipeg in se zaposlil v bolnišnici, leta 1951 pa je odšel v Vancouver, kjer še sedaj živi. Tam je tiriintrideset let in pol delal pri letalski družbi Pacific Airline in postopoma napredoval do manadžerja, potem pa se je zaradi bolezni predčasno upokojil. Zeno Mary je spoznal že v Trstu, poročila sta se pa 1954. leta, ko je prišla za njim v Vancouver. Imata dve odrasli hčerki, starejša je farmacevtka, mlajša pa je diplomirala iz biologije in psihologije in je zaposlena kot učiteljica. Ivo Bergant se je tudi v Kanadi vključil v prosvetno in društveno delo. V Bledov odsek v Vancouvru se je vpisal že 1957. leta. Takrat je bil ta odsek, ki so ga leta 1941 ustanovili Slovenci, ki so se tja preselili iz Kirkland Lakea, še dokaj aktiven, saj je tiste čase bolniška podpora, ki jo je ta podporna zveza nudila, našim ljudem veliko pomenila, ker Kanada ni imela državnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. "S sedmimi dolarji na teden, kolikor je Bled dajal bolniške podpore, seje majhna družinica lahko že skromno preživljala tiste čase," je povedal Ivo Bergant, ki je že od leta 1957 tajnik vancouverskega odseka. "Bled je vsekakor odličen delodajalec: še isto leto, ko sem se včlanil v Bled, so me izvolili za tajnika in to delo še danes opravljam." V odseku je še okoli 25 članov. Precej jih je že pomrlo, za druge pa ta organizacija ni več aktualna. Na konvencijo glavnega odseka, ki se vrši vsake štiri leta, je prišel že trikrat. Poleg preteklih konvencij Berganta na Beamsville vežejo še drugi zanimivi spomini. "Tukaj je bil na Možinovi farmi moj prijatelj Ludve Potokar," mi je začel razlagati zanimivo zgodbo. "Ludve je bil med vojno pri domobrancih in je z njimi pobegnil v Avstrijo. V Gradcu se je pridružil slovenskim študentom in leta 1948 prišel v Kanado, kjer je krajši čas delal na farmi, potem pa je šel v Cleve-land študirat novinarstvo, od tam pa se je preselil k meni v Vancouver. Bil je depresiven, vase zaprt človek, odličen pisatelj, ki ga primerjajo s Cankarjem. Le škoda, da je s samomorom prerano končal svoje življenje. Precej njegovih rokopisov smo mi shranili, v domovino pa se jih pred letom 1991 nismo upali poslati, čeprav smo vzdrževali stike z njegovo sestro. Sicer pa se do nedavnega tudi nihče iz domovine ni zanj zanimal. Šele pred štirimi leti je začel prof. Franci Pibernik zbirati Potokarjevo literaturo in vse drugo, kar je z njim povezano. Nekaj materiala smo mu tudi mi dali, največ pa ga je imela shranjenega Zdenka Škof. Potokarjev roman Onkraj samote je pred tremi leti izdala Mohorjeva družba v Celovcu." Ivo Bergant je aktiven tudi pri Slovenskem društvu v Vancouvru. Zaradi pogostih službenih potovanj ni mogel sprejeti odgovornosti v društvenem odboru, rad pa je vedno priskočil na pomoč pri kulturnih in prosvetnih dejavnostih. Slovensko društvo v Vancouvru so ustanovili ekonomski priseljenci in se sedaj sooča s problemi, ki so značilni za večino kanadskih slovenskih društev: kulturna dejavnost popušča, ker ni mladine. "V Vancouvru imamo Slovenci svoj društveni dom," mi je ponosno povedal. "Pa tudi pevski zbor imamo. Vodi ga Silva Plut, ki je študirala glasbo na univerzi in poje v Bachovem zboru. Tudi njena hčerka je odlična pevka in trenutno v Švici študira glasbo. Vodstvo folklore je že v rokah druge generacije. Za tečaj slovenščine ni več tako zanimanje, kot je bilo včasih." Ko je beseda nanesla na Kanadski slovenski kongres, sem opazila zadrego in razočaranje. "Zamisel Kongresa je sijajna. Od vsega začetka sem bil pri Kanadskem slovenskem kongresu in še sedaj sem predsednik odseka v Vancouvru, ampak zadnje čase se več ne dobivamo in vse nekako stoji. V začetku je bilo veliko navdušenje, potem pa je vse uplahnilo, ker ni bilo pravega programa. Če bi imeli kakšne dobre smernice, bi delali, dr. Habjan vTorontu veliko dela, drugi odseki pa so bolj pasivni." Ampak Ivo Bergant nikakor ni pasiven, čeprav je upokojen. Pravi, da mu vedno primanjkuje časa. Pri svojih petinsedemdesetih letih je še vedno vitalen in aktiven in poln življenjskega optimizma. RISING TO GRACE Dr. Metka Zupančič Make your gesture like in a new beginning, said the yoga teacher. It all is new beginnings, on and on, my mind would state, and while my arm would move, my mind would race from one impression to another. The smell in my own car, a rented one, my driving down from hills into the valley, the window open so the pine trees would be there, inside with me, and yet, a smell of gas as well, of the exhausts and of the humid asphalt, after this Summer rain. And then the humid air too humid, sticking to my skin, and rolling up the window, and looking forward to be seeing friends instead of wrestling in the memories of what has happened. Being alone during this ride, and yet with you, still angry at myself for awkwardness,for words that were not right, that were misplaced, in front of these young people whom I met through you. These memories I never told about, I think. Decisions to be big and strong and capable of driving through this country, on my own. Not my own country. In the unknown.Yet driving to see friends.To fill the time and space until we meet again in Georgia. A series of beginnings leading to dead-ends of fears, those feeling of too much, don't come too close, I can not do it, or, I'd rather not. Please be my friend and love me, yet, please, stay far enough so I can keep on going this established way of no beginnings, and of no major changes.And yet these moments of connivance, with poems that you thought of using for your music,there between us, your telling me what you would want to choose, not knowing yet, asking advice or just prolonging moments.Yet running late for your appointments further down the road. Not knowing how to leave. How many tears did we dare show each other? And did you ever cry when I was gone, pushed as I was by fate and by yourself, to all these new beginnings? What is it in myself that says Please come no closer or I yell? Since there must be an impulse in my heart, which keeps ME in seclusion, away and far enough from those whom I would love.Which makes me run away, or rather helps me back up when connections would imply adapting, letting go, accepting closeness and intrusions in my world. To whom is it, right now, that I call out for help? Who is it there, who seems to be much more important than the most desired, my soul-mate and my brother and my friend? Where does a grown-up woman go instead of entering relationships with partners—the ones embodying desires and these yearnings of all years of waiting? Why is she so afraid of loosing her control, and over whom? Who is it that would give permission, for her to really enter into grace of closeness and of trust and fearlessness? Where walls would fall, and she would rise with Him, aware that there could be more fallings, yet calling for completion, and for the strength to start a new beginning every time when needed. *** So goes the shuttle on the loom, weaving together sites and feelings, perceptions of the sky, the mountains and the road, the music to be born, the one that you have written, with waves of tenderness and presence and connection which probably exists beyond all separations. Kako ljubiti domovino in svoje bližnje Počitnice, dolge 10 let Katarina Koli Koper, Slovenija Ko sem pred mnogimi leti odšla v tujino za kosom boljšega kruha, sem bila mlada in neizkušena. Dolga leta me je življenjska reka vlekla za seboj. Dostikrat nisem vedela, ali me bo reka potopila ali bom splavala na površje. Dokler ni prišel notranji glas. KI Ml JE POKAZAL POT, PRAVO POT. Zatekla sem se v vero in trdno sem verjela. Vedno sem si ponavljala: to zmorem samo jaz in nihče drug. Naenkrat, kakor da bi se odprlo nebo, je bilo vse lažje. Problemi, ki so se nakopičili, so izginili, vsakdanje skrbi so bile mnogo manjše. Domov sem potovala, kadar sem le mogla, po dolgi vijugasti cesti, ki sem jo imenovala VIA MALA. Ni ji bilo ne konca ne kraja. Izžela mi je še zadnjo kapljico moči, potrebne, da pridem domov. Na tej poti sem vedno mislila na šumenje domačih gozdov, na dom, kjer sem se rodila, kamor pripadam. Domovina, ki sem ji vedno zaupala. Danes vem, da je moja domovina košček mene. Tisti košček, ki mi daje moč. Žitna polja, ki vejejo v vetru. Vsak pedenj zemlje, ki me z dotikom ozdravi. Rojstna hišica, kjer me je rodila moja mati, kjer je tekla moja zibelka. Tu imam spomin na umrle, ki se jim zahvaljujem za vero in modrost. Ime domovina je radar, ki je pravemu človeku podarjen že ob rojstvu. To je notranji glas, ki te pelje skozi življenje, te vodi in ti kaže pot. Je moč in želja, ki kipi v tebi in se z leti vrača, kakor ptičice selivke, ki se zahvaljujoč notranjemu radarju vračajo v svoja stara gnezda. Nives Čorak Prišla sem pred tednom dni, ponovno sem. Kakor v mladosti vsakoletni odhod v mesto ob morju za en mesec. Mesto je postalo drugi dom in ob tem večna želja po vrnitvi za dlje časa. In ker se prav to ni nikoli dogodilo, je ostala romantična ljubezen, neizpovedana. Tukaj je drugače, tukaj prihajam v jesenskih dneh in se vračam v pozno pomladnih, nikoli ne ostanem celo leto, nikoli do konca. Zjutraj sem iskala tisto sliko odprte pokrajine, ki se naslika z vsakim jutrom in poglobi ob jutranji kavi. Na balkonu sem stala in gledajoč skozi objektiv izbirala tisti delček neba, ki bi lahko zajel prav vse, od mojih občutkov do vsakdanjega prizora, ki se ujet v okvir zazdi poseben. Postavljen pred mano, izpostavljen, izločen postane poseben in v njem začnem iskati veliko več. Ni ga bilo in dvom o tem, ali bo dal prav tisti občutek ali ne, me je odvrnil, vedela sem, da bo večer veliko bolj dramatičen in tako morda veliko bolj vzpodbudljiv. Tik pred večerom sem odšla po ulici na sever, z željo po videnju novega. Stala sem med knjižnimi policami in občutki veselja so se vračali, to, da sem ponovno "na počitnicah", da imam ukraden čas in lahko tako stojim in se opajam ob najnovejših izdajah knjig, CD-jev in je obraz presenečen nad številčnostjo izdanih publikacij. Vse to neprebrano gradivo, ki bo ostalo tuje... Prav občutek, da sem v prostoru sedaj in ne prej in da je kakor ukraden zame, v času, osreči in daje težo trenutku, ki postane hip zatem del spomina. Poseben je šele, ko se tega zavedam.. Izberem knjigi in CD, da lahko potem berem novo in hkrati poslušam neslišano. Afrika, prizori, osupljiva fotografija, novo-stara-prvobitna-neznana... knjige govorijo o novih avtorjih, krajih na novo fotografiranih, znova na novo pojasnjenih. Si kdaj pomislil, da ljudje ne bodo več pisali? Videti je, kakor, da ni bilo nikoli toliko knjig na izbor, kot jih je sedaj. Res je, da je ob tem, ko posameznik združi vse knjige, videne v knjigarnah po svetu, občutek presunljiv, kakor je tudi združevanje videnih prizorov različnih mest, ulic, pokrajine, ko se pred očmi slika pokrajina nekega fizično oddaljenega kraja in je nenadoma tako blizu, da začutiš vonj po travi, vonj drevoreda, vožnje z vlakom, slanosti v zraku ob udarcu vala na pomolu, ali pa mirno jutro z vonjem po lavandi, ko se to prenese v pokrajino hrupa mestnega utripa nenehnega premika, zaplava nekje nad njim in postane poduhovljena. Snop pozno popoldanske poletne svetlobe prihaja skozi priprta lesena vrata predvežja. Zlije se po vsej dolžini cerkvene ladje, vse do obraza pevke zbora, ki ima vajo pred večernim nastopom. Oranžen sij reže prostor in označuje posebnost. Glasovi izpolnijo volumen notranjosti. Koža se naježi in vem, da bo celota ostala večna. JOURNEYING by Metka Zupančič It all started when it needed to start. Half of her lifetime ago.A close friend refusing to eat meat, another one seated in a lotus position, apparently day and night, in protest against the mandatory military service, back there in the homeland, old Yugoslavia it was. Flower Power in the air. All these invitations to another way of living LIFE.Too curious not to try it. Somewhere deep in her inner being, moved by these alternatives, attracted by them. And so progressively dropping one thing at the time, cigarettes, meat products, coffee, alcohol, all medical drugs, sugar, chocolate, all kinds of sweets.Then, in the course of a very demanding mental, intellectual process, of the writing of her first dissertation, her body went into her first yoga posture, which she actually didn't know, which she discovered later, after she opened her first yoga book.The posture was the right one, taking away the pressure, the intellectual strain. So,for her, in a way,yoga was always closely connected to her life as a teacher, a thinker, a researcher, a writer. It was a way of balancing her mind, her emotions, her spirit, and—her body. Not that she didn't forget, while sitting at the computer, or earlier in her life, at the typewriter, that her wrists were getting stiff, that her legs were getting heavy. But even at those times, doing yoga the first thing in the morning, or the last thing in the evening, was a way of experiencing connectedness, was a way to slow down her busy mind, relax her body. She recalls the times when clinging to yoga was like a life-saving device, when,for instance, she was told bluntly that she might have cancer, just like that, and the whole world turned upside down and started swaying in front of her eyes. At that time, she didn't consult a medical authority, but wrote to a yoga teacher whose books helped her learn how to do postures, how to develop a lifestyle, a philosophy. He established for her a network of connections which ultimately took her deeper into herself, took her further on her inner journey. At that time, in an attempt to heal herself, she experienced the benefits of fast- ing, cleansing her body and mind. She also developed an ever fresher attitude to food as medicine, medicine as food, a more focused attitude to life as a learning process. Later, when she was writing her second dissertation, the only way not to collapse under the intensity of those thoughts, concepts, structures rushing through her mind seemed to be a thorough morning practice of postures, of breathing exercises, of meditation. When working like crazy for a couple of months, bringing into being, on the paper, all those ideas that she was carrying in herself like if she were pregnant, it was the discipline of yoga that helped establish the rhythms of the day: late night mental activity, a rather short rest into the morning hours, and then her usual routine. Brushing her dry body to bring the stale energy to the surface. Then showering it off with cold water.Then cleansing her nostrils with warm salt water.Then going into postures. Believing that these exercises will help her concentrate, and in this way attract the vibrations of the universe. Attuning herself fully to the cosmic forces, for support and inspiration.Then having her first meal, close to noon: usually a herbal tea first, with some honey, and then raw fruit, and yogurt or"skuta," a sort of cheddar cheese, this source of proteins seemingly "compatible" with fruit.Then sorting out her papers, reading through what she managed to write the previous night. Going out to breath the fresh air, doing some shopping at the farmers' market, briefly seeing a friend or two.Then fixing herself her second daily meal, a huge tossed salad, with nothing but olive oil on it, and a simple starch dish, brown rice, or buckwheat kasha, or millet, or polenta. She kept the rich cream from the milk she was getting from a farm, and which condensed in a butter-like spread, as a treat on the top of her dish.And then a phone call or two, and a process of recollecting her inner strength to progressively move into the writing mode again. This was still in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is only now that she can clearly understand how intensely yogic her lifestyle was, at that point. Yogic in terms of self-discipline, of her commitment to the process, of her concentration, and mainly, of her heart and mind open for this precious connection with the unknown, with something fulfilling, yet remaining unnamed. Still, it took her years to realize that she lived a life of someone close to a hermit, with her quest for Truth akin to a mystical journey. Of course, she was rather different from her family,from people around her.Yet, in that country, socializing with people most of the time didn't include sharing food. Again, since a number of friends shared her interests, there were not that many people commenting on her lifestyle, on her eating habits. Then she moved to North America. There was a reception for new faculty, and a dinner to honor the new colleagues, and then a luncheon, and another dinner, and a pot-luck party, and people coming to her place...And an invitation to join people for a Sunday morning worship. And the first surprises, and the necessity, only now, in a way, to really explain that no, on a Sunday morning, she much rather preferred taking time for herself, sit in meditation at her own place, making her own connection with the divine through these exercises which took her into spaces of peace and joy.And the necessity to explain that she really would not have any meat, that she really would not have any dairy, since at this time, she decided not to support the intolerable cattle-growing, or egg-producing practices, by putting her money for example into milk, or cheeses. It was only in North America, on this continent of diversity and proclaimed tolerance, that she understood how extremely different her lifestyle was, not only from "regular" people, but also from those she met at yogic retreats, or in meditation groups. Her behavior, especially her eating habits, seemed very restrictive, even mortifying.The fact that she never had deserts, the fact that she never had an alcohol drink, the fact that she obviously ignored, not to say despised a series of ...see page 20 DEPRESSION: The Illness With Many Faces Dr. Srečko Pregelj Healthy people are usually happy people, full of energy and enthusiasm, and are involved in the life of their community and country. People are bio-psycho-sexual-so-cial-spiritual beings, living in a world that needs them, their skills, and their participation. For their survival, people need not only material things (food, money, etc.), but also a social environment in which they can flourish. People are usually aware of the bio-psycho-sexual-social-spiritual and environmental factors that have molded them into who they are. In reality, there are no bio-psycho-sexual-social-spiritual components of personality that can function independently. These components normally function together in a harmonious and healthy way, making the person a unique, happy, efficient, and successful human being. Depression is a mental illness that deprives an individual of necessary happiness, self-esteem, and self-confidence and replaces these qualities with feelings of sadness, uselessness, helplessness, hopelessness, and even despair. Depression sometimes leads to suicidal thinking. In such a state, a person believes that he/ she cannot survive on his/her own and that there is no future for him/her: they cannot face even one more day. He/she urgently needs the attention of someone who can recognize (diagnose) the depression and is skilled, competent and comfortable enough to deal with the depressed individual's specific problems and restore his/her healthy attitudes and disposition. Expert intervention by a psychiatrist and a team of mental health professionals such as social workers, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, pastoral counselors, etc., is needed. A forensic psychiatrist's assessment is necessary when treating a person who broke the law, or committed a crime. THERE ARE FOUR MAIN VULNERABILITY FACTORS FOR DEPRESSION: The first is a biological predisposition: generic imbalance of neurotransmitters, endocrine deficiencies: metabolic, nutritional, and/or brain disorders. A biochemical imbalance in the brain is thought to cause depression, an idea that is supported by the effectiveness of antidepressant medications. The second is a psychological predisposi- tion. The people who have suffered childhood traumas, such as the death of a parent or physical, social, or sexual abuse. People that have developed a low opinion of themselves and cannot appropriately express their anger or negative feelings, are all predisposed to depression. They are either insecure or too dependent on others, or they may place too high expectations on themselves. The third kind of vulnerability factors for depression are biological stresses, such as certain physiological endocrine changes at puberty, adolescence, menopause, etc., as well as infections. Lastly, environmental and social stresses can trigger depression. These can include loss of employment, loss of physical health (e.g. stroke), death of a loved one, marital problems (separation, divorce, incompatibility), family dysfunction, seasonal changes (Winter depression, confinement to home), changes in social position, and ethnic or sexual discrimination. Depression develops when the person's ego cannot cope with the stresses it is subjected to, that is when the ego's bio-psy-cho-sexual-social-spiritual strengths are exhausted or unavailable. The drives of the id are too strong or the superego is too critical or punitive. Ego strengths are available to a person who has had a good upbringing, a happy severe trauma-free childhood, but offered the appropriate degree of challenges and frustrations in the adolescence, in order to enter into adulthood. Every person is the sum of heredity, parenting, personality development, emotional strength and self-assertiveness, as well as social skills gained through experience to function appropriately in relationships such as marriage, family and society. The onset of depression occurs when negative factors decrease the effectiveness of the ego's healthy defensive and coping mechanisms. Depression can occur at any stage of life. It is seen in preschool children, adolescents as well as adults. At times, other disorders occur at the same time as depression. Anxiety and conduct disorders, learning difficulties, and physical illness as well as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling problems, hobbies, obsessions can mask coexisting or underlying depression, complicating the accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of the depression. In women, depression occurs when there is a disruption or conflict in a close personal relationship. In men, the case is more often related to a performance or achievement issue: depression results because of the failure to meet an ideal or achieve a certain goal. In older patients, depression often goes unrecognized. Few elderly people are treated for depression. Despite many stresses associated with the "golden age," most elderly are not depressed, according to some psychogeriatricians. CLINICAL APPEARANCES OF DEPRESSION: FACES The depressive disorder is the result of a collision between a stressful event and the person's personality strength. For example, depression may result from the impact of a serious illness that prevents the person from succeeding at school, at work, or in society. In this case the disturbance is called an adjustment disorder with a depressed mood. Sometimes the disorder appears as a major depressive episode in which the person is depressed most or all of the day with diminished interest in almost all activities. This entails fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, diminished ability to concentrate, loss or gain of weight as well as insomnia or hypersomnia. In some depressed persons there are hypermanic episodes, such as inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, spending sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments. On others, there is a mixed episode in which the depressive symptoms ("low") appear together with the symptoms of a manic ("high") episode. In other people depression and mania may be cyclical or seasonal, i.e. a Winter depression which disappears in the Spring. A person is said to have a dysshymic disorder if many of the symptoms persist for at least two years. A cyclthymic disorder exists if there are symptoms of mania as well as depression, but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. Bipolar disorder consists of recurrent major depressive and manic episodes. ...see page 20 ...continued from page 18 products like snacks, or salad dressings, made her become more suspicious: she was likely to criticize those who were eventually making efforts to accommodate her needs and choices, she was likely to feel superior to them, and so they often apologized, but also criticized her, in a way, by asking these typical questions like,"Are you sure you are getting enough proteins, enough vitamins?" Whereas her eating patterns clearly were a sign of her difference, her daily yoga practice changed throughout the years.When she was grading papers late at night, hardly getting enough sleep, it was quite impossible to get up early in the morning, in order to perform her whole routine before going to teach. When feeling somehow guilty for not keeping up with her regular practice, she called upon the excuse that she was trying to live a yogic life, instead of keeping her practice separate from her daily obligations. Eventually, the thought about a yogic lifestyle indeed germed into something real.That brought back a renewed interest in doing asanas, on the yoga mat, but also wherever she was, whatever she did. At the computer, straightening her back, tucking her chin in, relaxing her eyes.And then stepping away from this machine,and stretching her limbs, and opening the balcony door, and taking in a couple of fresh breaths. Putting her mind in a yogic posture: developing attitudes that seemed more true to herself, becoming more and more inhabited with yogic ethics, which for her was just a variation on universal recommendations for peaceful, truthful, and loving interaction with others. Nevertheless, she is far from being perfect. Yet, she is walking her life path as well as she can: acknowledging her vulnerability, when necessary, and also identifying her fears, and her anger,and her impatience. Her impatience in accepting that other people can walk their own paths regardless of what her own example can teach them. Because, as she very well knows it herself, she chose her lifestyle to try out something that could be of use to others.And as part of her routine, at this day, she keeps repeating to herself that she is not the redeemer of the world, that she only can take care of herself, that she has plenty to do this way, and that others will follow whenever they will choose to do so, and in whichever direction they will decide to go. ...continued from page 19 SUICIDE RISK In many depressed people, there is a risk of suicide. About 15% of people with a primary mood disorder die by suicide, a risk which is about 30 times greater than for the general population. Elderly people account for about one quarter of all suicides. Suicide is the third highest cause of death among teenagers. Determining the risk to suicide is always difficult. When a person's "neighbour" (friend, relative, co-worker, or physician) hears about suicidal ideas, wishes, or plans, action must be taken. Family physicians, priests, and close friends may play a vital role in suicide prevention, because these are often the last people in contact with a suicidal person. The danger of suicide is high when the patient reports sudden "flight into health". TREATMENT APPROACHES There is a variety of therapeutic modalities that can be used to help the depressed person. The goal of the treatment is to choose the modalities, form the available treatment possibilities, that will help the patient to recover as quickly as possible. The role of the therapist, general practitioner, family physician, psychiatrist, etc. is to give hope, encouragement, and the availability of proper continuous support. There are a variety of ways to get rid of some depressions. Some people can get better, improve because they have a good insight into the nature of their depression, and they want to get better on their own, using their own way to treat themselves. They may be using supplementary vitamins, minerals or trace elements and other dietary changes. Some use exercise as an "antidote to depression". Some people increase their trust in religious practices and deepen their trust in God and saintly intermediaries. There are people who look happy whey they are depressed and suffering, (smiling depression). Some people get better by simply waiting for "sunny days" to arrive. Some depressions disappear sooner or later, usually within six months. One in four depressed people suffer needlessly, because they deny to themselves that they have the mental illness, called depression, and do not seek professional medical attention. Antidepressant medication should be used if required, since it may increase the patient's receptivity to psychological and social interventions. During the early stage of the depression the physician will have to make a decision if the patient can be treated in the office, or as an in-patient in the psychiatric hospital. The risk of possible suicidal planning and/or a suicidal attempt will have to be evaluated during the initial visit. The decision will also have to be made regarding the type of antidepressant drug that will be used if needed, what the dosage will be, what time of day the medication should be taken etc. Anti-depressants have at least three types of actions: drive-enhancing (increase activity), depression-relieving (restore happiness), and anxiety-reducing (calming), they act by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters in the brain (norepinephrine, seratonin, etc.). All anti-depressants have some side effects and there are many variables that may have patients susceptible to adverse side effects. Many patients tolerate anti-depressant medication well, and even use it's side effects such as sedation to their advantage. Seratonin re-uptake inhibitors such as Prozac (Fluoxetine) may cause overstimulation, sleeplessness, increased gastrointestinal motility, and sexual dysfunction. Anti-depressant medication should be taken as prescribed and physicians should ensure that the drugs are prescribed at the therapeutic dosage for a sufficient length of time (usually at least 6 months). Too often the drugs are prescribed at sub therapeutic levels and for an insufficient length of time. These "cases" can be wrongly labeled "refractory" or "failures". Monomime oxidase inhibitors were first used in the 1960's, but were discontinued because of serious adverse side effects. They were replaced by a tricyclic type of anti-depressant. Many patients had severe adverse side effects on their heart function, blood pressure etc. These medications were replaced by newer anti-depressants. In older patients in particular, the choice of anti-depressant treatment will be affected and determined by the other medication that they are taking. Hypericin is one of the active ingredients of the herb called St. John's Worth (Sentjan2evka), which is claimed to have an anti-depressant action: removing down feeling, improving mood, and increasing the will to be active. Hypericin is produced commercially by the Slovenian drug manufacturer LEK under the trade name Deprim. In Canada, St. John's Wort will be the subject of a nation-wide, multi-centre study beginning this year, directed from the Royal Ottawa Hospital, in Ontario, Canada. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is not used as an initial therapy for depression. However, in specific cases, when depression does not respond to other treatments and in psychotic depression, it can be a life-saving intervention. Special consent for the procedure is required. Lithium carbonate is used for treatment of manic depression. If the depression does not improve, or it is too slow to improve, it is appropriate to refer the patient for reassessment. The patient is reevaluated and a decision about whether to continue or modify the type of therapy is made. Probably the most important factor in the treatment of depression is the Doctor-patient relationship. For this reason, the patient should choose a knowledgeable physician who also feels capable and has been successful in treating depressive disorders. Patients are quite sensitive to the doctor's attitude and can readily detect any lack of optimism or confidence for a good outcome. WHAT CAN A PATIENT DO TO GET BETTER The patient should accept the fact that he/she requires help. The patient is expected to cooperate with the treating physician or psychiatrist and the members of the treatment team. The patient must trust the treating doctor and must fully disclose changes in his/her thinking, feeling and planning. The patient is encouraged to be active. The anti-depressant medication will make the patient feel better, but will not act for him/her. Small steps taken one at a time will lead to a successful disappearance of depression, restoration of health and happiness. CONCLUDING REMARKS In Canada, there are eight million people suffering from depressive disorders. It is important to let people know about the 80% to 85% success rate in treating these disorders, which is minimizing the impact of the depression on their lives, on marital partners, friends, co-workers, and on their community. The depression, although a personal medical illness has the potential of creating adverse effects on others. The person with a depressive disorder may unknowingly spread negative, giving -up ideas such as hopelessness and helplessness, exaggerate the negative aspects of life and undermine other people in the community who are trying to be realistic and optimistic. Remember, depression is the most treatable illness' 80% to 85% of cases can be treated successfully. Depression is no one's fault, depression knows no economic, geographic, social or cultural boundaries. Five percent of the Canadian workforce has depression. The cost to society in lost productivity, absenteeism, and health care costs amount to about 4 Billion dollars annually. Sources and Suggested Readings Diagnosis and Statistical manual, DSM-1V, APA, 1994 Depression: Diagnosis and treatment, by Robin Reesal, Pierre Vincent Canadian Medical Association, Disease Management and Patient Counseling Series, 1996 Q. and A: Depression, by Yvon Lapierre and John McDonald, The Medical Post, November 1996 Psychiatry and Neurology Current Canadian, Solving the Problems of Anti-depressant Side Effects, by Robin Seesal and John Zajecka, MM. Volume 3, Number 2, October 1996 The 1997 Canadian Mental Health Survey, a Compas survey, CMHA, Toronto, Canada Ontario's Depression Information and Education Centre, Public Number: 1-800-557-5051, Code 8000, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, since 1997 Partners In Metals Spectrum ULI Alloys Inc. David W. Barrett, PRESIDENT 220 BRONTE STREET NORTH UNIT 1 MILTON, ON L9T 2N9, CANADA Phoenix RisingYogaTherapy "Gentle body/mind work on your deepest issues" Metka Zupančič (519) 822 0999 mzupanci@uoguelph.ca HRANILNICA IN POSOJILNICA SLOVENIA PARISHES CREDIT UNION 725 Brown's Line, Toronto, ON M8W 3V7 Tel. (416) 255-1742 618 Manning Ave., Toronto, ON M6G 2V9 Tel. (416) 531-8475 Delawana Dr., Hamilton Tel. (905) 578-7511 Vse bančne usluge nudimo po najugodnejših pogojih. Brezplačne potovalne čeke in mednarodna denarna nakazila. SLOVENIAN CLASSIC GOLFTOURNAMENT The I Oth annual Slovenian Classic GolfTour-nament made an important transition this year, it was transferred from Kirkland Lake to the Beamsville area.Also, the cause was changed. Founders of this tournament, mainly descendants of the first generation of Slovenian immigrants, have decided to give new meaning to this annual sporting event by choosing the Slovenian Scholarship Foundation to be the organizer of the tournament and a beneficiary of the proceeds. This was an important step in building a bridge between three generations of Slovenian immigrants. It was over ten years ago when the Bled Mutual Benefit Society transferred its headquarters from Kirkland Lake to Beamsville and in this past decade the second generation of Slovenians from Kirkland Lake held their annual golf tournament which offered them an opportunity for a re-union. Now, they have realized that even they are getting older and that the torch had to be passed on. It was a sad, but at the same time a proud moment, when John Stark explained the history of the Slovenian Classic GolfTour-nament. In his speech, he said the following: Many of our parents or grandparents, when they first came from Slovenia, had hard times, but the gold mine industry was in the boom in Kirkland Lake, Schumacher, and Timmins, so our parents immigrated to that area.This year marks the 65th anniversary of the first Slovenian organization in Canada - Bled Mutual Benefit Society,founded in Kirkland Lake in 1933. In 1988, the town had its 75th anniversary and we went back for the anniversary and had a very good time.We were all taking one day during that anniversary to play golf and decided we should do it again next year. We had the first tournament, but we did not have a trophy. So Joe Kastelic went to the gold mine and got the implements which were used in the olden days - a hammer, a pick and a shovel. I took them to my brother-in-law and he made this trophy which we called the Gold Miners Trophy. We had a tournament nine years in a row. Last year the members of Bled Society came up to Kirkland Lake and talked about the possibility of the tournament being organized in Beamsville. We talked back and forth and eventually decided to bring and keep the tro- phy down here. Unfortunately, people there are older and fewer, and hopefully, this move will add a new life to this tournament. We dedicate this trophy to the Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation and we are looking forward to the tournaments in the years to come. DESETI SLOVENSKI TURNIR V GOLFU Dr. Tone Kačinik Nič ne bomo pretiraval, če poudarim, da je letošnji deseti tradicionalni turnir v golfu izredno uspel. Za to gre zasluga organizacijskemu odboru, ki ga je vodil Edi Kodarin, pomagali pa so mu Dan Demšar, Jerry Ponikvar, Bili Kocjančič in John Stark, ki je bil med prvimi organizatorji tega turnirja v Kirkland Lakeu. V svojem kratkem nagovoru je opisal, kako je prišlo do tega turnirja in predal Skladu za štipendije prehodni pokal, ki so ga pred desetimi leti posebej za ta turnir izdelali v Kirkland Lakeu iz rudarskega orodja: krampa, kladiva in lopate. Pokrovitelji letošnjega turnirja v golfu so bila društva Lipa Park, Župnija Sv. Gregorja Velikega in društvo Bled, Beamsville. Udeležilo se ga je 60 igralcev - 57 moških in tri ženske. Z rezultatom 68 je zmagovalna četvorka za en udarec premagala drugo uvrščene. V zmagovalni ekipi so bili John Kranjc, Ralph Farkaš, Peter Grbavec in Florjan Markun. Lepo je bilo videti, kako so v tem športu sodelovali potomci prve generacije kanadskih Slovencev, katerih starši so prišli v Kanado še pred letom 1930, in pripadniki ekonomskih emigrantov, ki so prišli v Kanado v petdesetih in šestdesetih letih, ter njihovi potomci. Igralci golfa so imeli po turnirju skupno večerjo v društvenem domu v Beamsvillu. To je bila tudi priložnost za družabno srečanje. Na pokal je bila prilepljena nova nalepka v spomin na 10. slovenski turnir v golfu . Od sedaj bo pokal ostal v Beamsvillu. Organizatorji upajo, da bo drugo leto ta turnir v golfu pritegnil še več igralcev. NOGOMET PETDESETLETNIKOV Dr. Tone Kačinik Med nogometaši slovenskega športnega kluba Toronto Old Timers je že dlje časa tlela misel, da bi odigrali prijateljsko nogometno tekmo. Zelja je bila uresničena, ko so se v nedeljo, 19. julija, pomerili v malem nogometu z igralci društva Bled v Beamsvillu. Vsi nogometaši so imeli en skupni imenovalec - srečali so se že z Abrahamom, a najstarejši med njimi je imel že 62 let. V vrsti moštva Bled je zagnano brcal žogo tudi veleposlanik Republike Slovenije dr. Božo Cerar, ki je z enkratno baletno kombinacijo zabil tudi edini gol za domačine, ki so sicer izgubili ena proti osem. Torontčani so bili vseskozi v premoči ter so si z briljantnim predriblavanjem odpirali možnosti za zadetke. Miro Korsič je dal kar pet golov. S ponosom smo gledali intenzivno igro naših borbenih, a zasopihanih rojakov. Glavni trenerje bil )ohn Kavčič, ml., ki mu je predhodno prestana operacija onemogočila aktivno udeležbo na nogometnem polju. Igralci so bili tako navdušeni, da so že začeli razmišljati o bodočih podobnih tekmah. BALINANJE Tekmovanje za posameznike Balinanje za posameznike se je odvijalo 26. julija pri društvu Simon Gregorčič. Bilo je zelo uspešno. Vreme je bilo odlično in igre so potekale v lepem športnem duhu. Sponzor dogodka je bil Branko Kavčič - Brado Precission Machine and Tool Co. Ltd. Ivan Jagodnik o svojem uspehu pripoveduje takole: "Po dolgi in napeti igri mi je uspelo osvojiti prvo mesto. Premagal sem člana društva Istra Učka Marka Šajna, ki je zelo dober igralec. Ko je bil rezultat 14-14, je Marko dal še tretjo kroglo, ki je pristala 20 cm pred balinom, 10 cm bližje od moje. Odločil sem se za razbijanje. Moja krogla je ostala v igri in mi prinesla dve točki, s tem pa tudi zmago za prvo mesto. K mojemu uspehu je nedvomno dosti pomagal trening za svetovno prvenstvo, ki je bilo lansko jesen v Reki na Hrvaškem." Končni rezultati: 1. mesto: Ivan Jagodnik (društvo Simon Gregorčič), 2. mesto: Marko Šajn (društvo Istra-Učka), 3. mesto: Alojz Frank (Simon Gregorčič), 4. mesto: Ive Baščevan (Učka). Balinarski turnir v Slovenskem parku 28. junija 1998 se je vršil balinarski turnir za meddruštveni pokal v Slovenskem parku. Organiziral ga je predsednik Slovenskega parka Štefan Muhič. Udeležilo se ga je dvanajst ekip Iz različnih društev. Igrali so v dvojicah. Letos sta zmagala člana Istra-Učke Jože Poropat in Valeter Benič. Drugo leto se bo turnir za ta pokal vršil pri društvu Simon Gregorčič. Igrali bomo z železnimi kroglami. Taka je tradicija od vsega začetka, ko smo leta 1981 začeli s turnirjem. Vabimo tudi mladino, da se nam pridruži. VODORAVNO 1. nekoliko močvirnat travnik ob vodi 5. avtomobilska oznaka Ljubljane 7. razkužilo 8. skedenj 10. potek človekovega življenja, na katerega se ne da vplivati 12. organizacija ameriških držav 14. glavno mesto Švice 15. Avari 16. kar sledi vprašanju 18. Drug Enforcement Administration 19. moško ime 21. pristaniški kraj v Dalmacije (hrvaški jadranski obali) 22. 100 kg 23. angleška kratica za Mednarodno zvezo letalskih družb 24. delček s svetilko iz arabske pravljice I 2 3 4 ■ 6 7 9 ■ I0 17 12 13 I4 ■ I6 I8 19 20 2I 22 ■ 23 24 ■ ■ Rešitev križanke bo objavljena v prihodnji številki Glasila. NAVPIČNO 1. začetek prvega slovenskega pregovora 2. agent James Bond (kombinacija številke in besede) 3. nadaljevanje in konec prvega slovenskega pregovora 4. grška črka 6. nadaljevanje in konec drugega slovenskega pregovora 8. veznik 9. začetek drugega slovenskega pregovora 11. spodnji del posode 13. površinska mera 15. oznaka za stranišče 17. rimska številka 6 20. narečno štajersko "ta" 22. moški potomec Rešitev prejšnje križanke: KRAMOLC, RK, OO, AZTEKI, CK, R, ROKA, JANEZ JANŠA, AV, CA, RJA, N, M, CR, E, ČAR, RAVNIK, IN, TESNILA, ČAS, BALKON ROCK GARDEN CAFE Owner: BORIS MOZETIC 760 Brant Street Burlington, Ont. 905 / 632-8465 MILAN ELECTRJ Milan Electric ltd. 812 Ridge Road Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y8 Tel: 905 643 3076 Fax: 905 643 3381 MIHAEL ACTION INTERNATIONAL MEC GROUP LIMITED MIHAEL LUZAR TEL:416-255-5920 FAX 416-255-5983 E-MAIL: MECGROUP@INTERLOG.COM REPRESENTING ALL RHEEM PRODUCTS IN SLOVENIA AND REPUBLICS OF FORMER JUGOSLAVIA WE PROVIDE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ALL TYPES AND SIZES OF HVAC SYSTEMS - INDUSTRIAL / RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / INSTITUTIONAL / SPECIALIZED FACILITIES - EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION CAN BE PURCHASED AND ARRANGED FROM CANADA GREEN ACRES MOTEL 1303 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga, ON L5E 1G5 Tel: (905) 278-6910 West Side Toronto Adjacent to Downtown Toronto Via Expressways FAMILY MEAT & DELICATESSEN Na razpolago imamo vse vrste domačih izdelkov, prekajeno meso, po naročilu odojčke, pečene na ražnju. Za najboljšo postrežbo pokličite: Mary ali Richard 278 Browns Line Toronto, ON, M8W 3T5 416 255-1098 Zobni zdravnik Dr. A.P. Kačinik Rosedale Medical Centre, 600 Sherbourne St., Suite 401 (Bloor-Sherbourne subway) Toronto, ON, M4X 1W4 Tel: (416) 922-1161 P.I. CONSTRUCTION Ivan Pezdirec General Renovation Commercial and Residential Lating Drywall Acosting Ceiling Tiles Pager: (416)600-2909 Fax: (905) 625-2990 1139 Talka Cr. Mississauga ON, L5C 1B1 CARL VIPAVEC SLOVENSKI ODVETNIK IN NOTAR Tel: (416) 255-7500 Fax:(416) 255-6667 770 Brown's Line Toronto, ON, M8M 3W2 a>>iw, AIDEKWOOD JEWELLERY Miro or Peter Rak will be happy to discuss with you all the characteristics of Diamonds and other precisius stones. Alderwood Plaza 857 Brown's Line Etobicoke, ON, M8W 3V7 Phone: (416) 255-4429 SLOVENSKA HRANILNICA IN POSOJILNICA JANEZA E. KREKA 747 Brown's Line Etobicoke, ON, M6W 3V7 Tel. (416) 252-6527 636 Euclid Ave. Toronto ON. M6G 2V9 Vse bančne usluge nudimo pod izredno konkurenčnimi pogoji. Kuharske recepte je pripravila Milka Zunič, ki je dolga leta kuhala na banketih in gostijah v slovenski cerkveni dvorani pri župniji Brezmadežne (Toronto) in drugod. S svojimi kuharskimi uslugami še vedno rada priskoči na pomoč pri raznih dobrodelnih prireditvah. Pečeni štruklji iz skute Listnato testo (za vsak štrukelj po tri plasti) Nadev: 1 1/2 kg skute 3 žlice moke 3 žlice sladkorja 3 cela jajca 15 dkg masla malo soli in limonine lupine Sestavine za nadev dobro zmešaj in uporabi za štiri štruklje. Za vsak štrukelj vzami tri plasti testa in jih do polovice namaži z nadevom. Zvij in položi na pomazan pekač. Po vrhu namaži z maslom. Tako naj počiva eno uro in preden daš pekač v peč, štruklje polij malo z mlekom. Peci 25 do 30 minut pri temperaturi 350 F. Pečene takoj pogrni z mokro krpo, da se lepše režejo. Primorske rezine Testo: 50 dkg moke 40 dkg masla 10 dkg sladkorja 2 rumenjaka 10 žlic mleka Iz tega pripravi testo, ki naj pol ure počiva. Nadev: 6 jajc 25 dkg sladkorja limonina lupina malo ruma 80 dkg zmletih orehov Nadev: Dobro stepi 6 rumenjakov, 25 dkg sladkorja, naribano limonovo lupino, malo ruma, nato dodaj 80 dkg zmletih orehov in beljak iz 6 jajc. Iz testa napravi dve plošči. Spodnjo ploščo položi v dno pekača, malo poma- ži z marmelado in nanjo enakomerno stresi nadev. Na vrhu zribaj eno jabolko in pokrij z drugo ploščo testa. Testo malo prebodi in peci pri temperaturi 350 F. Losova pečenka 2 kg losovega mesa Marinada: 1 skodelica olja sok ene limone 2 žlički rožmarina 1 žlička oregana malo strtega česna 2 žlički sladke paprike 1/2 žličke hude paprike malo soli in popra Meso razreži na 2 cm debele rezine. Sestavine za marinado dobro premešaj in zlij po mesu, ki naj potem počiva 5 ur. Meso nato potresi s sesekljano čebulo in peci v kožici do mehkega. Če je potrebno, ga malo zalij. Za dober okus dodaj žlico masla in proti koncu prilij 1 kozarec belega vina. humor GUŽVA Novozaposleni delavec zamudi pol ure. Šef ga vpraša, zakaj je zamudil. Delavec reče: "Na cesti je bila gužva in so bile kolone." Šef ga vpraša: "Zakaj pa nisi prehiteval?" Delavec pa reče:"Kaj bom prehiteval, če sem bil pa prvi." POLICAJSKA Dva policaja sedita avgusta v senci in pijeta pivo. Pogovarjata se o vremenu. Prvi reče drugemu: "Ti, a veš da je za drugi teden napovedan sneg!?" Drugi prvemu: "Ja, ja a da bomo mogli v tej vročini sneg kidat ???" GRAMOFON Pride policaj v civilu v trgovino in reče prodajalki: Koliko stane tisti gramofon na 4 plošče? Kaj vi ste policaj? Kako pa to veste? Tisto ni gramofon, ampak štedilnik! ZAVOD ZA ZAPOSLOVANJE "Rad bi imel delo!" je rekel moški na okencu. Referentka veselo: "Ja tu bi bilo nekaj, 5,000 DM neto plače, tri mesece dopusta letno, službeno vozilo s šoferjem, delovni čas od 10h do 15h, vsake 14 dni je petek prost, vikendi prosti, možnost zastonj luksuznega stanovanja... "A vi se morda z mano zafrkavate?" je rekel moški referentki. "In kdo je s tem začel?" odgovori referentka OGLAS Iščemo človeka za delo na modularnem reaktorju za nuklearno fizijo izotopov na trifaznem fotosintetizerju na ciklotronski uran. Izkušnje niso potrebne. TOP GRADE MOLDS TOP GRADE MACHINING LTD. zclelujemo vse vrste orodja in kalupe, ki ustrezajo novim tehničnim zahtevam. 919 Pantera Drive, Mississauga, ON, L4W 2R9, tel: (905) 625-9865 fax: (905) 625-5417 GRADBENO PODJETJE JOE KASTELIC LIMITED « KVALITETA, ^^^ KI JI VSEKAKOR ^^ LAHKu ZAUPATE U4|" 11"HH'|J— Sir S m mi jfiïPj|il'ïïpi Tel: (416) 255-2085 S "1; i s Home: (905) 271-5538 f | j j | j fff- J " 770 Browns Line ^A—LLi!—_Jn _. - Toronto, ON. M8W 3W2 — —-- -^P* --_____-- D^pfpr-— 1 j^j m-anncDc = rmj- innnrra = .1" i = ^□UUDüüj koledar uši 1998 calendar of events Toronto Hamilton, Niagara 5. september S.H. & A.C., ALISTON, Oktoberfest 6. September S.H. & A.C., ALISTON, Oktoberfest 13. september Cerkev, MIDLAND, Romanje v Midland 1 3. September Večerni Zvon, PREKMURSKO LETOVIŠČE, Vinska trgatev 20. september Holiday Gardens, H.G. PRISTAVA, Vinska trgatev 20. september Simon Gregorčič, S.G PRISTAVA, Vinska trgatev 10. oktober V.S.K.O., BROWN'S LINE, Banket 11. oktober SLOVENSKO LETOVIŠČE, Vinska trgatev 24. oktober Nagelj, BROWN'S LINE, Banket 7. november Dom Lipa, BROWN'S LINE, Banket 8. november Cerkev Marije Pomagaj, MANNING, Tombola 14. november Holiday Gardens, H.G. PRISTAVA, Banket' 14. november Večerni Zvon, BROWN'S LINE, Banket 21. november S.H. & A.C., BROWN'S LINE, Moose banket 28. november Simon Gregorčič, BROWN'S LINE, Banket 12. december Športno društvo, BROWN'S LINE, Banket 31. december Holiday Gardens, H.G. PRISTAVA, Silvestrovanje 31. december Cerkev s čudodelno svetinjo, BROWN'S LINE, Silvestrovanje 6. september Bled, Piknik, Balinanje 6. september Slovenski Park, "Baseball turnir", Piknik 20. september Župnija sv. Gregorja Velikega, Zegnanje, Banket 3. oktober Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation, Letni banket 10. 11. 12. in 17. oktober Sava, KITCHENER, "Oktoberfest" 1 7. oktober Bled, Banket 24. oktober Slovenski Park, Lovski banket 24. oktober Lipa Park, Članski banket 1 4. november Župnija sv. Gregorja Velikega & Lipa Park, Martinovanje 14. november Sava, Lovski banket 21. november Bled, Lovski banket 6. december Župnijsko Kulturno Društvo, Lipa Park & Triglav, Miklavževanje 1 3. december Bled, Božičnica 31. december Lipa Park, Bled, Sava & Sv. Gregor, Silvestrovanje